Debates of the House of Commons
43rd PARLIAMENT, 1st SESSION House of Commons Debates Official Report (Hansard) Volume 149 No. 032 Tuesday, March 24, 2020 Speaker: The Honourable Anthony Rota CONTENTS (Table of Contents appears at back of this issue.) 2067 HOUSE OF COMMONS Tuesday, March 24, 2020 The House met at 12 p.m. [English] I wish to inform the House that pursuant to Standing Order 28(3), the Speaker sent a notice calling the House to meet this day, Prayer and I now lay this on the table. [Translation] ● (1200) What is more, on Sunday, March 22, the Speaker sent every [English] member a message explaining why the House was being recalled. I would also like to inform the House that as part of the steps taken RECALL OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS by the government under Standing Order 55(1), the Speaker pub‐ The Deputy Speaker: Colleagues, before we begin our proceed‐ lished a special Order Paper and Notice Paper giving notice of a ings, I would like to say a few words. government bill. [English] We all recognize that this is a highly unusual sitting, given the extraordinary circumstances in which we all find ourselves present‐ I also wish to lay upon the table a letter from the Leader of the ly. Government in the House of Commons, dated March 22, 2020. [Translation] [Translation] I recognize the Leader of the Government in the House of Com‐ As a result, you will notice that the arrangements we are used to mons. are different today. We are fewer in number and other special mea‐ sures have been put in place based on the recommendations of pub‐ [English] lic health officials.
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