Parashat Pinchas
1111u lil n11w1 Yeshivat Har Etzion - Israel Koschitzky VBM Parsha Digest, Year Ill, Parashat Pinchas 5781 Selected and Adapted by Rabbi Dov Karoll Quote from the Rosh Yeshiva To those who have, over the years, been privileged to hear Rav Amital, the day [Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur], the man an d the tefillot are all inextricably interwoven. The lilting cadences of his renditions remain a permanently haunting presence, pregnant with quiet vigor and laden with pervasive emotion. Who can forget the compressed humility of his \!JY)'.))'.) ')Yil '))il, or the plaintive lament of his rnJ7)'.) ')llil ill\!JY, its tragic sequence interrupted only for the gnawing, sobbing, query, of the survivor, asking, with the paytan and out of the profundity of his emunah, illJ\!J m illln 1r? "Is this Torah and its reward"? Or the tuneful optimism of the complex of l)~mm □ l'il, followed by the conclusion of NJ.7 N)'.)7\!J Nil' of kaddish? Or the reverential joy with which, figuratively holding a thousand mit'pallelim in his hand, he leads them, to the climactic resolution of keter? No one. What we, impelled by conscience and enriched by experience, can do is to strive to remember and to perpetuate; to harness our energies in order to assure that the world which nurtured Rav Am ital and which he then re-created, join the ranks of those which □ Ylm ')10' N7 □ l]Tl □ '"Tlil'il 7,n)'.) llJ.Y' N7. -Harav Aharon Lichtenstein zt"I, Rosh Hashanah message 5771 [shared to commemorate Harav Amital's 11th Yahrzeit, 27 Tammuz] Parashat Pinchas Is the Zeal of Pinchas to be Emulated? By Harav Yehuda Amital zt"I Based on: https:// etzion en/tanakh/torah/sefer-ba mid bar/ parashat-pincha s/ pinchas-zeal-pinchas-be-emu lated Pinchas son of Elazar son of Aharon, the kohen, turned back My anger from Bnei Yisrael, in his zeal for My sake among that I did not destroy Bnei Yisrael in My zeal.
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