Blogging Rav Lichtenstein
BLOGGING RAV LICHTENSTEIN A JOURNEY THROUGH A GIANT’S WRITINGS AS THE SERIES ORIGINALLY APPEARED ON TORAHMUSINGS.COM by GIDON ROTHSTEIN Please note that throughout the text, RA”L, Rav Lichtenstein and R. Lichtenstein all refer to Rabbi Dr. Aharon Lichtenstein zt”l. Blogging Rav Lichtenstein: A Journey Through a Giant’s Writings © 2016 Gidon Rothstein. All Rights Reserved. Blogging Rav Lichtenstein INTRODUCTION AND INVITATION This past Rosh Chodesh Iyyar, the world of Torah and avodat Hashem lost a giant, mori ve-rabi R. Aharon I in ,ואני בעניי ,Lichtenstein. Many people are taking on important acts and learning projects in his memory my limited capabilities, wanted to join in that. The idea that came to me was to review R. Lichtenstein z”l’s published volumes. While he wrote more than many realize (here’s the bibliography), there are, as far as I know, thirteen books he wrote or that were based on his talks. Eight of those are notes on shiurim he gave at Yeshivat Har Etzion, one is a collection, Minchat Aviv, of articles he published, and four volumes (By His Light, two volumes of Leaves of Faith, and Varieties of Religious Experience) collect English language talks he gave or articles he wrote. As I try to review for myself some of the fruit of R. Lichtenstein’s toiling and tilling in the garden of Torah, I hope to share one stimulating idea a week. I make no pretense that I will be comprehensive, will capture all or a representative sample of what is found in those works, only that I can, in a few hundred words, share a thought worth knowing.
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