Issue 98 Summer 2018 The journal of the Russell Newbery Engine Owners & Enthusiasts Club PLAINPLAIN SAILINGSAILING TOTO MANCHESTERMANCHESTER REMEMBERREMEMBER SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER RALLYRALLY PHOTOPHOTO CALLCALL THETHE END?END? 500500 UPUP WHO’S WHO CONTENTS Front cover: The Three Manchester Musketeers moored by the BBC at Media City UK - No. 9 Dock, Salford Quays [Ian Fletcher] Back cover: Meg Bartlett’s Ukulele Band [Andrew Laycock] RUSSELL NEWBERY REGISTER LTD 3 CHAIRMAN’S CHATTER President: Dr Ian McKim Thompson FROM THE EDITOR Vice Presidents: Lady Carol Stamp, Mrs Susan Gibbs, Allister Denyer, Graham Pearson, Eleanor Phillips 4 MEMBERSHIP NEWS Web site: The Russell Newbery Register is a non profit distributing company limited by guarantee. 5 THE END? Founded: 1994 Registered in England No: 346943 Officers: 6 500 UP FOR HALCYON Chairman: Bob Scott m: 07812 028415
[email protected] Secretary: Kevin McNiff m: 07866 424988 8 REMEMBER SEPTEMBER!
[email protected] Director & Administrator (membership, finance): Andy 9 SPRING AWAY DAY Todd t: 01923 264962 m: 07973 326888
[email protected] Director: Jim Comerford m: 07887 591905 10 RALLY PHOTO CALL
[email protected] Director: Norman C Mitchell m: 07831 118008 12 MORE PHOTOS & RALLY REPORTS Newsletter Editor: Kevin McNiff
[email protected] Newsletter Production: Andrew Laycock m: 07870 294580 15 PLAIN SAILING TO MANCHESTER Administration (merchandise): Neil Mason t: 01306 889073
[email protected] Rally Organisers: Bob Scott and Andrew Laycock 18 CONSTITUTION UPDATE
[email protected] Webmaster: Andrew Laycock 19 UP THE AVON WITHOUT A?
[email protected] Unless otherwise noted,© Russell Newbery Register, 2018 RUSSELL NEWBERY REGISTER PROPERTY LTD A non profit distributing company limited by guarantee Founded 2004 Registered in England No: 5316384 Directors: Bob Ainsworth, Dave Martin, Bob Scott, Andy Todd.