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[email protected] [email protected] Orlando Furioso Five exceptional copies, including the editio princeps The book is one of the ‘black tulips’ of bibliophily (H.P. Kraus) The re-discovered Cavalieri copy of the 1516 Furioso Orlando Furioso de Ludouico Ariosto da Ferrara. Con gratia e priuilegio. Ferrara, Giovanni Mazzocchi da Bondeno, 22 April 1516. 4° (195 x150 mm). Collation: a-z8, A-K8. 262, [2] leaves (fols. 32, 129, 135, and 257 numbered 23, 135, 129, and 261 respectively). In this copy leaves r1 and r7, probably due to the fact that their numbers were mistakenly exchanged in printing the forme, have been reordered, so that fol. r7 (erroneously numbered 129), precedes fol. r2, and fol. r1 (erroneously numbered 135) is placed between fol. r6 and fol. r8. Lacking, as in all but one recorded copy, the final blank leaf. Fols. a1 and a2 supplied in typographical facsimile on antique paper, probably executed early in the nineteenth century: the texts are set in an approximation of the original Roman type, including the long ‘s’, but with some misunderstanding of its function, while the papal privilege on fol. a2r contains se- veral errors and misprints; Mazzocchi’s printer’s device (Z 382) on the titlepage has been skilfully drawn in by hand, as with Ariosto’s emblem of bees being smoked out of a log, accompanied by the motto ‘pro bono malvm’, on the verso of fol.