Marine Cyanophytes from the Western Cape, South Africa: Chroococcales

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Marine Cyanophytes from the Western Cape, South Africa: Chroococcales 32 S. Mc. J. Bot. 1999. 65( I): 32-49 Marine Cyanophytes from the Western Cape, South Africa: Chroococcales Simone M.F. Silva and Richard N. Pienaar* Department of Botany, University of the Witwalersrand, Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa Received 9 Muy 199B: reVIsed 2 OClOber 1998 Forty taxa of marine Chroococcales (Cyanophyceae) belonging to six families (Microcystaceae, Chroococcaceae, Chamaesiphonaceae, Dermocarpe liaceae, Xenococcaceae and Hydrococcaceae) and 18 genera (Aphanocapsa, Aphanothece, Chamaecafyx, ChroococcidiopSIS, Chroococcus, Cyanocystis, Cyanosarcina, Gloeocapsa, Hydrococcus, Hyella, Merismopedia, Microcrocis, Myxosarcina, Pleurocapsa, Stanieria, Stichosiphon, Synechococcus and Synechocystis) have been recorded for the Western Cape, South Africa. Twenty taxa are new records for South Africa; five at the generic level, (Cyanocystis, Synechococcus, Microcrocis, Synechocyslis and Stichosiphon), fourteen at the specific level (Aphanothece stagnina, Aphanocapsa sesciacensis, Merismopedia affixa, M. fitorale, Gloeocapsa crepidinium, G. ct. gelatinosa, Cyanosarcina cf. chroococcoides, Stanieria sphaerica, Chamaecafyx cf. fucicola, C. cf. suffultus, C. cf. swirenkoi, Pleurocapsa crepidinium, P. cf minor and P. ct. minuta) and one at the varietal level (Chroococcus lurgidus var. maximus). Morphological and size variability have been recorded and discussed. Keywords: Marine, Cyanophyceae, Chroococcales, Westem Cape. ~To whom correspondence should be addressed. (E·mail: rich [email protected]) Introduction cells cylindrical, 2.1 - 2.5(- 3. 1) ~m wide, 3.1- 5.3 ~m long., lip to In South Afri ca, reports on the Chroococcales, particularly from 2 times longer than wide; protoplast pale blue-green, homogene· marine habitats, are scanty and the majority of the taxa referred in ous. literature (Barton 1893, 1896, 1897; Delf & Mitchell 1921 ; Distribution in South Africa - KWAZULU-NATAL: Durban, on Drouet & Daily 1956) are usually as part of species lists. To date, Jania sp.; !sipingo, on rocks (Silva 1994). WESTERN CAPE: only five species of Chroococcales, belonging to four genera valkenberg Vlei (Fristch 1918). (CYOIlOCyslis , referred as Dermocarpa, Enlopilysalis, Hyella and Merislllopedia) have been reported from South Africa. This paper The Western Cape specimens are slightly shorter than those is part of a large survey of the marine Cyanophyceae from the described by Geitler (1932) which are two to three times longer Western Cape (Silva & Pienaar 1997, 1998a) and it aims to extend than wide. our knowledge on the marine Cyanophyceae from South Africa. A. llidlllans P. Richt., Bal. ;Valiser., 128. 1884. (Figures 2- 5) Materials and Methods Colonies usually amorphous, mucil aginous envelopes firm or diff· Sixty sen:n benthonic samples from twelve locations described (Silva fluent, colourless, homogeneous; cells closely packed or not, & Pienaar 1998a) in the Western Cape , South Africa, have been ana· cylindrical, (0.9-)1.0-1.5 ~m wide, ( 1.8-)2.5- 3.1 ~m long, up to lysed. Enrichment cultures were pn.!pared using Provasol i's Enriched 2 times longer than wide, protoplast blue-green, homogeneous. Seawater medium (PES) (McLachlan 1973) and subjected to an irra­ 2 l dianer.! 01'20 ,.unol.m- .sec- , a temperature of 20°C and an alternating Di stribution in South Africa - NORTHERN PROVINCE: Belfast 16L:8D cycle. Wild and cultured matl.:rial was studied using a Zeiss Pan (Fritsch & Rich 1938). photo microscope equipped wilh bright tield, Nomarski interference Two populations of Aphanothece nidulans were found in the and phase contrast optics. A camera lucida was used fo r detailed study area. One was observed at Plettenberg Bay. on a moist con­ drawings of specim ens. Each of the sixty sampks collected wert~ observed every four weeks over a period of six months to monitor the crete wall, and the other population was found growing on rocks devel opment of other cyanophytes. In some instances a di lute solution in Lambert's Bay. The two populations differ in the aspect of the of 3% hydrochloric acid was used to remove the calcium carbonate mucilaginous envelopes. In the first the cells were surrounded by substrate into which samt: cyanophytes were attached or into which firm mucilaginous envelopes (Figures 2 and 4-5) and in the other they burrowed. The range of morpho logi cal variabi li ty of each species one the envelope was diffluent (Figure 3). Besides, the cells were has been illustrated. The system of c1assitication adop ted for th is more closely packed in the colonies when compared with the stu dy was Komarek and Anagnostidis (1986). illustrations given by Geitler (1932) and Desikachary (1959). Results A. cf. slagllina (Spreng.) A. Braun, in Rabenh., Fl. Eur. Algar. 2. A total of forty taxa of marine Chroococcales have been described 66. 1865. (Figure 6) (Tables I and 2). Colonies amorphous, mucilaginous envelopes colourless, homo­ geneous, usually not evident; cells cylindrical, 4.6-5.3 f1m wide, Genus Aphanothece N~g . 6.5- 8.4 ~m long, up to 2 times longer than wide; protoplast A. microspora (Menegh.) Rabenh., FI. Eur. Algar. 2: 64 . 1865. blue-green, homogeneous. (F igure I). Colonies usually sub-sphaerical, up to 10 .3 I.lIn diam., 1- 10 cells Distribution in South Africa - First record for the occurrence of in a colony; mucilaginous envelopes colourless, homogeneous; the species. s. Afr. 1. Bot. 1999, 65( I) 33 (j "" .9 cP ~ = ~ co "" 8 "" '" 8 '\ '" ~ 8 S 9 "" 3 @ 9 o 12 () 00 0(2) 14 C) CD 2l? G 0 0 0,::. 15 8 Figures 1- 16 t: Aphanolhece micro::,pol'a (colonies of varying cell number). 2-5: Aphanothece nidl/lans (2. 4-5: firm mucilaginous ~nve ­ lopes: 3: diftluent mucilaginous envelopes was not represented). 6: A. stagnina (mucilaginous envclopl!s not represented). 7-11: Aphmw­ capsa concharum. 12: Synechococcus curl us. 13- 15: Aphanocapsa li/araUs. 16: A. seisciac(!l/ si,~ (mudlaginous envdopes not represented). 34 S. Atr. J. Bot. 1999. 65( I) Our specimens of Apltanothece cf. stagnina are slightly smaller Colonies square, mucilaginous enve lopes colourless, homoge­ than ..I. slagnina reported by Desikachary (1959) who refers to nous, not evident; cell s sub-sphaerical to elliptical, 4, 8 or 16 cells up to 11.0 )lm long, although the ratio cell length/width is cells in a colony, 1.8-2.1 ~lm wide, 1.8- 2.8 11 m long; protoplast the same. According to the literature (Geitler 1932), the type spe­ blue-green, homogeneous. cies was described from freshwater habitats . Distri but ion in South Afri ca - Fi rst record for the occurrence of the species. Genus Synechococcus Nag. s. (' lIrlllS Seteh., in Collins <I 01 .. Phyc. Bor.-Am. 28: 135 1. 1907. The populations of lV/I!/'ismopedia a./fixa were found on sand (Figure 12) grains and also as epiphytes on Ca/othrix crustacea Thur. ex Born. et Flah. There was no morphological variation due to the Cell cy li nd rical, straight, 3. 1-3.4 )lm wide, 4.6- 5.9 ~lIn long., up habitat. Most of the colonies found consisted of up to 16 cells to I Y2 times longer than wide; protop last blue·green, homogene­ (Figure 19). Geitler (1932) reported co lonies with a maxim um ous. number of 32 cells. D istribution in So uth Africa -First record for the occurrence of the genus. M. glallca (E hrenb.) Nag., Gall eillzell. Alg. 55. 1849. (F igures 20- 21) Komarek (1976), in his review of the genus Synechococcus Nag, refers to the presence of mucilage connecting the cells. This Colonies square, mucilaginous envelopes usually not evident; characteristic was not observed in the Western Cape material cell s sub-sphaerical to oblong, up to 100 cells in a colony, 3.7- (Figure 12). 4.6 ~lm wide, 5.0-5.6 ~1111 long; protoplast blue-green, homoge­ neous. Genus Aphanocapsa Nag. Distribution in South Africa - EASTERN CAPE: Quin golo , A. c()l1charllfJI Hansg., Nelle Sli PH'. A4eeresalg, 19. 1890. (Fig­ Mganduli district, in pools; On Typha in exposed stream; float­ ures 7- 11) ing in stream (Fritsch & Steph ens 192 1). FREE STATE: Madder Co lonies suh-sphaericaJ or amorphous, mucilaginous envelopes River (Fritsch 1918). K WAZULU-NATAL: Edenvale (Fritsch & colourless, hom ogeneous; cells sub-sphaerical, 1.2- 1.5 J.lm Rich 1924). NORTHERN CAPE: Griqualand West (Fritsch & dia m.; protoplast blue-green, homogeneous. Rich 1930); Little Namaqualand and Cape region between Ceres and Karoopoort (West 19 12). NORTH-WEST: Brakpan (Rich Distribution in South Africa - K WAZULU-NATAL - Isipingo, 1932; Nygaard 1932). NORTHERN PROVINCE: Belfast Pan on rocks and Crassoslea sp. (Silva 1994) (Fritsch & Rich 1938). Without precise locati on: Wille, in 1903 , (according to Fritsch & Stephens 1921). A. lilol'{l/is Hansg., Prock . Aig. FI. Bohm. 2: 158. 1892. (Figures 13- 15) Co lon ies of Merismopedia glauca consisted of up to 100 cells (Figures 20- 21). Geitler ( 1932) reports colonies with a maxi­ Colonies sub- sphaerical or elli ptical, up to 68.4 ~lm diam., muci­ mum number of 64 cells. However, in the literature larger colo­ laginous envelopes colourless, homogeneous; ce ll s sub-sphaeri­ nies with up to 150 cells have already been reported (Kaas 1985) . cal, 4.0- 6.0 ~lIn diam.; protoplast blue-green, homogeneous. Di stribution in South Africa - KWAZULU-NATAL: Port M. litorale (Oerst. ) Rabenh ., Fl. Ellr. Aig 2: 57. 1865. (Figures Edward, rocks (Silva 1994). 22- 23) Colonies usually sq uare, muc il aginous enve lopes colourl ess, A. sesciacel1sis Fremy, Bull. Mus. nat. D 'hisl nat., 383. 1928. homogeneous; cell s su b-sphaerical to elliptical , up to 55 ce ll s in (Figure t6) a colony, 6.0--6.5 ~lln wide, 6.2- 8.4 ~m long; protoplast violet, Co lonies amorphous , mucilaginous envelopes colourl ess, homo­ homogeneous. geneous, not evident; cell s sub-sphaerical (8.7- )10.0-13.4 )lm Distribution in South Africa - First record for the occurrence of dialll.; protoplast olive-green yell owish, homogeneo lls.
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