Volume 45 #10 December 2014 HAPPY HOLIDAYS TC&W St Paul Turn at Dayton Bluff (Hoffman Ave) Photo by Bob Ball Contents Meeting Notice Meeting Notice P1 The Next meeting of the Northstar Chapter of the NRHS will Officer Contact Directory P2 be the Holiday Banquet at Guldens Restaurant December 7, Editors Column P2 2014 at 4pm. Directions to Meeting Site P2 Minutes of Oct 2014 Meeting P2,3 Next business meeting will be held January 17, 2015 Obituaries P3,4 6:30 pm, at Roseville Lutheran Church at 1215 Roselawn NRHS Report P4 Avenue, midway between Lexington and Hamline Avenues in Minnesota Zephyr move P4 Roseville. See map on page 2 Northstar Commuter Service Delays P5 Amtrak Parlor cars P5 Program after the meeting – BNSF ND Work completed P5 To Be Determined. Northern Lights Open House P6 There will be a pre-meeting get-together Jan 17, 2014 at the California Trip (continued) P5,6,7 Keys Cafe and Bakery at the northeast corner of Lexington and MN Governors Rail/pipeline forum P7 Larpenteur starting about 4:45 pm. PLEASE CALL Bob Restoration of D&NM 2-8-2 P8 Clarkson at 651-636-2323 and leave a message with your name Extra news and Misc photos P8-P13 and the number of persons coming with you. Railfan Events P13-P14 Reminder: Dues for 2015 are Due! Page 1 Northstar News December 2014 Northstar Chapter Officers President H Martin Swan hmartinswan@msn.com 612-961-1684 Vice President Richard Tubbesing Tubbesing261@yahoo.com 763-757-1304 Past President Dawn Holmberg dawn@dholmberg.com 763-784-8835 National Director John Goodman Jhgoodman2001@yahoo.com
May 19, 2015 Dear All: the Next Few Weeks Will Be Busy Ones for Me Due to Work Obligations So the E‐Blast May Not Be So Regular, but I’Ll Do My Best
May 19, 2015 Dear All: The next few weeks will be busy ones for me due to work obligations so the e‐blast may not be so regular, but I’ll do my best. I trust you were able to make it out to the Baltimore Streetcar Museum and take part in a day of fun, comrade, and riding the Trolleys and bringing back days of yesteryears. We wish to thank the Baltimore Streetcar Museum for again welcoming the WB&A to their wonderful museum. I hope you will visit often and tell others. Our next get together is Sunday, June 7 from 9‐12 at our semi‐annual Membership and swap meet at the Macon Lodge. I hope you will be able to attend and hear what the Board has been doing over the last six months and where we are going in the next six months. Due to a variety of activities taking place the weekend of our meeting, we are moving our next “How To” Session which will be on scenery! We will be providing more details soon, so watch for the information or reach out to Nada wba.boswell@gmail.com if you’d like more information or would like to present on this subject. Paul Pullen, Editor of the Trolley is calling for your stories and hopes you’ll write something to share with the membership for the next Trolley. Paul would love to hear from you, please contact him at pullenp@gmail.com The WB&A and its members are lucky in that we have many friends and Tiny Tim’s Toys & Trains is offering a Limited Edition Williams 40399 Norfolk and Western 4‐8‐4 Steam Engine & Tender #611 “j” Spirit of Roanoke with Customer Color and Letter to the WB&A – check out the flyer.
What’s New! Year 2011 A list of products now available. All prices are current at time of printing & are subject to change at any time without notice. REWARDS stickers found on most products valued at $19.95+ Marsden Rail 33 - York to Newcastle Outer Melbourne Branch Lines Moorhead Junction Continues the northward journey of Volume The 1950s and 60s Where the Great Northern and Northern 32 from London’s King Cross, features the Stoney Point & Warburton steam hauled Pacific once crossed each other. Today, East Coast Mainline in addition to several of passenger trains, Healesville steam hauled BNSF trains travel on both main lines making the branch lines and secondary main lines goods and passenger, Alamein Swing Door this a busy hot spot in the area. that served the York to Newcastle route. electrics & Ferntree Gully steam specials. DVD 16:9 126M $39.95 #CVMHDDVD 60M $44.95 #CRMRV33 77M $39.50 #CFRD1038 BLU-RAY 16:9 126M $44.95 #CVMHDBDR We stock every Channel 5 DVD title. The Santa Fe in the 1980s A Tribute to Wisconsin Central Volume 2 The Isle of Wight - Drivers Eye View 1982 to 1988 action showcasing operations See operations on WC's main from Slinger, See former London Underground tube trains through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Wisconsin north to the Fox Valley cities of dating way back to 1938 as well as working New Mexico and Colorado. U Boats, GP-20's, Neenah and Oshkosh. Fast freights, preserved steam action with some origional SD-40 dash 2's, SD-45's and FP-45's in passenger extras, local switchers and even stock - from the DRIVERS perspective.
Federal Railroad Administration Office of Safety • HIGHWAY-RAIL CROSSING INVENTORY INSTRUCTIONS AND PROCEDURES MANUAL December 1996 REGISTRATION FORM Please register my name as a holder of the "Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory - Instructions and Procedures Manual. " By returning this Registration Form, I will receive all future revisions to this manual. (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) NAME RAILROAD/STATE AGENCY DEPT./UNIT/BUREAU ADDRESS P.O. BOX CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE BUSINESS TELEPHONE NO. (Area Code) Please complete and return this form to: Federal Railroad Administration Office of Safety (RRS-23) Highway-Rail Crossing and Trespasser Programs Division 400 7th Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 HIGHWAY-RAIL CROSSING INVENTORY INSTRUCTIONS AND PROCEDURES MANUAL for the Federal Railroad Administration Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Data Maintenance Program December 1996 prepared for: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration Office of Safety Highway-Rail Crossing and Trespasser Programs Division 400 Seventh St. S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 by: AMB Associates, Inc. 818 Roeder Road, Suite 500 Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 lNSTRUCflONS AND PROCEDURES MANUAL Page ii National Highway-Rail Crossing Inventory Instructions and Procedures Manual FRA CoNfENI'S INSTRUCI10NS AND PROCEDURES MANUAL CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................... 1-1 1.1 Purpose ........................................... 1-1 1.2 Goal ............................................. 1-1 1.3 Project History . 1-1 1.4 Data Files ......................................... 1-3 1.5 Definitions of Highway-Rail Intersections ...................... 1-4 2.0 HIGHWAY-RAIL CROSSING INVENTORY NUMBER ................. 2-1 2.1 Background ........................................ 2-1 2.2 Uniqueness and Calculation ............................... 2-2 2. 3 Assignment of Numbers . 2-5 2.4 Number Boards ...................................... 2-7 2.4.1 Specifications ................................
Minnesota Statewide Historic Railroads Study Final MPDF
NPS Form 10-900-a OMB No. 1024-0018 (8-86) Expires 12-31-2005 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section: E Page 5 Railroads in Minnesota, 1862-1956 Name of Property Minnesota, Statewide County and State Section E. Statement of Historic Contexts I. Railroad Development in Minnesota, 1862-1956 Setting the Stage: Early Railroads Due to the country’s vast geographic expanse, transportation has always been a significant issue in America, influencing production, trade, travel, and communication in ways unknown to more compact European nations. In particular, as Euro-American settlers streamed into the trans-Appalachian west during the early nineteenth century, the United States needed an overland transportation system to link different regions of the country. From early roads to canals and finally to railroads, Americans built a transportation system by the turn of the twentieth century that was larger and more complex than any other in the world. The transformation of transportation in America began with the era of canal building. Although a system of roads extending westward from the major seaports had been established by 1820, water-borne transportation was more efficient for shipping heavy freight and generally faster than overland transport. Completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 demonstrated that canals could be built over long distances to connect major waterways and could be operated profitably. The immediate success of the Erie Canal led to a canal building boom that lasted through the 1830s. The network of canals and natural waterways provided antebellum America with important interregional links to exchange raw materials and manufactured goods, to transport passengers, and to deliver mail.
Photo Status or Inventory No. of No.or location No. Type items Format Title / Item Description Author Publisher / Mfg 12B 13000 V 1 VHS American Railroads in the 20th Century 52min Pentrex 16A 13020 V 1 VHS In Search of Dinosaurers Backtrack Video 13000 V 1 Audio CD Keepers Railroad Tracks MN Public Radio Minnesota Public Radio 16A 13040 V 1 DVD Fallen Flag Series Chicago and Twin Cities 136 min Pentrex 12C 13000 V 1 VHS Lifeline of the Nation 20min Pentrex 12B 13000 V 1 VHS Railroad Film 1 JMJ Productions 12D 13000 V 1 VHS Railroad Video Quarterly RVQ #12 Aug 1995 120 min Revelation Audio Video 12D 13000 V 1 VHS Railroad Video Quarterly RVQ #13 Nov. 1995 120 min Revelation Audio Video 12D 13000 V 1 VHS Railroad Video Quarterly RVQ #19 May 1997 120 min Revelation Audio Video 12D 13000 V 1 VHS Railroad Video Quarterly RVQ #20 Aug. 1997 120 min Revelation Audio Video 12D 13000 V 2 VHS Railroad Video Quarterly RVQ #21 Nov 1997 120 min Revelation Audio Video 12D 13000 V 1 VHS Railroad Video Quarterly RVQ #25 Nov 1998 120 min Revelation Audio Video 12D 13000 V 1 VHS Railroad Video Quarterly RVQ #29 Nov 1999 120 min Revelation Audio Video 12D 13000 V 1 VHS Railroad Video Quarterly RVQ #30 Feb 2000 120 min Revelation Audio Video 12D 13000 V 1 VHS Railroad Video Quarterly RVQ #37 Fall 2001 120 min Revelation Audio Video 12C 13000 V 1 VHS Railroads in War Time Vol.2 Mark I Video 12E 13000 V 1 VHS Rails in Transition Vol 2 The 1960's and Early 1970's 40min Green Frog 12E 13000 V 1 VHS Rails in Transition Vol.
L E PERIOR TR .. PORT TIO WINTER 1991 iGukp g,up-rri or un~ fUi.a.ain.aippi iRuilruub THE LAKER WINTER, 1991 Editorial Comment The Laker is the official publication of the Lake Superior Transpor j tation Club, an organization of volunteers for the Lake Superior .. ~ Museum of Transportation, located at 506 West Michigan Street, The last issue of the "Laker" ran an extensive article on high-speed Duluth, Minnesota 55802, and is published by and for its members rail operations in the U.S. European and Japanese companies are four times a year. Inquiries and articles for publication may be sent to its editor, Jergen Fuhr, 4301 Jay Street, Duluth, Minnesota far ahead of the U.S. in a research and development on high-speed 55804-1457. The LSTC was formed for the purpose of preserving, systems, both with magnetic levitation and steel/rail systems. The restoring and operating various types of railroad equipment and Minnesota Department of Transportation is looking into the possi related items, models to prototypes, and to be of service to the bility of a high-speed rail linking Chicago, Milwaukee, Madison and public in the education and use of rail transportation. Twin Cities being extended to Duluth. Leonard Levine of MinnDOT appeared in Duluth to talk to some selected people and get them LSTC OFFICERS to start thinking about HSR. President Steve Ruce Skeptics may have some, perhaps many reservations about such Vice President, Administration Tim Zager Vice President, Public Relations Tim Schandel a system becoming a reality and asking why do we need such a Director, Equipment Restoration Bill Mickelsen system.
California State Railroad Museum Corporate Miscellany Collection MS 861
http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/c8v98g6w No online items Guide to the California State Railroad Museum Corporate Miscellany Collection MS 861 Library & Archives staff California State Railroad Museum Library & Archives 2020 Guide to the California State MS 861 1 Railroad Museum Corporate Miscellany Collection MS 861 Language of Material: English Contributing Institution: California State Railroad Museum Library & Archives Title: California State Railroad Museum Corporate miscellany collection creator: California State Railroad Museum Library & Archives Identifier/Call Number: MS 861 Physical Description: 187.98 Linear Feet (561 manuscript boxes, 7 manuscript half-boxes) Date (inclusive): 1880-1993 Abstract: California State Railroad Museum Corporate Miscellany Collection is an assembled collection of miscellaneous material pertaining to various railroads and railroad-related companies. The collection contains documents, publications, and ephemera that are arranged in alphabetical order by subjects. Language of Material: English Big Four Building Conditions Governing Access Collection is open for research by appointment. Accruals Future accruals are expected. Immediate Source of Acquisition Items were acquired through multiple donations. Arrangement MS 861 is arranged into four series alphabetically by railroad, then by subject: Series 1: Amtrak Series 2: Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Series 3: Southern Pacific Series 4: Railroads (A-Z) Biographical / Historical The California State Railroad Museum Corporate Miscellany Collection is a collection of miscellaneous material assembled by the Califonia State Railroad Museum Library & Archives' staff since 1981. The purpose for the collection is to gather loose items relevant to specific corporations, and to have them accessible for researchers interested in a particular railroad. It may serve as a supplementary collection of research material in association with a specific corporate collection found in the California State Railroad Museum Library & Archives.
January 9, 2015 Dear All: For those who have asked, my apologies for not letting you all know that the 2014 drawing item will be drawn in a few days (the holidays and illnesses have kept us from drawing the winner). We will announce the winner along with the gift certificates winner. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We will be shortly announcing the 2015 drawing item as the membership is supporting this endeavor. Each year the response and support it receives is better and better. As in past years, we will have a limited number of tickets, so don’t wait too long to get yours! As a reminder, the eblasts and attachments will be placed on the WB&A website under the “About” tab for your viewing/sharing pleasure http://www.wbachapter.org/2014%20E‐ Blast%20Page.htm The attachments are contained in the one PDF attached to this email in an effort to streamline the sending of this email and to ensure the attachments are able to be received. Click on the Ribbon on the Left and you will see an “index” of the documents and you can click on them to go to them. If you need a PDF viewer to read the document which can be downloaded free at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrviewer/acrvd nld.html. To retain a copy you may want to save the file to a folder different from your temporary files (downloading and use is in your discretion). 2015 TCA CONVENTION See http://tcaconvention.org/ OPEN HOUSE INVITE – Sandy and Clem Clement See the attached invite from Sandy and Clem, they hope you can make it.
Volume 44 #4 May 2013 Contents Meeting Notice Lead Story P1-2 The May 2013 meeting of the Northstar Chapter of the Officer Contact Directory P2 NRHS will be held on May 18th at 6:30 pm, at Roseville Lutheran Church at 1215 Roselawn Avenue, Membership Information P3 midway between Lexington and Hamline Avenues in Directions to meeting site P3 Roseville. See map on following page. Chapter President comments P3 Note the EARLIER START TIME at 6:30 pm. Area News P3-4 Chap BOD Meeting, NRHS Summer Conf P5 Program: DVD: Chuck Lavallee films of the MILW, MRHA NP trip to Stillwater, and the Amercian Freedom Train Visit to the More New items P6-7 Twin Cities. Railfan Events P8 Passenger Train Consists (Electronic version only) There will be a pre-meeting get-together at the Keys P9-10,12 Cafe and Bakery at the northeast corner of Lexington NRHS summer Conference Registration form P11 and Larpenteur starting about 5:00 pm. PLEASE Bill Herzog Video Clips from the Library P13 CALL Bob Clarkson at 651-636-2323 and leave a message with your name and the number of persons coming with you. Note: The dues information in the previous newsletter is wrong. The National dues is $39 and local dues is $15 for a total of $54, NOT $51 with $36 for the National and $15 for the local as stated in the newsletter. Breaking up Coal at Harrison St. Runby WB in Minnetonka MN Returning back to Mpls at Norwood MN. … Pictures by R Tubbesing April 20 2013.
Milwaukee Road No. 261 Makes Test Runs, Preparations Continue for Duluth
Volume 44 #5 June 2013 Meeting Notice Contents The Next meeting of the Northstar Chapter of the NRHS will Held September 21 2013 6:30 pm, at Roseville Lutheran Officer Contact Directory P1 Church at 1215 Roselawn Avenue, midway between Lexington and Hamline Avenues in Roseville. See map on following page. Membership Information P2 Note the EARLIER START TIME at 6:30 pm. Directions to meeting site P2 Summer Events P2-3 Program: To be determined Lead Story P4-5 News Items P5-7 There will be a pre-meeting get-together at the Keys CP Derailment (Electronic Version only) P9,10 Cafe and Bakery at the northeast corner of Lexington and Larpenteur starting about 5:00 pm. PLEASE Passenger Train Consist (Electronic version only) CALL Bob Clarkson at 651-636-2323 and leave a message P10,12 with your name and the number of persons coming with you. Northstar Chapter Officers President H Martin Swan hmartinswan@msn.com 612-961-1684 Vice President Richard Tubbesing261@yahoo.com 763-757-1304 Tubbesing Past President Dawn dawn@dholmberg.com 763-784-8835 Holmberg National Director Bill Dredge williamdredge@yahoo.com 952-937-1313 Treasurer Dan Meyer treasurer@northstar-nrhs.org 763-784-8835 Secretary Dave Norman nevad11@hotmail.com 612-729-2428 Trustee Gary Rumler nlcdrumler@gmail.com 651-385-8752 Staff Program Chairman Richard Tubbesing261@yahoo.com 763-757-1304 Tubbesing Newsletter Editor Committee: Tubbesing261@yahoo.com 763-757-1304 Richard dawn@dholmberg.com Tubbesing, treasurer@northstar-nrhs.org Dawn Holmberg, Dan Meyer Newsletter Distribution Richard Tubbesing261@yahoo.com 763-757-1304 Tubbesing Trip Director John Goodman Chapter John Cartwright stationman86@yahoo.com 651-481-8479 Librarian/Historian Web Master Dan Meyer treasurer@northstar-nrhs.org 763-784-8835 Chapter Mailbox Northstar PO Box 120832 St Paul MN Chapter NRHS 55112 Unofficial Library Data Russ Isbrandt rmisbrandt@comcast.net Base Administrator Page 1 Northstar News June 2013 MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Dues are $54($39 for the National dues and $15 for the local dues).
RailroadRailroad SafetySafety StatisticsStatistics In 1869, a single spike connected the Transcontinental U.S.U.S. Railroad.Railroad. ANNUAL REPORT 2000 InIn 2000,2000, RailroadsRailroads connectedconnected peoplepeople faster.faster. JULY 2001 Railroad Safety Statistics-Annual Report 2000 FOREWORD The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has established an ultimate goal of “Zero Tolerance” for railroad-related accidents, injuries and fatalities. In pursuit of that goal, significant progress has been made, particularly over the past six years, in reducing the number of train collisions, derailments, highway-rail grade crossing incidents, and injuries to railroad workers. These results have been achieved because of a collaborative effort involving the FRA, railroad management, rail labor, equipment suppliers, and contractors, as well as other federal and state agencies whose mission involves ensuring railroad safety. Central to the success of this rail safety effort is the ability to understand the nature of rail-related accidents and to analyze trends in railroad safety. The FRA’s Railroad Safety Statistics – Annual Report 2000 is intended as a resource for the FRA’s safety partners. It is also intended as a general reference source for individuals and organizations with an interest in rail safety issues. Statistical data, tables and charts are provided to depict the nature and cause of many rail-related accidents and incidents that occurred in 2000 Furthermore, selected historical data is included to provide a baseline for understanding the railroad industry’s improving safety performance. It is hoped that the information provided in this publication will provide insight into the most significant safety issues facing the rail industry and, in turn, lead to continued rail safety improvements.