TTRPIE FOB SENATOR Jndpe Turpie is the man," is a belief which have been unlawfully cut from Government "library" (that is what the ticket ofOces in UK. KILLED WITH A STICK lands In Columbia County, Ore. It is slated LONDON PANTOMIMES ti e West End sre still paradoxically called, found frequent expression at the hotels. , INVALIDS, lie Deimocrat'.c Caucus Make a Selectioi The absence of Mr. Iiobinson was regarded In the special agents report to the depart- you trow) waits on II. IL H. everymorn-irg- or And all those whose systems are run down, nee! a L-.b- in- ment that this firm have cut and removed with the programmes of all the theaters, After Five Ballot. as signifying that the Knights of Ex- gently does no. Affray Posey County Discs Remits in 5.0CO.0OO of fir, cedar and maple timber, Eciing Night Productions Tha Annricin ei. d takes Morseigneur's medicine that will act and The Democratic Senatorial caucus was held tended to make aa effort to dictate the in it I feet instructions. weaken. Simmons Liver hcgoUtor is not onlf the utmost confidence was a Harder. board measure, valued at from S to $10 per hibition Room. What "is styled "the royal box" costs the xnild iu Its action but invigorates like a glau ol hroora No. 112 the State-hous- e last night, nomination, but lumber, precisely a la felt that the other absentees would readily 1,000 feet, when manufactured into Piir.ce what box of similar size wine, glviog tone aad streiigih to the body. pi, after a short session, nominated Hon. acquiesce the choice. and $5 per 1,000 in logs at the mill. It ap- cost? Mr. Smith or Mr. Jones. The bouquets and heartily in least on a portion are by manage- Kxtract of a letter froai Eon. Alexander y of Demo- Ejre-C- pears that the cutting, at furnished gratuitously the avid Turpie, of Marlon County, for United "II you beard the result the fliot la the nr Innpector Killed. of Tbe Prince of YVmlea and tm Theater Itiag U. iU'pben, of (it. : caucus?" was aaked Repre- of the lands, was done under color title. ment; and refreshments, ia the shape of 1 occaiionally con litiOQ hitcs Eecator on the fourth formal ballot. cratic Senatorial Killed by Falling Tree Found Otto' I.ltnt Fancy The Itihop' cigarettes, champsgce, and ue, when mj Robinson by a Sentinel reporter. cigars and brandy requires it, Dr. ISiminons Liver Regulator, on. Charles P. Kellison, of Marshall sentative Dead Other Specials. Tage, soda, tea, coflee and ice3 are likewise pro- wnh goodeßeet. It ig mild, and salts ma "Yea." was the reply. r cmnty, presided, aad Hon. George S. Pleas-- 4 Were you present?' inquired the re-- THEOPH1LUS' IMPKCUNIOSITY. vided free of expense for the i lustrioQS betu-- than more active remedies." penonages and suites. officiated as sec-- their yj, of Switzerland County, porter. MorxT Vebxos, 12. Last night ft an impression." replied .v.r. Koo- - Jan. Why Alleged Exposure Corruption by (Special Correspondence ol the R3utinel. tary. There were no epeechea of I have anray the of , InsoD, for reasons of my own I did not serious occurred at the residence of Pacific I.o?-iok- Dec. SO I once had a Chinese A Deceptive World. A Home Remedy, o "that Itallreada Blade. nail omination made. Seventy-tw- of Vircil Doss, nine miles west of this city, re Wi servant, who, when any questions were Detroit rre Prefg.l attend." sulting in the death of George Server, and Fncqualcd by any other. The Regulator is ths seventy-si- x cast, ?M asked as to reason he wore a pis-tai-l, wää Standing riqht hers by this spile," lb Democratic Totes were "Will you make public those reasons him the "I bist preventive aud preparatory medicine. Nj the injury of Henry and George Edwards. New York, Jan. 15 A Washington special up, any said a stranger yesterday at the foot of Ran- hd the absentees were Mr. Bobinaon, of "I do not care to do so," returned the progress, or shoes with the toss turned or rr.atter what the atUck, a doe of it will ihrJ i. A dance was in and tue Edwards say: "Iheophilas trench, who appeared of peculiar habits people. dolph street to a policeman who had come 'I ay County, wbo declined to go into the Representative. boys refused to pay the admission fee and to as an exposure other the of hs f, nu in ordinary caRea mill eflect a t.(e1r you vote for Mr. Tarpie at the joint day tbe author of allegel invariably replied. "Delongee ole ole cus- np, "when I saw a msn over there by that cure. lt tire for over half a rentnr by tüousiu 1 "Shall Doss put out oi tne nouse, ana man of corruption by the Pacific Railroad, was of people has icdoised itTHL mens on account of hh opposition to Mr. session of the House and Senate?" them tom." pcet. He 8ctf d E3 if be was in trouble, and I ukst. ; County, went out and cut them both with a knife. removed under President Arthur's Adminis There is a little bit of the Chinaman in tueptcted he was going to jump into the cDonald Mr. Bertram, of Knox "That's a matter on which I am unwilling a large of wood, pre "The value of a household romcly coa-- f He returned with stick and tration for improperly using his oCi:e, 1 a me iiseili-cacy- . a- our cousius, perpetuate a to watoa Terre Haute with the sab-coa- to commit myself," Mr. Robinson answered. Driush and they river. turned icr imnuie ists iu ii.s as well a ho iraa in said he would ciean out we rest oi toe sumably in the interest of the railroads. ferry-boa- t, was "How is Mr. Tarpie regarded by the labor- good riiiny institutions for the same reason, and when I looked 8gain he Rud many attacks of disci-s-e are Conataittee in- - saw Server alone, and without J?rom s went Sim-nio- ittee of the House Election ing classes of the 3tate?" the reporter asked. crowd. He the Government service he into nd one of the most remarkable of thse is gone." wardel off bv rjnvenient medicine. igating the Beasley case; Hon. C. P. a man who provocation struck him a fearful blow with that of the railroads, and he now uses the in- the Christmas pantomime. I suppose there olhcer advanced to tho elzs oi the Liver Kot'Ulator is a most vaUiabio "I really don't know. He is the stick, knocking him senseless. He was formation he obtained there and elsewhere lie raulioiue to have in the houe, and I errell of Monroe, and Hon. Daniel Foley of h83 not been canvassed much, and I am un- roust Lave been a time when that forai of deck, peered around, andrepliel: heartily recommead it as the 'oun of taken home, and expired in about five hours. to freshes up a lot of stuff that has appeared some sane a you a llarion, were able to say how he ia generally regarded." amusement had attraction for "Here's hole iu the ice. D:J hsar yrcveutive' so much talked of and wished who ill. Doss was captured ana orouRm to mis cny, at various times in the newspapers on the people that it does rot now possess; at splash?" for." T. W. VfoKKKi.u 1'rineipal Irviug I as fol- - The conversation began in the ioddvoi and was sent to jail without bail. A pre- Pacific coast." An informal ballot was first taken the Occidental and concluded at the corner 8ny rate, it is cnaritaoie to tniuK so, out "o." Grammar School, rank lor J, I'. Ex-Senat- m a J - C will be held The Dailv News this afternoon publishes or l liminary examination 20; time has certainly gone ty. Toe panto "Nobody call out?" e j)ws: McDonald, Hon. ot Washington ana Illinois streets, wr. that Demand tf-- cennine with trade-mat- k IT) in red afternoon. the following as tho substance of an inter- mime of this period has about 83 littlft sense "No." J avid Turpie, 13; Judge W. P. Niblack, 17; Robinson was eoine out on some mission view with C. P.Huntington, president of the on front of wrsr per. with a friend, and was unwilling to make A Two Tears' Sentence, Ktc. or humor in it as cm well be imagined. "And be disappeared all at orce?" Kon. W. D. Eynum, 2; GoTernor Gray, 3; or Central Pacific Railroad, on the same sub The same old fairy tales are rehashed year "I!e did. sir. You look around here and any statement regarding his intentions Bi.ui 12. On the 11th In3U the ' wood-ptle.- Zollars, 1 ; Hon. W. S, Holman, rrojr, Jan. ject. He said that the California papers year by writers (Heaven save mark! ) take a glance behind " ade Allen give any reasons for not attending the Ox-le- y, after the I'll that case of the State of Indiana vs. Alonzo had published similar articles Deiora ana one was get ; Jewett, 2; Hon. Join E. Lamb, caucus. to who are never heard of except at pantomime The olhcer seeking a wav to down for assault and batterjr with intent of them said we had stolen flSO.O'XXOO'J, and time, and each year the doggerel Is worse on the ice, when tbe man called to him and ; Hcjn. EDjlish, 1; 72. The Knights of Labor caucused In GofT, Cir- LLCS U William H. total, rape Sarah was tried in the Wella now it has been reduced to $2,(XK),00J. The was be fore. ' Robinson Crusoe," ' The him behind a pi'e of wood. There was a again yesterday, seemed than it ltd -. -- ecoEsary to a choice, 39. formally and cuit Court, and this morning the jury re books of the company had been and were r Fcr 15 years 7 Court Phce, row at determined to stand together to the a Forty Thieves," "Jack and the Beanstalk." msn there and he bad a bottle. was tasen, re-- turned verdict of euilty ot the whole open for inspection, and the matter had prob- "Dick 'Whittington and His Cat" are the "Seme person, sir!" whisjered the ofli- - 322 The first ballot proper then last, and, if possible, tame the Sen charge, filing the punishment at two years and Xarkci Street,' ably been looked into twenty time3. You favorite subject?, and the recipe for unking ecus per? on. told you 1 suspected he Pet. Third nr. ,1 Koir LlM;3,Ej as follows: Niblack, HsDjnald, ator. is claimed that at least three com- '1 hltins '2: It in the State prison. Ine crims was can't," he said, "run a large corporation lice a pantomime is about as follows: in trouble. It wasn't that, sir, hut he Republican members of the House will fs Mfil 4; Holman, 4; Turpie, 19. Total, 72. JuJge mitted December 21, and the defendant having a large miscellaneous luo: ii- tii, j i:is e I ' I this without Jrirst select vour su bject: ien get some wenttd to take a drink without feeling 1 follow Mr. Robinson's example by refusing was the uncle of the prosecuting witness, expense account. You have to protect your t O'rcs vW ior;zri cf PRIVATE, toberts, at the conclusion of this ballot, caucus. posi local scribe to write a lot of doggerel on the ot.lifcd to pass the bo'tle to me, aud he to attend the Senatorial It is who waa but little over fourteen yean of age. very (I rose name of Mr. Hol-ia- n. property. Ihe matter is old, andna3 story. Then get a low comedian to famish dcdi't in here. Sorry to have alarmed you, and withdrew the tively asserted that thse members will in Messrs. France Lee conducted the defense one form or EASLS. no event vote for Harrison, and the Repub- been before the public in an assortment of labored jokes oi the sir, but this is a world of decption, and as Spermatorrhea rru Inipctcncr, with ereat skill. another for manv years. Mr. French hu men, and p you arc gone Iip'11 up wt'-- i of iu v'.tl?. i i topics of the day end public all Eion either divide , ftv1 managers do not conceal their appre- To-da- y ot a. v .1. c t Ik- Io4. The third ballot sent Niblack to the front lican the same court is engaged in trying been in here to se9 me several times auout you can turr Trnr, or ter rus.-i- i Kti r f score. the pretty girls who can dance that or I'll thump his head for him!" li f:r:f!,!":':N",iT''i'utM, i riiü;u :u ... av (LuLt enii hension cn that case vs. f M 3 32; McDonald, 25; the of the State ol Indiana tronin, buying his mtormaton. He to'd m3 find, a clown, pantaloon aud harlequio; and ri in hv drtniii?). Uiniii nf "m- t.nrr, l'hj. follows: Niblaek, iV . rumor Is current, and believed to Lava I v. cn - a r f. cf J pr.ial-- for assault and battery with intent to rape a was to it, not frott-Dsiou-. a! ' Amt hvt uxpie, 15. Total, 72. foundation, a largo corruption fund has that he going sell and it l did all these having been well mixed over a hot Iii Confji'-- of I'i a. I. of h ual iv.w(r. Ac. rvtuWiog that Mrs. -r btrahm. buy it some other party would. I told him lire of abuse from a stage manager, set in a Names and are sometimes mislead- t r.T'T, ttr t: r'':irhiy end t with a few teen secured by the Re publicans to ne uea case of rape on a seven-year- - titles Senator Weir then aros?, and, Still a third I knew all about the matter, and n he had crust of gorgeous tut abbreviated dresses, ing. .A gentleman who rejoiced ia the title rell-chos- in Harrison's interest, if the revolutionary en name old nirl has been continued until the next to sell he had show me words, withdrew the cf schemes should fail. anything better superb scenery, and garnish with all the ot Doctor of Music was stopped on the s'reet term of court. something I did not know anything about, cay. on Xi ? Bi.'U:i.Tprtvjtf lnt';s ;;. k! iri, berve was i : "i Ur. McDonald. The Election Committee of the House will opular sorics ol the smoting cue day by an Irishman, who carrying li i s i.ti. tL .t a j n y :t't ittL n t may be said to be within the probabili- 1 1 tL.'-..i:- It as I would not buy what knew ail aoout. boxing night. i:i:der his arra a battered and ancient cornet. if t rt: :u c;t ol i t : treMa.a, Ii luu was a tight race between Meagher case, i k t..i- - The fourth billot rerort this morning in the ties that the next Grand Jury will indict the We had loaned Mr, French money to go in "tjti rf-- .r. rVt a "Robinson Crusoe" at Avenue t 1 iL.- - r.i-- at seating Dickerson. The vote There is the "Air ye a Doc nor of Music?' demanded it o pit c: 'U t- n i' i i' t JTiblack and in favor of Republican party rape of House of : . adge Turpie, latter for the t pr-- and Judge the its business here and he still owes us that. and at the Grand Theaters, London; Theater man brass ran Lj CLt in the committeej was a strictly party one. Representatives on last Monday. Difucalty correspondence passed between us the with the instrument. JackiDg only one vote of winning the prize. The minority have prepared a report, Somes Rovel, Lainburgh; Theater Royal, "I am." but in establishing the manhood of the defendant about the eale of his information." a ' Cures Gwiranleecl In all Cases the ballot resulted as follows: Turpie, .'i3; doubt that they will be allowed to maSte it, Tncatcr Kiyal, Newcastle; and Uh, an' I'm glad to ?fp yczl This is the UTidorta:;cj;. case will alone prevent conviction. letter-b.io- k u -- ? In that Here Mr. Huntington Lad his mip.or places. shows Cui-- tai: i tT'T n? r ttTV ....irTi Kiblack, 33; McDonald, 1. for the infamous rules state that the report dozen others at This old comet I used ter play in the ainuy, and ii h'T a of his Hat-iro- Committee is to be made, brought to him, and he read letter Low tradition is adhered to; for, except in the other day a n felloa it accident- Oa the fifth ballot the tile set extremely of the Election Shooting at a Country "Literary." to Mr. French, dated January G, which ended and one honr allotted to arguing it, without name, thesa performances have nothing ally." PHIVAT33 ccu:'si:i.or. VI. The particulars ot a Mr. Hunt- il- - p Judge Turpie's favor, the .result be.ng report; Lfeasox. Jan. the negotiations. In that letter in common. Of couree, the great pantomime "Well?" 4. hit :r providing with regard to a minority shooting scrane at school-- 1 til. Ai:.':-- Emmert e the ington eaid to tbe effect that, as Mr. French given by Augustus tht-r- i 1". "uxpie, 45; Niblack, 27; and the result was and, as tbe majority will doubtless use up of all is that Harris at "Iver lince lias been fomethin the Oriia.- I Mir X. Suji,7 house in Jackson Township, on Monday had obtained his information while in the Lane, selects year "Toe P. with a loud shout startled the hour, the minority will probably not be Drury who this matter wid tbe fiat, and'' nncunced that evening, were received here this morning. employ of the Government, it was a matter Forty Thieves" a3 his topic. Any attempt to "Well, what?1' heard. society hose waiting on the outside for the news. - A literary was in session at the between French and the Government, and descrihe the gorgeousnes3 of the spectacle es I was to say, if you can "The unseating of Measher," said a well- school-hous- e, "And, about room had been uncomfortably warm, and William Sandlin, a young not with Huntington. The latter had not which Mr. Harris ha3 devised must fall short so I can toot on The posted gentleman last night, "will be the man neighborhood, maddened by jistset it straight, that it 1 - t J l -- iL I of the heard since from Mr. French. of the reality. For example, each of the properly, give ye me loife long blissing ind as Turpie's victory was achieved, Sen mausuraiion oi revolution,1 in uoui uraacues house I'll liquor, vent to the with the "The young man," he said, alluding to Mr. forty thieves i3 a fine woman, and each has twinty-l'tv- e ' ator Smith and Judge Itoberta forced their of the Assembly, and the events of the next f "cleaning: an' cintsl announced intention out' French, "was impecunious, and evidently six retainers, so that in realiv there are 210 1 am no r.n instrument mender." few dsys will be more exciting than those the meetinir. French Airhart, another to a money. "Hut ky out of the crowd and into the corridor. hitherto witnessed. If, however, the Knights wanted maae little thieves irstead of forty. These, with the "Ye ain't? Ibe: ye're not much of a Mr. youDgmanof the vicinity, came out and other people employed, make a total of be- "They've nominated Turpie," shouted of Labor members and those elected on la- any a docthor, afteralll" as; warned Sandlin to desist from such ltaby. tween 500 and 000 people on the smith, as he mopped his steaming brow, bor issues should vote independently, it proceeding, to put up his revolver, The Fnwelcome and f Free Trees, j vast stage of the Theater Royal Goes Hack to the Tip" System. Vnd epoke excitedly to the reporters. has been said they would do, trouble may which he was flourishing about in a dan Detroit Allen in all the groat scenes. It Chicago Tribune. Winter Exposure Causes Caughs, I be avoided." gerous This enraged 'Another mouth to feed," said John "Were there not some absentees?" he wa3 manner. Sandlin the was a sight to be remembered to enter Drury Neu-ralpi- a, more, and he fired at Airhart, the ball pen- wht n the new baby came. Several years ago Totter Palmer made up CoWs, riennsy,' Ehenmatlsm, Tneumonla, Wed. Lane on boxing night before the curtain abolish tips his KciHtif. LumbaKO, liarkaobe, aud other Hen. David Turpie. caucus nominee of the etrating one of his eyes and pacing out near God never sends mouths but what he rose. Although the snow and slush wers his mind that he would in aiiinirtp, (or whitli Kuiiöon's Carxiine Haters are I sends bread to fill them," said his employer, hotel. The plan, however, did not work as re- "Yes," he replied, "but they'll all support Democrats for Senator, has for the ear. The young man is seriously, but it ankle deep, people were waiting at the pit admitted to be the et remedy known. They buTDie, elected the State of his nativity the same that has is thought not fatally, injured. Sandlin piously. well a3 he thought it would, for there was lieve md cure iu a few hours wbca no other an-- and he will be and, will take doors early in the afternoon, and soon after is of benefit. Endorsed by 5,(xa) furnished Hendricks, Voorhees and McDon- has eluded arrest. "Aye. Only he sends the mouths to ni) was any number of guests who were always ready flicatlon tbe least seat, too." Allen. the doors of eaed the grand auditorium "give Of course, whenever a and Drueists. Beware of imitations He was ted the bread to you," asserted John good-nature- to gratuities. "Csphi-curr,- ald to Indiana Ohio. born in Ham packed with a dense mob of d uiidcr firaüar s;undiiig cames, such as " Roberts was equally excited. guess was caught act of accepting a lim-rn- 's Judge "It ilton County July 8, 182J. In addition to Serions Charges Acilnst Constables. 'I God made a mistake when he sent humanity. When the orchestra appeared. servant in the "Ctipsirin" or 'Capsicirse." Ask jtor af- Allen, was promptly discharged; othf-rs- . ' said he, "one of the prettiest races the usual common school education then PEr, Jan. li. During la3t October James that baby here," remarked John Jr., they were received with a shout of delight, br'be he or she and take Tin Examine CArafally county, a classical aged eight, the baby himself until now. but lessons of this kind proved of no avail, when nt; t i:v. All drvpi). etween NibUck and Turpie after the forded in his he obtained Erumfield, a miner of Santa Jte, this county, and the leader, instead of taking his seat to New York. nt ' bLIAlitr.V.iS: JOHNSON, Trorr f, education at Kenyon College was over to court for larceny. au-- God never makes miataxes," answered his and the servant force of the house was sub third ballot that I've ever seen." The gen-- bound baby's only conduct the overture, turned his face to jected constant changes that was Haxes' college), where he graduated in 131$. incr to give bond, in the custody of Constable pale, tearful mother, the friend. the audience to lead them in singing, aud to such it comment ol Members as they left is sad enough to many people to nave to impossible to keep the service up to the de r-- B pial the Studying law in his native State for a year, Charles S- - Bowers and Deputy Dave York he It PflXiTElSlxä come world all, to come into sing they did with a will. The overture wa3 Consequently, giving fl rT ihe caucus wa3 that it was as wise a choice, in 1519 he moved to Indiana and took up was started to jail at Peru. On the war he into the at but a medley of popular airs, beginning loyally sired standard. alter wanta you; Mr. concluded 7 nay circumstances, as could have the practice of the law. His leal ability escaped, but was rearrested by another offi a world where no one tobe in "God Prince of and his plan a fair trial, Palmer amder all the way ; to have your and with bits? the WalV was a good one, and with the be and scholarly attainments were soon recog- cer, and this week he was sentenced to the everybody's fool "God s.ive the Queen," and that it not made, shouts for Turpie were you ending with present year went back to the fau L 3 been and nized, and he early took a position as one of penitentiary for one year. Under oath he drink and wherewithal shall be clothed interspersed with "Two Jolly Black Lyes" gin rg of the Mk j Mb Mr 7 ti reckoned up and grudged to you, oh, poor old 85 stem. The former head porter has a ireelv uttered. thf foremost lawyers in tbat section. made the startling statement that Bowers and other music-hal- l ditties. I of years taking up his little unwelcome babe, who would be in your been hired, and he pays his subordinates out TITM.ITV In f!:;i"jr Prxi i IHIMM'I) M Immediately after the announcement Within three after and York allowed him to make his escape From beginning to end the songs were ta M'.AIM l iI oi I'imiT I'li I M I I 1. 1 l.Y AM. place? of his own pocket, the understanding rl-t - !)-- a Sen- - residence in Hoosierdom he was chosen to for a consideration of J 10, in which he was up succession, sung lustily by a J iiihv itid :i fl r nal'l'- i''i'f in ihe result of the Democratic caucus Dy ken in and bticg they ever to him all the Legislature, and, serving - 'ihey christened the Auen baoy tue that turn FRENCH HOSPITAL REMEDIES. the State after corroborated by his father, Mr. Jacob l'rum- Imagine ! N l . f riinel reporter called at the residence of Mr. thousand voices. a scene like that oritrmat-- d I'r--t. J t. t i I I.K. l'n.-- im-- through the session, was appointed by Gov quaint and pretty name ot Darbara. Mrs. stray cash they receive. t v r.'.l Ki riiy-- uii.- - ui.l rapx'-l- nr.d neld, of I plana, drant County, ihe Grand in an American theater, if you can. The Aduit-- ivi . Turpie and informed the distinguished gen- - ot Common Allen hoped it would bring good iuck, be 6ii- - u!l jntro.tii'.-.- l lu ll-- AH rak iiin.'i.wlil ernor Wright Judge the Pleas Jury being in session here, the two oflicers gorgeous dresaä of )! ciu-i-k.- cause a sweet play was filled with Worse Off Thau the Irarap. dnins iv TUI.MI"-l- ' irivinc nc leman of his nomination, ne had not Court for the counties of Denton, Tippeca were indicted for bribery and conspiracy, it had been tue nime oi splendid fabrics and brilliant scenery, and pijx r aüd timlua' fTlcr':iit'ii!. i''.. YHl - noe and vhite, he having moved to Monti placed was woman who was dead h?r own mother, I Free Press. tiin (! or ! ninii I ilh mx em incut Iih-io- 1" J! KK heard the new?, but one not acquainted with and have been in jail. Dowers on these the gallery commented freely. CIVIALE AGENCY. Ko. 1 74 Fulton Sireet. he York cello. In this position he served two years, captured at Durlington, Carroll County, to And it reminded her of that other Barbara the witticisms at times evoking peals of "Gittin' pay for that?' he aaked, as he him would have supposed he had known it and, resigning, was cho?en Judge of the Cir day. Allen, and the song she ofteaest crooned to laughter. came along to where am in was shoveling baby was old love song with its for some time. Ha was entirely undisturbed, cuit Court. Political honors crowded thick the that sal At the Avenue Arthur Roberts, who is the SLOW. hand yet was npon him, and in he was atrain elected Not Guilty, by Court Order. retrain. a red." though he expressed surprise, it euppose unwelcome Vaby ouprht to Nat Goodwin of the English stpg, is playing "Not PE5WJWtLPiLL3 He expressed satis to the Legislature. Jus abilities were by tais (,vrydok, Jan. 13. The case of the State o I the "Robinson Crusoe," aad the wits speak of "Then vou're a fool!' uscolcred with elation. d have been a rale, pensive child, who never "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." time reccgniz'-- and admired throughout Indiana vs. Amzi W. Brewster, Auditor of the performance as "Arthur louertson "Yes, I know it, butss I own the housa ' faction at the honor; he evidently felt It the State. In the General Assembly of 1S5S this county (Harrison), for drawing, present smiled, if thete is anything in antenatal acd lot I don't see hjw I'm to get around it." Hie Criminal nntl :iJ3' irrtnlnr. Crusoe," for all the fun begins and ends with ind K' Iii'.'. P.. ware of w urinlc. Ir.iitAt! DC. theories. compels me to say ".vi t deeplr, but it Is characteristic of the man he was the recotrcized leader of Democrats, ing and receiving payment of false county Rut truth that this clever and versatile actor, lhere are, ot LADIE 5. Ak ii.r f' and he became largely known and first orders, was tried yesterday at Leavenworth she was not. She grew and thrived, aud ""XIÄNY 1 hlli,-tor- ' fc.niili" ii'I t,- - a cih r. or u...i- - 4. that he received the new3 without any ex course, any number cf pretty girls. .You may lAMP CHIMNEYS ARIJ (tjT.tiw r. i t in I'Wr b. return fr.a.1. chaDge looked pretty in the only clothes that were h established his high reputation. on a from this county, and the jury be pleased to imagine among them the so NAME PAPE R . . I h'v,"' , "1, pression of fetllDg and no visible mood of cast-ol- T outgrown wardrobe cüered for sale representsd He was nominated in 1S' for Lieutenint returned a verdict of not guilty upon hers, the and ciety Misa Steer Mrs. Mackin subject in which was en- - of Allen, And she just bubbled beauties, and as good as the Famous fiotj by OrwiryNt evrrywlifres A.k fr Whirhea. change from the he Governor on the ticket with Mr. IIndrick3 peremptory instruction by the court. John Jr. torh. of whom I told you list week, and . t'r'm V.mrllmu" I'fHvntvlil Hill. I.V. rx, n grcesed when the interruption occurred. for Governor. Tbe whole tictet was de The State went into trial with over with laughter and cooings, and would pretty Phyllis Droughton, who dances as well feated, but there had been a gallant fight out having the records necessary to make the te noticed and petted, as if she had come to He was prepanm; his ar'uaient in the t.s Kate aughan. 'XITRIENX'E TEACIlES against grpat odds' and the campaign only proof, or certified copies of the same, aad st a. Gaiety. Charley Harris has stage- - BUT THEY Lieutenant-Governorshi- case, which comes be late for work, John," his wife At the added to Mr. Turpie's fame. For three years the court rejected oral evidence of them. "You'll nianacid a production for George E iwardes bjtl I'Kd truss curts ba.1 up to-da- y, and fca I he statutes before him, he continued tbe practice of the law. aiding The action of the Prosecuting Attorney in would eav to John Allen. bur- H II 1 oi u:rett and ' romp called' "Monte Cristo, Jr." This is a h Ctiics and a memorandum book in waich he was to his lesal knowledge with tbat assiduity not having taken necessary steps to get certi One more with little Dab. would lesque instead of a pantomime, and has made wuich even the frequent calls to public serv fied copies of the records to be used at the be the answer, as he tossed her high in his hardly fail to RUPTURE to an enormous hit, as it could ca-sc-- jotting Cottii poiats. Ha recurred the again yet Ke.irly erpry will cure rniM s i e havo not interrupted. irihl is regarded as straDge deportment. strong arms, and kissed her and do. Nellie Farren. the cleverest of her sex And like all Counterfeits lack tlio truss arjrnment at interval, and it was evident 1803 was upon to acain. And when the man went to his work LASTING butoi,!s is The ou!y oe 'r.at tver' Tbe Legislature in called in that line: Fred Leslie, well known in Remarkable Qualities teeu mvii:u;d tbat will cure LaJ eaes. 1:11 Squelching Kepublican Lies. there were emilej mixed with the crows G , that the new3 had not had power to draw the unexpired term ol Jesse u. Unglt in America: Fay Templeton. a Yankee girl who OF THE EXCISE. For PU'tilnrti, Tiru.e-iit- rules for irit asiirernont 1 face, as he of forfelf-trejt,tmem- . application in which the , which ha been Fort Wayne, Jan. 11. Telegrams font fret of care on his tionght thi "1 Like as she did "Lvangeltne ' and ?i:htn!nion?i e:i ora'Mrcss him from the Intense sins It" in ttr-H-- f:.!!td by the appointment of J. A. Wright heie Lafayette asserting Demo babv that at last had found its welcome. b Saniirtriuru, Tiy East Market t, ii:diauapoiIß, he was ecjraged. from that last year, and a host of others, all contribute Tl-- h?sh claims of Mr. Turpie were recog crats were secretly arming and drilling ia with them all. The big sister "waated her to the success. FOR nd. The reporter noticed on the wall one of nized by an election to this oihee, in which and sdi vning counties, for the time,"asshe expressed it as if timecouli Tirrecanos way getting Weh', boxing day over, the event of th mw3 n ran the e Eoiall calendars with pretty deco he served but thred months. His career in purpose of going to and settling ever he wasted in that down winter season is past, and during the spring k M I4 N M M MS?-- the Senate was too brief to allow of his legislative by force of armsocca- - on her knees to worship that baby. And the- muddle great interest of the pres3 aid peop'.e rations in colors which are so popular cow, i 1 . 1 T - . the 1 achieving that distinction there which he Bioneu mucu ainuseiiieiifc uere. rorfc mujtuoT.. Ä her voice grew low and soft, because of the American Ex K l.rDc'EI-.-tro-MseTi'"l- t ;t and stepping to looked at the qnoUtion when will center itself around the ) I rnu. combined. U .i.irantwd tli it would have obtained if his service had been and Allen County are known for their strong new love in her heart. And littls hibition at Earl's Court, to open May 2, 1337. which was appended to the date. It proved longer. Retiring from the Senate, he was Democratic tendency, but Inno quarter is Dab could toddle about you would have The vast amount of work necessary to pre Aud Lxsist V.'"if: lp?tr3jr aoon'inuons I '" trie i? Xnonpiia thought them a family of lunatics. She tuis X f I t'owerful. biuabli, to te a French calendar with quotations in not gern called to public ofhee for several discernable any other sentiment than that pare the grounds is almost concluded, and x&mx V: iJr''rvrrftiLCornfnrtit ! aiid E'.ItTtire. Avoid year?, though he made a race for Congress in amicably was their darling, their queen, their idol . i i t : . J : r i. Ayfc litjrutpe from distinguished authors. the difficulties should be settled in Hie ingenious ouuuiug oi murum iron iujvc upon i'p; s:' - 'A Exact liKKT DINEAKM. that the Laporte District rgainst Schuyler Coltax, courts, as has been suggested by Mr. Ah! it has been well said that go up like fairy AL0 F.LtCTUlO t'Olt reporter, to the already described will the Ct, K'JdXu laVLNTOfi 191 WAEASll AVE.. CUCACS. The pointing the date exhibited, then at the height of his fame. In thi3 con- Smith. Colonel Robertson's course is watched God in cursing castles'paiuted on the window-pane- s by Jack HATING fellow-citizen- Ju said that there miftht be something prophetic test he added to his laurels, making a most with much interest by his s Gites better gifts than men benediction. Frost, E;q. The preparations for this, too, in it, and asked what the senti splendid race against a man who had the here. When the unwelcome baby had won its are complete. All the rails necessary to com t'.'POTENT prestige of distinguished success in Coagres, crown of consecration, a voice called, and it are on grounas, them ment was. The gave a graceful The Kennedy llurder Trial. plete the whole buildicg the Frss Trial Jude and, in addition to that, the conflict being went tbropgh the open anus of God into an engine and boiler have been put in of Ci''g r.f di - and CUIMXE1 Andthnuound! nerroiis l.itr. orrtnlo running translation of it about in a district overwhelmingly Republican. RcsnviiLE. Jan. 11. Argument in the the sew Lome, where no child is everua- - r.lar.e. Theso will furnish power for the der ivitii weaicuess nerxiuB proftrnti'Ui, j'rv'ii'iiiire iioi;i of 1 cc manly powers, limrmniary vital ioHM-san- Defeat never any regrets with Mr. Kennedy murder case wa3 closed late this welcome. ct. SO tho . kindr4 to the effect that "gladness of heart spreads left rick used in hoisting the rails into place, and rate aJcctioii sr"c.;My, ttior""'. a.-- a urn t!j curcti Lf Turpie. He bore it with the same imperturb- evening. Prosecutor George W. Campbell, was No.surclj! But to jL itself a hundred-fol- d by being reproduced; And that all quite all! for a huge clipping machine, used cut the 33 Id. "7" X . ss.-iste- d s, : t T ostagtt. able calmness with which he has viewed suc- by Judge W. A,CulIen, made able Tae children cried 3 when hei eyes were shut. necessary holt-hole- etc. At the present A trial p.u on nre iit tutue tciiU f are not unless they PEAHL TOP is atcl?i' ". Name pap-r-. the contented contented cesses crowding fast, upon him. He took eCorta in behalf of the'.biate, while Thomas be completed The free . rate of progress the work will OSL.Y by ESi G-- CO.. suggested to conducted defense. The Manufactured : tell it to ether;.' It was him up the practice of the law in Indianapolis, and Scann the Blagoetlc Storm in l'urope. before the appointed time, wnicn is jiarcn PJT). TtOX 2 i K. Wa'li'.tiKtnncmpt.. nirCf. IlL court-hous- e eager . it was very apropos, and clearly indicated and in connection with it pursued those was packed wtth listeners, 13. There are over 100 men Irice per $1.0-- Six for $5. CO that which have made one yet good order prevailed. Judge Culleu Speaking of the storm that recently swept t G0,A.MACSTHcCO he be very communicative literary studies him Europe, Brooklyn Citizen tlnaks at wort now, and mis iorce win oe that should that of the most scholarly gentlemen of that closed the areument. and the case went to all over the augmented as rapidly as the men can work PITTSBURGH. PA. RESTORED. Ttwd might share Lis contentment. But the it is obviously due to causes that are larger l'Ve A McUnof voulhf id thers scholarly profession law. the jury at a late hour. press imiTTidt-Doernurtin- the is now hardly to advantage. The tone of the English jwr Is rxta lTwua-tur- e leral trrument 3till lingered in his mind to In 1S74 he wa3 elected to the lower hou?e of The jury were out ten hours and returned than local conditions. There to be friendly in the extreme, and Manhood Nerv! manslaughter, a doubt in the minds of scientific men that continues tTjotMarjBo1.&c!y, .Lavirur the General Assembly from Marien County. a verdict of guilty of and is not to be found among them a dis- $600toS3,G00i, m exclusion cf other thoughts. there -- triM in rain eyery lraown re:iiyiy. ha the twenty-on- e theBudden atmospheric disturbances, apart I . It shows the entire absence of afiectation or affixed the penalty at years in senting voice. At present a discussion is go ,tnm !'in" Iii "it, uruple aoitmre, which ha wiU aoud Elvi. hi to iiit One coincidence mentioned was worthy of from tbe normal movements of the air caused i; 'Ii''!iii ki:. fcumieouTiuxu Addiwa pride man he accepted nomi- penitentiary. )tuvri:i- . i.uvu e:iowtifferem. in the that the the ing on in regard to me origin oi me woru l'articul.u- fr-- J. WoHTH. St. Louu, Mo. Box XVI New ote, and that was that Omer F. Roberts, the to position without question, by the shif tirjg of the areas of exposure to O. J. Ma&uN. Tuat uüio Tori dim nation this A DlTldebd ? 200 Ter Cent. Declared. we call seasons, are due Yankee." This has been initiated tnrougn Democratic Representative from Dearborn In though he had previously been a Sanator of solar heat which the dubbing of the exhibition the "Yanker- - Font Wayne, Jan. 13. The Fort Wayne to sudden disturbances on the surface of the the r'lUTTCC Itseaiu.es ana a new and Legislature, was of 1803, trie Lnitcd bt&tes, aad In the ordinary view ies," to conform to the names given to the A i CO Buccesbful CUBE at your this in that and was any a State Jenr v Electric Light Company has elected sun. What are called magnetic storm3 on r J was deaf beyond such service 'as un- four Kensington Exhibitions. One enthusi- DT home, by one who Toted for Judge Turpie for United States H. G. Olds president in place of Oscar A. cur planet, Indicated sometimes by by of noted - legislator. Of that House he was chosen ast suggests tbat the Wild West Annex be yearn. Treated EMt the I bv apoiiitlTat rBpdy for Hi4 abCTe di(u- ; by tt o Senator at that time, which was just twenty Speaker, and served with effect answerable Simons, who lately committed suicide. So usual displays of the aurora boreal is, violent ii eciallsu without lnefit. Currd hhwlf In three thounauil of cur ct th worm kind and of iinr anrtln nourishing have the a Hairs of the company disturbances of earth and atmospheric cur- called the "öcaiperies. months, and since then hundreds of others. Full riae bwn cured. In,! otro-i- r Um faith In lteffioe years ago Wednesday. the Senate to his fame. Again he retired to pri- The announcement oi me exnioits ior on applicatiou. .. that I wlilMiidTWo i.;Tl'LK5 FiiFE, t.cett'r wuh a V AI. iocr In a of 200 per has rents of electricity which have been particulars seut CAULK tnl!isoa--. utTcrpr. Oitc cz. vate Lie, and took up with the same been tbat dividend cent epace has been secured, and their 8. No. 41 West Slit St., hew ork y.CU TRLaTliiliou t?;iT there is not a man who wa3 there with Among largest to affect the Atlantic cable which T. PAGE, wrau P. O. adurM. Mi. T. A. SU'' U.m rearlütM. row intellectual zest the studies which have been been declared. the contracts known character, is doing a great deal also to in- lim in 1SC3, Senator Anthony, who died above other things the control current of his of the company have been those ot illumi seriously have a com pit' te correspondence in directions two years past Ex of great energies on the crease the interest here, and all beut a year azo, being the last Senator who life, and still again was he called of the nating for the Southern with the outbreak the work goes on with zeil aud enthusiasm, BEST TRUSS EVER USED. Y s Expo- - surface. For at least twenty-fiv- e years i j Y,z. RUPTURE State, and in another capacity. This was in position at Louisville and the orld solar of assurance of success. rr CurwliaSOtoBO Days was In service from that time to anything New of sun spctj and the tremendous torn the Ft.MaQnrtic Elastio mprorsi Elifctio Tw lST'J, and his legal attainments were used in bit'on at Orleans. the study Post-tiyel- y he King Otho ot Bavaria is said to .n Worn and day. present day. storms, as they are called, on the outer cover-irgoft- The mad L.r i.rx.TKioTi:ua n't;bt Jike the tbe compilation of the Revised Statutes of have a new delusion. He fancies himself a OVN ;,i wonj. Knurelydiflerenlfrom.lloHnTi. fure Hiipture. Kent Lis coadjutors, Death of a liank Cashier. tun, has engrossed ths attention has fi-- worn with ease and comfort by ejmI every where.Writt 12, on which he, with bird. In pursuance of this fancy he f&moui J. Sinimi analysis of vote caucus shows intervening years. Mrxt'iE, Jan. 11. A telegram was receivea of astronomers and men of science gener- til(:ht nd1r. Cund the lr. for full descriptl? drca An the in labored the three After to-da- y himself a nest and is bemoaning the in this city announcing the death of ally, and the almost invariable accord be- built K. 6th. STdxaa to the that Mr. Turpie received of Mr. McDonald's ths service he resumed the law, not vanish- an citizen of fact of having no eggs to hatch. Magnetic Elastic Tbuss Co.304 st SEW YOKK KLASIIO Strength, and that his nomination was ing from the public eve, but retiring, within John Marsh, old and prominent tween such phenomena and tbe occurrence good story: "Now. mind, mtrsus wide-sprea- Here is the last vo.t Mc-Jona- place. Mr. Marsh has for many years been d storms on thi3 fty.ttt!) Rro-idwa- by followers of both Mr. ld this of magnetic page, Tjttts rum 7i4 K. T. the himself. identified banking of this reasonable lrice," Eaid his mistress to the new "at Sir. Gray, proving him to be the His last oflicial appointment Is yet fre3h with the interests planet places the two beyond tho bishop's shaving-- and city, and at the time of his death was cashier possibility of mere coincidence. What oc S:;;0 vou will take the undoubted choice of the party, not in the public memory his appointment last water up. Knock at his door, and say. Ti tultrn ttie l"d t of (resigned) of the Citizens' National Bank. He has hem casions these Eolar storms we have no means " Iheumj that Uv aimply the 'election of one element it. May to succeed John E. Lamb a) 'the boy with the hot water, my lord.' an.t h gtrtu for several weeks pat visiting in California, knowing certainly, but the fact only adds Cere, re:nlic5. Governor Gray's prophecy last week that Lmted States lnstrict Attorney lor Indiana. of by of repeating the speech over ll ai:uokt umvciiii Mt.Ua and at the time of his death was near Den- catalogue of proofs of the And dint ."f.' 1 1USU111. I 3Ir. Turpie would be nominated wa3 recalled On the occasion of Senator Voorhees' recom one more to the had got it pretty (iaaraotwd act J UuB, ver, Col., on hia way home. interdependence cf the solar sy,tem. is aod over again the vouth K.VV.TWC PKO5.. end accepted as conclusive evidence tiat he unending Mr. Turpie to the President for It head by next morning, when l"-f-E YCU! (r.H Stnctttr. hirii. let means improbable while the well into his VAUT ua tn ercrj 0:c I Bitnation thorouzhly. he made a which, bv no that great man. to ryrment y t CVwon nder3tood the this appointment remark knocked at the door of the IVl cmpl"" Wrd 'r p- -t lif nd r.rm v-v- the I'tin. One cf tbe Oldest Indiana Twins Dead. family of planets, he - . n'h sun's activities allect his k ESST paiw t:s ! kvvi- - A Senator who supported Mr. McDonald in the light of present facts, was half pro "Who's there?" bleated a fat voice. ?r"rul t:zzz Zltziü Co. amo-ii- fie lea l. ii Akpekpo, Jan. 13. Miss Mary Howard, their own behavior has a modifying effect CU1C 4 t'lC C t V TB. 2n caucus said: "If it had not been for phetic. water, lay boy !" i.v-r- one buy, imim ' U ' , . v L- 1 aged eighty-six- , died Tuesday at the resi- ou each s. "The lord with the hot EU.Vtit.WAKE'' Lublu:1'. 21AbS. Cia?innati.t A. - bMl H. Judge Niblack'j candidacy, Mr. McDonald President Cleveland asking Senator Voor upon his, aad, therefore, other fell upon the astonished episcopal ears. I fcXADAlU Iirall.J, Fl dence of Henry Kellor, southeast of this prob- SldVy Itu', iiii, would, I think, Lave received a majority of hees who Turpie was, be responded: "He is In Paris it is announced that In all l IKCt 4ik every I makes city. Miss Howard has a twin sister yet ou un- the votes." a man of whom time think it maids were She Jteliered Him. ability the the much talked of tax "Was Judge Nlblack a candidate?" me blush to know that he is not in the Sen living. The two probably the men will soon become a law, and IWashlngton Critic married . BUY YOURSÄ"ta-z- twins in tiretbri-mtn- K f 1 1 replied the Senator, "he had bo?n ate, while I am." oldest Indiana. $20 per annum. Iu Taris B5 fornw F EE fJ j "Yes," very late the rate fixed at Wairhcl;ilebSiril'iff(' oodtandvt g A Sixteenth street man came in .not U I"1 A CHICAGO days, !, com-ja- men against Co--. 51-S- ö n avowed candidate for two as Very Sudden Death. last night, and this morning he spoke to his there are 400,000 unmarried t loliln 1 Daane SUSewlwB from Southern Indiana, he received the 13. V. SO.UOO who have made the perilous venture; CO. mem- Around the earth, in every land, Seymovr, Jan. Mr. John Lacb, wife in a most subdued manner. rLlAWUFACTURIHC of a considerable number of upposir-- g new tax should eltect rupport Dy every stream that I'm aware of, aged sixty years, and an old citizen here, "My love," he said, "I have nude a good and t that the For nrwit twrntj- wt r, thf one or two I.I V K. FX T R O ETI C M EX who would otherwise have voted for is likely to be a terrific lapplici ihe only known DEU D ITC IVA XT bers In every town, they understand dropped dead yesterday while arising from resolution for the new year." Its purpose, there fau T PI to represent them IV ISDIAXA. MuH have We recognized this before are only 410,000 spinsters foomvi and Pkkhi)bit U 8 I f on but-.nea- McDonald. He was a member of the coing 'f inmble, 83 there til I. IHI r.i 1 tl.PPO to ray for poods and carry lit. How teeth may best be taken care of. his bed. consistent "Indeed?" the replied, without into nesrly 500,000 CTRE f.r CATARRH rd I IJL I I CLJIIIbf St M to perurcd. went Into the caucus, and the result was con- to stisry the requirements of H A irnaranteed and money re From Jersey flats to Dirmah's mount Christian Church. Heart disease and particr.lars. 70,000 FRONrjllTlK. 15 WO raiirnU hve applied. Trr.tmfnt local fioon I.AKT unexpected. Mr. Turpie's nom- Consequently, some men HUD-KEAT- S" rot entirely SOZODONT. gestion were supposed causes. more, I am going to bachelors. well as eoo.lKuiloo.l. Bfrra SM. : Mc-3Hna- ldi They sing the praise of the "Yes love, and, what is ination is eminently satisfactory to Mr. must pay a fine of 1,400,000 for no fault ot ui thou rarrd :a rrerj locality For fnll nartiralara addre O. 1. ktepi." is no In rountrr. "ldrr chicjaa. in- - friends. Every Democrat in the Timber-Thieve- s. own, but simply because there the o.. aAi antike st., After don't doubt you, Henry," she continued, their CATARRH Troy, General Assembly will support him en- From J. W. Yowell. Dudley, 111. : Dr. J. "I one to marry. F.ev. T. P. Childs. O. Lung Ealm Li WAsnixGTO.v, Jan. 10. The Secretary of swtetiy, "and, judging from the bottle I repeatedly If a prr wn. thusiastically." II. McLean's Tar Wine tbe i li .ve heen asked the Prince - - Aernta' front """. Attorney-Gener- al "in say m 0 New po- your overcoat pocket, I should -- a H525-0- or ray f..rfoit. -- me any from the interior has requested the found at .4 rttOT-ic- 6 a prove it action of the caucus was warmly In onlT medicine that rives relief RpiritS." of Wales pid for the use of his box the tu In bonrs. cnro" in öO sent free to all. The to institute a civil suit against vmi vera orra in nreaprvA it in rit .stores; 1SN.11 rtrait jiutouU A t'. rampie dorsed by Democrats generally as a most my cough. I have had chronic bronchitis theaters. When the Frlnce of Wales is in and rVTX? W öJ'F. lrn? VM. & Eon, Uoad bt. New oik. Henry to breakfast and said no 1 j- x trbt-ciaf- - Yi. II. CuiDESTta ts of contest for the for years, and would not be without the Mückle Brothers, of St. Helen, Ore., for the burned representative of the Bond street 0 - Ea.,&ad ty a:i arus1- tapPT settlement the yalae of timber ailegei to more. LoDdon, a nomination. "11 a Democrat caa be elected, medicine for anything. manufactured