Manchester City Council Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

Manchester City Council Report for Resolution

Report to: Executive – 12 February 2014 Finance Scrutiny Committee – 24 February 2014

Subject: Capital Programme (Budget 2014/15 – 2016/17)

Report of: The City Treasurer


The purpose of the report is to present the 2014/15 capital programme and forward commitments. Included in the report is an update on the latest estimates of expenditure in 2013/14 and explanation of the major variations since the Capital Monitoring report to October Executive.


The Executive is requested to:

1. Note that this report reflects the latest position as at January 2014. Capital expenditure to date is £117.5m and the latest full year forecast is £238.72m.

2. Agree that the capital budget be amended to reflect movement in the programme, attributable to approved budget increases, updates to spending profiles and in year budget transfers between capital schemes to maximise use of funding resources available to the city council.

3. Note that capital resources will be maximised and managed to ensure the capital programme 2013/14 remains fully funded and that no resources are lost.

4. Recommend the City Council to approve the capital programme as presented in Appendix 1 (for £289.734m in 2014/15 and £140.437m in 2015/16 and £76.374m in 2016/17) which will require prudential borrowing of £93.284m to fund non-HRA schemes over the three year period. Provision has been made in the revenue budget for the associated financing costs within the limits previously agreed.

5. To note that the capital programme will continue to be reviewed and any recommendations will be reported back to Executive.

6. Approve and recommend Council to delegate authority to:

a) The Director of Growth and Neighbourhood Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment for the approval of the list of schemes to be undertaken under the Highways capital programme.

b) The Director of Growth and Neighbourhood Services to implement these schemes in accordance with the Capital Gateway process and

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after consultation with the Executive Member for Environment on the final details and estimated costs.

c) The City Treasurer in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources to add qualifying spend to save projects to the capital budget accordingly up to a maximum of £5,000,000 in 2014/15 and then £5,000,000 per year thereafter.

d) The City Treasurer in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources is authorised to increase the capital budget by up to £500,000, subject to 100% external funding being available.

e) The City Treasurer, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources to accelerate spend when necessary within the programme subject to resource availability.

f) The City Treasurer in consultation with Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources to agree and approve where appropriate the following: i. The programme of schemes for the delivery of the corporate asset management programme ii. Proposals relating to Corporate Compulsory Purchase Orders

g) The City Treasurer in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources to make alterations to the schedules for the capital programme 2014/15 to 2016/17 prior to their submission to Council for approval, subject to no changes being made to the overall estimated total cost of each individual project.

Wards Affected: All

Community Strategy Spine Summary of the contribution to the strategy

Performance of the economy The capital programme contributes to various areas of the region and sub region of the economy including investment in public and private sector housing, education and children’s social care, transport infrastructure, major regeneration activities, environmental, cultural and leisure services.

Reaching full potential in The capital programme includes substantial education and employment investment in education and also provides opportunities for the construction industry to bid for schemes that could provide employment opportunities at least for the duration of contracts.

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Individual and collective self The capital programme includes investment in adult esteem – mutual respect and children’s social care, education, housing and the environment, cultural and leisure services, all of which contribute towards this community strategy.

Neighbourhoods of Choice Investment in all areas of the capital programme contributes towards the community strategy, notably investment in sustainable and affordable housing, building schools for the future, transport, environmental and major regeneration programmes.

Full details are in the body of the report, along with any implications for: • Equal Opportunities Policy • Risk Management • Legal Considerations

Financial Consequences – Revenue

The capital programme report as presented will require the following level of prudential borrowing – £93.284m (all non-HRA) over the three year period and provision is being made in the revenue budget for the associated financing costs.

The revenue consequences of proposed Capital schemes are considered by the Gateway process and then developed within business plans to ensure provision within revenue budget.

Financial Consequences – Capital

The latest forecast spend for 2013/14 is £238.72m.

The proposals contained in this report would create a capital programme of £289.734m in 2014/15, £140.437m in 2015/16 and £76.374m in 2016/17.

Contact Officers: Name: Richard Paver Position: City Treasurer Telephone: 234 3564 E-mail: [email protected]

Name: Carol Culley Position: Assistant Chief Executive (Finance and Performance) Telephone: 234 3406 E-mail: [email protected]

Name: Ceri Taylor Position: Head of Finance – Corporate Capital, Projects and Taxation Telephone: 234 3458 E-mail: [email protected]

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Appendix 1: Detailed Three Year Capital Programme

Background documents (available for public inspection):

The following documents disclose important facts on which the report is based and have been relied upon in preparing the report. Copies of the background documents are available up to 4 years after the date of the meeting. If you would like a copy please contact one of the contact officers above.

Report to the Executive 13 February 2013 – Capital Programme Budget 2013/14 to 2015/16. Report to Council 8 March 2013

Report to the Executive 25 June 2013 – Capital Programme Outturn 2012/13. Report to the Executive 24 July 2013 – Capital Programme Monitoring Report 2013/14. Report to the Executive 23 October 2013 – Capital Programme Monitoring Report 2013/14.

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1. The purpose of the report is to present the capital strategy and capital programme for 2014/15 and future years and to confirm that there are adequate levels of resources available to finance the capital programme.

Strategic Context

2. Manchester is an ambitious city with a strong track record of delivery through partnerships and effective strategic leadership, improving the quality of life for the residents and delivering a vision of making Manchester a world class city. The Combined Authority and Local Enterprise Partnership provide accountability, civic and business leadership and a platform for decisions on funding streams for growth to be brought together and devolved on a place basis.

3. The strategy adopted over the past three years of ensuring decisions are based on the priorities for the City needs to be continued. This requires a clear framework for making spending decisions and maximising the resources that remain. The Strategic Approach to 2015/16 and Beyond elsewhere on the agenda sets out the framework. This is drawn from the overall aims for which are set out in the Greater Manchester Strategy (GMS) and the Community Strategy. This and the updated budget principles for: the Corporate Core; Leadership of Place; Targeted and Specialist Services; and Universal Services have informed the revenue and capital budget proposals which are being put forward. Given current economic pressures the ambition for the Council is to deliver a capital programme with the optimum combination of projects that represent the key priorities of the City Council and maximise the funding resources that are available.

4. Greater Manchester Strategy sets out the Vision for the future “By 2020 the Manchester City region will have pioneered a new model for sustainable economic growth based around a more connected, talented and greener city region where the prosperity secured is enjoyed by the many and not by the few”. As part of the bespoke Deal for Cities, the Council has been developing an Investment Model with other GM authorities, that supports the delivery of strategic priorities through the clear prioritisation of a pipeline of projects based on the contribution they make to jobs and growth and the packaging and targeting of funding to deliver them. The project pipeline includes projects that support commercial and physical developments, transport and broadband infrastructure, business support, housing and low carbon projects.

5. The Investment framework builds on the work that GM has done to develop the Greater Manchester Transport Fund and the Evergreen (JESSICA) fund for the North West. Over time, it is intended that more funding streams should flow through this model and for these funding streams to be allocated on the basis of growth potential, consistent with Manchester’s priorities. It supports the innovative use of the available public funding, much of which will be invested in projects and, once repaid, recycled and invested in new projects

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for a second and third time aiming to de-risk projects and lever in private sector funding.

6. The City Council continues, with its partners locally, sub-regionally and regionally and with the government, to try to give individuals, communities and businesses the best possible support. Flexibility needs to be retained within the Capital Strategy to enable the council to continue to pro-actively respond to pressures including the risk that private sector building activity remains slow.

7. The City Council’s role is to provide the leadership to enable all private, charitable, voluntary, statutory and non-statutory bodies to achieve the Community Strategy objectives. Regeneration capital projects are particularly important to this process and they are guided by Strategic Regeneration Frameworks for each district of the city.

8. The Council and its partners have made major advances in pursuing the agenda for regeneration. Many areas of the city that suffer from acute economic and social deprivation have undergone a transformation to substantially improve their future prospects and long term sustainability. The city centre has benefited from major investment in new attractions and facilities and has become a location where people increasingly choose to live, work and play. The airport, universities and other major economic assets continue to expand and develop underlining Manchester’s prominence as regional capital of the North West.

9. The Community Strategy provides a clear and over-arching vision to create a city that “meets and exceeds the needs of all residents”. To create neighbourhoods of choice by improving opportunities for people to access quality housing, reach their full potential, and connect to the benefits of our economic growth. To achieve that vision the Council engages, enables and influence housing providers, funders, regulators, and policy makers. The economy has changed a great deal in recent years. At a time when the housing market is likely to remain changeable for some years, and funding is restricted, the City Council’s strategy needs to be innovative; working with new partners and new initiatives to keep the city growing.

10. The Council continues to receive reduced capital receipts from sale of its land, due to low land values and an absence of purchasers as a result of the depressed market. We have responded to this situation by deferring some sites until there is market recovery and will be putting effort into getting sites and properties ready to bring to market at the appropriate time. The City Council has implemented a funding strategy to protect capital receipts so that the only disposals are ones where best value is achieved or where they are a key driver for regeneration. Where appropriate and prudent to do so some acquisitions of land/property have been progressed to take advantage of the market where such acquisitions can further the strategic priorities.

11. To continue to provide high quality public services, providing true value for money whilst creating the conditions for economic growth, improved skills and

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productivity and less deprivation and dependency, the Council and the City need to:

• Influence early years 0-5 provision, educational attainment and attendance in the role as a commissioner of 14-19 provision. • Continue to focus services and be flexible to meet the needs of diverse neighbourhoods. • Meet the challenges posed by climate change, both in terms of adaptation and reductions in carbon emissions. • Tackle worklessness by developing the aspirations and skills that will help people to break through generational cycles of dependency and deprivation.

12. The challenge for the future is to drive transformation, to define Manchester as an attractive place to live and further improve the quality of life for all residents and increase their overall social and economic prospects, and enable them to participate fully in the life of the city.

Capital Programme

13. The development of the Capital Programme stems from the priorities outlined in the Strategic Approach Budget Report elsewhere on the agenda and the approach to the Capital Strategy outlined above. Together these frame the balance between the investment priorities for the Council and the level of resources available. Given the constraints on the level of resources available the aim is to maximise the use of external funding, receipts where available and to limit increasing the borrowing requirement

14. The Council is committed to a varied capital investment programme including

Growth and Neighbourhood • Highways Planned Maintenance Programme • Waste and Recycling Programme • Street Lighting • Public Sector Housing Programme • Private Housing Assistance Programme • Brunswick PFI • Co-Op Regeneration project • Alexandra Park Restoration Programme • Collyhurst and Irk Valley Regeneration Programme • West Gorton Regeneration Programme • First Street Cultural Facility • Beswick Community Hub • Libraries and Leisure Centres • Manchester’s Digital Sector Programme • Asset Management Programme • Strategic Acquisitions

Education and Schools

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• Basic Need (additional places) programme • Schools Maintenance Programme • Early Education Programme for 2 year olds • Building Schools for the Future (ICT)

Corporate • ICT Investment Programme • Town Hall Complex Transformation Programme

15. The capital programme uses the most up to date forecast of outturn figures for 2013/14 of £238.72m as the base point for its calculation.

16. The current three year capital programme 2013/14 to 2015/16 originally approved by the Executive in February 2013 is being implemented and has been updated for the amendments and additions approved by the Executive and Council throughout the year.

17. The Capital Programme has continually been reviewed in year to ensure available resources are maximised and delivery managed to ensure the programme remains fully funded and that no resources are lost. The focus of review has been:

• confirming priorities and contractual commitments • reviewing resource availability and funding conditions • considering strategic spatial priorities

18. In reviewing resource availability, there has been particular focus on maximising flexibility around external funding and how it is applied, for example whether it has specific ring fence conditions or it can be used more generally to support the capital programme.

Current Commitments

19. The capital programme 2014/15 to 2016/17 comprises the continuation of the current three year programme and new proposals approved by the Gateway 1 Capital Review Board. The figures relating to the programme continuation are based on estimates compiled as at January 2014. It has been calculated on the expectation that the current year outturn will be £238.72m.

20. The carry forward of committed schemes from the current programme into future years, based on the latest monitoring position for 2013/14, and the addition of new schemes detailed below gives a proposed new capital programme of:

o 2014/15 – £289.734m o 2015/16 – £140.437m o 2016/17 – £76.374m

21. The current programme only includes an estimate of Central Government grant settlements for Schools Maintenance as confirmation of final settlement

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is expected this month and no estimate has been included for future years. The programme does not include Government funding for Highways and Housing in 2015/16 and 2016/17 as grant settlements are yet to be confirmed.

22. The programme will need to be reviewed if the resource position changes from the indicative level. The funding resources available to the City Council are invested so that they focus on the key priorities for the Council going forward and take a holistic view of all planned investment in a locality. Priority will be given to key recurring programmes and strategic investments. Projects that will secure 100% external funding can be added to the programme if they fit strategically.

23. The report goes on to set out for each area of the Capital programme the changes to the delivery of the programme in 2013/14 and associated rephrasing of schemes, committed schemes for future years already included in the programme and new schemes identified through the Gateway and review process.

24. Service departments have submitted bids through the Gateway evaluation process identifying capital investment requirements that are in line with corporate objectives. Most of the new bids come with external funding and where there is a requirement for Council resources it has previously been reserved, is already in the budget, has been released from other projects following the reduction in prudential borrowing requirements identified during the Capital Programme review. The only additional call on Council borrowing is £32.75m for Street Lighting through an invest to save reported elsewhere on the agenda.

2013/14 – 2016/17 Capital Programme, New Bids and Recurring Programmes

Growth and Neighbourhood

Housing Programme

25. Capital investment for Housing and Regeneration develops policies and strategies that support the city’s drive for economic growth through the attraction of external resources and translates investment projects into jobs for local residents. To raise the quality and sustainability of homes and the environment to create desirable neighbourhoods for Manchester residents.

Public Sector Housing Programme

26. The Public sector Housing programme is summarised in the table below. The programme has increased by £15.042m due to the following; • £0.313m increase in Energy Company Obligation (ECO) leverage • £0.4m Leaseholder Contributions Collyhurst programme • £0.042m Community Energy Savings Programme (CESP) contributions • £0.750m New Energy Development Organisation (NEDO) contributions

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• £13.537m allocation from the HRA in 2016/17

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Revised Budget Budget Budget Project Name Forecast Variance Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's Public Sector Housing Collyhurst Improvement Programme 331 256 -75 0 0 0

Northwards Programme 20,274 20,235 -39 24,144 18,090 13,823 Northwards Programme (Transfer from 0 0 0 1,580 873 4,059 Housing Investment Programme) Total Northwards Programme 20,274 20,235 -39 25,724 18,963 17,882

Retained HRA Programme 177 100 -77 97 Wilmott Street - acquisition 5 7 2 0 0 0 Collyhurst Maisonette Compensation & 1,169 766 -403 543 1,264 0 Dem Holt Town & Miscellaneous Transfer 953 210 -743 688 0 0 Costs West Gorton PH1 Tenant Relocation & 33 10 -23 3 0 0 Comp West Gorton PH2A Low & High Rise 2,661 3,039 378 745 0 0 Demolit LANB Round 2 13 13 0 0 0 0 Housing Investment Proposals 0 0 0 5,079 10,576 3,736 (unallocated) Collyhurst Regen - Highways Phase 1 0 50 50 2,450 1,500 0 Collyhurst Regen - Churnett Street 0 150 150 950 200 0 Brunswick PFI HRA 0 0 0 3,000 3,000 0 Total Retained HRA Programme 5,011 4,345 -666 13,555 16,540 3,736 Total Public Sector Housing 25,616 24,836 -780 39,279 35,503 21,618

27. The latest forecast expenditure in 2013-14 for the Public Sector Housing Programme is £24.836m. There is slippage of £0.78m into 2014/15. This is mainly due to the re-profiling of Holt Town Development (£0.74m) and Collyhurst regeneration schemes (£0.4m), due to delays in negotiations with property owners. This is partially offset by the acceleration of the West Gorton regeneration scheme (£0.35m).

28. The Northwards Programme for the three years 2014/15 to 2016/17 totals £62.569m. This includes allocation from the Housing Investment Programme.

29. The 2014/15 programme includes £16.723m existing commitments and a £9.001m new maintenance programme of works. The programme consists of work to maintain decent homes standards, achieve carbon reduction measures, health and safety works, disabled adaptations and environmental improvements. It is funded by decent homes backlog grant £9.430m, HRA self financing £14.937m and external contributions £1.357m.

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30. The figures above include the new maintenance programme of works of £9m. This is being funded by £7.274m of the HRA funding (£5.694 HRA and £1.580m surplus HRA); £1.144m of the Decent Homes Backlog Grant; and £0.583m external contributions (£0.033m energy company contributions; and £0.55m NEDO contributions).

31. The Retained Stock Programme for 2014/17 totals £33.831m and consists of the following primary schemes;

• Collyhurst Maisonette relocation & demolition (£1.8m) • West Gorton low and high rise relocation & demolition (0.75m) • Holt Town relocation & demolition (£0.69m) • IT development and maintenance programme (£0.08m) • Housing Investment programme (£30.491m)

32. The programme in 2014/15 is funded by HRA self financing of £12.847m and Capital Receipts of £0.688m. For 2015/17 this is all met from HRA self financing.

33. A budget allocation of £40m for a Housing investment programme was agreed within the 2013/14 budget to be funded from the HRA surplus over a three to five year period. The forecast spend in 2013/14 is £0.2m for Collyhurst Regeneration Programme. The following allocations have also been made:

• £8m to the Northwards programme across 2014/18. • Brunswick Land assembly: £3m in 2014/15 and £3m in 2015/16.

34. The balance remaining to be allocated is £20.5m and has been profiled as £5m in 2014/15, £10.5m in 2015/16, £3.7m in 2016/17 and £1.3m in 2017/18.

Private Sector Housing Programme

35. The Private Sector Housing programme is summarised in the table below. The 2014/17 programme has been increased by £6.975m due to the following; • £0.041m additional Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG)in 2014/15; • £2.967m DFG allocations, from the Department of Health for 2015/16 and 2016/17 • £0.5m contributions from Registered Providers to match DFG grant, in 2015/16 and 2016/17 respectively.

36. The programme consists of:

• acquisitions of private Right to Buy properties • acquisition of commercial premises • demolitions of low rise/high rise and commercial properties • disabled adaptations • equity and non-equity loan products • the Empty Homes scheme.

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2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Revised Budget Budget Budget Project Name Forecast Variance Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's

Private Sector Housing Programme Brunswick PFI Land Assembly 7,713 1,420 -6,293 3,410 3,912 4,725 Collyhurst PFI Land assembly 238 238 0 485 0 0 HIF Site Investigation and Early Works 1,537 1,537 0 0 0 0 HIF Pilot Sites Miles Platting PFI Land Assembly 2,292 531 -1,761 2,646 1,325 0 Stagecoach Depot Remediation 55 55 0 0 0 0 Disabled Facilities Grant 3,786 3,486 -300 4,013 3,467 3,467 Home Improvement Agency Support 220 220 0 0 0 0 Energy Efficiency 407 47 -360 360 0 0 CPO and Acquisition Programme 2,775 854 -1,921 1,818 0 0 HCA Empty Homes Cluster Funding 2,300 1,300 -1,000 1,000 0 0 Redrow Development Phase 2 3,125 3,125 0 3,126 0 0 West Gorton Compensation 309 1 -308 308 0 0 West Gorton Ph 2A Demolition & 3,015 344 -2,671 2,702 0 0 Comm Acqu Total Private Sector Housing 27,772 13,158 -14,614 19,868 8,704 8,192

37. The latest forecast expenditure in 2013/14 for the Private Sector Housing Programme is £13.158m. This is a reduction of £14.6m since the October monitoring and reflects a more accurate position on likely spend on the Brunswick and Miles Platting PFI land assembly programmes. In total £4.9m has now been moved into 2014/15, £5m into 2015/16 and £4.7m into 2016/17. The breakdown of this is shown below:

• £6.2m of the Brunswick land assembly budget has been re-profiled into future years following financial close of the PFI contract in December 2013. The land acquisition budget for the Brunswick PFI programme in total is £13.5m. This will be funded from capital receipts. • West Gorton Compensations and demolitions £2.98m slipped into 2014/15, to reflect the anticipated acquisition of commercial and owner-occupied properties. • Following a review of the Miles Platting PFI land assembly programme £1.8m has slipped into 2014/15 • The CPO and acquisitions programme of £1.8m has been slipped into 2014/15 following a review of CPO commitments. • Empty Homes Programme of £1m into 2014/15 due to changes in property market values, beyond estimated purchase prices and a reduced number of empty properties to purchase, however the Cluster Area has been widened and expenditure is anticipated in 2014/15. • Energy efficiency scheme £0.36m being reprofiled into 2014/15 due to a slower than anticipated take up of Green Deal loans.

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• Disabled Facility Grant £0.3m being reprofiled into 2014/15 in line with latest projections of schemes to be delivered in 2013/14.

38. The Private Sector Programme is £ 36.764m. The 2014/15 programme is funded by grants £3.013m, capital receipts £15.279m, borrowing £1.076m and external contributions £0.5m.

39. Manchester City Council (MCC) and the Greater Manchester Pension Fund (GMPF) have entered into a partnership to bring forward a new and innovative delivery model for residential development. This model known as the ‘Housing Investment Fund’ will be run as a pilot project and will invest circa £29m across 5 sites in the City, which will see in the region of 240 new homes delivered for sale and high quality market rent. If successful this approach could attract further institutional investment into the City and across Greater Manchester. The 2013/14 budget of £0.149m funded by grant was increased by £1.388m in December to fund the scheme until the Joint Venture (JV) is established, this will be reimbursed and in future years all costs will be incurred via the JV.

Highways Programme

40. Capital investment in Highways seeks to maintain a highway network that is safe, sustainable and accessible for all and supports the economic growth of Manchester.

41. The Highways programme has received grant allocations of £3.380m in 2014/15 (£3.065m settlement for Highways Maintenance and £0.315m additional specific grant) for ongoing maintenance work from the Department for Transport; these allocations were already included within the reported programme but there are no future year Highways Maintenance budgets as no grant allocation estimates have been provided by Government.

42. A capital grant has also been allocated by Department of Transport for Citywide cycle schemes totalling £7.272m. Schemes need to be delivered by 2015/16. Proposals are being developed including Palatine Road/Wilmslow Road, to City Centre via the , Airport City to Hospital, and the Transpennine Trail Didsbury. The Velocity scheme has been added to the budget profiled as £3.636m in 2014/15 and £3.636m in 2015/16.

43. The Highways programme is summarised in the following table and detailed in Appendix 1.

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2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Revised Budget Budget Budget Forecast Variance Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's Planned Highways Maintenance 4,675 4,000 -675 4,311 0 0 Programme

Schemes (under £500k) 3,787 2,704 -1,083 1,866 0 0

Schemes (£500k +) Better Bus Area Fund 500 0 -500 0 0 0 20mph Speed Limits 500 234 -266 121 10 0 Hyde Road (A57) Pinch Point Widening 475 155 -320 2,572 727 0 SEMMMS PROGRAMME 5,104 5,104 0 0 0 0 Velocity 0 0 0 3,636 3,636 0 Wythenshawe Bus Station 330 330 0 685 50 0 Bus Priority Package 4,842 3,385 -1,457 18,835 10,270 0

Total Highways Services 20,213 15,912 -4,301 32,026 14,693 0

44. The forecast expenditure on the Highways programme in 2013/14 has been reduced by £4.301m from £20.2m to £15.9m since the October monitoring report; with £0.635m falling out of the programme, £2.942m re-profiled into 2014/15 and £0.724m into 2015/16. This is mainly due to:

• the re-profiling of £0.675m highway maintenance works into 2014/15 following scheduling of contracted works, • a grant reduction on the Better Bus Scheme of £0.5m • budget reduction of £0.135m for 20mph scheme as the costs will be met from the revenue budget • the re-profiling of £0.131m for 20mph scheme • the Hyde Rd scheme being re-profiled by £0.320m into 2014/15. • the Bus Priority schemes being re-profiled by £0.743m into 2014/15 and £0.714m into 2015/16 in line with contracted programme. • schemes under £500k being re-profiled in total by £1.083m into 2014/15 including the following: a. the works on New Islington Free School road totalling £0.374m being re-profiled into 2014/15 due to delays in planning approval and contracting works. b. Birley Fields residential parking being re-profiled by £0.250m into 2014/15 due to start date on site now being April 2014. c. schemes funded by Access to Regional Cycle Centre totalling £0.143m being re-profiled into 2014/15. d. schemes funded by Cycle Casualty reduction grant totalling £0.2m being re-profiled into 2014/15.

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45. The Highways planned maintenance programme totals £4.311m in 2014/15 to deliver maintenance resurfacing works on the highest priority ranked schemes and includes £0.7m carry forward from 2013/14.

46. The scheme approved in 2013-14 to widen Hyde Road included £2.417m pinch point grant and £0.837m match funding from highways maintenance budget.

47. There has been an addition of £0.3m in 2014/15 for Albert Square paving and drainage works funded from borrowing, this is included in schemes under £500k.

Environment & Operations Programme

48. Investment in Street Lighting and waste collections will ensure that the Council maintains safe, economic and efficient services. The programme is summarised in the table below.

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Revised Forecast Budget Budget Budget Variance Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's CCTV Bus Lane and Parking Cameras 70 44 -26 0 0 0 CCTV Enforcement Bus Lane / 295 295 0 0 0 0 Parking Harpurhey Reservoirs Regeneration 162 162 0 0 0 0 Waste & Recycling Service Changes 24 24 0 0 0 0 Waste - Weekly Collection Support 2,000 200 -1,800 1,800 0 0 Scheme City Centre Litter Bins 400 400 0 100 0 0 Street Lighting PFI 0 0 0 10,750 10,750 11,250 Total Environment & Operations 2,951 1,125 -1,826 12,650 10,750 11,250 Programme

49. The Street Lighting project reported elsewhere on the agenda requires a capital investment of £32.75m over a three year period which has been added to the programme. This will be funded from MCC borrowing and assumes a 15 year payback period for borrowing charges from estimated annual revenue savings of c£3m.

50. Manchester secured £2.47m Weekly Collection Support Schem e funding from CLG as this was a non ringfenced grant £2m was allocated to capital in 2013/14 to be used for acquisition of additional containers, vehicles and associated intensive communications and £0.470m was allocated to the revenue programme. The forecast expenditure in 2013/14 has reduced to £0.2m and £1.8m has been re-profiled into 2014/15.

51. An increase to the capital budget of up to £500k for Litter Bin Procurement was approved in November 2013 profiled as £400k in 2013/14 and £100k in

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2014/15, funded by MCC resources from the Clean and Green Fund.

52. The reduction in the Environment & Operations Programme in 2013/14 is due to the CCTV Bus Lane and Parking Cameras reduction of £0.026m due to contract costs savings following market testing.

Neighbourhood and Strategic Development Programme

53. The Neighbourhood and Strategic Development capital programme comprises investment in the Leisure Centre and Library programme and a number of strategic projects including Beswick Village, First Street Cultural Centre and Alexandra Park, The Digital Centre programme, the Asset Management Programme and Strategic acquisitions.

54. The Leisure, Culture and Library Programme is summarised in the table below.

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Revised Budget Budget Budget Forecast Variance Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's Parks Improvement Programme 224 86 -138 559 0 0 Alexandra Park Heritage Refurb 2,169 2,000 -169 1,847 0 0 Alexandra Park Sport Project 595 595 0 0 0 0 Heaton Park 0 0 0 600 0 0 Free Swimming Initiative 2 2 0 0 0 0 Hough End Leisure Centre 574 574 0 6,101 2,615 0 Levenshulme Leisure Centre 574 574 0 5,834 2,500 0 Ronald Johnson Redevelopment 547 547 0 500 0 0 Longsight Cricket Club 88 88 0 0 0 0 City Centre Play Area 164 164 0 0 0 0 Wythenshawe Park Tennis 122 122 0 0 0 0 Ten Acres Artificial Grass Pitch 370 370 0 0 0 0 Total Leisure Programme 5,429 5,122 -307 15,441 5,115 0 First Street Cultural Facility 15,858 10,968 -4,890 12,235 300 0 Manchester Art Galleries Expansion & 4 4 0 0 0 0 Completion of Scope MAG Revolving Door 114 114 0 0 0 0 Total Cultural Programme 15,976 11,086 -4,890 12,235 300 0 Library & Learn Centre - Higher 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blackley Longsight Library Refurb 0 1 1 0 0 0 Central Library Wolfson Award 473 473 0 0 0 0 Hulme Library Relocation 500 500 0 0 0 0 Library Refresh 70 70 0 230 0 0 Children's Library Fit-Out 100 100 0 0 0 0 Barlow Moor Outreach Library 143 143 0 0 0 0 Total Library Programme 1,286 1,287 1 230 0 0

55. The following schemes have been added to the Parks Improvement programme in 2014/15 Crumpsall Park £0.050m, Heaton Park £0.050m and

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Broadhurst Park £0.015m. They are all funded by external contributions. The Wonderland Park and Alexandra Park improvement works have been re- profiled and £0.138m has slipped into 2014-15.

56. The approved budget for the regeneration of Alexandra Park was made up of £2.2m of Heritage Lottery funding and £1.996m of Council match funding. The forecast spend in 2013/14 has reduced by £0.169m to £2m following reprogramming of construction works. The scheme is due to be completed in 2014/15 within the remaining budget of £1.847m. Spend in previous years totalled £0.349m.

57. The 2013/14 three year capital programme included provision for the development of new Leisure facilities on sites at Levensulme and Hough End playing fields; the latest forecast spend on these schemes remains within budget. The facilities are scheduled to open in 2015/16.

58. There is £5m Arts Council grant and £21.5m of Council match funding in the current programme for the First Street Cultural Centre. Due to slippage on the construction of the concrete frame, the scheme has been re-profiled.

59. The forecast spend of £1.287m on the Library programme remains in line with budget for 2013/14. This includes delivery of the following schemes:

• Barlow Moor Outreach • Hulme Library relocation • Children’s Library fit out • the Wolfson Award contribution to Central Library. • The Library refresh programme which is forecast to spend £0.07m in 2013/14 and has a budget of £0.230m in 2014/15.

60. The Regeneration and Corporate Property programme is summarised in the table below and detailed in Appendix 1. The programme has increased by £23.726m due to the following;

• £0.270m for the development of Fujitsu Building funded by grant • £0.456m for Beswick Leisure Centre funded by borrowing • £17m for Strategic Acquistions funded from Capital Fund • £6m for Asset Management Programme funded from Capital receipts

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Revised Budget Budget Budget Forecast Variance Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's New East Manchester Programme 1,438 1,249 -189 130 0 0 North Area Partnership Programme 468 468 0 0 0 0 South Manchester Partnership 0 0 0 207 0 0 Co-Op Group Estate - Highways 1,127 677 -450 450 0 0 Co-Op Group Estate - Public Realm 1,500 1,500 0 7,100 1,228 0 Former Royal Eye Hospital 2,000 2,000 0 538 0 0

165 Manchester City Council Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Revised Budget Budget Budget Forecast Variance Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's Irk Valley Improvements 200 200 0 0 0 0 City Fringe Regeneration 49 49 0 0 0 0 St Michael's Flags, Angel Meadows 156 156 0 0 0 0 St Marks Church Yard 57 57 0 0 0 0 One Central Park (Sharp 2) 3,723 2,000 -1,723 1,723 0 0 Fujitsu Building (Sharp 3) 8,743 6,620 -2,123 3,737 0 0 Improvements to Public Realm Heald 135 122 -13 23 0 0 Grove Improvements to Whitworth Park 85 85 0 0 0 0 The Corridor - Research and 1,000 500 -500 1,460 0 0 Development Levenshulme Street Market 29 31 2 0 0 0 Queens Road Metrolink Station 1,750 1,750 0 0 0 0 On-Street Advertising and Wayfinding 1,605 1,605 0 0 0 0 Manchester Business Park 7,468 7,468 0 0 0 0 Maine Rd Centre Spot Artwork 50 50 0 0 0 0 The Ideas Project 650 650 0 0 0 0 Football museum at 0 194 194 0 0 0 Land Registry (S2S) 185 185 0 0 0 0 New Smithfield Market 3,050 200 -2,850 5,350 0 0 Christmas Markets 218 218 0 0 0 0 City Lightways 1,235 1,235 0 0 0 0 Eastlands (ECDL) 1,300 1,300 0 0 0 0 Beswick Village Community Hub 15,234 17,300 2,066 24,360 0 0 Belle Vue Sports Village 490 490 0 8,280 1,890 0 Total Regeneration 53,945 48,359 -5,586 53,358 3,118 0 Corporate Property Programme Asset Management Programme 7,168 5,700 -1,468 8,011 8,000 7,000 Strategic Acquisitions Programme 12,028 12,028 0 7,000 5,000 5,000 Coroners (S2S) 182 182 0 0 0 0 Total Corporate Property 19,378 17,910 -1,468 15,011 13,000 12,000 Programme

61. There have been a number of cost variations across the Regeneration programme. Savings estimated to be achieved within the New East Manchester (NEM) Programme from the BMX scheme (£0.105m) and Miles Platting Community Hub (£0.057m), Edison Street CPO £0.027m will be reallocated to offset a £0.194m overspend on the Football Museum which arose due to additional building works.

62. The Co-op project Highways budget has been reprofiled by £0.450m into 2014/15 for final contract and compensation settlements. The Public Realm project is due for completion by September 2015 and the forecast spend is now £7.1m in 2014/15 and £1.228m in 2015/16.

63. Projects to enable the further expansion and development of Manchester’s Digital Sector are approved within the current capital programme. The budget

166 Manchester City Council Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

for the development of the former Fujitsu building at Wenlock Way has increased by £0.270m in 2014/15 funded from additional grant and the scheme has been re-profiled by £2.123m into 2014-15. The development in One Central Park has been re-profiled by £1.723m into 2014-15.

64. A two year grant allocation was awarded to MCC; starting in 2013/14 of £2m from the Regional Growth Fund by the department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) for the creation of a research and development related employment grant scheme in ‘The Oxford Corridor’ area. The capital element of the grant is £1.960m. The forecast drawdown in 2013/14 is £0.5m with the remainder of £1.460m now due to be spent in 2014/15.

65. An allocation of £5.550m for the development of New Smithfield Market was added to the 2013/14 budget in October. This was funded by £1.399m grant, £0.870m capital receipts, £1.250m borrowing and £2.031m from the Capital Fund. The grant conditions for delivery of the scheme have changed enabling the programme to be delivered over a more realistic timeframe. As a result the programme has been revised. The forecast spend in 2013/14 has reduced by £2.85m and the scheme has been re-profiled into 2014/15.

66. An allocation for the development of Beswick Community Hub was added to the 2013/14 budget for:

• the construction of a new Sixth Form College (£10.2m) • a Leisure Centre (£8.7m) • Rugby pitch (£0.34m) • The Institute of Sports Science and Sports Medicine (£13.95m) • Retail shops (£1.250m) • Public Realm works (£6.75m).

67. The latest forecast spend for 2013/14 shows acceleration of £1.4m on the Leisure Centre, £2.7m on the Sixth Form College and a reduction of £1.7m for the Institute which has been re-profiled into 2014/15. The total programme has increased by £0.456m met from prudential borrowing funded from the annual MCFC Stadium rental through the Eastlands Reserve. The revised expenditure profile is therefore £17.3m in 2013/14, £24.36m in 2014/15.

68. The forecast spend for 2013/14 Asset Management Programme (AMP) is £5.7m. £1.011m will slip into 2014/15 in line with the latest programming of works following design. There has also been a virement of £0.457m to the Town Hall project for works completed on the Council Chamber, Committee Room and link bridges.

69. The 2014/15 programme of works will be prioritised by Corporate Property and Capital Programme Division following a number of conditions surveys and approval of the detailed programme is delegated to The City Treasurer in consultation with Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources.

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70. The new three year programme includes a budget increase in 2016/17 of £6m funded from capital receipts.

71. An allocation for commercial and development acquisitions and demolition costs totalling £12m was included in the Strategic Development portfolio budget in 2013/14. This was funded from the New Homes Budget (£4.7m) and Capital Fund (£7.3m). The forecast spend remains within budget.

72. There is a new budget allocation included in the programme for strategic acquisitions of £7m in 2014/15, £5m in 2015/16 and £5m in 2016/17 funded from Capital Fund.

73. Two new projects have been approved since the October report to Executive by the Treasurer and Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources under delegated authority a Land Registry scheme for £0.185m and a Coroners project for £0.182m both are forecast to spend in 2013-14.

Education and Schools

74. Capital investment for Education and Schools over the last five years has been focused on responding to an unforeseen surge in primary pupil numbers. Children’s Services provided an update to Executive in January on the implementation of the school organisation plan and capital investment strategy. This strategy will ensure an appropriate alignment between population demographics, school planning and the Council’s short, medium and longer term plans for housing development and other regeneration initiatives, to ensure that high quality schools remain at the heart of the Councils Community Strategy.

75. The Government has recognised the scale of the challenge facing Local Authorities in meeting the demand for school places; as outlined in the report to Executive in January, Manchester has been allocated the following Basic Need capital funding to cover the cost of creating additional accommodation to meet the extra capacity needs and these budgets have been added to the programme. • 2014/15 £20.529m • 2015/16 £17.733m • 2016/17 £18.619m

76. Additional Targeted Basic Need Funding was announced in the autumn statement. The funding is targeted to provide additional support to those local authorities experiencing the greatest pressure on places through the funding of new academies and free schools, as well as enabling investment to expand good and outstanding schools with high levels of demand. Manchester has been allocated £4.569m and the budget has been added to the programme and is intended to be used to build a Primary School in Harpurhey.

77. A further capital allocation has been received for Demographic Growth following successful applications for Xaverian College of £0.218m and North

168 Manchester City Council Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

Ridge High School of £1.657m and this has also been added to the 2014/15 budget.

78. The Basic Needs programme including new grant allocations outlined above is £103.857m; £56.470m in 2014/15, £28.768m in 2015/16 and £18.619m in 2016/17.

79. A capital grant has also been allocated by DfE for development works on school kitchens for £0.846m and this has been added to the 2014/15 budget (this excludes a VA school allocation £0.404m). Children’s Services will engage with Schools and Capital programme team to develop an agreed programme of works.

80. The Schools Capital Maintenance grant in 2014/15 has been confirmed as £3.597m (this excludes £1.8m allocation for VA schools) and a programme of works will be agreed through the Gateway Board.

81. The Schools Capital Maintenance programme including new grant allocations outlined above is £4.885m in 2014/15.

82. The Education and Schools programme is summarised in the table below and detailed in Appendix 1.

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Revised Forecast Budget Budget Budget Project Name Budget Variance £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's Primary School Rebuilding Programme 785 785 0 0 0 0 Basic Need Programme Basic Need - Allocated 23,341 20,294 -3,047 28,924 7,690 0 Basic Need - Unallocated 372 0 -372 27,546 21,078 18,619 Additional Grant for School Kitchens - 0 0 0 846 0 0 Free School Meals School Capital Maintenance

Programme School Capital Maintenance 3,357 2,361 -996 959 0 0 Programme Schools Capital Maintenance - 1,243 0 -1,243 3,926 0 0 unallocated

Sensory Support - Relocate 29 29 0 0 0 0 Lancasterian Abraham Moss Centre Redevelopment 7,763 7,563 -200 200 0 0 EIG grant / Short Breaks 274 35 -239 240 0 0 Early Education for Two Year Olds 1,728 250 -1,478 1,478 0 0 Building Schools for the Future 11,447 5,341 -6,106 5,186 2,410 2,595 Total Children's Services 50,339 36,658 -13,681 69,305 31,178 21,214

83. The Primary School Rebuilding Programme is due to be completed in 2013/14 and forecast expenditure remains £0.785m, with savings of £48k for Varna Street based on the latest profile being offset by a forecast overspend on Pike Fold Primary School.

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84. The following schemes have been added to the basic needs programme since the October Capital monitoring report and further detail of approved schemes is detailed in appendix 1:

• Mauldeth Road £1.2m • Crosslee £1m • Ashbury Meadow £1.95m • Cavendish £3.3m

85. In addition, the following new schemes have been added to the Basic Needs Programme since the October monitoring report to reflect basic need grant contributions to schools delivered via the Priority School Building Programme by the EFA: • Camberwell Park £0.310m • Plymouth Grove £0.130m in 2014/15 • Stanley Grove expansion £0.808m in 2014/15 • Gorton Mount new build £6.740m of which £2m is maintenance grant funded and the balance is basic needs grant.

86. The basic need programme has been re-profiled as the delivery programme has been developed, scheme costs have been confirmed with the appointment of contractors or estimated costs are updated as designs are progressed. The forecast spend for the approved programme in 2013/14 has decreased by £3.42m to £20.294m and been reprofiled into 2014/15.

87. The Basic Needs programme including new grant allocations is £103.857m, Of this £36.6m has been allocated to approved schemes.

88. A number of basic needs schemes are currently in the design and option appraisal process and as scheme costs are confirmed they will be reported to Executive within monitoring reports and the unallocated basic need grant will reduce accordingly.

89. The forecast expenditure for Approved Maintenance Schemes in 2013/14 is £2.361m and £0.959m in 2014/15. The remaining unallocated grant is £0.326m and the confirmed new allocation is £3.6m.

90. The schools maintenance programme has been re-profiled for cost variations between schemes and allocations have been made for maintenance works within basic needs schemes. Additional schemes approved this quarter include window replacement works at St Margaret CE for £0.310m.

91. The Education programme for Two Year Olds has been re-profiled following a review of funding bid applications and the first drawdown of grant is expected in February. The forecast position for 2013/14 is now £250k, the remaining £1.478m grant will be spent in 2014/15.

92. The grant received for Short Breaks for disabled children of £0.375m has been reprofiled by £0.340m into 2014/15 due to delays in the scheme

170 Manchester City Council Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

development. The schemes reprofiled are Grange (£0.1m), Camberwell Park (£0.14) and the Birches (£0.1m) which is reported within the Basic Needs Programme.

93. Abraham Moss Centre redevelopment is due to complete in 2014/15 and £0.2m has been reprofiled for final works.

94. The Building Schools for the Future ICT programme is forecast to spend £5.341m in 2013/14. The remaining budget of £10.2m has been re-profiled based on the estimated drawdown by Schools.

Corporate Programme

95. The Corporate capital programme comprises the Greater Manchester Loan Fund, the Town Hall Complex and ICT investment

96. The Corporate programme is summarised in the table below and has increased by £4.8m due to additional works funded by TfGM on St Peter’s Square.

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Revised Forecast Budget Budget Budget Project Name Budget Variance £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's Corporate Services Programme Town Hall Complex Transformation 42,396 42,853 457 100 0 0 Programme ST Peters Square 14,122 11,622 -2,500 7,300 0 0 Greater Manchester Loan Fund 2,700 1,500 -1,200 4,200 4,200 2,100 Total Corporate Services 59,218 55,975 -3,243 11,600 4,200 2,100 ICT Capital Programme PROGRAMME - ICT Transformation ICT Business Transformation 2,488 738 -1,750 6,788 3,742 0 Flexible & Agile Working 212 212 0 0 0 0 Library Management System 0 50 50 170 0 0 Hybrid Mail 300 0 -300 300 0 0 PROGRAMME - Applications CRM - Phase 2 235 115 -120 120 0 0 Information Strategy Project 630 296 -334 300 0 0 SAP Roll Out 126 160 34 0 0 0 Single Point of Failure 65 65 0 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Desktop Digital Workplace Strategy 1,867 1,867 0 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Infrastructure Corporate Digital Telephony 306 756 450 0 0 0 Data Centre Provisioning 1,277 1,277 0 0 0 0 Wider Area Network Redesign 1,323 873 -450 0 0 0 CPD Town Hall Extension ICT 70 70 0 0 0 0 Requirements Broadband 1,400 622 -778 4,213 6,800 0 Broadband Connection Vouchers 365 191 -174 174 0 0 Total ICT 10,664 7,292 -3,372 12,065 10,542 0

171 Manchester City Council Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

97. The Town Hall Extension and Central Library transformation programme is due to be complete in March. The forecast expenditure in 2013/14 is £42.853m which includes a £0.457m virement from Asset Management Programme outlined above.

98. There is an increase to the St Peter’s Square programme of £4.8m which is funded by a contribution from TfGM contribution.

99. The Greater Manchester Loan fund has been re-profiled based on the latest projections of drawdown. Match funding is provided from the Regional Growth Fund.

100. The forecast spend on the ICT 2013/14 Capital Programme is £7.3m. The Infrastructure programme remains within budget of £2.976m with a £0.45m virement between Telephony and the Wider Area Network.

101. A £12m ICT transformation programme was approved to assist in the delivery of long term revenue savings. The latest forecast spend in 2013/14 is £1m with £2m being reprofiled into 2014/15.

102. The following projects have been approved to date; • Hybrid Mail £0.3m, • Pilot scheme to deliver Agile and Flexible Working £0.212m, • Library Management System £0.220m • Capital Programme Office Resourcing to bring in specialist skills to manage the programme over three years £1.5m.

103. The remaining budget will be allocated to projects during 2014/15 and 2015/16 to meet the emerging needs of the Council and Public Sector Reform.

104. The Applications programme in 2014/15 consists of the final phase of the CRM Phase 2 project £0.12m and the Information Strategy project £0.3m which have been reprofiled.

105. Manchester was awarded a grant under the governments Super-Connected Cities Programme . The £12m Broadband scheme has been subject to State aid challenges from the European Commission, resulting in the removal of all infrastructure elements of the programme and a re-scoping of the bid in line with state aid requirements. The revised programme is now profiled as £0.813m in 2013/14, £4.387m in 2014/15 and £6.8m in 2015/16.

Treatment of Resources

106. Further “spend to save” investment opportunities may arise and in order to deliver these types of projects delegated authority is given to the City Treasurer, in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Human Resources to increase the capital budget accordingly. The extent of this delegation is currently limited to an annual limit of £5,000,000. This is on the understanding that the costs of borrowing (interest and principal) of any such

172 Manchester City Council Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

additions to the capital budget are financed in full by additional income / revenue budget savings.

107. Prudential borrowing of £93.28m will be needed to support existing schemes in line with previous planning and profile approval. The breakdown over years is: 2014/15 – £59.78m; 2015/16 – £17.55m and 2016/17 - £15.95m

a. The Housing HRA programme will not require prudential borrowing.

b. The Corporate programme requires £93.28m which includes: i. £2.5m for St Peter’s Square Public Realm; ii. £10m for First Street Cultural Complex; iii. £5.8m for the Asset Management over three years; iv. £0.420m for ICT investment over the next two years v. £10.2m for Building Schools for the Future Programme; vi. £0.2m for Abraham Moss Centre; vii. £0.678m for the Council’s match funding towards the restoration of Alexandra Park; viii. £0.167m for Highway planned maintenance in 2012/13; ix. £ 1.076m for West Gorton phase 2(a) commercial acquisitions; x. £3.45m for the Beswick Village Leisure Centre; xi. £3.25m for the Beswick Village Manchester institute of Sport; xii. £0.35m for loan to Bright Futures Trust; xiii. £7.426m for Belle Vue Sports Village; xiv. £1.250m for New Smithfield Market; xv. £32.750m for Street Lighting; xvi. £10.5m for Greater Manchester Loan Fund; xvii. £1.24m for Hough End Leisure Centre; xviii. £0.735m for Wythenshawe Bus Station; xix. £0.3m for works on Albert Square; xx. The remainder £0.9m is required for smaller schemes.

108. The estimated funding profile for the financial year 2014/15 is as follows:

Fund Housing Other Total HRA Non-HRA Programmes £000 Borrowing 0 1,076 58,713 59,789 Capital Fund 0 30,557 30,557 Capital Receipts 1,088 15,279 13,002 29,369 Contribution 957 500 19,852 21,309 Grant 10,645 3,013 106,784 120,442 Major Repairs Allowance 0 0 RCCO 0 1,679 1,679 RCCO HRA 26,589 0 26,589 Grand Total 39,279 19,868 230,587 289,734

109. Work will continue to confirm the position for the three years 2014/15 to 2016/17 and the final capital budget will be reported to Council in March. This will include confirmation on Government Funding and the effect of any changes in the delivery of the current three year programme in 2013/14. Any

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such changes should simply be re-profiling between financial years, with no overall change to the estimated total MCC funding requirement.

174 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Original Actual Revised Forecast Budget Budget Budget Project Name Budget £000's Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's Growth and Neighbourhood Highway Services Programme Highways Planned Maintenance Programme Planned Highways Maintenance Programme 2,056 5,265 4,675 4,000 4,311 0 0

Highways Stand Alone Projects Programme Wythenshawe Bus Station 0 330 330 330 685 50 0 Southway Housing Trust Environmental Improvements -38 380 380 380 0 0 0 Sharp Street Public Realm 0 107 107 107 0 0 0 Spinningfields Public Realm Extension 16 24 0 0 0 0 0 The Village Pedestrian Zone 7 20 20 20 0 0 0 Ardwick Grove Village Parking 0 73 10 0 73 0 0 Access to Regional Centre Cycle Centres 74 390 392 249 158 0 0 Inner Relief Route Interventions 86 186 121 125 0 0 0 Victoria Street / Greengate 0 184 50 27 0 0 0 S106 Oldham Road, Dean Lane, Church St 31 72 72 35 37 0 0 S106 Jackson Crsnt parking restrictions 27 28 24 28 0 0 0 S106 Newcastle Street Residents Parking 0 8 5 1 4 0 0 Birley Fields S106 Residents Parking 35 337 320 70 277 0 0 Stevenson Square S106 148 175 137 175 0 0 0 Christies Residents Parking 28 100 100 100 90 0 0 Rusholme Parking Improvements 16 22 50 50 3 0 0 Eastlands Housing Environmental Improvements 1 19 19 1 0 0 0 Hulme Street Pedestrianisation 3 29 25 25 4 0 0 Burton Road Tram Stop Traffic Mitigation 5 33 35 30 5 0 0 Didsbury Village Tram Stop Traffic Mitig 0 38 37 35 2 0 0 North Manchester Hospital Residents Parking 0 127 100 55 72 0 0 Upgrade to kerbs at bus stops 68 144 134 134 0 0 0 Old Market Street traffic calming 0 234 200 200 34 0 0 Section 106 Highways work around Metrolink 0 228 228 228 0 0 0 Hyde Road (A57) Pinch Point Widening 102 3,454 475 155 2,572 727 0 Whalley Range High Road Safety Measures 0 18 18 18 0 0 0 New Islington Free School Road 16 345 419 45 374 0 0 University of Mcr Hospital Signage 0 25 25 25 0 0 0 Stockport Branch Canal Cycle Route 90 130 130 130 0 0 0 Better Bus Area Fund 0 500 500 0 0 0 0 20mph Speed Limits 0 500 500 234 121 10 0 Proposed Cycling Stop Lines 0 0 34 34 0 0 0 Delamere Road One Way Order 0 0 15 15 0 0 0 Wilmslow Rd / Wilbraham Rd Cycle Routes (Cycle Casualty Reduction) 3 366 366 166 200 0 0 Velocity 0 0 0 0 3,636 3,636 0 Congestion Target Performance 28 273 107 107 215 0 0 Assessment and Strengthening Prog 0 18 18 1 17 0 0 Burton Road Traffic Management 60 83 83 83 0 0 0 Road Safety for Older People 5 6 6 5 1 0 0 Albert Square 0 0 0 0 300 0 0 SEMMMS PROGRAMME Ringway Road Highway Imp Scheme 0 5,015 5,104 5,104 0 0 0 SEMMMs A6 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Terminal 2 Eastern Link Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bus Priority Package Programme Bus Priority Package - Rochdale Road 0 200 385 385 2,452 124 0 Bus Priority Package - Oxford Road 0 778 700 0 8,778 9,001 0 Bus Priority Package - Regional Centre 0 123 419 0 4,519 555 0 Bus Priority - Complementary Measures 809 4,600 3,338 3,000 3,086 590 0

Total Highways Services 3,676 24,987 20,213 15,912 32,026 14,693 0 Neighbourhood Services Programme Environment & Operations Programme CCTV Bus Lane and Parking Cameras 0 70 70 44 0 0 0 CCTV Enforcement Bus Lane / Parking 103 295 295 295 0 0 0 Harpurhey Reservoirs Regeneration 162 162 162 162 0 0 0 Waste & Recycling Service Changes 0 24 24 24 0 0 0 Waste - Weekly Collection Support Scheme 187 2,470 2,000 200 1,800 0 0 City Centre Litter Bins 0 0 400 400 100 0 0 Street Lighting PFI 0 0 0 0 10,750 10,750 11,250 Total Environment & Operations Programme 452 3,021 2,951 1,125 12,650 10,750 11,250 Leisure Services Programme Parks Improvement Programme New Multi Sports Area 0 89 0 0 89 0 0 New Tennis Courts 0 101 0 0 46 0 0 Parks Pathways Refurbishemnt 0 61 0 0 61 0 0 Parks Security Infrastructure, CCTV 6 9 0 6 3 0 0 Skateboarding/BMX in Parks 0 98 0 0 98 0 0 Alex Park Improvement Works 0 24 24 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 Crumpsall Park 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 Heaton Park 0 0 0 0 50 0 0

175 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Original Actual Revised Forecast Budget Budget Budget Project Name Budget £000's Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's Hollyhedge Park Draninage IMPS 0 17 17 17 0 0 0 Wonderland Park Improvements 0 0 141 18 123 0 0 STAND ALONE PROJECTS Alex Park Heritage Refurb 1,087 2,169 2,169 2,000 1,847 0 0 Alex Park Sport Project 0 0 595 595 0 0 0 Heaton Park 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 Chorlton Park Into Play 0 18 18 18 0 0 0 Free Swimming Initiative 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Mancunian Way Skate Park Phase 2 27 24 24 27 0 0 0 Hough End Leisure Centre 233 1,000 574 574 6,101 2,615 0 Levenshulme Leisure Centre 34 1,000 574 574 2,500 5,834 0 The Manchester Tennis & Football Centre 0 158 0 0 0 0 0 Ronald Johnson Redevelopment 0 1,047 547 547 500 0 0 Longsight Cricket Club 0 88 88 88 0 0 0 City Centre Play Area 22 164 164 164 0 0 0 Wythenshawe Park Tennis 0 67 122 122 0 0 0 Ten Acres Artificial Grass Pitch 0 0 370 370 0 0 0 Total Leisure Programme 1,409 6,136 5,429 5,122 12,107 8,449 0 Cultural Programme First Street Cultural Facility 5,492 15,858 15,858 10,968 12,235 300 0 Manchester Art Galleries Expansion & Completion of Scope 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 MAG Revolving Door 4 114 114 114 0 0 0 Total Cultural Programme 5,496 15,976 15,976 11,086 12,235 300 0 Libraries and Info Services Programme Library & Learn Centre - Higher Blackley 0 213 0 0 0 0 0 Longsight Library Refurb 1 10 0 1 0 0 0 Central Library Wolfson Award 0 473 473 473 0 0 0 Hulme Library Relocation 0 500 500 500 0 0 0 Library Refresh 0 300 70 70 230 0 0 Children's Library Fit-Out 0 100 100 100 0 0 0 Barlow Moor Outreach Library 0 0 143 143 0 0 0 Total Library Programme 1 1,596 1,286 1,287 230 0 0 Regeneration Programme PROGRAMME - New East Manchester Beswick Library Land Assembly 24 27 27 27 0 0 0 Sharp House Digital Centre 394 439 439 439 0 0 0 New Islington Public Realm 2 75 75 75 0 0 0 Edison St CPO 106 80 150 123 130 0 0 Miles Platting Community Hub -39 57 57 0 0 0 0 Eastlands BMX Track 99 205 205 100 0 0 0 Clayton Vale Mountain Bike Trail 405 485 485 485 0 0 0 Miles Platting Community Hub- Substation 0 89 0 0 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - North Area Partnership Programme Cheetham District Centre 23 468 468 468 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - South Manchester Partnership Etrop Court 0 207 0 0 207 0 0 Pedestrian & Public Realm Imp 0 76 0 0 0 0 0 STAND ALONE PROJECTS Co-Op Group Estate - Highways 538 1,127 1,127 677 450 0 0 Co-Op Group Estate - Public Realm 1,210 5,828 1,500 1,500 7,100 1,228 0 Former Royal Eye Hospital 1,050 2,538 2,000 2,000 538 0 0 Irk Valley Improvements 0 200 200 200 0 0 0 City Fringe Regeneration 6 49 49 49 0 0 0 St Michael's Flags, Angel Meadows 65 156 156 156 0 0 0 St Marks Church Yard 25 57 57 57 0 0 0 One Central Park (Sharp 2) -1 3,723 3,723 2,000 1,723 0 0 Fujitsu Building (Sharp 3) 2,874 10,012 8,743 6,620 3,737 0 0 Improvements to Public Realm Heald Grove 19 145 135 122 23 0 0 Improvements to Whitworth Park 0 85 85 85 0 0 0 The Corridor - Research and Development 118 1,960 1,000 500 1,460 0 0 Levenshulme Street Market 31 29 29 31 0 0 0 Queens Road Metrolink Station 769 1,750 1,750 1,750 0 0 0 On-Street Advertising and Wayfinding 1,426 1,605 1,605 1,605 0 0 0 Manchester Business Park 4,499 7,468 7,468 7,468 0 0 0 Maine Rd Centre Spot Artwork 33 50 50 50 0 0 0 The Ideas Project 200 650 650 650 0 0 0 Football museum at Urbis 194 0 0 194 0 0 0 Land Registry (S2S) 0 0 185 185 0 0 0 New Smithfield Market 0 3,050 3,050 200 5,350 0 0 Christmas Markets 0 218 218 218 0 0 0 City Lightways 726 1,235 1,235 1,235 0 0 0 Eastlands (ECDL) 0 0 1,300 1,300 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Beswick Village Community Hub Beswick Village Leisure Centre 1,938 4,394 4,394 5,858 3,700 0 0 Beswick Village Manchester Institute 5 9,700 2,200 500 13,253 0 0 Beswick Village Sixth Form College 3,007 4,893 4,893 7,664 2,097 0 0 Beswick Village Sixth Form College (Loan to Bright Futures) 0 0 350 0 350 0 0 Beswick Village Highway and Public Realm 1,691 3,397 3,397 3,278 3,710 0 0 Beswick Village Retail Shops 0 0 0 0 1,250 0 0

176 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Original Actual Revised Forecast Budget Budget Budget Project Name Budget £000's Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's PROGRAMME - Belle Vue Sports Village Belle Vue Sports Village 120 490 490 490 8,280 1,890 0 Total Regeneration 21,557 67,017 53,945 48,359 53,358 3,118 0 Corporate Property Programme Asset Management Programme 2,382 7,168 7,168 5,700 8,011 8,000 7,000 Strategic Acquisitions Programme 4,831 12,028 12,028 12,028 7,000 5,000 5,000 Coroners (S2S) 0 0 182 182 0 0 0 Total Corporate Property Programme 7,213 19,196 19,378 17,910 15,011 13,000 12,000

Private Sector Housing Programme PROGRAMME - Brunswick PFI (PSH) Brunswick PFI Land Assembly 648 7,713 7,713 1,420 3,410 3,912 4,725 PROGRAMME - Collyhurst (PSH) Collyhurst PFI Land assembly 165 238 238 238 485 0 0 PROGRAMME - Housing Investment Model Site Investigation and Early Works HIF Pilot Sites 585 149 1,537 1,537 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Miles Platting PFI (PSH) Miles Platting PFI Land Assembly 344 2,292 2,292 531 2,646 1,325 0 PROGRAMME - Moss Side Zone 6 / Bowes Street (PSH) Stagecoach Depot Remediation 0 55 55 55 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Private Hsg Asist Citywide Prog wef11/12 Disabled Facilities Grant 2,052 3,786 3,786 3,486 4,013 3,467 3,467 Home Improvement Agency Support 165 327 220 220 0 0 0 Energy Efficiency 0 517 407 47 360 0 0 The Way Development (Beswick) 0 150 150 0 150 0 0 Eccleshall Street 61 357 357 130 227 0 0 Fallowfield triangle - real boundary env 47 49 49 47 0 0 0 HBE Walker Rd -Plant Hill Rd faceliftPR 5 74 6 5 0 0 0 Kingley Ave (previously l-bowne local ph 40 645 500 50 450 0 0 Toxteth St CPO & environmental works 0 249 249 249 436 0 0 Bell Crescent CPO 23 530 530 70 460 0 0 Green Deal 11 647 537 259 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Private Sect Housing Standalone Projects HCA Empty Homes Cluster Funding 312 2,300 2,300 1,300 1,000 0 0 PROGRAMME - Redrow Development Programme Redrow Development Phase 2 -2 3,125 3,125 3,125 3,126 0 0 PROGRAMME - West Gorton (PSH) West Gorton Acquisitions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 West Gorton Compensation 0 309 309 1 308 0 0 West Gorton Ph 2A Demolition & Comm Acqu 0 3,015 3,015 344 2,702 0 0 PORTFOLIO - Private Sector Housing - Capital Projects PRE 2011 HMRF 0 93 93 43 50 0 0 New Growth Points 0 180 180 0 0 0 0 NRF Alley Gating 0 9 9 1 0 0 0 RRO and Loans -5 20 20 0 45 0 0 Unallocated Budget 0 95 95 0 0 0 0 Total Private Sector Housing 4,451 26,924 27,772 13,158 19,868 8,704 8,192 BUSINESS AREA - 1010 - Public Sector Housing PROGRAMME - Collyhurst Improvement Programme Irk Valley Wimpey No Fines Houses 6 0 7 6 0 0 0 Irk Valley Cottage Flats 0 0 11 9 0 0 0 Smedley Dip Wimpey No Fines Houses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Smedley Dip Wimpey No Fines Cottage Flat 13 0 13 15 0 0 0 Hamerton Rd Houses & 1 Cottage Flat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Collyhurst Village Houses Ph1 & Bungalow 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Collyhurst Village Cottage Flats Ph1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roach Crt Kitchen or Bathroom 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mossbrook Crt Kitchen or Bathroom 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Improvemnt Wrks Vauxhall & Humphries Crts 34 0 34 44 0 0 0 Osbourne and Taigarth 12 0 49 12 0 0 0 Improvements to Humphrey Court 37 0 41 38 0 0 0 Boiler Replacement 45 0 71 46 0 0 0 Remaining Windows 82 0 105 86 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Northwards Other Improvements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Programmed Maintenance 37 0 36 40 0 0 0 Heating and Insulation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 External Improvements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kitchens and Bathrooms 49 0 49 50 0 0 0 Other Improvements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Northwards Housing Prog w.e.f. 2011/12 4 Multi Storey Blocks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Door Replacement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fire Precaution Work Phase 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boiler Replacement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Decent Homes Mop-Ups Phase 2 36 0 0 40 0 0 0 Adaptations 889 0 1,000 890 0 0 0 Delivery Costs 902 0 1,681 1,681 1,336 14 0 Wimpey No Fines Boiler Replacement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wimpey No Fines Fascia Replacement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

177 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Original Actual Revised Forecast Budget Budget Budget Project Name Budget £000's Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's Blackley Bungalows 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Northwards Housing Programme 2012/13 Boiler Replacement to Bradford Court 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 Boiler replacements programmed 28 0 43 42 0 0 0 Boiler replacement to Duncan Edward Crt 3 0 0 5 0 0 0 Priority door replacements 6 0 8 8 0 0 0 External works (roofs, walls, chimneys) 717 0 798 722 0 0 0 Newly arising decent homes mop-ups 54 0 198 233 0 0 0 Fire precaution work miscellaneous 0 0 47 19 0 0 0 Fire precaution work 91 0 103 95 0 0 0 Ventilation to five retirement blocks 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 Reconnection of lead water mains 5 0 53 5 48 0 0 Cavity wall insulation - Kingsbridge Crt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 External insulation pre-1920s properties 8 0 7 41 0 0 0 Ext insulation Rushcroft & Pevensey Crts 11 0 34 11 0 0 0 One off replacements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moston Mill Timber Framed 88 0 127 90 0 0 0 Higher Blackley Munn Road / Heaton Park Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2013/14 Boiler Replacements (RCCO) 557 0 1,500 1,529 0 0 0 2013/14 Blackley Munn/Heaton Park Rd Ph2 381 0 422 391 0 0 0 2013/14 Talgarth/Whitley Rd 470 0 474 509 0 0 0 2013/14 Fire Precaution Work Phase 3 172 0 179 176 0 0 0 13/14 Door Replacement 31 0 42 41 0 0 0 13/14 One Off Rewires 14 0 125 125 0 0 0 13/14 Boiler Replacements - Decent Homes 126 0 216 168 0 0 0 13/14 Charlestown Clifford Lamb Court BR 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 13/14 One off boiler replacements etc 162 0 250 250 0 0 0 13/14 Crumpsall Blackley Village Est Ext 339 0 543 546 0 0 0 13/14 Higher Blackley Walker Rd Ext 0 0 130 113 0 0 0 13/14 Newton Heath Patrock Wlk Roof Wrks 0 0 28 50 0 0 0 13/14 Decent Homes mop ups phase 4 0 0 100 200 0 0 0 13/14 Decent Homes mop ups phase 5 0 0 200 199 0 0 0 13/14 Ext Cyclical Maint & Imp Wrks Ph1 1,105 0 3,027 4,266 0 0 0 13/14 Village Estate Houses & Flats 648 0 2,032 1,499 0 0 0 13/14 Village Estate Aldbourne Close 54 0 423 385 0 0 0 13/14 Village Estate Churnett Street 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13/14 Irk Valley Estate Houses 483 0 781 709 0 0 0 13/14 Hamerton Rd/Osbourne Estate Hs&Fl 328 0 363 357 0 0 0 13/14 Smedley Dip Estate Houses & Flats 329 0 333 343 0 0 0 13/14 Vauxhall/Mossbrook/Roach Courts 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 13/14 Ancoats Victoria Sq Struct & Ext 0 0 750 250 0 0 0 13/14 Door Entry Systems 33 0 32 35 0 0 0 13/14 Harpurhey Annie Derby Court Lifts 10 0 30 27 0 0 0 13/14 Newton Heath Dobson Crt Lift Rplac 95 0 327 250 0 0 0 13/14 Harpurhey Edward Grant Crt Warden 37 0 29 37 0 0 0 13/14 Outstanding lead mains replacement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13/14 Multi storey access to motor lift 68 0 71 74 0 0 0 13/14 Harpurhey Apprentice Crt storage 9 0 9 9 0 0 0 13/14 Collyhurst Multis Lift Control Rep 208 0 203 223 0 0 0 13/14 Kingsbridge Court Ext Wall Ins 422 0 876 774 0 0 0 13/14 Pre 1920s misc solid walls ins ph2 0 0 395 100 0 0 0 13/14 Floor ins of remaining bedrooms 0 0 30 53 0 0 0 13/14 Air source heat pump/solar thermal 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 13/14 Bin store PIR lightng multi storey 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 13/14 Com area upgrade low rise blocks 0 0 465 150 0 0 0 13/14 Area panel env wrks in Northwards 0 0 150 200 0 150 0 13/14 Collyhurst Multis Com Area Upgrade 205 0 597 300 0 0 0 13/14 Environmental Work phase 1 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 13/14 Liverton Court Ext Wall Insulation 176 0 500 495 0 0 0 13/14 Pre 1920's misc solid wall insulat 75 0 273 80 0 0 0 13/14 Decent Homes Kitchen Mop Ups 0 0 0 115 0 0 0 13/14 Collyhurst Multi Storey Blocks 0 0 0 225 0 0 0 13/14 Unallocated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Solid Wall Insulation (Various) 0 1,131 0 0 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Future Years Housing Programme 2013/16 Northwards Housing Programme 2013/14 and 2014/15 0 18,324 -51 0 22,760 0 0 Northwards Housing Programme 2015/16 0 0 0 0 0 17,891 0 Northwards Housing Programme 2016/17 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,823 Collyhurst Housing Programme 2013/14 and 2014/15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Programmed Maintenance - Homeless Hostels 0 145 0 0 0 0 0 Adaptations 0 1,000 0 1,000 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Public Sector Hsng Standalone Projects Wilmott Street - acquisition 0 12 5 7 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Retained Housing Prog w.e.f. 2011/12 Collyhurst Maisonette Compensation & Dem 447 1,169 1,169 766 543 1,264 0 PROGRAMME - Retained HRA Programme IT Developments 0 172 172 0 5 0 0 Other Programmed Maintenance 0 5 5 100 92 0 0 STAND ALONE PROJECTS Holt Town & Miscellaneous Transfer Costs 79 953 953 210 688 0 0

178 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Original Actual Revised Forecast Budget Budget Budget Project Name Budget £000's Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's PROGRAMME - West Gorton Regeneration Programme West Gorton PH1 Tenant Relocation & Comp 0 33 33 10 3 0 0 West Gorton PH2A Low & High Rise Demolit 0 2,661 2,661 3,039 745 0 0 PROGRAMME - National Affordable Housing Programme LANB Round 2 0 13 13 13 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Future Years Housing Programme 2013/16 Housing Investment Proposals 0 15,000 0 0 5,079 10,576 3,736 Northwards Programme 1,580 873 4,059 Collyhurst Regen - Highways Phase 1 2 0 0 50 2,450 1,500 0 Collyhurst Regen - Churnett Street 6 0 0 150 950 200 0 Brunswick PFI HRA 0 0 0 0 3,000 3,000 0 Total Public Sector Housing (HRA) 10,224 40,618 25,616 24,836 39,279 35,503 21,618 Childrens Services Programme Primary School Rebuilding Programme Ashgate Primary School 209 0 221 221 0 0 0 Varna Street 0 337 150 102 0 0 0 Pike Fold 319 366 414 462 0 0 0 Basic Need Programme Broad Oak PS 387 2,622 1,700 1,539 1,960 0 0 Chapel Street 910 1,862 1,862 1,862 500 0 0 Heald Place 2,166 3,217 2,768 2,494 891 0 0 Oswald Road 945 4,667 4,768 2,382 3,054 0 0 St Agnes Primary School 271 233 319 351 0 0 0 Temple Primary School 1,747 1,401 1,590 1,800 0 0 0 Wilbraham Primary School 0 1,800 50 100 2,600 1,000 0 Armitage CofE 282 1,986 2,182 1,896 1,447 0 0 St Chrysostoms 34 1,383 176 108 2,257 0 0 St Lukes's 2,159 2,150 2,150 2,196 204 0 0 Ladybarn 480 2,125 1,100 641 2,193 0 0 Stanley Grove - contribution to PFI 0 0 0 0 808 0 0 Gorton Mount - New School 0 0 0 150 900 5,690 0 St Andrews - Increased capacity 0 0 300 300 1,200 0 0 Mauldeth Road - Increase capacity 0 0 0 5 995 200 0 Moston Fields - Increase capacity 1,295 0 2,900 3,224 320 0 0 Cheetham Academy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Crab Lane - Increase capacity 0 0 0 25 400 0 0 Cavendish Community - Increase capacity 0 0 0 10 2,790 500 0 Ashbury Meadow - Increase capacity 0 0 0 10 1,740 200 0 Christ the King VA - Increase capacity 0 0 128 128 254 0 0 St Annes RC VA - Increase capacity 0 0 255 255 1,006 0 0 Crosslee - Increase capacity 0 0 0 5 895 100 0 St Marys RC VA Levenshulme - Increase capacity 0 0 40 60 690 0 0 The Birches - Increase SEN places 63 0 700 260 1,090 0 0 Camberwell Park - PSBP New School contribution 0 0 0 140 170 0 0 Plymouth Grove - PSBP New School contribution 0 0 0 0 130 0 0 St Dunstans RC VA - Increase capacity 0 0 193 193 7 0 0 St Richards RC VA - Phase 2 Increase capacity 0 0 160 160 423 0 0 Basic need - unallocated funds 0 5,092 372 0 3,918 0 0 Basic need - Confirmed allocation 14-15 0 0 0 0 20,529 0 0 Basic need - Estimated 2015/16 allocation 0 0 0 0 0 17,733 0 Basic need - Estimated 2016/17 allocation 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,619 Additional Targeted Basic Need 0 0 0 0 1,224 3,345 0 Capital Demographic Growth - Xaverian College 0 0 0 0 218 0 0 Capital Demographic Growth - Northridge High 0 0 0 0 1,657 0 0 Additional Grant for School Kitchens - Free School Meals 0 0 0 0 846 0 0 PROGRAMME - Schools Maintenance 11/12 onwards Prog Ladybarn PS Boiler replacement 4 36 4 4 0 0 0 Mauldeth Rd PS Hall roof 1 68 65 65 0 0 0 Chorlton C of E PS main roof 8 15 8 8 0 0 0 Higher Openshaw - Windows & Externals 1 200 200 200 0 0 0 Ladybarn - Roof Works 11 41 47 47 0 0 0 Mauldeth Road - Boiler Replacement 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 St Margaret's CE - Window Replacement 38 0 38 38 0 0 0 St Margaret's CE - Window Replacement P4 208 0 0 310 0 0 0 Button Lane 57 8 175 120 0 0 0 Crawcroft 131 25 150 152 0 0 0 Moston Lane 162 10 300 240 0 0 0 Sandilands 0 45 350 55 340 0 0 St Wilfred's 63 30 150 120 0 0 0 New Moston - Pipework 76 0 150 100 0 0 0

Broadhurst Nursery Refurbishment 60 0 130 130 0 0 0

Sandilands - Boiler Replacement 95 0 200 120 0 0 0 Bowker Vale - 3 Class Unit 85 0 600 181 419 0 0 Sandilands - Infant roof 246 0 300 300 0 0 0 Abbott - Rewire 154 0 290 171 0 0 0 Birchfields - boiler refurbishment 0 0 200 0 200 0 0 14-15 Schools Capital Maintenance New Allocation 0 0 0 0 3,597 0 0 Schools Capital Maintenance -unallocated 0 4,862 1,243 0 329 0 0 PROGRAMME - Education Standalone Projects

179 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Original Actual Revised Forecast Budget Budget Budget Project Name Budget £000's Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's Sensory Support - Relocate Lancasterian 20 29 29 29 0 0 0 Abraham Moss Centre Redevelopment 5,731 7,763 7,763 7,563 200 0 0 EIG grant / Short Breaks 25 375 274 35 240 0 0 Early Education for Two Year Olds 0 1,728 1,728 250 1,478 0 0 Building Schools for the Future PROGRAMME - BSF Acadamies BSF Acadamies 2,069 9,670 9,670 2,833 1,775 0 0 PROGRAMME - BSF Phase 1 Programme BSF Phase 1 410 390 390 598 390 0 0 PROGRAMME - BSF Phase 2 (Wave 4) BSF Phase 2 (W4) 1,620 1,387 1,387 1,910 3,021 2,410 2,595

Total Children's Services 22,542 55,933 50,339 36,658 69,305 31,178 21,214 Corporate Services Programme

Town Hall Complex Transformation Programme 27,857 40,782 42,396 42,853 100 0 0 ST Peters Square 9,176 14,122 14,122 11,622 7,300 0 0 Greater Manchester Loan Fund 500 2,700 2,700 1,500 4,200 4,200 2,100 Total Corporate Services 37,533 57,604 59,218 55,975 11,600 4,200 2,100

180 Manchester City Council Appendix 1 - Item 12 Executive 12 February 2014

2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17

Original Actual Revised Forecast Budget Budget Budget Project Name Budget £000's Budget £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's ICT Capital Programme PROGRAMME - ICT ICT Business Transformation 0 5,288 2,488 738 6,788 3,742 0 Flexible & Agile Working 149 212 212 212 0 0 0 Library Management System 0 0 0 50 170 0 0 Hybrid Mail 0 300 300 0 300 0 0 Broadband 0 7,400 1,400 622 4,213 6,800 0 Broadband Connection Vouchers 77 365 365 191 174 0 0 PROGRAMME - Applications CRM - Phase 2 76 235 235 115 120 0 0 Information Strategy Project 231 630 630 296 300 0 0 SAP Roll Out 160 126 126 160 0 0 0 Single Point of Failure 0 65 65 65 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Desktop Digital Workplace Strategy 602 1,867 1,867 1,867 0 0 0 PROGRAMME - Infrastructure Corporate Digital Telephony 192 306 306 756 0 0 0 Data Centre Provisioning 1,439 1,277 1,277 1,277 0 0 0 Wider Area Network Redesign 0 1,323 1,323 873 0 0 0 CPD Town Hall Extension ICT Requirements 0 70 70 70 0 0 0 Total ICT 2,926 19,464 10,664 7,292 12,065 10,542 0

Total CAPITAL PROGRAMME 117,480 338,472 292,787 238,720 289,734 140,437 76,374