ELMIRA COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION AND GRADUATE STUDIES BULLETIN 20182019 is 2018-2019 Bulletin has been published by the: Oce of Continuing Education and Graduate Studies Elmira College One Park Place Elmira, New York 14901 Phone: (607) 735-1825 Fax: (607) 735-1150 Email:
[email protected] Information in this Bulletin is current as of the date
[email protected] of publication. Unexpected changes may occur during the period of this publication. e listing of Changes in programs and policies may occur over the period a course or program in this Bulletin, therefore, does of this publication. not constitute a guarantee or contract that the particular course or program will be oered during Visit the Continuing Education web pages at: a given year. www.elmira.edu/ce Elmira College Continuing Education and Graduate Studies Continuing Education and Graduate Studies Mission Statement In support of the mission of Elmira College, the Office of Continuing Education and Graduate Studies pro- motes life-long learning through serving our community and region by providing a quality, distinctive, convenient, and affordable education. We assist our graduate and part-time adult undergraduate students through the successful completion of their academic and professional goals in a supportive, collaborative environment. Reflecting its Mission, the Office of Continuing Education and Graduate Studies: I. adequately staffs a location from which students can receive and/or be referred for information and services. II. assures that all students are offered quality support and academic advising services. III. provides professional, supportive services for faculty teaching evening and weekend courses. IV. administers an evaluation process to assure that the unit’s efforts are serving the needs of the students and faculty whom they serve.