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PSP\½ 8B 5^D]S 3TPS M V 1;8=68C>=)7daYcZX`aVXZhbV`Zhigdc\hiViZbZcih[dgheg^c\q8]bXST LLIPOSUCTIONIPOSUCTION Unwanted Fat Removed Permanently! FREE Diet Management FREE B12 Shots WINTER SPECIAL ENDS SOON! Before After 202.452.1332 24th and I St. Foggy Bottom Metro 703.533.1025 Tyson’s Corner 703.465.0666 Alexandria 301.738.6766 Bethesda 410.730.7226 Columbia/ Baltimore :IN;EB<:MBHGH? u EBO> :EE =:R :M PPP'K>:=>QIK>LL'<HF u F:R +&-% +))1 u -- 5A44++ P^^d^g] ¼32<PSP\½8b5^d]S3TPS bg\en]bg`L^g'=Zob]Obmm^ IZe_k^raZg`^]a^kl^e_Zma^kfhma^kÍl?eZ'ahf^%iheb\^lZr ZEhnblbZgZK^in[eb\Zg C0A?>=B?A8=6B5;0k:phfZg\hgob\m^] berbgZghm^[hhd%[nmma^r]b]ghm]bl\ehl^ La^pZl\hgob\m^]h mphp^^dlZ`hh_[^bg`ma^Ê='<'FZ]ZfË ma^bk\hgm^gml' fhg^reZng]^kbg`%nlbg aZg`^]a^kl^e_Mankl]Zr%ZiiZk^gmerfZd& IZe_k^rZiiZk^gmeraZg`^]a^kl^e__khf ma^fZbe_hkbee^`Zeink bg``hh]hga^kohpg^o^kmh`hmhikblhg ma^la^]Íl\^bebg`pbmaZgrehgkhi^';eZg\a^ ihl^lZg]kZ\d^m^^kbg` _hkknggbg`Zab`a&^g]PZlabg`mhgikhl& IZe_k^r%pah_hng]ma^[h]r%aZ]ghlb`gmaZm IZe_k^raZ]]^gb^]a^ mbmnmbhgkbg`' a^k]Zn`am^kpZllnb\b]Ze%Zg]ma^k^pZlgh 0ALFREY ^l\hkml^kob\^^g`Z`^]b Ma^[h]rh_=^[hkZaC^Zg^IZe_k^rpZl bff^]bZm^bg]b\ZmbhgmaZmZe\hahehk]kn`l ikhlmbmnmbhg%lZrbg`maZm _hng]bgZla^]g^Zka^kfhma^kÍlahf^ p^k^bgoheo^]%iheb\^<Zim'C^__k^rRhng`lZb]' Zgrh_ma^phf^g^g`Z`^]bgl^qZ\ml_hkfhg^ $!6)$*0(),,)0!0 Z[hnm+)fbe^lghkmap^lmh_MZfiZ'Iheb\^ :_^]^kZecnkr\hgob\m^]IZe_k^rhg:ikbe*. ma^r]b]lhpbmahnma^kdghpe^]`^'Ma^mkbZ !IRLINESARESLOWINGTHEIRPLANESTOCUTFUELCOSTS lZb]ma^.+&r^Zk&he]IZe_k^re^_mZme^Zlmmph h_knggbg`Zikhlmbmnmbhgl^kob\^maZm\Zm^k^] \hg\en]^]pbmahnmk^o^Zebg`fZgrg^p]^mZbe B[^f1da])6^ga^cZhVYY^c\ lnb\b]^ghm^lZg]hma^kpkbmbg`lmha^k_Zf& mhf^f[^klh_PZlabg`mhgÍlihebmb\Ze^ebm^% Z[hnmma^l^kob\^hkbml\eb^gml'<8C27BC02H0 i^bZid[a^\]ihidhVkZ\Vhq ;PQ^aD]aTbc1^X[b>eTaX]CdaZTh B^\P[XPBcaXZT)J#H#ViiVX` `^aahVa"FVZYVXdbbVcYZgq& BX[T]c=XVWc) L^oVgYhYZX^YZ cdiidiVa`hbVX` [dg<VbZ+q ! 4=C4AC08=<4=C 1aPX]?^fTa) Ç=fcbAUbÈ^hVc Zmeadh^kZhjeZg]Z" gd[a^X`l^i] hbVgih#Eajh! 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All Utilities Included 866-269-8886 5401 Westbard Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20816 X167k 3x1 5A830Hk$!!'k4G?A4BBk" =>8BH=4BCB)4HEHAPPYBABBLINGTHATENTERTAINSPARENTSASTHEIRBABIESTRYTO MIMICSPEECHTURNSOUTTOHAVEAPARALLELINTHEANIMALWORLD"ABYBIRDSBABBLE AWAYBEFOREMASTERINGTHEIRADULTSONG RESEARCHERSREPORTINTHEJOURNAL3CIENCE =PcX^] M A>M K : BE ¼ATPSX]V5Xabc½?a^VaP\8b3^dQcTS 308;H380AHkF0B78=6C>=?>BC2>< lahp^]bmaZ]ghli^\bZebfiZ\mhg ]Zrmak^pma^ikh`kZfÍl_nmnk^ K^ihkm3Lmn]^gmlbg <0:8=6C746A034 k^Z]bg`\hfik^a^glbhg' bgmh]hn[m' CA08;C0;: li^\bZeikh`kZfZk^ ¨2EADING&IRSTWASCREATED Ma^ikh`kZfblZmma^a^Zkmh_ ÊP^g^^]mhl^kbhnlerk^&^qZf& 2[hQda]CPZTb^]FaXVWc ghm[^mm^kk^Z]^kl ASPARTOFTHE.O#HILD,EFT ;nlaÍllb`gZmnk^^]n\ZmbhgeZp% bg^mablikh`kZfZg]_b`nk^hnmahp &ORA$EMOCRATICSUPERDELEGATEWHOIS "EHINDLAW WHICHAIMSTOGET Gh<abe]E^_m;^abg]%pab\abl mhfZd^bmphkd[^mm^k_hklmn]^gml%Ë OFFICIALLYSTILLUNALIGNED (OUSE-AJORITY F0B78=6C>=k?khfma^[^`bggbg`% ALLCHILDRENPERFORMINGATTHEIR ]^lb`g^]mha^ei[hhlmlmn]^gm lZb]<Zeb_hkgbZ=^fh\kZm@^hk`^ 7HIP*AMES#LYBURN $ 3# ISSOUND Ik^lb]^gm;nlaÍlK^Z]bg`?bklmikh& PROPERGRADELEVELINMATHAND i^k_hkfZg\^bgehp&bg\hf^^e^& Fbee^k%\aZbkfZgh_ma^Ahnl^^]n& INGMOREANDMORELIKEA"ARACK/BAMA `kZfaZlaZ]ikh[e^flÉ\aZk`^l READING0RESIDENT"USHAND f^gmZkrl\ahhel' \Zmbhg\hffbmm^^' FAN)NANINTERVIEW4HURSDAY #LYBURN h_\hg_eb\mlh_bgm^k^lm%[knblbg`[n]& %DUCATION3ECRETARY-ARGARET ;nmma^k^pZlgh]b__^k^g\^bg Ma^lmn]r[rma^Bglmbmnm^h_ BLASTEDTHE2EV*EREMIAH7RIGHT `^m_b`aml'Ghpi^kaZilma^phklm 3PELLINGSHAVECHAMPIONEDTHE \hfik^a^glbhgl\hk^l[^mp^^glmn& >]n\ZmbhgL\b^g\^l_h\nl^]hg /BAMASFORMERPASTOR BUTHESUG h_Zee3Ma^>]n\Zmbhg=^iZkmf^gm READINGPROGRAM ]^gmlpahiZkmb\biZm^]bgK^Z]bg` \hfik^a^glbhgkZma^kmaZghma^k GESTED7RIGHTSRECENTRE EMERGENCE lZrlbm]h^lgÍmphkdZgr[^mm^kmaZg ¨#ONGRESSRECENTLYCUTFUND ?bklmZg]mahl^pah]b]ghm%lZrl Zli^\mlh_k^Z]bg`ln\aZlpa^ma^k HADNOTDONELASTINGDAMAGETOTHE ZiikhZ\a^lZek^Z]rbgieZ\^' INGTOTHEPROGRAMDUETOBUDGET ma^g^plmn]r_khfma^Bglmbmnm^h_ db]l`kZliiahgb\l%[^\Znl^\hf& )LLINOISSENATOR =^fh\kZml\Zee^]Mankl]Zr_hk CONSTRAINTSANDTHECONTROVERSY >]n\ZmbhgL\b^g\^l%pab\abliZkmh_ ik^a^glbhgblma^nembfZm^`hZe%lZb] h)HAVEADAUGH Zg^pehhdZmma^/[beebhgk^Z]& SURROUNDINGIT ma^>]n\Zmbhg=^iZkmf^gm' bglmbmnm^]bk^\mhkKnllPabm^anklm' TERTHESAMEAGEAS bg`ikh`kZfZ_m^kZ_^]^kZelmn]r Ma^_bg]bg`lk^e^Zl^]Mankl& =0=2HID2:4A1A>30? 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