4343 yearsyears ofof coveringcovering SouthSouth BeltBelt Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thursday, June 27, 2019 Email:
[email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 44, No. 22 Chase ends on SJC campus A police chase ended on the grounds of San Jacinto College South around 3:30 p.m. Morgan steps down as Sagemont senior pastor Tuesday, June 25. According to police, HPD offi cers were in pursuit of a theft suspect in In a letter sent to follow Him, He would allow me to witness His main on staff as the ture,” Morgan said. a vehicle on Beamer near Astoria when dep- church members the fi rst power and presence in a way that only a few have founding pastor and will Biography uties from the Precinct 2 Constable’s offi ce week of June, Dr. John ever seen.” Morgan wrote in the letter. continue to preach in A 1959 Pasadena High School graduate, joined the chase. The pursuit traveled through D. Morgan, senior pastor In those 53 years, Sagemont Church has wit- the 9:30 a.m. worship Morgan transformed the once-small Sagemont the College Place subdivision, before the sus- of Sagemont Church for nessed 18,060 baptisms and 20,208 professions services on Sundays. ministry into one of the largest and most influen- pect’s vehicle had a blowout, and the driver 53 years, announced the of faith. Gifts throughout the debt-free church’s He will also be leading tial faith institutions in the state. fl ed on foot onto the campus, where he was beginning of a transition history have totaled $363,956,186 for ministry “fund-lowering” efforts Morgan’s father, Dr.