Rlsiluo T GI H;L ENOLEFIEL.D, J'anuary, 191 I
'FulptsoE 'lso.rls FutI hollas{oofl ,r"p1og .stsf ::. I I l ', $IIZHIHIil rlsiluo t GI H;L ENOLEFIEL.D, J'ANUARY, 191 I. BURIAL. "Grant her, 0 Lord, eternal rest.'' December· 2'.4th ~at Theale).-Hester Mien, aged 53' years. SAINTS' DAYS. January 6tthh-EOpiphan.y off~S.B.PL. fRoly Communion will be celebrated at 8.15. a.m.. 25 · - onvers1on o . au1 J • On the Festival of the Epiphany the Alms will be given, as usual,. to the Oxford Missio.n. to Calcutta. ---- CONFIRMATION. The Bishop of Oxford has arranged to hold a Confirmation in our Parish Church, on, Wednesday, March 15th, at 3 p.m. The Rector will be glad to receive names of candidates as. soon as possible, and hopes that candidates will give in their names to him perisonally, and: not tnrough their parents. THE ORGAN. The· work in connection with the Organ has been done in a most satisfactory manner by Mr. Tunks, of Clapham. The cost amounting, t.o £55 has been borne by the Squire,, to whom, all who appreciate the. music in the Church, owe a deep debt of gratitude. S.P.G. We have been able to send up to headquarters the respectab1e sum for the. y.ear of £18 14s. 2d. Made up as follows:- Collection- £. s:. d. £ s. d. B axes (continued)' £ s. di. £, s. d. (3rd Sunday in Advent) 8 17 11 Mrs. Smyth 4 4 Si•bscriptions- Mrs. Yarlett 6 0 J. H. Benyon, Esq. 1 1 Q, Sums imder 4/-. Rev. G. G. Skipwith 1 1 0.
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