Paul Robeson, Sr. Part 7 of 31
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4-750 7:19! _ -A xxxxxx XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA OELETEB PAGE INFORMATION SNEET _l_ Page sl withheld entirely at this location in the le. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. I3 Deleted under exemption s} s I _____ _ with no segregable material available for release to you. I:I Information pertained onlyto a third party with no referenceto you or the subiect of your request. II! Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documentlslwith originatingfollowing the agency govemment ies! it é_ s_ 7 I , was/were forwardedto them for direct responseto you. Page B! referred for consultation to the following government agencyesl; Ir _____ ' 7 as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon retum of the material to the FBI. _i Pagels! withheld for the following neasonlslz E] For your information: _ The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: W C?-KT I I 92_ ln~..l~.'.I»92-Dian! Q 1134. "'¬9292'3- 92¢-09-I"IUD IUD _:___ _ XXXXXXXXXXKXXXXXXXX 3 DELETEDNO DUPLICATIONPAGE FEE S! X FOR THIS PAGE §Xx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX , XXXXXX r /DOJ - »....|,.I.. _ __ -L -w 4, 1 - _ I . J 7 _ _. _ _____,,_. _._ _ 92 r. -92 92. » _ A I.-.-..*"-' ' A- O-I I J I' . c-~ 1 - 12> . I l I -- "L v ' at ~._, W -P , r, . ui - . 1, f.!f'.:-'f_§?. '.»__-; u gun IE1! Lori: D _ _Deconber6| 1949 _ -3 ='_ _ /- _ _ V_.,.q - rector. I31 _ _ // r _ _ r PAUL ROBESOH, val " r" I ' IHTEEIULL SEC-UBITI - -G ' Bu Tile 100-1230-1 " .'.' H _ . _. _. I» - 7' _. - q . _ _.., 1. __. x Ibr your information thare in attached a. OOPI 'J I i _._-..- _. K-.' r of e letter dated November 4, 1949, from the Loa Angelou ' H - I office c tio ed - up ap n Pun. Security latter 4- C." in which infor on a eat out concerning ranl Bnbecon. - Al you la; note, one Rona Maria Yale has tur- niahed an arfidavit to the effect that in 1935 Paul Robeson E33-; L-.f-QLZ5. - "J'.vI'*;' identified himself to her an a C-ommmiat Party member. L.'-1r I - ""_ _7 _._. =7 C - A _ ' I 0-;.';.--I .._ . .._ FT-L T-p--L-|-92n92rnrr--r9292_Y Ff9292,7T_E,IN-m 92k :f"§ '5 ,___-3 jr-:m'=_1mr j . ,_._.... __-M-|=_..;-_ - Q _: -' -= -r ? A '_-;_ .."' '." » -#92~;92-_"4.. _'-1 " '3;: IF; I 2". 5.2?-E -._ _ -ii -1 . '-ma?-92_ 92§'¬4 r T5}-"¥-SF. ".1- 1:'F'=>'f'5 T ,2__L.'- l_;/, ' 5?? '-_- E1. 1"-' Y. :--,- . ._ ,.__:.:_"-J. ~.-1.1. 92,'""i I -!_ . -_::"-wv - . I, ¬rl . 921..T~ _ . 'H _' >3. .7 . ~.. mm Q.' ,9 __ lg , . ._ - P _ ' V Q- 5 92 mi 5 -' _ _ .. I _ mun._..._.___ V». l - - ,692f; V H I _ .- . IO% I _________ L -_ 92_ . ' I I 3 _. - z-4 - ' »92|. _92.,'-92 . I ._~-.-.-..-,- .#:.r~- ::. '-'1_ F33.- "Sci-hs 92-... 'r,r.-i- '.3? =41 f. .. I , w Ell,2: *- . 7'7 =? t - ,1 _ ._ _~ . 92 ..-_,.*,' O1-Z-"£C':.I'Zl1C1'rJ-."DYJli'- I E u:::':?;2sT:;:?§ cev".-;m:;:;t'r -I. _ 7'..-"-1'5 .,'13-. P:92-,~-~.-_' -1V TO 8 n::+_'23':*c:;, F3 J - DATE: Novemberh, l,+'b9 FE .011 2 . Lag l'x"'J..;._§S *- FI.I?J3f2'1: ,i§}.-.-.. ' IHF PM ¢ 31-3: *'rw/f Bureau File 110. 1032;'>33?l _ _ =1... ' ReimletOctober last 25th referring to the report Siltoi D .'_.__'- dated September19149 22,I-os at Azgeles,California. - --4 92 e*5 _ . _ 92 I - _ -_" Q _ L-J tion attributed to T2 ori inateu with HE .E_=.'-I -_._-__.._4 C ' _-fl"! 92 1 ¢ >-- ~ f ' '15: ttes lanned stateda-dinner in the in honorre."e10r1.ceCi of FUJIE report. L,;D7?_ZfTf_'_, This sourceLes-Pmggeles on at I 1 on February11, 191$.Thised <:' L:"=1E".ti!.gt1:2D*"~ewas to be J=>s_~t heid 5"[Tt'EsI.*1bassad0r Anti-FascistHotel . 3,1;- at Lns Angeles, and the source revoa1ed_that the plans for the dinner had struck a snaq in that t;.e fotbasssdor Hotel had rejected their application $':__:_-:_&--for a reservation on the grounds that their orgarziz-atiozl was Cormzmnist. 35*-=1P;j '"-¢W*';*--"~'C 13 . * *"'- --""=" l '~"="" I-K-'i"J3 *.'.'.'"""?', who was -1-"1; : 92_:-',-. .1-,e_ .:'-; the .i.-=-'-."-1. '-;_',- 21- ,,,__.,,__ 5. ,__, !92i., a co eirg to tnls 50111 ce, to_u 1.1- ._. .m_. 1...» .1.!-.1 - ET -'. C Ora; . 92 A ;.'cer.'side'redas the I*1eaci'of Yorthwestthe Section "of the Les Angela: oenty " . .'_;?3 "on ist ' Political Lssoeiation, that 2 telegrag;-E1 ca:.1;1e.ig:; was.,e*_~_ng;flanned. 1" -: .,92_ so-=_'..";§ 3:73 rare 1:; this regard, ho:-':ev.:r,it is noted in Lossimgeles File §5-15b6-1?, 3, that ICTTI. 13313VALE, who.inNovember, 19142resided at l2h'?§ Iiuntley Driv 92 e, Les .-"a;;;e1es, Califorrda, zzarle asworn afiidavit before tm ..sse;r.Iul§,-' !'92 Fact -3-"54;-§;;_;,; 3o;¢.-eeon Uaz-msericaru Activities in '3a1if0n:ia-.LI~;27T-5118 21.3 this ' _r.92 . maa a -.__92__ __.4 ,....4._iiavit 0:? _'__'r..._ ._., r-92,..-.~.._92--T.-~E-fox-e:::E»er -_-»A 19L2. -l"1'-.-92-.'l'92-..-9, She-3-. related '92O"2C' _P92.-4-If»that she'1-n-F-::~v.r~.1~ studied r-n~.~"'1Y"=c:;: various I 1". 17$;;r!Q1-[5 -gnu ¢g11,;_ _,;92-sa uu. 92_,u..1.|.n...,;,;-ym. nu J.J,.|.LJ_.LJ as .1./J, 92-r.¢l_..u- uu in»-vi .1-4..-..._-....-...-o g a in t he United States. She stated "That in the latter part of 1935',I was 92-. 5?-gi 92:I -':.-.=- 1 working on the motion picture "Show Beat Universe? ST-rlii-S!PM-*7 F5-hat 7 .--__-- .;,.n.,_ work met the I'e_";r0S1'_'".::er, 1-_f*f3?S-1' PJJTL his wife a:.d TESIY2 iLOT>I'.S{I.';that ' __-, -r- I PAUL RSEIIST identified himself to me as a Com..u:1is_t Part}; member and ur$d -s - Y. r92_- 1 -T-92:_.~_' nie to -effiliate with the Coxmunist Party." _ _. _ . rj , a.--._ ~0. _ - ' .4; Y =-u_~'I"-'5 The 1""-">°1t93 5-"-92iS big correctedand theoozrected pages ._,. --Q HTS heir.-:1 s11;-mittedherevrith. It appears that the improper i1;.f0Ima;.t L L¬ 1.. A-n--1 . f92Y92 this C35 . yrne :2 §_'_.'J'r-.Qrr1"ap}".'ir!QTAl":1'§'|"- ~ uc;;|4.£-21.1 Lu.b 5, ....., ._ ,,,, ;_,...,,._-...__ 92._-..--_ 92 0-rvQ -oi--| = ~ . my/re s'Y92 --11. p J --..H ,-.5I?.".:":~ . -' _ ié%;m¢ - _ ;[email protected];@gty% and _ 12:20: '§:*t.::-:. 1-2 4.2 - 1" ism;-,5: gad: -.'_. ' " ~ I JATE or2.-zmzax |?;[[Z0 - - ._ - -ALL xwcrmrrou conrizuso - _ _. _ 551'. -7'1 £552 m;::11::'- .*"1.=1E.D 1* . - - ' . - .- _ . 1 :,'r;92.I-1»:"P1 - 1 3. ,. l,,,'92,,1 ..; ,. EX-."'l'.;. .-isA _@£,,,.,h__ 2 7 . 1-?1'+.*.11,4?- -5"-' -. -. {H , ~ . 14. -_g1ei.~.-.15:, - wrrugg . 4 30 ' " . ,. l es. »/as-,-|;e- 4 I8! '' 92 ., _.|,_ , 1".- r ,..,._.____'.. :_,-:;_.-»-.'-_ -I ._ lb-l o_,-,.- _u_- A-.,_ .,-.1 "L 1" . -1 # 1» 'w~nW£ = o ~ »- 1 --=.f_§ F_'.:' 1-. :r-}.'=,.;:_-. ,'92 - ' x-92--9' 0,_. L |._|l -4. _ , Q ,,_ 4 QMia!, _ i eljx . Tm! ' K cr-uunacwllorcnn - - R54-.'-' e~' FEDERAL BUREAU OF||I!PYESTlGATl0N 1 ssmsna G05.-DE2ROBESOI~E, aka 4, 0 p p -~»- _j_,; "-i?92 , ?;?:%l°''"*==-THrs. Paul Led"I-iobeson, BE-PI s_wz~:r~:, 0 Essiecorn. HRobeson 3 can 4 - ECUBITYan rm --|.= rams No- 100-2032 - 0- ts- Pf? '"°""*"' - 1* iii °' §£§¬ti23= i i ""°'" ""°" Wt I rs ~ ;, r"-E-1' an-"er: coin: A12/28/49 1-1/29,30/49 _ "; -<.f_~. -j "- .'.t :.,?,_._;...- , »i5Y"°P$"§OFFA¢TB= Subject, the wife of PAGEPHQEQSOI, noted concert singer, .-, -,..a ;,_;-fP' , - maintains residence at 1221 Enfield Street, Enfield, Conno.