4-750 7:19! _

-A xxxxxx XXXXXX


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- »....|,.I.. . . _ __ -L -w 4, 1 - _ I . J 7 _ _. . ______,,_. _._ _ 92 r. -92 92. » _ A I.-.-..*"-' ' A- O-I I J I' . c-~ 1 - 12> . I l I -- "L v ' at ~._, W -P , r, . ui - . 1, f.!f'.:-'f_§?. '.»__-; u gun IE1! Lori: D _ _Deconber6| 1949 _ -3 ='_ _ /- _ _ V_.,.q - rector. I31 _ _ // r _ _ r PAUL ROBESOH, val " r" I ' IHTEEIULL SEC-UBITI - -G ' Bu Tile 100-1230-1 " .'.' H _ . _. _. I» - 7' _. - q . . _ _.., 1. __. x Ibr your information thare in attached a. OOPI 'J I i _._-..- _. K-.' r of e letter dated November 4, 1949, from the Loa Angelou ' H - I office c tio ed - up ap n Pun. Security latter 4- C." in which infor on a eat out concerning ranl Bnbecon. -

Al you la; note, one Rona Maria Yale has tur- niahed an arfidavit to the effect that in 1935 E33-; L-.f-QLZ5. - "J'.vI'*;' identified himself to her an a C-ommmiat Party member. . . L.'-1r I - ""_ _7 _._. =7 C - A _ ' I

0-;.';.--I .._ . .._

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» -#92~;92-_"4.. _'-1 " '3;: IF; I 2". . 5.2?-E -._ _ -ii -1 . . . '-ma?-92_ 92§'¬4 r T5}-"¥-SF. ".1- 1:'F'=>'f'5 T ,2__L.'- l_;/, ' 5?? '-_- E1. 1"-' Y. :--,- . ._ ,.__:.:_"-J. ~.-1.1. 92,'""i I -!_ . -_::"-wv - . I, ¬rl . 921..T~ _ . 'H _' >3. .7 . ~.. Q. mm' ,9 __ lg , . ._ - P _ ' V Q - 5 92 mi 5 -' _ _ ...... I _ mun._..._.___ V». l - - ,692f; V H I _ .- . IO% I ______ L -_ 92_ . ' I I 3 _. - z-4 - ' »92|. _92.,'-92 . I ._~-.-.-..-,- .#:.r~- ::. '-'1_

F33.- "Sci-hs 92-... 'r,r.-i- '.3? =41 f. .. I , w Ell,2: *- . 7'7 =? t - ,1 _ ._ _~ . 92 ..-_,.*,' O1-Z-"£C':.I'Zl1C1'rJ-."DYJli'- I E u:::':?;2sT:;:?§ cev".-;m:;:;t'r -I. _ 7'..-"-1'5 .,'13-. P:92-,~-~.-_' -1V TO 8 n::+_'23':*c:;, F3 J - DATE: Novemberh, l,+'b9 FE .011 2 . Lag l'x"'J..;._§S *-

FI.I?J3f2'1: ,i§}.-.-.. ' IHF PM ¢ 31-3: *'rw/f Bureau File 110. 1032;'>33?l _ _ =1... ' ReimletOctober last 25th referring to the report Siltoi D .'_.__'- dated September19149 22,I-os at Azgeles,California. - --4 92 e *5 _ . _ 92 I - _ -_" Q _ L-J tion attributed to T2 ori inateu with HE .E_=.'-I -_._-__.._4 C ' _-fl"! 92 1 ¢ >-- ~ f ' '15: ttes lanned stated a-dinner in the in honor re."e10r1.ceCi of FUJIE report. L, ;D7?_ZfTf_'_, This sourceLes-Pmggeles onat I 1 on February11, 191$.Thised <:' L:"=1E".ti!.gt1:2D*"~ewas to be J=>s_~t heid 5"[Tt'EsI.*1bassad0r Anti-FascistHotel . . 3,1;- at Lns Angeles, and the source revoa1ed_that the plans for the dinner had struck a snaq in that t;.e fotbasssdor Hotel had rejected their application $':__:_-:_&--for a reservation on the grounds that their orgarziz-atiozl was Cormzmnist. 35*-=1P;j '"-¢W*';*--"~'C 13 . * *"'- --""=" l '~"="" I-K-'i"J3 *.'.'.'"""?', who was -1-"1; : 92_:-',-. .1-,e_ .:'-; the .i.-=-'-."-1. '-;_',- 21- ,,,__.,,__ 5. ,__, !92i., a co eirg to tnls 50111 ce, to_u 1.1- ._. .m_. 1...» .1.!-.1 - ET -'. C Ora; . 92 A ;.'cer.'side'redas the I*1eaci'of Yorthwestthe Section "of the Les Angela: oenty " . .'_;?3 "on ist ' Political Lssoeiation, that 2 telegrag;-E1 ca:.1;1e.ig:; was.,e*_~_ng;flanned. 1" -: .,92_ so-=_'..";§ 3:73 rare 1:; this regard, ho:-':ev.:r,it is noted in Lossimgeles File §5-15b6-1?, 3, that ICTTI. 13313VALE, who.inNovember, 19142resided at l2h'?§ Iiuntley Driv 92 e, Les .-"a;;;e1es, Califorrda, zzarle asworn afiidavit before tm ..sse;r.Iul§,-' !'92 Fact -3-"54;-§;;_;,; 3o;:.:.it¢.-eeon Uaz-msericaru Activities in '3a1if0n:ia-.LI~;27T-5118 21.3 this ' _r.92 . maa a -.__92__ __.4 ,....4._iiavit 0:? _'__'r..._ ._., r-92,..-.~.._92--T.-~ E-fox-e:::E»er -_-»A 19L2. -l"1'-.-92-.'l'92-..-9, She-3-. related'92O"2C' _P92.-4-If»that she'1-n-F-::~v.r~.1~ studied r-n~.~"'1Y"=c:;: various I 1". 17$;;r!Q1-[5 -gnu ¢g11,;_ _,;92-sa uu. 92_,u..1.|.n...,;,;-ym. nu J.J,.|.LJ_.LJ as .1./J, 92-r.¢l_..u- uu in»-vi .1-4..-..._-....-...-o g a in t he United States. She stated "That in the latter part of 1935',I was 92-. 5?-gi 92:I -':.-.=- 1 working on the motion picture "Show Beat Universe? ST-rlii-S!PM-*7 F5-hat 7 .--__-- .;,.n.,_ work met the I'e_";r0S1'_'".::er, 1-_f*f3?S-1' PJJTL his wife a:.d TESIY2 iLOT>I'.S{I.';that ' __-, -r- I PAUL RSEIIST identified himself to me as a Com..u:1is_t Part}; member and ur$d -s - Y. r92_- 1 -T-92:_.~_' nie to -effiliate with the Coxmunist Party." _ _. . _ . rj , a.--._ ~0. . _ - ' .4; Y =-u_~'I"-'5 The 1""-">°1t93 5-"-92iS big correctedand theoozrected pages ._,. --Q HTS heir.-:1 s11;-mittedherevrith. It appears that the improper i1;.f0Ima;.t L L¬ 1.. A-n--1 . f92Y92 this C35 . yrne :2 §_'_.'J'r-.Qrr1"ap}".'ir!QTAl":1'§'|"- ~ uc;;|4.£-21.1 Lu.b 5, ....., ._ ,,,, ;_,...,,._-...__ 92._-..--_ 92 0-rvQ -oi--| = ~ . my/re s'Y92 --11. p J --..H ,-.5I?.".:":~ . -' _ ié%;m¢ - _ ;[email protected];@gty% and _ 12:20: '§:*t.::-:. 1-2 4.2 - 1" ism;-,5: gad: -.'_. ' " ~ I JATE or2.-zmzax |?;[[Z0 - - ._ - -ALL xwcrmrrou conrizuso - _ _. _ 551'. -7'1 £552 m;::11::'- .*"1.=1E.D 1* . - - ' . - .- _ . 1 :,'r;92.I-1»:"P1 - 1 3. . ,. l,,,'92,,1 ..; ,. . EX-."'l'.;. .-isA _@£,,,.,h__ 2 7 . 1-?1'+.*.11,4?- -5"-' -. -. {H , ~ . 14. -_g1ei.~.-.15:, - wrrugg . 4 30 ' " . ,. l es. . »/as-,-|;e- 4 I8! '' 92 ., _.|,_ , 1".- r ,..,._.____'.. :_,-:;_.-»-.'-_ -I ._ lb-l o_,-,.- _u_- A-.,_ .,-.1 "L 1" . -1 # 1» 'w~nW£= o ~ »- 1 F --=.f_§_'.:' 1-. :r-}.'=,.;:_-. ,'92 - ' x-92--9' 0,_. L |._|l -4. _ , Q ,,_ 4 QMia!, _ i eljx . Tm! ' K cr-uunacwllorcnn - - R54-.'-' e~' FEDERAL BUREAU OF||I!PYESTlGATl0N 1 ssmsna G05.-DE2ROBESOI~E, aka 4, 0 p p -~»- _j_,; "-i?92 , ?;?:%l°''"*==-THrs. Paul Led"I-iobeson, BE-PI s_wz~:r~:, 0 Essiecorn. HRobeson 3 can 4 - ECUBITYan rm --|.= rams No- 100-2032 - 0- ts- Pf? '"°""*"' - 1* iii °' §£§¬ti23= i i ""°'" ""°" Wt I rs~ ;, r"-E-1' an-"er: coin: A12/28/49 1-1/29,30/49 _ "; -<.f_~. -j

"- .'.t :.,?,_._;...- ,

»i5Y"°P$"§OFFA¢TB= Subject, the wife of PAGEPHQEQSOI, noted concert singer, .-, -,..a ;,_;-fP' , - maintains residence at 1221 Enfield Street, Enfield, Conno. moi qvIg'|I_r92r92-.09 LB: J17-lax She was unsuccessful Peoples Party Candidate for Secretary .75."; :1 _'r_'. .;- - £II 1? ;';':.*. _..-._" .._-_¢'; ;¬;f2¢,z¬§Z?;2j§::;'"oI State of Connecticut, 1948 election. Activities of .'; E: 92:z.....:. snow: - subject, who is Vice Chairman E of Peoples Party of Connecticut, = '- ';.7' " 0 Wm set out. Subject - .. presently on trip to Eoscow and Peiping nr-.92"Hn 92.92.-.92 1 4-Li-92~lI_5T335391 as delegate of Congress oi American Women to Annual ' . _..e=._.$ SSIFIEQ Council Heeting.o£.the omen!5 International_DemccraticW_n_ m_ 1"? 1". 1 -5' Federation. -3- ' '. ' ._, 92 m1~sm:ca= Bufile 100-12304. '-» ~ E 1 Report of SAdated 10/z-:7 at New Haven, .__-;,.--a- Conn.

_..H..i.._._ ¢-_= _. __:_- HETAIL5: I1-._._"'=fA% tion regardihg the subject which has been obtained since = *- Pjlthe submission of the last report. - f * i'l".""'"'Lf,; g _ .. ._ . ...e .- In ' " E !1eS1sien9e_3!1doEz_1=Q-gzylsq ' -;-9-_~.:....=.=_e --1;: ' .= J "LU, 7i- F .1 The subject, the life of P UL ROBESON, concert singer, ~|utgd 1 This case has been reopened in order to consolidate infbrma- R 7 £/ f_ _Ir<:;.-...92 ,3 re.--.*.; 1 "Hartford Courant", a daily paper published at Hartford, . Ere.Conn., MUHI§§2Q&¥ER dated November departed 10, 1949, the advised UnitedStates that the on Novembersubject and =r¢sm¢ 9, resides 1949 atfor 1221Ams Enfield erdam enroute Steet, to Enfield, Moscow, Conn. Russia,The as é?*"f c APPROVED gun . V" F. deleeates of 'T¬0n ss are of American Women to the '»92;- .'-».1'.-".2_:__ ronwnnoso; _ L .-.r'r 'd:92:»:i'_l92.;" af annugl council meetigg of the Wbmenis International __ E -. 9292 .,- __92__

'x;,- I

I - L . -3 "1'-5 'R a ii ~ 5, V 1 _ "lg"-"

-' r l.- ,. '. :'V_.I.-_;. zj--1 _1_, 92' ',. -' -.< 4 f''%. Aka .. lQO_8032 v I I UL-

meeting will be held in Eosoow from I-Iovember 15 - 20, 1949. Mrs. ROBESON V =.-lee .,__ .-e _.. , indicated that she will go from k-Zoscow to Peiping, China to attend _ ' the First Conference of Asian iiomen scheduled for the first week in '" - s December, 1949- . 1 . _ _ - _ ' - .J.,!,___ 92- Pevales Party °a1?51id=?**'§ ' c On_Con.dential Informant. advised that the f_"-as subject was present at the Third Party State Convention held at Bushnell - -.=:= Memorial Hall at Hartford, Conn. on June 26, 1948, at which time she was nominated as a candidate for Secretary oi State for the State of Connecticut on the Peoples Party ticket. This information was confimned by an article ..F_1._~.' .~_.__,, appearing in the Hartford Courant" dated June 2'7, 1948. 9 L...c ; . . ': :' The New Britain, Connecticut Baily Herald" dated October 2'7, 1948, in a full page political advertisement headed 'c'No1-' Your Vote Can be Count for Peace , and "'a1lace's New Party Program Will Be Carried Out in Connecticut", listed the subject as a Peoples Party Candidate for Secretary _ -¢ .- oi State for Connecticut.

_ ---. Iv Peoples? Peter Activities 13* . - = :; ' »¢ It is to be noted that the Peoples Party of Connecticut, formerly a il'1fOI'mEl'LiO11local chaoter furnished of the by Progressive Confidential Citizens Informants of America I, b, accordin and 5 to all oi known reliability, was dominated and controlled by members of >-_. a.. the CP in Connecticut. _ _ 1 1 . "92. i-» - r 3: Con fidential Infonnant of unknown reliability, of in. ._ 1; Illllllllfat The informant, who was '-t__;_-..-lb== , advised that J~:I" was the featured speaker -4 at this affair. The subject was also present and spoke briefly, stating that her husband would probably be_ put in jail at any time reasonnot '-:1 -.. -"I-.'.-Tr-£ given by the subject!. '1he subject further stated that the United States "-*==- ~-e is a free country and people should be allowed to do as they please. . '""-' .- ' According to the informant, the purpose of this social was .'»'-92..§_=-._:¢/,,to raise funds for the campaign of Henry A. Wallace for President. .-; ;t__.-__;,_>_- I .7 ..-as On July 11., 1948 the" Torrington P.egister"', a daily paper ' published at Torrington, 001311., listed the subject as a scheduled speaker 1, --.,:.-;-:>92 . .:=

< -2- _ ,, _

-=. ,- 1 7""!-'1' '13",";- : .11-1',"*~§_:_:-#.;._-,1.-;=~.=1, =1. '??_92y"{;7'. "I-'2-!;_'. _a;*"r..--2;"-J. J *3 1 _,{:.t3' ¬_.;;-.; '; tr-' " -..,92 f;1:-.=.'-'x.;;' e at _.»_92' -I-,_., '. .-,1-a -;.'._. -,3, 2 "'-E ?§4?£¥ .

_.__. . 7..-'- wt. iiin;--T v I ' CW W A---Iv_ . _,_ 103-SO32 I . VI927--__ _§ 2-? at a meeting of the Torrington Chapter of the Peoples Party of Connecticut which was to be held July 15, 194.8 at the Alhambra Building, Torrington, COBB. ' I . -1-;-2 " " A '4- , - - _. ._ . .. .1 _ - - - V. ». p 5 , n , . . Cm July 1'7, 1948the subject was listed by the Waterbury Republican, a daily paper published at Waterbury, Cour, as a. speaker at ;_1'' -5.: ,__.~¢ the Peoples Party Fifth Congressional District Convention which was scheduled -. -.':L2l'-- , -'5-:'_~_: to be held at the Central ll GA,'1iaterbury, Conn.on July 18, 1948. v r; -._J:-{:- .9292 :1-I ::.'--- The iiridgeport Post, a daily paper published at Bridgeport, Conn., on July 22, 192.5 advised that the subject was appointed as a delegate of the Peoples Party oi Conneoti cut to attend the Third Party National _1."1.f':':'c _-Convention scheduled to be held in Philadelphia, Pa. on July 23, 191,8, , -_»_-'. _ _ _ W __ Cm July 31'}, 1948the "Stamford Advocate", a daily ]_33pE1",,p11b1l,$hE§§ '-'' .: ." at Stam;"ord, C-onn., advised that the subject was a guest speaker at a I _ =.. ¢:.£_ 1-ff J-?'_,'g: meetinghome sponsored7-rst oi OP}ELI@, bv the GreenwichHamilton .Tal1ace GroupAvenue,Greenwich,_§_o_nn., which was held at on July the J Penna 29, E48. at this meeting the subject stated: "The major problems ¢'._1u=:_facing the American people today are high prices, housing, and civil I-'.'".§Z., t- V. . - liberties, and no'amount ofConnunist-baiting is going to change that." *?;:'§i-I--E5 In speaking of the problems of minority groups, the subject charged that President Truman'sequality order concerning the armed forces " f c "does not abolish Jim Grow--all it does is set up another committee". The -5,9qiIr subject further stated: I am not a Communist. I tell you this because _ _ '§__ A-I you do not ask me. It's really not important anyway. If we lynched all l tr. _j--1,- the Corrmunists in this country or sent them to Moscow, that would not - -_" ' -r solve the major problem of inflation or the housing shortage. ' Theonly .- c i -.q,_ way to solve them is to build for peace and not for war." '5 .:-_ .-u- -h __ . ,:~1_T."*_ . 011- Confidential-advised Informant thatL! aw-1: the subject was the principal speaker at a political rally of the Peoples 17 *.3I.' - . .1- Party held at the Labor Temple, Goffe Street, New Haven, C-onn. on October ---_.,__,_ 19, 1943, at which time she discussed "Red Baiting". The subject also ' ___:_t.- discussed her trip to Italy. When asked a question regarding civil rights _'n _:'::zin Russia, the subject replies that during her stay in Russia she was - l . _ -. treated "with open arms", and that being a Negro made no difference -5 ' Iv in Russia. G , . J - , '1_V j xi» ' t 92- . - .,. 92 -. The "New Haven Register" , a daily paper published at New :;~.:-is? Haven, Conn., on November3, 1948 advised that the subject, as a Peoples " _ Party Candidatefor Secretary of State of Connecticut, received 1/+62votes -' ., ,/4 in the New haven area. .92»t-_. 9 / -» _j;;- Zia i

: -T


1.L I r J 100-8032 Ii l% 1. n.- 4 Oondential Informant of known reliability, on E - furnished a letterhead of the Peoples Party of Connecticut, which D was dated August, 1949. lhis letterhead listed the subject as a Vice a Chairman oi instant or ganisation. __ , _ _ _ ms ¬ HA = gommunist Putlissociateg ~ - . on October 19 I 1948 Special Agents _9~nd _ -observed the subject at Union Station, New Haven, Conn., at which _ C. This timedelegation shewas met was by believe Pintsagou,to be PAa re , sentative EDDIE92LE;iON, cup from and1crrs~a=a1:rmR.the New _ '. --,, Cromwell, C9311. According to the informant, the subject did visit Dr. ,_, v ~ -Y #7.-__ . ELEILY PIERSON and HRCA LOUISE S'I'RONG at the Pierson home on larch 1.0 and -gnu-' __ =- '7 sq-_,-:_;'o ll, 1919. _ 92 / -¢92 ...'_'_-I: K! T ain mp the subject conferred with Confidetil D1 Pic. -. .1 Informant at w ch time the subject attempted to explain the reason for ALNA LOUISE S'I'RONG's expulsion from Russia. Lccording to the informant, -2; _ 3"_ ._'._"Z.' the subject pointed out that all of us and all of them" know that a . __,-_ :. 1;,- there is nothing wrong with her Anna Louise Strong!, and indicated that £;__*.:_,-.=..-w. the reason Strong was expelled from Russia was the fact that she, Strong, desired to go into an area China! on which they Russia! wanted no is--".';?-'1-cattention focussed. Q; .».--J =__, _ . The subject further advised the informant that she believed ;w»*_r V_7 '='*w'-_ f. " that Europe is a diversion and that they Russia! really think that their ___-if hope in their future is some place quite different. _ - 37-$4en. HICHAEL A925.Usso, State Chairman of the Communist Party in V A -e.,.- C-onnecticutpccording to Condential Informant of known reliability, _*~___- inT&pbmber, 191.9 suggested that arrangements should be made to have the - p . ,1-'4- subject address a large Negro Wallace Heating. According to the informant, ..;..--ea: I - the date and place of this meeting were not indicated by Russo. 9.10 "FTP" T '->I'I'_J-0!-4- -I .- p_;- *_';-.!_;-;' _4_ CW Wm <»~, 1 1

" 92 1 C, ¢, ,_ .. _ U 4 ' ..» 92- _ ~_ .31 1 , _ if '_:;l< <1.-I-1* 7.-3 .5;- I-r.m~ -';-1- .1 I -4

-" A;-l..Té I-z~. pow CU?~£FI@<-r Ti/;L Ck1Con.dentia1I1.-'0 Sneaker -, Informant ofknmm - u,__ _ " __,_:1 reliability, urni shed informationwhich reflected that the subject _ __ was tobe a guest speaker meetingsat sponsoredby the IWO onthe "CultureC of the African People".These meetings were scheduledto be held at i ' =..---., Philadelphia, QuakerTovm, Harrisburg,and on Pa. January 28, 29, and 30,u '.'-- *' 1959. M ' ' '92 -"5. *3- Council, Q£Al1EI'lC§n§QFi¢tFriendsbig -_ _;--,,ii Condential-, of Informant known reliability,advised __ _'__-V, that the International Womans Lay was celebratedon kfarch8, 1949,and the Committeeoi the National Councilof Arnerican-SovietFriendship V 7 .-:;'§'_ -'-.51 sent greetingsto thewomen the of . Thesubject's name - . appearedoneo£"the as signersof this greeting, accordingetcthe informa.nt,._.-T ._¢,'.__t n>'Iu=-uI... .: " ~ It is to benoted that both organizations listedabove, themo, 1 '-'" 7*J4 '__ and theI-fational Councilof American-SovietFriendship have been declared _ =.~.~:.'.;: .1 7- I. .--. by theAttorney Generalas coming within thepurview ofExecutive Order '.,w.-_'-_" .._ 9335. ' ; ._=-. L;. 1 .._.., _-._,i. s_i1,1;_o£ T92i_g_h,tsCong:-ess 1 Confidential Informant-, of known reliability,on- .- --i _ furnished a copyof the'0.-.-111 a Bill oi Rights to Congress" ' __-'_ . which listed the subject'sname asa sponsor of the _Bi1.l oiRights Conference. . ' - . _. 92 .._:.--YI __ _ _ _,_ , _ _ , _ _ V 5 -_ 1 »-o-'.--1-i

._-.-__.:.-: -CLOSED- . r- ..-;__;_ 1.,---e _--1- '3 .e____:_,_: _....-__-V -_

"5 _ 1?: '.'-'1 ?Z'~.- "-" ,-:4.1:..:-1" n BUN: ~NT|AL C T .1- ,--. -1_-t- 5 s:~;";~:-q -5-

':-1 !''»i!. '-"1 i::.-:='-1=.E~' >';'=I1 :21», -._-.-my :

1 _92,. ;_ r_§;L'.-.e '1 |,_ * 4' _'I #.»--'-.,.:'-'_ '.,' :1:-', Q Q: - .'5- -3;; ' =;'.:;'f -1-" 1.-.. _ ;1~FE-".>" :.92'-K _r3"I17.- ; i -Z".-$31:

loo-so32 ,_ » .; 1,». e ;":;rm.;-:=-_ up_ fa ___ _ . IDENTITY Q? U3IfFIDEI"TIALINFORLILNTS _ __ l '' Condential Informants mentionedin the reportSA of Q5-'_;. ~ dated_ [,9 Izspesa 'ROBBS-OH 000312 12/2s/-- atECUEITY NewHATER Havenaka., - Conn.0', are, entitled as follows: . :.. , _

- -u 'r-2is 0! "- ' -. e <.~ T-41 _- -iv * - - '1'-5is C.» p f"'f§t T-6 is

",::_'T4:'?,"92_s'.:. "'1?-E-§""'""-re! rn H ' -': - ~ .|.-0 15 V .-l.-='92_ --.1,-t .-. 'r-9is to Sis UK e T-10 is New York letter to the Bureau captionedWeekly Trends", _ ,_. _. ' dated 3/21/2.9. __ " ' e -5,:-,, __ ""8 , " ' - _ 1 o Q lee" ' A T-11 is newYork de as edsetat Newforth Yorkin report of8/4/49entitled - BILL '*e L ' _ r ems c01~?11'511_?.:-:5,NE7.--FY01-.K- nwsestn, 011*! sscuamr- 0*. 3 - - "'-1 A_ A copyof thisreport is being furnishedto the New YorkOffice in " view of the fact ttzt the subject'shusband is a security index subject I in that eree. - , ~ " ' -» I

2 ...4 ._ ._.._ __6_- _ "V '. .. -1'. !,.: _ '. - **~";r"-*§-;_;_ .,."-..e ~ 3 ] :=_{1_1q-,'_;e _ . ..__ .:"~-- -'. ' '§'.T'.'1'*.§:}-' =;-';::',-¬"".3.§ lg T"13 " '_ ~

---.@¢' '4 -:;-<-=,f"'?2;ji!"<'?115.~ ~ W ~ 8 wn , _; . .; -.3 _ _; ;.-'+- f-_-92'.J7-;- __ ; J.- s{_=_»»_;,F:~";§sY.

92:;:J;é'Z_!!'J§=-'-.;1 »

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1- ---| '_. an-103"7 e /be-/;23a;Z-/'5? =-- " 7.;-r.*-,-_- -. M?-§_.~-.-_,_,*»>~<'ECORhFD -t=~=-- --.-.2" -'-£T_'-"£"". f'."..¥{ -:r.%i:- ':._ '*- 2 ALL_INF9Pf'::§.TI'_?:YC?§*?éiNED J l l _ . I _.r7" "":e- e - _ . _-.,,._ . .1 - 3 31. 195° INz-FJ; Ir. hok D. Ieel gci-1 _. . ii; A-3 Aeeooiete chief - Ci-5 __ , .%_i_ :;_.i=L':. - ._- V Dieielon or Security !=1*'b_1;; '1; *:- = , 1 L-...-El. _.-.~ 92.. . - . 1 ,_ * ;_'='s.-:..~'_-, _ '-_ ~A+- V7 DEPlrt.'!l9tI92. of State l1>t~"g ,3 / : 92--.":'.',--';"- '-':5, E-i -- -.1-:.:; i .'.=-1 as am Street I. I $1 P ac " >-.~- :;,.1--- ;- -»; _- .,'*.~.r-Ir: ;.-*-'~_-*.:~.~§-:' , -1 . .- - e.-mime. 1». 5. ' ~11-a-PH"-'"e"e e92 '-_f;'fm-' ._ ,-_. =. 1;; ~" _'-- .= r 5 .... »...¢=; Front John Edger Hoover - Director, Federal Iuregu of Investigation F-3 Subject: FSLARDA GOODE ROBFISOI, with elluee . »-~ '.¬';T.~'-1-Y*."?=-_-1~1¢I=;' .=..=-:-'-2*. E '.7 1" '"_'-.;;??§;_;" 1: sncvmr! mmm -c . e 3? _H o _ _-_ =.___£3; .. '_~_ A92 .... b ------;f"=AT*..,E"1-_'I;".Z"I=--'??4 :-,_"_...... ' Tfi,-;-__. -" _-_; the 1 eve-eeptiened lndividml In born on December 15, 1895, :'-Y~-:_'--It Ieehington, Ere. D. Phulakobeeon, 6., end minteinl Ellie Bobeenn her residence """"**"" - at 1221 _"""_" Enfield '""""' Street,:-- * --=-A 1?.-'=:-.: :1:-T=' E Enfield, Oonneotieut. She 1| the rite of Paul Ho-veeon, prominent leg:-o ,_,_"_.,, _. e_ eonnert linger who I-me been eotive in Coenuniet eirolee for any yearl- -e.:.5=--;_T.:',T:_£. Information hoe been received to the effect that on Iowqnber I, --*-=*1-5"--";--:@-- -' 19-I9, Eelende Ooode Robeeon departed from the United Btetee for Amsterdam -~:§=;-_;...=1.r-an route to Ioeeoer, iiueeie, ae e delegate of the C-ongreee of American _. . ,_. ..d.. -_. J lumen to the dnnuel oomoil meeting of the I£onen'e Internetionel Denooree Federation; 21:1: mating iii ea h oeer. hold in iioiooi, iiuiiie, from -" P - Iovember 15, 1949, until Itllnber 20, 1949. It in further reverted mi _ __ ' ":53. e lire. Rebeeon lad indicated ebe would then ettend the Firet Ooniinrenee 0! ;., .>;T!-1-Z... -ti"-_'11_u ._. ______4.. .5?-a .- r-t.-r-"1_92 . Alien Kia-sen eoheduled for the ret week in December, 1949, at Peiping, ._ 1.. -., - Chine- --*9.-* "-" ,,_- ..~.- - _..,.__,J_ ._.; .-_; -._ $.22-';:_-;'*,"_.*.7_T.f':'.:".:"=? _ Ra: ;',.;=-_jH-:3---Y-Y:-'=.=':»the above to furnished for your eonfldentlel information end Ihould not be dieeenzimted oudzeide your orgen1eetiun- It would be L.,_.,__:-|.3.,4;'!;%a.»_gf-r.§_ 4"1,--92,=!e'-. ..' ,1.|».».-'>_.|,b129;; 1. _ '1j"";1' "-§.7"'-;-;'§"-"*"._"'.1; appreciated if you would furnilh this Bureau my information you no ' '-.=i-'--=":;-1411'-,*<¥-~a.*.*5=5't5§if; $11.:-,*'!'92'- . .:'.~'; 1.-H1 é :-A 5! receive ooncernim lire, Robeeon d1_1r1m: her ltnv mmem. eh. mm» o--1-~' -'.~="-Q!-' ":,-"~"¢'.92.1:,1-'»..=*'-*+'.V _ --_ ? ___,, _._- -._., .._ ...... -...... o 11%3-".-:£'='. 1+ rr.-$12 :.-_}.-_.r__1- -qr, u; J».-5'-92--.-- W ,' .__ ,.. ._:; .-.1.-:. '2. __-. . .-1_'.t-r- -.- ... .-= 1;. --- ». - =_':?{l, - ..7'*w 1,

-._.,.R ?"f:u' |_..__ . :_5 -' .|__ I:

... . .s,.._-....._|-._.._ ....._92

-1*» . f__H ruff. H "W-!fr;pTl~OY6 -...... _, . . ., _ _.. 1. . ._..~...~- ...... ,...... 1. _,....... u. s. Bf-Pliltilii or l92.92S.i-I 'f'5II'I------ ..._..,..,:2.._. 4 -.9 .,.;.».-; ., ,1 3, Q ..92-_ _.-~. -I -1 ~--.. _ A _ Hr. Ginvll . _;..r.,=M='**'=*F*"* '*???.. s s V -._,r 5,.-._ _. lvnynnbn w;1§§ .--u-- :. -.-.-. ..:<'__-.. _.=_~.-n,4, _* ~ jfi;lI.|'.!109 BEG 241949 "3-'-i.*:-i .. I d'.*-.: ._.- H 5-.1 zp **-1 -¢--7:! EASEIHQTUN 2 "raasr-'-.""-*=.,'-.-: -- - - ,1}. pm 1.1-bi! ..;...... 92..------~-' . 2'; 1.. _ _ I 5|1:10. Eli ¢--~ --"' , 7.1 ....1! .->-. -- s--...... = , - '-2s P s - -- "~"'°-11 -----Y . -.==-.~~~ 1-"no:-2 r..-.-. YORK 211 I '1* - A '

;-. -.. 1-._,,.:-5 '-$5;-1'; Fl-t '...n'. -_ -'; -...-'.'5='_ . ..' ";>.:-' - ;.<. :5- -:-. ."- - a_ __ L-1 -_.e ._ l .-I --:_.'. . . _a LL-' KISQELLQEEOUS IEFO. 1-5:- mu - ,I _ .. 1." T_.;ELv-_- H '-W-..;;~-1-*.'.'rou11 §o:>."rYr11m: -TF ri TEL}?! -. I"ALLY ADUSEJ 0 . . *1." ' . .,. -_ .. ...!-. . . . ' 7'1? U K Z5 If Y

" SS FAD Brosrzr rrso 0* ..::LJ'£ '1".-£?'T=T?-r-3'l Q1. -- rs. - _ H, ..., .; . 4 rt 11 'Y'7**; GA -."3:.D BY rr ,_ -V m; . :7- 3 - . .s~ 1,-;.:..[. E.-TRY ...192n B--. I -_r~ Y-:__-. . . .1, FCFTYR--1111:. n£".f_l'-E .. FIW P '°*'S--T - - . JiJ.»-- . ¢v.1'z'=;=>1::;; _ . _ .¢s.-ma w LOCK on - DDOR---1-SH -_w_- »-~_-ass-33:; -3 , ;_ I-5.; s ;.1

--» s -. . 1 }:4-il. ..- Ewuclsxn Ali m;u1s.Y nuo s=..A.»_><_ .1 -*2 _ _ .33.,- Y if Fri. '1-is srnsn z-:o1"1-:1:-ac; was STOLEN su'{_THAT :9?ax. ¢;;;@,. 92_ Z; ii * -..-- vzs UHLOChEB - DESL,. , PART or vkl -_ 1 Q: *..L * PR"AII!ED 1| 92 : _' - L ~ . ~ 6; ; 2 P ' u E '3' in 92..,_ _. _ t 4 92-. " '1-T3 ~ '- ". t $ . -A =4 do /% -_"_ ., :'.- /" 3; ',2: '-.1.-' 1- ..?_.,.. -r,-92 '_'|~::, " VI; '-.' it -_-".E~, 1-.44..-,_.. or _, J ~,._..'_~;'E';':E' _.-_;_'. 92_= 111$ >_1 "!*;:.'-1-5_>.__._.o_ "- -1' I-"-"11 »"E4'= -1*-2'-;=_"..* 151';-3,;- =x r=;}r FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION do/f-* / -;,=|-_'<;>§ ;".;.-. '_;§-.e!<"--,f_5,I 3; . C W _ .' . E '--7.315 Fl -,F.'=';;.f2,*-:_i *1-,. T1-nec:As:omGmAltbA1 REM YORK - ' ,,'r'_ '7 '. N! nu: NO. 100-25857 J -'.*.=_»=~l,_;:- ,-_; " _ ____- <,'_'_,.;;'_- >3. 3-.'-L": t-;.-|.f;-;'.*iI '- '-92_' If-:11 }' K ' V _ ~o ~ + ~~| r-__ -1-_~ t~ - - - e__ - e" _ _ e_ ___ 7 7 I E," E ,7--_ '.52-."5.92;.";.,*1. _§w;.-Q-,5;-It-F»,-__-_?;;4=_;_k ::_£-L, '-5 ' an-on nun: nr arr: wan nun: rzmoo ron IB"OI'l' mm: I! WHICH I , E IEHORK - 1./E9./50 : /305.7311;' 2 P ~- E .,.. - 1% ;92' "-' -c omen" _ /r '16;9/6,e,9,3o; h9,_2o =~'--=1-=-=-=riff" A 5 -- -- 1-: '_E :- "Ir =-' " Q *8; - " _W__ osnsox, ua=.£g; =1o/5-11/1-12/ , ' A A 4 §'S':"P._i_"?A.?~.#'s;:-,,f:'B;Q;_.%--~? - ».-....,..;-- . L PAU1?AR _ "'-~--=--:'¬' . mt 09¢ E931. J '_g,_173,19 58/1; INTERNAL sncrmn - c I-_~*'j-.-' 1-_<';_- A-f _ .115.-=A .__. . 0;? !_.I ,.__ e --;..---.-U. 92._-- -Z,-,_..v=_ ' - ""°§'?~%%£fes=P'c1=I~11*E1> A A - '-92__E-- :.'.%_Z=..=_--H, g - -_-*:._.---._...' - L1="**-- sgmgp ,- The "new Iork Times" 6/20/k9 reP0rted ROBESON -|...-.___ !r=.T.3{lf _{§Pff§f;_,92E__,H ,1 at Welcome Home Rally attacked C . P t1-1.1 Article 137Tl1?3Tl"""'j.".'¢""""""" reflected subject returned .'»:,'-l~ . - -, '1'-,--'. »- c'.-- ;F-e.&q E_3..1rZf:=g§§"_ -1" H1" ' , _~ W._ E CE'I53'iT~-"-'1§£" »~ ---.four-months tom -..-;:.¢e/* - --ll e 2.- ~ _/C bl stated ,;Pt§<;r.{§>92: AoE1¢£_155E * _ ROBESON spoke on at CRC O-ID 4192 "'-'~---1|-a_.:"T" 11:- __., - mro "'*?»@~..°FF592 "' uare Garden. "Row Iorgfost and Home News" ~ - - - ;j-'.'I'.£"'D BY 1! A A A "5311;/h9 reported mum: ,- nsou testified test}; 92 '.-11;, . , 3;; :' :_;-';.:.-._- ,7; -,;-=-. rs, _ onse Committee "that R0 ON is member of GP." :".»"E~"=.'-ti 1-E>i-,="-in 1= 92 .- ~_<_'__. . ,. __= SL1? i59292 °F--92- -A-.= ~- '= ~ .- -. A . I." 7/16/I49 reported nosnsou at B111 or Rights ' .-. -._ - _- '- I'{.,._._-_ __-.-:* _ _5;~;;_ . _= E"-.5 F'T"E_§'=~=_. _7a~e- __- ""92-9* Y -- __' _vE_ _ At f Fonference on T/17/349 told delegates that a llon- '92 partisan omznittee to Defend the ghts of the - i 3 1?-.._'. "5-."':'¢%. 11' -1 _ " . -; 12 Gommmst Leaders was in formation. lieu Iork E.., "Herald Tribune", 8/5/Lo, reported nonnson, with _' -.1» I 100 persons, had picketed the lhite House in %1'_l , n.c. "New York Sun", B/31/L9, reporte Q:- _ V -1-;.,._. . : T . _ ROBESON had spoken at a protes ally on B/30/h9 V " _'=*'- I E ,5 _.,.- - A I - _ _ M.» g lu- concerning "Peekskill Riot." Dadvisod all ' Q I Q-_._-.:._..,._¢:..-Q Queens County GP members had on told to attend .. --A3.--_-1"-'-'-._, _'-§ 1 e ..-.______.5-.. - , 92 ...,,_.._ W ;_- - I Peekskill gathering on 9/3. On a.dvieed 4 . -.» V-_._.;£c ._:___7_e; oubjoot had attended nder sponsored by the Rational ' 5;,-_Ei... ear. __. -_;;;- E -14....-1-. -- -E Council oi lmerican Soviet Friendship. On _ K -t. Fadnrlsed subject had beenactive in campaign _ A or re-election or Communist Councilman BENJAMIN J. LAS ,1,]q;@ mvxs. advised noassou 1t co-chairman of " - -0 £5 4 National ght-e of theon-Partisan 12 Communist Committee Leaders. to DefendJ<1=zn»a';"HHBER, the_____.-_ ,_,_, 1- YS ' E former member of CP testified before Senate Sub- 5"".""lIl"*""__ - -inn!-I°"--' -' '3'::- cn: 11,-1 T - Q, . A __ §g:§ATE F REVIEW _ Di ; J! uumit _'__a.,J_.,._,_=,_.;5t 1;»-1:12; _ _IELUL A _ ROBE-SON is ;*ne|aber WeJ .1"-ii,--'-1'-2;1;»§i";§%'-5i=:

l B'° - 33.» '2' ' "3 - AI.-L 1-mt:-s,:E'§1c::o.= 5 ' ¢- 92_3~'_,_.,_-_?r}{e"I93-'k .1-II. ' ¬_{:_,_ _E__ ¢;7§ EE K3111::92-1:-;335"7-93's;-- " E E 92 ._._- _ i, <2 ,, I Q


V ,'.92*':92 - . . -1.- ,-,-._.',:'-<-_ 1:1 .-"J--ti -'» '--~-::.1" I! 100-25651 ,_ - .1'-.'._:_-'-Jh ';v,': ;-'. 2: j_'.: 1- "1 ¢ :7-_',»."'- ,_ _:V_.__ i:- ,.'..;1', ='.;-'1; '1-Ts is ui?@E;i9¬f'ET*i e .' , an-'a1u:nca= Bureau file mo-1230 " c . f§!!§ A _ - Report_of__SA 1/6/1:9 at Nee Iork X0 DE'I'aILS:. * ~ -s - 1- '1 ~ ' ' me name Pm. LeROI mason, as reflected in the records of the '1 '.¬t;"' "Q New fork State Board of Law Examiners at Albany, New Iork, has been added ;?-'-'- % to the title. ' Y 3 w 1 -, :~"""".?¬ nae "Daily Iorker", issue of June 20, 191:9, reported that the National Committee of the Progressive Party had sent greetings to PAUL -1?-*'=4~='lROBESON, co-chairman of the Party, on June 19, l9h9. The article reflected that the greetings were purported to state the Committee proudly welcomes back to America an illustrious leader of American Progreesiyee, a_<_:___0urage0_1_1e s t a nd a rd -bearer of the liegro people and a great American. . _ ' .1-=1 5- I.-. '~ The article further reflected that "by his action,'word and deed throughout his tour of Europe that ROBESON had forged another link in the .-¢~;.". 2: .'I'.: ,' '-V" '-.'-.3. unbreakable peace chain that the American people in concert with the ==~e = -:1. ' Itruggling peoples of Europe, Asia, Africa and the lliddle East are forging to keep in check the war incitere." . I _-._.__,. ._, 1 , . .l. @- _=;;_.I ; 3- 1 The "New York Times", issue of June 20, 19149, reported that PIUL - ROBESOH"at a Ielcome home rally for hia attacks trial of red leaders here. =~;~.u-he ;,»-. '1'he article further reflected that the "Communist syupathizer" told a

. : ac cheering crowd at the Rockland Palace, 155th Street and Bth Avenue, Nee ,. :35B.;92i4_. York City, on June 19, 19b9, that he "loved the Soviet people more than_}':7_ - ;; .-- - those of any other nation." ' ' so - Fr" ___.___,_.a .4 This article further reflected that ROBESOH, on June 16th had 92 returned from a four aonth tour of Europe and the Soviet Union. ROBESOI 7 '-'_'-'-='e-'-1*is reported to have said in his speech at the rally that he "loved the e 2-|_ --- _¢'_r'---n LL Soviets because of their suffering and eacrifices for us, the Negro, the - -- $2 progressive people, the people of the future in this Iorld." ROBFSOI '_ ' referred to the eleven Communist leaders as "brave ghters for my freedom ¢ whose struggle is our etruggle."_ He declared "that if the defendants were not freed all Americans can say good-bye to civil liberties, and especially _ r the Negro people can say good-bye to any attempt to secure civil liberties." -'_-"1"f.5 - . _. i 1 ,- = -_ 1 " . -1'-~e'::..-2: ' In the above article it was reported that the meeting 'eas'held /' under the auspices of the Council on African affairs, of which ROBEOH ' . /-,_ 9I . re--at-i 15., -.-1-;_--'..i;.v...";~_..-_, 'z~ I -4., .:->,- -92~ 1 -aI .. 92-I-:*=t! F_¬:_ *'92ET' -2- i _ {

- ~__,c'_,..e. ,-, .:»_._ .._.-;_,.-_.¢_.,,. -_---*1.-5-.

_> "__. .<. -_- c ..e 2 'egr_-Z5; .._;'-ii» . . |. "'-r_- --.-.._-.-,- ,.-".;'»= -T5. ,3---3 _.. _.;!_', 5 5" T11. " 4--u Q -e 1.,


_. -. . a_ _-- '. F If! 100-2585'! ' L;-=-~3., ji- .._... is co-chairmen. The following individuals were also listed e haying spoken '* -35 'at the Ieetingz | BE:JAl[[N..%mYIS, JR., Representative U CLWOmO- . - . and Dre Ha 0Ur u.|.ua I I - . ' ' _ I-' '" Och M Confidential _ Informant. - of .. mmreliability,. ,L A . advised that he had attended the Ielcome Home Rally for PAUL ROBESOR, Ihich ~57 was held on June 19th at the Roekland Palace. The informant stated that - 1'; ._ 92_.f'. _.._ .. .-':" in his speech to the audience ROBESON had slid that he was not afraid cf - 92 ._-. .3--._.-.. the Communists and that he Icu1d"deIend then as they have defended us, the Negro people." The informant further advised that ROBESON had told the 1 _. :-g-T audience in his speech that at the Paris C0n1'erence,"I said it was unthink- rcuejgl able that the Hegrc people oi Lleerics and elsesheze in the so:-id could be _-=_ - v. s-Y»~~?dra1rn_intc a tar pith the U,3,5,R,I j-- -e -t "-".*%--"" ~a~~--e-- - ~ __-In

- .~r,_, :- 1 '3-e. 1;-E;--7 -7"...-'7' :;.;e=4_z _._-1'..:' Fin b92 .- _., ;g"'_'.-_1~ .- !-92._-_. - .L.: __!-,_-,___I:*__-4p- L".§_1_-e-' .-__...-,_%3' 75...; - - '9»--we E-.-:;"1 5:... _-I-u:__ _-I Z-i ?:-"§---' *»: F____ -_V__.§_ W. . 1: 5,1 ,':~ .-,1 * 7 ' idential Informant oflklnown reliability, .ee;;d enji- Z5-K-o.~.15='?i a rally on June 28th at Madison Square en which a een sponsored by the 1/The informantJ <7--4;-=:~,;,"said that the principal speakers had been PAUL ROBESON, EUG S and ._ Z> __ ' " .I-:1

92 1 -- r-.-ls ,=;J..-;'_, -___ 1 rig:5 1:3-.1-_>_.-,'.92 . .92.r ._1- -__._._ - --,__ 'r .92. 1-.5, :3"! .1.-'._ -, ',-»; yes, C-5?-j-'7Hf - . . Iv .'.'~-. .|' .»I_f 92' 92..I;.1 -92;,_._._~ 1* leaders atFoley Square,than wecan freeand mustfree." -stated that r ,'¢:: II" it-=1", a RO3ESON'S speechhad dealt mainly with the trial of the twelve Communist - leaders and that ROBESONhad emphasized the need for everyone to fight ,F -. for the freeing of these leaders. . ; . , 92

I .'L !__ -: . The Ne log: "Daily Mirror",issue Julyof lh,19149, reported E1. U-1% that RabbiBENJLQEN] of NewQHULTZYork, Executive Director the of American 3" "-é League Against Communism, had testified before the House Committee on t :-:__ - -J I 7- _, 1 n-inerioan Actirities in iashington, B. 6., on July 13th. Rabbi §Ci~lUl.'I'Z, ._ ,_ 1, in his testimorw, had stated that PAUL ROBESON"was taking part in a deliber- ..e-- -'. ate Communist conspiracy to inflame racial and religious minorities here in the United States." Rabbi SCHULTZalso had stated that the object of _ 7 ii this was "to throw this Land into confusion, paving the way for Stalinist revolution and conquest. " H"_ '"'1' " ' _' * Tf9* . . ' 9 The New Iork Post and Home News",issue of July lh, 191:9, reported than MANNING JOHNSON had testified before the House Committee on Un-American '.I92"_:'.- [2 ; .'|_92_;-_-'._ --4'' -.-1.-*-'.- Activities in 1'-Yashingtcn,C., B.on the above date. J6-"di¬SON,an admitted former member of the Communist Party National Committee, had testified that " ' .;{-' PAUL ROBESON"had been a member of the Communist Party for many years." JG-INSON stated that ROBESON "has illusions of grandeur and that ROB%OI~I is -- ___-"-_ desirous of becoming the black STLLIN and the Communist Party is encourag- ing that. The article further reflected that JCHNSON hadstated that he had been a member of the Gunmunist Party up to 19140 andthat "during my years of Communist membership I frequently met PAUL ROBESON inParty Head- quarters, goingtoor comingfrom meetingswrithtop C0lg?st leaders. '-' -_IG-HNSCN advised that=t.hese Comiwinist Parts leaders Ii sham ROBE-S-0N'ha' ..;;.1.ed were -E. ,mmm Z gran,J Ticsfane -- JOHNSON statedthat ROB S Party membtrshp has been keptsecret rm .-_ -77-5 rankand fileCommu.niete. _ _, __ g __ s- I5! F9 no-_sI92_ an In H s Q I In QB --slam I 1 -1 I - -- ms --uaiiy no:-Ker , issue 01 only lo, 1.9149, reported that at the Bill of Rights Conference held at the Henry Hudson Hotelin New York City on July 1?, PAUL ROBESON hadtold the delegates that a Non-Partisan Com- - U " .,: 4.- mittee to Defend the Rights of the Twelve Communist Leaders was in the ' process of formation. ROBESON is reported as having stated that the case ' of the Communist leaders "was the key to the entire struggle for civil . _.-. rights in American: . " ., _ _ ' _' ' - I T " ~ - r- §"...: ,5, --'='-§~-.=f?=$¢=E.._, ,2. -r The "New YorkPost andHome News",issue ofJuly 18, 19149, " as "Fiifl RGB%GT§,1 -.-In-Q Imus: -anJ.u_y=.u._y1 14. qr .5uu U'U92'A.Ut -u-QE ' ...... sRI-A.i5b.l.¢l In 1 . - qua .l.eu.uu.|.:|Pul'¢92:Iu, .:' Q n . A; "' '. .f§<-i-'*hr,',I-, M , _._.,f:£=-,;'_,_!_|r';is = -g-l1._/V,-;92_»'_ -92-,'.,-r ' T¬;f;3 ..;. I 9 t % '4" .' '

_ -1. , .._~7__$ ;_-'_"_j,.-:,_:.§.=l_". 2. >1-5.: 5."!- {=?fv.-:-;::I5-.§

-=__,,-r~ -.:;- ,- -;:<'--=_::-_'? _-. - r__-_-.,_ . . , *;, oz» :1,-l=~,.,,"-;;,-7 ._:,_:. __,._,,.7-7% 111 100-25857 2 . - -___< r ~.'- t .;_s.

, - .<-<92' e - . _ - V e » ,, Q!-1--*' 2'??? i . but whose exact relationship to the Communist Party has been a matter of -4 1: -.-- '6-'3- 'doubt, appeared today to have cleared up the latter point. ' ___ A _ u92. F 'li,'92.. e . "t In this article it was reported that ROBESON, in speaking on" --"._-_ we-VJ . , July 17 at the closing session of the Bill of Rights Conference at the . ' Henry Hudson Hotel, had said that "we Negro people, we Progressives, we 4- Communists, we little people would be in the forefront of the struggle u of the American people who are losing their rights." The article further reported that ROBESO had not denied using the above phrases nor had he _._ repudiated or explained another statement reportedly made by him, namely 275 - "we have found a weapon with which to fight--a weapon which originated with a nan named NARI."

"*-"~ "~sJ*~ ihe "New Iork Journal American", issue of July 20, l9h9,~reported- -sp V- that mass picketing had been expected when PAUL ROBESON "leftist Hegre_, ___ 7 ___. singer speaks at a rally scheduled at the Iosque Theatre, Broad Street, " . Newark, New Jersey. _ _ Q The article further reflected that a call had been issued by ' ,_. , GORCETSIEYENS, Essex County Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Iars, for members of all the forty-six posts to meet in front of the theatre. :=r_;=- 'e - h--92 , ;_3v_r- . :1: According to this article_ROBESON had been billed as the prin- cipal speaker of the meeting which had been called by the Civil Rights % 1.-_'-in la; Congress in connection with the case of six Negroes who were convicted -- _ :T-§.*,.."?l7Z of murder in Trenton, New Jersey._ _ %ké_a _ M -I"?-Z3 'E"¥*".~ -4-3 K The "Daily Iorker", issue of July 2h,'l9h;, reported that PAUL ' ROESOH, on July 22 had assailed the "machine politicians" for gauging up -_. -~92-- ".1 _.i.=._., on Councilman BENJAMIN J. DAVIS by running EARLJBEGWN as a coalition e _,,, '",'_ candidate in the 21st Senatorial District. Thdqarticle reflected that ' ROBESON had charged that BROWN would have the"dubious pleasure of splitting the Negro people, of undermining racial unity and of furthering the interest d'I_i . of his aaster by campaigning against New York: fighting councilman." . as . ' I -- _.. -_ ' - The "Baltimore Afro-American", issue of July 26, 19h9§ reported J. that when interviewed in Moscow during his recent trip to the Soviet ' : ;__._Au._ _ . w:.k...._,__~51. . »_ Union, PAUL ROBESON had told the Russian people that"Russia is the ._.1r?-1.-._--sr country I love more than any other. I always have been, I an now and . i 1".-f.'F =1-, .'3r.""%.-1 92 always will be a most loyal and sincere friend of the Soviet Union." " '7,'1,..'t}19-f'!'r.-I'§';,~§ E If-,'-"f,f_',_1The New York "Herald Tribune", issue of August S, 19b7, re- ' -.== =1.i~.'- 1.';<;Y7 91,}, -|.:1._92_it,_ ported that RAUL ROBESON, with more than 100 persons, had picketed the , ~; L Q

-_ - -5- __ *'TT{'W- -'Tt...uan- V '1 ~ I 1

"_. 1. , -l,;r-» 92 I-.1? I L..I*~ _';-.M Q1 I-£1; ? 1_,1.., 2-- -- _. -~ I I '__.-;_;:_=_- . fa .;;_-___ -,-r_.| ~ ~ if e -_. ., , , , I 9292 .,|._.~ _.92i.'_:; :._. :-.-.-~.=1.-/~.=--;-5-I . . :<;;'._:_ ,____._. 1-,~ L50" '6.,

rnioo-25651 . I ,___. M .. _ A -.4__ V. r. _ 92 . PEN ._.- y . - '- Ihite House in Washington, D. C., on this date in protest against that was called Qdisemirste eT1P16Tl1ef1t practices" at the Bureau of E'r1g1-swing and Printing, Iashington, D. C. The picket line had been sponsored by Local 30 of the United Public Iorkers ofkmerica and by a local citizen's committee in Iashington, D. O. . _ , . - __ It was further reported in the above article that ROBESON had _.. ___ _. picketed the Ihite I-louse in his role as an honorary member oi the union.

The "Baily Worker", issue of August 5, 19149, reected an advertise- IEZFJT-.':§-7"?we-' : ,1--; - :1 ;92._*-1;- o ment e! Camp Unity in ehich it use reported that PAUL ROBE?-CH "would E the -.;._92__;_/1. _ guest of honor at the camp for the reek-end of August 12 to lb." T-7" - »> ww- 'On August 6, 19L9, Condential Informant I advised that he ma attended a street meeting on this date it the corner of 126th Street and -- 1:" Jr .1 - an Lena: Avenue, New York City. The informant said that the principal speakers . -_- . r.1,'..'.- '*';: =- at thev/meeting had been BENJAMIN J. DAVIS, JUEP°'j£WII..11A!£SON, ».- >- .=_; GURIE;->EI_.In'H-.and PAUL noes-son. Petites tnatmosssou, in'his speech, __ , __f had spoken in defense of the twe ve Communist leaders and for the re- 7 election of Councilman DAVIS. ' . _ ' "D b vi D The "Daily Worker", issue of August T, 19b9, reported that PAUL ' ~=---.u- RCBESON, Chairman of the Council on lfrican Affairs, had denounced President D TRIM-tAN'S appointment of Attorney General TC! CLARK to the Supreme Court as a e f___-_'_ _ ; '- -- _ "gratuitous and outrageous insult to my people." The article reports that A' --_ ---51,. _-' Te»-in ROBESOH also had charged that "CLARK had attacked the Negro people and W. _ -__ .31 organizations fighting on their behalf. . ;,.,;=':£.-..~a It was further reected in the above article that ROBESON had j . 1 _ 5; -Q charged that "CLLRK has winked at Jim Crow and white supremacy tyranny * and has refused to take action against the lynchers and oppressors of the - Negro people." s " ' Tne "Daily Worker", issue of August B, 19149, reported that PAUL ROBESON had spoken at a "Free Winston Meeting" on August 6th at 126th Street _, ' _ and Lenox Avenue, New York City. It was Kected that ROBESON, in his " _ D . 1....--ij;"; - .=.:-1-A-a;; * speech, had demanded the freedom of . WINSTON who had been Jailed by_ - -- V 1'5 ,e.,. . G 1'--._,-_ Judge MEDINA for Contempt in the trial eleven Communist leaders. .. - 92 I 1 ..~ -1 -. x~:.- E-iv-* . o e a n oz-man a se a e a-L-:.;.,-es: jiv-.»'.5. On:Cnfidnt1lIf 1.. an amen * ;:»."'.__';92_had visited Camp Unity. on this date and that Camp Unity had dedicated r ''-,»'-12;» that week-end to PAUL ROEESON. The informant stated that ROBESON had - Ii

. . a .-ifJ C -W. '_'92 ~ . i, V'_ i .92.. {WT <;} '1 ~ z

0 H L F t :-92. .92 er, _, : 92 I : 2 J

_. I 53

_, '-.¢.I8' _ 1 : I --- RT 10-25857 n AI i e» in-up I 4.. spoken about police violence in lmeriea against Negroes; the free of 92 1 --.1: ._ the Ku Elm: Klan in the South to terrorize Negroes and the trial of the - .. =01- '2'-5? _ twelve Communist leaders. The informant advised that ROBESON had also spoken . *3 _.a-"' .; -' '1';-e had made an appeal for contributions for that organisation. K .. is --1. concerning his activity in the Council on African Lffairs and that ROBESOH " A 3*__:_IwiQ The Ilse Iork "Daily llirror", issue of August 29, 19119, contained In article 6ntitl0d "ROBESOH: H0 Asked I01 1%." Y - e . p 7 i ;T:=!. .'-'i:=,31_-I1me above article reported that ROBFSON rose to prominence as a singer but that he is no longer primarily an artist. He is first and _ -,<1-,"-.-:2foremost an apologist and propagandist for the Soviet Union and for "yer Communion. He loves Soviet Russia above his olrn country. - ~ .._';-"3' L . The article further reected that war veterans had demonstrated _ _ against ROBESOR on August 2? and had clashed with ROBESOIPS supporters. _ ,- _ ,,- .-; . . It was pointed out in this article that riots are ugly things, * '". -,. . {"but ROBESON has been asking for it, the veterans had as such right to .- demonstrate as the Communists who daily attempt to mock Judge IIEIIKUS '4'," F. ; Ié court. llorc right. - The "Daily Iorker", issue of August 29, 19119, reported "Lynch lob " Runs Lmuck at ROBESOIPS Concert." PAUL ROBESOH had been scheduled to sing 1'31: .314"r-Q, at Lakeland ores on August 27, just outside Peekskill, New Iork. This i _.§§§;;-. 92._ I. » concert had been put on by ROBESON for the benefit of the Harlem Chapter _. _ ;"E_- of the Civil Rights Congress and had been sponsored by People's Artists, -" 'Inc., a cultural organization. ~ ' '" -- -

:.,'--__ __ ._.__' ff 7' .| The above article further reported that "a nob of 300 vandals, H5 einflancd by the newspapers and official hysteria, ambushed an outdoor . -. ,;?'TTf.' --er:-.__ ;._; concert where PAUL ROBESOH was to sing. In this article it was charged _f_, that the nob had burned a Klan cross and had assaulted hundreds of Ien, isqnen and children. ' 5 '" . ' ' _ _-__ 3.. 7" iii, t *'+"._ rt J V The "New fork Sun", issue of August 31, 1959, reported that on sq;-7_'§:_,,...--» August 30 PAUL ROBEs0N had spoken at s. protest rally held at the Golden ' J-3 _,.E_ _T:_'_'1.'-JV Gate Ballroom, 1-h0th Street and Leno: lvenue, New York City. 'I'he rally e was reported to have been sponsored by "a small group oi citizens who . 3 object to the painful Fascist hoodlum attack on a great artist." .. . _-. . -' . .'.:.92': ._ n 2 __=-{. 1*;=7,.<.~;=m=d..A;;,_;,.|.- - ».,. 1;: -. 1 ' . I _. -1..- , r ,0-v"'-"'."' 92-. -.'_ v % L» .¢ 5 '3'--:3

i I L '5»; ': -R-1-_I . '.~-:'"92" r".- !- 92'{-'--.5: 1; ».-. . . I ' "'-'-i'..2"~.;-- .- 1'F 92 ex 1oo-258;? e e p 9292. _ -11.-L.-I,»' ; q"' . .:~ _r-_-nr--;.-92- ' -;92-¢_..i- rél.-"J.92__. A, L,1'L-ii"

".-,--; , ERwESOH hadIhis declaredsrticle that he would reported return to Peekslclllinizirt-herspeech and at his that the"Iron new 'that rally on we take the offensive. We'll have our Ieetings and our concerts all - .;we ; N "5' |.,' U over theUnited Stetes."c-'. -_ _ _, ' I _ _ 67

UH _ that ii 92 92'| 've had attendeda rauy on been sponsored by the "Harlem Chapter and which .'?'- had beenheld in protest ofthe "Fascistattack onPAUL ROBESONby veterans I L J-rw -.7 .1..--_ ~-1;, "'I atPeekskill, " York, onAugust New '27th.- Z. ~ - - r... , which had :- . 'lhe informantetated that the principal speakers at the rally --x__, I t ,'-.1i7'3~;*=¬:':=,N!.,, . A ' "?a"92§_i~!". '=':_ee;kil__lgive s concert to end that "Irm nee en es tge the offensive - 92 .':',.- ' U,/, 7 _ - 92 ,hsd been mm. aosnson, ssuanma J mvxs, vrro ILLRCANTOBILOand _1E'B_;R-DLMD..~ . I -':-:1-. ----1" sM:mi._.-advised that nossson hadannounced thathe would return to ».-'.:-.'-_-- ~:_--.- -,_r _. - -'----11--' .-..¥-i and thatoffensive beginstonight atthis neeting."; , p . , .-'f..-"=5: gr, _..-'__V'4 '1

l*.':.=I§ : :7-.-i-_~ tfff 513734 . , . " q _ - ,. _ ' ..'?.__..-j-";..- ; ~--. _". 'The =I1iili icrker-", issue ef September 1, 19119, reported that ' I_é.?_-_-'~'IY':' ..92_-1' --9sh-W ' "Harlem shookIith anger and fireydefiance Tuesdaynight as ore than <'/1 $4 _... 15,000 in and outside the Golden Gate Ballroom and in a historic torch- e . '-="I s _, .3 light parade protested and demanded prose ution of the Ffeekskill lobsters ,.3__;' -i-_ ' _ who attemptedto lynch PAUL ROBESOI_{,."Irr thisarti¢;1e was it reported- - iv- '71:- ..---.f ,....-- . that speecheshad beenmade PAUL by OH R0 ,HALOI3%¥!00H0A.R.TP_ilST, -c4:;L4¢- BENJAMINDAVIS, J.HARCANTONIO, VIT LLIAM , L§

-L t l _

<_ _a LE NY JDO-25357 V I é/___]

.. ' 7" § =.»4r1rr_;. of known '1,_- . '<>n<======1~=='~1-1 -"":. reliabilit T advised t a st a meeting i I-I-.'. .=_§~ - Communist Party "all comrades were -..-,-,.| __ gathering on September 3 when PAUL ROBESON would appear. .~:~I"-- .-_., The info:-unmet stated that the Communist Party had issued orders L that "l,0O0 strong male comrades were to be present in the area by B Adi. . RI es e security end police Ierce and that this ierce was to be iolleeed bv . 1,000 additional strong men who nest reach the area by noon tile.'u! . 4: advised that the Communist Party had instructed "that everyone eho .1 -7 .b bring a baseball bat and golf equipment as the area is a wonderful place . ,...._..__,_'. ,* to practice go1r.c1ub swinging." WM ' The informant stated that it was his impression that the Gorannrdst Party had intended to provoke the veterans and cause distm-bances. 7 _..__. .. ._.-___ _ 1 I 'i'he llew Iork "Daily r:-or", issue oi September L, l91e9, reported - p,-ii Ithat "the Grand Jury yesterday began its probe or the ROBESON riots. Supreme ~ '..-. '. '- ;--1 1 Court Justice BAILEY at White Plains ordered the October term Iestchester , County panel to conduct a. John Doe inquiry into all phases of the disorders F which accompanied the assemblage of a certain Communist group. mg-'-__._ _.~.~_. __:.~..- . .' I The article further reflected that the twenty-two jurors had heard the preliminary outline of ae case from District Attorney FENELLI, ,-2 who had advised them that "the crimes which night be established could tip. ._ -:=».. - include assault-rioting, inciting to riot, violation of the Sullivan Lew, disorderly conduct and malicious aiechier. District attorney FENELLI also had told the jurors that they would be asked to determine "it the so-called 2-, _I security guard with which ROBESON's followers encircled the concert grounds near Peelcskill on this date, September h, constituted a private militia", 92;;. E- which formation, FENELLI said, is a crime.

-:=T' - " -;-~- '_ '- :4- The "Daily Worker", issue of September b, 19'-19, reported that _. _ the PAUL ROBESON concert at Peekskill, New Iork, on September 3, was _ .--*- Z»-:1: it-'--_=e;= wrecked by 1!Ob5 of hoodlums backed by state and local oI£icials.'_'.." .. _ _j ; - . t . J25- '_ The article further reflected that aoessou had charged, "that ." __*-2 the cue for violence against Negroes and all progressives had been given ..___ * _V'-_;z;§'.,"when the House Un-American Committee had investigated hi: for alleged i H p disloyalty and when progressive organizations had been placed on Attorney, u! Y 1 . General T0! CLA.RK'S subversive list. ' 4 =".,§l '1' '-*_.92,'¢E'.:92'-.--15-. - i_.f'_::,-.; --.1.'."<.¢":;1_Z'I'; f i._'._' .~. *- _! |, .; we.- |< The "Daily Iorker", issue of September 5, 19149, reported that PAUL ELQBESOH, Negro singer and people's leader, will appear in the

a ~r-"_f_'_ 5 " '.- ; ;- _ §_ "' 9 "" 5-» """ It I1 35:.-.. K t- . 92 ,__ _,. . -.

.. rm U --». ¢. 1 - 1~ 1. - ngpa

"=-;: -gt v w,_I :..._ ; 92.{ I ' if :. I'."::'|"~/:._'=92'... '-3'. v 1.} 1'1' *.' *1--, §9292 ,.;.-,.~<;. ';-'.:r _:-;-1:11-;£wl__ _ [I

7f? _ I has

II 100-25 BS1 ...-a ' . . _ .I av .. a 92 .__, n. w "' - I -, 2' _ '- :ak','_.' --3 . V -_I. American Continental Congress for Peace" which opens in Iexico City on__ = '-'1 this date.

-- ---v Daily lhrker", issue of septenher 6, i9h9, reported that .i;.i 1 The "*7. 2!-i '"an emergency committee of prcnnent progressive and labor leaders yesterday U "iii demanded the arrest and trial of all individuals and officials guilty of __ fomenting or aiding the Peekskill outrages. The following individuals __.;.§ to have participated the fo ion.of the above committee: Y at Jwere FIUL reportedRUBESOH, Hi FEST, 6. jjisall, 92 LEQhFT§aUSS and EEHJAHIH J.. . DAVIS is-._ _ --a r_ The above article further reflected that the committee had :3-'1 '7' 1'7 "called upon citizens to urge President TRUMAN and attorney General EDWARD qt T.-1-_ l "5 IcGR.l'1'H, caverns: nswsr andzState attorney General NATHANIEL F. GOLDSTEII A to: =-

3+4¥5% '1.Suspend and bring to trial all officials bearing responsibility 1r1#¥% -' *92- -"-" 1 - .- . » -.._ ' ..._. --._. .. __._

1_. .-E 2. lrrest the so-called veteran leaders. The committee E.-*"'_§ identified a number of then and was prepared to name more. fr-Ila: 3. Take action against the KKK in Iestchester county and elsewhere. - 2 ~

ls. Guarantee protection for the peace loving citizens of . Iestchester County who are still being threatened by the -- .- - -;_-I __-_,.,.';s= Fascist goons. - -_;-_=: _: :. 1- 1; . V- Compensate all victims of the attack." _ _ __ _ -___;:;, A. . | ---__-Q 1 IL- -- inc Her York Qaily Hews, issue of September 6, 19b9, reported . _ gthat, "ROBESON, Vet Chiefs Trade Riot Charges. The September hth musicals _ k__ I 'of ROBESOH PAUL ROHESON andspokesmen was followed byfor the veterans five hours who paradedof rioting against near the Peekskill.andconcertf = f have blamed each other for the disorders in which twenty persons were , ' arrested and more than 150 were inJured.- , 5 __ it . _ k_. rfia e The 4 I ar- E|'.92-'f':'92' 1,31 article further reflected that "left wing sources" professed cwavha a conspiracy between police and rock throwers while the veterans s 1pm..»-I +,'l-up nnv-ma-n+. l!'92|'92I92lF fnr harri no "1'l1:92.'il'.Qd Eh! IlO1Ql'lQ.' ' -.»_;.-, -,. . _ .r...... _ ' _|.,a|qw; gnaw yygauvgg grvaygvy -1.. -an-v--Q ---w-v-_ v--v ---______1, .'

'<2 . 1- :.' -""11-_--: ;.-11¢.-..92;l~.=='ef>; at F2 e_-,.._1.92.t5'"; J?.~jr 13 i. |A:'.|: '_-. if-. =.. | x F e 9292. .. T .3;-' 11! 100-25651 _ A _ e£_ " - ;.i.:-.i-I.:-+ 5 .9. W L_...i_.

T ' It Ins further reported in the above article that the Civil - " - Rights Congress "lambasted Governor DEWEY for the disorders." The Civil '- Bights Congress has charged that Governor DEWEY "has made Jim Crow and E<::_ anti-Negro violence a policy of the Government of the State of Hes Ior_k." E ;"_"-_ i ____ 3, eerr»--<1; Confidential Informant advised that the i Party had aade plans for _ and Communist Party sympathise:-s o act as guards at the '"'!' v- _______; ROBESON concert to be held on September I4 at New York. The " - iI...._..'__;§informant stated that _" .;_' ",1


, »~ 1.-K. _l!92 -13...

:-"Q rt -g ... _ i ' The informant stated he had learne :1 _'>,__. J - -,,_ i that amen had carried weapons or some o e ' i ., kc:-~_._ .' .-I ien Who had been afraid to use then_1rhsn_theyZsaw police guards in such 1 _ -;-I ;,--.:="_--92.. t 5-, -1 large numbers at the concert. ' ' ' ' 1'; . ' " fr f . . ..|_, ynembere that -advised ROBESON'S that participation he had learned in the from recent some Peekelcill of the Communist concerts Partyhad _ 7 -an-' -3:--E- been partly for the purpose of getting favorable publicity for ROBESOH in .'g_ . :1"! J '_ the event he would be called as a witness in the trial of the Canmunist .- E: leaders. The informant also advised that it had been the intended purpose r 1-J; _ .. _.H1. . I.if 7.-e}i'__:_!=-'3'to utihze the Peekskill incidents so as to stress the acts of police ; 9 a brutality and acts of discninstion against Hog-rose and other iino:-it? _ .;..&,_ I -_ groups in the Communist trial and for the rs-election campaign oi Council-' .. _ 7 %-»-- nan BEHJHIIH J, ELVIS. ~ - ~ -- -- be -_ e. 7 _ ___.,.__._..,_ _- -'-.;- On P Confidential Informant - of known re- _ liability, ad sed that PAUL ROBESON, as a member of the National Non- Partisan Conmittee to Defend the Rights of the Twelve _Communiet Party...... _-_ "'..-- .4. :25- Leaders had sent to various individuals the following telegram: "Iester-1 W ._ -w.- _- ' .- day's New York daily 'Ccmpase' exposed open prejudice of one or the Jurors, Hr. JAH!92E!,1n the trial of teelve G%ur92.i.ets= &!er.se motion to declare mistrial under consideration. Urgent we get wires to Judge MEDINA, Foley A" Square, New York, immediately asking that defame notion he granted." _ :;:---_ Y ~14 1+;-.<§ q 35:, 3'§'.1'.92f:>.'I§,' .,-:;-,'-- 5+1 2*.--Y L-':1',f-'?|*' _; -. . - ,» _:'*'|','.-'.;92'92t .. _.»_921/.-""1 <.J -11- E 1 1

-92 1 J L &~ ... in ; i"~ s yr 1» ¬;;;1 - a '1',- 3- .; .. --',-'1" _,f -1.1;-.Z ~~~ --._ .- 1 ~.--."al-r. IT 100-256$"! . -1! &"f:*-2-'§?5:_Aj n I "1?j:Q.7 kt -- 7 7. -.__'___ _ 'The New fork edition of the "Pittsburgh Courier", issue of -%_" IQ -5' September 10, 19149, reported that the Civil Rights Congress has protested 3.-uh; .'-< against alleged police participation in the Peekekill riot and that the L .7 er we-}.._ . 7 n Civil Rights Congress has announced that a delegation "would march on -»_.._ .! Albany to demand an audience with Governor DEWEY. -D . ;.{...;?rz e 4? ;. ' This article further reflected that PAUL ROBEBON has demanded , a complete investigation -Lllll the prosecution of the Eu-Elm: i, both in Iestchester County and in the entire State of New Iork. , p _ .

The records of the United States District Court, Southern District , -;.- .3-_'._ .- . -" . -1.' of New York, reflected that on September 20, 19b9, PAUL ROBESON had appeared as a defense witness in the case entitled, U. S. vs. IILLILH Z. FOSTER, et .-.1._ f _.,_._. a1." l - e . t g.jIa;; ._..q:, - The records further reflected that ROBESOH in his testimony had _ . . ~_- .'--'_ -='92_': I- briefly related hie personal history and had stated that he knew all the defendants. However, when the defense was asked if ROBESOH was a character witness, the defense had advised that he was not. The record reflected that the defense, after objections had been sustained to their questioning of ROBESON, had stated that it was impossible to obtain from ROBESOH the testimony that he had been called to give and therefore that they wished to withdraw him as a witness. This had been consented to by Judge IIEDINA -4. and ROBESOH had been excused as a witness. 7 L 3;-4-r '5-_r |,n._._..v-V,_ -4. The "Daily Iorker", issue of September 22, 19b9, reported that A fa x,. PAUL ROBESON, Chairman of the Council on lfriean lffairs will leave Septem- 1**r%E 1 enber 23rd for a country tour of Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, a;a;= Iashington, D. C., and Philadelphia." - - ~ -- » - - A The article further reflected that ROBESON had been scheduled to ;G§¥:E speak and sing in the above cities and "will give his views on the Negro p r-" 1-4 ;-._.*'-'7people's fight for economic security, civil rights and full equality." '1'he_ a-"'1-gr,--. 1'3 tour was arranged and sponsored by the Council on Lfrioan Affairs. _."; _? .-. v-I i The "Daily Worker", issue of October 5, 191,9, reported that ' 1 Ad #1 - ':n' I §. =.&5 PAUL ROBESON "blasted the gag rule by Judge HAROLD R. HEDIHA against the -1 - __. J» appearance of BENJAMIN DAVIS as his om attorney in the trial of the - _ _,. ._,._; :;>=~_ National Communist leaders at Foley Square." The article further reported _T__'cwi-"'2'.that ROBESON had charged "that they know they cannot answer for the dia- ' _~___- crimination and persecution of the Negro people so they will not let any- one bring it into court." It is further reflected in this issue of the _ I - -_--2-F" '2 I.--."92{:>?i; "Daily Iorker" that PAUL ROBESOH had returned from a tour of major cities . --1,-_. .-_,».-.:;. in the United States and that he had been well received in Loo Angelo: and" unicago. no - 1 . . I . o,3 ..

1 a » E-:11 ' P T>*._?*".;"-."1 5, ,.__':.r.1.'- -: :5}; =1», .._,92-_, incl:-,*92 f_ 1-. a 3-2.i'.»~'"-v"a.','-._":,.= r:""5.:'"---'92-5: ='.--[31 1'1 5%?-Z ,-is-'- "-..:'i.-J H .~",-3.1 ..I! 100-25357 's V ' -11- -~__,, __ ,1-1, _.-,-, ;,. .;iJ. ii; ~._* __--,4 -. . " 92 5.... 14 1, '1 Q-' 1. - " The article further reflected that ROB'ESGh' at a press conference kl 92 had declared that "the reelection of BENJAMIN J. DAVIS would be the con- plete ansier to Peekskill. The Negro people in the United States, Africa, . " - and the fest Indies ari becoming so aroused over the denial of even basic ._ freedol that the rule oi the white Bourbon capitalists will be abort lived. - . . _ _ , ' ' The we. York Post and Home News, 1.; er October 114'," 191,9, ' " - reported that "PAUL HOBESON, the left-wing baritone, will campaign actively -- a he for Rep. ILARCANTOHIO, the ALP candidate for layer." _ _ - __.- L --Q.¢, -1 r_;. ' The "Nee Iork Times", issue of October 15, 191:9, reported that o .,, +a>=---.-- - . r ~l~ years ago. The informant stated the dinner had been held November 10th ? ~--'_*'=.*-g- , ,1-'*;'_'-i' at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City. * " " '36: ;*'i;:_-'f._',:If '' -mesa that mun:-zzxnsarmsxr had been the guest of honor and - A _ - that PAUL ROBESON had also been guest at the dinner. The informant stated _ : .1»; ~aL. '- -. -.*'-'?F*<; that ROB!-ESON had delivered a welcome address to VISHINSKI which he had 3- ' l ¢§_ ,5]-. vi §~ delivered in the Russian language and later in English, and that in his ';~ "'e=h_-<1 ''0 4 speech ROBESON had spoken of the Peekskill riots, the Communist trial and _: _,_. - the lynching of Negroes in Anerica,II. - _ A .. -: .-.a.§ - , .. _ . . _ _, _.>92. __. A -A ' The "New York Sun", issue of December 3, 191,9, reported that as _ 1-. v92- 92--<--- -4 .' 1* f ,'¢.j~lj*1 a result of the rioting that "followed the PAUL ROBESON concert on September ,» '».',1.-:. -1; > -.->:.,-=.==-.:,-,','a< I4 near Peekskill, 135 persons have filed notices in the State Court of __ "!."|_".:_r"|§ -i H2, f - ,- .-; 1. 1'. "II I he 92-**';f J» ¢ nu AT,

J - -'92- 1-/ ._; I .- 1 ,, I a__ L 92 '92K fir 92 -2 .1 I " 7' as -_~; _ '_. -.._T,A; '5'.-. ..',_~.!,EI__"_ 0* _.~-_-.~.'.;*_s' 92~_1 .--..--. .;£'; it ioo-2565? gel gwf.

Claims, Albany, New Iork, of intention to sue the State for damages." 01- Condential Infomant -advised that .5 ROBESONCouncilman had been ve active EHJThein the HS. re-electioninformant stated campaign ROBESONthat or Comnmist appeared had -In at many street meetings in Harlem during the menth ei Cetoher and the rst week in November andum. nosssows dpeetdee ingeneral haddealt with the_ ,_,_ Peekskill riots, discrimination against Negroes and the trial oi the twelve I Comuni st leaders 7 -C» During - Confidentii ormant ofknown reliability,has s!ed b / copies oi letters and press re sent out by the National Hon-Partisan .,;__1~;.. , Z5» Committee to Defend the Rights oi the Twelve Communist Party Leaders. These letters and press releases are seeking te obtain the quashing of the in-______L751 dictments of the twelve top Communist leaders. PAUL ROBE$0ii islisted on the letterheadsas being co-chairman oi this committee. ._".k'_;'.' C CConfidential InformantQ-dvised thaton the Communist ?arty has been attempting to secure quashing of the indictments against tne Communist Party leaders and that the National Non-Partisan Conmittee to Defend the Rights of the Twelve Communist Party Leaders is following the Communist Party'slead in this attempt. . .-. _ <4 . '_ _ a -""2Cr The New Iork "Daily Mirror", issue of December 18, 19149, reported that JOHN J. HUBER of New Iork, admittedly e former member 01 the Communist ...", ._ ' Party, testified before a Senate sub-comnitteeinvestigating aliens. '

:_ . . _ :4 we a 'e In this article it is reflected that huBdn, in his swcrn statement, had declared that "there is no doubt in my mind that in a war involving the *'92--1 '- --';:.-1. United States and any foreign Commurzistically controlled country the Com- :: ---r -.-'-'-S;-'.. muni st members in the armed forces in this country would actively become ~i"-e--- foreign agents utilizing every unscrupulous means available to sabotage ~ me-"3 defense of the United States." . It was further reflected in the above article that HUBER also 1:3 "named hxmdredsof persons who he said either were Communist Party members er participated in CG:.muni.st front activities." ; _ _ . -I,,__...-.- 92 Under "Officials, Sponsors and Supporters of the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Comnittee who are Members of the Communist Party" HUBER listed PAUL ><.n:e-.@t-eh ROBESON. _ 'I,-'.-".:»;.1 er -a __ '1'!:.41:-P. = _ _-_._-3-i' *--».'--,;;92;__-a._ _._g_ ".":".'. - PENDING - 92l_.i -33- -

-e ' s ' -.-I 1 ,_= V 2~ . 1- - _ -1I. -1 -3;. .;92 '- ~-'-. 1-..-'-r -..-. 7 ';1__.-~'-_'~. '. ;'|-4 _ '-r':- . .,.x1;_92J; "'.''.- :'r"-.'J

. E? ._ |,__i.¬-:0 -".-u:"=f.f~,', -._ -_a -;.92 HY .100-2585'? |- -- ~.-'. I 8*»:

_ -v I I 92 I. LEAD __1 -' _ ni _ _--I . ___ I _ *"

~r=-:1- 4 J2 __ -- '- . : Z}E;;]iEW_1l0RKOFHCB' __ _ 51~_4 M -- 5 Lt New York City, will follow and report pertinent excerpts from t subject's speeches in bealt or Communist Party. _ _' _ _ _. '§- 1» #43 I111 follow and report general Communist Party activities of the E-__-.=.-C; subject.

e - .,_5§92 -. V. - . A. 4, -m 11'

If-'.:5. --' 5-' » -~_- =.-- __.. .,

5 "F.-1 0 -_ ''__. : :~_=_ 4 I 4!. '1" . .1-_ -i ._ Z§= L J.-_. 5;--.'-.{', ». _~ _. " - -r u .-__.-_a-A.

..-' 1.- -, Q. L .-:...:_;_'i~ .- ' 5 :._.--' -; :1 _'_,;i 0 ;=a' 2...- _,_.,» 1 92 .. . -. L I .- . _ ,1 . r-.5. ;H_f . - 'J, J ' -1 _,-1.» V.-e _ L T_. A -___* _. .¢ 1 _ -1 .7 -q~

;, u-K-_! . 1--AI r .!,'-'-$2-',' -. ~ '., ' S132.-. 1'-if; " ' P zn.-1 .1 _ Ed.» H 92 '-_. . r nal

-15, l 0 *1 4 f I

' l ¢ 4 _. s. - 92 R s-{xJ 2 I! 100-25857 - - 92V- x 1-_|.-n-.- / X . . : 92;4Il-_ -. i CONFID'EN'I'I1L INFORLLM-TS d d ' 4 ' 1 1 - __- t , » 1 -- r". _ _

.595 The confidential informants mentioned in the report of SA -'.¬'- §!.- *.*eQ - dated January 9, 1950, at New Iork, are identified as follows: 15 be c,It E. _ T-1 . . '. . I 1--2 '- -- -1-. d A 1 T-3 L 92


92 '1'-5 * to 92LQ

i_i;%_..z-92:_ I _ »: T-6 '."92:';' 5'-:-1 ',_-9'1; 1-.V.'.. -_'._-_ -- T-T -. ._-,»'_,'92-- ,~- I T"'_ '-._ - .!':'T_' .. -' . - . _. . ._...- _..,.. ._____,_---'-"j. .,..,. _ 92 .3 -Jii '. 1- F - -- »_ .-'-. !_v. - _, . 5.--. - :3 __ '-.g .~ 7 1 r 4 J- r,k_ V.

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T" - -9 I $_¢.Y _;.. L , -9 .. '_:.. .;__ J 1 =--' - H I

._ . I I _' ¢, 5.. .-

Hi: 7",:-"§.15$-"F'F':.~f'§'§£ -.-v 1!. ' '_ f.".j'."-f?.'_1f __a._ I. F. 1 -' 1'--. ,. .. 1..Au. - ="--:;- z-45»: -1 r 92 -1,_'.-_-- |, .; 192_< 92; ."-' 92 E - rt .-r $1. 92._ Q e.-ow» ,,I I;- 1% 1 -_--- - - _ pg; F, -I-__ - -' _ 15 - K

w _ : 1 -. ..,

..".-.I.- "sz c; 5 _|.."1-»; . .-I '-'A . .r--'r 1': t-,1?-1*'|'| J $%v1 ;__._g~».r; _;- »_ _ t. .'_: --=.*;_ 1,-Y5:';'. i ':~.';-:1. 77..-"_-:*=f-$ ';v_--'_I.';L". L7 92I' _ ., . 7-.-,~-,.: . .92>...._.. ._--92...c .7 H.--,,.7. .. 4 -92- e -n-.,,,,- I .. -.-~ -I-.-_ _- . -v-0-ru---' 92.,..-,1-l=.|.._ -.-.-1 ...=_-.;,...-92=. ._-... .;-..~:..-.1-S ...»...--.;. I -_;92;-;;,;,-¢;,- _,___ .,.; _ _. 1' _.L,,,_ ,.,,, - H l!]J-.92.-..';.e ._. , . ._, .~ --~ .. . I -

._---..,,:5 -7. K! FD-I22 W !Yf' e 3""--3 0-1:-0! -..> Oitfé Memomizdum - UNITED sTA'f}§s eovznxmnnr ;._. T° = Director, FBI DATE: January 31, 1950 "=1 g "-1 #32 SAC , alfew York - SUBJECT; PAUL ROBESOII, was. IN'I'§R3U.I.. SECURITY -6 ,4?/emn-1> K Bufile 100-125042-E2:-fvf/* .92., ..-51%, - . I521: ~_:-5:, It is recommended that a Security Index Card be prepared on the . . above captioned individual. .%__ _¥.._ The Security Index Card on the captioned individual should be #1 :_;- 92"5'92,|_ .~ I --"'Q changed as follows: Specify change only! J-.'r,."-':'5 y-1-1--7'1»NA]-lE______c______c c_ ___ I ______p ______.- -'-1. : -_,,.-_ ALIASES I 7 7 77 7 7 I 7 7 77 I771. 7 '7. 7 7 ' L 7 '7

7______7 _ _ nu



11;: um: or s¢nm___y __ H W __ *_ y N y___PLACE or e1n'm__ ,7 _ *_ ¢=____. 3'- MA-=-' ; RESIDENCE ADDRESS _ ;;11aro1g_gg;§_§ _* .,p _ 22 E 89t1'§_,$;t__;:'eQj;_, ,192$_1v _YQ_m_lI1,_L-____V_ __::___:______

-J: ~ ~ BUSINESS ADDRESS ShemInna of employing concern and address! / I M,rI A

:-' E I13 A } '- .i92r-.131. ;~.-.._..,....;-_;- _._. .,'-'-.-.,-_ J>h1.nn-_n- ____~... _._.~._. _'_-_k,- ._ .~_. ,__ . . ,_ , H,__,_ _. _L._;_~. _, __ ,_ __- _~__,_ M _,_ ___._ H _, U ., __ _ , 1:-'_-.' -_.92__,.:,_ 1 7_ , * _ - }.:.4.; _49292929292:a9292_:L ,_. ¢.., ... ;=.¢... . P r _ .. .--=' " - _ -:_'.,~-1;.;..--;-w-r-1?é}$;"l"*~"?_'92 ;¢¢~=».~*'; 1 s D: fit. .-J ..-{L-;:I'AKI%" H 92

'921-~-If .-§ E; _ ;_OA|,,V__...-.... - ¬-I_-' . .. . /E.3g=A,__,-1-uh rBlI0ll..__ 1,:.-_'. 1 " i Hr. Lu:[d,______r 1" V-1g - ---. 59- 51!: ...... I ' 1 s ..-.--r"'F"' --.-.. r-"'_"'J 5: ML CIu|u__,_-_l_ _ ah ""1/'.,'_- =-.» 'I n-v 92:.t.:zr':..".I:.'.£n? ..¢-. -- I -> ' or 1..-->,.--r-r" 'g_.i'-v.-ICQ: -.3! I. - '>.::"','; ' ' @g};u='-4.§E!T!BR3 Sii III. Bolcn ,______-. :92~' -'-"I-Q 19- 'l92'I-=1 -...... - "| L .92I& llz. Harlan ______*,_;'I-J4 :3 Hr. Huh: ,,,,______, @.-"/Talc. BooI_,______-C . ,.. llr. NccnQ._,_, _,____ 1!; ru1='o=~921.u1r>1;Ic¢:1?.;92§;<¢;;> l TELE" 3-TD Hill &nl1______*4? IIt-unn'---n-nn-- _ . EE.2£ir:1s::;c1J.L.2:;;=1»-Ii. , I .O p12::;.'.=1s1-2 my- ENT|A|_ u . 3 ,- _ 0 '_ ¢1=Q'!,.1 , A . --.:i"';=l.1__._ GTON 48 FROM NEW YORK 6 9-57 P _ DIRECTOR . 'URGENT D - V __ {1- a fl?! 1! Q! Q . Ii ; PAUL! Rm Isc. __1__ _E ,____*_

~.-¬-;-: '-.=~ -r ==. -3-T11??? . _ .35J. .;;_.'- -1 .; 1. -. **E9"E%TI~@ PAH; Rozspw -:9 1u=_P5A11 .A3'_P§1l-1' ylbslm, _ . , | A I _ , on FED. 'r}Jr_z_.y§_, 1=nf'rY.1r agszsou no; - , i -»4 » oruzn £m;Ac£1~¥}:NT THEY nzsmzn ms APPEARANCE masmucn AS 1-IFTEEN THOU in-p SA__1i1_J__} ;_p_1§:é¢;'1"-z5¢__§_-1p1v.1;i,1,g3,§;A_nY 0 _BZEIEN_SQ1,D gun THAT THE DAILY wonxzn 1r~1__ 1£_l1n§92 _._, ,,__, ., ILL "Y -1- E¥?PLS- w<>vLp ¢_Hz¢»=~.~. TH THE "Y M11-Y WORKER T0 HIS KNOWLEDGE ROBESON HAD N0 OTHER ENGAGEMENT BUT 'UL92_I C*LEARAL[CE }g9_u1.n H51; _T0 Bgszcugmn FROM "rm: CP, usni um. ADVISE-BUREAU F. iii q_- , , If y 7 i 7 W OF ANY ADD1. INUO¢ ,_ ,___ ,. _128 -'_; 'E 'scn£1n1' Rtcouor-D 3 0% _ _ O vnsxso-12a_ '19?" E

FI c f1'@151 LAST Llhlg LAST wn mro -* aw,-E - '2',-'92 " _ ;__92:. :1 r-1.55 '1!-' 1 -V . 5 1 _. I *%!tL::-- 52" 1 §§:%s,¢:cs§*£I?1Em~%@Y4.¥%,@~ -x-~ .. 9'. Ii";I- 7,._, .;_é92- v "P DATE OF REVIEW QQ .~-.= _ .= =25: . ,3 * -23;.» -_._ . -.1:-1;-.-1 *".¬_'. ' .1-ifs F,-:55. .._ . ?1-55%. .=.r*'; » 3&1":- 92-kw, . ~;.?_=;'»r, ...@- J3-, - .1 -»;-_'-' .kw: . Ht N 1 1 E_'_-' Qw- ' 6- HWY C }?*%l"l@IHIAL 2% Q ._¬-1; ~ U. Q ,. as, - ' . 15.. . : _ ':1 ,~- - 2111:!-nu SE -ii";,~ . -»; -e} 7.. '. -du.-.J..:..4 :2 J T: *--*~»-*"-i--"~-i' *'--'~;_--»-»= waspuzgchased » FY - .-. by»_';.l'.»...' Confidmtial ._...._.-...... _..¢..".....-£'.é'.-;='.<.;..-. Infgrman.- - *- Io:-ker's Book F Shop, |i., - 50 f 'Fast 13*-h Street! Re V UYork C ty . ms is being furnished for the Bureau's in1<>IB1-1°11 Ci. ~ _ -._ I. mm '- U". A -.-- at. - ',--- -1 - ; ' I _ an . .r"°w-'<'-"'."""""_""' _ "F" 4- -- __ ._.. . ._.-.;_.-.-.;u.._._. ,____, _ ' 1 .__ ...... , 4 ~ "

E_;h§§§1-',,,FB1. _ _ _ _ r_ _. 3 _ DA'l'B=¥arch '7, 1950 .

.3 AL SECURITY -' C 4 "1 1 l _ is 'herew1t§1 enclos £_hnnk Q1311-105 LP-MIL. gi-f?§:5E'_3.__ -':~:£'-.'»' .;l=_i-' #5?- we Ivzlél -W-= w " 33.1.1 P-%'§ t* §-'_.-"~+. .3412$5 ' in; .1.- Fr; -fl";Q Iv? -1.5"?_ ___.. I if?» vi , 92 1 I. - E0. ! E I._-*_" .~_ Q 92.1' Q, 92 .7 _,; qzb . _ 92Q, J ' 4--..@.+c.%~i~*1 1* - ----0 ' ----_--_-~~1_#ZW -17" *9: _=+;_._-P-__-;___;g_._£r; "I '7 5,-*""""*_"a_ " , *7 1,;-gt f n -..:{;.~":. fir» _-_. .» Q. ~92'..g-50 ,3"-.-a -' - '.--

.,. ;;,_ 92 _J_;._. . .'.' ji . ' = _-1,. - ._ _ -* .=;- .- - 7 .= -.*- =1 , x: J, _ . . -4- _ . X}:--1 i:' -' I. ._ . Q»-.. , -A ~ .+.:='+:* F -if-I-Lv-1.: . a" . _n 3. ...." ._,;;;_= '_.» '6 .5 . 4 1,5-. _ . . E.- . ¢~ §92_ . .;' . - ~. ,-92. .- 1.1, .92 .' _;__ t,_..-. 4.____ ,_ ._..., .?":.» . 4.. :2 3;" _,. ' ' "'5 4'»: ' ' . f ' '._-' _. -.' _ '_ RECORDED - 68 ma Y;-; -7 if,-_ hi- j y Q. / ._-.. ._. ... T _ . '-' . .' ;».- -U .- ,;_['_, . -.- Z -1-. r L lnurxi-53 =1 92 - |_~ _ - ...-. C»Q. 1.. ,- .

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;,_;*_$,f_:' .. -. L fur 2.1": ir;:"o:".".'iti01. of he T.'ar:.;..g;t0r. ?5.:=?.d Di:"ic§e, the 17-3";-." 1'0:'kIO_"=¢@ _. . 7. V . '. ; r _ that :11.» $.15-f-:1 1eft.LI1re'11*1ife:i States 0.». January 22, 1;-53. Q LT; »*~ *7 " 7*"--1. ' , -0 '.,a - I. $9"-" 3-. .~ - i t . - - -vr - . . =t_..-...... _ _ _w _ _ _ m-.r I7!zE"-" ' I | .~a.~*C.:,Q:"¢*¢' * . S 2 ._._, _ _ J 9292 . - .1-11:;-. - . .- ~-92 A: -,_., i. --~ __ r ?1E*r * . . * ' f ....,.=-1: ',_;-- 92 '.j_" i - ; _ ,7 7 ' A _ w'_'_" -W "';'%_"i_;7"T_fg ii-I L""*7' _* _,;:'.L 7 I.-T. { .. 0 » .3 ' §~~ 1' ~ :1 "2 _ _ . 1 = 3,, W ' . _-,i -"i. F, 5 _ ;- -="=.--:- ;=i - Z Q . :;'I"._»1;-';§'_ .. " E '?,?.'i'L*;*Y E."- ' x-":3 :_=1,~-A._'Jn_<|.-I MEI . ~, I . 1 =3 ,}'-: -7- :'-.31";-*1. . ak;;=; _ Q "=;.~~ -.7.-'.!=. It-*3-I *2---J" 5' '-.. ":12; I. . »92.

A}'.5-'.~ e

__,| t ,, - .'.<--1-.-.'_ |._-- .-j . -;k_,*e~_iI4;-,-j._.:_,-. ;f;..-I, 8..-..', {,"_jg. =1-'re=-rm?'I--I "renew In-F I; Q . '.'_.-_~:.n.. L e . _ "*' _'g .- -"- .~-._ .-,-. _u .- __92_;,._ C Oid Memortkzdum- UNITEDsriits eorsnnmsnr -"-*:'=" :11 _ 1 D1.1"9¢tO1, DATE; H3-ICh 1.6, '.g.'l..'-»=r I .[ .,92 - _.1f non IQ-tic,sré.j1.au.- _ be D ~ - 6 5/ -we-. -_ Pix.-H" '..".,3. ;:";;:,',?-J1 sUsJsc'1'=E31-ANIJAROBESON WE _ I8. L D llrs. Pa P-obeson, 81' "" 4,-A 14 smmnmrrsa-es , A t i

_ -¥ C e Re letters toBureau and New Yorkdated 3-3-soand 3-6-soentitled 4-"/bi ,_, -p JI _¢ "Council On on African momAffairs _Internal reliability, Security-0".submitted_- _ 1, report_ s - a L-V .. 13 dea _ _ _ ormants attendance at a meeting held .._ 7- en istian Church, Aubert at Fountain Park Avenue, St. 1 -

, - Hrs. ROESON toldof her visit to lloscow, Russia.to attend a meeting of -. . If the Women'sInternational DemocraticFederation Council,and she stated that/ ;»h_'7; 5 "__ therewere four other delegatesfrom theUnited stateswhich numberincluded J11"' 1-_ - " llURIEL~DP.APER, thenegro whose name was~.LAY:'Sand e negro named*JACKSCN. She " - _ stated that in lloscow thepeople told her that they thought that PAU1>Q2@ESOHe - ls; was marriedto a negro, and sheassured themthat she had beenmarried to fhin 7, - for twenty-nine years. It was noted that in this connection informant pointed - 7 92 '11.!.. ~ out that Hrs. ROBE.-SONvery is light skinned and appears to be almost white. g ' ,-I"1{£;"-Q.-4%;She stated the people in Moscow didn't knowwhat a. negro was and why she '- ?iv'i'5:_»'§,-- traveling about whenshe should be homeprotecting her husband. She assured the .-..92---:.- corms n:sTso1'sn_:{~"-"3p_$;;C H H l -''A '." '; ;"i'=~'-¥ ' »~ l/1~*/515455."/88w11e4 :1 - '.

. V r_- :-'1 ._ -_ $'- A92J- . _,@.... _<92_».-.--_-_--e

,92.».--- -_' , ;_ F-R. .-'é' H. if :- 2» ;;.- 0yi- "3"? .;3"'j-' F1 $31!?"-of-3"!,;'r . 3. -a_;-gi_ '--.-'§ 92_~=-.92-_-; __ -1 . 1 .. _.. I1-_-.--_-,-.-_.r -.l-:- v-'- - v=,~g»; c -:»:*;-kit-.-.- III kw'c,, -|"1t:'-K5k . 25,; - -r-2, -. ._-:1= " , Q ti

J _ .~- --' _ ",/ 1,54--.-ql' L. '-1-1...._:; _ .' .,_ w v_. Director, FBI 1 _ Karen 16, 1950 I4 sunset ;* people that while some hoodlums trie kill her husband in Peekskill, she felt certain that thousands of loyal progressive Americans would take good care oi him. She assured the people that the mob in Psekshill really didn't wish to kill her husband but rather wanted to silence hi-ll, and that she pointed out - .-v-cl that the only way this would be accomplished would be to kill him. Infprmantl reported that applause led by ROBERT--£AHEu'ITZ, a Communist Party functional!. _- 7 J. oi District , GP='JS§., who test$.fi% at the Hes York trial oi the eleven 35' members oi the Nstiona1_CP Board, follofsed this remark. ; ;-- Y J e all ,_921'1 92 J1; § llrs. ROBESON also spoke of her recent visit to China, and she stated .-._-Q1; that she and the other delegates who accompanied her wondered hon they would -- :-.i~",'Lbe received in China after American bombs had been dropped from American planes e , "-e~ killing thousands of Chinese, She pointed out that she and the other delegates were cheered Iherever they went. She stated that she was unable to understand *.-1-"_= _-,.. .'-1x this apparent inconsistency and mde inquiries on the matter and found that the ea answer iroa the Ghiness people !h§ that aiany people had cone to China to exploit {~';-;,__ »- -' ._._ LC-'1"4': the people there while this delegation came as friends. She stated that the - ,,§-:1-v-e=;-2::--.o=;s people's government in China. had won the war and that the United States appeared -_ L-:7-P-:1 'ft ,:_. . rather-foolish by not extending recognition to the new Chinse government. She - P added the prediction that this would come to pass within the next month. - S . _. _ . . - __ _ . .-,- - a -. .4 1 , - - She stated that the Chinese women had done a great deal for the new is-=3 government and consequently they were now treated like women and not like cattle. -_ | s .-_, She stated that schools were appearing throughout China and all China was learning to read. She declared that some delegates on Africa attended the cmference in "'1 China. She spoke at some length on the African situation. She pointed out that delegates from both Africa and India reported that colonialism was dead and _ P buried as the people were tired oi being exploited. She stated that in India -

. ,'L:" _ _ '4'the people were being exploited by their own people just as the situation had tr . .-''<- 'i:_'q existed in China thusly, she said, the people in India would have to liberate j'aZ»_Q.~'. themselves Just as the people oi China are liberating themselves. -- '_ _ 5-_".-3-E , .1- On several occasions she stated that the negro was not a citizen in the -~' United States and therefore he camot be called a disloyal citizen if he is not . J» I377V. in fact a citizen. 3he also referred to the "1-rcn urtainl on several occasions ar- I insinuating that this phrase was a piece oi fiction built up in the United states. ,js- J: '1~..'4.--'1 Subj eeepemuee out that the delegatesM'1'ron'.*the United states -1'-.i.'._ impressed in all the countries where they had traveled by the fact that the _ ,. people were all working toward peace. She stated that in Russia they talked _ -' i F.» H peace, and when there they asked them it they are not preparing for war ";-»f¥';-_--,'»¢'= _' .r _ *' and she stated that theywere_ very sur-prised.' I-7; ;_ I _ ti "I;_e_; ._;i~J~'_-;-1 ' Y |92 ., p . -, - __-- .- _ 1 ,A_.,__ . -, _, 1 _,.. . ..,,, 1" - . c - .' 27!. 1. ._._. _- ,. - ..-._'._t _. . _ : 5 _.- ,_,--._-- '92._ »-_: '_V I 1 _i;- X t?-?};¬= 92- 92 __ _,. J . . .~.. - ii '4__1 . . -4-.;__."Z§'-_ T, '1 -.92 1?f_1--_-_;.-..... =1-1- it. ,,- 92.. t, ,I._;,_-@ j 92_~.s.- ,. ,-, 3: r - I '. - ».'>-' ,¢_.E: _ y__|_. ~ - - ,- 92_,., I 2 L; .o.. 9 -. ... 525:; .__3._-¢_r~_-_ . .-_ ; If 5 ..:. - .c':.=.-*5-}=_;I . 92 .- ' 4 ¬§:+|'_,1§.a _-__ r - . :=- .- Director, rs: 'i _ .- . '' _ larch 16, 1950 '92.. _ _w., , ."_~ .=.=: ;;:;e§ .33:11-Z'I- 5_. ._v-,. sat: I! ..o__I. _ _ __ ' She stated that everyone everywhere was interested in the negro he _ has question in the United Stats: and she inrther stated that the delegates from .. India were most interested. She stated that she had to tell them, of course, _- that the negro eas not e citizen and she stated that the @l.egatee rep-li _'. j __ 7*? '.'.." "' "Oh, yourConstitution the and Bill of Rightsis a nonderful thing". Shestaaizd . .-gr that she admitted this but that she did not tell thm that the Constitution 1". -_-' I iii-., the Bill of Rights Isre in mothoa11s in Washington most of the time and were __ only taken out for I-irings at times for such occasions as the Freedom Train. - _ TV i_.' S During the open forum period, one individual inquired it it Ias not " an ;-"2. 7:-'§'_1" true that slave Labor camps existed in Russia. Subject pointed out that she had - 1 a brother who is a. Soviet citizen and who has lived in Russia for thirteen _ ~ f.l92. years, that he travels with s circus and is married to a Eussian girl. She S stated that he has told her that he has never seen a slave camp and has nevarieeeee _., met anyone who knew anyone who went to such a casp. She stated she was, _-, * therefore, inclined to doubt these stories appearing in the Lmerican newspapers; uni-1:21as concerning such camps inussia, l ' -_-_-=@_-___U _7 '1' . 4 _ J _ - _-;_ , A ?.'g~j.'92---. '.-J1...--. 'Reverend " PRINCEA.!'¢Gf-LEI, Minister JR., of the CentennialChristian ' J?= 1"-'3 Church, inquired about the status of religion :l.n the USSR, and subject pointed - I-¢f;-.'-_I.- I .. .. -I out that Ireedcm existed for all denominations in ussia, including Jews, 2 L E Catholics, and Protestants. She stated that people were free to attend church ""13 or not to attend, and declared that Russia Just separated the church ifromths Y" 92 ¬~- -:3 business of the stats. _ Y ' - ~ e ; .. - .92-:r_.- - .- .92.-, - .- .- _ - , . a. :5 - i~; _'J4 An individual inquired ii she considered colonialism and the Present Russian so-called satellite states the sans thing... She stated she did not 1 - because colonialism meant controlling and exploiting while a satellite was just - influenced. She stated that the Eastern states of Europe were influenced by the USSR while the Western states were influenced by the United States, so she urged S __r:. that all be fair about the matter and that if we discuss satellite states then. ' -I".-.7: all sate'.LI.i"testates should be considered. 1 ' 4- : 1 - 4 l - '-4 . "--7* =¢-- -- and the iathérSALIQJANEWITZ, oi ROBERT HANEEJITZ,accordingsupra, ss that been the to aIunerican longwhotime press memberconveys CP V the" idea that the"USSR was pereecuting the Jewish people, and he stated that he desired to know if there is any truth to this assertion. She stated that she Li J. did not know but pointed out that since the fundamental principle of socialism -+ was non-discrimination, she doubted very much that any citizen was persecuted in 1 - the USSR because oi race, color or creed. She added that many Jewshold in the 3-3--~-, I ....z_,7_:_..:i-_. .,_.._-___ .}.-_ J.,,.:,.;"_-,4;'_'.__"~r_,4._,._r_-:V :::;_r*~.'=-Q? g=. .55?-" 1:-'-2:.»-3 11'-<4-=2. ::_ '.~-"-;7.'*' {EL I P-92 -;-or9' --1,-*1, ""92':._*g': i'i'£r>-':E-{.'» .3., l:3f." F4 ;-.1:=;'-¢.- S.--3,;=51-"5

iii-'-1.' ;;=;<. 1» - 9 . _ :4. F , H. F "I Jen

n >5- : 17":}">-I -'-'.'T'~.7' :21 _: I». . '1-is}§'-11?' _.,'.-_,,:.._92,..r;,".';" .,.

.i -f |. er- as _ _ -.-.---I .- 8 - 1.-L3;m '...,I -3_:'._5 _-r. .1»-. ,!7,:',E T_1_n Director, FBI I Fr I _ 1-iarchl6, 1950 :_._>1 _."_'92.1-_:~.-;. 4; L _,-I In discussing the Cardinal llIHDSZEH'I'Ishe ease, stated that it was - ' 1-4., her ist impression tint it !as oi rehgious persecution and she ha origi:-..-:=..'!l; felt badly about it but pointed out that after she learned that Cardinal - V - *-I - _ 1=1. -¢_- ." HINDSZENTI hadowned hundreds oi acres of Land and had practically slave labor- .¬_."-'-1:" on his land, she knew that her first impression had been wrong. She stated. that 5:-::',*=-I-532% she made inquiries of some Italians about the IIINDZENTI case and they told her .*:;.=*:;; that they were too busy protecting their own bishops from the Communists to have much time for this case. "" - *~ . '~_" .. .- .; ;-re: . .,. . ._ . .. -. . .. " - : . .~- --..'.__-,4ni_.-J: en. i-i -' ' ' .- 1 r 1T-'. ,._; -:1» An individual inquired as to the great obstacle to peace and she ' replied "Far and all this talk of tar, Another individual if she _,. ,_ _ ,_:.... thought there was any chance of the United States and the USSR getting 5* '" 1-r. _..-5 together, and she stated that she thought there was inasmuch as all have to live _t - . if-1'.- .,sf,, in the same world. ll-any in:_1_uirieswere made concerning the A-bomb, and she stated ..:_ ._~..-.- ,3: she knew nothing about this. -- 1 __ - _ _ H . ;92 ;_'|;-. _ .'31- 7- . .",,i_3-:3-' Y; '~~~~-- llsartheend er this "discussion," shestated thatddanjdaheca '1'1;*n'gj*'""i" such as"yellow clog","dirty Jew","nigger" inthe USSRwas punishableby s. fine, . ,-»92;,, _.-4 '..-» ,.1 ..- ___- 1, __ and 3311 Ferlo . ~ -.k-';..~-._--.-4- *.__ _~ o L." * . s .e_-. 1 ."-. -_'~=§_-.,'.--1,. -1.-3 '»_>~;- "92 _,.__:1'.. 4 --_'.'-' :1 - '.-'.--.-, V -__".._'--e .. . Fleas alsofurnis e leaflethed containing a biographical sketch-°92h;l of subjec which was distributed at instant meeting which is being retained in the files or this office along with the program mentioned above. This biographical sketch is as follows: bi?,_ _ _ - , _ , .1 92; _ ~_ - -r .,--iv -..- ,-..-. vhf-av-n-1--~ 19 4_ '3'. -- - *asm:maoonE1mr.scu S "_ = .4 _Auth,e_:-, Traveler,Anthropologist, Lecturer __é - __ : _ ,' ., - __ -- _= ',- -. -- _- -1~_-V I T -92_~s 1 H». 7' .- "Born in Washington,11.50; 1-151»father, £110died Ihenshe estvar} young, 4 -II _. as one of the first Haynes to graduate from Horthsestern Unirersiti. -:t;F;=+.i:-e..~- . "Her grandfather, FrancisI-ewis'réardozo, Avery founded University, the I--4-».. e first school for Negroes in South Carolina. He was Secretary of state and _ 41-" Secretary oi the Treasuryof South Carolina in the Reconstructionperiod. 'g

_ "Eslanda G-oode attended public schools first in Washington, then in Har- '-. .'. :1.-1 ~ 'e..< -_ lam. She took her degree in chemistry at Teachers Colhe, Columbia Univ- ;_¢.'.l, '.. * ersity. Later she did graduate work in anthropology. She has also studied u _ l _,_ _92v- .-V I _ . __ - _ .. 1 _. .'I_*=3:.,.,__,, - in universities in Eurom and Africa; , _ r ,_ .,_- _. _- ..*@. ' .'V_P. !,:- 2! .- -"Ki 4'.' ;_'I <' _ f_' J ,_ ' _-.' ' 3'1" - 4_ 1-_- _ '.|r-___ ,. * '' Geode-"Miss met married Faul'i_i1o1_>es_9n,'graduate, Beta lee .__ ., 4': .' andone of America's greatfootball players and athletes. They have one : -1- VJ ".:-_:;:+1-. 5 S P *5-I1.{"J-13 '.;--i'-,- ":25 - ii'=i?.-5 7:51? *e=.:1.|¢. . -9- -rt

;;~'-§:..'" =,_..-_, -~ ?*.f'-5*-f.i@"3 i-_,-. 33".

:. 2.11- I ?-"';."i 1i!-I-¢:i_>.= 1 -~.' . "' - -n :,- i ..1- .-=;~:we r..¬;-,' .92 i"- z 2,: ' '-; .92.1:-= ~';- '-,-:'!'.~ ¥:~';;'~._..-.-.-.... -.-,5 - -- . . . _. , 2:- ._<,. ._--. - 5 92 '- *7'= 1 -re w---- -----'1"--'i---e-e 4- ~=- .. .1...» .e_ ---» Q .. -. r"_. k Director, FBI. _ _ _ ; lo, 195,0 d_ :92" . -re :1 "Hrs. Robeson is the author of articles, pamphlets and books. Her .. rst book, "African Journey," written in conneptionwith herstudies in _ ii; wk. §- ' anthropology,was published in 1937. She ale wrote a pamphlet at that . time, "What Dothe People of Africa P-a.nt."_ e is the author or "Paul i .. ;_.':I i '" Robeson, Negro," and co-author with Pear " ck oi American 1.:-gu:nent,'.' L _.--.2 .- A..- _ ' published in 191,8. She has written one _ vel, yet unpublished, and is _ * writing another. *- _:" "f' *7 1 _ .__.;;~'-"_---7.1 Q7 -.-~;f_?"7..;.-_-,5, .. ' r __. ._ " "Hrs. Robesonan was observer for the/Key-ess oi Womenat the_/_*'»/:_|ie.1_i_"'_s 92'.'p|;;e_q:_§ Gen_fere_nee_et_Pe11< 7 ., .... . __...... ;,-92_F92.-;'92A92.f.'. ;._; e. ""-eet Eslanda "1'"1iot'let'héis'elf 11' 5a'eer=iym1"""1m1v1eua1;s**snetees" --'.';".7'.-'-'.~ . . in herself every Negro <1 in the United states, every poor white in a p011-B81: -2'-J3 '~.'?., ' Southern state, every black man, woman and child in Africa, every untouch-~' . _ Er. . ' .5 .'.'r.. 0' . able in India, every colonial in Indonesia and Indoel?-hina, everyroman any-. .» -- - Whéfé ihii lflgi £5? equm 'tj'!.'. - . -.;,;... .1 . -..".~f.-_-.-..-':1:; J ..-;:. if t'+.l".1_;'.;;'" e -1-1. "lire. Robeson is on a cross-country speaking tour which has already taken "her to Youngstown,Ohio, Chicago, 111., and etroit, Michigan.

2! . . ' "L citizens committee,aided bythe>_ pmm5,tteeA Democratic for Far ';-*- . 'F Q-63:» §s.-gtern Policy,is planning a very intensive 10-day scheduleof meetings - '. -'-I!' . for Hrs. Robeson in Les Angeles and San Francisco. In Oakland, Celi.f., her -.1112 - .. .11 '- . = meeting is being sponsored bythe1'aliifo;-_nis_§:c.a.te As_soej:_atiQnoi'_Colored '_. ...i .,- ¥_9.~'I~'F-.@.+'1_,_§he 92.wi'92'|_ep-eel: alsohe Ee§t-lenll, QI'§=; seettle,Eeshington, 323$!- lladison and lliliraukee, Wisccnsin. .. ~ ~ . - .. ---=1 ' "i. u v-~" e ~- #####-~==~r -=-=--~»<- . 1 . _-3/13/501 __., .. -. >-. _ . . . . _.. __ - . . _..-. .4-_..e...... 2 . ,..._ . .- . _. _ . _ ,,._... . ._ _ . _ . ._ . ... . , iii: ~ ' V - 1-,_ _. r ..-Y . . -- _ -- - . ._ a .. ___ ---. - .1 ..-. 9. _ -. __. _.. _...,_ .5 _ -_..i ___ _... - ___. __.. . .__,,-e_._.. __ .._~ ,{ . , e . i 1he toregoing isoffered forthe informationof the Bureau endthe . -.--i '. elk IDIk DiVi8i°ne " " -.*:.i.~ .3; '-':'.: 5" .1 f i " l _.; u i-1+". -. =-.-ii . __ _ ~ - _ ._ i . --- _-__~ 1. -'_i_ 192." :__ Hz . :-- ._ _... . ~. . Z,. ¢-_ -- .. . ,-.3»,. .1__,,. _..;_. _ -.. __. .. .. :4=IA :...___.. ._.._... _ . - .4,f...... _F ,_ .,_--.:._p.3: __,.,,_.;.-_. __., I-*1 _ -- I-_,__=~-.. _.- .3 . .1 -- '.-.. 1 .- - . -'--__.- .__ -':T'92"';."' '+ - . _'Q; . j.""-. -. . *7-5": V t ,.',._-'-".; ~.'- .1 ,.,"} ~'-- ¢ __ P-', - , __ - ;r_-v - r_ . § _ Q " -.i _.: _ .2 . t :,l_._; . _-, -.__. -J=--- V ,;v:-.-_--1!,4. - 1;».--7-. -- 1- 1- -1- _ op .- -91-; -5 hi g-- _ - .1 _-:-- an __ - -_.. --_ 5,; ..»_ .~,._,.-uh1' - -.5.- F J; " -i ._-Z .. _a_ 7., .._;.92L. " ', ._ "Fr . -_.r. _ ,M .eP,'' ' ~._,______ -»._:.-.,_~,_k -. .' P , -b_. ,.' .1 _ . .1._ - . _ -§-'1'_;|;.______..,_a_-__. .. '._. _ 4 '-__-._-_; - .__ ¢__.-0 _-_e-._._ . 1 ,,_.._ , 1 ---.- -.',,,,_._-~-he--.--w 92__3-,_,_--.4, .~ 1- - ...'-_-. '" 4'- -'., ~,- . 92. =_ ...!. 4 ' . . £1"-.-1._ 92 - .--. e .'-'.. . Q ---,,'_:.- -- .. - P -4... -,-.~-_, 92..--- ".'-. :- - - _ - - ll ' .~¢I.= ..~- '1. . *.;-.-.- 1-'_V_-e, "_ Eé=eE*'E.§.- .-5/.-.-'.';1,;: fr _ _..-9292;. . .,_.

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.. from John Edgar Hoover, Director - Federal Bureau at Investigation " 92 "'.l'_'.__'._.:?--1 * 1* '.1.:;- _:?..'- .~' .-'.- ' '511. ¢ W... N Y >1 ___T.__._.., .~~;. . .1--F." i . kiss;-L1.ar.i'.'L§ - I!&».-.=.1'::::c;;»:::".I;:.'!m I -;. . . 3 T 9292 ;;.__: .3 .,._|- -_|: -.§~ »a-ll :._;.-J ,.".'.-. .1 11- LII 1, > l _.'-'1..1-3 -1 f 7- .5 '; Inference is lads to 3-nu previous co:-raapondenoa ragardij the -. . _ ' L ._--. '"'.'¬'9292 1.»:-re auvject. J _ .. - .. ._. _ . _ 1 " has has :.'::e£.'.'-=6

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g; - *-:=#-I-6 5:. '--,'l- :~"r-1 I I -nznii V1 ':..._','...i' e ~» 3'.-. - ,_ _ -. _ _ ,.__. '1'-_' _ . _ _"._:._:'- '_f~_; V ,.'.~ __ , ..,'..',; . ... :4? "I J -1 _-...... -.._- _ _ '-_- ---. -...-. _4--.-L'7" 2.. .. ' e~e@ L".- " Y ------" _."_'....."' . r" 1-.:j .-:._ ¥"_-'~'~_--i. #;- 1 - *.-..re: _, nu. I II §%§F . 2-+:iE;=-2* _ '*_:¢* ~~ H uureh 20, 1950 _ . F 33'; e F . . ,3 ._ _. V *.I.=-_-V5-2; -u_ 4...» Q5-37.7.; _ $.- wH1Tb L - .. _.'..w.-_-1 _, - _ --e-_,,_.~» =-s---* ' " 1 .l ~ r ~- *_.. I_.. gncnrh .35 ._._..... -_.,_V,_ l a 5 :1-" A, I _ .»---" .-- _. __ ... .ii'~ -92 _ ,_ r _-:: -- . 1- 1" . '. ..~ r.-. - - 15;. 4-U; 5; = '1. - . ' _ -.92= -K _¬_.-. e ,. _ - . ... /51ff' ..;~_-_ I . r . . -. '1 L -, -*-.:. ;'-- T _.- _ lii. - _ ..92 . _.__r:-.x- J} .__._..-.. _i...... _ V. v.. i . .____eA t___r . A_____ . .--4., ,-. . . __ L £5. ."§.;_»._:;£- Q1; ' '.. _." '._ i Saint PetersPg, -F. ".I."'=__- 1.-21' . 1 Fee, "_.;. _ 1-} 57' _.,_ 4? H 4 'in '. 3;-..._-w - -- 1- .._._:.,-._,- .-._, Dear -,91" . ,e.,,<-a,_'.,_ . "92:..# .._-. '1 ~'-if". II-_II-I - _ Your letter dated March l4;_195O,é_ "1 92;-_ -', E51: Q if: _,.._ . ,5;- with enclosure, has been_received- -.I _ of ;I :2-_.L:"t': 4 ;..... _, :Q¢%@ _';".:_-f ; I appreciate very much the thouahte_ -1. . 53 _.__-1 -.-'___-_'-_- . which prompted you to communicate with ac cl;F;h ..__'P -J --:2. ---¢92.92._. __... . -é-'=Alntlina .-.2-92 .-4-. . _.: ._ but a policy of long a tending precludes my <.... .--, -. 1 forwarding the letter you enclosed. Litewiee';; Q :1;-- .:_ _. I an unable to offer y cu advice as to what ''' -.i§ o... .. distribution you shoal d make of the leafletl .Hg37".-K" '73" " 92- you mention. "h ' " -;.--e'~"7-e_~_'." -.-.--'-----e.--~.-,1:-,. Y; I I ' _:. . _. .-. A .-.,-,- -r I T din Ifrlgnri-i: Q1! "§_I|nr!b'_|:'nn" far mun!-+{nn"__ .-.- -in-1. .§#:r:=»------n Iv... J-. -,--=.---3 Mr.- ,...._-. £5! .45-_.:;_ -- 3 2 ....-'~ me and I an returning your enclosure at thil "fl1 %_r M? -=_ .. _,fM,. Z'»__!. .7!! f " " 1. " 1.=-"ore-i=*=-; t ne I _=_ _,. 7...: -e ....,. . _, ..-___.._:_ , _2____;4 _. ._-. _ ___ - 3. - - J -. e-_ _-.-'5- .41-:1. -t .. ". -.-_» _ . 13'-1'1."~ '-.»i -Jr----w-9.--~, :_- . . . v -".-eT--55?.-~ - -- .1 I ,.- - 1.. s ...= -l. 1,." --. . . '. "" __" '_;, ='. . ]__:T5y:;;;;f¬..Fm;-=§%e;:?;5 rwu'_=;_': " ~- 1-92 I 8incerelyyou§?§§_§;? 2 - " $1 .- -'.-- _]§§§;§.. I 'I so ,._.._ -.".*"ff :_ - :1 . .4" -. - . LEAR 2; = - aw --;:- -- - 0 !~ e 2' - T9-0 _ $5 % <92¬92 U 'I t=-~=._ M.-. 1-;.."-5a.? - K Q0015. - - _r --'-'_ _, _- =.r' Jh &!::a§-H QUQP - 92 . ---'* 1 .-'_ 5. ;-~¢->--£- , -u--; J . .._. 2% ~ %?§{;?i:f i:i"" -'- *; //_ ,/§?;=q:@e3 } 92 5&1??? hi¢ 1-. -:;;-s_; -,, 4 -._-.»..-;.' --_.;1Y-é~.;¢" - ""92--;.,...'.,;-.'_~._,;.=.'. //W <><~'-o*+' ~ '.' . In ,';'-4...... '.= .. '-.".;..;. _. _ fl. gauge _ w ' -- + 92 ; .;. _ .7-.._ 4%%?%?§h¢¢..- ;. ~ F *-:4'*='.- -' ' . "'. _. N0 ,hThe'enclosure'beinb re§hrned consist; 9fif' _,> _ c =.*-;.-I-as-=*.,i --'.-"";'-'-C Jr _ 1--1 "-{3,-- .1-.-J.-Q . '--'1? to nave aareesed and formarded.T;§ieletter calla; > A ?.. '- ll fh_§o_fgg1¬g§§§gQ_@hich correspondent desireév.|.' __ _____.§:.~. . I -___,¢. . @*Y Q. ...""_g,§"'_.:_ _. r-_,.-1.34: F . 1 fn Roeepn£toHeject Communism and encloses twocopies,»- J--u 'd?-q leaflet ¢on8i8tine_oJ a ComparisoncofFtheadvantagea -I-rl-;-!'_ kecé' 5 ..'-; "~. e of'American and Russian citizenship. It is entitled ! n J T u _ _-.:.»',§

.j~:92»i.-w. .-. .- - .', =-1'1" -'3 '-'1/' -.' ; 1- ,1- § '92 .-;,,.,-,; -- ,32: §I _1:.'? _-_I4.._. '15-, Y -3 92- .,-- =.-hunk-1 :" _r,-1; < '-. '-' - 11-.

.4 Federal Bureau of March 16th.,l9§D. Investigation, %~I-1;; ""_' Jr? Hashington,D.C.

-:7->7 ,__, ~r Gentlemen: my ' . May I offer a suggestion for curbing Reds in v- ' this country, namely-Te1evision- . _ ~ The enclosed clipping wi11,no doubt, bring to -vi 92 mind the cancellation of Eleanor's TV program by N.B.G. ,';{»- having Broadcastingas her co. duespecial gues to the many Cg rotests ,*~*'"W against W her"_""' .&;,.;;§ t,Psul obeson_ ;.-I-'7- The Reds realize the great medium of Televiison, L fl "-2 5- _ and I think it is the patriotic duty or the Broadcasting 1; Ff Stations to refuse time to anyone with Red connections. The cries or Free Speech" will go up of course, 1 but Free Speech to destroy American ideals should not be permitted, A If only the F.B.I. could have a free hand, this country would again gain the repsect of the world. if _ _ . F U -' ¥

truly yours, ' 92@ r _/ C, /

4 9 ~§=> . ______9v

.§r92" $22-¢'d .f$,'$§s.=>'£1%?u64 I ax '- !._:._qr .; _-5-._ 1 .'j~.- ,§";9292I.~ ¢/i:r T * ®o@' " Qi@_}592*>< ,1,-_-_< '. ad 2 1|?-, 4,1:-' .4 ?~ :"~_I-7.} -1.;-jL_:!Q]; .¥'~-"at-.'-P-i :-r."'r§. 1: ;_92 Jr ~'-"V:-u -*1 --_-.-__?'_l:! .3 .92':.=.. .- .. r V1 e--1: .,'I!-?ti-L- ki 1 -- - ', '- '1:-.». ' . ,,__ i_ i __ - H__;" _____.__. '--.-...,.---.;r¬_-L!--'-':1e ,, »»'- . 51?. 5.; 92-; "V " q - 5 =,§:.*~al'.-1 ': ' 2 :__ .. ;. E ;.'1' 'V" -3 'i;~.§:.-Q - . _._..4It --.__, _.. __.,-.

3'3 " *1.j; ..5:.- '5 _ 4 - . 1 :;~ :5: _-*}:i ii f92'- 7: N15 I L? .-'-'1-I f~"- . -1:; Isj ,~ »..--L ;. E .2 _Ze ~e~~W 1 "" '__ _'__'*'M 1 r -13 ejg i Sfafe -- .'_:_*Q -J - n-T Depl. 'Nonsense' Says Mr's. FDR: E LOUISVILLE, K542, Manch I5- 1--Mrs. meanloos e veI t qklled chargegof 3 the State Department utier and complele nonsenoe in gr; inter. .r .1 .r .vlewhere today. . *.".--.1. '~ _ . Mrs. Roosevelt also was asked 'e 92 to comment on cancellation of J her television show on which F; -1{._ hgve Singerappeared. Paul Robeson wu to* lei?-' u ' I d0nt handle the show," ~ > the replied. My Ion, Elliott, %'*'¥.:-'-§ end another man do. I think v =1'§é;'.?* probably the people who pro- = 1513 9' tested Mr. Robeson: appear- z%% -11P Inca didn't realize that he .- ."=_

92 ,3, ;_;:,;- 7.-,1-,.; if-§j;"{j"f;'I_;. § g ~_92<_:-92-. -_ ?5a¥@P&. .~"r--;~ 92 '-,.' '--' 3-I - '1" _ h* '"" 9! ' . . , ' '4 1}" 9% " 4,1 ' V 1 L-;}:.!1-C-'-Q 92' ._ :. -'92 '1-I ,. _ _ Q 3._:._.._--I: ="- 3;-Li v _ I1-.-i-,-.'_."ni'-="< =;,_92 E»:1r';1I '.'.'|' M5 L;-§ .<" -;_i£:; ' =- 5 -92,-i-,',-'-3.-"' '¬-*-L-:--'-J-"-" 3}Jlorch 22, _-..{-..:~'é§ . -_ IWO - y ,;¢1:$

".'..,,.j..- ', ba-- ~11 ._f~5 e : ,__ e e t or .,- e _: iv-'Li . .~.-- ml i_- ' ."''=, n

5* ' 1.:-.-i-r.L. Ange es 5, Galtforn ,4 .2.-,4- .. 1 la . , I *~*;;=»-1-@=n" ,..,-.- ._ ,._ ' 1. :.!r3--¢ £2, .___._,9292 .a-Q Your letter dated March J6, 1950, with if _ "¢..an --. .-__¢-. en-closure, has been received and I appreciate , your letting me have your views on the subject . _-.'._1 you mentioned. ~ V. Q _ _ - - 1-. '|..,' ...i .- H_ 7&2 -; F --'_ -2-:1 1 - --'-e-3 -I want to thank you also for the-~~ --~ - .. ~ confidence in the RBI uizich you expressed. A , 1" . e, ., -.¢92_. _.-r.-u - - . - ~ 92 _ . .'-3'-I-~- _. . __ __-l, - an .1 '_ l '-_ _., . .-c.-, ,. .r.. -.-;:,_'.-:_-- ,. --_--,,r .. . ._..',1.,.-Lg: -. 0 ';"._:_ It occur-rad to me that you might like ' * ' ;'-'l"'3' !5,' to read the matertcl which I enclose. 7 e - e: .'1"-i3~..'--'Y . 12 0 3-mun!1.=f;ii ."§i ;?92e-&"b7- Sincerely pours, _ >11 - - 1, ._ u 4 Q, Eqgar nuu92'I- 1-.i -- -r -

--1 n. . .- .- . Q -ux ~ __.; "-- u,:_ . :4.-.7. --._ Ho - Fight Communism fr5ri'i¬- :..=_'.}.-5'-' ' 551;. 4-1- : _;'mi ~ - I , 92-- .#-.. '-. -. - 1»- - .. _, .. » 0, " i;.~i?-i . _ .- 1.P-; '._92. . F -'f§,;i._l#'-".1 1- 92 w . .. . 7 - 1 Kl-IQ _ _ » - » _- - .... --.1 -. .- 4 _.92. ..._ _ ,. ,._._..'_$1 .;". 1 "92' v 2-, .. __ .. | .._ J .- _ - ._-_.v-~ .» . . --5: ,__- John Edgar Hoover » - u'l!..i.._ " Director lll '."".*-'*'.".':;. . -'" '9U ,; g it * 1:1;R23 1959 .. '2' 1' .{ --;_ . "- . . -~ . "=1-fv_§r;'5;~".,, ._, . 'IBIQ I %"iz= ht 1%.- -fag_ Erin. Ilcbnl-I __ .;.2a-W,-ten?-,-._ .-'<@221»- LPN ''. . - . . L-'1- t-3; -,__92-92 _ u ._ t. ,_ ¢ 1 '.-u, _ . .00 I. - ' E» -I + - '00:?-' .2? ,:.>. - .,. 1'1-.2":-H_. ._,,., - '-*1-"". .-'..-- ..-@~_ I--M ~ , * - _ - __ . -:I», ---_ --1-1'.J a. . A ' _'_ $;tmgu' 1 . fr--. 4, - - » i - _ '0--:0 0» . I - ,.-. . * - * -@ .;,»-_- " ,7:g_,- ~;_'1'§{, :-"1-.;;.'~,_'§o*':;' '-f;-=1;-._ W .,921 |_;.'.;1 -. _ .».,- $3-I -l'.f"*-F.t:l!;'-" M i=0=1O_C¬0lV1¢/£¥$!72dum- uN1'moés: =|i.".'|-L-I-'1-'"¢_" '-'--c. '92'a"'- ;'¢*-3'-+0.-.-n~é.:»."° Q. Director, FBIA A MW one '7 ' .,.__._¥ "#5 P71...... 1, _'r;,.;-.5;"*-1 ' . . ,. .'_ _ k - J _ _'Z_A_",éi_ie'.:'£-"1'vii; .,. 0' 1::r»;.',1,': -,-;-|'.?-'.=,..:. .3!-_-_i_ .3, , . o . . . _ 0-I 92 1 _,_- ;- , <_ - ., -'1'--ii-Ea! SU RC1: _'92j_. _._.-_'_-0! 1:1 92'-v !- _ .' ,_.._,__}_.._, , .. . - .0 .? ; ~.-. ;:~~l:...-,1; 0 - . 1." V,-~_* ; _-_ C, .Q!etro1t -.. __ "-'0; --"' ,.I-.- '.'_.__~_-,... _. -I-- _ '-' -_ - ."- . 3-92 5? .. '*" " 1--- '_> ;~ _' ~ -.2 '1 --.#.;.'J>."':»;;l§- .,._- g .». __;. Palrlgomscoi , __ . ~_ , _ ~ 7 ?~Z.--;-.'=.. INTERNAL sncunrrr .. c k i . -~ w-L: ¢ 1'.» ,".- 3? wi- . - P-.- ,. -0; 0 = pereona11yof 1c_e pr]. , 950 &.n_dmade 8.TI.118b16 appea.1;ed'l.t' graphed minaothe_Detroit copiel *1 :51,.<_- U Q. ,4:-92.: . . -. of material entitled, Inquiry on Racial Inoitatione Praoticed . .-*1-1}-,-'3 by Cmnmun_ists"and "Iraq:iry _Gonce1-ningQuasi-liilitary Foroee :9!-:.-:.. ' Organizedby the Cmnm.miste"._ _ - A _ V - - ' .. ..__., ., I C10 - '==P1¢¥~<1_ I to compile this materie1.- . . " , 1 __. ._.:'._"**-;_~ of New York and the Ieetoheeter '-" i r__'_,__._ *0:--._ - 7_ - L- Jury compensatedhim $200|0O_;f>e:':_1re_ek_ £4-ir -thismete;-19,1 _ bf!?I. 'Ii. -,-__92~_-'»,. ,a .~-I ,'n""-~.': -5}5: " - which i_;_ook1 . 'hm I -V1:_ reeks l l ' to <_=0==p1g;.;-_<;' ' .34-0 if J-Ive;-2, _. I. I .-.'-F-.I1-'-i- -3*-1.0; *-1% ... Copieaof this mter ialare alsoébe ing1'na&e*'tvei1¢};1§1g,.:¥f-;, t ._'~ American LegionPoetsin the Unite if-~ _ . -{.4 . Amerioaniemandqfglt Cmmillion mgt ;u¢h.'1r,_{f'",-|;*t1°nI _. K, . 8h__0u1d alsobe made lvai lable to e Bm-eeu."7 - ~ j, _'~ -e:;1;:*3:_%Z I » . H. :_:92;-.__'_ .'-e ~, --"";:',~ Y "'-'-Q"-,92-_y__'>_1- wt- J; »' There in enclosed to I: Bureau one copyof I» lixteen $9":11'?" .*-.._._. ,_--.;.. --1:1---'--<- mimeograph entitledpaper In -iiry on Racial Incitetiona " >' , -_-3. 92_-_.-,-. .3;-_g ".. I. Practiced byCommunists, a one oopy of in eighteen page ' To 11 ".' __-.__._,,._ mimeogrqupaper entitled Inqziry ConcerningQuasi-H1111;.a,ry?U,~ . .=__ -I ='.T_ ,..._:: Forcesizedthe Organ by Oommuniete /';_._',LQ4_ - "- f __'£._'_,Lt.:_T, 1-» . _ '_.a 7 _ ' - ; __ ,-' . T __. ',"1.,-.."' 4-92_ if - ' ' ' ' ' ' - I»- . , r _ _ __ 4;. 2 $9! 100-15889 *- 0 -4 , 0. 0 ALI. INFORMATION CONTAINED -. 0 ~55.. ~ 0 -0 __- HEREINI UHCL=.SSIFi;? _.-RS5;/4! .¢_ 5 »<== 100-100000 _ one 4:451:59or Bf: -0-9* UM . _ . -- ._-. ' _"v_,_" 0. 0 - ._ . - -- - r1 41!. __ .. .'.-0." V. _ _.. PI-*5-":=+. _ an -I I _ - 0_. on 1., _w~Ju..__ . . .. ._. . . . -_ 1- 1_~..~----___-L.,-_ ..-i.. .-.¢ -»--. .__-_-.,. - '?*-. ":5,_;,_ .'.-2! . Ii? La --.-»,-.-1-O£:a_J,. ,-:1»- mm-*4_} H. . 2-: _. ,~.-:-pa; -._ 0{!=§*;,%..,~1;',-;},f-:00 0/05;-0/4557/ 4? 0 .'5.»-1.M:-0" -:' if*-?- , 2 '1'92'-. 96: ®?$®V 92A;;'f§,10so_? .5i V {,1 , .¢___--:2; ~ K _»_/, 08° 14 ;0 / --I 1-l _ »:1-'3'= _ - - ¢- "' . i -~ ;92 _< 0 _ Q~¬0§-0*5Y/.. .._. ¢ 30@00"r .0 -0 V, ,.,. "I ." ._. _ . 929292-I 'I 1"?4'] $7 '1. '-_ -'-"_ ",$',-,-:'!'J,:-.92- J_0 ~. -. _ - - 1- .-__~--_ . . 0 - 1: u -. " '' ""9; '. " 7 ' , ' . /-4 _t-"1: "'jE~a -8"-32 21050" 0 " __ ,__92 _. ._ _ '__'__.92|.___é._,_..k.¢_. 0_ 4. -_-...-P-704 _.'~_'.¢.-A- --- 5 _' .- :._ - .. ...'.-, : _ Q-, '.-_,-. .9-__= .1: I _ .. A W. I . 3-92 - ic-~'---'-<- "':- - .1-. . . _ 1 '.- .. -A >-0" 0--~.., ~|920-1,-0-:0.-wprvv.-_.,-»-:> . ._,,, 3,... 3."i~F"1"92?-!r¢¬'~.92'0==Ti'~-,-2 K. .~ . "f.'r-_"- I 3 " ?'*_""?'.='*'$§1H5'~?>fl'§?;Ti3%?$.2¢£r- U. -, -I---,,1'F-._r'921¢__;,92I" .-f.=»;?!=z-Fir-2._ ~ >4 =_~;1<-T,-1,.-:e'--1r~1---»!¬?.'>" _. -.~,-Jpw;;.. - __-.;.=.-5-'5-',?"-1"i'?§"" :1 -. - 1. t'-'-~ - ' I 92J '.f,'92.*r--3;-4-92-_-'-, ';--._'.-_ ,9!0', .. -'-i =. . --':'--,.,,92" -ri--.0 "7.-~20- 1-: -- -=;E;;.,Y-~; :_--_'-;_. I _ -A-.<-. i,_J_;_-- ,i 2 ~_-ji 5 ;;_§;,_1,>a=~§--jj_:§~n-r <-+;;;=~»-,_g_"»*_-{~-~_;- Q * - - .1-_1z1'*i~.%=_ 1-"-- e-- *'*--*1 "-- -- -' -"- '__, ~ -7* - .' ~-'@*- L"92*' :=:- "_ --34'-i-'"l'-=-+ ';';-'_:_"'.'_;._~.'- '.'3E"-.:||-_;¬__-1' '_:£;=-~_'+ 2:; 5'-'1. -. -;~ ._ »~-1*. n-" ___ Q .- -.,,- L-=~» _---1, -- 1 -F _ ' - . =-_=.~-._- t-.4-,=,_.~, ~ at s ., ~.92 I- .. 1;. . . ~ - I :.__-'"_<_{=;1 ';"""~",;-., "

92 _. 11%" 'T.;.'f:.'i_r:.;'"f;A;i..1-__.1:,_ ._ ._ J _ - - - "'""'~ 4"-~ 7-- -P . -3 .- eeeeeeeeeeeee . ;_ ~ H Ins:-itu-eo=etoi1a¢aup1§emberhtu,19i9 _ ' Ilnl Iobseon Dnonltrntion st Peekskiil, IJ.

issue-I . , 'Ias.nonns':;neuo;,'oovu-norottansrno otlwtorr, inll]:-ellrelesse W ¢_ mung 13:1; 1959; lirecte an on inquiry 1» -ma _ = ."' i "Roth: the nesting no initiated end sponsored lw i ;. i purpose of deliberitsly incitizg disco-dsr and I breech Cf; _I-". . - - . the $0fsnt pesos, Ilcill and mm» Ind religious it wee port hit:-eds. of the cammiet st:-Meg -" _- .7;.____-_ _ _ ._.'_8 » ll . .,_.___f_': T: '-- =1-.~_ _'f F.-"'_,.__ _ 4 Q I I I -I I I ..:': - A---»- 71 inn]. Robeson, negro Ccmunist lender who spearheads The intsmstiolll conuiu I:-ins Inongst the nsgroee, bed but s few -nets prior to the Peekstill dnonetretic mde s widely puhliciled statement in Peril, France to the effect tbt, in ell! in our with Soviet Russia, the Ans:-icon neg:-use will refuse to tight tcr the thited ' States. lth this statement fresh in the minds oi the public, the cuunmist Ii; <_ - I ,- Cunsxid decided to throw their support behind this statement sexing Poul nobenn .-. Z the principal figure st the Peeketill dmonetastion, - o " __

It mast be stated to the oz-edit of the Ame:|:'ice.n citizens of negro eztrectim,

at e31 mjmr negro organisations in the United States as Yell ll the negro press, with In exceptions, mu panama Robeson: Paris <1¢¢1u-11:1» of d1s1oy.t1 an Q so W 92_._ 12:-It llll than 1 fifth of the total masher of demonstrators were neg:-oee. . --__ -s n the basis oi feats available in connection with the Psekskill dqnnltrltly ct August 27 end September lu, 19x9, plul my on erperieme vlth C. _?._ Ithqfli . following sppeers to be the motive for this O. P. ox-gsnil-ed demonstration: em - £1-ooh of pm lobescn es -' 1-.p='...mou';,ja_:fo@j_r¢§'=§ _;_ ees, _i.l order to ntpheeite his declaration mule in Peril, Prince, _ ingress on!. reruns to right for the United Staten in cans or ulr no .;_. .1 __ _ .. ' _..__I._'I__I'.'.f_'-L T"-_-_1'1 I." To tote the ottuasive especially nongst the neg:-woes, ten e oqpsiga liI.'l.ogeJ.t1 to the U. B, 1: ones oi var with Russia . _A _"_, _____,,<;, ;.-"I: ¢-- --1 - - s -' -- - - =-- -- .-1- --' 3. A hostile mu-m-=1 nsi@borhood within easy reach of up ton: eel mat or--T kntolg selected nu s view of dz-snntizing alleged disloyalty of the up-on so -' """ "f?'?""" -.' -P ' . ' ' -_ " -" ;__';-r_,' -"".~" "1 7 expressed in the person of Paul Robeson clashing with the loyal white 'popu1.lce If ' ~-v -_ the scanty. ' . .- 'F-'.;-_ 92 " 1 A ' L D8. ne 0.1, red. organiser ed the lag, toll: anticipated the entnaanin of elements of'!.eeount1- iheyeoupt under the cover of Ipee< e? '_=F'="=' @9995? wrw-@ =1.-1=»~ ¢=-M-=1=--* L ~ L not OB L "am. ammo the M .,.m.'oo";.. a."s;**~ op .__';r_ _._.__.'. ;., 7 _;._~. __V . . . - . V _. - _ - --'-=.-92-- ~72 -1".-'*'. .:.- ~-, -,* » ,_-._ -. 'seem! <-'-'- tn:-noo¥ »=-¥' -iP.:"-i ii:-3' £1.-i.1.,'-r.-.~ 'vi ''i"1'.-:E'...i Z '-' 11*.:t'>. ~... Z-..~ 1'-"23 E . . . . ._ .. ._._._.92._l}._1 ,, __ ,,.,__ . . I ._..-__ I J , . IT; l if -.. ii . -*l;£:$;:e -- .-_. .'. A. - -|.192¢¢I.*"'0<. - -;=l.:;.,.'-.-.=.; ;.-atI--.1 . 'i-.___: e. _:. | - - ~1- - - .9 .. ._..I_-J . Q ;j_f;__-':_::_IVIYZ '__ _"'11,. =3 '}'.7 V ::-V{;l:-_ - tn.-an-_'-win-u.p_ névmi up loyal mu-[me newmu u|i.

-legroom _ __ 6._ The0._ P._strong sum,ue Iocalled.Secu-ity Gianni,Ial lohilizeul to 1ltiniiete,_heat tom and Qieperle the 1:131 ihitee in cue the authorities taiih to to:-nieh protection-for the dmooe1::-etion.- _ T. he hostility the police authorities 1::-otecting thelasting tan:-nle 1 sane-iq om:-e" my have been anticipated. 1,;the c. b. use ccnal, but up; 7 1' v

- __:g.:@OU1-1.'|.1.%tO11Ik92'lI.91II1IPJ.BIOf - "Guard."showite to-ii;-i -e;-we-n H-, the an we-em-4" itself mner actualum, coalitions._ ' 1.-i.§*-___ _ 7 "'T"It appearshowever that the eventualitythe at hostilityvith theCounty "

jsyulace overowing after the neetixg nae not anticiplted tq the leaders of e


The reason vb; the C. P; selects a theatrical extrovert type like Paul Bohen

to lea-:1 off on its neg-0 imitation p:rog':|n will he better understood vhen that-

progrm in full; atpllns. In lhort a theatrical grog:-an requireera theatrical personality. l , . It is necessary to keep in mini that the Ouzsuniet Party is the agency of a foreign power and the queetion, as to whether the Cmnunist Port; blows hot our cc

on mu subJect or policy, depends entire]; upon the Aecisione or mid roreigl pm one or +1.. mum warfare colleges in Moscow, knownas Lenin University. In these colleges, they teach the art oi mrel and phqsicsl disintegration or a nation, slated for ettecl In this type oi vertex-e whichcelle for putting claee against eleee, race egainsi 4 .I._1'lliQ,lInat1ona5a1nl1'-nat1cI:|.,'l1heM92eri.osnIls@'ol|a.l'beeliI:holanf

--r -_=1''=- 1' - =01"~1- ~_ nlatiql sh-a%eaiItu:iIee_mtataIleonc'efneI.ri1iitl|evelfusofthe'mg:-on _ _a is how tonee thenegro an __-j -if-'_5-.~'-5;"--Z_r'' 1'?-J;-T, ,'-'-§-?§,;"§."f',:,.;;-,-4;-5-3-§i;_'§:5*ji"§.i'!3"_.'-.';f. .:.::.'-.."1- --" - - '1». '-I- .2..¬.E? - ¥== '!>".=-1=!=*1-».'"=1'" W»"' '*' *===¢'" .»-.:=:a""? 1»I _, __ __ __. .-~~~-~ ,-.---- -'-:""."."w~'" ...'.-.-*;'~.~+:--"' - "- V f " ' " I'1 ~ $- .- 'h1"FT1f--92|,:"l'¢-12$--"AF"__I._'¢!l1t1QI.--.--=l=1'__-e~,:,-Q-_¬.the .?.-e- States -.'-5» R---;"I_:"-. 1-.In .-=1;---= tar e _-:1-wound: . -_ to ~ , aim-edit Ilnitel c :'92 -~===*f'* '1==">'H" "" ;- "..';.':;.921._->~.s5.._,.@§..,-.:, :-., .--.2-....-...' -.... L...__.. .».,-».~»--~';.;..¢¢.-..-;-;i..ie=-.-;.:a-amaze;-4n;1.¢.~4n.._J.A;--in_id;J;nn;e_:.nt-....; ..-,_._. . ,. _ __ _ AI 92.. ! . . . _- _ it-.. ". . ._ U_ 63- _ O '1 . s Btatea nolgst the other cold-ei rlceitnlsia, A1:-iea mi the latices. AecenbeeemtrmmepeechBlaJ.inmdein1929ontbe pericengueetion, ma 1- on file with the House Oclmittes on Un-lnerioan Activities, em, am-in; 1 6e11"r: sum, even then, considered. tbs United amt" 1 the chief antagonist to his designs fur Io:-la cocnqueet. In fact, the Unite! Stat:

always was a I:nJor and niitieult 1::-oblen tor the lbeooi eta-etegiete. the probl-

Iasnaiediftioultbyourhighetendlax-dofliring,eurunus-ueJ.tree:lms,&ewmn ,6 hrmwot eomny creeaeeni races livinginthe Unite<1Steteee.1i§d'ihicb,lni ; treated for the United States an unusual prestige end an attractive yler amongst . -. eemeees of the world. The mm States had no colonies to speck of, was mt

holclim iown other nations, hurl no rigid. claes or caste system, it was mt I-l:'pscril

ieticg all, of which made it difficult for Roscoe to app]; its usual qiisintegx-ati<

and prapogannia. cliches. It tool: ze meter-mime of Moscow fifteen 5! Jeers to 92 ni Ipecial methods of operation applicable to the United. who and they are _

eti1.l erperinsnting even today. In the Winter of 192BMe.nu.elsk7, present Soviet delegate to t1 United lotions, eni, et that time, Stalin's head. men at Cmmnilt International Hsmiquarters in Moscow, that e new policy wee being devised in reference to the

American neg:-o,_ The sense of that new polio; was that the American Iegeoes were 1

Iation, oppressed by American imperililitliii that is, they were imbued with 1-J iiea that they are a colonial people Opjprsslod by a big empire em. that I-he cam: ist Part; of the United Stetee should. have, ae one oi its principal taeke, the

liberation of the negro as a nation. ' __ 1111: liberation nae to be sccdnplisbell by the to:-nation of an independent W, new sum in the ...-.;.u.¢ Black an of the South with its ovn government, its elnrzsi-aw, its own courts, its mm diplomatic service, et eaten. I ' ,7 rite Whole iciea seemoi toCu:nn.ln.ists then residing in lhsccle to be in@rsctica1 hAll never thought of the negro as a nation . ii Uitbin s. neltizg-pot nation like the United Stetee but also had been on I-win! them who aerinatela dill not consider the an eeum._ Aocorriing to Lenin, the following nu-e.~ the essential. etc:-ecterimee of a nation: '._. .ie historically evolved, stable eonmmit; of language, territm.-y,. economic 1i.£s,end. psychological Inks-Ilp, manifested in a camnmity of culture." lone of these characteristics are aypliceble to the American Iesro, mole culture, 19180888, econmie lite, etc" is entirely indistinct hm the rest of the event:-1 in Ihich he 1ivel._ The only thing that nlifferemtietes hin than the rest of the Inn:-teen yopulstion in his racial. beekgz-oval... j _ _-_- 5.-=3 .7;-_-;;_ _-;_;--;;_-;-»-:-.,=- -Fe»-7.* ~.-fr-_1 ~;- "";,.E"""";""'i....._: .:ar .5: e;:"r._:I 11-; -1- - - ¢...-.:';.r>~'_....- :5, ._.r,'.'.:»"-ii;-r._*.'--.--4-1;-§=~2-;i.4;=';.-5.:-eiiwi-.?>.¥.~~wJ~u=:§i»-=»-== ~----» ' = " * -v-1-.1-cu-4w::1Ins=II ¢'l!I1'I'l'-'=*->=I=T*92"'-92-' " "-""" _-"-'-"1" if ""*"

.-. ~ - . ..."-r...-*~ '.-5-92_~'.= 6.2; " ,.: A. .¢ =_~- ,, W1.,.- ---. .2 pA921Q92~A_5AIq-- ¢u==ui;.p-..l_¢o;»-~-4a4aa-h.¢.92l.;....._.m._._Ee1-l2.¢"- me.--;..3....-._ ...-..,: »0>-92.. .._ "__ __: l_;__,,:'_j _____ _~;,'.~ _';_ " _ ,_ "_ __¢'_ ,3, _,;__ _'.f O *a_ 1- . ..__-- Z. ; .__._ :;_I¬II*7C#'$- ~ L|snn,:e§mu@¢r1sosennsu+.ua=s1==ruua-inane-5-eiad-at:'

Iunc<m1nmv===m,vsesssausee1;¢rev;¢u-|e¢en9e3!,una_;e:_ fred11nIv¢r:ho.1'lnsnm-.1. Ieeneooolddaretorsverseneninvithentrlskiag his political neck emcsgt Stalin, and even he was careful an! gut the 1d.ee_1'orIard

x-owhls ltooges at Ocummist Il'¢Bl'Il-till!-1I9&qlI'l'-0!'l$'|'|Hl'bhQO01l1'II$k 0'ht"d1151flned.'be *

Ih nbsaguent months ts; diseussioncna other Russian commas '.Z*;_'e4,. 92 1* ssnlse:t'h!:ene1re1::-ategJ',to'beastoJ.1uvs!- - a _ I! by Ilzreadixgmtlcmlim sslangstthe negroesof theIbsen, V - -1.M _.. _.V V _ __ . , teinduceateelingaattheysz-enetagartetthisnatieuua 4 <-4»-... who1e,evsnoloyal1;1to1tanlbouldseced.e1'rm1t¢ -»-- 2! to use every incident or discrimination, izqustice, st cetera, a as a sign or egg:-ession or this allegeclg sulnez-god negro nation ' '

to diam-edit the United Staten snomst other cclarecl nations Ibo, -

in the past or ncv, were eiruggling for imlependenes. -1'-1 3! to use the American negroin sngaport, sponsor andhelp organise --

Cmzmmist sponsored Iegro Iationellst Movements Ln As:-1», the

West Indies and South America. " " _1 .,.='S' At this point, I tear that the Wholething mayscum! _Iantsst1cto you as it

did to ne when I rst heard it; hence, I T111 introduce, in the-torn 01' quotations,

testimzu from their sources. " "

BARR! HAYWOOD,the chief theocretician of the Cclntnmist Party on the negro ques'tion,whovaeintheLe'3ninSbcool and vim has vrittan mine:-nus articles and several bookson this sub- . .. ___.Z.l_":53] ' Ject; all of which, were sponsoredby the Con:-unist Party, says the e . A --.-4. P2 follositg ii; J . ..."I!11s lend on vhich you am your ancestors have slaved _c_;,;;;_-egg - for centuries 1-1@:1t:l'"u.1J;b'a1

5:111:19! e 1;-heot'0t1ca1 Dafehllsriof __..._,. _- 191*" '<. - - ___7'Hh.1tsCheuY1n1lIn1ntbeI-shu-kw W

1;... u....._ Q.-....': Q3» sin-IT; llrqrvvu _ ». . 7 V ,_ '_'AV-L " I l I I I I - 7..i ' bub, P.w'_

- "ow-ma-i.=%Pa."-"'-.3:-.,,'-s c g§-&.-e:- -,- e 77 ;__-_-_92_ i _ - r V ._i . . ., __ V _; ______-If , __,_ _, _ -...-; . ~.'-. _,_-__ _, V: __,;__-_ ,:__- =' - 4;". §J__.._ _~i 7. __. ___ _,-_,~;..-..-. ~'92 _, 4, 1 I -_=n_.-. - __ W -_. - . - - Y . - I - -= " ~*'.1=--- "-2 'T.592' "' '"' , - __ "__' ___ '_ ___;' . __'___ _ 92.. . . , - .-....._.. MI.-. __,-..._.-e...--,

-aeta.-linstien cl e Iepeie ' -<92 e 1 in eeeeeeer; ue:-ever poeeiile ' wee-neentll unit ell]. Iietrictl " of the lettled population - linite of this Btete, 11-13 significant Hhite - ' right of sell-d.ete1-nineties

rmpniet-z meats! rosmw cl ml name cmsml. - -

lrticlez me !I1eoretiel1_De£en|ierI cf g, .9-nit: Inber_=',-"_-..."-.-_'.~v4..£'*.£= 1: 2: *' lw lam .- Prue: m 1931; ii Ii-i Ion, gentlcnen, myknovhovmmh edo the Cozmuniets inthie Cmmhqmh Q

about the neg;-oee in the South being excluded true voting et pa-inn-iel er elections

1:; poll tezee end. other neaouie en! preventee in vs:-ioue wage from being elected - to office, How, let us see whet they propose aoing in the pn>,1ect-ed Iegro Republic

when the: come into pover:- "

It vould not be right of Self-d.ete:r1n1.nBtion, in our sense of the word, if the Iegroes in the Black Belt bed the right ccl eelf-determination only in the cases which concerned. exclusive}; the Negroes end lid. not - entect the iihitee, because the meet inpertent ceeee_ erising here are bound. to effect the Hhitee ee well es Hag:-oee. !i:-st of ell, true right to self-d.e1-01* ninetion neene that the Negro ns.Joritq em not the White iffiif in the atir-e taF~1to, of the -=|.92.|%- iG41:t§.va13' united Black Belt, exercises the right of edminietering govermenta.J., legislative em Judicial authority-" _ ' Pamphlet! commas: Posxm CI m

m1=1=: me Theoretical Defends:-ltd '1] -f ~- We mu Cheuvinlin men :_.eee¢_j 7 M t , _._?.

_V ; j k __ _ . hm: mcmm1nag,;se::_1g;§!f?3l_eg. - According to the Gclzmmist nester-minds, there vere in the Iste '20! shout V 92 1-:-'.-E8313!-n~oe 3! counties own South Ihich hell I negro ne,1or11;1.-_ 5;! F Z~;¢;i*¢"- "--i"i;"=1"";"" i I '§*;_=_eut eereee severelstetes, but we did. not dietu:-b the Ccnrmnlst lhfktegilh, ' " ' _ """§5Y"--w7Te'3'~e 7' [ M" ;51_-fret here ie whet they ee::- o -~.~ A - "Ih1emeenethettbeterr1to:7novtnovneetbe -" "Q; _ Black Belt, leecribenl ebove, be recognized e.e I. MI- ? . iimt politieei unit, regardless of the Ste?-e~ief-1<>1-"I" T,-_ . __ _ ___.__, _,+n__ _,__--- -_ --U4--=~_-_---~-A ->~,;_ - ' sa4 L-,~= -- 'uni5.~_- -1- -;»;J_;_.»92.=;.:_..1 ...'_i__.. i-.- . ." . .__~",,;.:-_..__---', 1 - w? " . - z-, 1-- __ _, .0 _ ..T92 .. _¥ . _»

hhl-ilhd Iv: ii» been oi an-ag:|.e= - - hero aim-.e. rev. 1933 we 1]-'12 - In have mted that in their 1roJectev.i Iegro Republic, they opmly ewgu eupreneeyovertheehiteeeneJnstityitcnthegrounniethetneg-oeeereengozn there. In this P:-oJected Iegro Republic they ereu propoee continuation oi the pnperty of the Ihitee and their ezelueiou from all geveu-meet eéeneiee, hut if 1 ihitee do the name thing, it ie denounced aeje. "92Ihite_8uprene¢y' 'l%'1ee-,_-'- t . ' -1- 4;; 7 . he Ocnnnmiete know, of oouree, that tofcezwe piece: out of eeve:-ii Qtetel 1 - -fgurer ,_._-._,.-_. to tone an independent leg:-o Hetionel Government would require a m.Jor uplu 1I Q-I-J-IA



-592-_ - - _-. _ - - -______.92l L. ____ _.j_J.l _ 1 re Iowa we may victim], iii Milli _ "1

an erpeoaebie that 1e pa-eeieelg whet they would like to nee the negro tum

inorder to nhovyou that thie vae not only their policy in the poet hut it their In-eeent policy, I will quote mu enother of ieir mior legro leeslerlr -

"'1he met fundamental end historic contribution of our Party in the recent period vae the hammering out of a Marxist-Leniniet position on the leg!-o question at the l December, 19%, Plenum, Imdnr the theoretical guidance, 1 and leadership oi Com-ode Foster in yertichleg-, mg . position that the Reg:-o question in the United Staten ie basically a lletionel queetion, leading toward eel!- ietemimtion for the Iegro MaJo1-ity in the Black Belt 02 the South, ie not only unique, but hee for the firet time in our ?a.rty'e history been brought up to dnjlie, 92 and put on en eheolutely eound. basis. 92 Source: POLITICAL AFFAIRS A.I't1c1e < .192r= Benjamin J. Dvil

iron: The Iegro People'e Liheretiol - Hovmnont -- Page 593 . ' , 7 EIUAIGI J. DAVIS, former lee York City. Ooummn; ie, eh you of the leeere of the Peekekill aemnetretion. Do chew you elee that lloeooe hoe heen uni still ie behind that polio; of inciting leg-oee to eecede tron the Ilaite Qhtel, I will quote n-em e Soviet puhlicatin printed in lloecOV:- ' ..-_92__._- _..t

"the Soviet ocnaontator oheervee:- Hie cardinal prohlqn i 3...... _ . _; rained in Bertrand! hook ie that of the struggle d W "...;;_ ;-kl 921 -lei», - lnericn-n Iegroee for Iatioml liher-aticn=a.ni lboiel out T " 3 1'-A-;"..'_" ."'T-AJT , political rights} The general upmwge of the 'mv-mm e _;;f-_~*- e for mtionnl liberation hee eleo effected. the Hegro " _ .1, _. _ We .-~ P, poptzlation oi the Uniteitatee. neyweee also eeneiii ""='~**_* that the Anerioen leg-oee constitute .e. rieing yout nation which like my other nation, met have the right inriepenil-, l ant]; to decide ite own deetizu, critieising the edherente or liberal heir-nee-eure reforms the author eavocetee the caqplete 001mm of em; auxin ohetacle to the 111,,- ; ,' _ .'. ' |..-.1, '. ..___ ;- . . __'" . _.,,_ ._ ._:_.. ._ ':_»_-..___, ._

v lol:92':e: mn.n:s::a,:m~1;, 199,;

Article: leysoob leg-o Lite:-atiea leek Illail La lie .

Q920ti:g2AnArtic1ein'theII92i'Il8, a lhgsine-yubliahel. h192- be Soviet Ooverment in E.

!he0uIIunieteu~e,ofoourse,a1somtAietm'92ed'lU92eteettI|at,itanoha leg-oB*beteIe:-efornaiatheouthantofaehlenty-'ae 3Ie092Ill:1-el, iticn

.teaiverotesteteintovhiehthelegz-oeswumbeag:-ege'tda:Iedgslim .'_ . l_nhaBt.stecoulei,oice92:rse,netbe1n|1epend.entecona:ioe11;1etq.cs:e92-ear& r _ ._k'92len of supporting a separate aw, police, eeurte, et eetere, vileet lanai;

El Itnlllll of living ion 1'0 the ilipolefbll. he vpJ.ue of 3::-opegetizg Iegro Ietionaiin according to their ealculetieue 1|

that it fires the iuaginatiun oi the logo vith the tinsel and pep of gave:-men!

and I8rY0l the purpose oi inciting disloyalty to the United States. It is an ile- ogical warfare expedient in which the practicability of the thing itself plql in

role ihatsoever. Ike hypocrisy behind this whole 1::-oject can beet. be Ilierltool

in the practices of the Soviet Govezuaent on its mm territory, where all the dit

erent component nations am! races of Soviet Russia have been oclnpletelg deprived 1

any inriepenuience vheteoever and ebscmbed in the super-centralized geverneent meh

operated frcn Hoeouv. Those nationalities or racial groups, in Russia, that have eupieeeea. the Central Govenlnont, like the Germans in the ve1g?i*m- the in-eixem on '1'-he Iinnieh bordezr and others in Hclrthezrn Ceuceeie, have been rounded ujp in fl:

totality and deported and eiepereed into the fer reaches or Siberia. In tbeee ea _. . 92 -- - --=»- -V ~ I - -' - -- 1' -~ - 7 - _ . ,.._ '. .. '-_.":;. _ ~ . . __ "-- " ' '-| -- *' ~ -- ,_ __ -- . ~- ~ _. - V - .. .92_J i _ _A_. - '.:._-:_...._-_.-..___._ .,,, -K-. . _ I 'I V ' ' - . I _ 712-. if. .- _ - , P i := -» __., 4 _=,>:.?¬';.-=_;-:;;..,_ 92 Lmuninqotollnirloederiniincigitamltreokleuofihlalllilihl Dobnnn mnult. mu, at 1 mbiilticn meeting new Gallon act» H111-om, ]l'1nI.' to the Peekakl Qemonsh-ation, Robeson lO¢1Gr9dl- - l _ - '.1l1IklbQt92I:rlJ1QPOint,I'1'@!I0n,IIl!.kBt¥lO' ' oer-1", and tut. offensive begin! tonight at em cccu1g..;", Qanonting on the Ucetcheute:-euthoritien of protection the "Genoa-t-goertj Bobelon teclaredl ' 't _ '

_; "nae wrest we; to get protection 1.: to in-so than that £1-an _ Y nor on we are going to protect ou:-lo1vel£' -_¢_-'- l-». .» ' _ ' , -iii. : f§_-1"-Pl'6ced.1ng Paul Robelm, u 1 speaker at ail noet1zg,.vu L Davin. hfil leo1&-red.8- ' " ' "

He wont all the 'f1unk::l.eI of 'In.'1.1' U Sta-e' ct, zether i U661 Uh-I178 £11991-I GI I18-Ck rebel like Judge Molina, to hwi that we are a peace-loving people, but we are mt pecifiitl un:1vearegoingto|tanduptoototoeenr1n1u31tout',-

Source: DAILY RB]!!! Date: September 1, 193$ - 9. 9. more I111 be severe; tozucur Negro ccu:n.miet*1eodcro and other-I that bed aut-

tered tron the Ccnzmmiata who 11111 testify to the incennlicriaa of their netball V itnludi the typo 01 literature 11101 diaiributed in Harlan in preparation fa! I reokntin aencnstrcticn; hence, I 1|-11.1 conne weal: to give you J-not the general '

view of their do: to on methods and organization cnonget the Iegroel. In the late '20: 1'-he Cclzmmirte created. "rho League of suiigglc for moo

Bight, This organilntion ml originally created mere}; to exploit leg:-o pier- nnoec hututter Stalin! meter plan cum into effect in the earl; 30:, e 7-oi: organization was created known as the lope Labor Congress into vhich me League of Qt:-uggle for leg:-o R1Q1tl',92|ae on-sad. me reason for liquidating . no league; nil St:-ugle tar Iegro Right! ml that it contained claimant: who relief-oil. Iago natlonnlim policy imposed by Moscow. 1' _ _ '"Ibo Iago I-new Congress" otm-ted right er: vith a Ictiooolirt Prop-m em "_ In designed to appeal primry to llegro workers. rho design of the new o:rgun1u- ki- as,_921.m also ttea in om-e 6105913 into the pattern of using Iegno labor tor Gctnlmili ~ ",i;§.u:--R. ' ' . _:'-@'- '_ , »<-1»-~ -;::z-e».-~--l - ~ ta 5 tau: _ h Union infiltration in . the 1:1; inrlusiriee. - . . '-:11: ,_u. -- =92-o_ - ;r~ _... w- ...- __. --,,'._-_ _l~:_ .92.- . . _ In the mane '30:, c nor Negro h-out organization Ill created tnovn ll_ the 'Iat1ona1 Iago Consreeinto which the leg:-o Labour Congress no me:-gel. he reason for the creation of the qlntionel lope Cong:-env vol e urp I-ring Of Pbll roippoliqtouu-&noppeamentotthednocmc1el,opo11cygumre1J,rInomu

H ' '- -- -- IAir-SI H ._"_Paint :~ * __-_-_~ ;;;;§.-§.::ij* =~, Q _-5'5" ; -- _;§<§_-§;.=-_'£f..;;.;.-a2::;.---1'? ".'_,>;.-.?~1'-__-..- __ _...~: ;-.¢_;,;_j_?__--.;j:véi,;-1'_:__.-;_;_:;: s" D . -eras:-;;.=,.',=~."""":."*1""=,Q_._?r-" 7-"'': =- " - ' :_. ' I T-;-'1-1 - "__":"? 1 ._h=~_;:+_§'-',' l~_q92-'_-e-aw.-1...» .--.~.a _» . _ --,.,,_.__.-...... _ _ , .¢- -7 . .1 J . -_...-. - .. . ea ...... ,.,¢.e_--- I 1 e. :; :':- -_ :'-1-e... --.1= ..; ~-- .* »; -a-. --.'._'.-. _- _- . ;-. _ _ - _- ,-_ -- - '--1':-'_"..'. -

gen em .;u1. 'OnucI.1k:n ml-mu urea;-1', up tamer jreeilant er men, e I a£tnuaua1ab1J.1tg,aypeu-edbeforeyou. Hue 'Oc|mc1J.unA:l'r1eenLt_ra1_re',et92In Ian}. Iobeean 1| new p-'ea1v1ent, deaigned ie e lint up the Iegvo Iatloaaliet lure- . ...;e,¢.-»..,.a 1:; be cmmm in Africa an up Anericalg as 1| lumm dire:

teal. in ail eld and aecounte fur Inch at Pen]. Iobeaon'e ineanatialll 'ect1I'1 .-._._-Y -av:-~ '-=9" ' - - '4-I .-. -.._QQ -._ l..e_ _i .a_.e__. 4- Il_ __ ._- --'-"" -' -- -"- -_--!:¬II V. _ .; " V II-I-L III n.;I Jill}; urayl Ia Into! _ ii ~ - - a.>'.. ----;__»:;__.,.r - ~- - 'In Q have mticed fr-can thin account of Ccnmmirt 1::-eate Il -- qpealixg nmea that eleceptim 1e a etamm-e. practice vii: Cuamniete. cqnmee

ereetedtronteeeneaadgolikevm-nenteuxte. Basia:-ed.1ece.rd.elenilneee92qL11 aneeeeatea; 'm1e1eeenemanat1ma1anaevenan1nte1-nationelecaleaeieil

cna1oca1eca1.e,11kethe'Ieetcheatea-Ocm:1tbeefuraIa1rInqn117'. 1a1:r'nell,'

otcenn-ae,he.anot.hingi:od.oI1th1t, aec:-eatlanofzietgrpecffi-ont1ea:n'

for attre-cting "'sm:kere" fur allege eauaea and nah-Lug euitable nae of aqviih

Oaunieta an stage managers" behind the eeene. . Deception, of course, 1a etandar practice. Ala-0, by the ennui. our halt pl

out by this type of from erganieatiuna to attract "suckers" for varieua ulegedl;

em-thy cauaee; It helpl theee organizations to pubnciu themelree em auek the

naeeee into motion. J, .

ue Ocurmniat Part; in on a continuous hunt for incidents, iaauea al cauaea,

. It there are none, they met be ereateel. Amongst Ilegroee, even more than anongz " of-barre, the:-e are usual]; plenty at llauel to imite and to ght about. there in _ ___ _ . .. . ,.-a-,. ____~W __~1q' Q.na'ta-nee, time inane 0f_I9g'[email protected] which ee Cuzuuniet-e have g """' IE laoq EB Part; I111 Pick I lr-1-eglc ell: In Q Iuif-able lblghborhool, pm § Fleket linea, daaunatratiem and even create a riot 1: at an-ree their ,_ . yurpeee:.., mgr be a rertauz-ant C cafeteria which toee not emt to an-we I~ .4-=._-_._, ._,.,., . .. V _ Fumie-1. Picketllnelvillbefczua, theummranarbe mnaheduallbig un- er ti-here nay he an employer, who for sundry 1-eaeene, new ma eun to eupl . P: ;_, -I 3-rv--51-V .,- _ 1 an-,1ntheop1.n1ene£t.heCocmm1at. Pa:-+3, aoea mtecmleyeaeegaetthq <" * * *"""";'*:-'7-'1-"'7 Hf.-"'_I' lees not employ them in mgn; akllled eccupetiene, I1 nothing handler in _ available,theCccmm1ltPart1I111p1a2m|atur,al£nibei:aeea£Pbetl:111, e.92.._ W -111 ii 4..-:-.5 u-_U __ I 92...-|;a_- IIJAIL-I-I-Q1 Q 1-....,9_=-e-.--I-I!!! ii-_ Xl_D-_ Q! ~i n 3 gg1h I"-'?.'P"i' * 'Qgtnnlnli * '1% 'Ilnltllg "

e wen. there an-e ea-lee Ihene fac1:o'r'1el ample: Iegroee 1n occupations that have neeanlez-1tyra¥1l8lo !heOc:mm1ItPa:we1J1denenl.notcnJJeen1er§t7j|92_ztpre fere eaninriiq 1-etuge for Iegroee. A quotation frcaa air emu-cee my llriae *11=--=- =?- =~=-we .s:if.. ' ea " ---"<-- ~-4::-e :" »- -_,{ e ~----_"5e emu-Q1 -._- qneatién ' - »- ie the ~ - ref:-ueetlve ~ Q-mils; " - -I at '- "3 -;.--».<== . --,.- up um ¢ as unaa-aw to Ieg'0 Ia:-hurl. mum: - _e lie, ell other mubree IE1 in knqlelme nlle " --'1-"='**'~** _ '~;.;='-;a-.;'a.;¬§-'gT.;;3E?-1-~-.- _ ~ =.+-qL.-}-,.:.=;1§§;.i?.=.-;..¢ee.,-.==-¢=.- -air aw -=-. ~ -#1-=~.-n~aivI'-w=w 1-~"'--P ::-..~.-~".;-_~;.~. - "~ ~-'»"- . _ - e . 1': . y .'.5...=¢e»_-._.-. 7 ,_._..._. .. . .5.-. , A ---:--.-A.»-nor - , --V-_»--=¢'~->-=»--'¢'v--.--em-,-_--._ .-_ "1-1 e ~ -'-- .--.- - ._..-J»-L 1- ----.- -_------4.... I-=Y;- . - -I Eh" -2 _T:i3Z~.1 'EZ§'%'.._...' <»-=- *3 »___d:_.-1'?-"<.;.» --;~-.~'-+1--=_g~~--.-iE.». A. t;92.; g+.~..e._?»-: -_:-_-:.--.._- =: -:e -1;, ::-.- _..= . . -:z:_r=:,: '-ii-i-<-="'=-ii-_-=--"i?-:-'1-=f==l -:--_-'-.=1{'V~:-_=_-= ---_ - 1? ?:';r:_:-e-'>'--~15 'e ' ______" "._ .-+1-1.4-.. .--"'6; Te ~g_-, ...... e-'- r,.;r,_;_-:_.5:.:zr.;' ;-._4.»--- - -1 -_ _ .1»... _-/__ . _~ '._..--.. -we--.;r-_*,.,, .._.- -_:*_-:-; 4. ;_-3. -.1-.-..-_-.-. .:.~_'_~,' _ - -- , . - .7 __. _ 14-1-:17? ,. '3. _ -._'T4-,__._F92e Q¢:-. bin-no-l:1

.n' Join lI!.lJ.1neu_ V-7: .1, mumu. mam, an my Iv 33" ._+. e - W :;,£il.;:-L --;':=7'?~.5- _at mm or these or einiler griemmee one-I: 1|, of courle, ,- 11 hem{WEN over TI! bonele Iesrd aI@1IatiOml like the 1&5, lb R-1 "T emouez-l1ougbeforethecc|:|:u:n1etecmeu1>ontheeceneenl.ecnt1metnh' at ll new 1| that thin elleaed friend of the leg:-oee, the Cdznunlet I-aria, Le _-_..-,-;_.~_; 7 evuIe;notere1o=:-niet on-ge.n1zet1on,tb.eyeonoteeetre1'orn1o:r reform mini '>1,-"=1, e ne:~e1;p1eqvithretcmeeeoeenetoene:|:'.'. 'me1ueeretorn1norder'beeIJ. "

their other poieonoue ve:-ea end. create incidents for racial imitation, en the . .;'

following quotation token out of their sources me; indicate!- ,='..' . 3-.:'e.».: "'1'he terrfble truth which ever; American mzet face to that the government of the United Staten, in all . its renificeticme end culture, 1-eete upon the nite .__:_:@,1_ =°"r* 1?; supremacy eyeten. ne LII. exp:-eeeee thin cam!-1 . _;_92-Liiw _T_ beliaa only in the more vulgar and nore violent to:-me; , . =*_;__* ,,-_,.._..__._-=_+ but, there 1e not e single Congressman, Senetozr, Judge, ~ :T'92.;~ - 1; State Dcperinent official, police officer, or reeponaihle . _ _,_ _ __ executive in en; branch of the State who is not enmeshed in, who does not give support to, or is not tect; edjue-too to the white sup:-em-cy' philoeopb; or the Ila -- nu: non. The two-pert; eyaten 1e on open bulverk of '._.. '- ..; ..=.¢ the white eupu:-emcy' horror. ;_..':_';-Lt"

_--_.L|.¢. . Source: DAIII HIE, Jllb 19, 1 ,.,._,_:._-...'...... _ .. .~_,=,<;.=_,;;; . L--4-11-.-=.~.-. - Article: "Ca:nun1mz 1e the Deadly ...... _-=-..-....__.¢._..._..._. -_.-_ w --L e..._ e of mite Sup:-a:nc;:'~ IY.7fII_ _.' " '..*.'.**'+' ' '_ ' - xi _._ ._- ___.. ._. . ff1."':. ff ' ._ I -e -~ e" an mm some *'1"'"*_"'~ ..-....-;.i--.--.--->-_ .__-;-...___ one ,_., '7' .-_ _;"_l'.'T';92-._._'-._'u;- -;:".:-'.;":;..'._..."._..,j_.;- hung" to an; Ihtment ' ever; mu ma our ernemi except " - "c@ - -, 1, -!,:?."<5¥ l92- I eon:-ee, is an enmq of the Iegre one met be enepected en! £[email protected]---i.=-gi .g:=_.-,-=,»-.~_=¢'. ~- ~- - - ' _ _ __ ;_:_:_-,f--;'A_'.'f,,-':i;,,__,e * -- --. gt_ T-=-'.,.;,'=__., ." Ye _;:1_-o;-;'-;._.»_é;-- OI. greet importance in the reciel incitaticn program are leg:-e Oeurt aaaeelvel to reoiel ineiteticn. Ior instance, one or '" ~.*:' ".' t:"_5".?.'l-II» 4-" . _T .- - 35%?- erreeted. for mu-oer, rape or robbeaqe mere are kmadrenle of hues enonglt . .-.i_...T.§E,u;._-=__E,_,:.:_,, ., . -,__. 1; -.--,_____,,:, " "ee White! I-I Ion but, 1.1 it concerns EQQQQQ, Cuzlzrmiltl ;._" e to rm mu 1m:r:'poeel. me erreltl an; new use ma» on J; lpsuifficient meme, en lcnetinel 1e the eeee, or the charge mg be mum; ta-no A

92m,:.t'naerveau»mewgieyurpenaerweree-w,ezweum,raeruqv1:L1- . charge 1tto'beetreue-1m,trueorfe1le,I.ongbefore the h-1eJ.coneeq1ua1eepee- !lhe'Ieg1-oelinw-o1vem;'bee.|gu11Qel" - "_iire1',juetell2Iee1even1!t:dedbe!ureJugelbmieo-ebut,lfthecmmmilt . :5 ' ":'.,.,-. . _|..- . -_ _ ;.'.;.-..-swe ewe. mes; -an s;';e1=¢'.1"m 'e921ecke'lh ediii-_i an-, ;F"7f'- _ __,__-,,,V,1,.92,;¢-_,-*5;-1.;-. _ 0.. ._.-... ., .. 1"._;-- .;-.---;=-1; 92- ~ I -,.-,. ..» -.-;;,__||-Q ' e --:-r:-1-v¢e:>92-¢s>-§=-.I92|- " ,-. .s'l492vl""ll' 4 ... -- ,_..,- M .. _._. .1, V _§._,'___,.. 1:. ,_ ow-ea -- 4-_.._-_ m-- .' ___._.._..,_.,_,,.-....._....,,,,_ .__,.,,,_.,,_.__...,_,..,..._,__ . 7 7*r W T7 V V - . . o . _ . _£... _ _-4;;.;'__";.~---142.1-~'-.-,--'-__ ~= -. ,-.- -4 :---*1. -¢_.;.;. -_-_--:;;..:, . -.m - .1 W H- . -.1.1.as - ;_::._:._' ----1 e, -- _._.'.:.. - -- _ .- W:-.1 "7:.:,f::'%"'h"=-

nswarounepaoeimntoennhans:tentasto1a-oduceegui1wwur1etuwwu;._ §e___ Iaehhetterturtheuzznmiets. 1heeaeew£llheoa:es'caueeed.ih'smlaUcIlc-

_.'fu':eirp:-opagnndanilll. Bowsuehs1qPe"ofaeaeeaeummwm_ I you-I} _ - -=%-:»- e ." ,..' _f."' - hear it youwill trama witneu,a romerPu-tr leader,who wasinlaid in e ."3ttf'.'..'f , '--..._ W WW...... -_-..---_ .-.~.~92 ~- ...._;._- 1-; V ~ Bcottsburo ease oi years agee .The Scottsharo case 1| en 01151 ick 5_5_--L.1-,,.;> .2, ---.- T"-* - ' ' '. H " 2' '' tremendous nationalattention. It may nervethe purposeof illuehetiq ._... . '._._ their imitation technique: which, it anything, have becomeewen moremac:-qpuluns I"'*:.-:' -Sn5¢|! ever the years. ' 1 ?:'.i4J-_- .1 _{.. . he following quotation, out or Lenin'scollected works, illusiz-atee their

over-all practice in all £ie1dsl- ' .a.~ He haveto useaw ruse, dodge, trick,cunning, unlawful l. __'._.-*2 methods, concealment, veiling of the truth. .. . . All 2-one " . 1 -.;=.__ as capitalise and sooiolim exist, we cannot lire in peane; * in the end, one or the other will triumph---a rune:-al dirge .1.._ti'I will be sung overthe SovietRe P uhlicuor overvurlll. ca ita.'.|.--P in . . . hut until this takes place the primipal role is to - L .: _..-1, dodge and maneuver-" 3 -; 1 . .1J. Conznmista raoial imitation methods are an deceitful and indirect as may of *5

their other preotioee and for that reason are rather felt than~'6nderst.ood.. Contra?!-j to the Iezis, who berated. the Jews and Negroes an inferior races, the Cmnmiste ...;. one - 1 =1:-no to*_.1~eI: lireGreeks bearing §ta= 'l..'he!11.1-atom tohe eolioit/ot their we1- ._ fare and 1n-cnise then,as minorities, privileges that even the najority does not _____,J- JIIJQI-. -IheOocmmists, instance,for duuendthat IegroesJust becauseue; i ";:'_i..'_ be pie.-e_'1on C-o!e_"!92i!1g 5oa_v-via at 1.~or 112111-ml, GoverrnentAgencies, -- ___.,,.._.- ...... "V7'jq'7H.-_ lmieipei Ommcila, sum Beanie,at caters. e; even advocate manew mwldd T. ye-rte of our cities he constituted as autonomous or eeni-autonomousmnioilnli

'Z|§é-. _-..... Ohm-henun --....-Q.--J run-n-we-I -V---,w92n'Hnn --Q.------,lrhwlntnl nsurl at-- QQQQ.- - , -- 1531: HIQLfig g11:I_ -, QJ l_MI. ' che; the ezpeneee. 'IJ::l.s,d'course, conform! to their concepts that he Iegroel - - '1-T;-lr92'J _ ._ . . - -- I-.-'-:4:ls mtion-_92'92--:- - and, therefore,are entitledto betreated as partaersiinltead oi as '


___-.-I _.- . A-_ -_~.~.-,"-.-_»--,1;-_~"-...-'1; .-_ -¢_;'~~.-_ -;..*=;-;.--"'*1-i-51-.>;-e-:.-;:=;:-:~1': 2:.-»11_-.=»' ' "- -' » - ____...... _ -- , e _- _ _ , ---""_ __ . " _e , 7 _ e -- - . s 1

p61iticaJ.ly,theAohillee_ anltbeliberetionlcvenent -_ 1110 iereoehi1gnswhei¢:tsorl'oo'slcions- _ , representing s night; anti-imperialist r$'¢Qs .

Article! 'BPEIPIO IIA'IIRB'Q DEIGAI Ll . _ Imitation er 1-eeiei nrlnnrities rite, er course, INPBIALIS1 into the general lIPAISICI" "-ii jpsttei e- or Sou:-co: Political mm. - mg. igna 9- fill _ ' By: tlf1JJ.isnl.!ostei-_ £- eeeeee in an article by ;= nevi; eeticiei, "Q-e'!eg-o p___f " People: Liberation uevemot" -- source: Politics]. Atteire -3}. &u__

Communist operations which is designed. to exploit the grievances of the lost illum- tented segnonts oi the populotlm, especially those who have special grievances

116 IB@'OBls

he Octnunists elweysmte s great ado if en; of their rioters an arrested. cl- in,1ured by those whcn they have provoked but, whet they would do 1.! they had the

power 1| perhaps host illustrated. by s statenent of Paul Robeson male to e Blredilh 'p:~o-qczmmist newspaper while he wee in Europe; e statement which has been reprint. in the Daily Worker. In this statement, Robeson alleges that there in e 1:-meneous

resistance anal deep feeling mnongst the Hes:-o peoples in the United Stetes:-

he interview is in e. question and answer torn: 4:». Question: "Have you any persaml experience ' conrming this resistance?"

I-tr. Robeson: "There are numerous eronples tron the recent election canpoign of Negroes protecting Uellsoe people tron the Ilu_ nu: Klan. I , n;yeeJ.f, wee tospeokinetowninthesouthwhonword cane throng: that the police planned to shoot tie down on 1:1 arrival. The result was thet the police ' received. series of warnings to the effect .1! anwthinghoppenedtone, mthligmachwoulbe. left oi that town within 210 hours. I have newer felt no sate in all ny lite throughout :41 stag- lnthntfown. I1nses92.:rro1.|n1ledhJshes.v11; u-med bodyguard. of regular police. Oh, yea, the negro pcpuletien is mach more pmg;-eeeiri thanscne of their leaders", - __.. , _ __ . _.. . H ,___ _ . __ . .»-.=_g Source: The Sunday Yorker - June 5, 1&9 . - 1*. 1 - s.=uee_2,;,_,_ _ Q _._ I, of course, do not believe e word ct whet Robeson sags as to I he Illsgen to have taken place; but it is an indication of whet Robeson would like ' looifhehsdthepower. neem-¢1egteta1eaeewmeee,re£921neeeeenweu1emtbe setistiea with a tew at his eneunies being mnhendled. Be woula wipe out the whole can in which the incident tool: pie». Just ins thelelis have eeee st maiee, O , which an have levelled to the Qil. teccnse of the assassin of on: ertneiriepwnerieeeee-eveee11eveatemee'thu-e.*._:f" e " 7 - . -r. . . ..~:-hen-'-'~ __.,._._. ._.. .. _ ...... ,._._..;- _ . ._ . . ~. . =,,,.-.___., , _._.._- .1. 4... . . _._. .. _ , . .. - ' ..; .3. .. - ...' . VA ~-L . --~-~:.. 7 "-_._*-"-.'-.=._-'.u;-.92_'_"..-=~'._ . 1' . .._._..__¢.._.e .. Weev ._-...z...¢..._ ...._._.w .;,._. ~ - . _,n._,..-._____.. " - 3 _._ - =,.. , ._..._._: ...M _ .. .u _ __.__ -. - . ' ,__.._- - _,___-_ .. _, __ or ,_ ____' ~ '_ I " "._»..:_...-f <, V. _. ._ . -...... ;_ .. _.._.' * --. ¢._. _ G -..__1_;'. I... _ . I 'n;|_""' _".... ".*"' _" ' '?... '" ' " "-

. 'Io'beeun|le¢lnreqltl92e , Bte.tee,ln-ieeenslthe aroueoaovez-theieniel

It-Eeeofihitelmmbm 0 : ..

,. V =. _ . Beruree: NIH W, %e 5' W,,0 so leheeen,eteo1u-ee,knevaperfeet];Ie1ltlnt,it'the1n.eie£i~eeda:e eeellmt

$iIl1'nQie&itedBtntee,t'he1i.kelcfliiliu92lJ..Il:t92ie'to1e1'BtdCtl11lItI.1-ill _ _ elldwe. to tell his lieu all aver the Unite Btetee. "" ;__,__, _ ,7; T * eeeeeeee-eel ~ -_~;; .,_.--_-=-_;§i..-.7. Ems 1;; ,f__ QIIIQ -' Ii I have niwelt at lungth on Cazmmiate-eti1'it'ee Iegreee,it en-mget in 92e- '. "5-1 eeneeloeodwheeepineryintereltinimitingthemumithecmmmiltru-wieu ..

reciel ineitetion work in this field as it were on the ¢iouhle", _ ~~ Beceui, in importance, in the racial imitation politic: of the Ouzmmilt = Party, are the Jews. There was e tine, infect, when they were first but in the laet fifteen 5! Jeers the -Tewe have receded in the total weight oi Ccnauniet _ "

activities, pert]; due to the special interest that Moscow has in the log:-eel eul. * -

Q-92-" """"""Isa:-Anna +3-an -' Jag-n. " "I '-'-" 1|-u-92-I-nu'-"-r"-"""""-nrnen-In-nnn -""-in thincg ---9 -'*nf lclnnlglrw ** wv Q11! I hn11gi_gQ_I --__ L! 'begi.uni.|:|geoe tothrough the trickery oi the Oonzuniet High Ccznnzi in lbnccli. '_ _ _'": kn. emiitionelfactor, of late, hae been the euppreesionor Jewnh organization: . . "Ll in Soviet satellite countries and in Rueeie itself. llevertheleee, in the Iew York _- ' ' .-1-;1'£ e Cit; eree, in Io! Angela and Chicagothe Ccummiete still have considerable organ» _j Q-tien enengetthe Jews,i.n:lud.1.ng e daily paper, "I.heF1:-eiheit", '_hut__e_venin ieee than ten 6! percent of the -Tewr; enithere ie, elenxzugJen, the e live]; intelligent endactive oppositionegaine-t thm, ee e mm:- it F u. _.:;_ w #4 flwlel rend: w P-mwer van =1=*-=*~ . . . . . ":1 " . as _-. " l the Gonmmiethave played eromadwith Jewish mtiom-11!: eff allot, Ht-

their mm ecencmg 'hOrB0' theamongst am has been the issue of Anti-Bmitim =._~__--.== - a-r'..=4--. ,..~1 . ' ..', "';*"'f'lK=~? ' ,-- . e _ -- the; have exploited. to the nth degree. Bineethe hitler Genocidee asState policy, theresult of which was the butcher?! ienl -cf if:

I _Je'Iei.nIu1-ope,theJ'e92rehe.Ye1ived.inan.1.Q:'h:n:-ei:iee:r t.hetlcI:sethi.n3e:h:..:r ___,__ lighthempen here; e tear heavily promoted In coumniet Propegen:_i_l,_ .;- -_-JL¢_ 1._.._. _- -4? _-__- m$;kA~a .:E e. i - , _ _ _ -"'-'""'I,_ , _ . .. *:_~=,-_-~=* .;:¢':._-"-.=1_-=-- 2 4."-.1: ,;~.="2:E=a-?-,1-".;rr;"--. -~ - ; ~ ' - - -;_;- " -_--;..'92 ___'"n-H; ,. _- ___;'-,_,__,__.,. 1'___...|.__.,._ 1_.- - -_-e' .. _.,392 -' 1- _-y; 9._ .1: ,1 _ , :__.._-_-H. .' .~- e ..---@ = -1 -'~ -*" " -_ ' 7.-.._ ' -_;_ 1 --,_ 92I-Z;-1171-; __: . ; __ -- _ ~- -4 - 501::-gett.O:n:|u1ltem'h-ullliiniau-Qnimtieniaelniutcrnil e lurid: Ieoplee I1!-.er','J'eviI|: Soctim at to Intel-1:ntia:. In-in-1 - timer, e Ouzmmiet fraternal and innu-m'e'e lecieiq at about me-hm:|.red-Iixty-' . aoulnnd 60,000! imbue. an '1.I.o." 1:, in tees; up oeumm rumvi entrel

not-work amongst the varioue fox-eigz lezquege group: in um emmtry. ad Jenn 8ect:!.onil'&e1ar5eeta1'.1:lnte.'Aim-gepartetthed.mune'tentcrlhwerihI.1:'b ' __r:Ieekli:lJJ. for the Bdbelun dunnltrnticli Ia:-u nenbu:-Iof 'xw.o.-.- H .. ' UHF z...'' Int, "in inpm-tame, in the Jewish ccumniet tolleuizg, are n

"':'"I': ' mien: with e. large Jewish umberehip, like the Farrier! uni _ Iith Cclrumilt curganilation inside of then, lihe the Painterl, the Ieedle ..|r'l 't-ales, lune of tho Iood It:-edea, et cetera. B1ener~e£aettImtthere92rere£arnoreJe92n thanllegroee at tJ:ePoeklH.1.1 t

delnnetreticm elioulli not nielea- you an to the relative 1.::|pcu.'t-mace of thele e groups in the Ccuzuniet: set.-up. It simply neene that eunaget the Jew! the Gmlllnir

iltl have long established eolici organization: in the Her York Bree with I M111 4

paper to drum up the crowd, and that the bulk of that paper: circulation happens '_:'£_--I "'.. to be in the How York area; whereas, amongst the llegmee their orgznizetim in youzg,-" fer been eolid. and there is no daily llogro paper under their control to mobilise ,-_-, I. big crowd in one 92reek*e tine. Amongst the 92rit:ieseee reed: to testify is u former vice-president at the I,U.0¢_5_§ Vern you can ask any queeticm in reference to that organization.

_- If mm --v 1|-mm --- tn -w nni-.4nnt.n ___.-.--v H11 -- wlanil -___i ml - I-e921;1rmn1Il§n.rka'r-nurrvl _--.--»---.- i of __ than ___ G1-1:l:u:|n1Il =i ____ ____ =+-__=

duznnstretore at Peekakill in the order of their mmerical importance, the folloring app:-ozineto1y1|ouJ.ilbethereeu1tfi " '

, ls Jsggi-iiiiiiaxn '-_"--"-- " " 2. Slavic Q-oupe. . . 3000 _ 3! I5@'°°a e 0 0 e e 2000 _ _ _ __ , _,,,_ ___.__._.._._.._.....-..= _ __ k. Iatina L Ib&].1&D-B. 1000 _, ,. _.. -_;__'-i'-_-.., T " " 5. Anslo-semm . . . 1000 _...--. jui- QQQQQQQQQQQ - ~"".?*_ '11:- - -:2; ' M m smv cormnss A I 7;-_Q - ,.-7 ',' ff t .' §.__'L'.'§ . _I .3;_@~<;- _,,.._--H,-. .... ,:_:_,:,,.,F_._.:___.- ii-I-|-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-G x--._'§:£~;.."_'-1- 2 ' -£73 _ _.- . A '11: Y 1I== __.,_.l._-...;._.L _ .7_ _e ::.»<"-"-.'.=.a @{;~."_' -3 .__._|_.._ ,2, ,_:; . 1 »_.92- .. . '*~ ._.. "' 1. - _; I .._; . --~-nee-:a-1--:---T - -..~.92. - - - - __ ___ .n_ ___ _.. 4.n._ ____.L¥___ _._A__ U¬¬'E- I ILHUZEDI I1§XI1eIB-Lite_


Ocumnirte to ecnbtne L11 Slavic mt1em1.1t1eI] much as, tine Russian Ukzeniene, Pale: " II-_-92.__1__..|__ ~I92_.1|i_o.l___' 92e__ _-|___- -4 _-A.A____- ;_;. i -_ i_. 192___..J__ __.__a-..l.J_ . .__ .;o __,_ _ ___._ -92-- - ~ -__7~-;_ s ' _ _ e. H-Vi- .... __ L-,. ._ 1;,-_i_,, .-1.-7-"__ __--:10-_-, __;~ 1 - c f =- _ , ..-1' _-» _ _ :' ' _ -4 _ . '_~..¬.*"¬'i__'}ij__; J. _.;aI.':_..-L...c néfisi , L -,.i_, g:_ 92_*w-i _ -. ._,- -- -"92 I ______,_______,, _ .._ -y _-___,_.-5 3.;_ _ , V o -15- Q = ._ =.-.:._';,-_[-.._-... stuhdiqeciricneaelsdlle-iueianmogspadanoaptzeeniaaid req'n.1.rsaetl.filI:|i1in-Iiatureign1.sng1|sges. _ _ fties itte nythat,etth1ltina,'_1i:eS1avcengrassieonset1e important groups spreading racial dissenaion in the interest oi Russia in the United States.


EIIIGIGEDISHISIQ s-seee ' __ Ilzcspt forthe continuousbarrage atattacks againstthe mu-ah an_: 1" apieceClerical reactions;-ice"at other d.anm:!m'tidns,_.reii;:cen""i.::eiue1ee' no use nsnirsstedin ccntmniet preparations forthe Septuziberlath I ''

Poekl. - ,,,, IL

Inaamich as religious imitation does tom an important part oi Cccnusilt activities, I will deal with it briefly. .

There was a time that the Ceununiste confinci theneelves to straight atheiltic

anti-religious propaganda aimed mainly at the Roman and Greek Orthodox catholic churches. Ibis,however, wasnot very effective; hence,in the last 1'ourteen ll! _ years madama plan aleo personally devised hyJoseph Stalin in 1923, they havegem um the business of infiltrating the various church denominations vith alleged - liberal and progressive ideas about religion. To carry that plan throng, the Aths-V ilta lave to pretend to he religious. As fantastic as this an _ggen, it is mt . inconsistent withCeammis-b behavior that - "all mans areJustified ii they serve

th if

Q 1-I110 M-Bil Of Chi! 13188., thQ1D1'11tl"'b8.H61-hO - " ' _* .~:=* - serious denominations withtheir allegedly "1.1'be:reJ."Working ideas. in'een=ertin l i'lIiO92-IIPI'U92'»QBB.'liB "101 niltidil, 1Df.l1B1|0G. Hi: 106.9251 Council Hf ' Ghuzmhss butcan far short at their ebJective when, in thriaat he ! you-s, the Protestant I-linietry finally evoke to their counterfeit liheraliln and movedaway frcllihlln-4 But,92heraIs.l atimelhenfhayhadaansnyastxelve-hundred ,200! lliniitau.-I and several Bishops of the Protestant 92lunc|:|.!.ns.tioI.'|lin their various rel-18' ioua ircnt-I and vents:-es, Iheir influence, in these Protestant lenminstioas, I!-I need to the em.between y.=4,_=.e¢ma. an :':nu- -ma an ammo er was Jennrem resumedfor he um pm-mu-j'" -A -.'--..--sarizriigz-Ir."»ir|i|+ -aw ~:i'e*.=";¢==+.--.1 -~15--_-411i"-=2:' "-- - -,3 .7 . . _=-§,_';~__-__7§i"£;". - "' " ¥"§§_ 1'T§'i_3L .;_J92-_''-if -- -' - " : 7 T ' 7 W ____' _____,_W___-.,. .4.».._...... _.__.,.-M- M -- - _;__- _ __. , 1. .... _- }_§< =;_»;: .._J..w_k;.; 3 ->3-Ag: '_-.-;- ~1m_.- *1-»; .. -T:-Y; _ L_ .._ é _ ,1_=.-- _- _. .-;.-12-_..i.____'.:nn1_~aa¢ .-I - ,-.-.-~ - .a§._--".1._"¢.- ;'%=1.x-...... _-_ .1; . - - --:2: 4!.-:-. '1 .- r"' .. . "Y1"-""--.-i-"' ,7 -"_- I .-" £:-1=Hr:I§=_!.'i-1-=-;¥+_..-"- - I-=21-"-I ¢ Q h -. .. . -on- -._ --nnan.-4 - ___...--92 ,'- _;._~.¢ "'3;-_ . 7 -.-ma-'-_1'-I '.-* ...--. . =,- Q - .,-A~' - ?¥.';_'?I -- -- mu--p -=§L--3?-";_¥i-_+*;< --4-» "' - #C ~,:. é . ' . ____ _- _ ;- .-_ _ -. ---3-1; .. .11 ;.~ -{ V ,, I ' -~ '""_".. =_-.;=.;;;; - " " "" * I /. _ __ _ -1-ounmn M3011: -- '-¥+..>.~ an mccmn, mumun reammm tar Social B|rI'1co' '1'" ii --;_92 7 . I {'7' _ n than mttarial. val con1'16.ent1nJ.1,1 Iuppliud to the Iat1uiJ.?hur1can1I ;1__0un1u1= oftheperscmvhopreparodthoxfeportunmiutavorahlqandlonghaowntouwe =-A-<=- " _-:4 I; ..._ 5; :1;-4 . _. ;';'_+_"'

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1 , . , I. ¢ Y - _ HQ _-->--;¢_._;=-==m';-:¢;:;e~3;@e ---~;a~=».- -'r;+@;_;~.;-~.é.-..*._.H- _ . ~% ------i - _ H . I __-,= ._ -- ,_ '.a- 92_ ~-.,,__'.- .. ., = , '- "1-'»:',»!-1¢f=a:=~%.=§~2%';--- -,. -.. .-.-. .. --_" '--' "~- B '-' -" . :.==-§'_%Si92%".'~C-'92-k-3"" *-*:;!:mr,-_-$11-..' '8?§i~~i-:,.__,'- =--._..;;:'.:-;:.:.-..,_...-"-'1"---. "'*:sa»1*-_;--I-'~'------'-.+----;'-"- _ 1-»,. :....,-.."'-"1:*¬-'¬¢.92:,v'-T»;--1=7;a.§*,q,-1:as*al'.:...,;¢;:.e.:::5,-;;.;. :.;.:§._;;;~.:.t';=:..-,:'._;£;.;.-...¢ ;.'. ..;- 3.336; v:1:"1: -1»- ~- 4-we -~-n- ' "- " " -' ' '" "i"*""-" ""' ' ' ..,__=._;..._...:;_:.».-=;:.$.=-.-@ -we Y I 1' 92 - -=-A---""-1¢>=" -- *1;-5,.--Q-_;-.x>=--q'§E;..-._:.,$,___._V_,. ._,_.t :7, . . ,,e.__ ;;" .,.-_¢;=_ -_- '. "?~:"L1"-" I'.k?';*.*E¢_§*'"!j,* .1" . ':":1-.'.5'i*.£l""'Q-J; I-1!-2'11---'-11;-T»-1---~" _---*-"-r "-u;-' '--1-- ' . /11-' ._:. ~ - " -__ ~~"""" 7* .¬=:=§;-~_%-:="=*T~ . 92;~ 1...-.. "1. =1:-=*' .. ~.- .~ .- "H '> - 4:" =2 V -=-»=" ~ -~ - -- '==~ _ ~ Y? - iii -* n . ' '' , . ,._ ' " ...._ I_-..._-' ___ 1 ___-_._-_;'- 1 _- -_ *~-1...--¢--_-,1-.¢. ,*,=*L;*'*'.:-__..~=.-._I»»~=t.~=>_. n-_ 15-_'_'¢.-"'e_'~.* ...,_ -_ _. . =t . ~. Liz?-.¬.-i:*E3;-g~.f55"""*.:;.¢,§i3:-*I",, .-92-'4-92¬Al1QIIQ 1 ~ = - . *-__;__~;-"__'"-__ ;_'___;_-;-;__¢ ---;'~-:;~ -, __;, r -_-,--_ -"1:;-_";'r:.:7.r_-_;"..,_,._;" -'t%_.";:f. he . H-'~-.-.» ~ -- - _ _., -_, ;-:'_;_,-.-;,,;_¢ . ' - -. +1-2.; _ ' P . _.. -_. , ,, _ ,-

_. - -;.,-.,§!. V _ ._ .._ X e _ _-, _, .; ,, :¢ - ,¢ . "-.'.a5v_: .v.,.... , 1 _ I _| __ _ _-fiw V - Ineonneotlm with the Zlebeeon ?eeke$1.11' eenenetrlttnn ellellee '_j '1'"?- __._; 7 1- ___

hymn: me; u gm mum: tree, nip:-$1» lhelee 1. hnq . K.-..--~ * e ~ eqgqeng4, pa. ; an-man um eeeh u mama: * _.. M _-2:-:.:_f " ' 7 ' k ' . ._:-_.,..._...r _._._r. __ 1.: 1.:._.,Z ..__- 1. ether the Oomzniet led Ignu-eh I foreeu dleplq-ed lnenetretion were e ql-Ali-£1111!-I7 force. h "in'3"m-#:;:?T:3f*;§?§§5%5.1;_-==- -11",? -~~-.-»-§~-'e-;-~ ~.-.-*."v..-?'-:- " I. fhether the eeneutreuon we e put at the -"T1":-" .~..'I'.1Il1'92. - '=~::-iZ_:''?- -- f'_=.,_;-_-5... 4.-;-.-;=;;_-I-;;--__, tenant mm end. religion: hatred-I. 5- mm» nu neetlng m mama and eponenred for minipun ' o deliberately inciting dleorder end I breach of pence. h his report I111 ee]. with thie subject in the order nened. aha-e. ,. .._'_;,Q; .1 4 _ On the heeie of info:-nation eeeenhled from various eon:-cee which I111 he meld T1":»"1"' - . . - _.,-.4» _-,4 -E-'4:,1 ll "Ill 1i0Ii1I0!I.}"1=1'0uee11e and on the belle at :7 on experience with thie ne ergen.1se'61}m- I will etart urith and zleel chiey with the qaeetien ee to izethr Goumuniet Party 1| committed to the organization of e. quni--military tome I u integral pert of lie program and activity. .

, ll the G-everner nerreotly etetee, there were preeent at the - -yboheeen .. ' _.w 3: ______ ___ . . 4". ___ _; _ }-'f-:_w':§- demonstration, e eorpe of gunrde.- tn eddtitlen, prov-Gonmnlet srcee than ecme 2.500 men when they ealled. neon:-it; guards. 1'h1l force of A--.3: _ in oharnete;-, operation, fox-nation end. diloipllne. were eqnippeel

. . ., weapon: Ihieh, , , Ihlle not prohibited hy, . law. Inch en beeehell hate. _ _ en -_, 1 " :' '-'x-*3-'-"¬¬f~§2:i-'7F'.fé'!'v *_'?;1:":-j"-""""""""""""""" ~~ H - ~ . - -- -- __ 92V __ 1 onee end cane ethleok end reclpepper. Bach weapons tn the hand: of Q ' __ __; , row; ewld he termdnhle am even ¢eed.1;,' ' h _ h e_-,_.%, e nu ,,o mu; Yorker of. leptenber 5. 1949 eeye the 2011mm; mm le__ M _____hW . ;=::1:*"<<-1~r:;@re":_:%1;v» ego-he-1 W--- ~- ---e it ~ ~;_-;-;_-

L fer feet vii-his the grounde the gem; vets:-one emu; the eeneert pere »1 new mum to shoulder along the 1.500 pro lengsu." Stomp! or eteod of 92 .5,-_~ .;_»;;;~~"--.=1:§_--_;_~ et varioushilltop: andotherpolnte vutege.! -fpage_.'11-i-'w~.'7:-n B, "_.." ?.;;r§g Mm *9 F112 M1: hm: er hm- 12; me. 2:50 4. e'~h9_?g-esrft; s==-=1. -" 3;_5O0 III, that. Inch e guard wee jreeeet et the , Deheeon !-I» If eenree. olrv-lone heentrees h 'eunenteff teféilnaw . - . 92 _92 _ _ . _ V ' e. . .. - - V - _ 1 . vi. .-.'. . '..' Ii id e -*..e...-ye . . . . . ~. . . . _ --_~ _ -_ -V _--._;_ - -_§_;,_;_,- Y -_;,--' ", ',, !9 92Iu.lene921,f eeniel. :1-an the net}!!! qt m ,-,- taken ue _t-he ;e1g,'¢; huh, on gene:-e all eet? -'..,..¢.~.-.92..=...._----.-,----i A~~~ -l.--_------, , A __ -|-r.,F¢_-1-----»+--iii - "v " _ d _ H . . _ 1 ._m'.1V _ _ _ 3-C;;__ - __ _' __ :_ _ _ ~ _ _!___.. _; _.',.___L_ i __;-:j';;--L;;,." _... 4...-'_..._..---_ . I 7_e-l;- . _ . . . - _ ___. 1 - '_ 592 the iktmiet Iert: Ieedare, Le their nrioue eteteeeeteeede throop he-nnie aenbere andother-viee. ofeon:-ee. elninthat the Ieecurity guardwee there pare}; __ .-- e -_ fer defeneivepnrpeeee; that ie. to defendthe egeinet hoetiloeroede and "ii viii in eeenfree what folloee. it ie ouetoeary for

elm_ 9 qoneine. in otfeneive I eotion, _toslain msthey are mu;_ , tedfeeiv _ - i. - Ind ma. in the nae of derenee. onee lore.in oonneotionwith he feetetili delonetretiu. nrrogetedto theneelvoee poliee fhnotion.

_ "'Ihoeeorgenieetione pnrel; ere defeneivein name-to prove tothe working Iaeeee the neoeeeity et nah defensive orgenieetione ie eeeier than to met -1 them into offensive organization.

"But, here, we meet with the oppoeition oi the refornere. hey ue age @ yorker! 'de!eue gre-spahee%e= er. eoge zine rig there 'de£Qee p'm:pl'turn la; to attack, It the vorkere were arsed. elaee logic puehee thee ahead for the old etretegic rule eeye, the beet method e! defenee ie attack I. 92r<1=Ln rum mm novazwr by 4. aeeeveiw. p. 104-5. Put-liehed by the Erode Union Edmeetion League. Chicago. Illinoie.

I -Iveh -ah-8YJAQIQ In Ale SH;new uvaeeenneen -pe-el

U . . ,_ .. . . -_-1... .-. _



__, - ow-:1--'4O - - ' lie. .., pretenseof dofeneeie perhepe beet illuetretedby the quotation- ' _FJ._: . _ . ,. - . ' -"- relatee to the creation of ee-celled defense eorpeorge.nieetionel___ __;'-1 ___:-'_;;;_-_j:_-_

I-lll92" r:--.,e . . _ . re" 4;".-';.--'~-YT» ii . ; _:"* -'* e ,. 1 . '" "'1" .45, - +~' _~r -.1_._. 92_~~+ _. _,_ .__.- ,_4%:...,-_.._.__-....__.e . e ...,_ _ .,.....__..- ~ - , .¢~._A Y , _¢_ __ >, - -=;.1_--. --.---- ~e--- -_.--11:; -- <- r--~'":'_:92 e --_-;,_- ..I".;_ ;,._.-.r;-.-:.- Q-B"a%j_'.__;"-I-.';._?_;_..-~.-_'=9",_' -- -"-. "'=""-:1 ._ . :1? ___.a_-;o_";_-"_ , .»___;-; _.,-,1»: __ 7 :_-'-1__,:__-2;-1., _-'_ _ r__ _ _ 4 _;;_'.,_'u. _ .-G _ _. _-:~w~_$.»-.--_ _ .a._.n..-- ...;____ zones-£§..-.. .__. . ,_._.,K."_92.-__ A'~.< - ...... , ---»

'lto ereats their es-n workers legions sail militant organisations isi _ . . - =-val: :'==i:t the taeoiete :11 teach the alien rent!-' 2! $9 EE-":9-i=1! 1 --~ s wholesome lesson that will break than st the strike-treating hilt. - e*- 5* Zn ties at the s:traord.inar; importance of the eonntsr~rsve1'ntiosssi "_-'1' "" shook-troops. the Ugunmniet Party Inst, through its mole! ll e Ihiaas. _§i:=i.- " dsrets spsoiel attention to this question. organising I %'@"O°1I¢ __-.;=._ Qgaug anzi nslnmnieatien serries bythis thq I08 I-eie -K ,_;_,__ i-I author's organsand note! {arose which o! shall theoneq, keep under hisheaciqmrters. eonstant observation" his arsenals; _ li1i92l__In sa- ;a_..,,,.__-,:;_e. asotion between these headquarters and the police, the probe ad the - t political parties, am! sort out all the neoeesar; details of ieteaee sol 7 -Q--,-_'-"-'~ eeonter-attack. ' a . _I'Y'192 LP-L-DBUFIBYPH Ikql-I UL Rh 92J8 II 7 "

" "Blanks to the physical education ehtained. by than in the workers sport '- and. athletic organioatione, the red athletes and sportmen will fora a 7 hardened kernel of the proletarian defense organizations. '1'hs workers ' sport and athletie organizations as such nnst put all their strength into the service of the defense stgsle - PJBOLUTIOIS LIXFTILD 1! IE3 F0021! G65-39258 U! IE3 '!O'UH'G CGCTTIIE! IRIS- IIA'I'I0l'AL- Pub. by the Executive Committee of the L3-I-. p 93. Printed . . in Svecieh. 192%- Part of the the three-year training course in Moscow is s three-sooth training - in the various arts of insurrection and the creation of insurreeticnazy organisation

which deals specifically with the subject of has to organise insur:-eotioner; foross ll _ in the various stages sf their :ie'velc;ment._ Ehe pro-requieite O1 organising Inch foreee is. of eomrse, the existence of a Communist Party. The igeiu-rectionnr; feral in its preliminary stages. is to serve as a civilian combat to:-es or |goon' argui-

,. Iltion; ed. later on as the military are of the Oonmnist Party. Io Governnczt, if ._,.:;j._::.':1;_:_. Le-____1:__-_ ._,. ;*._,, .' .'.'._'_.;. ;.;'.._._,_;_.. n .. . J _... . _..=.'.e.....e 41»-T" ~T--'-1"-' 3."*_ ___"-§~_:';_5_;_-I;-_, - '_',___ _ V :_ V "______- -;- ______;-;1_____f_ _- ,;. _ ._ 011,4 _..._ .'_ .-=- . _:... _..n.;. _-- =.._.=:r-.._-.-.;_-7!-k*__.._~;__L -,-'_---'- 1-.1 »._-~':._--. nu-_ V _ -92] _ -Ck_ :7; ,___ '27,: -r-. -,_,_' ' ._-. ' ..1 <*92W92l-I-In '-.._.-...H-....--...... -.. _- . . . in . _ ..J I .. . . ._. > - - _...._ umnmeiuugeuntynmntealitlaunnihqmunxle Qjai _ k'l:r:'o!1|hich.1on92r!.Il.1hear also tentiaenriy a cf ndiieaecret ' _ cittne. ' - H

' " 'ipoLitioalpe_rt_r in not 11;! oeneiinganaailitnngarlg, ' hiln a military connend 92e¢i.nn a varrith. an arw rend; at it! lllilu the Party ban to create itn the cournn of e T- _ I921'II¢g1n itnell, in the ecu:-no of clean ocnflictnti ' ' ' IIIBGI: 8. v. emu. he Ooto'bOi"PII'0l'n.t1l!l||1:. us. " #1c- -" _ " Pcblinho. inhe OomunintInternational - Io. 12 - 1940 5,. one. i -we-¢"r _ ;___ I Ihrtherquote_ ' an ctfioial fromincinion the OonlunintofIl_4._"' 1I1l'=.. - , -- --4 .3 t ' i ~ _, - Em "nlnuninttgen or 1 i zer met lock upon Iver; amber of _. . ""_T'~'I»i"7-'>=51*"' 1- 1 . IPn.rt;....ae a pnonpeetive neliier in the future revolutionary liq. 71 _';V'r".. axe: for thin reancn. hemot allot hie n place in the Party 92bi& _ IL _ __aQI ;.; ;._ ;_n l- l .____ _ -_ e-_ _ L _ -._.n_ 4.4.. a_a__ -92--~''-='---* V1-I--l 31 I-LI I01 III Ii?! 92'D.LIa FTBIEII-II IGUITIFI IT KI the fora of 'o.ne£uJ.ee:-rice. neeeeean for pr-eeent Party work. an! f J ";:."_H -., _ _ - 4514"- not aere irilling vhich the political worker of today rnjectn. ;_ -_~,.._.__ ,._.;....-4 . One nuet alno not forget that thin kind. ct activity in for an-0:7 c _»,- ."-l Gem-cniete beet preparation for the exigencies ct the final ntruggln. source: '11::-'.srsa 92=3scI.'u'rIo!I. aoepted. at the THIPD 00369393 or IE3 _____ ..___...._.. t.i¢'lT1§T niTTOiE.p. 114. -' _ _- ._ i._'_'..;-_.|.'-. ' ;". i '._IhQmilitary 'cementl in all type: of lonmmint-nponnereei combatorganinati ."" _SeJ in narle up of era:-'vetare.nn andc:-aerrice non who impart their knowledge to the ' i," Ye-'=92 other-_n end, an a rule, are leading npiritn in tun hypoer organization. iona v11a'I.;.' _ p. 92-K! Civil far experience, like the .m-em.» Lincoln Brigade, recruited illegally in the ;f-1'3 United Statenfor interventionin theSpaninh Civilliar of 1936-1938,connidernlhn-W¢% are _ __ .._; ct epeeial value for thin purpone.All ea: veterann andex-norvioe menare npeciallgif-Q listed. for their military qualification. "N - ._-r '1-var .._ .-Li - n-92 ' order Into keep thintype of organization properlyeomiitioneci duringpeaoa- _ tile. they are onodan eenenlt groupn duringntriken, an "gentle" at demonntrationn-1-_..-T? T =§= OI , , like the cnen at Peeknkil1- they are need for clinmption of 01.-;enentn' neetingn77 .,.- _i-4.-1» ' "7.;,1 to capture cpponent headquartcrn,like the recent attack on the heaiqurtern at _._.l_1_ the Ieueeei liaritine Unionand for mq other nimilar purpolca. In eemeezieeyiea

thin type of 'goon'activity on the part of this cert of organisatlqll, ler-I ____n.; :-. detaified tentincn;read; for pr-eeentation. i x ii--':"'::_"_"J;-751,, zé a he followingquntationn £1-eaCom-uniet nourcenwill show that thin type ct.92-_...__,_..._, V. -_' L . -_ . w --~-an .-_"-::,a_._:_'_. *-'r.-- --' , _..1 ' .1 --. [email protected], . " . in an integralpart ofGommint activity: .,,-¬:_:-.,:.._..._ _7.: i._,= i "-wider .. .~|_ _,- .._. . direct action, we lean all form - ;'-"-.~-. .'" _. ' 9! the :.-, ..."*r;'..,, -.i.,_ .__.,,. - A-- Y '-_----uu .' / .£=-:"'--- '-e:".':er=the @107:-rr. "..'.p$:. nae ti-4 of State: direct boreettee prenlnl-l_*-I itrikeei " '" _- ~ qt:-eot dononntraticnn, neimre of factor-ien. araed qprining an! .. 7 other revolutionary activity which tcndn to unite the working e _ * clean in the tight for eecialina-'p-_v ~ '* - -

.__-..-.e ...__-.7. ' ' , norms: rnzsxa anscmunur; eomeau the retro new Commas: " ot m m";=1ur1.!1_T-- pi 14.=s= ruwiig 1-; Gentsnpornrg -F e 'Pdalinhing innooiation, leer 1011!. I-I; ' - | I 92- ; _ ""Ion"15eet_nkill'an:92other deuonntrntionia:1: ',.=~-{Jo i ___A;__ hetundanental aonnnof theetrcgln ofthe proletariatngainni _ Qe his e! Q !o92.n_1-geoioiei'%!in, ita atate never, in- ti-N1» if u:.__p __j____j fall, tin lethod.oi non lcaonntrntiolm Inch -L deaonntrnticnn :v: wff"_il.-'1;prepared are eelcarried out'&n -anorganizations oftlnn prc- .' ".--*-1-*:'§;~=~'-~tauru92,ee|n» ihc'l.j,1'Q¢t],c92Q! c,nee. nieupunei. eeetniinc c Pony. 1'Gtrii t? in to 'thin oer the proletariat '1 I-""""**$"'" _--T -~'-H- '~,;_-r,__i;_§;__92 ;,,i;;,;'-;;__',;'1 5:.-it 1 ¥.":§§._',t.;,,_-».,~__f,_ ».-. V.»-=ev>. -.4. ;$§k|EiL.e-Fan-vll.1;..=ne-1. - 1.. :-.i';£.-_-'.-:1:-_.'*'.*-.91:-...-r.'¢:_ ""'*' ¢*5i"""_'- """ " . . . .. _-.. _. . e--.,. I-Q".:;§Ia_L _ _ - ._ d"-_'.-1I%F-~i _ . . _ _ _1rl ... _ . ea _ ,1 -___-_n -_._ 71-: .._ -, ;-;;___;_ -"_,-5..---:31-.. "'a_,_..."- .."¬:'"-' :.*;:- ._ ' '_-.':.:.__:nI<'~-A-. _-._==_._.=>;.-- _ . ... .-. *92 _._., y W- . y i ------1"-:9-rt-' at. '.. - ' . ..,_.... 1- _'_.-'I'-- ...... _ '1 W . - ::.'.r.i.' .1,-:_..-, ;' -- ..---.. :.-'_.'__-~ t ._,..- .-..,.._ .~ .n .5 - - ---.- , -- --"- o. ~_4----~ -- -=---.='. -~--_ -- "7' 2-3;:-_ _ __V _ T. _.__...,-_.__ -_- ,-: -_r_:.- ,7 .. _.;- - . .... ~; _. _- r». . .--.:, 1 -:.:-';...:::. 1 _. _ ea;... ' w pin kvn an ettininnt pniuidni niffieern. in gnnlpelitilll -3» - §nrhe!'I~1I:l£f.tn0eUhctIp'§5ltien.nhr'ingn11thnntegnne£ j thl 92

E3838 LID I!.lTD'1'IlS II El O¬l-§UII5'I.' II'I3Pl&1IOILL| lolcon 19%; ' Inmed by the Guuunint Part; of Anerioa. 1920, 9. 43.

lnnhnfthnlilitnrytrniningfevthenentnrn ofthintypnofgroupnthn Ge-nnintn eurpnet the Government itself to np;l;. an the following quotation will

ta , ,_,_;__..";,___'_ Y, ,'_QI'L ... Iitinen guard. nrgnninetieon, the Ar, =11-1'. elebn. at "Q-J _ .1-' nhoulé he niilineci. for the ;mr;>nne of giving the vorinr-n Iilitnqr training for the revolutionary hattlen to owe. Intmnivn ¥'i_~ 1 - = -~-- _ ngitntion aunt he directed not ngainlt the nilitaq sni-info?! youth end the verkern, but ngninnt the nilitnrintie reginn n _ - the domination of the oftieern. Every yonnihility of proviing the vorkern with wenponn are lent carefully taken ndvnntnge of.

neuron: rnnszs a. resowrror. eeeptee at the T111?!! Ionn oceans: 1 of the GOMFUHST IFTIPHATIOILL. 1:. 92. Published by Gontupernr] . Pnblinhing Lnnocintion, new York, 11.1. -

75° qllli-military organization of no inmrreotionery type doen not grow ever

night: it taken yearn and the formation of nuoh an organisation nnunliy gene throng

Yll liison of development. In itn embryonic ntngen, thin type of organisation

"1 "I11! be oanoueged nod it tnlen an alert Government and people to nee throng

Inch cancmflnge.

The arming of the proletariat ansumen vnrioue form at various _ ltagen of the revolution. In the period. 31-ior to the neimre of power, and in the firnt period after the neimre of power. it taken the fe of a proiatarien militia - in militia of the -ieilei-i, ne Fed Guard, and elno Fed Guorilla detachnentn. The led Army in the L form of military crgminntion of the Soviet Government, 10.0; it in the any 0! the iiotatornhip of the proletariat.

T 551$ LGAIBST DIPEPIALZST YA! AID EH2 MSKS GT IE 0OK¢IUIIIS1'S.;Y - Resolution of the 6th Ynrld Jongronn of the -J.I.. 1938, Pliblinhed _ hy Io:-tern Library Puhlinhern. leer Ynrt, IJ. zmi Edition. J11]; 1934 __. ----~:-.»-~H,.-- - p. 47-48. e . -- e- l - 7 _ - _ Gtegol in Q10 Ilevelopnent of quasi-military organization: -- ~~ _ ,_ . - ._-;;.;;....-...... _...... -_ -up _ i - 1- e lDcl1'l.ed ldafnrnnn an-ranluntinni -tn!-Q nnu-I _1n'hl______-___-- --____-_-__._ -.%,__ - _.,.-__ 0 _._.___- 5 V» .A ;;;_.'_-"-l_--_-- - veteran: elnbn or veteran: organisation, hunting olnbn, defenne elobn or leagues, plwnioal culture cluhn. hike olnhn, eta. * _-_92_ 7'13;-_;;-_-_§;-_»_"_*_" _ V is j i";'-;;_'_'-' nee:-et cluhl. goon nqnadn known an action onmitteen. ergn.n.in92tiu___.. -.7911»-=7?" -.1 " " eomittonn. entertainment committees. _ etc. . .__-:_;'--¢=@.:".- -.~-¢~-4-....» ..::-::w>" - - _- - ,,. .--- .-'."§§¬'Z.T' _; _ .7 ' 2, Fnrlntien of Ineurreotinnazy Peron in the for: of nelnet onnhnt Igadl of I. comnundo $!::O, nine known an dltnnhmnntl. guerillnn. O58. ~ - ' Inn nee:-nt arning oi than greopn. Xietnilnd inntrnotiorn in innm- ~

rnotionnr; toehnigunn. manning at the inlurrection. Thin fee-on in - recruited. £1-on the 'de!nnnn orgnninntinn nontioned in ?oint 1' E ~ - -' -I. In ennn the innorrnetien noeonedn. the formation of neni-nrq

_ _ ,__ IQ--Iw}¢~92_ -_-1. ' 1:4 en; 1...: pt -... 92_ Ofgllllinltion _ V . ___» _ . generally :-~ e J have/Iilitin ._..__._.-7.7. -- 'v"-'4:...-n. ._ - or --- _n~_ no - Guard. --- ~ - 1,;-_:-_;:. tntn ..;- 'I é did n11 Inihern e! orgnninntienn national. in In-t 1 are nrollll , I§5e'5'.Z.§-"'iZ'l:.7;,:,1f.:£..._a?1*,$¢,.Q..'3_'n-1-_.1Z,.,--..J1._';_i;r;.I:;;;,..-J ";;_- *»'_-_:._;...;' ".'.-."-%'* £4.-J=;¢1;,-I--r-:"...-.~7i;.-=R=»~'-'~'-'~"l'~~" . - '--en.qs#} '"";" - ~ ~. z,.=.-'-s.==-n~*?='-.=_.;.'.*.=,__;-;.;r.H-1 - . 1.2-c..>;;...;a.e_'<-.";-:e'¬.;<.==_éa;-.;;.=£.-*-K: . . . -.;';.",..;.-§§';~-7.5a » - I-so.-anus-L-Q1:-~.r-=e.=-:en-..":92-92r.n¢-_l;.<=-.:= en-~89"-'91!!!-"F:-v92=!2rm=_1w:.' '-f"-_--"1=I=s-v-Hr--= f ""-"""_-=9"" ' '""" e- - -- -e - - A-IV?-l_:"AV_..Er! ;i he-:; _ '$~l'-E_J§1:a-mi ::4..?"*e;".---"T ______,__ ,. _., _ _._; r:~.~ -__ .....__ _._._ _-_ _,_ ._._.,-.- 1.1 _.._. _ .____._. _. _. _._. __..__.,_._.. . __.-. - _ _-__ --_ -_,. _ . _ -1,. --<- - -ai.;a*. _'_'-92-I; .".-ra>::,<».",1fl T}_';-_, 3" "'-11'r§-T!-e__" XL- L_'l-V'924. r.-44 - -V: _._ -7 21- .-';._LiTn > - . =-.-.--... _=92.___. :2 "'1¢i. _ _--- __ '-1 . _-__ t 5 '; __.";;. . »..:;-;_t;.;1,. -"ca-'-' -I _ _ .. . . . c- _._;..r§" ' u _ '!Ies¢ne:l*e1en;92._ 61%!" eteendtheir teller-ere-I1 ~ Q !aft0htfe5&¢92bhlL1wwtIeephslrq'¢athq lb! 6111 it, into 92ll_:lII:h thePithn plus "molar lliiitary fornations thathave coneever to the insurrectienistsIq he ilmrporated. . " I

_ he diiferent etegee ean he better seen in countries ehioh bro large iemenniet

Isrtiee. like the onee in Iranoe and Italy, when Large qusi-aiiitery organisation 'linseed. -Q Itegeeof developnent exist end.where than orpnintleéllve nltee _ neeunintea_, stock: largearnanente. of of which have somerecently "IQ? Allied 1 ' Q authorities of theme ooontrtee; and the final It-lge of this type of ergenieatioa elei he eeea in Chine, when theirquasi-lilitary combatandgneriiie Iganieetione hue grin into a an lined Fed Lrlq ahentto completethe conqueetK the uhoie eomtrgl.5" Geecheelevak-in,in en too. L'L1ustrnt1on whet roie ofthis typeof organisation f can pin:vhm. theGomuniste arereach toeeise power. - 'H Ihen GovernorDewey tool:note of the security guard" an the unusual feature ct"

the iouuunist demonstration at the Peekskill. 'Pebesen 'ooncert'-he pointed to eene- "ll _ _,. {£41 thing more significant than appears on the eurfnce: he pointed, in tact. to an _f__;T J: inlurrectionery organizationin the making. lllor no nor to proceedmore specificallyon whet is thought on this suhJectin _' the Iilitary classesin Foseow. I Inst eay, at the outset. that there in veq 1!.tt1e".'_:'

testimony available in the fora of gnuhlicetione on what I an about te tell you hU- "'. cause all literature used. in this type of classes rmnthe returned after they are need. lone in allowed to he taken out of Puesie. ' "i':f'5-A-T5 ' _ . . _,.-....,_c .._'__"___,.;_..'....Inetructiona on concrete organizational gueetlonn regarding -1- : :;;- ~_ - preparation re-r underground conditlone nut be given only verbal}; _ _;=~ and only by absolutely tr-led Ind trustworthy people. On]; in ____._ '=' extremeceeee should instruction: he given in vriting and these . _._ ""' o._.4J92q_-I-n. ~-o-~~-o'"'~" _ ahould contain only the lest general inetrnctions and nhould. he __;_; :_'_':,'f___i written in such e nanner as to give the police no elue ae to ~ '--~ ~;_'"*'_i-"~"~-'Yj _ -_-_-_#-___-+-T_;__=--V;;V'V_V___rho: to look for and vhere to find thu 1.! the instruction: -e - - an into their -- - - -o - --~~' ~ - nouns: Article: Perolutionazy Underground wort. ~ _ ~ . M}&.U}IISI' IFEPIHIORIL. V01. IL Ion. 10-11-12 am; 1. 1932 . .1..'I'I 1- -- - p. 341 Special ldition for U-8.» Pub. hy Workers m11mn 1.1.c. ke Eiecuseion ineurreotion thatone doe:find in arailaihle Eennuniet "'~-*" e,__ .. _t . . I literature is Largely eieleading. Leoerdinc to anilntie literature; an insurrection in e latter of big st k-es. Illl dmonetretionl in ulaieh the Iaseel put up barricades. uteri Government @915» andfight with troops, or elee freternisewith the troops In order win than overto the eile of the incur:-ectloniete. u oloseet quotation actual." taughtin the nilit-er: 01198"*1!" 3 °l_!_l"'_1',°" _ from Lenin,founder attho 101-ietState. anultheorist andorganiser of the Gumunist ' =r . --'...:_-;.. . _ . 92_ 92 ,- _ ._ . -

-:-i"?.="¢-I-1:.-"_£*;+*aB__i?'f'-.;.;_,"!i5*!¥.1-.-?'-£32?--1%"-- -=-'-- --r""3**~.~¢-.-'-3% .- "*1-$1~-, - -' xx .1-.-.1 -.-.-.1" =~--.*:*u-w1"-*.-*--1-*~ 1'-i 1.. *;-~'*.1:'1¢;.':"t* -K * -.,;*'.'-.--1:. 7 I!-~ - - -_ ;;~_-,:;:gP""~_ 11:-'r!:.-.-=.~_.--"H - . e .. ' _ .,:' .;._--_. 0 I ,» I V a . . 'em Ihir1i ,1~eet1eteel"'l1n$h7thaIeaeeII;n'ieingrI£ere - to attach and the organization e1 to-reee fer the uprising. Iriilitary attach depend on the iei of ailitary technique - ... Military technique, now. in not the sane an it van in the anile ef the 19th teeter}. It would he folly for erode to contend againnt artiILl.er; and defend. ban-iceden with revolve:-e. Inutnhy nee tight nhen he wrote that llencee had 11111161!-flted new barricade tlotieeh Ihene taeticn were the tactiee of gnerilll ea:-tare. he organization which each tnetien innnni in that of ten gen, thlanncrtroeen deteehanntn...... _ Stud; carefully the etory of the eeces uyrieing. 3861!!!!» Ill _ you vii]. nmierntnnd what connection atietn between tin ale _ 1ietachnente' and the qnantien of nee barricade tecticef .____ *- eouacl: 1-as mnrowrzon or 1905 1»; 1. 1. mu. 1:. es. " ______International Pnblinhern. Ice Ierk, Ice In-rt. A _--_-_- _-an In aheuld take note. an I O nleng eating thene quotation. the ltoneeniete

alengn speak in their written Iaterial aheut the vex-here, Ihieh they call the _ Pvehteriat. The verkern are expected or charged. with doing thin or that. Qlhq d. not, of cue:-ee, expect the vcrkern to ncheme tp ineurrectionnry technique er organinaticna to carry through an insurrection. Lenin hinneif. again and again ea that the vorkern are incapable oi that nmnh know how on thin auhject. "hen thy ljieak in thie connection about the vorkere, that in jnat the usual lcecpian league

- vhich they nae to avoid tpeakimz in the firnt person. Phat they actually nean in

that the Gomnunint Party orgenizen all these thinne-

Iov to the actual method of inl1ir'!"Qct10naI1 fighting an taught in the lleneor

collagen. Ln Lenin indicates in the quetatien I Just aade. the pe,-rnlar notion of eh" inenrrectione of the pant in not at all vhat the omuniet-crgfnized inmrreetionn

are haeed. on. The Snnnntmietn bane their ineurrection organisation on ntmereue ti.

little guerilla groupe of a Golan:-zio tyge which attack their eeiected. ohjectivee h

calculated deceit and utter eurprine. e_een"£entantI.cito}cn I that on the haeie of enekllm-mw;¢:QQ'hT technique taught in llonoov, a cit; like lee York could he neined from the innide

h; e force of lone than 10.000 men organised in the fnnhien that I rill indicate;

Ind, if the Arm in disaffected. an the Pnneian Lrny nae at the tile of the Oonamn _ __;___e_ei__aur!~-if pcver in Puenlae noch e citgr'eeuJ.c1 he held and the new Government, bane Ii the insurrection. could coneelidate iteeli. M - ..- _1' lhe Gomunint Part; aeabernhip in ea Terr State an of 1948 nae j}_h69'? aelhez neui; tern thirde of who! live within the In York tit: area. on; 20$ of en. m

nenternhip are an a rule connide:-ed fit to he included into a eonlaat type of

organisation. The number prenent in the Security Guard. to:-nation eorrenpomie to

apprezieatelg thin percentage. -- ' _ 7 __ Ietregred. ierler 0I;pita1 of ?nnnia, nee known ne Leningrad. vith the Govern- nent having 50.000 troupe plea police at itn lliepoeal. vee actualil $03011 1151 5°15 ty 3,30 nan thna1[»et'gan.iIOL Hamburg. a city ef 1.500.013 peepln Ill tail 1-I 3225* 1=.~1#.¥-=:.e92:-vi-1.-.1»: 1-aw -n--.3;;-=1:-3'-1 wwnu-e ~- sh--. -.=1--1-= 7 ,.e¢:;»='-ft-;.. -em_.,:-:;;;.;:¢:¢.t=,:::.=:;;.:.;;»m;:en....1:.a-.-§:=A.~.:,... - he - - 1- -- »=--~ I t >.-1-=--.=r..-.ae--;|:'e=::.=-21-_, =.~'-.=::+eeer:caheQ:;-wee-51;-pres-r-t-e;qc-;en.=w:: *---v- "-'"*'**--""*'*= ' ' f -*F'~' ' ' _-.;.-".:i:n _'E*_{f .'F:'.Y:I:'__;;_:L'__; 1 3t*3';;"".£'§__1.;.¢;-_: 2;: __._ ".-§_;'.~IZ-.';-I_fl ii _"_;;'Y;"}'?.. _';____,L__ l'%?_, %__4 .. " ,_,,_M; §- W;_"_'3§ ,_; .....,,o__.§.._I_,__ _'{',§;§iE"""'¬§:=1'_ '_'"..'?e;1%".@.",'-.1 .=?"."é r_",_2_:E-U,-'.. ;__,.,_ "1 _ -:5_-___" . 9- -;-~£;.f?.'-":;3'. __ 41:-15.5: j_-'" 4. .-=-'__:- 3 - * . l '- _ " J; =4-" . .'2_-*'._g'*.~,*~ '.i'f".»,&=_' :7: . ,...... _ , . ....>.., . ..-92_. , ...... ~ . . -.._,. _..e._ _, . . -___. . .,-_-...._...... __.- -. - ,_ I ., .._ ...... _._.,, .. _..e»'..,....,w-|a....-~_.....,,-,. . - . aim. hum el tum. 1 int: ' at eoo.ooo rus-mmi. an in-if. tieepei H It ite tiepeenl, was alaoet Mb ti Q1}: 7 SQ Inn to-J» teehniqeee. 1 e - * -, 'h'1 H '1; loiota, Uaitel of Oelulbin, a null force oi Uellnmlate lteged en ' - % ee erge:-.i:e$= .1291; Q! sit; 2-.2

~a'bein e week. hr the tin they were outed. I; troupe coming frea lietriote} u Segltel looked. an if n heavy benbudnent equulron had gene ere! ll. '_; _ ,, ieeh of the above-neaed. inenrrectiona no different an to in the .. 2&3. they conformed. to the following pattern: .- - - 1. the leisure of pnerhoueee and 11.1 communication oentere, RA In _ W - _- - - . _ . . -. - .- - _- ¢____ .. ~-ow Q1epnone Hlcllelgel, telgrlgm nn maid ltetionl, ate. z:n:|.e nan an xvi '

object the pernlyeie of the Government machine. . _ .__ I .,__:.;.::_ 2. Seizure of ell transport terminals to paralyze all traffic to all f __-e-1-_ tron the city: thin my incl-one the do:-oiling of train: 50 to BO I110!

out of the city or the nieahling of airports, dieebli.-ng of hridgea _. -T and the creation of other road hlccks to irrpede Government rein1oree- * unto from quietly reaching the city while the insurgent terse to " at 92-erk. t -4? "" Q --i 3.. $3111-e of key C-overnment buildings. like the neutral police i17___ headquarters, Git; Hall, Intional Guard. arnoriea and other eonnen - -:.~'-= ' "'"' e-pate to impede or paralyze quick retaliation on the pert of the __F__4 __A_5_, '-7 l-.3"'.=.' Government end. further paralyze the Gov rnment machine. 4. The errant, earl; in the morning, of the principal penonelittee _. '-.._.._..' :¢.-V--_..__ A of the Government and forcing then at gun point to declare inrxadlete :' +::------*- --- ~ -' - '*--- ' ~'~-;:":'; " -' an;>;1ort of the new Government or to he executed llllnedietelye -ail "-,,-._=~'-_-'- le intended. to further -91-no the per-nl;aie of the G-owernnant one ;:;;_j"'_-__:;,._"g='. ,,,;,__-,>,_~¢_,,H_...£>,., .,,_. . .,-_., .92 . 4-.---...... |=.....,n.--=-..r_..-...--26-_:_.B=$g5<_u-;:;,:-,~~...._-.-_-new-1---~-H ------~-= =- -_ -- ' '_ I . ____fg_;__;;_ ___ __- _, ,.. '._ r--------V -- _ "Q - ____ .._. _. ;:_ .;_ . .= 4 -L2-5-_~. ;- -7_ ~_;,.,_''_- :*' "." "'" _¢;l- "'5 92¥- -.-=->.. I -- - 7 , '_ _:._.,_.-_. I "* r_.,__ _ -4_' < . on ~_ I - _ --"-' .,'"' - ' " ___ q ,3 _ _§_ _.., ______-_;__;-1§;;_-or __n._~ V, -- ..'__..92;.i-'..-" _ - " ._- c . --__t -.7- ____'_ _ --_ _ C4,; ?_ __ t _ .. _ .-_. -...... - ', '! a-" ' 1

to the hath-room. . ' '. Inn 'the non: for lotion ltrikee, eeon _;-reap 500! with its erennqte hidden ll hemepleuoul; no penilale to it: previously eeleoted_ob_1eetive Rita to Iupee Ii .:. ltrthe terror lore than anything else. ' _-l-._"A.: Y__";;;;-" 5-'31; after the principal oueotivea are taken are the oeised 1-Idle otetlonu ' utilized to utilise the root or the Gomoniet organization and to all out the lane. hen the insurrection in planned on n large eeale and in no mere trial run. it tatel V e pleoe einoltaneouuu in all the principal citiee where the Oomnniuto have nffielent _ orgenintlon. _ * Operating by thil method. it taken but n mall force to seize an objectln. hiluq ternlnaln at that 1101112,"!!! be oeised by only five guerilla group: of Iive lea each. Operating as I team. 1 bun terminal Ila; he aeized. la; one to three grunge- ' Ihe key npote at low York Bit; Police Headquarter: new require fifteen or more F

41-oupn, formed into ueveral teams, etc" etc. _ ' Combat formation: are part of the underground npparetne. H __ The olnu ltruggle in alnoet every country of mepe and merioa -- e-_ ~ in entering the phaae of oivil var. Under Iwah conditions the * ' Commnieto have no oonfidence in bourgeois love. fhq ehon-ld _ oreete ewe:-yvhere a parallel illegal apparatus. which at the de- .. -- oieive moment eho-old be oi assistance to the part; to do ite duty 1 <~--- toward the revolution. - - --' . mzsm I» smmrzs or nu ome-runs! xnzrnwroxu. Iened 11; 1.0 ,7 I; I ' 0.?-L " _' 'u'~__ 3-_..-.?-595; 1 -_-» ..-- -- Bren heel cemmit °1£;lmizat1.on nu: know how to in-oi-o__ror"='="1*~= ltlelf complete 1:1-ape:-edneoe for on underground oxiltenoe. and - d e-l "7 above all for revolutionary 0ut'breakl.' __ __ _ if _ _o__: _ ,...-.-_a - - THESIS ED PESULEFIICUS 1BOP'1"_-ED 1! TH! TFIPI! RPLD GOIGFSSS OI '1'!!! < ~ -Y _ 20l'!tT"I9I IFT'5IU"'IO1'1L. Yuh. by '}Ont6lI_DOI'8.l'} Publishing hlee. , __:i_T___ lieu York, 1921 p 111. ' armament: or this type of innrreotiomnq force are not toe to _?i:.?§'?-**.¢-e%; a _ - - "=*"i"" ' hell e:-no like 1-evoleore, light neohlno gnu or teeny gene, __!'!!'1_.el| hand" ' or liar;-ll inoendiariee like ll-lolotov oook-tail are email; euffioient for thin jlurpell and they are not difficult to obtain eithar by direct }92l1OhllQ; bribery or haggling tron outside. they any nleo be obtained by practi-60 nide on hardware ' - - 92- H 7 - ._ . , ' . -", iiolated ieliai itiiionn uni other as-no do-point '_é _o ____e_____-_, _ d _ j§i1_e' 1.. at it.-I may ea well treoe for you e pattern of ope:-ltien I Iel In arealore closely related to D1811 we:-!a:re, which ha: tees d ' eatieipeted an lf the ianrrectionnry pttern time: in the Honor min... nee" . -..- .,_:.i_1_ .=.--'_ - ..-.'?.'=,-E:--' .;--,1 - ¢'" Pr -' '7 =1 '1 '- - IQ-_ 1'-"r ,,'_.;,f.'.,._ --3 '- ' .;_,_ " ' -.~-is-;_-__1' ' _ -' , ».-=n- #'*1"?I="~'-J#=-"-='e~*-=*'="¢'--"=""~*"*-"*77* _ ... -~- -- _ .... --..--- T» "' --_ -n-~--_~-~¢.;':_;; _ n _.. .r'#:,:'.'~.-.= Tm __,_ -2--_-_ F '1?1;?- _ ;_ _m_v£;i»-----_~- _»§ l -~.,;§;_";:_,-;;- ,;,,~ ;:__;;;;;,,:_~,;;_;,. 1;-*;:;,._-,",=;V..._.I-~;.II:9'92lT &1¢92'4-0;»; .'¢=-1,-»~.1i=r=s=fn_;-E'l="»'<*-'*"'*-*"-""=' ______+%;- _ -.' _,ML_.._,:=|=&,,,|-' ~ " -.,,.~=hgq,,.= _ , ,_,-C£a='l'li'm..m;.-A ,,_.1:n-' .'1.+:aiq¢l=::'::..r:w»z.?_::nr'.-1:-...££;Z '~< J**¥* -- '@»a.=,.;..: .:»" ;"..._..~1 1 .. - 2.. *.'..;-...¢ *2"-5-W '-" ""1-$5-ti--fill?-j5~>»i£'*-9 ___. . -E.-.-_---_i,._ .7 .-----< ;5:__- -551' ' _- 'e " ~;35;=:";1-=*;, . _,-. __ .-5 ..~.-;;+- ______. . ______: __ _ . L --.,_7__.__ ~57-_ _~_ ---1531-;#"'i---7'=.i?-"--,;__-=7 _ _ _. . ,_ W Q --- 0--é--»-- -n -- -_ == , _ _.»_...:;...-.~ 7: ""£ -- " e . " -- -- 23;" .- e""'=I' :.I_-=15!_;_,_ __ _ _ .. l. .1 ._.-..:- ._-.,_,..:..._- ..n. ~ . . I - - -=-$4 3 I _' ms in to ayga eeeritnetlel at an Huiema oi-gunman nine any " . .... r = - .- ,-v I . . _. . - 1,- - . ,_ _ H",-.. P. .1; temp enpane of enpplying eugeor u-meant to mob an ergeilnuen -_ itevlth trelnedleenbetents end u:;er£eneed_oeq|192at -- - , ' . _- .. ~.-,. .. --._-'._~

-U1 - Y tn nee- t of e -- eubuerum - - - epu-gnu; u concert rm: on 1lnd6rz1992'_lIll -' ergeelpegi-cg~I.'_*'192."'-'11:-' .'-r1'.!=';2"_!iv-"5' no _ 7 ___--. ,___,_,_¢, * hnetiening Leslie on 1:-ee at dcnnenll. If with the develcpoent . elerlnl warfare ouch; thing eheuld becone penible elle with . underground In the 11.5,, then all mum of T; ergunlsetien till have to be lherply revlee4._ £5! tnlurreetlonery feree lo the 'gute' of the Otmllmlnt P_l-rt!» Ilti . _: _ at the quell-lilltary let-up of the Party. One new nine1 cit; l force of this typoybnt one e-ennot hold it on 101:5 no the Gov_er§ent_ "~ reliable foree at ltl commend end. has the will to nae it. It ll enentlnl, . _.:_.;.______::92. __~_1:...___-1". end. this met be oenlidered. e. very important pert of the preparations tenthe seizure of power. te ee:-ry ent. prior tn my insurrection. eerteln types of -_ infiltration aetivitlee in the armed tel.-eee that beer direct relation to It. V" '.' :.."-I rE.=-:1 . .3-1-;'T'_; .51-..._-' e , e , , __..=_4_ ~.:_'r~-._,.., I I111 new give the eeconcl pert of the plan: -- - ;T,_,f-__-;__?j - - '.-n-:.===--.-.3 - L Inltrete by lecret organization the armed. for-eel of the 11.8-_-"_ei,._'_ ._.: _ ' and carry out demerelintion work therein. .:-- - ~ ; - 3. Infiltrete the Ldninietretive and, if poulble, the peliey *."_§_* 4 - _ n , , "."_-_-J7-Q - --'5-ii-1'! making let-up of the Government in order to obutruet, enhotegeu ______if K demoralize and devlgte Government action egainlt the -- ~- _ _ " D _ ._'__ __ I-lei-3 V __, _ ___._._r,_- Y ;*§*T_-1- _ .__ ,7 W Ik . . Y ..____ -- ' - -- -'~»~-".*_r-?.=- 3- Infiltie the decisive transportation end communication ' ' - -"1 r: = ' 'of the country to imaede e rapid er large eeele mobilization of the E- - =*- e 7* Gm-_ernnent'e fcreee against the lneurreetienintl. _ .:r. A-.1--V - ' " - _ . .1 .-- ....;n__-eyu-;?a_§_-~-r_¢_-I . . - _ , gt.--H___i_ - " .. _ 4- Inltrete dlecieive armament lndultriee tn ercler to ehltrlo f l ~_ l7-_:-T-A7-3:;,;fit-llwwr-4

. 1 '1" :' . . ma lebetege their operatlm Bipecilllf during perieis,. -.--- -. 1.»---1 -F - "=r " __-;- - 1- _-:1.-V__ -_ utilize the eene to help an the iumeet1ouut5E;-.-=5; ,+._;<_j-<3-..;.;.~*"-§*3fi§-; , ; u 'l=erei|tent end. eyltenetle prepegencle end. agitation met if " e W £n92 T-h° WW» when Qenmmht group nheum in to:-nee. u ever; _' Y ':=I ' ' '~ liliw Qfsln-i:et1on.' - -- '4 -:~4-- - '- -3: ______' .92,-:; 2'.-n 1 ,L'_*C I,-__-=-__~-i-- I _ _ ~ --~ -i mass AID mwwzs or ms eon-miner nwmm1om,. Issued lg}-I_nl ¥- -v_"_-_-.l__._?fl-*;.ee= - M *~-- Central Bzecotlveemittee of the Gomnnigt Party e£f1n:-r1el- t _.._I_ _ 19$ P I l - I __ - - *l':;_792_'?." "' :1" t --;~;_-_;- 4 , Lnflltretloa er{_l.n-ltntione ebore-lnnlloeted are In

__-_,_.,.__»--_ ef- I-92':__evl:_c|le quasi-nllltea-; 7- -v--- at-up- at the Qemmnist _ Port; and one of _1t_e ¥'pI'9dIlnlj:_ - f_ 1! I>°_1_1$§-Q1. I11-_1tl_!7_lnd tgchnleel elplonnge in tn: interests of the I!-f-8-f~» ;£

__;<.'_J_;_f';_;;_._,_-,_T_;._~__1;;_.,;. _.1,;;___;_;_; ._.._ _--1,. I ¢. -_ _-; ___~; ;. ,_,1,_. I e ' _; 'l<.,_-A _ _ V . ._ - .'-_~:-;§'*:»'..;.-: , ., -.. _.-;.- - -,,.. -~ L -.' ~- --_ J ,'~- :rr ~' -1-... * I ___-_*;g,*;_--,.'}:_-<,',_,'..':a,.~!g; . .. . ._.. K3--3-.- ""_i.?..;:F.t&»*¢"..-.-.4-it-5--,_ _ __ _ -.-.-?=e~";i=.'-£311?!-=,?.=_ "~ K ~ .~ ___ - --_ ___ 92*"57l775@'* ______a___,___-~ ,=92~~:¢-rlglf-'hu*=,ue¢u,»=§5Qt:IeH_f';'!2-1i3II$II-;~' -- - -~ ~.~-.~: -- ~-~~---- -~ =.- -1--5?" : .- "-" ,, _; _. _ ;,,-in Y?"?" "" "6 - --v -- _ .' e. ._ ,L.a92,_,:592-_-_-¢-§-_-_g-=;¢»-g,_.-- 4_ _4 . --- ~.'-4-. .<.~ -'L__l_A __»@eQ#hu4e+mb;%¥&u¢:u£&2 1 It-4"" "*"'W*7 '_J' . _ __ _ _- _ , __ If. xi. _ __ }'~_ '--...:.~___.. J.i;!:.;.;;.__.--.,.,_.-. Purq 2:-I other prties in that e 5o-mist Port; is hesiosJJ; Q illlltretill . erguisstiom operstizg ll; eteelth. ndeooil. hell e@ee92 grows of 1 few doom non have hem to teke ever large Lsher onions. spreading their grip end inuence so they go meg. the some method: hlfe and ere heiog u.e_ed to _ infiltrate our colleges end our technological and literary intelligentsia eseoeihtions and so forth. h h _92¢- - - - _ ' 7 . . __ . the eurfece er above-ground set~qp oi the Goenuniet Put: is. in feet ml; s i Jodie to recruit members for its concealed infiltration opereticns ii I11 nits of L

_ ' Depending on the international situation oi e country. this type ';--"ii or-gm isetion co-old he end hes been ehle to eeise control in certain countries ins r. ,_

tron five to tvenw percent of the population no in eynpethg s-it-h it. " - -"-"-"-I Io pozhepe illuetrete the effect of this kind of method with e cue eleee to s

mm. 1;: us take for m=p1e e nu, labor union like the United Electrical and . 7 - -- - .. llachine Yorkers Union, which was s participant in the Icheeon Peekskill neetinge _ 5-.: 'i'his union hes been effectively controlled for the lent ten years by e force of Iese

then one percent of its membership. i'hie one percent was the organized Columnist groupe operating within it. An even leseer percentage of Goomuniet Fart; senbers t controlled twelve netionel unions of the 0.1.0. having e nenherehip oi 1.560.060. e.:____ I on not suggesting that the Communist Party in this country isivst this tile, reed; __ 4 to carry out the ineu.'rrecti.ona:7 plans indicated etbove, nor do I suggest that t _ so-celled. security gee:-d is et thin tine e force sufficiently quelitied end orgas- ised to lttlipi the seizure of lee York City. but I do sq that it is the beginning _ ;7 oi such e force: elee its ezieteo-oe would here no sensevheteoever in the_tots.l_p1n;s-ff _ _....4. aetivitiee Ind program so taught by the High Commend in lloscev end es frscticed hfh Iuq of the Gommmiet Psrtiee all over the world. _ " '"'é''-1"*"-*? _ oolennnsr concnoxmrn mm man * '

i=1-.»- W-~1--1 ~ -me Solomon weenie». its Secretsqe gee will eee from the Quotations i will mire of I-c:ovel;;'e rises. unions " play in inportint role in the Oosluuniet pllnl of erg-mining !or- i notions end this no-wants, to e large extent. to the heevy gerticipetiou of Gomunist controlled unions in the Peel-elrill affair end the security gnar

.-.it is ueceenr; from the very inception e! e etrike to oonnemoe organising defense corps. drawing into these corpe the loot sctive Q poop of workers. ' . .92. _ 7... _._ 92 _. V. - -I ;.'. 92'.-V» - ' '>~' -- '1: is tmamg deeirnhlo £5 one ma ths.pioket1ine end into- th_e_vorkere' defense corps. members oi the we:-here I90? Brilli- . sstion0.' " ' 4 ' - I " -. ;-; 2-12 -lb i-.'...:~c'~"T~' ~ i 1" " :13;-2:--::;..._;:_:.:§';1=}f-;.c»:r;,._;.;: ;_~_'fiT_:_?'_..'f.2l1l -¢1"-f-ll-¥¥.~%_ -'-l=-1*-'-'I-"-~-~- V A - '-1=:-'--1?!-'3----7:-:'~'"' "1": .e;=.-.'.ch.,.c"="";,.." -92L.w--" .r_';:.==..¢....'" c-;.+: -.1;-3,-' ".J_e-é¢92..92 92.$ I-I'lK ». ;~.:;';a=-; '-=._».'-.'-- ,. . .- e -- ' . .- 4;-_,__.._--*;-an--...,-=1-.22:-2 . -2-=2-"_-"'2: 2'!-.1:-,.9=='* '1' .. "*0 '..._ P""-"-- . -T _-- ~--=- -- - ~-1. ~''7'" . _ _ .. __ _'. . ..L. 4-_.;;4;_ _.__h_' . 13.: 'v-iil --.-~77, -'-_-.-黢-..-1-_-,-_-- --- _V __ . i _ . 7.. _. _.. -__ . 5 _-_._ ,2 - ._ V.

'A re-eaten cream em=;'mr._ Ibiillat =1 eh-hitnrnntieml t_ 3 - teiqrueeoustr-te¢;i~1l1;leL:;:rg| ep-|em_-heunm 1929. Ietenrewi. uzenky. .rr e ton-eena lutiee _ ¬ 11; an: name. , run. tor t.tr.U.n.- 3»; we;-ken Lit'ru7 Pdblinhei-e lee Tori Git}. p 29-30 _ e 3 7

Ihe. emmniete ere net leher unieniete: they only une the lnhefhnienn nn n would nee n melon to neck all the ntrength ant 0!. thm. 1 1561 Ill 14343? Illilll an enginee of din:-wtien of the en;-Jitelint ecenenie qntu. they nee these nninn te _ _ 1!.-.nn__nne 1-in lie!!! ectivitiee all ped their pg:-ell! eith lJenn-ni!t__perIcIne1- iq I nne lnhor enieneto recruit the rough and tumble element for 1 |'ee'e'ieltl _ ;;;~':-.':- . T .'.'I: ' ..., ,. _ lperill greqpn. hey nee than nn the heavy nrtillery in the G-If-te-Q eemlic end peliticll _1m:-fare they conduct mm: cnpitelintic eee1et;.".' e ""

-_ lb 101-lile qtntien 1'1-en cemuniet neureen indicnten ehnt the Ii Gonna! - . in lloncce nqn on thin nuhjeetz " '

!'1'h.e Inter-aatieail Genneil cf Bride and Indnitfial tfnicnt ea.-via net peace but n nerd to the heurgeeieie of ell eenntrient thin dene: the euence of cur activity. Our progren in the violent ererth:-cur at the honrgeoinie end the eetehlinhment of the Dicteternhip ct the Proleterietg n mthlenn clan var on en internetiene1'end national ncele and n clone nnneverehle ellienee with the Gellnnnint Internntionnl-' ._ 801303: International Trade and Industrial Unienn by S. Iozwniy pt 59, Publinhed by Union Publinhing jrnocintien, I-1-

While building up their forcen for the neizure cf purer, the Gmmnlntn ere vnrf Inch interented in building tqw the enione - the very eptenite eiftgyhnt they do after '_ _- the neinre of power, Vhen they proceed to teke the dernel spine out at thmt . __ Gemmznint controlled tinionn which nn n rule, are engaged in continued ntrife

lgeinet the employers and the State are In ideal .1 .-.1. treining ground for nll typtn of warfare, end Genuunint gnerilln greupn or Ige-on" - eqnedn inc-uhete in then en gene I011-Q Q I-T t'1nru_gI gnggz I !nennn92_ --n the -v Q 'l'tP§"I'1.1'!f!Q ------nf-- ______,,_. . ___i_; 4...- _.i_..._.._._._-4-p_¢~ kl-all -...- tv-an W.-. in! .. lggl -. nnnnlg ._-- . __-Q; _ if _ ecerity guard dinpley nt Peeknkill. e . _, I ..-....__ ..._ .-A Elie individual Gail; ntrngglen of the verhern egeinnt enjaitalint ' eapleitetiun in ditch you participated et vnrieun tinen on verioen l. e-ecnnien-I. ere really not ieoleted and neparate eventn, but ecn- *' '- T'"Zf .7 ntitnte no nan; linkn in one chain - the chain of clue It:-nggle of the working eleee ngeinet the capitalist elenn, n ntruggle which ,_.;l..:§§';..»_._;f_'_: ' __ LT=£L._." e--gr ,-»e':~e~¢==- ti-_ -. nine enpitelintat the eylten. overthrew end cf the cnpitnlint building up rule,of the Secielinnnholitien en the oi flrlt theT ==' *5"-"* nteg: ef Oemmninn, through the entebliehnent of the dietnterehip 1 _...?""' Q Iv A-nqnQ1 A1l~ -triit it the far: ti a Seat gate:-at-at-!_ '-Y.--"5°--T " ' . - . tr:-__§-_1?:'.?___ _. - i.. __ .,.,_ 12- Pamphlet: nu comma: mm II LBTICI by Ale: Bittlennn. .m. by Ierkere Lib:-:17 Pnbliehere. lee lurk city, April. 1932. 3 I. " - 'I_hntever fighting hen been done in the lent fee genre fer higher Iegen and unemployment innerenee end relief wen done under n rnvelutiennry leederehip with the elenent participation ef the " 'I'"I_92'r GemunintiVhe P0-';_' are in fever ef the everthrw of the cnpitelint .' 3

IE! cunnman 3'; 1!. ;._ oigu. in-ken mu-e:1 Pnhlinhern. 19.->3, ; 'n.. 7. ,"_.,-7:1 . H.-!§L'.7e_ _. ,-_- " P ..-,..,.., to an ,. lav-mkill .... ,_ '92'l , lnntihttiene. . -'u~-__- .4, ... not to tutu tn I -- 7 -.:_:, -_ fl-tthe enefitet the eltpitllintl. but to he n monkey rrnn PM ,,,;,_,;.__-_ 1 __ -:_- their llnhinery, 1;:-eventing t-hm free ._ we:-king _ _ nnoothly in h _ . ' - _";r"-__..,¢=....__'_ _ 2:, °-1'e"l""5°1"-'e..- ____ ..., -____ ii. . .';:...,._ 3.1? .. ._;__ .. L_;:,=- :;"L*;.;=;.-;f;;s:2.-.-:1§:;'_mr;'z.-::;?;.z;¬..__"'"=::t:;'::;..a 4-1"; .-_ .-...»_= »- =--=#55555?-Iii-3559"?-=C§-II.$1J5*v'i'-:_. 1;-:.;. 1:; ; "iii.-.'=¬?'~"i " ' 1--F"-_-.» -- ~--W--~----' ,-v- -'~- ' - "4 ' 'E§?"92'?~**'7$¢rp,u;.4#$'P¥F@-'IF~2'.KQihl_1r15-'P!92$7i=t:71 --""|'_'T_?",.¢~_;"._§"'- --aw:-=.'-*¢'=P'=:~ -1.-: ~:~-.='-=*- -l- M 92-- -- -~ --l----92_, ___ e_-_.m..W..,._._...... ,e , _ . , - .l ._._ . ; ..._-.~;..-_. .-';-.._-..:a.- _ ' 0 ,_, ;'_:: '._._. oV -__. - .5 ., -- my - < _._ - '- a - ~ '7 ' 7 7 . -l,-1,, .l ~ _- - . _- -ttseaiats austere. wag; it dials um the oesaeeieusa restless. Hsrsissdesiaslathsirlstih-U host-aqposssssBessss1'vsssfths , union is s strategic rune like the llootriasl lpgaliaaoas 155:2:-7; they J-Q lling to nit, tllporzlsa and seuprenise in as-der to hold on and thesseives rat the dag vote their strength la nah s strategic mmr; will count re;-7 uh nests be dsgnqhsmso£sorisisinthseosntrysrsnria92ihichthe0au.nistsssatts ' defeat their esn Government, Ihen that day cons they will roll iste also uam it mm. nest as they am during the Issi-Soviet rte: sl _- +-- -. sen. - é -_?;tlq and alleged grievances to poll the workers out on strike and felt-I,-"_ ~s isms tin la snob. strategic puma as the 1111s-ohslaers plant is Iiseonsia; the !a'r.t.h aneri1_=n_n and 3ea .;:. is _._ , ___ R: r __='-;;'



Ia UH I-BIB of Isl against the" the following quotation indicates the ' Z

line of hehavior prescribed for Gcsmmist controlled unions: __ Inna '21-see Union Unity League fights nilitantly Isllnst the inpendll - i capitalist var and for the defense at the soviet Union. !hs slogan, _ " not s ma. not s cent, not s gun for nilitsrist sar'...It seeks to _ mobilise the great Iseses of workers against var by organising **:'_'~.s strikes, demonstrations. etc"-"In the event of a ailitsrist var, - ~-7: it will mobilise the workers to struggle against Lnerican ailitarists 3 and to transform this var into s class war against the capitalist q.-tea! - .-._ 8011303: trade Union Unity 1,esg-ne, American Section of the Fed International of Labor Unions - p. 26- Published by rho Trade Union '_' Unity League. Hols York. ET. 'ie above quotation is based an the instructions of the Podffaternationsl. of AF P Labor Unions -§|. and has heen the standing policy of the ionrlunists throughout the years.

Instructions regard.-1.; self-Defense Go:-nsr 1 ..' . W - - n . , 4" -_- * . '_' -|

_ lninetqu-etuedinenntmhijerngec,m=mc1'uquenemmeann.- that I-It nbee:t__5|. ere eugegesi in 111:0 nctivity... been lenbecre on _ lnogetie nut effective of their mu organiser: end none tectioinnlr than to-" ietne-r_'" :1"-ith their quasi.-niiit guerilin group; or gee-ne"'. ere the etreng iepinei of the diole Sommiet movement. . the not-ivitiee er ell Sourroniete in the labor unione throughout the eerie ere"

eoerriinnted by the -Cormmint-dominated Ierld. federation of trnrie thine. n éjgengceeoer to the llec International or I|lb01''Uni_Onl; but the P01-1610!? Id er new Union! which em been mama end eppmd 1; the 11¢; N 7' '- :;::_,._; .-- qI'-- -._-.---- ' -.-- - 11- -I-- - Gounod. in lioeccv etiil continue to guide ell their nctivitiee. F -: " '"' ""-"

Another contingent tr-king pert in-the oheeon Peekekill demonstration in the - -_

I-nhor Youth League, Ienceeeor of the Americnn Tooth for Democracy, vhicl in turn inn ' "-4 the locceeeor of the Ioung Somnniet Leone. According to the Deily Yorker of ' _ _

September 9. 1949, the Later Youth League held e epeoiel city-vice neeting to preteet '

the violence suffered. by them et the Peehlrill cienonetret ion. The meeting wee hell.

nt llnnhntten Center, 34th St. end. 8th Avenue, 1.1., with Jock Stochel, member of the 77

Political 3m-een. oi the Bonmunint Forty ln one of the eleven convicted in J1I- - -- = l¬edinne court, en the principal e;.>enker. 1'.

can-mans! more ommr 2A'1'IOB8 J

Jock Stechel, fcroer orgnnlzetion eecretery oi the Gumoniet Party nni e! late, e the heed e! the Agitation nnl Propegemie one Department of the Petty: of the nbleet Party. organisation hoe been known-l . _ ~ '_ ____7ntr_e'te_giete_._ He no formerly n high otficigl of thy lfoung Sommnint Lea;-o.e._ ____Be 1|__ 'well vereed in the plane the Moscow High Semend have for infiltration octiritiee - --~===-=- =-M» ~= M ====~===- h __»=<=am=M with hm plum n t ;__ » "Ibo T@ communist International nn. the Young ionmniet Leeg-nee, in clone connection vith the Party. and parallel with the struggle _ _ k_ M?-P-'%.l?t-1- egeinet bourgeoie nilite-rim and the danger of new inperinlilt en:-e "'* " must carry on e specie]. agitation, propaganda end educetiee for the " 1 '*"""; inevitability oi th civil nr, the necessity for military 311- -- -- .. ?7' peraticn and the nrming of the proletariat. and the right to lefea " , the proletarien revolution by force of arse, that ie to eq;' the 7 - - erection of the armed prcleterinn power. the Pod Any. J

rssowuons .DOP'i"!'.D 1: as '0II°i'H success or rm: tome commuter Pvélieheé 11; the LL e!_tr.he 145,1; 9 53, Print! _ . I BVMQQQ _ I In mm warm: uuvsm:-n RIP -1-an cmz. In on u mmmoen. QQIIU-5,-', _,_ __,- :.. _. _r__..~ _

Second Session. run eel Joly. 1924. epeciel Gong:-en Peport ' Inner. no.1, n3r_13I, lee, lea}. 1; :._ J __ _Le;-oecnneeeegein,theninnetiuoithiepleniennilituyone. ,_3,.*-._- -.j 1,7-1;?--'§;¥:;.:;_.;,;i52g._ _ 1--5.__i-,;K; -. ~__- ;1"__*".?-J==éf.-,1'lf»~'-"_ - - ~- ~ = _ __1_;;;,;;-.5; ;__-;;j;;_'__-__i_:'1,2p-1 ,3;-.-;;_;-5 ' .':_;~_:"_._-~_.f__r"',_*-*'_-.' _j: _;;;-.'."._'::;. .- .- ;___".:.";;t,.._';.,;r.:";:' , :;::_i.. ; _ --- .- _ :1-=1; . 7T .--» 4 l ---- -er: .. - .-~- - - - -q..ng,._. -- __ _. 15,-,» W. .1-5,-wt.»-.1:-~ <- _---- 92 --we-.-.15.»-.*ann-gs. --- ---------- 5:_/w 1-=-;w=-;.-- .4---1 _ - -i ~- -V . - . __, - "' -"L . .1. I ,_,. . W r M ....._. .. . < _ V M .. 92/ .... .=. . A 92L . |' " """* " '' "" _ - 7 - . _,V_,,,-. _, ¢,.- noA. .. ..i_- 0 >__ .. 1. it sin et m ileolegioel liiiintegretion end uienoreiieetion or " the ;5=£n_ii generiii 2; _ Infiitrntion Qt youth orgenieetione. eoiieges; nnivereitiee en! other etretegio epote for the_pnrp_oee of etinoletieg iieeeotion mi ll-iniquity to our institution ml recruiting end , n - I -r thieere for the Gannniet Increment- 3. Utilising the organisation thee oreeted. for infiltretiee in the Aimed Be:-vicee, technological Leheretoriee. etc. Q;--.-Z"__ . . :~ e t '1 *" v i I¥_I_;:§;Y_T Iaoh of the ideological aiieinteg-retion eni. Generalization work LI lone tllrém ' orgeaieetion emonget the teaching etnlf. infiltration of teeohere' nnione. the t

Ioviee end through textbooks, ete. ee eotivit; enonget the teaching eteffe ie 00- onlineted. run the eotivitiee or the Young '}oelIun.iet League. new have ee the nee: ' ' Youth League. hy the leeding ooxmitteee of the Gommniet ?erty, the Port; being the * Q

over-ell ooorinntor ef ell ouch ectivitiee. - " "

'Bio niliteq motive in thin epeoiel youth eet-up eon he eoen from their own _ eoeenenn : . l _ J . Z Particularly neoeeeary in the nilite training and education of ~ _ -7 oenhere cf the Young Jo:-zuuniet Lengmae, under the direction of the _ ; Gonmmiet Party. _

FEOLUTIOIS AIDPTED AT IE3 NWT! GOFGPESS OT @ YUUFG CG-B50119! ~ -- IR'!'E."FHAT'1UKAL p 102. Pnhliehed. by Ezeeutive Gomnittee of the _ Young Gonneniet International. _,,~. - he Gonmmiet Youth O1-genizetione tote in yeungeter-e up to the age of 24, After "_'

-. QKD -- -.-.__0.-.-...... I new: rwu e_e- enew e.L_ Inn-I ~__-_ .rD1:n1Iu|J_ ... our-ma-H -.-.-._eA,=_ - -.- weI

youth eemherehip ie recruited tron the Goon-u.niet controlled. labor union. vhere ll!

_ __heo_cne pert oi their F5oon' equnee. Iporte leegeee. veterene grcupe, etc. _i______;;:_;

__ ca-worse vex-mus ceoenznxoeo _ _. __ __ Z;Z_;_}_~

Qomuniete etertod their we veteren.e' ergenieet lone in the lete we.

II -- ..-_-Q I-._:.._.e-- In-"QBIIJGI u-..g_ II-I'llI 1-..__.-_ .|;uaguBI| _- I _ 1.... I1] _..e92.-.l- lluvnvu-I In -0 ._ _- -_ B -.__1- awning . ~ _ 71- __ __ _____

ezeeeu-a1 at ...1...'= uni tr 15.4.1. in iv ndieel amine. _ l a at emaaiat-inspired veterans orgihidtién in the nitod legre {ied - Veterans of Aaeriea. fumed in hioego, Illinois about tee years age. there ie the Veterans of the abrshan Lincoln 11-1;.-ae. the Oomunist Part; reernitaant for the Oivillarinlpain. e .- It ia alleged that tvelve thousand Communists rare in the tread. Sawioee in-is; ' Ioll Iar II and. that the activities of thaee Genmuniat veterans 'I92fI>l1lO8id by a __ Quanta. headed by .1. Peters, recently deported rm the my 4 ant... ,- - ' ,_ . 1 ' to available information. a Veterana" onniaeion of the ia___,__ nmfirecting the activities of theae veterana, Kr l .K R

" Baa great majority of Jomnnist orid Var II reterana are not, at the presant ' " '7. tine. in any aingle I!§l_!!'8J! organisation. but are apreaé all ever iuiéa the _ W; .:O-llfilt controlled Labor nniena, aport elubs. and '£oon| eqnada: othere are baa!- infiltrnting the regular veterana organizations like the American Legion. the

Veterans of Iereign fare, ate.

1 Large number of these veterans were present in the iaeourity guard at 7 '" Peeketiil. as can be seen by the military behavior and loadez-ehiI> of this '¢na.nI.'. - ._ 1--1;;3, 7___ Q ..- --vv 92|QIU92en¢-an uneven. 11 at -n A - ---n -._ a.- __ ... .-_ p 1. a" "

e-$_;'-_,=;=",;' "- _,,__ . QQE'£IiQl§L%. ..::1=a..._._...----*->1.-a - - _--- ,:-i--5-= h 7 hi I ~__ "v_ : _~. _ '_ .._.'~3:. ."--- ...._ 4': '-- _ ,_.

I - r' 1 - It in implicit}: the mim et btheethan Sennniet an-sin.mung erdereof the eene Ie.etere._the Miet m-we dieplqct iteHenge" " . et_reeb-1;-111be nhcnldepgrnieeein the11¢: of the whenoz in letivity, pctenl- preeent. and the Gcnmniet Pea-t;r'e pro:-enwhich enlle for the forlntiee of euell

Orgnni at ione . " ' .-1, - ,_1.elIhéeitclen:ronceege.inI ' . e ' "the everthrcvof eepiteliln 1- impoeeiblevithcnt to:-co.expect l e erped nprieing proleterienend. egeinetvnre ho'e:r¢oeiete£__?the ..a92. _,. ~-:*.- -';;i. . ;.. e -. - e" .. ~1.a'92 munmnsmxm nwnvunxer nrunresusasur-rueu-nuneu.-_ ' ~_-_;~;:;- " P2tSOLUi1Cm or ca: mm Hum: eoecwsss avcu seamen nernmxmi. ;-.- 192s. Pub. by Icrkere mum-y Pnhlieherl, 1.1.0. _am ninth. aim" . *.;:_ 193. P. 1°.

_- the tact in that the whole 3o:-nnniet Party ie net up no n politienl urine organisation egeinet the eociety end. governmentunder which we live. . 4

~ '5tl1in oonperee the Peny to the g@e@ etn of en 7 erng. _the Party_ _ ll the general ete£i'the oi vcrking clnee revolutionary army, leading the '?_-' var egeinet ce1:ite1iem." ' A , i.

Pamphlet! nae coummxs-r rum II ASTIOR by ex emiemm. am. _ be Yorker: I-thrary mhlzmen. I.r._c.. ip:-11 1932. p as. 7 4-411. - _. Btelin himeelf. tleecribee the Gem-unietParty ee e enrfnre force with the top -<'¢4"

lender-ehip no the General Stetf and from there on down in the erder of their ilpe P _. =5

_ tnneo he ieeeribee the other otficieie ne liejer Gene:-nle, Lieutenant G-enernle, I _@§-5; _7"~'. Golenele, injure,Cepteine, endLimitenente, withthe plainnenbei-:43! theParty AV ....,M.,_.=;_ being designated. ee Sergeente and Gorporele, with Stalin, hineelf, ee the top

G-enenlieeino. .. i' .. 7 _-~_z- Stalin make: clear the meaningof ziictetcrehipi ;

ilhe scientific concept of Glctatorlhlp neenn nothing more nor leu _._..-_-._---:__»- .n_.,__Z-.-.-..-.-..-Y-_--hthan power which directly reete on violence, which ie not limited by ~- n ,;. ; "gig ._..._1 3. ._ any lave or reetrieted 1:: en: eheolnte 1-u.lee...Diotetorehip nenne - ' " note thin once and for e1l...un1inite:l power, Peting on violence ..._i...... -»_.-. Ii RU 9-H III. __ A *;:. : ii. ,-..,=»-.'.._...-e-ea ~-"-- wmrz _ ellected. Iorh. Vol. IIY, pp. -I41 and 436, Pueeien Yiiini e -we Pamphlet: EPOBLEIS 01' I-E1'.'l'I34by Joesph Stalin. lnternntillll .--_. A - . _..,.__~-it: Pllhliehern, 1.1., 19:4. P. as ' 'l-Ti;..'._L'._-t.."' _ ~- -_-:--1''

- -- Ihenthe Part: - - ' create: Inche quaebnilitery force under whatever" "" eeneuilegm "M " " -' Iw92>rI-H011 eff crwins thecane tree: nmely the Gonnuniltin-ti. : te*92i:ole mr-.:.@. " e _;'~;'-i5_:_:?;" _'F1923 ;.'QEQ :.-=1;;-L..L, tree would have to he cut down to min eve: with it. T --=~-1; - ""

Wider preeent legieletion, thie cannot he done end none of the highly cenonfiegea aethocin thnt_theOemuniet Party neee to ereete Inch I force 6811Ill teeth!!! 9! III eerionel; interferedwith underpr-ceent lave. W l l 7 '

_ _, Golcnniet Pu-1:;in e type of eneqr organisation, operating ineieie oerborde. '1

Ihlt-h tlkll_ edlvnntege fill of our liherll Ocnntitutieml eet-up end grove, ee it vereu ' q ~;'-,-_L*:-:. ' : -- ehile the £1.95;-.1: - en enaiw, the gxeciee liken ct Qich ere h-evenot eontrontenlU0- . n _,-.emet - leer-n - to 'tight I: trilland error.Le egeiut the etc but L-'~_H.=¢m_ ,,,..,_ -,-=»i-'¢.+:=¢.-'-..-'=~'*"; ., ,,, _..» - .- . __' *'- 4-».-1 ' . ~ -" t " -' " "' ' ' ' " A .. ..-._ . U H -17, . . .- .;~'ll¬¢-'3?"-;'_; A 4, -; ,._.rn1_";;.;;..':.:_-'_-_47. L... V _" _;;-_'.'..'_;.;-._ J; . - --r" =1.-<_""."'.»"-.=.-4.11::-;";~.="-..;eee?:..:?--c";+a"..¢.'.:.I~.'...... e' '" -- -- - t " ' 7' ,.-.- - "'"'92nr<-<-----_,-- _ , _ ~ '_ _ .892L E11- ;ftE.??.i-.~"1-';!s_»1-L.-'.:"-=11_' .~._,"*L.-..:§'_'"_é.é?1_ .1 'j ._ - ~ 1:-11-.= .- *-=.:.t' - -- " - .- - 2 - .-.;.=:.r _ " .--::'.*:' - -*~' 14'.':':-""'."-, -':~~ " . A...- 1'-_-*1» 1*-gr-,-5_-5 -__. . _ __.~_.. ;__-= _. ., -..-;a.:i...... 1'_ - ..; __ ;.u.L_ w ..m.- . _... ,,...... _v...* .,._ _u it. 6}-1.4;-inoan. inum; an 5 1» . . . _. .. J,-._ ;: g-up 1;, " v . '- . ' ~...... --._;...~. --. 1--1: 9 . "'_ * "I - - '--:.*-'1;{__'; -_ ..-~_'-1-§__-_~_ . .< - - .. -..' ._ .¢»4._-:...',--- y I -- - ,_ V.-¢._ __'_:-..;,,1 =,.,;4...,. -- ,- L5 .. .._-92-'11..--'~ W '' W-'' - '._ - _ _ 1':_ ,.:".--.-vg_ _-a__.1L. :5»: ,'-_"** ~' ,._,_,,, =. - ---..'.";I** _A ' te

. .- ,1 » -iii _ . ,~ ..:_. .____.~'.-=;_-=q . lg .__ V C . ¢ '2--_. .. . - .L_.'6.'.3T. ' _ 1&5 -1.

.; . ._. 5:;-_'...-_=;i:xa: , . . J9.

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*--"- ' *~--" xxxxxx xxxxxx


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_ -< -_ _ ._ -- m A--..;'-..- ..

J , _ 5? {§ ! .- ¢rnl:|AnnlIl'|IllI._ll Que '~-- 1, 4. 92 #4 92 F 1 ! -- ..r, a

" .11-"'-_-ru_ .1, ,92._= _92. 7;

55%=-_- -..-

.__,_ .1: . _-I-LlEC

"-'21, 1-.;; = 7"? V '..Q._-' .'. 'i ~ Oice Memo. ,- " UNITED sigras eovsnuusm -3:==iI-_._-

.-_-Q3 1 DDT _.,_.. no-., n I -'. ,1-. , 1.-DJ. 92, v- unis: nu; 7 _' . "A »- 1;..E --c W.- rnou = SAC, Los Angeles ' -ii

.2. ,___ Bureau, however, is being furnished at this time with a verbatim '4 __~_---9'13.-=1 transcript of the comments made by PAUL ROBESON, being made at -_:-7;--i the conclusion of the musical portion of ROBESOH's appearance. _ "-- His off-hand coments are as follows: - ._' 4 f;%?-I-P?-eke. . .7 ¢ I Just want to say before I go that I was hppy when I came in, and it's wonderful to know and to experience this kind of spirit and courage in Los Angeles. I've been going across the country-----as you know, we hear a lot of nonsense, e fbh about fear ct cetera, but I've seen the people from below, among .'_,'<_gthe Negro people, among the Jewish people, among the foreign born, .1" =--"_ among the workers who are saying that we are going to have peace " '.-11'in ou time, we're gonna have a decent world for our children whoever they may he, whether they he black or uhitee I've eeen _ vs , 1 s » Q59. __ ;j _ *_ _J92

! r-"""_-. 1'-"!{'E: .1 -'_'r92:'-5:-*7 .1"-.- 1 'r '--*3 ;t1=' -2}!-"- 7.7-1"Ei.~'.:_r5='; _:,'L_,_';£"_ '- :_.92;=;;.§;;£§;

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-.hag _ C éééé LA 100-25861 FisE= _ 1.?-_'G - - America, I will fight against it with every fiber...... 2-'. ':., :- - - ' ' iii? ~ . - At this point, ROBESON was building up considerable emo- -- tau . tion and reached almost a point of frenzy when he concluded this I.i'='?'i'; ' .;~;.,. .-J last sentence, - part of which was blurred out because of the ~ - '-__. I...; ;< ."-:92,e_:- *-'1 applause and reaction of the audience Joining in the spirit of o _-. IL..3. = '-Tm:-.1-".21 his renarks=! .. _, - " . o ;" " -'1}"'~,':'.': II_,,. '-."'_=f_.-._'-6 i ' - ROBESON continued, - Though I would tell you of the ="1 .1-'f§:'§ .____,_.._. _'1_ strength that I find going about this America of ours and to '-v-an4.. remind you that all around the world today the people are on -w the march. we are winning this struggle and nothing can set -u the world back but upon our shoulders in thisgneat land is a very very deep responsibility, a responsibility to live up to ?i?§5 what we must in our times, and it isn't easy. It means working o;_m", everyday, broadening this base among millions and millions of >e"w_ _"- s-£:."W Americans who wait to hear our message, having the eouage to stand -:l'1.ij-"_l¢4; and fight and never give ground. That is our responsibility which =--w e*'-__=Y-¢-.3 we must carry on to our children yet unborn. I am sue that those , _V,-. a responsibilities we shall accept. That battle we can win and I 92:_;'§_,- santa =5-24 thank yon for being part or that vanguard in this great _o* , .-we historic time." . ss<%P Hi. "3 It may be noted that the songs rendered by ROBESOHwere * ' not only in English but also some in Russian and others in '" *".i~" Jewish. arm: ,_:f-73:1- , These records will be made an exhibit in the Les Angeles ». is Office. = - i -- ~ ;a;_-- <; ;~ '- - ' 1 , " ' "' .'-. . . . . it _-._ F, ~ "'li,_T_' J? """""""" T"""'_"J . T I ff. T :'.r . ..-..___. O ' J _ _ "g . .133 e m.1.¢_¢= ____Z,..,._.t .' - EBALBUREAU or pwzswxen . » J l-E- Ck! -._._.,. 1- ; __',,~ 4}". " . . - J" l?;¬"'-x$/__ bk. Glcvin "...... - '; -.1~,'.-_.1 I'. UNITED STATES DEPA MEET OF JUSTICE .. .1, ,¢.._.._.-..______M, -9'1;.A.::.92'-1;? 'r ' ,F -' J ' 1.5; Ester. _...... -.. ., --~'»- 1 .-1,;-1;. :'.'" . '1"-T-". .--- "'§-'¢_!._¬= _ . --__ -..- _ I w_!.__,__,,___;_____ P ' ' 1:1. u=::;> _.--_ _.; _§- .,._i,_.,M.__ . ' ' l Hr It-in.-2:1 - -.}_'_ ... '-r_-'.-" ---- ~. Transmit the following Teletype mes ag to: , . _ lfr. Mob: .._.__.__: r l .4 J . . . " e . 92*-92 }__ ' ' ' T r=i=.'z-aw-_= Mr.Near ..__._.._-_.._",,,___.__ -;- - ' .. ... A . . D . ' '. ll, lggqics Gad? .,_.___,_ .9 . - ., '_T"'__.'.92._-;§ ' . -' " : _ 4 . ' .. _ r- :_ . . - '1 4 v-»§. . ~» -..- .. - T ------».______- ._ I ___ j -.._ . ' : , . _ E! ms: .;c.Tor:1-"Roz: use FIELD_. ij 1.; V_ 3;, .1.P:3CTOB- A _ - Imam-rr ' '_ F A _ -'~'~/1} :12: § ----_.. .1 " - t '__ . _ 2 . - .-: ' v -". 1'" I .7 . M I ;?i' ., .'. . ---3 '8 - . _ -_. . .i.., _9292_ CPUS&,.IS-C- REOURTEL ms en"-.~: RE some, - muses; I . ._ W" -A3 L e = ~~ e e .-E-E - .1; _-.-A - §_§1_J§..__ 55925501: TO BE AT Hem OF gm. mm J ':-.Ys, -FOUR EIGHT SIX_<~~=~~ ..-2- . 1 * __"_.:_._ --7_ ,5- -.. 0- -92r._-.. - f.1'z;11=.'.-:.E_:1>:eroz.u.c AVE., 1%n1., F03 1; nzcezmon AT EIGHT TI-IIRTI in APRIL gwsrfvs,

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January Z5. 1959

_.-r Rupert mullet - - Iggutncnt of Btl-ti . 6 fifth Luann In Iorlg I-I.

UOIWIOIQ I I have bun boohd for 1 us-in of concert 0051:0- nnu u: nu-on vlls F'92>='"'¥- ""°' P *1 "1 '" -, .-l- . .-,1; la hglnnd, I11-0, nunauwaiv. gziztgil; ggdza M '.;j_-13-__. all the lenadlnlvinn com 0 - Ma . uh nu. ; gm an cxtcnnon or Ir l92="° P" P '- . £ ,.--*. :.og::'x-to gave boon bookod by my ll-nl-$::li _ Arum Ihnmlm. 1-» 113 '" 5 ' ' :31": _ - " I0 tn£t';::;§:°az;o,_::quma 1 1', r attention villa to tor this tho . 1-squint -~waz;,,};;" ' I H114 "Lnn" ~q-qY0 truly you-l :::'.7-"1 8. 1965.. .';;:up . ! _92- . ' ,, ,. i . . -J Q mt? K" Q oclrglau C .:_ § 3 5 .1 gr. 1',__ , ' . . 9 leap!, _ _ .-:15. -' " -. ""'~nrm: :.- . '--'-=km..::# fill?!-I lg:-..._ " °---12'§|;_.t-M . :3", vhllbl ll!-but ;_2:';" " I-7 fl

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