The Inventory of the Phoebe Brand Collection #1666
The Inventory of the Phoebe Brand Collection #1666 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Brand, Phoebe #1666 7/29/04 Preliminary Listing I. Manuscripts. A. Play scripts. Box 1 1. AAn Enemy of the People,@ two copies. [F. 1] 2. ACymbeline.@ [F. 2] 3. AA Doctor In Spite of Himself.@ [F. 3] 4. AEndgame and an Act Without Words.@ 5. AHome At Last.@ [F. 4] 6. AMacbeth.@ 7. AThe Magic Mountain.@ [F. 5] 8. AOthello.@ 9. APapa=s Violin.@ [F. 6] 10. ARomeo and Juliet.@ 11. AThe Seagull,@ 2 copies. [F. 7] B. Script fragments. 1. AHenry IV Part 2, Act II, Scene 3.@ [F. 8] 2. ARichard III Act IV, Scene 4.@ 3. AKing John Act III, Scene 3.@ 4. AWinter=s Tale Act III, Scene 2.@ 5. ARed,@ pp. 5-9. 6. AChapter 2,@ by Neil Simon, act 2, 2 p. 7. AThe Night of the Iguana,@ by Tennessee Williams, act 3, 2 p. 8. AAwake and Sing.@ 9. AMacbeth.@ 10. AAs You Like It 3-5.@ 11. ARomeo and Juliet 3-2.@ 12. AMerry Wives 2-1.@ C. Opening speeches. 1. AThe Winter=s Tale,@ 7 p. [F. 9] 2. AAs You Like It,@ pp 2-7. 3. Untitled speech. D. Articles. 1. Untitled, re: Michael Chekhov. 2. AMirror of Shylock,@ holograph. 3. Untitled, re: childrens opinions of their blacklist experiences, written by Stephen Cournovsky, May - June 1977. E. Miscellaneous. 1. AFrom Glebfinger, Thunderballs With Love - A Joel Bond Thriller.@ [F. 10] 2. AShakespeare,@ poem, 12 copies. (Brand, Phoebe 7/29/04) 3. AWhen I Have Fears.@ 4.
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