FOSSIL IMPRINT • vol. 74 • 2018 • no. 3–4 • pp. 334–340 (formerly ACTA MUSEI NATIONALIS PRAGAE, Series B – Historia Naturalis)



1 Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; e-mail: [email protected]. * corresponding author

Uhl, D., Krüger, P. S., Wuttke, M. (2018): Epidermal anatomy of Glyptostrobus europaeus (BRONGN.) UNGER from the Late Oligocene of the Westerwald (Rhineland-Palatinate, W-Germany). – Imprint, 74(3-4): 334–340, Praha. ISSN 2533-4050 (print), ISSN 2533-4069 (on-line).

Abstract: Details of the epidermal anatomy of Glyptostrobus europaeus (BRONGN.) UNGER from the Late Oligocene locality Norken in the Westerwald (Rhineland-Palatinate, W-Germany) are documented and described by means of scanning electron microscopy of in situ cuticles. The taxon had a wide distribution over the entire Northern Hemisphere during the Oligocene and it is considered to represent the most common during the Cenozoic of Europe, but cuticles from this taxon are rarely fi gured in the literature. The cuticles from Norken exhibit cellular patterns and details (e.g. of stomatal complexes) typical for taxodioid . Anatomical observations are in close agreement with results for this taxon from other Central European localities. The in situ cuticles had already fragmented into very small pieces, and this explains why it was so far impossible to retrieve cuticles from this locality by means of standard cuticular analytic techniques. Key words: Late Oligocene, Westerwald, Norken, cuticles, SEM

Received: October 25, 2018 | Accepted: November 27, 2018 | Issued: December 28, 2018

Introduction maar or crater lake of Enspel has been studied in some detail (e.g. Uhl and Herrmann 2010, Köhler and Uhl 2014, Uhl Late Oligocene macrofl oras from the Westerwald region 2014, 2015, Uhl and Poschmann 2018). Another fl ora that in W-Germany have been known since at least the middle came under the focus of current research originates from the th of the 19 century (e.g. Weber 1852, Ludwig 1859 – 1860). former Lignite mine “Späth” near Norken (Müller 1997, Uhl Most of these fl oras were discovered during lignite mining et al. 2011, Krüger et al. 2017), located only a few kilometres but due to fast disintegration of the excavated specimens north of Enspel. Whereas the Enspel fl ora represents a species during drying, the described were neither abundant rich mixed mesophytic forest (Köhler and Uhl 2014), the nor diverse. However, many studies on geology and mining more or less contemporary macro-fl ora from Norken probably the lignites and basalts of this region cited the occurrence of represents a riparian forest dominated by Acer tricuspidatum fossil plants at a large number of localities (e.g. Casselmann BRONN and Glyptostrobus europaeus (BRONGN.) UNGER, with 1853, Selbach 1867, Steckhan 1973). The Oligocene only rare constituents (leaves and seeds) from other vegetation macrofl ora from the Westerwald is thus less well known types (Müller 1997, Uhl et al. 2011, Krüger et al. 2017). when compared to other Central European fl oras from this Up to now it had not been possible to extract cuticles from period (e.g. Central German lignite basins: Mai and Walther this fl ora, as the cuticles fragment into tiny, taxonomically 1978, 1991, Mai 1995, Walther 1999, Kvaček and Walther meaningless pieces during standard preparation procedures 2001; Czech České středohoří Mts.: Walther and Kvaček (Krüger et al. 2017). Attempts to analyse cuticles in 2007, Akhmetiev et al. 2009; Siebengebirge in Germany: situ by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Weber 1852, Winterscheid 2006, Winterscheid and Kvaček were successful for a few twig fragments, assignable to 2014, Winterscheid et al. 2018). Glyptostrobus europaeus. This taxon had a wide distribution Only during recent decades have some of the macrofl oras over the entire Northern Hemisphere during the Oligocene from the Westerwald gained increased scientifi c interest. In (e.g. LePage 2007) and it is considered to represent the most particular the diverse macro-fl ora from the Late Oligocene common conifer in the Cenozoic of Europe (Kvaček 2007),

334 DOI 10.2478/if-2018-0021 Text-fig. 1. Geological overview map of the Westerwald ; ª fossil localities (after Schindler and Wuttke 2010). but cuticles from this taxon are rarely fi gured in the literature et al. 2011). The Breitscheid Formation includes three main (cf. Kovar-Eder 1996, Sakala 2000, Vikulin et al. 2003, Ma lignite seams, of which the uppermost seam has been mined et al. 2013, Winterscheid and Kvaček 2014, 2016b). in Norken (Steckhan 1973). This seam overlies lacustrine sediments consisting of fi ne grained, laminated black shales, as well as coarse re-sediments probably originating from the Geology and stratigraphy banks of the lake (Uhl et al. 2011). For more details on the The village of Norken is located at the western border geology of the Norken locality see Steckhan (1973) as well of the High Westerwald (Text-fi g. 1). This region is part of as Uhl et al. (2011). the Rhenish Slate Mountains, which were formed during the Variscan orogeny in the late Palaeozoic. After the Variscan Material and methods orogeny until the beginning of the Cenozoic, the rocks from this region experienced intensive weathering and The material analysed here was collected from the spoil erosion (Baumann 1993). During the Oligocene the area tips of the former lignite mine “Späth” in Norken in the was subject to tectonic upheavals, resulting in the formation Westerwald, W-Germany (Text-fi g. 1). It is stored in the of numerous depressions, small basins and tectonic graben collections of the Maarmuseum Manderscheid (cf. Krüger structures, which were subsequently fi lled with up to 100 m et al. 2017). thick sediments, including claystones, black shales and Small fragments of selected pieces of the laminated lignites rich in (e.g. Schäfer et al. 2011, Uhl et al. black shale (“Schwarzpelit” sensu Uhl et al. 2011) exhibiting 2011). There was also an intensive volcanism in this area twig remains of Glyptostrobus europaeus were mounted on during the Oligocene, which led to the deposition of massive standard stubs with LeitC-Tabs (Plano, Münster, Germany), basaltic tuff/tuffi te deposits, as well as basalt sheets (e.g. and subsequently examined with the aid of a JEOL JSM Schäfer et al. 2011). 6490 LV Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM; accelerator The fossil bearing deposits from Norken can be assigned current 20 kV) at the Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und to the Breitscheid Formation (cf. Uhl et al. 2011) This Naturmuseum Frankfurt, Germany. formation is of Late Oligocene age and consists of tuffs, Measurements of anatomical details were obtained using tuffi tes, siliciclastic deposits as well as lignites (e.g. Schäfer the software ImageJ (W. S. Rasband 1997 – 2016: ImageJ.

335 Text-fig. 2. Glyptostrobus europaeus from Norken. a) Overview of slab with twigs and two cones attached to twigs (MMM-2012-059). b) Cone exhibiting flabellate seed-scales (MMM-2012-022). c) SEM-image of the cuticle near the base of a needle (MMM-2012-059). d) Detail of c) showing stomata and fragmented cuticle. e) Detail of d) showing the cuticle around a single stomatal apparatus.

U. S. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, pensilis (STAUNTON ex D.DON) K.KOCH exists, occurring in USA;, last accessed: September Vietnam and southeast China, within the vegetation of river 7th, 2018) with calibrated digital images. deltas, fl oodplains and lowland swamps (LePage 2007). Fossil members of this genus are also generally interpreted to represent members of swamp or riparian vegetation. Systematic palaeobotany However, such generalized interpretation of monotypic genera should be viewed with considerable care, as such taxa Family Cupressaceae GRAY, nom. cons. might have changed their climatic and ecological demands Subfamily Taxodioideae ENDL. ex K.KOCH over time (cf. Kvaček 2007). Genus Glyptostrobus ENDL. Glyptostrobus europaeus (BRONGN.) UNGER The genus Glyptostrobus has been known from the Text-fi gs 2–3 onwards and had a wide distribution over the entire Northern Hemisphere during much of the Cenozoic Selected synonymy. Only references which are (LePage 2007). Today only a single species, Glyptostrobus important for nomenclature and refer to occurrences in the

336 Text-fig. 3. SEM-images of Glyptostrobus europaeus from Norken. a) Detail of a split short shoot (MMM-2012-059). b) Detail of a), showing the apical part of a needle with stomatal-free zone and only a few stomata towards the base of the needle.

Westerwald or its direct vicinity; for more comprehensive 15 specimens bear one or more elliptical to obovate cones at lists of synonymies see LePage (2007) and Winterscheid et the end of the twigs (Text-fi g. 2a–b). Seed-scales elongated, al. (2018). fl abellate, thinning-out towards the base and with semi- circular (abraded?) apex (Text-fi g. 2b). 1833 europaeum BRONGN., pp. 168–176. 1850 Glyptostrobus europaeus (BRONGN.) UNGER, pp. 434–435. Only abaxial cuticles could be analysed. Normal epidermal 1851 Cupressites brongniartii GÖPP.; Weber, p. 161. cells in stomata free zones (Text-fi g. 3a–b) are usually 1937 Glyptostrobus europaeus HEER; Weyland, p. 74. elongated, orientated more or less parallel to the axes of the 1997 Glyptostrobus sp.; Müller, p. 46. needles, 22–72 μm (average 39.8 μm) long and 9–24 μm 2011 Glyptostrobus europaeus (BRONGN.) UNGER; Uhl et al., (average 16.0 μm) wide. The length to width ratio of these p. 121, fi g. 4. cells is 1.3–5.2 (average 2.6). Stomatal complexes are elliptical, 2006 Glyptostrobus europaeus (BRONGN.) UNGER; Winterscheid, p. with (4–)5 subsidiary cells (Text-fi g. 2d–e). The long-axis of 74; pl. 18, fi g. 1, pl. 22, fi g. 8, pl. 23, fi g. 9, pl. 24, fi gs 1– 2. the stomata are usually orientated oblique or parallel to the long 2014 Glyptostrobus europaeus (BRONGN.) UNGER; Winterscheid and Kvaček, pp. 7– 8, pl. 1, fi gs 3–5, pl. 8, fi g. 26, pl. 9, fi g. 1. axis of the needles (Text-fi g. 2c). Outer walls of guard cells 2016b Glyptostrobus europaeus (BRONGN.) UNGER; Winterscheid forming prominent lateral lamellae (Text-fi g. 2d–e). and Kvaček, pp. 117–118, pl. 1, fi g. 7, pl. 4, fi g. 2. Remarks. The taxon can be identifi ed by the 2017 Glyptostrobus europaeus (BRONGN.) UNGER; Krüger et al., characteristic form and arrangement of the needles, together p. 68, pl. 1A–B. with the occurrence of typical cones attached to twigs (cf. 2018 Glyptostrobus europaeus (BRONGN.) UNGER; Winterscheid et al., pp. 124–125, pl. 4, fi gs 9–11. Uhl et al. 2011, Krüger et al. 2017), however the fi ner details of the seed-scales could not be observed in this Material. 38 twig remains of which 15 bear one or material (cf. Text-fi g. 2b). The form and arrangement of more cones at the end of the twigs (marked in bold): MMM- epidermal cells, as well as the stomatal complexes, clearly 2012-009, -018, -021, -022, -046, -049, -050, -053, -054, correspond to the published data for this taxon from other -057, -059 (SEM samples were taken from this specimen), sites, as well as the only modern species G. pensilis (Tab. -062, -063, -064, -065, -067, -076, -077, -080, -081, -082, 1). Only small areas of the needle surfaces however could -084, -085, -086, -088, -090, -093, -105, -107, -110, -113, be analysed by means of SEM, due to incomplete splitting -116, -121, -150, -156, -189, -196, -197. of the needles. Over all there is considerable variability Description. Long slender twig fragments, with in certain morphological features (e.g. size of epidermal cupressoid needles, up to 3 mm long and up to 1 mm wide. cells), between cuticles from different fossil localities,


** ranging from Eocene up to Late Miocene, as well as in any

** 2004 m

μ m

** comparison with modern G. pensilis (Tab. 1). However, as a μ Ma et al. al. et Ma

, G. pensilis G. number of cuticular features (such as cell size and orientation Modern Modern of stomatal complexes) varies considerably in modern G. elongated oblique or needle axes ± parallel to perpendicular pensilis, depending on needle type (linear, linear-subulate quadrangular to

and scale-line [cuppressoid]), and even position within a 2011

. Data derived from . Data derived from Magyari Magyari needle (adaxial vs. abaxial) (Ma et al. 2004) it is diffi cult

m 131.6 ± 31.1 m 31.6 ± 5.4 Erdei and and Erdei μ

μ to interpret the variability of fossil cuticles as most come

Miocene, from only a few (or even single) needles. Thus it is not clear Late Late

elongated G. pensilis

needle axes whether the observed variability in the fossil taxon may ± parallel to Bükkábrány, Bükkábrány,

mostly oblique refl ect ecological, climatic or even evolutionary differences Sakala 2000 Sakala between different populations of G. europaeus.

Eder 1996, 1996, Eder Attempts to isolate cuticles of a number of plants species

m 25–100 m 20–40

Kovar- μ μ

Miocene, from the fossiliferous sediments of Norken using standard Early Early parallel preparation techniques have so far been unsuccessful as the

polygonal elongated,

needle axes ± parallel to Bílina,

quadrangular to cuticles fragmented into rather small and taxonomically

mostly oblique or meaningless pieces during preparation (Krüger et al. 2017).

1996 When looking at the in situ cuticles of Glyptostrobus from Kovar-Eder Kovar-Eder m 25–55

m 11–20


μ Miocene, Norken it becomes obvious that this is due to the fact that

Early Early the cuticles had already fragmented within the sediment Köflach, elongated parallel or needle axes

± parallel to (Text-fi g. 2c–d). It is not clear whether this is due to long perpendicular

term diagenetic processes which affected the cuticles after

al. 2003 al. deposition and before the material was mined or whether

Vickulin et et Vickulin this is simply an effect of drying out and maybe oxidation Miocene,

?? 44–144 11–20 after the material had been dumped on the spoil tips or even Early Early 2–3 2.5–11.1 1.4–4.1 ? 1.7–13.5

present ? ? ? present

oblique after it had been collected. Kazakhstan, (4–)5(–6) ? 6 ? (4–)5–6(–7) elongated needle axes ± parallel to ± parallel or

broad elliptical elliptical (broad) elliptical elliptical elliptical quadrangular to This study This Conclusions

m Oligocene, m


μ needles from different fossil localities in comparison to modern different needles from Late Late The occurrence of Glyptostrobus europaeus has

(4–)5 Norken, 1.3–5.2 present parallel previously been reported from a number of Late Oligocene 9–24 elliptical 22–72 needle axes ± parallel to localities in the Westerwald and adjacent areas (e.g. Müller usually elongated

mostly oblique or mostly oblique or 1997, Winterscheid 2006, Uhl et al. 2011, Winterscheid and 2016b


č ek ek

and Kva and Kvaček 2014, 2016a, b, 2018, Krüger et al. 2017). However,

* * * * Winterscheid Winterscheid m m * μ most of these reports were purely based on macroscopic


Oligocene, characteristics, only Winterscheid and Kvaček (2014, 2016b) Late Late

preserved elongated

needle axes ± parallel to Stößchen, provided data on the cuticular anatomy of this taxon. The guard cells not Glyptostrobus europaeus

quadrangular to cuticular anatomy of Glyptostrobus europaeus remains from

2014 Norken clearly correspond with data from other localities,

č ek ek

and Kva and although only small areas of in situ cuticle could be analysed m 20–50

Winterscheid Winterscheid m 7–20

μ μ

Oligocene, Oligocene, ?? by SEM. Our results demonstrate that at least for the locality Late Late

7–20 of Norken, SEM analysis of in situ cuticles can provide some preserved elongated 20–50

needle axes ± parallel to Orsberg, guard cells not

quadrangular to anatomical information, adding to the purely morphological oblique or parallel ? data available so far.


** 2013 m


** μ


Ma et al. al. et Ma

Eocene, ? Acknowledgements Fushun, oblique 4.9 ± 1.1 needle axes ± parallel to The authors thank Dr. Martin Koziol, Maarmuseum mostly parallel or Manderscheid, Germany, for the loan of the study material, and Claudia Franz, Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Frankfurt, Germany, for technical assistance with SEM facilities. We would also like to thank Z. Kvaček and S. Manchester for their constructive reviews which helped to improve the manuscript.

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