
May 4, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1045 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

WALTER PETERSON democracy, hard work and fulfillment of the Mr. Gish should be extremely proud to have American dream. been singled out from the thousands of dedi- HON. ED PERLMUTTER Since its founding, the Polish American cated volunteers who participated in this year’s program. I heartily applaud him for his OF Congress has created programs to success- fully integrate people of Polish decent in the initiative in seeking to make his community a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U.S., including the Displaced Persons Pro- better place to live, and for the positive impact Monday, May 4, 2009 gram, which allowed almost 150,000 Polish he has had on the lives of others. He has Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise immigrants to enter the U.S. after World War demonstrated a level of commitment and ac- today to recognize and applaud Walter Peter- II. The has a leg- complishment that is truly extraordinary in to- son who has received the Arvada Wheat acy within our community and day’s world, and deserves our sincere admira- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. across the nation of offering services of sup- tion and respect. His actions show that young Walter Peterson is a sophomore at Arvada port to veterans, families and individuals. As in can—and do—play important roles West High School and received this award be- years’ past, the Community in our communities and that America’s com- cause his determination and hard work have will join in celebration of ’s rich history munity spirit continue to hold tremendous allowed him to overcome adversities. and culture by joining Cleveland’s Polish com- promise for the future. The dedication demonstrated by Walter Pe- munity in attending events such as the Polonia f terson is exemplary of the type of achieve- Ball, the Grand Parade and the Photographic HONORING THE INDUCTION OF ment that can be attained with hard work and Exhibition. ENCARNACION ‘‘CARNY’’ GUERRA perseverance. It is essential that students at Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join INTO THE 2009 CLASS OF THE LA- all levels strive to make the most of their edu- me in honor and celebration of the leaders REDO BUSINESS HALL OF FAME cation and develop a work ethic that will guide and members of the Polish American Con- them for the rest of their lives. gress, as they celebrate Polish Constitution HON. HENRY CUELLAR Day. Their collective and individual efforts in I extend my deepest congratulations once OF sharing, preserving and promoting their herit- again to Walter Peterson for winning the Ar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for age, history and culture with Greater Cleve- Youth award. I have no doubt he will exhibit land serves to strengthen and illuminate the Monday, May 4, 2009 the same dedication he has shown in his aca- textured and diverse fabric of our community. Mr. CUELLAR. Madam Speaker, I rise today demic career to his future accomplishments. f to celebrate the induction of Encarnacion f ‘‘Carny’’ Guerra into the Laredo Business Hall HONORING THE VOLUNTEER of Fame. Carny Guerra has always been hard IN HONOR OF THE POLISH AMER- SERVICE OF DARRIEN GISH working, ambitious, a knowledgeable busi- ICAN CONGRESS AND POLISH nessman, and it has shown through his work CONSTITUTION DAY HON. WALT MINNICK in Laredo, Texas. Carny Guerra’s business know-how first OF emerged while attending a dance in Laredo, HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Texas. While waiting in line and watching a OF Monday, May 4, 2009 great number of people pay their entrance fee IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MINNICK. Madam Speaker, I would like he got the idea that he should enter the ball- Monday, May 4, 2009 to congratulate and honor a young student room business. Soon after he purchased a Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise from my district who has achieved national building and with the help of his five daughters today in honor of the Polish American Con- recognition for exemplary volunteer service in Cynthia, Sylvia, Judith, Belinda, and Elaine the gress, Ohio Division, as they join together on his community. Darrien Gish of Nampa has Casa Blanca Ballroom was born. As every new business encounters initial May 3 to celebrate Polish Constitution Day— just been named one of the top honorees in problems Carny had trouble booking bands a day when the Americans of Polish heritage Idaho by the 2009 Prudential Spirit of Commu- and he decided that the best way to solve this reflect on the struggles for freedom and cele- nity Awards program, an annual honor con- would be to use local South Texas bands. As brate the victories, customs and history of ferred on the most impressive student volun- he found new bands he began to record their their beloved Polish homeland and share their teers in each State and the District of Colum- music and promote them to local radio sta- cultural gifts with the entire Greater Cleveland bia. tions. These local bands soon became celeb- Community. Mr. Gish is being recognized for his work rities in the area, thus selling out the Casa The first written European constitution, the with the Canine Companions for Independ- Blanca Ballroom performance after perform- Governmental Statute of Poland, was instated ence. He is devoting fourteen months of his ance. Working with bands and radio stations on May 3, 1791. Poland’s Constitution was the own time to train and care for the puppy on a daily basis Carny saw his next step to be result of nearly five centuries of struggle and Delphia. He also earned his own money to the purchase of a radio station which furthered perseverance by the people of Poland to di- fund Delphia’s health care. Mr. Gish spends the popularity of both his ballroom and the minish the power of the King and to create time every day working with Delphi on basic bands. facets and institutions of government vital to skills so that eventually she can assist people Now some years later Carny Guerra’s busi- the foundation of a constitutional government. with disabilities perform everyday tasks like ness has flourished and become Guerra Com- An important document in the world history of turning on lights and opening doors. munications, which now owns a Tejano, hip- democracy, the Polish Constitution established In light of numerous statistics indicating that hop, and country radio station. In Addition, the separation and balance of powers, free- Americans today are less involved in their Carny is credited with giving many of today’s dom of religion, and social justice by abol- communities, it’s vital that we encourage and popular bands their start. ishing key elements of serfdom. support the kind of selfless contributions this Carny, after many years of hard work, is Formed in 1949, the Polish American Con- young citizen has made. People of all ages now enjoying his retirement and the company gress is a national umbrella organization rep- need to think more about how we, as indi- of his 5 daughters, 17 grandchildren and 1 resenting over ten million Americans of Polish vidual citizens, can work together at the local great grandchild. descent and origin, and serves as a unifying level to ensure the health and vitality of our Madam Speaker, I am proud to have had force for both and Polish towns and neighborhoods. Young volunteers this opportunity to recognize the accomplish- citizens living in America. The Polish American life Mr. Gish are inspiring examples to all of us ments and honor the inductee to the Laredo community in Cleveland is deeply rooted in and are among our brightest hopes for tomor- Business Hall of Fame Encarnacion ‘‘Carny’’ their commitment to the values of family, faith, row. Guerra.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:45 May 05, 2009 Jkt 790060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K04MY8.002 E04MYPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS E1046 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 4, 2009 RICARDO MUNOZ 20 percent, compared to only 7 percent of Randy Siefkin’s first hint at political interest White card users. may have been in 1952, when at age 10 he HON. ED PERLMUTTER More than one-third of Latinos use their helped arrange an ice cream hour for Dwight OF COLORADO credit cards to make ends meet. D. Eisenhower. He furthered his hunger for As low-income Latinos use credit cards for politics by working on campaigns for Nixon IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES safet-net purposes, they are more likely to get and Rockefeller—and eventually made a ca- Monday, May 4, 2009 behind in their bills and become buried in un- reer by steadfastly serving as Professor of Po- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise manageable debt. litical Science at Modesto junior College from today to recognize and applaud Ricardo Instead of providing relief or a financial 1970 to 2001. From that day in 1952 right up Munoz who has received the Arvada Wheat bridge, credit cards with abusive features and to this very hour, Randy is actively collecting Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. practices often create vicious cycles of debt. political buttons from every corner of the earth. Ricardo Munoz is a senior at Wheat Ridge The passage of this bill would be a historic Thirty one years of educating students left High School and received this award because victory for consumers of all backgrounds and little time for much else, but somehow Randy his determination and hard work have allowed ethnicities across the country. managed to devote himself to a number of him to overcome adversities. I urge my colleagues to support this bill and community groups and civic organizations. The dedication demonstrated by Ricardo the long over due consumer protections that it Ranging from serving on the Board for the Munoz is exemplary of the type of achieve- provides. Muir Trail Girl Scouts to directing the Modesto ment that can be attained with hard work and f Film Society to participating with North Mo- perseverance. It is essential that students at desto Rotary, Randy has shown a genuine de- A TRIBUTE TO MATTHEW POLITE all levels strive to make the most of their edu- votion to his community. cation and develop a work ethic that will guide Politics and civic duties have not only been them for the rest of their lives. HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS a passion for Randy, but his family is equally I extend my deepest congratulations once OF devoted to giving back as well. Randy Siefkin again to Ricardo Munoz for winning the Ar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is married to Stanislaus County Superior Court vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Monday, May 4, 2009 Judge Susan J. Siefkin and they have two Youth award. I have no doubt he will exhibit children—Nelson, a Cultural Resources Spe- the same dedication he has shown in his aca- Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I rise today cialist for the National Park Service, and demic career to his future accomplishments. in recognition of Matthew Polite, a leader in Kristen, a Public Relations professional. his community and an inspiration to all of New f Madam Speaker, it is an absolute honor to York. share a little bit about Randy Siefkin and to CREDIT CARDHOLDERS’ BILL OF Matthew Polite was born in 1905 on the Is- thank him for his selfless devotion to his fam- RIGHTS ACT OF 2009 land of St. Helena, off the coast of South ily, his community, and his country. Carolina. The only son of a former slave, Mat- f SPEECH OF thew understands well how freedom is a cher- HON. JOE BACA ished gift to be used in the service of your fel- JOEY MEYER low man. OF Matthew Polite and his wife, Netha, were IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ED PERLMUTTER wed in 1926. They moved to Savannah, Geor- OF COLORADO Wednesday, April 29, 2009 gia, where he worked as a baker in Whole- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES some Bakery. After some years, they moved The House in Committee of the Whole Monday, May 4, 2009 House on the State of the Union had under again to Miami, where he continued as consideration the bill (H.R. 627) to amend the a baker. Matthew and his family moved to Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise Truth in Lending Act to establish fair and in 1954. There he became the today to recognize and applaud Joey Meyer transparent practices relating to the exten- Deacon for the Orange Baptist Church in the who has received the Arvada Wheat Ridge sion of credit under an open end consumer Bronx, forging a lifelong relationship with the Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Joey credit plan, and for other purposes: congregation. He served the church commu- Meyer is an 8th grader at North Arvada Middle Mr. BACA. Mr. Chairman, I rise in support of nity with honor and distinction for many years School and received this award because his H.R. 627, the Creditcard Holders’ Bill of Rights until his retirement in 1969, when he returned determination and hard work have allowed him Act of 2009. to his hometown in Stavenhagen, South Caro- to overcome adversities. Now more than ever, working families need lina. The dedication demonstrated by Joey Meyer strong, fair lending and credit laws. Matthew Polite has since returned to New is exemplary of the type of achievement that H.R. 627 curbs some of the most abusive York City, surrounded by his friends and fam- can be attained with hard work and persever- and unfair credit card lending practices that ily, including his four children, nine grand- ance. It is essential that students at all levels trap consumers in an unending, costly debt. children, twenty great grandchildren, fourteen strive to make the most of their education and The credit card companies’ tricks and traps great-great grandchildren, and two great-great- develop a work ethic that will guide them for that are addressed by H.R. 627 have always great grandchildren. the rest of their lives. been unfair, but in this time of growing eco- Madam Speaker, I would like to recognize I extend my deepest congratulations once nomic uncertainty for the average family, the Matthew Polite, a shining example of dedica- again to Joey Meyer for winning the Arvada financial hardship can be overwhelming. tion to community service for all of New York. Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth Companies should not be allowed to ran- Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the domly hike the interest rate on a consumer’s join me in paying tribute to Matthew Polite. same dedication he has shown in his aca- existing balance if they make their payments f demic career to his future accomplishments. on time just because of an ‘‘anytime—any rea- f son’’ clause in the contract. This practice is HONORING RANDY SIEFKIN un-fair and un-American. MEDIA EXAGGERATE PRESIDENT’S Equal access to credit is a vital step in help- HON. DENNIS A. CARDOZA APPROVAL NUMBERS ing racial and ethnic minority families move OF CALIFORNIA out of poverty, into the middle class and be IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. LAMAR given a real shot at the American dream. Monday, May 4, 2009 OF TEXAS Much like the targeting and discrimination IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that occurs with home loans, our minority Mr. CARDOZA. Madam Speaker, I rise communities are steered toward credit cards today to honor Randy Siefkin, a long time po- Monday, May 4, 2009 with the highest fees and interest rates and litical icon of Modesto, California. Randy has Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speaker, in most complicated payment terms. spent a majority of his days as a Professor of their stories assessing President Obama’s first According to the National Council of La Political Science at Modesto Junior College, 100 days in office, the national media have Raza, one report showed that 15 percent of but behind the scenes he has proven effective been quick to tout the President’s supposedly African-American and 13 percent of Latino in getting countless candidates elected to local high approval rating. card users have cards with interest rates over office. But the facts are otherwise.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:45 May 05, 2009 Jkt 790060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K04MY8.003 E04MYPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS May 4, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1047 A Rasmussen poll released yesterday because her determination and hard work WHITNEY NELSON showed the President’s approval rating at 55 have allowed her to overcome adversities. percent and his disapproval rating at 43 per- The dedication demonstrated by Angelica HON. ED PERLMUTTER cent. Perea is exemplary of the type of achievement OF COLORADO Fewer than half of voters say the President that can be attained with hard work and perse- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is doing a good job handling the economy. verance. It is essential that students at all lev- And only a third of voters think the Presi- els strive to make the most of their education Monday, May 4, 2009 dent is governing on a bi-partisan basis. and develop a work ethic that will guide them Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise These are hardly impressive figures. for the rest of their lives. today to recognize and applaud Whitney Nel- The fact is that many Americans are not I extend my deepest congratulations once son who has received the Arvada Wheat happy with the direction of the country under again to Angelica Perea for winning the Ar- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. President Obama. vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Whitney Nelson is an 8th grader at Oberon The national media should take a break Youth award. I have no doubt she will exhibit Middle School and received this award be- from patting the President on the back and re- the same dedication she has shown in her cause her determination and hard work have port the facts objectively. academic career to her future allowed her to overcome adversities. f accomplishments. The dedication demonstrated by Whitney Nelson is exemplary of the type of achieve- RECOGNIZING THE OUTSTANDING f ment that can be attained with hard work and ACHIEVEMENTS OF CARLOS V. perseverance. It is essential that students at MEJIA HONORING CHARLOTTE WILLIAMS all levels strive to make the most of their edu- CONABLE cation and develop a work ethic that will guide HON. HENRY CUELLAR them for the rest of their lives. OF TEXAS HON. CHRISTOPHER JOHN LEE I extend my deepest congratulations once IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES again to Whitney Nelson for winning the Ar- OF NEW YORK vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Monday, May 4, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Youth award. I have no doubt she will exhibit Mr. CUELLAR. Madam Speaker, I rise today Monday, May 4, 2009 the same dedication she has shown in her to recognize Mr. Carlos Mejia for his dedica- academic career to her future accomplish- tion to the Laredo community and the State of Mr. LEE of New York. Madam Speaker, it is ments. with great pride that I rise today to honor one Texas. Mr. Mejia has given so much of his f time and effort in order to make his community of my most prestigious constituents, Charlotte a better place. Williams Conable. A longtime resident of Alex- HONORING AND After graduating from Texas A&M in 1963, ander, New York, Charlotte has made it her MASONIC HOME Mr. Mejia attended the University of Southern life’s work to advance the status of women California where he earned his Master of around the world. HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER A longtime advocate of women’s rights, Science Degree in Civil Engineering. In 1978, OF MARYLAND he became the City Engineer for the city of Charlotte enlisted in the women’s studies mas- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Laredo, Texas. He served this post until 1981 ters’ program at George Univer- and has since then been instrumental in many sity as an adult student. It was during her time Monday, May 4, 2009 of Laredo’s major infrastructure projects. He there that she wrote Women at Cornell: The Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Madam Speaker, I was the civil engineer for the design of the Myth of Equal Education, a novel that explores rise before you today to honor the Maryland main runway, parallel taxi ways, airplane park- the origins of coeducation and discusses the Masonic Home on the celebration of its 75th ing apron, and all landslide improvements for role Cornell University had in bringing women Anniversary as a retirement community for the Laredo International Airport. He was also into the collegiate system. In 1981, Charlotte Master Masons and their families. the lead civil engineer for the preparation of penned another book, Older Women: The Ec- The Maryland Masonic Home has provided the Master Plan for Texas A&M International onomics of Aging. As a graduate of Cornell exceptional service to its residents since 1934. University. University, Charlotte was one of only a few After purchasing the property called Bonnie His constant dedication to his work and his women who went on to earn a position on Blink, the Masons converted the farm and community have led Mr. Mejia to be honored Cornell’s prestigious Board of Trustees. Due mansion into the Maryland Masonic Home. It with the Community Partner of the Year Award to her extensive work in the literary field, was created as a housing facility for Masons for 2008 presented by Habitat for Humanity. Charlotte rightfully earned a spot in Feminists and their families who were either elderly, or Just this past year he was selected to the La- Who Changed America, 1963–1975. of declining health. redo Junior Achievement Hall of Fame for As the wife of the late Congressman and The Masonic Home has grown over the 2009. World Bank president Barber Conable, Char- years from a simple dormitory, to an active Madam Speaker, please join me in honoring lotte spent her life with a man who was voted community with a wide range of services. a great resident of Laredo and a great Amer- by his colleagues the ‘‘most respected’’ mem- From dining rooms and recreational facilities, ican in Mr. Carlos Mejia. Through his hard ber of Congress. Charlotte often accompanied to health care practices and scheduled activi- work and tireless dedication Laredo has seen Barber on his trips all over the world. She ties, that Masonic Home presents opportuni- significant improvements over the years and served as his eyes and ears, often splitting up ties for its residents to maintain a vibrant life- for that we recognize you today Mr. Mejia. from the group in order to give Barber a more style. For the past week, the Maryland Ma- f accurate description of the conditions on the sonic Home has been celebrating this truly re- ground. markable milestone with various events and ANGELICA PEREA On May 9, 2009, Charlotte will be recog- activities for its residents. nized by the YWCA of Genesee County as a Over the last 75 years, they hay lived up to HON. ED PERLMUTTER Fabulous Female for her lifetime achievement. their mission, ‘‘To provide excellent care in a OF COLORADO As a lifetime supporter of the local YWCA, safe, affordable, dignified, quality environment IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Charlotte will become a recipient of the very for eligible Masons and their families, in keep- award she is receiving. She is certainly de- ing with Masonic Principles, providing for ex- Monday, May 4, 2009 serving of this high honor. pansion, while maintaining financial viability.’’ Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise Madam Speaker, in recognition of the life- Madam Speaker, I ask that you join with me today to recognize and applaud Angelica time achievements of Charlotte Williams Con- today to honor the Maryland Masonic Home Perea who has received the Arvada Wheat able, I ask this Honorable Body to join me in on the celebration of its 75th Anniversary. As Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. honoring Charlotte Williams Conable for her a fellow Mason, it is with great pride that I Angelica Perea is an 8th grader at North Ar- dedication to furthering the equality of women congratulate the entire organization on this in- vada Middle School and received this award throughout the world. credible accomplishment.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:45 May 05, 2009 Jkt 790060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04MY8.005 E04MYPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS E1048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 4, 2009 RACHEL OLSSON ing the first woman to serve on the Supreme DAMION MILES Court. HON. ED PERLMUTTER During her tenure on the Court, Justice HON. ED PERLMUTTER OF COLORADO O’Connor gained a reputation for approaching OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES each case with an open mind and for seeking IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES out practical solutions to complex legal issues. Monday, May 4, 2009 Her pragmatic and centrist approach had an Monday, May 4, 2009 Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise important moderating influence on the Court, Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize and applaud Rachel and her independent philosophy had an impor- today to recognize and applaud Damion Miles Olsson who has received the Arvada Wheat tant impact on a number of seminal cases. In who has received the Arvada Wheat Ridge Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. 2006, Justice O’Connor retired after serving Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Rachel Olsson is an 8th grader at Faith Chris- over 24 years on the Court. Damion Miles is an 8th grader at Arvada Mid- tian Academy and received this award be- Justice O’Connor and I have a shared belief dle School and received this award because cause her determination and hard work have in the need for an independent judiciary and a his determination and hard work have allowed allowed her to overcome adversities. shared desire to improve relations between him to overcome adversities. The dedication demonstrated by Rachel our branches of government. As founder and The dedication demonstrated by Damion Olsson is exemplary of the type of achieve- Co-Chair of he Congressional Caucus on the Miles is exemplary of the type of achievement ment that can be attained with hard work and Judicial Branch, I had the distinct pleasure of that can be attained with hard work and perse- perseverance. It is essential that students at hosting Justice O’Connor in the U.S. Capitol, verance. It is essential that students at all lev- all levels strive to make the most of their edu- just before her retirement, for an event de- els strive to make the most of their education cation and develop a work ethic that will guide signed to jointly promote these common goals. and develop a work ethic that will guide them them for the rest of their lives. I consider it an honor to recognize Justice for the rest of their lives. I extend my deepest congratulations once Sandra Day O’Connor and ask my colleagues I extend my deepest congratulations once again to Rachel Olsson for winning the Arvada to join me in commending her on the occasion again to Damion Miles for winning the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth of her recognition as a Rotary Club of Los An- Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the geles ‘‘Person of the Century.’’ award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the same dedication she has shown in her aca- f same dedication he has shown in his aca- demic career to her future accomplishments. demic career to his future accomplishments. IN HONOR OF BRIGADIER f f GENERAL BRUCE THOMPSON A TRIBUTE TO JUSTICE SANDRA IN HONOR OF KENDAL GUNLICKS DAY O’CONNOR HON. MICHAEL N. CASTLE OF HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF OHIO OF CALIFORNIA Monday, May 4, 2009 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. CASTLE. Madam Speaker, it is with Monday, May 4, 2009 Monday, May 4, 2009 great pleasure that I rise today to recognize Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today Bruce Thompson for his recent promotion to today in honor and recognition of Kendal to honor Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, on the the rank of Brigadier General. Through years Gunlicks, upon the occasion of his retirement occasion of her recognition as a ‘‘Person of of relentless hard work and determination, as Director of Music at Independence High the Century’’ by the Rotary Club of Los Ange- General Thompson ascended to Brigadier School. Mr. Gunlicks leaves behind a legacy les in celebration of their Centennial year. General, a rank that only a few will obtain in of kindness, sincere concern for every student In a year where we witnessed the first Afri- their lifetime. I am proud that this man serves and dedication to fostering an atmosphere can-American assume the Office of the Presi- the state of Delaware, as well as the United where creativity and teamwork flourished. dent of the , it is especially ap- States of America. Over the course of a career spanning 35 propriate to honor a woman who shattered the A native of Westchester, , years, he led his students through band camp, marble ceiling of the United States Supreme General Thompson’s military career began half-time shows, parades, Madrigal Dinners, Court some 28 years ago and served as an when he received his commission through the musical theater productions, outdoor commu- important role model for so many in this Na- Air National Guard Academy of Military nity concerts and memorable trips to Florida. tion. Science in 1980. He quickly earned his pilot But for Mr. Gunlicks, teaching was far more Born in El Paso, Texas in 1930, Sandra Day wings a year later, and became an Instructor than a job. It was an avocation. He consist- O’Connor spent several of her early years and Standardization/Evaluation Pilot for the C– ently went above and beyond the call of duty, growing up on her family’s ranch in . 130 Aircraft with 32 combat sorties and 197 working to establish successful mentoring rela- Later, in 1950, she graduated from Stanford combat support sorties. He served as the tionships with all students. Through the power- University with a bachelor’s degree in eco- 166th Airlift Wing Commander and is a vet- ful medium of music, he inspired his students, nomics, followed by a juris doctorate in 1952. eran of Operations Desert Shield, Desert encouraged their participation and strength- In 1952, she married John Jay O’Connor, Ill, Storm, Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom and ened their self-confidence. His students trust- and they have three sons. After working for a Iraqi Freedom. General Thompson is a com- ed, respected and admired him, and he was time in both California and , Sandra mand pilot with over 4,500 hours in the C– always willing to help with a problem or pro- Day O’Connor again took up residence in the 130A, C–130H2, T–37 and T–38. During his vide fatherly guidance and advice. state of Arizona. service thus far, General Thompson has Mr. Gunlicks’ belief in musical opportunities In Arizona, O’Connor held positions in both earned numerous awards and decorations, in- for all is evidenced throughout his tenure at law and politics, working as an Assistant Attor- cluding the Legion of Merit and the National Independence High School. As Director of the ney General and serving in the State Senate, Defense Service Medal. I fully expect that he Vocal Program, Mr. Gunlicks made room in appointed by the Governor to fill a vacancy. will continue to earn awards and citations his programs for all interested students. Stu- After twice winning reelection to the State under his new rank. dents who wanted to participate but who Senate, she ran for the position of Judge in I commend Bruce Thompson upon receiving weren’t confident enough in their talents as the Maricopa County Superior Court of Ari- this great honor and for his years of extraor- singers were encouraged to join the chorus, zona in 1974. While a judge she gained a rep- dinary service and countless contributions to without having to audition. Under his leader- utation for being firm but just, and she would the Delaware Air National Guard. General ship, the marching band grew steadily over later be appointed to the Arizona Court of Ap- Thompson is an exemplary citizen, and on be- the years, from 26 members in 1974 to more peals. half of all Delawareans I would like to thank than 100 band members today. In 1981, Sandra Day O’Connor made his- him and his family for the many sacrifices they Madam Speaker and Colleagues, please tory after being nominated by President Ron- have made during the past twenty-nine years. join me in honor of Mr. Kendal Gunlicks, ald Reagan for the position of Associate Jus- His promotion to the rank of Brigadier General whose passion for music and unwavering tice of the United States Supreme Court. She is an appropriate milestone in a truly remark- dedication to his students has served as a received unanimous Senate approval, becom- able career. source of inspiration, joy, and camaraderie

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:45 May 05, 2009 Jkt 790060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K04MY8.004 E04MYPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS May 4, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1049 within the hearts and minds of every student the European Union and the United States. Acting Vice Chairman, United States Con- who has walked through the band room doors. The TLD involves bi-annual meetings between gress Delegation, Ron Klein, Acting Vice His tenure as Music Director has had an im- American and European legislators in order to Chairman, United States Congress Delega- tion, and Jonathan Evans, MEP, Chairman, pact on the lives of countless students; he exchange views on topics of mutual interest European Parliament Delegation. served as a wonderful role model for each of and foster transatlantic discourse. I welcome We, the Members of the European Par- them to emulate—in the classroom and in life. the discussion held by members at the Prague liament and the United States House of Rep- Mr. Gunlicks’ passion for music, humble ap- session about ways in which to deepen the resentatives, held our 66th Interparliamen- proach and unwavering dedication to his pro- dialogue and increase their communication be- tary meeting (Transatlantic Legislators’ fession has enriched the fabric of our entire yond these formal meetings. Dialogue) in Prague, Czech Republic, on 18–20 community, connecting us all through the uni- Given the recent transition in the U.S. ad- April 2009. ministration and the upcoming European Par- Building on the joint statement issued fol- versal language of music. lowing our last meeting in Miami on 6–8 De- f liament elections, it is essential that legislators cember 2008, we stressed the importance of continue their collaboration on the important regular dialogue on a range of political, so- ANISSA MILLER issues facing citizens on both sides of the At- cial and economic issues that affect all of lantic. The financial crisis was a central topic our citizens. We agreed to report back to our HON. ED PERLMUTTER at the Prague meeting, with presentations by parent bodies on the content and outcome of OF COLORADO European experts as well as representatives our discussions, particularly in the areas where joint efforts are likely to result in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the EU and U.S. administrations. The TLD emphasized the need for a strong and coordi- positive outcomes. Monday, May 4, 2009 We discussed with Czech Minister of For- nated transatlantic policy response, while reit- eign Affairs and Council President-in-office Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise erating the importance of the Transatlantic Karel Schwarzenberg the Summit held in today to recognize and applaud Anissa Miller Economic Council (TEC) as a framework for Prague on 5 April 2009 between President who has received the Arvada Wheat Ridge cooperation. Members also addressed press- Obama and the 27 EU Heads of State and Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Anissa ing foreign policy issues. Particular attention Government. We welcomed its outcome and Miller is a 7th grader at Drake Middle School was devoted to Afghanistan and Pakistan, as expressed our trust that this meeting will and received this award because her deter- TLD participants engaged in a dialogue with provide a strong impetus for strengthening mination and hard work have allowed her to the transatlantic relationship and furthering Richard Boucher, U.S. Assistant Secretary for a common agenda. overcome adversities. South and Central Asian Affairs, about Presi- The Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue The dedication demonstrated by Anissa Mil- dent Obama’s comprehensive new strategy. agreed that we should build on this political ler is exemplary of the type of achievement Other foreign policy debates focused on the momentum to improve and renew the frame- that can be attained with hard work and perse- status of diplomatic initiatives regarding the work of the transatlantic relationship. In verance. It is essential that students at all lev- Iranian nuclear threat, the Middle East peace this context, we called for greater collabora- els strive to make the most of their education process, and relations with Russia. In addition, tion between legislators in the US House of Representatives and the European Par- and develop a work ethic that will guide them the delegates talked about the challenge of cli- for the rest of their lives. liament on issues of common concern and mate change, the importance of energy secu- legislation that affects each side of the At- I extend my deepest congratulations once rity, and President Obama’s decision to close lantic. We also expressed our intention to again to Anissa Miller for winning the Arvada the Guantanamo detention facility. have increased communication between our Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth Madam Speaker, I would like to commend biannual meetings, using mechanisms such award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the Representative BERKLEY for bringing the as periodic video conferences and the forma- same dedication she has shown in her aca- American delegation to Estonia and Lithuania tion of working groups to address specific demic career to her future accomplishments. in advance of the TLD meeting for important topics in greater detail. bilateral visits with these important NATO and With regard to foreign policy and security f issues discussed during our TLD meeting, we EU allies. In both countries the delegation met agreed that joint action is the most effective IN PRAISE OF THE TRANS- with the President, Prime Minister, Speaker ATLANTIC LEGISLATORS’ DIA- way to approach problems which affect both and parliamentarians to reaffirm our country’s sides of the Atlantic. In particular, we con- LOGUE MEETINGS HELD LAST friendship and support for the Baltic states. sidered that: MONTH IN PRAGUE These high level discussions focused on re- a) peace in the Middle East requires a du- gional security, responses to the global finan- rable ceasefire, an end to attacks on Israel HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN cial crisis, and the importance of energy diver- from Hamas and other terrorists, a func- tioning and effective government in the Pal- OF CALIFORNIA sification. In Estonia, members raised the estinian Territories. We also expressed our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES issue of citizenship laws and the importance of support for the appointment of George Monday, May 4, 2009 good relations between ethnic Russians and Mitchell as Special Envoy to the Middle East Estonians. In Lithuania, U.S. members Peace Process; Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, I would like thanked political leaders for their valuable con- b) the comprehensive new strategy for Af- to call the attention of my colleagues in the tributions to the NATO mission in Afghanistan. ghanistan and Pakistan announced by Presi- Congress to a successful meeting of the They pressed them on the need to resolve dent Obama on 27 March 2009 constitutes a good basis for a regional approach to secu- Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue (TLD) that longstanding problems with Jewish property was held in Prague, Czech Republic, from rity, combating terrorism, and economic de- restitution, protect a historic Jewish cemetery velopment. The EU and the US should en- April 18–20, 2009. Chairwoman SHELLEY site, and cease investigations of Jewish par- hance their cooperation and support, work to BERKLEY, the gentlelady from , con- tisans regarding their World War II activities. improve the coordination and effectiveness tinues to provide this important interparliamen- The delegation also spoke with a group of of Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs), tary exchange with enthusiastic leadership and Belarusian opposition leaders who traveled to and seek to help build critical infrastructure a strong commitment to strengthening rela- Vilnius from Minsk to brief members on the across Afghanistan; tions with our European allies. I commend this political and human rights situation in Belarus. c) the dialogue affirmed that a nuclear bipartisan delegation—which included PAUL armed Iran is unacceptable. We also agreed The U.S. delegation assured them of our on- that relations with Iran should involve both KANJORSKI (D–PA), DANA ROHRABACHER (R– going support of their brave efforts. incentives for Iran to build constructive ties CA), LORETTA SANCHEZ (D–CA), JOHN R. In conclusion, I would like to enter into the with the international community as well as CARTER (R–TX), PHIL GINGREY (R–GA), VIR- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD the joint statement concerted pressure on Iran if it continues to GINIA FOXX (R–NC), STEVE COHEN (D–TN), that was agreed upon by American and Euro- fail to comply with its international obliga- and RON KLEIN (D–FL)—for their contributions pean legislators at the 66th TLD meeting held tions in the nuclear area and human rights; to an informed and productive exchange of in Prague. This document highlights the impor- and views with Members of the European Par- tance of continued transatlantic dialogue and d) relations with Russia should involve liament. constructive cooperation on challenges, cooperation in addressing pressing financial threats and opportunities of mutual concern, The Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue and foreign policy crises. including security matters, disarmament serves as the formal response of the Euro- TRANSATLANTIC LEGISLATORS’ DIALOGUE and non-proliferation, and respect for demo- pean Parliament and the U.S. Congress to the JOINT STATEMENT cratic principles including human rights commitment in the New Transatlantic Agenda Shelley Berkley, Chairwoman, United standards, and adherence to international of 1995 to enhance legislative ties between States Congress Delegation, Phil Gingrey, law. The dialogue expressed concerns about

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:45 May 05, 2009 Jkt 790060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K04MY8.014 E04MYPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS E1050 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 4, 2009 Russia’s recent behaviour in regards to the Finally, the dialogue took note of a 2008 an effort to provide basic medical care to recent conflict with and energy dis- European Commission report on legislation those on a limited income. APA strives to re- pute with Ukraine. We also cited the need to passed by the US Congress in 2006. The report duce health care costs for all of us by pro- enhance mutual trust between the trans- found that the legislation was not in compli- atlantic partners and Russia. ance with World Trade Organization policies moting a model of health through ongoing On energy and climate change, we stressed as they apply to internet gambling. The TLD care, reducing the unnecessary use of local that the EU and the US should work to- expressed strong support for ongoing discus- emergency rooms. gether to address these issues at the UN ne- sions between the US and EU to resolve the Husband and wife team Drs. Cathie gotiations in Copenhagen later this year. We situation in an effort to avoid potential Schumacher and K.C. Kaltenborn were deeply discussed cap-and-trade systems and the fea- sanctions against the US and the loss of ex- involved in founding APA and continue to sibility of setting up mutually compatible port markets for US business sectors. dedicate their time and energy to making this systems. We noted the link between tackling climate change and addressing energy secu- In conclusion, both sides renewed their worthwhile project successful. Their tireless ef- rity and economic growth, recognizing that commitment to make the TLD’s work more rel- forts to establish and nurture APA have bene- the fight against climate change could also evant to the European Parliament and to the fited the entire Anchorage community and the be an opportunity to create new jobs and sus- U.S. House of Representatives. We also State of . tain economic growth. agreed to further improve the effectiveness of I encourage everyone to reflect on their ex- We examined the consequences of the glob- our dialogue in order to realize the full poten- emplary devotion to public service as an inspi- al economic and financial turmoil. We tial of our interparliamentary relationship. ration to use their own talents for the good of agreed that the crisis requires a strong and coordinated policy response by the US and f our community. Congratulations to Drs. Schumacher and Kaltenborn and thank you for the EU. Recovery plans currently being MATT MILLER adopted are critical in mitigating the effects all that you do! of the crisis: approaches chosen should be compatible, avoid protectionist measures, HON. ED PERLMUTTER f and not give rise to distortions of competi- OF COLORADO HONORING THE VOLUNTEER tion in the transatlantic market place. We IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES considered that global financial regulation SERVICE OF KARISSA TATOM and supervision should be strengthened, in- Monday, May 4, 2009 cluding better crisis prevention and manage- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise HON. WALT MINNICK ment, and that EU and US should cooperate OF IDAHO on the reform of international financial in- today to recognize and applaud Matt Miller stitutions. who has received the Arvada Wheat Ridge IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We stressed the importance of the Trans- Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Matt Monday, May 4, 2009 atlantic Economic Council (TEC), including Miller is a junior at Arvada West High School its utility as a framework for macro-eco- and received this award because his deter- Mr. MINNICK. Madam Speaker, I would like nomic cooperation between both partners. mination and hard work have allowed him to to congratulate and honor a young student We welcomed the progress made over recent overcome adversities. from my district who has achieved national months in promoting transatlantic economic The dedication demonstrated by Matt Miller recognition for exemplary volunteer service in integration, including investment, account- is exemplary of the type of achievement that her community. Karissa Tatom, 17, of Merid- ing standards, regulatory issues, the safety ian, a senior at Cole Valley Christian Schools, of imported products, and the enforcement of can be attained with hard work and persever- intellectual property rights. ance. It is essential that students at all levels has been named one of the top honorees in We insisted that transatlantic economic strive to make the most of their education and Idaho by the 2009 Prudential Spirit of Commu- cooperation must be more accountable and develop a work ethic that will guide them for nity Awards program, an annual honor con- transparent. In particular, the schedules of the rest of their lives. ferred on the most impressive student volun- TEC meetings, agendas, roadmaps and I extend my deepest congratulations once teers in each state and the District of Colum- progress reports should be agreed upon be- again to Matt Miller for winning the Arvada bia. tween the core stakeholders as early as pos- Ms. Karissa Tatom is being recognized as a sible and then made public. Such measures Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth are crucial to developing a clear and trans- award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the Distinguished Finalist by the program’s judges, parent process for setting the agenda of the same dedication he has shown in his aca- and will receive a bronze medal. Ms. Tatom TEC, extending the TEC to new sectors, and demic career to his future accomplishments. learned how to knit so she could make hats establishing a long-term roadmap of activi- f and scarves for the ‘‘Mad Hatter’’ organization, ties. We called on the EU and US executive which provides hats to women and children branches to facilitate more active participa- IN RECOGNITION OF DRS. CATHIE who have suffered hair loss due to chemo- tion by members of the US Congress and the SCHUMACHER AND K.C. therapy. European Parliament in the TEC process, in KALTENBORN In light of numerous statistics indicating that particular via the TLD. We considered that both partners should Americans today are less involved in their use the full potential of the TEC in order to HON. DON YOUNG communities, it’s vital that we encourage and overcome the existing obstacles to economic OF ALASKA support the kind of selfless contributions this integration. To this effect, legislators on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES young citizen has made. People of all ages both sides of the Atlantic should convey need to think more about how we, as indi- their views on legislative and bureaucratic Monday, May 4, 2009 vidual citizens, can work together at the local obstacles to the TEC leadership and conduct Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Madam Speaker, the level to ensure the health and vitality of our a regular review of the situation. We empha- sized once more the concerns raised by the Shining Lights Award is presented to individ- towns and neighborhoods. Young volunteers 100 percent cargo scan requirement, as well uals who demonstrate dedication to public like Ms. Karissa Tatom are inspiring examples as the need to resolve remaining disputes service and the highest level of character, in- to all of us and are among our brightest hopes with regard to the REACH regulation and ac- tegrity and ethics. Anchorage Project Access, for tomorrow. cess to the EU market for American poultry. Drs. Kaltenborn and Schumacher have them- Ms. Tatom should be extremely proud to We discussed President Obama’s signing of selves by embodying the Jewish value of have been singled out from the thousands an executive order leading to the closure of Tikkun Olam for their selfless work in bringing dedicated volunteers who participated in this the Guantanamo detention facility within a year. We also considered that the US and the medical care to Anchorage’s most impover- year’s program. I heartily applaud her for her EU Member States should cooperate in find- ished residents and have been selected as the initiative in seeking to make her community a ing solutions wherever necessary, including 2009 recipients of the Shining Lights Award. better place to live, and for the positive impact accepting Guantanamo inmates in the Euro- In today’s economic climate, many people she has had on the lives of others. She has pean Union. are forced to choose between food, rent, and demonstrated a level of commitment and ac- The dialogue also focused on the negotia- their health. Anchorage Project Access (APA) complishment that is truly extraordinary in to- tions between the US and the EU Member is a volunteer network of 405 medical profes- day’s world, and deserves our sincere admira- States to extend access to the US visa waiv- er programme. We welcomed the extension of sionals designed to address the needs of over tion and respect. Her actions show that young the programme to seven EU Member States, 15,000 people in our community who are unin- Americans can—and do—play important roles and encouraged the EU and US executive sured and fall 200% below the poverty line. in our communities and that America’s com- bodies to continue activities with regard to since 2005, APA has united health care pro- munity spirit continues to hold tremendous the Member States not yet included. viders, hospitals and ancillary organizations in promise for the future.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:45 May 05, 2009 Jkt 790060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K04MY8.015 E04MYPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS May 4, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1051 RECOGNIZING THE OUTSTANDING that can be attained with hard work and perse- of Creative Studies at the State University of ACHIEVEMENTS AND CONTRIBU- verance. It is essential that students at all lev- New York College at Buffalo, Dr. Parnes co- TIONS OF NORBERT DICKMAN els strive to make the most of their education founded CPSI (Creative Problem Solving Insti- and develop a work ethic that will guide them tute) with Dr. Alex Osborn in 1955. The CPSI HON. HENRY CUELLAR for the rest of their lives. became an international gathering for the I extend my deepest congratulations once more than 50 years it was held annually in OF TEXAS again to Megan Oller for winning the Arvada Buffalo when, at times, 700 people rep- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth resenting 36 countries were in attendance. Monday, May 4, 2009 award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the A life-long researcher and author, this Mr. CUELLAR. Madam Speaker, I rise today same dedication she has shown in her aca- world—renowned educator is responsible for to recognize Norbert Dickman. As the General demic career to her future accomplishments. assembling the most comprehensive library on Manager of Fasken Business, Mr. Dickman f creativity at the University with over 2,400 vol- umes and launched the scholarly Journal of has contributed so much to the Laredo com- PERSONAL EXPLANATION munity and the State of Texas. Creative Behavior in 1967 which includes the Norbert Dickman was born in 1943 in Chi- latest research, tools and techniques on cre- cago where he would grow up and attend HON. GLENN THOMPSON ativity, innovation and creative problem solv- Quigley Preparatory Seminary. He would later OF PENNSYLVANIA ing. move to California to attend St. Joseph’s Col- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES From 1967 to 1984, Dr. Parnes served as lege where he earned an AA Degree and then Monday, May 4, 2009 president of the Creative Education Founda- a B.A. Degree in Philosophy from St. Patrick’s tion, presenting countless workshops on cre- Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Madam Seminary. After traveling and attending school ativity and creative problem-solving for leaders Speaker, on rollcall No. 207 I was absent on in Europe, Mr. Dickman settled again in Cali- in business, education and government the evening of April 27, 2009, because I was fornia where he would study law at Hastings throughout North and South America, Europe, attending a public meeting at the Allegheny College of Law in . After prac- Asia, Africa and Australia. National Forest in Warren, Pennsylvania, re- ticing in Larkspur, California he dedicated his garding the pending Supplemental Environ- He is a recipient of the State University of service to Mrs. Barbara Fasken and made nu- mental Impact Statement (SEIS), ongoing liti- New York College at Buffalo ‘‘President’s merous trips to the Laredo and Midland areas gation, and the proposed ‘‘settlement.’’ Recent Award for Excellence’’ and is a member of the to help her with her oil and gas companies as Forest Service actions on the Allegheny have Creative Education Foundation Hall of Fame well as her ranch. created adverse economic distress in my rural as well as the American Creativity Associa- In 1988, Mr. Dickman moved to Midland and district and are unfairly denying my constitu- tion’s Hall of Fame. He has also been recog- became the General Manager of Mrs. ents access to their legally owned subsurface nized by the Innovation Network with a Life- Fasken’s business where he continues to mineral rights. time Achievement Award for his unprece- serve today. He is a valued member of the Had I been present, I would have voted dented accomplishments to further the cre- community who dedicates numerous hours of ‘‘Yea.’’ ative movement worldwide. his time to non-profit boards in the area in- Our congratulations extend to his wife, Bea cluding the Samaritan Counseling Center, the f Parnes, whom Dr. Parnes called ‘‘my indis- Executive Council of the Boy Scouts, UTPB TRIBUTE TO DR. SIDNEY J. pensable colleague, my life companion and Advisory Board, Permian Basin Area Founda- PARNES dearest friend.’’ Along with their collaborative tion, Trinity School (where he was Board educational research, they have served as President from 1995 to 1997), and Casa de HON. BRIAN HIGGINS board members of People Inc. for many years Amigos, where he was Board President for and provided numerous workshops for social OF NEW YORK three years and is currently resident of the En- agencies. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dowment Board. Our good wishes extend to his children and As the General Manager of Fasken busines Monday, May 4, 2009 grandchildren who influenced and participated interests, Mr. Dickson currently oversees Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, I am hon- in Dr. Parnes pursuits as he has noted ‘‘I’m many oil, gas, aid ranching operations in ored to pay tribute to Sidney J. Parnes, one of proud of my family and their achievements, Webb County. He and his business have the great practitioners and researchers in the especially their receptivity to creative problem made many contributions to the city of Laredo field of creativity and a co-founder of the solving and willingness to apply it from their and the state of Texas. His foundations have Osborn-Parnes Creative Problem Solving earliest days to family issues and challenges.’’ donated nearly 600,000 to the area over the Process. I am pleased and honored to send the best past few years and his business has helped to In honoring Dr. Parnes as a pioneer in the wishes of the United States House of Rep- revitalize the community. worldwide understanding of creative thinking, resentatives to Dr. Sidney J. Parnes and to his Madam Speaker, please join me in honoring the House of Representatives adds their ap- family and friends as they gather to celebrate Mr. Norbert Dickman for his contributions and preciation to those that will be expressed by his life, leadership and legacy of outstanding hard work over the years to the State of his family, friends, students and colleagues as contributions to the creative life of those Texas. they gather at Daemen College on May 8–9, whose lives he has so greatly influenced and f 2009 for ‘‘Unlocking the Magic: A Tribute and to the City of Buffalo, the ‘‘Cradle of Creative Celebration with Sidney J. Parnes.’’ MEGAN OLLER Studies.’’ Dr. Sidney J. Parnes is co-founder of the International Center for Studies in Creativity, f HON. ED PERLMUTTER housed at my alma mater, Buffalo State Col- OF COLORADO lege, and remains the only place in the world PERSONAL EXPLANATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES where you can receive a Masters of Science degree in Creativity. His contributions have Monday, May 4, 2009 added to the city of Buffalo’s significant rep- HON. MIKE PENCE Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise utation as a dynamic arts community. OF today to recognize and applaud Megan Oller Dr. Parnes’ passionate belief that creativity IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who has received the Arvada Wheat Ridge is a result of a balance between divergent and Monday, May 4, 2009 Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Megan convergent thinking and that everyone can be Oller is a senior at Arvada High School and taught to apply creative behavior in their per- Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, on Thursday, received this award because her determination sonal and professional lives has led to his April 29, 2009, I was unavoidably detained and hard work have allowed her to overcome well-earned recognition as the world’s leading and missed rollcall vote No. 228 on final pas- adversities. expert in the field for more than a half century. sage of the Credit Cardholders Bill of Rights The dedication demonstrated by Megan A life-long creativity researcher and author, Act of 2009. Had I been present, I would have Oller is exemplary of the type of achievement world-class educator and Professor Emeritus voted ‘‘no.’’

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:45 May 05, 2009 Jkt 790060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04MY8.012 E04MYPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS E1052 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 4, 2009 IN HONOR OF TAIWAN’S PARTICI- Malinda was married to Alex C. Wright for vote 223, against final passage of H.R. 1913. PATION IN THE WORLD HEALTH over seventy years. Together, Malinda and Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ ASSEMBLY Alex raised six children. A lifelong lover of on rollcall vote 228, for final passage of H.R. reading, Malinda continues to read the news- 627. HON. KENNY MARCHANT paper every day, and I understand that she is f particularly interested in the stock market. OF TEXAS PRESIDENT NURSULTAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, I am pleased to take this opportunity to extend my congratulations and NAZARBAYEV OF Monday, May 4, 2009 best wishes to Malinda Wright as she pre- Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, I rise pares to celebrate her 100th birthday with her HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA today to celebrate the announcement of Tai- friends and family. OF AMERICAN SAMOA wan’s participation as an observer in the f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES World Health Assembly, WHA, to be held in Monday, May 4, 2009 Geneva, Switzerland. This announcement is HONORING THE LIFE OF JACK the culmination of more than a decade of ef- KEMP Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam Speaker, I forts by the Taiwanese people to be included rise today to commend President Nursultan in the assembly. Additionally, many of my con- HON. PETER T. KING Nazarbayev on his offer to host a nuclear fuel bank in Kazakhstan administered by the Inter- gressional colleagues and I have been active OF NEW YORK national Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which in supporting Taiwan’s participation in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the United States would expect to meet the WHA. I am delighted that after years of work Monday, May 4, 2009 in both Taipei and Washington, DC, these ef- highest international standards for safety, se- forts have finally paid off and that Taiwan will Mr. KING of New York. Madam Speaker, curity and safeguards. It is my understanding be able to send a delegation to the WHA later today I rise to honor the life of Jack Kemp that the U.S. Department of State has wel- this month under the nomenclature of ‘‘Chi- who left us this past Saturday. comed President Nazarbayev’s announce- nese Taipei.’’ While his passing saddens all of us, Jack ment, and is prepared in principle to support With the outbreak of the H1N1 virus sweep- lived a full life that was truly remarkable. In this offer. In fact, even today, Secretary Hillary ing across the United States and several addition to being a wonderful husband and fa- Clinton is meeting with Kazakhstan’s Foreign countries, Taiwan’s inclusion as an observer in ther, Jack achieved outstanding success as a Minister Marat Tazhin, and I understand that the WHA is especially crucial in coordinating professional quarterback, United States Con- this important measure is on their agenda. global responses to epidemics. Diseases do gressman, Cabinet Secretary, and Vice Presi- I am pleased by these series of events, es- not stop at national borders, and Taiwan’s dential candidate. This is a man who excelled pecially in view of history. From 1949 to 1991, long absence from the WHA meant that a co- both personally and professionally. His eco- the Soviet Union used Kazakhstan as its nu- ordinated global response to outbreaks was nomic policies formed the heart of the Reagan clear testing ground, exploding more than 500 not as effective as it could be with Taiwan’s Revolution. Even after his political career nuclear bombs and exposing more than 1.5 inclusion. ended, he made sure to continue his public million Kazakhs to nuclear radiation. When the I congratulate the Taiwanese people on fi- service by writing, speaking, and continuing to Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Kazakhstan nally winning inclusion in the WHA and look tackle some of America’s greatest problems. inherited the world’s fourth largest nuclear ar- forward to continuing the good relations be- Jack Kemp always had ideas to offer and he senal and the second largest nuclear test site. tween Taiwan and the United States. was most often right. While Kazakhstan could have retained enough highly enriched uranium to produce 20 nuclear f Jack not only shined but took a leadership role in everything he did. Whether it was on bombs, President Nursultan Nazarbayev, in PERSONAL EXPLANATION the football field leading his team to victories cooperation with the United States, and under or being a driving force in the House of Rep- the auspices of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative HON. GLENN THOMPSON resentatives, he was always in the middle of Threat Reduction (CTR) program, voluntarily dismantled and shut down the nuclear test site OF PENNSYLVANIA the action. Jack Kemp certainly embodied at Semipalatinsk. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES what Theodore Roosevelt said about the ‘‘man in the arena.’’ His was the face that was [lit- Kazakhstan has since signed with the Monday, May 4, 2009 erally] ‘‘marred by dust and sweat and blood’’ United States amendments to a bilateral Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Madam during his many athletic and political battles agreement on the nonproliferation of weapons Speaker, on rollcall No. 209, I was absent on over the years. of mass destruction which has moved the two the evening of April 27, 2009, because I was And even though he was able to achieve so nations towards a new level of cooperation in attending a public meeting at the Allegheny much during his time here, we grieve for what preventing the threat of bio-terrorism. National Forest in Warren, Pennsylvania, re- he still had to contribute. This is a man who As a Pacific Islander, I have a special affin- garding the pending Supplemental Environ- continuously pushed himself in whatever pro- ity for President Nazarbayev and the people of mental Impact Statement, SEIS, ongoing litiga- fession he found himself in. Kazakhstan. From 1946 to 1958, the United tion, and the proposed ‘‘settlement.’’ Recent I was proud to know Jack Kemp for more States detonated 66 nuclear weapons in the Forest Service actions on the Allegheny have than thirty years and to be his friend. Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) includ- created adverse economic distress in my rural My thoughts and prayers go out to Joanne, ing the first hydrogen bomb, or Bravo shot, district and are unfairly denying my constitu- his wife of more than fifty years, his four chil- which was 1,000 times more powerful than the ents access to their legally owned subsurface dren, Jeff, Jennifer, Judith, and Jimmy, and bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Acknowledged mineral rights. his seventeen grandchildren. as the greatest nuclear explosion ever deto- Had I been present, I would have voted Jack Kemp was a great man and a true nated, the Bravo test vaporized six islands ‘‘aye.’’ public servant who touched so many lives in and created a mushroom cloud 25 miles in di- f a positive way during his life. He will be sorely ameter. If one were to calculate the net yield missed. of tests conducted by the U.S. in the RMI, it BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO f would be equivalent to the detonation of 1.7 MALINDA WRIGHT Hiroshima bombs every day for 12 years. Re- PERSONAL EXPLANATION grettably, the U.S. has never fully made right HON. RON PAUL the suffering of Pacific Islanders who, then OF TEXAS HON. MARION BERRY and now, face severe health problems and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF even genetic anomalies for generations to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES come. Monday, May 4, 2009 Through His Excellency Kanat Saudabayev, Mr. PAUL. Madam Speaker, Malinda Smith Monday, May 4, 2009 now Secretary of State for the Republic of Wright will turn 100 on May 17, 2009. Malinda Mr. BERRY. Madam Speaker, I was un- Kazakhstan, I learned of President was born and raised in Brazoria County, TX, avoidably absent on the afternoon of April 29, Nazarbayev’s historic leadership in the cause which is in my congressional district, and has 2009, and on April 30, 2009. Had I been of nuclear nonproliferation and, since my visit spent all of her life there. present, I would have voted ‘‘no’’ on rollcall to Semipalatinsk, I stand with him in calling for

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:45 May 05, 2009 Jkt 790060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04MY8.015 E04MYPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS May 4, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1053 a nuclear weapons free world. Of all nations, voted husband to his wife Maureen and a man I recently introduced the Daniel Pearl Freedom Kazakhstan has the most legitimate voice, as of faith. Although he passed away nearly nine of Press Act. As many will remember, Daniel no other nation has been courageous enough years ago, his life remains an inspiration to us Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by terror- to disarm. Frankly speaking, when it comes to all, speaking volumes for what can be accom- ists in Pakistan, just 4 months after the Sep- strengthening the global partnership for a nu- plished when a person’s faith and determina- tember 11th attacks. clear weapons free world, President tion are synchronized with his conduct. It is At the time of his kidnapping, Pearl served Nazarbayev has set the standard for other na- my hope that the family and friends of Mr. as the South Asia Bureau Chief of the Wall tions to follow. James Thomas continue to hold on to the fond Street Journal, and was based in Mumbai, As Strobe Talbott, President of the Brook- memories they shared with him. India. He went to Pakistan as part of an inves- ings Institution, recently noted, ‘‘the goal of f tigation into the alleged links between Richard eventually abolishing nuclear weaponry is writ- Reid, the shoe bomber, Al Qaeda and Paki- ten into the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty PERSONAL EXPLANATION stan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, ISI. He was (NPT), which the U.S. Senate ratified nearly subsequently beheaded by his captors. This 40 years ago.’’ And yet what have the mem- HON. GLENN THOMPSON legislation is dedicated to Daniel Pearl, the bers of the nuclear club done to disarm? In OF PENNSYLVANIA many that have gone before him, and those many ways, the five permanent members of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that still face such dangers today. The legisla- tion seeks to highlight and promote freedom of the UN Security Council, which includes the Monday, May 4, 2009 the press by establishing an annual State De- United States, the United Kingdom, France, Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Madam Russia, and the People’s Republic of China partment report on the status of press freedom Speaker, on rollcall no. 208 I was absent on in every country in the world and create a are the worst examples of how the world the evening of April 27, 2009 because I was should deal with nuclear challenges, but I re- grant program aimed at broadening and attending a public meeting at the Allegheny strengthening the independence of journalists main hopeful that the U.S., under the leader- National Forest in Warren, Pennsylvania re- ship of President Obama, will form a strong al- and media organizations. garding the pending Supplemental Environ- Now, more than ever, the defense of the liance with Kazakhstan in moving the world mental Impact Statement (SEIS), ongoing liti- freedom of the press must continue. Here at forward on this issue. gation, and the proposed ‘‘settlement.’’ Recent home, the Constitution of the United States Kazakhstan has also made great strides to- Forest Service actions on the Allegheny have provides: ‘‘Congress shall make no law . . . wards democracy, earning the support of 56 created adverse economic distress in my rural abridging the freedom of speech, or of the member nations to head the OSCE in 2010. district and are unfairly denying my constitu- press.’’ Not since those words were adopted Today, Kazakhstan has become the most sta- ents access to their legally owned subsurface has this body passed a law to ensure the free- ble and prosperous nation in Central Asia, and mineral rights. dom of the press. Last month, the House is the first country in the Commonwealth of Had I been present, I would have voted passed the Free Flow of Information Act of Independent States to be granted market ‘‘yea.’’ 2009, legislation I was honored to introduce economy status by the United States. With f with Representative RICK BOUCHER of . more than 130 ethnic groups and 40 faiths liv- The bill provides a qualified privilege of con- ing in peaceful coexistence, Kazakhstan is WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY fidential sources to journalists—which is sadly also a model for religious tolerance. missing in Federal law—and enables reporters By its actions, Kazakhstan has proven itself HON. MIKE PENCE to shield sources in most instances from dis- to be a key ally of the United States and, as OF INDIANA closure. I urge its swift passage by our col- such, I welcome Foreign Minister Marat IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leagues in the Senate. Tazhin’s visit to Washington, D.C. Monday, May 4, 2009 While it is my great hope that a Federal f Media Shield bill will soon be signed into law Mr. PENCE. Madam Speaker, I come to the REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF LIEU- here at home, the struggle for freedom of the floor today in support of World Press Freedom press is much more primitive in its evolution in TENANT JAMES THOMAS, FIRE- Day, celebrated on the 3rd day of May each FIGHTER many parts of the world. And for that reason year. I do so with a profound sense of humility we must stand in solidarity with all those and with a sense of privilege about being able around the globe who love freedom and con- HON. ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS to come to the floor to speak in support of tinue to strain at the bonds of tyranny and op- OF MARYLAND freedom of the press around the world. pression on this day of remembrance. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES World Press Freedom Day has been ob- On this day, we remember reporters like served for 16 years now and serves as a re- Monday, May 4, 2009 Roxana Saberi. Miss Saberi is a 31-year-old minder to us all of the vital importance of this American journalist who was arrested in Feb- Mr. CUMMINGS. Madam Speaker, on June core freedom. It is a day in which we cele- ruary 2009, and is being held in Iran on 28, 2000, the City Fire Department brate the indispensable role played by journal- charges of espionage, which her lawyer and (BCFD)—and indeed, the entire Baltimore ists in exposing abuses of power, while at the the U.S. Department of State call baseless. community—lost a dedicated and passionate same time we sound the alarm about the Saberi is a freelance journalist who moved to advocate and brother, Mr. James Thomas. He growing number of journalists that are still Iran 6 years ago and reports for NPR, the had retired from BCFD in 1992 after nearly 37 being silenced by death or jailed as they at- BBC, and other news organizations. A true years of dedicated service. tempt to report on important issues of the day representative of this that is Amer- Mr. Thomas started his career in 1956 with and bring to light information in the public in- ica, she grew up in Fargo, , the Engine No, 6, three years after African Ameri- terest. daughter of Reza Saberi, who was born in cans were allowed to be employed by the fire Since this day was first celebrated, 692 jour- Iran, and Akiko Saberi, who is from Japan. department. In 1962, as member of Engine nalists have been killed. The majority of vic- As we learn of cases like Miss Saberi, we No. 8, Jim was promoted to the rank of Lieu- tims were local reporters covering topics such understand the stakes that are at risk here. tenant, which made him the first African Amer- as crime, corruption, and national security in We understand why oppressive regimes like ican Officer within the BCFD. Jim took on their home countries. Adding to this tragic fig- that of Iran want so desperately to muzzle the many responsibilities and leadership positions ure are the hundreds more each year who unfiltered reporting of journalists like Saberi. within the BCFD, serving as a fire and safety face intimidation, censorship, and arbitrary ar- And we understand why it is so important to inspector. rest—guilty of nothing more than a passion for cherish and protect freedom of the press as a However, as it is widely known firefighters truth and a tenacious belief that a free society vital check on abuses of power. Today, we do not ever retire. They just stop going to the depends on an informed citizenry. In every call on the government of Iran to free Miss fire house everyday and this was also the corner of the globe—from Iran to Zimbabwe, Saberi, hospitalized in her desperate attempt case for Mr. Thomas. After his retirement, fire- Burma to Pakistan, Cuba and Venezuela— to win her freedom with a hunger strike that fighter cadets and those with years of experi- there are journalists being actively harassed might appeal to the conscience of her oppres- ence often sought out Jim for his advice, guid- and exercising self-censorship because of sor where her valid legal arguments did not. ance, and instruction or simply to listen to his threats and intimidation from repressive re- As a conservative who believes in limited experiences within the BCFD. gimes. government, I believe the only check on gov- Madam Speaker, in addition to being a dedi- As part of combating this intimidation and ernment power in real time is a free and inde- cated firefighter, Jim above all else was a de- censorship, Mr. ADAM SCHIFF of California and pendent press. A free press ensures the flow

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:45 May 05, 2009 Jkt 790060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04MY8.020 E04MYPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS E1054 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 4, 2009 of information to the public, and let me say, 10 a.m. Patricia Smith, of New York, to be So- during a time when the role of government in Energy and Natural Resources licitor, both of the Department of our lives and in our enterprises seems to grow Business meeting to consider pending Labor. legislation on siting of interstate elec- SD–430 every day—both at home and abroad—ensur- tric transmission facilities, energy fi- Judiciary ing the vitality of a free and independent press nance, and nuclear energy. Business meeting to consider S. 417, to is more important than ever. SD–366 enact a safe, fair, and responsible state I salute the bravery of reporters and press Judiciary secrets privilege Act, S. 257, to amend outlets around the world. I urge you to stand To hold an oversight hearing to examine title 11, United States Code, to disallow firm and take heart. The U.S. House of Rep- the Department of Homeland Security. certain claims resulting from high cost resentatives stands firmly behind your right to SD–226 credit debts, S. 448 and H.R. 985, bills to maintain the free flow of information increased freedoms; soon we hope to see this 2 p.m. Aging to the public by providing conditions right enshrined in our public law, and stand in To hold hearings to examine solutions to for the federally compelled disclosure solidarity with those on the front lines of the stop Medicare and Medicaid fraud from of information by certain persons con- worldwide fight for freedom of the press. hurting seniors and taxpayers. nected with the news media, S. 327, to SH–216 amend the Violence Against Women f 2:15 p.m. Act of 1994 and the Omnibus Crime Armed Services Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to Strategic Forces Subcommittee improve assistance to domestic and SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS To receive a closed briefing to examine sexual violence victims and provide for Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, space issues. technical corrections, and the nomina- SVC–217 tions of William K. Sessions III, of agreed to by the Senate on February 4, , to be Chair of the United 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- 2:30 p.m. Commerce, Science, and Transportation States Sentencing Commission, and tem for a computerized schedule of all Communications and Technology Sub- John Morton, of Virginia, to be Assist- meetings and hearings of Senate com- committee ant Secretary of Homeland Security. mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- To hold hearings to examine the future SD–226 tees, and committees of conference. of journalism. 10:30 a.m. This title requires all such committees SR–253 Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry To hold hearings to examine the nomina- to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Foreign Relations European Affairs Subcommittee tions of Krysta Harden, of Virginia, Digest—designated by the Rules Com- and Pearlie S. Reed, of Arkansas, both mittee—of the time, place, and purpose To hold hearings to examine NATO post- 60, focusing on institutional challenges to be an Assistant Secretary, Rajiv J. of the meetings, when scheduled, and moving forward. Shah, of Washington, to be Under Sec- any cancellations or changes in the SD–419 retary for Research, Education, and meetings as they occur. Economics, and P. Tonsager, of , to be Under Secretary As an additional procedure along MAY 7 for Rural Development, all of the De- with the computerization of this infor- Time to be announced partment of Agriculture. mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Environment and Public Works SD–106 Digest will prepare this information for Business meeting to consider the nomi- 2 p.m. printing in the Extensions of Remarks nations of Mathy Stanislaus, of New Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Jersey, to be Assistant Administrator, To hold hearings to examine the nomina- on Monday and Wednesday of each Office of Solid Waste, Cynthia J. Giles, tion of Margaret A. Hamburg, of the of , to be Assistant Ad- week. District of Columbia, to be Commis- ministrator for Enforcement and Com- sioner of Food and Drugs, Department Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, May pliance, and Michelle DePass, of New of Health and Human Services. 5, 2009 may be found in the Daily Di- York, to be Assistant Administrator SD–430 gest of today’s RECORD. for International Affairs, all of the En- 2:15 p.m. vironmental Protection Agency. Indian Affairs MEETINGS SCHEDULED Room to be announced To hold hearings to examine the nomina- 9:30 a.m. tion of Larry J. Echo Hawk, of , to MAY 6 Armed Services be Assistant Secretary of the Interior 9 a.m. To hold hearings to examine the report for Indian Affairs. Appropriations of the Congressional Commission on SD–628 Energy and Water Development Sub- the Strategic Posture of the United 2:30 p.m. committee States. Energy and Natural Resources To hold hearings to examine the range of SH–216 Energy Subcommittee innovative, non-geologic applications 10 a.m. To hold hearings to examine net meter- for the beneficial reuse of carbon diox- Appropriations ing, interconnection standards, and ide from coal and other fossil fuel fa- Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and other policies that promote the deploy- cilities. Drug Administration, and Related ment of distributed generation to im- SD–192 Agencies Subcommittee prove grid reliability, increase clean 9:30 a.m. To hold hearings to examine the 2009 energy deployment, enable consumer Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs H1N1 virus. choice, and diversify our nation’s en- To hold hearings to examine regulating SD–124 ergy supply. and resolving institutions considered Appropriations SD–366 to be too big to fail. Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Appropriations SD–538 Agencies Subcommittee Legislative Branch Subcommittee Foreign Relations To hold an oversight hearing to examine To hold hearings to examine proposed To hold hearings to examine engaging funding of the Department of Justice. budget estimates for fiscal year 2010 for Iran, focusing on obstacles and oppor- SD–192 the Office of the Architect of the Cap- tunities. Energy and Natural Resources itol, and the Office of Compliance. SD–419 To hold hearings to examine a joint staff SD–138 Veterans’ Affairs draft related to cybersecurity and crit- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- ical electricity infrastructure. fairs tions of Roger W. Baker, of Virginia, to SD–366 Oversight of Government Management, the be Assistant Secretary for Information Finance Federal Workforce, and the District of and Technology, William A. Gunn, of To hold hearings to examine auctioning Columbia Subcommittee Virginia, to be General Counsel, Jose under cap and trade, focusing on de- To hold hearings to examine recruitment D. Riojas, of Texas, to be Assistant sign, participation, and distribution of in the federal government. Secretary for Operations, Security, and revenues. SD–342 Preparedness, and John U. Sepulveda, SD–215 Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Securities, Insurance and Investment Sub- for Human Resources, all of the De- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- committee partment of Veterans Affairs. tions of Seth David Harris, of New Jer- To hold hearings to examine strength- SR–418 sey, to be Deputy Secretary, and M. ening the Securities and Exchange

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:45 May 05, 2009 Jkt 790060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04MY8.022 E04MYPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS May 4, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1055 Commission’s enforcement responsibil- MAY 13 MAY 21 ities. 10 a.m. 9:30 a.m. SD–538 Commerce, Science, and Transportation Veterans’ Affairs Competitiveness, Innovation, and Export Business meeting to markup pending leg- MAY 8 Promotion Subcommittee islation. 9:30 a.m. To hold hearings to examine tourism in SR–418 Joint Economic Committee troubled times. POSTPONEMENTS To hold hearings to examine the employ- SR–253 ment situation for April 2009. Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs MAY 7 SD–106 Economic Policy Subcommittee 10 a.m. 10 a.m. To hold hearings to examine manufac- Commerce, Science, and Transportation Finance turing and the credit crisis. Science and Space Subcommittee To hold hearings to examine the nomina- SD–538 To hold hearings to examine the con- tion of Neal S. Wolin, of , to be sequences of a gap in human space Deputy Secretary of the Treasury. flight. SD–215 SR–253

VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:45 May 05, 2009 Jkt 790060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M04MY8.000 E04MYPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with REMARKS