INTSORMIL 1998 Annual Report

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INTSORMIL 1998 Annual Report Cover Photographs Front cover Food scientists In Mali have tested value-added processing of cereals grown locally wlth women such as these in a vlllage near Cinzana The work IS important because the cereals grown in Mall are difficult to process through conventional means and the quality of the traditional, ultimate products is poor With improved processing comes better quality food and increased profits for local farmers The research pays off in the United States, too, as the genes identified through International Sorghum/Millet CRSP collaboration with Malian scientists also are being used to lmprove sorghum here Photo courtesy of Dr Lloyd Rooney, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Back cover International Sorghum/Millet CRSP pearl millet breeders, such as thls one at the University of Nebraska, are producing an early-maturmg, drought-tolerant alternative gram crop optlon Pearl millet gram hybrids, now belng tested by 20 farmers in six states, can give yields of 50-70 bushels per acre, sometimes as hlgh as 100 bushels per acre, in warm, low-ramfall or short-season areas in the United States Two Amerlcan seed companies are producing four acres of hybrld seed of these early grain hybrids Genetic material in these U S hybrids was obtalned from CRSP researchers' work in Asia and Afrlca Food-quality pearl millet grain 1s of interest to the U S because of ~tspremium feed gram value and export potential to countries where pearl millet 1s consumed In such forms as flat bread, porndge, a popcorn-llke food, opaque beer and weaning food Photo courtesy of Professor Davld Andrews, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE Professor W~ll~amD "B111" Stegme~er The 1998 INTSORMIL Annual Report 1s ded~catedto the memory of W~ll~amD "B111" Stegme~erIn remembrance of h~s contr~but~onto INTSORMIL and pearl mlllet research Willzam D f'Bill"Stegmeier, Assocrate Professor Emerrtus of Agronomy at Kansas State Unrversity, and a key member of the INTSORMIL mrllet research team, passed away July 25,1998 at the age of 66 Brll was a valued member of the INTSOML CRTP beginnrng m I978 and worked with researchers both in the United States and in other countries to rmprove pearl millet production Important contrzbutrons he made mclude the followrng Conversron of tall, late-maturmg, tropically-adapted and ellte Inbred llnes belng exchanged between the two pearl millets to dwarf, early-maturing, high-ylelding programs - an lndlrect result of the work of Bill and grain-type hybrids adapted to the mid-lat~tudesof the others u S In 1996, two lines Blll bred from PI 185642 were used Development of experrmental hybrlds from landrace as female parents of pearl millet hybrlds that are grown materials from the USDA Plant Introduction Statlon, two on nearly five milllon acres in India - representing one- Improved cultivars from Uganda, and dwarf forage-type, half of the total area planted to mlllet hybrids m that cytoplasmic-genic male sterlle lines from the USDA country Georgla program I Improvement of grain yields of pearl millet, resulting m Discovery by the late 1970s that 'iniadi" landrace gram y~eldpotentials of the best Hays experimental materials - as represented by PI 185642 and Serere 3A hybrlds now 5 350 to 7,130 pounds per acre, a two-fold - had good genetic combining ablllty for Improved genetlc enhancement over pearl millet grain ylelds m grain yleld Hays m the 1970s Collaborative research, as an INTSORMIL sclentlst Development of hundreds of adapted breeding lines, that wlth scientists of the International Crops Research are being preserved by Kansas State Un~verslty,as they Institute for the Seml-And Tropics (ICRISAT), resulting represent a unlque pool of genetlc variability for the m several thousand population selections, germplasm hture breedlng of both grain and forage pearl mlllets INTSORMIL 1998 Annual Report Fighting Hunger with Research .. A Team Effort Grain SorghumIPearl Millet Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) Thls publ~catlonwas made poss~blethrough support provlded by the U S Agency for Internatlonal Development, under the terms of Grant No LAG-G-00-96-90009-00 The oplnlons expressed hereln are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the vlews of the U S Agency for Internatlonal Development INTSORMIL Publication 98-4 Report Coordinators John M Yohe, Program D~rector Joan Frederick and Dorothy Stoner For add~t~onal~nformat~on contact the INTSORMIL Management Ent~tyat INTSORMIL I13 B~ochem~stryHall Un~vers~tyof Nebraska L~ncoln,Nebraska 68583-0748 Telephone (402) 472-6032 ******* Fax No (402) 472-7978 E-Mall smcrspme@unl edu http llwww lanr unl edul~ntsorm~ll A Research Development Program of the Agency for lnternat~onal Development, the Board for lnternat~onalFood and Agr~cultural Development (BIFAD), Part~c~pat~ngLand-Grant Un~vers~t~es, Host Country Research Agenc~esand Pr~vateDonors INTSORMIL INSTITUTIONS Unlvers~tyof lll~nolsat Urbana - Champa~gn Kansas State Unlvers~ty Mlsslss~pp~State Unlverslty Un~vers~tyof Nebraska - L~ncoln Purdue Un~vers~ty Texas A&M Un~vers~ty INTSORMIL lnstltut~onsare afflrmatlve act~onlequalopportunity lnstltut~ons INTSORMIL Management Entrty Dr John M Yohe Program Drrector Dr Thomas W Crawford, Associate Program Drrector Ms Joan Frederick, Admrnlstratlve Technrcran Ms Dorothy Stoner, Illustrator Ms Marrlyn McDonald, Staff Secretary INTSORMIL Board of Drrectors Dr Bobby Eddleman, Texas A&M Unrversrty Dr Robert Hudgens, Kansas State Unrversrty Dr Darrell Nelson, Unrversrty of Nebraska Dr Bud Pasley, M~ssrssrpp~State Un~versrty Dr Davrd Sammons, Purdue Unlverslty INTSORMIL Technrcal Commrttee Professor Davrd Andrews, Unlversrty of Nebraska Srdl Bekaye Coulrbaly, IER Mall Dr Bruce Hamaker, Purdue Unlversrty Dr Stephen Mason, Unlversrty of Nebraska Dr Gary Peterson, Texas A&M University Dr Darrell Rosenow, Texas A&M Unrversrty Abdoulaye Tahrrou, INRAN, N~ger Dr George Teetes, Texas A&M Unrversrty Contents Introduction and Program Ovewlew 1998 Project Reports Sustainable Plant Protection Systems Agroecology and Biotechnology of Stalk Rot Pathogens of Sorghum and Millet - J F Leslie (KSU-2 10A) Agroecology and Biotechnology of Fungal Pathogens of Sorghum and Millet from the Greater Horn of Afiica - L E Claflin (KSU-210B) Low Input Ecologically Defined Management Strategies for Insect Pests on Sorghum - Henry N Pitre (MSU-205) Strzga Biotechnology Development and Technology Transfer- Gebisa Ejeta (PRF-2 13) Disease Control Strategies for Sustamable Agricultural Systems - R A Frederlksen (TAM-224) Insect Pest Management Strategies for Sustamable Sorghum Production - George L Teetes (TAM-225 ) Biological Control Tactics for Sustamable Production of Sorghum and Millet - Frank E Gilstrap (TAM-225B) Development of FfantD~seaseProrecrion Systems for Miiiei dnd SorghumSemi-Arld Southern Ahca - G N Odvody (TAM-228) Sustainable Production Systems Economic and Sustamability Evaluation of New Technologies in Sorghum and Millet Production m INTSORMIL Prionty Countries - John H Sanders (PRF-205) Cropping Systems to Optmize Yield, Water and Nutrient Use Efficiency of Pearl Millet - Stephen C Mason (UNL-2 13) Nutrient Use Efficiency in Sorghum and Pearl Millet - Jeny W Maranville (UNL-214) Germplasm Enhancement and Conservation Breedlng Sorghum for Increased Nutrit~onalValue - John D Axtell (PRF-203) Development and Enhancement of Sorghum Germplasm with Sustained Tolerance to Drought, Strzga, and Gram Mold - Gebisa Ejeta (PRF-207) Germplasm Enhancement for Resistance to Pathogens and Drought and Increased Genetic Diversity -Dwell T Rosenow (TAM-222) Germplasm Enhancement for Resistance to Insects and Improved Efficiency for Sustainable Agriculture Systems - Gary C Peterson (TAM-223) Breedlng Pearl Millet and Sorghum for Stability of Performance Using Tropical Germplasm - Dav~dJ Andrews (UNL-2 18) Contents Crop Util~zationand Marketing Chemical and Physical Aspects of Food and Nutritional Quality of Sorghum and Millet - Bruce R Hamaker (PRF-2 12) Food and Nutritional Quality of Sorghum and Millet - L W Rooney (TAM-226) Strategic Marketing of Sorghum and Pearl Millet Products in West and Southern Africa - Carl H Nelson (UIUC-205) Host Country Program Enhancement Central America and Honduras - Gary C Peterson Mali - Darrell Rosenow Niger - John D Axtell and Issoufou Kapran Southern Afi~ca(Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zlmbabwe ) - David J Andrews Horn of Afilca - Gebisa Ejeta Trainlng Introduction Year 19 INTSORMIL Trammg Participants Appendices INTSORMIL Sponsored and Co-Sponsored Workshops 1979 - 1998 Acronyms Introduct~onand Program Overv~ew The Collaboratlve Research Support Program (CRSP) lions in Africa and Asla, and, in their area of adaptation, sor- concept was created by the U S Agency for International ghum and mlllet cannot be sustamably substituted by other Development (USAID) and the Board for International cereals The development of food sorghums and feed sor- Food and Agr~cultureDevelopment (BIFAD), under the ghums w~thimproved properties such as increased digesti- ausplces of Title XI1 ofthe Foreign Assistance Act, as a long bility and reduced tannln content has contributed to term mechan~smfor mobilizing the U S Land Grant Uni- sorghum becoming a major feed grain in the U S and In versities ~nthe internat~onalfood and agricultural research South Amer~caPearl millet is becoming an important feed mandate of the U S Government The CRSPs are communi- source m poultry feeds in the southeastern U S The new ties of U S Land Grant Universit~esworkmg with USAID food sorghums produce gram that
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