INTRODUCING NEW ZE,KI-AN PC.SCOREBOOK ...the {"lltimsle PC Gorne Processor "T For a[[ IBM and Compatibles: Requires 256K & Color Graphics & DOS 2.1 or higher Registered at Post Olfice HO, Wellington as a magazine l) Chess game files include information on tourna- VOL" l4rI{o 6 DECEUBEB. I 988 ment, opponent and opening variations 2) Can be used for postal or OTB games 3 ) Allows comments on each half move 4 ) Uses Algebraic or International notation 5 ) Replays game with review of analysis 6 ) Is a useful study aid 7 ) Not copy protected Owner's name is includ- ed in source code - 8 ) Prints graphic display through DOS's graphics program 9 ) Works on hard disk or floppy systems 10)Kasparov-Karpov game files included on pro- gram disk - specify 5Y4" or 3Yz" G & W Micro-Specialties, Inc. P. O. Box l05l Bamberg, s. c. 29003 u.s.A. $34e5 S.C. Resident add 590 sales tax Check or Money Order (Orders outside U.S. add t5.00 Shipping & Handling U.S. Currency only) FIDE Pres ident F I orenc io Campomanes , - Gillian t{est of Christchurch and l NZCA Vice-Presideot Gordon Chamley NEIJ ZEALAND trHESS is pubtistled PAUL COOPER finistred joint (Februaryy bi-morrthl y Apri l; 27-37 in thc BicenEennial World NE!UId ZEALAND CHESS Jttner August r Oct,:ber atrd Junior Torrrnancnt lrcld in Adelaide Derember ) by the New in SepEemlrer-October EdiEor: Bill Cox wittr a News: Nll PeEer StuarE Zea I arrd trhess Assor i at i,rn. score of +3 -4 =6 for a score Overseas oL lfomeu's EdiEor: Vivian sui th 6/13. Ewen Greenl lJnl ess otlrerwise statedr h,:weverT The wirrner Special CorrespondeDEs : Il{ Ortvin SaraPu;NU of the torrrnanent Euil uelnichenko. tlre views expressed herein are r{as Joel Laurier (FR.q.) 2365 rrot rrectessarily those of ttre rrith 9/13 on a countback. Vassily Asscrciatinrr. rvanchuck (URs) 9/13 was second; EDITORIAL Grigory Serper ( URS ) g / t3 3ra i ADDEESSES and Boris Gelfanct (URS) g/13 THIS isslte rrf NP,,J Zealaild Clress qr tlre t,rst ':,f livinq. ItELr. -[[ris ri,:es l]r:lt trrerf,ll ttr;:t the '::onrplete"i 14 years ':'f ELlntilluDL(t All arti':les arrd letters slrauld The Norld Tlre rrtagaz i lrr+ [ras ,:Evrlr Fri,::e i-- !l':riulJ t'r irl':re'retr' Girls FinaI ranlcins pub I i cat i ntr. yeatse be addr essed t D Tlre Edi trrr r 25 were Alisa Calliamove (trRS) lrad i ts ups atrd cllwtrs si rrle tlre l)ttri rrt-; ttre p.a',;t r:trr-lP I e 'lf pt r,:,tl s liav;: i tr': r e:r-=tld f r il'tir Jeep Eoadr Raumeti Souttr. lsr wirh 10.5/13: KeEevan f i rst ntrmber {Jetlt '=nt tl tnerrlbers srtErs,:: r i Arakhatia (URS), ,:tf t lre assD': i at i $il i 11 19"/'+ - a ,irrst riv€r '+':r! t':' tlie pr€$trlt Elena Zayatsd tria[:t]:l it barely Corresprrtrdetrre to tlre Assoc iatiotr (URs) and Jrrn Xie (pRc) Lqrat rLr]leRd set ,lf slreetsr I gattrer r f i.g,-,t,r, wlri':tr slrou I d be addressed to T[re 2-4 wrch 9.5/13, rrntj I issLte nunrber sixr whiEh war; vi ab I e. Secretaryr NZCA, PO B,rx 2185, praf essir,rral ly .[rr fa':tr ttre fitflQ4?1r]e rrrr'lllR(jetl Paul Cooper's reporc wiIl Prirrteci. la::t Wellirrgton- appcar in the nexL issue. Ihe f i f th i ssLte wetlt Eut tl Etlt) t':, rir.f,l::e .f, Prr:rf it rr1 ttre Siubstriptionsr cita]lges Df address stJbs':ribersr t[re ttretr Editr:rr F E I'irran,: ial year r Llut that was dutr and advertising enqrriri es Gtrf f in' tltrted- Tlris issr-t* ui ll g': t,:, Atr E,:,rreI)r Uh,:, vgf 199d f,';-' l":t s;hould be addressed tp T[re to arrrutrd 52{':'suhs,:ribersr a sad j tj [Ji e al]d !{lt':' trratlaqerj lrrtl;rtls t']' Ser r et ar y. ref letrti,rn ,:)n t[]e. [':eettess rf Ner'l pr':,dL1r* it at n1i11i5x4 I r:tst''rirl rerre+alt wi I I g':i Zealandt s ':he:is PlaY*rE wllc' Siuth=r: !]UBSCRIPTION RATES nLtriltlerr a.L:Drdillg t'l Ags*ri atilrr ,:,ut ui ttr ttr i:: i r.'-t-te " F'l t:a:;e a reE'trds, at least lBr:.rL:r. r€t]fi.u ytur,::irdel '-.1rld PerEtr'-rde Eat es ar e f rrp |f|le year rsi Issue nurrrber si yi ,:trEt 4(.'r r:errtsr ,:hess lll ayiuil fr ie:rrt1 t':' :lt-ttts'::itrt:' r.JhiEh CFrr i m;rr:; - trttd G'l':ttl subscriptirn. Overssas rates are thig ':,tre is $Ir d'leg rl'lt A nter r Y =t in IJS Dol lars: ref le,:t the itrrrease itr qalari es tltr erss i rr r [3'j I E I t-r- []rl x lfur f I are mai t^,OI"lEN' S CHAHPIONSHIF: CANCELLED _ New Z ea I en d $NZ I r:. .)(:i two errtries only. Other rountries SuS15.0O ASSOGIATION NEWS NEtd ZEALANDT s menE and w,rmens Ai rmai I teams had a go'ld result Australia & Sauth $lJS15.(),) at th; Facifi,: Olynrpiad arrd f inished Ot her Count r i es gUS2r), q(:I - ahead Df tlre powerful Australian tearrs in AT THE tirne ,rf writirtg nr,:st ,:,nsh f i lra I Tliey ar e ! Ctr'rrnp i i Fr bot [r everr t s ,::,:r-rrr,:i ,lvL-rEea':" ADVERTISING RATES I memtler"; are []y Si r E:,:irral tl S,:,:itt v fhe rnent s tearrr f inished r;LrFl[],:rrtec, f:u I I page $NZ4(1. {)l) SBth [.]rrr Flatirrg Offi.,:iir F:,:!war1 t"l,l,l.l []as C[]ai !:rf the Fli I iarY {]ut of 117 tr:ams L:,lmpeting, They rrran Half page ,=r full colunrrr $NZZL),dxr lef t llew Zealanci f,rrr an eiteudEd Ll':lrilnrri:;si,:rll . lnle :ir e l'l{:il:i llg were seeded 44thr but scored SO l{alf rolumn !iNzl$.i){) !r)vEr9r:aS ri,r,rl.lnE tri:l 1t1ay. ilttriuq f ,::rrl p,:ints. Australian metr were 4clth f ,:,ruard t,:r [t*.:r i trg I thFirr wi th 29,5 poirrts. tlre last three yei-tr: ,::,r 5':, ['l,:iu,ril Lief'rrrr Clrr r gtftag. Club directury t36 . Ti'te listing - per ]-he NZ Worrtents tearn were 31st has d,:]ile a treherrd,:,Lrs.j':lLl It wi ll reqlrir* :rrt erlrl'rtlr:lll:j .in]lum, $! per alteration. nut preParati.:'rl ,rf ratirlg lis;ts is eff,:rr-t t,r prep:rre a tli.d f,:,r sll'i:h of EE teanrsr ::Etrrihg Zl.E glarr,lriltls p:oirrts. Australia ,r:ertailrly rr,:,t the ril':i!-,t rin *vetrt r I *t .l I ,lt) rl t [r tr DEADL were SGrd. u,rr[rr brtt INE FOF: COPY side" uf C,:'trn,,il ,;lrqani:iati,:ru ':lf tht: fillal" Editorial capy should be ir't tht: uvel'y,lne tallesl tri:'ti.,re 'sf tlre l'::'r,rqress rep,lrtE wi I I apq:,i"rr i ll editDr rs hands by t he se,: D?rd resulte antl tlre FlatinrJ Of f i,::er i5 NZTI. ,:riti':: jstEtJ. Saturday of ttre rfiDhth pre,:eedi ng ':::f b*n Liu,ltrsti fiably l-FV Apt el, ar rs algt, in Grtliiiii publ iration. E:nwan []as f Lt I I y d':ne ttle ;';16 rl: ,:, I ':lreEr A 5 ':la,:: [] f the l\lew Zeie .rrrrj and lrrrpef ul ly lte wi I I returrr as 1. earilS " [l':'t-[]':i I ni*n,br:,r itl 1B n,:rrlt[r--- time" -lhe Atrrrltal Gett*r.:l Meetirrq,:,,f at the Clresr' In Thessal,:,r1i [ii ttie NTCA wi I I bE hii:ld in Durrrdii I I Olynrpi;rc1 y ,:,Ltr [:'re!]iderlt tli [,lEClt] e:;d cay t Jariuar y -l at I Frrr. Ir'r-'oler t,:rqether wittr G'lrd':'11 '::rn Mal.e sure that ya,rf,r ':: I trb r;.:lttl.; .t Clranr ! t-y strd tli I I F:ani';aY ar e rlElr.gatL.. lobhyirrq f ,:,r the 19!li.! t"lor lrl [;:.,e1 v,:]utt Sitr,:err 125 E6 VAN PELT J 1856 146 BLAXALL C S L7 tb S].IITH V J tTto RATINGS E7 CONNOR B P ta47 147 14A CHANDLER J 1709 EVENI-S rated irr the peri,rd Hay 1t,: 8E ROSE C A Le47 + O,::tDtlBr O1 flrei NZ 149 ELOISTEIN E 1 708 ,J{rr'}i,lr Chanrpitnstripp Al I B? ELAXALL N 1 844 -tJel 15O REYNOLDS C P l7O7 * e O hJaita 90VETHARANIAI"{PAR 1843 ; C LTO6 * i'lirl t"lelli ?1 I.IHITEHOUSE L E I A30 151 WHITEHOUSE ; 152 JACKSON R 1703 * and s[.]i-p; 92 COLLINS P I.I ta27 153 SKERRET I'1 17OO * C T NZ S,:tr 93 CAPIE I"I LB25 I54 EOOTH A J 1 700 C p (:A_C.) 94 TURNER ]'{ G 1 823 R 1698 ?5 SINTON P J 1822 155 SHUKER 156 COHPTON A 1 699 :i! ,_:';:ffi;TIL.,:,',-",,",,111::;::ll 96 O'BOYLE D IBLT 157 DAVIES C 1.697 t:llx: 97 WIGEOUT I.I 1E 16 OKEY K T,I t617 ol,, o,"r*:: arri ve,rl,,i'i'fi; 98 FREE T J 1S 16 158 i::l ;::=T:.y:'.:::- *:;il;_., C A I 695 '1, the list. Asterrst,:s cJen,:,te pr,lvisi,lrral 9?BOYCEDAL 1E 10 199 HOSKYN r.rtirrgs based lrrr 160 HEAP P 1685 * feut-r than r:5 ganreg, Thie ratinq pr,:iu,:ecl IOO FEASEY R A IEOS * srlftw.rrF using 161 VAN DAM 5 1 683 ciev*ilrped tly F.:,rwar1 usoD and ,lin .5Il,ll,loNs. IOI NIJMAN B 1 EO5 CHRISTOFFEL T{ D 1682 * IO2MARSICKBHP 1 go3 162 MULLAN A 5 L67E 1 SNALL V A I03 I,IILLIAI'IS E },I I BO2 163 AKERAF 1O4 LIVAII I LT1A * 164 STEEL R G 1672 CHANDRA 5 1670 * 3 NOKES R I 1O5 KNIOHTBRIDCE hI L797 165 4 SARAFU tr 106 ADAI"IS D T L796 166 BTEVENSON T 1669 5 SARFATI J D TO7 PITTS G L 1792 * 167 PRICE A J t669 SNELSON P R 1 665 6DIVHRJ 108 Sil.ts r l',l L79L 168 7 EAREETT P A 1O9 T4ATHIESON J S L790 169 DOLEJS D 1 65? B r637 B LUKEY S G 11O EDhIARDS D t.I t7a6 17O SHEAD D THOi{SON O N L637 ? OREEN E I-1 I 1I FIONRAD P C t7a6 171 10 APTEKAH L 112 NIJI.IAN A J 77AO 172 DRAKE A S 1656 l.l 1654 .t+ 11 CARPINTER A I- 113 CARTER G S 1 7BO 173 00I J 1654 lP GREEN F R 1 14 NOTLEY D G L776 174 EOJTOR B 7652 13 I.IANSINK R 115 STERELNY K 1776 * I75 ELLIOT D 14 I,IARTINBMS T16 gUTHERLAND J L L775 176 BENNETT R 1649 * 1647 1$ SMITT{ R I,\' I17 VAN NOBELEN R t773 lTTALLSOBROOKAJR W * 16 LgvE A ,/ llE I,ILSON R T 1774 178 FORSTER 1645 SCHWASS H P tb44 17 GOLLOGLY D A 119 I,IILKINSON E M 1769 179 CAPPER D S 1638 1A THOI,IAS E 12O RAWNSLEY L D 176c) lEO R L L&33 1? LEOFIHARDT I.' p-t53 6tr CtlHRy R i81 ROL'NDILL "J LgSs 121 EARLE I,I R }.I t767 * 182 WOOD R J 1632 20 STIIART P S{ 2.752 62 vAhl ftIJK tj 19St 122 EAU],ICARTNER R 1765 I.IC I NTOSH I H E1 HAI,JKES P D 2148 63 STARK B 183 Xggt * 123 ROBERTS M H 1764 184 FORBES G L632 * 22 T4CLAREN L J 2142, 64 CARPINII"ER B A Lg44 124 ADAl"rS J l"l 1764 185 GOODI"IILLIE C 163 1 E3 METGE J N ?L37 65 GODDHUE N 1943 125 RUTH S L763 * 186 O'CONNOR J A 163 1 24 HAHPL H 2134 66 BENNETT H P 1943 ANDERSON R 125 BORREN A M 1762 IB7 BOYD D J 1630 25 B 2131 57 |-ANONT I + 1939 I27 EOSWELL T J 1.762 lEE TOYE P L62h * 26 FREEMAN H R 2127 6A HARNER G 1938 12A STRACY D I',I l76L 189 BENNELL D J 1,626 ?7 INNALA H 2l?2 * 69 DUNN P tgp-, 129 AII'IERS G 176O * 1?O HAAPU JNR S L6?.6 * 2A WHALEY T,I G 211s 70 ION c J 1?2e 13O VETHARANIAI"I K t759 191 JOEL C 1625 * 29 WEIR P B 2IO9 7I f:ENEEIDIS A 7?L9 I31 LARK D 1736 192 LANGLEY D E 1622 30 DREYER M FT. 2104 7e srHS r,t T 1915 132 BRtrI^INLEE L R L753 I?3 CAt.IFBELL L S Lb22 * 31 COOPEF P R 2704 73 BOYD K tt 1912 133 I4ITCHELL R S 1749 194 HARE I"I L6L7 33 NOBLE M F ?OB? 74 bJHEELER B 1"O? 134 EELL C M t747 SARECZKY G 1616 33 DOi^IDEN R A 2AA2 75 KER I95 C H 1907 135 T.IHITLOCK H P 7743 196 JOHNSTON H S L6L4 34 SFAIN G A 2082 76 HARTIN-EUSs p teoT 136 TUFFERY P B 1742 AEURN S 16L2 35 STEADI'IAN I{ V R 2OE2 77 ROBINSON I97 J P 1896 137 FOORD II R R 1741 W 1 603 36 WILSON M C 198 MEARS G 2OA1 7E FEANKEL V. 1Bs4 R x 37 PTITTGEISSEft z07ex T9FEfteUEnNRT 138 CRAI.'FORD 1739 1?9 PETCH I,' H 1 601 ",I tE63 13? ROBERTS E N L734 * 2OO SANGSTER A I 598 3E 5FENCER_SI-IITH E J 2060 EO t,tcDoNALD J A l8el 14O BOSWELL W 1726 2O1 VON'T STEEN R 1 598 3? ALEXANDER B J AO51 El FOSTEH F tl tB76 141 I.IINFIELD A 2O2 BELL D I t597 40 HENSHANI P J ?O5O E2 KII{CHAI"IT K D LA74 142 REID A V 772L 203 COOK F 1 595 II1 ALDRIDCE E J 2$46 BA LyNfJ K t"l LATA I43 HOTHERSALL R J l72t * J0HNSON O I 595 42 FITZPATRICK S P 20,41 eo4 84 VAN DER FIOORN H W 1865 B L7 43 SPILLER S 144 BANKS G t9 2O5 LE Y 1585 * P 3(}33 85 eRKOtl A 1A5O 145 MAZUR J J t7t9 206 ALLEN E G 1 584 126 127 -T_-

1 267 VECOVSKY P 1481 # EO7 HAIR P I 583 * 2OB POI^IELL P 1582 * 268 BENSON C 1480 + 327 ASHE I"I t 345 387 l.lOODrNe J 1277 2O9 KAST,fARA A H 15El 269 ROCKS Pl t479 328 HBRROW D 1 384 SBE VAN DER HEV P F t277 AlO BORREN A 15EO * 27O EIBB J L 1476 3e9 PET'{OVE E t{ 1378 r 3E? HOFSTEEDE J 1.276 I.I L374 39O [IALKER C t274 211 JOHhISTONE R B L57A E71 BRETT K 1476 33O DALE J * 212 HCINTOSH J 1575 * 272 YED T 5 1474 33I MAES H 1374 * 391 I.JHYi.IAN K 1.27 !. 2I3 E},IETT B G r57b 273 VAN ZOOMEREN J 1473 + 332 FYNE T !37a * 392 ROEVEN O 1268.r i+ K I B l37t * 393 PETRA5ICH T 1267 * 214 LILI-IS D 1574 274 EOYD J 473 333 NICHOLS0I{ * 215 YOUNE P 1573 l+ 275 KAY J B 747? 334 SFIELTON M 1370 * 394 BRONNLEE T J t2b7 1261 ?16 TR{-,INDLE G E r 573 276 RAI.ISAY I.' L467 335 GILL G 1369 * 395 HILL 5 D I 250 217 P C L577 277 RUPASINOHE S D L467 * 336 PI[-LSBURY R 1366 * 396 EOROVSKIS J + 1366 .r* 397 CROSBIE P 1259 r+ 218 BURNh{AI.1 D S 1570 278 HEALEY R 1l+CrI 337 BUNCE C * 219 YUAN T 1569 + 279 I'ICCALL A 74'19 * 338 DE A5A A 1365 * 398 PATEL S 1254 + r 253 aZO Rr\YNER E 1 568 28O ARVIN E H 1458 * 339 CLARKSON R D 1357 399 HARRIS K I'T 1253 281 CUNhIINGHAH P D 1 568 zBI HIOCINS }-I E 1457 F 34O PiRCHDALI"- D 1357 * 4OO GARLAND I hI 75h7 282 T.IILCOCK P R L457 ARI\.IULL V E 135r+ 4O1 WINSOR B I"I 253 AzA FREEMAN B 341 '!.252. EEsHILNEDJO 1564 * 283 TALAIC L I 456 342 SOUTIIGATE B 1353 * 4O2 HODDER J 1 R 1250 STANTON fI A 1 562 284 MCLEAN R E 1453 * 343 RUBINI B 353 4O3 CHANG A ?2T[ 1249 * 2P5 STRF:TCH td R 285 ORAINGER S 1453 * 344 STEPHENS T C I 352 4OIT WELLS D * J 1248 * 226 CHAI,IBERLAII.I M 286 CALDER R J I 44? 345 I-IEPERI D 1352 405 oRl"lsBY L 227 LUKETINA I 1549 * EE7 GIBSON C 1449 .r+ 346 HCI'IULLAN B 1348 * 406 STRICKETT R L 12rto * ITOT 1 239 228 DEVLIN S 1545 * zEB LYALL S 1448 * 347 STBTT C J 1345 HALCOURDNNNE A 1 342 ..,, 1237 229 CRAIGtrE A B 1 544 289 SAVACE B L44.4 348 PLEDGER T K 4OE HCRAE 1 338 G 1235 n ?3O THYE G F 1srt1 29O tlOLl{EN G 1443 * 349 ffiooRE S H 4O9 LEVY * ,6T0 F + KELI-Y S 1 54I 291 ELATCHFORD J 1443 3-'r0 TOKI J D 1337 SOT4OGYVARY L l2A7 231 fr ?32 RtrSIE E 1539 * 292 POWELL R A 14rt2 351 Sl.lITH H 1337 411 LESTON J ta20 \ tJ 1331 SULLIVAN B 1219 233 JONES T.J t 537 2?3 HIPKINS B J 441 352 i.lrNlER 414 J 1216 {r 234 DIXON H A 1 535 294 THELI,.IALL I 1441. * 3$3 I.JEIR T J 413 CHAF]'1AN p * S 1212 * 235 EYFtrRD C 1 535 495 LE[",IS 1439 * 354 EILLEtsPIE J G 1331. 414 PEDDIE t"l * E 1209 436 LEVY R 1 534 2?6 BROUGHTON J 1 436 355 HOI4ARD A E 13aq 415 TI,IEDDEL 1 ,416 O 120ts 237 GIEEDNS E 1533 * 297 hIATSON R 1434 * :I5A DUNN S 3e9 NILLIAMS R N' 12Q5 ,$ 238 BOOTT{ 5 L 2?E PLUHPTON D 3S7 NICKEFIS0N n L329 417 SCI-toLEs R E l EOlt r* 23? VANDENBENCh{ E 1532 * 2?9 PARLANE L N 1431 JSEGDNINRCE 4TB HI'{ITAKEE C L197 E4O GRACE K 1 530 3OO SHITH C 1c[28 * 359 PET I I-^ 13,? 419 RAUINS}LEY D 1345 .r 42C} MCELI,IEE I 1195 * 241 KOLODZINSKI S J 1526 * 3O1 PRESTON J N 14?*6 360 REID A 242 hIOOD B 1522 S 1423 * 3OE TO},ILINSON 361 SCHI,IARZEfl M 1343 * 421 tlILl-S l"l 1194 r 243 HAT4PTON R 1 521 A 14AO * 303 KttoK 368 GREVERS L E 1 330 422 TAMAIRA M 1194 * r^loRN J * ,-?63 244 1520 * 304 l.1COORAl'l T 1420 CI.{AT.ILEY G 1319 * 423 I.IARTIN J t 1$3 * .* 245 SHANAHAN 14 I 519 3O5 VAN EODEGRAVEN T 1 4eO 564 flONNELI,Y .,' l'{ 1318 * 424 GALES A E 1[9O 246 Di.IYER T 1516 306 htARD C 141? 365 BH{ELDS P .t 315 + 425 FAIRLEY D 1178 * 847 BRYANT D 1516 + 3O7 STONE R 1416 366 GUERIN G ::-ll5 * 426 PATEL T L177 * A4A {JILKES J 1 513 3OA JEFFRIES T 1415 * 367 CROSLAND G W t3tr L e 4E7 SANDS B LL74. * 24? I,IASTI.IEY 5 1510 * 3O9 I,JEHI D 1415 * 358 MCKENZIE N E t31l * 428 FULLER R 1l7O * e5o HACI,("r.IAY-JONES R 15OA + 310 SIl.illONs J R 1411 3,5? HUHLEY F 13Xt) {' i}E? CAI.TERON D t 170 2F1 SHARDY Z I 502 311 EAYLIS P tr409 * 37O HCGAHEY J 130S 43O SUI-I-IVAN G J 1 1&1 R * 252 LOOS X49E + 312 t.IILLIAi,IS C 1409 + 37} ALES ti I 3OY 431 "$IHOr'l v 1161 253 HOLI-AND D l4gB * 313 STEWART B K 1 408 37? I-Ai{GLEY n h 1308 * 432 I{OSEASON J 1L&0 * 254 LEZARD G 1 494 314 [^IIGEDUT R 1406 # 373 CLARK R 1305 433 DIRSKE H t 1'9E} * 255 SIEVEV J C 1 494 315 trgIER J 1404 # 374 I,,'AASTAFF G 1305 * 434 I"IAHER N 1153 * 256 JONES H 14? I 316 ZWART I 1 403 373 HULI-AhID fl I 303 435 EBBETT I.I t 193 * * 257 t-,tORRISON r't K 1 4BE 317 r"trLSON C 1 401 376 l{6\cDfl}'IALD J tri t3O0 * 436 SCHiJRR R 1 1rt7 258 JEFFRIES A 14Ec * 318 VINCENT H 1 401 377 BADCEft A 1sOC) * 437 NEI{MAN H t 146 259 STACEY G I485 !r 319 HCCARTHY P D 1 400 37f1 t{EADfltis G F 1899 4 438 I,IILFtrRD E 1139 * A60 EROI,|N B 32O PE'A P 1396 * 379 I'ICILROY H 1296 + 439STONESIFE I 138 261 HENDERSON A J 1 485 32I WATgON I,I J 13?4 3BO HF-L-t-vAR l't ta95 r. 440 COOK L 1137 * R 1137 * 252 COLLINS L t4E4 * 322 GILLARD I.I 1391 n 3Bl #ilLD t"'{ 129 i 441 HESTON 263 DES FORGF:S J 148;; 323 SCHULTZ A E 1 390 3fl2 tsT]NLER R t2?1 442 HUNT M 1137 * 264 BEN-ISRAEL L 1 482 324 DUNWOODY H L r 3?o 3A3 HUNT T 12BA * 443 POI,IELL T H 1133 * FIAAPU * 265 SNR S 1482 * 325 TUFFERY E 1389 3A4 KIfihflAN l''.t L2ts7 { 444 KERR T 1144 + 266 SPENCER-SI-,II'tr"I'I P A 1481 326 GORDON H A 1 388 3R5 FILLSEURY A 1281 * 4rt5 l-tISA A 1107 + t28 3ES BfIAs C 128tr * 4/t6 l.lISA B 1105 r29 447 LEIH R 1102 * 475 COURTNEY H ZEALAND CHESS SUPPLIES 448 I^,ONG K 1 10() 958 * NEW 476 CHURCHER t,I Pn ElnY n2nqn Wn ll\ll llnMATA 449 JONES G tt 1099 956 * 477 HAY V 45O STAPLETON P to?7 * 953 FHONE t04! 648-528 451 I.ICGURK A 478 NEt[.tAN N 934 + lO94 * 479 TURKETO 45? HENDERSON J 1086 * P 906 * 4EO ZOHRAD P D 453 WILKINS C J lOEl + 9O4 * 454 NEI.II,IAN D A 4EI PATTON A LOTt 4EA 878 + The of fi,:ial strt[,:ists rf rhesg bosl,tgr sets arrd all playir]g 455 CARTHEI.I E lO74 * SALLAI I"I 483 DOUGLAS eso * equipnrent f rr ttre New Z*aland Clrr:ss Ass,:,:iati,tru. Chess 456 },ICINTYRE M R I 1O69 * 833 * '--:Llffputer a Epe':: ial ity - ;*l I leading brands st,l,:l.ed. NZ 457 I.IILTON H 484 BREI.'ER R LO62 * 485 769 * dig,trib't-lt,rr-- ,jif NOVAti atrd HF-FllISTO [,llr id Ehanipi,:n ['1,:rdetl eg, 458 HIRON I.I N 1OSB * GIBSON A 725 * 459 I^|TLLIAXS B 4S6 ROGERS D lO4E * 4A7 717 * F,LASTIC STAUNTON FATTEF.-N SJETS - IiOLID AND FE-L.T BASEI) 460 SHAh' E tO33 * SAVAGE D (.trExed) tHalds,:rtt 4EB I.IACXENZIE 694 * t 7r'ltrr brarrd Sl(:r.5il' 46I POTTEEISSER P * R (. 1033 489 HHITE S 686 * 98 rrni 1,:,,fEe in pl.f,sti,:: bag) s*nri-ql,:,ss finistr $1:-1.:J{.r 462 HCCUSKER E 1O24 + J 681 r FOLI)ING T{OAE:DS * TOUF:NAI{ENT SIANDAFID 4?O UTTING }I 463 SIH H lOlE + 676 j6rJ ,:ardb['ard t.blar[':,/white sqrtares) 9 :?.1j,:.r 491 HCNABE * triy'2 'Hr:lds,:'rrt 464 VISSER F R 1Ol5 * r., 669 * .1!:Sntm./,1: Seffi-flexible'it,trflute'plasti,: t.dkbr,run,/ullj $.+.'.rir 492 SHEAD A C 465 TURNER B 1Ol2 * {+ .+8,:lnini./.i tH,;,f 51--,111 I ,:ardtl,:rard (.greetr/leh,:n 493 SUTHERLAND 651 f ul I si:e 466 HALE P 1OO9 + P E iirquareE ,::,:rnientratiorr.) 5,,:-,,., 494 ]ICEEACHIN 60A + redu,:e eye strairr arrd a=sist $ 467 LEE R 1OO7 * J + F:O[.1_I-]F, 8I]AFII) 495 CHANDLER 585 VINYT- 468 SI.IARBRICK J lOO3 + E 174 * .1Z5nrnr,/I: t,ie f lat ftat r.rJkbrlurr,/wlrrte or dkbrr,wrrl lt br,:iwtri 496 DUNN A 469 JONES t"l * a l l ,:'t1 E .,:tri iB7 497 CROSADO 572 * a-h arrd l,zA gebrai,: syrrhc, s b,trder $ 47O BARXER I c (, ?87 + 4?S EANRS 568 + I,]HESS T IMEI.:S CL T]CI.:FJ J 471 l"tILLS c 986 * L J 562 + LjHR tTurniert basi': ilub rl,r,:l: -- plain plasti;,::ase $57.5ij 472 I.JEBBER C H 4?9 LADD A E tStand:erd's:rrne 985 5OO 547'r BHE as ab,trv* irr irrritati'-rn w,locl grain $6;l .S,il 473 SHEAD A T COLEY K 964 5O1 TENI J 494 + TDUFINA}4ENT STAT I, ONE[":Y 474 NEAL R },I 961 * 43O * [!airrr:g/result ,::€ard pr']vides f ,rr I1 rds, per $ . 1,:.1 sOE PANIANI J - Pl.ry*r 383 + (]r,:ss tabl ;:/r'esr_rl t,:ltart -- ;ti:, ;:l ayers 5-1 1 r,]L(ltd-- $ 1. ::ji.r [:'a':],:et .f :'t1,:1, I E'lsE- S':Dre sheets - 7t..' tttivez/ diagrari !t i.,r,.i Farl:et -f 5,:r,r l,::'n!ie sa':rre Eheets - 7tr finveE/ diagrarrr $11.,:.,(.i []c'tre pacl - 5(i gariles ,tf €,(.! nl,f,veslclisqr am , $ ::. iii.! LATEST RAN}{INGS S,:tre br,,:k r,pirai br,rrrrd tlie:; flat ulren at Ey Ei - ':rperl il RAMSAY ;:illy page.) - 5,:.i qanres nf 7,:i rni'ves wittr irrdex arrd dia S5,5,:., Acl5,:urrrn,errt envcf I ilpe {.seal ed rn.:rve,/unf iiri:i}red qarrre.t :s , 1(:r

t^IE ALT]O STOCI;. A I.JII]E E:ANGE OF'HOODEN SETS AND ENAF:DS AND ISSUE A I--AIALOGLJE OF SEVEF:AI - HUNDFIEIJ FiOOlr.S ON CHE:Stl' F:ANUINU t-Ii:OI,I FEGINNER TTI EXF'EF:T. F,LEASE WF:ITE TJF: F-HONE trOF: A I]OTJY. Caslr 2 clteqrte rir l'1,:ney Orcler p I eas*r wi th ,rrder r {-(n I ess ,:lrl j.tru tlchqsl statiDnery. l\l I F)ri,::elr are =tr irt ly trett arrd lude tiST at the standard rate. GtlT invt;r':*g ar* i.::;l-t*tl wrtir qt')ds. [:or all ,]rders under $r,:.ii., ]ri value plt,ase add .17 tr L,tver Fi,rst,/rELrrisr antl paL:[,:irtq ,:harqes" Al I ,rr dhr:] .lver $r':r(, ar e tlel i vered f ree arryr,ulrere itr New Zeal atrd. Cheqrtes slr,rul tl tr+ A brief look at the list shoued USSE rrlade payable tl NZCS. lJe ,:;rfr trst-t.-rl ly [rrail:8 deliv*ry wrt]rin li .that di d not have t;; cJays Ef ref eipt ,lf .rrdEr. l)urst,:nrer s wr I I be advised withrn biggest I itreupI that ";; I days if ttr*r* i.s a delay f,:rr .rny reaB,::,ri. F-rrqttirier; tc, I-iFiIAN FOSTEF.: r:n (:i.!4) E,+B-578 - 1 24 hrur phrrre answer i nE servi,:e i5 r,p*r.eting,

AUCI;LAND STOCI.IST: Il"l Ortvirt Sarapu, tl Barringt,rn F.tlr At-i,:[,:l"errd 7. Al I Flayirrq equi;:rirerrt arrd ':hess statr,],r1.-ry, Sr:ht'ol supplies a spef iality. (.(r?t -/83 -.:tA3 Ftrr r:r:,rtparisDit, Murray Chahdl er CHFTISICHURCH STUCII.ISI-: David []anier,:rr.- SL:rrgri,: Er:rr, Crrr g Eng is on ?6,15. llerefrrd arrd 0xf,)rd ferrarel CIrrist,:lrur,:tr, iJonksr setsy c I c'r: l:= et c . (.t)3.) 7?.1-eg;: , t3t I30 t[r.err t,] nffer t[re drawr ratings Erv€r 2iJtl'$. Lhey cli d p I ay ::9 rirr've6 ! Snri th better gr'c'd win wlrith wa:; ar,::eFt*d wittr f ive [ir,:ir e I.OGAt NEWS Twenty-ei ght p I ayers ftrntest ed ,:anre ba':k til f':rrhl with a ,l I ,:,,: k: Me;rrrwlr i I e Operr 4$ ,rver Di ver Greerl Lreat the CXG rni rrutt eg r,n t []e . ELEVENTH I"IAITAI{ERE TRUST OPEN the Erader witlr ttre sther ttr atrd t gradel was Spaitr Di ve beat Sperrrer-Smi By CM Er:b SMITH in tlre Et whi,:]r ':DmpLtter,:'rrrtprEherlsivelyr self-destrtr'::ted aEaitrst restriEted to p layers Lrnder 17(.1$. trrrwj sely repeated lris lpetritrg Dreyer [- clt . EiOUND 1: The only real upset itr f r,lfii r'f,ulrd tw., .fgai rlst Le'rtrtrardt e,:rrlrar lilXTY-eight playersT some fronr as arrd Feter ;rn d Dr eyer a I so r ear lr ecl t lrr et: Tlrue; Sarapttr Gartrett f ar af i el d as New Pl yrrrouth aird the fi rst round was plBae Stuartts draw with Eavin Ir-.n pr,itrts ulrt'tr [^,lei r .'ver I a [-e,:nlrandt tih:frec, f irst '::'rr tJellingtorrT turned Dut L1n July 2 'f,n[':Ed .+/5r Sroithr Ereelrv (:1851). However, Br ian Cartlrewr gri e,:e. Tlre I at;ter withdrew i I i f,rlllw+d tty fnr tlre eleverrth annual the opr-ratrr of CXG 3+')B rflu::t aftc-r this garrrl' D! v* atld F'*t-t I [].-,,rper ':'i1 :1.5. tournament run by tlre t,laitemata tlre t,r shlw llo,:per lr&d ,raufllit up by tre.1t itlq Che=s have beerr disappointed tn see StLlay t ':entirlued Pi;"rlt' plt,:, Club atrd sp'rnstrred by the nraclrine beaten by Earry l^li I liants f*rrrrr beitrg wipecl r,utt irr l9 m':veg Stuartr ended a llis*ratri* [.'laitakere Litreitsi]tg TruBt. r:l po111t5. (.L747 ;t. try Sperrt er - Srrr t [r r utl* was llnu tr',urnanient,:ru MLIrE tllan $16(tC,was sn r,ffer in wi f1|1*rq t-irD[i ll,:rlr: $i75 earlr l;arapu beat Ian MrNal I y in als'r ,l.r ttrree P,:,illts- Ttre prize mDnLay irr two separate thn5e tlalf a p,ritrt betrirrd gat divisionsl quite a .rif,E game. SARAPU Sil'IITH - DI\/E-' AIE[,:hit]8 IJefetri:e: - inc lerdirrg at l*a::t .;1. d4 dE :s:25 ! t$4t)tlt McNALLY - Frerrclr Def enre: 1. e.l 1" e4 r\f6 e5 Nds :' for tlre rpen win6er ahd:82(rg eE 2. NfS dE 3. *5 ES 4. b4 I,]f:] gE 5. Er,::'l N{b6 6- frbS f,fr the tE' grade winner. '+. IHE >E' Grade q,.:s uttr j':ri nt lY rras '::b 5. cl4 bE E. a3 EaE 7. N,::E 7. NtlS ef,: A. Of3 Oe7 9. The c,:ntpetition t,lugh: the 1 1 ii6 hy ttre f,,;,p se*rtv C,:'li n [^ltrit*h':]u':;.- playErE Bxa6 Nxa6 A. Gdg Nc7 9. ab ed r cl 1 {i. ,::3 E1q7 . O.-il irrrluded Olyrrrpiad teanr Ilxb++ 1r)- E3 Be7 11. O-O Od7 1;:'" Ne+ fS 13. [lr:il.:: eF 1"1. (tlaiterrat.a.r and f i f tIr r'€*t-1 Julius rnembers Sarapu CM t. e.] IH Ortvin and q4 ef qf 14. Bf4 t{'r._j t,:ry Au,:: I I atttJ t]hett Cerlt r " 1I. fF, 13. f;rel lid/ 15. N.rIi O-0-O 1e,. Russel I Diver c{r-NErth Islarrd Ild6 15. BxdE Glxd6 16. Na3 !hey u.,t1 th*ir firsL f,rur g.tnlifs Ch arrrp I Nv:c4 q5 14, d: i orr NM Fet er St uar t I NM Fau 18. Nbs Nxb5 Ndr4 N:r,:4 17, .:ntl tlien drew at3ai.ttst *a'::lr 'lttrer N9e7 17. lr:hl Ne6 .a+ {4 ,il . Garbett and fLlrrner nati,rnal 1.9- Glrrb5 lr.e7 ?r). Rfel Rlrd8 lVbB 19. EreI bG Z{.). itr th* firral rlrtrrd. l'Jtrittfrr'rrse CH ab it,r. Bxh6 FldfB .':1. t[175 qr:":rrl representatives NM Ewerl Gree]1' !1. Re3 FidT 2I. Fiael Nf B 23. Nrtr6+ Lrrld fj'ljt'tr u,:,rr each Bnb Snrith and Feter [,Jeirr as well j(.xf Gds t.b7 i:-{" a.; Na6 E':4 morrey trr th* I Et fjrade ! Thi rd 95 a5 f.1. 9 f E 23" NeS "5' as <-1 nunrber ol uP aild EDmi t.lg [":aB :6 Er.aE F:r:aF, r-7'. b4 t-14 eqrta I wer e F' l'1eap {.|-la[ri I t i and " ''tr j .1 :'i() (. e ) Llll i Lar 9'. FrET 26. Egl Ng6 27' Rf3+ Rg7 ,i:El " r LleU i9. F:ac I ii.bB " [i: t]ennet t Atrr [i I arld Chess ll*r1t r There were al so tws cDnrputers 28. trdg Rf B 29. RxgS+ 1-(.)' tr5 li:a8 ll1 , .rE Ef 6 32 " 0a3 with 4/5, i n the t At grade7 bDttr wi th F.la7 33. G!xd6+ ll.atl 3'1. Elx.:7 Cl F:OIJND 2: Ttre biggest upset r.ra.5 1 -',i " I:iE.StlL TS : fl[rEN GPADE 1= Ilob Smith's (2188) loss to Graerne I'iF'ENCEF:-St'lITl-l - SiLJAFlT' Siti I iatt' f3:rapu7 F" G;rrb*tl;r [.] L€']Jrh.lrilt ! JUST PUBLISHED ! Spai n (?,i'77) when the f ormer Erd-=tri[,,=v Varidtr,,]rt; 1. e4 '::= (.4 /i).t i 4 . Fi l]i ve [I Gr l'en r F: v*ntured into Spaittts favourite ;:" Nf3 *F. 3' d4 ,:d +. NrcJ4 Sririthy F [],1:p.:r 'r.3.5.r i ts= fJX|: 7 (j - lt n M gambit rrpetling and wag rauglrt itr N':€. 5" Nl-E O,::7 E " EeI af, " i:liii)t'l, Iip"itrt r:r linri t r Li tipai r EDUARD GUFELDIs (.?t729) lJ-O NfF, t3" Ft*3 E(b'+ i- f i f)reyere I l1'::l\l;:llyr Fl Hrtlt.:rsall NOTES ON a broh line. Martin Dreyer a 81,:3 1,:r. tlr l*lxe4 11. tsd:l NfE t.3 ) 14= .f ElDb ii r-r ern r L:i I,:rrr f !' . 51 ; KASPAROV v KARPOV did well te ]rold Eussel Dive tLl ; hJol t,: Greg 1:: . f5 e5 lf,. 0,:1 O -E 14. Og:i 16= [r !]tltartr F l^Jeirr E SEVILLE I 987 draw; f Leotrlrardt Iost Spenrer-Smith; Peter t^leir lc,st te Nh5 15. Oq4 ed lE' O:;h5 fE l'lartin-Etr=:;, J Van Feltr Fl Eltu.ert arrd Ri,:k Hothersall (.16ld7) 17 " B'..:4+ t,lh8 18 " F:f :l de ! 9. Earrrirc-;.rrttrt:'r 7 ll l,Ji I I ianr (..1.,; ri':-l= {.197F-1 . Qyih7+ 1':.r. D N,ltleyl E Friett; Fu11 analysis of the 24 games in beat MtNally liLrpr"r F-,lrtey (1.5.r; Hhitelr,ru.:er A the IcHsiuiEitablestyle .,:E,.= l- tlOUND 3: Orrly five players lrad t;:OtJND ii: Th* t,:rur rr.arltlrlt v/as Et i I I l.larttrr:w (. 1 ); ::B V [irri tlr i..5i - two out r=f two - Sarapuy Garbettr,;peninq q':'itrq int,:' the final r;,urrd. Sarapu atrd Gartrett had l=. Cl t"ltrj.tetr,:,use' .l Spiral bound to lie flat Ereenr Sperrrer-Snrith and Spaitr. Er GF:ADE Sarapu Dut -t echtri qlted Spai n atrd ttre edEe wi th l-i.5/4' b(lt rl':' f ew*r Elftjt,rr .l .5/5.t; 3'= F llearpr Fl B0 pages ttran five pl.ryers were inly tialf 1..+.); .Jcel S V-ltr Gar bet t ,rut -t a': t i ': ed EtenilFtt 5= C r Spenter-Smitlr ta bec'=nre the j,firrt a pr:,itrt tret',inci. Df these, Greerl l)ant, M l,!rrris':,rrr F: -J,r,lrr]:ttt'rte, S I eaders. Green wetrt dowtr i tr a ;:rnd Snii tlr had tlre t,rrrgtrest taEi:Et Devlrrt, F lla:Lrr T Llilyo-'r (.3.5')i I Russel Dive. Green []avinq tr l.rrl' agai"rr=t Saraplt J []'C,:tritl,rrr A l'.as,rttilrar G ** $18.50 ** tomp ex gaane to I 1;:= -[rtfferyr Other favoured players rlimbed trtrd Srrri Lh b I a,:tt aqai rrst 6arbett . l'learlr tl Nils,rnt E D bark out Llf t[]e nire a littlet Spen,:er-Srlittr als,:, [t.rd a l"ltr'rr,:ru' C tJ.rl l:er t.3) ; I ?: E with Snrith beatitrg [.li I liamsr t{eir cli f f i,::nlt qan,e litred rtpr lravirrg Savi\r; e, l'1 Dunw,:,r,dy r F: F'i I I sbur y' 'Leonlrarclt b I a,: |.: ar;lai rr=t lli ve, !-i Wlri tal:er (..'.5); ::3'= C From: Ner Zealand Chess Supplies def eatirrg N,:rt ley and tlre poitrt against Irr tlre eventr Sarapu atrrl Greell G,r,]dui I I ier .I Flr,:-ruqlrt,:,rrr I Zwartr PO BOX 42090 l{ainuiouata Eauntgarttrer. Feter Stuart c,:uld agreed a qrti,--k draw. Ttlis nreatrt F' SlrieldsT G Cr':slarld' F [-euisr '[ TBOVOCO' ,:in I y rnanage a draw agai nst tiarbett ,:ruld win thc- t*urrtanrettt F'*tr,is,i,::h (.,1.); 31= El Utt:'wart, M A publicati.on i f he b*at Srrittr. He H Dirsl't-r A Shead (. 1.5.); produced in Nes Zealand Dreyer. 'trLltright tlelly:rr' tried lrard irt a:;lrar-p Si,riliarl' 35= M Garlandr D F.lawnr:ley; A EOUND 4: Sarapu and Garbett bLlt Sfrri tlr was cql-ta I t,:' thE tasl: [:'1 I I sbttryT V 5i ti':]rlr fl. Neurirarr i 1.l ; hacl 11,:t[rirrg 1. predictab ly trad a draw - thc,uqh and Garbett f inal ly 4'.r H C,rltr t n ey . 51 , 't 3?, I f l Df his LABOUR I.JEEKEND try arrd make sDmething AUCXLAND active TOURNAI'IENT sliglrtlY more Piece'5" By Martih DREYEE and Faul CooPER 7l . Rael 8t7'? 2L. F-f7 irnn'tediatelY tr: A MODEEATE field of 22 playert pr evetlt any ttrreats of an tcrok part in the tourttament r i tlvasi on crf tlre sevetrttr ratrl'; may whi I Auc k I atrd Eh was he d at the he preferab I e. []hess Centre. l,lith 'rn I y f ive lram the subt]e nuances of the game frorn your own prsonal chess mentors Widr [inlightenment [nc,'s I-iving Chess l,ihrarylM rDuards there were lll'lre decisive os'n personal chess mentors guide you LhrouSh thc intricate suatcgics o[ t]re nob)c gme oI chess Lem to play chess on a who]e Z2. EeE Rdg vour games p I ayed and this i5 dilferent level, where subtle numccs oI thc gmc rc madc clcar with dcuiled on-screcn commcntil,v md mimated Our 23- Rfel GgB Srapfucs refle':ted in tlre results. CM chcss mentors re enSa8ing in thcir chcss inshcLion s thcy cxp]ain openings, midgme md endgme play, as well as tactics witi spc 24. a4 RfdS cillcpjccecombinationsyoucmuscmytimc Whclhcryou'rccxpcnratcdordon'tevenknowhowthepiecesmove,thesechesstu lf,eter Green and CM Robert Smitlr '2.J" h4 AfA torials cxplain thcory md time tcsted lcchniques aL vour own pace md level, on dre topics you choose pr'fved lear lY suPerisr to the tr5 hE - ': a 26 " rest of the fiel dr with 27 - l'.g? tcgB Paul Whitehead Teaches Chess $34.95 Dne Poi|lt margitl a]lead REdT 'l,rrc ':oilvincirlg 28. Rle? World's (ircatest Chess 'Icacher and fomer Amencan Open Champ gives you 40 houn of intcmcLii,c, anrmated lutonal m morc Lhan 600 of the players whD shared third . :29" b4 afl chess t oLrics If you arc alrcady a ccnified U SCF tiPcn or highr, you can skip rb is onc If not, you will leam lmm i t's huge sectj on ! on tjDd games Spain and MarsiEk both PIayed RdE andMirldlegrmcs,andit'ssamplerofPopulirOpcnings Inuscinoacr300schoolchessclubs! 3(!. Rdr wel I at times and can be 31. Rde2 REdT lndtdcs the Colkcholsc C hes s Monsrerna, w hich ticd fn I st Placc, I 9 87 I l S Computer Chess Open (PC l)ivision) witlr their satitf ied Placi|lge,' 3:1. q4 I 7' Guide To Chess Openings by Jeremy Silman $34.95 Paul tr':'fper Per f ormed blittt otrly 5 urrrutes lef t Dn llis 'l} arld i s is Senior M aster I eremy Silrnan s peaonal openin g's repdoiE (about I 3 00 openins lMes, fu I ly an nohled) Srjck wirh Sdman's ,dvrce. and satisfeEtDrilY as Player ir lLrckr \rhite d*cicles to gtr lrtr yoo can handlc 0nfhing your opponcilt thmws rt yd tncludes two dakbascs, Play The whrLc Pieccs and Play I}rc Rlack Pieccs, as *cll as hc su directDrr while IM Ortvin SaraPu [:roke- El atk is al I owed 5ofte pcth ColJeehoLso Lherr M,,rrerB opt{ncnt pmsranr ehd Spen':er-Smith rri I I be hDpiHg actrvity atrd Dtltains dattgerous for a better Per formatlEe next ttrreats ln tlre tt"' fiIe' Learn enough and pit your skills against the "Monster"- if you dare to try! year, I o tunhcr coilrplcmcilt the leaming expericnce, thc Cotfcchouse Chess Mon:terrM opponent wiJl auromaLically seL up thc leisor you wcrc v'cw,,,g rnthctutorial,lctLingyouplayootavariatronorryyourowrmovesaSarnsltheconrputer'Ihisisnosnplcopponenterther lstplacesnncrat 3':. Rt 7 Cooper Dutrtr rhc 198? U S Computcr Chcss Open, as ucll as thc bcst pBsonsl computcrprograrn at lhe 1986 Wcrld Vrcro Chcss Chlrnpionshrp Thc Monstcr CMF Ereetr -F r 33. F:f 5 Gd7 has all thc leaturcs you'd cxFct from a c:hampnnship levet opponent, induJinR iavc print game, undo moves and swilch sides Wirh 9 plry De fenc e: 35" Erme, 3ll, " ' ' Er:4 34" ExfT R:;d4 rng lcvcls ir ca,r rndccd lx a mmsrer, but also has an easy motlc for more equal pb), with its human co,,nrerpans Nf3 f5 37 L" R:xa7 [

Martin DEEYER - E SFENCER_sMITH, t{ingts Itrdian: e'% 1. d4 hi ff, 6 ': qE 'i*"i :?. c4 ALSO AVA'LABLE SA'rEK GAhIES' Et3 7 eomoulcr and Pro Bri- technologytechnology bringsbnng! 3. Nc3 I Sensory- - Backgammonl computer and Pro Bri 'NIELL'GENr !+. e4 de voiyoi inan ex-citlnqex-citing duo of lamesbames the family layersilavers, Saitek to use.use, with fas[fast rfectrrect Fathers DayD E aA o-o lnteilioentr"t"iri""ni;;i G;m;Are;rlftoo..L"i*Gameshre easv fas[ J. il gift: ii;;;;;;;dRecommended "riu"toAiiiretail prices:ptlcei, PioPro Bridge.Bridse.'100 100 . . $15e.oo$1 Sensory Backsammon ' $249 00 6. Be3 7. d5 Ntr5 B. adz Bh4+ Distributed by Commodore Computer (N z ) Limited, 9. Bf2 tJf4 250 Forrest Hill Road, Forrest Hill, PO. Box 33-847' TakaPUna, Auckland, N Z 10. EeG Gh.l+ TelePhone: (09) 410-9182 Fax:410-9189 11. 93 Nx93 L2. trf 2 L2. Bf 2'? Nxf I hitti]19 the queetl .

t2. Nxfl Ph 796-259 13. Glxh4 Nxe3 14. KeZ Nxc 4 15. Nd I PoSITIoN AFTER 25.Ke3 137 136 Ba3 Rc3 25...... Bg4? (a critical moment for here Black I3.MEPHISIO }TONTE CART-O - 16. trb4 (v. Black is ProbablY lost after 27. od6 Ba6 Ioses and we must ask 2045 EI-o Hunans unknown) Nxe4l necessary for, if so, 14.PsloN ATARI (8rnhz) - thiE. Correct is ?5. ... ?8. Glxr:6 EBxc6 if that is inlhite's sacrifice was not a 2042 El]J (v. Hunrans 207L) with an unclear Position. Rf E I Bxe? 29. EXPERT/FORT'E (Strthz) Rxc3 Rxr-3 sacrifice at a1l. Ihe alternative l5.NoVAG SUPER 3S. preserving 2019 E[.O (v, Hr-runs 2038) h3 Eh5 Rcl Rx,:1+ is 16...Ra7; material '.27. ExcS I dxcS advantage, but careful st,udy of 32. Exc 1 KsB 28. Ne6 Nc.l+ Br:4 the position and likely FLOF'FY CHEtjS 33. t{f2 White Kd3 Nxb2+ 34. Ef7 continuations reveal that EA l{c 3 Ndl+ sLi Ll has tle upper hand). 35. Bfl l-o Ey EILL- COX 31 . HbS ! r4+ 17.Qc6+,Gkc6 ; 18.Bxc6+,Bd7 ; Kb"l ! f9.Bxa8,Nxa8; 20.Nf5,Bxf5; 21 -9f., Flxc 5 Nc3 Bc5; 22.Rhf1,Nb5; 23.Rf3,Ke7; I be COMPUTERS F URf HEFI a I ,lrlg tlr€ praqes wi I 3+. Nx f4 Nre4{- 24.RE3,Rh7 (is there an1'Lhing f,l(-llltl all advertiserriettt fr'::nr l{xc4 EE7+ CII,IPUIR CHESS UPDAIE better?); 25.Rxg71 ,Rh8; 26.R93, tlili.qlrtenrrrent Iu'r- t ar1 Arrreriiarl 36. t{b.l Ef3 Contributed by c. Banks. Rc8; 27.Rh3.Nc4; 28.Rxh6,Be3; ,lLrfnPalry whi":tl pr'ldu':es 1-O 30"Ka1,Rxc2; 3l -f6+, ':tless Ne6 29.Rxa6,M2+; (rf pr'lgran'rs f ,lr,:rlnlPUters. MASIm. TITLE obtained by a I\IICRO! ke8; 32"Fa8+,Kd7; 33.e6+!,fe; l trey tli rrd I y s.:'trt ttrr*e sarrlp I et: CM Pet er GREEN - I l'l Ortvirr ffi 33...IGe6; 34.Re8+,Kxf6; 35-Rxe3 iif their pr,:cltr,:.t t,r ttre nraqa=ruc SARAFIJT Dut':h Def ence: ccnmerciaf form) obtained a US wins) 34-f 7,Ffr4; 35-Rd8+l,Kxd8; y,tl( an APPIe II 37.Qb4,e5; 33.fe, arrd if 'lwrl MASTm. TITLE in the hlorld Open at 36.f8(Q)+,Kd7; l"+ r C'rnlrlDdEre E4/lLB 'lr IEM l. Nf3 f5 Philadelphia (JULY 1988) resrgns. ,::trrrrl]ataL,'el le thett t[rese r':':]Llld be d"l Nf6 " Tru versions of the program we]:e The MACH 3 68020 scored \2\- f otY*ut . g3 eE entered - the 68020 (32 bi.t) and rnasters (2200- tio far L've lrad little ti'nre t':1 Ee7 9\ against USCF Bg2 the 68000 (16 bit). The results MACH 3 68000 d'tr ril'trre tlratr f I ip thr':rt-tgll the 0-o o-o 2399\ whi.le the were: 't\-6\. Each nachine beat 2 rJr E,:: r, but qtrat I ltave seert 15 E. r.l Ne4 scored f-IDA.I'IY MACH 3 (6I]020 ) players in the 2300'sl pr et t y i rrpr e=si ve. 7. Nbdz Bf6 +21 (against opponents with PAUL t^,UITEHEAD -I1 =10 the Startitrg El. Clc! d5 2195) Rating 2325 Finally the toP section of TEACHES CHESST ttris is a set tll NeE c.E frorn HALLSIIORI'I-I 9. F'IDELITY MACH 3 (68000) latest r.1t-ing fist **o 6r;,nb I e -s1ded f I c'ppi es and ra Nd f3 8eE (regarded by nLany as the world's ro. +26 -15 =7 (against opponents rl':,tf h I e-qi ded ,: hilr t frver t rlg a I I Nd7 on ': 11. Nd3 2L71) Rating 2265 Ieading indePendent authoritY anspeat

r,rat i ng t lrr eat s sur: lr as Ra 1 r b 1O STUDIES llr e!+ atld el[i. Tlreref,:re: EI]INFUTEA EflMEE fly E.MIL MELNICHENh:O t . [r3+ EEIITEtrIFNFfrHY By:bf 2- Gf 2 elQ EI hI (-APTIJFill I TN Iiut ntt 1. 1 e2+ HERE' an idea corrceived trear ly a nratel n,:rr 1. g3I Eal+ !1. KgZ PO BOX 6II, CAMBRIDGE .entury ago is devel oped and (i!c 6 mat e. PH: (O7l) 2V7-548 embellished by a young P,:l ish 1.. tr:h4 (trmposer recegrrized frLr lris If 1, ... lr:f"+ 2' Ev;b!+ l',e4 3. mates prettily. After 1. sorE mnmRs, Affp DIqrREqqr_lLIEE su,:Eesses irr Intertrati.onal tif3 ttrurneys- lr.f5 2. E:.tb?+ Hs6 3, dBG wins as O:.tbE i s ,::he': l": r mc.x.G.r & trcotrcEESSr cEEss couPllmSq al. . . - eZ+ "1. J RUSINE} lgt/'a'.id prizel Sratrlry while l. .,. Hg3 2. BB5+ Kh4 1971. :), ti.h:Z wit[r, mate otr gE is .]r1e way trf wirrrri,ng. we hene a fuII raD€p of fresE conpu.tele, rith a cholce of sll.teen noalelst jl:. ya.rioua beglnrers th::ough to EeS . all havlrg 1evl1s of p1ay. Sultable for '%ffi 'l-he try ?. ExgS+? li:xg5 3- dBG+ erperienced club Player€. O$dB 4. G:,idB+ Ef5 5, h4+ t:r, tibE/d 1 e2J ti96 on I y draws arld l-1. your gEDsr ton callrr for a great gane' * A pro"en ray to lDprore and aIraln z dBll;, e2+ 3. Exb6 I3. H,tr2 (fgl +! e'"% .1, GgB rnatesl pmgramed brands l::xg1 e1G+ 5. l.ih2 tt ftre nEr c.x.G. nEr6e Is proving to be oue of the best Og3+ 5. r,.hl pdceal chess 3, .,. e18+ 4. E:hit on toilay8 rorlal Ee.dEet. Ttrey are coDpetltlwly to BuLt all f;:a1+ 6. Glgl Rxgl+ arrd 7" PlaSrerrr pocketsr antl aEbltiotrE. Lr10 rnate is w'lrse. Of l:']ur:;e, ;1" Hxbi:?' eI+ 3. l{:h: Gr-7+ +. t{:9, * Pzr.c6d fmD $10o - $1 r2oo. *1G+ and BIack trit-tmphs aqain' l^lhite's deceptively quiet I. EeS * A11 our Oress Couputers ca.Trlf a one J/eaJr Suaranteer and fir11 back up preperes .ni-rte on 93 whetr the kitrg Eerrlce. js rrn h2r prevents Blacl,: ts Gc7+r ,:pe?rs tlre f file and everr Good qua]lty, la tlenaad Betail 6tooki6ts ere leqlrlred ln aelecterl a,reaa. threatens 3. 93+ wittt tlre nratirrg pmducts thlch can consiclerably your turrnnerr arrtl a'Ieo help to +. 8f5+ to fel lsw, plloEote chess 1n youjr a,!aa. :I. e2+ Eest. Ifr for itrstatrr:er 2. * ClUb enqulrles telcotm. blG+ 3. kh? Qgl+ 4. Kxgl e3+ 5. l,1h2 Ggl+ E, Hxql elO+ '/. 3:!, sntl your nealeEt BtockiEt to!- * Sead Dor for our.f:ree colour Gf 1 Glxes B. Clf !+ GgS 9- tJcl4+ wirrs pr'=sairally. B.N. Carther Ltdr qtricl': g latlre at tlre l.l. t{tr2 5't1, A PDsiti'rr1 P.0. 3or sli,:ws that |tot ,)nly ir. tihite ttr* Natural ly trut 3. Of :+7 Gxfr .+. Caabritlat. *x,:[rangrl drwtr r hut ]r i s/her baf [': Kxf2 elO+ 5. H.xel b18+. Ph. (071) ?7?948 rarrk is vLrlnerable tc' r-,bvious iJ. Gg 1+ t40 41 A sh,tt I The stlr|tni t1g, even i f Black has prevelrtefd lyr. way to stlp the t[]e fami liar 'f,n nrate on 93. Ifatd| Ltrn gSr but r1DU +. H.xgl Ra1+ 9. tlr 4. ... dBGt Ggl+ et0+ S. Glf 1 Gxf 1+ tE. Elarkrs serond queelr sarrifice and third deroy to lure tlr* king from h2t If 9. ..- blG fO. Oa+i mat es. 10. l(:xgl blp+ 11. trdl W.nite lightning strikes twicel coMMoDoP,E COMPUTER (NZ) LfD lhrs queelr offerl cornirrg after rilate i,s inevitable. rrrahy sc, 5. lrh.2 royal casualtiesT is tlre Flh 1r nrost piquattt of al I . KASPAROV CH ESS COMPUTER,S Illackrs se{and sa,:rifi.e to decoy after Howevery the Wlrite 1f, l{h2? O}r1+ l?. pixhl is i.;irrg. stal enrate after bl fi. l(xtrl elG+ inking twicel Prices effective 01 July 1988 7. q,hi ofl le 11. Kf 2? 8etr+ draws Ti t f ,:r tat ! Not 7, Kh2;, Glxes+ similarly. and Description Price (inc GSI) black wins. tJtriters qLreerl lt. Gxdl+ riarri f i,:e lras lured the blatk 12. t.-hl wins after 12. .., queen away from eE. 13. 9.1 Pocket Chess 79.00 'l EfE mate, Er lZ_ ",. Ge2 . exfl EgS mate. Express 16K 199.00 17" ... Oxe5 B. OfI+ Ggu a A romantic study witlr strarp play Mark 10 149.00 Qd4+ OS4 1(i. hgxg+ UfOi 11. featurirrg al,r less than frr,, Ggl LlbA 12. Ot.r,f+ wirrsl r'lutual Mark 12 199.00 guee]t sa*ri f ites in a u. t{_h: . af: 1latyr1l and gamel it:e setting. Companion lll 299.00 Rerninisrent *f Henry VIII with io rriany Turbo 16K 399.00 beh*adi ngs ! Turbo King 599.00 Astral 399.00 OVERSEAS Stratos 799.00 NEWS REYKJAVI K Leonardo 999.00 Maestro H Module 165.00 123456789012345678 (upgrade for Leonardo) I Kasparov USR G 2760 11 Analyst Module 315.00 2 Belyavsky usR G 2665 3 Ta1 16\ (upgrade for Leonardo) usR c 2610 4 Hj artarson rcE G 2610 t0 Pro Bridge 100 159.00 5 Ehlvest usR G 2580 9ta 9, Sensory Backgammon 249.00 6 Yusupov USR G 2620 7 Sax HI'N G 2600 9 8 Tlman NLD G 2660 9 9 Nunn ENG G 2620 9 10 Speelnan ENG Br-l G 2645 8, Commodore' ll Andersson SWE G 2625 t2 Sokolov 8t4 250 Forrest Hill tload, Forrest Hill, P0. Box 3&847, Takapuna, usR c 2600 Auckland, N.Z l3 Nlkollc 8 Telex: NZ CBM 63118 Telephono: (09) 410-9182 Fax: 410-9189. YI'G G 2585 14 Rlbli 8 HI'N G 2530 1l- l5 Portlsch HI'N G 2630 ta l6 Spassky ERA G 2560 7 17 Korchnol Sffi G 2595 7 18 Petursson rcE c 2530 6, 5

Gary Kasparov scored hls-second l,Iorld cup victory at Reykjavlk in october but he 142 had to come fron behrnd ro do so. trunaei'i.n the left ^a, 7th round against Andrei sokolov h*n a half polnt off the pace for ai.-r""a seven rounds. I'{ikhall Tal but Trre early leader was Alexander Beryavsky ard .raar-shlvesE caught hln ln the nlddle tournanent. Then, ln a vrtal r4th round of the duer, Tar lost ti neryavsty-wr,o took the sole 143 stage Karpov shared the lead with Nlgel Short, both having scored 4rBoris Spassky - and lost! le4e5 2Nf3Nf6 3Nxe5d6 4Nf3Nxe4 5d4d5 5Bd3Bd6 70-00-0 8c4c6 Soko- Ttre tournament was dominated throughout by the Soviet contingent with only 9 Nc3 Nxc3 10 bxc3 dxc4 11 Bxc4 Bg4 12 Qd3 Nd7 13 Ng5 Nf6 14 h3 Bh5 15 f4 up his clear third place at Bel- 1ov failing to take a top placing. Ehlvest followed h6 16 94 hxg5 17 fxg5 Nxg4 18 hxg4 Qd7 19 gxh5 Qg4+ 20 Kf2 RaeS 2r Rgr Qh4+ fort with another solid effort here. The only non-Soviet player to feature in the 22 KgZ b5 23 Bb3 c5 24 Rhl, 1 - 0. top five was Johann Hjartarson who started disnally wLth 2/6 but gradually worked his way through the field to share fourth place. SH0RT - TIMMAN, Ruy Lopez: 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 Nf6 5 0-0 Nxelr 6 d4'b5 7 Bb3 d5 8 dxe5 Be6 ,A.fterthreeWorldCuptournamentsBelyawskyleadsthegrandprixstandingswith 9 c3 Bc5 10 Nbd2 0-0 11 Bc2 Bf5 12 Nb3 896 13 Bf4 Bb6 14 a4 15 axb5 axb5 and Qd7 60% points" His lead tooks tikely to be temporary, however, as Kasparov on 56L 16 RxaS 21 22 (3 Rxa8 17 Nfd4 b4 18 Bd3 bxc3 19 Bb5 Nxf2 20 Rxf2 Nxd4 BxdT Nxb3 f"ipo, o, 54\ehave each only played two events. Next are Speelmn 51 tournaments)' bxc3 Ral 23 Qxal Nxal 24 Bc6 Be4 25 c4 Nc2 25 Bd2 Na3 27 Bxd5 Bxd5 28 cxd5 (2) Nunn 42% (2)' Andlrsson 4g'4 Q), Sokolov 48 (3), Ehlvest 45 and Nc4 29 Bc3 Kf8 30 94 Ke8 31 h4 96 32 Kg2 Bxf2 33 Kxf2 Nb6 34 d6 c6 35 Kf3 Kd7 36 Bd4 Nd5 37 h5 Ke6 38 Ke4 Nb4 39 Bc3 Nd5 40 Bd4 Nb4 4l Bc3 Nd5, t< - rz. NIKoLIC - HUBNER, Slav Defence: 1d4d5 2c4dxc4 3Nf3Nf6 4Nc3c6 5a4Bg4 6Ne5Bh5 7h3e6 894896 9 Bg2 Bb4 10 0-0 Nd5 1I Na2 Be7 12 e4 Nb4 13 Nxb4 Bxb4 14 f4 t6 15 Nxg5 hxg6 16 Be3 Nd7 17 Qc2 Qe7 18 Qxc4 c5 19 Racl cxd4 20 Qxd4 Ba5 21 Qd3 a6 22 Rfdl Rd8 23 Qb3 Nb8 24 Rxd8+ BxdS 25 e5 fxe5 26 fxe5 Kf7 27 Bc5 Qd7 28 Rdl Qc8 29 Bd6 Rf8+ 34 Bxg6+ 35 onTg movel 32 Re4 Rg8 33 QxhT+!' 1 - 0. Nc6 30 Be4 Rh6 31 95 Rh5 32 Rfl+ Kg8 33 Kh7 Kxg6 Qd3+, 1 - 0. ANDERSS0N - S0K0L0V, Queen's Gambit: 1Nf3d5 2d4Nf6 3e4e6 4Nc3Be7 5Bg50-0 6e3Nbd7 7Rc1r:6 8Bd3a6 9 TIi'IMAN - HUBNER, French Winawer: BadS 1e4e6 2d4d5 5a3Bxc3* 6bxc3Ne7 7Nf3Qa5 8Bd2Nbc6 cxd5 excl5 trO Re8 11 0-0 Nf8 12 Rfel Be5 1l a3 Nh5 14 BxeT QxeT 15 Na4 3Nc3Bb4 4e5c5 Qc2 Be2 13 Bb4 14 15 c4 16 Nc5 Bc8 17 b4 Nf6 tr8 a4 Ne4 19 b5 axb5 20 axb5 Ng5 21 Ndz Rd5 22 bxc5 bxc6 9 cxd4 10 cxd4 Qa4 11 Rbl Nxd4 12 Bd3 Nec6 Nf5 Qcl b6 Nxb4 16 Rxb4 Qc6 17 0-0 0-0 18 Qf4 Bb7 19 Bxf5 exf5 20 Nd4 Qc5 21 Nxf5 Bc8 23 Ral Rh6 24 Nfl 25 Ng3 Rh4 26 f4 Nge6 27 Nxe5 28 Racl Bd7 29 Bf5 Qf6 Qxe6 22 NxgT KxgT 23 Qg5+ Kh8 24 Qf6+ Kg8 25 Qg5+ Kh8 26 Qf6+ Kg8 27 Rb3 Re8 28 Rxf6 33 Rc3 Kf8 34 Ral Ke7 35 Ra7 36 Qf6 30 BxdT NxdT 31 Qf5 Re6 32 Qxf6 96 Rg3+ Kf8 29 R.g7 Re7 30 e6 Bxe6 3I Rxh7, I - 0. Rc7 Re6 37 R7xc6 Rxc6 38 Rxc6 Nf6 39 h3 Nh5 40 Ne2 Ng7, I - 0. *** TAL - SPEELMAN, Pirc Defence: 1e4d6 2d496 3Nf3Bg7 4Be2Nf5 5Nc30-0 60-0c5 7d51ila6 8RelNc7 9 Bf4 b5 10 Nxb5 Nxe4 11 NxcT QxcT 12 Bc4 Nf6 13 h3 Re8 14 Rbl a5 15 qd2 Qb6 DDR Vs BRD 2A 2l h6 22 ttxfl 16 Re3 Ba6 17 Bxa6 Qxa6 18 Rbel Kf8 19 Ng5 Qb7 c4 Qb4 QeZ Since the post Second World l.lar partition of Germany the only ueetings between Rb3 Rb7 26 Ng8 27 Re3 Bf6 28 Rf3 Kg7 KxfT 23 Qa4 24 Qe6+ Kf8 25 Qxc4 Bxd5 West and East have been a few occasions at Olympiads - and these not for many years 29 BxeT I&8 33 34 Rf7, RxeT 30 RxeT* NxeT 31 Qxf6+ Kg8 32 Qf7+ QxeT Qxd5 as East Germany has not conpeted at an olympiad since 1972. T\eir match at Potsdam 1 - 0. in September was thus quite a historical occasion. PETURSS0N - P0RTISCI'1, Modern Benoni: The West German team was well below strength, lacking HGbner, Lobron, Pfleger id4Nf6 2c4e6 3Nf3c5 4d5exd5 5cxd5d6 6Nc396 1Bf4a6 8e4b5 9 and Kindermann. Nevertheless they only lost the four-round series by the narrow Qe2 Nh5 10 Bg5 f6 11 Be3 NbdT 12 94 Ng7 13 h4 Nb6 14 Nd2 b4 15 Ndl h5 16 margin of 13:11. The East German tear comprised Uhlmnn, B6nsch, Kuaak, Vogt, Pahtz gxh5 Nxh5 17 Rgl Kf7 i8 f4 f5 19 Qg2 Bh6 20 NfZ Qf6 21 0-0-0 Es7 22 Nd3 Bb7 and Espig. 23 Be2 Rg8 24 e5 QdB 25 Bf3 QaS 26 Bxh5 gxh5 27 Qg5 Nxd5 28 Qxf5+ Ke8 29 iat f, ! exd6 QcS 30 Qe4+ Kf8 31 Bxc5 Kf7 32 Nc4 Re6 33 Qf5+ Nf6 34 Qg6+, 1 - 0" IJFPE,E HUTT TJHESS CLUE "ess,=c i trrr Drlt inue Entriesr nunrbering !7 r.up I or, THLVEST Ruy Lopez: - NIKOLIC, GM LAEOUE: I^'EEI.IEND TOTJENAT,IENT 1987 1); rarrged fr':,rrr Taunrarutnui tr 1e4e5 2Nf3Nc6 3Bb-5a5 4Ba4Nf6 50-08e7 6ReIb5 7Bb30-0 Bc3d6 Ey Chris EELL Clrrist,:hurr[r7 easi ly ttte wldest I h3 a5 10 d3 a4 il Bc2 Bd7 12 NbdZ QbB 13 d4 Qb7 14 Nfl exd4 15 cxd4 Nb4 qle, spread w€ ltave tratl . 16 Bbt RadS 17 Ng3 BfeS 18 Bd2 Na6 19 e5 dxe5 20 dxe5 Nd5 21 Ng5 h6 22 QcZ AMF:E:IUANS [rave qi verr us ilre]ry Str,:'ngest rf the t ftreigrrers;t BrC5 23 Qh7+ Kf8 24 et: f.xe5 25 Bxg5 hxg5 26 Bg5 Nf6 27 QhS+ Ng8 28 Bh7 RbB abbreviati':'us and a'::rtrnynrs, bt-tt were Mi,:ttael Freerrtan and peter 29Nf5,1-0. f ew r: ,:rr I d be as we I ,:,ltrle as " GI'1" M,:[..en:i e in tlre A grade and 1"1i,:hael lirlrwass in the E qrade, :k** t'tr ape|ld t,: the name Df a ':lre.irs tsurtranrerrt. Upper Htttt is N,:,t ab I e ,:,nii ss i ,lns wer e I ast yearts' jEint wilrners E:Lrss,el Dive cJe I i ght ecl t,: lrave ,:,r] trr:,ard (.eliants) TI LBI,'RG (:NZ) and Jnnathan Sar f atr tieneral Mrtrrs t-inrited as (.c,verseas), turned in a top class perfomance in September when he won the i ts treu spLlns,fr. Lr::rrlg rnay tlre Exanrs als':, preventerJ 12th Interpolis tournament - a category 16 double round-robin. At the half-way 't 45 lt+4 Anth'rny ['.er' s par ti i r i pat i.,ri]. T[re t'1s lien= i e 7 F,:nrer uy I. 5; 8-9 Si ms t ':ine Olyrrrpiarr uhl ditl play +as Lev liBr:i 1i:t, vatr lli'jl: 1.5; 11-1I' F Aptel:ar. -tt-tf f eryr J,lrlatharl Adanrs 1. *^ F.lnu$c, OnE f Dl l,lwed tlre f And s,;,r yet arruther rrew tl.anre 'rrrti bL:,':rh: ev;L:*pt that Zyg FraitI,:el tn':rl': wa:: ardded ts tlre tr,:PlrY. Feter r lsr LATVIAN GAMBIT h:rlf prirrt rf f F-reeroatr artrl FaLtl I tlrirlt{r wi ll }rintgelf "e ':trLtrlt Tuffery clitJ the sanre tr:, Art[rltr r atlrer I uc kyr but Dlle ,::antt'=t OPEN CHESS TOURNAMENT qarire f]'lrnerny. In the firs't a ':riti,:ise a player f,f,r rriLrtual lit,rnewall f,:lril.1Li':rtl ,::apitaligitrg tr11 tris,lpp,frletltst Centre, 13 Reeves Rd, Pakuranga, AUCKLAItrD. VEtiIrE! Pakurarga Cultural t:tif led sll the'lirtrl' pLe,:es atrcl rriista[,:es. Feter [ras Per fErrrred .lt the f,:rctr krrights derid*d tt, ntel:* :r totrsistetrt lY lii gh level f & Sunday 19th February, 1989. ':rr DATE: Satr.rrday l8th .r speedy *v:it, lrr the qe':'frldt trrar1y year s nsr,l atrd we h,i s[] [r i nr b,trtlr l':inqE u*r* lef t with,:,Ltt .1tty sLl,:ress itr tlre l9BB t hoLrr per player to ccrnplete the gane. every FORMAT: 7 Round swiss with a tilre control of ;:aurr rrrver attd ui th n"rst Df tlr* C':'rlgr ess. he.evy arti. I lery lef t Itr tlre E Grader ther* was' a SATI]RDAY 18th IEERUARY g]IIDAY 19th FERUARY TI}IETMLE: p: I ayer ,: Du I d r i g;[': .rrr at t a,:: [,: . ntarked differetr,:r: irl playitrg In E:D{-r}td Tw,:,n A[]te[::ar w,]tl betweetr the tlP arld R5 9.00am 11.00am t;tretrgttr Rl 9.00am - 11.00am - ;:rqai-nst l"lrtl-*tr;:ier after brtt'ini p:layers - pr,:bably reas'::rrl R2 11.30am - 1.30prn R6 11.30am - 1.308n ad;,:urnirrg ui th tw,:, r:,--rtrrre,::ted R7 2.30pm 4.30pm R3 2.30prn - 4.30pm - 6rassecl p.f,riJnsr atrd Fi'*ter Ilawl,:eEt r:r1'fr.rgh t,tr have L:reat*d a C Grade. R4 6.008n - 8.00Pm rrr,irrE Eir(lt.i Def*n,;e {ur the Hr,weverr':'trnlpetitiltr anr,:ngst t[re !lB':t:'ilcl l,intr:-r gu,rvived t-e'trilard ttrp f uur was [,:een wi ttr Srtrwa=s PRIZE [I]ND: Total prize fund totals $2'500 divided as follotrs: l'1,:Laren's .:ttar[': t,:r,i':'iil AFte[,:"1r eventt.ral ly rr-ttrnitrg ,ft-tt tlle witrtrer 1st 5500 i:!t1 :;:./:i:" l,lartin Sinrs t.Ul-l.r pi,:1..:ecl 4.5/5. Utrd,rrrbtecl I y ttre ')n qlas 2nd S400 Ltp tlre pr:i:e {t,r the [:*s;L '::riti,:al garre [rere S,:[]uaslit 3rd $250 r:trmbir1ati,:,u in lris gc1Iil* witt-t witl ,-rver SimErl Graillger (:seaL-rlld 4ti s150 les l,iir t.despite the. f a'::L equal irr tlris grc,t-rp I as"t year ) itr sth s100 that ttre t,:rnhi rrat i ':n s[],:,rr I d ltav* r trur1d f sur . De f etrcl i trg a PLUS: 4 grade prizes of $75 been gE,,rc, f or a dr aw at best .r . di f f irult p'lsiti':,n' Eraitrger (best year PII]S: Youth prize result for under 20 oltls) Nherr ttre I eacl*r g rnet i tr Fi:':)(irld erred 5ust after the re:;unrptiottT divided as follows: 1st 5125; 2nd S75 & 3rd S50 Thre*r Apt*|,:ar !/,lu a Fawlr fr,:,nr I ':'si trq a vi ta I paurr. Al t[r,:inc;[r ccrnputer va-Iued at I)avi.d Li .errcl D,rrr Stracy butlr PLUS: Latviar: Ganrbit all-corer prize. Chess t lasrh:er" btrt ttretr b I ut:tler ed a I lis a win the w,:,rr r,:utrd f ivtlr $,:hwass al!;t, 5500 to the contestant who scores against ;:iete