1986 July 18

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1986 July 18 NZ LIST~ !'!. !~_IL..¥ 19, 1986 .- • I ; • . S. t._· · ..i ·. f. 1>-, ~he'-. 'iw" inS: by Mu:rray'Chandlet' . -. · · HEN YOU'RE ranked third 11. NgS Rf8 equal in the Wo~ld, you don't 12. Nf3 Res often expect to come last in a 13. Nbd2 Bf8- tournament. This, however, 14. Bc2 Nb8 • iWs what happened· to Dutch No 1 Jan 15. a4 cS?! Timman in an eight-player competition in 15 .... Nbd? is less committal. 16. dS Nbd7 the small Yugoslav town of Bugonjo. With 17. b4 c4 an average ELO rating of 2627, Bugonjo 18. Nfl NhS ranks' as one of the strongest events. in 19. N(3)h2 g6 the history of chess - rivalling South 20. Bel Be7 Africa 1981 as _ the highest category 21. Qd2 Rf8 tournament since international ratings 22. Bh6 · Ng7 were introduced in 1970. It easily beats 23. Ng3 Kh8 Montreal's 1979 "Tournament of , 24. Ng4 Nf6 Stars", and one probably has to go back 25. Nxf6 Bxf6 to the 1948 World Championship tourna• 26. Rfl Qd7 27. f4 aS? ment to find an event of comparable stature. 27. ... eXf4 was essential. Now Sokolov's kingside initiative gathers momentum, _ The tournament winner was Soviet ex• while the temporary pawn Black picks up is· World Champion Anatoly Karpov, play• irrelevant. · inga final event before his revenge title 28. fS! axb4 clash-with the current Champion, Garri 29. cxb4 bxa4 Kasparov. Although he won by a full - 30. Rf3 Kg8 point margin, Karpov gained no rating 31. Qf2 Bh4 points. and" even this impressive victory 32. Bxg7 Bxg3 (on top of Brussels in March) still leaves - 32 ..... KXg7 33. NhS ch gXhS 34. QxM him the underdog.' The new super-class. is also unpleasant. · standards set by Kasparov in his crushing 33. Rxg3 Kxg7 34. f6 ch 5½:1/2 demolition of Tony Miles (Lis• This pawn will torment Karpoo till the tener, June 21) are not easily equalled. · end. He has to guard constantly against Grandmaster Miles, ,now a tax-exile who lightning mating attacks, while White plays "rarelyreturns toBritain, µad a fair result on either side of the board at his leisure. in Bugo_njo, having evidently recovered 34. Kh8 . from his drubbing in Basel. _ 35. Rga3! QbS E_yes - were also on the two young• 36. Qe3 . Rg8 Soviet grandmasters Artur Yusupov and 37. b4 gS Andrei Sokolov, due to clash in their Desperation, but 37. ... -Ra6 38. Kf2 Qb6 World Championship Candidates semi• 39. Rxa4 QXe3 ch 40. Kxe3 is a lost final later this year. Sokolov, 23,- had the endgame - the. c-paum 's fall is inevitable. distinction of beating Karpov '-- an 38. hxgS Rg6 39. Kf2 h6. , occurrence of greater significance than it might appear. It was the first game . The natural 39. : .. Rag8fails to 40. Rhl RxgS 41. Qh3! RXt2 ch 42. Kflc3 dis. ch 43. _ · Karpov · has lost to a Soviet player on Bd3) when Black's queen is attacked and foreign soil since 1975; when he became mate is threatened. · World Champion. In the past Western 40. Rhl Kh7 .· GM:s have grumbled-about fellow Soviets 41. Bdl Rag8 . not trying too hard against him: .Those 42. Qh3. days appear . to be gone . .. but still Karpov. wins the tournaments. Here i's the remarkable game. RUY LOPEZ A SOKOLOV A KARPOV 1. e4 -es 2. Nf3 Nc6 - .3. Bb5 · a6 4: Ba4 Nf6 5. O~O Be7 ·6. Rel bS t. Bbl d6 · 8. c:3 0-0 _ 9. ~3_ Bb7 • The threat is 43. Qxh6ch! Rxh644. RXh6. · .10: d4 • Re8 checkmate. A tacit draw offer. -Sokolov declinesafter 42. Rh8 ·the ritu'al knight dance. 43. BhS (lesigns · • BUGONJO 1986 - .. /:. l( ' L So p Sp y M ,, T Karpov· g 2700 ~ - 1-l ·y2 0 ½ ½· 1/2 ._1/2 1: · 1 ½ ½ ½ 1/t -1 ~Y2. - ljubojevic . g -2605 0 ½· ...a... - 1/i!· ½ ½ .½ ½ ½_ 1 ·½ 0 ,1 1 ½ 71/i Sokolov·· . g 2595 l ½ ½ ½ _:,_' --- ½ ½ 1/i ½ _½ ·1/i ½ ·½ - ½ 1/2. 7½ Portis'ch . g 2$10 ½ ½ ·½ ½' ½ ½- -·_..- ½ .½ 0 ·v2· ½ ½ ½ 1 - 7 Spassky - g 2610 ½ 0 ½ ½' 1/2 ½ ½ ½ ,- - ½ ½ '½ 1/i 1 - ½ . 7' l!''·. Yusupo_v g 2645 0 ½ - 0 ½ '½ _ ½ l ½ 1/2 ½ - - Fl 1 ½ , 0 7 1- - Miles- g- • 26• 10 ½ ½ · 1• . 0 1/2 ½,.-. ½ I ½ ½· ½ 0 0 1 0 6 Timman g~2~45 ½ 0 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ 0 (J ½ ½ 1 0 1 - - 5½ • ,· •· .
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