INTRODUCING NEW ZE,KI-AN PC.SCOREBOOK ...the {"lltimsle PC Gorne Processor CHESS "T For a[[ IBM and Compatibles: Requires 256K & Color Graphics & DOS 2.1 or higher Registered at Post Olfice HO, Wellington as a magazine l) Chess game files include information on tourna- VOL" l4rI{o 6 DECEUBEB. I 988 ment, opponent and opening variations 2) Can be used for postal or OTB games 3 ) Allows comments on each half move 4 ) Uses Algebraic or International notation 5 ) Replays game with review of analysis 6 ) Is a useful study aid 7 ) Not copy protected Owner's name is includ- ed in source code - 8 ) Prints graphic display through DOS's graphics program 9 ) Works on hard disk or floppy systems 10)Kasparov-Karpov game files included on pro- gram disk - specify 5Y4" or 3Yz" G & W Micro-Specialties, Inc. P. O. Box l05l Bamberg, s. c. 29003 u.s.A. $34e5 S.C. Resident add 590 sales tax Check or Money Order (Orders outside U.S. add t5.00 Shipping & Handling U.S. Currency only) FIDE Pres ident F I orenc io Campomanes , - Gillian t{est of Christchurch and l NZCA Vice-Presideot Gordon Chamley NEIJ ZEALAND trHESS is pubtistled PAUL COOPER finistred joint (Februaryy bi-morrthl y Apri l; 27-37 in thc BicenEennial World NE!UId ZEALAND CHESS Jttner August r Oct,:ber atrd Junior Torrrnancnt lrcld in Adelaide Derember ) by the New in SepEemlrer-October EdiEor: Bill Cox wittr a News: Nll PeEer StuarE Zea I arrd trhess Assor i at i,rn. score of +3 -4 =6 for a score Overseas oL lfomeu's EdiEor: Vivian sui th 6/13. Ewen Greenl lJnl ess otlrerwise statedr h,:weverT The wirrner Special CorrespondeDEs : Il{ Ortvin SaraPu;NU of the torrrnanent Euil uelnichenko. tlre views expressed herein are r{as Joel Laurier (FR.q.) 2365 rrot rrectessarily those of ttre rrith 9/13 on a countback. Vassily Asscrciatinrr. rvanchuck (URs) 9/13 was second; EDITORIAL Grigory Serper ( URS ) g / t3 3ra i ADDEESSES and Boris Gelfanct (URS) g/13 THIS isslte rrf NP,,J Zealaild Clress qr tlre t,rst ':,f livinq. ItELr. -[[ris ri,:es l]r:lt trrerf,ll ttr;:t the '::onrplete"i 14 years ':'f ELlntilluDL(t All arti':les arrd letters slrauld The Norld Tlre rrtagaz i lrr+ [ras ,:Evrlr Fri,::e i-- !l':riulJ t'r irl':re'retr' Girls FinaI ranlcins pub I i cat i ntr. yeatse be addr essed t D Tlre Edi trrr r 25 were Alisa Calliamove (trRS) lrad i ts ups atrd cllwtrs si rrle tlre l)ttri rrt-; ttre p.a',;t r:trr-lP I e 'lf pt r,:,tl s liav;: i tr': r e:r-=tld f r il'tir Jeep Eoadr Raumeti Souttr. lsr wirh 10.5/13: KeEevan f i rst ntrmber {Jetlt '=nt tl tnerrlbers srtErs,:: r i Arakhatia (URS), ,:tf t lre assD': i at i $il i 11 19"/'+ - a ,irrst riv€r '+':r! t':' tlie pr€$trlt Elena Zayatsd tria[:t]:l it barely Corresprrtrdetrre to tlre Assoc iatiotr (URs) and Jrrn Xie (pRc) Lqrat rLr]leRd set ,lf slreetsr I gattrer r f i.g,-,t,r, wlri':tr slrou I d be addressed to T[re 2-4 wrch 9.5/13, rrntj I issLte nunrber sixr whiEh war; vi ab I e. Secretaryr NZCA, PO B,rx 2185, praf essir,rral ly .[rr fa':tr ttre fitflQ4?1r]e rrrr'lllR(jetl Paul Cooper's reporc wiIl Prirrteci. la::t Wellirrgton- appcar in the nexL issue. Ihe f i f th i ssLte wetlt Eut tl Etlt) t':, rir.f,l::e .f, Prr:rf it rr1 ttre Siubstriptionsr cita]lges Df address stJbs':ribersr t[re ttretr Editr:rr F E I'irran,: ial year r Llut that was dutr and advertising enqrriri es Gtrf f in' tltrted- Tlris issr-t* ui ll g': t,:, Atr E,:,rreI)r Uh,:, vgf 199d f,';-' l":t s;hould be addressed tp T[re to arrrutrd 52{':'suhs,:ribersr a sad j tj [Ji e al]d !{lt':' trratlaqerj lrrtl;rtls t']' Ser r et ar y. ref letrti,rn ,:)n t[]e. [':eettess rf Ner'l pr':,dL1r* it at n1i11i5x4 I r:tst' ..i.pt.i'rirl rerre+alt wi I I g':i Zealandt s ':he:is PlaY*rE wllc' Siuth=r: !]UBSCRIPTION RATES nLtriltlerr a.L:Drdillg t'l Ags*ri atilrr ,:,ut ui ttr ttr i:: i r.'-t-te " F'l t:a:;e a reE'trds, at least lBr:.rL:r. r€t]fi.u ytur,::irdel '-.1rld PerEtr'-rde Eat es ar e f rrp |f|le year rsi Issue nurrrber si yi ,:trEt 4(.'r r:errtsr ,:hess lll ayiuil fr ie:rrt1 t':' :lt-ttts'::itrt:' r.JhiEh CFrr i m;rr:; - trttd G'l':ttl subscriptirn. Overssas rates are thig ':,tre is $Ir d'leg rl'lt A nter r Y =t in IJS Dol lars: ref le,:t the itrrrease itr qalari es tltr erss i rr r [3'j I E I t-r- []rl x lfur f I are mai t^,OI"lEN' S CHAHPIONSHIF: CANCELLED _ New Z ea I en d $NZ I r:. .)(:i two errtries only. Other rountries SuS15.0O ASSOGIATION NEWS NEtd ZEALANDT s menE and w,rmens Ai rmai I teams had a go'ld result Australia & Sauth $lJS15.(),) at th; Facifi,: Olynrpiad arrd f inished Ot her Count r i es gUS2r), q(:I - ahead Df tlre powerful Australian tearrs in AT THE tirne ,rf writirtg nr,:st ,:,nsh f i lra I Tliey ar e ! Ctr'rrnp i i Fr bot [r everr t s ,::,:r-rrr,:i ,lvL-rEea':" ADVERTISING RATES I memtler"; are []y Si r E:,:irral tl S,:,:itt v fhe rnent s tearrr f inished r;LrFl[],:rrtec, f:u I I page $NZ4(1. {)l) SBth [.]rrr Flatirrg Offi.,:iir F:,:!war1 t"l,l,l.l []as C[]ai !:rf the Fli I iarY {]ut of 117 tr:ams L:,lmpeting, They rrran Half page ,=r full colunrrr $NZZL),dxr lef t llew Zealanci f,rrr an eiteudEd Ll':lrilnrri:;si,:rll . lnle :ir e l'l{:il:i llg were seeded 44thr but scored SO l{alf rolumn !iNzl$.i){) !r)vEr9r:aS ri,r,rl.lnE tri:l 1t1ay. ilttriuq f ,::rrl p,:ints. Australian metr were 4clth f ,:,ruard t,:r [t*.:r i trg I thFirr wi th 29,5 poirrts. tlre last three yei-tr: ,::,r 5':, ['l,:iu,ril Lief'rrrr Clrr r gtftag. Club directury t36 . Ti'te listing - per ]-he NZ Worrtents tearn were 31st has d,:]ile a treherrd,:,Lrs.j':lLl It wi ll reqlrir* :rrt erlrl'rtlr:lll:j .in]lum, $! per alteration. nut preParati.:'rl ,rf ratirlg lis;ts is eff,:rr-t t,r prep:rre a tli.d f,:,r sll'i:h of EE teanrsr ::Etrrihg Zl.E glarr,lriltls p:oirrts. Australia ,r:ertailrly rr,:,t the ril':i!-,t rin *vetrt r I *t .l I ,lt) rl t [r tr DEADL were SGrd. u,rr[rr brtt INE FOF: COPY side" uf C,:'trn,,il ,;lrqani:iati,:ru ':lf tht: fillal" Editorial capy should be ir't tht: uvel'y,lne tallesl tri:'ti.,re 'sf tlre l'::'r,rqress rep,lrtE wi I I apq:,i"rr i ll editDr rs hands by t he se,: D?rd resulte antl tlre FlatinrJ Of f i,::er i5 NZTI. ,:riti':: jstEtJ. Saturday of ttre rfiDhth pre,:eedi ng ':::f b*n Liu,ltrsti fiably l-FV Apt el, ar rs algt, in Grtliiiii publ iration. E:nwan []as f Lt I I y d':ne ttle ;';16 rl: ,:, I ':lreEr A 5 ':la,:: [] f the l\lew Zeie .rrrrj and lrrrpef ul ly lte wi I I returrr as 1. earilS " [l':'t-[]':i I ni*n,br:,r itl 1B n,:rrlt[r--- time" -lhe Atrrrltal Gett*r.:l Meetirrq,:,,f at the Clresr' In Thessal,:,r1i [ii ttie NTCA wi I I bE hii:ld in Durrrdii I I Olynrpi;rc1 y ,:,Ltr [:'re!]iderlt tli [,lEClt] e:;d cay t Jariuar y -l at I Frrr. Ir'r-'oler t,:rqether wittr G'lrd':'11 '::rn Mal.e sure that ya,rf,r ':: I trb r;.:lttl.; .t Clranr ! t-y strd tli I I F:ani';aY ar e rlElr.gatL.. lobhyirrq f ,:,r the 19!li.! t"lor lrl [;:.,e1 v,:]utt Sitr,:err 125 E6 VAN PELT J 1856 146 BLAXALL C S L7 tb S].IITH V J tTto RATINGS E7 CONNOR B P ta47 147 14A CHANDLER J 1709 EVENI-S rated irr the peri,rd Hay 1t,: 8E ROSE C A Le47 + O,::tDtlBr O1 flrei NZ 149 ELOISTEIN E 1 708 ,J{rr'}i,lr Chanrpitnstripp Al I B? ELAXALL N 1 844 -tJel 15O REYNOLDS C P l7O7 * e O hJaita 90VETHARANIAI"{PAR 1843 ; C LTO6 * i'lirl t"lelli ?1 I.IHITEHOUSE L E I A30 151 WHITEHOUSE ; 152 JACKSON R 1703 * and s[.]i-p; 92 COLLINS P I.I ta27 153 SKERRET I'1 17OO * C T NZ S,:tr 93 CAPIE I"I LB25 I54 EOOTH A J 1 700 C p (:A_C.) 94 TURNER ]'{ G 1 823 R 1698 ?5 SINTON P J 1822 155 SHUKER 156 COHPTON A 1 699 :i! ,_:';:ffi;TIL.,:,',-",,",,111::;::ll 96 O'BOYLE D IBLT 157 DAVIES C 1.697 t:llx: 97 WIGEOUT I.I 1E 16 OKEY K T,I t617 ol,, o,"r*:: arri ve,rl,,i'i'fi; 98 FREE T J 1S 16 158 i::l ;::=T:.y:'.:::- *:;il;_., C A I 695 '1, the list.
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