IDAHO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TECHNICAL REPORT 07-1 MOSCOW-BOISE-POCATELLO LONG AND LINK Project supported in 2006 by NSF EAR #0331174, to Paul Link. Map compiled by spl (6/06) redrafted and edited by pkl (9/06) This Technical Report is a reproduction of independent compilation by Sean P. Long and Paul K. Link of Idaho State University, Pocatello, This map has not been externally edited. The authors made Idaho. Its content and format may not conform to agency standards. minimal changes to map units and fault locations. Please address any comments to Paul Link
[email protected] Geologic Map Compilation of the Malad City 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle, Idaho Sean P. Long and Paul K. Link 2007 Salt Lake Formation, tuff (Pliocene? to Upper Miocene) Includes several Oquirrh Group unit b (Late to Early? Pennsylvanian) Interbedded sandy Brigham Group, undifferentiated (Lower Cambrian to Neoproterozoic) Shown Kellogg, K.S., Harlan, S.S., Mehnert, H.H., Snee, L.W., Pierce, K.L., Hackett, W.R., Description of Map Units Tt tuff units mapped in Sublett and Deep Creek mountains; includes white to gray, PobI to silty limestone and calcareous sandstone to siltstone, with rare bioclastic CZb only in northeast corner of map area, includes strata of the Camelback Mountain adn Rodgers, D.W., 1994, Major 10.2 Ma rhyolitic volcanism in the eastern vitric air-fall tuff and water-lain tuff, pink to gray vitric ash-flow tuff, pink to limestone; lithology identical to unit c, 1600-2750 ft (490-840 m) thick. Quartzite, Mutual Formation, Inkom Formation, Caddy Canyon Quartzite, and Papoose Snake rvier Plain, Idaho--Isotopic age and stratigrpahic setting of the Arbon Map units were generally taken from previous geologic maps; some units were gray, rhyolitic welded tuffs, and a 10.4-10.8 Ma (K-Ar age) (Armstrong et al, Creek Formation, with combined thickness of 4300 ft (1310 m).