(Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-03-31
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owan Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ~~ __________________________~ _____________________~ ______________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M~t~o~~~' ~r~~' I~~ ___________________________________________~~~~~ ~b31.i~ ., -'---,",""",--~- Jepoi1 France There's That Well-Known Bunny! te • IISe~f Israel IMilk Blockaders' f Jel Fig·hlers ~l PARIS IA'I- France has begun delivery oC 12 Mystere jet inter ~eptor planes to Israel with tacit Cut Off Detroit; U.S. con~ent, reliable sources said . ~Frlday. There was no official con· ifirmation or denial. 0'1 Unofficial sources reported some IOf 'the jets already had passed \throuih Rome. 11 Fra.nce, Britain and the United States have been hoping to head .D'ump Truckloads 011 an armament race in the ex· plosive Mlddle East by trying to cut QU all arms shipments. }:lYpt has got Iron CurUlin arms from Czechoslovakia and Russia Rule Military . The Weather Demand Hike since last summer and upset a balance the West had hoped to Fair malhtain. Courts Can In Wholesale France contracted to supply the M,)'stcres, the sUlndard French arr and force fiihter plane, before the Try Civilians Western agreement. Price 01 Milk ' Peliverles had been delayed WASHlNGTON (,f - The Court of Warmer hlJe France sought to wdrk out a I Military Appeals Friday dcclar('d DETROIT 11'1-0 troit's gigantic ommon policy with Britain and the armed services have power to milk upply of more than two mil· he· United States on such ship· try civilian working for them at lion quart daily wa cut by 60 ents in the light of the Red arms 0\ ersea posts. There's a pos ibllity pt'r c nt Frid y anro up late hipments to Egypt. rarmers blockad d Incoming tank The court thus earri d one step bowers may dampen 80m Ea· A series of three-power meet· (urth r a previous affirmative rul· lru k. and dumped thousands of wr porod s In Iowa Sunday. but gallons. gs In Washington faHed to pro· ing in the controv rsy over wh th r it will bc Trlotl\,cly mild with uce any clear·cut stand. "camp followers" ~Ire lIubj ct to the mercury reaching th 40's Gov. G. ?fr nn n Williams callPd Experts estimate the entire Is court-martial. north we t and 5O's south a t. .a m e e tin g her for today r eli Interceptor force at fewer It held American court-marUals among all organlUilioM Involved ' 1eanwhile, til slole's wcoth r and ord red Detroit health com· . ~ -40 planes. ' "far betler" than trial by a foreign will continue to mod rate as a The Eqptians are reported to court. which it ~tlid would be th mi sion r. Dr. Jo ph Moln r, to warm southerly flow 'of air "t k 11 n s.:lry t('p.~ 10 obtain receiving 200 Russian MIG·15 only practical alternative. pread through Iowa today . fi hters and 60 Russian Ilyushin an emergency upply for person Life for Murder TodDY'S high will be in th high vitally in n ed 01 milk." t In-jet bombers. Several months ago the court, 5O 's or low 6O·s. Th high Fri· (o.n, l ow.n Phoi. br nob I(.,nl) Dr. ~olnrr Mid, "The situation 3·YEAR·OLD MARY TRUE dressed u!' in her E~ster finery Friday But It looks as if this round must be done, because all the eggs are high tribunal (or th arm d Corces, A low pr ur disturbance now gets worse by th' moml'nt. but to go looking for that bunny. And she found him making his rounds. gone from Mr. Bunny's basket and Mary looks a bit ilowncast ••• ruled the Army hod jurlsdicllon to day was 39. w xpeet th crisi to hit ov r the try Mrs . Dorothy Krueger SmIth In over the Rockle i expected to we kend. By that tim', the amount french Repel And He Brought Me a Great Big Onel Japan. Mrs. Smith. daughter oC an pread over this area tonight, of milk avallabl could be nU." Army general, was sentenced to bringing showers to we trrn Rai'n-Soaked Pilgrims life in prison for the slaying oC her Iowa til n and over the state Flrme" Rebel husband. Sunday. The ·trlke crupt d Crom a fuss :.Rebel AHack A fcderol judge has since agreed Ther were a few now nur. within the 12,GOO-member Michi Plod Christ's Path Wilh the military appeals court ries in the northea t Friday, but gan Milk Produc r Assn. A rebel Jing group of farmers, colling M-GIERS, Algeria (A'I - French that as a dependent accompanying It was sunny el whpr as tern (orces pressed their intense anti. JERUSALEM. Jordan Sector (A'I her husband abroad, Mrs. Smith 'lCratoces ran,ed from th mit!. th msclves the Fatr har s Bor (uerrilla operations throughout AI. - Pilgrims frat? many lands plod· dern military deCense. could be tried by courtmartial. 30's northeast to the · low 5O's gaining A n., started the strike 10nday. They said th y were fed .gerla Friday, but there was a d~ thro.ugh ram, sl~t and snow The ancient wall which formed Another Cederal judge has ap southwest. Spencer had the arl)' PrQlllise of rfliel froro atUlcks ~ .FrIday m a proce~slonal march Up with th M fPA'1 prOllfeS in Cln ijl1portsnt part of the · back proved the section of the 1950 Uni· morninj low of 15. rebellious tribesmen in neigh bor. afoflg 'the path hrlst took away ground story of Christ is manned gaining higher prices. In; Morocco. from his trial to Calvary .. form ~ III '11111.llry Justice cov· by Arab Legionnaires ever on the ering jurisdiction over civilians. Two d lat th MMPA i· French sourCes said 65 Algerian Massive crosses led the way alert against attack Crom the Is u d on uiUmatum to the dairies, But a third has laken the oppo. ite nationalist rebels had been killed Ithrough flagstone~ streets. raeli troops within sight across 100 vi w in on ,\rtny murder casc. O.M. Pastor aying it had to have more money within 24 hours in a wide-spread The Good Fnday proceSSIOn, yards of No M(ln's Land . by Sunday or it, too, would trike. To Supreme Court campaign. I dottcd With umbrellas, wound be- Although the population tends to The MMPA , which normally IIUp The biggest clash occurred near tween two hills on the Way oC the discount the likelihood of on im· ~he whole question appears cer' I Acquitted plie 85 per c nt of the city'. milk Akbou, In the mountainous Con- Cross inside thc walls o( Old Jeru mediate outbreak of the Arab-Is tam to reach the Suprem Court, /s ask d for an incr a to $5 per stanUne area. Eighteen rebels salem. raeli war, emergency measures ~ho previous deci ion in the case hundredweight of milk in tead oC were killed there and another was Smallest in Years have been planned and hcavy stone o[ ex-Air Force Sgt. Robert Toth Of Murder the pr nt ..... 1. wounded. The French (orces reo In numbers it was the smallest basements or medieval buildings sel oCf the present dispute ov r Twenty· ix oC th 62 dairies In ported no losses on their side. in years. Hundreds had been figure in the plans as potential air military VS. civilian jurisdiction. the m tropoliUln Detroit area feU DES MOLNES (A'I - The Rev. Several smaller bands of rebels frightened away by talk oC the raid shelters. The Air Force tried to prosecute into line with the $5 price Friday were ambushed in an area extend· Toth in connection with the killing 5<'ymour Gaines. 36, pastor 01 the possibility of an immediate out Union Baptist Church here, wa · night. But Fair Shares members ing 50 miles around Constantine. break or a second Arab - Israeli of a South Knrean aCler Toth had said the deal w»Jj "just a bone They left a tOUlI of 28 dead on the been honorably discharged and re fOund innocent of murder Friday war. bt a jury in Polk County Dislrict tos d to the dog." ground. A French soldier was On one hill, inside tlie courLyard Ike in Church turncd to his home in Pittsburgh, killed in obe of the clashes, near Pa. The uprcme Court ruled Cor Court. Asic $6.SO oC a Moslem high school, is the WASliINGTON (A'l-The Presi The Fair Shares group has been Bir Chouchen. first station oC the Cross - the spot mer servicemen cannot be tried by He was accused of the fatal In the Oran area, a violent clash dent and Mrs. Eisenhower at· the military for crimes allegedly shooting of Johnnie Brown, 47, on demanding $6.50 Cor a hundred· where Christ was tried before Pi tended Qood Friday services at weight which contains 46~ quarts. resulted in the death of (our late. On the other hill , across a committed while they were in uni Jan. 15 at a neighborhood drugs tor French soldiers and injuries to the Nat ion a I Presbyterian form. which the minister operates. Friday night, Fair Shares leaders valley, is Calvary and scenes of Church Friday as WaShington aid two small dairies In subur- five others. Christ's crucifixion and burial. That d~isiOn was limited 10 ex The Rev. Mr. Gaines pleaded In Morocco, 30 young chieftains prepared to observe Easter. servicemen, the Court of Military ban Richmond ond Mt. Clemens View of Calvary self-dcfense.