The Oxford Democrat
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J· «dunu! rj *®βκ»·:* -mshw» Wtlym-Wr-.,^ζ::- -*·.-'-< ■ : ·' « The Oxford Democrat. 88. VOLUME SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1921. NUMBER 20. Λ PARK. The Sweet Cora Situation. BOSTON PRODUCE MARKET fjtgJUCK "Esq." Delayed HI· Mall. AMONG TBS FLORIDA RABBIT A FIGHTER at Law, FASMEB8. Under date of 0. H. Attorneys If you want to be sure your letter May 7, Crawford, Week of Mat S-T. lttl I of tba Maine 8weet Corn Grow- NEW ENGLAND NEWT MAIN will reach Its destination without de- secretary Vletor In Remarkable Combat With BCTKKl. «UeryC.Part er·' Association, issued a aammary of (Prepared by the United SUU Puiean Pick lay don't write "Esq." after the name aa Reported by "Honeet and On Dog, of iJUtteil-Benlck. Why Yourl '•PUD TBI FLOW.' report* from tbe looala in the aérerai Markets^ of the addressee. This fatal Peraon." D. ΡΑΚΙ, proved ooontlee, wbiob indioate* In general that Upright IN TABLOID FORM VllMT Fruits and Vepsts Nes. In the case of a letter addressed re- tbe aoreage being algned by tbe growert Auctioneer, Licensed cently to one Henry K. Smith. For for this year la ao far email, and tbaa Russell Thompson of Sarasota, a Asparagus, cabbage, tattoo·, spinach MAINS and strawberries were higher, potatoes a con- The Vitamines. aome of tbe faetorlea will not be rnn. noted and dealer In PAR18, days Smith, employed by large Busy angler fishing All and tomatoes lower, and other Important <OCTH SHOE It will be recalled tbat tbe Sooth Parla Items of Interest Fren had been this ThU oetebrates a noble a honest and 'ere· Modérait. DEALER cern. expecting particu- nam·. tackle, consequently very lines about steady. one can't the aame; looal voted in favor It is a well lar letter and several times the Although pronounce organization recently has the fol- were scaroe and firm at $7.00- known fact that tanners and most shoe during well It'a known that green· upright peraon, submitted- Apples manufacturers have Bight garden of tbe nffer of tbe Bnrnbam A a for New York State Bald- coarse Are rich In aooepting 17.36 barrel STEVENS, taken enormous of his day's work he glanced rery vitamin·,— tbe lowing, with affidavit attached to the Sections of Ynokeelnod HAROLERITE losses. One tanner alone lost That truck from stalk· and vine· Morrill Co. of 3 centa ploa profita wins out of cold storage, while Maine DU $6,000,000.00 last year. In garden vainly the MS" box of the mall Will von fall of above tbat not to exoeed 4 oenta Florida Fisherman. Davis out of common storage OSTEOPATH. Shoe over keep vitamin·,— figure, Ben retailers all the are down And wIm I· who then to 5 m country marking their shoes to re- stands he begin· m event. "Last Sunday morning I happened The of five octogenarian -wo- brought |4.00->6.00 and a few fancy New i ρ m., Thareday p To hi· fresh vitamin·. any ages cost. plan for locale in Oxford Hampshire Baldwins as high aa «.60. Wtdaetdtj placement Nevertheless, the woods are full of amateur economists About four days after the letter had Wlaett of all. who read· this rhyme Reporta from other to be standing looking out the win- men who died in Lynn, Mass., recently Me leaned Asparagus was plentiful and lower at Norway, been delivered to the mall And act· on it In garden time. aa given in tbe clronlar dow. All at once Dr. Jack Halton'a other total Block, WHO CLAIM PRICES OF SHOES youthful County, within 24 hoars of each the of the week, but was \oyes 70. WILL SHORTLY RETURN tbe atate are aa follow·: beginning Teltpfcene clerk It camp to the hands of 8mlth by body, bird and hound came down the al- scaroe and at the cVoee on account te Je TO dog 422 years. higher cas beande bjr phone. PRE-WAR BUT WILL Teata. LEVELS, THEY ? YES, THEY SURE β fellow named Variation· in Batter-Pat OXFOBD COUNTY. over neck of the cotd weather, which retarded Its ippolaeBiDU through employee ley with bis back feet bis an- WILL:— Brown University, Providence, Native asparagus closed Erlckson, who found It In the "ET The batter-fat teat of milk U subject to of tbe member· (In the act of and growth. grown Bryant'· Pond. None running) Mayor new a bushel box and New Jer- aoma the follow nounces that beginning with the it I7.00-IS.60 cubby bole. The letter had been ad- variation· because of of bave for tbat Edwards' rabbit in the lead. The rab- & When sigDed acreage, believing all undergrad- sey at 96.00-f7.60 per dosen bunches. Longley Son, hard coal is back at ton log factor·: Breed of oow·, period of in better off term next September I M. $9.00 per ; dressed to "Henry K. Smith, Esq.," tbe end tbey will be mncb bit is a very large specimen of the Native grown cucumbers closed higher Vt^iln·, lactation, of milk drawn, ner- uate tuition fees would be advanced Dande- When railroad fares are back at ac and the clerk had filed It under "B." portion by aopporting tbe Aaaociatlon. and well able to care at 18.00-111.00 per bushel box. Norway, per mile. vous exoitatioo of tbe rodent family cow, improper Canton. 38 1-2 aorea to per year, an advance of $50. lions were 25-36c lower at 40-65c a bush- —New York Sun and Herald. Reporta only as as $250 When house rent is back at of the milk and for himself, well the dog who was 60-76c $10 per month. sampling improper secured out of a neoeaaary 100. Only el. Hothouse lettuce higher of tbe Baboock teat to be a combination bird, Fannie E. Ostrander, 62, author at a bushel. Heating, When is back at 10c manipulation by tbree membera Many bay- happens $2.00-$3.00 gasoline ; signing op. home were plumbing, per gallon which the fat oontent of milk ia oom- rabbit, coon and else that and literary critic, died at her Aroostook County potatoes slight- New Street-Car Idea. ing yellow and enailage corn aeed feel- anything Metal Work, When are back at determined. wrote a num- ly lower at 76c-fl.00 par 100 pound bag, Sheet telephones $1.00 per month ; mooly ing tbat ratber tban bave tbe Executive happens to be in sight Well It was in New Haven, Ct She I <gs a specialty. The objections to the so-called The fonr ohief in tbe while NEW Florida potatoes were steady ce'l When a meal is back at a dairy breed·, Committee offer fnrtber concession·, It nof before the same came ber of books, mostly children'· square ; which were Introduced long pair at $8.00-$8.60 a barrel. Ijim quarter "safety cars," order of their milk-fat oontent, from to When farm would be muob better for tbe factories back, but the rabbit was not In the stories, and also contributed mag- The first native grown spinach ap- labor is back month ; during the Inst few years, have been highest to loweet, stand in tbe following and sold \t $35 per to remain closed. leacL the and the rabbit azines. peared on the market this week Pr. A. Leon Sikkenga, met In Seattle the Invention of order: and Rube, dog, When gas is back at 90c ; by Jeraey, Guernsey, Ayrshire Dlxfield. Packers nnable to seonre at $1.60-11.76 a bushel PHYSICIAN, Holsteln-Freiaian. Within each breed played for about twenty minutes up Home on Farm- rhubarb declined still further MB Π what Is culled α one-man-two-man sufficient acreage to operate. A few The Mark Twain Native When shaves are back at 10c. ; are Individual oowa whose milk will teat nnd down the alley, In the back yards, will not to $1.26-$1~δΰ a bushel, and scalUona street car. The design of this car per- plantera would like to plant but will not lngton avenue, Hartford, Ct, MAINE. or lower than tbe breed a wonderful were lower at 40-50c a bushel. When the from now higher average. on tbe Association. All and seemed to be having for a new slightly freight Ν. is back at ; mits of its being In the go baok large be demolished to make way beets carrots were Y., $1.84, 97c. operated In a· the laotation ad- Native grown and [xOBWAY.Tel Residence *24-3. general period feel that tbe future of the Indus- time, when all of à sudden the rabbit, of the Kings When street car fares are back at a slack hours by one man, while In the growers building. The directors unchanged at $1.25-$1.75 and $L76-$2.2S nickel ; vance· the fat teat of tbe oow'a milk in- fac- be- Office 224-2. try will he protected better If the tiring of such amusement (please which the a bushel while parsnips ad- busy hours, with a little rearrange- oreaeea. wood School, occupies respectively, When money is back at 5 per cent ; tories are not operated this season. lieve and bit Dr. Jack their lease vanced slightly to a range of |2.26-$3.60 ment of the Interior, It Is changed Tbe milk first drawn from a oow Is me), Jumped homestead, voted to renew Fryebnrg. At North Fryeburg auffl then, ι bushel. When cooks are back at week In oontent Halton's dog under the neck, on $5 per ; to make provision for the addition very mnoh lower fat than tbe cient to run tbe baa been the place.