Marie Mattingly .MELONEY Papers SOURCE
Jf COLLECTIONS OF CORRESPONDENCE AND -IAW SCRIPT DOCUMENTS N.JTE OF COLLECTION? Marie Mattingly .MELONEY Papers SOURCE: Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown Melonev. ,Tr,P 1964 SUBJECT: •• politics; literature.. • . m DATES COVERED; 1891-1943 NUMBER OF ITEMSi .ca.. 5,000 ': STATUSi (check appropriate description) . : 1 Flat Box ^ ; ""- Cataloged: x Listod: X Arranged: X Not organized: 1 Oversize Folder ..••••:•.. -.-•d_'.:^- • t ~ Stack "15, Cage 23, Range 31 CONDITION: (give number of vols., boxes, or shelves) .Bound: ___ Boxed: kO " • - - Stored: -~-r H LOCATION: (Library )fiare Book & Manuscript C-tLL-?^rw iLMS Coll/Meloriey ./• RESTRICTIONS OfKUSE ->;P. Terhune correspondence on l. MlCROfj] U CoftfJuyxdr Willa Cather letters DESCRIPTION:Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, photographs, art works, memorabilia and printed material of therjeditor'and writer, Marie Mattingly Meloney, 1883-19^3. The correspondence deals chiefly^ with the period when she was editor of The Delineator, 1920-1926, the Sunday Magazine of the New York Herald Tribune, 1926«1943, and This Week Magazine, 1934-1943. The letters cover a wide, field of interest and include correspondence from cabinet ministers, diplomats, jurists, authors, journalists, editors, educators, soldiers, and socialites. There are letters from Sherwood Anderson, Irving Bacheller, James M. Barrie, Max Beerbohm, Arnold Bennett, Gutzon Borglum, Willa Cather, Jo Davidson, Walter De la Mare, Alfred Douglas, Lord Dunsany, Robert Frost, John Galsworthy, Rudyard Kipling, D. H. Lawrenee, Sinclair Lewis, Wyndham Lewis, Walter Lippmann, Somerset Maugham, A, A. Milne, Charles and Kathleen Norris, Alfred Noyes, Frances Perkins, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Bertrand Russell, Eleanor Roosevelt, Carlo Sforza, Eooth Tarkington, Ernst Toller, H, M. Tomlinson, and H, G.
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