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(F;A~AD~A~ A§§OC~AT~ON (f;A~AD~A~ A§§OC~AT~ON 1 j , J REPORT OF ANNUAL MEETING OTTAWA/ONTAI~IO DECEMBER 9,10,12 I96o. 1 ,- j l. TABLE ~ CONTENTS Page LIST OF MEMBERS ............................ ~ . 1;2 GENERAL DISCUSSIONS .......................................... 3-6 Bee Research Association •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Canadian Bee Journal •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 r. Next Year's Program ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 GRA.DING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 BEE DISEASES ................................................. 8-16 [ Research American Foulbro·od ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 Nosa:rna ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 ~Effects of New Drugs ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8,9 Recommendations for Feeding Drugs ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 Reports from the Provinces •••.••••••.••••••••••••.••••••• 10-16 Sterilization of American Foulbrood Scale ••••••••••••••• 16 BEEKEEPING EQUIPMENT ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 RE9EARCH •.••.•.•••.......•.•..•..•.......••..............•..• 18--24 Bee Diseases Pollination Bee Behaviour ........................................... 18 Queen Rearing and Stock Improvement ..................... 18,19 Wintering ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 20-22 Miscellaneoua ........................................... 22..24 ... j TRAINING OF INSPECTORS AND INSPECTION PROBLEMS ............... 25-27 British Columbia .......................................... 25 Saskatchewan .......•.••.••.....•..............•......... 25-27 Ontario ..•.••........••..............•.•.......•........ 27 Quebec ............•...............•..................... 27 ,.J . , EXTENSION .................................................... 28-33 Reports from Saskatchewan ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 28 Nova Scotia •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 Manitoba ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 British Columbia ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 30 Alberta •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31 List of Bee Films ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 31-33 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page POLLINATION •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ........................ ~3 Seminar - E.A. Karmo •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 34-45 Research •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 46-50 Extension (Reports from Provinces) .••••••••••••••••••••• 50-53 BEE POISONING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 54-57 '1 f J --J 1 MEMBERS OF CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF APICULTURISTS ALBERTA Edmunds, JoW., Supervisor of Apiculture Apicultu:re Th:'l)a:nr~h, Frost, AoM o , Chief Apiary Inspector ~ Department of .A.gri.c')u<l:t~ure, Terrace Bullding~ EClmonton" Alta., [ BRITISH COLUMBIA [ Corner, J 0' Provincial Apiarist - Aplcul..tuxe Bran.::~ll, Department of Agricu~ltu~r8~ Court House» [ Vernon! B.C o [ MANITOBA L'Arrivee, Dr. J oC.M., Apiculturist ~ Research Branch Department of Agricult~~e~ Experimen'tal Farm, C Brandon» Man. Robertson, DoRo, Provincial Apiarist Extension Service, [ and ~ntomologlst - Department of~ Agrleulture & Smith, Do, Assistant Apiarist a~~ ConseM~atlorl, Entomologist 717 Norquay Building~ [ Winnipeg, Man. L NEW BRUNSWICK Ho:rt~ieultllJl:<)a1. u Pinnock, DoF 0 J Apiculture FieldIiJan - Bx al".el1, Department o.f llgr i~ uJ.tUl'lJ8 , [: FrederiDton, N.B. D NOVA SCOTIA Agrlx~u:lture& Karmo, EoA., Apiarist CC1 Departmerlt. of }IIark·~:::ti:ng.~ Nova Scotla P.bgli'Dlt~uJttrl1)al College" D Truro, NoS. D ONTARIO rl Armstrong, r.R o , Supervisor, Honey & .. Frult & Veget,ab:L5 D5'tr.i.s tori, aJ Maple Products Producti.on aYld Ivlay)k9'~~~lng B22'anch, Department oi~ lig!\).l~~~ulttlre, --i. at~awa , Ont. o I [ j [l 2 - ONTARIO ~ (Continued) Austin~ GoHo~ Apiculturist Apiculture Section, ,9 Boehl) Dr o Ro Apiculturist - Entomology Research InstituteJ FurgallaD Dr o Bo !) Apiculturist Research Branch, Department of Agri:(:ulture, Central Ex:peri.mental Farm:> ottawa!) Ont 0 Townsendj) Professor G.F OJ Provincial - Apiculture Department, Apiarist and Head of Ontario Agricultural CollegeJ) Department Guelph!} Ontarioo Burke, Professor PoWo~ Assistant Provincial Apiarist Shuel, Dr 0 R., Professor Smith, Dr. MoV o, Professor PRINCE EDWARD ISLAM> Burns~ W.A. - Research Branch~ Department of Agricultures Experimental Farm~ Charlottetown, PoE.I • Sterns, We, Provincial Apiarist & ..,., Department of Ag:rlcultureJ) Horticulturist Bax: 2000" Charlottetawn~ P.E.I. QUEBEC HoJo~ Division~ Plourde 9 Provincial Apiarist - Bee Department of Agriculture~ QuebecJ) Que o Brasseur» ROj> Assistant Provincial Department of Agriculture, Apiarist Room 221~ 306 Craig Street, Eo, Montreal." Que 0 SASKATCHEWAN Branch~ McCutcheon9 DoM o » Provincial Apiarist - Plant Industry Bland~ SoEo$ Assistant Provincial Apiary Divisionj) Apiarist Department of Agriculture, Administration BUilding~ Regina$) Sasko Pankiwl' P• .9 Apicultur1st ~ Entomol.ogy Section, Research Branch, Research Station ... 1 J Canada Department of Agriculture, University Sub P.O o , Saskatoon, Sask. -, - 3 CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF APICULTURISTS Annual Meeting 1960 - Board Room.9 Department of Agriculture, Confederation Building, ot·tawa. Dec. 9~ PoM o &Dec. 10 ~ Board Room, Canadian Horticultural Council, II 219 Queen street~ ottawa. DecC) 12 Board Room$) K.W. Neatby BUildlng., Central Experimental Farm, ottawa. Chairman - J. Corner, Vernon, B.C. Secretary - D.Mo MeCutcheon~ Reg.ina~ Sask. ... , Present wereg J 0 Corner, Vernon", B.C.; J.W0 Edmunds, Edmont on~ Al.ta. ~ DoM. McCutcheon, Regina, Sask.; Dr. J.C.Mo LVArrivee~ Brandon, Man.J D.R. Robertson, Winnipeg, Man.~ Professor G.F. Townsend, Guelph~ ant.; Professor P .W. Burks, Guelph, Ont.J F .R. Armstrong, ottawa, Ont.; G.R. Austin, ottawaj) Ont.; Dr. B. Furgalla, ottawa, Ont,o~ Dr. R. Bochj) ottawas Ont.; Ro Brasseur, Montreal, Que.~ D.F o Pinnock~ Fredericton, N.B o ; and E.A. Karmo, Truro, N.S. Guests& Mr o Cameron - Production & Marketing Branch, Canada Department of Agriculture, E.A. Eardley c:a Chief, Fruit & Vegetable DiVision, Production and Marketing Branch~ Canada Department of Agriculture, [ J .M. Gray - Head, Special Cropsj) Agriculture Division~ Dominion Bureau of Statistics9 Dr. H. Katznelson - Head$ Microbiology Research Institute9 Research Branch~ Canada Department of Agriculture, V. Mesley c:a Presi.dent, Canadian Beekeepers' Counc il,7 [ Kemp:t;.vl11ss> Onto R.M o McKay c:::a Secret.ary-Treasurerl' Canadian Beekeepers' C~c1.1, ottawa, ont 0 Dr. A.P. Arnason ~ Associate Director of Program, C Entomology & Plant Pathology, Research Branch., Canada Department of Agriculture, Dr o G. Holland .. Director, Entomology Research Institute, Research Branch» Canada Department of Agriculturs 3 Dr o B.N o Smallman - Entomology Research Institute, Research Branch" Canada Department of Agriculture, E.K. Burnett - Chairman, Research Committee, Canadian Beekeepers' Counc iI, Roland,Man. R.M. Pugh - :Ex:ecutlve Member, Canadian Beekeepers' 1 Council, Tisdale, Bask. - 4 Moved by Edmunds~ Seconded by Townsendg THAT Corner &McCutcheon remain as officers of the Association for the coming year. CARRIED. It was noted that Mr. Methot has retired as Provincial Apiarist in Quebec and that Mr. H.J. Plourde has taken over. It was pointed out that the report is confidential and the material contained therein is not for general publication, although an apiarist may use portions that would be of value in his ext,ension newsletters, etc. w9Confidential - Not for Publicationtl should be indicated on ·., the cover o l -~ Moved by Townsend:> Seconded by L'Arriveeg THAT a copy of the report of this meeting be sent to Dr. C.L. [ Farrar, and that we should continue to send copies to Vic Mesley and R. McKay0 CARRIED 0 Professor GoF 0 Townsend explained the present financial situation C with regard to the Bee Research Association. The Bee Research Associationnow receives $750 from the Canadian Government through the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux. This was brought about [ mainly through the efforts of Dr. B.N. Smallman. The Bee Research Association also receives $150 per year from the Canadian Beekeepc:. ara' Council. Canada's total contribution should be approximately [ $2500 0 There will be a drive for personal funds in March, 1961. Provincial Governments, Beekeepers' Associations~ Honey Co-ops. and other interested organizations should be prepared to make grants or [ take out membershipso Moved by TownsendJ) Seconded by Edmunds& [ THAT this Association send a letter to Dr. Smallman, recognizing the work done on our behalf in securing needed funds for the Bee Research Association. CARRIED. C The Canadian Bee Journal was discussed. The new editor~ K. Madge, Port Hopej) Ontario was invited to attend but could not make ito PoW. Burke reported that the ci.rculation has increased some lately C and is now just over 2",000. Information must reach the editor's office by the 5th of the month to appear in that month t s issue. [ Issues will appear on the 15th or 16th of the month. Jack Edmunds was appointed to draw up a list of topics and authors for articles for the Canadian Bee Journal. The action of Conneil on our recommendations to that organization was discussed. In most cases little or nothing had been done. The members of the Association especially required information on pref­ erential duty rates, farm loans and similar subjectso ., - 5 The Pesticide Newsletter is available from the Pesticide Section, Entomology Research Institute, Research Branch, Canadian Depart­ ment of Agriculture, ottawa. Moved by Robertson, Seconded by Burke~ THAT we acknowledge the gift of the gavel from the Canadian
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