Unforgettable Anime Quotes Ah! My Goddess: the Motion Picture "The

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Unforgettable Anime Quotes Ah! My Goddess: the Motion Picture UnforgettableAnimeQuotes Ah!MyGoddess:TheMotionPicture "Thesystemcreatedbythedivineonessegregateseverysinglepersonintohisl ivingassignmentintheworld,determineshisrolesandcontrolsthem...themela ncholyvoicesofthosebornintothisworldhavepiercedthedepthsofmyheart. Ifeeltheneedtodosomethingforthemwithoutdiscriminatingagainstanyone. "~Celestin Ah!MyGoddessthemoviewasanexcellent,excellentmovie(ithasSirBon 'ssealofapproval!).ThisisprobablywhyIhavesomanyquotesfromthatfilm .ThisonetellsusofCelestin'smotivationfordoingwhathedid.PoorCelesti n,henevertrulyeverwasabadguy.Asamatteroffact,he'sagoodguywhoh asbeenmisunderstood. "Ifthingsweretochange,doyouthinkyoucouldeverfallinlovewithme?Or fulfilladreamforwhichIlong?Theworldisabouttochange.That'swhyI'mh erenow.I'vecomeandthiswillmeananewbeginningformylife"~Morgan ThefairyprincessMorganLeFeytellsKeiichithisinthenurse'soffice. Tome,thesignificanceofthislineisthatitreflectsMorgan'spainoflosin galovedoneandbeingforcedtoliveinaworldofdespairandthroughher,it offersareflectionoftheworldthatCelestinistryingtochangeforwhathe believeswillbeabetterone. "IknewIdidn'tcarryenoughfaithinmyself.Iamtoblame.Iwasafraidthat eveniftherehadbeennogate,wewouldsomedaygoourseparateways,butIhav etoputthatbehindmenowandliveinthepresentbelievinginthefuture."~M organ IbelievethatthesignificanceofthisisthefactthatMorganhasfinall yfoundhopeandareasontogoon.Byrealizingthatthereishope,itsignifie sthattheworld,too,stillhashopeforabetterandbrighterfutureforevery one. "Peoplehavethestrengthtoovercometheirobstacleseveryonecan."~Belldandy Belldandy'smessageofhope'nuffsaid! Appleseed2004 "Whatastrangecreatureisman,whowouldcagehimselfsowillingly."~Athena Indeed.Suchisthecreaturewecallman. Argentosoma "Happyencountersandbittersweetmemories,ifthereisnothingmeaningfulinth emeetingitselfandit'sallabouthavingmethim,thenwhatwouldbethetrue meaningofactuallymeetinghimandthesignificanceofwantingtomeethimagai n?"~Hattie ThiswasHattie'sthoughtssixyearsaftertheincidentwiththealiens/Fr ank/Yuri.SpaceprobeUlyssesisabouttobelaunchedandhere,Hattieiscommen tingaboutfinallymeetingeitherFrankorRyuorbothagainafterthepassageo fsixyears. ArmitageIII:PolyMatrix "Ifhumansdon'twantme,thenwhydidtheycreateme?"~NaomiArmitage OnesimplesentencetosumupArmitage'spainanddespairassheandallt heotherthirdsarebeinghunteddownandmercilesslydestroyedwhiletryingto findtheirplaceintheworld. AzumangaDaioh "'CUZILIKEHIGHSCHOOLGIRLSANDSTUFF!"~Kimurasensei It'ssuchaclassicKimurasensei.Heisoneinterestingcharacter.Ichos ethisone'cuzitdoesagoodjobofrepresentingtheinsanityofAzumangaDaio hinmyopinion. BanneroftheStarsIII "YouknowLafiel,whatIwouldmissmorethantheflowersbloomingonmyhomewor ld,thewindblowingthroughmyhomeworld,thestarsshinninguponmyhomeworld isthesoundofyourvoice."~Jinto TheBanneroftheStarsseriesisawesome.TakeonepartStarTrek,onepa rtelvenstory,andaddadashofdramaandyouendupwiththisseries.Althoug hatfirstglanceitdoesn'tseemlikeit,itislargelyinpartalovestorybe tweenJinto,aboyburdenedbyfatewithresponsibilities,andLafiel,analien princess. BattleAthletes "Mother...I'vetriedtocatchuptoyouforsolong,butnow,I'mgonnapassyou !"~AkariKanzaki ThisisprobablyAkari'sdefiningmoment(intheOVAsanyway).Thisiswhe nshewasrunningagainstLahhri,thepreviousCosmoBeautyChampionforthepas ttwoyears.AkariwasnotonlyrunningagainstLahhri,butagainstthelegacyl eftbehindbyhermother,alegendaryCosmoBeautyherself.Inthisinstance,no tonlydoesAkarifinallyfreeherselffromtheburdenofhermother'slegacy,b utshealsosurpasseshermotheraswell. BlackLagoon "DoyouknowwhatJesussaidinJohnchapter5?Hesaid,“Don’tbringmeanytrouble ,bitch!”"~Edel Howcanyounotloveanunwhoshootspeople,hasafoulmouth,hasatend encytogetdrunkandscamspeoplebecausethatiswhatJesusdidaccordingtoh er? Bleach "IfIweretherainthatbindtogethertheearthandthesky,whoinalleternit ywillnevermingle,wouldIbeabletobindtheheartsofpeopletogether?"~Or ihime IlikedthatlinebecauseIthoughitwasuntypicallydeepforOrihime'sp ersonalityandyetsotypicalofherinacaringway...thatandIlikeit. BubblegumCrisis2040 "Infinitewisdomrequiresinfiniteperspective.Onlybyexperiencingeachelemen t,eachmomentseparatelyandintheirowntimedoesthebeautyofthewholebec omeapparent."~Galatea ThisiswhatGalatearealizedwhenhermindmergedwiththoseofPriss'an dcametorealizethatwhatshehadbetryingtodowaswrong,thateverythingh asitsownplaceandtimeandcannotbeforcedupon. CodeGeass:LelouchoftheRebellion "Ifyouhadthestrength,youcouldlive.Thisisourcontract.Inreturnformy giftofpower,youmustgrantoneofmywishes.Ifyouenterthiscontract,you willliveasahuman,butalsoasonecompletelydifferent.Differentrules,di fferenttime,adifferentlife....Thepowerofthekingwillmakeyoulonelyin deed.Ifyouarepreparedforthat,then...."~CC ThisisthefirsttimethatCC(pronouncedasC2)meetsLelouch,thelost Britannianprinceandoffershimthepowerofabsolutecommandandsetseverythi nginmotion. ""~CC DaphneoftheBrilliantBlue "I'mdatingapsycho!"~Tsukasa TheythoughtthatGloriawasdyingsotheygotheridealmanoutofheran ddisguisedTsukasatobecloseenoughandtakeheronadate.Ofcourse,itwou ldn'tworkoutsinceGloriaispracticallyinsanetothepointthatshedelibe ratelydrovetheircarofftheroadandintothesea! DeadLeaves "Yeah,well,havingaTVforaheadmakesyoulooklikeanasshole."~Pandy ThiswasPandy'sresponsetoRetrosayingthatthemarkingsoverhereyem akingherlooklikeapanda. DevilLady(DevilmanLady) "IamtheDevil!Iwillrisefromhelltimeandagain!"~Jun Intheworldthattheylivedin,Junfoundoutthehardwaythatshecanno ttrulyrunawayfromwhatshereallyisandmustlearntoacceptandembracehe rnature.Asforwhatthatnatureis,noonehastherighttosaywhatitisexc epther. EurekaSeven "Freedomissomethingyouhavetofightfor,ratherthansomethingyou'regiven. Beingfreemeansbeingpreparedtocarrythatburden."~CharlesBeams It'strueyaknow... EarthGirlArjuna "Onehotsummerday,Idiedand...Isawit.Thisstar'sdyingfuture!"~Arjuna ...andthenalltheweirdnessinherlifebegantohappen. ElHazard:TheMagnificentWorld "ThisisdestinyMakoto.IfIhadnotundertakenthisjourney,Icouldnevermee tyou,andthatiswhyIamgoingtomeetyou...becauseIhadnothinguntilI metyou,notevenasinglememory"~Ifurita "Makoto,atlonglastwemeet!I'vewaitedsolongforyou.Thismomenthasfina llyarrivedaftertenthousandyears.ThroughtheendlessnightsIdreamtonlyo fyouyoumydearMakoto"~Ifurita WhydidIchoosethesetwolinesfromIfurita?Becauseitshowsthecircul arpatternanddreamlikerealitythatElHazardhastaken.Italsoprovesthed epthsofIfurita'sloveforMakoto.Shewaswillingtothrowherselfintooblivi onforthechancethattheywouldmeet.Mantalkaboutalovethattranscendsth ebarriersoftimeanddistance!Ifuritawhatababe! "Ohshit!Someoneelseisoutofalcohol!"~Fujisawasensei ManomanitcracksmeupeverytimeIhearthat.Fujisawasenseiiseasil ymyfavoritecharacterinElHazard.Perpetuallydrinkingandchainsmokingeve nwhileteachingclass!Healsogeturgestogomountainclimbingandjustleave s(evenashisownweddingisabouttobegin)andpreferstogothroughharder, riskierroutes.Damn,Iwish,justonce,thatIcouldgetateacherlikeFujisaw asensei! ElfenLied "Yousuddenlyappearedinfrontofmeinthishell.ThedaythatIwouldgetto meetyou...Ialwayswantedtoapologizetoyou...Ionlyenduredbecauseofthat! Ikeptonliving."~Lucy Lucyisperhapsoneoftheultimatetestamentsthatmonstersaren'tbornt hatway;weturnthemintotoitthroughhatred,prejudice,andintolerance.And likeLucy,theonlywaytostopcreatedmonsterslikeheristhroughlove,unde rstandingandacceptance. FateStayNight "Someday,mymemoriesofherwillfade.Hervoice,heractions–Imightforgetth emaswell.Buteventhen,IwillalwaysrememberthatIlovedher."~EmiyaShir ou "Itfeelssoclosetome,yetIcan'treachitevenifIholdoutmyhands.But evenifIcan'treachit,therearethingsthatwillstayinmyheart.Beingin thesametimeandlookingatthesamesky–ifIcanrememberthat,thenevenifw earefarapart,Ibelievewecanstillbetogether."~EmiyaShirou Abitmelancholic,thebittersweetendingdoeshoweverfeelappropriately good–asifitwasalljustawonderfuldream.AsBedevermusedtohimselfabout Saber“DostthouBehold,OArthur,thydream'scontinuation?” FruitsBasket "Whatdoesitturntowheneversnowmelts?Itturnstospring!"~HondaTohru KarmiechanandIbothlovethisquote.Forme,IhavenoideawhyIlove it.Anyway,it'snotanexactquotesinceitispartofaconversationsoitwou ldbetoolongtoputthewholethinghere,sohereitisinthisway! FushigiYuugi "Don'teverforgetthatwitheachstepapersonisabletotakeontheirown,th eyhavebecomethatmuchstronger."~Tamahome KarmalikesthisoneandIcanseewhy.Ithinkitrepresenttheserieswe llbecauseitismostlyaboutMiaka'sgrowth.Noreally,itis! Gankotsuoh "Deathiscertain,thehourisnot."~engravedonthecount'spocketwatch BasedonAlexanderDumas'CountofMonteCristo,thisquoteisbothobviou sandtrue.Iguess,tome,itsaysthatinsteadoftryingtopreventsomething thatcannotbeprevented,itwouldbebettertodosomethingmeaningfulinthem eantime. Gatekeepers21 "Iwantedtodreamaboutsoaringsoaringhighupintheskyfaraboveallthecl ouds.Morethananythingelse,IwantedtodreamofflyingsohighthatIcould goallthewaytothemoonandthenIwouldtouchmycheekstoitsbeautifulwhi teface!"~MiuManazaru "YourdreamIcanmakeitcometrue...Yes,ifI'mwithyou,I'msureyoucando itandI'llflylikethebirdIcouldneverbecome!"~AyaneIsuzu ThisisMiuandAyane'shopeamidstacityofcorruptionanddeceit.This isperhapsthereasonwhytheycouldkeepongoingeventhroughtheoverwhelming darknessofthehumanheartthattheylivedunder.Gatekeepers21istheOVAof Gatekeepersset30yearsafterGatekeepersended.It'salotdarkerandawhole lotlesscomedic. Genshiken "Youdon'tjuststripher,YOURAPEHER!!!"~Madarame Inthisscene,theyaretalkingaboutHgamesandmaterials. GhostintheShell "Thetimehascometocastasidethesebondsandtoelevateourconsciousnessto ahigherplane.Itistimetobecomeapartofallthings!"~Project2501,The PuppetMaster ThenotoriousPuppetMastercameallthewaytoSectionNinetomeetMakot oKusanagiandaskhertomergeherselfwithhim,aww...ain'titromantic?Well
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