Clubhouse Network Newsletter CHRISTMAS Special - Issue 2020

Christmas 2020

2 Merry Christmas Have fun with these Sudoku Puzzles! Hello everyone, welcome to your Clubhouse 3 8 1 7 Network Newsletter Christmas Special for 2020. 1 6 3 5 2 This month, the Christmas cover and poetry competitions, Sudoku, quizzes and mindful 4 7 colouring. Read about Kate’s animal shelter and the most popular Christmas toys in history. 1 2 9 Whilst we are still restricted in our activities why not try the virtual sessions promoted in this issue. As ever we hope you enjoy reading the 9 1 7 Newsletter and have a peaceful Christmas. 3 7

In this issue: 2 5 4 1 9 Christmas Santa Quiz p3 Kate’s Animal Sanctuary p4 1 6 2 4 Mind Services p7 COVID19 Poetry Competition p8 Colouring and Dot-to-Dot p9 2 6 4 Christmas Cover Competition Entries p13 5 6 Christmas Film and TV Quiz p14 Brighter Futures Virtual Sessions p15 6 9 5 3 8 Word Search p16 Christmas Cover Competition Winners p17 4 2 7 5 Early Electronic Musical Instruments p18 3 2 Santa Quiz Answers p19 Film and TV Quiz Answers p19 7 1 9 8 This Month’s Mindful Moments p19 Music p20 3 8 1 5 9 The Ten Best Selling Toys p20 My Best Ever Christmas Present p20 9 8 Self-Harm Support and Recovery Services p22 6 2 1 City Snap p22 Riddles, Jokes and Fantasy Football p22 The Power of Social Distancing p23 7 5 What are the Symptoms of Covid19 p23 The Christmas Tree p25 4 Support and Services Information p26 Sudoku Solutions p26 2 4 6 3 9 Mindful Colouring p27 4 9 2 1 8

Newsletter Contributors: 1 4 Editor, Producer, Audio: Mark Gilbert 2 8 3 1 6 Feature Writer: Howard Dexter Contributor: Diane Goodstadt 4 2 7 6 5 Photographer: Charlotte Booth 8 Resident Poet: Adrian Croxton Approval: Sharon Godwin 3 7

Front Cover: Angel Star

3 Christmas Quiz Can you name the movies that these Santas appear in?

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

Copyright © 2020

4 Kate’s Animal Sanctuary

My name is Kate, I’m the Clubhouse Deputy Manager and along with a friend and several volunteers, I run a small rescue animal sanctuary. At evenings and weekends, especially during winter, I am mostly to be found knee deep in mud. There are 24 rescued animals living at the sanctuary; including; hens, bantams, cockerels, turkeys, sheep, goats and horses. This year, we experimented with veg growing, aiming to grow some favourite veggies for the hens and turkeys. This went down a storm with the feathered ones and we’re now looking to expand the veggie plot… Although, as the goats continually gate-crashed their way into the veg patch, this year, there may not be too much left for the hens unless we goat-proof the fence. Our sheep Daisy, Teddy & Jude, love a tummy tickle and are quite partial to rich tea biscuits, I did attempt to introduce a healthy diet, you Blossom know, carrot sticks, chopped apple, that sort of thing, but no, they’ll spit those back at you and bleat loudly until they get a ‘biccie’. Biscuits are also popular with the Shetlands, goats, horses, Emmie, Annie, Blossom and as you may imagine, feeding times are just chaos especially when Jayne (who is only 4’’10) is in the sheep stable and they all decide to bolt, usually running through Jayne’s legs and taking her with them as she is small enough to actually sit on their backs…she gets quite far! Not sure sheep riding is ethical? Our first lamb, Daisy, came to us last bonfire night, very scared and very hungry, we tried to locate her owner, but nobody came forward and we never found out where she came from. We decided she would be lonely, so got her friend, Teddy, who was destined for market as he was surplus to requirements, when we thought Teddy may pine if anything happened to Daisy, we got Jude (also destined for market and who I wanted to call Bernard, but got vetoed) we have

decided we can’t go on like this or we’ll Max and Henry behind have a flock! I recently joined Clubhouse support worker Maggie’s ‘bring a pet’ session from the stables, providing a ‘live’ tour. Blossom the Shetland particularly likes the camera and couldn’t get enough of the

limelight. The sheep, Daisy, Teddy and Jude were very well behaved and came running on cue when 5 called, they love a camera and will happily pose for pics. It wasn’t too chaotic.

Shetland, Blossom, came to the Sanctuary many years ago, she had been used as a ‘baby-machine’ and had produced foal after foal, year after year. She was no longer wanted, but luckily came to us. One morning not long after her arrival, there was great surprise when it was discovered that she had given birth to a tiny foal, on her own during the night. Her son, whom we named Harry lives with her at the sanctuary and they are inseparable.

Mrs Warren Prince Justin

Prince, who is our latest resident had been found, alone in a field, without shelter, he was being fed by the two women who discovered him. He was a stallion, so unfortunately for him, it was becoming increasingly difficult for his rescuers to find a home for him as stallions can be difficult to handle. The people who ‘owned’ him didn’t want him and had made the decision to end his life. We received a desperate plea to help, we decided that we needed to give him a chance and Prince Justin (so named because we got to him just in time) came to live with us. I think you will agree, he is beautiful. He is learning to be around people and other horses and is beginning to settle down. He and Blossom have become great friends much to her son Harrys’ disgust. Our beautiful chestnut, Max, who is very clever and can open his own stable door, is such a kind soul that after he has let himself out, he kindly walks around the yard and opens the other stable doors to let his friends out…. he’s such a generous boy. Our turkeys and hens are all rescued, the hens in particular are happy, healthy and very inquisitive girls who go further up the field each day until we can barely see them, we have to ‘round them up’ by shouting, ‘chick, chick, chick’ and shaking a tub of meal worms, a treat they just can’t resist. They are into everything and love to follow us around each stable, looking for juicy bugs, we always have a little feathered posse around us as we muck out. Our turkey boys, Freddie and Bertie, are very sociable and love people. When they were young, they would panic if they couldn’t see us. They’d call loudly then run, flapping their wings madly until they

were back in sight of their ‘mums’. They are very friendly and love new people, the skin on their 6 heads changes colour to match their mood, when they are happy, they turn blue! Freddy particularly likes a massage and has his own oil blend made for him by one of our volunteers. I like my Turkey boys so much and worry that they may be too cold ( I ensure they have lots of straw in their beds, lovingly plumped up each day, sprinkled with lavender to keep bugs away) too hot ( during the summer I make iced fruit bowls for them and mist them with water) or that the stones on the path are too big or sharp ( I move them out of their way to make sure they don’t hurt their feet)…I also hand feed them blueberries and grapes, which they love, I can’t think why people say I spoil them. We have three cockerels, the youngest hatched on 7th May, VE day. For a while, he couldn’t cock-a- doodle-doo, but has mastered it now and begins before the sun comes up. We’ve recently discovered that our other hatchling, who had been named Gertrude, is in fact, a boy!! He’s obviously a very late developer as he hatched in May but has only just found his cock-a-doodle-doo…I suppose better late than never. He has been renamed Elvis.

Annie Bertram & Freddy

Our three goats can be very grumpy, I have lost count of the times I’ve been ‘butted’ by them when they’re in a mood because they don’t like the rain or they don’t like waiting for their dinner or don’t like being left out of a good cuddle or they want to steal everybody else’s stable or the sheep have been fed dinner first. I’m usually covered in little horn- shaped bruises. But they are cute and love a good face massage. We even polish Gromit’s impressive horns, although he doesn’t appreciate our efforts, such ingratitude! Our List of Residents: (Not including the resident buzzard family, numerous robins and wild birds, our swallows who nest in the stables every year, the owl who loves our gate post and spends hours sitting on it and the fox and badger families who live at the top of the field.) Horses: Max, Lenny (Henry), Annie, Emmie, Prince Justin (PJ), Isabella, Harry, Blossom. Sheep: Daisy, Teddy, Jude. Goats: Gromit, Willie, Louie. Turkeys- Bertram & Freddy. Hens: Celia, Dot & Star (the Mrs Warrens) Bantams-: LC (Little Chicken), Summer. Cockerels: Kevin, Chadwick, and ‘Gertrude’; now renamed Elvis.


8 Self-Harm Support and Recovery COVID 19 Poetry Competition It’s fair to say that it’s a difficult time for everyone at the moment, with the permission of customers of the Self Harm Support & Recovery service we’d like to share with you a series of poems written by customers who have used poetry to express their COVID experiences. (An email booklet of all the poems is being sent out along with the electronic version of the Newsletter. If you would like a paper copy then please ask your support worker) The resident Clubhouse Newsletter poet Adrian has selected a winner, printed here, and has provided some comments alongside each entry which we hope adds value to all the efforts of everyone who submitted. Thank you to Adrian and everyone who contributed, we hope you can relate to individual situations which may prompt thoughts and reflection? Here is competition winner Laura’s wonderful poignant and very pertinent poem.

For choosing seclusion is all well and good, When the choice to do so is your own, But now every person, everywhere, Had to follow rules to remain alone. Be careful what you wish for,

She always liked to be alone, Is something that crossed her mind, She often chose to be by herself, For weeks turned into months, It wasn’t something set in stone, And the loneliness never declined. But she preferred to live upon life’s shelf. She realised that she missed her friends, Occasionally she’d spend some time, And her family though it was too late, With others when she felt the need, She was cut off from But generally, a quiet existence, everything she’d known, Was what made her feel that she was freed. It did not help her mental state. But sometimes in life you tend to find, She’s still in a state of uncertainty, That if you ask, you shall receive, As are many across our land, And one particular year she found herself, But goodness, kindness In circumstances you could barely believe. and being thoughtful, Always lend a helping hand. The woman who rejoiced in solitude, Was now relieved of having a choice, No-one knows what lies ahead, For all around her were too alone, The very thought fills her with anxiety, And none of them had a voice. But one day; if we work together, We’ll all remember what it’s like to be free. At first it was of little consequence, For life resumed as it usually went, Laura But time passed on and she was still alone, Judges Comment: A very moving poem to And she finally knew what loneliness meant. stir people’s thoughts.


Here are some pictures for you to colour in. Never tried colouring since you were a child? Give it a go, you might find it calming and fulfilling. If you would like a paper copy of this newsletter speak to your support worker and they can surface mail one to you.




If you have enjoyed colouring these images then why not get yourself a colouring book aimed at adults. Some of the books are very beautiful in themselves being made from fine paper and using high quality printing. You will find books at most newsagents, supermarkets or at The Works and The Range. There are prices to suit most pockets. Other crafts you will find in the shops include 5D Diamond Art, Scraperfoil and Artful Etching. All of these arts and crafts and more take place in Clubhouse. Go along and give it a go, you will be made very welcome.

Christmas Cover Competition Entries 13 These wonderful artworks were entered into the Newsletter Christmas cover completion. I think we can all agree that there are some amazingly talented people within Clubhouse. To see who won the competition turn to Page 17.

14 Christmas Film and TV Quiz

1. In which Christmas classic is it said that, "Every time a bell rings, an angel gets wings"? 2. How did "'s Christmas Carol" differ fundamentally with Dickens' original? 3. Which THREE stars shared the billing with Bing Crosby in "White Christmas"? 4. Which long running character left Coronation Street on Christmas Day in 1987 to become a housekeeper for a doctor in Derbyshire? 5. Who played Scrooge in "The Muppets Christmas Carol"? 6. Which duo dressed as Batman and Robin in their 1996 Christmas special? 7. In which city was "Miracle on 34th Street" set? 8. What was the name of the character played by Jim Carrey in "Dumb and Dumber"? 9. In whose Christmas special did various BBC newsmen perform "There is Nothing Like a Dame"? 10. In which 1979 film did Fred Astaire play EIGHT different roles including Father Christmas? 11. Which British monarch was the first to broadcast their Christmas message on television? 12. In the film "Die Hard 2" which airport did the terrorists take over on Christmas Eve? 13. Which popular EastEnders character died on Christmas Day in 2006? 14. Which song from "White Christmas" was nominated for an Oscar for Best Song? 15. Which rock superstar starred in the film "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence?” 16. Which UK TV station has since 1993 broadcast an alternative Christmas message featuring such characters as Marge Simpson and President Ahmadinejad of Iran? 17. The song "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" features in which 1944 musical? 18. Which long running TV series features a character called Santa's Little Helper? 19. What present did Harry Potter receive from Hagrid in his first Christmas at Hogwarts? 20. Which Welsh singer made her acting debut in the 2010 Doctor Who Christmas Special?


The Clubhouse Network Times Virtual Sessions using the Microsoft TEAMS App

Social Session Monday For an invite please email:- 3pm [email protected]

Art Session Tuesday For an invite please email:- 11am chris.oldham@brighter-futures

Social Session Wednesday For an invite please email:- 3pm maggie.hunter@brighter-futures

Art Session Thursday For an invite please email:- 11am chris.oldham@brighter-futures

Social Session and Quiz Friday For an invite please email:- 1pm chris.morgan@brighter-futures


If you want information on how to download the Microsoft TEAMS App or how to set up an email address please speak to your support worker about this

Please call 01782 835220 or 01782 406000 Option 3, then 1 for further information

16 Word Search






The Newsletter Christmas cover competition The Newsletter cover competition saw a wonderful selection of images entered. The Clubhouse Network truly has many talented members. Choosing an outright winner of the competition proved to be impossible so Editor Mark decided to award joint winners and as you can see above they are Sandie’s, ‘Lichfield Cathedral and Amy’s, ‘Angel Star’. As we could not split the winners, Mark decided that as some other magazines like Vogue and GQ occasionally do, to produce half of the Newsletters featuring Lichfield Cathedral and half the Angel. ‘Pine Tree’ also by Sandie is the runner-up and what a fabulous painting it is.

Leon Theremin, hence the 18 Find name. There was much interest in the Brighter Futures strange instrument and Prof. on Theremin gave many concerts and demonstrations. Twitter In 1929 Joseph Schillinger composed, First Airphonic

Suite for Theremin and Orchestra. Theremin was @BFNW Early Electronic asked to perform the piece with the Cleveland Orchestra. Musical At the same time in 1929 Laurens Hammond established Instruments his company for the he Theremin is manufacture of electronic widely regarded as instruments. They went on to Tthe World’s first produce the iconic Hammond electronic musical Organ. instrument. It is also Designed to be a lower cost Clubhouse Cookbook touchless and is played by alternative to a pipe organ for waving each hand up and church music, musicians soon online down to make a sound. discovered that the Hammond There is now a way to access The Theremin is online all the recipes that have A Theremin being played featured in the Newsletter. To still in get access to the Clubhouse production and Cookbook Online just send an many musicians email with Cookbook as the have used it subject to news@brighter- Film scores of the 40s and 50s used the Find instrument for ghostly and Brighter Futures eerie effects and it made a on famous appearance in the chorus of the Beach Boy’s hit Good Vibrations. Facebook The unique at brighterfuturesNW the time instrument was was an excellent instrument invented in 1920 by Professor for rock, jazz and blues.

The first commercially In the next issue I will bring 9. Morecambe and Wise 19 manufactured synthesizer was the story up to date and look [1977] the Novachord built by the at what the future holds for 10. The Man in the Santa Claus Hammond Organ Company electronic music. Suit from 1935 to 1942. 11. Queen Elizabeth II The instrument wasn’t very 12. Washington DC [Dulles] portable as it weighed 250 Santa Quiz Airport Kilos and it was the size of two pianos. Even in the 60s Answers 13. Pauline Fowler synthesizers were still usually 1 ELF 14. Count Your Blessings confined to studios due to 2 Jingle all the Way [Instead of sheep]. their size. 3 The Lion, the Witch & the 15. David Bowie A breakthrough came in 1970 Wardrobe 16. Channel 4 with the MiniMoog 4 The Santa Clause 17. Meet Me in St. Louis synthesizer. Smaller and 5 All I Want for Christmas 18. The Simpsons (its Bart's portable the instrument sold 6 Fred Claus dog) 12,000 units. 7 Miracle on 34th Street 19. A rough cut wooden flute 8 Nightmare Before Christmas 20. Katherine Jenkins 9 The Polar Express 10 Arthur Christmas 11 Get Santa 12 Santa Claus - The Movie A MiniMoog

German band Kraftwerk were the first to embrace the Film and TV MiniMoog in 1970 and also What is used drum machines and Quiz Answers Mindfulness? vocoders which they used on 1. It's a Wonderful Life their classic album Autobahn indfulness is the 2. Ebenezer [Blackadder] starts in 1974 aware, balanced off being good but he turns acceptance of the Chicory Tip became the first bad after the visits of the M present experience. It isn’t band to have a number one ghosts. more complicated than that. It song in 1972 using a Moog is opening to or receiving the synthesizer. Their song ‘Son of 3. Danny Kaye, Rosemary present moment, pleasant or my Father’ topped the charts Clooney and Vera Ellen unpleasant, just as it is, for three weeks. 4. Hilda Ogden without either clinging to it or 5. Michael Caine The Moog was then used by rejecting it. many, including Donna 6. Del and Rodney Trotter Sylvia Boorstein [Only Fools and Horses] Summer who had a big hit in This month’s 1977 with, ‘I Feel Love’, laying 7. New York the foundation for electronic 8. Lloyd Christmas Mindful Moments dance music. You might be tempted to avoid the messiness of daily

living for the tranquility of water up to 50 feet over 250 20 What will be in your stillness and peacefulness. This stocking on the 25th? million have been sold. of course would be an 7 Star Wars Action Figures - attachment to stillness, and Here are ten of Even before the newer films, like any strong attachment, it the best-selling toys between 1978 to 1985, 300 leads to delusion. It arrests million action figures were development and short- 1 Barbie - With over a billion sold. circuits the cultivation of sales for over fifty years, she is 8 Hot Wheels - Invented by wisdom. still a big favourite. Mattel in 1968, the company Jon Kabat-Zinn 2 LEGO - Derived from the has gone on to produce more than 4 billion cars. There is a foundation for our Danish words for, 'play well' lives, a place in which our life the iconic bricks have sold 9 G.I. Joe - Introduced by rests. That place is nothing but over three hundred and Hasbro in 1964 he features 21 the present moment, as we twenty billion since 1949 moving parts. Many millions see, hear, experience what is. If we do not return to that place, we live our lives out of our heads. We blame others; we complain; we feel sorry for ourselves. All of these symptoms show that we're stuck in our thoughts. We're out of touch with the open space that is always right here. Joko Beck

3 Etch-A-Sketch - Invented in have been sold. 1960, more than 175 million 10 Transformers - The shape units have been sold. shifting robots have been 4 Mr. Potato Head - Invented loved since 1980 and have in the 1950s, sales were good earned 3.7 billion dollars. until. 'Toy Story' in the '90s

when sales rocketed and many This month in the millions more were sold. My Best Ever audio edition, listen to a 5 Rubik's Cube - Created in Christmas Present 1974, but not licenced for sale Celine Dion song As a child one of my ‘Christmas Eve’ sung by until 1980. It has sold more favourite pastimes was slot Toni Kalvans. than 350 million units. car racing. Scalextric 6 Super Soaker - Invented by The song was recorded by NASA engineer Lonnie Johnson became the most popular Nomis Industria. in 1983. Capable of firing but Mimic who also did Hornby model rail made a

set with much smaller cars meaning that you couldn't presents. My mum's face 21 and track which made it accelerate and the only dropped as dad said, 'Just cheaper than its top end time that the cars went how much did that stupid rival. slower was when the Scalextric cost?' Obviously I Maybe the most innovative batteries needed changing. made no comment and was the Matchbox Power I mentioned before the pretended I didn't hear him. Track. Matchbox cars were need to buy a separate On Christmas morning I saw known as pocket transformer for the better a very large box with the toys as their cost was only sets including Scalextric and rest of my gifts but decided two shillings (10p). Mimic. A basic small oval to open some smaller ones The company developed a track in Scalextric was first. Finally I could wait no track that had a powered around £4.00 and another longer. Of course I knew spring running all the way £2.00 for the transformer. what it was but for my around each slot. Each set £6.00 was far too much for mum's sake I looked came with a box of sticky my parents and so after surprised. guide pins which could be many years I told my mum attached to any standard Matchbox car underneath and at the front. My friend had a set and I had plenty of cars and so it was like two race teams. Matchbox had an advantage as well as racing, multiple cars could be put behind each other to recreate a crowded roadway system. It was impossible to crash any of the cars due to the spacing on each spring. For that I would lower my Suddenly to my own me the only drawback was standards and would be amazement I saw a large it was very noisy. This was happy if I could have the picture of a figure of eight due to the springs rattling cheaper Mimic race track, on the box, complete with a around in the slots. this she agreed. flyover, not a basic oval My parents didn't have a track at all and very great deal of money and so I Nothing more was said on expensive. My lovely mum had a few of the cheaper the matter until just before explained I had wanted a slot car racing sets. Rather Christmas. Scalextric for so long she than an expensive I entered a room to hear my wanted to get me a good transformer to power the parents having a one before I got too old. cars, batteries were used conversation about my instead, often in the cars mum overspending on

3 The letter, 'D' 22 Self-Harm, City Snap 4 A humbug Support and 5 M T 6 South. Everywhere is South Recovery service from the North Pole. Our Self-Harm Support and 7 A candy cane Recovery service offers 8 Away in a manger support for anyone aged over 9 5 minutes 18 who is living with self-harm 10 Silent Night or who has experienced

suicidal thoughts. A waxwing in Hanley Jokes How can Self-Harm Support Pic: By Charlotte. 1 What goes, ‘Oh!, Oh!, Oh!’? and Recovery help me? Santa walking backwards! Our support is tailored to each Solve These 2 Why was the snowman person’s needs. We will help looking through the carrots? develop new ways to cope and Christmas Riddles He was picking his nose. to reduce any isolation 1 If the end of the year is on 3 What does the Queen call experienced. Support might the 31st then what is the end her Christmas broadcast? The include: of Christmas? One Show.  Tailored 1-2-1 support 2 When does Christmas come 4 How did Scrooge win the of up to six sessions at before Thanksgiving? football game? The ghost of each person’s 3 What do you have in Christmas passed. preferred pace. December that you don't have 5 What’s the most popular  A recovery plan in any other month? Christmas wine? ‘But I don’t developed with a 4 I'm simply a bug that hates like Brussels Sprouts’. dedicated support Christmas. What am I? 6 How many letters are in the worker as part of a 1- 5 What two letters describe Christmas alphabet? 25 2-1 support plan. Santa's sack after Christmas? there’s no ‘L’.  Activities such as 6 When Santa sets off from 7 why did the turkey cross the therapeutic art, crafts the North Pole on Christmas road? Because it was the and mindfulness. Eve, in which direction does he chicken’s day off.  Relaxation and travel? 8 How does Darth Vader enjoy distraction techniques. 7 My stripes are red and white his Christmas Turkey? On the  Social groups to help and I'm something you lick, dark side. meet new people and what am I? 9 Who is a Christmas tree’s share hobbies and 8 Not at home in a trough? favourite singer? Spruce interests with. 9 If it takes 5 elves 5 minutes Springsteen. The service is available to to make 5 dolls then how long 10 What did Mrs. Claus say to anyone living in Stoke-on- would it take 100 elves to Santa when she looked up into Trent or Staffordshire and is make 100 dolls? the sky? Looks like rain dear’. now taking new referrals 10 What is parents' favourite offering telephone support STOP PRESS Christmas carol? STOP PRESS and access to virtual social and Fantasy football results- art sessions – see page 20 for Stoke C 5-4 Juventus more information or Answers Malmo 0–3 Port V telephone 07824 505538 1 The letter, 'S' Crewe A 0 – 1 Reykjavik FC

2 The Dictionary


24 What are the symptoms of Covid19 - and what should I do if I feel unwell?

The Christmas Tree

The tradition of the Christmas tree started in rafters, fruit and nuts, sweets wrapped in 25 the 16th century where people used to shiny paper, straw, ribbon and gold painted decorate their homes with green branches to pine cones were used as decorations. th celebrate the winter solstice as it made them Artificial trees pop up in the 20 century and think of the the spring to come. were often made from ostrich feathers, papier-mâché, metal, glass, or plastic. White The first Christmas tree in UK was set up by trees were the most fashionable. Queen Charlotte the German wife of King the third. She had a tree set up for a TINSEL TALE children's party for rich and noble families. A poor family had brought a tree into their house to celebrate Christmas but sadly In the 1840s Reports of a royal tree were couldn't afford to decorate it. After placing printed in newspapers. the tree on Christmas Eve they went to bed. In 1848 a drawing of the Queen’s Christmas tree at Windsor castle was published. It showed Queen Victoria, Prince Albert and their young children around a decorated tree. This started the love of Christmas trees in the UK. AROUND THE WORLD In India banana trees are decorated. In Lebanon small trees are grown from bean seeds and decorated with balls of cotton wool. Christians see it as a sign of an everlasting God. TRAFALGAR SQUARE. One of the most famous trees is in Trafalgar Square London. This is gifted to the UK by Norway every year as a thank you for the help the UK gave them in World War II.

While they were sleeping a spider covered the tree in cobwebs. When Santa came and saw the tree looking like it did he turned all the cobwebs into Gold and Silver. When the family woke in the morning they danced for joy at the sight of the beautiful tree. Consequently in Germany Poland and Ukraine it's meant to be good luck to find a spider’s web on your tree. UPSIDE DOWN TREE Originally the Christmas tree in poorer houses would have been hung upside down from the

26 Support and Services Contact Information Groceries Freshview foods 01782 717806 Delivery within 10 miles of Wolstanton. Walkers (near Whittle Court) 01782 274075 Order and pay over the phone, then collect outside the shop. 16 tins of beans, tomatoes, spaghetti and soup. £10 plus £3.50 Hermes delivery. Delivered within 3 days. Support - Zoom meetings or can phone in. CALM Campaign Against Living Miserably - Hardship and Suicide Prevention to all, especially older males. 0800 58 58 58 5pm to midnight Samaritans 116 123 Bereavement Helpline 0800 2600 400 8am to 8pm.

Sudoku – Solutions 3 2 6 5 8 1 7 4 9 8 2 7 1 9 6 3 5 4 3 4 7 8 2 9 1 5 6 8 1 7 4 9 6 3 5 2 5 3 1 4 2 8 7 6 9 8 6 9 7 1 5 4 3 2 9 4 5 2 3 7 8 1 6 4 6 9 7 5 3 8 2 1 1 5 2 4 6 3 8 7 9 1 8 2 7 6 4 9 3 5 9 8 6 3 4 2 1 7 5 6 7 4 9 5 2 3 1 8 5 7 3 9 1 2 4 6 8 3 4 5 6 7 1 9 8 2 9 1 3 6 8 7 2 4 5 4 6 9 8 5 3 1 2 7 7 1 2 9 8 5 6 4 3 2 8 5 3 4 1 6 9 7 6 9 8 3 4 5 2 7 1 2 7 3 8 1 4 5 9 6 4 9 1 2 7 6 5 8 3 2 5 4 1 7 8 6 9 3 1 9 4 5 6 7 2 3 8 7 2 8 5 3 4 9 6 1 7 3 1 6 2 9 5 8 4 6 5 8 2 3 9 4 1 7 5 3 6 1 9 8 7 2 4

Mindful Colouring 27

Express yourself in colour with this mindfulness colouring picture. Colour this in and we will publish the ones we like in the Newsletter.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this issue of the Clubhouse Network Newsletter Christmas .