
Holiday food and wine Seasons doings Susan Dyer Reynolds tells us where to find great crab for the It’s the most San Francisco event holiday season. p. 8 ever: The Anti-Santacon Wine Lynette Majer has some sparkling wine suggestions. p. 9 Crawl. All that and more in our Plus Ernest Beyl’s classic curry . p. 10 holiday calendar. p. 14

MARINATIMES.COM CELEBRATING OUR 35TH YEAR VOLUME 35 ISSUE 12 DECEMBER 2019 Politics as Usual 2020 vision The year in review: Putting 2019 in the rearview mirror


wise man once said, “You never realize what a good memory you have until you try to forget something.” That was journalist Franklin P. Jones, Aand I’ll never forget the 12.6 seconds it took me to search the Internet for “quotes about memories” and find that line. As the year 2019 winds down to the final days and hours and champagne toasts, let us remember the happenings of the past year, including the things we are trying to forget.

ACT presents its 43rd annual A . PHOTO: KEVIN BERNE JANUARY MEMORIES Well, this is cool: A Chinese space probe, the Chang’e 4, he American Conserva- the San Francisco Ballet’s , including adorable children, and is the first to land on the far side of the moon. It was not tory Theatre, affectionately the Union Square festivities, and the the well-cast James Carpenter — eaten by hostile Selenites, so scientists generally agreed that known as ACT, presents its lighting of Embarcadero Center. who looks precisely how you would this was a well-deserved win for humanity. T43rd iteration of , Adapted by longtime former ACT expect Ebenezer Scrooge to look — Down in the failed state of Venezuela, President Nicolás based on Charles Dickens’s classic artistic director Carey Perloff with all in elaborate costumes, including Madura is declared illegitimate by legislative leader Juan fable about the perils of greed and Paul Walsh, this year’s direction by green and spooky ghosts. A Christ- Guaidó, who begins the process of trying to remove Mad- selfishness. ACT’s production has Peter J. Kuo and Pam MacKinnon mas Carol, 405 Geary St., over 20 ura from power. Madura severs ties with the United States. garnered sufficient praise over the is based on Perloff’s original direc- performances through Dec. 24; 415- Thing we’d like to forget: It’s my column, so the thing years to qualify as a San Francisco tion, which stays true to the Dickens 749-2228, act-sf.org to forget was the death of my grand old 20-year-old cat, holiday tradition, right up there with version. It features a cast of 40-plus, — L. Majer YEAR IN REVIEW, continued on 4

News Briefs Reynolds Rap

is a fan. “There are a number of good singers, a smaller handful of The end of an era truly great singers, and then there’s ,” Streisand said. Crit- Union Street fixture Jest Jewels ics have also been kind. “Mathis had the greatest voice of his gen- closes shop as its owners retire eration — one that was far better, technically, than Frank Sinatra’s or COMMUNITY JEWEL Tony Bennett’s or even Nat ‘King’ After 34 years of selling jewelry, beautiful scarves, and Cole’s,” wrote Jesse Green in The hats, Jest Jewels (1869 Union St.) is closing shop. Co-own- New Yorker in 2000, while essayist ers Leslie Drapkin and Eleanor Carpenter are retiring and music journalist Robert Christ- from the business they started “as a lark,” says Drapkin. gau recognized Mathis for breaking “It was a temporary filler for both of us until we decid- down barriers of race and sexu- ed on a real business,” Drapkin told the Marina Times. al identity: “Poised on the cusp of That “lark” grew into four stores, thousands of products, black and white, masculine and fem- and countless lives touched by the owners, who not only inine, Mathis’s finest songs projected became Union Street civic leaders but also who loved the an image of egoless tenderness, an personal touches that came from running a fine store and Johnny Mathis began his legendary career in San Francisco. irresistible breath of sensuality that having customers become friends. Carpenter served as PHOTO: ROJON PRODUCTIONS infused the airwaves …” president of the Union Street Association for many years, Mathis came from humble begin- and the two of them got involved in zoning, street upkeep, nings. Born John Royce Mathis in the Union Street Festival, and other local issues. Johnny Mathis comes Gilmer, Tex., on Sept. 30, 1935, he There were also memorable incidents along the way. was the fourth of seven children “Some of the most indelible moments included the three born to Clem and Mildred Mathis, women who went into labor in our store, the many dogs home for the holidays who moved the family to San Fran- adopted at SPCA events, the monkey who gave away lolli- cisco when he was a young child. pops and pony rides at holiday time, and the hundreds of BY SUSAN DYER REYNOLDS his smooth, easy style and velvety His parents worked as a house- children that rode in our rabbit truck and volunteered at vibrato are instantly recognizable keeper-cook and a handyman for a Easter,” said Drapkin. “Then there was the day the entire t’s hard to imagine the hol- and incomparably unique. Mathis wealthy San Francisco family and cast of Friends came in, and another when Julia Roberts idays without Johnny Mathis. will bring his Voice of Romance Tour lived in their basement apartment found a favorite necklace, and Robin Williams stopped in From “The Christmas Song” to the San Jose Civic on Dec. 14. on Post Street. Eventually the fam- just to say ‘hi.’ I was utterly speechless when Robert Muel- I(“Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Even Barbra Streisand — no slouch ily moved to 32nd Avenue (where NEWS BRIEFS, continued on 3 Fire”) to “I’ll be Home for Christmas,” herself in the vocal department — REYNOLDS RAP, continued on 12 Letters

The Inbox Reader response

‘CIRQUE DU SOLEIL’ I’ll have a clue about the actual restau- I read your article [about food crit- rant and food. I don’t live in the Marina, ic Soleil Ho], and am so glad some- but I try to pick up your paper when I body with some “punch” wrote about see it, and your reviews are spot-on in her (“Cirque du Soleil,” Reynolds Rap, terms of covering the restaurant and not November 2019). She is a total disaster. much more. That’s all I’m looking for. The food section of the Chronicle should Thanks to you and the food-writing be about food, not some insolent com- staff at the Marina Times. mentaries from a disaffected person. — Shoshanah Dobry Thanks for your very candid and per- fectly put together article. D.A. TOUGH ENOUGH? — Eileen Sullivan I enjoyed your article (“Are the candi- dates for San Francisco district attorney Love it. Brilliant, and just what every- tough enough?,” Reynolds Rap, October one is thinking. After trying to destroy 2019). Le Colonial and writing about obscure I tend to agree: I didn’t see a sin- restaurants in obscure destinations, she gle candidate make a real case for wrote about vegan sushi. Ridiculous. protecting families and visitors from Thank you for pointing this out. the drug dealers or violent, mentally — Joan Corrigan ill, drug-addled homeless men on our streets (or addressing the epidemic of When I read the first seven of Ho’s food car robberies.) reviews, I was baffled. I was wondering I’ve been reporting hundreds of when someone encampments and was going to say drug dealers to that the emperor the city over the has no clothes, last years through but readers prob- I didn’t see a single 311 and the app. ably didn’t want candidate make a real Recently, I’ve been to appear to be sending a copy politically incor- case for protecting of every report rect in criticizing monthly to my a woman of color. families and visitors. [District 8] Super- I enjoy reading visor Rafael Man- all kinds of food reviews, but Ho’s col- delman (whom I like and respect, but I umns seem to browbeat the reader and think he should be more aggressive in boast about herself. Every review is a pushing for enforcement of our laws). lesson in her view of history, and they I’ve also sent summaries to the mayor became unbearable for me to read. I each month. It’s shocking how little they think the Chronicle, in its haste to be have responded to my pleas for help. with it and appear to be woke, hired I have a young son and a wife and a controversial writer to make waves. I truly worry about their safety when Editor in Chief Audrey Cooper’s direc- we’re out walking. I don’t understand tion for the paper is questionable, in my why the city’s leaders seem to prioritize view. the rights of drug dealers and violent, — Nancy Wong erratic drug addicts over families, the elderly, and visitors who are endangered We never miss reading Reynolds Rap by just walking on our streets. in the Marina Times. As usual, you are Understandably, a lot of people are spot-on with your article about Soleil taking matters into their own hands Ho. Thank you for writing such a great (placing boulders on sidewalks, pour- piece. ing water on the homeless, putting up — Jessie Stanshaw walls). This is not something we want as a lawful society, but something that I just wanted to agree with you that makes sense when it’s utter lawlessness I don’t get her reviews. I get the biases on our streets. that Bauer had, but she is so far to the — Patrick Erker other end of the food-writing scale that I sometimes wonder if the food is of any real interest to her. I hate to go onto Yelp The Marina Times welcomes letters to the to figure out things about restaurants, editor. Email: [email protected]. but I usually have to after her reviews so Letters may be edited for length and clarity.

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marinatimes.com | 3053 Fillmore Street #104, San Francisco, CA 94123 Contact: [email protected] | Letters to the Editor: [email protected] Advertising: (415) 815-8081 • [email protected] Calendar submissions due by the 15th of the month to [email protected]

Publisher Earl Adkins [email protected] Editor in Chief Susan Dyer Reynolds [email protected] Executive Editor John Zipperer [email protected] Managing Editor Lynette Majer [email protected] Design Director Sara Brownell [email protected]



䔀䰀䔀嘀䄀吀䔀䐀 䌀䄀䰀䤀䘀伀刀一䤀䄀 䌀唀䤀匀䤀一䔀 䠀愀瘀攀 愀 眀漀渀搀攀爀昀甀氀 䠀漀氀椀搀愀礀 匀攀愀猀漀渀℀ 䌀伀䴀倀伀匀䤀一䜀 䌀唀䰀䤀一䄀刀夀 䌀刀䔀䄀吀䤀伀一匀 ᐠ 吀䠀䄀吀ᤠ匀 伀唀刀 䨀伀唀刀一䔀夀⸀ 匀䄀嘀伀刀䤀一䜀 ᐠ 吀䠀䄀吀ᤠ匀 夀伀唀刀匀⸀ Eleanor Carpenter and Leslie Drapkin in front of Jest Jewels on Union Street. PHOTO: NAOMI ROSE 䌀漀洀攀 攀渀樀漀礀 䈀漀栀漀 愀瀀瀀攀攀稀攀爀猀 眀椀琀栀 愀 最氀愀猀猀 漀昀 眀椀渀攀℀ News Briefs phone taken out of her hands by a subject, 䔀砀琀攀渀猀椀瘀攀 眀椀渀攀 氀椀猀琀Ⰰ 戀攀攀爀 愀渀搀 搀攀氀椀挀椀漀甀猀 挀爀愀愀 挀漀挀欀琀愀椀氀猀⸀ continued from cover who then tried to flee in a nearby vehicle. The victim chased after the vehicle, suc- 䘀攀猀猀瘀攀 眀攀攀欀攀渀搀 䈀爀甀渀挀栀Ⰰ 戀漀漀漀洀氀攀猀猀 洀椀洀漀猀愀 ␀㄀㠀Ⰰ 䬀椀搀猀 䴀攀渀甀 ☀ ler came in and ridiculously verbose when cessfully opening the door and reaching Nancy Pelosi and whip-smart daughter inside to try to recover her stolen phone. 洀漀爀攀⸀ Christine visited. The day Trump stole the But as the vehicle continued to drive away, ⨀匀甀渀搀愀礀㨀 眀攀 愀爀攀 渀漀琀 漀瀀攀渀 昀漀爀 搀椀渀渀攀爀Ⰰ 戀爀甀渀挀栀 甀渀渀氀 ㌀瀀洀⸀ 2016 election was a memorable one, too. It the victim’s leg was injured. wasn’t a day for business as usual. Rather, The subject was then tracked through 倀爀椀瘀愀琀攀 䔀瘀攀渀琀猀Ⰰ 䰀愀爀最攀 最爀漀甀瀀 瀀愀爀爀攀猀Ⰰ 倀爀椀瘀愀琀攀 爀漀漀洀Ⰰ 䌀愀琀攀爀椀渀最Ⰰ it was a day of mourning, a day when a the city by various police units and even a 吀吀愀欀攀 伀甀琀⸀ shocked and despondent crowd gathered cab driver, who followed the fleeing vehi- 䘀爀椀攀渀搀氀礀 瀀爀椀挀攀猀 ☀ 䌀愀猀甀愀氀 攀渀瘀椀爀漀渀洀攀渀琀⸀ in our store to support one another, cry, cle and updated officers on its location. and express our collective incredulity.” Officers located the vehicle and followed But even the day-to-day acts of running it, finally catching the subject after the car ㌀㌀㈀㄀ 匀琀攀椀渀攀爀 匀琀⸀ ⠀戀琀眀⸀ 䰀漀洀戀愀爀搀 ☀ 䌀栀攀猀琀渀甀琀⤀Ⰰ 匀愀渀 䘀爀愀渀挀椀猀挀漀Ⰰ 䌀䄀 㤀㐀㄀㈀㌀ a retail establishment in the Marina pro- was in a traffic collision at 20th and Capp 眀眀眀⸀戀漀栀漀猀昀⸀挀漀洀 vided memorable pleasures. “While there Streets. One subject was arrested; a second 攀⸀ 椀渀昀漀䀀挀愀昀攀戀漀栀漀猀昀⸀挀漀洀 瀀⸀ 㐀㄀㔀⸀㌀㜀㐀⸀㜀㔀㄀㠀 are examples of some remarkable days, was still at large at press time. those not remarkable are the ones I will miss the most,” Drapkin said. “The daily CENTRAL SUBWAY RELIEF stuff. The groove of my day in the store Small businesses impacted by construc- and on the street along with the love and tion of the Central Subway are getting a loyalty of longtime employees who have boost from the city as the result of a pack- helped shape the personality of Jest Jewels age of measures announced in mid-No- has been the secret sauce to my well-being vember by Mayor Breed and Dis- for more years than I can remember. Key trict 3 Supervisor Aaron Peskin. in the lock, groan of the wood floor, and The measures include an advertising cam- the scent of the tuberose candle. The quiet paign to help Chinatown merchants, the moments of prepping a window, sorting reestablishment of loading zones on Stock- new treasures and fanning out this season’s ton Street to reduce congestion, the creation color wheel of scarves and hats. A chat of a temporary bus stop at Washington and with Tony as he delivers breakfast from Stockton Streets to try to increase access to Caffé Union, Charlotte on the way to the businesses, additional inspectors to improve library, a hi to JoAnn as she runs by, a pedestrian safety, highlighting a park and heart-to-heart often ending in a deep belly ride program serving Chinatown, and mak- laugh with Beatie. All so essential to the ing available direct financial assistance of breath of my day. Surely such a bounty is $5,000 to $10,000 per business. in itself a celebration. How very fortunate Eleanor and I have been.” FACTS AND FIGURES The duo is celebrating their retirement 10 years: local voter turnout in Novem- with sales at all of their stores. ber’s election was the lowest in a decade . . . 35 percent: increase from 2017 to 2018 DETOX CENTER QUESTIONED in the number of complaints about feces The Marina Harbor Detox (289 Marina on city streets . . . 7 percent: amount street Blvd.) is a drug addiction treatment center feces complaints are up so far in 2019 over that reportedly opened without proper city the same time in 2018 . . . March 5, 2020: certification. Neither a proper Change of deadline for the submittal of proposals to Use Permit nor a Conditional Use Autho- operate a concession at upper Fort Mason, rization were acquired by the detox center according to the National Park Service before it began operation, sources say. The . . . 3.3 percent: annual growth rate of San Planning Department is believed to be Francisco rents as of November, as report- investigating and may pursue enforcement ed by RentCafe . . . 691,000: number of action against the business. people who moved out of last In a statement to the Marina Times, the year . . . $57.78 million: assessed value detox center said, “Marina Harbor Detox of a Los Altos Hills home owned by Rus- abides by all state and local laws and zon- sian-born billionaire Yuri Milner . . . 99 ing restrictions.” The company also shared years: this past Nov. 10 was the 99th time a written presentation indicating excep- that the annual Veterans Day Parade took tions to zoning and licensing laws depend- place in San Francisco . . . 15 percent: drop ing on the size of a center’s client base. in robberies from 2018 to 2019, January through November, in the neighborhoods CRIME UPDATE served by Central Station . . . 2 million: On Nov. 15, a phone theft on the approximate number of tourists who visit Northside resulted in reports of a possible Lombard Street’s crooked block each year. carjacking and led to an extended police chase and an injury to the victim. The inci- Send feedback to [email protected]. dent began when the victim had her cell News tips? Email: [email protected]


Year in Review Protests in Hong Kong, Moscow and continued from cover Zimbabwe and the ongoing standoff in Venezuela highlights that there is world- Charlie (star of the Cathouse column in wide unrest at governments of every type. these pages years ago). Thing we’d like to forget: Legendary writer Toni Morrison passes away. FEBRUARY MEMORIES President Donald Trump says the Unit- SEPTEMBER MEMORIES ed States will leave a nuclear treaty with The Chase Center finally opens up for Russia, and the next day Russia says the business, all 900,000 square feet of it. The Russian equivalent of “gotcha” and imme- venue kicked off its inaugural season with diately begins violating the treaty. high-profile concerts and soon the debut of In the workers’ paradise of Venezuela, the now-hometown Warriors. Maduro severs ties with Colombia because Nancy Pelosi finally admits that it’s time it tries to send humanitarian aid to the to start formal impeachment proceedings 2,000 Venezuelans left in the country. against President Trump. Gov. Gavin Newsom endorses Senator Thing we’d like to forget: A fire on a dive Kamala Harris for president. boat near Santa Cruz Island kills 34 people. Thing we’d like to forget: The U.S. Department of Transportation cancels a OCTOBER MEMORIES grant worth nearly $1 billion for Califor- San Francisco’s own Senator Kamala nia’s slow-moving high- rail project. Harris, lagging in the Democratic polls, goes all-in on Iowa, betting that a big finish MARCH MEMORIES there can recharge her campaign. Harris is Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful woman banking on her longstanding relationship Comfortable Shoes From Athletic To Casual and Dress. in the country, continues to pour cold with the midwestern farming state, which water on pleas from her party’s left flank is only eclipsed by this writer’s longstand- Wide Widths Available In Many Styles. to impeach President Trump, telling The ing relationship with journalist Franklin P. Washington Post “He’s just not worth it.” Jones — 20 minutes and counting. Come In For Your Gait Analysis And Professional Fitting. Venezuela expels the German ambas- In Sonoma, the Kincade fire rages, ulti- sador for allegedly meddling in its affairs. mately burning more than 77,000 acres. Thing we’d like to forget: Trading Paint, PG&E begins preemptive power shutdowns starring John Travolta, is released. The film in areas where high winds might lead to earns an approval rating of 0 percent on power lines setting off more fires. 10% OFF . Thing we’d like to forget: It is reported On Your First Visit that more than 28,190 people left San Fran- APRIL MEMORIES cisco in the second quarter of 2019. Yet Kamala Harris, under fire for a redis- somehow the total population is at a high of covered 2010 video of her speaking at The 879,000. We also hear that about one-third Commonwealth Club defending a law that of people in the city say they want to leave. would allow the jailing of parents of truant children, says she regrets “unintended con- NOVEMBER MEMORIES sequences” of the law. In the election, Mayor London Breed 2398 Lombard St. (corner of Scott St.) San Francisco, CA 94123 • 415-931-2400 In Venezuela, opposition leader and pos- sweeps into a full term after facing only sibly interim President Juan Guaidó leads a token opposition. But the Board of Super- [email protected] • www.shoesnfeet.com doomed rebellion against Maduro. visors swings further left, and the district Thing we’d like to forget: Former Bay attorney wants to be the public defender. Area congresswoman Ellen Tauscher pass- The bad news on the homeless continues es away. to roll in, with reports that the city’s home- less population is “much bigger” than we MAY MEMORIES previously thought. The Washington Post publishes an arti- In the public impeachment proceed- cle that goes viral: “How San Francisco ings, the U.S. ambassador to the European broke America’s heart.” This sets off anoth- Union, Gordon Sondland, testifies that law- er round of San Franciscans and U.S. pres- yer Rudy Guiliani directed a quid pro quo idents criticizing their city and vowing to attempt against Ukraine at the direction of do absolutely nothing to fix it. President Trump, and that Vice President A prison riot in Venezuela leaves 29 dead Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike and 19 guards injured. Pompeo and others all knew about it—and In an interview with CNN, Kamala Har- there are emails to prove it. ris defends her stance on truancy. Venezuela’s Nicolás Madura can’t believe Thing we’d like to forget: Shootings at he’s having a better year than Trump. the University of North Carolina, a school Thing we’d like to forget: Steph Curry in Colorado, an Oregon high school, an breaks his left hand during a game at Chase event in Virginia, and Virginia Beach. Center. He will miss about three months of the season. JUNE MEMORIES Heat wave! San Francisco feels more DECEMBER MEMORIES like Las Vegas with fewer strippers as This issue of the Marina Times comes out temperatures are recorded hitting the tri- at the beginning of December, so this will ple digits. be a prediction of memories. Thing we’d like to forget: Sarah Huck- The San Francisco 49ers, after years in abee Sanders, who established a new low the NFL cellar, sweep their opponents in as White House press secretary, leaves her December playoff games and march toward job after effectively killing the daily press the Super Bowl with heads held high in briefing. She toys with the idea of running confidence and . . . well, the result of that for governor of Arkansas. will only be known in 2020. Thing we’d like to forget: An entire JULY MEMORIES year has gone by without the city solving President Trump has a chat with making any significant progress toward Ukraine’s new president and definitely solving its homelessness debacle, its hous- does not offer any quid pro quo to get that ing debacle, or its small business debacle. country to announce an investigation into his likely opponent, Joe Biden. No way. EXIT MR. JONES Thing we’d like to forget: So many Our old friend of 23 minutes, Franklin P. Democrats are running for president, the Jones, left us another bon mot: “Experience party splits the debate into two nights and is that marvelous thing that enables you still can’t fit all the candidates on stage. to recognize a mistake when you make it again.” AUGUST MEMORIES Let’s not do 2019 again. President Trump sues California over a law that requires candidates to reveal their Send feedback to [email protected]. tax returns or be banned from primary John Zipperer has perfect 2020 vision. Email: ballots. [email protected]

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MARINATIMES.COM MARINA TIMES DECEMBER 2019 5 Northside From the District 2 Supervisor Entering 2020 New Year’s resolutions

BY CATHERINE STEFANI force, and we have protected over $1 million patrol in, rather than take back and forth of people who decided to leave the city — or in the Police Department’s budget to keep to the repair shop. even abandon a great idea for a small busi- he holiday season is the perfect foot patrols on our streets. But a quick walk I also look forward to continuing to ness before it opens — because of the dif- time to give thanks for all we are for- around the block makes it clear that our clean up our streets in the new year. This ficulties imposed by city bureaucracy. San tunate enough to have and recommit work is not done yet — not even close. year, we are finally installing new, much Francisco is a challenging environment for Tto the goals that will move us forward. I In 2020, we can look forward to final- needed trash cans in our merchant corri- so many reasons, but rather than accepting am thankful to be raising my family in San ly reviewing and acting upon the SFPD dors and hotspots, and I will continue to this and then making it even more difficult, Francisco, to work with friends and neigh- staffing study which I expect, will show us press Public Works to make sure they are we should do everything we can to make it bors who care deeply about our community, what we already know: The Police Depart- maintained to the highest standards. While easier to own and operate small businesses. and to represent such a vibrant, inspiring, ment is under-resourced. While it is clear others have put forward proposals that That’s why this fall I’ve been working with and engaged part of our city. With that in from the conditions of our streets, parks, would only increase spending and layers the city attorney’s office to craft a Small mind, this season is a chance to reflect. and open spaces that we need more police of bureaucracy, I know we can address the Business Bill of Rights, with the goal of Before we get into everything the new year officers, this study will give us another tool root causes of our dirty streets and relieve reducing fees and administrative obstacles will bring, the elephant in the room is the in advocating for increased police staffing the symptoms we see every day, without that make it nearly impossible to own or fact that the makeup of the Board of Super- levels. I am confident that Mayor London simply adding red tape. operate small businesses. I have had enough visors will change, and we will also have Breed will continue to support our law In large part, this means addressing unac- of vacant storefronts, store-closing sales, a new district attorney in 2020. Although enforcement needs, but if City Hall contin- ceptable street behavior. Instead of layering and — most important — feeling like we’re I did not support the incoming District 5 ues to resist fully staffing the department new commissions on top of new advisory losing what makes San Francisco special. supervisor, nor the district attorney-elect, most responsible for public safety, I am not bodies, I support Mayor Breed’s proposal In 2020, we will not let what we see on our I remain committed to my style of politics, afraid to take the fight to the ballot. for a measure on the 2020 ballot that will streets, the too often glacial pace of change, which is grounded in civility, kindness, and We must work to increase police staffing provide funding for mental health resourc- or the results of one election get in the way. empathy. I will continue to respectfully hold levels while making sure that police officers es. This bond would provide funding for We will not stop fighting for the city that we space for those with different opinions and have the tools they need to do their jobs. capital and ongoing expenses such as build- know and love. We will not let up. will approach issues with an open mind. I This year, I voted against legislation at the ing and maintaining new mental health When I became supervisor, I made a will, however, be unafraid and unequivocal Board of Supervisors to ban the use of facial beds, for example — without raising taxes. commitment to be your neighborhood when advocating for policies and priorities recognition technology in San Francisco, But anyone who has seen the vast sums voice at City Hall, to cut through the noise that keep our neighborhoods safe, and I will because I thought it could have been anoth- that San Francisco spends on addressing the and deliver results on the issues that matter do everything in my power to advocate for er useful tool for preventing and solving conditions on our streets knows it’s not just most. I am proud of what we have accom- the resources to make that a reality. crimes. Yes, there were potential issues with about . I will keep fighting for addi- plished together so far. This year, as we I’ve written about public safety in this the technology, but the outright ban was a tional tools, like expanded conservatorship reflect on the people and communities we column before, so when it comes to New disservice to law enforcement and residents. laws, that will help provide the right type are so thankful for, we must resolve to make Year’s resolutions, it should come as no Nevertheless, anyone who has seen the of care for those who cannot care for them- next year even better. We must also resolve surprise that continuing my advocacy for police cars our officers are driving around selves, because it will never be compassion- to acknowledge that we won’t always agree public safety tops the list. I’m grateful for in knows that we cannot lose sight of ate to let people die on the streets. with one another, and when we do disagree, our achievements over the past two years the basics, either. Next year’s city budget Finally, I am committed to improving the we will do so respectfully — we will prove — together, we have successfully fought to process will provide another opportunity experience of owning and operating small that civility in public discourse is another add 250 additional police officers to our to advocate for cars that our officers can businesses. We have heard too many stories thing San Franciscans refuse to give up on.

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6 DECEMBER 2019 MARINA TIMES MARINATIMES.COM From the District 3 Supervisor All that and more District 3 year in review

BY AARON PESKIN union and affordable housing developers which is now accepting applications for islating commercial rent control. Especially for their partnership. small businesses impacted by large city in our beloved neighborhood commercial BALLOT VICTORIES capital projects, such as Van Ness BRT and corridors, high rents are pushing out local I want to thank the voters of San Fran- SPEAKING OF AFFORDABLE Central Subway. Additional city support mom-and-pop businesses. These evictions cisco for ensuring that Proposition D HOUSING . . . will include a Fisherman’s Wharf-North often lead to vacancies when the space squeaked across the finish line to victory. We finally broke ground on 125 units of Beach-Chinatown express shuttle until can’t be filled. Last month, we gathered out San Francisco is officially the first city in below market-rate affordable family hous- the Central Subway can directly connect in front of Caffé Sapore in North Beach to the state of California to approve a per-ride ing and childcare facilities at 88 Broadway tourists. My office has also been work- support Elias Bikahi and his family, who surcharge on Uber and Lyft TNCs. It was a and 735 Davis Street. ing closely with local family-owned busi- are being evicted without cause after oper- long two-year journey, but with the part- After hearings at City Hall, we also heard ness Mollie Stone’s to finally activate the ating their family cafe for 23 years. Over nership of Assemblyman Phil Ting and from hundreds of low-income seniors long-vacant former Lombardi’s Sports site 100 community members, including State Senator Scott Wiener, we were able to pass about the barriers to accessing city-sub- in Upper Polk, and construction will start Senator Scott Wiener and Supervisor-elect state enabling legislation and then craft a sidized affordable housing. District 3, in soon. Dean Preston, rallied against another evic- local measure that is projected to bring in particular, has the highest concentration I also passed legislation to make it easier tion and vacancy. My vacancy tax is nar- $32 million annually to hire more Muni of low-income seniors, many of whom for restaurants and cafes to open quickly rowly tailored to disincentivize bad actors, drivers and parking control officers, as well live in Single Resident Occupancy (SRO) in the wake of business closures in North and is easily avoidable if property owners as install traffic signals, crosswalks, and hotels. So in this past budget cycle, Pres- Beach. Family Cafe on Columbus Avenue make good faith efforts to actively fill their bike lanes. Because it was a dedicated tax, ident Norman Yee and I created a new is the first small business to benefit from spaces. Tax revenue would be dedicated to Proposition D had a tough hill to climb low-income senior operating subsidy this new law, and we welcome Jessica and small business assistance. with a two-thirds vote threshold require- (SOS) program that will ensure that some Tadayuki Furui (and their use of reusable ment — but San Franciscans affirmed our of our neediest seniors get safe and stable dishware!) to North Beach. I have also WASHINGTON SQUARE REOPENING desire for less-congested streets and invest- housing that will allow them to comfort- allocated funding to kick-start a renewed AND GREENING OUR CANOPY ments in traffic enforcement and Vision ably age in place (including at 88 Broadway arts effort in North Beach, including a Finally, I’d like to thank Rec & Park Zero safety projects. and 735 Davis Street). With the passage of dedicated organizer for North Beach First and the broad community of stakeholders We also passed Proposition A, a record Proposition A, we are also gearing up to Fridays, in partnership with the North who helped ensure the Washington Square $600 million affordable housing bond col- create affordable housing in Chinatown, Beach Business Association. If you have Water Conservation project became the laboration between the Board of Super- with additional funding from our sale of an artist or small business that wants to first city project in recent memory to visors and the mayor. Of particular inter- the 530 Sansome Fire Station. engage, please contact my office. finish early and on budget. As of this read- est are new dedicated categories to fund I am currently drafting a Small Business ing, we’ll have reopened one of the city’s senior and teacher housing. In addition, VIBRANT NEIGHBORHOOD Fee Relief program after my staff reviewed three oldest historic squares with brand- the voters saw fit to pass Proposition E, COMMERCIAL CORRIDORS a long list of fees that small businesses new pedestrian pathways, irrigation, and the Affordable Homes for Families and We all know that small businesses make may be required to pay before they’re even tree plantings. Washington Square is the Educators Now Initiative, which I co-au- up the backbone of a healthful, liveable open. And finally, I want to let you know community’s living room. Also be on the thored with Supervisors Fewer, Haney, and neighborhood but are facing unprecedent- you can expect another small business tool lookout for the additional 35 trees in North Walton. It will streamline the approvals for ed challenges. Earlier this year, I worked on the ballot this upcoming March 2020 Beach we funded in the budget. affordable housing on public land, includ- with SFMTA to create a $5 million Small election: a Commercial Property Vacancy Have a safe and joyous holiday, and see ing SFUSD. Special thanks to the teachers’ Business Construction Mitigation Fund, Tax, which is the closest we can get to leg- you in the neighborhood.


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MARINATIMES.COM MARINA TIMES DECEMBER 2019 7 Food & Wine At the Table Get cracking

Recreated from an original Cliff House postcard c. early 1900s. Holiday Parties at the Cliff House The Terrace Room

Offering sweeping views of the Pacifi c Crab Louie at The Grotto. PHOTO: SUSAN DYER REYNOLDS Ocean, historic ambiance and delightful cuisine, the Terrace Room is a truly unique private event venue for groups up to 120. Crab for the holidays Private Events Direct 415-666-4027 [email protected] BY SUSAN DYER REYNOLDS the lettuce. Over half a pound of fresh- picked Dungeness is piled on a bed of The Lands End Room ith Dungeness crab season crisp iceberg lettuce and garnished with Located in the Sutro's Restaurant the scheduled to kick off Dec. 15 hard-boiled egg, cherry tomatoes, green and people looking for places olives, cucumber, carrot, and avocado. Lands End Room is a semi-private Wto take out-of-town holiday guests to My ritual begins with a squeeze of fresh space for smaller parties of 17 – 50 enjoy one of our greatest local trea- lemon over the crabmeat followed by a offering California cuisine, awesome sures, I decided to share four of my generous dollop of the rich and thick, ocean views and Sutro Baths history. favorite classic preparations around the sweet and tangy house-made dressing Northside. I love crab piled on a Louis (bonus: they now have live music four Large Parties Direct 415-666-4005 salad, simmering in cioppino, tossed nights a week). Pier 45 (at Taylor), 415- [email protected] with pasta, or, best of all, straight from 673-7025, thegrottosf.com the steaming pots at historic Fisherman’s Call soon to book your event! Wharf. There’s no place in San Francisco CRAB CIOPPINO: SOTTO MARE 1090 Point Lobos • San Francisco • 415-386-3330 where the crab is fresher and comes with The signature crab cioppino is so leg- CliffHouse.com incredible Golden Gate Bridge views endary that the highly regarded national (and most restaurants offer free two- food magazine Saveur once featured the hour validated parking), so it’s no coin- recipe on its lauded pages. Late Marina cidence that three of my picks are at the Times food writer Ernie Beyl said of it in wharf. his 2010 Northside San Francisco maga- zine review: “It was exceptional, a brilliant FRESH CRAB: ALIOTO-LAZIO FISH rendition of an old San Francisco standby, COMPANY served in a large silver bowl with a lid. In a “The restaurant with no sign” You can’t beat pungent, tomatoey crab straight from broth were Dunge- Voted 2019 Winner Nextdoor Favorite the steaming pots ness crab legs and at the wharf served Crab from the first body meat lurking in all its sweet, in their gelatinous naked glory or ladies of the wharf is shells, calamari, Join us for New Year’s Eve! with just a squeeze shrimp, clams, of lemon (and one of the greatest mussels, and even maybe a quick a few penne pasta. dip in some melt- gastronomic pleasures. It’s the hottest item San Francisco Fire Fighters ed butter). Sisters on the menu and Annette Traverso and Angela Cincotta perhaps the most satisfying.” I couldn’t Toy Program fundraiser are the third generation operating the have said it better — in fact, I believe Sotto Alioto-Lazio Fish Company, a wom- Mare has the best rendition of cioppino MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 6-8pm an-owned business that has been located in town (and yes, it’s better than Tadich bring a new unwrapped toy for deserving kids, on Fisherman’s Wharf for over 70 years. Grill’s). 552 Green Street (near Columbus), One of the last family owned and oper- 415-398-3181, sottomaresf.com raffle, food, drinks and of course fun! ated fishing companies in San Francisco, Alioto-Lazio serves the freshest, most WHOLE ROASTED DUNGENESS succulent Dungeness crab on the planet CRAB: THE FRANCISCAN CRAB sold live, whole cooked, or cleaned and RESTAURANT cracked. They also ship their crustaceans There are many ways to enjoy Dunge- overnight almost anywhere (a great gift ness at the Franciscan Crab Restaurant idea for those hard-to-buy-for relatives). (hence the name), from tossed in a creamy If you haven’t had crab from the first Alfredo to tucked inside enchiladas, but ladies of the wharf, you’re missing one the World Famous Whole Roasted Dunge- of San Francisco’s greatest gastronomic ness Crab in Secret Garlic Sauce is the star pleasures, as well as a part of the his- of the menu. Whether you order a two- tory that makes this city unique. 440 plus pounder for two or a crab feast that Jefferson Street (at Hyde), 888-673-5868, feeds four, the smell of the garlic wafting crabonline.com through the air as the crab is delivered on a sizzling iron skillet is the perfect San Fran- CRAB LOUIE: THE GROTTO cisco experience for locals — and a glori- People rave about the crab salad at ous way for out-of-town guests to experi- Bar opens at 4pm | Dinner nightly 5pm-1am Swan Oyster Depot, but for a whopping ence our prized crustacean. The beautiful, $32, all you get is crab on a pile of iceberg modern interior offers a stunning set- 3166 Buchanan Street at Greenwich | (415) 921-7600 lettuce drizzled with a little sauce or oil ting to take in those priceless views. Pier and vinegar. When I want a truly classic 43½ (at The Embarcadero), 415-362-7733, @brazenheadsf crab Louie, I always to The Grotto, franciscanrestaurant.com www.brazenheadsf.com the only restaurant I’ve found where you have to dig through the crab to find E-mail: [email protected]

8 DECEMBER 2019 MARINA TIMES MARINATIMES.COM The Wonderful World of Wine Tiny bubbles Pop the cork on sparkling wines

BY LYNETTE MAJER or, I encourage you to visit the cent Carneros Chardonnay, this festively decorated tasting rooms sparkling is crisp with a creamy here’s never an occa- to sip, enjoy, and purchase. The finish, which will not only bal- sion not to drink bubbles, Wine Country is open for busi- ance the spiciness of foods, but in my opinion. Part of my ness. also complement rich, creamy Trationalization is the glasses — desserts, particularly those with Pick the right bubbly for your celebration. PHOTO: SHIRONOSOV whether flutes or tulips, or the Schug Carneros Rouge De lemon, or a tray of soft, gooey retro coupe, they’re all fun and Noirs 2016 cheeses. to manufacture the well-known Steinberg also founded Scharffen feel special. Then, throw in that Schug is well known for its Fun fact: Gloria Ferrer was the Jacuzzi hot tubs. Berger Chocolate in 1997. sound of the popping cork, and Pinot Noirs, and this cuvee of first sparkling wine house in Sono- it just spells celebrate, whether 100 percent sparkling Pinot Noir ma’s Carneros region and the first Scharffenberger Mendocino Nicholas Feuillatte Réserve it’s the end of the week (or day, is a lovely expression of the vari- to plant Champagne clones there. County Brut Excellence NV Exclusive Brut Champagne, I don’t judge), or a special occa- etal — dry and delicate — and I’ve mentioned previous- NV sion, or time of year, all are wor- best served with savory food. Its Jacuzzi Sonoma Coast Spar- ly Scharffenberger’s Cremant, Winner of several international thy of celebrating. Besides, we all dark color results from a three- kling Brut Rosé 2018 (Wine World, October 2018) silver medals and one gold, plus a need to celebrate something in day cold soak of juice and skins Made from fruit sourced from available only at the charm- 91/100 Wine Spectator rating, this today’s world, right? together followed by a cold fer- the winery’s vineyards in Sono- ing Mendocino County tasting Champagne is a blend of Pinot And here’s another reason to mentation in steel tanks of the ma’s Carneros and Petaluma room on Highway 121. I decided Noir, Meunier (40 percent each), choose sparkling — it’s easier juice only, then followed by a Gap AVAs, this blend of Italian at that visit on the Cremant with and Chardonnay (20 percent) on our livers. “With the produc- secondary bottle fermentation. varietals Nebbiolo, Sangiovese, its restrained bubbles because it sourced from France’s Cham- tion of wine, there are natural Fun fact: Founder Walter Schug and Barbera has watermelon, was more unusual compared to pagne region. Its pear and apricot mold toxins left behind after fil- grew up in Germany on a winery berry, and other fruit notes and this widely distributed Brut, but notes and a clean and refreshing tration. These toxins can affect managed by his father, who would is a deep pink in color. The cool in all honestly, the Brut was and palate make it a versatile bub- liver detoxification and cause sometimes sell his Pinot to a local climate of the vineyards allows is my favorite. Perhaps no sur- bly for pairing with foods, from imbalances in healthy gut bac- sparkling wine producer to pro- for a long growing season and prise, given it undergoes a full smoked salmon, to marinated teria. Of all wines, champagne duce “Spätburgunder Sekt,” spar- produces wines with balanced malolactic fermentation, which chicken to sautéed prawns. has the lowest level of mold tox- kling Pinot Noir. acidity and fruit. It’s widely held results in a full-bodied, creamy Fun fact: This champagne house ins,” writes naturopathic doctor that sparkling rosé goes with any wine, what I tend to call “yeasty,” has a tasting lounge at Cirque du Thalia Farshchian (The Health- Gloria Ferrer Carneros Demi- food, so this would be a sure bet but if that sounds weird, then Soleil’s production of Amaluna, ful Life, August 2015). Sec Reserve Cuvee 2015 for holiday gatherings, and its think “freshly baked bread and currently running through Jan. 12. So here are some suggestions While I would normally shy on-trend color a lovely accent to pastry.” Plus, it’s made mostly for holiday bubbles; most sup- away from a semi-sweet wine of any table. from Chardonnay (60 percent) Whether you choose a sparkling port our local wine-growing any kind, these bubbles are even Fun fact: The Jacuzzi broth- and Pinot Noir (40 percent), my from this list or celebrate with regions, which have suffered more food friendly than most, ers emigrated from Italy in 1907 two favorite varietals. others, best wishes for a happy and tragic fires the last two years. complementing savory and spicy and manufactured water well Fun fact: Sharffenberger Cellars safe holiday season. ! And while some are available at foods to desserts. Perfectly bal- pumps at their eponymous facto- was founded by John Scharffen- your favorite local wine purvey- anced and made from 100 per- ry in Berkeley, and would go on berger, who along with Robert E-mail: [email protected]


Appetites and Afterthoughts Curry cult Curry for Christmas: An ancient Indian culinary mystique of flavors

BY ERNEST BEYL CURRY TO MAKE YOU SCREAM FOR es, I know, food writers in MERCY December issues are supposed The curry concept dates back more to write about turkey and roast than 4,000 years on the Indian sub- Ybeef for those year-end holiday dinners. continent. Archeologists figured it out But I’m going to write about curry. I’m a from studying shards of pottery and from curry geek and proud of it. You may be, forensic dental tests. The word curry too, but if not, here are some things you probably comes from a Tamil Indian might like to know about this passion for word Kaari, which originally referred to curry. a meat or vegetable dish eaten with rice. Many years ago, I sailed on the Penin- It was a kind of spicy stew. Cookery in sular and Oriental passenger ship Hima- India has long been considered a gift of laya as press officer. My job was to seek the gods — and it is. Historians believe out interesting passengers for the press the spicy food concept began logically to write about when we hit port. And as in a hot climate and with a people that a freelance writer, I was also looking for used its indigenous spices for flavor. The a good story. I found it aboard the Hima- spicy curries were a good foil for the hot laya: the ship’s glorious curry. In those weather, and in a country where refriger- days, Indians, usually from the state of ation was nonexistent, the spices worked Goa, the one-time Portuguese province as a food preservative. on the Indian subcontinent’s southwest Curry can be mild or it can be as hot coast, staffed the galleys of these ships. In as a blast furnace. In India, curry was the kitchens of the grand old Himalaya, not prepared as a fiery gravy over rice one Goanese worker attracted me. He until after Columbus mistakenly took the was the curry cook, who prepared the New World for the Spice Islands and sent various Indian curries for the crew. Pas- chilies back to Europe. From there the hot sengers found curry on their menus once capsicum pods made their way to India a week or so, but the ship’s British staff and Southeast Asia. and Punjabi and Goanese crew found I recall on a visit to Kuala Lumpur, I curry on their plates every day. I was con- cockily uttered the word hot when my sidered crew and got my fill of all things turbaned waiter asked how I wanted my curry. curry. Fortunately, he had placed me in a special air-conditioned dining room THE UNMISTAKABLE SNIFF OF away from the local customers. After the CURRY first bite of my lamb curry over rice, I One day I wandered into the galley screamed for mercy — and water. COMET CLUB and sought out the curry cook. “What is Dancing • Specialty Cocktails • 12 Brews on Tap curry powder?” I asked. He decided to BRITS LOVE CURRY AND IT LOVES show me. THEM On a long worktable, he laid out small Perhaps the greatest devourers of piles of dried leaves, roots, twigs, berries, curry outside of India and Southeast seeds, and such. Cardamom, caraway, Asia are the British. There are thousands anise, ginger, gar- of curry houses in lic, chilies, fenu- Great Britain, and greek, cloves, cin- the U.K. even cel- namon, turmeric, To a few people, curry is ebrates a national coriander, fennel, curry week. (It’s mace, poppy seeds, home-ground curry in October in case cumin, mustard you want to pop seeds, black pep- powder, pulverized in a over to London to percorns, bay leaf, attend.) The Brit- saffron, sometimes mortar. Magic powder! ish love of curry asafetida — maybe dates to the Brit- more. I can’t remember. Then, seemingly ish Raj in the 19th and 20th centuries 3111 Fillmore St. San Francisco 94123 at random, he took a pinch of this and when colonial India was dominated by 415-567-5589 • CometclubSF.com a pinch of that and dropped them in a British civil servants and the military. large stone mortar. And with a mam- The Brits ate what their colonial Indian moth pestle he pulverized the lot of it. household servants provided them — It was the magic of the curry cult — a and that was curry, in all its forms, and SAN FRANCISCO TRADITION— group of which I am now a member with all of its accompanying condiments, in good standing. When my newfound usually referred to as sambals. In the for generations! Goanese friend was finished, he allowed galley office aboard the Himalaya, there me to peek into the mortar. A vaguely was a notice posted that listed more than ALIOTOLAZIO FISH COMPANY yellow-orange powder greeted me, and 20 sambals, including chopped onions 440 Jefferson St I sniffed the magnificent, unmistakable and tomatoes, raisins, dried banana, smell of curry. ground coconut, cucumber, mangoes, San Francisco, CA 94109 limes, hard-boiled eggs, and a variety of A PSEUDO CURRY THAT TASTES chutneys. CURRYISH To many— probably most— curry pow- And that’s the story of the curry cult. Monday—Fridays der comes from the supermarket in a When writing this story, I suggested to small jar or a small rectangular tin. And my editor that the printer sift some good 6 am to 2 pm that’s fine. When prepared with that pow- curry powder between the pages of this Saturdays 6 am to 12 der, a pseudo kind of curry tastes curryish. paper for realism. But that idea never To some few, curry is something else gained traction. noon again — home-ground curry powder, 415.673.5868 pulverized in a mortar. Magic powder! Visit marinatimes.com for a longer version Your clothes will smell of it. Your entire of this article, which appeared in December www.crabonline.com house will be redolent with that remark- 2015 along with an accompanying article, able smell. “What makes curry, curry.”

10 DECEMBER 2019 MARINA TIMES MARINATIMES.COM crab house & prime rib

1200 bridgeway sausalito 415.331.3226 salitoscrabhouse.com


Reynolds Rap continued from cover

Mathis would eventually attend Washington High School). After our initial call drops, he calls me back from his Hollywood home. “John Mathis here,” he says on the voicemail. John is what he goes by, he tells me after we reconnect (Johnny is a stage name that stuck). When Mathis was eight, his father pur- chased an old upright piano for $25. “It wouldn’t fit through the door,” Mathis says. “So I stayed up all night with my dad and watched him take it apart, move the pieces in to our small living room, and then reassemble it.” When I ask if he remembers the first song they ever sang together, Mathis responds quickly. “Oh yes, it was ‘My Blue Heaven.’ My dad was my best pal.” Realizing his son had talent, Clem Mathis found a voice instructor in the East Bay. “When you’re young and as involved as I was in music, the only way Left: Johnny Mathis opening fan mail with his parents in the 1950s; right: Matthis in 2017. PHOTOS: COURTESY ROJON PRODUCTIONS I could really learn was to find someone who could help me,” Mathis says. “And Mathis soon found a manager and spent an unprecedented 490 continuous Christmas, right this very minute . . . Just then of course I had to give her the bad began performing gigs in San Francisco weeks — that’s nearly a decade — on the hear those sleigh jingling ring-ting- news, that I had no money.” clubs, where a Columbia Records pro- Billboard Top Album Chart. tingling, too . . .” I must admit, as Johnny Lucky for Mathis, the instructor ducer saw him. “Found a phenomenal You would think his voice instructor Mathis sang to me over the phone, I was agreed to work with him free of charge. 19-year-old who could go all the way,” would have been overjoyed, but instead fangirling out just a little (O.K., a lot). “I would get on the bus and go to the he wired New York. Mathis was also a she taught him the greatest lesson in This year marks Mathis’s 63rd year as a train station and get on the one that gifted athlete (he set a new high jump humility. “It was after I had a couple of recording artist (60 of them with Colum- goes over the Bay record of six feet five hit records, and evidently she read an bia, where he is their longest-running Bridge and then take and a half inches at interview I had done in a local newspaper artist). He has 79 original albums and six a bus to her house. a track meet at the around San Francisco. In my exuberance, original Christmas albums (his newest It took a couple of University of Neva- being so young and careless, I said I was album, Johnny Mathis Sings the Great hours. When I got da in 1955, beating probably her favorite student. When I New American Songbook, was released in there, I’d sit out- future NBA star Bill asked her about my new records and 2017). He hasn’t stopped singing, record- side the room she Russell’s former rre- whether she thought they were good or ing or touring for 62 years. At age 84, the was working in and cord). He could have not, she said, ‘Well, yeah, they’re O.K., voice of christmas and romance is as clear wait until she had gone to the Olympics, but who told you that you were my favor- and strong as ever, and shows no signs of a moment between but his deep passion ite student?’ So I was brought down — slowing down. her paying custom- for music made a way, way down. I do remember that, and ers, and she would career choice easy. In I think that was the most embarrassing Johnny Mathis: The Voice of Romance fit me in. I’d work 1956 his first album thing that ever happened to me in life.” Tour : Saturday, Dec. 14, 8 p.m., $75– with her for maybe debuted, and hits like I ask Mathis what he will be performing $130, San Jose Civic Auditorium, 135 15 minutes and then “Chances Are” and at the Dec. 14 concert in San Jose, and he San Carlos St., San Jose, 408-792-4111, go back and do my homework and then “It’s Not for Me to Say” shot the young launches into the first line of each song: johnnymathis.com she called me when a student left . . . all singer to stardom. In 1958, Johnny’s “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas because she was kind enough to work Greatest Hits became the first of its kind, . . . Caroling, caroling . . . Happy holidays E-mail: [email protected]. Follow the with me even though I couldn’t afford starting a long tradition of artists put- . . . Chestnuts roasting on an open fire . . Marina Times on Twitter @TheMarinaTimes to pay for lessons.” ting out greatest hits albums. The record . Toyland, Toyland . . . Oh we need a little and like us on Facebook @MarinaTimes.

The Best of Books What’s flying off the shelves The Marina Books Inc. best-seller list

COMPILED BY BRIAN PETTUS 9. The Underground Rail ident broke the law by trying road: A Novel, by Colson to block the probe. However, 1. Make Your Moment: The Whitehead (paperback) Mueller unspooled a dramatic Savvy Woman’s Commu- 10. What You Do Is Who You narrative of an angry and anx- nication Playbook for Are: How to Create Your ious president trying to control Getting the Success You Business Culture, by Ben the criminal investigation, even Want, by Dion Lim Horowitz (hardcover) after he knew he was under (hardcover) scrutiny. Deep inside the 448- 2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: NEW RELEASES IN page report is a fly-on-the-wall Wrecking Ball (Book 14), DECEMBER account of the inner workings of by Jeff Kinney (hardcover) The Mueller Report Illustrat- the White House, remarkable in 3. Conversations with ed: The Obstruction Investiga- detail and drama. With dialogue Friends: A Novel, by Sally tion, by The Washington Post taken directly from the report, Rooney (paperback) (Dec. 3): Written and designed The Mueller Report Illustrated is a 4. Where the Crawdad by the staff of The Washington vivid, factually rigorous narrative Sings, by Delia Owens Post and illustrated by artist Jan of a crucial period in Trump’s (hardcover) Feindt, this book brings to life the presidency that remains relevant 5. A Gentleman in Moscow: findings of special counsel Robert to the turbulent events of today. A Novel, by Amor Towles S. Mueller III in an engaging and Measure of Our Lives: A (paperback) illuminating presentation. When Gathering of Wisdom, by Toni observation, and philosophical humanity and art of black peo- 6. Educated: A Memoir, by the report was released on April Morrison (Dec. 3): This inspi- profundity — addresses issues ple. The Measure of Our Lives Tara Westover (hardcover) 18, 2019, it laid out two major rational book juxtaposes quota- of abiding interest in Morrison’s brims with elegance of style and 7. Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, conclusions: that Russia’s inter- tions, one to a page, drawn from work: the reach of language for mind and moral authority. and a Conspiracy to ference in the 2016 presidential Morrison’s entire body of work the ineffable; transcendence Protect Predators, by election had been “sweeping and to tell a story of self-actualiza- through imagination; the self For additional new releases in Ronan Farrow (hardcover) systematic” and that the evidence tion. It aims to evoke the total- and its discontents; the vicissi- December, visit marinatimes.com. 8. Billion Dollar Whale: The did not establish that Trump or ity of Toni Morrison’s literary tudes of love; the whirligig of Man Who Fooled Wall his campaign had conspired with vision. Its compelling sequence memory; the singular power of Brian Pettus is the manager of Street, Hollywood, and the the Kremlin. The special coun- of flashes of revelation — stun- women; the original American Books Inc. in the Marina (2251 World, by Bradley Hope sel left one significant question ning for their linguistic origi- sin of slavery; the bankruptcy of Chestnut Street, 415-931-3633, (paperback) unanswered: whether the pres- nality, keenness of psychological racial oppression; the complex booksinc.net/sfmarina).

12 DECEMBER 2019 MARINA TIMES MARINATIMES.COM Michael Snyder on ... Pop Culture A multitude of carols

BY MICHAEL SNYDER Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones) and Is there anything more laden with the Jim Carrey as Scrooge, even if it tries to be Henry Golding (Crazy Rich Asians), holiday spirit and poised to ignite Christ- faithful to the source material. round Christmas, nostalgia as well as a sturdy supporting cast that mas warmth and cheer than A Christ- amid good cheer is currency of included U.K. treasure Emma Thompson mas Carol? That might explain why there TOONED IN TO CHRISTMAS the realm, and the entertainment who also cowrote the earnest, but come- have been so many interpretations of it Among the more conventional 2D car- Aindustry counts on seasonal sentiment to dy-challenged script. over the years. How many? Too many to toons, 1983’s Mickey’s Christmas Carol is capture your attention and dollars. You waste time counting. There have been a Disney version with Scrooge McDuck get holiday-themed TV shows, music, DICKENS’S ENDURING ENDEAVOR stage shows (including musicals), movies (naturally) as Ebenezer and Mickey and movies paraded before you from early While enduring Last Christmas, (including musicals), TV specials (includ- Mouse as Bob Cratchit. In fact, there are November until the 12 days of you-know- I noticed something light years bet- ing musicals), animated cartoons (feature quite a few toon takes with popular char- what, tapping into time-worn Christmas ter playing on a TV set in one scene: length and short form), spoofs (like the acters: a 1962 animated TV musical with symbols and themes — especially peace Blackadders’s Christmas Carol — a rather Blackadder comedy), graphic novels, and the nearsighted Mr. Magoo; a Looney on Earth, generosity, and goodwill to all. hilarious and canny 1988 parody of Brit- audio recordings. Tunes short from 1979 with Bugs Bunny, But 2019 feels a little short on the cine- ish author Charles Dickens’s Victorian On the cinema side, we’ve had all man- Porky Pig, and pals; one spotlighting matic end of things. morality tale A Christmas Carol. The ner of faithful retellings, starting with a the Flintstones; and one involving those For whatever reason, there have not latter is, of course, about the miser- number of live-action British films — little blue trolls, the Smurfs — not to be been many new and notable Christ- ly Ebenezer Scrooge (Mr. Bah! Hum- including what strikes me as the very best confused with elves, who are in a whole mas-themed movies released to theaters bug!) who is visited on and most iconic interpretation: 1951’s different Christmas bag. this year. Cable channels with access to by three ghosts representing his past, Scrooge a.k.a. A Christmas Carol, star- It’s pointless to even address the scads classic film libraries may be the primary present, and future, and becomes a better ring Alastair Sim as the quintessential of television series that featured episodes source of that holly-jolly on-screen com- man when they show him the error of Ebenezer. There are those who swear by channeling A Christmas Carol, other than fort food, other than a few B-movie-level his ways. The version featuring come- Scrooge, the 1970 movie musical featuring to say that they range from the vintage efforts via and Amazon and the dian ’s vile self-serv- Albert Finney as the title character; or shows The Odd Couple, Sanford and Son, annual hailstorm of corny wish-fulfill- ing Blackadder character flips the plot. 1992’s The Muppets Christmas Carol with Family Ties, and Saved by the Bell to more ment fables, largely about romance found Here, Ebenezer Blackadder (Atkinson) Michael Caine playing Scrooge opposite recent fare such as Doctor Who and Fam- or regained via the spirit of Christmas, is a kindly and generous descendant of Jim Henson’s felt favorites, led by Kermit ily Guy. Apparently, whoever you are and on the and Lifetime. a fictional, aristocratic, conniving family the Frog as the elderly creep’s beleaguered whatever your taste, there’s a variation of As the saying goes, nostalgia ain’t what it that has spanned generations of British employee Bob Cratchit. Although it just A Christmas Carol to satisfy your nostal- used to be — although it’s always in fash- history — as depicted in a brilliant series uses Dickens as a template, Scrooged — gia needs. And that’s no humbug. ion around Dec. 25. of epoch-leaping . This unex- the 1988 modernization with Bill Murray I did catch one prominent theatrical pectedly noble Blackadder experiences as a cold-hearted, arrogant TV execu- Michael Snyder is a print and broad- shot at the Yuletide rom-com feel-good a Christmas Eve conversion into a nasty tive named Frank — is actually pretty cast journalist who covers pop culture target: Last Christmas, leaning on Wham’s and greedy fellow like his ancestors. A effective. It’s certainly more emotionally on Michael Snyder’s Culture Blast, via eponymous pop hit of yore for a theme major reason why the humor lands and satisfying than a less-than-magical 2009 GABnet.net, Roku, Spotify, and You- song and theme. Regrettably, it was some the plot twist delights is our familiarity motion-capture animation of the story Tube. You can follow Michael on Twitter: tepid eggnog, despite attractive leads in with Dickens’s original story. directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring @cultureblaster.

Art World Museum of Craft and Design Climate change in the Bay Area is focus of two new exhibitions

BY SHARON ANDERSON and wildfire changes impact our environ- ment. Three aerial street views of Dogpatch he Museum of Craft and Design show how it looks today, how it would has two new compelling exhibitions change after a three-foot sea-level rise and dealing with the ways in which the devastation after a six-foot sea-level rise. Tindividuals are addressing climate change. Another locally themed piece, Severely “Survival Architecture and the Art of Burned (2015) depicts the effects of the Resilience” features ambitious work from 2013 Rim Fire on the Tuolumne River artists and architects creating adapta- Watershed, which provides drinking water tions to a world that will be increasing- for San Francisco and other Bay Area ly in need of emergency shelters in a cities. Droughts and Floods: California climate-constrained world. The concur- Average Annual Rainfall (or Snowpack) rent exhibition “Linda Gass: and then 2019 is made from bullseye sheet glass and this happened …” draws attention to the glass frit, showing a graph representing natural water infrastructure in the greater rainfall over time. These works have a Bay Area. jeweled, rich, and pristine appeal to the eye providing a contrast to the dire nature ‘SURVIVAL ARCHITECTURE AND of Gass’s powerful messages. THE ART OF RESILIENCE’ Gass comments, “Our current water This exhibition is guest curated by infrastructure was designed during an era Linda Gass’s Dogpatch: Impact of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise. Randy Jayne Rosenberg of Art Works for PHOTO: COURTESY MUSEUM CRAFT AND DESIGN when our climate was more stable and the Change. “Climate change represents a vast- average annual rainfall was higher than ly different kind of environmental chal- Visionary — forward-thinking ideas that the development of human shelter that can it is now. Human development has per- lenge, requiring out-of-the box thinking in can radically transform our assumptions survive a full life cycle of durability pre-, manently altered and destroyed much of how we adapt to and survive the expected about shelter; and during, and postdisaster. our natural water infrastructures such as onslaught of extreme weather and other Resilient — structures that can adapt to wetlands and watersheds. My textile, glass, disruptions,” said Rosenberg. “Artists are adverse and dynamic circumstances. ‘LINDA GASS: AND THEN THIS and mixed-media artworks address these uniquely adept at reenvisioning our world Cricket Shelter: A Modular Edible Insect HAPPENED …’ concerns — how our infrastructure and and how we relate to it.” Farm from 2016 by Mitchell Joachim of Ter- This exhibition presents multimedia art- development policies are failing under cli- Sustainable architecture strives to mini- reform One is an exotic, sculptural dwell- ist Linda Gass and her stitched paintings mate chaos — and invite the viewer to pon- mize negative impact to the environment ing that also contains a functioning cricket and works in glass, questioning water and der the question ‘what can we do better?’” through the use of efficient, nondetrimen- farm. Cardborigami, 2016 by Tina Hovsepi- land use in California. She brings exten- tal resources. This exhibition makes climate an is a portable dwelling inspired by origami sive knowledge of the impact of changing “Survival Architecture and the Art of change concepts accessible to a general art. Her lightweight and sustainable card- waterways, sea-level rise, fire, and drought Resilience” and “Linda Gass: and then this audience through four central themes that board shelters are big enough for two people to create works that evoke topographical happened …”: Tue.–Sat. 11 a.m.–6 p.m. and reflect key characteristics about survival to sleep in, and can actually fold up into maps and textile art. Using dye, Gass paints Sunday noon–5 p.m., Dec. 19–May 3, $8, architecture. a size that is small enough to carry. Mary directly onto silk, an art-quilt medium, Museum of Craft and Design, 2569 Third St., Circular — the importance of durable Mattingly’s Desert Deployment 2, 2011 is a adds a backing and fills it with batting, then 415-773-0303, sfmdc.org. structures that can be used and reused camouflaged covering acting as shelter in stitches directly onto the painted fabric. indefinitely; high temperatures. Artist Thomas L. Kel- This exhibition also has four themed top- Sharon Anderson is an artist and writer in Portable — the ability to create movable ly’s photo of destroyed homes in Nepali ics: The artworks illustrate how sea-level rise, Southern California. She can be reached and nomadic dwellings; Earthquake, 2015 drives home the need for constructed waterways, rain/snowpack loss, at mindtheimage.com.

MARINATIMES.COM MARINA TIMES DECEMBER 2019 13 Calendar American Bach Soloists: Handel’s Messiah Wed.–Fri., Dec. 11–13, 7:30 p.m. Grace Cathedral American Bach Soloists present their celebrated December Events annual performance of Handel’s masterpiece. $25–$125, 415-621-7900, americanbach.org not to miss this month Soulful Christmas: A Gospel Holiday Concert HOLIDAY 34th Annual Japanese New Year Fri.–Sun., Dec. 13–15 & 20–22 Bell-Ringing Ceremony Buriel Clay Theater (762 Fulton St.) HIGHLIGHTS Tuesday, Dec. 31, 11:30 a.m.–2 p.m. Performed by the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre, Samsung Hall, Asian Art Museum enjoy inspirational holiday music both old and Participate in the striking of the 16th-century new, sacred and secular in a show guaranteed to LIGHTINGS AND bronze bell to leave behind any negative be a roof-raising, hand-clapping, joyful good time MORE experiences, wrong deeds, and ill luck of for all ages. $30, 415-474-8800, fortmason.org 2019. First come, first served; pick up tickets at 33rd Annual Macy’s Holiday Windows admission desk. Free with museum admission S.F. Girls Chorus: A Ceremony of Carols Daily through Jan. 1 (except Dec. 25), ($25), 415-581-3500, asianart.org Monday, Dec. 16, 7 p.m. 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Davies Symphony Hall Macy’s Union Square New Year’s Eve Meditation & Following the culmination of its summer tour The SF/SPCA’s magical Holiday Windows Celebration Holiday Heroes of England and France, the choir performs adoption outreach program returns to find Tue.– Wed., Dec. 31–Jan. 1, 8:30 p.m.– A Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten homes for kittens, puppies, chinchillas, guinea 12:30 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 10, 4:30–8:30 p.m. and The Fayrfax Carol by Thomas Adès. The pigs, and bunnies while raising funds for the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center Oracle Park evening includes a sing-along, special guest shelter’s programs. SPCA volunteers will be on (401 Baker St.) Raise funds and awareness for Bay Area harpist Bridget Kibbey, vocal chamber ensemble hand to introduce the animals and the adoption Ring out the old and ring in the new with underserved children and enjoy arts and Clerestory, and new music duo The Living Earth process. Free viewing, 415-554-3000, sfspca.org meditation, games, live music, words of crafts activities, video games, photo Show. $30–$62, 415-392-4400, sfgirlschorus.org wisdom, “letting go of the old,” alcohol- opportunities, food and beverages, s’mores 90th Annual Holiday Tree Lighting free refreshments, and a contemplative fire on the field, holiday cookie decorating, a Golden Bough: Winter Solstice silent auction, access to the Giants batting Tuesday, Dec. 3, 4–8 p.m. ceremony. Free, bksanfrancisco.org Christmas Celebration McLaren Lodge, Golden Gate Park tunnels and dugout, and more. $100 & up, Saturday, Dec. 21, 8 p.m. 650-321-4142, wenderweis.org (501 Stanyan St.) The Perfect View: New Year’s Eve 2020 Old First Presbyterian Church PHOTO: FACEBOOK.COM/WENDERWEIS This lighting event includes toboggan rides, a Tue.–Wed., Dec. 31–Jan. 1, 9 p.m.–1:30 a.m. (1751 Sacramento St.) snow play area, carnival rides, live entertainment, Commonwealth Club (110 The Embarcadero) Enjoy a program of rare carols and songs of cookie decorating, visits with Santa, and more. Ranked last year as one of the city’s top 10 celebration for the winter solstice and the new Free, sfrecpark.org NYE’s parties, celebrate on multiple levels, year in this 40th anniversary performance by the including the rooftop terrace, with views of the acclaimed Celtic musicians. $25, 415-474-1608, Presidio Holiday Lights & Lantern THEATER Embarcadero fireworks display. Includes light oldfirstconcerts.org Forest Walk bites and desserts, unlimited cocktails, and A Noh Christmas Carol Friday, Dec. 6, 5–7 p.m. midnight balloon drop. $290, 415-597-6705, A Chanticleer Christmas Thu.–Sun., Dec. 5–8 Lincoln Blvd. (at Funston Ave.) commonwealthclub.org Friday, Dec. 22, 8–10 p.m. Wed.–Sun., Dec. 11–15 & 18–22 Enjoy holiday music by the S.F. Girls Chorus at St. Ignatius Church (650 Parker St.) this decades-old Presidio tree-lighting tradition Thu.–Sun., Dec. 26–29 The program includes Gregorian chant, (6 p.m.). Join a guided forest walk (6 & 6:30 p.m.) Theatre of Yugen (2840 Mariposa St.) traditional carols, American hymns, Spanish or take a self-guided walk (6:15 & 6:45 p.m.). COMMUNITY This beloved adaptation of A Christmas villancicos, and the music of Hassler, Praetorius, Parents bring a flashlight; kids can make their CORNER Carol utilizes the traditional Japanese theatre Victoria, and Morales. $35–$79, 415-392-4400, own lantern at the lantern-making activity. Light forms of Noh, Kyogen, Kabuki, and the avant- chanticleer.org refreshments for sale; registration requested. S.F. Firefighters Toy Program garde dance form Butoh to retell the Dickens Free, 415-561-4323, presidio.gov Daily throughout the year classic. $35, 415-621-0507, theatreofyugen.org Any S.F. firehouse DANCE Online through Dec. 25 BATS Improv: Songs for A Sixpence In its 70th year, the S.F. Firefighters Toy Program Saturdays, Dec. 7–28, 8 p.m. City Ballet: The Nutcracker is the largest in the U.S. and is looking for Bayfront Theatre, Fort Mason Center Sat.–Sun., Dec. 7–8 donations of unwrapped toys for distribution to In the spirit of and , Oliver A Christmas Carol Palace of Fine Arts Theatre underprivileged children ages infant–13, with performers create improvised songs, music, Enjoy the beautiful dancers of the internationally girls ages 8–12 the biggest need; visit website dances, and more. Experience joy and renowned City Ballet and experience the magic for gift suggestions. Alternatively, donate laughter at original improvised performances of this timeless holiday classic. All ages. $55–$60, monetarily or shop online through website link. in honor of Charles Dickens and his lovable 415-626-8878, palaceoffinearts.org 415-777-0440, sffirefighterstoys.org characters and novels. $17–$20, 415-474-6776, improv.org 34th Annual Dance-Along Nutcracker Christmas Outreach Lighted Boat Parade Sat.–Sun., Dec. 7–8 Pre-Christmas Outreach: 27th Annual Kung Pao Kosher Comedy Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Saturday, Dec. 14, 8:30–2 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13, 6–8 p.m. Sun.–Tue., Dec. 24–26, 5:30 & 8:30 p.m. (701 Mission St.) Pier 39 to Crissy Field & return Salvation Army Kroc Center (240 Turk St.) New Asia Restaurant (772 Pacific Ave.) This year’s show, “ in Space,” takes The oldest and largest lighted boat holiday Christmas Day Outreach: Enjoy this uniquely Bay Area holiday tradition the audience on a magical journey as they join parade returns and features boats festooned Wednesday, Dec. 25, 8:30 a.m.–2 p.m. of Jewish comedy and delicious Chinese Clara and Fritz aboard the Sugar Plum Falcon with lights and holiday decorations. Free, 415- S.F. City Impact (136 Taylor St.) cuisine. Visit website for guest lineup. A as they help save the galaxy while dancing 673-3530, visitfishermanswharf.com The Pre-Christmas event features a Youth portion of proceeds benefit Kehilla Community to themes from Star Trek and music from The PHOTO: VISITFISHERMANSWHARF.COM Outreach and Kids’ Christmas Party, building Synagogue Immigration Committee and Nutcracker. All ages. $35–$50, 415-978-2787, parties, and meal deliveries in over 40 buildings. Groceries for Seniors. $54 & $74, 925-743-1292, dancealongnutcracker.org Join hundreds of volunteers for the Christmas koshercomedy.com Parol Lantern Festival & Parade event with a sit-down cafe for community S.F. Ballet: The Nutcracker 75th Saturday, Dec. 14, 4–8 p.m. residents, building parties, and meal deliveries Anniversary Jessie Square, Yerba Buena Gardens in over 35 buildings. All ages welcome. $25, 415- MUSIC Various days through Dec. 29 The Bay Area’s Filipino community gathers for a 292-1770, sfcityimpact.com War Memorial Opera House festive celebration of holiday spirit, hope, unity, Michael Feinstein: Home for the Join the adventures of the Nutcracker, the and pride to the glow of hundreds of lights from 13th Annual City-Wide Kwanzaa Mouse King, and Clara in early 20th-century San colorful handcrafted parol lanterns. Enjoy holiday Holidays Celebration Francisco. Ages 5 & up, $25–$459, 415-865-2000, treats, live music, a parol lantern exhibition, and Thu.–Sun., Dec. 5–8 Daily, Dec. 26–Jan. 1 sfballet.org more. Free, 415-239-0249, parollanternfestival.com Citywide Feinstein’s at the Nikko (222 Mason St.) The seven principles of Kwanzaa (the The Ambassador of the Great American Smuin Ballet: The Christmas Ballet Bill Graham Menorah Lighting Nguzo Saba) will be celebrated with 17 free Songbook preforms his holiday show at his Thu.–Sun., Dec. 12–15 Daily, Dec. 22–29 eponymous club. $85–$115, 866-663-1063, celebrations in nine neighborhoods. A spiritual Wed.–Mon., Dec. 18–23 Union Square feinsteinsf.com ceremony — pouring of libations and honoring YBCA Theater (700 Howard St.) Activities on Bill Graham Menorah Day (Sunday, of ancestors — will start each event and will This popular holiday celebration returns with Dec. 22) include kids’ activities (2 p.m.), music, Holiday Soul with India.Arie be followed by a feast, live entertainment, equal parts sugar and spice, and something special guests and dignitaries, and the lighting and the lighting of one of the seven candles Fri.–Sat., Dec. 7–8, 7:30 p.m. for both the naughty and nice, from ballet, tap, ceremony (4:30 p.m.). The Grand Finale Cere- of the Kinara. Visit website for schedule. Free, Davies Symphony Hall mony (Sunday, Dec. 29, 5 p.m.) concludes the and swing in two acts: Classical Christmas and kwanzaasanfrancisco.com The Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir joins the event. Visit website for details and schedule. Cool Christmas, which includes the iconic “Santa four-time Grammy award-winning R&B artist and Free, billgrahammenorah.org Baby.” $36–$97, 415-912-1899, smuinballet.org the S.F. Symphony for soul, jazz, and Christmas GALAS & BENEFITS classics, with plenty of vocal fireworks and foot-stomping energy. $50–$99, 415-864-6000, POTABLES & EDIBLES NEW YEAR’S Help is on the Way for the Holidays sfsymphony.org CELEBRATIONS XVIII Holiday Tamalada Class A Merri-achi Christmas Monday, Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, 10 a.m. & noon Sunday, Dec. 8, 8 p.m. A Baroque New Year’s Eve at the Opera Marines’ Memorial Theater (609 Sutter St.) La Cocina (2948 Folsom St.) Davies Symphony Hall Tuesday, Dec. 31, 4 p.m. Benefiting Project Open Hand and Aguilas, this This assembly class includes a short walk- Experience a truly international celebration Herbst Theatre (401 Van Ness Ave.) gala and concert includes entertainment by the through of the recipe, procedures, and a demo Ring in the new year in elegant style with the cast of Summer: The Donna Summer Musical and in this musical tribute to Mexico’s Christmas of tamale assembly. Then get your manos in the American Bach Soloists’ delightful program of Hamilton, with special guests Sheryl Lee Ralph traditions, with the ensemble singing and masa and start building as many as you arias and instrumental music from opera and (Dreamgirls), Lisa Vroman (Phantom), Shawn Ryan playing holiday favorites from both Mexico and can while you get your mingle game on. Take concert in this reprise of 2018’s concert that was (America’s Got Talent), and others. Visit website America in a vibrant performance that will have your tamales home and steam them to be ready one of the hottest tickets in town. $25–$125, for after-party info and ticket packages. $45 the whole family dancing in the aisles. $35–$125, to eat just in time for the holiday season. Visit 415-392-4400, americanbach.org (concert only), 415-273-1620, reaf-sf.org 415-864-6000, sfsymphony.org website for other classes. $35, lacocina.org 14 DECEMBER 2019 MARINA TIMES MARINATIMES.COM Anti-SantaCon Wine Crawl S.F. Symphony Youth Orchestra: Saturday, Dec. 9, noon–5 p.m. CHILD’S PLAY Peter and the Wolf Winemaker Studios (448 Clipper Cove Way, Sunday, December 15, 2 p.m. Treasure Island) Teddy Bear Tea Davies Symphony Hall Say goodbye to the (worldwide ) Sat.–Sun. through Dec. 15, 10 a.m. Hear Prokofiev’s timeless musical fable of a SantaCon crowds and wine crawl your way & 1 p.m. boy and his animal friends narrated by Dulcé through four tasting rooms. Santa hats and ugly Friday, Dec. 20, 1 p.m. Stone of The Daily Show and accompanied by Christmas sweaters not required, but welcomed Sat.–Mon., Dec. 21–23, 10 a.m. & 1 p.m. the symphony’s youth orchestra. $13–$115, 415- if they bring you cheer to share. $10 (advance), 864-6000, sfsymphony.org $15 (door), winetasting.com Ritz-Carlton San Francisco Children are invited to enjoy hot chocolate, Holiday Cookie Decorating teddy bear sweet treats, and assorted Pipe Cleaner Ornaments sandwiches in addition to a holiday show starring Monday, Dec. 9, 11 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 19, 3–5 p.m. Mercatino di Natale: the giant teddy bear. Children will receive a S.F. Public Library, Marina Branch Friday, Dec. 20, 10 a.m. teddy bear gift and photo with the giant teddy Italian (890 Chestnut St.) Monday, Dec. 23, 1 p.m. bear to take home. Two dollars per ticket sold Make festive holiday ornaments using just Sur La Table (2224 Union St.) will benefit Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area. Sat.–Sun., Dec. 7–8, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. pipe cleaners and beads. Templates for wreaths, Learn the simple techniques for transforming $135, eventbrite.com Museo Italo Americano royal icing and sugar cookies into edible art snowflakes, and other holiday-themed shapes Bldg. C, Fort Mason Center using the flooding method to create pro- ODC: The Velveteen Rabbit provided. Ages 3 & up. Free, 415-355-2823, The seventh annual Mercatino di Natale will fessional-style designs. $59, 800-243-0852, Thu.–Sun., Dec. 5–8 sfpl.org feature artisanal Italian food and wine, hand- surlatable.com made jewelry, Italian fashion and accessories, YBCA Theater (700 Howard St.) art objects, and unique craft items. Inspired Enjoy this Bay Area holiday tradition though Mittens & : by the famous Christmas markets in Northern Guardsmen Annual Crab Feed music, dance, and a powerful narrative, in a story A Winter Circus Cabaret Italy and Europe, the Museo’s Mercatino has Friday, Dec. 13, 6 p.m. that celebrates the unique relationship between Thu.–Tue., Dec. 26–29 become one of the most beloved events of Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason Center a little boy and his stuffed rabbit, and the Dance Mission Theater (3316 24th St.) Enjoy cocktails followed by a fresh crab and the year. Enjoy food demonstrations, book enduring power of love. $20–$65, 415-978-2700, This charming, light-hearted, all-ages pasta dinner. End your evening with an after- presentations, and a children’s art workshop. ybca.org variety program features innovative party, music, and dancing surrounded by friends Free, 415-673-2200, sfmuseo.org clowning, spectacular circus feats, and and Christmas trees to benefit at-risk youth. interactive madcappery performed by $100–$115, eventbrite.com Snow Day talented Bay Area and international theatrical Sunday, Dec. 8, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. circus artists. $18–$65, 415-225-7281, Shattuck Ave. (btw. Rose & Vine Sts.), Berkeley sweetcanproductions.com SPORTS Bring your boots and mittens to play in the snow that Santa drops from his sleigh in the early Great Santa Run 5K morning hours as he flies over town. Visit with Sunday, Dec. 8, 8:30 a.m. JUST FOR FUN the Snow Queen, ride live ponies, make free DIY crafts (kids), and shop for one-of-a-kind holiday Starts/Ends: Crissy Field gifts from local art, craft, and artisan food (across from Sports Basement) The Great Dickens Christmas Fair & vendors. Free, anotherbullwinkleshow.com This 3.09-mile figure-eight course is flat, fast, and Victorian Holiday Party Mark Foehringer’s Nutcracker Sweets scenic; the kids Rudolph one-miler along the dirt Sat.–Sun. through Dec. 22, 9th Annual SFMade Holiday Gift Fair trail starts at 9:10 a.m. Santa suits provided in 10 a.m.–7 p.m. race packet. $25–$40, titanium-racing.com Sat.–Sun., Dec. 7–22 Sunday, Dec. 15, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Cow Palace (2600 Geneva Ave., Daly City) Calif. College of the Arts (111 Eighth St.) Cowell Theater, Fort Mason Center Take an enchanting journey through the streets This unique magical, zany, and fun 50-minute Discover locally made gift items local manufactur- Miracle Mile/5K Holiday Classic of Victorian London circa Christmas 1860. production of the classic holiday ballet is ers and artisans who make their products in the Sunday, Dec. 22, 8:15 & 9 a.m. Visitors will explore twilight-lit streets with shops, designed specifically for families with young city. Free, RSVP at Eventbrite or Facebook, 415- Starts: Peacock Meadow, Golden Gate Park pubs, stages, and dance halls filled with more children under 5. $21–$43, 415-345-7575, 408-5605, sfmade.org Run in either race or both to benefit the UCSF than 800 Victorian characters and the aromas Diabetes Center. All ages. $30–$60. 415-760- nutcrackersweets.org of roasted chestnuts and hearty fare, and more. For a complete listing of December events, visit 9000, miraclemile.ucsf.edu PHOTO: COURTESY DANCERSGROUP.ORG $10–$32, dickensfair.com marinatimes.com. Email: [email protected]


ALERTALERT WHERE WHY SIX-MONTH We’re closing a section of Visitors will enjoy an up close experience of nature along a new elevated Mason Street at Crissy bridge that winds through the marshland. Native salt marsh and riparian Field for six months to install plants grown at Presidio Nursery will create an extraordinary habitat for PARTIAL open tunnels beneath. This frogs, fish, salamanders, and the newly reintroduced native Olympic oyster. will allow fresh water to flow Bring your binoculars – Quartermaster Reach will be the latest national park MASON STREET from the Tennessee Hollow hotspot for birding. Watershed to meet the salt water of San Francisco Bay, When the bridge is complete, visitors can walk the entire 1.2 mile watershed CLOSURE AT creating a unique marshland from San Francisco Bay through the Presidio and up to the natural springs at Quartermaster Reach. near Presidio Gate. CRISSY FIELD WHEN Fall 2019 to Spring / Summer 2020

December Winter Spring Spring/Summer Crissy Field Businesses Project starts and Mason Landfill removed and water Bridge is constructed and Opening Day! Street detour begins tunnels installed beneath volunteers plant thousands are Open! Mason Street of native seedlings

www.presidio.gov/QMRDETAILS + MAP: www.presidio.gov/QMR

DECEMBER 2019 15 Wellness The Healthful Life Party smart P hil’s Electric Co . SINCE 1941 SALES SERVICE PARTS Avoid the festive 15

BY THALIA FARSHCHIAN Place garbanzo beans in the bowl SPECIALIZING IN of a food processor. Process until very he holidays can be a tempting finely chopped. With the motor run- MIELE • SEBO • ELECTROLUX • BLUEAIR time in terms of eating and drink- ning, add the garlic through the tube and ORECK • RICCAR • DYSON • SANITAIRE ing. All too often, we pay for our process until very fine. Add the remain- Tchoices in the new year when we step on ing ingredients and process until ROYAL • HOOVER • KENMORE the scale or find a favorite outfit a bit snug. smooth. Taste for seasoning, adding addi- By maintaining a balanced regimen, you tional salt, pepper and lemon juice, if can still enjoy the holiday festivities, avoid desired. the aftermath, and launch into the new Serve with fresh vegetables or sweet year ahead of the game. potato chips. Expert PICK YOUR POISON AVOID BANKING CALORIES There are things we indulge in because Many people “bank” food for the day, we want them and then things we indulge so they can indulge more in the evening. LAMP REPAIR in because they are in front of us. Most peo- This tactic usually backfires because you ple know which indulgence they prioritize will find yourself ravenous by the time — commonly sugar, salt or alcohol. These the evening comes. Eat healthful meals may change from day to day, but like many consisting of lean protein, healthy fats, things in life, knowing what you want is key. and vegetables if you know you are going ELECTRIC SHAVERS: BRAUN • NORELCO • REMINGTON to indulge later. DRINK RESPONSIBLY Our bodies cannot store alcohol, and we SIT DOWN AND SLOW DOWN make every effort to get it out of our system. The purpose of the holidays is to con- Alcohol negatively affects our blood sugar nect and spend time with those you love, Fred’s: and can cause low blood sugar, known as so make sure to sit down and be present hypoglycemia. The hypoglycemia increas- for the entire experience. Slow down by es hunger, which results in the familiar chewing your food thoroughly (approx- a cleaning product munchies. Alcohol has no nutrients, fat, imately 30 chews per bite) to let your carbohydrates, or protein, but this blood satiety signals keep up with your intake. for every surface sugar imbalance can greatly affect weight. This eating tip alone can make a giant impact. in your home DRINK SMARTER Follow these guidelines when consum- KEEP UP WITH SLEEP ing alcohol: The holiday season can bring about • Never drink on an empty stomach. long evenings, but staying on top of your 2701 Lombard Street @ Baker • (415) 921-3776 • Consider alcohol your treat, and main- sleep will help you reduce stress and Open: Monday-Saturday 9am-5:30pm • philselectric.com tain a clean diet consisting of vegetables, fatigue. The fatigue from lack of sleep lean protein, and healthy fats. can lead your body to crave more food, • Moderation is key — for men, no more particularly sugar and salt, to maintain than 4 drinks per day and no more than energy levels. Outreach Ads 14 drinks per week. For women, no more December 2019 than 3 drinks per day and no more than 7 EXERCISE FIRST THING IN drinks per week. MORNING The SFMTA is conducting a survey to better understand perceptions of sharing rides in San Francisco. To connect San Franciscans safely, equitably, and sustainably to their • Drink a glass of water between each Studies also support that those who communities, we must make more efficient use of our street infrastructure. Increasing alcoholic beverage. maintain an exercise regimen during vehicle occupancy through shared rides, either in carpools or shared ride-matching apps, is one way to more efficiently utilize our existing street space. We are trying to • Alcohol impairs nutrient absorption, the holidays gain less weight. During identify priorities for San Francisco residents and the barriers they face when consider- so take a good B-complex before a night the holidays, there is more potential for ing using shared ride options through this survey. out to avoid or reduce a hangover. last-minute exciting activities to derail Take the survey at sfmta.com/projects/shared-rides-pilot • Avoid diet soda mixers and carbonat- your plans. Getting your exercise out Child support matters can be complicated, stressful, and confusing. The Department of ed beverages, which actually increase the of the way in the morning allows you to Child Support Services helps parents understand the process so they know their rights rate of intoxication. check it off the list and stoke your metab- and options for making and receiving support payments. Call us today at (866) 901-3212 • Drinking alters your liver metabolism, olism from the get go. or visit our office at 617 Mission Street to learn how we can help you. Information is also available online at www.sfgov.org/dcss. so consult your doctor if you are taking Implement your new year’s exercise any medications. commitment early when the gyms are less Would you like the opportunity to bring positive change to your community? Would you like to help make the City and County of San Francisco a safer place for all? Here is your crowded. By combining cardiovascular chance to join the men and women of the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department. We are STAY HYDRATED exercise like walking, cycling, jogging, or currently accepting applications for the position of Deputy Sheriff. The salary range for Staying hydrated is key to maintaining swimming with weight training, you can this entry level position is $74,152 to $94,666 per year with full benefits. Choose to make a difference today! Apply online today at: https://bit.ly/sfdeputy a healthful weight and to eliminate accu- increase your metabolism and build mus- SAN FRANCISCO SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT | 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room #456 mulated toxins. A good general rule is to cle to burn more calories. If you are travel- drink half your body weight in ounces. ing, plan a body weight regimen ahead to San Francisco, CA 94102 | Phone: 1 (877) SFSD-JOB | Website: www.sfsheriff.com When properly hydrated, your body is keep you on track. Let Your Career Take Off at SFO more inclined to release toxins from fat Discover Why SFO is a Great Place to Learn, Earn, Grow and Thrive cells to be removed from the body. IS THIS FOOD/DRINK/EVENT/PERSON With jobs in all parts of the airport, from cargo and security, to airlines and concessions, NUTURING? companies at SFO are always hiring! CONTRIBUTE TO THE FESTIVITIES The holidays can bring happy memories Visit flysfo.com/careers or call 650.821.5242 to learn about job openings and the benefits If you know you have particular dietary for many, but for some, it can also be a of working at the Bay Area’s largest airport. needs, bring a dish to your events even if time of feeling the loss of family member Sunshine Ordinance Task Force it is not a potluck. People never say no to or some introverts feeling pressure to be The Task Force advises the Board of Supervisors and provides information to other more delicious food and you remain guilt- more extroverted. City departments on appropriate ways in which to implement the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the Administrative Code); to ensure that deliberations of commissions, free. Here is a crowd pleaser: Indulgences are not bad if they come boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County are conducted before the from the right place. If you do some- people and that City operations are open to the people’s review. Spicy Pumpkin Hummus thing on the “naughty” list, does it feed Upcoming term expirations or vacancies: Serves 12 your soul? Are you present while you are Vacant Seat 1, succeeding Matthew Cate, resigned, must be nominated by the local enjoying it? If the answer is yes, then you chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists and be an attorney, for the unexpired 1-14 ounce can garbanzo beans, drained are probably in the right frame of mind. portion of a two-year term ending April 27, 2020. and rinsed If you are engaging because everyone Vacant Seat 8, succeeding Frank Cannata, resigned, must have demonstrated interest 1 clove garlic else is doing it or simply out of habit, you in, or have experience in, the issues of citizen access and participation in local govern- 1¼ cups pumpkin puree may want to rethink what is nurturing ment, for the unexpired portion of a two-year term ending April 27, 2020. ¼ cup tahini to your body and soul and follow that Seat 11, succeeding Fiona Hinze, term expiring April 27, 2019, must have demonstrated interest in, or have experience in, the issues of citizen access and participation in local 2 tablespoons olive oil compass. government, for a two-year term ending April 27, 2021. 3 tablespoons lemon juice The City and County of San Francisco encourage public outreach. Articles are translated ¼–½ teaspoon cayenne pepper Thalia Farshchian is a naturopathic doc- into several languages to provide better public access. The newspaper makes every (more or less to taste) tor specializing in chronic complex dis- effort to translate the articles of general interest correctly. No liability is assumed by the 1 teaspoon cumin eases including Lyme disease and mold City and County of San Francisco or the newspapers for errors and omissions. 1 teaspoon salt illness. For more information, visit CNS-3316827# ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper medicaloptionsforwellness.net.



MomSense Togetherness

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour,a Saviour, which which is is Christ Christ the Lord.the” Lord. -Luke” 2:11 - Luke 2:11

We WelcomeWe Welcome You Y outo tJooin Join Uss for for Our O Christmasur Christmas Eve Eve Weand Welcome Christmas Day You Religious to Join Services! Us for The holidays are a great time for a baking day with Oma. PHOTO: MONKEYBUSINESSIMAGES and Our Christmas Christmas DayEve andReligious Christmas Services! Day Christmas Eve: Monday, Dec. 24 2:00Religious p.m. Christmas Services! Petting Zoo The gift of time Christmas3:00 p.m. Eve: ChristmasMonday, Pageant: Dec. Family 24 Christmas2:00 p.m. Eve: Tuesday,ChristmasNativity Dec. & Parade 24 Petting of Animals Zoo BY LIZ FARRELL opment, but it can make planning family 2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Christmas Festival Petting Eucharist Zoo for Christmas Eve time more challenging. I recently heard 3:00 p.m.10:00 p.m. ChristmasPre-Service CarolsPageant: & Anthems Family f only we could stop time for a a great idea of a family who planned a 3:00 p.m. Christmas Pageant: Family bit. This fall has felt like a whirlwind, surprise adventure and have made it a 10:30 p.m. NativityFestival Choral & Parade Eucharist of Animals where on top of everything else, my monthly tradition. This could be any- Nativity & Parade of Animals Idaughter was navigating applying to high thing from theater tickets to ice skating 5:00 p.m.Christmas Day:Festival Tuesday, Eucharist Dec. 25 for Christmas Eve 5:00 p.m. Festival Eucharist for Christmas Eve school, studying for the SSAT, and deal- in Union Square or even miniature golf 10:00 10:0p.m.0 a.m. PreHoly-Service Eucharist Carolswith Carols & Anthems ing with an injury. Someone once told in Ghirardelli Square. There may be some 10:00 ______p.m. Carols and____ Anthems______by Candlelight The Episcopal Church of St. Mary the Virgin me when you are raising your children moans and groans, but with some prop- 10:3010:30 p.m. p.m. FestivalFestival Choral Choral Eucharist Eucharist the days are long but the years are short. er planning you will have everyone on 2325 Union Street, San Francisco CA 94123 www.smvsf.org (415) 921-3665 This couldn’t be more true especially board. Our family loves sporting events, when you consider that high school is so tickets to a basketball game or football ChristmasChristmas Day: Day:Wednesday, Tuesday, Dec. Dec. 25 25 just four short years, and then they are game are always crowd pleasers. Planning 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Carols off to college. time away together can also be a great 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Carols Not only have I felt the speed of time way to reconnect as a family. This year ______this fall but also have come to appreci- our immediate family is doing something The Episcopal Church of St. Mary the Virgin ate the preciousness of the season. The we have never done and we are going 2325 Union Street, San Francisco CA 94123 holidays are a wonderful moment to stop away for the holidays. As much as I will and appreciate time: time with family and miss our extended family and San Fran- www.smvsf.org (415) 921-3665 friends and time to enjoy the season. So cisco traditions Greataround Christmas, Deals I am for this holiday season, consider giving your looking forwardOvernight to time together explor &- Weekends children something memorable, some- ing and relaxing. Great Deals for thing they really want and would enjoy 2055 Loard Street San raniso — your time and your attention. Here TIME FOR OTHERS Overnight & Weekends are a few suggestions to do that: Making time to help others is also 2055 Loard Street San raniso important and can bring family together. Great Deals for INDIVIDUAL TIME Establishing traditions around this such Overnight & Weekends Located in the Marina and CowLocatedGreat Hollow in the Dealsinneighbourhoods, Marinathe Marina and for Cow andHollow neighbourhoods,

With three busy children, it can be as shopping together for a homeless fam- Fillmore St the Lombard Garage is an indoor2055theCowOvernight Lombardparking HollowLoard Garage garage neighbourhoods, & Streetis anWeekends indoor within San parking raniso garage within Fillmore St difficult to get special time with each ily you have adopted or a toy drive you steps of your home. Take advantage of our exclusive Marina District steps of your home. Take advantagethe Lombard of our exclusiveGarage is an indoor Marina District of them individually. This year, one of are donating to can be fun and helpful. monthly2055 Loard parking rates Street overnight San from raniso 6:00 PM to 8:00 AM monthly parking rates overnightallparking dayfrom on weekends.6:00 garage PM within to 8:00 steps AM of their gifts will be time with us that they You can also serve a meal together at Located in the Marina and Cow Hollow neighbourhoods,

Fillmore St all day on weekends. theyour Lombard home. Garage Take is anadvantage indoor parking of garage our within Lombard St get to plan. This allows us some quali- a shelter or soup kitchen. Another fes- Marina District stepsexclusiveLocated of yourin the monthlyhome. Marina Take and advantage parkingCow Hollow ofrates neighbourhoods, our exclusive ty time, and it is tive idea is to rent monthlythe Lombard parking Garage rates is overnight an indoor fromparking 6:00 garage PM to within 8:00 AM Fillmore St Marina DistrictLombard St always interesting a cable car with allovernightsteps day of on your weekends. home. from Take 6:00 advantage PM to of 8:00 our exclusive AM Fillmore St monthly parking rates overnightMonthly fromAvailable 6:00 PM toSecurity 8:00 AM Indoor to see what they other families and all day on weekends. 24 Hours Cameras Parking Cow Hollow all day on weekends. DistrictLombard St decide to plan. It It can be easy to let visit senior hous- is easy to forget ing centers to sing Fillmore St Lombard St Monthly Available Security Indoor Fillmore St Monthly Available Security Indoor in this world full the craziness of the holiday carols and REGISTER24 Hours NOWCameras ParkingSolomon Abayneh 415-694-9630Cow Cow Hollow Hollow 24 Hours Cameras Parking Fillmore St of digital distrac- bring cards wish- OR MONTHLY MonthlyARING Available SecurityParking ManagerIndoor [email protected] 24 Hours Cameras Parking Cow Hollow tions that some- season overtake the ing them a happy District times our undi- holiday. The goal REGISTER NOW Solomon Abayneh 415-694-9630 vided attention is true meaning. is to find some- REGISTER NOW ORREGISTER MONTHLY NOWSolomon ARING AbaynehSolomonParking [email protected] we thing you all like OR MONTHLY ARING Parking Manager [email protected] can give. These gifts don’t have to be to do, find a way toOR make MONTHLY it fun while at ARING Parking Manager [email protected] expensive — they can be the gift of a the same time spending time together hike or bike ride of their choice. It could and helping others. be time doing something they enjoy that maybe their siblings don’t. Our son It can be very easy to let December likes to plan bike rides or going to a come and go all while allowing the cra- sporting event while my daughter always ziness of the season to overtake the true loves an afternoon of shopping or getting meaning. For me, that is spending time her nails done. These types of gifts are with the people I love and who matter also great suggestions for grandparents, most. So as those calendars start to fill family, or friends — my children love up, don’t forget to schedule some fam- a baking day with Oma or a sleepover ily time and put the devices away. You with Grandma and Grandpa. It is the may find that in the simplest, quietest individual, one-on-one time where we moments, some of the best memories are can really check in with them and get to made and new traditions evolve. I wish know them as their own person without you all a happy holiday and the gifts of other distractions. time and togetherness.

FAMILY TIME Liz Farrell is the mother of three young The holidays are a great time to carve children and the founder of TechTalks, out some family time. I have noticed as a consulting group to help schools and the kids get older they get busier and families have productive and healthful also want to spend more time with their conversations around social media and friends. This is normal adolescent devel- technology. Email: [email protected]


Cow Hollow 1906 Greenwich Street 4BR/2BA $2,680,000 Below 37 1807 Greenwich Street 3BR/2+BA $3,500,000 Below 50

Lake St. 108 12th Avenue 2BR/1+BA $1,735,000 Above 13 163 25th Avenue 3BR/3+BA $3,800,000 Above 4

Laurel Heights 181 Collins Street 3BR/1+BA $1,975,000 Below 55 591 Spruce Street 3BR/3BA $2,450,000 At 0

Lone Mountain (no sales)

Marina 154 Alhambra 2BR/1BA $2,625,000 Above 27 33 Avila 3BR/3BA $3,000,000 At 0

Nob Hill 151 Bernard Street 3BR/3+BA $1,600,000 Below 227

North Beach (no sales)

Pacific Heights 2129 California Street 5BR/3+BA $4,950,000 Above 21 2345 Divisadero Street 5BR/7+BA $5,347,000 Below 82 Gov. Gavin Newsom has “leaned in” on the housing crisis. Will it be enough? 2290 Green Street 5BR/4+BA $6,500,000 At 0 PHOTO: GAGE SKIDMORE 2503 Broadway 5BR/3+BA $7,000,000 Above 8 2765 Vallejo Street 4BR/3+BA $8,500,000 Above 9 Presidio Heights (no sales) Movement in Sacramento Russian Hill 1522 Vallejo Street 2BR/2BA $2,300,000 Above 8 Sea Cliff (no sales) Governor Newsom signed some housing Telegraph Hill (no sales) legislation this fall. Will local communities CONDOS


Cow Hollow 2060 Union Street #5 2BR/1BA $1,200,000 Above 12 BY JOHN ZIPPERER why. The Bay Area’s soaring housing 1501 Greenwich #201 2BR/2BA $1,400,000 Above 14 costs affect everything. Many people have 2774 Union Street #1 2BR/2BA $1,550,000 Above 55 1501 Filbert Street #PH7C 2BR/2BA $1,675,000 Below 37 s we close the books on 2019 been forced into homelessness, others and look forward to 2020, let’s have too little money left after paying Lake St. 6038 California Street #1 2BR/1BA $940,000 Above 21 take a moment to look at some their rent to afford food or medical care 57 6th Avenue #3 1BR/1BA $1,008,000 Above 4 845 Lake Street #2 1BR/1BA $1,165,000 Above 34 Aprogress that has been made in address- or other necessities. A huge number of ing our housing crisis. Let’s go beyond low-income residents have been forced Laurel Heights 95 Iris Avenue 1BR/1BA $1,199,750 Above 6 the shouting matches and the rage-tweet- to relocate to the outer edges of the Bay Lone Mountain (no sales) ing and hear the thoughts of some people Area, where few of the services they need who have been very involved in working are available. Commutes that seem to get Marina 240 Mallorca Way #A 1BR/1BA $875,000 Above 10 3675 Fillmore street #101 1BR/1BA $1,200,000 Above 17 on solutions. They have reason to be longer every week disrupt family life and 2259 Beach Street 1BR/1+BA $1,375,000 Below 9 optimistic. Are they correct? strain the region’s transportation systems. 22 Magnolia Street 2BR/1BA $1,420,000 Above 16 3331 Divisadero Street 3BR/2+BA $2,850,000 Above 13 Here are some comments made by Steeply rising housing costs and the com- a few of the speakers at a Nov. 4 panel mutes have made it difficult for employ- Nob Hill 1461 Broadway #401 2BR/2BA $1,060,000 Above 0 discussion about what happens in the ers to recruit and retain employees. 850 Powell Street #502 3BR/2+BA $1,275,000 Below 187 66 Pleasant Street 2BR/2BA $1,350,000 Above 12 wake of a number of laws passed recently It’s really not too much of a stretch 1650 Jackson Street #708 2BR/2BA $1,385,000 Above 9 addressing tenant protection, homeless- to say that the housing challenge poses 1601 Larkin Street #406 2BR/2BA $1,640,000 Above 15 1177 California St. #1010 2BR/2BA $1,649,000 At 19 ness, and creation of affordable housing. essentially an existential threat to the 3 Dawson Place #3 3BR/2+BA $1,755,000 Below 5 The speakers at the Commonwealth vitality and future of this region. We have 5 Cyrus Place #B 2BR/2+BA $2,306,000 Above 13 Club program include Larry Kramer, found a partner for our housing work 1645 Pacific Avenue #1B 2BR/2BA $2,475,000 Above 17 president of the William and Flora Hew- in the San Francisco Foundation, and North Beach (no sales) lett Foundation; Fred Blackwell, CEO are awarding them a $7.5 million unre-

Pacific Heights 2999 California Street #64 1BR/1BA $625,000 At 27 of the San Francisco Foundation; David stricted grant. San Francisco Foundation 1855 Sacramento Street #5 2BR/1BA $1,060,000 Below 19 Chiu, State Assemblymember (D-San is dedicated to improving life in our 1895 Pacific Avenue #405 1BR/1BA $1,310,000 Above 14 Francisco); and Gina Dalma, senior vice region by building strong communities 2200 Pacific Avenue #9E 1BR/1+BA $1,340,000 Above 7 1855 Sacramento Street #4 2BR/1+BA $1,350,000 Above 7 president of the Silicon Valley Com- and advancing racial equity and econom- 2400 Webster Street #1 2BR/1+BA $1,375,000 Above 9 munity Foundation. Additional panelists ic inclusion that would allow every indi- 1800 Washington St. #618 2BR/2BA $1,450,000 Above 4 1998 Broadway #1607 2BR/2BA $1,660,000 Below 38 also participated, but we don’t have room vidual in the Bay area to have a chance to 1650 Broadway #504 2BR/2BA $1,732,500 Above 5 to include them here; you can find the attend a good school, get a good job, and 2243 Franklin Street 2BR/2BA $1,855,000 Below 82 entire program on the club’s podcast. yes, to live in a safe and affordable home. 2846 Sacramento Street 2BR/2BA $1,900,000 Above 14 2351 Green Street 2BR/2+BA $2,125,000 Above 35 Last month, California took a big first ` 3037 California Street 4BR/2BA $2,140,000 Above 27 LARRY KRAMER: I’m president of the step in that direction when Governor 2249 Broderick St. #2249 3BR/3+BA $2,195,000 At 60 2172 Pacific Avenue #1 3BR/2+BA $2,500,000 Below 9 William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Newsom signed into law what might be 2138 Vallejo Street 4BR/3BA $2,995,000 At 31 A few years ago, we . . . undertook an the nation’s most far-reaching package of 2121 Webster Street #501 3BR/2+BA $5,250,000 At 0 18-month listening tour. We spoke to bills on the issue. What does the new law Presidio Heights 3436 Clay Street #1 1BR/1BA $1,025,000 Below 39 all of our fellow funders in the region actually mean? What does the road ahead 347 Maple street 2BR/2BA $1,538,000 Above 10 as well as mayors, city managers, county look like? 3953 Washington Street 4BR/3BA $4,100,000 Above 8 managers, community leaders and more. FRED BLACKWELL: I’ve been work- Russian Hill 1000 North Point #1403 1BR/1BA $850,000 Above 11 We asked all of them basically what is the ing on housing stuff for a long time, and 1000 North Point #509 2BR/1BA $1,070,000 Below 32 most significant problem in the Bay Area I’ve actually never seen the dynamic of 1145 Green Street #3 1BR/1BA $1,085,000 Above 12 999 Green Street #1105 1BR/1BA $1,400,000 Above 79 that a foundation like Hewlett might be the work that we’re experiencing right 1135 Francisco Street #6 2BR/1BA $1,450,000 Above 24 able to do something about. now, whether it’s new laws being passed 1330 Greenwich Street 2BR/2BA $1,450,000 Above 8 1020 Union Street #1 3BR/2BA $2,150,000 Below 264 There was a huge amount of variety in in Sacramento or different kinds of con- 1101 Green Street #1902 3BR/2BA $2,435,000 Below 76 terms of what everybody saw as the sec- versations that are happening at the city 1127 Greenwich Street 2BR/3BA $2,758,000 Above 11 ond most important problem in the Bay council level, funds are being pulled 1060 Chestnut Street 3BR/2BA $3,005,000 At 0 1028 Lombard Street 4BR/3+BA $3,150,000 At 11 area. Some people said education, others together for all kinds of different purpos- 834 Bay Street 4BR/3+BA $3,180,000 Above 18 said criminal justice, still others pointed es. Recently just huge announcements 1050 North Point #1502 2BR/3BA $3,490,000 Below 0 to immigrant needs or food insecurity, from the corporate side around them 1045 Vallejo Street 3BR/2+BA $4,750,000 At 0 domestic violence, police, community bringing private money to the table that Sea Cliff (no sales) relations, and so on. kind of augment what’s happening on the Telegraph Hill 455 Vallejo Street #101 1BR/1BA $898,000 Below 32 But there was actually total unanimity public sector side and the nonprofit side 451 Union Street #200 1BR/1BA $950,000 Above 16 on the most important issue. Every single in order to address the problem. person with whom we spoke identified It just feels like there’s a different kind The data presented in this report is based on the San Francisco Multiple Listing Service and is accurate to the best the housing crisis as the most important of mood and a different kind of willing- of our knowledge, but cannot be guaranteed as such. For additional information, contact Jay Costello, Manager, Compass Real Estate, 1880 Lombard Street, 415.321.4274, [email protected], www.compass.com challenge and the biggest threat facing ness for people to work together on these our region. It’s not hard to understand issues.

18 DECEMBER 2019 MARINA TIMES MARINATIMES.COM I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much consequences really play out throughout action in Sacramento around housing. our region. What happened this year? Days after the package of bills was DAVID CHIU: The Bay Area has been signed into law, we started seeing a spike the epicenter for the state’s housing cri- in the amount of evictions. We started Time for changes The Tablehopper reports on some new bars coming to the Marina, and the loss of a local favorite. Speak up! In the Real Estate Reporter, state Senator Scottp. Wiener10 makes the case for his controversial housing density bill. Take our inaugural sis. We were the first region in the state seeing a spike on rent gouging, and we quality-of-life survey and p. 18 let us know what issues are MARINATIMES.COM CELEBRATING OUR 35TH YEAR VOLUME 35 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2019important to you. where we saw the skyrocketing pric- p. 4 also started seeing cities step up and set Reynolds Rap Uber and Lyft, es, eviction rates, homelessness levels. emergency local ordinances to protect Pick us up Mohammed Nuru, Navigation Centers Your letters and some When I went to the legislature five years renters. A change of this scale is going updates on recent columns BY SUSAN DYER REYNOLDS Unity of Three Happinesses: Favorite Actors before a White Waterfall: (Left to right) actors Nakamura Shikan IV as Sanba Jafuku, Ichimura Uzaemon XIII as Tachibana Hishizo, and Kawarazaki Gonjuro I as Takaramusubi y last three columns garnered corre- no Gon, 1863, by Toyohara Kunichika. spondence from residents all over the city. PHOTO: © MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, BOSTON From a formerly homeless man who wrote ago, I asked, what are we doing about the to really require that we’re vigilant at the Mthe most touching letter I’ve received on the topic, to ‘Tattoos in Japanese Prints’ at the Asian Art Museum insiders at DPW who offered even more evidence of * their director’s incompetence, here’s a sampling of those BY SHARON ANDERSON emails and handwritten notes — and some updates on life in Japan, specifically 19th-cen- the topics. ore than 60 works on tury tattoo culture. anese printmakers on full display, loan from the museum this exhibition underscores how “Lawmakers still largely ignoring Uber and Lyft of Fine Arts in Boston MARTIAL ARTS INSPIRATION popular culture of late Edo period traffic nightmare,” March 2019 housing crisis? My colleagues — most comprise the exhibition “Tattoos very local level. M An estimated 45 million Ameri- Japan continues to influence how Many of you agreed it was shocking that San Francisco in Japanese Prints” at the Asian cans have at least one tattoo. Schol- we express ourselves today,” says Jay allowed, as one reader called them, “illegal taxi scabs” to anytime! Art Museum, on display through ars speculate that early tattoo artists Xu, Asian Art Museum director and skirt laws, avoid regulations, and flood the streets with Aug. 18. The woodcuts are what may have also been woodblock cut- CEO. Many of the popular subjects vehicles. Last month, a study by the San Francisco Coun- remain of the popular art of urban ters from the printing industry. “By of this time — lions, eagles, peonies, ty Transportation Authority confirmed the traffic night- putting the aesthetic genius of Jap- dragons, giant snakes, swords, and mare, finding that rideshares accounted for two-thirds of a 62 percent increase in congestion in San Francisco over of them would say [they were] not sure What we’re seeing and what we hope to ART WORLD, continued on 12 Reader Survey REYNOLDS RAP, Michael Snyder on ... Film continued on 6 Speak up, Northside

what you’re talking about. see is that we need to build the capacity Take part in our inaugural some of the notable releases coming survey of what matters to you our way over the next few months: BLOCKBUSTERS AND and help make San Francisco FRANCHISES Godzilla: King of the Monsters the best it can be (May 31) is an English-language From San Diego with Hepatitis A at the very local level to make sure that Available at these brawl-fest that picks up where the recent American recreation of hat are the problems that are harming Japan’s long-running Toho Studios quality of life in San Francisco? What is being series about done about them? To get insight into how the kaiju (“large strange NorthsideW specifically and the city in general are doing beast”) left off. Here, the titular-gi- in the eyes of the people who live here, this month the ant-radioactive-lizard-thing takes on three more of the mammoth Marina Times presents its inaugural quality of life survey. outbreaks to Orange County homeless our folks are tracking what implemen- Help us identify and track the issues that you think supernatural creatures from Toho’s need to be addressed to make San Francisco a better stable: Rodan, Mothra, and King place in which to live, work, go to school, and play. We’re Leonardo DiCaprio stars in Quentin Tarantino’s newest film, Ghidorah. also interested in how you think our elected officials a Time in Hollywood. James McAvoy, Michael Fassbend- PHOTO: COURTESY CTMG / SONY PICTURES and public agencies are performing. Are they effectively Once Upon er, Jennifer Lawrence, and Sophie solving problems? Are they even addressing the issues Turner are back among the ensem- important to you? Big-screen summer scene ble cast for Dark Phoenix (June 7), encampments to skid row to farm work- tation looks like. They’re advocating. locations: Take our survey on page 4 and send us your responses. which closes out the current itera- BY MICHAEL SNYDER Over the coming year, we will report periodically on tion of X-Men movies about Marvel the top concerns and the city’s response — or lack of grill. Even more than during the Comics’s powerful but persecuted response — to them. In future years, we will be able he summer movie season winter holidays, this is a peak time mutant heroes. to see which issues recede into the background, which doesn’t care to wait until the for major movie studios to roll out The charm of snarky, animat- come to the forefront, and which are perennial concerns. official debut of summer later their most familiar brands, fran- ed animals in the big city made Tthis month. The parade of midyear chises, and big-budget actioners. This is your time to speak up and let yourself — and one movie a hit, so we’ve got big-screen diversions got rolling on That means sequels or reimaginings Secret Life of Pets 2 The ers sleeping in fields to kids who are Sometimes they’ll have to litigate in the Northside — be heard! (June 7) with Memorial Day weekend, so there are galore, in addition to a launch or voices including Kevin Hart, Patton READER SURVEY, continued on 4 already a handful of cinematic alter- two. But smaller one-off movies — Oswalt, Tiffany Haddish, and Har- natives to the beach or the backyard dramas, comedies, and genre films rison Ford. Men in Black: Interna- — don’t get shortchanged. Here are tional (June 14), more a follow-up sleeping on their couches rather than in order to make sure that the implemen- SNYDER ON FILM, continued on 13 dormitories — the crisis is everywhere. tation of the bills actually achieves its Marina So I think a lot of what happened in intended outcome. Corner at Divisadero ...... 2408 Chestnut St. California is the rest of the state kind of There’s sort of three core areas of work Crunch Fitness...... 2324 Chestnut St. caught up to where we were, but the Bay that we’ve been looking at. The first one Tacolicious ...... 1 Avila St. Area was also really instrumental push- is we need to make sure that we’re build- ing forward solutions. . . . ing the legal resources on the ground, Starbucks Reserved ...... 2148 Chestnut St. This year . . . we passed the strongest making sure that we are having organi- The Humidor ...... 2050 Chestnut St. tenant protection law in the country zations at the local level that can educate The Dorian ...... 3349 Fillmore St. addressing rent gouging as well as pred- tenants, that can protect tenants. Glaze ...... 2095 Chestnut St. atory evictions. As the author of that bill We also need to make sure that we’re Izzy’s Steaks & Chops ...... 3345 Steiner St. — among a number of Bay Area authors building community-based organiza- Walgreens ...... 2141 Chestnut St. — I want to thank everyone who came tions, grassroots organizations so they’re Tri Counties Bank ...... 3298 Pierce St. together on that. It was incredibly dif- able to facilitate folks participating in Super Duper ...... 3259 Pierce St. ficult, but . . . when it came to preser- these local processes. And we have to Lucky Brand Jeans ...... 3273 Scott St. vation, we were able to move this year make sure that we are supporting that Walgreens ...... 3201 Divisadero St. an unprecedented $2.5 billion dollars there’s a groundswell to change at the Books Inc. (Inside) ...... 2251 Chestnut St. in the budget, which was significantly local level, right? We need to make sure Marina Library (Inside) ...... 1890 Chestnut St. assisted [by] new Gov. Gavin Newsom, that we’re electing more people of color, who really leaned in on this crisis and more low-income people, more young Cow Hollow made sure that we’re investing in afford- people; that we have city councils that Bus Stop ...... 2837 Laguna St. able housing and homelessness services really reflect who we are as a community Geo Gelati ...... 1996 Union St. and home ownership and have a wide and the needs of our community. See Eyewear ...... 2100 Union St. variety of housing needs that we need The truth is that if we’re able to build Michaelis Wine & Spirits ...... 2198 Union St. for a good preservation agenda. the capacity at the local level to real- Coffee Roastery ...... 2191 Union St. But let me end ly make sure Comerica Bank ...... 2001 Union St. with production that implemen- [of new housing]. tation achieves Wells Fargo Bank ...... 1901 Union St. It’s fair to say we If local jurisdictions were its intended out- Octagonal House ...... 2643 Gough St didn’t get that comes, we have to Postal Chase (Inside) ...... 3053 Fillmore St. much done in this building enough housing, build the muscle Golden Gate Valley Library (Inside) ...... 1801 Green St. area. We were able at the local level. to move forward there would be no reason I keep saying at Pacific Heights a number of bills for the state to step in. the local level, Glaze ...... 1946 Fillmore St. to move forward because that’s Wells Fargo Bank ...... 2100 Fillmore St. production of where we’re going Peets Coffee ...... 2195 Fillmore St. accessory dwelling units. to see the change, but we need to ensure Pets Unlimited (Inside) ...... 2343 Fillmore St. [East Bay Democratic State Senator] that our cities and our communities are Mayflower Market (Inside) ...... 2498 Fillmore St. Nancy Skinner had a great bill that actually the watchdogs of these laws get- would essentially prevent local jurisdic- ting into our communities. Russian Hill/Nob Hill tions from backsliding [on allowing] the FRED BLACKWELL: I think things production they had committed to do. I that are happening at the local level are Crepe House ...... 1755 Polk St. had a small bill to move forward more undermining new development, which I Corner at Polk ...... 1600 Jackson St. production around affordable housing would imagine is part of the reason why Peets Coffee ...... 2139 Polk St. with increased density bonuses, but by the state has been kind of stepping into Starbucks Coffee ...... 1505 Vallejo St. and large, we weren’t able to take major this a little bit more. What is the balance Beauty Supply ...... 1409 Green St. steps in that area. though between a state-level interven- Corner at Polk ...... 1485 Vallejo St. The most notable [effort] that we tion and instincts versus what needs to 1760 Restaurant ...... 1687 Washington St. made was around SB 50, my colleague happen at the local level? Nob Hill Grocery (Inside) ...... 1600 Hyde St. Senator Scott Wiener’s bill, that would DAVID CHIU: That is sort of the have significantly increased production heart of the discussion right now — the North Beach/Embarcadero in single-family home zoning, as well as degree to which the state should come around transit-oriented areas. We have a in and essentially try to move forward Mama’s Restaurant ...... 604 Filbert St. long way to go when it comes to figuring through this crisis, because local juris- North Beach Pizza ...... 501 Union St. out how we build more, but as they say, dictions have enacted [roadblocks]. Family Hat Makers ...... 1612 Stockton St. a long journey takes those first few steps. My perspective on this is if local juris- Mario’s ...... 662 Union St. And I think it’s fair to say we took some dictions were building enough housing, The Board Room ...... 693 Green St. major steps this year. if we weren’t in this housing crisis, there Cole Hardware ...... 627 Vallejo St. FRED BLACKWELL: Gina, you’ve would be no reason for us to step in. St. Francis Church ...... 414 Columbus Ave. been working on these kinds of issues for But just as you have, for example, state Bank of America ...... 1455 Stockton St. a long time with a real keen eye on what’s public health laws because you need Corner at Green ...... 1511 Stockton St. happening at the local level. Obviously a standard so that folks don’t get sick, Fisherman’s Wharf...... 292 Beach St. things can happen in Sacramento, but if when you have folks who are dying on PIER 35 ...... Pier 35 it’s not really implemented in the right the streets every day in every city, dou- Park Opposite Ferry Plaza ...... 1 Embarcadero way it could have negative or unintended ble-digit increases of homelessness, we Ferry Building Plaza ...... Ferry Building Plaza consequences. have to do something. Alcatraz Landing ...... Pier 31 What are the challenges ahead of us When you have an entire middle-class and the opportunities ahead of us when that’s being hollowed out and pushed to Other you’re thinking about local-level imple- drive two to three hours a day, which City Hall ...... 200 Van Ness Ave. mentation of these things, and how do creates congestion issues, environmen- Buckhorn ...... 609 Market St. we make sure that things are implement- tal issues, health issues, risks of people ed in the spirit with which they would falling asleep at the wheel — we’ve got to BART Entrance ...... 201 Market St. pass? do something. Bank of America ...... 1291 - 9th Ave. GINA DALMA: We’re so proud and We are at that crisis state. Books Inc. (Inside) ...... 3515 California St. inspired with a package of bills that were signed into law last month. It’s huge. It’s Send feedback to [email protected]. Real *Check individual business hours for inside locations. meaningful. But we started seeing the estate news tips? E-mail: [email protected]



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