February11 & 12, 2013 / Le 11 et 12 février 2013

Hôtel Omni Mont-Royal 1050, Rue Sherbrooke Ouest

Annual conference of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada February 11 and 12, 2013 Omni Mont-Royal Hotel Montréal, Québec, Canada


Conférence annuelle de l’Institut d’études canadiennes de McGill Le 11 et 12 février 2013 Hôtel Omni Mont-Royal Montréal (Québec) Canada


Dear Friends and Colleagues, Chers ami(e)s et collègues,

Welcome to the McGill Institute for the Study of Bienvenue à l’édition 2013 de la conférence de l’Institut Canada’s 2013 conference, Lifting Off and Flying d’études canadiennes de McGill, « De l’envol aux High: Talent and Success in Canada. hautes altitudes : Le talent et le succès au Canada ».

Since 1995, the MISC has hosted large-scale Depuis 1995, l’Institut d’études canadiennes de McGill annual conferences which foster informed, non- (IECM) tient une conférence annuelle afin partisan discussions on issues affecting , d’encourager le dialogue ouvert et non partisan sur de ranging from Québec-Canada relations, Aboriginal sujets qui préoccupent les Canadiens, comme les issues, citizenship and health-care to Canadian rapports entre le Québec et le Canada, les enjeux media, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, food, autochtones, la citoyenneté, la réforme des soins de and cultural policy. santé, la convergence des médias, la Charte des droits et libertés, l’alimentation et la politique culturelle. One of the familiar clichés about Canada is that we are unable to support success in several fields or to L’incapacité de prêter son appui au succès ou d’accepter live comfortably with success when it is de bonne grâce le succès sert souvent de lieu commun achieved. This conference will examine what it au sujet du Canada. Au cours de ce colloque, nous means to have a career in Canada in three sectors: examinerons l’impact du contexte canadien sur les culture/entertainment, high-tech and sports/ carrières professionnelles dans trois domaines : le athletics. Is Canada capable of supporting creative milieu culturel et le monde du spectacle, la haute people in these sectors through all phases of a technologie et les sports. Le Canada peut-il servir career, from lift-off through mid-career and d’appui aux individus créatifs de ces secteurs à tous les onwards? Do we offer the incubators support stades de leurs carrières, depuis l’envol jusqu’à la mi- systems and long-range opportunities necessary if carrière et plus encore? Offrons-nous les incubateurs, Canadians are to sustain achievement over a life- les réseaux de soutien et les perspectives d’avenir time? nécessaires pour que les Canadiens puissent bâtir une longue et brillante carrière? “Lifting Off and Flying High: Talent and Success in Canada” will bring together people from three key « De l’envol aux hautes altitudes : Le talent et le succès sectors to reflect on the challenges of pursuing a au Canada » rassemblera des personnalités issues de career in Canada (or building one elsewhere.) trois domaines-clés afin de poursuivre la réflexion sur les défis d’une carrière menée au Canada (ou débutée Thank you for joining us here at McGill University ailleurs). in . En vous remerciant de vous joindre à nous à Yours sincerely, l’Université McGill à Montréal, je vous prie d’agréer mes sincères salutations.

William Straw, Ph.D. William Straw, Ph.D. Director, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada Directeur, Institut d’études canadiennes de McGill Professor, Department of Art History and Professeur, Département d'histoire de l'art et Communication Studies d'études en communications

2 Annual Conference of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada 2013


MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2013 LE LUNDI 11 FÉVRIER 2013 12h00 Inscription 12:00 p.m. Conference Registration

13h30 Mot de bienvenue 1:30 p.m. Words of Welcome

13h45 La période d’incubation et l’envol 1:45 p.m. Incubation and Lift-Off

15h00 Pause 3:00 p.m. Break

15h15 L’innovation technologique 3:15 p.m. Technological Innovation

16h30 Pause 4:30 p.m. Break

16h45 Discours spécial: Bertrand Cesvet 4:45 p.m. Keynote Speech: Bertrand Cesvet

17h15 Présentation spéciale: Jim Balsillie 5:15 p.m. Special Presentation: Jim Balsillie 18h00 Réception 6:00 p.m. Reception


8h00 Inscription 8:00 a.m. Conference Registration 9h00 Mot de bienvenue 9:00 a.m. Words of Welcome 9h15 L’endurance: carrière à long terme 9:15 a.m. Staying Power: Sustaining a Career 10h30 Pause 10:30 a.m. Break 10h45 Discours special: Georges Laraque 10:45 a.m. Keynote Speech: Georges Laraque 11h15 Le monde des sports

11:15 a.m. Sports and Athletics 12h30 Dîner

12:30 p.m. Lunch 14h00 Un retour sur le décollage

2:00 p.m. Lifting off and Looking Back 15h15 Pause

3:15 p.m. Break 15h30 La culture et les beaux arts

3:30 p.m. Culture and the Arts 16h45 Mot de clôture et réception

4:45 p.m. Closing Remarks & Reception

Conférence annuelle de l’Institut d’études canadiennes de McGill 2013

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2013 / LE LUNDI 11 FÉVRIER 2013 1:30 p.m. WORDS OF WELCOME / MOT DE BIENVENUE 13h30 >William Straw, Director, McGill Instute for the Study of Canada and Professor, Department of Art History and Communicaon Studies/ Directeur, Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill et Professeur, Département d'histoire de l'art et d'études en communicaons >Alex K. Paterson, OC, OQ, QC, Ad. E, Founding Co‐Chair, McGill Instute for the Study of Canada/ Coprésident fondateur, Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill >Heather Munroe‐Blum, OC, OQ, FRSC, Principal and Vice‐Chancellor, McGill University/Principale et vice chancelière, Université McGill

1:45 p.m. INCUBATION AND LIFT‐OFF / LA PÉRIODE D’INCUBATION ET L’ENVOL 13h45 How is talent spoed in your field? How long did you work in your field before it became viable as a way of making a living? What forms of support were available in your li‐off period? Were these forms of support adequate? What would you recommend to improve early‐career support in your field? At what point in your career did you start to see your potenal audience or market as internaonal? In what ways did this require a change in the way you did things? What help was available to assist you in making this shi to the internaonal level?

Comment reconnait‐on le talent dans votre domaine? Avons‐nous besoin de mécanismes plus efficaces pour reconnaître les gens au talent promeeur? Combien de temps avez‐vous dû travailler dans votre domaine avant que celui‐ci ne soit économiquement viable? Quels appuis vous ont été rendus disponibles lors de votre envol? Ces appuis étaient‐ils adéquats? Quels conseils auriez‐vous à offrir dans le but d’améliorer l’appui en début de carrière dans votre domaine? À quel moment, lors de votre carrière, avez‐vous commencé à entrevoir votre public ou marché à l’échelle internaonale? Quels changements avez‐vous dû apporter à votre manière de faire les choses à parr de ce moment? Quels appuis vous ont aidé à effectuer cee transion à l’échelle internaonale?

Speakers / Conférenciers :

>Jean‐Sebasen Cournoyer, Co‐founder and Partner/co‐fondateur et associé, Real Ventures and Founderfuel >Jennifer Heil, Olympic Athlete and Community Service Acvist/ Athlète olympique et acviste, service communautaire >Béatrice Marn (Cœur de pirate), Felix award‐winning musician/ Musicienne récipiendaire de prix Félix >Tamy Emma Pepin, Director of content and media personality/ Directrice des contenus et des personnalitées médiaque (N/A, CNN, Huffington Post, Journal de Montréal)

Moderator / Modérateur:

>Dr. Brent Herbert‐Copley, Vice‐President, Research Capacity, Social Sciences and Humanies Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) / vice‐président, Capacité de recherche, Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (SSHRC)

3:00 p.m. Break / Pause 15h00

3:15 p.m. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION / L’INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIQUE 15h15 A country’s success in technological innovaon, we are told, has much to do with its capacity to aract talent from all over the world. Has Canada done enough to aract and nurture talent? Why does our official mulculturalism not make us the leading desnaon for technological talent from around the world? Are Canadian universies doing the right things to encourage success in the technological field? Can we sll defend pure, “disinterested” university‐based innovaon? From the Avro Arrow through Telidon and Nortel, the history of Canadian high tech is marked by well‐known failures. What can we learn from studying Canadian failures in the field of technological innovaon? What lessons can we take from our notable successes?

Pour qu’un pays ait un certain succès en innovaon technologique, nous dit‐on, il faut qu’il réussisse à arer des gens talentueux du monde ener. Le Canada a‐t‐il déployé suffisamment d’efforts pour arer et pour culver le talent de ces gens? Pourquoi notre polique officielle de mulculturalisme n’a‐t‐elle pas fait de nous la principale desnaon des gens talentueux du monde ener? Les universités canadiennes font‐elles ce qu’il faut pour encourager le succès dans le domaine technologique? Peut‐on encore plaider en faveur de l’innovaon « pure », désintéressée, en milieu universitaire? Les programmes de « recherche‐créaon », comme ceux qu’on a beaucoup promu au Québec au cours des dernières années, ont‐ ils réalisé leur potenel? Du Avro Arrow à Nortel, en passant par Télidon, l’histoire de la haute technologie au Canada est jalonnée d’échecs bien connus. Quelles leçons pouvons‐nous rer de l’étude des échecs canadiens dans le domaine de l’innovaon technologique?

4 Annual Conference of the McGill Instute for the Study of Canada 2013

Speakers / Conférenciers :

>Sean Ferguson, Dean, Schulich School of Music, McGill University / Doyen, École de musique Schulich, Université McGill >Raja Khanna, CEO, Television & Digital Groups, Blue Ant Media Inc. / PDG de Television & Digital Groups, Blue Ant Media Inc >Sylvie LaPerrière, Chair, Board of Directors at NANOG / Program Manager, Network Content Distribuon at Google/ présidente du conseil d’administraon, NANOG et Gesonnaire de programme, diffusion de contenu pour Google >Ilse Treurnicht, CEO, MaRS Discovery District/ PDG, MaRS Discovery District

Moderator / Modératrice:

>Heather Munroe‐Blum, OC, OQ, FRSC, Principal and Vice‐Chancellor, McGill University/Principale et vice‐ chancelière, Université McGill

4:30 p.m. Break / Pause 16h30

4:45 p.m. KEYNOTE ADDRESS / DISCOURS SPÉCIAL: 16h45 >Bertrand Cesvet, Canadian creave powerhouse / Générateur créaf, Sid Lee, Inc.

Introduced by / Présenté par:

>Lili de Grandpré, Co‐Chair, Board of Trustees, McGill Instute for the Study of Canada, President, CenCEO consulng/ Coprésidente du conseil d’administraon, Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill, Présidente, CenCEO Conseil


>Jim Balsillie, Rered Founder and Co‐CEO of RIM/BlackBerry / Fondateur et ancient co‐PDG de RIM/BlackBerry

Introduced by / Présenté par:

>Christopher Manfredi, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Arts, McGill University / Professeur et doyen, faculté des arts, Université McGill

6:00 p.m. Recepon / Récepon 18h00



>William Straw – Director, McGill Instute for the Study of Canada and Professor, Department of Art History and Communicaon Studies/ Directeur, Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill et Professeur, Département d'histoire de l'art et d'études en communicaons

>Sean Ferguson, Dean, Schulich School of Music, McGill University/Doyen, École de musique Schulich, Univeristé McGill

Conférence annuelle de l’Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill 2013

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 / LE MARDI 12 FÉVRIER 2013 (cont’d)


What are the greatest obstacles confronng Canadians who seek to maintain a career over me? Does your field “eat its young” or allow those within it to age gracefully? Do we have the kinds of safety‐nets or reward systems needed by athletes, cultural creators and technology innovators during lulls in their careers? What might we do beer? Mid‐career success in Canada oen means success outside of this country. Is this always the case? Can you offer good examples of people who have sustained long careers exclusively within Canada? If so, what did they do right? If not, what does this tell us?

Quels sont les plus grands obstacles auxquels font face les Canadiens qui cherchent à mener une carrière à long terme? Votre domaine étouffe‐t‐il dans l’œuf ses jeunes talentueux ou leur permet‐il au contraire d’acquérir une certaine maturité? Avons‐ nous le genre de filet ou de système de récompense dont ont besoin les athlètes, les créateurs dans le domaine de la culture et les innovateurs en technologie pendant les périodes d’accalmie professionnelle? Que pourrions‐nous faire de mieux? Le succès à la mi‐carrière au Canada, c’est souvent un succès à l’extérieur des fronères du pays. Est‐ce toujours le cas? Pouvez‐vous offrir des exemples de gens qui ont mené une longue carrière exclusivement au Canada? Si oui, qu’ont‐ils fait pour y parvenir? Sinon, qu’est‐ce que nous pouvons en déduire ?

Speakers / Conférenciers :

>Jennifer Jonas, Film Producer / Réalisatrice >Steve Maich, Editor, / Monteur, « Sportsnet » >Andy Nulman, President, Fesvals and Television, Just for Laughs / Président, fesvals et télévision, fesval Juste pour rire >Kiy Sco, Curator, Modern and Contemporary Art, Art Gallery of Ontario; former Director, Visual Arts, Banff Centre/ Conservatrice de l'art moderne et contemporain, Musée des beaux‐arts de l'Ontario; ancienne directrice des arts visuels, Banff Centre

Moderator / Modérateur:

>Kevin Tierney, Filmmaker/Réalisateur (Bon Cop, Bad Cop; The Trotsky; French Immersion)

10:30 a.m. Break / Pause 10h30


>Georges Laraque, rered NHL player, former sports commentator (TVA), outgoing Execuve Director of the Canadian Hockey League Players Associaon, and Deputy Leader/joueur de la LNH à la retraite, ancien commentateur sporf (TVA), directeur exécuf sortant de l'Associaon des Joueurs de la Ligue Canadienne de Hockey, leader adjoint du Par vert du Canada

Introduced by / Présenté par:

>Elisabeth Faure, Communicaons Administrator, McGill Instute for the Study of Canada/ Administrateur en Communicaons, Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill

> Petros Psarudis, Conferences and Special Events Coordinator, McGill Instute for the Study of Canada/ Coordonnateur des conferences et des événements spéciaux, Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill

6 Annual Conference of the McGill Instute for the Study of Canada 2013

11:15 a.m. SPORTS AND ATHLETICS / LE MONDE DES SPORTS 11h15 Preceded by five minute presentaon/ Précédé par une présentaon de cinq minutes de:

>Sarah Lawrynuik, McGill undergraduate student, organizer of the city of Dryden conference on concussions and hockey injuries/ Organisatrice, Conférence Ville de Dryden sur les commoons cérébrales et les accidents du hockey

>Special introducon by Ken Dryden, PC, OC, Canadian polician, lawyer, businessman, author, and former NHL goaltender/ Policien canadien, avocat, homme d'affaires, auteur et ancien gardien de la LNH

How is support for professional athletes in Canada reflected along gender lines? Is Canada invesng enough in our young athletes? Does enough support exist for athletes who are injured?

Comment le souen pour les athlètes professionnels au Canada reflète selon le sexe? Est‐ce que le Canada invest assez dans nos jeunes athlètes? Est‐ce que suffisamment de souen existent pour les athlètes qui sont blessés?

Speakers / Conférenciers :

>Richard Pound, OC, OQ, Canadian lawyer, former president of the World An‐Doping Agency, Chancellor Emeritus, McGill University/ Avocat canadien, Ancien président de l’Agence mondiale andopage, chancelier émérite de l'Université McGill >Ross Rebaglia, Olympic Athlete / Athlète olympique >Danièle Sauvageau, First Olympic women’s hockey gold‐medal‐winning coach/ Entraîneuse de l’équipe de hockey féminine médaillée d’or aux Olympiques >Madeleine Williams, Olympian and law student with a research focus on gender equity policy in elite sport/ Olympienne et étudiante de droit, Université McGill

Moderator / Modératrice :

> Sonali Karnick, Host, CBC Radio One’s All in a Weekend / Animatrice de l’émission de CBC Radio One « All in a Weekend »

12:30 p.m. Lunch / Dîner 12h30 2:00 p.m. LIFTING OFF AND LOOKING BACK / UN RETOUR SUR LE DÉCOLLAGE 14h00 What does it mean to have started a career in Canada and then pursued a career in the U.S.? What are the ways in which the Canadian context may have helped or hindered this career? How does it feel to be a Canadian working in Hollywood? How does the Canadian perspecve influence your work?

Que signifie avoir commencé une carrière au Canada et ensuite poursuivi une carrière aux États‐Unis? Quels sont les moyens par lesquels le contexte canadien peut avoir contribué ou nui à cee carrière? Comment est‐ce d'être un Canadien qui travaille à Hollywood? Comment le point de vue canadien a influencé votre travail?

Speakers / Conférenciers : >Len Blum, Screenwriter, Film Producer and Film Composer / Scénariste, producteur et compositeur de film (Heavy Metal, The Pink Panther, Howard Stern’s Private Parts) >Fred Einesman, Screenwriter, producer / Scénariste, producteur d’émissions (ER, Private Pracce)

Moderator / Modératrice : >Jeanee Kelly, CBC Radio One Daybreak arts reporter, CBC Radio One Cinq à Six host / Journaliste des arts de l’émission de CBC Radio One « Daybreak », animatrice de l’émission « Cinq à Six »

3:15 p.m. Break / Pause 15h15 Conférence annuelle de l’Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill 2013

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2013 / LE MARDI 12 FÉVRIER 2013 (cont’d) 3:30 p.m. CULTURE AND THE ARTS / LA CULTURE ET LES BEAUX ARTS 15h30 Does Canadian culture offer everyone an equal path to success? Are the Canadian “ladders” to success in your field clear and smooth? Are career paths mapped out clearly, or are they mysterious and uncertain? Have you found it necessary to move and uproot yourself in order to maintain a career in Canada? Could Canada do beer at supporng creators through all phases of their careers?

La culture canadienne a‐t‐elle assez changé pour que ses succès puissent refléter la diversité du pays? Les « échelles » canadiennes du succès dans votre domaine sont‐elles évidentes et les échelons faciles à franchir? Le cheminement de carrière est‐il bien cartographié, ou est‐il mystérieux et incertain?Avez‐vous trouvé nécessaire de vous déplacez et de vous déracinez, afin de maintenir une carrière au Canada? Le Canada pourrait‐il faire mieux pour soutenir les créateurs dans toutes les phases de leur carrière?

Speakers / Conférenciers :

>Tantoo Cardinal, CM, First Naons film and television actress / Comédienne autochtone à la télévision et au cinéma >Deborah Chow, Director / screenwriter / Réalisatrice et scénariste (The High Cost of Living ‐ 2010) >Jack Rabinovitch, OC, Founder of the Giller Prize/ Fondateur du prix Giller >Patrick Watson, Singer and Songwriter/ Chanteur et compositeur

Moderator / Modératrice:

>Ziya Tong, Co‐host of Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet / Co‐animatrice de l’émission « Daily Planet »

4:45 p.m. CLOSING REMARKS / MOT DE CLÔTURE 16h45 >William Straw – Director, McGill Instute for the Study of Canada and Professor, Department of Art History and Communicaon Studies/ Directeur, Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill et Professeur, Département d'histoire de l'art et d'études en communicaons

>Denise Chong, Co‐Chair, Board of Trustees, McGill Instute for the Study of Canada and Author/ coprésidente du conseil d’administraon, Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill et écrivaine

5:00 p.m. Recepon / Récepon 17h00

6:00 p.m. Aer‐party recepon at McLean’s Pub (1210 Peel St Montreal) 18h00

8 Annual Conference of the McGill Instute for the Study of Canada 2013



BALSILLIE, Jim CARDINAL, Tantoo, CM Retired Founder and Co-CEO of RIM/ First Nations film and television actress BlackBerry An accomplished and celebrated Jim Balsillie is a Canadian actress, Tantoo Cardinal has advanced businessman and former co-CEO of Aboriginal performing arts throughout the Canadian company Research In the world. Acting and speaking are but Motion (RIM), a position he held a few of the ways she contributes to from 1992 to 2012. He is also the founder and chair society, dedicating her life to ensuring Aboriginal people, of The Centre for International Governance their cultures and the historic and current issues Innovation (CIGI), an independent, non-partisan impacting their communities are fairly represented think tank on international governance. In addition throughout the arts. A founding member of the to his commitment to CIGI, Jim is the founder of the Saskatchewan Native Theatre Company, she serves as an Balsillie School of International Affairs (BSIA) and inspirational role model to aspiring youth. In 2010, founding chair of the Canadian International Council Tantoo was inducted as a Member into the Order of (CIC). In 2010, Jim was appointed to the United Canada for her outstanding contributions. Other honours Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on include the Harvard University Sun Hill Award for Global Sustainability, charged with formulating a Excellence in Aboriginal film-making and four honourary new vision for sustainable growth in response to the doctorates. growing risk of dangerous climate change.

CESVET, Bertrand Chairman and Senior Partner, SID LEE BLUM, Len Screenwriter, Film Producer and Film Composer Bertrand Cesvet is the Chairman of the SID LEE Group, a global, independent From the age of 13 to the age of 30, advertising and creative services micro- Len Blum was a rock and roll network, with offices in Montreal, , New York, musician-without much success. From the age of 30 Paris and Amsterdam. For the past 15 years, Bertrand has to the age of 53, he was a screenwriter – with a great been providing strategic and creative leadership to a deal of success writing comedy feature films for broad range of global clients that include Adidas, Red Hollywood. At the age of 53, he became a yoga Bull, Cirque du Soleil and Absolut vodka. As a global teacher, which is what he is today. His film credits marketing thought leader, he is the author of include: Meatballs, Stripes, Heavy Metal, Conversational Capital – How to Create Stuff People Love Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, to Talk About (FT Press), a best-selling business book that Meatballs III: Summer Job, Feds, Beethoven's 2nd, describes how companies and philanthropic organizations Howard Stern's Private Parts, The Pink Panther and can build their brand by leveraging word-of-mouth and Over the Hedge. Mr. Blum has been married to his social media. high-school sweetheart, Dr. Heather Munroe-Blum since 1970. In 2003 she became 16th Principal (President) of McGill University. They have one CHONG, Denise child. Author, Co-Chair, Board of Trustees, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada

Denise Chong is co-chair of the Board of Trustees of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada. Her early career was in public policy, as economic advisor in the office of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. She is best known as the author of The Concubine’s Children, The Girl in the Picture and Egg on Mao: The Story of an Ordinary Man Who Defaced an Icon and Unmasked a Dictatorship. Conférence annuelle de l’Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill 2013

CHOW, Deborah DRYDEN, Ken PC, OC, Canadian director Deborah Chow is an up-and-coming Canadian Canadian politician, lawyer, businessman, director and screenwriter whose debut film, author, and former NHL goaltender The High Cost of Living, starred and Isabelle Blais. The film has already won a Ken Dryden, PC OC, is a Canadian number of international awards, including politician, lawyer, businessman, author, Best Canadian First Feature at the Toronto and former NHL goaltender. He is an International Film Festival, the Super Écran Award for Best officer of the Order of Canada and a member of the Screenplay for First or Second Feature at the Rendez-vous Hockey Hall of Fame. Dryden was a Liberal Member of du Cinéma Québécois, and Best Canadian Film at the Parliament from 2004 until 2011. Some of his books Female Eye Film Festival. Chow also directed and wrote the include Face-Off at the Summit (1973), The Game short films Daypass and The Hill, which have screened (1983), The Moved and the Shaken (1993) and internationally at a number of festivals. Chow has Becoming Canada (2010). Dryden is also a visitor at the participated in the Berlinale Talent Campus and in the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada. Talent Lab at the Toronto Film Festival. She developed The High Cost of Living with the help of a Canada Council screenwriting grant and a New Vision Mentorship with Patricia Rozema.

COURNOYER, Jean-Sebastien Co-founder and Partner, Real Ventures and Founderfuel EINESMAN, Fred Jean-Sebastien Cournoyer has been in high Canadian screenwriter, producer technology since the mid-nineties both as an entrepreneur and an investor. He is co- Fred Einesman is a physician as well as founder and partner of Montreal Startup and Real medical supervisor for the popular Ventures. JS is also an Entrepreneur-in-Residence with television medical drama ER. Dr. Vantage Point Venture Partners (VPVP).Before VPVP, JS Einesman trained at McGill University and completed was responsible for the venture capital investment activities his residency in Vancouver, BC. He has served as of la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec medical consultant for a number of Hollywood screen (CDP). Cournoyer is active in the Canadian high-tech productions and has written two episodes for season 2 community, both as an angel investor in and advisor to and season 3 of television series Private Practice as technology companies. well as writing and directing two episodes of 7th Heaven. DE GRANDPRÉ, Lili Co-Chair, Board of Trustees, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, President, CenCEO FAURE, Elisabeth Consulting Communications Administrator, McGill Lili de Grandpré is managing director of Institute for the Study of Canada CenCEO Consulting, a boutique management consulting firm she founded in 2005. From 1991 to 2004, she worked with Mercer Consulting, in A native Montrealer, Elisabeth has Canada and the UK, where she held various leadership recently joined the team at the McGill positions, including head of the Canadian practice of Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) as Mercer Management Consulting from 1997 to 2002, leader Communications Administrator. Prior to joining the of the Human Resources Strategy practice in 2003-2004. MISC, Elisabeth worked as a journalist at various From 1977 to 1989, she was with the Bank of Montreal, her Montreal media outlets, including CBC Radio and the last position as Vice-President, Marketing and Product now-defunct Montreal Mirror. She also worked for Development. Lili is very active in the community, the federal NDP in Ottawa and Montreal, both as a participating in many boards and various committees, Member’s Assistant and at the Office of the Leader of including McGill University, United Way of Montreal, The the Opposition, where she worked in the Department Foundation of the National Circus School, the Canadian of Communications. Elisabeth holds a B.A. in Political Youth Business Foundation, and the Montreal Symphony Science from , as well as a Orchestra. She was chosen as a Woman of Distinction by Graduate Certificate from Concordia’s Department of the Montreal YWCA and the Montreal Chamber of Journalism. Commerce. From 1992 to 2001, she was a regular guest lecturer at the Executive Development Institute of Queen’s University. She is a graduate of the Corporate Governance College of the Institute of Corporate Directors. She has a Bachelor of Arts, a graduate degree in journalism and an MBA.

10 Annual Conference of the McGill Instute for the Study of Canada 2013

FERGUSON, Sean JONAS, Jennifer Dean, Schulich School of Music, McGill Film Producer University Producer Jennifer Jonas has been Sean Ferguson was appointed Dean of nominated TIFF/CMPA’s Producer of McGill’s Schulich School of Music in May 2011. the Year five times. Her 2010 feature Ferguson, a composer whose work bridges the areas of Trigger was nominated for four Genies, was chosen as musical creation and scientific and technological one of TIFF’s Top Ten and was nominated Best Canadian research, was previously the Director of the Centre for feature film by the Toronto and Vancouver Critic’s Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and societies. For television, Jennifer produced Grammy- Technology (CIRMMT). A native of , Ferguson nominated Satie and Suzanne as well as Gemini- earned his Bachelor of Music at the University of nominated The Firebird. As 1st Assistant Director, Alberta and both a Master’s and Doctorate of Music in Jennifer worked on the Academy Award-winning The Composition at McGill. He joined the McGill faculty as Red Violin and Thirty-Two Short Films About Glenn an Assistant Professor of Composition and Director of Gould. Producer of other multi-award winning feature the Digital Composition Studios in 2003, and was named films including: Leslie, My Name is Evil (winner of Associate Professor in 2009. DGC’s Best Feature Director award) All Hat (TIFF Film Circuit Selection) Monkey Warfare (TIFF Special Jury Prize) The Perfect Son (Genie nominees - Best Actor).

HEIL, Jennifer KARNICK, Sonali Olympic Athlete and Community Service CBC Radio One’s All in a Weekend Activist Sonali Karnick hosts All In A Weekend, Jennifer Heil is an Olympic athlete and a heard Saturday and Sunday mornings community service activist. She has won from 6-9 am across Québec. Sonali started Olympic Gold and Silver medals in the at CBC in 2000, working for Daybreak and Homerun in sport of Freestyle mogul skiing, is a four-time World various roles from researcher and traffic reporter to story producer for the federal and provincial elections. In Champion and five-time overall World Cup Champion. 2005, she took on the role of sports reporter on Jennifer is a celebrated ambassador of community Daybreak. Sonali built a solid reputation in radio and service including the Because I am a Girl initiative television sports, reporting both locally and nationally where, at the age of 26, she donated $25,000 and on professional and amateur sports, including the accepted the challenge to raise $1million to help women Stanley Cup Playoffs and the Women's World Cup of rise up out of poverty. She also runs her own girls-only Soccer in Germany in 2011. (Sonali is still a huge sports mogul ski camp and is the co-founder of B2ten. fan and regularly yells at the television when the Habs are on.) Among other things, Sonali does stand-up comedy in her spare time. She is also an avid cook and a HERBERT-COPLEY, Brent voracious reader. She grew up on Montreal's West Island Vice-President, Research Capacity, Social and graduated from Concordia University with a double Sciences and Humanities Research Council major in Journalism and Communications. of Canada KELLY, Jeanette Brent joined SSHRC in October 2009. CBC Radio One Daybreak arts reporter, As Vice-President, Research Capacity, he is responsible CBC Radio One Cinq à Six host for SSHRC’s Talent programs as well as the Canada Research Chairs, the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Jeanette Kelly is the host of Cinq à and the Indirect Costs programs. Prior to joining SSHRC, Six and the arts reporter for CBC Radio One's Daybreak, Brent worked at the International Development CBC Montreal's flagship radio show. Jeanette has Research Centre (IDRC), where he held a variety of worked for CBC Radio in Québec City where she hosted positions, including, most recently, that of Director for Breakaway, the afternoon current affairs program, and Social and Economic Policy programs. He previously Radio Active, a national program devoted to the music worked at the North-South Institute, a leading Canadian Quebecers listen to. She also spent ten years working for think-tank on development issues. Brent holds a PhD in the Ontario Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs as a political science and a master’s degree in international policy analyst in Québec City and Ottawa. Jeanette is a affairs from Carleton University, as well as a bachelor’s francophile from Ontario with a Masters Degree in degree in political science from the University of Literature and a fully bilingual family. She likes Western Ontario. running, yoga, tennis, playing the piano, Italian cuisine, baking blueberry pie and frequenting the galleries and concert venues of Montreal.

Conférence annuelle de l’Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill 2013

KHANNA, Raja LAWRYNUIK, Sarah, CEO, Television & Digital Groups, Blue Ant McGill undergraduate student, organizer Media Inc of the city of Dryden conference on concussions and hockey injuries Raja Khanna is a serial digital media entrepreneur who is Director and CEO, Sarah was born in Dauphin, Television and Digital at Blue Ant Media and was raised in Dryden, a small town in Northwestern Inc. Raja is also the Co-Founder of QuickPlay Media Ontario. Sarah grew up playing, watching and loving a Inc., a global leader in mobile video delivery platforms variety of sports including basketball and women’s softball. that he helped guide to its current position as a market For the past four years she has been living in Montreal, leader in mobile video technologies and services. Raja, a studying Economics and Political Science at McGill five-time Gemini winner and former Digi Awards University; she will be finishing her degree in Spring 2013. Producer of the Year (then called the Canadian New In August 2012, Sarah had the opportunity to organize a Media Awards), co-chairs the board of the National symposium on head injuries in hockey, bringing the Screen Institute (a leading training institute for important discussion on concussions to Dryden, Ontario Canada’s next superstar writers, directors and with host, the Honourable Ken Dryden. producers) and sits on the Board of Directors of QuickPlay Media Inc. and Sears Canada Inc..

MAICH, Steve LaPERRIÈRE, Sylvie Editor, Sportsnet Chair, Board of Directors at NANOG/ Program Manager, Network Content Steve Maich has been the Publisher of Distribution at Google newly-launched Sportsnet magazine since September 2011. Prior to that he was Editor-in-Chief of Canadian Business Sylvie LaPerrière has been an active and formerly a business columnist with Maclean`s. He is builder of the global Internet Infrastructure, developing also the co-author of the 2007 book The Ego Boom. Prior peering relationships with Internet players around the to joining Maclean's, Maich worked for the National Post, world and expanding the network in underserved Bloomberg News and the Halifax Chronicle-Herald. He markets via new undersea cables or satellite obtained a Bachelor of Journalism from the University of connectivity. She serves as Steering Committee Vice- King's College in 1998. Chair for the North American Network Operators' Group (NANOG). At Google Inc., Sylvie is on the program management team building out the Internet connectivity and content distribution reach required to MANFREDI, Christopher P. deliver Google services worldwide. While at Tata Professor and Dean, Faculty of Arts, McGill Communications Ltd, she pushed the expansion of its University Internet backbone network into more than 25 new markets, had it circle the globe and achieved Tier1 Christopher Manfredi is Professor of Political status. Science and Dean of the Faculty of Arts at McGill University. He is the author or co- author of four books and more than 30 refereed articles LARAQUE, Georges retired NHL player, former sports and book chapters. His book Feminist Activism in the commentator (TVA), outgoing Executive Supreme Court received the Canadian Law and Society Director of the Canadian Hockey League Association’s Annual book Prize and was shortlisted for the Players Association and Green Party of Donner Book Prize. He is a member of the governing Canada Deputy Leader council of SSHRC, and in 2010 served on the special committee to advise the Prime Minister on the Georges Laraque is a retired Canadian appointment of a Governor General. professional forward, who last played with the . He is a former commentator for TVA Sports, deputy leader of the Green Party of Canada and most recently executive director of the fledgling Canadian Hockey League Players' Association. During his NHL career he also played for the Oilers, Phoenix Coyotes and . On November 8, 2011, Laraque released his first book, an autobiography titled Georges Laraque: The Story of the NHL's Unlikeliest Tough Guy.

12 Annual Conference of the McGill Instute for the Study of Canada 2013

MARTIN, Béatrice (Cœur de pirate) NULMAN, Andy Felix award-winning musician President, Festivals and Television, Just for Laughs Cœur de pirate made her big entry in 2008 with her self-titled debut, which Andy Nulman is the President and CMO earned her the Félix award for Breakthrough of the Year, a of Airborne Mobile. Airborne Mobile Juno nomination and inclusion in the Polaris Prize longlist. has successfully strengthened consumer After her North American success, the album reached brands like Maxim, Family Guy, the NHL and Taco Bell. triple platinum status and sold more than 600 000 copies In 2006, Airborne was honored as North America’s 4th- worldwide. Her popularity on the web continues to Fastest-Growing Tech Company in Deloitte’s Fast 500 increase, with her personal blog receiving more than 25 ranking. Prior to Airborne, Andy was best known for his 000 weekly visitors. Her follow up album, Blonde, was 15-year tenure as CEO of Montreal’s renowned Just For released in November of 2011, and earned her the ADISQ Laughs International Comedy Festival, the world's first awards for Pop Album of the Year, Female Vocalist of the and largest comedy event. Andy Nulman has also Year, and her second award for Artist with the Most written two best-selling books, was named one of the Success Outside of Québec. “Top 40 Under 40” business leaders by The Financial Post in 1997, voted one of the Top 100 Montrealers of the 20th Century by The Gazette in 2000, and honoured as a distinguished recipient of the McGill Management Achievement Award in 2004. MUNROE-BLUM, Heather Photo: Charles William Pelletier, C-2 Montréal O.C., O.Q., FRSC Principal and Vice-Chancellor, McGill University

Heather Munroe-Blum is Principal and PATERSON, Alex K. OC, OQ, QC, Ad. E, Vice-Chancellor (President) of McGill Founding Co-Chair, McGill Institute for the University and Professor in Medicine. A distinguished Study of Canada psychiatric epidemiologist, she has dedicated her career to the advancement of higher education, science and Alex K. Paterson is a former senior innovation in Canada, and internationally. She advises partner at the Montréal office of the law governments and other organizations on the role that firm Borden Ladner Gervais. He was universities, research and talent play in enriching society admitted to the Québec Bar in 1957, started his and improving international competitiveness. Hallmarks professional career with McMaster Meighen, was to date of her time as Principal of McGill have been the Chairman of McGill University (1990-1994) and renewal of the professoriate, advancement of governance, Chancellor of Bishops University (1995-2005). Mr. development of infrastructure, enhanced excellence and Paterson is well-recognized as one of the leading impact of research and scholarship, enrichment of the litigations lawyers in Québec and has been appointed to student experience and promotion of diversity and both the Order of Canada and the Order of Québec. community engagement. Named an Officer of the Order With Charles Bronfman, he is Founding Co-Chair of the of Canada for her record of achievement in science, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada. innovation, health and higher education policy, Prof. Munroe-Blum holds numerous honorary degrees from Canadian and international universities. She is a Specially Elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a Senior Fellow of Massey College and an Officer of the National Order of Quebec.

Conférence annuelle de l’Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill 2013

PEPIN, Tamy Emma REBAGLIATI, Ross Director of content and media personality, N/A Olympic Athlete

Tamy Emma Pepin is currently working on the production of Anthony Bourdain's new show for CNN. She will also be working Ross Rebagliati is professional snowboarder. full-time as Director of Content and He turned pro in 1991. He was the first ever Engagement for N/A, a promising Montreal start-up that to win an Olympic gold medal for Men's Snowboarding at focuses on good marketing and philanthropy. Previously, the 1998 Winter Olympics. On October 23, 2009, Tamy was the blogs editor at Huffington Post Quebec since Rebagliati announced that he would seek the federal its launch. She's got one of the most read Twitter accounts Liberal Party nomination for the Okanagan—Coquihalla in Montreal, with more than 10 000 followers. Formerly, riding, in British Columbia. Pepin worked as a journalist at Le Journal de Montréal in arts, culture and new media.

POUND, Richard OC, OQ SAUVAGEAU, Danièle Canadian lawyer, founding president of the First Olympic women’s hockey gold-medal-winning World Anti-Doping Agency, Chancellor coach (2002), 27-year police officer veteran Emeritus, McGill University Danièle Sauvageau, MSC is the former head coach of the Canadian national women's Richard Pound, OC OQ is a Canadian hockey team which won the Gold medal in ice hockey at lawyer, partner of the law firm Stikeman Elliott, the the 2002 Winter Olympics. She is a graduate of the founding president of the World Anti-Doping Agency Université de Montréal and of the RCMP Academy, (WADA) and Chancellor Emeritus of McGill University. ‘Depot’ Division. She was a Sergeant in the Service de He is a former vice-president of the International Olympic police de la Ville de Montréal. In 2004, she was awarded Committee (IOC) and was a one-time candidate for the the Meritorious Service Cross (civil division). In 2002, she presidency of that organization. was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Civil Law from Saint Mary's University. Sauvageau received an Honorary PSARUDIS, Petros Doctorate of Civil Law from Saint Mary's University in Conferences and Special Events Coordinator, October 2002 for her leadership in international athletics. McGill Institute for the Study of Canada photo-credit to Martin Girard/Shoot Studio.

Petros Psarudis is the Conferences and Special Events Coordinator at the McGill SCOTT, Kitty Institute for the Study of Canada as well as Curator, Modern and Contemporary Art, Art the Quebec Regional Vice-President for the Canadian Gallery of Ontario; former Director, Visual Arts, Hellenic Congress. Petros is a member of the Events and Banff Centre Communications sub-committee, part of the Faculty of Arts’ Initiative titled People, Processes, and Partnerships. Kitty Scott was Director, Visual Arts at The He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with a specialization Banff Centre, a post she has held since 2007. Previously she in Human Environment and a minor in History from was Chief Curator at the Serpentine Gallery, London, and Concordia University as well as a Certificate in Public Curator, Contemporary Art at the National Gallery of Relations from McGill University. Canada, Ottawa. Scott organized the curatorial symposium Are Curators Unprofessional? at The Banff Centre and RABINOVITCH, Jack OC, O.Ont edited the publication Raising Frankenstein: Curatorial Founder of the Giller Prize Education and Its Discontents. She has written extensively Jack Rabinovitch, OC, O.Ont is a Canadian on contemporary art for catalogues and journals and philanthropist best known for founding the contributed to numerous books on curatorial studies. As an Giller Prize which is named after his late independent curator, she has organized exhibitions wife, Doris Giller, a former literary columnist including Bankside Browse for Tate Modern, London, and for the Toronto Star. Rabinovitch was a Universal Pictures at the Melbourne International reporter and speechwriter who later turned to business and Biennial. Scott was the Canadian coordinator for the made his fortune in food retailing and real estate. He was Seventh International Istanbul Biennial and also worked an executive with the real estate developer Trizec on the inaugural SITE Santa Fe Biennial. She is visiting Corporation and helped develop six million square feet of professor for the Curatorial Practice Program at the hotel, commercial and retail space. He was Maclean's California College of the Arts, as well as an adjunct magazine's man of the year in 1999 and is a recipient of the professor at York University and University of British Order of Canada and the Order of Ontario. Columbia.

14 Annual Conference of the McGill Instute for the Study of Canada 2013

STRAW, William TREURNICHT, Ilse Director, McGill Institute for the Study of CEO, MaRS Discovery District Canada and Professor, Department of Art History and Communication Studies Ilse Treurnicht is the CEO of MaRS Discovery District. Ilse has worked Will Straw is the Director of the McGill closely with the leadership of Toronto’s academic Institute for the Study of Canada and institutions and teaching hospitals to create MaRS Professor of Communications in the Department of Art Innovation, an integrated commercialization platform for History and Communication Studies at McGill 14 Toronto institutions and served as the interim University. He is currently director of a research project, Managing Director for a year following its formal launch funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec-Société in early 2008. She joined MaRS in early 2005 from her et culture, on ‘Media and Urban Life in Montreal.’ Dr. role as President & CEO of Primaxis Technology Straw has a longstanding interest in crime and is the Ventures. Ilse holds a DPhil in chemistry from Oxford author of Cyanide and Sin: Visualizing Crime in 50s University, which she attended as a Rhodes Scholar. She America, and co-editor of the volume Aprehendiendo al has twice been honoured with the prestigious Canada’s delincuente: Crimen y medios en América del norte. Dr. Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Award—the first time in Straw has been a music correspondent for Prime Time 2009 and again in 2011. (CBC Radio), popular culture correspondent for the Women's Television Network, and a cultural WATSON, Patrick commentator for Newswatch (CBC Television, Singer and Songwriter Montreal). He comments regularly on media and cultural

issues for a variety of media. Patrick Watson is a Canadian singer- TIERNEY, Kevin songwriter from Montréal, Québec. Patrick Filmmaker (Bon Cop, Bad Cop; The Trotsky; Watson also refers to the eponymous band French Immersion) formed by Watson, whose blend of cabaret pop and classical music influences with indie rock has been Kevin Tierney is a film producer from compared to Rufus Wainwright, Andrew Bird, Nick Montreal who earned a Genie Award for Drake, Jeff Buckley and Pink Floyd for its experimental Best Motion Picture for the film Bon Cop, musicianship. Patrick Watson's album Close to Paradise Bad Cop, for which he also wrote the script. He has also was awarded the Polaris Music Prize in 2007. Watson’s produced other titles including One Dead Indian, Good song The Great Escape was featured on the third season of Neighbours and Twist. His directorial debut is French Grey's Anatomy, in the movie One Week and in the 2008 Immersion. He attended the McGill Faculty of Education movie Maman est chez le coiffeur. The song was also used and taught abroad and in Montreal for 12 years. for the finale of the television show ReGenesis. In 2008, Watson composed the entire soundtrack for the French- Canadian film, C'est pas moi, je le jure!. TONG, Ziya Co-host of Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet

WILLIAMS, Madeleine Ziya Tong is a Canadian television Olympian and law student with a research personality and producer. Tong began focus on gender equity policy in elite sport hosting the CBC Television series ZeD in the 2004-05 season, succeeding Sharon Lewis. For this, she was nominated for a Gemini Award for Viewer's Madeleine Williams is a Canadian cross Choice for Lifestyle Host in 2005. After ZeD, Tong -country skier who has competed since moved to CTV to host the new television series Island 2001. She competed at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Escapes. Starting in January 2007 she worked as a host Vancouver in the 10 km freestyle and 15 km pursuit and producer for Wired Science on PBS and The Leading competitions. In the freestyle competition on 15 Edge on The Knowledge Network. Tong has also written February, she placed 51st with a 27:43.6 time (2:45.2 for Wired magazine and blogged on the Wired Science behind first). Four days later she came in 41st in the site. She also was a reporter for NOVA on PBS. After pursuit race, 4:13.1 behind the gold medal winner Marit joining Discovery Channel's Daily Planet as a guest host, Bjørgen of Norway. Williams' best finish in the World she was named the new permanent co-host of the daily Cup was tenth in a team sprint event at Canada in 2009 science program. while her best individual finish was 22nd in a 15 km mixed pursuit event at that same event.

Conférence annuelle de l’Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill 2013

Exhibit to launch a new archival resource at McGill

Exhibit to launch a new archival resource at McGill

Muse Entertainment Enterprises has recently donated its production records to McGill University Archives. Examples of audio-visual materials, creative and business records are on display at the 2013 conference of the McGill Institute for the Study of Canada.

The Muse Entertainment archival legacy will serve teaching and research, and offers particular strengths for interdisciplinary studies. The collection includes film and video materials that demonstrate all stages of the production process. Along with scripts, promotional materials, development and business records, the collection will contribute to the study of film and television, entertainment law, cultural industries, management, and cultural and information studies at McGill. The donation to McGill University Archives includes over 3,500 moving image and sound records, over 20,000 photographic records, and 16 metres of textual records that represent 100 titles produced between 1998 and 2008.

We are proud to announce that the Muse Entertainment Enterprises fond d'archives has been certified as cultural property of outstanding significance and national importance by the Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board.

Exposition de lancement d’une nouvelle ressource archivistique à McGill

Les Entreprises de divertissements Muse a récemment fait un don de documents de production au Service des archives de l’Université McGill. Des exemples de ce matériel audiovisuel et de ces documents de production et d’affaires seront en montre lors de la conférence 2013 de l’Institut d’études canadiennes de McGill.

Le fonds d’archives de Muse Entertainment servira à l’enseignement et à la recherche, particulièrement dans le domaine des études interdisciplinaires. La collection comprend du matériel cinématographique et vidéo témoignant de toutes les étapes du processus de production en plus de scénarios, de matériel promotionnel et de documents de développement et d’affaires qui contribueront aux études dans les disciplines du cinéma et de la télévision, du droit du divertissement, des industries culturelles, de la gestion, de la culture et de l’information à McGill. Le don reçu par l’Université McGill comprend plus de 3 500 œuvres d’images en mouvement et documents sonores, plus de 20 000 documents photographiques et 16 m de documents textuels représentant la production de 100 titres entre les années 1998 et 2008.

Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que le fonds d’archives Muse Entertainment a obtenu une attestation de la Commission canadienne d’examen des exportations de biens culturels pour son intérêt exceptionnel et son importance nationale.

16 Annual Conference of the McGill Instute for the Study of Canada 2013

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, with Brent Carver as Ichabod Crane Photographer: Ron Diamond, taken circa 1998 McGill University Archives accession 2011-0018.04.199 La Légende de Sleepy Hollow avec Brent Carver dans le rôle d’Ichabod Crane Photographe : Ron Diamond (photo prise vers 1998) Service des archives de l’Université McGill, acquisition 2011-0018.04.199

Killer Wave, cast and crew portrait, including Bruce McDonald, director Photographer: Philippe Bossé, taken 2006 McGill University Archives accession 2011-0018.04.20.2 Killer Wave, portrait de la distribution et de l’équipe de tournage, y compris le réalisateur Bruce McDonald Photographe : Philippe Bossé (photo prise en 2006) Service des archives de l’Université McGill, acquisition 2011-0018.04.20.2

Conférence annuelle de l’Instut d’études canadiennes de McGill 2013


Institute Staff / Personnel de l’Institut Conference Partners / Partenaires de la conférence

William Straw The Andrea & Charles Bronfman Philanthropies Director Enbridge Inc. Johanne Bilodeau Administrative Officer Dean of Arts Development Fund / Fonds de développement du doyen de la Faculté des arts Elisabeth Faure Communications Administrator Sid Lee

Adriana Goreta Muse Entertainment Enterprises Administrative & Student Affairs Coordinator Media and Urban Life / Média et vie urbaine Montréal Linda Huddy Secretary Cundill Prize in History at McGill

Petros Psarudis Special Events Coordinator

Christine Sgherri Administrative & Student Affairs Coordinator

Matthew Chan Work Study Student

Conference Co-Chairs / co-présidents de la conférence

Sean Ferguson Dean, Schulich School of Music, McGill University

Jennifer Heil, Olympic Athlete and Community Service Activist

18 Annual Conference of the McGill Instute for the Study of Canada 2013

Thanks / Remerciements

Susan Aberman Stewart McCombie Chief of Staff, Office of the Principal and Vice- Assistant Producer/Director, Multimedia Services Chancellor, McGill University Network and Communications Services, McGill University Caroline Baril Senior Associate, Government and Institutional Relations, Reford MacDougall C.M., B.A. Office of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, McGill Financial Journalist/ Board of Governors, Montreal University Economic Institute

Marion Butler and Tiffany Pope Stuart Macmillan Strategic Communications, Development and Alumni Creative Director at lg2 Relations (DAR) Spencer MacNaughton Denise Chong McGill Television Videographer Author and Co-Chair, Board of Trustees, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada Rod Poujade e-Business Systems, Information Systems Resources, Debbie Dankoff McGill University Director of Development, Faculty of Arts Development Office, McGill University Theresa Rowat Director, McGill University Archives Lili de Grandpré President, CenCEO Consulting and Co-Chair, Board of Marianne Stenbaek Trustees, McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, Professor, Department of English, McGill University Risa Dickens and the Yelp! team Community Manager Ken Whyte President, Rogers Publishing Ltd. And MISC Board Anne Lagacé Dowson and the team at CJAD of Trustees Journalist and CJAD radio talk show host Cedric Yaris Jay Farrar and the team at McLean’s Pub McGill Television Videographer Co-Host of The Kaufman Show on TSN Radio 690 The Board of Directors of the McGill Institute for Justin Fletcher the Study of Canada Undergraduate Student, East Asian Studies, McGill University The McGill students working at the conference

Brendan Kelly Cable Public Affairs Channel (CPAC) Columnist, The Gazette The Walrus Cynthia Lee, Stéphanie Dufresne & the Media Relations Team Media Relations Office, McGill University

Karin Lornsen Academic Planning and Projects Officer, Office of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor, McGill University

Charmaine Lyn Director, Office of Admissions, Equity & Diversity, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University

Christopher Manfredi Dean, Faculty of Arts, McGill University

Annual Conference of the McGill Instute for the Study of Canada 2013