USER IDENTIFICATION FOR MUNICIPAL WASTE COLLECTION IN HIGH-DENSITY CONTEXTS | February 2019 | Version 4 AUTHORS Diana Saleh Marie Salova Biel Bulbena Thomas Loderus Maria Calaf Forn (ENT) EDITORS Maria Calaf Forn (ENT) Dr. Ignasi Puig Ventosa (ENT) DESIGN Thomas Loderus Raimon Ràfols Florenciano (ENT) Director of the “Circular Design” European Project Dr. Jordi Segalàs Coral (UPC) Project developed in the period March-June 2018 under the supervision of Maria Calaf Forn (ENT) in the framework of the “Circular Design” European Project coordinated by the UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), by Dr. Jordi Segalàs, Gemma Tejedor and Aya Ulan. CONTACT
[email protected] INTRODUCTION MUNICIPAL WASTE WASTE MANAGEMENT RELIABLE TECHNOLOGY PAY AS YOU THROW SCHEMES USER ID TECHNOLOGY RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION NEAR FIELD COMMUNICATION QUICK RESPONSE TECHNOLOGY PROVIDERS ADDITIONAL TECHNOLOGY 6 TECHNOLOGY SPECIFICATIONS IMPLEMENTATION USERS COMMUNICATION COLLECTION CONTAINERS WASTE FRACTIONS TO CONTROL TEST, MONITOR AND CONTROL ECONOMICS EFFECTS ON WASTE STREAMS CASE STUDIES 0. INTRODUCTION Municipal waste management is a key subject of local environmental policies and it is one of the local policies that requires most resources. European countries have increasingly shifted their focus from disposal methods to prevention and recycling. With respect to waste management performance, large dierences exist between EU Member States particularly in relation to the generation, recycling and separation of municipal waste. Public investment, local regulations, and communica- tion campaigns must be used to achieve consistently improving results in the area of waste prevention and source separation. User identification can help achieve a high degree of source separation and lower waste generation rates. A user identification system is based on the imple- mentation of a mechanism by which the user of the waste collection service is identified and their waste generation is recorded.