Wabbit EMU –

If you are interested in having a TI calculator on your home (or even your phone) there is an emulator called Wabbitemu that works quite nicely and is FREE!!

I have attached the necessary files for use on a PC. If you are running a Mac or want to get the Android version for a smart phone you will need to do a Google search for Wabbitemu and download the correct version of the executable file for those operating systems.

1) Download the files to your documents folder (or a subfolder in your documents) 2) Once all the files are downloaded, double click Wabbitemu from within the folder. 3) Click Run 4) Choose “ and ROM from a file” and use browse to point the dialogue to the requested item (TI operating system and Wabbit84PlusROM). 5) Once the calculator screen opens, go under VIEW and click enable skin; then look under Calculator Options Skin to choose your color. 6) When finished, you can copy the program file or a link to it from your documents to your desktop for ease of access.

This does not require administrative rights on school to install, so you can add it to your personal desktop once the files are downloaded to your documents folder and run.

You can make this program emulate any TI calculator. You would just need to download the OS (operating system) from TI’s website and locate an image of the calculator on the web to create the open source ROM. Feel free to share this with anyone you think might be interested.