“At-Tamhid Fi Bayanit Tawhid” by Abu Shakur As-Salimi Al-Keshi

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“At-Tamhid Fi Bayanit Tawhid” by Abu Shakur As-Salimi Al-Keshi ISRA (India) = 4.971 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940 Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.997 IBI (India) = 4.260 JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350 QR – Issue QR – Article SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online) Year: 2020 Issue: 11 Volume: 91 Published: 30.11.2020 http://T-Science.org Soatmurod Uralovich Primov International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan An independent researcher [email protected] THE SOURCES OF THE WORK “AT-TAMHID FI BAYANIT TAWHID” BY ABU SHAKUR AS-SALIMI AL-KESHI Abstract: This article provides the important information on the subject of aqeedah "At-Tamhid fi bayanit tawhid" on the basic sources of the work of the scholar Abu Shakur as-Salimi al-Keshi, who lived and worked in Movarounnahr in the second half of the XI century and the XII century. Key words: Movaunnahr, Creator, Ahli Sunnah va Jamaah, Hanafi, Moturidia, Asharia, Quran, Hadith, Belief, Muqalid, Qadaria, mutazila, Hashavia. Language: English Citation: Primov, S. U. (2020). The sources of the work “At-Tamhid fi bayanit tawhid” by Abu Shakur as- Salimi al-Keshi. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 11 (91), 361-366. Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-11-91-60 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2020.11.91.60 Scopus ASCC: 1200. Introduction famous scholars such as al-Hasan (d. 189/805) and The famous Movarounnahr scholar Abu Shakur Malik ibn Anas (d. 179/712). as-Salimi al-Keshi, who lived in the second half of the It can be seen that the author used the works of 11th century and the first quarter of the 12th century, his masters and other well-known Hanafi scholars in made a huge contribution to the development of the writing of the work “Al-Tamhid”, as well as Moturidiyya doctrine. The full name of the scholar is important works on theology and other sciences. Abu Shakur Muhammad ibn Abdullah Said ibn Although in some places it is openly pointed out that Shuayb al-Kashi al-Hanafi as-Salimi al-Makshifi. The it is a quotation from a particular work, in many places place of birth and upbringing of scholar is given to such a situation is not observed. the scholar as a name in relation to the ancient city of While discussing the religious topics, the verses Kesh, and in some Arabic sources it is mentioned as of the Quran are first cited as evidence. But the surah “al-Kashshi” or “al-Kassi”. and the sequence number of these verses are not Abu Shakur as-Salimi al-Kashi wrote a work on mentioned in his work. It is known that the verses of the science of aqeedah, entitled as “At-Tamhid fi the Quran are firmed in terms of reaching us, but not bayani tawhid” (Guide to the statement of Tawhid). In all are firmed in terms of proving their meaning. In this work, the scholar covered religious issues from this regard, the scholars of the subject “Al-fiqh” the standpoint of the Moturidis. His work differs from divide it into four divisions according to the wording the works of the aqeedah in its simplicity and lightness and meanings of the verses of the Quran. In turn, these of style. four divisions are divided into twenty parts, each with While writing this work, Abu Shakur as-Salimi its own definition and sentence. quoted the verses from the Quran, the Hadiths of the It is also noteworthy that the author used the Prophet, the words of the Companions, the followers popular commentary books to explain and interpret and the followers, Abu Hanifa (d. 150/767), Abu the meanings of some verses on religious topics. In Yusuf (d. 182/798), Muhammad ibn. It can be seen particular, he interprets the subject of "Believers to see that he acted on the basis of narrations narrated on Allah in Paradise in the Hereafter" using the religious subjects as well as a number of works from commentary of the work "Jame 'al-bayan fi tafsiril Quran" [1: 65-69] by Ibn Jarir at-Tabari (d. 310/923). Philadelphia, USA 361 ISRA (India) = 4.971 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940 Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.997 IBI (India) = 4.260 JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350 According to the Moturidis, Abu Mansur al- It can be seen that Abu Dawud used the hadiths Moturidi referred to the book of “Tawheed al-Ahli in his work “ Sunanu Abi Dawud”. In particular, in the Sunnah wa'l-Jama'ah” when discussing the issues collection of Abu Dawud, “The Qadaris are the pagans such as "Taqwin (creation) is different from of this ummah”. “If they are sick, do not go. If they Muqawwan" [2: 268]. It can also be observed that the die, do not attend the funeral. They are the followers author is a mature scholar in the science of of the dajjal. ”“ Allah created Paradise and its people commentary in stating the original meanings of many and created Hell and its people. ”About the Prophet's verses. grandson Hasan:“ This son of mine is a Sayyid. He It is also not indicated the source of the Hadiths will soon reconcile the two groups of believers cited as evidence for the various religious topics because of him. ”[6: 283]. These hadiths are also described in “At-Tamhid”. In some places, the Hadith mentioned in this work. is mentioned directly in the mursal state, that is, A number of hadiths have been referred into without quoting the narrators between himself and the “Sunan at Termzi” by Imam al-Termizi. For example, Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). to the question What is faith ?. the Prophet (peace and It should be noted that mursal hadiths are a blessings of Allah be upon him) answered, Iman is document in the Hanafi school. This is because the believing Allah, His angels, His Messengers, His mursil (narrator of the Hadith in the mursal state) Books, do believe in the resurrection after death, and narrates the hadith between him and the Prophet that destiny is from Allah, good and bad, “Oh Ali, only (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) only if he believer can love you and only hypocrite people can clearly believes that the Hadith is authentic. On the dislike you”, “Thirty years of caliphate after ”[7: 132] contrary, he mentions the narrators in the middle in a A number of hadiths from “As-Sunan” by Ibn place where he does not fully believe. It should be Majah have been used. In particular, “The Messenger noted that Abu Shakur as-Salimi used a number of of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reliable collections of Hadith in his work to cite the was asked about faith. He said: "(Iman) is to know the Hadiths as evidence. heart, to confess with the tongue and to perform the One such collection of Hadiths is the work of pillars," and "Repentance is repentance" [8: 438]. Imam al-Bukhari (d. 870), “Al-Jame 'as-sahih (a The hadith which was from the work “Al- reliable collection)” . Abu Shakur al-Solimi cites a Sunan” by Imam an-Nasoni: "Whoever falls asleep or number of Hadiths from this collection of Hadiths as forgets the prayer, let him recite it as soon as he the evidence for various religious themes in his work. remembers" [9: 143]. For example, he mentioned such hadiths as “ do not Tabarani's "He who is addicted to alcohol will raise your voices, for the One you are praying for is not enter Paradise," "The happy man will be happy in neither absent nor deaf”, “Allah has ninety-nine his mother's womb, and the unhappy man will be names, and whoever counts them will enter unhappy in his mother's womb" [10: 147] and the Paradise”,” the unborn child is born according to work “Al-Mustadrak” by al-Hakim al-Naysabur, nature”, Then his parents will bring him up as a Jew hadiths such as "I am the city of knowledge, its or a Christian or a Pagan. ”[3: 331]. foundation is Abu Bakr, its wall is 'Umar, its roof is In At-Tamhid, he also used hadiths on a number Usman, and its door is Ali" [11: 124] have been of religious topics in al-Jame 'as-Sahih (the mentioned in discussions of faith and knowledge. trustworthy collection) by Imam Muslim, the second Al-Bayhaqi's “Sunan al-Bayhaqi” also quotes largest collection of hadiths. In particular, the author the hadith as following, "Like the stars of my mentioned the following hadiths: “The Prophet (peace Companions (in finding the right path), whichever one and blessings of Allah be upon him) was asked when you follow, you will find the right path" [12: 234]. you became a prophet. He said, "When I was a Also, in Daraqutni's work, such hadiths also prophet, Adam was between water and mud." "The mentioned: the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah Qur'an was revealed in seven letters, all of which are be upon him) entered the mosque one day with his sufficient and healing." While passing through the right shoulder on the shoulder of Abu Bakr and his left cemetery, he placed a wet branch of a palm tree on top shoulder on the shoulder of 'Umar and said: 124].
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