To Believe Or Not to Believe the Crop Circle Phenomenon in the Netherlands Õ.Ì
To believe or not to believe The crop circle phenomenon in The Netherlands õ.ì Th eo Meder är iE ËiE In ¡hc Summe¡ of 2001, I srarted my rcserrch find ley lines rvith their clowsing rods or rneas- of n¿r¡atives colrcerning crop circles ancl their ure the energy with cheir pendulums, some possibly supenutural, clivine, ecologic,rl or come to meditate. l'atmers are sclclom pleased extraterrescrial origin. I wâ[ted to focus ol-r with clop circlcs because of the h¡rves¡ loss rh( râlcs Jnd c,rnrcptions ìrt u lrich clop cir- involved - c¿usecl not only by thc fìattening cles ale interpretcd ¡s non-rr¡n-macle signs of of the crop, but also by the trampling of curi- <(9 the time"^. Furthermore, rny ¡escr¡ch involved ous visito¡s. Sceptic scientists hardly bother to oq the concemporary cult movement ¡hat sc¿r¡tccl con-re, buc csoteric ¡ese¡rchers come to rnves- 9+{ with ufos in ¡he 1950s as a kincl of'proto- tigate, measure, sample, film and photograph, New ;\ge rnovernent'. 1 Crop circles u'e thc for later analysis rnd interpretation. Journalìsts 5i most tangible element of this mode¡n New r isir ¡he lormltion" cìuring rhc silly scrsc'n in Agc convicrion, which eìso incorporatcs ufo sealch of a juicy stor¡ preferably on the mys- sightings, alien rbductions, cattle mutilation, tery of the unexplaincd, on the subject of licde govcrûment cover-ups, free energy, lcy Iines, grecn mqn. or un thË l¡ct thct thc cntire cr,'p mysterious orbs of light, alte¡native ¡heories on circle phenonenon is a huge man-macle ¡rracci ¡hc c¡e¿tion of man, conneccior-rs with ancient cal jokc.2 ancl prehistoric Íronuments (like tÌre Ììgyptian pymnids ¿nd Cel¡ic Stonehcngc), thc cosmìc Englancl: where the knowledge of lost civilizations (Adar.rtis, ìVlayas phenomenon stârted a likc othe¡- etc.), and the expectations of rhe coming of Although some people to believe I new crâ or cven ¡n Encl of l)ays.
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