Explanatory Index of Proper Names Other Than Authors Cited
Quest: An African Journal of Philosophy / Revue Africaine de Philosophie , 24 (2010), 1-2D 1-398 E:planatory inde: of proper names other than authors cited 0xhaustive listing of all proper names other than those of authors cited. 6or names mar2ed with UU also see Inde7 of Authors Cited . Some entries have underlying con- cepts explained under V.v. ( Vuod videre , Esee there=)8 for many other entries this index sei:es the opportunity of explaining details that could not be accommodated in the main text. 1hen a boo2 title is listed, it appears in italic , followed by the author=s name (if any) between parentheses. Inly capitalised text has been processed 9 thus e.g. ECatalyst= is listed but not the many occurrences of Ecatalyst=, Ecatalytic=, etc. Due to last-minute text additions a few page references may be off by 1. identity, 53 227n, 291n8 ,ssyrian ,baris, ,ncient Gree2 Achsenzeit , see ,xial ,ge traces in 9 , 1298 ,rab shaman, 112, 114, 114n ,cragas, 1098 cf. ,grigen- influence on sub- ,b2ha:oids, linguistico- tum Saharan 9, 758 9 and ethnic cluster in the ,dam, Biblical figure, 135 ,ncient Near 0ast, 73, ,ncient 3editerranean, ,donai, .ord, 1608 cf. 1298 9 and North ,mer- 233 ,idoneus ica, 9, 118, 265, 2748 9 ,boriginal ,ustralian, 91, ,egean, Sea and region, and 0urope, 808 and 0ast 1928 cf. Dur2heimUU 115, 141, 151, 175, 294, ,sia, 9 and ,sia, 35, 90, ,braham, Biblical figure, 273n8 9 -,natolian, 226 275, 280, 186n8 1est 162 ,ether, 103-104, 117-118, ,frica, 74, 268, 2818 ,bri du 6acteur, 5pper 130, 137-139, 152, 180- Central ,frica, espe- Palaeolithic site, 189 181, 154n, 165n, 184n8 cially South 9 , 5, 8, 17- ,byss, ,bysmal, 122, ,ether and Day, chil- 18, 31, 43, 62, 64, 70, 164, 236, 101n8 cf.
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