NYAME AKUMA No. 68 DECEMBER 2007 TANZANIA was done to test models of the emergence of modern humans in this part of Africa (Willoughby 2007). This The Middle and Later Stone Age of the article introduces new sites and presents preliminary Iringa Region, southern Tanzania: An results from the initial fieldwork. Pamela Willoughby Introduction describes the sites, the general framework of this re- search project, and the cultural history of Iringa. Her Katie Biittner two PhD students, Katie Biittner and Pastory Bushozi, Department of Anthropology discuss their own research. University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2H4 E-mail:
[email protected] What does it mean to be a modern hu- man? Pastory M. Bushozi Department of Anthropology Anatomically modern people (Homo sapiens) University of Alberta are found throughout Africa, as far back as 195,000 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2H4 years ago. But their associated artifacts are Middle Stone Age (MSA) or Middle Palaeolithic (MP). How- AND Archaeology Unit ever, it is not until their descendants reached Europe Department of History and become Cro-Magnons with Upper Palaeolithic University of Dar es Salaam (UP) tools that they are considered to be truly mod- P. O. Box 35050 ern. Innovations said to appear only with the Upper Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) Palaeolithic include (1) blade tools, (2) bone, ivory E-mail:
[email protected] and antler tools, (3) jewelry and art, (4) curation of tools, (5) long distance transport of resources, (6) Pamela R. Willoughby information networks and the first true ethnic groups, Department of Anthropology (7) collector strategy of mobility, (8) specialization in University of Alberta hunting one or two animal species, (9) use of fish or Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2H4 shellfish, (10) more complex burials, (11) expansion E-mail:
[email protected] into new territories, and (12) association with ana- tomically modern Homo sapiens (Mellars 1991).