Agenda item:



MEETING OF THE COUNCIL HELD ON Monday, 18 July 2011 at 6.30pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall.


Councillors Arram, Avis, Ayres, Bashford, Bee, Bonner, Butler, Buttinger, Chatterjee, Chowdhury, Clouder, Collins, Cromie, Cummings, Fisher, Fitze, Fitzsimons, Flemming, Gatland, Godfrey, Gray, Hale, Hall, Harris, Hay-Justice, Hoar, Hollands, Hopley, Jewitt, Kabir, Kellett, B Khan, , Kyeremeh, Lawlor, Lenton, Letts, Mansell, Marshall, D Mead, M Mead, Mohan, Neal, Newman, O’Connell, Osland, Parker, Pearson, Perry, H Pollard, T Pollard, Rajendran, G Ryan, P Ryan, Selva, Scott, Shahul-Hameed, Slipper, Smith, Speakman, Thomas, Watson, Wentworth, Winborn, Woodley and Wright.

Absent: Councillors Bains, George-Hilley, S Khan and Quadir

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Shafi Khan

2. MINUTES (agenda item 2)

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 23 May 2011 be signed as a correct record.


All Members of the Council confirmed that their interests as listed in their Annual Declaration of Interests Forms were accurate and up-to-date. Council Sara Bashford declared a personal interest in agenda item 6 (PQ 040) as she mentioned Gavin Barwell MP in her reply to the question and she works for him. Councillor Janet Marshall declared a personal interest in agenda item 10 as co-opted Governor of Quest Academy;

C20110718 min 1 Councillor Margaret Mead declared a personal interest in agenda item 10 as a Governor of Whitgift Foundation.

4. URGENT BUSINESS (agenda item number 4)

Councillor Tony Newman moved that the Extraordinary Council Meeting be brought forward as urgent business. The Chief Executive advised that it was not an appropriate motion as the Extraordinary Meeting had been summoned for 10pm or at the end of the Council meeting.

5. ANNOUNCEMENTS (agenda item number 5)

The Mayor announced the recent deaths of two past Mayors, Hon Ald Reg Willis who died on 27th June and Hon Ald Bob Coatman who died on 30th June. There was a minutes silence when Councillors and members of the public stood in memory of them.

The Mayor congratulated local residents who had received awards in the Queens Birthday Honours List, they were named as follows: Professor Gisli Hannes Gudjonsson CBE – of Purley for services to clinical psychology Beverley De-Gale OBE- Croydon – for services to charity Richard Flynn OBE – South Croydon for services to the Duke McKenzie MBE- Croydon for services to boxing. Kevin Henry MBE – Croydon for voluntary services to further education Lesley Caple MBE – Purley – for services to the Medical Research Council James Dean MBE – Worcester Park – for services to Social Housing; and Azher Hussain MBE - Worcester Park – for services to motor sport.

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Mike Fisher gave a valedictory to Tom Jeffery. He announced that after three years in the post Mr Jeffrey, the Executive Director of Community Services, was to leave the Council in early September to pursue a career as a consultant and interim manager. In the time that Mr Jeffery had been with the Council he had overseen a number of significant improvements including a raising of public satisfaction with those key front line services and an increase in performance that has resulted in:

ƒ a doubling of recycling rates; ƒ Croydon being recognised as having the third cleanest streets in London; ƒ national awards for the council’s parking services department; ƒ a number of Britain in Bloom awards; and ƒ a substantial reduction in crime and antisocial behaviour.

The Leader thanked Mr Jeffery on behalf of all Council Members for the contribution he has made to Croydon and its residents and wished him well for the future.

Councillor Tony Newman supported the comments made by the Leader adding that Mr Jeffery was a dedicated and trusted officer who would be missed by the borough who had done a lot of good work for the Borough. He wished Mr Jeffery well for the future.

C20110718 min 2 Councillor Margaret Mead, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care – made an announcement regarding Southern Cross as follows:

“The failure of Southern Cross is due in no small part to their finances being unable to support its ambitious plans for building the business. It is not a failure of the care service they were providing.

The council has been closely monitoring the situation with Southern Cross; a risk assessment has been in place since earlier this year, well in advance of the current high profile media attention. In addition officers have kept in contact with the homes to both ensure the quality of care has not deteriorated and to remain supportive of the managers and staff in those homes.

We remain vigilant as we support just over 60 older people in three care homes in the borough owned by Southern Cross. There are a further 9 people supported in other boroughs, notably 7 in a home on our borders for people with a physical disability and two others in learning disability placements in Shropshire.

Also, the council will seek to support all self funders as we have a general responsibility for all residents in the borough, whilst not funding anyone for whom we do not have legal liability.

Because of the size of Southern Cross, the Association of Adult Directors of Social Services (ADASS) has taken the lead in having a consistent response to the company’s problems and Croydon has adopted its recovery model. ADASS have been meeting with Southern Cross on a regular basis who have informed all residents and their families and carers of the situation clarifying what happens next. Both Southern Cross and ADASS have confirmed while the transfer of homes goes ahead the continuity of care will remain the highest priority.

First and foremost we are looking at the needs of every individual resident for whom the council remains responsible. This means our aim is to keep everyone where they are. We are in close contact with Southern Cross about the future of the homes where we have an interest and based on a recent conversation with the regional manager, it is unlikely that the 3 homes in borough will close. We will be more content once we have that in writing due in the next week or so and officers are pressing for a speedy decision.

We are seeking urgent updates about the other out of borough homes and will remain cautious until we receive confirmation of their future.

That being the case we will work with the new providers who take over any homes and will mean we will insist that standards of care remain high and seek reassurances about the future viability of the new providers thus reducing any threat of home closure. The 3 homes in the borough are bespoke, modern and currently have very few vacancies.

In the unlikely event of closure the council has taken the precaution of having a contingency plan if one or more do close. I will come back to council if that unlikely eventuality should occur, setting out the plans and risks entailed in such a situation.”

C20110718 min 3 6. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (agenda item 6)

Under the provisions of the Council Procedure Rules (Croydon Constitution, Part 4A, 3.11 – 3.16), written questions had been submitted and written replies were given by the relevant Cabinet Member. These were placed in the Chamber and Public Gallery, oral supplementary questions were asked by members of the public and oral replies were provided by the relevant Cabinet Members.

Oral Supplementary questions were asked by: PQ40 – Mr Pelling PQ42 – Ms Rolfe PQ43 – Mr Rudman PQ45 – Mr Sorensen PQ49 – Mr Collier PQ51 – Mr Khan PQ52 – Ms Smith PQ54 – Mrs Ash PQ56 – Mr Martin PQ66 – Mr Samuel

In each case there was an oral reply from the relevant Cabinet Member.

[Note the written Public Questions and written replies can be found at]


Petitions were presented formally by Councillors as follows in accordance with Council Procedure Rules: a) A petition presented by Councillor Shafi Khan on behalf of residents regarding speed control North Norbury.

b) A petition presented by Councillor Manju Shahul-Hameed on behalf of residents regarding 30 free parking in Broad Green.

c) A petition presented by Councillor Chris Wright on behalf of residents regarding speeding traffic in Marlpit Lane, .

d) A petition presented by Councillor Maggie Mansell on behalf of residents regarding the David Lean Cinema.

e) A petition presented by Councillor John Wentworth on behalf of residents regarding anti-social behaviour in Green Lane.

f) A petition presented by Councillor Yvette Hopley on behalf of residents regarding Lime Meadow Avenue, Sanderstead.

g) A petition presented by Councillor Stuart Collins on behalf of residents regarding public conveniences in the Borough.

h) A petition presented by Councillor Sherwan Chowdhury on behalf of residents regarding waste storage at No 1 Cragnish Avenue flats. C20110718 min 4 The petitions were referred to the relevant Cabinet Member. In accordance with the Councils Constitution the replies to these petitions will be included in the agenda for the next Council meeting.


In accordance with the Council Constitution Part 4B, 3.21 the printed responses were open to questions from Councillors. There were no questions.


Councillor Steve Hollands, Chair of Scrutiny & Overview Committee, presented a written and oral report to Council summarising the proceedings of that Committee since the last ordinary meeting of the Council, including matters considered by the Scrutiny Sub-Committees. The following Members then asked questions on sections on the report: Councillor Kellett, asked about the structure of Task and Finish groups; Councillor Helen Pollard asked about outcomes from the recently held Scrutiny Conference; Councillor David Osland asked about the Community Services Sub Committee and the Family Justice Centre funding; Councillor Sean Fitzsimons asked about the recent call-in of the waste collection report that had been presented to Corporate Services Committee; Councillors B Khan, Newman and Chowdhury asked questions relating to the Family Justice Centre review undertaken by the Community Services Sub Committee.

At the end of the discussion Council received the report.


Councillor Pearson, Ward, spoke about the importance of the community lead projects that had helped with the return of the New Addington Carnival and the launch of Pathfinders. He went on to speak about the problems of anti social behaviour in the Ward, particularly the use of motorbikes in the parks which was being addressed by an increase in police patrols. He hoped that the new park and gym would encourage young people to think about their behaviour. He also spoke of the joint working with Councillor Ayres as the issues affect all residents in the Ward.

Councillor Winborn, Fairfield Ward, spoke about improvements made in the Ward since 2006. Recycling levels have rising from 16% to 34% and with the introduction of food waste recycling and recycling bins for flats, it is hoped this figure will increase to 46%. She went on to speak about the improvements in street cleaning, graffiti removal and the quick response to clearing dump rubbish. Residents were looking forward to the installation of the new street lighting.

Councillor Hopley, Sanderstead Ward, spoke about many changes and improvements that had been made in her Ward particularly to the parks and green spaces. These include Purley Beeches where tennis courts have been refurbished, Wetton Tree Gardens where improvements have been rewarded with a Green Flag

C20110718 min 5 Award and Sanderstead Recreation ground who have recently been awarded fund from the Parks to be Proud of campaign. She went on the speak about Sanderstead Library and asked on behalf of residents that all options be explored to keep this important cultural, historic and much enjoyed building is kept open.

Cabinet Members replied orally to matters raised.

There were no other speakers on Ward Matters.


The Leader presented the Business Report summarising the proceedings of the Cabinet since the last meeting of the Council, including matters considered by Cabinet Committees.

In accordance with Council Procedure Rules (Part4A, 3.37 – 3.41), written questions had been submitted in advance by Council Members and written replies had been given by the relevant Cabinet Members. The questions and answers had been placed in the Chamber. Supplementary questions were asked by Members of the Council and replies were given by the relevant Cabinet Members.

Each Cabinet Member was asked in turn if they had anything to add to their report. Questions were then invited from the Chamber for each Cabinet Member who replied orally to the questions asked by Members of the Council on specific paragraphs or submitted questions.

Councillor Tony Newman asked that the Councils best wishes be sent to PC Wayne Stevens for a speedy recovery following a recent shooting. He also offered condolences to the family of Umess Chaudhari, a Croydon resident who had recently been killed.

The following Members asked questions on sections on the Business Report

Cabinet Member Leader: Councillors Newman, H Pollard, Parker, Collins and Letts. Mead D: Councillors Butler, Arram, Sipper and Avis. Pollard T: Councillors Lenton, Bee, Osland, Chowdhury, Speakman, Arram and Wentworth. Perry: Councillors, Neal, Collins, Chatterjee, Hall, G Ryan and Fitzsimons. Mead M: Councillors Neal, Avis, Buttinger and Marshall. O’Connell: Councillors P Ryan, Fitzsimons, Butler, Woodley and Marshall. Thomas: Councillors Hopley, Kellett, Smith, P Ryan and Pearson. Mohan: Councillors Neal, Kyeremeh and Marshall. Bashford: Councillors Kellett and Cummins.

The following Cabinet Members made announcements on their business reports:

Mead D: Drew Members attention to pages 158-160 of the Council agenda that listed the recent action on anti social behaviour and reiterated that the Council had zero tolerance of Anti Social Behaviour on Council estates. C20110718 min 6 Mohan: Updated Members on the ‘Question Time’ events where Cabinet Members had been visiting local areas and residents had an opportunity to debate local issues.

Hoar: Wished PC Stevens as speedy recovery following his recent attack and paid tribute to the hard work, dedication and bravery of the police in the protection of local residents.

The recommendations contained in the business report were put and it was RESOLVED:

To agree the Cabinet recommendation to adopt the Community Safety Strategy 2011-14 and to receive the business report.

At 21:15 the Leader of the Council, Councillor Mike Fisher moved a procedural motion under Council Procedure rules Part 4a 1.11.9 to proceed to the next item of business on the agenda. This motion was seconded by Councillor Tony Newman and agreed by the Council.


There were none.

13. MOTIONS FOR DEBATE (agenda item 13)

Two motions were submitted for debate in accordance with Council Procedure Rules as follows:

1. Motion for Debate

Proposed by Councillor Phil Thomas Seconded by Councillor Jason Perry

“This Council congratulates the Conservative Administration on the greatly improved recycling rates it has achieved so far and applauds the proposal to further improve recycling by rolling out food waste collection throughout the Borough.”

The following Councillors spoke during the course of the debate: Councillors Smith, Speakman, G Ryan and Scott.

Following the debate the motion was put and carried

2. Motion for Debate

Proposed by Councillor Jane Avis Seconded by Councillor Tony Newman

“This Council condemns those at Southern Cross who have put profit before people and in view of the mounting concerns regarding the care of the elderly, calls upon Cllr Fisher to review his decision to hand over Croydon's Care Homes to the private sector.”

C20110718 min 7 The following Councillors spoke during the course of the debate: Councillors M Mead, Watson, Wright, and Fisher.

Following the debate the motion was put and lost.


The meeting ended at 22:06.

A copy of the Council agenda, reports and appendices are available in the Members Library and on the Council website at

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