New Rebel Invasion Forco Heads to Cuba^ Thousands Reported Dead
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•4 ' . : / •'- -T'. THURSDAY, APRIL 20, I9 «l PAGE TWENTY Averse* Osily Net Press Run The Westher ■ l3Ianri|(Bt(r lEvfntng lirralb For tho Wohk EaSod Much n . IMl Foroout of E . B. Woathor B i ^ s 13,317 Some doudbwee end* mild to A b o u t T o w n night end Satontoy. Low tonight Member of tho AaO^ BnreMi of Otronlatlon 40-45. High Saturday in Uw OOe. ■ "nie &p»er Club will hold a «et- Manchester— A City of Village Charm party Saturday night at 8 o'clock for members and friends. BeCreahments will be served dur (ClaMtfled Advertlalng on Page S2) ing Intermission. VOL. LXXX, NO. 171 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1961 PRICE FIVE CENTS >eip. Gail Eagleson, daughter of ; Mra. Robert Eagleson. 637 S. Main ; i St„ baa been elected vice, pres- |: Ident Ol the Student New Hamp- i ; ahlre Education Association. She is | i a Junior, majoring in elementar.v |; education. *t Pl>Tnouth Teachers : College, Plymouth. N. H. I KNOWS YOUR TYPE! New Rebel Invasion Forco Heads to Cuba^ The Girls’ Friendly Sponsors of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. in the visual aid room of the church. , Members are asked to bring | for whatever your figure... articles' for a Chinese auction. , Hostesses will be Miss Hannah ! Thousands Reported Dead in Earlier Fight Jensen. Mrs. Allan Hotchkiss, and , Mrs. Henrj’ Perk. I - whatever your problem... Tlia University of New Hamp- : aMre Alumni Club for Greater ; open Hartford area will be host to the State News university’s president. Eldon L. whatever your budget... No Word , on Castro, Insurgents ileclare Johnson, at a dinner Saturday at 7:15 pjn. at the University Club in ■ till Hartford. Paul N. Adams. 12 Kelly Roundup Rd., Wapping. is president of the whatever your taste!________ Greater Hartford Club. • y 9 :0 0 Reuters’ Man Says Rjeds Armed stro Miss Claire Saporiti. daughter Poultry Plant By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 2 of Mr. and Mrs. Aldo J. Saporiti. we have just the right answer tonight NOTE—This dispatch from Ha-^ A noisier celebration was a dawn 41 Uynwood Dr.. .Vernon, is" vana is based upon reports from ‘‘shooting-party’’ when militia at Undeterred by one defeat on Cuban beaches, from flO to spending'spring vacation in Ber John Bland, correspondent of Reu Camp Libertad fired off machine 1,500 fresh guerrillas are sailing in the direction of iuba, muda with several of her class- , ters NeiVs Agency In the Cuban guns and anti-aircraft shells. Fire Damage mates. She is a freshman at Cen- I capital. Correspondents of the As The city was quiet again last exile sources in Florida declared today. \ tral Connecticut State College. sociated PreM In Havana have so At $1 Million The original force that struck the southern coast of Cubs New Britain, where she is major- . that feelingi far been unable to operate there. <Continued on Page Ten) Monday has been variously reported at from 500 to 1,000\ tag in elementary education. Formfit Skippies Pantie No 843 Nyloni elastic men. Itow many escaped into the mountains is not known. ^ net wTth satin elastic front and back Havana, April 21 (IP)— Un East Brooklyn, April 21 (JP) Both sides admitted severe casualties in the fighting. Vari panels. 2 'j" waiatband L. TheHartford Chapter of the Na confirmed reports reaching Swiss IPictures —A stubborn fire destroyed ous roundabout reports from Cuba have said from 350 to 500 tional Association of Accountants Havana today tell of thou wiU hold its annual spring seminar 7.50 the Rosen Poultry Co. plant prisoners were taken by Fidel Castro’s forces. Wednesday. April 26. at 1:30 pm. sands of lives lost in the in Havana Terror yesterday causing early The rebel radio on Swan Island o ff the coast of Central at Wampanoag Country Club in j ;;; vasion fighting in Matanzas million in damages. America asserted without confirmation from any other United Nations, N. Y., April West Hartford. i Province alone. The firm, which processes poul source that new hut small landings already had been made in A "complete statement” on the 21 t/P) — A spokesman In the try for the frozen food market, The 1941A rlass reimion com- ; battle ag^nst anti-Castro forces Swiss embassy aj Havana told was housed in the old Quinebaug Cuba. ■ mittee has located all but tw o'' promised by the government Is still N^C reporter Lee Hall by tele Mill, built in the 1850s.^ The Cuban Radio charged Monday’s invaders arrived in meihbers of the class. They are awaited, and the fate of Satur phone today that "things are Only the shell of the 3-story “North American military transports’’ escorted by “Yankee John Sherman and Mae Pratt. day's landings In Oriente and much worse in Havana than brick bulldirg along the Qiilne- Destroyers’’ after being trained by U.S. officers 4n Guate Anyone with infor.mation aboui : Plnar del Rio Provinces was un you can imagine." baug. River remained standing. them should contact Mrs. Lillian known. Mrs. Hall, assigned to Ha Nine fire companies fought the mala. KltUe Perrett at 59 Keeney St. The atmosphere In Havana, and vana until recently, quoted Gil blaze for six hours. Their work The Insurgent "Army of Libera apparently also In provincial bert de Dardel, counselor o f wsa made more difficult by num tion" In a broadcast from the in The Combined Catholic Mothers cities, is one of tension underlying the Swiss Ihnbassy aection in erous grass and brush fires set terior in turn charged that the Cuban Rebels Circle will meet Monday at 8 p.m . a surface calm. charge of American affairs In by sparks from the flaming build Soviet Union, Red cSilna and Com at Church of the Assumption hall There was no overt jubilation in Havana, as telling her shortly ing. munist Czechoslovakia were ac for religious instruction with the the Btreets here when the Castro before noon: Some fires were kindled acixMis tively aiding Fidel Castro’s forces. Admit Losses Rev. Francis T. Butler. "The terror has begun Castro has not appeared In Ha regime announced victory early the river, on the Danielson side, vana. Repeated earlier reports said yesterday. against counter - revolution as many as 300 yards away. New York, April 21 (8>)—Lead The PTA council annual meet-, aries and I have cabled my that the prime minister was said ers of the Cuban Revolutionary The man in the street appeared Fire Chief Maurice Bedard to be somewhere In the Interior tag will be held tonight at 8 a t ' V' ; to be In a daze, feeling out of touch . government for permission to made the damage estimate. None Council today pledged a continued the Washington School. Coffee ; ^ take drastic actio- on the part directing oilerations against the fight to free Cub, but conceded with news of the fighting. of the firemen or 150 employes in anti-Castro forces. and dessert will be .served before ;: A series of small parades watch of Americans in Cuba.’? the building was injured. This picture was obtained today from the London Daily Express which said it shows Cubans beneath their first try had suffered ■ the election of officers and annual i ed by sparse crowds wound De Dardel also said that State Trooper John S. Skelly, large banner which reads, "Death to the Invader," draped over entrance of an unspecified building in A Havana radio commentator, "grave reverse.” reporta. through Havana’s old town be most Havana news corre a special investigator, said car Havana. On either side of entrance are posters showing Cuban workers. Smaller lettering on ban speaking about President Ken Jose Mlro Cardona, the oouncil'i fore dawn, but there was no music. spondents are In prison or in ner advertises a meeting for Friday preparatory to a parade to the palace. New'spaper obtained nedy's declaration that the United president, told a news conference penters were burning paint from States will not abandon Cuba to the The Perennial Planters will ■ For the most part the Informal hiding. This was' at variance the second-floor ceiling with blow picture from Its correspondent In an undisclosed East European Communist-controlled country and that 23 prisoners captured in the meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the parades consisted of horn-tooting with some earlier reports that said It W'as made two daj2i ago. (AP Photofax via radio from London). Communists, called It "the stupid Cuban fighting had been shot to torches shortly before noon. declarations of an Illiterate million heme of Mrs. Harry Uoyd. 218 ; j Skippie.s Pantie Girdlj No. 840.. Exclu trucks filled with soldiers or correspondents had be«i re After they had quit for lunch, death in the last 48 hours. He Lydail St. Mrs. David Evans will sive Polynet panel that makes your leased. aire." appealed "to the world to stop the militia waving Cuban flags. he said, fiames engulfed the third The Swiss embassy In Havana discuss fertilisers for lawns, gar- ;; tummy do a disappearing act Sizes wall off the building. Stands on Policy Statement bloodshed.” dena flowers and vegetables. Mrs. said at least 18 Americans had been S.M L. Firemen saved the neighboring rounded up but the total might be He declined comment on ee'veral Theodore Blakeslee will be co- ^ plan of the Arrow-Hart-Hegeman questions about future plans of hostess. twice that number. 7.95 Electric Co. from damage by set Cuban broadcasts said prisoners the wtl-Csstro forces, hut said Laos Neutralist Sees ting up a fine spray of water to captured on the beach told of be^ landings in Cuba, "will continue Miss Carol E.