' B '4m " . 10 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING--, FEBRUARY 11, 1909. 1 " FEATURE ON EXCHANGE ' I CHAFEY CUSTOM MILL TS TRADING STAR PRO AND CQN OF TELEPHONES! PiOCI CAMP EXTENT OF OJSTfllCT !S HE Independent 2107 Salt Lake MT3B II Ba" 2107 Ahout th5 only features of trading yesterday was the way In which the fVlJM iS BEING ERECTED Flock tradhipr keeps up. thoro being an IEB METAL MARKET; abundance of orders all around the rail, & Companvl especially for the Tlntics. During the FRONT Throckmorton day 171,500 shares of stock Hold, repre- COMISfijB I senting n mnrkot value of 551.225. The following wci'f the clorlniT unllFtod and BROKERS "8 j Ten-Stam- p Plant Will Treat listed stock traiianctlons: Difference of Opinion in Bosfou j Wonders of District Open Eyes Rock Xow Being Found UNLISTED STOCKS. X. A. Dunyau Has Confidence in .Shown Relative to tho UTAH SAVINGS AND TRUST BUILDJNQ Iff I .Aakcd.j Bid. Sold For. Good' Min- CORRESPONDENTS of Salt Lnker by Leasers. B. .C.- SlfJiid.? .32 .32 .'. This Beaver County Future. DEALE i Nrw York, Chicago, San Franelie, Ocvemm... lfiV U. Tr. IIII1.. .195 Rawhtde. Tonopnh. Goldflold, an M.inE?.?' Ely. Witch 21 ing Camp. RawivM All Principal Exchn0o. Bank Tnl McD. Ely ..! 25 .. nvStB E. S. Chafpy, the father of the Cedilr- ....! .072 .OS .072 .OS The following is nn interesting coN Talisman . .OS .00 .09 5. . . .'I. Chafcy, Xcv., mining camp, is in tho Demijohn . J .14 ;. lection of opinions to cop- .12 CEDAR-TALISMA- relative tho FRED RICHMOND IS Sagebrush stato. Mr. Mln.- - Flat .. .111 ' N Tribune Agents in Nevada. oral strength oxhuiu77iTT 1 city from the ! per market, and is selected from Cop . 16 it n Stand .16 Copies of Tlie Trllmno will he found the late dal: . V ?Aww8 DELIGHTED CAMP Chafoy brings good news from the now Mine . several pages of News Bu- to o.slKt as to , WITH Utah 1.47j DEAL IS IMPORTANT the on snle In Nevada iho following: the $ milling which the Chafoy . at ma custom plant Nnlldrlvor ... .IS reau with, tho view of giving all pos- Bntivnnl R. .Iverniore. Iter and othor unceM.ihfm Milling and Alining company is now noreiJ. The clo.sh)t: u ' sible phases of tho prcscut situation: Cnllentc John Shlor. t " installing in tho neuter ot tho district. e LISTED STOCKS. Cherry Grey & Collins. abroad was ,?r MhM, jj Developments in coppor during tho Creek there In Vi ? ,1r bU mill, ' business, i A. M. H M. all necurltlca , This when ready for P. current woek havo been Cobre Richard RIchnrda. ere. Condition . Says It Will Become Greatest Commonwealth Mine lias Long anything but Columbia P.. I. a, Ml will have ten stamps, and will present P Rid. lAsked-- Bid. Askrt. encouraging. is truo some cop- Rurlow. higher prlcrm laUr X ?Javral immediate all tho ores It that lilko A. H. Cochrane. adv.,0 Lead-Silve- r an market for S V 1$ per has been sold a taking on .7 Producing Micro is Addle .. .. .01 $ .09 .01 .09 Drifts in Ore and Big Re- at l.'Ja cents Ely Marvlllo Stationery Co.; Grace colnniltJV produced by tho leasers, and Ajnx 271 275 .2SS pound, small fc ex- .295 but the amount was too Faxon; Wnldfn Burnett. Camp in Land. much of this rock now in shape for .Albion 23 22 to tho statement that the re- Pnllon Blark's N.P. Agency. traction. Alice s 2.50 2.00 2.75- sults Logical. warrant Goldfleld Louie Polln. duction stimulated conditions. With decidedly strong n Bt0no Vma4l At his own mill, states Mr. Chafoy, it Tunnel . .SI .SS .S5 .87 country, Canada turn- L.ns Vegas Wilson Drug Co. clean- nier Hill . .05 .06 .05 .06 this and Mexico Ch.irloB N. the management is making two ing coppor some- Lovelock Baker. tromoly .small1 Ud ST middle Ulntr Amal .145 .16 l' oilt at the rate of Maztima McLean & Dally. sort, Ml of nvailablo ups per mouth, and since tho B 35 37 thing liko 110,000.000 pounds a month, however modcrat"ihlft1"5 ''From the standpoint last, company has shipped .Tack .3i "In ni3 opinion tbero is not a moro Pioche A. A. Carman; Piocho Drug Co. promptly. of month tho Hon Brier 02 .002 .015 sales of oven 130,000,000 pounds on a Rawhide Mrs. I. Davis; Loul3 Polln. orc.tonnagos, Piocho is ho greatost and out ."0.000 worth gold bullion. Tho BoHt promising section of tlio stato of Utah shares and KomliwwiSliJSj! of Con . 11.00 14.00 reduction of 1 cent a pound could not Reno Rosenthal & Armanka; Shepard wore cmA.! "l' most camp T over Hole, tho 03 caders. Tl. wonderful niininp property known as tho Black Rkl.vn Con .03 for hip mining results thau section be rogarded aa & Son. ness and 'i r'W . that largo. strength ho PbS'fe C. well-know- n deepest proposition in tho district and Bullock . .082 .09 .085 .091 Ilhyollte The "Crescent." satisfactory visited," said F. Richmond, iho Century 10 of Beaver county Bomctimca included Producers admit that tho situation If not ncu the one that aroused all tho interost ... .10 Tonopah T. A. Old rather. It Is a "an1,, c. mining machinery man, who Oar Is a .S7 .94 .90 1.00 is discouraging, but aro hoping that slm;lh inarlco ' in the district, still is maintaining its ... within tho namo of Star district. Thoro Wonder Adams Bros. patience of any one who H ques-tion- . Col Min ... 3.10 3.125 3.10 3.125 conditions will chaugo for tho bettor 12. : Tuesday from tlio camp in even richness and extent as work pro- aro sovon or moro miles of territory Yerlngton G. Leavltt Son. will prove profitable Pick o,,?". ' Col Con ... 1.35 1.425 1.30 1.35 by spring. They say stocks of cop- show ni to Pioohe, ceeds, and Mr. Chafcy expresses him- - 31 ear ns l1 Mr. Richmond went not Con Mer throughout which identically tho eamo per oro not as largo ns many pooplo excess of what ,s U?cutTC to gospel his Alamo self entirely sntisliod with conditions. Cm Point .195 .20 .19J .21 bol Quotations, m.y H only preach tho of - Daly conditions exist for and all iove. Consumers declare they aro then, There has- boon a very lino striko of J .... 4.50 4.50 just as well posted ou copper stocks NORTH TINTIO IS waira little and then B hoisting engines, but to cL in personal milling rock recently on tho Lord Dragon I 41 .27 .40 that is needed in the proper sort of t.Vofe?! D Hump 10 10 as the copper producers. They figure WORTH ATTENTION ALSO touch with tho equipment he has soul "a of only Duu-ya- Brothers' lease. At depth E nnd H B. .70 70 .90 development work," said Is. A. that their plants havo been consuming into this district since the old camp was forty feet theso leasers havo en- Enc. Nest; 07 ...... 07 gonornl coppor of 50 per cent ol Mining Notes. ifK tho mining engineor and at the rate in lo'-c- placed on for tho countered eight, feet of ore, the 15 C Point . .04 .04J .04 .011 normal for twelve or lll'toen months, There is an opinion prevailing revived and its feet .OS managor of tho Commonwealth Mining bo average value of which is said to bo E Tin Con. .07J ,.075 .0'2 sec have been circles that the question relative to listed on tho exchange S0aaS ,t(m second timo less two years .ago. and cannot how stocks Colorado-Siou- tion of company ?wa than $20 ton. Tho Tululah company E Tin Dev. .155 .16 .15 .16 company. record-breakin- tho extension of ore which s j)ir tkopt down when the the Sunday olvcnj "Pioche needs a smelter, and it is has joined high-grad- e Emerald 20 20 Tribune. h the list of ore Mr. "Dunyan has just received a let- 'production of copper is taken into con- body towards tho south of the Sioux certain to cot it, and then .there will not shippers. lr. Chafcy says the camp is Gnlona 0( 04 is oi" no moro importance than that George Wilson left yf .t0m,.. and Godlvu .. 28 2S ter from the Commonwealth proporty sideration. As one consumer put it: noldt county. Nevada! be a more marvelous silver busy and contented, confident that G C to which wny docs it extend to wheYfl ,!M section in all the laud. If greater Own 27 .27 to tho effect that the two drifts on tho "If the surplus copper is not car- ested In the new Black things aro merely a matter of G Daisy ... .65 .SO .65 .SO o t.ho north of tho Beck Tunnel. Tbero Mr. mines of Pioche woro located within 150foob levol still continue to pone-trat- ried iu this country, then it is carried Wilson would not the time and time's development. Gd Cen ... 3.05 3.125 3.025 3.15 g nro thoso boliove terri- City as territory, the oro be- in Europe. Tlio Copper Producers as- who that the yesterday regarding oh?i'c't?fVi as easv reach of Salt Lako Ibex . ;.; .09 105 tory north 01 the Addie. or northwest soclatcs and self City or you would hear Ind Queen .09J .10 .09i .095 ing in each caso from ono to ono and sociation may make public figures that It Is thought prenUitonl'Sft Park Tintic, Boston Copper Market. in rock of show spiall surplus supplies. Wo ot' Iho Addie, will bear watching equally that of nothing else but Piocho in Salt. Lake Ingot .'. .02 02 a half foot width, the being ver3 to be made to take care or the James A. Pollock & Co., bankers and Inyo Gold . .052 .08 075 shipping had figures of small when with as much good ernce ns tho ground Is .W go wild about it. As C grade and carrying lead and stocks the scheduled to coniP. wo would fairly' brokers. West Second South stroot, fur- Iron Bios .. 2.55 south of the present interest centers of is, Pioche can rest comfortably in nish following, 2.525 2.55 2.575 silver. One of theso drifts has fol- old Copper Producers association was it tho received over tholr Iron Hat .. .01 .025 : lowed tho ore for a distance of active. We all know how decoiving Tintic. realization her mines havo at' private wire yesterday afternoon: I 1C total - the that Con.. .171 175 .20 12o feet, while Becond has been in they were. would be a good thing It is highly probablo that this here- H traded somo of the best and strongest j Bow 01 01 tho It BOSTON' o toforo neglected northern, stretch of infusion COPPER RANGE. Keystone . .25 .29 .2S5 .30 oro for thirty-fiv- feet. Tho drifts are if the copper producers made some ah ruining talent, and this ground will receive its share of atten- - of new blood is going to be tho salva- I Sales.l H. L. Clso K David 50 .50 400 feet, apart, and each has been to curtail production. We havo K William. .35 .40 .48 showing signs for somo timo of widen- glutted the markets of Europe, and, if tion from now on, for it is no much FAIRMOl tion of the district. The work that is Boston Con J00 14 14 FT in and should present Butte 1,125 241 Lehl Tin .. .07 .075 .07 .075 ing out into largo deposits of metal. wg knew tho facts, tho stocks abroad virgin character "being done in the mines is of tho most Coalition 241 24k .01 01 - Lead Kinc ...... oll,-00- 0 ns1 proposition for develop- character, the improvements Cat & Arizona J ISO 10SJ 105i IO63 feol that the Commonwealth com- would show up much larger tlran attractive a H O T permanent Con. I 100 Little Bell 2.125 2.20 2.20 2.225 "I ment as soction south or south and bound to stand Mcrcur 30c 30c SOc Lit Chief . .30 .32 .29 .31 pany has ono of tho best properties tons. Isow, the copper producers that Ef iro very substantial Copper Range 266 742 or southeast of the Colorado, where, at 1 L Mam .23 25 iu tho district, for was practically aro working their mines overtime, in he wear and tear of years ot hard Cumberland Ely 675 SI SJ SJ ... I pros- Mas 2.25 2.35 2.35 among dis-tric- t. face of a 50 cent consumption, present, everything is alive and toil, and the properties that do not Daly Vest 30 10$ lOi 101 Val .. 2.275 tho very first who took tho the per May Day.. .225 225 .27 in earnest," said Mr. Dunyan. and conditions will bo as bad hero as pering. show resources right now tiro ?o few Davis Daly 2.000 31 31 31 . .37 .38 ButtG 12,092 113 12R Mtn Lako .375 .375 "Being ono of on scone, they now aro abroad if something is and far scattered that it is not worth East 12J Nev 34 34 the first tho GIroux Con 1,300 81 SJ SI Brit wo naturally secured much good not done to cut down the output. Eu- - COLORADO AND SIOUX while to mention their names. Granby Con 101 101 Nev Hills . 1.50 1.55 1.475 1.50 101 4.75 5.00 4.50 5.10 ground, and from it wo oxpect big ropean copper dealers have been buy- "There is one property down there Grecno-- C 550 10E 101 10i Newhouso GOOD ! New .045 .07 .05 .07 things. look presont year to ing copper on the theory that it would JPOST DIVIDENDS I i (hat we seldom hear of. and there arc. Nevada Con 510 1SE IS5 IS? York I for the No Cllft 02 024 bo a ono advance as soon as business began to v very few people in Salt Lako who ap Nevnda Utah 1,170 31 31 31 banner for the Star camp. Tho NIpIssinp 371 01 P3 9J Ohio Cop .. 6.55 6.60 6.40 6.50 consolidation of Codar Talis- recovor. But tho business recovery Special to Tribune. preciate is really worthy That . ..SO the nnd Tho what it North 2.4S0 71B Piocho M. .25 .30 .26 mil- Is croup of tho Ncvada- - Butte 75i 75i 20 man means that this splendid' Icrritory has been slower ihan expected nnd PEOVO, Fob. 10. The directors of the Jackrabbil Trinity 3C5 15 154 15J Plutus ... .20 .205 .195 Prlnco .. . 1.325 1.35 1.325 1.85 will now bo developed as it should bo, lions of pounds of copper stored abroad tho Colorado and Sioux Mining coinpa United Con Com 14 132 14 aro waiting a Tt is tho management is shippinc ono car or oro U. S. Smelter 1S2 415 40 415 R and A 18 18 and tho work being dono on tho for market. nies both mot hero this afternoon, each Com... 03 copper is depress- a day and two cars every third day, U. S. Smelter Pfd 115 45 45 45 Sacra .032 .03 .04 Moscow, Hub, Bed Warrior, Mowitza foreign situation that posting S cents por share in tho shape to seventy Utah Consolidated ... 242 402 40" 402 Scot Chk--f .02 .05 035 and others will help conditions very ing tho metal market, as our surplus dis- averaging, therefore, close Sov Tro's . .16 .17 .15 .165 of dividends. The Colorado will is very fftio gTado of much.1' supplies havo been going abroad." tribute on tho 25th, books Scenic Hotel of the WorlS tons por day. It a BOSTON COPPER CLOSE. S Kinf; .... 3.775 3. SO 3.775 3.80 A New England manufacturer of $80,000 tho j i?yver-lea- d oro, and it is one of tho big Sll Shield . .11 11 to closo on tho 20th. The Sioux will Overlooks San Francisco Bayanft tho west. The Prince Con- I Bid. lAskcd. Sioux Con . 1.30 1.325 1.30 1.325 Novadas in San copper wire says; "I am not buying pay put over $59,000. on tho properties of Francisco. copper now and to. a littlo Five Minutes Ride from company has an astounding Ahrheclc 155 1G0 So Col Con. .48 .49 .47 .48 James A. & Co., don't intend Last 20th, tho books to closo on tho Fdp solidated Chcmunp ' 105 22 So 01 07 .11 Pollock bankers and Octobor looked liko a big business loth. tonnage of oro in sight, and with the PC rokera, 6 West Second South street, fur- it As the Sioux has 254,611 shares of stock 600 rooms. Every room has Mm? Globe 5? Swan Con . .28 .285 .28 .29 following, ahead and wo put all our men back certainty of placing as much more info 1 nish tho received over their still in tho tronsury, tho company's single room Helvetia 31 Swan Ex .. .015 .04 .04 .015 private wire yesterday: to work and started tho wheels going. Rales and bath tl&mt fhapo within a short time. Tho Mcndha Majestic 76 7S Str. Dosr . .02 02 monthly distribution on S conls per $3.cO. $4.00. $4.50, toJOO, ?7.00, 110.00., jW At that time, at, tho solieiation of the Suites-10.- 00. Is a marvel, and I liko it. Gas 6G OS So Iron B. .06 .062 .064 .062 share- is not $S0,000, as is thought in $1250. $15.00, fcfyOO tM Pioche King company, another Cobalt Cent 49- 50 Texas ..' .. .125 .15 GOLDFIELD. copper people, wo purchased a number many circles. "The 72 million pounds of copper Management Bait Lake organization, has about com- -' First National 7J Tetro . .. .175 .10 .17 .IS I Bid. lAsked. of at OJIbway J3I 14 Tin Con ... .135 .14 .14 .141 cents. Tho business boom flattenedlij all grading for the power ' S pleted the Adventure 9 Tin Com . .074 075 .07 .07J Sandstorm .12 $ out, however, with talk of tariff agi- NEVADA HILLS SHAFT Palace Hotel Compl hoist, tho new main 4 Columbia Mountain 12 house and and Arcadian 43 Tin Silver 125 .15 .13 we to off our men. twenty-fiv- o feet, ne 172 Vernal 15 .16 tation, and had lay Hhaft is down Atlantic, 17i T Sll Cwn 25 .22 .25 Wo now running a STILL IN RICH ORE rar of. oqnipment from my firm to this Centennial 33 33a Uintah .50 '. .18 Booth 10 are but four days property reached .the mine last Satur- Grcene-Canane- a 10 10S Unc Sam . .64 .65 .66 .67 Bluo Bull 21 .22 week in our wiro department, and aro La Sallo 144 15 03 02 Adams 11 .12 still working on copper. When asked Wednesday relative to day, the second car got thcro Tuesday, 3$ ln. Mcrcur 02 Mexico Con 4 Un . 40.00 40.00 SUvcr Pick we to copper the roports "that the Nevada Hills man- will leave today States May 09 ''Now aro asked buy while the third carload Old Dominion 52 53 Utah C Tin .205 , .21 .205 .21 Queon .10 cents, nothing agement was making an especially fino Pioche. consider this pretty quick Parrot 2SJ 29 Elack Butto Extension 03 at 136 but is said about for I Victor .. . .11 .115 .11 .115 tho copper' wo purchased at 11 cents, showing in tho shaft at the 3o0-foo- t work- - do not. consider tho Piocho Shannon 151 154 . . Bluo Bell 03 I that Victoria 1.90 1.975 1.925 1.05 03 tho wiro level. President W. V. "Rice confirmed King company has a gamble in its Tennessco Copper 402 415 Wabash 17 .13 .19 Dixie nor the advantago manufac- a "Winona 5 5i N. Cop .47 .51 St. Ives 03 .04 turer would have over us who did not tho same, adding that Mr. Webber, tho Pioche territory it looks to mo liko "Wyandotte ? 3 W. .46 .51 Conqueror 15 .17 Boston-Pioch- o . . take tho former advice of the copper managor. had sent word that tho oro is pinch. Tho old property 20E Yankee .26 .283 .26 Corbln 20J Cop .. .072 .OS .08 Black Rock 04 .05 peoplo and now buys at 13A conts. very rich. Mr. Rico believes that it U down 800 feet, and I understand from Zinc 27J 272 Yer .OSi Lono Star 05 .06 Royale 31J 32 Yer Nat .. .12 .20 Oro 10 Copper is controlled to a greater ex- would bo better, howovor, to await many sources of information that it is Zenoll 12 .12 looking especially fino underground. Miami 13J 14 Atlanta 13 .14 tent than any other commodity; that moro extensive development work to This property is now owned by tho S. &, P 15 15J FORENOON SALES. Great Bend 21 .23 is, half a dozen interests control the determine whether ifc is a permanent Ray Con 101 io5 Red Top Extension 04 .05 con- body tho compauy Alines company of this city. 2000 duik ot ino oucpucana yoc tno has driven into or Bcott Black Mountain 2j 2i Bullock, at 82c. Florence 3.95 4.00 sumer is assured ofless Btatnlit' thau merely a bunch of oro. The opinion "I was especially interested in tho Dominion Copper 10 Colorado, 650 at $3.12J. DIamondfleld B. B. Con... .08 .09 prbvails Efy Valley company's operations. This Hancock 12 13 Crown Point Con.. 500 at 195c. Goldfleld Daisy 71 .73 in almost any other commodity. The that tho former will be found - Roso : 65 ng East Crown Point, 1000 4c; 500 consumers don't care whether the price true. f company "is operating its hoist, com- La at at uuiuumiiuii .riajjiiuii .... i.iu j..jb pressor and drills for tho smallest cost Raven 52 55 41c. Great Bend Ex .05 is 13, 14, 35 or 16 conts, but if tho Yukon 12 4i East Tlntlc Consolidated, 1000 at 72c. Great Bond Annex .03 copper peoplo would only got togelhor r of any organization in the district. It Rliyolitc 44 Development, 100 Mining Stocks. - Coalition 46 East Tlntlc at 153c Kcwanos 20 and maintain prices as do tho 6toel peo- costs less- $2 per shift for S. & Central, 100 a't . 100 A. & a bit than B 164 i6j Grand 3.07s at Portland .05 plo, would great to James Pollock Co.. bankers and fuol at this property, and I consider Allouez 40n 41 $3,123, buyer sixty days. Crackcrjack 04 .05 it do of advantago brokers, 6 West Second South street, fur- I that economical operation." Az. Com'l 36" 365 Indian Queen. 1000 at 92c. Frances Mohawk .11 .13 all concerned." nish tho following, received over their IP C. & H 650 655 Iron Blossom, 100 ?2.55, seller zlxty M. E. Appelbaum, president of private wire yestornay afternoon: CORRE at Red Hills 11 .12 tho A PLEflil Copper Rango 745 73 days: 100 at $2.55. I.ou Dillon .01 New York Metal Selling company, BECOMES Metal Market, Franklin 155 152 Lehl Tlntlc. 8000 at 7c. L.TSTKD STOCKS. when the proper kind of st.illoMj, Yellow Tiger 17 .19 says: "Tho price of copper was on your Michigan 102 600 37c. I can supply all TmT The metal quotations for Wednesday, 11 Mountain Lake, at Grandma 04 .05 Tuesday lowered to 13 conts. Wo Sales.l II. L. ICIse used. We ' & fol- - Si 63 Nevada Hills. 500 at $1,525. that line. Goods and prices posted by McCornlck Co.. were as ' Goldfleld Consolidated ... 7.92j S.00 tons, 5 45 Jowr: lead, copper, Mohawk 63; 645 Seven Troughs, 1100 at 17c. DIamondfleld Triangle 02 .04 immediately effected sales of 2000 Nowhouse 1.000 0 at this store. Finest quality ai: Silver, 51ic: - 400 44 44 44 Qulncy 90J Sliver King- Coalition, 100 ?3.773, Btll- -' C. 25 tho bulk of it for February delivery, Utah Copper per and envelopes embossed IjK 13 at O. D. Tennessco Copper SOQ 40g 405 40S assortment ,CMr Osceola 134 135 er sixty days. Florence Extension 04 .05 and tho balance for March. It is rea- ... own dies. Largo Santa Fe 2'n 24 Sioux Consolidated, 1200 $1,323. books, office- specialties and raw II at Gold Bar 15 .20 sonable to assume total of othor NEW YORK hero-- Superior 39S thathe CURB RANGE. You'll h suited S95 Swansea Extension, 2000 at 4Jc; 15,000 6alcs mado was about 5000 to 6000 tons. stft.IonTV. United Copper 135 14 at 42c COMSTOCK. I Sales.l H. L--. ICIso Utah Copper 432 44 500 The prico was advanced to 13 cents Pembroke StaUonerj COPPER SUPPLY Swansea Consolidated, at 27c; 500 J IS Tamarack r &3i Bid. jAskcd. on Wednesday morning, which figuro Cumberland Ely 1,8001 SJ 8i S3 NOT VEEY LARGE $i at 273c; 600 at 28c. is Ely Consolidated ISc 10c ISc Salt Lake's Stationers. Ml Wolvcrino 146 16,300 14c. 5 $ now by com- Tlntlc Central. at Ophlr 1.173 being asked all tho soiling Copper 2,200 ft e SOUTH'ljM- - Newhouse 4; 5 600 64c '67 Dominion .... i 54 WEST SECOND -- Uncle Sam. at Mexican .68 panies. G. & S Sc 3c Sc , Over the private system j Lake 201 1000 1000 Greene r wire 153 Yerington. at 72c; at Sc. Gould and Curry 04 .05 is very easy to explain why a Nevada 2.000 3e ! of Pollock & Co.. yesterday, &C.-- 25 "It Utah 3J Si r it r Shares sold, 64.550. Consolidated Virginia 45 .46 tmsiness Nevada Smelter 11 11 -- ! 315 315 . much larger is not effected at lj n was stated from New York that Selling value, $11,378. Savage 18 .19 1 Apex, 61 63 18 the moment, as tho consumers, espe- Mitchell I 3 the merchantable copper stock K a OPEN BOARD. Hale and Norcross .19 GIroux Con 2,500 S2 Si Si - Kcw 41 35 cially in this country, aro waiting v of this country on hanrl- tho 1st Yellow Jackot .36 for King Edward S $ 3 I Bonnto Brlor, 3000 at lc. Belcher .20 .21 the statistics which will bo published Pollock & - of last January amounted to v- Bingham Amalgamated, 500 at 145c Tlntlc Mining 2i SJ 32 Jas. L Ore Shipments. Confidence 77 by tho Producers association within the First Cop 78 7jj 7C - 122,356, 2GG pounds, and that the . r Colorado. 500 at 53.123c. Sierra Nevada 23 .24 Nat II Tlif Pioneer sampler on "Wednesday Crown Point. 500 195c; 1000 a.t noxfc week or so: and if my information Boston Con II? 14 it? Si January production amounted to re- at 20c Exchequer 30 Brokers, r r leased 4 cars ore from buyer sixty days. as to tho actual stocks of refined c'op- - Nevada Con ISj 181 IS? Bankers and 112.000,000 pounds. This gives of Utah. Union 24 .25 Yukon Gold 300 43 43 43 The Taylor & Brunton company East Crown Point. 2000 at 4c 09 on hand in this country is oorroct, - a great deal of hope for copper v 10 Challenge .10 tior Montpr. Shoshono 14 lg 1; Stn ' cars from Utah and 1 from Cali- East Tlntlc Consolidated, 2000 at 73c 1Q statomenfc will bo a great surprise West Second South and coppers in local circles; fornia camps 1100 Potosl Miami Copper 14 14 14 Iron Blossom, at $2.55; 100 at to tho in general. S - that is, if these figures are any- - ! 52,523. trade El Rayo 3J SI ' , TONOPAH. figure so as Cobalt Contral 22.000 50 49 4IH I way "near correct. j- Union Assay Office, Mason Valley, 500 at 52.25. ''I that, far tho unsold New York, 400 5c. I Bid. lAskcd. stock or actual refined coppor is Ray Con 3 log 10 1Q M, S. Hnnauer, . at ' legitimate pw J. V. Sadler Extension, 6000 45c; $ therp is hardly enough for two Only 152 S. West Temple. O. 1446! Swansea at 1000 at Tonopah Nevada 6.00 $ NEW YORK CURB CLOSE. P. Box 4c. Montana Tonopah 70 months of consumption. In my opinion, Sioux Con., 2600 at 51.323: 500 at 51.323, Tonopah Extension 60 copper havo a sharp rebound when I Bid. lAskod. wires from Utah, to the g 400 will buyer twenty days; at 51.325. seller MacNamara .35 .36 & Lrondon 9 B 100 $1.80, the figures aro announced; and will Butte sixty days; at seller sixty days: .21 S-- IS marS Midway .24 from then on show gradual improve-mont- j Cumberland Ely 8 or "Western 600 at $1.30. Tonopah Belmont 84 .85 GIroux Consolidated SI S3 ern 600 28c; 200 assuming, of course, sb do, that ...... Swansea, at at 285c Tonopah North Stir 03 .01 I Nevada Consolidated lSl 15$ stocks Silver King, 200 at $3.80. West End Con, 30 tho industrial situation will continue Nevada Utah 3 3j "We buy or sell Tlntlc Central. 3000 at 14c; 6000 at 143c, Rescue .03 .04 to improve." Nlplsslng 93 10 1000 14ic-Tlnt- buyer Blxty days; at lc Jim Butler 15 Nowhouse 45 5 bonds in an'y mnrket of Combination, 800 at 74c Mining Stocks. Tennessee Copper ...... 40a 41 I Last Best Uncle Sam, 100 at 64c. BULLFROG. San Francisco and 432 Utah Coppor 44 Con.. 2000 SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 10. offi- Duplex Utah at 21c I The Davl3 Daly 31 3B Our new 100 Bid. Asked. world. Western Nevada, at 47c; 100 at 48c, cial closing quotations for mining stocks Dominion Copper ft $ today were as follows: buyor sixty days. Montana JBullfrog $ .02" Ely Central J 5 more than doul Shares sold, 42,300. National Bank 03 .05 Alpha Con. ..$ .04 Mexican ...... 67 Ely Consolidated 10 18 service Selling value, $15,775.50. Amethyst 04 .05 Andes 09 Occident Con . ,17 Furnace Creek 11 12 Suit Chance - AFTERNOON SALES. Bonnie Clare 04 .05 Belcher 21 Ophlr 1.17 Greene G. &. S. Cora 3 8 our capacity. Mayflower Con 15 & .3-- Beck Tunnel. 100 at 86c .16 Best Belch. Overman oi" Mitchell i G. Sceptre 01 Bullion 10 Potest OS Montgomery Shoshone ..... IB Bullock, 1000 at S3c: 5000 at 3c. Montgomery Mtn 09 ,10 Nevada. Smelting ll Colorado. 200 at $3,125. Caledonia . . .06 Savasro IS IJ li Homcstako Con, ...... 07 .08 Con. .. .11 Scorpion 06 Silver Queen G3 71 m Crown Point. 200 at 20c. Con 10 dial. Queen, 3500 5000 Tramp .11 Chollar OS Sep. Belcher; . .02 Silver Loaf 10 12 Indian at 9ic: at 10c. KJnfiT g Blossom, 2150 $2.55; 500 C C and Vii.. .11 Sler. Nevada . .25 Edward 3 Iron at at $2.60, . Foster Cobalt ; 40 50 buyer sixty days; 100 at 52.55, seller Con. Imperial .02 Silver Hill ... .21 I El Rayo : 31 alxty days; 500 at $2573, tmyer thirty Bid. lAsked. Gould & Currlo .01 Union Con. .. .25 3j dayH. Hale Ss Norcr03 .19 Utah Con 01 Cobalt Central 481 40 Manhattan Consolidated .. $ .04 $ .05 McKlnley-Darrag- h 93 1.00 Keystone, 500 28c; 100 283c; 1900 -. Ken tuck Con .02 Tel. Jacket .. .33 at at at Dexter .... .- .02 ...... Tlntm Mining 35 33 29c; 500 at 29c .01 NEW YORK MINING STOCKS. r, Bell. 400 $2.22j; 8 Plnenut ...... Gibraltar Llttlo at at ?2. Buffalo ,Ql Alice $2. 00 Little Chief ... .06 First National Copper. 71 73 322SoJ!ainS Llttlo Chief. 500 at SOc Standard 01 03 Boston Consolidated 14 j Mt. Lake, 100 at 38c. buyer days. Bruns. Con Mexican ...... 65 ...... 143 thirtv Mineral Hill 04 .. .26 Ontario Yukon Gold 43 1 13-1- G Nevada Hills. 100 51.50; 200 $1.50. Comsfk Tun 4.00 at at do bondM 17 Ophlr 1.15 North Butte Ext 0 s so many buyer thirty daj's. OTHER DISTRICTS. .45 Miami Copper j.j ! That you hear Plutus, 3500 at 20c C C and Va... Standardi 1.50 Bay isj K I Horn Sliver ... .70 Yel. State Gas 15 ig they Silver King Coalition. 100 at $3.80. Bid. lAsked. Jacket ... .35 PeVina-Wyoml- g 1 where 200 Lcadv. Con 05 10 pie telling Sioux Con.. at 51.323. Falrvlow Eagle S .30 Ray Consolidated loj 10 South Columbus Con., 300 473c; 600 BOSTON MINING STOCKS. Come at Nevada Hills 1.50 1.60 I their bargain. j 100 at 48c Pittsburg Silver .v SO .5 8.75 M C Peak .... Adventure and C. .17 s Tlntlc Central. 5500 at 14Jc: 500 at 14c. Eagle's Nest 05 Allouez . 40.50 Nevada 1S.37J Stock Letters. I one yourself. K rWf Uncle Sam, 100 at 6ic; 200 at 65c; 1400 Hailstone 01 .02 Amalgam , . 77.125 Old Doraln .. get at 66c; 100 at 67c 52.50 Jatnos A. Pollock & Co., bankers and Round Mountain ...... 86 Ariz. Com. .. 36.00 Osceola 131.00 brokers, G 3 Utah Con., 2500 at 21c. Rawhldo Queon 35 . 17.25 West Second South street, fur- below Walker's. They're going fast, and why not? 700 Atlantic ... Parrot 28.75 nish the following, received over Victor. at 113c. Rawhide Coalition 43 Butte Coall .. 24.871 Qulncy . ... po.50 private wiro yesterday their Yerlngton Copper, 2000 atj7?c; 6000 at Cal and Arlz.106.50 Shannon . .. 15.12o afternoon: 8c . 650. 00 IlOrnblower & Woeks's Copper Letter-Bos- ton OBERNDORFEB, BBO-KER- . Cal and Hoc. Tamarack . . 83.50 The story 1 Shares sold, 46,650. J. HTOOK Centennial . . 33.25 Trinity of tho settlement of Selling value, $18,043.50. 161 8. Main. Tel. Bell 792. 15.50 the Calumet and Hocla nnd Osceola con- Cop Range ... 74. o0 Unit Cop .... 13.75 troversy was again In circulation todav. OPEN BOARD. Dalv West .. 10.00 U S Mining.. 41.25 Prices from tlio opening have been strong JOHN A. KIRBY. K'.j3f 2000 Franklin . .. 157.0 U S Oil Bullock. at 9c. at 6Jc, buyer sixty days; 2000 at 7c, 31.12 under the Jeadorshlp of the stoclcs men- & COM Beck Tunnel, 600 at SOc, buyer thirty buyer sixty days. Greene Can. . 10.37J Utah . 41.00 tioned In the deal. Royale, Tamarack COBB IhIo Royale .. 31.75 Victoria 4.75 and R. K. days. Sioux Con., 600 at $1.30; 1400 at $1,323. .... Osceola wero the early features, while AND BOWM - Mng. .. 6.121 Winona . 5,00 many STOCKS Colorado, 500 at 53.125; 100 at $3.15, Swansea Extension,- 1000 at 4Jc, buyer 7Ians ... others fell into lino and became. MINES, buyer thirty days. sixty days. Michigan . 10.75 Wolvorino . 446.00 active and strong during tho day. The 63.50 CO Tolephoes- -lj East Tlntlc Development. 500 at 16c, Tlntlc Contra!, 2000 at 15c, buyer sixty Mohawk . ... Nor Butto ... 75. settlement talk on Calumet and Hocla and buyer sixty days; 2000 at 153c day; 7500 at 143c Osceola deal Is very strong, and It would King William. 1500, 40c Oro not bo surprising to Its announce- at Tlntlc Combination, 1000 at 7ic and Bullion. ment hear of Keystone. 500 at 29c. Uncle Sam, 100 at 66c. The oro bullion report lnttho near future. Market con- Ohio Copper, 100 $6.50. and for Wednes- tinued active until closing, at Utah Con.. 200 at 21c. day, given by McCornlck it Co., w:uj as which was thu CURRIMSSA Plutus, 500 at. 193c Shares sold, 28.000, Ore at about Hf best. J.W. 1 follows: received, $65,000; bullion Hutton Stock South Iron BloBBom, 3000 at. CJc; 1000 ' Selling value, 59028, shipped. SIQO.MO, Letter, New York. Sot, Salt LflKH , A feature in today's session was tho gen- - 70 W. 3rd

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