\.J ,. John an Mccone/ , ,I;' I Chai7;>Man ' Genei'm A, R
REDACTED COpy Conglreu of the United Statea Joint Committ&:t, on Atomic Ener,>gy Full Committee -=- ,....-'".~_. Meeting No" Time; 10:00 a.tIl> pu.,ce: Room FQ88.• the Capitol Date: Auguat 30. 1960 PURPOSE WITNESSES. AEC \.J ,. , ,I;' John An McCone/i Chai7;>man ' GeneI'M A, R. ~edecke, Gene>l>'al 1'.![anagel' Geol>' ge F. Quinn, DiX'ectOl:'. Div. 0% Plfoduetion Charle.lI L.Marllhall. Dil"?edol:', Di,'" of Clsasification D1:. :?aul McDaniel, pUector, Div, of Relleal:'ch I:lJ:'. (;. L. Rogolla, Oiv.l')f Re8eOlS.d~ Ino ¢eorge A, Kolatlld, Chief, PIWF1.ell and Mathematics Blranch; Div. of Rel!iIlall',ch , ., , I / S&ate 0!:Ral:t.m'!~ / Chul!lll Sullivan /) EXECUTIVE SESSION MEETING NO. 86-2-49 TUESDAY, AUGUST JO, 1960 Joint Committee on Atomic Energy Congress of the United States Washington, D. C. The Joint Committee on Atomic Energy met, pursuant to call, at 10:15 p.m., in the Committee Room, the Capitol, Honorable Clinton p. Anderson (Chairman) presiding. Present were: Senators Clinton p. Anderson (presiding), John O. Pastore, Albert Gore, Bourke B. Hickenlooper and Wallace Bennett; Representatives Chet Holifield, Melvin Price, James E. Van Zandt, Craig Hosmer and William Bates. Committee Consultants present: Captain Edward J. Bauser, USN, and Lt. Colonel Richard T. Lunger. Committee staff present: James T. Ramey, Executive Director, John T. Conway, David R. Toll, Carey Brewer, George T. Murphy, Jr., and Kenneth MacAlpine. Representatives of the Atomic Energy Commission: Honorable John A. McCone, Chairman, Honorable Robert E. Wilson and Hooorable Loren Olson, Commissioners, General A. R. Luedecke, General Manager, George F.
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