March 8, 2021

Attorney General Office 1031 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99501-1994

Dear acting Attorney General Taylor, The Public Interest Research Group (AKPIRG) respectfully requests the consideration of violations by Governor Dunleavy and former chief of staff of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act, AS 39.52.180: Restriction on employment after leaving state service. AKPIRG requests the commencement of an ethics investigation into the actions and chain of events that surround the absence of a written waiver submission by Gov. Dunleavy to the attorney general with regards to the departure of Mr. Stevens from the Office of the Governor into his new role at ConocoPhillips Alaska as Vice President of external affairs and transportation which, according to ConocoPhillips Alaska spokeswoman Natalie Lowman, includes government relations. (See Page 21) Ethics violations include failure by Gov. Dunleavy and Mr. Stevens to submit a copy of a written waiver to the attorney general in order to obtain approval or disapproval, as required by AS 39.52.180 (c), along with the Governor and Mr. Stevens’ actions to circumvent the statutory process, set by Alaska laws, to impose necessary restrictions on Mr. Stevens’ employment activities after his tenure in the Office of the Governor in a policy-making position, pursuant to AS 39.52.181(a), (d), and (e), to avoid conflicts of interest for up to two years after leaving state service and to prevent corruption. The Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act, Sec. 39.52.010. Declaration of policy states: (a) It is declared that (1) high moral and ethical standards among public officers in the executive branch are essential to assure the trust, respect, and confidence of the people of this state; (2) a code of ethics for the guidance of public officers will (A) discourage those officers from acting upon personal or financial interests in the performance of their public responsibilities; (B) improve standards of public service; and (C) promote and strengthen the faith and confidence of the people of this state in their public officers; (3) holding public office or employment is a public trust and that as one safeguard of that trust, the people require public officers to adhere to a code of ethics; (4) a fair and open government requires that executive branch public officers conduct the public's business in a manner that preserves the integrity of the governmental process and avoids conflicts of interest; (5) in order for the rules governing conduct to be respected both during and after leaving public service, the code of ethics must be administered fairly without bias or favoritism; …

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Sec. 39.52.180. Restrictions on employment after leaving state service states: (a) A public officer who leaves state service may not, for two years after leaving state service, represent, advise, or assist a person for compensation regarding a matter that was under consideration by the administrative unit served by that public officer, and in which the officer participated personally and substantially through the exercise of official action. For the purposes of this subsection, "matter" includes a case, proceeding, application, contract, determination, proposal or consideration of a legislative bill, a resolution, a constitutional amendment, or other legislative measure, or proposal, consideration, or adoption of an administrative regulation. (c) The head of an agency may waive application of (a) of this section after determining that representation by a former public officer is not adverse to the public interest. The waiver must be in writing and a copy of the waiver must be provided to the attorney general for approval or disapproval. (d) An individual who formerly held a position listed in this subsection may not engage in activity as a lobbyist under AS 24.45 for a period of one year after leaving that position. This subsection does not prohibit service as a volunteer lobbyist described in AS 24.45.161(a)(1) or a representational lobbyist as defined under regulations of the Alaska Public Offices Commission. This subsection applies to the position of (1) governor; (2) lieutenant governor; (3) head or deputy head of a principal department in the executive branch; (4) director of a division or legislative liaison within a principal department in the executive branch; (5) legislative liaison, administrative assistant or other employee of the Office of the Governor or Office of the Lieutenant Governor in a policy-making position; (6) member of a state board or commission that has the authority to adopt regulations, other than a board or commission named in AS 08.01.010; (7) member of a governing board and executive officer of a state public corporation. (e) A former head of a principal department in the executive branch may not, for a period of one year after leaving service as the head of that department, serve on the governing board of a company, organization, or other entity that was regulated by that department or with which the former department head worked as part of an official duty as the department head. A former employee of the Office of the Governor in a policy-making position may not, for a period of one year after leaving employment in that office, serve on the governing board of a company, organization, or other entity with which the former employee worked as part of an official duty for the Office of the Governor. (f) In this section, “employee of the Office of the Governor in a policy-making position” means a person who is an employee required, because of the person’s position in the Office of the Governor, to file a statement under AS 39.50.020.

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AKPIRG files this ethics complaint because we learned on Friday, March 5, 2021, in response to an information request dated Feb. 24, 2021 (See Page 9), that a copy of a written waiver had not been submitted to the attorney general by Governor Dunleavy or Ben Stevens for approval or disapproval, as mandated by Sec. 39.52.181(c). It follows that a written waiver, as mandated by Sec. 39.52.180(c), was not approved or disapproved by the attorney general, and restrictions were not imposed, according to Sec. 39.52.181(a), (d), and (e). (See Page 6) “Based on oral conversations with Mr. Stevens, we understand he will have a variety of responsibilities in his new job, and those responsibilities do not include working for Conoco Phillips as a lobbyist. This is in compliance with the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act’s one-year limitation on serving as a state lobbyist. See AS 39.52.180(d). Furthermore, based on oral conversations with Mr. Stevens, we understand that he will not be working on any matters in which he participated personally and substantially through the exercise of official action while serving as Chief of Staff: i.e., he will not be in violation of AS 39.52.180(a). Thus, Mr. Stevens is fully aware of his responsibilities under the Ethics Act and has been working (again, through oral discussions) with the Department of Law to ensure an ethical transition to his new role. In the future, if a question arises regarding the need for a waiver, the Governor and the Attorney General will consider it at that time.” Gov. Dunleavy or Ben Stevens had ample time to submit a copy of a written waiver for Ben Stevens’ new role as Vice President of external affairs and transportation, which includes government relations duties, among others. On Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021, the governor’s office released a congratulatory press release about Mr. Stevens’ new job. (See Page 19) On the same day, Feb. 24, 2021, an article titled Dunleavy Chief of Staff Ben Stevens to leave for VP job at ConocoPhillips Alaska includes ConocoPhillips Alaska spokeswoman Natalie Lowman. Ms. Lowman stated that Mr. Stevens’ duties will include “government relations” as part of his responsibilities, among others such as the management of ConocoPhillips Alaska’s pipeline business, including its interests in the trans-Alaska pipeline. (See Page 21)

Also on Thursday, Feb. 24, 2021, AKPIRG emailed you and asked if a written waiver was received from the governor’s office with regards to Ben Stevens. The response follows: (See Page 9) “Mr. Stevens has not yet left state service, and any analysis and final determination on this issue has yet to be made. If any determination is warranted under AS 39.52.180, it will be a public document.” On Sunday, Feb. 28, 2021, Mr. Stevens terminated his role as the governor’s chief of staff and immediately started his job as Vice President of external affairs and transportation, (including government relations as

Page 3 mentioned by ConocoPhillips Alaska spokeswoman Natalie Lowman), at ConocoPhillips Alaska, in Anchorage on Monday, March 1, 2021 – the very next day. Mr. Stevens was an employee of the Office of the Governor as the governor’s chief of staff. In his role as chief of staff, Mr. Stevens was involved in numerous cases, proceedings, applications, contracts, determinations, proposals and countless considerations of legislative bills, resolutions, constitutional amendments, and other legislative measures, proposals, considerations, adoptions of administrative regulations. Hence, AS 39.52.180(a) applies to him. Ostensibly, he made policy-making decisions and has also filed public official financial statements to the Alaska Public Offices Commission (See pages 10-18) as required by AS. 39.50.020 in 2019 and 2020. Therefore, AS 39.52.180(f) applies to Mr. Stevens as well. As head of his agency, Gov. Dunleavy must have considered whether or not to waive application of AS 39.52.180(a) for Mr. Stevens. The Governor must have had to determine whether Mr. Stevens’ jump from his role as chief of staff to the VP of external affairs and transportation at ConocoPhillips Alaska, which includes government relations work (according to ConocoPhillips Alaska spokeswoman Natalie Lowman), was not adverse to the public interest. If the Governor determined that a waiver was not in order, and that his chief of staff’s significant, sudden, and abrupt jump from the public sector to the private sector was not adverse to the public interest, the Governor, as head of his agency, was required to submit a copy of the written waiver to the attorney general. The attorney general then needed to review the copy of the written waiver and approve or disapprove it. According to the March 5, 2021 to AKPIRG, the governor and Ben Stevens failed to go through the process as laid out in AS 39.52.180. Questions: As head of the Office of the Governor, did Gov. Dunleavy waive application of this section and clear the way for Ben Stevens to accept his position at ConocoPhillips Alaska? Did the governor consider the relevance, significance and need to impose a two-year waiting period restriction, per by AS 39.52.180(a), and the one-year lobbying restrictions, per AS 39.52.181(d), and(e), that needed to be imposed on Mr. Stevens, an employee of the Office of the Governor, as they relate to Mr. Stevens’ new government relations duties, among other duties associated with ConocoPhillips Alaska’s business interests, such as the management of pipeline interests and the trans-Alaska pipeline, as mentioned by ConocoPhillips Alaska’s spokeswoman? Did the Governor consider that most department and agency heads, such as commissioners and other officials employed with the departments of Natural Resources, Environment Conservation, and Revenue, among other departments, reported to his chief of staff as an ordinary course of business and discussed administrative, regulatory and legislative actions, among other things, related to the oil and gas industry, and other natural resource extraction industries? Did Gov. Dunleavy consider what and how much privileged, confidential, and publicly undisclosed information, strategies, advice, opinions, etc. ConocoPhillips is now privy to, at the public’s expense, and certainly at the expense of other market competitors, now that they have his former top public official, his chief of staff, at their disposal?

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If the governor did consider the serious and important implications of the restrictions imposed by AS 39.52.181(a), (c), and (d): 1. How did he consider them? 2. When did he consider them? 3. Why was a copy of the written waiver not submitted to the attorney general? Alaska’s ethics laws are clear about what is required when a public official who works in the Office of the Governor in a policy-making position chooses to leave and work outside state government. The Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act requires that the head of an agency must determine that a waiver is not adverse to the public interest and then a copy of that written waiver has to be submitted to the attorney general for approval or disapproval, pursuant to AS 39.52.180. In this case, Governor Dunleavy is the head of the agency and Ben Stevens is the employee in the Office of the Governor in a policy-making situation who has chosen to leave. But the Governor and Mr. Stevens did not follow the law. A copy of a written waiver is nonexistent. The recent actions of Gov. Dunleavy and Ben Stevens, and the manner in which they have ignored laws and waved away their responsibility to those laws, threatens the public’s confidence and trust in the manner conflicts of interests and ethics laws are handled and abused in the Office of the Governor. Market tampering has been endorsed by the highest levels of our State government in the uppermost office of Alaska’s state government. The endorsement and enabling by Gov. Dunleavy to circumvent our ethics and conflict of interest laws so that his former chief of staff could land a top job at the highest levels of ConocoPhillips, a global enterprise with massive holdings in Alaska, betrays the public trust and interest, creates an unfair advantage, and is corrupt. Please advise. Sincerely,

Veri di Suvero

Executive Director

Alaska Public Interest Research Group

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0"64(8!†ÿ2A Page 9 611327#8448!#"4779@ABCDECF"G'!&B31G2!("6BG3!(716HB16(!HI(%$CCD$$CPPPCCID5728EIP$%PCDQ C POFD FORM

COMPLETED Submission Date: 01/01/2019


First Name: Ben Last Name: Stevens Address: 4901 Sportsman Drive City, State Zip: Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Contact Phone: 907-269-7450 Alternate Phone: Nothing to Report Fax (Optional): Nothing to Report Email: [email protected] Partner Type: Spouse Spouse/Domestic Partner Name: Elizabeth E. Stevens Dependent Children: 4 Non-Dependent Children: 0


Report Year: 2018

Report Dates: From 01/01/2017 Through 12/31/2017 Filing As: State Office Holder Branch: Executive Position: Assistant to the Governor Department: Office of the Governor Report Type: Initial


Owner Type Detail Description Amount Filer Salaried Cook Inlet Tug & Barge Inc. management $100,000 - $200,000

Full-time From: 01/01/2017 Through 12/31/2017 Time Worked: Spouse Salaried Alaska Optimetric Assocaition Association Executive Director $20,000 - $50,000

Part-time From: 01/01/2017 Through 12/31/2017 Time Worked: 12 mon/ 85 days/ 680 hrs Spouse Salaried KEEP Alaska Competitive Executive Director, Manager $20,000 - $50,000

Part-time From: 01/01/2017 Through 12/31/2017 Time Worked: 12 months/ 85 days/ 680 hrs Child Salaried Le Conte LLC Camp Cook $2,000 - $5,000

Part-time From: 06/20/2017 Through 07/15/2017 Time Worked: 1/14/112 Child Salaried Lynden Transport Inc Customer Service Agent $20,000 - $50,000

Hourly From: 01/01/2017 Through 12/31/2017 Time Worked: 12/2101260 Child Salaried Alaska Sportsman Lodge Fishing guide/Camp hand $10,000 - $20,000

Part-time From: 06/01/2017 Through 08/15/2017 Time Worked: 2.5/75/600 Page 10 page 1 of 3 Owner Type Detail Description Amount Child Salaried Alpha Sigma Theta Fraternity Food Service attendant $2,000 - $5,000

Hourly From: 01/25/2017 Through 12/10/2017 Time Worked: 7/60/180 Child Salaried Le Conte LLC Camp Hand $5,000 - $10,000

Part-time From: 06/15/2017 Through 07/30/2017 Time Worked: 1.5/45/360 Child Salaried Le Conte LLC Camp Hand $5,000 - $10,000

Part-time From: 06/15/2017 Through 07/30/2017 Time Worked: 1.5/45/360 Filer Dividend Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest Spouse Dividend Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest Child Dividend Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest Child Dividend Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest Child Dividend Alaska Permanenet Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest


Owner Type Detail Description Interest Filer Business Business Name: CWG Mining Company Share holder in Mining enterpro Position / Type: Stock LLC se holder

4901 sportsman Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Spouse Business Business Name: CWG Mining Company Share holder in mining enterpris Position / Type: share LLC e holder

4901 Sportsman Dr Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Filer, Real 4901 Sportsman Dr Ownership Interest: residence Spouse Property Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Child Beneficial Managed By: Charles Schwab Inc IRA Ownership: 100% Child Beneficial Managed By: Charles Schwab Inc IRA Ownership: 100% Child Beneficial Managed By: Charles Schwab Inc IRA Ownership: 100% Child Beneficial Managed By: Charles Schwab Inc IRA Ownership: 100% Filer Beneficial Managed By: Fidelity Retirement fund Ownership: 100%


Owner Type Name Filer Lender Wells Fargo Bank Filer Lender Alaska USA FCU Filer Lender BMW /Mini Finacial Services Page 11 page 2 of 3 Owner Type Name Filer Lender Toyota Finacial Services Filer Lender Fidelitiy Bank


Type of Owner Lease/Contract ID Interest Status Description Lease Filer Natural 323674,323675,323676,323677,323678,323679,528591,528592,528593 mining Held mining claim Resource claim s


Person Disclosing Association Associated Person Description No Associations / Nothing to Report


Name Address Compensation No Lobbyist Partner Employers / Nothing to Report

Page 12 page 3 of 3 POFD FORM

COMPLETED Submission Date: 03/11/2019


First Name: Ben Last Name: Stevens Address: 4901 Sportsman Drive City, State Zip: Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Contact Phone: 907-269-7450 Alternate Phone: Nothing to Report Fax (Optional): Nothing to Report Email: [email protected] Partner Type: Spouse Spouse/Domestic Partner Name: Elizabeth E. Stevens Dependent Children: 4 Non-Dependent Children: 0


Report Year: 2019

Report Dates: From 01/01/2018 Through 12/31/2018 Filing As: State Office Holder Branch: Executive Position: Assistant to the Governor Department: Office of the Governor Report Type: Annual


Owner Type Detail Description Amount Filer Salaried Cook Inlet Tug & Barge Inc. management $200,000 - $500,000

Full-time From: 01/01/2018 Through 12/01/2018 Time Worked: Spouse Salaried Alaska Optimetric Assocaition Association Executive Director $20,000 - $50,000

Part-time From: 01/01/2018 Through 12/31/2018 Time Worked: 12 mon/ 85 days/ 680 hrs Spouse Salaried KEEP Alaska Competitive Executive Director, Manager $20,000 - $50,000

Part-time From: 01/01/2018 Through 12/31/2018 Time Worked: 12 months/ 85 days/ 680 hrs Child Salaried Le Conte LLC Camp Cook $2,000 - $5,000

Part-time From: 06/20/2018 Through 07/15/2018 Time Worked: 1/14/112 Child Salaried Lynden Transport Inc Customer Service Agent $20,000 - $50,000

Hourly From: 01/01/2018 Through 12/31/2018 Time Worked: 12/2101260 Child Salaried Alaska Sportsman Lodge Fishing guide/Camp hand $10,000 - $20,000

Part-time From: 06/01/2018 Through 08/15/2018 Time Worked: 2.5/75/600 Page 13 page 1 of 3 Owner Type Detail Description Amount Child Salaried Le Conte LLC Camp Hand $5,000 - $10,000

Part-time From: 06/15/2018 Through 07/30/2018 Time Worked: 1.5/45/360 Child Salaried Le Conte LLC Camp Hand $2,000 - $5,000

Part-time From: 06/15/2018 Through 07/15/2018 Time Worked: 1/20/160 Filer Salaried State fo Alaska/Office of the Governor Policy Advisor $5,000 - $10,000

Full-time From: 12/03/2018 Through 12/31/2018 Time Worked: Filer Salaried Pepple Limited Partnership Member Citzens Advisory Boar $20,000 - $50,000 d Commission From: 01/01/2018 Through 11/30/2018 Time Worked: 12 months Filer Dividend Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest Spouse Dividend Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest Child Dividend Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest Child Dividend Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest Child Dividend Alaska Permanenet Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest


Owner Type Detail Description Interest Filer Business Business Name: CWG Mining Company Share holder in Mining enterpro Position / Type: Stock LLC se holder

4901 sportsman Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Spouse Business Business Name: CWG Mining Company Share holder in mining enterpris Position / Type: share LLC e holder

4901 Sportsman Dr Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Filer, Real 4901 Sportsman Dr Ownership Interest: residence Spouse Property Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Child Beneficial Managed By: Charles Schwab Inc IRA Ownership: 100% Child Beneficial Managed By: Charles Schwab Inc IRA Ownership: 100% Child Beneficial Managed By: Charles Schwab Inc IRA Ownership: 100% Child Beneficial Managed By: Charles Schwab Inc IRA Ownership: 100% Filer Beneficial Managed By: Fidelity Retirement fund Ownership: 100%


Page 14 page 2 of 3 Owner Type Name Filer Lender Wells Fargo Bank Filer Lender Alaska USA FCU Filer Lender BMW /Mini Finacial Services Filer Lender Toyota Finacial Services Filer Lender Fidelitiy Bank


Type of Owner Lease/Contract ID Interest Status Description Lease Filer Natural 323674,323675,323676,323677,323678,323679,528591,528592,528593 mining Held mining claim Resource claim s


Person Disclosing Association Associated Person Description No Associations / Nothing to Report


Name Address Compensation No Lobbyist Partner Employers / Nothing to Report

Page 15 page 3 of 3 POFD FORM

COMPLETED Submission Date: 03/16/2020


First Name: Ben Last Name: Stevens Address: 4901 Sportsman Drive City, State Zip: Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Contact Phone: 907-269-7450 Alternate Phone: Nothing to Report Fax (Optional): Nothing to Report Email: [email protected] Partner Type: Spouse Spouse/Domestic Partner Name: Elizabeth E. Stevens Dependent Children: 4 Non-Dependent Children: 0


Report Year: 2020

Report Dates: From 01/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 Filing As: State Office Holder Branch: Executive Position: Assistant to the Governor Department: Office of the Governor Report Type: Annual


Owner Type Detail Description Amount Spouse Salaried Alaska Optimetric Assocaition Association Executive Director $20,000 - $50,000

Part-time From: 01/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 Time Worked: 12 mon/ 85 days/ 680 hrs Spouse Salaried KEEP Alaska Competitive Executive Director, Manager $20,000 - $50,000

Part-time From: 01/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 Time Worked: 12 months/ 85 days/ 680 hrs Child Salaried Le Conte LLC Camp Cook $2,000 - $5,000

Part-time From: 06/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 Time Worked: 1/14/112 Child Salaried Lynden Transport Inc Customer Service Agent $20,000 - $50,000

Hourly From: 01/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 Time Worked: 12/2101260 Child Salaried Alaska Sportsman Lodge Fishing guide/Camp hand $10,000 - $20,000

Part-time From: 06/01/2019 Through 08/15/2019 Time Worked: 2.5/75/600 Child Salaried Le Conte LLC Camp Hand $5,000 - $10,000

Part-time From: 06/15/2019 Through 07/30/2019 Time Worked: 1.5/45/360 Page 16 page 1 of 3 Owner Type Detail Description Amount Child Salaried Le Conte LLC Camp Hand $2,000 - $5,000

Part-time From: 06/15/2018 Through 07/15/2018 Time Worked: 1/20/160 Filer Salaried State fo Alaska/Office of the Governor Policy Advisor $100,000 - $200,000

Full-time From: 01/01/2019 Through 12/31/2019 Time Worked: Filer Dividend Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest Spouse Dividend Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest Child Dividend Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest Child Dividend Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest Child Dividend Alaska Permanenet Fund Dividend $1,000 - $2,000 or Interest


Owner Type Detail Description Interest Filer Business Business Name: CWG Mining Company Share holder in Mining enterpro Position / Type: Stock LLC se holder

4901 sportsman Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Spouse Business Business Name: CWG Mining Company Share holder in mining enterpris Position / Type: share LLC e holder

4901 Sportsman Dr Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Filer, Real 4901 Sportsman Dr Ownership Interest: residence Spouse Property Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Child Beneficial Managed By: Charles Schwab Inc IRA Ownership: 100% Child Beneficial Managed By: Charles Schwab Inc IRA Ownership: 100% Child Beneficial Managed By: Charles Schwab Inc IRA Ownership: 100% Child Beneficial Managed By: Charles Schwab Inc IRA Ownership: 100% Filer Beneficial Managed By: Fidelity Retirement fund Ownership: 100%


Owner Type Name Filer Lender Wells Fargo Bank Filer Lender Alaska USA FCU Filer Lender BMW /Mini Finacial Services Filer Lender Toyota Finacial Services Filer Lender Fidelitiy Bank

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Office of Governor MIKE DUNLEAVY


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ALL NEWS Governor Congratulates Ben PRESS RELEASES PROCLAMATIONS Stevens on New Position SPEECHES AND REMARKS STATEMENTS February 24, 2021 GOVERNOR’S OP-EDS February 24, 2021 (Juneau) – Governor Mike Dunleavy is announcing that ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS Chief of Staff Ben Stevens will be leaving the administration to become the SUBSCRIBE new vice president of external affairs and transportation at ConocoPhillips MEDIA Alaska. Mr. Stevens last day in the governor’s office will be announced soon.

“I want to thank Ben for his hard work and service to the State of Alaska the past two years. His knowledge and political acumen have been an asset to ARCHIVES the administration and I wish him the very best in his new role at Select Month ConocoPhillips Alaska,” said Governor Dunleavy.

The Governor has appointed Deputy Chief of Staff Randy Ruaro to serve acting chief of staff until a permanent replacement is named.


Office of Governor Mike Dunleavy

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Politics Dunleavy Chief of Staff Ben Stevens to leave for VP job at ConocoPhillips Alaska

Author: James Brooks Updated: February 24 Published February 24


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Ben Stevens at Anchorage International Airport on February 23, 2019. (Marc Lester / ADN)

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Page 20 JUNEAU — Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s chief of staff, Ben Stevens, is leaving the administration to take a job with ConocoPhillips Alaska, the governor’s office said in a written statement Wednesday morning.

Stevens will become vice president of external affairs and transportation at ConocoPhillips Alaska, the announcement said. The company is the largest oil producer in Alaska.

ConocoPhillips Alaska spokeswoman Natalie Lowman said Stevens will start his new job Monday. It wasn’t immediately clear when his last day at work in the governor’s office would be.

“Ben’s job responsibilities will include government relations, village outreach, community investment, media and advertising, and management of ConocoPhillips Alaska’s pipeline business including its interest in (the trans-Alaska pipeline). We welcome Ben to ConocoPhillips Alaska and believe he will be a valuable addition to the Alaska business unit leadership team,” she said by email.

Lt. Gov. , a former ConocoPhillips employee, said the change was a surprise to him — he learned about it in an all-staff meeting at 9 a.m. Wednesday — but he thinks the switch is “a good match” for both the company and Stevens, who will be replacing Scott Jepsen.

“He may not have the technical background as an engineer, but he’ll learn it quickly. And he’s certainly got so much experience in state and federal government. So yeah, it is good for both of them. And I wish him the best,” Meyer said.

Sen. Bill Wielechowski, D-Anchorage, said Stevens’ departure for a job with ConocoPhillips appears to violate the spirit of a law passed in 2007 that requires state officials to undergo at least a year of “cooling off” before taking a position where they might be negotiating against the state.

Before passage of the 2007 law, it was much more common for administration officials to switch to lobbying roles rapidly.

Kevin Jardell, Gov. ’s legislative director, became a lobbyist for Exxon one month after leaving his state job. Kent Dawson and Jerry Reinwand were chiefs of staff to Gov. before becoming lobbyists. Jim Duncan, a state senator commissioner of administration under Gov. Tony Knowles, became head of the state’s largest public-employee union.

“The spirit of these laws in this state and in every other state of the country … is to prevent revolving doors, where people in high policy positions with many personal connections, high-level connections, are able to go out and get high-paying positions where they come back and lobby organizations where they previously worked,” Wielechowski said.

State law allows for the cooling-off period to be waived, but Wielechowski said he asked Attorney General- designee Treg Taylor about a waiver, and Taylor wasn’t aware of one.

Stevens didn’t respond to texts and calls on Wednesday.

Lowman said Stevens will not be lobbying but will have lobbyists reporting to him. She said the company is aware of the relevant state laws.

“We will of course comply with all applicable laws and Mr. Stevens will not be working on or involved in any matter that might present a conflict of interest,” she said. Page 21 Stevens will be replaced on an acting basis by Deputy Chief of Staff Randy Ruaro, the governor’s office said. Ruaro is a former aide to Sen. Bert Stedman, R-Sitka, who said he would gladly re-hire Ruaro if given a chance.

Stevens has worked in the Dunleavy administration since December 2018. First working as a policy adviser, he became the governor’s top aide in July 2019, replacing Tuckerman Babcock.

Sen. Gary Stevens, R-Kodiak, was among the lawmakers who praised Stevens and said he will be missed.

“He knew the building, he knew the Legislature, and he knew how to get things done,” Stevens said of the departing chief of staff. (Gary Stevens and Ben Stevens are unrelated.)

Under Stevens’ tenure, the governor’s administration shifted: Its proposed budgets lack the steep cuts that prompted the creation of a recall campaign against the governor. Office of Management and Budget director Donna Arduin was replaced, and the state’s revenue commissioner also left the administration.

During a texting scandal that led to the resignation of Attorney General Kevin Clarkson, Stevens advised a state employee to keep quiet about the issue.

A former president of the , Stevens left office following the Veco scandal. He was never accused of a crime, but he collected more than $240,000 in consulting fees from Veco for unspecified work during his six years in the Senate, and during a 2007 trial, a Veco vice president testified that he had bribed Stevens and another senator.

Before joining the Dunleavy administration, Stevens held a variety of roles in private industry, including president of Cook Inlet Tug and Barge.

About this Author James Brooks Juneau-based James Brooks covers state government, the Alaska Legislature and general assignments for the Daily News. He previously reported and edited for the Juneau Empire, Kodiak Daily Mirror and Fairbanks Daily News-Miner.


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