Sheffield on Film Maps out the Many Roles the City’S Streets and Buildings Have Played on Film, Dating As Far Back As 1903
It’s twenty years since The Full Monty came out, following hot on ‘71 (2014) the heels of that other Sheffield ‘classic’, When Saturday Comes. 1 Park Hill, South Street, S2 5PN Through the universal language of cinema, these globally successful but very localised films showed the world a city determined to get 2 Underbank Outdoor Activity Centre, on with it after the economic devastation of the 80s. Oaks Lane, S36 4GH As you’ll see, they weren’t the first pieces of cinema made in The Battle of Orgreave (2001) or about Sheffield. This is a place of many stories and varied 1 3 Orgreave, S13 landscapes, a city of grit and inventiveness. But since their release, Sheffield has become a lively place for film. 2 Four Lions (2010) Independent production company Warp Films set up here in ROTHERHAM4 Kebabish, 27 Wicker, S3 8JQ 2002, giving us pioneering, cutting-edge modern British cinema. 5 Library Theatre, Surrey Street, S1 1XZ 3 Key industry organisations like the South Yorkshire Filmmakers’ 11 6 Meersbrook Park, Network, the BFI’s Film Hub North and Cinema For All are based Chesterfield Road, S8 9FB 4 here, as well as Sheffield Hallam University’s well-respected film studies course and countless talented film-related individuals. Wincobank The Full Monty (1997) 5 There’s been an explosion of opportunities for watching films, from quality independent cinemas like the Showroom to 7 Jobcentre, 112 West Street, S1 3SY 65 international film festivals like Doc/Fest and Sensoria, and a 8 Crookes Cemetery, thriving community cinema scene.
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