
Ted Meador


Hello. Iʼm Ted Meador, and I guess you could say this is my Ted Talk. When I learned I was giving a speech, I was told it was supposed to be about the future. The future is a rather daunting idea. But I think its important to always keep a positive attitude towards the future. I believe that if one looks, most things have a silver lining.

This is very difficult. I would be lying if I said I always did this. Earlier this spring, I got rejected by most of the colleges I applied to. At first I was really upset. However, I got through these trying times. I could continue to wallow in depression, but instead I choose to focus on how great a school Washu is and how awesome my friends Anuj and Nicole, who made me a feel better cake, are. Ultimately, it wonʼt matter much what college Iʼm going to, but what I make of my time there. And that is something applicable to everyone. Make the most of the future.

Another way to remember the importance of optimism is by thinking about Star

Wars. The original trilogy is comprised of three of the greatest films ever made. So, when I heard earlier this year that episodes seven through nine were being made, I was excited. Who wouldnʼt want more of such a great series of films? I was surprised to learn plenty of people were distressed by the new films. Apparently the prequel trilogy had made them wary of any new installments to the franchise. This, I believe, is fallacious. The prequels had flaws, sure, but they were still good movies.

Darth Maul and General Grievous were both really cool villains. Iʼve always believed the

Pod Racing scene in episode I is really cool. And one of my favorite songs is Weird Alʼs parody of American Pie, called “The Saga Begins,” which would not exist without the prequels. Too often people will focus on somethingʼs flaws instead of its strengths.

We could think of high school as a prequel to the rest of our lives. Sure, its had some flaws. There have been some tough tests, some problematic projects. Overall, though, it was a great experience. But now, like Anakin, who “kissed his mommy goodbye, sayinʼ soon Iʼm gonna be a ,” we must venture out into the world, not knowing what may befall us. Through all of it, though, we should keep a positive attitude. We must not fear this unknown, for as said, “Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering.” Thank you.