Myths, Legends, Epics, and Tales

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Myths, Legends, Epics, and Tales unit 6 Text Myths, Legends, Epics, and Tales Analysis From ancient Greece to medieval England, every culture has its own stories— Workshop myths, legends, epics, and tales that have been handed down from one generation to the next. Part of an oral tradition, these tales continue to entertain and teach us hundreds of years after they were first told. Part 1: Characteristics of Traditional Stories Included in this workshop: In this unit, you will be reading all types of stories, including the ones RL 1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the shown here. text says explicitly. RL 3 Analyze how particular type of tale characteristics elements of a story interact. RL 10 Comprehend literature. myth • Often explains how something connected A traditional story with humans or nature came to be that was created to • Reveals the consequences of both good and bad behavior explain mysteries of the universe • Features gods or other beings who have supernatural powers as well as certain flaws legend • Tells about a hero or heroine who has A story passed down unusual powers through many generations • Focuses on the hero’s or heroine’s struggle to defeat a powerful force that is believed to be based on real people and events • Highlights a positive quality or way of behaving epic • Follows a quest, or journey, of a hero who has A long, narrative poem, incredible strength and courage often written in formal language, • Focuses on the hero’s character traits that tells about a series of quests • Features hero’s tasks such as battles in which undertaken by a great hero the hero is tested fable • Usually includes animal characters that stand A brief story that for specific human qualities, such as kindness or dishonesty teaches a lesson, or • Has a moral that is directly stated at the end moral, about human or indirectly communicated through what nature happens in the fable tall tale • Stars a hero or heroine who is larger than A humorously life—that is, bigger, stronger, and even louder than an ordinary person exaggerated story • Uses exaggeration to emphasize the abilities about impossible events and achievements of the hero or heroine 640 unit 6: myths, legends, and tales 640-645_NA_L07PE-u06-rwMyth.indd 640 1/8/11 2:52:04 AM model 1: characteristics of a fable What human qualities do the fox and the crow display in this fable? !. $ß4(%ß /7 4(% #2 &/8 Fable by Aesop A crow was sitting on a branch of a tree with a piece of cheese in her Close Read beak when a fox observed her and set his wits to work to discover some 1. Reread the boxed way of getting the cheese. Coming and standing under the tree, he looked details. What human up and said, “What a noble bird I see above me! Her beauty is without qualities does each animal stand for? 5 equal, the hue of her plumage exquisite. If only her voice is as sweet as her 2. looks are fair, she ought without doubt to be Queen of the Birds.” The moral is directly The crow was hugely flattered by this, and, just to show the fox that stated in line 11. In your own words, restate the she could sing, she gave a loud caw. Down came the cheese, of course, moral. How does the and the fox, snatching it up, said, “You have a voice, madam, I see. interaction between 10 What you want are wits.” the fox and the crow Flattery is the best persuasion. illustrate the moral? model 2: characteristics of a tall tale Bess Call is the extraordinary heroine of this tall tale. Here, a stranger from England laughs when “big as life” Bess challenges him to a wrestling match. Will the stranger pay the price? from Tall tale retold Bess Call by Robert D. San Souci “Humph!” said Bess. “I’ll show you a ‘real match’—and no waitin’, Close Read neither.” She rolled up her sleeves and stomped out into the yard. 1. In what way is Bess Back and forth they tussled, making more noise than a boatload of larger than life? calves on the Hudson. First one, and then the other seemed to get the 2. One example of 5 upper hand, only to find that the edge had slipped over to his or her humorous exaggeration opponent. The cloud of dust they kicked up covered the sun so that is boxed. Find another people as far away as Clinton and Cayuga counties reached for their example. umbrellas thinking unseasonable rain was about to fall. Their struggles sent them rolling across the yard right up to the fence 10 that separated the farmyard from the road. There Bess took hold of the Englishman one last time and tossed him body, boots, and britches over the fence, where he landed in a muddy ditch. text analysis workshop 641 640-645_NA_L07PE-u06-rwMyth.indd 641 1/8/11 2:52:10 AM Part 2: Cultural Values in Traditional Stories One reason for the lasting popularity of many traditional stories is their universal quality. You don’t have to be an expert on ancient Greece to understand the moral of an Aesop fable, or know about daily life in 19th- century New York to be amused by “Bess Call.” You can usually appreciate a particular story without knowing much about the culture or society from which it originally came. But by noticing certain details, you can often draw conclusions about the cultural values—the ideals and beliefs—that were honored and upheld by that society or culture. For example, does the story stress the importance of obedience, or does it celebrate those who bend the rules? Consider the legend of John Henry, a railroad worker and “steel drivin’ man” whose job was to drill holes using a hammer and a steel spike. His story was popular among men who worked long days building railroad tracks across the United States after the Civil War. By closely examining the excerpt and asking yourself a few questions, you can learn a great deal about those workers and their concerns. from questions to ask Who are the heroes and joh henry villains in the story? n The hero is a railroad Legend retold by Mary Pope Osborne worker; the villain is a machine. “I got the best steel driver in the country. His name is John Henry, and he can beat two dozen men working together.” What attitudes and “That’s impossible,” the salesman said. “But if you can prove your behaviors are rewarded hand driller is faster than my steam driller, I’ll give you this machine and admired? John Henry is rewarded 5 for free.” with cheers for taking The boss called to John Henry, “This fellow doubts which of you on the machine. Other can drill faster. How about a big contest?” workers admire his As John Henry stared at the steam drill, he saw a picture of the future. strength and bravery. He saw machines taking over the jobs of the country’s finest workers. 10 He saw himself and his friends out of work and begging beside the road. What can you infer about He saw men robbed of their dignity and robbed of their families. the fears of the country’s “I’d rather die with my hammer in my hand than let that steam drill workers during this time run me down,” he yelled back. And his boss and friends all cheered. period? Workers were worried about losing their jobs to machines. 642 unit 6: myths, legends, and tales 640-645_NA_L07PE-u06-rwMyth.indd 642 1/8/11 2:52:14 AM Text Analysis Workshop model 1: cultural values in a myth The Mexican myth of Quetzalcoatl explains how unhappiness came into the world. In this excerpt, the people—the Toltecs—are still happy. from uetzalcoatl Mexican myth retold by Amy Cruse But the king-god Quetzalcoatl knew that if his people were to be Close Read really happy they must not spend their days in the idle enjoyment of all 1. What attitudes toward this loveliness and plenty. They must work, and learn to take a pride work do you notice in working as well as they possibly could. So he taught them many in this excerpt? Find specific details to 5 useful arts—painting and weaving and carving and working in metals. support your answer. He taught them how to fashion the gold and silver and precious stones 2. which were found in great abundance throughout the country into Reread lines 4–9. What kinds of skills and beautiful vessels and ornaments, and how to make marvelous many- products did the people tinted garments and hangings from the feathers of birds. Every one was who created this myth 10 eager to work, and because each man did his share, there was plenty of value? leisure for all. No one was in want and no one was unhappy. It seemed as if, for these fortunate Toltecs, the Golden Age had really come. model 2: cultural values in a legend In this legend, a monster bear called Nyagwahe threatens the peace among the five Iroquois nations. Swift Runner, a weak boy and an unlikely hero, kills the bear. Here, he returns to his village, victorious. from Racing the Great Bear Close Read Iroquois legend retold by Joseph Bruchac 1. What traits does Swift Runner’s grandmother Then Swift Runner led his people back to the village. He carried with display in the boxed him the teeth of the Nyagwahe, and those who saw what he carried text? Draw a conclusion rejoiced.
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