From the earliest days of Independent Television the companies made grants to deserving causes. In 1958 a Committee for the Review of Grants to the Arts and Sciences (CRGAS) was established as a consultative and co-ordinating body under the chairmanship of the Director General to ensure the best use of the money available and avoidance of duplication. Ten years later that system, which had by then disbursed a total of some £1.25 million, was replaced by contractual obliga­ tions in the form of fixed annual quotas and by a two-tier committee structure for lTV's 'support and development of the arts, sciences and training on which television depends'. National grants, 'few in number but significant in amount', were administered by a Television Fund Committee composed of five representatives of the Authority (including the Chairman, with a casting vote) and five company representatives. For the administration of local grants by individual companies the CRGAS was converted into the Companies' Grants Committee, which consisted of a representa­ tive from each of the fifteen companies with the Director General in the chair. The total contribution from the companies was set at £500,000 a year, of which £300,000 was to be spent nationally and £200,000 regionally.) Those assessments were made at a time of financial buoyancy and had to be drastically reduced in May 1969 when the rates of the Exchequer levy were raised. The total for 1~9 reached no higher than £218,000 and in the following financial year it fell to £139,000. Thereafter it recovered, and by 1979-80 annual expenditure had reached £679,000, making a grand total of more than £3.5 million donated since 1968. Of this sum, contrary to the original intention, three-quarters had been distributed locally. Not included in these figures were donations to charities and the costs of in-house training. 2 Nationally the beneficiaries were the National Film Archive (for the storage and preservation of selected lTV programmes), the National Film School, the , the Regional Theatre Trainee Director Scheme, drama training schools such as RADA, the Central School and LAMDA, the Royal College of Arts' film and television school, University's drama department, the National Council for the Training of Journalists and similar organisations. Individually the companies spread smaller sums over a wider range in their regions so that a large number of local arts bodies and events, like the Arts Centre, the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield, the Aldeburgh Festival and the rebuild­ ing of Manchester's Palace Theatre were supported. The drama department at Manchester University had been founded by an endowment from Granada in 1961.


In 1962 had responded with a cheque for £1000 to a request for help in starting an company in , thus bringing into being the company which was to win international acclaim as Scottish Opera and which it continued to support. The annual Young Playwright of the Year competition run by Tyne Tees was only one of a number of enterprises of a similar kind. 3 Artistic patronage on such a handsome scale was an enlightened form of self­ interest, but not without its problems. In 1977 the companies raised objections to the machinery of the two-tier system, drawing attention in particular to the Tele­ vision Fund Committee's failure to identify any large measure of need which fell within its terms of reference. The desirability of joint patronage through collective grants was never at issue, but the method and apportionment of grant-giving became one of those areas in which centralised action and network co-operation had to be balanced against company independence and the satisfaction of regional needs and interests.4 APPENDIX B


Regional television news was one of lTV's most appreciated services to the public. This account of a typical day in the life of a regional company's news team was written in 1974 by Arthur Clifford, Director of Programmes at Tyne Tees Television.!

9.30 a.m. in the Tyne Tees newsroom, the editorial conference in full swing. A thirty-minute news magazine is taking shape for 6 p.m. transmission. Journalists, film editors, production staff gather round the head of news, who is also producer. The news editor outlines the day: American-owned factory may close as orders fall; angry village fights planners on minerals exploration; local policeman's gallantry award for tackling armed man; gypsies evicted from forest site; school fire; computerised meals at new hospital; beer shortage threatened as draymen strike; lorry driver trapped in crash ... This news is for immediate coverage. Some camera men have been on location since dawn. Also available on video tape: parents and schoolmasters debate English teaching method; new uniforms for nurses (both video-recorded in studio the previous day) ... Producer, magazine editor, scriptwriters and sub-editors discuss story treat­ ments. Reporters throw in ideas. Studio director and production assistant rough out a camera script, the master document from which everyone will work. A police tip-off interrupts the planning: £50,000 snatched from big store in morning raid. Reporter and camera crew are despatched. The day looks newsy, though a little heavy. In just over eight hours the right 'mix' must be provided to catch and hold viewer interest. Some lighter items are considered: a retired general running his own railway in his attic; an exhibition of electronic art which is baffling some ; a schoolboy organist making tapes for British troops abroad. The conference breaks . More news teams are briefed. Camera cars move away through the traffic. In the newsroom, telephones jangle: copy piles up from local correspondents; the Press Association teleprinter chatters out early stories. An urgent call from the crew on factory closure: murky weather means poor light for filming workers' open-air meeting. Newsdesk contacts head of film; confirms that coverage is essential. Cameraman is assured that, if he shoots at widest possible aperture, the processing plant will be adjusted to handle his footage. At midday magazine editor checks on early newsfilm; approves film lead-ins; passes sub­ editors' copy to newscaster. At 12.15 p.m. mixed news from the gypsy site: the cameraman has stumbled on rough ground, breaking camera lens mount. But main sound sequences are already filmed, so a replacement camera not needed. Final eviction scenes will be covered by mute camera, plus portable tape recorder. Another crew rings in: store-snatch film coming back by despatch rider. One good eye-witness and after-the-robbery pictures. The crew go on to cover police award.


One p.m., over a sandwich lunch, producer confers with editor, director and presenter amid the clicking typewriters. The director re-jigs his camera script, seeking the most effective way of linking that night's film, studio, slide and VTR components. Bit by bit, a shape is emerging. In the film-editing rooms, the celluloid is being cut and spliced into shape. On a busy day, a regional station will process and edit up to 2000 feet of sound and silent film stock for its news programmes ... The producer moves about the noisy, untidy newsroom; check­ ing, making suggestions, criticising when he must. , with the editor, he ponders the lead - the all-important opening item. Store snatch or, if the film is transmissible, factory closure? But newsdesk reports the factory interviews very low-key: union still hoping to avert total shutdown. The producer understands: he is part ofthe region too. Local jobs are more important than news stories. But he still wants a lead. Perhaps a strong human interest ~tory? Angry village fights planners might provide that - but not today. It's a complex affair; crews still filming; legal advice may be necessary. With luck, a major report for a later programme. At 4.30 p.m. the final 'running order' conference. Store snatch is put at number one (brief but effective film), followed by police award (film still awaited) and factory closure (open-air film acceptable through careful pro­ cessing). Common Market speech and parent-teacher debate make solid mid­ magazine offerings; gypsies evicted ensures a lively second half. Shorter films and into-camera news briefs break up the longer items, with nurses' uniforms providing an agreeable endpiece. The action moves to studio control room and rehearsals. The director, facing a bank of flickering monitor screens, activates his picture sources: studio cameras, film-projecting telecine machines and VTR. On the floor, booms and cameras are positioned; presenter, newscaster and interviewers finalise their scripts. Freshly edited films are run through and timed by the director's P A. The minutes slip by, and now, just beneath the well-ordered professional routine, can be felt the tension inseparable from daily deadlines and the pressures of a 'live' production. It is 5.40 p.m. Final camera moves and links are rehearsed. Film content is complete. The producer, sitting behind the director, remains faintly unhappy with the top end of the running order. It will get by, but something is lacking ... Minutes later he takes the call which is to transform the day. The reporter on police award persuades him to follow the medal presentation film with a studio livespot featuring the whole family. As a camera car brings them through rush­ hour traffic, the producer takes a second bolder decision - to lead on the story and run store snatch as number two. From control room comes a series of brisk instructions: a camera is shifted; studio chairs re-arranged; a new programme 'intro' written; less urgent newsfilm earmarked for cuts to avoid a programme overrun; the police award film run up to the telecine starting gate ... As ITN's early bulletin signs-off seconds before 6 p.m., the policeman, his wife and excited small daughter are seated in the studio with the reporter who will interview them. The family are a little breathless, but totally engaging: modest local hero and articulate wife. It is also the little girl's birthday. After the film and live inter­ views a cake is brought on glittering with hastily-procured candles. She blows them out with a single puff to applause from the studio crew. At last the producer looks relaxed. The missing ingredient had been sheer human warmth. For the director watching his monitors, his P A counting the seconds, and the vision mixer working her switchers and faders, there is no relaxation until the closing titles. Despite the late change the magazine has gone smoothly. Tomorrow it may be another story. Up in the newsroom they are already drafting a fresh schedule; preparing for another day's battle against time, distance and limited space ... LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS

AA Automobile Association ABC ABC Television ABC American Broadcasting Company ABPC Associated British Picture Corporation ABS Association of Broadcasting Staff ACC Associated Communications Corporation ACIT Association of Cinematograph Television and Allied Technicians AE Adult Education AGM Annual General Meeting ATV ATV Network BAffA British Academy of Film and Television Arts BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BET British Electric Traction Company BMRB British Market Research Bureau BRTA British Regional Television Association CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBS Columbia Broadcasting System CNN Cable News Network CRAC Central Religious Advisory Committee CRGAS Committee for the Review of Grants to the Arts and Sciences DDG Deputy Director General DDG(AS) Deputy Director General (Administrative Services) DDG(PS) Deputy Director General (Programme Services) DG Director General DHSS Department of Health and Social Security EAC Educational Advisory Council EBU European Broadcasting Union EEC European Economic Community EETPU Electrical Electronic Telecommunication and Plumbing Union EGM Extraordinary General Meeting EMI Electric and Musical Industries ENG Electronic News Gathering ETU Electrical Trades Union FA Football Association FBU Federation of Broadcasting Unions FCC Federal Communications Commission FIFA Federation Internationale de Football Association FOBSC Future of Broadcasting Sub-Committee GAC General Advisory Council GNOP Granada's New Operational Plan GOC General Officer Commanding HMI Her Majesty's Inspector (of Schools)


HTV Harlech Television IBA Independent Broadcasting Authority IBI International Broadcast Institute ICPC Inter-Company Production Committee ILR INLA Irish National Liberation Army IPC International Publishing Corporation IRA Irish Republican Army IRN Independent Radio News ITA Independent Television Authority ITCA Independent Television Companies Association ITN Independent Television News ITP Independent Television Publications lTV Independent Television JICTAR Joint Industry Committee for Television Advertising Research LESA Local Education and Social Action LIT Independent Television LTA Lawn Tennis Association LWT London Weekend Television MAM Music and Artists Management Me Military Cross MCC Marylebone Cricket Club MORI Marketing Opinion Research International MP Member of Parliament MPLA Movimento Popular de Libertacao de Angola MTV Midlands Television MU Musicians' Union NALGO National Association of Local Government Officers NAR Net Advertising Revenue NARAL Net Advertising Revenue After Levy NARBL Net Advertising Revenue Before Levy NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NATTKE National Association of Theatrical Television and Kine Employees NBC National Broadcasting Company NBPI National Board for Prices and Incomes NESC Network Educational Sub-Committee NIITV Northern Independent Television NPC Network Programme Committee (formerly Network Planning Committee) NUJ National Union of Journalists NVALA National Viewers' and Listeners' Association OFf Office of Fair Trading PFLP Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine PPB Party Political Broadcast PPC Programme Policy Committee PR Public Relations PSA Public Service Announcement QC Queen's Counsel RCA Radio Corporation of America ROSLA The raising of the school leaving age RPI Retail Prices Index RTE Radio Telefis Eireann RUC Royal Ulster Constabulary 368 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS

SABRE Steerable adaptive broadcast receiving equipment SCC Standing Consultative Committee SCNI Select Committee on Nationalised Industries SCOB Standing Conference on Broadcasting SNP Scottish National Party STAGS Scottish Television and Sales STY Scottish Television Siane1 Pedwar Cymru TSW West TTl International TIT Tyne Tees Television TUC Trades Union Congress TYY Television Yorkshire TWW Television and West of UDA Ulster Defence Association UFF Ulster Freedom Fighters UHF Ultra High Frequency UK UNITA Uniao Nacional para a Independencia total de Angola UPI United Press International UPITN United Press ITN USA United States of America UTY Ulster Television UVF Ulster Volunteer Force VCR Video Cassette Recorder VHF Very High Frequency VTR Video Tape Recorder WCT West Country Television WWN Wales (West and North) Television YTV Yorkshire Television REFERENCES


1. lTV Evidence to the Annan Committee (Independent Television Companies Association/lndependent Television Books Ltd, March 1975) paras 344-5. 2. See Volume 3, pp. 15-17. 3. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1974-75, Appendix XII. 4. Based on the moving annual total of advertising revenue to 31 October 1980 and the JICTAR report for October 1980 (Channel Islands not included). 5. See Volume 2, Chapters 26 and 27. 6. See Volume 3, Chapters 14, 15 and 17. 7. See lTV Evidence to the Annan Committee, pp. 106-9. 8. See Volume 2, Chapter 33. 9. See Volume 3, p. 272, and Report of the Committee on the Future of Broadcasting (HMSO, 1977) (Cmnd. 6753) [Annan Report] para. 22.1. to. See Volume 3, pp. 106-7. 11. NPC Paper 13(68). 12. See Volume 2, Chapter 33. 13. lTV Evidence to the Annan Committee, para. 117. 14. Letters from Bryan Rook dated 28 October 1975, IBA File 7066. 15. Annan Report, paras 11.17 and 11.18. 16. Memorandum from to Sir Robert Fraser dated 4 Septem­ ber 1970, ITA File 7066. 17. William Phillips, Favourite Programmes in British TV history in Broadcast, 18 December 1987. 18. lTV Evidence to the Annan Committee, para. 142. 19. Ibid, Appendix L.


1. in Independent Broadcasting 4, May 1975 (Independent Broadcasting Authority) p. 9. 2. Annan Report, paras 27.2 and 27.19. 3. Independent Broadcasting 4, May 1975, p. 14. 4. Annan Report, para. 27.16. 5. ITCA Council Minutes, 3 July 1968. 6. Annan Report, para. 27.37. 7. , Controller of Light at Thames, re­ ported in , 10 July 1988. 8. Source: London Weekend Television. 9. , 23 March 1968. to. ITA Press Statement dated 14 August 1968: ITA Paper 111(68).


11. See Peter Seglow, Trade Unionism in Television (Saxon House, 1978) Chapter 8. 12. For another explanation see Chapter 6. 13. ACTT Television Commission: Report to Annual Conference (Association of Cinematograph Television and Allied Technicians, March 1972). 14. Peter Seglow, Trade Unionism in Television, pp. 173-4. 15. IBA Minutes 301(72). 16. IBA Paper 143(75). 17. Alan Sapper in Broadcast, 28 July 1975, quoted in the Annan Report, para. 27.40. 18. Peter Seglow, Trade Unionism in Television, p. 167. 19. IBA Paper 283(79). 20. Report 156 from the National Board for Prices and Incomes: Costs and Revenues of Independent Television Companies (HMSO, October 1970) (Cmnd 4524) para. 112.


1. ITA Note for File dated 3 August 1970. 2. Lord Grade in conversation with the author, 28 March 1988. 3. Lord Windlesham in conversation with the author, 18 January 1988. 4. See Volume 3, p. 119. 5. See Volume 3, Chapter 4. 6. ATV Memorandum dated 28 September 1972. 7. Dorothy Hobson, Crossroads: The Drama of a (Methuen, 1982) pp. 137-8 and 174. 8. See also Chapter 12. 9. IBA Paper 185(74). to. IBA Paper 151(76). 11. Letter dated 28 November 1974, IBA File 7053/6. 12. In conversation with the author, 28 March 1988. 13. See Douglas Howell, Lew, downfall of a legend in Broadcast, 20 March 1987. 14. IBA Paper 130(79). 15. IBA Paper 119(80). 16. IBA Minutes 472(80). 17. See Volume 1, p. 121. 18. Granada Television: Application for Television Contract for the North-West of England dated 9 May 1980, p. 1, IBA File 6111/E/1. 19. Ibid, pp. 8--9. 20. See also Chapter 12. 21. Gordon Winter, Here We Were (Granada Group, 1984) p. 67. 22. See Volume 2, Chapter 32, and Volume 3, Chapters 7 and 8. 23. Letter dated 12 May 1969, ITA File 5083/2/13/26. 24. ITA Memorandum by Bernard Sendall dated 15 July 1969, ITA File 5083/2/ 13. 25. Letter Brian Young to dated 26 April 1973, IBA File 5083A. 26. Letter from Lord Aylestone dated 3 September 1973, IBA File 5083/2/13. 27. IBA Paper 227(73). 28. Anthony Howard in the Listener, 29 May 1980. 29. Granada Television: A reply to the Independent Broadcasting Authority'S supplementary questions, 29 September 1980, p. 18, IBA File 6111/E/1. 30. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1974-75, p. 143. REFERENCES 371

31. See Volume 3, Chapter 7. 32. Granada Television: A reply to the IBA's supplementary questions, 29 September 1980, p. 13, IBA File 61/1/E/1. 33. Ibid, p. 12. 34. Granada Television: Application for the Independent Television Contract for the North-West of England dated 9 May 1980, pp. 14-15, IBA File 61/1/ Ell. 35. See Volume 3, Chapter 15. 36. IBA Paper 366(80). 37. Letter dated 3 October 1980 IBA File 5083/2/13.


1. See Volume 2, pp. 345-6. 2. ITA Memorandum Director General to Chairman dated 11 February 1969, ITA File 7051/2. 3. Review of Companies' Performance 1974, IBA File 7051/6. 4. See Chapter 11. 5. Letter Brian Young to George Cooper dated 2 May 1975, IBA File 5096/2/31 3. 6. Ibid. Letter Sir Brian Young to Bryan Cowgill dated 26 July 1978. See also Vol. 3, p. 116. 7. See Chapter 11. 8. Review of Companies' Performance 1974 IBA File 7051/6. 9. See Volume 1, pp. 338-9. to. Annan Report, para. 13.11. 11. Jeremy Isaacs in conversation with the author, 12 November 1987. 12. Letter George Cooper to Bernard Sendall dated 8 April 1976, IBA File 7051/6. 13. See William Phillips, Thames: Crying out for the touch of Thomas in Broadcast, 18 March 1988. 14. Review of Companies' Performance 1974, IBA File 7051/6. 15. IBA Paper 250(73). 16. Thames Press Notice dated 13 July 1978. 17. Jeremy Isaacs in conversation with the author, 12 November 1987. 18. Memorandum Director General to Chairman dated 22 March 1971 , ITA File 7051/2. 19. IBA Paper 374(80). 20. See Volume 3, Chapter 3. 21. Letter Paul Adorian to Sir Robert Fraser dated 23 August 1967, ITA File 705211. 22. Ibid. Letter Michael Peacock to Sir Robert Fraser dated 17 July 1967. 23. Ibid. ITA Memorandum Director General to Deputy Director General (Administrative Services) dated 3 August 1967. 24. See Chapter 6. 25. ITA Memorandum Director General to Chairman dated 5 January 1970, ITA File 5095. 26. IBA Paper 40(78). 27. See Volume 3, Chapter 5. 28. Letter dated 18 May 1973, IBA File 705211. 29. IBA Paper 251(73). 30. See Chapter 5. 31. IBA Paper 6(74). 372 REFERENCES

32. Letter to Brian Young dated 23 April 1975, IBA File 24/8. 33. Letter to Brian Young dated 1 May 1975, IBA File 24/8. 34. Review of Companies' Performance 1974, IBA File 70521I. 35. See Volume 3, Chapter 3. 36. Michael Tracey, In the Culture of the Eye (Hutchinson, 1983) pp. 62-3. 37. Ibid, pp. 80-. 38. Ibid, p. 138. 39. IBA Paper 23(78). 40. IBA Papers 40(78) and 226(79). 41. IBA Paper 40(78). 42. LWT Franchise Application, May 1980, p. 6, IBA File 61/1IB/I. 43. IBA Paper 374(80).


1. See Volume 2, pp. 335-40. 2. See Volume 3, p. 180. 3. Inside, YTV House Magazine, April 1968. 4. See Volume 3, p. 182-4. 5. ITA Memorandum Deputy Director General (Administrative Services) to Chairman dated 14 August 1969, ITA File 70541111. 6. ITA Minutes 262(69). 7. Press statements dated 20 August 1970, ITA File 70581111. 8. IBA Paper 24(76}. 9. Philip Purser (Sunday Telegraph). to. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1974-75, p. 147. 11. See also Chapter 17. 12. Attachment to IBA Paper 135(74). 13. Sunday Times, 11 May 1980. 14. Arthur Sandles in , 25 January 1980. 15. Confidential information forming part of Application for Contract D by Yorkshire Television, May 1980 IBA File 61/11D11. 16. IBA Paper 381(80). 17. Statement by the Independent Broadcasting Authority: lTV Franchise Awards 1980, dated 28 December 1980. 18. Ibid. 19. G. Ward Thomas in conversation with the author, 8 June 1989. 20. See Volume 2, pp. 3-10. 21. IBA Paper 378(80}. 22. Letter to Professor Daysh dated 23 November 1971 , ITA File 7058/1. 23. IBA Paper 185(74}. 24. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1974-75, p. 146. 25. Tyne Tees Television, the First 20 Years, a Portrait by Antony Brown (Trident Television Ltd, 1978). 26. lTV Evidence to the Annan Committee, pp. 46-8. 27. Antony Brown, Tyne Tees Television, the First 20 Years. 28. IBA Paper 187(80}. 29. Letter R. F. Lorimer to J. Harriott dated 23 October 1980, IBA File 6111IHI 1. 30. IBA Paper 378(80}. 31. IBA Note to Members and senior staff dated 10 October 1980, IBA File 61/ IIH/1. REFERENCES 373

32. Statement by the Independent Broadcasting Authority: lTV Franchise Awards 1980, dated 28 December 1980. 33. Letter Lord Thomson of Monifieth to Sir Ralph Carr-Ellison, Chairman of Tyne Tees Television, dated 10 April 1981, IBA File 707.


1. Sir Geoffrey Cox in conversation with the author, 10 February 1989. 2. See Volume 3, Chapter 11. 3. The Times, 7 March 1969. 4. Guardian, 22 July 1969. 5. Jay Blumler, The Challenge of Election Broadcasting (Centre for Television Research, University of Leeds, 1978). 6. See Volume 3, pp. 9-tO. 7. Anthony Smith, The Shadow in the Cave (George Allen & Unwin, 1973) p.l02. 8. Bad News (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976). 9. Independent Broadcasting 10, December 1976. 10. Television Today and Tomorrow, The Granada Guildhall Lectures 1977 (Granada Publishing: Hart-Davis, MacGibbon Ltd, 1977) p. 83. 11. Eschel Rhoodie, The Real Information Scandal (Orbis, South Africa, 1983). 12. Letter dated 25 May 1979. 13. Letter David Nicholas to Charles Denton, Central Television, dated 1 October 1984.


1. See Volume 1, pp. 221-32. 2. See Volume 2, pp. 352-4. 3. IBA Paper 185(74). 4. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1974-75, Appendix XII. 5. Letter David Wilson to Brian Young dated 29 September 1972, IBA File 3055111. 6. Letter to Director General, IBA dated 14 March 1979, IBA File 705616. 7. IBA Paper 54(80). 8. See Volume 2, pp. 11-21. 9. See Volume 3, pp. 183-4. to. ITA Annual Report and Accounts 1970-71, p. 5. 11. ITA Paper 116(70). 12. IBA Minutes 304(72). 13. Letter Sir John Eden to Lord Aylestone dated 11 May 1973, IBA File 705411/ 1. 14. IBA Minutes 314(73) and 318(73). 15. IBA Memorandum Director General to Chairman dated 3 August 1973, IBA File 70541111. 16. Ibid. Letter Sir John Eden to Lord Aylestone dated 3 August 1973. 17. Attachment to IBA Paper 228(73). 18. Report of the Committee on Broadcasting Coverage (HMSO, November 1974) (Cmnd. 5774) Appendix J. 19. IBA Paper 224(77). 20. See Volume 2, p. 20. 374 REFERENCES

21. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1974-75, Appendix XII. 22. Letter dated 23 April 1975, IBA File 24/8I1A. 23. . .. the first twenty-one years (Anglia Television, 1980) pp. 5~5. 24. See Volume 3, pp. 1 B-14. 25. IBA Paper 161(80). 26. Letter Lord Aylestone to the Marquess Townshend of Raynham dated 3 October 1974, IBA File 24/8I1A. 27. IBA paper 161(80). 28. Contract Application for the East of England Television Franchise: Replies to Supplementary Questions, September 1980 IBA File 611111/1. 29. IBA Paper 367(80). 30. Statement by the Independent Broadcasting Authority: lTV Franchise Awards 1980, dated 28 December 1980.

CHAPTER 8: AND THE BORDERS 1. IBA Paper 362(80). 2. For the early history of STV see Volume I, pp. 201-to and Volume 2, pp.347-9. 3. Lord Hill of Luton, Behind the Screen (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1974) p. 51. 4. See Volume 3, Chapter 2. 5. ITA Paper 17(70). 6. IBA File 2911. 7. IBA Paper 272(74). 8. IBA Paper 185(74). 9. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1974-75, Appendix XII. to. Annan Report, para. 26.22. 11. Ibid. 12. See Volume 3, pp. 171-5. 13. , 9 May 1980. 14. See Volume 3, pp. 275-7. 15. Baroness Warnock in conversation with the author, 16 August 1988. 17. Caledonian Television: Application to the Independent Broadcasting Authority for the Central Scotland Independent Television Franchise, May 1980, IBA File 6111/. 18. The Scotsman, 23 May 1980. 19. IBA Paper 362(80). 20. Ibid. 21. Letter A. I. Gray to Sir Brian Young dated 3 October 1980, IBA File 24115/L. 22. Letter from William Brown dated 21 August 1980, IBA File 61fllL. 23. Annan Report, para. 6.10. 24. Scottish Television Limited: Application for Contract 'L', May 1980, p. 27, IBA File 61fl/Ul. 25. Statement by the Independent Broadcasting Authority: lTV Franchise Awards 1980, dated 28 December 1980. 26. The Scotsman, 29 December 1980. 27. See Volume 2, pp. 59--69. 28. IBA Paper 288(79). 29. Letter Lord Aylestone to Captain lain Tennant dated 3 October 1974, IBA File 24/8/1A. 30. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1974-75, p. 143. 31. Statement by the Independent Broadcasting Authority: lTV Franchise Awards 1980, dated 28 Dec<;:mber 1980. REFERENCES 375

32. Limited: Application to the Independent Broadcasting Authority for Independent Television Contract, North Scotland, May 1980 IBA File 6111/M/1. 33. See Volume 2, pp. 52-8, 211 and 361. 34. ITA Memorandum Director General to Chairman dated 26 January 1968, ITA File 50/K1. 35. IBA Paper 185(74). 36. Annan Report, paras 11.22 and 11.23. 37. The Annan Report: An lTV View (Independent Television Companies Association, June 1977) p. 55. 38. Crawford Report para. 6O(c). 39. IBA Paper 243(79). 40. IBA Paper 263(79).

CHAPTER 9: WALES AND THE WEST OF ENGLAND 1. See Volume 2, pp. 70-82. 2. Ibid, pp. 354-61. 3. Mail, 29 July 1969. 4. See Volume 3, pp. 18-19. 5. See Volume 3, p. 23. 6. IBA Paper 113(73). 7. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1974-75, p. 144. 8. 1982 Programme Contract Applications (Contract J) by HTV Ltd., 9 May 1980, IBA File 61111J/1. 9. See Chapter 10. 10. IBA Monthly Report to Director General from Regional Officer Wales & West dated 15 March 1977, IBA File 3095/4110. 11. See Volume 3, p. 189. 12. Annan Report, paras 26.31 and 26.29. 13. IBA Paper 26(76). 14. IBA Paper 210(79). 15. See Volume 3, pp. 299 and 302-3. 16. Annan Report, para. 26.35. 17. IBA Paper 240(79). 18. IBA Paper 356(80). 19. Ibid. 20. Western Mail, 23 May 1980. 21. Daily Telegraph, 10 November 1980. 22. Statement by the Independent Broadcasting Authority: lTV Franchise Awards 1980, dated 28 December 1980.

CHAPTER 10: WESTWARD AND CHANNEL 1. See Volume 2, pp. 33-42. 2. Harry Turner, Decline and Fall: The End of Peter 's Westward, Marketing Week, 12 February 1982. 3. Letter dated 12 January 1970, ITA File 7057/1. 4. Bristol Evening Post, 19 April 1971. 5. ITA Memorandum Director General to Chairman dated 3 September 1971, ITA File 7057/1. 6. Letter dated 7 August 1973, IBA File 7057/1. 7. IBA Paper 185(74). 376 REFERENCES

8. Peter Cadbury in conversation with the author, 6 April 1988. 9. Letter to Brian Young dated 4 January 1976, IBA File 7057/6. to. Western Daily Press, 1 August 1976. 11. Letter dated 14 December 1977, IBA File 7057/6. 12. Ibid. Letter dated 16 December 1977. 13. Ibid. IBA Note for File dated 20 December 1977. 14. Resolution attached to letter to Peter Bath dated 26 August 1980, IBA File 7057/6/1. 15. Ibid. Letter Lord Harris to Lady Plowden dated 24 September 1980. 16. See Volume 3, Chapter 3. 17. Broadcast, 10 November 1980. 18. IBA Memorandum Regional Officer for the South West to Director General dated 29 September 1980, IBA File 7057/6/1. 19. Daily Telegraph, 30 January 1981. 20. Guardian, 30 January 1981. 21. See Volume 2, Chapter 5. 22. IBA Paper t08(74). 23. Letter K. A. Killip to A. W. Pragnell dated 6 March 1978: Appendix IV to IBA Paper 96(78), IBA File 7065/6. 24. Ibid. Letter Frank H. Walker to K. A. Killip dated 15 November 1977. 25. Jersey Evening Post, 14 December 1977. 26. Statement dated 22 December 1977: Appendix I to IBA Paper 96(78), IBA File 7065/6. 27. Ibid. Letter dated 30 December 1977. 28. Ibid. Letter dated 5 January 1978. 29. Annan Report, para. 13.33. 30. Ibid. 31. Royal Commission on the Press (HMSO, July 1977) (Cmnd. 6810) para. 15.26. 32. Letter dated 31 January 1978: Appendix I to IBA Paper 96(78), IBA File 7065/6. 33. IBA Paper 96(78). 34. Statement by the Independent Broadcasting Authority: lTV Franchise Awards 1980, dated 28 December 1980.

CHAPTER 11: THE TROUBLES IN NORTHERN IRELAND 1. ITA Annual Report and Accounts 1969-70, p. 3. 2. For UTV's earlier history see Volume 2, Chapter 3. 3. IBA Paper 185(74). 4. See Volume 3, p. 262. 5. Rex Cathcart, The Most Contrary Region (Blackstaff Press Ltd, 1984) p. 206. 6. IBA Memorandum Director General to W.J. Blease, IBA Member for Northern Ireland, dated 29 March 1978, IBA File 7064/6. 7. IBA Paper 326(80). 8. Ibid. 9. Statement by the Independent Broadcasting Authority: lTV Franchise Awards 1980, dated 28 December 1980. 10. Peter Taylor, Reporting Northern Ireland in Index on Censorship (Writers & Scholars International Ltd) vol. 7, no. 6, NovemberlDecember 1978, p. 3. 11. IBA Paper 353(79). 12. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1976-77, p. 115. 13. IBA Paper 56(59). REFERENCES 377

14. ITA Minutes 289(71). 15. ITA Minutes 290(71). 16. See Volume 3, pp. 120-1. 17. IBA Paper 277(74). 18. PPC Paper 3(73). 19. IBA Minutes 351(74). 20. IBA Paper 134(75). 21. IBA Paper 100(76). 22. Issue dated 18 February 1976. 23. IBA Paper 79(76). 24. Letter Roy Mason MP to Lady Plowden dated 31 October 1977, IBA File 509612/3/3. 25. Ibid. Letter Sir Brian Young to Bryan Cowgill dated 23 November 1977. 26. IBA Paper 278(77). 27. See Volume 3, pp. 115-16. 28. PPC Paper 11(78). 29. IBA Memorandum Deputy Director of Television to Director General dated 19 June 1978, IBA File 5096/2/3/3. 30. Ibid. Correspondence between Sir Brian Young and Bryan Cowgill, Appen­ dix to IBA Paper 164(78). 31. Anthony Smith, The Politics of Information (The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1978) p. 135. 32. : The First Twenty-One Years (Granada Television, 1984) p. 7.

CHAPTER 12: DRAMA 1. Drama in a Dramatised Society: An Inaugural Lecture (Cambridge University Press, 1975). 2. Quoted in Television & Radio 1979 (Independent Broadcasting Authority/ Independent Television Publications Ltd) p. 93. 3. IBA Paper 61(78). 4. See also Chapter 3. 5. IBA Paper 61(78). 6. ITA Annual Report and Accounts 1969-70, p. 14. 7. See Volume 3, pp. 138-9. 8. Ibid, p. 144. 9. See also Chapter 4. to. See also Chapter 3. 11. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1975-76, p. 12. 12. IBA Paper 29(79): Appendix. 13. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1975-76, p. 11. 14. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1978-79, p. 16. 15. See Volume 3, pp. 275-7 and also Chapter 14. 16. See also Chapter 14. 17. IBA Paper 131(80). 18. Philip Purser in a communication to the author, January 1989. 19. Philip Purser, television critic of .

CHAPTER 13: LIGHT ENTERTAINMENT 1. ITA Annual Report and Accounts 1966-67, p. 14. 2. Report of the 1976 Consultation on Comedy and Light Entertainment, January 1977. 378 REFERENCES

3. , A prime time to get down to business in The Viewer, Issue Three (lTV Association, Autumn 1988). 4. Report ofthe 1976 Consultation on Comedy and Light Entertainment, pp. 1-2. 5. Ibid, p. 21. 6. Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 1973, Section 7. 7. See Volume 1, p. 349. 8. Report of the Committee on Broadcasting 1960 (HMSO) (Cmnd. 1753) paras 175-83. 9. SCC Paper 17(75). 10. IBA Paper 280(80). 11. PPC Paper 6(77). 12. Ibid.


1. , quoted in IBA Paper 312(79). 2. GAC Paper 4(76). 3. IBA Paper 312(79). 4. See Volume 3, pp. 121-2. 5. See Volume 3, pp. 119-20. 6. , quoted in World in Action: The First Twenty-One Years, p.15. 7. See Volume 2, pp. 294-307, and Volume 3, pp. 112-23. 8. Letters to and from Chairman of IBA dated 8 and 14 October 1974, IBA File 5024. 9. Sir Geoffrey Cox, See It Happen: The Making of ITN (The Bodley Head, 1983) p. 222-3. End quotation from E. R. Thompson, Address to IBI, 1969. 10. See also Chapter 5. 11. ITA Annual Report and Accounts 1959-60, p. 13. 12. Lord Dacre in the . 13. See Volume 3, pp. 276-7. 14. See David Boulton, Invasion (Granada Group, 1980). 15. Sir Geoffrey Cox, See It Happen: The Making of ITN, pp. 224-5. 16. Quoted in Independent Broadcasting 9, September 1976, p. 11.


1. See Volume 2, p. 276. 2. Adult Education: A Plan for Development (HMSO, 1973). 3. Adult Education: Challenge and Change (HMSO, 1975). 4. IBA EAC Paper 2(74). 5. Ibid. 6. Appendix II to IBA EAC Paper 2(74). 7. See Volume 2, p. 286. 8. Social Action in Television: A Study by (Independent Broadcasting Authority, 1975). 9. See also Chapter 17. 10. Broadcasting and Youth (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1979). 11. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1978-79, p. 28. 12. Ibid, p. 29. REFERENCES 379

13. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1979-80, p. 29. 14. IBA Paper 179(79).


1. IBA EAC Minutes 19(70). 2. See Volume 1, pp. 268--73, Volume 2, pp. 284-7, and Joseph Weltman, 21 Years of Independent Television for Schools 1957-1978, supplement to Independent Broadcasting 16, May 1978. 3. See Supplementary Evidence to Annan submitted on behalf of the IBA's Educational Advisers reproduced as IBA EAC Paper 11(74). 4. C. G. Hayter, Using Broadcasts in Schools: A Study and Evaluation (BBC/ ITV,1974). 5. IBA Paper 179(75). 6. IBA EAC Paper 5(69). 7. IBA EAC Paper 8(71). 8. See Ref. to, Chapter 15. 9. lTV Evidence to the Annan Committee, p. 58. to. Annan Report, para. 19.24. 11. Appendix III to IBA Paper 179(75). 12. Evidence to the Committee on the Future of Broadcasting under the Chair­ manship of Lord Annan (Independent Broadcasting Authority, September 1974) para. 115(i). 13. Annan Report para. 23.15. 14. IBA Paper 277(77). 15. Annan Report, para. 23.16. 16. IBA PPC Paper 14(80). 17. IBA PPC Minutes 68(80). 18. ITA Annual Report and Accounts 1968--69, p. 13. 19. ITA Annual Report and Accounts 1970-71, pp. 19-20. 20. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1972-73, p. 14. 21. Ibid. 22. Children's Programmes: A Report of an IBA Consultation (IBA, February 1973) IBA File 225/9. 23. IBA Paper 277(77). 24. LWT Franchise Application: Answers to Supplementary Questions, 10 October 1980, p. 4, IBA File 6111/B/1. 25. Review of Companies' Performance 1974, IBA File 705116. 26. IBA Paper 277(77). 27. IBA Minutes 486(80). 28. Programme Controllers Group Minutes dated 5 September 1980, IBA File 133/9/2. 29. Children's Programmes on Independent Television: A Report of an IBA Consultation (IBA, September 1981) IBA File 225115.


1. For the earlier period see Volume 1, pp. 103-4 and 279-83, and Volume 2, pp.288-93. 2. Appendix to NPC Paper 42(69). 3. Review of Companies' Performance 1974 [LWT] IBA File 7052/6. 380 REFERENCES

4. See also Chapter 15. 5. See IBA File 5008, vol. 14. 6. Ibid. 7. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1978-79, p. 31. 8. See also Chapter 5. 9. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1978-79 p. 31. 10. Talk by Christopher Martin, IBA Religious Broadcasting Officer, to BBC's Religious Television Department, 3 December 1979, Attachment to IBA Panel Paper 31(79).


1. See Volume 2, pp. 238-44. 2. ITA Annual Report and Accounts 1968-69, pp. 10--11. 3. Daily Sketch, 13 February 1970. 4. SCC Minutes 144(70). 5. SCC Minutes 145(70). 6. LWT Staff Assessment dated 6 April 1971, ITA File 5095. 7. PPC Minutes 27(71). 8. SCC Paper 26(71). 9. IBA Paper 242(77).


1. Lord Hill of Luton, Behind the Screen, p. 141. 2. See Volume 3, Chapter 13. 3. ITA Paper 18(70). 4. ITA Memorandum Director General to Chairman dated 9 December 1970, ITA File 1001/611. 5. ITAIITCA Press Handout dated 22 May 1969, ITA File 1001/613. 6. Ibid. Letter dated 7 February 1970. 7. Letter Brian Young to Charles Curran dated 12 November 1973, IBA File 3203. 8. IBA Memorandum Director General to Chairman dated 22 October 1975, IBA File 1001/616. 9. IBA Paper 18(76). 10. Evidence to the Committee on the Future of Broadcasting under the Chair­ manship of Lord Annan (Independent Broadcasting Authority, September 1974) paras 128-36. 11. Ibid., para. 136. 12. lTV Evidence to the Annan Committee, para. 65. 13. Ibid., para. 64. 14. The Committee on the Future of Broadcasting: BBC Memorandum, Choice in Television (British Broadcasting Corporation, February 1975). 15. Ibid., para. 14. 16. Annan Report, para. 23.6. 17. Ibid., para. 23.7. 18. Ibid., para. 11.10. 19. Ibid., para. 11.7. 20. Reproduced in Television TodDy and Tomorrow, The Granada Guildhall Lectures 1977, p. 48. REFERENCES 381 21. IBA Minutes 414(77). 22. Letter Robin Scott to Berkeley Smith dated 30 November 1977, IBA File 3021/6. 23. Ibid. Letter Lady Plowden to Sir Michael Swann dated 15 December 1977. 24. Ibid. IBA Press Release dated 15 February 1978. 25. Tenth Report from the Select Committee on Nationalised Industries (HMSO, July 1978) Minutes of Evidence, para. 316. 26. IBA Memorandum Director General to Chairman dated 10 October 1978, IBA File 10011617. 27. IBA Paper 265(78). 28. Letter dated 21 November 1978, IBA File 3021/6. 29. Ibid. Letter Sir Brian Young to dated 21 November 1978. 30. Ibid. Letter Robin Scott to Brian Tesler dated 10 January 1979. 31. Ibid. Letter Gerry Loftus to Alan Hart dated 11 May 1978. 32. Ibid. Letter Brian Tesler to Robin Scott dated 18 January 1978. 33. IBA Paper 274(78). 34. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1979-80, p. 5.


1. See Volume 1, Chapter 21. 2. lTV Evidence to the Annan Committee, para. 517. 3. See Volume 1, p. 125. 4. lTV Evidence to the Annan Committee, para. 516. 5. Ibid., para. 519. 6. For SCOB see Volume 3, pp. 240-2. 7. Annan Report, paras 29.34 and 29.36. 8. Ibid., para. 29.40. 9. Ibid., para. 29.38. 10. Ibid., para. 29.40. 11. Ibid., paras 29.38,29.40 and 29.41. 12. IBA Paper 68(79).


1. IBA Paper 195(81). 2. Annan Report, p. 475. 3. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1978-79, Appendix IX. 4. IBA Paper 189(77). 5. See Chapter 5. 6. Annan Report, para. 13.38. 7. IBA Paper 5(78). 8. IBA Paper 224(77). 9. The Cecil King Diary 1970-74 (Jonathan Cape, 1975): Friday, 26 October 1973 quoted in IBA Paper 5(78). 10. IBA Paper 82(78). 11. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1978-79, Appendix IX. 12. Independent Broadcasting 19, March 1979 p. 13. 13. See J. F. X. Harriott, Taking the Public's Mind in Independent Broadcasting 21, August 1979. 382 REFERENCES

14. John Harriott, The Regional Area and lTV, Independent Broadcasting 29, June 1981 p. 8. 15. IBA Paper 195(81). 16. Attitudes to lTV: Report on a National Survey (The British Market Research Bureau Ltd, June 1979) (BMRB/RJG.90338). 17. See also Volume 3, pp. 215-16. 18. IBA Paper 228(79). 19. IBA Paper 250(79). 20. IBA Paper 253(79). 21. IBA Paper 256(79). 22. IBA Paper 221(79). 23. John Harriott in conversation with the author, 25 July 1988. 24. IBA Minutes 459(79). 25. IBA Minutes 464(79). 26. IBA Paper 328(79). 27. Independent Broadcasting 22, January 1980 p. 4; IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1979-80, Appendix XIII. 28. IBA News Release dated 24 January 1980. 29. Marketing, 7 May 1980. 30. Morning Star, 10 May 1980. 31. The Times, to May 1980. 32. TMD Advertising Circular quoted in Financial Times, 28 May 1980. 33. Memorandum Lord Harris of Greenwich to Director General IBA on Australian Broadcasting Tribunal and Hearings, undated, IBA File 2411112. 34. IBA Paper 195(81). 35. IBA Paper 59(80). 36. IBA Paper 45(80). 37. Lord Thomson of Monifieth in conversation with the author, 27 July 1988. 38. See Volume 3, Chapter 6 and Appendix B. 39. IBA Memorandum Chief Assistant (Contracts and Hearings) to Director General dated 11 April 1979 , attached to IBA Paper 250(79), IBA File 2411112. 40. IBA Minutes 503(80). 41. IBA Paper 195(81).


1. See Volume 3, pp. 72-3. 2. PPC Paper 6(72). 3. SCC Paper 7(73). 4. Time, 1 December 1980. 5. Independent Broadcasting 22, January 1980, p. 4. 6. IBA Paper 391(80). 7. Ibid. 8. Addendum to IBA Paper 343(79). 9. See Volume 3, pp. 9-tO. to. See Volume 3, Chapter 3. 11. Baroness Warnock in conversation with the author, 16 August 1988. 12. Lord Thomson of Monifieth in conversation with the author, 27 July 1988. 13. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1980-81, Appendix X. 14. David Nicholas in press interview with Elkan Allan reported in The Times, 1 August 1981. 15. IBA Paper 390(80) Appendix V. REFERENCES 383 CHAPTER 23: CONTROVERSIAL AWARDS

1. For the awards to Granada, HTV, Yorkshire and the London companies see Chapters 3, 9, 5 and 4 respectively. 2. For the awards to Tyne Tees, Anglia, Scottish and Ulster see Chapters 5,7,8 and 11 respectively. 3. Richard Last in , 13 October 1980. 4. Lord Willis reported in The Times, 21 May 1980. 5. See Chapter 21. 6. IBA Paper 251(79). 7. See Chapter 3. 8. IBA Paper 327(80). 9. Ibid. 10. Mercia Television Franchise Application, May 1980, p. 46. 11. IBA Paper 327(80). 12. Midlands Television Franchise Application, May 1980, IBA File 6111/C/3. 13. Evening Mail, 20 May 1980. 14. Letter Peter Plant to Clare Mulholland, IBA Regional Officer (Midlands), dated 14 October 1980, IBA File 61111C11. 15. IBA Paper 327(80) Appendix II. 16. See, for example, 'Why I think ATV has let us down' by Clive Wilkinson and the reply by Charles Denton, Birmingham Evening Mail, 23 December 1980. 17. Submission attached to letter from Chief Executive, City of Birmingham to Chairman, IBA dated 14 October 1980, IBA File 24115/C. 18. Ibid. 19. IBA Memorandum Regional Officer (Midlands) to Director General dated 20 October 1980, IBA File 24115/C. 20. Letter Lord Windlesham to Clare Mulholland dated 17 October 1980, IBA File 6111/c/1. 21. Ibid. 22. Birmingham Post, 18 October 1980. 23. Birmingham Post, 5 November 1980. 24. Letter Lady Plowden to Lord Windlesham dated 28 December 1980, IBA File 61111c/1. 25. Letter Lord Windlesham to Lord Thomson of Monifieth dated 13 January 1981, IBA File 7073/1. 26. Letter dated 5 November 1981, IBA File 707312. 27. See Chapter 10. 28. IBA Paper 379(80). 29. Ibid. 30. Ibid. 31. IBA Paper 300(80). 32. Daily Telegraph, 29 September 1980. 33. Express & Echo, 2 January 1981, IBA File 611/GI1. 34. See Chapter 7. 35. Financial Times, 28 May 1980. 36. Annan Report, para. 13.33. 37. IBA Paper 370(80). 38. Ibid. 39. Ibid. 40. Statement by the Independent Broadcasting Authority: lTV Franchise Awards 1980, dated 28 December 1980. 384 REFERENCES

41. Letter David Wilson to Lord Thomson of Monifieth dated 29 January 1981, IBA File 61111F11. 42. Ibid. Letters Lord Thomson of Monifieth to David Wilson and Lord Briggs dated 16 and 17 February 1981. 43. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1985-86, p. 66. 44. Birmingham Evening Mail, 29 December 1980. 45. Independent Broadcasting 30, November 1981.


1. IBA Paper 213(75). 2. IBA Annual Report and Accounts 1980-81, p. 11. 3. Donald Cullimore, Patronage of the Arts in Independent Broadcasting 30, November 1981. 4. ITCA Papers attached to SCC Paper 4(78).


1. Reprinted from lTV Evidence to the Annan Committee, pp. 46-8. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY

1. General: Mass Media, Broadcasting and Society 386 2. Government and Parliamentary Publications 387 (a) Acts of Parliament (b) White Papers (c) Committees of Inquiry Reports (d) Parliamentary Select Committee Reports (e) Advisory Committee Reports (f) Government Reports (g) Licences to broadcast granted to the ITAlIBA 3. Television Industry: Policy, Structures, Labour Relations 389 4. Independent Television/Broadcasting Authority 390 5. Independent Television 390 (a) Independent Television (b) lTV Companies 6. Fourth Television Channel 392 7. Television Advertising 392 8. Broadcasting Research 393 (a) Research Methods and Techniques (b) Audience Research (c) Violence on Television 9. Programmes 395 (a) General (b) News, Current Affairs and Documentary Programmes (c) Drama and Arts Programmes (d) Comedy and Light Entertainment Programmes (e) Children's and Educational Programmes (f) Religious Broadcasting 10. Personalities: Biographies, Autobiographies and Memoirs 402


Volume 1 of Independent Television in Britain contained a list of some contempor­ ary publications of the period up to 1962. This bibliography, covering the subsequent stage of the history of lTV, from 1962 to 1980, contains books on broadcasting and society, the television industry, audience research, television advertising, the programmes and personalities of the period. Publications by or about the Indepen­ dent Television Authority, later the Independent Broadcasting Authority, and the lTV companies are listed. Relevant government publications of the period - Acts of Parliament, White Papers and committee reports - are also included.

Books specifically about the BBC are not included. They can be found in British Broadcasting 1922-1982: A Selected Bibliography, London: BBC Data Publica­ tions, 1983.

1 GENERAL: MASS MEDIA, BROADCASTING AND SOCIETY ANNAN, Lord, The Politics of a Broadcasting Enquiry (1981 Ulster Television Lecture) : Ulster Television, 1981. 19pp. BLUMLER, J. G. and MADGE, John, Citizenship and Television, London: Political and Economic Planning, 1967. 52pp. Broadcasting and society: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Broadcasting Policy Held by University of Manchester Department of Extra Mural Studies, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1973 p. x. 27Opp. CLARK, M. J., Politics and the Media, London: Pergamon Press for the British Universities Film Council, 1979. 173pp. CRITCHLEY, Julian, Counsel for Broadcasting. A Case for a Broadcasting Council, London: Conservative Political Centre, 1971. 14pp. CURRAN, James, GUREVITCH, Michael and WOOLLACOTT, Janet, Mass Communication and Society, London: Edward Arnold for the Open University, 1977. 479pp. GROOMBRIDGE, Brian, Television and Participation. A Study for the Council of , Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 1973. 36pp. GROOMBRIDGE, Brian, Television and the People: A Programme for Democra­ tic Participation, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1972. 254pp. HALMOS, Paul (ed.) The Sociology of Mass-Media Communicators, Keele, Staffordshire: University of Keele, 1969. 248pp. (Sociological Review Mono­ graph,13). HELLER, Caroline, Broadcasting and Accountability, London: , 1978. 77pp. (BF! Television Monograph, 7). HOOD, Stuart, The Mass Media, London: Macmillan, 1972. 96pp. (Studies in Contemporary Europe). LABOUR PARTY, The People and the Media: The Report of a Labour Party Study Group on the Relationship between the People, the Press and Broadcasting, London: Labour Party, 1974. 4Opp. LYLE, Garry, Broadcasting, London: Batsford, 1973. 96pp. McQUAIL, Denis, Sociology of Mass Communications: Selected Readings, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1972. 477pp. (Penguin Modern Sociology Readings). MUNRO, Colin R., Television, Censorship and the Law, Farnborough, Hamp­ shire: Saxon House, 1979, p. vii. 194pp. OPEN UNIVERSITY, Media and Society, (Social sciences: Third level course: Mass communication and society) Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1977. 53pp. PIEPE, Anthony, CROUCH, Sunny, and EMERSON, Miles, Mass Media and Cultural Relationships, Farnborough, : Saxon House, 1978. 168pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 387

SCUPHAM, John, Broadcasting and the Community, London: C. A. Watts, 1967, p. vii. 264pp. SEYMOUR-URE, Colin, The Political Impact of Mass Media, London: Con­ stable, 1974. 296pp. SMITH, Anthony, British Broadcasting, Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1974. 271pp. (David & Charles Sources for Contemporary Issues). SMITH, Anthony, The Shadow in the Cave: A Study of the Relationship Between the Broadcaster, His Audience and the State, London: George Allen & Unwin, 1973. 351pp. SOCIAL MORALITY COUNCIL, The Future of Broadcasting, London: Eyre Methuen, 1974. l00pp. TUCKER, Nicholas, Understanding the Mass Media: A Practical Approach for Teaching, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966. 198pp. TUNSTALL, Jeremy, Media Sociology: A Reader, London: Constable, 1970. 574pp. WEDELL, E. G., Broadcasting and Public Policy, London: Michael Joseph, 1968. 37Opp. WEDELL, E. G., Structures of Broadcasting: A Symposium, Manchester: Man­ chester University Press, 1970. 108pp. WHALE, John, Politics of the Media, London: Fontana/Collins, 1977. 176pp. WHITEHOUSE, Mary, Cleaning-up 1V: From Protest to Participation, London: Blandford Press, 1967. 24Opp. WILLIAMS, Raymond, Communications, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1962; London: Chatto & Windus, revised edn; Penguin, 3rd edn. 1976. 192pp. WILSON, Charles, Parliaments, Peoples and Mass Media: A Symposium Organ­ ized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, London: Cassell, 1970. 144pp. WINDLESHAM, Lord, Broadcasting in a Free Society, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1980. 172pp. WINDLESHAM, Lord, Communication and Political Power, London: Jonathan Cape, 1966. 288pp. WINDLESHAM, Lord. Politics in Practice, London: Jonathan Cape, 1975. 205pp.


Television Act 1954. Television Act 1963. Television Act 1964. (Consolidating Act) Sound Broadcasting Act 1972. Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 1973. (Consolidating Act) Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 1974. Independent Broadcasting Authority (No 2) Act 1974. Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 1978. Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 1979. Broadcasting Act 1980. (b) White Papers

Broadcasting: Memorandum on the Report of the Committee on Broadcasting, 1960 (Cmnd 1770) London: HMSO, 1962. Broadcasting: Further Memorandum on the Report of the Committee on Broadcast­ ing, 1960 (Cmnd 1983) London: HMSO, 1962. 388 INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY

A University of the Air (Cmnd 2922) London: HMSO, 1966. Broadcasting (Cmnd 3169) London: HMSO, 1966. An Alternative Service of Radio Broadcasting (Cmnd 4636) London: HMSO, 1971. Broadcasting (Cmnd 7294) London: HMSO, 1978. (c) Committees of Inquiry Reports

Report of the Broadcasting Committee 1949 (Chairman: Lord Beveridge) (Cmnd 8116) London: HMSO, 1951. Report of the Committee on Broadcasting 1960 (Chairman: Sir Harry Pilkington) (Cmnd 1753) London: HMSO, 1962, Memoranda Submitted to the Committee (Cmnd 1819, 1819-1) London: HMSO, 1962 (2 vols). Report of the Committee on Broadcasting Coverage (Chairman: Sir Stewart Crawford) (Cmnd 5774) London: HMSO, 1974. Report of the Working Party on a Fourth Television Service in WaleslAdroddiad y Gweithgor ar Bedwerydd Gwasanaeth Teledu yng Nghymru (Cmnd 6290) Cardiff: HMSO, 1975. Report of the Committee on the Future of Broadcasting (Chairman: Lord Annan) (Cmnd 6753); Appendices E-I: Research Papers Commissioned by the Committee (Cmnd 6753-1) London: HMSO, 1977. (d) Parliamentary Select Committees Reports

HOUSE OF COMMONS, Welsh Grand Committee: Minutes of Proceedings on Consideration of the Matter of Radio and Television in Wales. (Session 1971-72: HC 311) London: HMSO, 1972. HOUSE OF COMMONS, Second Report from the Select Committee on National­ ised Industries together with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendices and Index. Independent Broadcasting Authority (formerly Independent Television Authority) Session 1971-72: HC 465) London: HMSO, 1972. HOUSE OF COMMONS, Tenth Report from the Committee of Public Accounts, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Part of the Minutes of Evidence, Appendices and Index. Independent Broadcasting Authority: Additional Payments by Programme Contractors (Session 1976-77: HC 536) London: HMSO, 1977. HOUSE OF COMMONS, Tenth Report from the Select Committee on Nationalised Industries, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence taken before Sub-Committee C and Appendices. Independent Broadcasting Authority. (Session 1977-78: HC 637-1, 637-11) London: HMSO, 1978 (2 vols). HOUSE OF COMMONS, Fifth Report from the Committee of Public Accounts, together with the Proceedings of the Committee and the Minutes of Evidence. Independent Broadcasting Authority: Additional Payments by Programme Con­ tractors (Session 1979--80: HC 445) London: HMSO, 1980. (e) Advisory Committee Reports

Report of the Television Advisory Committee, 1967, London: HMSO, 1968. Report of the Television Advisory Committee, 1972, London: HMSO, 1972. (0 Government Reports

NATIONAL BOARD FOR PRICES AND INCOMES, Costs and Revenues of Independent Television Companies (Cmnd 4524) London: HMSO, 1970. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 389

HOUSE OF COMMONS, Second Report from the Select Committee on National­ ised Industries; Session 1971-72 Independent Broadcasting Authority (formerly Independent Television Authority), Observations by the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications and the IBA (Cmnd 5244) London: HMSO, 1973. HOUSE OF COMMONS, Tenth Report from the Select Committee on Nationalised Industries; Independent Broadcasting Authority, Observations by the Home Secretary and the IBA (Cmnd 7791) London: HMSO, 1979).

(g) Licences to broadcast granted to the ITAlIBA Broadcasting (Cmnd 9451) London: HMSO, 1955. Broadcasting (Cmnd 2424) London: HMSO, 1964. Broadcasting (Cmnd 4193) London: HMSO, 1969. Broadcasting (Cmnd 5413) London: HMSO, 1973. Broadcasting (Cmnd 6541) London: HMSO, 1976. Broadcasting (Cmnd 7616) London: HMSO, 1979.

3 TELEVISION INDUSTRY: POLICY, STRUCTURES, LABOUR RELATIONS BAKEWELL, Joan, and GARNHAM, Nicholas, The New Priesthood: British Television Today, London: Allen Lane, 1970. 315pp. BEHARRELL, Peter, and PHILO, Greg, Trade Unions and the Media, London: Macmillan, 1977, xi. 15Opp. BLACK, Peter, The Mirror in the Corner: People's Television, London: Hutchinson, 1972. 232pp. CAINE, Sir Sydney, Paying for TV?, London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 1968. 6Opp. (Hobart Paper, 43). CAINE, Sir Sydney, Statement on TV Policy: Postscript to Hobart Paper 43 Paying for TV?, London: Institute of Economic Affairs', 1969. 7pp. DAY, Robin, Television: A Personal Report, London: Hutchinson, 1961. 24Opp. FAIRLEY, Peter, Television: Behind the Screen, London: Severn House, 1976. 16Opp. GABRIEL, Juri, Thinking about Television, London: Oxford University Press, 1973. 143pp. GARNHAM, Nicholas, Structures of Television, London: British Film Institute, 1973; revised edn 1978. 58pp. (BFI Television Monograph, 1). GREEN, Timothy, The Universal Eye: World Television in the Seventies, London: Bodley Head, 1972. 327pp. HOOD, Stuart, A Survey of Television, London: Heinemann, 1967. 186pp. PAULU, Burton, Television and Radio in the United Kingdom, London: Macmillan, 1981, p. xiv. 476pp. PRATTEN, C. F., The Economics of Television, London: Political and Economic Planning, 1970. 71pp. SEGLOW, Peter, Trade Unionism in Television: A Case Study in the Development of White Collar Militancy, Farnborough, Hampshire: Saxon House, 1978, xvi. 287pp. SHULMAN, Milton, The Least Worst Television in the World, London: Barrie & Jenkins, 1973. 18Opp. SHULMAN, Milton, The Ravenous Eye: The Impact of the Fifth Factor, London: Cassell, 1973. 334pp. Television Today and Tomorrow: Granada Guildhall Lectures, 1977 (by Sir Charles Curran, Sir Brian Young, and Lord Annan) London: Granada Publishing, 1977. 99pp. 390 INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY

WILLIAMS, Raymond, Television: Technology and Cultural Form, London: Fontana, 1974. 16Opp.


A full account of the activities and finances of the Authority appears each year in the ITA/IBA Annual Report and Accounts (1955- ), together with a bibliography of ITAlIBA publications, a selection of which are listed below.

Attitudes to Television (later Attitudes to Broadcasting) 197(}" . Annual. Broadcasting Engineer's Pocket Book: A Digest ofUseful Technical Information, 1979. Broadcasting Technology for the 1980s, 1980. Evidence to the Committee on the Future of Broadcasting, 1974, IBA Audience Research Department Special Reports (studies oftelevision audiences and their reactions to programmes) 1974- . IBA Engineering Progress, 1978. IBA Technical Review (series of publications for broadcast engineers) 1972- . ITA Notes (series recording important ITAlIBA policy statements) nos. 1-29,1963-74. lTV (1963-75) (later Television and Radio, 1976-88) 1962-87, Annual. lTV: Future Contracts and the Public, 1979. lTV Education News (Independent Television schools and adult education pro- grammes) 197(}"77. lTV for colleges, 1977- ,academic terms. lTV for schools, 1979- ,school terms. Independent Broadcasting (journal of opinion and broadcasting policy) nos. 1-40, 1974--84, quarterly. Independent Broadcasting: The First 21 years, 1977. Independent Television: the Authority's Plans for 1976-79, 1974. Independent Television: Engineering for Colour, 1970. The Independent Television Code of Advertising Standards and Practice, 1st edn, 1964; 2nd edn, 1969; later The IBA Code of Advertising Standards and Practice, 1972- . Regular reprints and revised editions. The Portrayal ofViolence in Television: The Working Party Second Interim Report, 1975. The Portrayal of Violence on Television: BBC & IBA Guidelines, 1980. Principles for Television Advertising, 1st edn, 1955; 2nd edn, 1958; 3rd edn, 1960; 4th edn, 1961. Television Programme Guidelines, 1978. Regular reprints and revised editions. Transmitting Stations: A Pocket Guide, 1973- . Annual. Violence in Programmes, 1964. Violence in Television Programmes, 1971. Who does what in lTV, 197(}" . Annual.


(a) Independent Television

ADORIAN, Paul, British Independent Television a paper delivered on 18 Novem­ ber 1964 in Vienna at the 1 lth Advertising Conference, London: Television, 1964. 19pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 391

BRIGGS, Asa, and SPICER, Joanna, The Franchise Affair: Creating Fortunes and Failures in Independent Television, London: Century Hutchinson, 1986. 226pp. BROADCAST, Twenty-one Years of Independent Television 1955-1976, London: Broadcast, 1976. 139pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, Anitudes towards an Absent Service: Public Opinions, during the lTV Strike, on Aspects of lTV and of BBC- 2, London: IBA, 1979. 25pp. POTTER, Jeremy, Independent Television in Britain: Politics and Control, 1968- BO, London: Macmillan, 1989, vol. 3: ix. 352pp. SENDALL, Bernard, Independent Television in Britain, London: Macmillan, 1982-3, vol. 1: Origin and Foundation, 1946-62, xviii, 418pp. vol. 2: Expansion and Change, 1958--68, p. xvii, 429pp. TELEVISION MAIL, Ten Years of Independent Television, September 22, 1955- 1965, London: Television Mail, 1965. 122pp. (b) lTV Companies

Information about lTV companies can be found in their published annual reports and accounts, and other publications.

ABC TV in focus, London: ABC Television, 1963. 48pp. ANGLIA TELEVISION, About Anglia '75, Ipswich: The Boydell Press, 1974. 128pp. ANGLIA TELEVISION, ... the First Twenty-One Years, Norwich: Anglia Television, 1980. 128pp. BORDER TELEVISION, The Border Discovered, London/; Border Tele­ vision, 1961; revised edns 1965, 1966. 24pp. CHANNEL TELEVISION, CTV21: Channel Television, A Special (21st) Anniver­ sary Publication, St Helier, Jersey: Channel Islands Communications (Tele­ vision) Ltd, 1983. 62pp. GRAMPIAN TELEVISION, The First Ten Years, : Grampian Tele­ vision, 1971. 28pp. GRANADA TELEVISION, As Others See Us, Manchester: Granada Television, 1981. 69pp. (Granada celebrated twenty-five years in Independent Television on 3 May 1981.) Granada: The First 25 Years, London: British Film Institute, 1981, 132pp. (BFI Dossier, 9.) Granada Television Programme Index: Year Twenty-One, 3 May 1956 to 2 May 1977, London: Granada Television, 1977. 132pp. GRANADA TELEVISION, Year Ten: Granada Television 3 May 1956-3 May 1966, Manchester: Granada Television, 1966. l1Opp. HTV, Accepting the Challenge, Cardiff: Harlech Television, 1969. 28pp. SCOTTISH TELEVISION, The First Ten: Scottish Television, August 1957- August 1967, Glasgow: Scottish Television, 1967. 33pp. SCOTTISH TELEVISION, Five Years of Sconish Television, Glasgow: Scottish Television, 1962. 4Opp. Sconish Television Serves Scotland, Glasgow: Scottish Television, 1965. 12pp. TAYLOR, Edward Durham, The Great TV Book: 21 Years of LWT, London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1989. 96pp. THAMES TELEVISION, Twenty-one Years, London: Thames Television, 1989. 68pp. THAMES TELEVISION, People Behind Programmes, London: Thames Tele­ vision, 1972. 12pp. 392 INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY

Tyne Tees Television: The First 20 years, by Anthony Brown, Newcastle upon Tyne: Tyne Tees Television, 1978. SOpp. ULSTER TELEVISION, The First Fifteen: Ulster Television 1959-1974, Belfast: Ulster Television, 1974. YORKSHIRE TELEVISION, Brief History and Programme Information, Leeds: Yorkshire Television, 1968. 2Opp. Yorkshire Television: The First 10 Years, Leeds: Yorkshire Television, 1978. SOpp.


BLANCHARD, Simon, and MORLEY, David, What's this Channel Four? An Alternative Report, London: Comedia, 1982. 186pp. Four on 4: Transcriptions from Four Open Forums on the New Television Channel, Stafford: West Midland Arts, 1982. 9Opp. HENRY, Harry, The Commercial Implications of a Second (and Complementary) Independent Television Channel, London, Admap Publications, 1979. 28pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, The Fourth Channel: Pro­ duction Facilities: An Edited Summary of a Consultation held at the IBA, 20th May 1980, London: IBA, 1980. 4Opp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, ITV2: A Submission to the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications by the Independent Television Author­ ity, December 1971, London: ITA, 1971. 24pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION COMPANIES ASSOCIATION, The Case for ITV2: A Fair Deal for Broadcasting, London: ITCA, 1978. ISAACS, Jeremy, Storm over 4: A Personal Account, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989, viii. 215pp. LAMBERT, Stephen, Channel Four: Television with a Difference?, London: British Film Institute, 1982. 178pp. TV4 CAMPAIGN, Opportunities for the Fourth Channel: A Memorandum on TV4, London: TV4 Campaign, 1971. 18pp.


DOWNHAM, John, Techniques for Testing the Effect of Television Advertising on Sales, London: Associated Television, 1959. 15pp. (ATV Research Library, 5). DRAKEFORD, John, HARMAR-BROWN, Francis, and ADAMS, James R., Testing the Commercial: The Creative Factor, London: British Bureau of Television Advertising, 197. 28pp. (BBTA Occasional Paper, 8.) GABLE, Jo, The Tuppenny Punch and Judy Show: 25 Years of TV Commercials, London: Michael Joseph, 1980. 192pp. HENRY, Brian (ed.) British Television Advertising: The First 30 Years, London: Century Benham, 1986. 528pp. HENRY, Harry, Motivation and the Television Commercial, London: Associated Television, 1959, 13pp. (ATV Research Library, 2.) SHARPS, Wallace S., Commercial Television: A Manual of Advertising and Production Techniques, London: Fountain Press, 1958. 496pp. SQUIRRELL, Norman, Copy Research and Television Commercials, London: Associated Television, 1959. 16pp. (ATV Research Library, 4.) TAPLIN, Walter, The Origin of Television Advertising in the United Kingdom, London: Pitman, 1961, xi. l06pp. TREASURE, John, and JOYCE, Timothy, As Others See Us - A Study of INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 393

Attitudes to Advertising and to Television Advertisements, London: Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, 1967. 26pp. (IPA Occasional Paper, 17.) TWYMAN, W. A., How Effective is Colour Television Advertising?, London: British Bureau of Television Advertising, 1969. 39pp. (BBTA Occasional Paper, 1.)


(a) Research Methods and Techniques

ABC TELEVISION and , Under Observation: An Enquiry into a New Technique for Assessing the Response of Children to Television, London: ABC Television, 1963. 57pp. BAGGALEY, Jon, and DUCK, Steve, Dynamics of Television, Farnborough, Hampshire: Gower, 1976, xv. 18Opp. BELSON, William, A., The Impact of Television: Methods and Findings in Programme Research, London: Crosby Lockwood, 1967, x. 400pp. BELSON, William A., Research for Programme Planning in Television, London: Associated Television, 1960. 15pp. (ATV Research Library, 3.) HALLORAN, James D., Attitude Formation and Change, Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1967. 167pp. (Television Research Committee Working Paper, 2.) HALLORAN, James D., Mass Communication Research and Adult Education, Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1968. 75pp. HALLORAN, James D., Mass Media and Society: The Challenge of Research, Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1974. 3Opp. HALLORAN, James, D., and GUREVITCH Michael, Broadcaster/Researcher Co-operation in Mass Communication Research, Leicester: Centre for Mass Communication Research, University of Leicester, 1971. 183pp. 'The Researchers: Is There Anybody Out There?, in View: An Independent Television Journal, London: Independent Television Publications, 1975. 97pp. STUART, Alan, Sampling in Television Research, London: Associated Television, 1960. 16pp. (ATV Research Library, 6.) TELEVISION RESEARCH COMMITTEE, Problems of Television Research: A Progress Report of the Television Research Committee, Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1966. 38pp. TELEVISION RESEARCH COMMITTEE, Second Progress Report and Recom­ mendations, Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1969. 106pp.

(b) Audience Research

ANWAR, Muhammad, Who Tunes in to What?: A Report on Ethnic Minority Broadcasting, London: Campaign for Racial Equality, 1978. 104pp. BARCLAY, J. B., Viewing Tastes of Adolescents in Cinema and Television, : Scottish Educational Film Association/Scottish Film Council, 1961. 76pp. BRITISH MARKET RESEARCH BUREAU, Attitudes to lTV: Report on a National Survey, London: BMRB, 1979. BROWN, Ray, Characteristics of Local Media Audiences, Farnborough, Hamp­ shire: Saxon House, 1978, xii. 13Opp. BROWN, Ray (ed.) Children and Television, London: Collier Macmillan, 1976. 368pp. 394 INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY

GOODHARDT, G. J., EHRENBURG, A. S. C., and COLLINS, M.A., The Television Audience: Patterns of Viewing, Farnborough, Hampshire: Saxon House, 1975, xv. 157pp. HALLORAN, James D., The Effects of Mass Communication: With Special Reference to Television, Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1964. 83pp. (Television Research Committee, Working Paper, 1.) HALLORAN, James D., (ed.) The Effects of Television, London: Panther Books, 1970. 224pp. HALLORAN, James D., Television and Delinquency, Leicester: Leicester Univer­ sity Press, 1970. 221pp. (Television Research Committee Working Paper, 3.) HIMMELWElT, Hilde, Television and the Child: An Empirical Study ofthe Effect of Television on the Young, London: OUP/Nuffield Foundation, 1958, xix. 522pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITYIINDEPENDENT BROAD­ CASTING AUTHORITY, Attitudes to Television/Attitudes to Broadcasting, London: ITNIBA, 197~ . Annual. NOBLE, Grant, Children in Front of the Small Screen, London: Constable, 1975. 256pp. (Communication and Society.) OPEN UNIVERSITY, The Audience: Unit Seven: Mass Media Effects.; Unit Eight: The Political Effects of Mass Communications (Social sciences: Third level course: Mass communication and society) Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1977. 6Opp. PIEPE, Anthony, EMERSON, Miles, and LANNON, Judy, Television and the Working Class, Farnborough, Hampshire: Saxon House, 1975, viii, 17Opp. SCARBOROUGH, Michael L., The Educational Value of Non-Educational Television: A Study of Children's Responses to General Programme Material, London: IBA, 1973. 29pp. (IBA Fellowship Scheme.)

(c) Violence on Television

BELSON, William A., Television Violence and the Adolescent Boy, Farnborough, Hampshire: Saxon House, 1978, x. 529pp. BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION, Violence on Television: Pro­ gramme Concept and Viewer Perception, London: BBC, 1972. 22Opp. BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION, The Portrayal of Violence in Television Programmes: A Note of Guidance, London: BBC, 1972. 13pp. BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION, The Portrayal of Violence in Television Programmes: Suggestions for a Revised Note of Guidance, London: BBC, 1979. 36pp. BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATIONIINDEPENDENT BROAD­ CASTING AUTHORITY, The Portrayal of Violence on Television: BBC & IBA Guidelines, London: BBc/IBA, 1980. 52pp. BRODY, Stephen, Screen Violence and Film Censorship - A Review of Research, London: HMSO, 1977, vi. 179pp. (Home Office Research Study, 40.) CENSORSHIP, Television, London: Censorship, Autumn 1966. 45pp. EYSENCK, H. J., and NIAS, D. K. B., Sex, Violence and the Media, London: Temple Smith, 1978. 306pp. GLUCKSMANN, Andre, Violence on the Screen: A Report on Research into the Effects on Young People of Scenes of Violence in Films and Television, London: British Film Institute, 1971. 78pp. HOWITT, Dennis, and CUMBERBATCH, Guy, Mass Media Violence and Society, London: Elek Science, 1975, vii. 167pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, The Portrayal of Violence on Television: Working Party Second Interim Report, London: IBA, 1975. 8pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1960-82: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 395

INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, A Report of an ITA Consulta­ tion on Family Viewing, with Special Reference to the Portrayal of Violence (1-2 October 1970) London: ITA, 1970. 33pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, Violence in Programmes: The Independent Television Code, London: ITA, 1964. 4pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, Violence in Television Program­ mes: The lTV Code, London: ITA, 1971. 4pp.

9 PROGRAMMES Information about lTV programmes can be found in the ITAIIBA yearbooks, and a variety of programme publicity leaflets and support literature issued by the companies. A list of programme leaflets appeared in a bibliography in the ITAIIBA yearbook.

BLUMLER, Jay G. and McQUAIL, Denis, Television in Politics: its Uses and Influence, London: Faber, 1968. 379pp. CAMPAIGN FOR FREE SPEECH ON IRELAND, The British Media and Ireland: Truth: the First , London: Information on Ireland, 1979. 56pp. COHEN, Stanley, and YOUNG, Jock, The Manufacture of News: Social Prob­ lems, Deviance and the Mass Media, London: Constable, 1973, revised edn, 1981. (Communication and Society.) COLLINS, Richard, Television News, London: British Film Institute, 1976, p. vi. 56pp. (BFI Television Monograph, 5.) COX, Geoffrey, See it Happen: The Making of ITN, London: Bodley Head, 1983. 248pp. DAVIS, Anthony, Television: Here is the News, London: Severn House Pub­ lishers, 1976. 144pp. DAY, Robin, The Case for Televising Parliament, London: The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 1963. 23pp. GLADWYN, Lord, The Four Freedoms: The Background of the Broadcasts, London: Associated Television, 1962. 26pp. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY MEDIA GROUP, Bad News, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1976, xvi. 31Opp. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY MEDIA GROUP, More Bad News, London: Rout­ ledge & Kegan Paul, 1980, xviii. 483pp. GOLDIE, Grace Wyndham, Facing the Nation: Television and Politics, 1936-1976, London: Bodley Head, 1977. 368pp. GOLDING, Peter, and ELLIOTI, Philip, Making the News, London: Longman, 1979, p. xi. 241pp. GRANADA TELEVISION, Communication and the Modern World: The British Association Granada Lectures, 1959 (Science and communication, by Sir Edward Appleton; Television and Politics, by Edward R. Murrow; Dons or Crooners?, by Sir Eric Ashby) London: Granada Television, 1959. 111pp. GRANADA TELEVISION, Prelude to Westminster? A Report on the First Live Coverage of the Conferences of the Major Political Parties and the TUC, London: Granada Television, 1963, reprinted 1974. 16pp. GRANADA TELEVISION, World in Action '63, London: World Distributors, 1963. 22Opp. GRANADA TELEVISION, World in Action: The First Twenty-One Years, Manchester: Granada Television, 1984. 16pp. HALLORAN, James D., ELLIOTI, Philip, and MURDOCK, Graham, Demon­ strations and Communications: A Case Study, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1970. 33Opp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, A Consultation on Tele­ vision Coverage of Industry and Economic Affairs (4--6 March 1977) London: IBA, 1977. 12Opp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, Direct Broadcasting of Parliament: Public Experience of, and Reaction to, the Present and some Future Possibilities of the Direct Broadcasting of Parliament, London: IBA, 1978. 34pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, The Election to the Euro­ pean Parliament, 1979: An Exploration of the Broadcasting Services in Mediating Public Experience of the Election, London: IBA, 1979. 44pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, The May 1979 General Election: Viewers' Attitudes towards Television Coverage, London: IBA, 1979. 26pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, The Need for News: Audi­ ence Attitudes towards Nine News Topics, London: IBA, 1978. 37pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 397

INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, Television Coverage of Industrial Conflict: Viewers' Perceptions of any Bias in Main News Coverage of Industrial Disputes in the Early Months of 1979, London: IBA, 1979. 25pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, The World Cup: Audience Reaction to the Television Coverage, London: IBA, 1978. 54pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, A Report of an ITA Consulta­ tion on News and Current Affairs Programmes (25/26 January 1966) London: ITA, 1966. 36pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, A Report of an ITA Consulta­ tion on News and Current Affairs Programmes (5-7 January 1972) London: ITA, 1972. 54pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, A Report ofan ITA Consultation on Science and Technology Programmes (2 October 1969) London: ITA, 1969. 9pp. McARTHUR, Colin, Television and History, London: British Film Institute, 1978, ii. 6Opp. (BFI Television Monograph, 8.) MAGEE, Bryan, The Television Interviewer, London: Macdonald, 1966. 139pp. MORLEY, Dave, Industrial Conflict and the Mass Media, Birmingham: Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, University of Birmingham, 1974. 28pp. (Media Series, SP 8.) PATEMAN, Trevor, Television and the February 1974 General Election, London: British Film Institute, 1974, v. 79pp. (BFI Television Monograph, 3.) PEDRICK, Martyn, In the Front Line, London: Robson Books, 1983. 238pp. (Account of fifteen years' coverage by ITN of foreign news stories.) REDIFFUSION TELEVISION, This Week: Ten Years of TV Journalism, London: Rediffusion Television, 1966. 24pp. (Produced to mark the tenth anniversary of 'This Week') REDIFFUSION TELEVISION, 'This Week' and the General Election, London: Rediffusion Television, 1964. 12pp. SEYMOUR-URE, Colin, The Political Impact of the Media, London: Constable, 1974. 296pp. (Communication & Society.) SMITH, Anthony (ed.) Television and Political Life: Studies in Six European Countries, London: Macmillan, 1979. 261pp. SWALLOW, Norman, Factual Television, London: Focal Press, 1966. 228pp. TAYLOR, Peter, Reporting Northern Ireland in Index on Censorship, vol.6, November/December 1978, pp.3-11. TRACEY, Michael, In the Culture of the Eye: Ten Years of 'Weekend World', London: Hutchinson, 1983. 157pp. TRACEY, Michael, The Production of Political Television, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977. xiii. 283pp. TRACEY, Michael, Yesterday's Men: A Case Study in Political Communication, Leicester: Centre for Mass Communication Research, University of Leicester, 1976. 38pp. TRADES UNION CONGRESS, Behind the Headlines: TUC Discussion Docu­ ment on the Media, London: TUC, 1980. 28pp. TRADES UNION CONGRESS, A Cause for Concern: Media Coverage of Industrial Disputes January and February 1979, London: TUC, 1979. 4Opp. TRENAMAN, Joseph, and McQUAIL, Denis, Television and the Political Image. A Study of the Impact of Television on the 1959 General Election, London: Methuen, 1961. 287pp. TYRRELL, Robert, The Work of the Television Journalist, London: Focal Press, 1972; 2nd edn, 1981. 18Opp. VAUGHAN, Dai, Television Documentary Usage, London: British Film Institute, 1976. 39pp. (BFI Television Monograph, 6.) 398 INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY

WHALE, John, The Half-Shut Eye: Television and Politics in Britain and America, London: Macmillan, 1969. 219pp. YORKE, Ivor, The Technique of Television News, London: Focal Press, 1978. 214pp. (c) Drama and Arts Programmes

ALVARADO, Manuel, and BUSCOMBE, Edward, Hazell: The Making of a TV Series, London: British Film Institute, 1978, ix. 259pp. ALVARADO, Manuel, and STEWART, John, Made for Television: Ewton Films Ltd, London: British Film Institute, 1985, xii. 228pp. BRANDT, George W. (ed.) British Television Drama, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. 276pp. BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE, Drama-documentary, London: BFI, 1983. 108pp. (BFI Dossier, 19.) DYER, Richard, et al., , London: British Film Institute, 1981. 100pp. (BFI Television Monograph, 13.) FERGUSON, James, Farm: The Officiol Companion, London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1988. 177pp. GRANADA TELEVISION, Plays for Millions: The First 75, A Cross Index of Granada TV Play Productions, Manchester: Granada Televsion, 1960. 24pp. GRANADA TELEVISION, Granada's Manchester Plays, Manchester: Manches­ ter University Press, 1962. 31Opp. GRANADA TELEVISION, New Granada Plays, London: Faber & Faber; 1961. 222pp. GRANADA TELEVISION, Six Granada Plays, London: Faber & Faber, 1960. 222pp. HOBSON, Dorothy, Crossroads: The Drama of a Soap Opera, London: Methuen, 1982. 176pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, Drama on Independent Television: A ReportofanlBA Consultation, (July 1979) London: IBA, 1979. 43pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, Edward and Mrs Simpson: Explorations of the Significance of the Series for the Public, London: IBA, 1979. 34pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, The Naked Civil Servant: Audience Reactions to the Programme, and to the Use of the Warning Symbol, London: IBA, 1976. 25pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, A Report of an ITA Consulta­ tion on Television Drama (23-24 June 1965) London: ITA, 1965. 29pp. KERSHAW, H. V., The Street Where I Live, London: Granada Publishing, 1981. 192pp. (Coronation Street.) LANGLEY, Roger, The Making of'', Ipswich: Six of One, 1985. 24pp. MORGAN, Janet, Report of the Seminar 'The and Contemporary Society', held in the Drama Department, University of London, Goldsmiths College on 20th November 1980, London: Goldsmiths College, 1980. 4Opp. MULLER, Robert, The Television Dramatist, London: Paul Elek, 1973. 382pp. NATIONAL FILM ARCHIVE, British Television Drama, 1959 to 1973, London: British Film Institute, 1976. NEWMAN, Sydney, My Policy for '', London: Television Mail, 1962.6pp. NOWN, Graham (ed.) Coronation Street: 25 Years 1960-1985, London: Ward Lock/Granada Television, 1985. 216pp. POOLE, Mike, and WYVER, John, Powerplays: Trevor Griffiths in Television, London: British Film Institute, 1984. 203pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1960-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 399

ROGERS, Dave, The Complete Avengers, London: Boxtree, 1989. 285pp. ROGERS, Dave, The Professionals, London: Queen Anne Press, 1986. 144pp. ROSSINGTON, Jane, The 'Crossroads' Years: The Official Album, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988. 96pp. SHUBIK, Irene, : The Evolution of Television Drama, London: Davis-Poynter, 1975. 191pp. WHITE, Matthew, and ALI, Jaffer, The Official 'Prisoner' Companion, London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1988, x. 244pp. WILLIS, Ted, Woman in a Dressing Gown, and Other Plays, London: Barrie & Rockliff, 1959. 224pp. WILSON, Angus, Tempo: The Impact of Television on the Arts (ABC Television's Tempo series) London: Studio Vista, 1964. 100pp. (d) Comedy and Light Entertainment Programmes

DYER, Richard, Light Entertainment, London: British Film Institute, 1973. 43pp. (BFI Television Monograph, 2.) FINCH, Christopher, Of Muppets and Men: The Making of , London: Michael Joseph, 1982. 18Opp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, The Appreciation ­ edy and Light Entertainment Programmes, London: IBA, 1976. 1Opp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, A Report of an IBA Con­ sultation on Comedy and Light Entertainment (20-22 October 1976) London: IBA, 1976. 36pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, A Report of an IBA Con­ sultation on Light Entertainment and Comedy (20-21 June 1967) London: IBA, 1967. 17pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, Situation Comedies: A Study of Viewers' Comments on Six Programmes, London: IBA, 1976. 26pp. WILMUT, Roger, From Fringe to Flying Circus: Celebrating a Unique Generation of Comedy 1960-1980, London: Eyre Methuen, 1980. 264pp. (e) Children's and Educational Programmes

BATES, Tony, and GALLAGHER, Margaret, Formative Evaluation ofEducational Television, London: Council for Educational Technology, 1978. 63pp. (Seminar and Conference Report, 3.) BATES, Tony, and ROBINSON, John, Evaluating Educational Television and Radio, Milton Keynes: The Open University Press, 1977. 41Opp. Broadcasting and Youth: A Study Commissioned by the British Broadcasting Corporation, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Independent Broadcasting Authority, and the Manpower Services Commission, London: Calouste Gulbenk­ ian Foundation, 1979. 138pp. CHATAWAY, Christopher, Education and Television, London: Conservative Political Centre, 1965. 15pp. COLEMAN, Francis, Social Action in Television, London: Independent Broad­ casting Authority, 1975. 77pp. (IBA Fellowship Scheme.) CUFF, Anne, A Study of the Use of Modern Language Broadcasts for Schools, London: Independent Broadcasting Authority, 1976. 59pp. (IBA Fellowship Scheme.) DUNN, Gwen, The Box in the Corner: Television and the Under-Fives: A Study, London: Macmillan, 1974. 16Opp. (Originally an IBA Fellowship Scheme report: Television and the Pre-School Child.) 400 INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY

Educational Television and Radio in Britain: Present Provision and Future Possibil­ ities, London: BBC, 1966. 292pp. EDWARDS, Roy, Fool's Lantern or Aladdin's Lamp?: The Use of Educational Television with Slow Learning and Handicapped Children, London: Independent Broadcasting Authority, 1974. 100pp. (IBA Fellowship Scheme.) FA WDRY, Kenneth, Television for Schools, London: British Broadcasting Cor­ poration, 1967. 18pp. (BBC Lunch-time Lecture: Fifth series - 5.) FIRTH. Brian. Mass Media in the Classroom, London: Macmillan, 1968. 127pp. GRANADA TELEVISION, Inquiry: A Series of Talks on Current Affairs for Schools, Manchester: Granada Television in association with Manchester Uni­ versity Press, 1962, xii. 122pp. HAMES, Jack, and CROSSMAN, George, Television in Education: A Report Based on an IBA School Teacher Fellowship Report, London: 1972. 108pp. HAYTER, C. G., Using Broadcasts in Schools: A Study and Evaluation, London: British BroadcastingCorporationlIndependentTelevision Authority, 1974. 123pp. INDEPENDeNT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, Children and Television: A Survey of the Role of TV in Children's Experience, and of Parents' Attitudes towards TV for their Children, London: IBA, 1974. 84pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, A Report of an IBA Con­ sultation on Children's Programmes (7-8 February 1973) London: IBA, 1973. 39pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, 21 Years of Independent Television for Schools 1957 to 1978, London: IBA, 1978. 24pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, Consultation on Schools' Television (6-8 January 1971) London: ITA, 1971. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, Reactions to Sesame Street in Britain, London: ITA, 1972 (2 vols). INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, A Report of an ITA Consulta­ tion on Schools's Programmes (22 November 1967) London: ITA, 1967. 13pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, Report on an ITA Consultation on Television for Children (2-3 March 1965) London: ITA, 1965. 27pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, Sunday Session: Report on Viewing of Adult Education Programmes January to April 1963, London: ITA, 1964.2Opp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, Viewer Preferences in Adult Education: Report on Interests and Preferences of the Viewing Public, London: ITA, 1969. 19pp. INGLIS, Ruth Langdon, A Time to Learn, London: Peter Owen, 1974, viii. 28Opp. KAYE, Anthony, and HARRY, Keith, Using the Mediafor Basic Adult Education, London: Croom Helm, 1982. 255pp. KEMELFIELD, Graeme, The Evaluation of Schools Broadcasts: Piloting a New Approach, London: Independent Television Authority, 1972. 62pp. (ITA Fellowship Scheme.) MACLEAN, Roderick, Television in Education, London: Methuen, 1968, viii. 151pp. MOIR, Guthrie, Teaching and Television: ETV Explained, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1967. 17Opp. MORRIS, Bridget, Children's Response to Pre-School Television, London: In­ dependent Broadcasting Authority, 1976. 103pp. (IBA Fellowship Scheme.) MURDOCK, Graham, and PHELPS, Guy, Mass Media and the Secondary School, London: Macmi11an, 1973, xix. 196pp. (Schools Council Research Studies.) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ADULT EDUCATION, Provision and Purpose. Standing Conference on Television Viewing: Annual Conference 1961, London: NIAE, 1961. 4Opp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 401

NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS, Schools Television: A Discussion Docu­ ment, London: NUT, 1961. 19pp. PERRY, Walter, Open University: A Personal Account by the First Vice­ Chancellor, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1976. 298pp. PORTER, Pat, Television with Slow Learning Children, London: IBA, 1978. 65pp. (IBA Fellowship Scheme.) REDIFFUSION TELEVISION, Schools Television: The First Decade, London: Rediffusion Television, 1967. 32pp. RIDGE, Jean, Television - A Primary Source of Education and Experience, London: Independent Television Authority, 1970. 186pp. (ITA School Teacher Fellowship.) ROBINSON, John, Learning over the Air: 60 Years of Partnership in Adult Learning, London: BBC, 1982. 256pp. STEEDMAN, Jane, Evaluating Schools Television: A Programme for ROSLA Pupils from the Granada Television Series 'Decision', London: Independent Broadcasting Authority, 1975. 39pp. (IBA Fellowship Scheme.) STEEDMAN, Jane, Viewpoints on 'Viewpoint', London: Independent Broadcast­ ing Authority, 1977. 189pp. (IBA Fellowship Scheme.) STRINGER, David, Make it Count, London: Independent Broadcasting Author­ ity, 1979, iv. 257pp. (IBA Fellowship Scheme.) Television in the University: Report of a Granada Seminar on Closed-Circuit Television in Universities, held at the Granada Television Centre, Manchester 6-8 November, /964, London: Granada Te1evisionlMcGibbon & Kee, 1964. 108pp. TRENAMAN, J. M., Communication and Comprehension, London: Longmans, 1967, xix. 212pp. TUCKER, John D., Television for Certain Handicapped Children, London: Independent Broadcasting Authority, 1979. 38pp. (IBA Fellowship Scheme.) TUNSTALL, Jeremy (ed.) The Open University Opens, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1974. 191pp. ULSTER TELEVISION, ... the Story of a Success: A Report on the UTV Schools' Series 'Let's Look at Ulster', Belfast: Ulster Television, 1974. 24pp. WEDELL, E. G., and PERRATON, H. D., Teaching at a Distance, London: National Institute of Adult Education/ABC Television, 1968. 64pp. WEDELL, E. G., The Use of Television in Education, London: Association of Technical Institutions, 1963. 2Opp. WELLENS, John, Educational Television: A Survey and a Plan, Guilsborough, Northampton: John Wellens (ITT) Ltd, 1963. 52pp. WILLIAMS, Michael T., Curriculum Decision-making and Educational Tele­ vision, London: Independent Broadcasting Authority, 1979. (IBA Fellowship Scheme.) WILTSHIRE, Harold and BAYLISS, Fred, Teaching through Television, London: National Institute of Adult Education, 1966. 34pp. WORKERS' EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Viewing and Learning, London: WEA, 1964. 23pp.

(g) Religious Broadcasting

ABC TELEVISION, Vision and Belief' Religious Broadcasting 1957-/968, Lon­ don: ABC Television, 1968. 56pp. ASSOCIATED TELEVISION, About Religion: Five Years of Religious Broad­ casting, London: Associated Television, 1961. 29pp. ASSOCIATED TELEVISION, About Religion: An Anthology, edited by Michael Redington, London: Macdonald, 1963. 176pp. 402 INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY

Broadcasting, Society and the Church: Report of the Broadcasting Commission of the General Synod of the Church of England, London: Church Information Office, 1973. 119pp. Broadcasting, Society and the Church: A Discussion Paper Based on the Report of the Broadcasting Commission of the General Synod of the Church of England and the Ensuing Debate in the Synod on Thursday, 8th November 1973, London: Church Information Office, 1974. 16pp. A Christian Approach to Television. London: Church Information Office, on behalf of the Archbishops' Advisers on Radio and Television, 1968. 18pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, Report of an IBA Consul­ tation on the Structure and Pattern of Religious Television Now (3-6 April 1973) London: IBA, 1973. 127pp. INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY, Who and What is Religious Broadcastingfor? Report of the IBA's Sixth Consultation on Religious Broadcast­ ing (26-29 April 1978) London: IBA, 1978. 83pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, Religion in Britain and Northern Ireland: A Survey of Popular Attitudes, London: ITA, 1970. 56pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION AUTHORITY, Religion in Television: An Account of the Consultation Arranged by the Independent Television Authority and the Independent Television Companies Association at Caius College, Cam­ bridge, 23-27 September 1963, London: ITA, 1964. 76pp. OPINION RESEARCH CENTRE, Religion in Northern Ireland, Belfast: In­ dependent Television Authority, 1%9. 8pp. Television and Religion: Prepared by Social Surveys (Gallup Poll) Ltd on behalf of ABC Television Ltd, London: University of London Press, 1964. 141pp. ULSTER TELEVISION, A Ministry of Reconciliation: Ulster Television and Religious Broadcasting, Belfast: Ulster Television, 1978. 9pp.


BEVINS, Reginald, The Greasy Pole: A Personal Account of the Realities in British Politics, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1965. 159pp. BOSANQUET, Reginald, Let's Get Through Wednesday: My 25 Years with ITN, London: Michael Joseph, 1980. 19Opp. BRADDON, Russell, Roy Thomson of , London: Collins 1%5. 397pp. CRAWLEY, Aidan, Look before you Leap, London: Collins, 1988. 444pp. DAY, Robin, Grand Inquisitor: Memoirs of Sir , London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989, xv. 296pp. FRISCHAUER, Willi, , London: Michael Joseph, 1971. 248pp. GRADE, Lew, Still Dancing: My Story, London: Collins, 1987. 314pp. HILL, Charles, Behind the Screen: The Broadcasting Memoirs of Lord Hill of Luton, London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1974. 280pp. MILNE, Alasdair, DG: The Memoirs of a British Broadcaster, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1988, xi, 237pp. MOOREHEAD, Caroline, Sidney Bernstein: A Biography, London: Jonathan Cape, 1984. 329pp. PRIESTLAND, Gerald, The Unquiet Suitcase, London: Andre Deutsch, 1988. 193pp. REYBURN, Wallace, Frost: Anatomy of a Success, London: Macdonald, 1968. 154pp. SMITH, Gus, : His Life, London: W. H. Allen, 1988. 241pp. INDEPENDENT TELEVISION, 1962-80: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 403

THOMAS, Howard, With an Independent Air: Encounters during a Lifetime of Broadcasting, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1977. 248pp. THOMSON, Roy (Lord Thomson of Fleet) After I was Sixty: A Chapter of the Autobiography, London: Hamish Hamilton, 1975. 224pp. TINKER, Jack, The Television Barons, London: Quartet Books, 1980, xiv. 222pp. TRACEY, Michael and MORRISON, David, Whitehouse, London: Macmillan, 1979, vi. 216pp. WHITEHOUSE, Mary, Who Does She Think She Is?, London: New English Library, 1979. 189pp. WHITELAW, William, The Whitelaw Memoirs, London: Aurum Press, 1989. 28Opp. Who's Who on Television, London: Independent Television Publications, 1970; lTV BookslMichael Joseph, 1980. INDEX

ABC Television Advisory councils and committees; ITA/ company, 54, 391; merger with IBA/ITV Rediffusion to form Thames children's programmes, 259 Television, 54-6 educational broadcasting, 245, 250, 252, programmes, 56-7, 223, 277 253, 258, 378 staff, 26, 55-6, 57, 85 national, 167, 176, 178 studios, 57, 69 programme planning and policy, 8, 9-10, ACC, see Associated Communications 10-15,277,278 Corporation religious broadcasting, 268 ACTT, see Association of Cinematograph, Affairs of the , 20, 222 Television and Allied Technicians Against the Crowd, 223 AM Television, 329-30, 333, 334 Aid to Underdeveloped Countries, 57 AMTV,330 Aitken, Jonathan, 92, 93, 94 A TV, see Associated Television Aitken, Timothy, 332 ATV Midlands, 337, 338, 341, 342, 343 Akenfield ,75,225 see also Associated Television Aldeburgh Festival, 362 A7V Today, 37 Aldenham, Lord, 145 Abbreviations, 366-8 Alderson, John, 188 About Anglia, 142 Alisdair, 232 About Bikes, 248 Alive and Kicking, 38 About Britain, 99-100 All About Babies, 247, 249 Access, 101 All About Toddlers, 249 Access on the Road, 101 All About Wales, 256 Ace of Wands, 261 All God's Creatures, 275 Acres for Profit, 244 All Our Yesterdays, 45. 244 Action Line, 204 Allan, Andy, 103, 105 Actualites, 192 Allen, Rod, 354 Adam Smith, 47, 270 Allison, Ronald, x Additional payments, see Exchequer Levy Alternative 3, 143 Adorian, Paul, 69, 371, 390 Am Hwyl, 256 Adult education programmes, 12, 48, SO, Anderson, Gerry, 353 82,203,204,244-5,247,249 Andrews, Jack, x, 57 Adventures of Black Beauty.• 75. 261. Andy's Patch. 164 263 Anglesey, The Marchioness of, 323 Adventures of Dick Turpin, 78 AngJia Television Advertising company,4,135-47,312,391;and controls: Code of Advertising Standards Yorkshire Television, 84, 85-{i, 92.135-40 and Practice, 9, 390; copy clearance, 9 contract, lTV, East of England, 1968-, revenue from, ix, 4, 5, 7 (Table); sales, 4,135 96, 151, 162; Net Advertising Revenue contract, lTV, East of England, 1982-, (NAR), 2, 13, 105; Net Advertising 144-7, 312, 336; After Levy (NARAL), 6, 17-19,302 subscriptions, 318

404 INDEX 405

finance: rentals, 318; revenue, 7; staff, 26, 56 shareholdings, 144-5 studios,69 programmes, 18, 140-5; adult education, Associated Television (ATV) 244, 247, 249; children's, 261; company, 4-5, 33-41; application for documentaries, 142, 143, 242; drama, breakfast-time television contract, 331; 16, 140-1,219; light entertainment, formation of A TV Midlands, 337-8; 233, 234; local, 142; natural history, 5, formation of Central Independent 140, 238; pre-school, 256; quiz shows, Television, 344; IBA disapproval, 38-9 20, 140, 142, 233, 234; religious, 269, contract, lTV, Midlands, 1968-,4, 33, 270; sport, 283 34, 336 studios, 135, 145 contract, lTV, East and , transmitting stations: population 1982-,318,336-44; Channel 4 coverage, 84, 85-6, 92, 135-40 subscriptions, 318 Angling Today, 37, 247 finance: rentals, 318; revenue, 7, 13,54 Annan, Lord, 50, 168-9, 191,294,386 programmes, 28, 34, 35-8, 41; adult Annan Committee on the Future of education, 244, 245, 247, 248; awards, Broadcasting, 1974, 9 35, 38, 232; children's, 261, 262-3, evidence to, 9,17-18,20,50,152,211, 264,265; current affairs, 35, 37, 210; 252, 272, 274, 290, 291, 303, 305, 369, documentaries, 35, 37,211-12,232, 381, 384, 390 241; drama, 34, 35-6, 38, 214-15, 216, Report (Cmnd 6753), 1977,9,369,388; 217, 218, 219, 221, 22-4, 225; light on: BBC, 292; children and television, entertainment, 20, 37-8, 229, 230, 231, 259, 260; competition, 292, 294; 232, 234; local, 5, 37; religious, 268, educational broadcasting, 258; fourth 270, 271, 272, 274; schools, 38, 255, television channel, 9; IBA, 61,308; 256,257; sports, 277, 283 ITN, 292, lTV, 154, 168,308,310; staff, 26, 41, 341, 344; labour relations, industrial relations, 21; networking, 19; 26, 28 Open Broadcasting Authority, 9; studios, 4-5, 26, 33,35-6,39,41,69,344 programme journals, 305-6, 307; transmitting stations, 33, 311, 337; programme range and quality, 292; population coverage, 171 shareholdings in lTV, 196, 350 Association of Broadcasting and Allied reactions to the Report, 293, 375 Staffs (ABS), 22, 27 Another Sunday and Sweet FA, 47, 225 Association of Cinematograph, Television Antonioni, Michelangelo, 238, 239 and Allied Technicians (ACTT), 22, Antony and Cleopatra, 38 26-31 passim, 56, 93, 104, 129, 158, Antrim, Earl of, 204 211,213,302,341,370 Apollo II moon landing, news coverage, At the Haunted End of the Day, 78 111-13 Attic, The, 256 Appeals on television, 65- 6 Attitudes to lTV: Report on a National Appreciation Index (AI), 215, 322 Survey, 315-16, 323, 347, 382, 393 Aquarius, 70, 75, 80 Audience research Are We Really Going to be Rich?, 238 findings, 215, 219, 230 Arena, 142, 144 legislation and recommendations: Annan Armchair Theatre, 56, 61, 223, 399 Committee, 284-5 Around the World with Ridgeway, 238 methods, 284-5; Appreciation Index Anhur of the Britons, 177,261 (AI), 215, 322 Arts programmes, 68, 70, 75, 78, 80, 82, 274 organisations: BBC, 284; ITA/IBA, 42, Associated British Picture Corporation, 54, 48-9, 141, 160, 261, 315-6, 322, 194 396-7,400-1; Joint Industry Associated Communications Corporation, Committee for Television Advertising 40, 330, 338, 342, 343, 344 Research (JICTAR), 322 Associated , 350 types of research: marketing surveys, Associated-Rediffusion (later Rediffusion) 315-6, 323, 347, 382, 393 company, 54, 277, 357; merger with Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, 321 ABC Television to form Thames Avengers, The, 56, 216, 261, 399 Television, 26, 54-6 Award-winning programmes, 5, 20, 35, 38, programme journal, 30t 57,58,66,68,75,78,81,131,182, programmes, 56- 7, 217, 240, 252, 253 214, 219, 232, 240, 249, 274, 292-3 406 INDEX

Ayc/iffe, 58 Big Breadwinner Hog, 216 Aylestone, Lord (formerly Herbert Big Brother, 225 Bowden), Chairman, ITA/IBA, Big Deal at Gothenburg, 101 1967-75,34,39,46,56,99, 137, 144, Big Match, The, 69, 279 ISO, 162, 285, 301, 323, 370, 374 Bill Brand, 217 Billy - Violence in the Family, 58 BAFfA, see British Academy of Film and Billy Liar, 75 Television Arts Birt, John, 76, 78,125 BBC, see British Broadcasting Corporation Bit of a Lift, A, 225 BMRB, see British Market Research Black, Alfred and George, 98 Bureau Black Arrow, 133,261 Bad Day at Southall, A, 52 Black North, The, 203 Bad News, 126, 373, 396 Blackstone, Tessa, 331 Bailey, Brian, 346, 347, 349 Blakstad, Michael, 353, 357, 358 Bailey, Derek, 205, 206 Bless Me Father, 78, 229 Baker, Stanley, 173, 177 Bless this House, 62,66 Baldmoney, Sneezewort, Dodder, and Blishen, Edward, 265 Cloudberry, 265 Blow-out at Bravo!, 163 Ball Game, The, 183 Blumler, Jay, 121,373,386,395 Ballet For All, 244 Blyth, Kenneth, x Band Call, 232 Boatman Do Not Tarry, 203 Banglestein's Boys, 69 Bonn Or, 232 Barlow, David, to Bonner, Paul, 353 Bametson, Lord, 65 Bonnington, Chris, 119 Barrett, Leslie, 100 Book of Kells, The, 203 Barriers, 102 Book Tower, The, 265 Bartlett, Des, and Jen, 141 Booth, Sir Robert, 340, 343, 344 Basinger, Dennis, 331 Border Diary, 167 Batey, Derek, 167 Border Forum, 167 Battle, Peter, 134, 346, 348, 349 Border Journal, 167 Batty, Peter, 352 Border Month, 167 Baverstock, Donald, 11, 89, 93, 103, 149 Border News and , 167, 168 Baxter, Stanley, 231, 273 Border Parliamentary Report 167 Beagan Gaidhlig, 153 Border People, 167 Beaumont, Gabrielle, 82 Border Sports Report, 167 Beauty, Bonny, Daisy, Violet, Grace and Border Sports Review, 167 Geoffrey Morton, 58, 68 Border Tales, 232 Bedtime, 204 Border Television Behind the Footlights, 232 company, 4, 6, 166-70,391 Being a Child, 247 contract, lTV, The Borders, 1968-,4, Believe it or Not, 272 166 Bell, David, 78, 154 contract, lTV, The Borders, 1982-, Bellamy, David, 81, 249, 255 169-70,318,336; Channel 4 Belson, William, 393, 394 subscriptions, 318 Bemrose, Eric, 304 finance, 191; rentals, 6, 318; revenue, 7; Bennett, Bernard, 134 shareholdings, 168 Bennett, Cyril, 11,78,268 programmes, 18, 167; documentaries, Show, The, 20,62,66, 231 167; light entertainment, 232, 234; Bernstein, Alex, 43 local, 166, 167; sports, 167 Bernstein, Cecil, 11,42,46 staff, 166, 168; labour relations, 168 Bernstein, Sidney (later Lord Bernstein), studios, 166 42, 228, 402, Plate 3 transmitting stations, 166, 169,311 Better Driving, 244 Borderers, The, 167 Better Golf, 244 Borders, lTV, contract area, 7, 156, 166 Better Scottish Television Association, 157, contract, 1968-,4, 166 159 contract, 1982-, 169-70,318 Beyfuss, Drusilla, 331 programme company, 4, 6, 166-70, 191, Beyond Belief, 270 318 INDEX 407

transmitting stations, 166, 169,311; British Caledonian, 331 population coverage, 166 British Electric Traction (BET), 55 see also Border Television British Lion, 55 Born to be Small, 35 British Printing Corporation, 344 Bosanquet, Reginald, 122-3, 402 British Rail Pension Fund, 353 Boston of Faversham, Lord, 353 British Regional Television Association, 18 Botanic Man, 81,249 Broad, Richard, 57 Boulton, David, x, 241, 378 Broadcasting (Cmnd 1770), 1962,290, 387 Bounds of Freedom, 43 Broadcasting (Cmnd 1893), 1962, 387 Bouquet of Barbed Wire, 78, 217 Broadcasting (Cmnd 3169), 1966, 388 Bowden, Herbert, see Lord Aylestone Broadcasting (Cmnd 7294), 1978, 308, 388 Bowen, John, 262 Broadcasting Act, 1980, 178-9,387 Boy Dominic, 264 Broadcasting and Youth, 248, 257, 378 Boy Merlin, The, 264 Broadcasting Press Guild, 296 Boyd, Alan, 78 Bromley, John, x, 69, 78, 277, 279, 280 Braithwaite-Exley, Gillian, 14 Brontes of Haworth, The, 90, 221 Brave Old World, 177 Brook, Tony, 353 Breakfast Show, 332 Brown, Anthony, 101, 102,372 Breakfast-time television, 92, 317, 327-35, Brown, Tony, 283 395 Brown, William, x, 152, 159- 60, 374, contract, 1983-,317,319,328-35; Plate 21 applications, 328, 329-33 Brown Study, 192 programme company, 334-5 Brownlee, Geoffrey, x research surveys, 329 Brownrigg, Tom, 11 Breaking of Colonel Keyser, The, 225 Brunson, Michael, 118 Brearley, Mike, 330 Bryden, Bill, 159 Bredin, James, x, 168, 170, Plate 26 Buccleuchs of the Border, The, 167 Brian Connell Interviews, The, 142 Buchan, James, 164, 269 Brideshead Revisited, 48, 223 Budgie, 217 Briggs, Lord (formerly Asa Briggs), 351, Bunch of Fives, A, 264 356,390 Bunny, 57 Bright's Boffins, 133 Burgess, Sir John, 168, 170 Bristol Arts Centre, 362 Burnet, Alastair, 111, 112, 121, 122, 123, British Academy of Film and Television 124 Arts (BAFTA), 35, 214, 240, 249 Burr, Christopher, 353 British Actor's Equity Association, 22, 24 Burton, Humphrey, 70 British Broadcasting Corporation Burton, Richard, 172, 177 audiences, 113,282,288,289; research, Bute, The Marchioness of, 157 284 Buxton, Aubrey (later Lord Buxton), x, Corporation: and the Annan Committee, 139, 140, 141, 142, Plate 20 291-2,305,380; comparison with lTV, Bygones, 141 4,6, 113, 122,200; Concordat with lTV, 286, 289, 293-4, 296-7; and the CBS, 115-16,330, 331 fourth channel, 288-9, 293 CNN (Cable News Network), 33 programmes, 79; adult education, 244; CRAC, see Central Religious Advisory children's 260; drama, 223; light Committee entertainment, 227, 228; news and Cadbury, Peter, x, 176, 181-2, 183-9, current affairs, 122; on Northern passim, 345, 346, 347, 375, Plate 25 Ireland, 208-9; religious, 269, 272; Caesar and Cleopatra, 133, 219 schools, 252, 254, 258; sports, 278, Caesars, The, 47, 224 279, 280-1, 282, 285, 292; Welsh Caledonia Television, 156-61,374 language, 178-9 Calendar, 93, 95 staff: labour relations, 21, 28, 32 Calendar Carousel, 92 television services: breakfast-time, 334; Calendar Kids, 92 colour, 285; competition with lTV, 15, Calendar People, 92 20,62,66,68, k79, 100, 107, 120-2, Calendar Profiles, 92 130-1,192,260,278,280-1,282, Calendar Sunday, 92 284-300; Wales, 178 Calendar Tuesday, 92 408 INDEX

Callaghan, James, 21, 60, 257 contract, lTV, Channel Islands, 1982-, Callan, 57, 61, 217 197-8, 336; Channel 4 subscriptions, Calum's Ceilidh, 232 318 Camera, 249 finance, 190-1; rentals, 6,190,318; Campbell, Bernard, 145 revenue, 7; shareholdings, 190, 194-8 Can I Touch You Up Please?, 98 programmes, 18, 191-3; French Candid Camera, 231 language, 191, 192,256; local, 191, Canterville Ghost, The, 177 192; schools, 256 Radio, 330 staff, 190, 193, 198; labour relations, 31, Capone Experiment, The, 133 191, 192-3, 198 Carrington, Ronald, x, 23 studios, 190 Carrott, Jasper, 339 transmitting stations, 190 Carson, Frank, 205 Channel Viewer, 190, 301 Carthew, Anthony, 128 Chappell, Herbert, 353, 358 Case of Yolanda McShane, The, 90 Charlton, Jack, 283 Case to Answer, A, 46 Charterhouse Group, 97, 353 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, 219 Chataway, Christopher, 329, 333 Cathcart, Rex, 203, 376 Chatting, Michael, x Catholics, 177 Chattington, Barry, 353 Catweazle, 75, 261, 263 Check It Out, 102 Cedar Tree, The, 218 Cheevers, W. H., 186, 189 system, 289 Chester, Bishop of, 271 Celebrity Squares, 37, 234 Child Wants a Home, The 142 Censorship of television programmes, 46, Childhood, 47,222 61,70,209-10,211,213 Children and television, 252-66, 399-401; Central Independent Television, 344 Consultations, IT A1IBAIITV, 259, 262, see also Associated Television 266,379 Central Religious Advisory Committee programmes: general, 259-66; pre- (CRAC), 270, 271-2, 274-5 school, 256-7; schools, 252-6 Chalfont, Lord, 143 Children No More, 183 Chalk and Cheese, 230 Children of Eskdale, 90 Challenge, 100-1 Children of the Stones, 177, 264 Chance to Meet . .. , A, 192 Chimney Corner 182 Change in Mind, A, 91 Chipp, David, 330 Channel () Ltd, 194 Chorlton and the Wheelies, 265 Channel 4, 392 Christians, The 274 finance: Channel 4 subscriptions, 318, Christie, George, 351 329 Christie, Robert, 164 programmes: adult education, 250 Christmas Carol, A, 142 Channel Island Communications Christopher, A. M. G., 323, 347 (Television) Ltd, 190 , 331 Channel Islands, lTV, contract area, 6, 7, Chrysler and the Cabinet, 45 190, 191 Church in View, 192 contract, 1968-,4, 190 Church of England, 271 contract, 1982-, 197-8, 318 Cinema, 45, 50 programme company, 4, 190-8 Citizen's Rights, 37 transmitting stations, 190; population City Sugar, 155 coverage, 190 Clapperboard, 45, 265 see also Channel Television Clarke, Cecil, 38 Channel Late Night News, 191 Clayhanger 41, 219 Channel Lunchtime News, 191 Clifford, Arthur, x, 98, 99, 102, 364-5 Channel News, 191 Clifton House Mystery, The, 264 Channel Report, 193 'Closed period', 269 Channel Television, Cockcroft, Barry, 90, 95, 345 company, 4, 190-8,391; and Westward Code of Advertising Standards and Practice Television, 190 (IBA),390 contract, lTV, Channel Islands, 1968-, Codes on violence, 259, 394-5 4, 190, 191 Coleman, Francis, 247, 274, 399 INDEX 409

Colfox, Sir John, 346 Cotton, Bill, 298 Collas, Edward, 197 Could do Better, 248 Collection, The, 225 Coulson, Anne, x, 223 Collins, Norman, 330 Coulter, Philip, 305 Collison Course, 221, 241 Countercrime, 143 Colour television, 27-8, 108, 130, 149, 173, Country Boy, 131 193,285 Country Calendar, 92 Coltart, James, 108, 149, 150, 151,302 Country Focus, 163 Come Sunday 133 Country Hoedown, 233 , The, 47, 231 Country Matters, 47, 223 Comedy of E"ors, The, 38 Country Visit, 131 Comedy programmes, 228, 229- 30, 230-2 Countryman, 142 Commentaires, 192 Couples, 218 Committee for the Revue of Grants to the Cover to Cover, 244 Arts and Sciences, 137-9, 169, 178, Cowell, Adrian, 35 373, 388 Cowgill, Bryan, 12,64,67,330, Plate 6 Committees and councils, see Advisory Cox, Barry, x, 78 councils and committees Cox, Sir Geoffrey, x, 23, 88-9, 99, 108, Committees of Inquiry, see Annan 109, 122, 126, 239, 242, 373, 378, 396, Committee; Crawford Committee; Plate 11 Pilkington Committee Craigmyle, Lord, 158 Commons, House of, see House of Crawford Committee on Broadcasting Commons Coverage, 137-9, 169, 178,373,388 Communion, 271 Crawley, Aidan, 70, 122,281,402 Community Action, 269 Creagh, Jim, x, 68 Competition, BBC and lTV, 15,62,66,68, Cream in My Coffee, 226 79, 100, 107, 120, 130- 1, 192,260, Credo, 82, 273-4 278, 280-1,282,284-300 Creggan, 68 Connell, Brian, 386 Criminal Law (Northern Ireland) Act 1967, Conservative Party, 386 207 Consultations, IT AIIBAIITV, 227, 228, Critchley, Julian, 386 377,378,379,396-7,399,400,402 Crosland, Antony, 137 Contracts, lTV, 1968-,4,25-6,34,42,308 Cross Channel, 132 areas, 4 Cross Questions, 142 contracts: applications, 309; renewal, Crossroads, 13,36-7,41,68,74, 132, 164, 1976-79,5; requirements, 301 214-15,398,399 Contracts, lTV, 1982-,41,50-3,79-83, Crown Court, 218 93-8, 102-6, 135, 144-7, 156-61, Crown Matrimoniol, 20, 78 165-6, 169-70, ISO, 198,205-7, Crucible Theatre, Sheffield, 362 308-26,327-35,336-61 Cuckoo Waltz, 47 areas, 310- 11, 313, 337 Cuir Car, 164 contracts: applications, 51-3, 81-2, Cullimore, Donald, 363, 384 93-4, 102-4, 144-5, 156-8, 165, Cumbrian Newspapers, 168 169-70,180,205,309,319,329-32, Cunliffe, David, 224 337-41,345-6,351-4 Cup Final, television coverage, 15, 286, 292 selection process, 323- 6, 359-61; Curran, Charles, 82, 285, 288, 290 criteria for assessment, 322; public Current affairs programmes, 13,20,28, meetings; 52, 83, 95, 104, 146, 180, 45-6,48,50,56,58-60,64,75,76,77, 198,205-6,312,314-15,316,320-2, SO, 82,142,176,202,207-13,236-7, 329,341,347-8,352 292 Cooper, George, 56, 63, 74, 302, Plate 15 CU"y and Chips, 230 Cooper King Size, 56 Curteis, lan, 221-2 Coppers End, 229 Curtis, Paddy, 339 Copplestone, Frank, x, 14-15, 18,280, Cvitanovitch, Frank, 57, 58 351,358, Plate 18 Coppock, Peter, x Dacre, Lord, 241, 271, 378 Coronation Street, 13, 20, 43, 44, 45, SO, Dad's Army, 228 68,164,214-16,240,305,398, Plate 31 Daily Express, 330, 331 410 INDEX

Daily Mail, 350 Consultations, ITAIIBNlTV, 262, 264, , 33, 301 266,400 Dallas, Duncan, 93 programmes, 38, 244-66 passim; adult Dame of Sark, The, 143,219 education, 12, 48, SO, 82, 203, 244-5; Dancy, John, 345 pre-school, 256, 257; schools, 38, 48, Danedyke Mysteries, 264 131-2,204,252-9 Danger UXB, 217 Edward and Mrs Simpson, 61, 66, 81, 218, Daniel, G1yn, 140-1, 143 225,241,398 Danton Review, The, 182 Edward VII, 34, 38, 218, 336 Daphne Laureola, 219 Edwards, Donald, 108 Dateline, 152 Edwards, John, 119 Davies, Sir Alun Talfan, 175 Edwards-Jones, Diana, 121 Davies, Dickie, 277 Elderfield, Maurice, 354 Davies, John Howard, 24, 369 Electric Theatre Show, The, 164 Dracula, 224 Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications Drama programmes, 13, 16,20,34,35-6, and Plumbing Union (EETPU), 22, 38,47-8,56,61-2,69,75,78-9,82, 24, 26, 28-9, 93 84, 89-90, 140-1, 214-26, 241; Electronic News Gathering, 30, 32, 128, documentary-dramas, 221-2, 240-1, 163, 193 398 Elliott, Nick, 78, 333 serials and series, 214-19, 224-6 Elphick, Ken, 141 single plays, 219-24, 224-6 Elstein, David, 330 Drive-in, 245 , 215, 240 Dromgoole, Jolyon, 138 Emmerdale Farm, 90, 95, 215, 398 Dromgoole, Patrick, 175, 177,224,225 Emmy Awards, 66, 219 Drych, 177 En Fran~ais, 256 Dudi Khosi, 238 Encore, 192 Dunkley, Christopher, 243 Encounter, 182 Dunleath, Lord, 205 End of Part One, 263 Dunnett, Jack, 294 Enfield, Viscountess, 332, 353 Dustbinmen, The, 229 England, Their England, 37 Dying for a Fag?, 59 English, Michael, 313 Enterprise, 142 EBU, see European Broadcasting Union Entertainers, The, 164 EETPU, see Electrical, Electronic, Entertaining Electron, The, 178 Telecommunication and Plumbing Epilogue, 272 Union Equity, see British Actors' Equity EMI,54 Association ENG, see Electronic News Gathering Essex, Francis, 35, 38, 39, 152,262,265, Early Musical Instruments, 48 270,331 Early News, 12 Essex, Tony, 89, 90 East Mercia Television, 339 Estuary TV, 352 East of England, lTV, contract area, 7, 135 European Broadcasting Union (EBU), 246, contract, 1968-, 136 258,281 contract, 1982-, 144-7,318 European Communities, 298 programme company, 4, 135-47 Eurovision, 116,331 transmitting stations, 84, 85- 6, 92, 135-40 Eurovision Song Contest, 286 see also Anglia Television , 62, 217, 226 Eastern County Newspapers, 331 Evans, Sir Geraint, 175, 177 Eastern England Television, 144-7 Evans, Sir Harold, 329 Eckersley, Peter, 225 Everyone's A Winner at Gateshead, lOt Eden, Sir John, 135, 137-8,373 Exchequer Levy on lTV companies, 86, Edinburgh International Television 150,151,179,191,302,362 Festival,221 Experiment, 255 Educational broadcasting, 244-66, Express Newspapers, 330, 331 399-401 advisory councils and committees, 245, Face the Press, 101-2,237 250, 252, 253, 258, 378 Face Your Future, 204, 248 INDEX 411

Faces of Communism - Czechoslovakia, 90 Football League, 294, 295, 296, 297, 306 Facing Death, 274 Football Special, 283 Facts are These, The, 257 For The Love of Ada, 62 Fair Chance, A, 248 Forbes, Lord, 164 Fairley, John, 90, 95, 329, 338, 339 Ford, Anna, 124, 332 Fairley, Peter, 111, 114, 145 Forman, Sir Denis, x, 9, 11,42-4,49-50, Faith for Life, 182 52, 270, 330, Plate 4 Fallen Angels, 218 Format V, 37 Family at War, A, 47, 218 Forte Group, 55 Family Matters, 204, 250 Foster, Brenda, 283 Family Viewing Policy, 259 Fosters, The, 78 Famous Five, The, 133,264 Foundation, The, 217 Fanfare for Young Musicians, 265 Fourth television channel, 288-9, 293, 392 Farm and Country News, 182 financing: subscriptions, 318; Farm Progress, 133,247 in Wales, 178-9 Farmhouse Kitchen, 245 see also Channel 4; Sianel Pedwar Cymru Farming Diary, 140 Fox, John, 134 Farming Outlook, 102 Fox, Paul, 12, 14, 64, 89, 96, 330, Plate 10 Farming Progress, 133,247 Franchises, lTV see Contracts, lTV Farming Today, 37 Frankie Vaughan's Variety, 232 Father Brown, 20, 222 Fraser, Campbell, 154, 159 Father Dear Father, 62 Fraser, Sir Robert, Feathered Serpent, The, 264 as Director General, ITA, 1954-70, 11, Federation of Broadcasting Unions, 22 34,54-5,69,70,151,166,183-4 Fern Street Gang, 229 as Chairman, ITN, 107-8 Fiddler on the Road, 203 Freeman, John, x, 70-1, 72, 73, 77, 93, Fidelio, 135 lOS, 127, Plate 7 Fielding, Harold, 197 Freewheelers, 133, 251 Figure It Out, 42, 256 French language programmes, 191 Films on television, quota, 12, 134 Friday Live, lot Final Solution: Auschwitz, The, 58 From Glen to Glen, 232 Finance From the Heart, lot Channel, 4, 318 Frontiers of Discovery, 142 ITAIIBA: from companies' rentals, 6, Frost, David, 70,111,112,268,281,331, 318 402 lTV: advertising revenue, ix, 5, 6, 7 Frost on Monday/Saturday/Sunday, 70 (Table); Exchequer Levy, 150, 151, Fun Factory, 264, 265 179, 191,302,362; programme costs, Funny Ha Ha, 265 13, 17, 18-19; programme journal Furlong, Monica, 273 revenue, 302 Further Adventurers of Oliver Twist, 264 Finders Seekers, 232 Finding Out, 255 Gaelic language programmes, 153, 164 Finniston, Sir Monty, 104 Gall, Sandy, 117-18, 123 Firman, Bruce, 251 Playhouse, The, 91 First Report, 12, 124 Galway, James, 205 First Train Now Arriving, The, lot Gambit, 142 Firth, Anthony, 152 Games shows, 233-4 Flair, 163 Gardening Today, 37, 245 Fillre Up at , 163 Gardham, Bob, 279 Fillshpoint, 203 Gardiner, Vic, 23 Flaxton Boys, The, 261 Gardner, Andrew, 122 Fleck, Tony, x Gamer, Philip, 141 Fleet, Terry, 189,348 Garnock Way, 154,215-16 Flight of Fancy, 37 Gascoigne, Bamber, 274 Flockton Flyer, The, 133,264 Gatward, James, 351, 353 F1oud, Jean, 145 Gelder, Roy van, x Folk in the East, 232 General Elections, Follyfoot, 90, 261 1970,27,120,121,122 412 INDEX

General Elections, (cont.) Grampian Television 1974 (October), 29, 120, 121 company, 4,161-6,391, and Scottish 1979, 129, 155 Television, 151, 161, 162 , 35, 215 contract, ITV, North-East Scotland, General Synod of the Church of England, 1968-,4, 161 271 contract, ITV, North-East Scotland, Generation Game, The, 79 1982-, 162, 165-6, 336, 375; Channel 4 Genette, 182 subscriptions, 318 Gentle Touch, The, 78, 217 finance: rentals, 6, 7, 318; revenue, 7, Geordie Scene, 100 150, 163 , 62, 66, 230 programmes, 18, 163-4; adult education, Get It Together, 264 244; documentaries, 16, 163; Gaelic, Get Some In, 230 164; light entertainment, 232, 234; Get This, 133 local, 162, 163; news, 163; pre-school, Geuing On, 37 256; religious, 269, 270, 271, 275; Ghosts, 219 schools, 163, 256 Ghosts of Motley Hall, 264 staff, 164; labour relations, 21 Gibson, Lord, 271 studios, 149, 162, 163 Gill, Jack, 40, 41, 338, 343 Grampian Today, 163 Gill, Robin, 40, 103, 168,286-7,299 Grampian Week, 163 Girls About Town, 230 Granada 500, The , 46 Glasgow University Media Group, 126, 396 Granada Guildhall Lectures, 50 Glenamara, Lord, 271 Granada Television Glencross, David, 213, 316 company, 4, 5, 33,41-53,362,391 Glyndebourne Opera,S, 14, 131, 133, 135 contract, IlV, Lancashire, 1968-,4,5, God By Any Other Name, A, 272 42,50-3 Godfrey, Robert, 64 contract, ITV, North-West England, 'Golden hours' working arrangements, 23 1982-,336,370,371; Channel 4 Golden Shot, The, 37, 234 SUbscriptions, 318 Goldstein-Jackson, Kevin, 346, 348, 349 finance, 49; rentals, 318; revenue, 7,13, Gollings, Franklin, 158 43,42-3 Good, The Bad and the Indifferent, The, 274 programmes, 44-50; awards, 270; adult Good Afternoon, 60, 248 education, 48, 244, 245, 248; Good Evening, Ulster, 204 children's, 261, 264, 265; current Good Health, 38, 257 affairs, 44, 45-7, 209-10, 213, 236, Good Morning America, 327 322; documentaries, 238, 241-2; Good Morning Television, 92, 395 drama, 20, 47-8, 214-15, 217-25 Good Morning Television (company), 331 passim, 241; light entertainment, 47, Good News, 192 229,230,231,234; local, 5, 44-5; Goodbye Longfellow Road, 90,176 religious, 268, 271, 274; schools, 48, Goodies, The, 228 255, 256, 257 Gooding, A. C., 330 staff, 43-4; labour relations, 21, 24, 27 Gorard, Anthony, 23, 174-5,345,348, studios, 50-1 Plate 24 transmitting stations, 51, 171 Gordon, James, 329 Granger, Derek, 70 Hour, The, 201, 202 Grant, Felicity, 158 Gormley, Joe, 340 Grants for training, 362-3 Got The Message, 270 Gray, John, 157-8 Gould, Sir Ronald, 253 Great Universal Stores, 330 Graceless Go I, 177 Great Western Musical Thunderbox, 232 Grade, Lew (later Lord Grade), x, 11,28, Green, Hughie, 82 33-5,36,38,39-41, 112, 134,210, Greenhead, Bernard, 56 215, 228, 273, Plate 1 Grierson, John, 236, 378 Grade, Michael, 12, 40, 78, 294, 295, 296, Griffiths, Roger, 351 299 Grimmond, Jo, 149 Graham, James, x Groombridge, Brian, 245, 250, 253, 386 Graham, Sir Richard, 88 Guardian, The, 145 Grampian News, 163 Guardians, The, 217 INDEX 413

Guernsey Press, The 194, 197 Haymarket Press, 353 Gulbenkian Foundation, 248, 378 Hayter, G. C., 254 Gyngell, Bruce, 40, 335, Plate 16 Hazell, 216, 398 Health Education Council, 248 HTV, see Harlech Television Heasman, Derek, 134 Hadleigh, 90, 217 Heaney, Seamus, 208 Haining, Basil, 23 Heath, Edward, 21, 184 Hall, Peter, 145 Hedda Gabler, 218 Halliwell, Leslie, 14 Heinze, Gerald, x Hambley, John, 64 Helen, A Woman of Today, 75, 217 Hamlet, 38, 219 Heller, Robert, 35 Hamlyn, Paul, 332 Help!, 60, 247, 270 Hammer and Sickle, 58 Help Yourself, 177 Hammer House of Horror, 223 Helping Hand, 250 Handful of Songs, 232 Henderson, R. Brumwell, x, 200, 206, Hang Up Your Brightest Colours, 210 Plate 27 Hankinson, Alan, 119 Henry, Brian, 134 Hanson, James, 88 Henry, Hugh, 159, 160 Hard Times, 44, 57, 225 Henwood, John, x, 195 Hardie, Jeremy, 329 Her Majesty's Pleasure, 230 Hardy, Bert, 71 Here I Stand, 270 Hargreaves, Jack, 134 Here Comes Mumfie, 265 Harlech, Lord, 71,172,174,185, Plate 23 Hess, 154, 221, 241 Harlech Television (later HTV) Hickory House, 257 company, 4, 171-80,391; and Westward Higgins, Lawrie, 89 Television, 184, 185; HTV Wales, 172, , 153,215 175, 176-7, 180; HTV West, 172, 175, Showboat, 232 177, 180 Hill of Luton, Lord, 284, 374, 380, 402 contract, lTV, Wales and West of as Chairman, ITA, 1963-7,8, 11,34,40, England, 1968-,4, 171, 174 69,85,136,149,323 contract, lTV, Wales and West of as Chairman, BBC, 1967-73,209 England, 1982-, 176, 180,336, 375; Hill, Jimmy, 69, 70, 279, 280 Channel 4 subscriptions, 318 Hills, Phillip, 158 finance, 172-3; rentals, 172, 318; Hindle Wakes, 219 revenue, 7, 150, 172, 174 Hine, 217 programmes, 5, 18, 172, 176-8; adult History Around Us, 48, 256 education, 245,247,248; children's, 177, Hitler's Children, 58 261 ,264; documentaries, 177,238; Hobson, Dorothy, 370 drama, 16, 177,225; light entertainment, Hodgson, William, 353 232; news, 177; religious, 268; schools, Hogg's Back, 133 256; sports, 283; Welsh language, 5, 18, Holland, Mary, 76 172,173,176-7,178-9 Holloway, David, 104 staff, 172, 174; labour relations, 31, 175 Home, Anna, 353, 357, 358 studios, 172, 173, 180 , 217 transmitting stations, 171, 172 Home and School, 247 Harlequinade, 219 Home at the Hirsel, 101 Harriett's Back in Town, 217 Home Office, 193, 196, 197,210, 294, 294, Harriott, John, x, 315, 316, 381, 382 298, 306, 316 Harris, Gerald, x Home Secretary, 140,209,210,271,312, Harris of Greenwich, Lord, x, 185, 188, 313,323 189, 321, 345, 346, 375, 382 Hooson, Lord, 180 Hart, Alan, 297, 298 Hop, Skip and Jump, 204 Hart, Judith, 158 Horobin, Dan, 118-19 Harwood,John, 116 Hours of broadcasting, 16,237,254,269 Hatfield, Keith, 128 House for the Future, A, 247 Haunted - The Ferryman, 225 House in Regent Place, A, 218 Haviland, Julian, 128 House of Commons, Select Committees, Hawkesworth, John, 75 35, 152, 294, 305, 388 414 INDEX

House on the Hill, 156 150, 151, 179, 191,302,262; Housecall, 152 programme costs, 13, 17, 18-19; see Houseparty, 133 also Finance How, 133,261 hours of broadcasting, 16, 237,254, How Can Britain Work, 238 269 How to Stay Alive, 248 programme companies, 4; contracts, How We Used to Live, 92, 256 lTV, 1968-,4,25-6,34,42,308,309; How's Your Father, 230 contracts, lTV, 1982-,41,50-3, Howard, Anthony, 46, 134,370 79-83,93-8, 102-6, 135, 144-7, Hunniford, Gloria, 204 156-61, 165-6, 169-70, 180, 198, Hunter's Walk, 216 205-7,308-61 passim; Consultations, Hutcheson, Mike, 204 ITA/IBA/ITV, 221, 227, 228, 262, Hwb i Greu, 256 264; networking arrangements, ix, Hynd, Lewis, 160 4-20,258,260-1,268-9,277,283; shareholdings, 33, 54-6, 134, 144-5, IBA, see Independent Television Authority 149, 151, 168, 186-7, 194-7,332, ITA, see Independent Television Authority 337-8, 344, 352-3; see also Programme ITCA, see Independent Television companies, lTV Companies Association programmes, 2-3,4, 12-13; awards, 5, ITN, see Independent Television News 20,35,38,57,58,66,68,75,78,81, lTV, see Independent Television 131, 182,214,219,232,240,249,274, lTV for Schools and Colleges, 252, 390 292-3; films and foreign material, lTV Seven, 279 quota, 12, 134; impartiality, 46, 125-6, lTV Sport, 9 207, 238; 'mandated' programmes, Iddesleigh, Earl of, 346 12-13; schedules, 6, 10-11, 13-20 If There Weren't Any Blacks, 69 passim; see also Programmes, lTV, Impartiality in news and current affairs, and under individual programme 46,125-6,207,238 categories, e.g. Drama programmes Improve Your Bridge, 245 regional structure, 4, 7, 10-15, 16-19, In Loving Memory, 229, 230 309-14 In Praise of Love, 225 second television service (ITV2), 288-9, Incredible Adventures of Professor 293, 392 Branestrawm, The, 261 staff, 1-3,4,22-3,25-6,43-4,53-6, 57, Incredible Hulk, The, 261 63,64,68,70,77,78,95-6, 131, 134, Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 172,174,181,187,190,193,204-11, 1973,207,322,387 358; labour relations, 21-32, 41, 43, Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 56, 63, 68, 85, 88, 92-3, 95-6, 100, 1974,387 104, 155, 158, 166, 168, 175, 181, 191, Independent Broadcasting Authority Act 192-3, 198, 341, 344; trade union 1978,312-13,387 representation, 22-3 Independent Local Radio, 329 Independent Television Authority (later Independent producers, 283 Independent Broadcasting Authority) Independent Radio News, 330 advertising control: Code of Advertising Independent Television (lTV) Standards and Practice, 390 advertising: code, 390; sales, 96, 151, 162 advisory councils and committees, 105; attitudes to lTV: Annan Committee, children's broadcasting, 259; 154, 168, 310; Pilkington Committee, educational broadcasting, 245, 250, 233,290 252,253,258,378; national, 161, 176, audiences, 19-20, 76-7, 120,214,219, 178; religious broadcasting, 268; see 227,271,274,288,283,289 also Advisory councils and committee, engineering: colour television, 27-8, 108, ITAIIBA/ITV 130, 149, 173, 193,285; transmitting Annan Committee: IBA evidence to, stations, 4, 33, 51, 81, 84, 85-6,92, 252,290,291,379,390; Report: 98-9, 103, 130, 135-40, 161, 164, 166, findings on the IBA, 61, 308; IBA 167, 171, 173, 181, 184, 199,204,310, reactions, 293 311,313-14,337,350 audience research, 42, 48-9, 141, 160, finance: from advertising revenue, ix, 2, 261,315-16,322,396-7,398,400-1; 6,7, (Table), 31; Exchequer Levy, 86, see also Audience research INDEX 415

Authority, 1, 7-8; accountability, 1, 4; 12-15; schools programmes, 252, 253; Chairman, 7, 8, see also Aylestone, sports programmes, 277-SO, 282, 285- Lord, Hill of Luton, Lord, and 6; Television Programme Guidelines, Plowden, Lady; Concordat with the 208, 390; and terrorist organizations' BBC, 286, 289, 293, 294, 296, 297; coverage, 207, 208; violence on Director General, 7, 8, 107, see also television, 259, 394-5 Fraser, Sir Robert, and Young, Sir publications, 390, 391, 392, 394, 395, Brian; functions, 4; IBA Fellowship 396-7,398,400,402 Scheme, 247; Licences to broadcast, staff, 14-15,22-3,323; Regional 389; Members, 176,200,321,323-4 Officers, 207, 315, 323 contracts, lTV: 1968-,1,4,5,25-6,34, Independent Television Companies 42,308,309 Association (ITCA), 8-10, 50 contracts, lTV: 1982-, 41, 50-3, Annan Committee: evidence to, 9, 10, 79-83,93-8, 102-

HCfAR see Joint Industry Committee for fl1I, 21-32,41,43,56,63,68,85,88, Television Advertising Research 92-3, 95- 6, 100, 104, 135, 155, 158, Jackson, Peter, x, 301, 303 166, 168, 175, 181, 191, 192-3, 198, Japan Prize, 245 302,341,344 Jay, Anthony, 149 Labour Relations Committee (fl1I), 23 Jay, Peter, 76, 125,309,332,335 Ladbroke's, 344 Jay Walking, 37, 274 Ladies First, 192 Jelly, Anthony, 87-8, 99 Ladies Night, 37 Jenkins, Peter, 330 Laker, Freddie, 353 Jennie, 20, 61, 66, 218 Lambert, Verity, 62, 64 Jersey Evening Post, 194-7 Lancashire fl1I contract area, Jesus of Nazareth, 34, 38, 274, 336 contract, 1968-, 4, 7,42 Jewel in the Crown, The, 48 programme company, 4, 41-53 Jimmy, 58 transmitting stations, 51 Jimmy Carter meets the Geordies, 102 see also Granada Television; North­ Job Hunt, 248 West England fl1I contract area Jobline, 178 Lancastria Television, 51 Jobs About the House, 92,245 Land, The, 48 Jobs for the Boys, 248 Land of Giants, 262 Johnny Come Home, 90, 240 Land We Love, The, 203 Johnston, Fred, 157 Lane, John, 119 Johnston, Terry, 132 Laski, Marghanita, 158 Johnstone, David, 152, 154, 160 Last, Richard, 383 Joice, Dick, 141 Last Programmes, 272 Joint Industry Committee for Television Late Late Show, The, 202 Advertising Research (HCfAR), 322 Leach, Oive, 89, 94 Jones, James Cellan, 354 Leapfrog, 256 Jones, Philip, 57, 62, 64 Lee, James, 329 Jorrocks' Country, tOl Leslie Crowther Show, The,231 Junior Showtime, 261 Let The Music Take You, 163 Just So Stories, 265 Let's Do It, 163 Just the Job, 182, 248 Let's Look at Ulster, 204 Justham, David, 344 Letch, Frank, 134, 358 Justice, 90, 218 Lever, Lord, 330 Lewis, Tony, 283 Kate, 90 Liberation, 192 Katie Stewart Cooks, 244 Lidstone, George, 346 Kee, Robert, 124, 125, 238, 332 Life and Times of Lord Mountbatten, The, Keelan, Barney, 351 57,240 The Explosion, 231 Life of Johnson, 153 The Kenny Everett Video Show, 62, 81, Lifeline, 248 232,322 Lifestyle, 92 , HRH The Duke of, 72 Light entertainment programmes, 20, 37-8, Keynes, Stephen, 104 47,56,62-3,66,69,75,84,91, Kidnapped, 177, 264 227-35,399; Consultations (ITA/IBA/ Kids from 47A, The, 264 fl1I)on,227,228,377,378,399 Killip, Ken, x, 197, 195,376, Plate 28 Lillie, 82, 218 King, Cecil, 312, 381 Limits of Growth, The, 57 King of the Castle, 264 Link,37 Kitty - Return to Auschwitz, 90, 240 Link Up, 192 The Knowledge, 226 Lion's Share, The, 152 Krichefski, Senator Wilfred, 197 Lisburne, Earl of, 186, 187 Krypton Factor, The, 45, 234 Little Big Time, 133 Kuehl, Jerry, 242 Live and Let Die, 20 Live Network Agreement, 17, 18 Labour Party, 386 Living and Growing, 163, 256 Labour relations Living '69 Style, 153 BBC, 21, 29, 32 Living Wall, The, 167 INDEX 417

Lloyd George Knew My Father, 219 Lost Centuries, The, 142, 269 Loch, John, x Lost in Space, 262 Loftus, Gerry, 38, 2SO, 297 Love, Enid, 89, 253 London Belongs to Me, 218 Love for Lydia, 225 London Business School, 329 Love Story, 222 London Daytime Television, 79; see also Love Thy Neighbour, 62, 66, 230 Daytime Television The Lovers, 47, 230 London lTV contract area, 7, 54, 310, Lowland Broadcasting, 156-61 313-14 Lucas, Blanche, 357 contract, weekday service, 1968-, 54-5; Luke's Kingdom, 218 1982-,79-83,318 Lunchtime, 204 contract, weekend service, 1968-, 4, 26, Lund, Mary, 10 68, 69, 277; 1982-, 79-83, 93, 318 Lyon, Lee, 1423 programme companies, 4, 7, 54- 83 transmitting stations, 81, 313-14 MORI,329 see also London Weekend Television; Macbeth (opera), 14, 133; (play) 219, 255 Thames Television McCall, David, 141 London Independent Television, 81, 82-3 McCarthy, Lord, 94 London Looks Forward, 65 McCluskey, Lord, 157 The London Programme, 80 MacDonald, Gus, 270 The London Weekend Show, 80, 263, 264 MacDonald, Trevor, 124 London Weekend Television, McGoff, John, 126-7 company, 4, 68-79, 79-83, 333, 391; McGregor, Lord, 353 composition, 70; discussions on link McIvor, Jill, 323 with Anglia Television, 73; McKenzie, Bob, 121 restructuring, 79 Mackie, Philip, 61, 224 contract, lTV, London weekend service, MacLeod, Calum, 164 1968-,4,26,68,69,277 McMillan, John, 277, 2SO contract, lTV, London weekend service, McMillan's Mayerling, 78 1982-,79-83; application, 81-2, 273; McPherson, Robert, 152, 160, 268 Channel 4 subscriptions, 318 MacQuitty, James, 204, 206 finance: rentals, 74, 318; revenue, 7, 13, McWatters, George, 175 70, 73-4, 81; shareholdings, 71-2 Madocks, John, 337 programmes, 69-70, 75-7, 78-9, 82; Magnificent Man and his Flying Machine, adult education, SO, 82, 244, 245, 247, The, 142 248, 249; arts, 75, 78; awards, 75, 78, Magnusson, Magnus, 158 245, 249; children's, 75, 78, 261, 263, Magpie, 57, 261, 263, 265 264; current affairs, 75, 76-7, 82, Mahoney, Jock, 115 210-11, 237; drama, 69, 75, 78-9, 82, Main Chance, The, 90, 217 216,217,218,221,222,223,224,225, Mair, Alex, x, 164, Plate 22 226; light entertainment, 69, 75, 229, Make It Count, 92, 248, 249 230,231,232; local, 5, 75, 82; religious, Making a Living, 92 SO, 82, 267-8, 272, 273-4,275; sports, , 62, 66, 230 69,75,80,82,277,279,281,294 Man and Woman, 92, 248 staff, 26, 70, 77, 78; labour relations, 21 Man at the Top, 61,217 studios, 69, 72 Man Between Three Rivers, A, 142 Lonely Hearts, 58 Man Called Intrepid, A, 221, 241 Long Days Journey into Night, 219, 225 Man of Our Times, 217 Longest Decade, The, 203 Man on the Moon, The, 69 Lonsdale, Earl of, 168 Man Who Bought United, The, 52 Look Ahead, 203 Man WhoWouldn'tKeep Quiet, The, 47, 242 Look Here, 80 Manchester Evening News, 145 Look-in, 261, 305 Manchester University, 362 Look Westward, 301 Mandell, Barbara, 124 Look Who's Talking, 167 Manhunt, 217 Lookback, 192 Manpower Services Commission, 248 Lorimer, Robert, x, 104, 372 Manx Millennium, 167 Loss of the S. S. Schiller, The, 183 Marc, 264 418 INDEX

March, Earl of, 353 Miss lTV, 235 Margerison, Tom, 70, 103, 302, 352 Miss Nightingale, 133,221 Margetson, John, 141 Miss TVTimes, 235 Marked Personal, 218 Miss Westward, 182 Markheim, 153 , 62 Marplan, 329 Mr and Mrs, 167,234 Marr, Ben, 64 Mr Axelford's Angel, 225 Marsh, Sir Richard, 332 Mr Trimble, 257 Marshall, Peter, 330 Mrs Amworth, 177 Martin, Christopher, x, 268, 276, 380 Mrs Wilson's DiIlry, 70 Martin, Ian, 64, 353 Mitchell, Austin, 92,93, 95, 313 Marty Feldman Comedy Machine, The, 38 Mixed Blessing, 230 Mason, Roy, 209, 212, 377 Moir, Guthrie, 57, 253 Match of the Day, 142,283 Monopoly: programme listings, 305-6 Maudling, Reginald, 209 Montague of Beaulieu, Lord, 354 May I Have The Pleasure?, 58 Monte Carlo International Television Mayo, Charles, x Festival, 292-3 Me, I'm Afraid of Virginia Woolf, 226 Montefiore, Canon Hugh, 268 Media Project Unit, 247 Montreux Television Festival, Golden Rose Meditation, 271 of, 38, 232, 292-3 Meeting Our Needs, 257 's Flying Circus, 228 Merchant of , The, 38, 219, 225 Moonlight on the Highway, 225 Mercia Television, 338, 339, 341, 342, 383 Moore, Henry, 27 Merry Widow, The, 154 Morahan, Christopher, 352 Merseyside Television Group, 52 Morgan, Cliff, 298 Merseyvision, 51-2 Morgan Grampian, 330 Messengers, The, 48 Morley, Peter, 57, 240 Metal Mickey, 263 Morning, 327 Michelmore, Cliff, 273 Morning Television, 331 Mick and All That Jazz, 167 Morning Worship, 270, 272-3 Midlands lTV contract area, 7, 33, 310, Morris, Rev Dr W. J., 323 313- 14, 316-17, 337 Morris-Jones, Professor, Huw, 323, 347 contract, Midlands, 1968-,33,34 Morton, Jean, 264 contract, East and West Midlands, The Mosedale Horseshoe, 225 1982-,41,316-17,318,336-44 Moser, Sir Claus, 330 programme company, 4-5, 33-41 the Lawgiver, 34 transmitting stations, 33, 311, 337 Mosque in the Park, The, 38 see also Associated Television; Central Moth, Peter, x Independent Television Mouat, J. Kay, 197 Midlands Television, 338, 340, 341, 342, Mounter, Julian, 345 343, 344, 384 Muggs, J. Fred, 327 Midnight is a Place, 133 Muir, Frank, 70 Midnight Oil, 245 Muldergate affair (UPITN), 126-7 Midsummer Night's Dream, A, 153 Muppet Show, The, 34, 38, 232, 336, Midweek Sport Special, 283 390 Miles, Frank, 111, 112 Murder the Magicilln, 177 Milestones or Millstones?, 204 Murdoch, Rupert, 71, 335 Miller, Ron, 71 Murphy, Stephen, 316 Milne, Alasdair, 149,298,402 Music and Artists Management (MAM), Mills and Allen, 330 331 Mind of Mr J. G. Reeder, The, 61 Music for Advent, 192 , 229, 230 Music in Camera, 133 Minder, 62, 226 Music of the Highlanders, 323 Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Music programmes, 14 288 Musicians Union, 22, 24 Misfit, The, 217 My Brother's Keeper, 178 Miss A TV, 37 My World, 92 Miss Anglia, 142, 144 Mystery and Imagination, 224 INDEX 419

NAR, see Net Advertising Revenue amount and timing of bulletins, 12-13, NARAL, see Net Advertising Revenue 124 After Levy on breakfast-time television, 327, 328, NATfKE, see National Association of 330-2, 334 Theatrical, Television and Kine see also Independent Television News Employees Newsview, 102 Naked Civil Servant, The, 61, 68, 81, 225, Nicholas, David, x, 108, 111, 112, 121, 398 127-8, 330, 334, 373, 382, Plate 14 Nancy, 182 Nicholson, Michael, 109, 116-17 Napoleon in Love, 218 Nicholson, Paul, 103 Nathan, Lord, 353 Night Club, 233 National Academy of Arts and Sciences, Nixon, Richard, 238 (US),34 Nixon Interviews, 238 National Association of Theatrical, No, Honestly, 75, 230 Television and Kine Employees Norman Conquests, 219 (NATTKE), 22, 26, 28-9, 88, 93 Norseman (Group), 103-6 National Board for Prices and Incomes: North-East England lTV contract area, 7, 42 Report on Costs and Revenues of contract, 1968-,98 Independent Television Companies, 6, contract, 1982-, 102-6, 318 50,370,388 programme company, 4, 5-6, 84, 86-8, National Council for the Training of 94,98-102, 102-6 Journalists, 362 transmitting stations, 84, 98-9, 103 National Educational Broadcasting see also Tyne Tees Television Authority, 258 North-East News, 102 National Extension College, 248-9, 250 North-East Roundabout, 102 National Film School, 362 North-East Scotland lTV contract area, 7, National Television Archive, 362 156 National Union of Journalists, 22, 26, contract, 1968-,6, 161 28-9, 194 contract, North Scotland, 1982-, 162, Neame, Robert, 354 165-6,318 Nearest and Dearest, 230 programme company, 4, 161-6 Nearly Man, The, 47, 217 transmitting stations, 161, 164 Net Advertising Revenue (NAR), 2, 13 see also Grampian Television Net Advertising Revenue After Levy North-West England lTV contract area, 7, (NARAL), 6, 17-19,302 42 Network, lTV, 1-20 contract, Lancashire, 1968-,42 Network Planning Committee (lTV), 9 contract, 1982-, 50-3, 318 Network Programme Committee (lTV), 9, programme company, 4, 5, 33, 41-53 10-15,258,260,268,269,277 transmitting stations, 51 Network Programme Secretariat, 280 see also Granada Television Network South, 352 North Greets its Queen, The, 102 Neusten, Mike, 113 Northern Ireland, broadcasting coverage, Never a Cross Word, 69 207-13 Never Mind The Quality Feel The Width, Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) 62,229 (Amendment) Act 1975, 208 Nevill, Lady Rupert, 351 Northern Ireland lTV contract area, 6, 7, New Faces, 38, 231, 199 New Scotland Yard, 216-17 contract, 1968-,4 New International Film and contract, 1982-,205-7,318 Television Festival, 182 programme company, 4, 6,199- 207 Newman, Sydney, 61 transmitting stations, 199,204 News at 5.45, 124 see also Ulster Television News at One, 124, 191 Northern Ireland Independent Television, News at Ten, 12,36, 107, 108-29 passim, 205-6 191,237 Northern Life, 102, 103 News programmes, 7,12-13,107, 108-29; Northern Lights, 233 advertising breaks, 120 Northern Report, 102 alleged bias in, 125-6,332 Northern View, 102 420 INDEX

Northerners, The, 102 People Rule, 132 Northumbria (Group), 102-3 Perkins, John, 351 Norwich, John Julius, 145 Perris, Sir David, 337 Numbers at Work, 92, 249 Perry, Geoffrey, 113-14 Nuts and Bolts of the Economy, 242 Perry, Ronald, 185, 189, 346, 348 Perry, Sydney, x, 134,204, 206 Observer, The, 330 Perspective, 163 Octopus Publishing, 332 Persuaders, The, 38 O'Connor, Jack, x Peterborough, Bishop of, 271 Office of Fair Trading, 297 Peters, Mary, 205 Official Secrets Act, 46 Pettifer, Julian, 331 Olympics, television coverage, 15, 24, 280, Peyton Place, 52 285,286,291,293-4,298,299,345 Phi/by, Burgess and Maclean, 221, 241 On The Ball, 279, 280 Phillips, David, 115, 124 , 69, 70, 75, 229 Phillips, William, 19-20,369,371 One and Only Phyllis Dixey, The, 240 Phillis, Bob, 302, 344 One in a Hundred, 249 Piano Can Be Fun, The, 245 One Man's Music, 192 Pickles, Wilfred, 273 Once a Kingdom, 142 Picture Box, 255 Once Upon a Time, 256 Pilger, John, 35, 238 Onions, Ron, 330 Pilkington Committee on Broadcasting, Only When I Laugh, 91 1960,378 Open Air, The, 182 Report (Cmnd 1735), 387, 388; criticism Open Broadcasting Authority, 9 of nv, 233, 290 Open College, 250, 251 Pitt, Hugh, 156 Open Doors, 232 Place in the Country, A, 245 Open University, 244, 250, 388 Place of Her Own, A, 215 Opinions Unlimited, 232 Place to Live, A, 142 Opium Warlords, The, 35, 238 Plage, Dieter, 142 Opportunity Knocks, 13,62,231,232 Plaid Cymru, 178-9 Oracle teletext system, 289, 319 Plain Sailing, 92 Great Mysteries, 143 Plant, Peter, 341, 383 Other Side of the Peso, The, 155 Platform for Today 37 Our People, 249 Play for Today, 223 Our School and Hard Times, 58 Play Guitar, 247 Out of Town, 132 Play Soccer - Jack Charlton's Way, 102 Outram, George, 168 , 82 Owl Service, The, 261 Plays, see Drama programmes Plays for Britain, 61 Packer, Kerry, 335 Plays for Pleasure, 224 Page, Cyril, 110-11 Please Sir, 69, 75, 82, 229 Pagnamenta, Peter, 64 Pliatzky, Sir Leo, 331 Paine, Guy, 82 Plowden, Lady, as Chairman, IBA, 1975-80, Paine, Peter, x, 89, 100, 103, 104-5, Plate 12 34,141,188,198,228,253,265,275, Palmer, Tony, 352 294,299,300,323,324,325-6,330,333, Panorama, 77, 209, 290 343,355,357,380,383, Plate 33 Paramount Pictures, 126 Plowright, David, 12, 14, 50, 238, 378 Parents' Day, 247 Points North, 163 Park Ranger, 133 Police and the Public, The,52 Parker, Laurence, 10 Police Call, 142, 167 Parkin, Leonard, 123, 124 Police Five, 37 Parkin's Patch, 216 Police Six, 204 Parkinson, Michael, 332 Police Surgeon, 240 Party Political Broadcasts, 191 Political broadcasting, 207, 236-7 Pastimes for the Present, 182 General Elections, 27, 29, 120, 121, 122, Paterson, Neil, 164 129, 155 Patterns of Folk, 232 Party Political Broadcasts, 191 Pearson Longman, 329 Politics West, 182 People and Politics, 60 Pop Quest, 264 INDEX 421

Population coverage, lTV companies, 7 Programme Planning Committee, 14, 141, Portrait of an Artist, 204 277 Portrayal of Violence on Television: BBC Programme Planning Secretariat, 8, 9 and fBA Guidelines, The, 299, 390 Programme Policy Committee, 8 Post Office Engineering Union, 27 Programmes, lTV, 2-3, 4,12-13 Postgraduate Medicine, 244 advisory committees, 8, 245, 250, 252, Potter, Charles, x 253,258 Potter, Dennis, 223, 225, 226 awards, 5, 20, 35, 38, 57, 58, 66,68,75, Potter, Jeremy, 302 78,81, 131, 182,214,219,232,240, Potter's Art, The, 183 249, 274, 292-3 Power Game, 217 audiences, 19- 20, 76-7,120,214,219, Pragnell, Anthony, Volume 3, 50, 51, 95, 227,271,274,282, 288, 289 330; Volume 4, x, 325, 347 censorship, 28, 46, 61, 70, 209-10, 211, Preston, Tony, 89, 134 213 Pretenders, 177, 261 code on programme standards and Prevention of Terrorism Act 1974, 207, 211 practice, 208, 390 Preview, 155 controls, 2, 4, 5, 8, 12-13 Preview West, 182 Family Viewing Policy, 259 Price, Richard, 329 films and foreign material quota, 12, 134 Prices and Incomes Board, 6, 50, 370, 388 hours, 16,237.254,269 Primary Maths, 256 impartiality, 46, 125-6,207,238 Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The, 154-5, local,5 219 'mandated', 12-13 Pritchett-Brown, Peter, x networking arrangements, ix, 4-20 Private Lives, 20 planning, ix, 9-10, 10-15, 16-19 Prix Italia, 35, 57, 68, 78, 274, 292-3 schedules, 6, 10-11, 12-15, 16-19, 19-20 Prix Jeunesse, 264 see also individual programme categories, Prize winning programmes, 20, 35, 38, 57, e.g. Drama programmes 58,66,75,78,81, 131, 182,214,219, Propaganda War, The, 213 232,240,249,274,292-3 Provincial Lady, 219 Probation Officer. 240 Provisional Irish Republican Army, 207, Probe, 142 208,210 Professionals, The, 79, 216, 399 Provisional Sinn Fein, 208, 212 Programme companies, lTV Public Eye, The, 61, 216 companies, 4 Public Service Announcements, 37, contracts, 1968-, 4, 25-6, 34, 42, 308, 247 309 Pueblo Affair, The, 221 contracts, 1982-,41,50-3,79-83,93-8, Puffin's Pla(i)ce, 193 102-6,135,144-7, 156-61, 165, 170, Purser, Philip, x, 90, 223, 224-6, 372, 377 180, 189, 197-9,205-7, 308-61 passim Purssell, Anthony, 323 finance: advertising revenue, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 (Table); Exchequer Levy, 150, 151, Quayle, David, 253 179, 191,302,362; public quotation on Quatermass, 226 the Stock Market, 3; rentals to ITA! Queen, The, HM, 29 IBA, 6, 318 Queen's Award to Industry for Export network, ix, 4-20; programme Achievement, 5 arrangements, 11-20; payments for Quest of Eagles, 264 programmes, 13-20 passim Question of Sex, A, 249 staff, 1- 3, 4, 22-3, 25-6, 43-4, 53-6, Question Time, 37 57,63,64,68,70,77,78,95-6, 131, Questions Sans Frontiere, 192 134,172,174,181, 187, 190, 193,204, Quicke, Andrew, 102 211,358; Quiz programmes, 233-4 see also under names of individual companies, e.g. Anglia Television ROSLA, 254, 257 Programme contractors, see Programme Radio Telefis Eireann, 201, 202 companies , 301, 302, 303, 304, 305 Programme Controllers Group, 3, 8, Raffles, 216 10-15,19, 107, 124,265,269,280 Rag Trade, The, 229 Programme journals, lTV, 191,261,300-7 Rainbow, 257 422 INDEX

Raise the Titanic, 41 Robinson, Robert, 347 Railing, Christopher, 352 Rock Follies, 61, 225 Ramsey, Ian, 272 Rock Nativity, 154 Rank Organisation, 134, 350, 354 Rodgers, Sir John, 330 Rantzen, Esther, 332 Rogues Gallery, 223 Raphael, Frederick, 145 Romance, 223 Read, John, 55 Romeo and Juliet, 255 Readifile caption equipment, 112-13 Romper Room, 142, 144, 252 Ready When You Are, Mr McGill, 225 Romulus Films, 145 Reay, David, 104 Rooms, 218 Red Letter Day, 225 Root, Alan, 142 Red Under The Bed, 143 Root of all Evil, 225 Redgauntlet, 28, 153,261 Rothchilds Bank, 330 Rediffusion Television, see Associated Rothwell, John, 192, 193-4, 195, 1% Rediffusion Round Robin, 142 Redmond, Sir James, 345 Roundhouse, 267-8 Rees, Merlyn, 202 Rouse, Anthony, 128 Regional or local programmes, 5, 16, Rowland, Dennis, 353 232-3,364-5 Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, 362 Regional Theatre Trainee Director Royal College of Art, 362 Scheme, 362 Royal Commission on the Press, 196, 197,376 Regions, lTV, 7 Royal occasions and broadcasting, 107, Reid, Beryl, 339 289, 292 Religious broadcasting, 267-76,401-2 Royal Shakespeare Company, 81 advisory councils and committees, 270, Royal Television Society, 71, 89, 132, 142, 271-2,274-5 143, 285, 362 Consultations, ITA/IBA/ITV, 267, 269, Royal Variety Performance, 37, 289 402 Royle Progress, 270 IBA responsibility, 268, 275 Rudd, Lewis, 134, 263 programmes, 269-75; 'closed period', 16, Rumball, W.N., 197 35, 289; epilogues, 272 , 218, 226 Rennie, Peter, x Runaround, 133, 256 Renwick, Sir Robert (later Lord Renwick), 40 Runcie, Robert, 272 Report at Six, 191, 193 Russell, George, 323 Report of the Committee on Broadcasting Russell report on adult eduction, 245, 378 1960 (Cmnd 1753), see Pilkington Ruth Ellis Story, The, 58 Committee, Report Rutland, The Duke of, 340 Report of the Committee on the Future of Ryan, Nigel,x, 12,64, 108, 112, 123, Plate 13 Broadcasting (Cmnd 6753), see Annan Committee, Report S4C, see Sianel Pedwar Cymru Report Wales, 177 STAGS, see Scottish Television and Report West, 177 Grampian Sales Ltd Reports Action, 45. 247. 269 S. W.A. T., 233 Rev. Parker Says Goodbye, 270 St Nicholas Cantata, 68 Rhodes, Clarence, 127 Salaries in lTV, 25 Rhodesia -Is There a Solution?, 238 Sale of the Century, 20, 140, 142,233,234 Rhoodie, Eschel, 127,373 Sally Ann, 133 Rice, Tim, 331 Salute to America, 203 Richard's Things, 134 Sandbaggers, 217 Richards, Clive, 339 Sandels, Arthur, 94, 372 Richman, Stella, 12, 70, 94, 217 Sapper, Alan, 30, 370 Riley, Major J.R., 197 Sapphire and Steel, 217 Ring, Professor James, x, 323, 333 Saturday Banana, The, 133, 264 Ripe Old Age, A, 142,247 Saturday Night in the West, 182,233 Rippon, Angela, 124,332 Saturday Night People, 231 Rising Damp, 91, 229, 230 Saturday Scene, 264 Ritchie-Calder, Lord, 158 Saturday, Sunday, Monday, 219 Rivals of Sherlock Holmes, The, 61, 223 Scars on Sunday, 273 Robin's Nest, 62, 229, 230 Schools broadcasting, 29 INDEX 423

advisory councils and committees, 253,258 Sense of Freedom, 156, 160 programmes, 252-9 Sentimental Journey, 232 Scientists, The, 91 Seraglio, II, 133 Scotch Corner, 153,232 Sesame Street, 75, 232, 256 Scotland, Central, lTV contract area, 7, Seven Days, 142,270 148, 156 Seven Degrees West, 232 contract, 1968-, 149, 152 Seven Faces of Woman, 223 contract, 1982-, 152, 156-61, 318 Seymour, Gerald, 116, 128 programme company, 148-61 Shades of Greene, 61, 223 see also Scottish Television Shadow of an Iron Man, 153 Scotland, North-East, see North-East Shadows, 264 Scotland Shang a Lang, 264 Scotland Friday, 152 Sharp, Ernest, 339 , 152, 155 Sharp, Sir George, 164 , 152, 283 Sharples, Baroness, 357 Scott, Blair, x Shaughnessy, Alfred, 75 Scott, Ian, 62 Shaw, Colin, 14, 265,295,298,324 Scott, Laurence, 141, 143 Shaw, David, x Scott, Mike, 50 Shaw, Jim, 64 Scott, Peter Hardiman, 331 Shawcross, Lord, 55, 63, 71 Scott, Ridley, 354 Shearer, Moira, 168 Scott, Robin, 293, 297-8, 299, 331,380 Shelley, 230 Scottish National Party, 156 Sherrin, Ned, 329, 331 Scottish Opera, 153, 154, 155 Ship from the Clyde, The, 153 Scottish Television, Shirley, Lloyd, 57, 62 company, 4,148-61,363,391; and Shivas, Mark, 134 Grampian Television, 151, 161, 162 Shoot, 283 contract, Central Scotland, 1968-, 149, Short Story, 153 152 Shubik, Irene, 226, 399 contract, Central Scotland, 1982-, 152, Sianel Pedwar Cymru (S4C), 179 156-61, 336,374; Channel 4 Siberry, J.W.M., 178 subscriptions, 318 Silhouettes, 177 finance, 149-51; rentals, 150, 151,318; Silver Blaze, 177 revenue, 7, 149, 150-1, 154, 172 Silver Jubilee, 20 programmes, 5, 18, 152-6; adult Sim, Kevin, 240 education, 244, 249; children's, 261, Simmons, Bob, x 265; current affairs, 154; Simply Sewing, 164 documentaries, 153; drama, 28, 153, Sing Inn, 233 154-5,155-6,215-16,218,219,241; Sinners, The, 222 light entertainment, 232; local, 152-3, Sion a Sian, 177 155; music, 153, 154; religion, 268, Sissons, Peter, ltO-lt, 124 270; sports, 152, 283 Six Days of Justice, 61, 218 staff: labour relations, 28, 155, 158 Six Victorian Melodramas, 133 studios, 149, 151, 155 Skiing with Gina, 92 Scottish Television and Grampian Sales Ltd Sky's the Limit, The, 234 (STAGS), 96, 151, 162 Smith,261 Sears Holdings, 344 Smith, Anthony, 126, 373, 387 Second Chance 217 Smith, Berkley, x, 14, 18, 134,268,298 Secondary rentals, see Exchequer Levy Smith, Professor Roland, 331 Secret Hospital, The, 90 Snowdon, Lord, 35 Secret Orchards, 226 Soap on television, 214-16 Seeing and Doing, 255 Social action broadcasting, 247, 269-70, Seglow, Peter, 370, 389 378 Select Committee on Nationalised Social Action in Television, 378 Industries, 152, 294, 388 Soldini, John, 119 Selkirk Common Riding, 167 Song Book, 265 Selkirk Communications, 340 Soper, Lord, 267 Selwyn Froggit, 91 Sound Off, lOt Sendall, Bernard, 14, 15,345,351,391 Sounds Gaelic, 232 424 INDEX

Sounds of ... , 167 Special Child, 92, 247, 248 Sounds of Britain, 164,232 Spendour Falls, The, 177,245 Sounds of Summer, 182 Spoils of War, 44 Sounds Silver, 192 Spooners Patch, 229 South and South East Communications Sport on Friday, 283 (TVS), 352, 352-3, 355; see also Sports and broadcasting, 277-83, 285, TVS - Television South 286-300 South Bank Estates, 55 national and international sporting South Bank Show, The, 78, 80, 82 events, 286-300 passim South of the Border, 209-tO, 213 programmes, 9, 12-14,15,277 South of England lTV contract area, 7, Sports Arena, 283 130-1, 3tO, 313-14, 317, 349-51 Sports West, 283 contract, South of England, 1968-, 130, Sportscall, 163 350 Sportscast, 204, 283 contract, South and South-East England, Sportsdesk, 283 1982-, 135,317, 318, 349-61 ,283 programme company, 4, 5, 130-5 Spring and Autumn, 230 transmitting stations, 130, 3tO, 311, Spyders Web, 217 350 Staff see also ; TVS­ ITA/IBA, 14-15,22-3,323 Television South lTV companies, 1-3,4,21,22-3,25-6, South Riding, 20, 90, 219 43-4, 53-6, 57, 63, 64, 68, 70, 77, 78, South-West England lTV contract area, 6, 95-6, 131, 134, 172, 174, 181, 187, 7, 181, 3tO 190, 193,204,211,358 contract, 1968-, 184 Stag Hunters, The, 182 contract, 1982-, 189,318,345-9 Standing Consultative Committee (SCC), 8, programme company, 5,6, 181-9 277,278 transmitting stations, 181, 184; Star Treatment, 133 population coverage, 183, 184 Stars on Sunday, 91, 133,273 see also Westward Television State of the Nation, 45, 154, 242, 248 South West Showcase, 182 Steel, David, 166 Southdown TV, 352 Stephens, Doreen, 70, 260, 267 Southern Counties Television Consortium, Stephenson, Hugh, 330 352,353 , 228 Southern Report, 132 Stevens, Jocelyn, 331 Southern Television Stigwood, Robert, Group, 332 company, 4, 5, 130-5, 349-51, 355-8 Stonehouse, John, 150, 288 contract, lTV South of England, 1968-, Stop, Look and Listen, 255 4, 131, 350 Stoppard, , 331 finance, 351; rentals, 130, 318; revenue, Storey, Sir Richard, t03 7, 150; shareholdings, 350 Story of Job, The, 58 programmes, 5, 18, 131-4; adult Strangers, 216 education, 247, 248; children's, 16, The Strauss Family, 36, 218 131,133,261; documentaries, 236; Strictly Scottish, 232 drama, 133-4, 218, 219, 226; light Strikes in lTV, 21-32 passim, 213 entertainment, 233, 234; local and Subject of Struggle, A, 242 regional, 132-3; religious, 133, 268, Suffer the Little Children, 52 270, 271; schools, 131-2; sports, 283; Sugden, Sir Arthur, 330 staff, 131, 134,358; labour relations, Summer of '79, 182 135 Summing It Up, 256 studios, 131, 3tO, 350-1, 358 Sumner, David, 32 transmitting stations, 130, 310; Sun is God, The, 58 population coverage, 171 Sun Printers, 304 Southgate, Robert, 353 Sunday and Monday in Silence, 58 Southsport, 283 Sunday Night at the , Speak Out, 192 37,227,230 Speaking of Murder, 143 Sunday Session, 244 Spearhead, 134, 226 Sunley's Daughter, 90 Special Branch, 62, 217 Supersonic, 264 INDEX 425

Survival, 16, 140, 142-3, 238 Television services, see British Broadcasting Sutherland, Muir, 64 Corporation, television services; Swallow, Norman, 274 Independent Television Swann, Sir Michael, 290, 293, 294, 299 Television South and South East, 251-2, 253-4 Sweeney, The, 61, 62, 217 Television Yorkshire, 93-4 Sweet , 232 Tellecom (Broadcast) Television, 351 , 223 TSW - Tennant, Captain lain, 164 company, 346,347-9 Tesler, Brian, 11,56,63,77,227-8,295, contract, South-West England, 1982-, 297-8, 299,378, 381, Plate 8 345-9; Channel 4 subscriptions, 318 Thames at 6,60 finance: rentals, 318; shareholdings, 346 Thames News, 60 staff, 349 Thames Report, 60,80 studios, 349 Thames Sport, 283 IV Eye, 60, 76 Thames Telethon, 65-6 IV Post, 301 Thames Television IVTimes, xi, 7, 191, 301-7 company, 4, 54-68, 391; advertising sales IV Weekly, 301 67-8 IV World, 301 contract, London weekday service, TV-am, 331-3,334-5 1968--, 4, 26, 54-5 TVS - Television South, contract, London weekday service, 1982-, company, 352-3, 355 81,336; Channel 4 subscription, 318 contract, South and South-East finance: rentals, 6, 318; revenue, 7, 13, England, 1982-, 352-3, 355, 358; 54, 67-8; shareholdings, 54-6 Channel 4 subscriptions, 318 programmes, 56-7, 57-63, 66-7; awards, finance, 356-7; rentals, 318; 57, 58, 66, 81, 240, 274; adult shareholdings, 356 education, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249; staff, 358 children's, 261, 263-4, 265; current studios, 358 affairs, 56, 58-60, 80, 211-13; TWW (Television Wales and West), documentaries, 57, 58,66,237, 240; company, 171, 173 drama, 56, 61-2; light entertainment, contract, Wales and the West of 20,56,62-3,66,229,230,231,232; England, 171 local, 5; pre-school, 256, 257; religious, Take Better Photographs, 245 272, 274; schools, 253, 255, 256, 257; , 156, 160,218 sports, 283 Take Your Pick, 57 staff, 55-6, 57, 63, 64, 68, 211; labour Takeover Bid, The, 143 relations, 29, 56, 63, 68 Tales of the Unexpected, 142, 222 studios, 57, 68 Talk of the Town, 182 Thames Television International, 66 Talkback 192 Thames Valley TV, 352 Tanlaw, Lord, 157 Thanet TV, 352 Tavistock Goosie Fair, 183 That Time in Argentina, 155 Taylor, Elizabeth, 173, 177 Thatcher, Margaret, 76, 209, 299 Taylor, Forbes, 145 Theatre in Camera, 133 Taylor, Kim, 250, 253 They're Off!, 279 Taylor, Peter, 207, 376 Thick as Thieves, 75, 177,225 Folk, 232 Thingummyjig , 154, 230 Teed, Cyril, 112 This is Your Life, 62, 63, 67, 231 Teledu Hafren/Hafren Television/Severn This is Your Right, 45 Television, 180 This Sporting Land, 248 , 289 This Week, 20, 28, 56, 58-60, 64, 142, 176, Telethon, 65-6 202,207,211-13,236,292 Television Act, 1954,259, 286, 287 Thomas, Anthony, 274 Television Act, 1963, 387 Thomas, Gwyn Ward, x, 11,87,88-9, Television Act, 1964,27,87, 138, 194,207, 93-4,97,99,372, Plate 9 209, 259, 285, 387 Thomas, Howard, 11, 19,55,63,64-5,67, Television Fund, 65, 362-3 108,228, 403, Plate 5 Television North, 104-6 Thompson, Adam, 331 Television Programme, The, 182, 249 Thompson, Professor Alan, 330 426 INDEX

Thomson of Monifieth, Lord, as Deputy Turner, Graham. 57, 64 Chairman, later Chairman, IDA, Turner, Harry, x, 182,349,375 1980-88, x, 106,323, 326,333,344, Turner, Sue, 64, 263 355,356,361,373,382,383, Plate 33 Tuzo, Sir Harry, 82 Thomson, D.C., 344, 350 Tweedale Press, 168 Thomson, Roy (later Lord Thomson of , 38, 225 Fleet) 148-9, 402, 403 20th Century Box, 263 Thornton, Sir Peter, 331 Twenty-Four Hours, 208-9 Those Wonderful1V Times, 234 Two Ronnies, The, 228 Three Days in Szczecin, 47, 221 Two's Company, 78, 82 Thunderbirds, 38, 264 Tyne Tees Television Thy Kingdom Come, 36 company, 4, 5-6, 98-102,102-6,362; Tickertape, 261 and Yorkshire Television, 84, 86-8, Till Death Do Us Part, 228 92,94,97,98-9,100,105,106 Time and Again, 183 contract, North-East England, 1968-,4, Time for Blackburn, 133 96-8 Time There Was, A, 78 contract, North-East England, 1982-,94, , 261 102-6, 336; Channel 4 subscriptions, Tingha and Tucker, 264 318 Tirion Programme, The, 52 finance: rentals, 318; revenue, 7,86,98, , 38, 264, 265 105 To Catch a King, 101 programmes, 5-6,18,98; access, 100-1, Tobias and the Angel, 153 104; adult education, 244, 250; Today, 57, 60, 80 children's, 102, 104, 264; current Today (NBC), 327 affairs, 102,238; documentaries, 101; Today at Six, 102 light entertainment, 232-3, 234; local, Today is Saturday, 264 98,99-100, 102,364-5; religious, 268, Today's MP, 37 270,272; schools, 256; sports, 102, Together, 218 283; young people, 5-6, 102, 104 Tom Grattan's War, 261 staff, 56; labour relations, 100, 104 Tomorrow People, The, 264 studios, 98, 103, 104 Too Long A Winter, 90 transmitting stations, 98-9, 103,310 Torode, John, 76 Touch of Jumbos, A, 225 UFO. 217 Towards Mathematics, 38, 256 UHF 625-line television, 86, 98-9,130, Townshend of Raynham, Lord, 137, 140, 135-6, 161, 171-2, 173, 174, 181, 199, 141, 145, Plate 19 285,310 Townson, Mike, 331 UNICEF Award, 264 Tracey, Michael, 76,372,397,403 UPITN, 115-17. 126-7,331 Trades unions in lTV, 21-32 passim U1V Reports, 201, 202, 203 Transmitting stations, 4, 33, 51, 81, 84, Ulster: The Economic Case, 203 85-6, 92, 98-9, 103, 130, 135-40, Ulster - Five Long Years, 58-9 161, 164, 166. 167. 171, 173. 181, 184, Ulster - The Right to Strike, 203 199,204,310,311,313-14,337,350 Ulster Defence Association, 208, 210 Treasure Hunt, 182, 235 Ulster Freedom Fighters, 208 Treasure Island, 142, 261 Ulster Television Treasures in Store, 164 company, 4, 6,199-207,392 Treasures of the British Museum, 245 contract, Northern Ireland, 1968-,4,6 Trend, Lord, 271 contract, Northern Ireland, 1982-, Trethowan, Ian, 108, 285 205-7,318,336; Channel 4 Trial by Jury, 20 subscriptions, 318 Tribe that Hides from Man, The, 35 finance, 200; rentals, 200-1,318; Trident Television, 87, 93, 94, 96-8, 98, revenue, 7, 150; shareholdings, 200 104, 105, 106; see also Yorkshire programmes, 18,201-4,207; adult Television; Tyne Tees Television education, 203, 204, 245, 248, 250; Trois Cloches, Les, 192 documentaries, 203-4; news and Trodd, Kenith, 225, 226 current affairs, 200, 201-2; religious, Trumpington, Lady, 330 203; schools, 204; sports, 283 Tuohy, Denis, 205 staff,204 INDEX 427

studios, 199,201,204 Weekend World, 20, 75, 76, 77, SO, 82, 207, transmitting stations, 199, 204 210,237,292,397 Ulster Volunteer Force, 208 Weidenfeld, Lord, 352 Under Milk Wood, 16 Weinstein, Bill, 339 United Press International, 126 Weir, Viscount, 157 University Challenge, 45, 234 Welcome to the Ceildh, 164 Unknown Famine, The, 59 Welsh Fourth Channel Authority, 179 Upstairs, Downstairs, 20, 75, 82, 218, Welsh language broadcasting,S, 172, 173, Plate 32 176-7, 178-9,256 Welsh Notes, 232 VHF405-linetelevision, 130, 13~, 161, 171 Weltman, Joseph, 252 Van Der Valk , 61 Wemyss and March, Earl of, 159 Vaughan, Aled, 175 Wessex TV, 252 Vaughan-Thomas, Wynford, 175, 177,268 West Country Television, 345, 347, 348 Vayglen (Cresset), 352, 354 West Mercia Television, 339 Victorian Scandals, 223 Westward Diary, 182 Video recording, 254-5 Westward Report, 182 Viewer, The, 301 Westward Television Viewpoint, 257 company, 4,6, 181-9; and Channel Vii/age Wooing, 219 Television, 190, 191; and HTV, 184, 185 Violence on television, 216-17 contract, South-West England, 1968-, 4, code on violence, 259, 394-5 184, 189 Visages de France, 192 finance, 7, 181,348-9; rentals, 181, 191; Visnews, 115,330, 331 revenue, 7, 183 programmes, adult education, 182, 244, Waddell, Brian, 204 247,248,249; documentaries, 182-3; Wages in lTV, 25 light entertainment, 233; local, 182, Waldegrave, Lord, 271 184-5; schools, 256; sports, 283 Wales: fourth television channel, 178-9 staff, 181, 187,348,349 Wales and the West of England lTV studios, 181, 348 contract area, 7, 171-2 transmitting stations, 181, 184, 311 contract, 1968-,4,171,174 Wharmby, Tony, 78, 225 contract, 1982-, 180,318 Wharton, Joseph, 42 programme company, 4, 171-80 What Fettle?, 102, 233 transmitting stations, 171, 173, 311 What Price Oil?, 163 see also Harlech Television What The Papers Say, 45 Wales (West and North) (WWN), 171 Wheel of Fortune, 133,234 Walk in the Lake District, A, 167 Wheeltappers and Shunters Club, The, 47, Walker, Frank, 195 231 Walking Westward, 182 Wheldon, Huw, 290 Wallington, Jeremy, 134 When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, 203 Wallis, Brian, 340 When The Saints Go Marching In, 275 Wally Why ton Style, 233 Whicker, Alan, 89, 198,238, 331 Want a Job, 203, 248 Whicker's World, 89, 238 Ward, Bill, x, 11, 14, 280, 282, 282, 286, Whisper of Glocken, A, 142 345 Whitby, Joy, 70, 95 Warnock, Mary (later Lady Warnock), x, White Papers on broadcasting 156,323,333,347,374,382 1962 (Cmnd 1770),290, 387 Warrior Queen, 264 1962 (Cmnd 1893), 387 Warter, Sir Philip, 56 1966 (Cmnd 3169), 388 Waters, Donald, 164 1978 (Cmnd 7294), 308, 388 Watt, David, 330 White Rose Television, 93 Watts, Ronald, 170 Whitehead, Phillip, 313 We Was All One, 57, 68 Whitehouse, Mary, 403 Wedderburn, Lord, 339, 342 Whitelaw, William, 166,403 Wedding Day, 274 Whitney, John, 330 Wednesday File, 163 Who Cares?, 167 Wednesday Play, 223 Who Says It Could Never Happen Here?, 143 Weekend Show, The, 182 Who Were The British?, 142,269 428 INDEX

Whodoyoudo?,231 Y Dydd, 177 Whose Ufe Is It Anyway?, 47 Yates, Jess, 273 Why Didn't They Ask Evans?, 79 Yes Honestly, 230 Wickenden, Keith, 353 Yoga for Health, 245 Wickes, David, 352 Yorkshire lTV contract area, 84, 310 Widows, 62 contract, 1968-, 4, 5, 26, 84 Wilde Alliance, 216 contract, 1982-, 93-8, 318 Wilford, John, 95, 338, 339 programme company, 4, 5, 84- 93, Will Shakespeare, 218 93-98 Willans, Don, 119 transmitting stations, 84, 85-6, 92, 96 Willes, Peter, 224, 225 see also Yorkshire Television Williams, Hugh, 331 Yorkshire Television Williams, Raymond, 214 company, 4, 5, 84-93, 93-98, 392; and Williams, Shirley, 339, 342 Anglia Television, 84, 85-6, 92, Willis, John, 90, 95, 240 135-40; and Tyne Tees Television, 84, Willis, Ted (later Lord Willis), 337, 340, 86-8,94,97,98-9,100,105,106,310 344,383 contract, lTV, Yorkshire, 1968-,4,5, Willcock, Colin, 143 26,84 Wills, Sir John Spencer, 54-5 contract, lTV, Yorkshire, 1982-,93-8, Wilson, David, x, 23, 133, 134, 351, 355, 336, 372; Channel 4 subscriptions, 318 373,384, Plate 17 finance: rentals, 318; revenue, 7, 13, Wilson, Harold, 21, 27, 76, 94,122 94-5,96 Wilson, Stuart, 89, 97, 340, 341, 344 programmes, 84-5, 89-92, 95; awards, The Wind in the Willows, 142, 261 240, 274; breakfast-time experiment, Windlesham, Lord, 35, 40, 41, 71,164, 92,327; children'S, 261, 264, 265; 337,338,341,342,343,344,370, documentaries, 90, 240; drama, 84, Plate 2 89- 90, 215, 216-7, 218, 219, 223, 224, Wing and a Prayer, A, 192 225; education, 89, 91-2, 244, 245, Winner Takes All, 234 247, 248, 249; light entertainment, 84, Winning With Wilkie, 154 91,229,230,234; local,S, 92; - The Wilderness Years, religious, 91, 268, 273, 274, 275; 134 schools, 253, 255, 256, 257; science, Winter, Gordon, 370 90-1; sport, 281, 283 Wintour, Charles, 108,331 staff, 26, 95-6; labour relations, 24, 29, Wish You Were Here, 62 30,85,88,92-3,95-6 , 78, 217 studios, 85, 98 Women Alone, 247 transmitting stations, 84, 85-6,92,310 Wood, Duncan, 91 Yorksports , 283 Woolf, Sir John, 140, 141, 143,145,224 You and The World, 255, 257 Wooller, Mike, 64, 329 You Can Make It, 101 Wordley, Ronald, 175 You Can't Be Serious, 265 World Around Us, 256 You Uve Only Once, 20 World at their Feet, 155 You Must Be Joking, 265 World at War, 57, 66, 81, 237, 243 Young, Sir Brian, as Director General, World Cup, 286-8, 289, 294, 298, 299, 397 ITAlIBA, 1970-82, x, 46, 60, 74, 184, World in Action, 13, 20, 4~, 48, SO, 77, 185, 212, 213, 253, 275, 285, 288-9, 207,209,213,236,238,270,290,292, 292-3,294,296,324,325,326,361, 397 370,371,372,377, 3SO, 381 World News Awards, 131 Young, Leslie, 50 World of Sport, 13,20,69-70,75, SO, 82, Young, Stuart, 331 277,278,279,281,282,283,288,289, Your Men at Westminster, 132 297 Your MP, 167 Worzel Gummidge, 133, 264 You're Only Young Twice, 230 Wright, Billy, 283 Yr Wythnos, 177 Wright, Esmond, 170 Ysgol Sui, 177 Writers' Guild of Great Britain, 22, 35 Zeffirelli, Franco, 274 XYZ Man, The, 217 Zodiac, 216