HAOL, Núm. 9 (Invierno, 2006), 131-140 ISSN 1696-2060 THE PROBLEM WITH HITLER. THE MAN NOBODY KNOWS Ben Novak City University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. E-mail:
[email protected] Recibido: 1 Diciembre 2005 / Revisado: 11 Enero 2006 / Aceptado: 19 Enero 2006 / Publicación Online: 15 Febrero 2006 Resumen: We know so much about Adolf than is known about most other lives. We know, Hitler. We probably have more information— for example, his eating habits, and just about facts, details, and minutiae—about this man’s every illness and every medication he ever took. life than any other major figure of modern times. We know he was psychotic, sociopathic, Nonetheless, we still feel that we do not know paranoid, a bit schizophrenic, definitely a the man. His life is one of the greatest mysteries manic-depressive, who often talked of suicide— in human history. Why is it that Hitler, about and eventually died with a pistol in his mouth whom more facts and details are known than and a cyanide capsule clenched between his perhaps any other figure in modern history teeth. We know, too, about the women with (perhaps in all history), remains such a mystery? whom he had affairs; we suspect that he was Hitler frustrated his opponents, amazed neutral homosexually inclined, and perhaps even active. observers, and delighted his supporters by We even know how he felt about his dogs. We pulling off the seemingly “impossible”. He know that he considered himself an artist—we never would have made it into power except by have many of his drawings and paintings—and accomplishing these five “impossibilities”; and that he frequently spoke about his idea of art.