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When an image on the film is obliterated with a large round black mark, it is an indication that the photographer suspected that the copy may have moved during exposure and thus cause a blurred image. You will find a good image o f the page in the adjacent frame. 3. When a map, drawing or chart, etc., was part of the material being photographed the photographer followed a definite method in "sectioning" the material. It is customary to begin photoing at the upper left hand corner of a large sheet and to continue photoing from left to right in equal sections w ith a small overlap. If necessary, sectioning is continued again - beginning below the first row and continuing on until com plete. 4. The majority of users indicate that the textual content is of greatest value, however, a somewhat higher quality reproduction could be made from "photographs" if essential to the understanding of the dissertation. Silver prints of "photographs" may be ordered at additional charge by writing the Order Department, giving the catalog number, title, author and specific pages you wish reproduced. 5. PLEASE NOTE: Some pages may have indistinct print. Filmed as received. University Microfilms international 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 USA St. John's Road, Tyler’s Green High Wycombe, Bucl<s, England HP10 8HR 77-12,749 i MADDEN, James Paul, 1940- j THE SOCIAL COMPOSITION OF THE ! NAZI PARTY, 1919-1930. | The University of Oklahoma, Ph.D.,1976 j History, Europe I Xerox University Microfiims,Ann Arbor, Michigan 4810e THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA GRADUATE COLLEGE THE SOCIAL COMPOSITION OF THE NAZI PARTY, 1919-1930 A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE FACULTY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY J. PAUL >UDDEN Norman, Oklahoma 1976 THE SOCIAL COMPOSITION OF THE NAZI PARTY, 1919-1930 APPROVED BY DISSERTATION COMMITTEE Foi' Melinda ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A great number of people have helped me in the preparation of this manuscript. I would like to thank the Interlibrary Loan Department at the University of Oklahoma Library for the numerous hours they spent track­ ing down obscure literature to aid in my research. The staff of the Berlin Documents Center provided invaluable aid in locating most of the primary sources I utilized. Mr. Richard Bauer, the deputy director of the Center, in particular was extremely helpful. The University of Oklahoma History Department made the computerization of the data gathered in Berlin pos­ sible with a grant for computer time. Professor David Schwarzkopf of the Mathematics Department at the Univer­ sity of Oklahoma gave invaluable advice about sampling methodology. Andy Oldroyd of the same department created the computer program which systematized the raw data. Professor Robert Nye read several drafts of the manuscript and offered numerous helpful criticisms. Finally, I owe a great debt to my dissertation director, Professor Gordon Drummond. Not only did he provide the intellectual stimulation that conceived the project, but he was ever willing to give freely of his time to discuss the numerous problems and frustrations encountered along the way. Without him the manuscript would not have been p o s s i b l e . Naturally, the responsibility for any mistakes in fact or theory is strictly mine. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................ iv LIST OF TABLES ............................................ viii Chapter I. INTRODUCTION.................................... 1 The Purposes and Objectives of This Study Early Generalizations about the NSDAP Membership Current Historical Opinion on the Social Composition of the NSDAP Statistical Studies of the Social Composition of the NSDAP Who Were the Nazis? A Synopsis of Current Opinion The Numerical Strength of the NSDAP Organization of the Study II. THE SOCIOGRAPHY OF THE EARLY NAZI PARTY, 1 9 1 9 - 1 9 2 3 ...................................... 53 The Creation of the Weimar Republic The Treaty of Versailles and the Crisis Years of the Republic, 1919-1924 Post-War Bavaria and the Birth of the Nazi Party The Sociography of the Pre-Hitler DAP The Social Composition of the DAP at the End of 1919 1920--The NSDAP in Transition 1921--Hitler Takes Over 1922--The Embourgeoisment of the NSDAP 1923--Growth and Disaster for the NSDAP 1919-1923--Summary Chapter Page III. DISSOLUTION, RESURRECTION, AND GROWTH: THE NSDAP, 1924-1928.......................... 12? Interregnum False Dawn: Weimar Germany after the Great Inflation The Refounding of the NSDAP 1925--Modest Beginnings 1926--Nazi Incursions into the Proletariat 1927--Floodtide of Youth in the NSDAP The NSDAP during 1925-1928--Summary IV. THE RADICALIZATION OF THE RURAL AREAS OF THE R E I C H .........................................191 The End of Weimar's Prosperity 1928--Electoral Disappointment for the NSDAP 1929--The Young Plan and the Freedom Law Bring the Nazis National Prominence I928-I93O--Summary V. C O N C L U S I O N ......................................... 236 Testing the Most Popular Generalizations about the NSDAP Membership. Were the Rank-and-File Nazis Largely from the Lower-Middle Class? National Socialism: A Youth Movement/ Generational Revolt? Other Generalizations Toward a Definition of National Socialism BIBJ.IOGRAPHY. 278 APPENDIX I. APPENDIX II . .................... 300 APPENDIX III.III ................................................ 309 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. The Ages of Persons Who Joined the DAP before Hitler ..................... 63 2. The Occupations of Persons Joining the DAP before Hitler ............................ 69 3. The Age Structure of the DAP Membership at the End of 1 9 1 9 ............................ 72 4. The Occupational Structure of the DAP at the End of 1919 ............................... 73 5 . The Age Distribution of Persons Entering the NSDAP in 1920 ............................. 78 6. Occupational Structure of Persons Entering the NSDAP in 1920 ................... 80 7. The Ages of Persons Entering the NSDAP in 1 9 2 1 ........................................ 86 8. Occupations of Persons Joining the NSDAP in 1 9 2 1 ......................................... 88 9. The Ages of Persons Entering the NSDAP in 1 9 2 2 ......................................... 94 10. The Occupations of Persons Entering the NSDAP in 1 9 2 2 ................................. 95 11. The Ages of Persons Entering the NSDAP in 1923 ............................. 100 12. The Occupations of Persons Entering the NSDAP in 1923 ................................. 102 13. The Ages of Persons Entering the NSDAP, 1 9 1 9 - 1 9 2 3 ......................................... 104 viii Table Page 14. The Occupations of Persons Entei'ing the NSDAP, 1919-1923 ..................................108 15. Ages of Persons Joining the NSDAP in 1925 • • 138 16. Geographic Origins of Persons Joining the NSDAP in 1925 ................................. 139 17. Community Size from Which Persons Joining the NSDAP in I925 Came ...........................l4l 18. Occupational Categories of Persons Joining the NSDAP, 1925 ............................... 142 19. Ages of Persons Joining the NSDAP in I926 . I5O 20. Geographical Origins of Persons Entering the NSDAP in 1926 ............................... I5I 21. Size of Communities from Which New NSDAP Members Came in 1926 .......................... 152 22. Occupational Categories of Persons Joining the NSDAP, 1 9 2 6 ..................................154 23. Ages of Persons Joining the NSDAP in 192? . I6I 24. Geographic Origins of Persons Joining the NSDAP in 19 2 ? .................................... 163 25. Size of Communities from Which New NSDAP Members Came in 192? ............................. l64 26. Occupational Categories of Persons Joining the NSDAP, 1 9 2 7 ..................................166 27. Cumulative Statistics for the Ages of Persons Joining the Nazi Party between I925-I928 Compared with Those for 1919- 1923 and the Reich. ...................... 172 28. Cumulative Statistics for the Sex of Persons Joining the Nazi Party between 1925-1928 Compared with Those for 1919- 1923 and the Reich ............................... 173 Table Page 29. Cumulative Statistics for the Occupations of Persons Joining the Nazi Party between 1925-1928 Compared with 1919-1923 and for the R e i c h ......................................... 175 30. Cumulative Statistics for the Geographic Origins of Persons Entering the NSDAP in 1925-1928 Compared to Comparable Statistics for the German Reich ............... 177 31. Cumulative Statistics for the Size from Which Persons Joining the NSDAP 1925- 1928 Came with Comparable Statistics for the Reich .................................... I78 32. Results of the National Elections in Germany, I9 2 8 ................................
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