Lager Beer and Times I Was Obliged to Go Without Room
'X - . ar (Inn V .11 1 if u n n Hi' 'J IP 4 Ml r E r Katabllihed Jalr a, 1853. VOL. XIX., XO. nOXOL,UL,U, IIAWAIIAX ISL.AXDS, WEDXESDAY. MAKCH 11, IS94.; PRICE: 5 CENTS. Xtasincss vTarite. Business CarDs. time opened wide to send nut a llash THE LIFE OF PESTALOZZi, of lightning, at another were half closed as if engaged ou what was go- ing on within; his features now ex- HAWAIIAN M. E. Grossman, HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., pressing a profound sadness, and now The New Jewelry Store again the most peaceful happiness; HARDWARE, One of the Greatest Teachers of his speech either slow or nurried. 503 Fort Street, either oft and melodious or bursting Abstract and Title Co. Cutlery and Glassware the World. forth like thunder; imagine the man ARK PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE ANY 307 Fort Street. and you have him whom we used to THING IN THEIR LINK. call our Father Pestalozzi. Such as 1 3575-l- y have sketched him for you wo loved N"0. MERCHANT 8T. DENTIST, Souvenir Spoons ! him; we all loved him, for H. DAVIDSON, HARD STRUGGLE FOR RECOGNITION. he loved us all; we loved him a specialty. Also, on hand & fine stock J. 93 so warmly that when some time HONOLULU, U. I. EOTXL STRUT of imported passed without our seeing him we were quite troubled about it, and Attorney ind Ccunsellor-at-La- ir. when he again appeared we could not SST'OmcM Hotras 9 a. ac. to 4 p. x. JEWELEY. A 1'aper by l'rofemor II.
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