Scientific Articles published by H.C.Hemker (selection, some key articles in bold).

References 1. generation and plasma dilution. Hemker, H. C., & De Smedt, E. (2010). American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 133(1), 163. 2. The technique of measuring thrombin generation with fluorogenic substrates: 3. the effects of sample dilution. De Smedt, E., Wagenvoord, R., & Hemker, H. C. (2009). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 101(1), 165-170. 3. The technique of measuring thrombin generation with fluorescent substrates: 4. the H-transform, a mathematical procedure to obtain thrombin concentrations without external calibration. Hemker, H. C., Hemker, P. W., & Al Dieri, R. (2009). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 101(1), 171-177. Erratum: Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 101(2), 412. 4. The technique of measuring thrombin generation with fluorogenic substrates: I. necessity of adequate calibration. De Smedt, E., Al Dieri, R., Spronk, H. M. H., Hamulyak, K., Ten Cate, H., & Hemker, H. C. (2008). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 100(2), 343-349. 5. Linear diffusion of thrombin and factor xa along the heparin molecule explains the effects of extended heparin chain lengths. Wagenvoord, R., Al Dieri, R., van Dedem, G., Béguin, S., & Hemker, H. C. (2008). Thrombosis Research, 122(2), 237-245. 6. Thrombin generation in whole . Al Dieri, R., & Hemker, C. H. (2008). British Journal of Haematology, 141(6), 895. 7. Recollections on thrombin generation. Hemker, H. C. (2008). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 6(2), 219-226. 8. Thrombin generation and the search for the ideal antithrombotic drug. [La génération de la thrombine et la recherche du médicament antithrombotique idéal] Hemker, H. C., Al Dieri, R., & Béguin, S. (2008). Sang Thrombose Vaisseaux, 20(SPEC. ISS.), 40-45. 9. Decorticated thrombinography. [La thrombinographie décortiquée] Béguin, S., Al Diéri, R., & Hemker, H. C. (2008). Sang Thrombose Vaisseaux, 20(SPEC. ISS.), 33-34. 10. Thrombin-generating capacity in patients with von willebrand's disease. Haematologica, 92(12), 1639-1646. Rugeri, L., Beguin, S., Hemker, C., Bordet, J. -., Fleury, R., Chatard, B., et al. (2007). 11. The contribution of α2-macroglobulin thrombin to the endogenous thrombin potential [5]. Hemker, H. C., De Smedt, E., & Al Dieri, R. (2007). British Journal of Haematology, 139(3), 513. 12. Thrombin generation in mesalazine refractory ulcerative colitis and the influence of low molecular weight heparin. Vrij, A. A., Oberndorff-Klein-Woolthuis, A., Dijkstra, G., de Jong, A. E., Wagenvoord, R., Hemker, H. C., et al. (2007). Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 24(2), 175-182. 13. The initiation phase - A review of old (clotting-) times. Hemker, H. C. (2007). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 98(1), 20-23. 14. Differential impact of conventional and low-dose oral hormone therapy (HT), tibolone and raloxifene on functionality of the activated protein C system. Eilertsen, A. L., Liestøl, S., Mowinckel, M. -., Hemker, H. C., & Sandset, P. -. (2007). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 97(6), 938-943. 15. Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of low molecular weight heparin in active ulcerative colitis. De Bièvre, M. A., Vrij, A. A., Schoon, E. J., Dijkstra, G., De Jong, A. E., Oberndorff-Klein Woolthuis, A. H., et al. (2007). Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 13(6), 753-758. 16. Hypercoagulability resulting from opposite effects of lupus is associated strongly with thrombotic risk. Lecompte, T., Wahl, D., Perret-Guillaume, C., Hemker, H. C., Lacolley, P., & Regnauli, V. (2007). Haematologica, 92(5), 714-715. 17. Caution in the interpretation of continuous thrombin generation assays: A rebuttal [11]. Hemker, H. C., & de Smedt, E. (2007). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 5(5), 1085-1087. 18. Thrombin generation, a function test of the haemostatic-thrombotic system. Hemker, H. C., Al Dieri, R., De Smedt, E., & Béguin, S. (2006). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 96(5), 553-561. 19. Low molecular weight activated protein C inhibitors as a potential treatment for hemophilic disorders. De Nanteuil, G., Gloanec, P., Béguin, S., Giesen, P. L. A., Hemker, H. C., Mennecier, P., et al. (2006). Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 49(17), 5047-5050. 20. New approaches for measuring . Barrowcliffe, T. W., Cattaneo, M., Podda, G. M., Bucciarelli, P., Lussana, F., Lecchi, A., et al. (2006). Haemophilia, 12(SUPPL. 3), 76-81. 21. The limits of simulation of the clotting system. Wagenvoord, R., Hemker, P. W., & Hemker, H. C. (2006). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 4(6), 1331-1338. 22. Age-dependency of thrombin generation. Hemker, H. C., & Al Dieri, R. (2006). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 95(5), 756-757. 23. Mathematical and biological models of blood coagulation. A rebuttal [16]. Hemker, H. C., De Smedt, E., & Hemker, P. W. (2006). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 4(3), 710-711. 24. Good mathematical practice: Simulation of the hemostatic-thrombotic mechanism, a powerful tool but one that must be used with circumspection. Hemker, H. C., & Ataullakhanov, F. I. (2006). Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis, 34(2-3), 55-57. 25. Fixed dosage of low-molecular-weight heparins causes large individual variation in coagulability, only partly correlated to body weight. Al Dieri, R., Alban, S., Béuin, S., & Hemker, H. C. (2006). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 4(1), 83-89. 26. During coagulation, thrombin generation shifts from chemical to diffusional control [1]. Hemker, H. C., De Smedt, E., & Hemker, P. W. (2005). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 3(11), 2399- 2400. 27. Evaluation of thrombin generating capacity in plasma from patients with haemophilia A and B. Dargaud, Y., Béguin, S., Lienhart, A., Al Dieri, R., Trzeciak, C., Bordet, J. C., et al. (2005). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 93(3), 475-480. 28. Laboratory monitoring of low-molecular-weight heparin therapy - part II. Hemker, H. C., Al Dieri, R., Béguin, S., Boneu, B., Monreal, M., & Barrowcliffe, T. W. (2005). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 3(3), 571- 576. 29. Laboratory monitoring of low-molecular-weight heparin therapy--part II. monitoring LMWH therapy? for the moment a non-question. Hemker, H. C., Al Dieri, R., & Béguin, S. (2005). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis : JTH, 3(3), 571-573. 30. Calibrated automated thrombinography (CAT). Hemker, H. C. (2005). Thrombosis Research, 115(3), 255. 31. Phenotyping the haemostatic system by thrombography - potential for the estimation of thrombotic risk. Regnault, V., Hemker, H. C., Wahl, D., & Lecompte, T. (2004). Thrombosis Research, 114(5-6 SPEC. ISS.), 539-545. 32. Thrombin generation for the control of heparin treatment, comparison with the activated partial thromboplastin time. Al Dieri, R., Alban, S., Béguin, S., & Hemker, H. C. (2004). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2(8), 1395-1401. 33. Factor XI-dependent reciprocal thrombin generation consolidates blood coagulation when tissue factor is not available. Wielders, S. J. H., Béguin, S., Hemker, H. C., & Lindhout, T. (2004). Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 24(6), 1138-1142. 34. Thrombin generation assays: Accruing clinical relevance. Hemker, H. C., Al Dieri, R., & Béguin, S. (2004). Current Opinion in Hematology, 11(3), 170-175. 35. The love of the artist for his model of thrombin generation. Hemker, H. C., & Béguin, S. (2004). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2(3), 400-401. 36. Initiating and potentiating role of platelets in tissue factor-induced thrombin generation in the presence of plasma: Subject-dependent variation in thrombogram characteristics. Vanschoonbeek, K., Feijge, M. A. H., Van Kampen, R. J. W., Kenis, H., Hemker, H. C., Giesen, P. L. A., et al. (2004). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2(3), 476-484. 37. Fibrin polymerization is crucial for thrombin generation in platelet-rich plasma in a VWF-GPlb- dependent process, defective in bernard-soulier syndrome. Béguin, S., Keularts, I., Al Dieri, R., Bellucci, S., Caen, J., & Hemker, H. C. (2004). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 2(1), 170- 176. 38. Calibrated automated thrombin generation measurement in clotting plasma. Hemker, H. C., Giesen, P., Al Dieri, R., Regnault, V., De Smedt, E., Wagenvoord, R., et al. (2003). Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis, 33(1), 4-15. 39. Pathophysiology of haemostasis and thrombosis: Editorial. Hemker, H. C., & Rosing, J. (2003). Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis, 33(1), 1. 40. The Choay domain - the structure responsible for the action of heparins. [Le domaine Choay - La structure responsable de l'activité anticoagulante des héparines] Hemker, H. C., Dieri, R. A., Wagenvoord, R., Béguin, S., & Blancher, M. G. (2003). Bulletin De l'Academie Nationale De Medecine, 187(1), 59-67. 41. Thrombin generation: Old wine into new wineskins(ref. I). Hemker, H. C., & Béguin, S. (2003). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 90(5), 764-765. 42. Von Willebrand factor stimulates thrombin-induced exposure of procoagulant phospholipids on the surface of fibrin-adherent platelets. Briedé, J. J., Wielders, S. J., Heemskerk, J. W., Baruch, D., Hemker, H. C., & Lindhout, T. (2003). Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis : JTH, 1(3), 559-565. 43. The ionic contrast medium ioxaglate interferes with thrombin-mediated feedback activation of factor V, factor VIII and platelets. Al Dieri, R., Béguin, S., & Hemker, H. C. (2003). J Thromb Haemost, 1(2), 269-274. 44. Thrombinography shows acquired resistance to activated protein C in patients with lupus anticoagulants. Regnault, V., Béguin, S., Wahl, D., De Maistre, E., Hemker, H. C., & Lecompte, T. (2003). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 89(2), 208-212. 45. The calibrated automated thrombogram (CAT): A universal routine test for hyper- and hypocoagulability. Hemker, H. C., Giesen, P., AlDieri, R., Regnault, V., De Smed, E., Wagenvoord, R., et al. (2002). Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis, 32(5-6), 249-253. 46. Thrombin-induced hyperactivity of platelets of young stroke patients: Involvement of thrombin receptors in the subject-dependent variability in Ca2+ signal generation. Vanschoonbeek, K., Feijge, M. A. H., Keuren, J. F. W., Coenraad Hemker, H., Lodder, J. J., Hamulyák, K., et al. (2002). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 88(6), 931-937. 47. Supramolecular biology. Rosing, J., & Hemker, H. C. (2002). Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis, 32(1), 1. 48. The thrombogram in rare inherited coagulation disorders: Its relation to clinical bleeding. Al Dieri, R., Peyvandi, F., Santagostino, E., Giansily, M., Mannucci, P. M., Schved, J. F., et al. (2002). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 88(4), 576-582. 49. Haemostasis: From bench to bedside. Brown, S. A., Aledort, L. M., Lee, C. A., Barrowcliffe, T. W., Beguin, S., Blanchette, V. S., et al. (2002). Haemophilia, 8(5), 685-693. 50. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characterization of a medium-molecular-weight heparin in comparison with UFH and LMWH. Alban, S., Welzel, D., & Hemker, H. C. (2002). Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 28(4), 369-377. 51. Thrombin generation in a reconstituted system: A comment. Hemker, H. C. (2002). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 87(3), 551-552. 52. Low molecular weight heparin treatment in steroid refractory ulcerative colitis: Clinical outcome and influence on mucosal capillary thrombi. Vrij, A. A., Jansen, J. M., Schoon, E. J., De Bruine,̈ Hemker, H. C., & Stockbrugger,̈ R. W. (2001). Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, Supplement, 36(234), 41-47. 53. On the role of EPR-1 or an EPR-1-like molecule in regulating factor Xa incorporation into platelet prothrombinase (multiple letters). Bouchard, B. A., Silveira, J. R., Tracy, P. B., Briedé, J. J., Heemskerk, J. W. M., Van't Veer, C., et al. (2001). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 86(4), 1133-1135. 54. The role of factor XI in thrombin generation induced by low concentrations of tissue factor. Keularts, I. M. L. W., Zivelin, A., Seligsohn, U., Coenraad Hemker, H., & Béguin, S. (2001). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 85(6), 1060-1065. 55. An ionic contrast agent inhibits platelet-dependent thrombin generation and boosts the effect of abciximab. Al Dieri, R., De Muinck, E., Coenraad Hemker, H., & Béguin, S. (2001). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 85(5), 944-945. 56. Contribution of platelet-derived factor Va to thrombin generation on immobilized collagen- and fibrinogen- adherent platelets. Briedé, J. J., Heemskerk, J. W. M., Van 'T Veer, C., Hemker, H. C., & Lindhout, T. (2001). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 85(3), 509-513. 57. Regulation of platelet factor va-dependent thrombin generation by activated protein C at the surface of collagen-adherent platelets. Briedé, J. J., Tans, G., Willems, G. M., Hemker, H. C., & Lindhout, T. (2001). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276(10), 7164-7168. 58. Phenotyping the clotting system. Hemker, H. C., & Beguin, S. (2000). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 84(5), 747-751. 59. The thrombogram: Monitoring thrombin generation in platelet rich plasma. Hemker, H. C., Giesen, P. L. A., Ramjee, M., Wagenvoord, R., & Béguin, S. (2000). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 83(4), 589-591. 60. The effect of DDAVP infusion on thrombin generation in platelet-rich plasma of von willebrand type 1 and in mild haemophilia A patients. Keularts, I. M. L. W., Hamulyak, K., Hemker, H. C., & Beguin, S. (2000). Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 84(4), 638-642. 61. Pathophysiological and clinical aspects of venous and arterial thrombosis. Hemker, H. C. (1999). Haemostasis, 29(2-3), 75. 62. Inhibition of tissue factor-factor VIIa-catalyzed activation by factor xa-tissue factor pathway inhibitor: A rotating disc study on the effect of phospholipid membrane composition. Salemink, I., Franssen, J., Willems, G. M., Hemker, H. C., & Lindhout, T. (1999). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274(40), 28225-28232. 63. Fundamental mechanisms involved in thrombosis and haemostasis. Levy-Toledano, S., & Hemker, H. C. (1999). Haemostasis, 29(1), 3. 64. Antithrombotic drugs. Hemker, H. C., Giesen, P. L. A., Wagenvoord, R., & Beguin, S. (1999). Emerging Drugs, 4, 175-195. 65. Conjectures and refutations on the mode of action of heparins. Béguin, S. Welzel, D. Al Dieri, R. Hemker, H.C. Haemostasis 29; 127-178. (1999). 66. Fibrin-dependent platelet procoagulant activity requires GPIb receptors and von Willebrand factor. Beguin, S., Kumar, R., Keularts, I., Seligsohn, U., Coller, B.S. and Hemker, H.C., Blood, 93(2), 564, (1999). 67. The elevated risk for venous thrombosis in persons with hyperhomocysteinemia is not reflected by the endogenous thrombin potential [letter]. Bos, G.M., Rijkers, D.T., Willems, H.P., den Heijer, M., Beguin, S., Gerrits, W.B. and Hemker, H.C.Thromb Haemost, 81(3), 467. (1999). 68. Heterogeneity in microparticle formation and exposure of anionic phospholipids at the plasma membrane of single adherent platelets. Briede, J.J., Heemskerk, J.W., Hemker, H.C. and Lindhout, T.. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1451(1), 163, (1999). 69. Acquired APC resistance and oral contraceptives: differences between two functional tests. Curvers, J., Thomassen, M.C., Nicolaes, G.A., Van Oerle, R., Hamulyak, K., Hemker, H.C., Tans, G. and Rosing, J. Br J Haematol, 105(1), 88, (1999). 70. Expression of biological activity of draculin, the anticoagulant factor from vampire bat saliva, is strictly dependent on the appropriate glycosylation of the native molecule. Fernandez, A.Z., Tablante, A., Bartoli, F., Beguin, S., Hemker, H.C. and Apitz-Castro, R.Biochim Biophys Acta, 1425(2), 291. (1998). 71. Draculin, the anticoagulant factor in vampire bat saliva, is a tight- binding, noncompetitive inhibitor of activated factor X. Fernandez, A.Z., Tablante, A., Beguin, S., Hemker, H.C. and Apitz-Castro, R. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1434(1), 135. 1999. 72. Treatment with a GPIIb/IIIa antagonist inhibits thrombin generation in platelet rich plasma from patients. Keularts, I.M., Beguin, S., de Zwaan, C. and Hemker, H.C. Thromb Haemost, 80(3), 370. (1998). 73. Autocatalytic peptide bond cleavages in prothrombin and meizothrombin. Petrovan, R.J., Govers-Riemslag, J.W., Nowak, G., Hemker, H.C., Tans, G. and Rosing, J. Biochemistry, 37(5), 1185, (1998). 74. Prevention of the influence of fibrin and alpha2-macroglobulin in the continuous measurement of the thrombin potential: implications for an endpoint determination of the optical density. Rijkers, D.T., Wielders, S.J., Beguin, S. and Hemker, H.C. Thromb Res, 89(4), 161. (1998). 75. Molecular biology and pathophysiology of APC resistance: current insights and clinical implications. Rosing, J., Hemker, H.C. and Tans, G., Semin Thromb Hemost, 24(4), 329. (1998). 76. Factor Xa cleavage of tissue factor pathway inhibitor is associated with loss of anticoagulant activity. Salemink, I., Franssen, J., Willems, G.M., Hemker, H.C., Li, A., Wun, T.C. and Lindhout, T. Thromb Haemost, 80(2), 273. (1998). 77. Inhibition of tissue factor-factor VIIa-catalyzed factor X activation by factor Xa-tissue factor pathway inhibitor. A rotating disc study on the effect of phospholipid membrane composition, Salemink, I., Franssen, J., Willems, G.M., Hemker, H.C. and Lindhout, T. J Biol Chem, 274(40), 28225. (1999). 78. Factor Xa induces cytokine production and expression of adhesion molecules by human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Senden, N.H., Jeunhomme, T.M., Heemskerk, J.W., Wagenvoord, R., van't Veer, C., Hemker, H.C. and Buurman, W.A. J Immunol, 161(8), 4318. (1998). 79. The Ca2+-mobilizing potency of alpha-thrombin and thrombin-receptor- activating peptide on human platelets -- concentration and time effects of thrombin-induced Ca2+ signaling, Heemskerk, J. W., Feijge, M. A., Henneman, L., Rosing, J., and Hemker, H. C., Eur J Biochem, 249, 547 (1997). 80. Laboratory assessment of antithrombotic therapy: what tests and if so why? [editorial], Kher, A., Al Dieri, R., Hemker, H. C., and Beguin, S., Haemostasis, 27, 211 (1997). 81. Purification and characterization of multisquamase, the prothrombin activator present in Echis multisquamatus venom, Petrovan, R. J., Govers-Riemslag, J. W., Nowak, G., Hemker, H. C., Rosing, J., and Tans, G., Thromb Res, 88, 309 (1997). 82. The routine determination of the endogenous thrombin potential, first results in different forms of hyper- and hypocoagulability. Wielders-S; Mukherjee-M; Michiels-J; Rijkers-DT; Cambus-JP; Knebel-RW; Kakkar-V; Hemker-HC; Beguin-S Thromb- Haemost. 1997 Apr; 77(4): 629-36 . 83. Prothrombin conversion under flow conditions by prothrombinase assembled on adherent platelets. Billy-D; Briede-J; Heemskerk-JW; Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T Blood-Coagul-Fibrinolysis. 1997 Apr; 8(3): 168-74 84. Effect of activated protein C on thrombin generation and on the thrombin potential in plasma of normal and APC-resistant individuals. Nicolaes-GA; Thomassen-MC; Tans-G; Rosing-J; Hemker-HC Blood-Coagul-Fibrinolysis. 1997 Jan; 8(1): 28-38 85. Oral contraceptives and venous thrombosis: different sensitivities to activated protein C in women using second- and third-generation oral contraceptives. Rosing-J; Tans-G; Nicolaes-GA; Thomassen-MC; van-Oerle-R; van-der-Ploeg- PM; Heijnen-P; Hamulyak-K; Hemker-HC Br-J-Haematol. 1997 Apr; 97(1): 233-8 86. Prothrombinase is protected from inactivation by tissue factor pathway inhibitor: competition between prothrombin and inhibitor. Franssen-J; Salemink-I; Willems-GM; Wun-TC; Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T Biochem-J. 1997 Apr 1; 323 ( Pt 1): 33-7 87. The activity of unfractionated heparin and low molecular weight heparins in rabbit plasma--the need for using absolute anti- factor Xa and antithrombin activities. Peyrou-V; Beguin-S; Boneu-B; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1997 Feb; 77(2): 312-6 88. Human factor Va1 and factor Va2: properties in the procoagulant and anticoagulant pathways. Hoekema-L; Nicolaes-GA; Hemker-HC; Tans-G; Rosing-J Biochemistry. 1997 Mar 18; 36(11): 3331-5 89. A prothrombinase-based assay for detection of resistance to activated protein C. Nicolaes-GA; Thomassen-MC; van-Oerle-R; Hamulyak-K; Hemker-HC; Tans-G; Rosing-J Thromb-Haemost. 1996 Sep; 76(3): 404-10 90. Synthesis of peptide p-nitroanilides mimicking fibrinogen- and hirudin-binding to thrombin. Design of slow reacting thrombin substrates. Rijkers-DT; Hemker-HC; Tesser-GI Int-J-Pept-Protein-Res. 1996 Aug; 48(2): 182-93 91. Can the haemorrhagic component of heparin be identified? Or an attempt at clean thinking on a dirty drug [editorial] Hemker- HC; Beguin-S; Kakkar-VV Haemostasis. 1996 May-Jun; 26(3): 117-26 92. [Prevalence of hemorrhages caused by vitamin K deficiency in The Netherlands, 1992-1994 (letter)] Hemker-HC Ned- Tijdschr-Geneeskd. 1996 Jun 29; 140(26): 1378-9 93. Inhibition of platelet-mediated, tissue factor-induced thrombin generation by the mouse/human chimeric 7E3 antibody. Potential implications for the effect of c7E3 Fab treatment on acute thrombosis and "clinical restenosis". Reverter-JC; Beguin-S; Kessels-H; Kumar-R; Hemker-HC; Coller-BS J-Clin-Invest. 1996 Aug 1; 98(3): 863-74 94. Thrombin generation in plasma: its assessment via the endogenous thrombin potential [published erratum appears in Thromb Haemost 1995 Nov;74(5):1388] Hemker-HC; Beguin-S Thromb-Haemost. 1995 Jul; 74(1): 134-8 95. The effect of fibrin clots and clot-bound thrombin on the development of platelet procoagulant activity. Kumar-R; Beguin-S; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1995 Sep; 74(3): 962-8 96. Design and synthesis of thrombin substrates with modified kinetic parameters. Rijkers-DT; Wielders-SJ; Tesser-GI; Hemker- HC Thromb-Res. 1995 Sep 15; 79(5-6): 491-9 97. Effects of protein S and factor Xa on peptide bond cleavages during inactivation of factor Va and factor VaR506Q by activated protein C. Rosing-J; Hoekema-L; Nicolaes-GA; Thomassen-MC; Hemker-HC; Varadi-K; Schwarz-HP; Tans-G J-Biol-Chem. 1995 Nov 17; 270(46): 27852-8 98. Inhibition of prothrombinase by antithrombin-heparin at a macroscopic surface. Speijer-H; Billy-D; Willems-G; Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T Thromb-Haemost. 1995 Apr; 73(4): 648-53 99. Prothrombin contributes to the assembly of the factor Va-factor Xa complex at phosphatidylserine-containing phospholipid membranes. Billy-D; Willems-GM; Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T J-Biol-Chem. 1995 Nov 10; 270(45): 26883-9 100. Inhibition of prothrombinase at macroscopic lipid membranes: competition between antithrombin and prothrombin. Billy-D; Speijer-H; Lindhout-T; Hemker-HC; Willems-GM Biochemistry. 1995 Oct 17; 34(41): 13699-704 101. Peptide bond cleavages and loss of functional activity during inactivation of factor Va and factor VaR506Q by activated protein C. Nicolaes-GA; Tans-G; Thomassen-MC; Hemker-HC; Pabinger-I; Varadi-K; Schwarz-HP; Rosing-J J-Biol-Chem. 1995 Sep 8; 270(36): 21158-66 102. Production of thrombin as a probe for mixing of phospholipids in membranes on solid supports. Giesen-PL; Hemker-HC; Hermens-WT Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1995 Jul 6; 1237(1): 43-8 103. Purification and partial characterization of draculin, the anticoagulant factor present in the saliva of vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus). Apitz-Castro-R; Beguin-S; Tablante-A; Bartoli-F; Holt-JC; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1995 Jan; 73(1): 94-100 104. Prothrombin activation by prothrombinase in a tubular flow reactor. Billy-D; Speijer-H; Willems-G; Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T J- Biol-Chem. 1995 Jan 20; 270(3): 1029-34 105. The influence of fibrinogen and fibrin on thrombin generation--evidence for feedback activation of the clotting system by clot bound thrombin. Kumar-R; Beguin-S; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1994 Nov; 72(5): 713-21 106. The effect of subcutaneous injection of unfractionated and low molecular weight heparin on thrombin generation in platelet rich plasma--a study in human volunteers. Bendetowicz-AV; Kai-H; Knebel-R; Caplain-H; Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T; Beguin-S Thromb-Haemost. 1994 Nov; 72(5): 705-12 107. A chromogenic test to determine the procoagulant phospholipids in platelet-rich plasma and whole blood. Wagenvoord-RJ; Hendrix-HH; Kai-H; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1994 Oct; 72(4): 582-7 108. Analysis of thrombin generation in plasma. Kessels-H; Willems-G; Hemker-HC Comput-Biol-Med. 1994 Jul; 24(4): 277-88 109. Measurement of thrombin generation in whole blood--the effect of heparin and aspirin. Kessels-H; Beguin-S; Andree-H; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1994 Jul; 72(1): 78-83 110. Intrinsic and method-induced variation of the bleeding time and related parameters [letter] Kessels-H; Kester-AD; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1994 Jun; 71(6): 798-9 111. Functional properties of human factor Va lacking the Asp683-Arg709 domain of the heavy chain. Bakker-HM; Tans-G; Thomassen-MC; Yukelson-LY; Ebberink-R; Hemker-HC; Rosing-J J-Biol-Chem. 1994 Aug 12; 269(32): 20662-7 112. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a low molecular weight heparin (enoxaparin) after subcutaneous injection, comparison with unfractionated heparin--a three way cross over study in human volunteers. Bendetowicz- AV; Beguin-S; Caplain-H; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1994 Mar; 71(3): 305-13 113. Activation of human factor V by meizothrombin. Tans-G; Nicolaes-GA; Thomassen-MC; Hemker-HC; van-Zonneveld-AJ; Pannekoek-H; Rosing-J J-Biol-Chem. 1994 Jun 10; 269(23): 15969-72 114. Annexin V inhibits the procoagulant activity of matrices of TNF-stimulated endothelium under blood flow conditions. van- Heerde-WL; Sakariassen-KS; Hemker-HC; Sixma-JJ; Reutelingsperger-CP; de-Groot-PG Arterioscler-Thromb. 1994 May; 14(5): 824-30 115. Kinetics of the inhibition of human factor Xa by full-length and truncated recombinant tissue factor pathway inhibitor. Lindhout- T; Willems-G; Blezer-R; Hemker-HC Biochem-J. 1994 Jan 1; 297 ( Pt 1): 131-6 116. Continuous registration of thrombin generation in plasma, its use for the determination of the thrombin potential. Hemker-HC; Wielders-S; Kessels-H; Beguin-S Thromb-Haemost. 1993 Oct 18; 70(4): 617-24 117. The influence of oral contraceptives on the time-integral of thrombin generation (thrombin potential). Rotteveel-RC; Roozendaal-KJ; Eijsman-L; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1993 Dec 20; 70(6): 959-62 118. Standard and method independent units for heparin anticoagulant activities [editorial] [published erratum appears in Thromb Haemost 1993 Dec 20;70(6):1072] Hemker-HC; Beguin-S Thromb-Haemost. 1993 Nov 15; 70(5): 724-8 119. The activity of heparin in the presence and absence of Ca2+ ions; why the anti-Xa activity of LMW heparins is about two times overestimated [letter] Hemker-HC; Beguin-S Thromb-Haemost. 1993 Oct 18; 70(4): 717-8 120. Protein C activation by an activator purified from the venom of Agkistrodon halys halys. Bakker-HM; Tans-G; Yukelson-LY; Janssen-Claessen-TW; Bertina-RM; Hemker-HC; Rosing-J Blood-Coagul-Fibrinolysis. 1993 Aug; 4(4): 605-14 121. Characterization of two forms of human factor Va with different cofactor activities. Rosing-J; Bakker-HM; Thomassen-MC; Hemker-HC; Tans-G J-Biol-Chem. 1993 Oct 5; 268(28): 21130-6 122. Development of a rapid and sensitive chromogenic heparin assay for clinical use. Wagenvoord-RJ; Hendrix-HH; Kolde-HJ; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1993; 23(1): 26-37 123. Monitoring of unbound protein in vesicle suspensions with off-null ellipsometry. Giesen-PL; Willems-GM; Hemker-HC; Stuart- MC; Hermens-WT Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1993 Apr 8; 1147(1): 125-31 124. Autoactivation of human blood coagulation factor XII on dextran derivatives of different molecular weight. Tazi-S; Tans-G; Hemker-HC; Nigretto-JM Thromb-Res. 1992 Sep 15; 67(6): 665-76 125. The mode of action of heparins in vitro and in vivo. Hemker-HC; Beguin-S Adv-Exp-Med-Biol. 1992; 313: 221-30 126. A rational approach to heparins. Hemker-HC; Beguin-S Nouv-Rev-Fr-Hematol. 1992; 34(1): 5-9 127. On the relationship between molecular mass and anticoagulant activity in a low molecular weight heparin (enoxaparin). Bendetowicz-AV; Pacaud-E; Beguin-S; Uzan-A; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1992 May 4; 67(5): 556-62 128. Ratios of anti-factor Xa to antithrombin activities of heparins as determined in recalcified human plasma. Schoen-P; Lindhout- T; Hemker-HC Br-J-Haematol. 1992 Jun; 81(2): 255-62 129. The mode of action of CY216 and CY222 in plasma. Beguin-S; Wielders-S; Lormeau-JC; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1992 Jan 23; 67(1): 33-41 130. [Thrombosis and thrombin] Hemker-HC; Beguin-S Ann-Pharm-Fr. 1992; 50(3): 121-35 131. The consumption of antithrombin III during coagulation, its consequences for the calculation of prothrombinase activity and the standardisation of heparin activity. Beguin-S; Kessels-H; Dol-F; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1992 Aug 3; 68(2): 136-42 132. Clustering of lipid-bound annexin V may explain its anticoagulant effect. Andree-HA; Stuart-MC; Hermens-WT; Reutelingsperger-CP; Hemker-HC; Frederik-PM; Willems-GM J-Biol-Chem. 1992 Sep 5; 267(25): 17907-12 133. The effect of phospholipids, calcium ions and protein S on rate constants of human factor Va inactivation by activated human protein C. Bakker-HM; Tans-G; Janssen-Claessen-T; Thomassen-MC; Hemker-HC; Griffin-JH; Rosing-J Eur-J-Biochem. 1992 Aug 15; 208(1): 171-8 134. Activation of factor X and its regulation by tissue factor pathway inhibitor in small-diameter capillaries lined with human endothelial cells. Lindhout-T; Blezer-R; Schoen-P; Nordfang-O; Reutelingsperger-C; Hemker-HC Blood. 1992 Jun 1; 79(11): 2909-16 135. Low molecular weight heparin-catalyzed inactivation of factor Xa and thrombin by antithrombin III--effect of platelet factor 4. Schoen-P; Lindhout-T; Franssen-J; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1991 Oct 1; 66(4): 435-41 136. Determination of the levels of unfractionated and low-molecular-weight heparins in plasma: their effect on thrombin-mediated feedback reactions in vivo. Preliminary results after subcutaneous injection. Hemker-HC; Beguin-S; Bendetowicz-AV; Wielders-S Haemostasis. 1991; 21(4): 258-72 137. Elements from in vitro studies that help understand the action of heparins. Hemker-HC; Bendetowicz-AV; Beguin-S Thromb- Res-Suppl. 1991; 14: 1-10 138. Mode of action of heparin and related drugs. Hemker-HC; Beguin-S Semin-Thromb-Hemost. 1991; 17 Suppl 1: 29-34 139. Procoagulant activities in venoms from central Asian snakes. Yukelson-LY; Tans-G; Thomassen-MC; Hemker-HC; Rosing-J Toxicon. 1991; 29(4-5): 491-502 140. A method for measuring activated factor VIII in plasma. Kessels-H; Beguin-S; Wagenvoord-R; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1991 Oct 1; 66(4): 430-4 141. Simulation model for thrombin generation in plasma. Willems-GM; Lindhout-T; Hermens-WT; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1991; 21(4): 197-207 142. Feedback mechanisms in coagulation. Hemker-HC; Kessels-H Haemostasis. 1991; 21(4): 189-96 143. Factor IX a inhibition contributes to the heparin effect. Beguin-S; Dol-F; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1991 Sep 2; 66(3): 306-9 144. Meizothrombin formation during factor Xa-catalyzed prothrombin activation. Formation in a purified system and in plasma. Tans-G; Janssen-Claessen-T; Hemker-HC; Zwaal-RF; Rosing-J J-Biol-Chem. 1991 Nov 15; 266(32): 21864-73 145. Membrane-mediated assembly of the prothrombinase complex. Giesen-PL; Willems-GM; Hemker-HC; Hermens-WT J- Biol-Chem. 1991 Oct 5; 266(28): 18720-5 146. Surface exclusion and molecular mobility may explain Vroman effects in protein adsorption. Willems-GM; Hermens-WT; Hemker-HC J-Biomater-Sci-Polym-Ed. 1991; 2(3): 217-26 147. Influence of lactobionic acid on the kinetics of thrombin in human plasma. Beguin-SS; Dol-F; Hemker-HC Semin-Thromb- Hemost. 1991; 17 Suppl 1: 126-8 148. Anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA) directed not to cardiolipin but to a plasma protein cofactor [see comments] Galli-M; Comfurius-P; Maassen-C; Hemker-HC; de-Baets-MH; van-Breda-Vriesman-PJ; Barbui-T; Zwaal-RF; Bevers-EM Lancet. 1990 Jun 30; 335(8705): 1544-7 149. Mode of action of unfractionated and low molecular weight heparins on the generation of thrombin in plasma. Hemker-HC; Beguin-S Haemostasis. 1990; 20 Suppl 1: 81-92 150. Mode of action of enoxaparin in plasma. Beguin-S; Hemker-HC Acta-Chir-Scand-Suppl. 1990; 556: 51-6 151. Binding of vascular anticoagulant alpha (VAC alpha) to planar phospholipid bilayers. Andree-HA; Reutelingsperger-CP; Hauptmann-R; Hemker-HC; Hermens-WT; Willems-GM J-Biol-Chem. 1990 Mar 25; 265(9): 4923-8 152. Development of a sensitive and rapid chromogenic factor IX assay for clinical use. Wagenvoord-R; Hendrix-H; Tran-T; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1990; 20(5): 276-88 153. The anticoagulant mechanism of action of recombinant hirudin (CGP 39393) in plasma. Lindhout-T; Blezer-R; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1990 Nov 30; 64(3): 464-8 154. Continuous flow and the prothrombinase-catalyzed activation of prothrombin. Schoen-P; Lindhout-T; Willems-G; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1990 Dec 28; 64(4): 542-7 155. Is anti-factor Xa activity important? [letter; comment] Hemker-HC J-Lab-Clin-Med. 1990 Aug; 116(2): 268 156. The mode of action of low molecular weight heparin preparation (PK10169) and two of its major components on thrombin generation in plasma. Beguin-S; Mardiguian-J; Lindhout-T; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1989 Feb 28; 61(1): 30-4 157. The ex vivo correlate of the antithrombotic action of heparin. Hemker-HC; Beguin-S; Pieters-J; Lindhout-T Ann-N-Y-Acad-Sci. 1989; 556: 146-57 158. A standard for low molecular weight heparin? [editorial] [see comments] Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1989; 19(1): 1-4 159. Development of a simple chromogenic factor VIII assay for clinical use. Wagenvoord-RJ; Hendrix-HH; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1989; 19(4): 196-204 160. Inhibition of phospholipid and platelet-dependent prothrombinase activity in the plasma of patients with lupus anticoagulants. Galli-M; Beguin-S; Lindhout-T; Hemker-CH Br-J-Haematol. 1989 Aug; 72(4): 549-55 161. In situ-generated thrombin is the only enzyme that effectively activates factor VIII and factor V in thromboplastin- activated plasma. Pieters-J; Lindhout-T; Hemker-HC Blood. 1989 Aug 15; 74(3): 1021-4 162. Importance of factor-IX-dependent prothrombinase formation--the Josso pathway--in clotting plasma. Xi-M; Beguin-S; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1989; 19(6): 301-8 163. The relative importance of the factors II, VII, IX and X for the prothrombinase activity in plasma of orally anticoagulated patients. Xi-M; Beguin-S; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1989 Sep 29; 62(2): 788-91 164. The action of a synthetic pentasaccharide on thrombin generation in whole plasma. Beguin-S; Choay-J; Hemker-HC Thromb- Haemost. 1989 Jun 30; 61(3): 397-401 165. Free factor Xa is on the main pathway of thrombin generation in clotting plasma. Hemker-HC; Choay-J; Beguin-S Biochim- Biophys-Acta. 1989 Sep 15; 992(3): 409-11 166. The effect of trace amounts of tissue factor on thrombin generation in platelet rich plasma, its inhibition by heparin. Beguin-S; Lindhout-T; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1989 Feb 28; 61(1): 25-9 167. Antithrombin III-dependent anti-prothrombinase activity of heparin and heparin fragments. Schoen-P; Lindhout-T; Willems-G; Hemker-HC J-Biol-Chem. 1989 Jun 15; 264(17): 10002-7 168. Purification and characterization of a novel protein from bovine aorta that inhibits coagulation. Inhibition of the phospholipid-dependent factor-Xa-catalyzed prothrombin activation, through a high-affinity binding of the anticoagulant to the phospholipids. Reutelingsperger-CP; Kop-JM; Hornstra-G; Hemker-HC Eur-J-Biochem. 1988 Apr 5; 173(1): 171-8 169. Localization of the inhibitory site(s) of pentosan polysulphate in blood coagulation. Wagenvoord-R; Hendrix-H; Soria-C; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1988 Oct 31; 60(2): 220-5 170. The heparin-catalysed inhibition of human factor XIa by antithrombin III is dependent on the heparin type. Soons-H; Tans-G; Hemker-HC Biochem-J. 1988 Dec 15; 256(3): 815-20 171. Inhibition of factor IXa and factor Xa by antithrombin III/heparin during factor X activation. Pieters-J; Willems-G; Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T J-Biol-Chem. 1988 Oct 25; 263(30): 15313-8 172. The mode of action of heparin in plasma. Beguin-S; Lindhout-T; Hemker-HC Thromb-Haemost. 1988 Dec 22; 60(3): 457-62 173. The prolongation of the thrombotest clotting time in newborns. Hamulyak-K; Devilee-PP; Nieuwenhuizen-W; Hemker-HC Thromb-Res. 1988 Oct 1; 52(1): 45-52 174. Spectrophotometric method for the assay of human blood coagulation factor VIII. van-Dieijen-G; van-Dieijen-Visser-MP; Franssen-J; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1987; 17(1-2): 14-24 175. Inhibition of factor XIa by antithrombin III. Soons-H; Janssen-Claessen-T; Tans-G; Hemker-HC Biochemistry. 1987 Jul 28; 26(15): 4624-9 176. Isolation and partial characterization of a vitamin K-dependent carboxylase from bovine aortae. Van-Haarlem-LJ; Ulrich-MM; Hemker-HC; Soute-BA; Vermeer-C Biochem-J. 1987 Jul 1; 245(1): 251-5 177. The placental transport of [3H]vitamin K1 in rats. Hamulyak-K; de-Boer-van-den-Berg-MA; Thijssen-HH; Hemker-HC; Vermeer-C Br-J-Haematol. 1987 Mar; 65(3): 335-8 178. Adsorption kinetics of protein mixtures. A tentative explanation of the Vroman effect. Cuypers-PA; Willems-GM; Hemker-HC; Hermens-WT Ann-N-Y-Acad-Sci. 1987; 516: 244-52 179. The effect of factor Va on lipid dynamics in mixed phospholipid vesicles as detected by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence depolarization of diphenylhexatriene. van-de-Waart-P; Visser-AJ; Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T Eur-J-Biochem. 1987 Apr 15; 164(2): 337-43 180. Role of accessory components in the activation of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors. van-Rijn-JL; Zwaal-RF; Hemker- HC; Rosing-J Haemostasis. 1986; 16(3-4): 216-26 181. Inhibition of thrombin-catalyzed reactions in blood coagulation and platelet activation by heparin fractions in the absence of antithrombin III. Baruch-D; Lindhout-T; Wagenvoord-R; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1986; 16(2): 71-81 182. A computer assisted method to obtain the prothrombin activation velocity in whole plasma independent of thrombin decay processes. Hemker-HC; Willems-GM; Beguin-S Thromb-Haemost. 1986 Aug 20; 56(1): 9-17 183. Kinetics of thrombin-induced release and activation of platelet factor V. Baruch-D; Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T Eur-J-Biochem. 1986 Jan 2; 154(1): 213-8 184. The effect of platelets in the activation of human blood coagulation factor IX by factor XIa. Soons-H; Janssen-Claessen-T; Hemker-HC; Tans-G Blood. 1986 Jul; 68(1): 140-8 185. The activity state of factor VII in plasma: two pathways for the cold promoted activation of factor VII. Muller-AD; van-Deijk-WA; Devilee-PP; van-Dam-Mieras-MC; Hemker-HC Br-J-Haematol. 1986 Feb; 62(2): 367-77 186. Thrombin generation and inactivation in the presence of antithrombin III and heparin. Lindhout-T; Baruch-D; Schoen-P; Franssen-J; Hemker-HC Biochemistry. 1986 Oct 7; 25(20): 5962-9 187. [A patient with a viper bite (letter)] Hemker-HC; Hamulyak-K Ned-Tijdschr-Geneeskd. 1986 Nov 8; 130(45): 2048 188. Effect of heparin and low molecular weight heparins on thrombin-induced blood platelet activation in the absence of antithrombin III. Baruch-D; Franssen-J; Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T Thromb-Res. 1985 Jun 1; 38(5): 447-58 189. Comparison between the effect of pentosan polysulphate heparin and antithrombin III injections in antithrombin III deficient patients. Fischer-AM; Dautzenberg-MD; Aurousseau-MH; Beguin-S; Goudemand-J; Hemker-HC Thromb-Res. 1985 Jan 15; 37(2): 295-307 190. Assembly of the intrinsic factor X activating complex--interactions between factor IXa, factor VIIIa and phospholipid. van- Dieijen-G; van-Rijn-JL; Govers-Riemslag-JW; Hemker-HC; Rosing-J Thromb-Haemost. 1985 Jun 24; 53(3): 396-400 191. Isolation and partial purification of a novel anticoagulant from arteries of human umbilical cord. Reutelingsperger-CP; Hornstra-G; Hemker-HC Eur-J-Biochem. 1985 Sep 16; 151(3): 625-9 192. The generation of thrombin in whole plasma. Biochemical possibilities and physiological realities. Hemker-HC; Beguin-S Verh- K-Acad-Geneeskd-Belg. 1985; 47(5): 321-39 193. [The treatment of podotrochilosis with oral anticoagulants. An instruction insert desired] van-den-Bogaard-AE Jr; Thijssen-HH; Hemker-HC Tijdschr-Diergeneeskd. 1985 Aug 15; 110(15-16): 585-95 194. The mechanism of action of oral anticoagulants and its consequences for the practice of oral anticoagulation. Hemker-HC; Frank-HL Haemostasis. 1985; 15(4): 263-70 195. Vitamin K-dependent carboxylase: the carboxylation of exogenous substrates in different systems. de-Boer-van-den-Berg-MA; Ulrich-MM; Hemker-HC; Soute-BA; Vermeer-C Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1985 Sep 20; 831(1): 94-8 196. Measurement of macrophage cellular procoagulant activity. Muller-AD; van-Dam-Mieras-MC; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1985; 15(2): 108-13 197. Impaired factor X and prothrombin activation associated with decreased phospholipid exposure in platelets from a patient with a bleeding disorder. Rosing-J; Bevers-EM; Comfurius-P; Hemker-HC; van-Dieijen-G; Weiss-HJ; Zwaal-RF Blood. 1985 Jun; 65(6): 1557-61 198. Clotting factors secreted by monocytes and macrophages: analytical considerations. van-Dam-Mieras-MC; Muller-AD; van- Deijk-WA; Hemker-HC Thromb-Res. 1985 Jan 1; 37(1): 9-19 199. Heparin neutralization during collection and processing of blood inhibited by pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. van-Putten-J; van-de- Ruit-M; Beunis-M; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1984; 14(3): 253-61 200. Determination of low molecular weight heparin in clinical laboratory. van-Putten-J; van-de-Ruit-M; Beunis-M; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1984; 14(2): 205-10 201. The inhibition of platelet prothrombinase activity by prostacyclin. Zwaal-RF; Comfurius-P; Hemker-HC; Bevers-EM Haemostasis. 1984; 14(4): 320-4 202. A clotting scheme for 1984. Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T Nouv-Rev-Fr-Hematol. 1984; 26(4): 227-31 203. In memory of Francois Josso. Why do hemophiliacs bleed? Hemker-HC Scand-J-Haematol-Suppl. 1984; 40: 11-9 204. Functional properties of factor Va subunits after proteolytic alterations by activated protein C. Van-de-Waart-P; Bruls-H; Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1984 May 25; 799(1): 38-44 205. The adsorption of prothrombin to phospholipid monolayers quantitated by ellipsometry. Kop-JM; Cuypers-PA; Lindhout-T; Hemker-HC; Hermens-WT J-Biol-Chem. 1984 Nov 25; 259(22): 13993-8 206. [Oral anticoagulant treatment; which anticoagulant?] Thijssen-HH; Hemker-HC Ned-Tijdschr-Geneeskd. 1984 Aug 18; 128(33): 1559-63 207. The action of Echis carinatus venom on the blood coagulation system. Demonstration of an activator of factor X. Hemker-HC; van-Dam-Mieras-MC; Devilee-PP Thromb-Res. 1984 Jul 1; 35(1): 1-9 208. Interaction of prothrombin with factor Va-phospholipid complexes. van-de-Waart-P; Hemker-HC; Lindhout-T Biochemistry. 1984 Jun 5; 23(12): 2838-42 209. Automated spectrophotometric heparin assays. Comparison of methods. van-Putten-J; van-de-Ruit-M; Beunis-M; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1984; 14(2): 195-204 210. Automated determination of heparin with chromogenic substrates. van-Putten-J; van-de-Ruit-M; Beunis-M; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1984; 14(2): 184-94 211. On the procoagulant activity of platelets stimulated by collagen and thrombin [letter] Bevers-EM; Comfurius-P; Hemker-HC; Zwaal-RF Thromb-Res. 1984 Mar 1; 33(5): 553-4 212. Half-life time and control frequency of vitamin K-dependent Coagulation factors. Theoretical considerations on the place of factor VII in the control of oral anticoagulation therapy. van-Dam-Mieras-MC; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1983; 13(3): 201-8 213. Evaluation of a coagulation assay determining the activity state of factor VII in plasma. van-Deijk-WA; van-Dam-Mieras-MC; Muller-AD; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1983; 13(3): 192-7 214. Platelet membrane involvement in blood coagulation. Hemker-HC; van-Rijn-JL; Rosing-J; van-Dieijen-G; Bevers-EM; Zwaal- RF Blood-Cells. 1983; 9(2): 303-17 215. Reevaluation of some properties of fibrinogen, purified from cord blood of normal newborns. Hamulyak-K; Nieuwenhuizen-W; Devilee-PP; Hemker-HC Thromb-Res. 1983 Nov 1; 32(3): 301-10 216. Stimulation of the vitamin K-dependent carboxylase from bovine liver. De-Metz-M; Soute-BA; Hemker-HC; Vermeer-C Biochem-J. 1983 Mar 1; 209(3): 719-24 217. Interaction of bovine blood clotting factor Va and its subunits with phospholipid vesicles. van-de-Waart-P; Bruls-H; Hemker- HC; Lindhout-T Biochemistry. 1983 May 10; 22(10): 2427-32 218. Activation of human prothrombin by stoichiometric levels of staphylocoagulase. Hendrix-H; Lindhout-T; Mertens-K; Engels-W; Hemker-HC J-Biol-Chem. 1983 Mar 25; 258(6): 3637-44 219. The adsorption of prothrombin to phosphatidylserine multilayers quantitated by ellipsometry. Cuypers-PA; Corsel-JW; Janssen-MP; Kop-JM; Hermens-WT; Hemker-HC J-Biol-Chem. 1983 Feb 25; 258(4): 2426-31 220. The inhibition of vitamin K-dependent carboxylase by cyanide. De-Metz-M; Soute-BA; Hemker-HC; Vermeer-C FEBS-Lett. 1982 Jan 25; 137(2): 253-6 221. A comparison between vitamin K-dependent carboxylase from normal and warfarin-treated cows. Vermeer-C; Soute-BA; De- Metz-M; Hemker-HC Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1982 Feb 2; 714(2): 361-5 222. Blood cell membranes and haemostasis. Zwaal-RF; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1982; 11(1): 12-39 223. Activation of factor IX by factor XIa--a spectrophotometric assay for factor IX in human plasma. Tans-G; Janssen-Claessen-T; van-Dieijen-G; Hemker-HC; Rosing-J Thromb-Haemost. 1982 Oct 29; 48(2): 127-32 224. Factor Va-factor Xa interaction. Effects of phospholipid vesicles of varying composition. Lindhout-T; Govers-Riemslag-JW; van-de-Waart-P; Hemker-HC; Rosing-J Biochemistry. 1982 Oct 26; 21(22): 5494-502 225. On the clot-promoting activity of human platelets in a one-stage prothrombinase assay. Bevers-EM; Comfurius-P; Hemker- HC; Zwaal-RF Haemostasis. 1982; 12(3): 268-74 226. Use of chromogenic peptide substrates in the determination of clotting factors II, VII, IX and X in normal plasma and in plasma of patients treated with oral anticoagulants. van-Dieijen-Visser-MP; van-Wersch-J; Brombacher-PJ; Rosing-J; Hemker-HC; van-Dieijen-G Haemostasis. 1982; 12(3): 241-55 227. Interindividual variation in relationships between plasma heparin concentration and the results of five heparin assays. van- Putten-J; van-de-Ruit-M; Beunis-M; Hemker-HC Clin-Chim-Acta. 1982 Jul 1; 122(2): 261-70 228. Studies on the mechanism of the vitamin K-dependent carboxylation reaction. Carboxylation without the concurrent formation of vitamin K 2,3-epoxide. de-Metz-M; Soute-BA; Hemker-HC; Fokkens-R; Lugtenburg-J; Vermeer-C J-Biol-Chem. 1982 May 25; 257(10): 5326-9 229. Generation of prothrombin-converting activity and the exposure of phosphatidylserine at the outer surface of platelets. Bevers-EM; Comfurius-P; van-Rijn-JL; Hemker-HC; Zwaal-RF Eur-J-Biochem. 1982 Feb; 122(2): 429-36 230. [Formation and functions of thrombin] Hemker-HC Ned-Tijdschr-Geneeskd. 1982 Jan 30; 126(5): 198-203 231. The role of phospholipid and factor VIIIa in the activation of bovine factor X. van-Dieijen-G; Tans-G; Rosing-J; Hemker-HC J-Biol-Chem. 1981 Apr 10; 256(7): 3433-42 232. In vitro prothrombin synthesis from a purified precursor protein. III. Preparation of an acid-soluble substrate for vitamin K- dependent carboxylase by limited proteolysis of bovine descarboxyprothrombin. Soute-BA; Vermeer-C; De-Metz-M; Hemker- HC; Lijnen-HR Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1981 Aug 5; 676(1): 101-7 233. Partial purification of bovine liver vitamin K-dependent carboxylase by immunospecific adsorption onto antifactor X. de-Metz- M; Vermeer-C; Soute-BA; van-Scharrenburg-GJ; Slotboom-AJ; Hemker-HC FEBS-Lett. 1981 Jan 26; 123(2): 215-8 234. Inhibition of activated factors II, VII, IX, and X by synthetic organic compounds directed against the active-site seryl residue. Van-der-Woerd-de-Lange-JA; van-Dam-Mieras-MC; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1981; 10(6): 315-47 235. Identification of phospholipid as an essential part of bovine vitamin K-dependent carboxylase. de-Metz-M; Vermeer-C; Soute- BA; Hemker-HC J-Biol-Chem. 1981 Nov 10; 256(21): 10843-6 236. Oral treatment of haemophilia A by gastrointestinal absorption of factor VIII entrapped in liposomes. Hemker-HC; Hermens- WT; Muller-AD; Zwaal-RF Lancet. 1980 Jan 12; 1(8159): 70-1 237. Contribution of the platelet factor V content to platelet factor 3 activity. van-Zutphen-H; Bevers-EM; Hemker-HC; Zwaal-RF Br- J-Haematol. 1980 May; 45(1): 121-31 238. The role of phospholipids and factor Va in the prothrombinase complex. Rosing-J; Tans-G; Govers-Riemslag-JW; Zwaal-RF; Hemker-HC J-Biol-Chem. 1980 Jan 10; 255(1): 274-83 239. Clot-promoting effect of platelet-vessel wall interaction: influence of dietary fats and relation to arterial thrombus formation in rats. Hornstra-G; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1979; 8(3-5): 211-26 240. An inhibitor of clot formation in cord plasma. Kirchhof-BR; Muller-AD; Hemker-HC Thromb-Res. 1979; 15(3-4): 389-403 241. A coagulation reagent completely devoid of factor X; relation between clotting time and concentration of factor X. Vermeer-C; Soute-BA; Hemker-HC Thromb-Res. 1979; 14(4-5): 679-85 242. Kinetic aspects of the interaction of blood clotting enzymes. VIII. The relation between clotting time and clotting velocity. Hemker-HC; Kop-J; Willems-GM Thromb-Haemost. 1979 Apr 23; 41(2): 309-13 243. Control of anticoagulant therapy with a chromogenic substrate. Kirchhof-BR; Muller-AD; Vermeer-C; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1979; 8(1): 1-7 244. Lipid phase transitions and procoagulant activity. Tans-G; van-Zutphen-H; Comfurius-P; Hemker-HC; Zwaal-RF Eur-J- Biochem. 1979 Apr; 95(3): 449-57 245. [The inhibition of coagulation in cord plasma (author's transl)] Kirchhof-BR; Hoheisel-M; Keefer-L; Hemker-HC Z-Geburtshilfe- Perinatol. 1979 Apr; 183(2): 163-8 246. Activation of decarboxyfactor X by a protein from Russell's viper venom. Purification and partial characterization of activated decarboxyfactor X. Lindhout-MJ; Kop-Klaassen-BH; Hemker-HC Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1978 Apr 26; 533(2): 327-41 247. Purification and properties of the phenprocoumon-induced decarboxyfactor X from bovine plasma. A comparison to normal factor X. Lindhout-MJ; Kop-Klaassen-BH; Kop-JM; Hemker-HC Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1978 Apr 26; 533(2): 302-17 248. The role of blood clotting factor V in the conversion of prothrombin and a decarboxy prothrombin into thrombin. Vermeer-C; Govers-Riemslag-JW; Soute-BA; Lindhout-MJ; Kop-J; Hemker-HC Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1978 Feb 1; 538(3): 521-33 249. The determination of prothrombin using synthetic chromogenic substrates; choice of a suitable activator. Kirchhof-BR; Vermeer-C; Hemker-HC Thromb-Res. 1978 Aug; 13(2): 219-32 250. A quick method for the determination of decarboxyfactor X. Vermeer-C; Soute-BA; Hemker-HC Thromb-Res. 1978 Jun; 12(6): 1071-8 251. Improvements of the method for the preparation of an artificial prothrombin reagent. Vermeer-C; Soute-BA; Hemker-HC Thromb-Res. 1978 Apr; 12(4): 713-6 252. In vitro prothrombin synthesis from a purified precursor protein. II. Partial purification of bovine carboxylase. Vermeer-C; Soute-BA; Hemker-HC Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1978 Apr 12; 523(2): 494-505 253. The effect of gamma-carboxyglutamate residues on the enzymatic properties of the activated blood clotting factor X. I. Activity towards synthetic substrates. Lindhout-MJ; Kop-Klaassen-BH; Hemker-HC Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1978 Apr 26; 533(2): 342- 54 254. The role of gamma-carboxyglutamyl residues in the positive cooperative binding of Ca2+ to blood coagulation factor X. Lindhout-MJ; Hemker-HC Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1978 Apr 26; 533(2): 318-26 255. Ellipsometry as a tool to study protein films at liquid-solid interfaces. Cuypers-PA; Hermens-WT; Hemker-HC Anal-Biochem. 1978 Jan; 84(1): 56-67 256. Computer evaluation of reference curves for the estimation of extrinsic coagulation factors. Frank-HL; Dreessen-V; Hemker- HC Comput-Biol-Med. 1978 Jan; 8(1): 65-70 257. Vitamin-K deficiency in the newborn [letter] van-Doorm-JM; Hemker-HC Lancet. 1977 Oct 1; 2(8040): 708-9 258. Heparin-like inhibitor, not vitamin-K deficiency, in the newborn [letter]. van-Doorm-JM; Muller-AD; Hemker-HC Lancet. 1977 Apr 16; 1(8016): 852-3 259. Reconstitution and lipid requirements of porcine tissue thromboplastin. Wijngaards-G; van-Deenen-LL; Hemker-HC Biochim- Biophys-Acta. 1977 Jul 20; 488(1): 161-71 260. Kinetic aspects of the interaction of blood clotting enzymes. VII. The relation between clotting time and prothrombin concentration. Hemker-HC; Vermeer-C; Govers-Riemslag-J Thromb-Haemost. 1977 Feb 28; 37(1): 81-5 261. The synthesis of prothrombin from its precursor protein. Vermeer-C; Hemker-HC; Soute-BA Bibl-Haematol. 1977; 44: 54-60 262. Determination of tissue thromboplastin activity. Wijngaards-G; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1977; 6(2): 89-97 263. Partial purification of the protein moiety of porcine tissue thromboplastin. Wijngaards-G; Hemker-HC; van-Deenen-LL Haemostasis. 1977; 6(5): 269-82 264. Paratopic interaction, a mechanism in the generation of structure bound enzymatic activity. Hemker-HC; Frank-HL Experientia. 1977 Jul 15; 33(7): 851-3 265. Heparin-like inhibitor of blood coagulation in normal newborn. Muller-AD; van-Doorm-JM; Hemker-HC Nature. 1977 Jun 16; 267(5612): 616-7 266. A new method for the preparation of artificial factor II reagents from normal human and bovine plasma. Vermeer-C; Soute-BA; Hemker-HC Thromb-Res. 1977 Mar; 10(3): 495-507 267. In vitro prothrombin synthesis from a purified precursor protein. I. Development of a bovine liver cell-free system. Vermeer-C; Soute-BA; Govers-Riemslag-J; Hemker-HC Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1976 Oct 22; 444(3): 926-30 268. The influence of glycerol on the Ca flux in the isolated perfused rat heart. Frank-HL; Hemker-HC Basic-Res-Cardiol. 1976 May-Jun; 71(3): 252-62 269. Kinetics of the formation of the factor X activating enzyme of the blood coagulation system. Varadi-K; Hemker-HC Thromb- Res. 1976 Mar; 8(3): 303-17 270. [Autopsy in the middle ages] Hemker-HC; Huygens-RB Ned-Tijdschr-Geneeskd. 1975 Aug 9; 119(32): 1246-7 271. Effect of a thrombolytic agent (urokinase) on necrosis after acute myocardial infarction. Hermens-WT; Witteveen-SA; Hollaar- L; Hemker-HC Recent-Adv-Stud-Cardiac-Struct-Metab. 1975; 10: 319-29 272. Proceedings: The relation between staphylocoagulase reacting factor and proteins induced by vitamin K absence. Bas-BM; Muller-AD; Hemker-HC Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1975 Nov 15; 34(2): 593 273. Proceedings: Observations on monomolecular layers of fibrinogen at solid-liquid interphases. Cuypers-PA; Hemker-HC Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1975 Nov 15; 34(2): 555-6 274. Quantitation of infarct size in man by means of plasma enzyme levels. Witteveen-SA; Hemker-HC; Hollaar-L; Hermens-WT Br-Heart-J. 1975 Aug; 37(8): 795-803 275. Purification and properties of staphylocoagulase. Bas-BM; Muller-AD; Hemker-HC Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1975 Jan 30; 379(1): 164-71 276. Activation of a pro-enzyme by a stoichiometric reaction with another protein. The reaction between prothrombin and staphylocoagulase. Hemker-HC; Bas-BM; Muller-AD Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1975 Jan 30; 379(1): 180-8 277. The influence of cadmium ions on the adsorption of prothrombin onto Al(OH)3 as a means to purify prothrombin. Devilee-PP; Hemker-HC; Bas-BM Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1975 Jan 30; 379(1): 172-9 278. Different properties of Factor VIII in von Willebrand's disease with Respect to Recovery in Cryoprecipitate. Stibbe-J; Van-Der- Plas-PM; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1974; 3(3): 142-8 279. Effect of the polyene antibiotic filipin on the lipid-dependent intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation. Van-der-Plas-PM; Kraan-L; Van-Es-G+Van Es-G; Stibbe-J; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1974; 3(1): 1-7 280. [Serine-esterases of the coagulation system] Hemker-HC; Graaf-JS-de Pathol-Biol-Paris. 1973 Nov; 21: Suppl:5-10 281. The influence of glycerol on calcium in the isolated perfused rat heart. Frank-HL; Hemker-HC Acta-Cardiol. 1973: Suppl 17:222-4 282. [Thrombocytes, thrombin, thrombosis and heart infarct] Hemker-HC Ned-Tijdschr-Geneeskd. 1973 Jun 16; 117(24): 926-8 283. Plasma free of factors II, VII, IX, and X. Need for high speed centrifugation after Al(OH) 3 absorption. Loeliger-EA; Halem- Visser-LP-van; Hemker-HC Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1973 Feb 28; 29(1): 211-2 284. Filipin as a tool for the study of blood coagulation reactions. Plas-PM-van-der; Kraan-L; Hemker-HC Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1972 Jul 31; 27(3): 584-93 285. Differential interaction of clotting factors II, VII, IX and X with sephadex and dextran blue. Swart-AC; Kop-Klaassen-BH; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1972-73; 1(5): 237-52 286. Purification of blood coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X from bovine citrated plasma. Reekers-P; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1972; 1(1): 2-22 287. Lack of PIVKA effect in the abnormal factor X (factor X Friuli) coagulation disorder. Girolami-A; Muller-AD; Hemker-HC Haemostasis. 1972; 1(1): 23-30 288. The adsorption of blood coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X from human plasma to aluminium hydroxide. Swart-AC; Klaassen- BH; Bloys-van-Treslong-de; Hemker-HC Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1972 Jul 31; 27(3): 490-501 289. [The behavior of prothrombin in vitamin K deficiency] Hemker-HC Ned-Tijdschr-Geneeskd. 1972 Oct 14; 116(42): 1877-80 290. Studies on blood coagulation factor V. VI. The inactivation of factor V and prothrombinase. Hemker-HC; Kahn-MJ Thromb- Diath-Haemorrh. 1972 Feb 29; 27(1): 33-42 291. Artificial reagents for factor VII and factor X, a computer programme for obtaining reference tables for one-stage determinations in the extrinsic system. Hemker-HC; Swart-AC; Alink-AJ Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1972 Apr 30; 27(2): 205-11 292. The inactivation of factor VIII in vitro. Stibbe-J; Hemker-HC; Creveld-S-von Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1972 Feb 29; 27(1): 43- 58 293. Studies on blood coagulation factor V. V. Changes of molecular weight accompanying activation of factor V by thrombin and the procoagulant protein of Russell's viper venom. Kahn-MJ; Hemker-HC Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1972 Feb 29; 27(1): 25-32 294. Theoretical consideratins on a thermodynamic model of muscle action. Hemker-HC; Hermens-WT Cardiovasc-Res. 1971 Jul; 1: Suppl 1:84-6 295. Additional evidence for the existence of a precursor molecule of the prothrombin complex in oral anticoagulation. Veltkamp-JJ; Muis-H; Muller-AD; Hemker-HC; Loeliger-EA Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1971 Jun 30; 25(2): 312-5 296. The evaluation of the two-stage prothrombin assay. Hemker-HC; Hemker-PW; Torren-K-v.-d.; Devilee-PP; Hermens-WT; Loeliger-EA Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1971 Jun 30; 25(3): 545-54 297. Quantitation of enzyme release from infarcted heart muscle. Witteveen-SA; Hermens-WT; Hollaar-L; Hemker-HC Br- Heart-J. 1971 Jan; 33(1): 151 298. Control of long-term anticoagulant treatment. Loeliger-EA; Hemker-HC Lancet. 1970 Apr 25; 1(652): 894 299. The adsorption of coagulation factors onto phospholipids. Its role in the reaction mechanism of blood coagulation. Hemker- HC; Kahn-MJ; Devilee-PP Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1970 Oct 31; 24(1): 214-23 300. [Protein synthesis induced by vitamin K deficiency] Hemker-HC Nouv-Rev-Fr-Hematol. 1970 Sep-Oct; 10(5): 645-51 301. types of prothrombine in vitamin K deficiency] Hemker-HC; Muller-AD; Loeliger-EA Ned-Tijdschr-Geneeskd. 1970 Dec 26; 114(52): 2197-8 302. Separation of blood coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X by gel filtration in the presence of dextran blue. Swart-AC; Hemker-HC Biochim-Biophys-Acta. 1970 Dec 29; 222(3): 692-5 303. Two types of prothrombin in vitamin K deficiency. Hemker-HC; Muller-AD; Loeliger-EA Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1970 Jun 30; 23(3): 633-7 304. Laboratory control of oral anticoagulants. Definition of therapeutic range in terms of different thromboplastin preparations. Loeliger-EA; Meuwisse-Braun-JB; Muis-H; Buitendijk-FJ; Veltkamp-JJ; Hemker-HC Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1970 Jun 30; 23(3): 569-84 305. The kinetics of enzyme cascade systems. General kinetics of enzyme cascades. Hemker-HC; Hemker-PW Proc-R-Soc-Lond- B-Biol-Sci. 1969 Jul 1; 173(32): 411-20 306. [The reaction mechanism of blood coagulation] Hemker-HC; Haanen-C Ned-Tijdschr-Geneeskd. 1969 Feb 1; 113(5): 203-10 307. Studies on blood coagulation factor V. I. The interaction of salts of fatty acids and coagulation factors. Kahn-MJ; Hemker-HC Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1969 Dec 31; 22(3): 417-30 308. Kinetic aspects of the interaction of blood clotting enzymes. 3. Demonstration of an inhibitor of prothrombin conversion in vitamin K deficiency. Hemker-HC; Veltkamp-JJ; Loeliger-EA Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1968 Jul 31; 19(3): 346-63 309. Considerations on an international standard for the one-stage prothrombin time in the control of anticoagulant therapy. Loeliger-EA; Hemker-HC Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh-Suppl. 1968; 35: 101-5 310. Pharmacological aspects of vitamin K1. A clinical and experimental study in man. Van-der-Meer-J; Hemker-HC; Loeliger-EA Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh-Suppl. 1968; 29: 1-96 311. Kinetic aspects of the interaction of blood-clotting enzymes. VI. Localization of the site of blood-coagulation inhibition by the protein induced by vitamin K absence (PIVKA). Hemker-HC; Muller-AD Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1968 Nov 15; 20(1): 78-87 312. Kinetic aspects of the interaction of blood clotting enzymes. V. The reaction mechanism of the extrinsic clotting system as revealed by the kinetics of one-stage estimations of coagulation enzymes. Hemker-HC; Muller-AD Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1968 Jul 31; 19(3): 368-82 313. Kinetic aspects of the interaction of blood clotting enzymes. IV. Kinetics of competitive inhibition in clotting tests. Hemker-HC; Hemker-PW Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1968 Jul 31; 19(3): 364-7 314. [Arvin, a new anticoagulant] Hemker-HC; Loeliger-EA Ned-Tijdschr-Geneeskd. 1968 Oct 26; 112(43): 1958-60 315. [Treatment of hemophilia B with PPSB] Loeliger-EA; Mattern-MJ; Hensen-A; Hemker-HC Blut. 1968 Feb; 16(5): 289-97 316. The pathways of blood coagulationl. Hemker-HC Folia-Med-Neerl. 1967; 10(4): 102-11 317. A double-blind trial of long-term anticoagulant treatment after myocardial infarction. Loeliger-EA; Hensen-A; Kroes-F; Dijk-LM- van; Fekkes-N; Jonge-H-de; Hemker-HC Acta-Med-Scand. 1967 Nov; 182(5): 549-66 318. Contact activation in the extrinsic blood clotting system. Altman-R; Hemker-HC Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1967 Dec 31; 18(3- 4): 525-31 319. Kinetic aspects of the interaction of blood-clotting enzymes. II. The relation between clotting time and plasma concentration in prothrombin-time estimations. Hemker-HC; Siepel-T; Altman-R; Loeliger-EA Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1967 May 31; 17(3-4): 349-57 320. Treatment of haemophilia B with purified Factor IX (PPSB). Loeliger-EA; Hensen-A; Mattern-MJ; Veltkamp-JJ; Bruning-PF; Hemker-HC Folia-Med-Neerl. 1967; 10(4): 112-25 321. Reaction sequence of blood coagulation. Hemker-HC; Kahn-MJ Nature. 1967 Sep 9; 215(106): 1201-2 322. Formation of prothrombin converting activity. Hemker-HC; Esnouf-MP; Hemker-PW; Swart-AC; Macfarlane-RG Nature. 1967 Jul 15; 215(98): 248-51 323. Treatment of haemophilia A with purified factor 8 obtained from human plasma by cryoprecipitation. Meyer-K; Eernisse-JG; Veltkamp-JJ; Hemker-HC; Loeliger-EA Folia-Med-Neerl. 1967; 10(2): 49-60 324. Quantitation of circulating fibrinogen breakdown products in intravascular clotting. Hemker-HC; Fekkes-N; Hensen-A; Schrijver-H; Loeliger-EA Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh-Suppl. 1966; 20: 227-34 325. A double blind study of phenprocoumon prophylaxis after myocardial infarction. Hensen-A; Kroes-F; Van-Dyck-LM; Fekkes-N; Hemker-HC; Loeliger-EA Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh. 1966; 21: Suppl 21:333+ 326. Rate of synthesis of coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X during substitution therapy with P. P. S. B. Loeliger-EA; Hensen-A; Mattern-MJ; Hemker-HC Bibl-Haematol. 1965; 23: 1346-7 327. Kinetic basis of prothrombin estimation particularly with reference to the rectilinearity of the log-log reference curve. Hemker- HC; Meer-J-van-der; Loeliger-EA Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh-Suppl. 1965; 17: 247-52 328. Detection of heterozygotes for factor 8, 9, and 12 deficiency. Veltkamp-JJ; Hemker-HC; Loeliger-EA Thromb-Diath-Haemorrh- Suppl. 1965; 17: 181-9 329. Nature of prothrombin biosynthesis: Preprothrombinaemia in vitamin K-deficiency. Hemker-HC; Veltkamp-JJ; Hensen A., Loeliger-EA Nature. 1963; 200: 589-90. 330. The biological disappearance rate of prothrombin, factors VII, IX and X from plasma in hypothyreoidism, hyperthyreoidism and during fever. Loeliger EA, Van der Esch B, Mattern MJ, Hemker HC. Thromb. Haemost. 1964; 10:267-77. 331. Behaviour of factors II, VII, IX and X in bleeding complications during long-term treatment with coumarin. Loeliger EA, Hensen A, Mattern MJ, Hemker HC. Thromb. Haemost. 1964; 10:278-81.