Warframe: Armistice Era

By: Matthew Thomas Vincett (Morec0)

V. 2.3.1






The Grineer Empire 14 Vorian Armada 17 Frontier Army 18 Arid Constabulary 20 Grustrag Reconditioning 22 Elite Forces 24 Drekar Marines 26 Nightwatch Corps 27 Kwuim’Rus 29

The Corpus Corporation 32 Chilton Manufacturing 35 Pinnacle Incorporated 37 Marvel Security Systems 38 Luksor Nano Composites 40 Beecloud Hivemind Development 42 Black Seed 44 Material Packing Solutions 46 Union Security 48

The Syndicates 50 Steel Meridian 52 Arbiters of Hexis 53 Cephalon Suda 55 Perrin Sequence 57 Red Veil 59 New Loka 61 Smuggler Coalitions 63 Omniform Secta 65

The Colonists 68


Caster 72 Grineer Inquisitor 72 Corpus Scrambus 76 Syndicate Oracle 80

[1] Diplomat 85 Grineer Magistrate 85 Corpus Accountant 88 Syndicate Recruiter 90

Engineer 94 Grineer Seeker 94 Corpus Tech 100 Syndicate Rigger 106

Healer 112 Grineer Mephite 112 Corpus Auxiliatrix 115 Syndicate Medic 118

Marksman 122 Grineer Huntsman 122 Corpus Ranger 127 Syndicate Assassin 130

Melee 134 Grineer Butcher 134 Corpus Comba 137 Syndicate Zealot 140

Pilot 144 Grineer Hellion 144 Corpus Navigator 147 Syndicate Runner 150

Rogue 154 Grineer Manic 154 Corpus Infiltrator 157 Syndicate Scoundrel 160

Soldier 164 Grineer Elite Lancer 164 Corpus Elite Crewman 167 Syndicate Guerilla 171

Tamer 175 Grineer Beast Master 175 Corpus Wrangler 179 Syndicate Handler 182

Tank 187 Grineer Bailiff 187 Corpus Auditor 190 Syndicate Defender 193

Unique 197 Grineer Exterminator 197 Corpus Dax 202

[2] Syndicate Insurgent 205


Stats 211

Skills 214


Grineer 223 Drahk 223 Hyekka 225

Corpus 228 Bursa 228 Hyena 230 Locust Drone 233

Syndicate 237 Serberis 237 Skate 239 Janis 242 Kavat 245 Kubrow 247

Companion Stats and Skills 251 Stats 251 Skills 252

Companion Creation 256


Vehicle and Ship Systems 259

Vehicles 260 Vehicle Classes 260 Grineer 261 Mining Machine: 261 Angrboda: 262 Gymir: 263 Thrym: 265 Ballista: 266 Corpus 268 Bit: 268 Quid: 269 Cargo Rover: 270 Obx 272 Baluster: 273 Syndicate 275

[3] 1L-Mount: 275 Serberis Speeder: 276 Pursuer: 277 Punisher: 278 4L-Cart: 279

Ships 282 Ship Classes 282 Grineer 284 Dargyn: 284 Ogma: 285 Dagda: 286 Wasp: 287 Hornet: 289 Vesper: 290 : 291 Ferry: 292 Lug: 293 Slog: 295 : 296 Corpus 298 Bter: 298 Gox: 299 Puranas: 301 Daric: 302 Siglos: 303 Omx: 305 Dox: 306 Vega: 307 Cantilever: 308 Stanchion: 310 Obelisk: 311 Syndicate 313 Wraith Striker: 313 Lanx Striker: 314 Interceptor: 316 Liberator: 317 Decimator: 318 Revenant: 320 Skate Runner: 321 Janis : 322 Phoenix Carrier: 324 22L-: 325 17L-: 326


Step 1: Faction and Name 333

Step 2: Group and Class 334 Grineer 334 Corpus 335

[4] Syndicate 337 Classes 338

Step 3: Starting Skills 343

Step 4: Starting Stats 344

Step 5: Permanent Resolve Points 345

Step 6: Starting Experience and Credits 346

Step 7: Starting Equipment 347 Armor and Shields 347 Grineer: 347 Corpus: 348 Syndicate: 348 Weapons 348

Step 8: Backstory and Appearance 350


Accuracy Check 355

Combat Actions 357 Full-Actions 357 Half-Actions 358 Free-Actions 358

Detection/Stealth 360

Combat Offense 360 Flanking 360 Point Blank 361 Status Effects 361 Attacks of Opportunity 363

Combat Defense 364 Health 364 Armor 365 Shields 366 Combat Skills 366


Combat Actions 369 Pilot Actions 369 Crew Actions 370

Speed 371

[5] Strain 373


Skill Checks 375

Leveling 378

Resolve Points 379

Bonus Systems 382 Bonds 382 Contribution 384 Conviction 386 Goal 387 Instinct 389 Motivation 390 Belief: 391 Connection: 392 Quest: 393



Inventory 397

Armor 398 Player-character: 398 Vehicle and Ship: 400 Other: 401

Shields 402 Personnel Shields: 402 Vehicle and Ship Shields: 403

Gear 404

Vehicle and Ship Systems 407

Primary Weapons 411 Grineer 411 Rifle: 411 Shotgun: 413 Sniper: 414 Other: 414 Corpus 415 Rifle: 415 Shotgun: 417 Sniper: 417 Other: 417

[6] Syndicate 419 Rifle: 419 Sniper: 420 Shotgun: 420 Other: 421

Secondary Weapons 423 Grineer 423 Pistol: 423 Shotgun: 425 Other: 426 Corpus: 427 Pistol: 427 Shotgun: 427 Other: 428 Syndicate: 429 Pistol: 429 Shotgun: 430 Other: 431

Melee Weapons 433 Grineer 433 Corpus 436 Syndicate 437

Vehicle and Ship Weapons 441 Grineer 441 Light: 441 Medium: 442 Heavy: 443 Corpus 444 Light: 444 Medium: 445 Heavy: 446 Syndicate 447 Light: 447 Medium: 448 Heavy: 449


Grineer 451

Corpus 453

Syndicate 455

Infested 457

Wild 459


[8] Introduction Let’s start off with the basics: does this need to exist?

Probably not. No one asked for this, I have very little doubt that there’s not even more than a handful of people who’ll read fully through this little manual, much less actually play this game; especially now that I’ve started off my introduction on such a downer note in a piss-poor attempt to me ironically funny. But I don’t particularly mind that.

So why DOES this exist, then? Well, because I felt like giving something to the Warframe community and I’ve been getting way to into the ideas behind tabletop RPGs lately. I can’t program, I can’t animate, but I can write, I can imagine, and while I’m not a huge fan of them I kind of fancy myself decent when it comes to working with numbers. So, I thought this up, I slapped this together, I look to improve it, and I’m hoping those that play this enjoy it.

Short introductions, I suppose. I suppose I should give a shoutout to Pavelord, even though I didn’t call him in for help on this specific work his help in the previous and sloppier incarnation of this idea definitely helped set the groundwork for what this would become. Props to ya, man.

And… that’s all the introduction I have. You’ll find I’m less short with words from this point on, so consider yourself warned. But, moreover, enjoy.


[9] Chapter 1: Background In the far-flung future long-gone are all traces of any modern civilization, for in humanity’s future the great Orokin Empire was founded. This empire spanned the whole of the Solar System – known since those times as Origin – and united all of humanity together under a single banner, new traditions, and a period of scientific progress that resulted in technologies once thought just the stuff of dreams. The Orokin stood unrivaled by any… until the Old War.

The Orokin Empire found itself faced with a race of creatures known as the Sentients. The details of the war are sparse, but a few facts are known: the Orokin were unable to hold back the Sentients on their own and were nearly defeated, they unleashed warrior-gods known as the Tenno who turned the tide of battle and brought the Sentient threat to heel, and when the war had reached its culmination the Tenno betrayed the Orokin, destroyed their Empire and then vanished into the void of time.

It is from the wake of this Betrayal and the Collapse of the Orokin Empire that the Origin System slowly became what it is today. Technology fell into a dark age, the scattered remains of the Orokin people gave up on their traditions and even their name, and between the march of time and the Great Plague that ravaged the colonies before its sudden disappearance, Origin no longer even resembles what it once was. From the smoldering embers of the Collapse two factions have risen to rule the System: the Grineer Empire and the Corpus Corporation.

But they do not enjoy the other’s company. The Grineer barely tolerate the Corpus because of their need for the Corporation’s expertise in long-forgotten-and-lost Orokin technology, and the Corpus are resentful of the Grineer for the history of atrocities the Empire has committed in the pasts of those who founded their organization. It is only through the faintest but most-dire of needs that the Corpus have been allowed to become what they are, and through the fear of retaliation that the Grineer stand widely unopposed by them.

In an era of fragile coexistence between the oppressive Empire and covetous Corporation, tensions run high, conflicts between the two factions happen and are quickly ignored in favor of maintaining mutual trade and assistance, and each side is wary of its supposed ally.

[10] Complicating this twisted political maelstrom further are the multitudes of terrorist groups collectively known as Syndicates. Bound together by a loose affiliation similar to that of the one between the greater Corpus and Grineer, these groups struggle and strive to bring down the Corporation and Empire, each fighting in their own way and seeking to heal Origin through the institution of their personal beliefs. They are not always friendly with one another, they are not of the same mind on many things, but they do stand opposed to the same enemies – an alliance of convenience binds them, for now at least.

This, long before the Tenno begin to make their return to fight for Origin once more, is known as the Armistice Era, a lone period of collaboration after one of brutal attempts at genocide and enslavement. This is where your story begins…

[11] Chapter 2: Factions and Groups As the Armistice Era dawned, Origin found itself divided up between the two superpowers that now rule over it: the Grineer Empire and the Corpus Corporation. These two factions, bound together by only a loose alliance of needs, dominate all activity and life within the System, their goals and ideals spelling terrible fates for all of those who choose to not submit fully to them.

The Empire, filled with degenerative clone soldiers, dreams of an Origin System where they and they alone rule over all. Loyal to their Queens above all else, the Grineer seek to impose the Sisters’ will upon all others who call the Origin System home.

The Corporation, merchants and scientists, these men and women seek to grow their own power in Origin through the exploitation of as many groups as possible and the rediscovery of ancient Orokin technology. The Corpus seek Profit above all else.

Colonist-founded rebel groups also vie for power within the system, trying desperately to bring some semblance of freedom to the oppressed Colonists, but their efforts are met with only more struggle. Many have risen and fallen throughout the years, but those that exist now may be the ones to stand the test of time.

These Syndicates, only loosely affiliated through temporary alliances and by their shared desires for a free Origin System, work tirelessly to bring the suffering of the people of Origin to a stop by combatting the Grineer and Corpus through varying means.

So, which side will you choose?

Are you are a proud soldier of the Grineer Empire, an ambitious employee of the Corpus Corporation, or one of the rebels that make up any of the Syndicates?

Furthermore, are you one of the Vorian Armada’s ever-inquisitive searchers of knowledge, poking around at things others consider best-left forgotten, or one of the Nightwatch, brutal secret police of the Empire?

[12] Are you one of the toiling engineers of Chilton Manufacturing, experts in robotics and manufacturing, or one of the sly and devious employees of Beecloud Hivemind Development?

Do you subscribe to the Red Veil’s anarchistic views and desire to burn away the corruption of Origin to begin anew, or with New Loka’s vision of a brighter future through the reclamation of human purity?

Whatever your decision, know that it is your duty to both uphold your faction’s ideals but also help to maintain the fragile alliance that you and your faction of choice holds with the other it begrudgingly shares Origin with. All Groups have access to the same class archetypes (see Section 4: Classes and Abilities) but depending on the Faction you choose your character will have a particular variation of that archetype. Each Faction and Group also has bonuses to the Stats and Skills of a character associated with them and a unique trait that in some way benefits your character.

[13] The Grineer Empire The history of the Grineer Empire begins in the Orokin Era, but the Grineer do not being as soldiers: they begin as slaves. Cloned workers bred for the sole purpose of performing the manual labor of the empire – be it mining or repair work, construction or sanitation – to allow the proper citizens of Origin the chance to pursue goals of their own accord and serve the Empire without the niggling worries of such tasks nipping at their minds. Kept uneducated and sheltered to prevent uprising, when the Old War began the Orokin desperately sought out new ways to fight against their adversary. At some point they turned to the Grineer.

These slaves were redesigned, recreated within the Orokin labs, turned from a race of slave- workers and into soldiers bred and raised to fight the Orokin’s war for them. The end of the Orokin wiped out untold knowledge, and the exact details of what happened to the Grineer during the war are uncertain; but one fact is known to all: at some point the Grineer turned on their creators and masters, the Orokin, as the war continued to fall apart around them. The Grineer fought against what remained of the Orokin Empire well into after the Collapse, barely managing to compete against them in their broken and disorganized state of near-civil war.

Then came the pair that would eventually become known as the Twin Queens. These twins, born of the Orokin during the Old War, at first were used as weapons against them – the unity they shared, a bond that was deeper than mere sisterhood, a powerful weapon against the hordes of clone-soldiers; but it also turned into a source of inspiration to the rebellious clones, and, in time, of admiration and even worship. Where the sisters were united, they were separate, divided into their various groups with differing ideals; they craved what these two sisters had above all else; they hungered for the kind of unity they had.

Again the history of Origin fails, but what is known is that the Twin Queens turned on the Orokin, took command of the Grineer, unified them into a singular, unstoppable force, and decimated what remained of the already-shattered Empire. From this, the Grineer came to rule Origin, the Twin Queens their masters, with a fist of unmatched cruelty. But all was not well for this new Empire. The Orokin, desperate though they were, had not made the Grineer without a means to curb them, a flaw in their very genes. They were rotten in the worst of ways: sterile, unable to reproduce without the cloning technology of the Orokin.

[14] Some Grineer accepted this, others reviled it, and this difference of opinions continues to this very day; but no matter what their thought on it may be, all can agree on a singular truth: they are dying. In the beginning the technology the Grineer stole from the Orokin allowed them to breed new batches of their kind with impunity, hundreds at a time, and the Solar Rails allowed them to travel through Origin in the blink of an eye; but as the years passed their own inability to comprehend the intricacies of Orokin Technology caught up with them. The cloning vats they were using suffered from the wear and tear of time, as did the Rails. Slowly but surely, as the Orokin cloning technology became more and more Grineer as they strived to repair it with their own inferior technology, their one means of reproduction began to fail, and their grip on the Origin System began to loosen.

Just barely able to repair them and certainly incapable of replicating them, the Grineer bred from their failed attempts to do so became more and more genetically corrupt. Their looks became primitive and disfigured, lifespans diminished, crippling mutations ran rampant. The Grineer attempted to mitigate these weaknesses with mechanical augmentations, slowly turning them into a race that was more alloy and steel than flesh and bone. These faults, and the slow failing of their other Orokin-created tools, slowed down their genocidal ambitions and forced them to make deals that have halted, but not reversed, the downfall of their civilization. They were saved at the cost of great amounts of planetary territory – though they have managed to retain full control of the Solar Rail system that links them.

Now the Grineer stand a race of cyborg soldiers, ready for war at a moment’s notice, regulating all within Origin and exterminating those who do not fall in line. Though not without their own internal struggles and differing ideologies, they are truly and unshakably devoted to their Queens, who rule Origin even to this day, and serve them with unfaltering loyalty. Every member of every force within the Grineer will lay down their life in service to their glorious rulers, every Grineer does their part from the greatest and most war-hungry soldiers to the most genetically flawed and subservient workers built into construction equipment.

Though all cloned Grineer are born within the world-spanning labs of Uranus’ oceans, once they have reached maturity they are assigned to a particular force within the Empire where they serve an extended term. This assigned force greatly influences them not only in terms of outfitted

[15] equipment and training but also influences their personalities; the clones tend to take after, in one way or another, the figureheads of each of the groups. Skills and interests shared by these leaders find ways into the soldiers under their command, melding with them to form a greater whole. Whether this is a benefit or a curse depends on the person considering it.

These groups are not the final destination for many Grineer, however, they are still bound to the whims and desires of the greater Empire. Fire teams comprised of Grineer from many different forces are fairly commonplace, used to handle delicate situations where the ham-fisted force of the Empire’s armies would only cause greater hardship for itself; a surprisingly wise tactic, given those who command such behaviors. When something requires a knife rather than a maul, these groups are deployed.

Grineer, however, does not specifically refer to clones. Any who give themselves fully to the will of the Queens are considered Grineer and treated as such – with perhaps a little variation. This requires full dedication, however, and any who join the Grineer through such a manner are watched closely for any signs of disloyalty, signs that are punished the same way all other Grineer disloyalty is. It is a heavy price to pay, but for some the chance to escape oppression – even if they are trading it for a different kind of oppression – is worth it. In the same vein as this: those clones that refuse to bow down and obey the commands of the Twin Queens are considered to not be Grineer. Deserters, traitors, and even disgraced failures are either executed on the spot or sent to the Rathuum arenas, where they partake in trial by combat to prove their right to live, watched and jeered at by the nobles and high-ranking commanders of the Empire.

The exploitation with which the Corpus Corporation handled them remains fresh in the minds of many Grineer, however, the higher-ups of the Empire in particular. As such, it is not uncommon for when issues in Corpus territory arise for the Grineer to take an interest and dispatch soldiers to keep an eye on the situation. Whether it be just a lone Lancer or a small force, the Empire likes to keep its supposed allies on a short leash.

Faction Bonus: The Repair Skill may be used in place of Heal or Class Abilities to restore your character’s Health.

[16] Vorian Armada His superior towered over him, red silk draped over the red-brown alloy plating of his shoulders. In one hand he held a red and metal-grey handgun embellished with golden filigree just high enough and at just the right angle so the prostrated Grineer could see his finger on the trigger; his other hand, prosthetic rather than armored, crossed over his chest to rest on a golden key inlaid into his breastplate, the casual tapping of his alloy fingers prompting slight sparks of golden light to crackle and burst along its surface.

Behind him sat others, subordinates with various items that resembled the key in some ways affixed to their persons. They mumbled and whispered among themselves, stock contrast to their superior’s silence. The soldier could only wait in terrified anticipation, his rotten heart beating more furiously in his chest than it ever had before this moment.

Finally his superior removed his hand from his key, causing the sparks to cease, and held it up, calling for silence from his inferiors.

“So,” the Admiral’s voice echoed as the formerly mute and thoughtful expression on his face turned to a triumphant grin, “where did you find this ‘cache’?”

Vor looks upon the Grineer under his command as if they were his own flesh and blood children, his own offspring, sons and daughters, and this carries into the soldiers under his command. They look at each other and see more than just comrades-in-arms, they see brothers, sisters; the Armada is as much a family as it is an imperial fighting force, and for some within the Armada this view extends to the whole of the Grineer regardless of which force they belong to; all Grineer within the Empire are kin, fighting side-by-side for their Queens.

But the Vorian Armada, the largest part of the great Imperial Fleet, is a force within the Empire that is looked upon by outside Grineer with equal parts respect and suspicion. On one hand they are led by Admiral Vor, a seasoned commander and unfalteringly-loyal servitor to the Queens, and share his dedication to the Empire’s cause; on the other they also share in Vor’s obsession with relics of the ancient Orokin Empire, living under suspicion of possessing such trinkets – suspicions that, for the Admiral and Inquisitors at least, are very much true.

Enquiring by nature, soldiers of the Armada are not afraid to plumb the darkest depths of the Origin Systems’ lost legends. For some this is far too in line with Corpus tendencies, but the

[17] Queens tolerate these behaviors in the hopes it presents a boon for their Inquisition, but as Vor and his “children” press further into ancient histories and myths there may come a time when they choose no longer to abide such prying. Should the Armada’s actions come to threaten the safety of the Empire, there will be a dear price to pay.

Admiral Vor leads the group from his personal Galleon, the Queens’ Heart. Under his command are a number of vice-admirals that, while mandated to obey his orders, are sometimes just as suspicious of him as outsiders to the Armada are. One vice-admiral in particular, Boril, holds his own favor with the Queens, and dreams of taking Vor’s position from him.

More Inquisitors exist within the Armada than any other force within the Empire, and those Inquisitors outside of it often see the Grineer of the Armada as kindred spirits; well-trained Hellions ensure that the Armada’s fleet is a terror to face in battle, and the Elite Lancers serve as crew to the ships they pilot.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +2 Intelligence +12 Lore-Orokin +1 Charisma +9 Lore-Sentients +3 Wisdom +9 Lore-Tenno Special: All Accuracy Checks have a minus ten (-10) bonus and all damage rolls have two (2) additional dice when attacking or using offensive Abilities against enemies that are making use of Orokin technology.

Frontier Army Sweat weighed thick and heavy on his mottled brow, but he knew the metal of his hand wouldn’t be able to wipe it away, so he didn’t waste the effort. Toork hated this jungle wasteland and everything in it; the trees, the fresh breezes that cut into his sickly skin; most of all, he hated the unbreakable silence that was draped over every inch of the forest. It was never-ceasing, never- stopping, just constant, uninterrupted nothing.

There was the constant sniffing and scratching of his Drahk beast, but it was so meager compared to the quiet around him. How he longed for the buzz and thrum of machines from the labs of his birth, or the constant clanking and grinding of Ceres’ shipyards. Not even the treks

[18] through the black abyss of space had been this unbearably silent. It was enough to drive a man mad; Toork wasn’t really sure if he wasn’t already.

Then his Drahk reared up and snarled in its squealing voice. It had the scent, it had found the trail again. Finally.

Toork grunted and pressed on ahead, following the beast as it led the way to his quarry.

In the beginning, the Frontier Army’s purpose was to secure Earth, the birthplace of humanity and jewel of Grineer conquest, against any groups that might have tried to stake a place for themselves upon it. The Empire had fought hard to take the planet as their own, and they would not lose control of it. Their time was devoted to rooting out and exterminating scavengers and exiles that sought to use Earth as a hiding place or refuge. This changed when Councilor Vay Hek rose to power through the “elimination” of his opponents in the Grineer courts.

Vay Hek was able to install puppets in nearly all high-ranking positions of Grineer society, giving him a reach throughout Origin exceeded only by the Queens themselves. Taking a personal interest in Earth and the Queen’s wishes to wipe out the Orokin Era forests upon it to make way for permanent colonization he took full control of the Frontier Army, but as his efforts have met without lasting success he has also diverted the army’s attention to also enforcing his will and edicts elsewhere throughout Origin.

Due to their close work with the Councilor, Grineer serving in the Frontier Army have become increasingly more aware on the details of goings-on of politics in the Origin system, which also makes them far more capable in the fields of diplomacy and deception, while at the same time exposure to Vay Hek’s ability to rouse Grineer spirits through propaganda and declarations has left them with similar talent; and as their training primarily includes living off of the land, they are some of the Empire’s greatest survivalists.

Councilor Vay Hek never leads the Army in person – though he makes the occasional conjugal visit to address them in person, then returns to the courts – but all major plans for action flow through his administration first. In his place his uses Magistrates and on-the-ground commanders – such as the grim-mannered Commissar Stal – to lead the Army in the field.

[19] Huntsmen are most commonly found in the Army due to the original setting of their operations, while Elite Lancers, Butcher, and Bailiffs make up the backbone of its modern work; Vay Hek also employs numerous Magistrates to spread word of his decrees, and the Councilor makes use of Mephites to study the “Orokin weeds,” as he calls them, for weaknesses.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +2 Dexterity +9 Athletics +1 Intelligence +6 Diplomacy +2 Charisma +6 Knowledge-Politics +1 Wisdom +9 Survival Special: Deploy an immobile, untargetable Propaganda Done to a target location, giving all allies within eighteen (18) meters of it one (1) additional dice to all damage rolls for five (5) rounds. This is considered a Free-Action but may only be used once per combat session.

Arid Constabulary The armored soldiers rifled through her belongings, destroying her home from the inside out. The one they called Sergeant, covered head-to-toe in sand-colored armor stormed up to her and glared down at her. He garbled something in a language she couldn’t understand.

“What?” Klia’s voice was a quiver of fear, almost drowned out completely the noise of the other soldiers as they continued their search.

The Sergeant started to garble the words again, before growling and calling one of his comrades over. The second soldier listened as his commander repeated the same gruff and intelligible syllables.

He translated: “where is the contraband?”

“I don’t have any!” her voice still quivering.

The Sergeant repeated the question, the soldier translated: “where is the contraband?”

“I don’t have any!” Klia exclaimed again, the quiver of her voice had turned into a shuddering bawl.

[20] The Grineer Sergeant snarled and grabbed her roughly by the throat, picking her up and slamming her back onto the ground in one swift motion. Though dazed from the impact, she still heard what he said next; she didn’t need the second soldier to translate this one word, she knew exactly what it meant.


The armistice between the Corpus and Grineer resulted in drastic losses of territory for the Empire due to deals cut with the Corporation. The Arid Constabulary represents everything about the their attempts to hold onto some semblance of control in these territories by policing them and enforcing Grineer law upon non-Corpus-affiliated Colonists that attempt to make these places their home. Primarily functioning in the Mars Sector off of Phobos, they work with brute efficiency and lack of tact.

Because of their actions and rabid devotion to crushing any that would oppose the edicts and decrees of the Sisters, the Arid Constabulary is most often what the Colonists of Origin think of when they picture the face of Grineer brutality: it is thorough, vicious, never-doubting in its beliefs that those deemed guilty are hiding something that would threaten the Empire and never- ceasing in its tries to see those guilty parties punished by Grineer “justice”. Steadfast and resolved, they are the mighty fist of the Empire, the hammer it uses to reform Origin as it desires.

Constabulary standards dictate that non-Grineer forces be regulated and controlled through whatever means necessary. The vast majority of Arid soldiers follow such beliefs. The Constabulary force regulations also dictate that its soldiers be kept at the pinnacle of fitness and strength at all times, which makes them some of the more physically powerful – though not necessarily without some ailments of their own – Grineer in the system and in all the better at carrying out the orders of the Queens for it.

The Constabulary is overseen by Lieutenant Lech Kril, a season war hero from early conflicts with the Corpus: his age shown in the simplicity of his armor’s coolant systems, though they function fine while unstressed. In contrast, Sergeant Graa, a dangerously-vicious and machine-savvy woman and contemporary of Kril, has some of the newer augmentations.

Due to the culture of brutality the Constabulary promotes, Butchers and Bailiffs are common troops within this force, using their physical strength to terrorize the colonies while

[21] Hellions provide terror from the skies. Exterminators are also well-known in their ranks, a source of terror for the Colonists that they lord over.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +4 Strength +15 Intimidate +2 Constitution +9 Knowledge-Local +6 Muscle Special: During your turn you may choose to deactivate the coolant systems in your augmentations, causing you to suffer five (5) damage directly to your Health per turn at the end of your turn but adding Heat damage and one (1) additional damage die to all attacks and offensive abilities you make. Activating or deactivating this ability is considered a Free-Action but may only be used once per turn.

Grustrag Reconditioning Ra’sathak sat back and observed.

As was expected, the soldier was resisting his bonds. Every cut and stab, every electric shock from the machines surrounding him caused him to pull on them harder. It was futile of course, but it was fascinating to observe his responses – academically, of course.

A brace held his head in place, forced his eyes forward. A screen dead ahead showed a sequence of slides, images that repeated over and over: Corpus, their robotics, their facilities, accompanied by pain.

This one had been sent in after his superiors had found him to be assaulting his fellow soldiers outside of weapon drills. He’d given no proper answers, just snarls and growls when the question was brought up. His aggression was fascinating, useful, but it was directed the wrong way. This treatment would refocus it.

Ra’sathak stood and approached.

He stood at the side of the operating table for a moment, watching the soldier pick up on his presence. He loosed the restraints…

The soldier jumped at him, kept down by the restraints that were still in-place.

[22] No, he wasn’t ready yet.

The scientist retightened the bonds and walked away.

Ra’sathak sat back and observed.

Grustrag Recondition is one of the Empire’s best-kept secrets. While the oceans of Uranus are home to Drekar and their work in creating and perfecting new generations of clone soldiers to serve the Queens, no one, not even some within the Empire, is really sure where the various Grustrag projects are carried out. Rumors and faulty intelligence suggest their facilities to be located everywhere from shared space on Uranus’ ocean floor to hidden orbital labs encircling Mercury. To date, no credible information has ever been found – or at least reported in.

These eponymously-named Grustrag projects are a number of different type of conditioning experiments designed to psychologically enhance the lethality of Grineer soldier in combat and their loyalty to the Queens. Through the “Agony Treatment” and other similar regimens, faculty attempt to remove, or at least shift, the aggression of more-troublesome Grineer, making them more docile toward their own kind and more hostile towards others, all while working to strengthen loyalty to the Queens and weed out any sympathies towards non-Grineer.

Grustrag Reconditioning forces come in two distinct types: staff and patients. The staff of their facilities are callous and calculating researchers and guards, focused on their own success while often being blind to their own faults and ensuring others remain the same way. The patients that move in and out of the labs, if they ever leave at all, are crazed, violent criminals that are too dangerous to be left in the field, even by Grineer standards. All associated with Grustrag Reconditioning are insane, just in their own particular ways.

Doctor Tengus is the facilities’ Director, largely due to his connections to Councilor Vay Hek. While Councilor Zara Is’tar holds domain over the Grustrag Recondition, she distances herself from its work frequently to pursue sport hunting, arena viewing, and other hobbies, leaving a power vacuum that Tegus and Vay Hek often fill in her absence.

Mephites oversee and operate the various Grustrag programs and experiments. Manics and Exterminators are the most common types of soldiers deployed from the reconditioning facilities,

[23] prompted to mania or having their own psychosis curbed, and even some Hellions have been put through the labs and came out more fearless than ever before.

Group Stats:

Stats: Skills: +2 Constitution +9 Agility +2 Dexterity +9 Athletics +2 Intelligence +4 Heal +8 Knowledge-Medical Special: All Charisma-related Skill or Stat Checks made against your character have a plus ten (+10) penalty.

Elite Forces Thirteen-hundred pounds of Ferrite ammunition, twelve-hundred pounds of Polymer bindings, seven tons of Cryotic, four tons of Oxium, one crate of Orokin Cells, and three Portable Orokin Technical Augmentation and Tactical Offensive devices… All just as it read on the manifesto.

Fra’ara looked over the Corpus merchant again. He just stood silent with a grin on his face, confident and sure. It almost seemed to be begging her to shoot it off – but she had her job, and killing those who sold to the Empire wasn’t it. “You have nothing else to declare?” she asked, voice raspy and dry.

“Not a thing,” the merchant said, the tone of his voice just like the stupid smug expression plastered on his face. Warm. Inviting. Irritating in every way.

Fra’ara looked over the crates and manifesto again before waving him clear to go. The merchant bowed with extravagance and expressed his gratitude, sending the cargo MOAs and sleds they carried the goods on forward as the portcullis opened.

Fra’ara cracked her neck. All she wanted was for one of these milk-sops to give her an excuse, any excuse for her to take her Grakata and… “Next,” she barked at the awaiting line.

Saturn is a political hotspot in Origin. On one hand the Corpus guilds Beecloud and Luksor jointly operate a gas-harvesting business in the area, as they do on Jupiter; on the other, the Grineer

[24] have located the orbital training facilities for their Elite Forces there. Though vying for territory is a null matter given orbital laws, the Grineer attempt to enforce strict trade regulations and tariffs with their presence while the Corpus try to smuggle and cheat their way around them to keep as much Saturn-harvested gas, and occasional Orokin artifact find, for themselves as possible.

Colonel Sargas Ruk, a graduated soldier of the Elite Forces, is the ambassador in charge of overseeing Grineer-Corpus relations and sorting out any messy entanglements that arise between the two. He does this for the glory of his Queens, but he does so begrudgingly; Sargas Ruk’s opinions of the “greedy-milk” Corpus are not of high regard, and his own views upon the frailty of flesh have led him to use the wealth earned from the tariffs on Corpus shipments to finance his own transformation into a more and more mechanical being.

The Elite Forces have no universal views, but their training leaves them some of the best- versed Grineer in the art of war throughout all of Origin. Those that work closely with Ruk in his diplomatic “endeavors” are known to sometimes pick up on his more extreme leanings, especially in regards to the views of flesh as a flaw and the utter inferiority of the Corpus and Colonists. As Ruk himself is no true negotiator, not even those that work closely with him have any real skill in diplomacy, though they pick up some minor knowledge of the art.

Though Sargas Ruk is one of the more well-known faces of the Elite Forces, and a poster- boy for the Empire’s might, it is General Rea Krurr who is the supreme leader of the group. As Krurr’s body is beginning to fail her, however, she has begun to groom Ruk as her replacement. Rumors suggest that Ruk is enraged by the fact Krurr’s soon-to-be passing.

Seekers, Huntsmen, Elite Lancers, Butchers: the Elite Forces train as many possible types of units as they can to be prepared to address as many situations as the needs of the Empire require of them. Even Inquisitors can be found among their ranks, specifically the kind that are more likely to destroy Orokin relics as-per the Queens’ will than retain them.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +2 Strength +3 Diplomacy +2 Constitution +4 Intimidate +1 Intelligence +3 Knowledge-Politics +1 Wisdom +5 Pilot

[25] +5 Weapon-Firearm +5 Weapon-Melee +5 Weapon-Special Special: Gain five (5) bonus armor for all allied Grineer within six (6) meters of them and grant three (3) bonus armor to all allied Grineer within three (3) meters of them.

Drekar Marines “Making the first incision… now,” the doctor said into the medical recorder as she slowly lowered the scalpel into the midsection of her subject. The Colonist buckled against the restraints as much as he could as the blade cut into his flesh, crying out through the surgical gag as the doctor slowly traced a thin but deep line across his belly. “Subject responds to pain as expected. Administering thirty-two-cc’s of trial-seven nerve tranquilizer… now.”

A green-blue liquid began to funnel through the tubes off to the side and into the Colonist’s veins. Within minutes the screams and reflex reactions had ceased and the Colonist’s eyes had rolled back into his head, the doctor made another incision, prompting zero response from her subject. She made a third, this time in a deep gash along his forehead, cutting into bone; still the Colonist showed no signs of reaction.

“Subject responds to tranquilizer just as hoped,” the doctor set the scalpel down and reached down to one of the medical table’s lower shelves. “Proceeding to phase two of testing...”

With a pull of the cord, the Atterax began to whirr and buzz. “… Now.”

Deep within the oceans of Uranus lurks Tyl Regor, Grineer geneticist obsessed with correcting the flawed cloning processes of the Grineer and overseer of all Grineer cloning programs. Though all Grineer life begins in the labs of Uranus not all of it leaves to be placed elsewhere in Origin; some, a lucky chosen few, are tasked with safeguarding the labs from any outside threats – be they rogue clones, Corpus saboteurs, or darker things the Queens only speak in whispers about.

Such Grineer are not chosen haphazardly, however; Regor’s quest for Grineer genetic perfection drives him to only choose the most genetically complete of Grineer to protect his work. Such suitable soldiers are trained to join the Drekar Marines, a guardian force that almost never

[26] moves out of the labs to serve the Empire elsewhere – only doing so on order of the Queens, Council, or Regor himself. Should they step beyond the halls of the sealabs, though, they are known excel at completing their task.

Like the scientist that handpicks them to provide his work with security, the Drekar Marines seek the perfection of the Grineer genetic code above all else; whether they see such perfection in themselves or not, however, it another matter entirely; regardless, it is common for Drekar Marine to have decent knowledge of medicinal practices. Regor’s choices for soldiers are not made lightly, and he picks only the fittest and most intelligent clones from all of his “tubemen” to watch over and protect his glorious endeavors.

Due to his labs being primary beneficiaries of Drekar forces, Tyl Regor has immediate command over their forces – at least within his domain. However, in the broader scope of politics, it is Councilor Kl’aor of the Grineer Sol Council – a fan of the tactics of the Manics commonly found within Drekar forces – uses the Drekar military might to further her own agendas.

Mephites are perhaps most commonplace within the Drekar Marines, and Regor’s choices in tinkering with the Grineer genome also lend themselves to the existence of powerful Manics within the ranks. Drekar forces also make use of a number of Elite Lancers are similarly trained forces to secure the Grineer labs against any attacks.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +2 Constitution +9 Agility +2 Dexterity +9 Athletics +2 Intelligence +6 Heal +6 Knowledge-Medical Special: All healing Skills, Items, or Abilities used on yourself or other Grineer or Grineer- origin Steel Meridian restore an additional twenty-five (25) Health.

Nightwatch Corps The Corpus official dropped to the floor, twitching and grabbing at his throat in panic. His head hung limply on the half of his neck that still remained connected to his shoulders, but there was no blood, no mess, no screams – the Sheev’s cauterizing edge had taken care of that,

[27] burned through even the vocal cords. He was a mute, gasping heap on the floor, helpless as Skirr took his head in his hands and twisted what life remained out of him. The crack broke the silence for only a moment.

Skirr’s already gaunt and haunting face twisted further with a grotesque and malevolent smile. He set the body back into its chair, posing it as it had been when it first sat down, and then fell back into the shadows by the door. He waited. Minutes passed before the rest of the management staff entered the conference room. Speaking and talking with one another, distracting themselves as they were, it wasn’t well until the last of them had entered that they realized the state of their coworker.

With one mechanical hand, Skirr locked the door; with the other he raised his Sheev.

“The Queens have declined your proposal.”

The Nightwatch Corps. The shadow in space. The secret police of the Grineer Empire. These Grineer are the eyes and ears of the Queens themselves, the enforcers of their will where the knife is needed instead of the hammer, acting with subtly and efficiency over raw power and numbers. Chosen from only those clones that exhibit exceptional sadism at a young age, the Corps is filled with only the most bloodthirsty and cunning of Grineer; but none is more vicious than their leader and mentor, Kela de Thaym.

Kela herself is the product of direct molding the Twin Queens. Taken on as one might adopt a daughter, the Sisters tutored the girl personally, shaping her into less of a person and more of a weapon, outfitting her with only the more elaborate and efficient of Grineer augmentation. Or, that is how the stories go. What is truth and what is fiction within the tales of Kela’s rise to power, however, can only be guessed at; but regardless of her true origins, Kela is without doubt a force of Grineer power to be reckoned with.

The Grineer of the Nightwatch Corps have but one purpose: enforcing the will of the Queens by eliminating all those, Grineer, Corpus, or otherwise, that threaten their rule of the Empire. This doctrine is drilled into their head long past the time its beliefs have taken full hold of them, and it twists their minds into calculating machines loyal to the Queens. There is no mercy from these Grineer, there is no hesitation, there is often no feeling – there is only service to the Queens, there is only death for those who oppose the Sisters.

[28] Kela de Thaym acts as both the military leader and political overseer of the Nightwatch Corps, but is known to also spend considerable time around the Rathuum trial arenas. With the Corps spread throughout the System she has many agents she can call on. Gorth is one of these agents: a ranking Nightwatch officer that is cunningly brutal and brutally cunning.

The most twisted of Manics receive the most thorough of training from in this force, and Huntsmen learn tracking skills not even those of Earth could hope to manage. Hellions are given advanced flight training within their private academies, and an Inquisitor of the Nightwatch is a terrifying entity: feared for both their power and their cunning.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +3 Dexterity +6 Bluff +3 Wisdom +6 Empathy +6 Intimidate +6 Perception +6 Stealth Special: Whenever an enemy makes a Perception or Empathy check against you add a plus five (+5) penalty to their roll; whenever you make an Intimidation check add a minus ten (-10) bonus to your roll.

Kwuim’Rus Joor’s blood pooled on the ground below him, mixing with the bile the beatings had forced up from his stomach. His legs had already been broken, his arms dislocated; it hurt just to prop himself up on his elbows, but he wouldn’t be intimidated.

The gauntlet of his interrogator grabbed him by the collar of his armor and pulled him up. The other Grineer was ancient, perhaps as old as Vor or Hek, perhaps older. His eyes had been replaced with crude prosthesis, his mouth had mechanics running along the jawline that whirred and buzzed as he ground metal teeth together.

“You… are a... an old fool,” he spluttered through a mouthful of blood.

The older Grineer dropped him back on the ground. “You brought this upon yourself. This is your doing.” There was the unmistakable sound of a Kraken being loaded. “Know that.”

[29] Joor snarled. “The Queens lead us, rule us, but they’re not god-” he was silenced by a strike that forced more blood up from his belly.

“The Queens’ Empire has no need for your blasphemy.” The cold metal of the pistol pressed hard against his skull; Joor didn’t waste his last breaths on a plea.

In the early days of their rebellion the Grineer were splintered, barbarous clans led by the most powerful and cunning warlords, just as at war with each other as they were with the failing Orokin Empire. It was not until the Twin Queens took up leadership of them that the infighting between the Grineer ended and they were unified into a singular army, ruled by the Queens who, in the time leading up to that, had become legendary figures to the Grineer; as time passed their status in the eyes of their followers only grew, until they became, to many, goddess-like.

The Kwuim’Rus (in Grineese, literally: Queens’ Will) is a sect of Grineer who have taken to this worship far more than any other. To them, the Queens are gods in mortal form, divine in every aspect and worthy of nothing but the purest devotion, and so the Kwuim’Rus takes it upon itself to ensure that the Empire has such devotion; first and foremost those within their ranks. Only the Grineer with the greatest piety to the Twin Queens are tolerated within its ranks, and if those they find to be lackluster in that area do not change their views they are disposed of.

Externally, the Kwuim’Rus operates like any other Imperial force. They favor war- machines and mechanical devices and hold notoriety for their expertise with such; but their core identity remains, and its members carry an unspoken tenant wherever they go and in whatever they do: ensure all revere the glory of the Queens, by any means necessary. Naturally, this mentality extends to the Corpus and Colonists as well, with the Kwuim’Rus having something of a soft spot for the latter, seeing them as the most malleable of potential converts.

The leader of the Kwuim’Rus keeps his identity hidden from others, even to those within his organization. He instead uses the pseudonym of Preacher in communication both official and unofficial to his people and others. His right-hand-man is Inquisitor Tykar, who uses his knowledge of Orokin relics to further the glorious reign of his Queens.

Unlike those from other groups, Inquisitors of the Kwuim’Rus rarely have interest in hoarding power for themselves, and its Bailiffs and Manics deliver swift justice to those who do

[30] not kneel to the Queens. The Seekers and Hellions of the Kwuim’Rus also know well how to turn device of ship to their advantage in nearly any situation

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +2 Wisdom +4 Device-Electronic +4 Intelligence +4 Device-Mechanical +12 Empathy +10 Repair +5 Knowledge-Device Special: Pilot and Crew Actions you make that generate Strain generate one (1) less Strain than normal; Pilot and Crew Actions you make that reduce Strain reduce one (1) additional Strain; Empathy checks made against Grineer have a minus three (-3) bonus.

[31] The Corpus Corporation During the height of the Orokin Era the people were divided: at the top were the Orokin, the mighty cold and gold rulers of the Empire; below them were the various corpus, family groups bound together in the sciences or other services to the empire and, according to some historical interpretations, Orokin themselves; then there were the common folk, those planet-locked, unaware of a world beyond, toiling at tasks to appease the ones they called “golden skymen,” the Orokin; and at the very bottom were the Grineer clones, slave labor and fuel for the Empire. It was a time of great progress, if little freedom.

Though much of the citizenry were willing to give themselves for eternity, their home had only such much to offer. There came a time when the Origin System fell upon hard times. Solutions were sought, and one was made: the Sentients. They crossed the gap that no others could, passed between the empty Void to a new System: Tau. From this spawned the Old War, the terrible conflict that would eventually cause the collapse of the Orokin. The war raged for a long time, and during this time fuel was needed for the war machine: but more than resources, they needed technology, weapons to arm their warriors with. They turned to their corpus, and the corpus delivered, and for their successes they were greatly rewarded by the Orokin.

But as the corpus had affluence and praise piled upon them, their culture began to change. The Orokin rewarded them with wealth, and the corpus found that the more wealth they gained, the more they desired. Slowly, they began to turn sour to the Orokin, no longer serving their wills but now their own goals: the pursuit of Profit. It was then that the Corpus Corporation was born. The extorted the Orokin’s need for their assistance, demanding more and more in return for what they provided. The Orokin knew no good could come of these changes, but they had no choice but to continue to supply the Corpus with their much-desired Profit. They took to keeping a very close eye upon them, but it was ultimately all for naught.

The Betrayal of the Tenno came, the Grineer uprising began, the Great Plague consumed the System, and as the scattered remains of the Orokin tried and failed to piece their shattered empire back together the Corpus supplied all sides in the conflict with the means to wage war against each other, collecting more and more Profit as time passed. When the war was over, the Orokin dead or having cast-off their old name and assimilated into other groups, the Grineer turned on the Corpus and attempted to break them, killing or enslaving many. The Corpus fought back,

[32] but were not strong enough to defeat the Grineer armies. The Corpus Corporation lost much of its affluence and power, some parts of it being forced to become scavenger groups to survive.

Then, a breakthrough: the Grineer were unable to use the Orokin technologies. Unable to keep them in the peak condition they needed them to be, and slowly that was causing both them and the Grineer themselves to fall apart. Sensing opportunity, the Corpus moved in. With their knowledge of the Orokin technology they were able to help the Grineer stabilize their own failing cloning processes, even help them create augmentation technologies to mitigate their mutations, and rebuild the rails that allowed both the Empire and them access to the furthest corners of Origin. But all of this did not come free of charge: the Corpus that set to these tasks were, above all else, ambitious, Profit-hungry, and exploited every moment of their cooperation with the Grineer.

By the time the assistance of the Corpus had stabilized Grineer society, the Corpus had tactfully wrested control of territories they had lost to Grineer conquest back from them and even taken a large range of new land for themselves. The Corpus Corporation regained the power they had so nearly lost, entering into a state of mutual – if distrusting – cooperation with the Grineer, and trade between the two superpowers benefits each: the Grineer through the parts and knowledge they need to keep their people alive, and the Corpus through the acquisition of their much-beloved Profit and resource with which to build their own defenses.

The modern Corpus are an amalgamation of different ideas and thoughts acquired over the years. From their own beginnings come their worships of the Profit: wealth and affluence almost- personified. From their beginnings as servants of the Orokin, and from the once-Orokin that joined their ranks, comes the continued worship of the Void. The two are separate yet mixed, and while they all seek Profit some look at the Void as a holy icon – they give praise and thanks unto it, and an army of robotic proxies protects them in their tries.

After finishing the general education their local corpus when they reach physical maturity, young Corpus are assigned to one of the guilds within the Corporation based on their scores in various fields from intelligence to physical prowess. Before they are given work within this part of the Corpus, however, they are put through the Indoctrination Temples on Neptune, which help to acclimate the young Corpus to their new place in life, though for these Corpus-born young they

[33] generally do not go so far as to erase memories of their previous education corpus or instill new ideas and beliefs; given the culture of the Corpus and how it raises its young, such a maneuver is usually unnecessary, and when it would be deemed necessary it is not uncommon for the higher- up parents of the young Corpus to pull strings to have them be excluded from the procedure – and, sometimes, such strings are pulled to exclude some youths from the process altogether.

For Colonists who choose to enter the Corpus rather than remain independent the process is slightly different. Rather than be monitored and studied over years to determine where best they belong converts are put through rigorous physical and psychiatric evaluations to determine their place of worth. Once these are complete and assignment has been chosen for them they are sent to the Indoctrination Temples. Those that already display high levels of devotion to the Corpus are generally put through the same simple experiences as Corpus youths, while those who are more “on the fence” about their choice have all traces of their non-Corpus life be rendered meaningless. It is not uncommon for Colonists to enter into the Corporation of their own free will in hopes of providing for their families with what salary they can make in it, only for them to give themselves to the Corpus after their indoctrination and leave their families to slowly die alone.

No matter the manner they enter into the Corporation, however, the end result is always the same: assignment to a particular Guild. But just as the various Guilds of the Corpus work together for the more cohesive whole, so are the individuals expected to cooperate with one another. Though their loyalties are expected to remain with their own Guild and corpus, individuals of interest are sometimes taken and assigned to work with other such, send to handle the more nuance tasks of Origin, usually with an air of subtlety.

Of course their cooperation with the Grineer cannot be avoided, and just as often these individuals – or entire groups of them – are shipped out to assist the Empire which’s infrastructure they help to sustain. The Board often uses these to its advantage, keeping an eye on the Empire from within, and making sure they aren’t violating any of the treaties set in place at the beginning of the Armistice Era.

Faction Bonus: You character may begin the game with one (1) free Corpus-affiliated companion (see Chapter 6: Companions).


Chilton Manufacturing “I hear the Jackal field tests are going well?” Halo Dur asked, picking up his cup and taking another sip of the intoxicating liquid.

“Oh, very,” answered Vahlk. “Full-range tests can be run without issue and our Techs are noticing redundancies in both design and programming that will allow us to reduce mass- production cost by over seventeen percent by the time we’re ready to go to market.”

“But that’s not why you asked me here?”

Vahlk smiled. “We found one.”

Halo set his cup down, the tone becoming impersonal. “Where?”

“The Aeolis Palus, seventeen miles beneath the surface.”

“And you’re sure it’s…?”

“Our initial scans showed a high concentration of scattered Orokin materials; the typical find, good-quality metals and the likes, decent salvage if nothing else. But as we looked closer we noticed that underneath the fragments was what appeared to be an entire structure – shaped like a ring.”

Halo’s breath was caught in his throat, his heart beat with anticipation he hadn’t felt in many, many years. “Have Scrambus and Combas been deployed?”

“With a full MOA detachment,” a smiling Vahlk raised his cup. “By this time next sol, the Void Gate will be ours.”

Chilton Manufacturing is the heart of Corpus Corporation robotic development and production. They construct and test all manner of robotics, designs new and old, from the common MOAs and Ospreys to the devastating Jackal prototypes, these and more are produced and tested by Chilton before deployment into the field or resale to the consumer – though they do not produce the parts for the Robotics themselves but rather have them imported from Luksor’s nano-foundries for assembly and testing within their facilities.

[35] Robotics only make up half of this guild’s operations. While they do operate under the manufacturing title and focus many resources into such projects, Chilton also specializes in the location, excavation, and reclamation of Orokin Era artifacts. Wherever the possibility of Orokin artifacts is discovered, Chilton is called in – or forces its way in – to ascertain the validity of the claims. The Grineer take many of these items, but many more are hoarded away by Chilton – even from other Corpus guilds.

Although Profit and Void worship stretch throughout the Corpus it is within Chilton’s ranks that both are at the height of their influence, deeply resonating with the employees of the guild. Chilton’s workers may see themselves as evangelistic or exceptionally pious in comparison to Corpus of other guilds – others might go so far as to call some from within Chilton “preachy”. Aside from that, however, they are well-versed in the workings of all manner of Corpus robotics, arguably more than those who develop them.

Nef Anyo is one of the most influential members of Chilton, and is believed to possibly be a contender for ownership of the guild. Standing opposed to him, however, is Eml M Ret, head of Chilton’s Board Members who, with the recent passing of his partner and co-founder of Chilton, Davik Kan E, has assumed full control of the guild and is lose it anytime soon.

Corpus Techs are well-educated by Chilton while Auditors help to keep proxies in line; and Scrambus and Comba are plentiful due to their often immediate proximity to newly- discovered-and-recovered Orokin artifacts and technology. The close association with Orokin sites has also inspired many to take up the ways of the Dax.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +3 Intelligence +6 Appraise +1 Charisma +6 Device-Mechanical +2 Wisdom +6 Knowledge-Device +12 Lore-Orokin Special: When examining Orokin items give all Appraise checks a minus ten (-10) bonus; give all Knowledge-Device, Device-Electronic, and Device-Mechanical rolls a minus five (-5) bonus.

[36] Pinnacle Incorporated The voice from the intercom spoke again: “you wish to join the Corpus?”

“Y-yes,” Ma’kel said. This was the first time he had been questioned since the transport dropped him off, the first voice he’d heard in hours.


“My family,” Ma’kel replied, fidgeting in his chair as he lingered on the rest of his answer. “If… I can join the Corpus, I can make a proper living. I can send back everything I don’t need. I’ll be able-.”

“Enough,” the voice commanded, silencing Ma’kel, “you will be processed.”

A door opened in front of him and two Auxiliatrices stepped into the room; Ma’kel stood but they pushed him back down. “Remain seated,” one ordered, pressing his arms against the arms of the chair – metal braces latched them in place, others did the same to his legs, chest, and head. The other Auxiliatrix attached an apparatus to his head and face, tightening it so it forced his eyes open.

As he began to panic a screen descended from the roof of the room and lit up with images.

A few hours later he was no longer panicking. He would never worry for his family again.

Pinnacle Incorporated sits at the heart of all Corporation enterprises. The oldest and arguably most powerful of the guilds, Pinnacle operates from the Corpus capital – the floating metropolises of Neptune. Here, next to the R&D operations of Beecloud Hivemind Development, they record every bit of Corpus intelligence for review: from Orokin dig site coordinates, to shipping lane maps, to the locations and movements of Grineer troops, everything Pinnacle or the other guilds see as potentially useful is stored within the Data Vaults of Neptune.

Pinnacle also operates the Indoctrination Temples, the systems through which young Corpus not-yet assigned to a guild or Colonists looking to join the Corpus both must go through, and ultimately determines who is assigned to which guild. Some in the other guilds accuse Pinnacle of abusing their position to retain all of the best and brightest young Corpus for themselves, or even somehow altering them for their purposes, but no statistical evidence exists to back this – though, given the other half of their enterprise, many remain unconvinced by this.

[37] Pinnacle employees are indoctrinated and trained to be impartial when working on Indoctrination techniques or upholding business regulations, but when preparing for and debriefing people after the processes for each (or when working in the data-management sectors) they are open and even friendly, almost to an uncanny or even unsettling degree. Some employees demonstrate one of these traits far more than the other, or even occasionally both to bipolar degrees, which often makes Pinnacle employees an illustration of extremes.

The Oklu family, one of the oldest families in the entire Corporation, founded Pinnacle Incorporated at the start of the Corpus and has controlled it ever since. With the recent passing of the family’s head, Aramos Oklu, her children, Rald, Gelva, and Gallo, have stepped in to rule the guild together, each taking a Pinnacle-own seat on the Board.

Pinnacle Incorporated makes use of many Auxiliatrices to help prepare unassigned Corpus and would-be Corpus for the Indoctrination Temples, and, though they primarily rely on robotics for security, they also have a number of Auditors and Combas in place to keep the law and Techs to ensure that their facilities are, mechanically, continuously functional.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +3 Intelligence +9 Bluff +3 Charisma +9 Empathy +6 Device-Electronic +6 Knowledge-Device Special: All Diplomacy and Bluff checks when dealing with Colonists and other Corpus, receive a minus fifteen (-15) bonus.

Marvel Security Systems Calia smiled as she watched the monitors. The Grineer were making decent time, even with the few obstacles they’d triggered – laser grids and security quadrant lockdowns, the usual; but the best part was they thought they were doing so very well overcoming all those little obstacles…

Calia wondered how many more she’d have to lift to keep their little show going.

[38] Actually, where were they now? Quadrant Twenty-seven?

Calia moved her hand over the control console and let it linger, sucking on her teeth as she weighed her options. Now? Later? Hmm...

No, she decided, she’d had her fun. She let her index finger flip the alarm switch.

Immediately sirens rang out in Quadrant Twenty-seven, the Grineer on the screen spinning and staring as lights and sounds blared all around them. They had no idea what was going on, their faces were wrought with hilarious expressions of confusion as they tried to understand what they’d done wrong.

As MOAs poured out of their lockers and the Grineer were ambushed by a fight they had no possible chance of winning, Calia kicked her feet up onto the dashboard and leaned back in her chair, her smile wider.

Marvel Security Systems – or as it refers to itself internally: Fortunate Dawn – is the Corpus guild responsible for the creation and maintenance of all Corporation security systems and programming mechanics. For this reason, Marvel is perhaps the only Guild with access to the innermost workings of any of the other four – even Pinnacle Incorporated, for all of its skill in data management, must rely on Marvel for the most in-depth of repairs and security upgrades. If there is a camera in a Corpus facility, Marvel is no-doubt behind its installation and upkeep.

Much like how Luksor Nano Composites develops manufactures the components for robotics assembly for Chilton, Marvel is the company that installs the behavioral cores and programs that Beecloud Hivemind Development produces and fine-tunes the sensor readouts in all Corpus proxies. While security and programming are the limelight of their operations, in the seedy underbelly of Corpus transactions Marvel runs the most wide-spread and influential information- brokering business in the Origin System.

Employees of Marvel are known for their intricate understanding of security, but they are just as well-versed in the secrets within that their security systems are supposed to keep others from knowing. Rumors abound in regards to these seeming breaches of their own security contracts, but Marvel assures all of its customers, Grineer or Corpus, that they do no such thing.

[39] Speaking truthfully or not, the skill with which Marvel employees can operate such devices continues to propagate such rumors.

Marvel is headed by the Oo family: a dynasty of siblings working together to secure shared Profits. They are Fel, Forh, Falas, and Feesa. Fel and Forh Oo serve as the guild’s face on the Board, rotating the members of Marvel’s other seats out constantly; Feesa Oo acts as public relation officer to the Colonists, Grineer, and their employees. Forh Oo’s role is unknown.

Marvel’s work with electronics requires a number of Techs, but the morally-ambiguous elements of their work requires them to incorporate many Infiltrators into their operations, either for personal reason to loan out to other corporate guilds; Auditors are also sometimes contracted out to provide a physical security presence.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +4 Intelligence +12 Device-Electronic +2 Charisma +9 Knowledge-Device +9 Subterfuge Special: When dealing with Corpus security all Subterfuge, Stealth, and Perception Checks gain a minus ten (-10) bonus.

Luksor Nano Composites Hallima looked up from the tablet she was reading, frowning. These schematics, these details, they were impressive, but they were also… insane. The amount of molds that would be needed, the manpower needed – and it would need actual manpower, there was no way even the most fined-tuned of proxies or nano foundries would be able to made adjustments this precise. There would be a lot of further design and appraisal needed, a lot of trial and error, a lot of… lost Profit…

She wasn’t one to question her employers, she served the Corpus well, but this… “Um, Sir, the logistics behind this are… you understand what it is you’re asking?”

Her employer said nothing; he tapped the tablet he was holding. A moment later the screen Hallima’s tablet flashed.

[40] She looked down, face dropping as she saw the amount of credits being deposited into her account. It… well, it might be possible. It wouldn’t be easy, but… “The cost, sir… If… if this isn’t successful, you may just bankrupt the whole-.”

Her employer tapped his tablet again, and Hallima’s own flashed a second time.

Hallima stared at the new number. “… I… I’ll get right to work, Mister Etina.”

Luksor Nano Composites is the bedrock of Corpus industry, running the nano-foundries where proxy hardware is created based on the physical designs of Chilton, others, or – occasionally – their own internal think-tanks. But robotics make up only a small portion of what Luksor does. They are also responsible for ship production, weapons development, and, most notably, are the guild single-handedly responsible and behind the Corpus Corporation’s efforts to reconstruct the fabled Outer Terminus – the connection between Origin and the legendary Tau system.

Like every other Corpus guild, however, Luksor runs side operations to line its own pockets outside of helping the greater Corpus. Uniquely, however, these side operations are run in conjunction with another: hand-in-hand with Beecloud Hivemind Development, Luksor runs a gas harvesting operations, with numerous facilities located in the resource-rich atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. Beecloud operates the political side of the arrangement, allowing Luksor to focus on the issues of labor and shipping.

Luksor employees are perhaps the most down-to-earth of all Corpus employees, in fact the guild is somewhat renowned for their levelheadedness. They tend to be straight-forward, work- oriented, and geared towards the completion of any given task in the most efficient way possible; those working on Outer Terminus repairs or who have spent some time doing so in the past sometimes have more religiously-influenced personalities. Because of this, they often work well with those of the similar-minded Material Packing Solutions

Frohd Bek is the owner and head of the Board representatives of Luksor, and micromanages many of the company’s dealings to ensure that nothing is being funded without his expresses approval. Naturally, Bek’s son, Darvo, also hails from this guild, and having recently shown exceptional skill on his academy exams will make a fine addition to it.

[41] Luksor employs Tech as the heart of its operations, while Rangers and Auditors provide non-proxy security for their installations throughout Origin and Auxiliatrices give medicinal aid to any employees wounded on the job – though none of these incidents are ever recorded, in order to save face, even if they end in the “termination” of employees.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +4 Intelligence +12 Device-Electronic +2 Charisma +9 Knowledge-Device +9 Subterfuge Special: Whenever you apply the Electricity status effect to a Robotic (i.e. MOA, Osprey, Roller) with less than fifty (50) Health it will become incapacitated for the remainder of the battle (unless interacted with by a non-Robotic character).

Beecloud Hivemind Development “Gentlemen, ladies,” Soh Hahot smiled at the projections of his clients and the deteriorating flesh of their faces, “welcome. Before we begin, please remember that all transactions are final and to be paid within one hour of purchase – the accountants provided will assist you with such. Please, refrain from taking your frustrations out on them if you fail to acquire any item or items of interest to you.”

Of course, he knew they wouldn’t.

“Now, today we have a very special treat for you. Our explorers recent came across a buried Orokin cache, but inside they did not find treasure or lost technology – they found… something far more valuable.”

He waved his hands grandiosely in the direction of a pillar and metal shutters lowered to reveal the lot to the bidders.

A humanoid figure, pustules and growths covering its body, oozing with some unidentifiable, toxic-looking liquid. It snarled, smashing itself around its prison in attempts to escape.

[42] “A very special find,” Soh repeated, “the beginning of a new age of bioweapons. Weapons that can be yours, for the right price.”

He paused, taking in their expressions as they stared at the disease-infested Crewman.

“We’ll start the bidding at… forty-thousand.”

Beecloud Hivemind Development is the shadiest guild in all of the Corporation. While each of the other guilds has at least some upfront display of its side-dealings for the others to examine, Beecloud keeps the majority of its secondary operations in blackout zones, far away from prying eyes. Robotics proxy design is their primary profession; Beecloud is the guild responsible for over half of all Corpus proxies in both design and programming routines, making them the beating soul of Corpus robotics creation.

But under the table, Beecloud runs internalized development on everything from slavery rings to bioweapons, testing and selling all manner of creations to the highest black market bidders – Corpus or otherwise. Those they retain are kept locked away deep within their R&D facilities, and while their gas-harvesting partner Luksor knows of some of these transactions, for the most part even they are kept in the dark. Talk also circulates of partnerships with the Black Seed, though if such a thing exists it is on the basis of individuals within the guild.

Despite the dark inner-workings of the guild that most every employee of it has some hand in, those working for Beelcoud are often open and willing to work with others. In doing so, however, they are almost universally interested in pushing some other objective of theirs or their guild’s – be it making new contacts or setting up a trap of beware of rivals. The smart Corpus is one who always has an eye on Beecloud employees whenever they’re around.

Alad V came into ownership of Beecloud after the disappearance of his mentor: the guild’s owner, Halos Durrl. This and Alad’s position as head of Grineer Relations propelled him into a Beecloud-owned seat on the Board, and it is no secret that he has his eyes set on the position of Chairman. Intehb, a known associate of Frohd Bek, is one of Beecloud’s chief researchers.

Infiltrators, Scrambus, Comba, and Auxiliatrices are commonplace within Beecloud, all working toward further the guild’s or their own personal more nefarious pursuit of Profit while

[43] Accountants ensure business progresses as usual. Navigators traffic their goods to both groups within the Corporation and some outside of it.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +2 Intelligence +9 Contacts +2 Charisma +6 Knowledge-Device +2 Wisdom +6 Knowledge-Medical +9 Bluff Special: Contact Skill Checks gain a minus three (-3) bonus; Contact Skill Checks will gain a minus five (-5) bonus if your contact is also a member of Beecloud Hivemind Development.

Black Seed “You… realize you can’t buy my loyalty, correct?”

“Heh, of course. ‘The Black Seed cares not for Profit’; ‘the Black Seed does not need your credits’; ‘the Black Seed has goals greater than the petty quest for wealth.’ Oh, I know your type, yes. I wouldn’t be sitting here if I didn’t think I had something to offer you, something that I knew would… mm, entice you.”

“And… what might that be?”


“… And why do you think that would interest me?”

“Heh, you know why: I’m a high-ranking member of Beecloud, I handle the negotiations with the dogs for Saturn’s gas-harvesting rights personally on a practically-daily basis. You know exactly the kind of influence that grants me within my guild. You know exactly how I could leverage that influence in your favor.”

“… Enlighten me.”

“Shipping lane access to expand your own trade routes to parts of Origin you’re currently excluded, secrets from Beecloud’s vaults not even Luksor is privy to that could greatly further your own research, access… hmm, to the sectors of high importance to the Board.”

[44] “And… in return?”

“I’m, hmm, a man of… simpler tastes.”

“… I see…”

Every Corporation guild is engrossed with Profit, save one notable exception: the Black Seed, the sole part of the Corporation dedicated to the research and production of biotic technology – ecological surveys, genetic engineering of both flora and fauna, bioweapon development, and more. Tolerated only due to the need to keep pace with the Grineer, they are reviled by the majority of the Board due to lingering memories of the Great Plague, and they view the Board with similar animosity – seeing its caution as purposefully sabotaging their success.

The true defining element of the Black Seed, however, is their rejection of the otherwise- universal pursuit of Profit that all other Corpus possess. Black sheep amongst a herd of white- woolen comrades, these Corpus prefer the pursuit of others goals to the acquisition of simple riches, be they power, prestige, or simply petty revenge against the Board they see as wronging them at nearly every turn. Despite being a part of the Corpus they are often compared to the Syndicates that wage futile war against it.

Because of its non-Corpus attitudes, Black Seed is given the Corpus youths and converts that are deemed as potential future-malcontents – which only furthers its distrust and agitation with the Board – and is viewed suspiciously by all other guilds – even the morally-grey Beecloud, though individuals between the two may often form alliances. There is much debate as to whether not certain hardships encountered by the Corporation are the result of Black Seed activity, but lack of hard evidence and need of their work consistently spares them excommunication.

Though the other guilds are reluctant to give the Black Seed any power, the rules of their system are clear. Board Member Aerisi, along with his subordinates, Fof X and Mattv, work tirelessly to keep what little trickle of funding the Board grants them from drying up. They are known to detest all other Board Members, but so far have not openly spoken out against them.

With Infiltrators working to both safeguard and steal secrets, Auxiliatrices working to further their research, and Rangers protecting their Eris-based facilities, the Black Seed works for

[45] itself first and others second. While the tech is not easy for them to acquire due to their standing in the Corporation, the Black Seed is also able to outfit Scrambus and Comba forces.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +3 Intelligence +10 Bluff +2 Wisdom +20 Subterfuge +1 Dexterity Special: Empathy Skill Checks made against you by non-Black Seed-affiliated characters receive a plus five (+5) penalty; Empathy Skill Checks you make against non-Black Seed- affiliated characters receive a minus five (-5) bonus.

Material Packing Solutions As was typical for Corpus ship design: the room Che Sula sat in to pilot the Stanchion- class flagship was little more than a cramped closet space, with only the helm and holographic navigation display to show her the ship’s surroundings.

“Inspection parties are boarding.” The Rail Control’s words were slurred and growled in the way only a Grineer voice could project. “Maintain position or be destroyed.”

Che gave no response.

She sat perfectly still. The cargo bays of the ship were being rummaged through by filthy, diseased dogs; she couldn’t hear them, she couldn’t see them, but they were there, and she could do nothing about it. This was just the way things had to be, and for all the disdain she felt for it she gave no response.

Time ticked by.

She sat.

The next broadcast came just as soon as it always did: “inspection complete. Proceed to Rail holding pattern. Glory to our Queens.”

She complied: “Entering designated Rail pattern… Transit complete. Awaiting punch.”

[46] Outside of the ship lights flared with all-consuming light. She saw nothing of it, and did nothing until the sensors registered the Neptune Rail.

“Punch complete. Proceeding out of Railspace.”

Material Packing Solutions (often referred to simply as MPS) is one of the smaller Corpus guilds, but its influence and relations with the other guilds, and even the Grineer, is second to none. They are the primary operators of commercial trafficking throughout Origin, responsible for the majority of Corpus shipping both internally and externally. The heavy fees they often charge to take on cargo have the potential to make them extremely wealthy, but Grineer tariffs and confiscations balance out their Profits.

MPS operates throughout the Corpus shipping lanes, operating not the largest Corpus trade- fleet but one of the most well-known. Traveling from world to world in large fleets for security, their numbers have darkened the skies and Solar Rails of every world in Origin at least once. MPS also operates the largest packaging plants in Origin and recently came into possession of a virtual monopoly on the manufacturing rights to the best container and storage designs, which they have been leveraging to gain more influence and Profitable contracts.

The employees of MPS is very similar to Luksor in what kinds of people they bring in to their fold: levelheaded straight-thinkers with an eye for numbers; people that can be cool under pressure but not miss a detail on a manifesto at the same time. MPS employers tend to less tolerating of deviation from set courses and routes; employees operate on a strict time table at all hours of every day. They are not a guild that goes looking for trouble, but they arm their Crewmen with defensive measures all the same.

Janda Gal is the primary Board Member of MPS, and is personally responsible for the recent negotiation of mergers and buyouts that have granted her guild a near-monopoly over small to mid-sized industrial shipping containers. One of the lead commanders of the MPS trade fleets is Tak Ei, a former military commander in numerous engagements with the Grineer Empire.

Navigators of this guild are second to none, and Accountants ensure that all transactions made are properly recorded and filed in the ledgers; Elite Crewmen, Auditors, and Rangers protect the vast trade-fleets from would-be pirates – be they Syndicates searching for resources or Grineer looking to cripple their rival.

[47] Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +4 Dexterity +7 Bluff +2 Intelligence +7 Diplomacy +1 Knowledge-Planet +5 Language +10 Pilot Special: All attacks made against Freighter or Shuttle-class ships and Transport-class vehicles you are currently piloting suffer a plus five (+5) penalty to their Accuracy Checks; any ship or vehicle you are piloting gains two-hundred (200) bonus health.

Union Security Hosps’ patrol eased on. His Prova at this side, a Lanka in his hands. He’d accepted this defense contract, the protection of an information vault and the knowledge within it, thinking it would be a challenge. He couldn’t have been more wrong. Three cycles and nothing but peace. Thankfully, he wasn’t one to pass up easy Profit.

As it always did, Hosp’s route took him into the vault last. He swiped his temporary pass. As the doors opened, he scowled at what he saw and stepped inside, the doors closing behind him.

She turned and stood as she heard the doors open. The woman had a tablet hooked up to a jerry-rigged mess of wires pulled out from the base of the data vault, lights blinking infrequently on the screen as it gave a readout of some slow progress. They stood there, looking at each other in silence.

Hosp’s eyes wandered to the badge on her chest: the same Union Security badge he wore.

He nodded. “Make sure they don’t find out.”

She nodded. “Of course.”

Hosp turned and left the vault in her capable hands.

When she was finished, she left through the same route she’d snuck in.

Union Security is a defense firm within the Corporation. They train and loan out specifically-designed proxy units and even persons of skill for a variety of defense contract

[48] assignments, from bodyguard duty to security detail in another guild’s factories. They are one of the larger Corpus guilds, but because of the nature of their work their presence is rarely advertised. They are more commonly found through Corporation space in the property of other guilds, with their own headquarters on Neptune being substantial but little more than a directory.

The full nature of Union Security’s operations is a well-kept but Corporation-wide secret, however. Union Security is more than a simple protection firm, they are also a league of assassins and spies. Agents specially-trained to infiltrate everything from Corpus data stores to Grineer barracks to steal information or put down some threat to whoever it is that hired them. Union’s one stipulation is that they will not work against members of their own guild, though if the price is right even this code is more of a guideline.

Union Security’s members tend to be focused. While not unable to take a step back and enjoy themselves in other pastime activities, they take business before pleasure with few exceptions. Furthermore, they are incredibly loyal: once their contract is set they

The heads of Union Security are Mistress Illera and Mas Yold, former employees of Union, and current couple, that used payments from their work to purchase the guild from its original founder. They do not represent themselves on the Board, but instead have allotted to give the seats to the Union’s most skilled negotiators, who carry out their will without hesitation.

While not the most common place to find them, many Dax gravitate toward Union Security as a means by which to serve the greater Corpus. Auditors find a similar standing, though with a more Profit-oriented mindset. Infiltrators and Assassins line the ranks of the underbelly, using their skills to supply the various Corpus guilds with wetwork and subversion.

Stats: Skills: +2 Dexterity +7 Device-Electronic +4 Wisdom +7 Etiquette +4 Language +6 Weapon-Firearm +6 Weapon-Special Special: While dealing with a Corpus character you are currently working for, gain a minus ten (-10) bonus to all Skill Checks.

[49] The Syndicates While the Grineer and Corpus dominate and dictate all of Origin, they do not stand completely unopposed in their actions. Where there is suffering, eventually some force will arise to combat it, and since the very dawn of the Grineer Empire many such groups have risen – and fallen – to try and put a stop to their genocidal goals; and when the Corporation came into being they fell under assault by these groups as well. These aggressors and defenders are known collectively as the Syndicates.

They began as tiny rebellions within the colonies, formed by colonists fighting back against the Grineer. The most violent of these uprisings were stamped out as quickly as the Empire and Corporation could manage to do so, but when they eliminated one revolt they became aware of two more. These isolated incidents quickly began to gravitate towards one another. Some Grineer and Corpus commanders attempted to crush them before they could join. Others chose to let them reach one another, planning to eliminate them all in one fell swoop.

Regardless of the path, the outcome remained the same: the revolts gathered together and transformed from simple uprisings and disgruntled rebellions into full-blown attempts at revolution. They attracted and inspired more, even dissidents from the Grineer and Corpus, and from these groups the first Syndicates were formed. Since that time many different groups have come and gone, and the future is likely to see the rise and destruction of even more, but in the here and now of Origin the Syndicates that strike against the Empire and Corporation are the primary concern of the two superpowers.

The goals and methodologies of the modern Syndicates are widely different, and even within their own ranks there is often dissent as to the proper course of action – even the leadership within these insurgencies is rarely clear-cut. They may not always agree with each other’s actions, or in some cases even tolerate the existence of one another groups, but they all share the common goal of stopping the Grineer and Corpus’ blatant abuse of their power and will occasionally form alliances on those grounds – even if it is not the universally-uniting motive that it should be.

To the Empire and Corporation, the men and women to fill the ranks of these groups are nothing but terrorists, and thus refuse to associate with them; they are a pest, one that must be exterminated with all-due-prejudice. To some Colonists they are liberators, heroes fighting for freedoms long-forgotten, to others they are merely troublemakers, causing greater problems where

[50] for those they are supposedly attempting to aid. What their actions will ultimately bring about for the future remains to be seen.

Inspired by legends, the desire to do what they feel is right, or purely by their own self- driven goals, the Syndicates strive for a better future for the Colonists of Origin. They are not always well-armed, but they are dedicated and determined, and, despite their reputations and overall desires, and if the need is great enough, even the Empire and Corporation can see the usefulness of these traits and attempt to use them for their own benefit – especially against each other in situations where more subtlety and tact is necessary. Whether or not the Syndicate assists, them, however, is up to the individuals involved.

The membership of the Syndicates come from a vast variety of sources, even from within the Empire and Corporation – though set-opinions on these make it impossible to find standing for such people outside of specialized groups. The most common source of Syndicate membership, however, are the Colonists – the oppressed and starving people that the superpowers of Origin exploit and trod upon for their own gain. Some are born into the Syndicates from parents who raise them to see things the way the Syndicates do; others are recruited, convinced of the goodness of the Syndicate and the importance that its ways and goals for the future be reached.

All Syndicate members have one thing in common, though: disdain for the oppressive rulers of Origin. Whether they’re born within them, taught to them, or they simply gain such a view on their own, they want to see them stopped – destroyed or changed, it varies from person to person. These views may ebb and flow, they may change into a variety of views and hopes, but they are what makes a Syndicate member such. Alliances have been formed around less in the past, and they will continue to be formed around less in the future. The teams that may arise from these alliance, however, are also dedicated to whatever their mission may be.

Faction Bonus: Every Colonist your character manage to convince to join your Syndicate gives you a bonus 500 XP at the end of the session (see Chapter 11: Roleplay Systems).

[51] Steel Meridian The explosion blew him away. Everything changed. Sound became muffled, overlaid with a high-pitched ringing. His vision blurred with a red and white filter. The only thing that remained, even past the burning agony on his face, was his sense of touch: he felt when he was dragged to the side. A new spot of blurred light shone. There was yelling.

Teh an yoos. Tem can yoosee. “Tem, can you see?” His hearing slowly returned, his comrade-in-arms’ voice and the raging battle regained their full blare.

“Yeah, yes. I’m… I’m fine.” Tem’s hand went to his face. It was drenched in his own blood, hot to the touch. His vision began to return, but he realized his right eye was gone.

Hordak nodded, his disfigured face’s expression dogged but his golden-orange eyes compassionate. He picked up the rifle Tem had dropped and pressed it back into his hands. Tem looked to his left, away from the battle, towards the colony – towards his home.

“We will win this,” his brother-in-arms clasped a robotic hand onto his shoulder. “They will be safe.”

Tem nodded back and checked his weapon. Together, they returned to the barricade’s front.

Not all Grineer are cloned equal. While those working under Regor and his associates strive to create as flawless clones as they are able to for their Queens, mutations slip in constantly. Sometimes these mutations are just physical, stronger or weaker bodies, but other times they affect the very psyche of the clone – and under such circumstances it is not uncommon for these defects to refuse to bow before the Twin Queens and to rebel. These no-longer-Grineer that are able to survive any immediate attempts at their disposal very often find their way into Steel Meridian.

Ragtag though they are, the Steel Meridian are a dedicated lot. Though all Syndicates operate within the colonies and along the Colonists to some extent, Steel Meridian takes this symbiosis to the extreme. They stand against the attempts of Grineer and Corpus – and occasionally even other Syndicates – to persecute and harm the weak and innocent, putting themselves between the oppressors and the oppressed. As some Meridian soldiers see it: better one of them die than a dozen innocent Colonists perish.

[52] Though not all in Steel Meridian have such heritage, those that come from the Grineer, though they no longer identify as such, often find that those they seek to protect are suspicious of them. But the colonies all know of Steel Meridian’s acts of heroism and valor against the Empire and Corporation. That image and code of conduct is something the Meridian prides itself on. While not suicidal in their approach, like many of those in their on-again-off-again ally the Red Veil tend to be, they will not back down easily when confronted with overwhelming odds.

Cressa Tal, a young Grineer-clone female, is the group’s current leader. She despises the war and how it is, as she puts it, “chewin’ up the weak and innocent.” She managed to locate a number of other Grineer deserters and coax them out of hiding to join her, all skilled soldiers, though some are not the brightest. Case in point: Clem.

Steel Meridian is made up of Defenders and Guerillas and Medics; as most of them come from Grineer stock, however, the bulk of the forces that comprise their ranks still have fair knowledge of the training regimes the Empire uses and have turned those skills against them – be they Inquisitors, Seekers, or Elite Lancers.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +4 Strength +10 Knowledge-Weapons +2 Constitution +5 Weapons-Firearms +5 Weapons-Melee +5 Weapons-Special +5 Muscle Special: If your character’s background begins in the colonies, taunt any number and selection of enemies within thirty (30) meters to attack you for five (5) rounds. This is considered a Free- Action but may only be used once per combat session. OR If your character’s background begins in the Grineer, the Repair Skill can be used in place of Heal to restore your Health.

Arbiters of Hexis Namon and Johrin stood opposite one another, facing each other. They raised their weapons – for Namon, a staff; for Johrin, a rapier – in salute to one another. Then they began.

[53] Namon made the first move, charging and then sliding forward, sweeping his staff towards Johrin’s legs. The other man jumped over the strike, coming down and thrusting his blade towards Namon’s shoulder. Namon rolled to dodge, then was back on his feet, swiping his staff at his opponent with all the strength he could muster.

Johrin sidestepped and backpedaled expertly away from each. “Frenzied, careless! Where’s your focus?” He twisted his rapier and caught the head of the staff as it swung, deflecting it sideways – the weight of the deflected strike carried Namon in the same direction. “Loosen your grip!”

Namon spun on his heel and lanced his staff forward, aiming for Johrin’s chest. Johrin sidestepped and kicked his knee up, knocking the staff from Namon’s hand. He caught it and pulled it away. “Too loose!”

The battle ceased. “You require more practice,” Johrin chided, “return once you have refined your technique.” He held the staff towards Namon, who knelt before his master as he accepted it back.

Opinions on the Tenno vary throughout Origin. To the Grineer they are freaks and monsters, best destroyed; to the Corpus they are betrayers, best executed or forgotten; but the opinions of the Colonists have no true consensus. To some of them, the Tenno were the worst thing to happen to Origin: if the legends are true then their actions ultimately led to the state of the System as it is now. To others, though, the Tenno have become a shining beacon of hope, and the traditions the legends speak of have spawned in some a new generation and code of honor.

The Arbiters of Hexis take their reverence for the Tenno one step further. The legends of the Tenno speak of them as warrior-gods clad in armor, but the Arbiters reject this notion alone. To them the Tenno are more than just what the legends say, more than just fighters, warriors, conquers who brought down an empire with their own hands. They are a culture, a people, a way of life. The Arbiters take whatever they can learn of the Tenno and their ways, adopting them into their own lives, bettering themselves through it.

A relatively young and small Syndicate, due to the difficult nature of locating any hard information at all about the Tenno without being caught and executed by the Empire or Corporation, the Arbiters of Hexis are a rare and secretive sect of individuals. Those Arbiters that

[54] do exist live and practice their beliefs far from the eyes of outsiders. Though they look at the Tenno as being more than just warriors, they see also how the path of the Tenno is fraught with and beset by conflict. If they are to walk it they must be ready for such; and so they believe they are.

The Arbiters of Hexis are ruled by a council, one headed by a triumvirate: Orrim – the Voice, speaker for the three and head of the council – Temoro – the Hand, who sends the worthy into action for their cause – and Reyahas – the Will, who ensures that the goals of the Syndicate remain uncorrupted as it grows. Initiates, such as Yema, strive to prove themselves to them.

Oracles are commonplace in Hexis, attempting to tap into the powers that the “Demons of the Void,” the Tenno, were said to have possessed through worship of the relics they left behind. Meanwhile, Zealots, Defenders, and Assassins stand ready to test their strength and abilities in the name of their chosen culture.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +3 Dexterity +8 Agility +3 Strength +10 Lore-Tenno +8 Muscle +4 Weapons-Melee Special: All melee weapons you use gain one (1) additional attack speed, one (1) additional damage dice, and a minus five (-5) bonus to their Accuracy Checks.

Cephalon Suda “Hurry, hurry! Bar the doors!”

The other members of the party began to stack debris and objects against the door while Varo set up a device: no screen, but instead an interconnected series of batteries, wires and circuits that led to a concave piece of glass at the center surrounded metal and mechanics.

The device sparked as electricity began to circulate. It lit up with light and an image flickered to life a few inches above it, initially fuzzy but quickly focusing: a shimmering blue-white cube ringed by ten smaller cubes.

[55] “Suda,” he said, presenting a gold plate engraved with wave-like symbols, “we found it.”

Cephalon Suda observed the artifact. “Excellently done. This is everything I hoped for.”

“We weren’t alone,” Varo looked over his shoulder as gruff voices speaking in an intelligible language approached. “The Grineer were here. We managed to avoid them at first, but now… we can’t get out on our own.”

“Understood. Proceed to the predetermined rendezvous point: Cephalon Suda will have assistance awaiting you there.”

The Cephalon’s image vanished. Varo took the device and placed it into his pack with the tablet. He yelled to his fellows: “Come on! We’re getting out of here!”

It is said that the people of Old Earth had a saying: knowledge is power. That saying is perhaps held closest to the hearts of this Syndicate, one not formed out of the wills and ideas of its followers but rather by an outside force: the eponymous Cephalon Suda. The Cephalons were artificial intelligences first made by the Orokin, and their manufacture continues within the labs and factories of the Corpus. Suda is an ancient Cephalon, and, calling out from an unknown location, gathered to her people that shared in her great thirst for knowledge.

Cephalon Suda’s purpose is the collection of knowledge, and this purpose is shared by those organics she calls her assistants. These assistants seek out information as she directs, locating, recording, and cataloguing it for delivery to Suda through means unclear to all but them. It is not uncommon for them to seek out their own directives; Suda permits this: she’s no tyrant and, truthfully, she finds the whims of organics to be fascinating. Those she chooses as assistants sometimes share in this appreciation of others’ curiosity and mannerisms.

While Suda abhors violence with what can only be described as a passion, she understands that in a galaxy consumed by it violence is a grim necessity. To this end, she arms her assistants with advanced technology and keeps them informed with as much helpful information as she can spare. Her assistants, much of the same mind as her, fight not for the liberation of people but for the preservation of knowledge in a time that has lost much already and is ruled by tyrants that have no love for what could threaten their rule: and history has shown knowledge often does.

[56] Cephalon Suda acts as the primary leader of her foundation and processes all actions taken by her organic associates to ensure they are acting in accordance with her wishes. Occasionally, divisions and sects within the Syndicate will rise to pursue specific goals short-term and long, with the most successful being formed by the likes of Man’ara, Finl, and Besa Sut.

Riggers take advantage of Suda’s greater knowledge, Recruiters seek out the brightest among the Colonists, and even Scoundrels and Runners have a place among Suda’s assistants: keeping knowledge out of the hands of those that would abuse or destroy it. And while not Suda’s intention, the pursuit of knowledge-preservation can even drive Zealots to action.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +6 Intelligence +4 Knowledge-Device +3 Knowledge-Local +3 Knowledge-Medical +3 Knowledge-Planet +4 Knowledge-Politics +4 Knowledge-Weapons +3 Lore-Orokin +3 Lore-Sentient +3 Lore-Tenno Special: All Critical Failures on Knowledge (Device, Local, Medical, Planet, Politics, and Weapons) and Lore (Orokin, Sentient, Tenno) Skill Checks have one failure removed.

Perrin Sequence “Are the Martian colony relief shipments on schedule?” Fea L looked to the woman walking by her side.

Leera swiped through her manifest tablet. “Yes, ma’am. There were issues with breaking through the orbital blockades, but damage was minimal… Um, ma’am, we do have a problem.”


“We’re spending far more than we’re earning, ma’am. Calculations suggest that if this continues multiple Perrin branches will fall into bankruptcy within a mere four solar rotations.”

“Leera, we’re here to help these people prosper, not extort them.”

[57] “Of course not, ma’am… But… we won’t be able to do either if we cannot support ourselves… Ma’am, we have a decent weapons reserve, perhaps we should consider vending portions of it?”

Fea stopped. “To who? The Grineer? The Corpus? The Veil? I won’t tolerate those fiends using our armaments.”

“… The… the Meridian is always available, ma’am.”

“No! We’re not selling to those dogs: they can’t be trusted.”

“Ma’am, please, if we don’t act we may cause even greater problems for the Sequence.”

Fea’s looked away, her expression stern but thoughtful. Over minutes, it began to soften. “I will bring up your… recommendation at the next manager meeting, Leera.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The Corpus Corporation’s history is built on exploiting the Grineer’s desires of domination over Origin – in fact, its very existence is owed to this modus operandi. But not all within the Corpus share this sentiment, and some go so far as to view this kind of war economy with pure disdain. Where the Indoctrination Temples fail to correct this, exile is imposed. Their mindset is that without the Corpus there to help them, these excommunicated will perish, but over time these exiles gravitated together and founded a new group on their shared ideals.

While not exactly anti-Corpus and certainly not snubbing the pursuit of Profit, the Perrin Sequence entirely disagrees with their choice of means and seeks to set up a more universally- beneficial system for all in Origin. They believe that quieting the chaos and conflict in Origin would mean prosperity – and Profit – for all. However, they are small, powerless outside all but the most localized groups, and with their mantra strongly against profit from others’ suffering and expanding chaos their growth has been slow.

The Perrin Sequence may have noble goals of a non-warring System, but that does not mean they reject violence. Although they see a future where the conflicts of the present are ancient history, in order to survive in the here-and-now they must fight. Equipping themselves with weapons of all kinds, generally lifted from Corpus designs, and tinkering with them to upgrade

[58] them beyond their basic capabilities, they fight not for change but to defend themselves as they bring the kind of change they desire.

While the Perrin Sequence is governed by a managerial board, none can refute that Halos Kaj is the man that calls the majority of the shots within the group – the true leader of the Sequence. Even without him, though, others, such as Eula Pathas, district manager of the Martian sub-system, are more than capable of directing the Syndicate along its chosen path.

The Perrin Sequence is able to use its Riggers, Scoundrels, and Defenders to great effect in furthering their cause; most notably, however, is that their historical ties to the Corpus means that the various classes associated with the Corporation may also be found within their ranks – such as Scrambus, Tech, and Elite Crewmen.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +3 Intelligence +10 Device-Electronic +3 Charisma +10 Device-Mechanical +5 Knowledge-Deice +5 Repair Special: If your characters background begins in the colonies, gain plus ten (+10) Charisma when dealing with Corpus or Colonist merchants. OR If your character’s background begins in the Corpus, you begin the game with a free Corpus- affiliated companion (see Chapter 6: Companions).

Red Veil He observed through a rifle scope a world built on the corruption of greed. A Corpus fueling dock, able to harbor even the largest of Corpus transport flagships. He wondered how many stolen Credits it had taken to build. How many parents had to starve so their children could sleep without their stomachs rumbling them awake? It was the same story here as it was everywhere; but, this time, it would have a happy ending.

“This’s Jullip,” their makeshift transmitters distorted voice, but they’d become accustomed to it, “in position. Sound off and await the signal.”

[59] “Hahlt, standing by.”

“Geli, standing by.”

“Tarrik,” he said, “standing by.”

Today was a restock day, and fuel barrels were being rolled into place; but they had to wait for the Corpus to begin refilling the tanks.

And when they did…


In unison, the snipers fired – aiming not at the proxies or the Corpus foremen, but at the explosives they had snuck onto the dock hours earlier; explosives that were in the prime positions to ignite the fuel.

As the flames of the collapsing station seared them away, a single thought burned through Tarrik’s mind: “no blood too precious.”

Legends that say that when the Orokin grew too corrupt the Tenno, godlike guardians, turned on their Empire and destroyed it, hoping that, like a phoenix, something better would rise from the ashes. The outcome of the legends is untrue enough, but the method and intent, has inspired many. This legendary dream of the Tenno has become their dream, and these people are those that make up the Red Veil – the fire by which the empires of the Corpus and Grineer will be consumed and something new and better will be allowed to begin.

But their methods have tainted this goal in the eyes of many. They see the Syndicate as a group of crazed maniacs and murderers, fiends and monsters that seek only to slaughter all and drown the Origin System in blood. The Syndicate’s motto, “no cost too great, no blood to precious,” has been twisted and corrupted in the eyes of the people, its original meaning forgotten. To many it is now just proof of what they want: the deaths of all that would stand between them and their own self-righteous crusade.

Even some of the Veil’s own people have become a twisted and dark version of what they are. The Veil now exists in duality – on one side seeking the pure redemption of the System through a trial-by-fire, the other monstrous anarchists who seek only to kill and burn all in they

[60] view as “corrupt,” perhaps no different than the Grineer. Though civil war within the Syndicate has yet to erupt, the differences of opinions show no signs of being mended anytime soon and many of the Veil’s followers worry what the future might hold.

The Red Veil’s leadership is a complicated matter, as because some within the organization see a threat of any one or set of individuals turning the Veil into something no different than the Grineer or Corpus. So there are a number of leaders, though two people in particular – Vallik and Cantis – are known to hold great sway with many within the Red Veil.

Assassins and Zealots are the bulk of the Red Veil’s forces, but it is not impossible to find well-meaning Medics and Oracles within their ranks either; and while it perhaps goes against the vision many within the Veil have, even Defenders can be found putting their blood on the line for the future of Origin and safety of its people.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +2 Dexterity +5 Agility +2 Strength +5 Intimidate +1 Wisdom +5 Lore-Tenno +1 Charisma +15 Stealth Special: Receive two (2) additional damage dice when attacking from stealth or attacking an enemy that is facing away from you.

New Loka They gathered. Some knelt on the water’s edge, some emerged themselves waist-deep in it. Their leader stood on the lake’s far edge. She stepped forward, her foot sank into the water but it did not touch the lakebed. Her sole floated inches below the surface, and as she took her next step her so did her other foot.

She walked like this, half-walking on water, body held above it, until she reached the center of the lake. She spoke: “We began buried, unknown. We sank our roots deep, found our hold and what we needed to survive.” As she said this she moved her hands, pressing their backs together, fingers spreading outward.

[61] The congregation mirrored her.

“Now we grow, just below the surface, waiting, preparing.” She twisted her hands around, forming an oval with them.

The congregation mirrored her.

“Soon we grow upwards, reveal ourselves, to spread our branches, our ways, to all corners of Origin.” She shifted the oval, pointing it up.

The congregation mirrored her.

“And then,” she began to raise her hands skyward, all those around her following in her example, “we will blossom into a great power, and a new era will follow.”

The ancient tales of the Orokin Era speak of a time of human perfection. The Orokin lived free of disease, free of physical ailment, and this golden age was torn apart when the Grineer – diseases and freakish visages of humanity – rose up and finished off the Empire after its leadership was eradicated. Those that survived slowly but surely lost the perfection they had obtained. Many have given up on this perfect humanity, come to see it purely as the stuff of legends, but those that make up New Loka’s numbers believe, and hunger for it and seek its restoration.

In some ways New Loka mirrors Red Veil’s dedication, in how it will go to extremes to see its cause to completion. It will turn to violence and destruction, enacting terrorism against the Grineer and Corpus with zeal few can match. But, unlike those of the Veil – who will sacrifice every living person they must in order to bring down those it sees as corrupt – New Loka strives to preserve as many lives as they can – even if that means they often must contain their fervor. They do not see the Colonists as having a duty to lay down their lives for their future.

Seen as racists and bigots because of their dreams of purity and their idolization of Orokin culture (and advertised as such by the Grineer and Corpus in an attempt to turn the colonies against them), their alliances with others, especially the Steel Meridian and Cephalon Suda, are infrequent at best. Despite its more zealous followers living up to these rumors, the Syndicate has few qualms about who it allies with – though the growing numbers of the zealous threatens change – and in the alliances it forms it brings to bear its full might in support of their unified causes.

[62] New Loka was first brought together by a prophet named Mariva: a woman who her followers claim to be the first true Oracle – though this is often disputed. Mariva has uplifted many of her followers into positions of power, creating disciples that help her spread the word of pure humanity. Some of these disciples are A’lena, Joon, and Rallus: Oracles all.

New Loka’s Zealots are among the most dedicated to the cause, and their Oracles and even Recruiters preach not only of the divine Void but also the glory and beauty of human perfection. Their Medics work tirelessly to save the lives of those they see as untainted, and while New Loka looks down on machinery to some extent, they also accept Riggers into their ranks.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +1 Charisma +10 Heal +2 Wisdom +4 Knowledge-Planet +2 Constitution +13 Lore-Orokin +1 Intelligence +3 Survival Special: Your attacks against Grineer, Infested, Steel Meridian, and Omniform Secta enemies gain one (1) additional damage die; all healing Skills, Items, or Abilities used on yourself or others (unless they are Grineer, Infested, Steel Meridian, or Omniform Secta) restore an additional ten (10) Health.

Smuggler Coalitions “Anything?”

“No. Three full scans and nothing.”

“And we’re certain this freighter wasn’t just adrift?”

“Command says they picked up power readings, but I think it was. The escape pods were jettisoned and all systems were powered down when we hooked it. I say they just got some Void- interference from the Rail.”

“Hrrm… Take the equipment down to maintenance, get it looked at. I’ll station some soldiers outside and in the cockpit.”


[63] Their metal footsteps slowly faded away as they departed. Moments later a new pair approached and passed over on their way to the cockpit. A few minutes more of wait and the hidden trio moved the grating covering them and crawled out of the false floor, weapons in hand.

“Stupid Grineer,” Hena chuckled in a whisper. She smirked as she wove her next plot on the fly. “Les’ul, head for the cargo ramp an’ keep ‘em from sendin’ up reinforcement. Gallik, you an’ I are gonna take the ship back from those freaks.”

“And then get out of here?” Gallik asked through his own grin, shouldering his rifle.

Hena nodded as her eyes and smirk widened. “Oh, hell yeah.”

While Origin is filled with groups of all stripes that are seeking to spread and remake the System in their ideals – from the Empire and Corporation to the many, many Syndicates that arise in mass – there are many in it, a vast majority, in fact, that wish only to survive. Smugglers – and the Coalitions they sometimes form – are the evolution of this idea, Colonists who are not-so content to scrape out a living across the worlds under the rule of the Grineer or Corpus but rather take to the skies and stars to buy and sell and traffic whatever they must to survive.

Unlike other Syndicates, the Smugglers are less a group hostile to the giants of Origin and more a group without strong connections to anyone. In truth, Smugglers aren’t a proper Syndicate but collections of partnerships faintly affiliated with one another for brief periods, classified as a Syndicate by the Grineer and Corpus only so that they can be criminalized when the decide they have crossed a line – even so, it is not uncommon for groups within both factions to make use of Smugglers, especially when they have goods that they’d prefer others not know of.

Smugglers tend to have no strong opinions or morals one way or another, all they really care about is Credits. What sets them apart from the Corpus in this regard, though, is the steadfast desire for independence – smugglers don’t like to get tied down in politics or the greater affairs of the system, they just want to live, survive, and be free. Even so, it is not out of place for Smuggler to get attached to a cause of any kind for one reason or another, but all Syndicates know that doing so comes with the greatest of risks.

As they are not a true Syndicate, or even a true organization, Smugglers have no leaders. Some Smuggler partnerships may have choose a leader for the sake of organization, but when

[64] these partnerships end any these leaders lose their authority. Certain Smugglers come to have a reputation, but their names are only well-known by their admirers.

Riggers, Runners, and Scoundrels make up nearly the entirety of Smuggler demographics, but it is not impossible to find a respectable number of others that subscribe to different philosophies – even aggressive ones. Some smugglers use Guerilla tactics to keep themselves safe, while others take up the role of Defender to similar effect.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +3 Charisma +3 Appraise +2 Dexterity +6 Bluff +1 Wisdom +6 Contacts +6 Conceal +6 Diplomacy +3 Knowledge-Local Special: While you are piloting a ship, all Strain gained from Ship Speed is reduced by one (1); all Conceal Skill Checks gain a minus five (-5) bonus.

Omniform Secta Dasa sat.

It had been seven solar cycles since she had undergone the initiation rituals, become a part of the Omniform. They’d welcomed her, treated her like anyone else ever had. “Sister” they called her. She felt safe, safer than she could ever remember having ever felt.

And she also felt stronger. She was a small woman, petite, but the rituals had changed her. Before, she could barely lift a drill or run more than a few yards before tiring; now she was lifting entire crates without assistance, running miles effortlessly.

She was better than she had ever been.

… But…

They were returning again. The whispers. Crawling little voices inside her head, telling her to do things… terrible things… She knew they weren’t alone: with them came sores, cancerous fleshy growths, sick but strong.

[65] She’d spoken with the others; all in the Omniform Secta heard them. They’d told her, even before she’d joined, that there would be no going back: this would be who she would be, forever.

She’d already found the growth, the source of the whispers. She knew what she had to do.

Dasa took a knife and began to peel the flesh away.

Long ago, the Great Plague – an outbreak of the disease known only as the Infestation – was unleashed upon the scattered remains of the colonies that still existed after the Collapse. Broken and separate as they were, they were consumed by this disease – one which did not kill its victims but instead consumed them, and through that consumption gave birth to monstrosities to further spread the affliction. How this Great Plague was brought to an end is unknown, but its echoes still remain; and while the disease is gone, there are those that desire for its return.

The Omniform Secta is a Syndicate formed of people who view the Infestation as a source of enlightenment: escape from the frailties of both the mind and of the flesh; immortality personified. To them, the only true peace that can ever be achieved is one obtained through the unification of all minds, a unification that the ancient tales of the Infestation say the disease is able to bring. In some ways, this makes them the anathema of New Loka. But they fight a constant, internal battle: struggling against the urges and malformations their Infestation brings.

They are seen as madmen, insane and without reason, treated as pariahs and monsters by all. They lack strong bonds to any other Syndicate, and must hide their physical mutations from sight to avoid alarming the Colonists. Wherever they go they are met with only distrust and disgust, no matter how normal their members might portray themselves as – and, despite their radical views, they do have many a mild-mannered follower. But they are unwavering in their resolve, and steadfast in their dream of seeing all of humanity be as one flesh and one mind.

Erbo Po’Eshha, a man consumed by more Infestation than any other within the Omniform, yet still in full control of himself, founded the group and directs his followers to protect the colonies and try to share the glorious unity of the Omniform with them. All within the Omniform – from veterans like T’ehn Ye, to initiates like Celi – revere him and his wisdom.

Recruiters work tirelessly to convince other Colonists of the glories of the Omniform Secta, and, perhaps surprisingly, Medics are happy and always ready to assist the injured. Their numbers

[66] are small, however, and recruits for their cause are not easy to come by. Whether the future will see a rise or fall of the Omniform, however, is yet to be seen.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +2 Constitution +4 Empathy +2 Strength +10 Heal +1 Dexterity +4 Knowledge-Medical +1 Intelligence +5 Lore-Orokin +7 Survival Special: You may transfer up to twenty (20) points of your own Health to another character, this is considered a Half-Action; all attacks made with Infested-origin weapons gain two (2) additional damage die.

[67] The Colonists They kept their heads down and walked. The guards around them, with weapons raised, glared down at them. They said nothing, they walked, as always, silently, heading from their homes onto different paths. Some went to mines, some went fields. No matter where they went, though, there were always the guards: their weapons raised, their eyes slowly moving over each and every one of them, looking for any moment of defiance, the slightest hint of rebellion.

But there was nothing, not from these groups. None made any attempt to flee, fight, to rally their friends and families to action; they worked in silence, save some that whispered among themselves. The guards that listened in found it to be innocuous banter, so they permitted it and went on their way.

But one Colonist, who said nothing as they worked, thought on everything happening to them, everything happening to those they loved. The oppression, the poverty, the inability to fight back. They thought on the power of the Empire, the wealth of the Corporation, the determination of the Syndicates. In each, they saw opportunity; in each, they saw a future greater than this.

With that thought, they chose their path.

In the time of the Orokin Empire, Colonists lived throughout the Origin System on nearly all of the planets and moons that comprised it. But they were not a free people; they were subservient, slaves to the great Orokin masters – the Golden Skymen, as some called them – that dwelt far away from them within their hidden tower-palaces. They labored to create everything the Orokin commanded them to make: food, goods, all given as tributes to the Skymen; and when the Orokin would claim their people for reasons unknown, there was nothing they could do. They lived, they toiled, and they feared whoever might be taken next.

Though the Orokin are long-gone, nothing has changed. The Orokin were destroyed by their enemies and time, but in the power vacuum left behind new forces arose and took up the same role the Orokin had, the same place of power over the colonies they had possessed. They watch from the skies – not within palaces but within great ships and floating fortresses – carefully ensuring that their slaves remain such, squelching any sparks of rebellion among them that they find before it blazes into an inferno. The only difference is that now there are two such powers, and the colonies are divided among them, with each world and the colonies owned by a different

[68] power. And just as in times of the Orokin that the powers over them would come down and take from their numbers, albeit with far less subtlety. Some are murdered in their own homes, some are pulled into the streets to be executed for all to see.

Then there are those that choose to fully join with the Grineer or Corpus, gaining some standing with them and greatly improving their own lives. However, such a choice comes with a price all its own: the Colonists that choose this path are expected to treat their former-fellow Colonists with the same subjugation the Empire and Corporation does. For some this is a simple task, for others there is hesitation or even open refusal to lift their hand against their former friends and families – and for those a swift punishment is likely to come. They must learn to obey the commands of their masters now as a part of it, not simply as a victim.

Just as many Colonists completely refuse to bow to the tyrannical overloads that keep them living in squalor, however. These Colonists are the ones that choose to join with the Syndicates, becoming fighters against the oppression that kept them in suffering. Some join Syndicates based on their understanding of their ideologies, others join one simply out of the desire to help with some kind of change and slowly come to believe in the ideas of the chosen group. They reject the identity of a slave, the idea that their only future is to serve someone greater than them. They choose to combat their self-proclaimed masters and fight for freedom.

And then there are those that choose to keep their heads down. They don’t seek out trouble, they don’t attempt to change anything about their world or themselves, they simply wish to survive. They go about their lives, toil wherever they are told to go. They say nothing of it, they make no choice that would cause them trouble, they avoid all contact with the Syndicates that their masters seek to destroy, and yet far too often do they die before their time regardless. They are taken to the public and killed as a sign of power, or slowly wither away without the Credits to buy food to medicine, all the while watching those around them suffer the same fate.

Every Colonist makes a choice, even if that choice is to not submit themselves to any powers any further than they are already subjected.

Colonists come in all variety of appearances, and hold an even more vast variety of beliefs. Some resent the Grineer and/or Corpus and seek to aid the Syndicates, others resent the Syndicates

[69] and obey the wishes of the Grineer and/or Corpus. Some hope for better times than the ones they live in, some simply wish for the times to not become any worse. Some look to the Void for hope and guidance, others frown upon for completely dismiss such superstitions. No two Colonists are completely alike, and these variations become more and more prominent based on where in the Origin System they originate from.

There is one generalization that can be made; they do what they think is best for each other, and understand one another in a way that no one else can. Though there are exceptions even here, the vast majority of Colonists, no matter where they come from in Origin, understand how each other think and act. The choices made and actions taken are rarely a mystery to them as they are to the Empire and Corporation, and it is for this reason even the Grineer will turn to Colonists for aid when things become grim enough for their control.

Colonists have no notable or well-known leaders. Those with the drive to help their people beyond the most mundane ways are quick to join the Syndicates. All others are simply known to the communities – or even smaller groups within communities – to which they belong, and even those keep their heads down and away from trouble like any other average person.

Colonists also have no special skills, no abilities to make them effective. They can easily learn how to fire a rifle, swing a sword, or even pilots ships for themselves, but they lack the affinity for combat that the Empire, Corporation, and Syndicates are able to provide their soldiers, employees, or members with through training or equipment.

Colonist characters have no Faction Bonus.

Group Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: None, allocate two (2) bonus points None, allocate fifteen (15) bonus points throughout your Stats as you wish. throughout your Skills as you wish. Special: All Skill Checks involving Colonist characters gain a minus seven (-7) bonus. If you later join a Faction (Grineer, Corpus, Syndicate), choose a Group within that Faction. Instantly add that Group’s Stat and Skill bonuses and that Faction’s Faction Bonus to your character, as well as choosing a Class variant associated with that Faction (add all Skill and Stat bonuses that apply).

[70] Chapter 3: Classes and Abilities There are ten (12) (technically thirteen (14)) classes for you to choose from that represent various archetypes. These are then divided into variations depending on your Faction (Grineer, Corpus, or Syndicate). For the majority of classes the variation between them means little in terms of abilities and is solely for roleplay purposes (i.e. Grineer Elite Lancer, Corpus Crewman, Syndicate Guerilla), but for others there are larger differences in how abilities function (i.e. Grineer Seeker, Corpus Tech, Syndicate Rigger) and these should be carefully considered during your decision of what kind of character you want to play. It is also important to keep in mind that which class you select also influences what skill bonuses you are awarded during character creation.

All characters start with a level of zero (0) in each of their classes abilities, allowing them to use the abilities but not providing any bonuses. You will be able to use experience (XP) you acquire throughout campaigns to level these up further as you gain it and increase their power (see Chapter 11: Roleplay Systems for further details).

Abilities are designed largely around combat activities, however they may be used outside of combat if there is a situation warrants it and your GM (and rest of your roleplaying group) is fine with taking the time to decide how you want to approach such situations. They may simply require an Accuracy Check to be made, or be as complex as your GM or group desires.

[71] Caster Casters use powerful long-ranged abilities to damage enemies and assist allies, however unlike other classes they can only cast each ability so many times per day.

Casters can only use their abilities so many times a day. Thankfully their abilities tend to pack a little more punch than other classes’ abilities or regular weapons.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +15 Intelligence +11 Appraise +5 Charisma +5 Bluff +5 Wisdom +10 Contacts +8 Empathy +5 Etiquette +11 Lore-Orokin The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Grineer Inquisitor Golden energy rippled up through his fingers and across his arms. Some of it soaked into his chest and fueled his rotting heart, and what didn’t arced through the hall towards the Corpus. He laughed as he watched it burn away his foes. This was true power.

Inquisitors represent an effort by the Queens to curb the Corpus’ reclamation of Orokin artifacts, and acquisition of power said reclamation gives them, by taking them for themselves and either storing them away or destroying them. The Inquisitors themselves, however, drum to something of their own beat, for often they take the relics they procure from the Corpus or find on their own for their own use in their efforts, with the Inquisitors getting mysterious powers from the relics. The Sisters are uncomfortable with this behavior, a feeling shared by many Grineer, but as long as the Inquisitors use these powers to serve their will they leave them be.

Admiral Vor is an Inquisitor, albeit one who favors the personal retention of Orokin artifacts over their destruction.

Variation Bonus: +5 Strength, +10 Lore-Tenno

[72] Armor Proficiency: 2


Name: Effects: Uses per Mechanics: Day: Description: Golden Eruption After a one-round 2 (+1 per 2 Choose a target location and delay, deal a certain levels) roll Accuracy Check, then roll amount of Radiation damage if successful. At the damage to enemies start of your next turn deal that around a target much damage to all enemies location. within 3 meters of the target area. Accuracy: 48 (53 at level 5) Damage: 5d20+50 (+1d20 per level) Damage Type: Radiation Description: Channeling power through one of the Orokin relics kept on their person, the Inquisitor creates a huge geyser of energy to roar up from the ground, dealing incredible amounts of damage to anything caught standing on or near the area that the Inquisitor chooses. The energy from this blast often causes disorientation in those targets caught in its wave. Pacify Prevent a target from 2 (+1 per Choose a target and roll attacking or using level) Accuracy Check, then roll abilities for a few duration if successful. The rounds. target cannot attack for that many rounds. Accuracy: 58 (63 at level 5) Range: 33 Duration: 1d20 rounds (+1 round per level) Description: The Inquisitor uses the energy within one of their Orokin relics to warp the mind of a target. While not able to fully dominate it through these means, they are able to calm them down or convince them to take inaction, removing them from the fight until the energy messing with their mind weakens and dissipates. Shatter Applies the Puncture 4 (+2 per Choose a target and roll Status Effect to a level) Accuracy Check, then roll target for a few duration if successful. The rounds. target has the Puncture Status Effect applied to them for that many rounds. Accuracy: 58 (63 at level 5) Range: 33 Duration: 1d20 rounds (+1 round per level)

[73] Description: Unleashing the Void energy from one of the relics on their person, the Inquisitor is able to open up weaknesses in the armor of a target and leave them more vulnerable to damage from any number of sources. After some time, however, this energy will dissipate and the armor will return to its former state. Slow The target may only 4 (+2 per Choose a target and roll move three (3) level) Accuracy Check, then roll meters total during duration if successful. The their turn for a few target can only more three (3) rounds. meters per round for that many rounds. Accuracy: 58 (63 at level 5) Range: 33 Duration: 1d20 rounds (+1 round per level) Description: The Inquisitor wraps the target enemy in Void energy, burdening them and making it more difficult for them to move across the battlefield. The effects will eventually dissipate, returning the target’s full range of movement to them, but the Inquisitor is more than capable of reusing this ability to slow the target enemy once more. Sphere Shield The Inquisitor 5 (+1 per Roll to determine how much becomes immobile level) damage your shield can but also gains a absorb. The shield remains shield that absorbs a until the Inquisitor attempts to certain amount of move or until the damage has damage (to a cap). been dealt. Sphere Shield may Damage Absorption: 5d20 be maintained (+1d20 per 2 levels) through multiple rounds but each round of doing so drains one (1) Uses per Day. Description: The Inquisitor uses the energy of an Orokin relic to create a spherical shield around themselves that absorbs. This shield prevents the Inquisitor from moving from their current location but it also absorbs almost all forms of damage directed towards the Inquisitor while it is being maintained. Teleport The Inquisitor 4 (+1 per Roll to determine the max instantly moves to a level) distance away you can move new location up to a (round to nearest number certain number of divisible by 3). meters away without Movement: 1d20 (+1d20 at opening them up to level 5) attacks of opportunity (CANNOT move an Inquisitor using Sphere Shield).

[74] Description: The Inquisitor wraps themselves in Void energies, letting them all be consumed by them. This then allows them to instantly move to a target location without allowing an opening for any kind of surprise attacks. Inquisitors rarely speak of what they see while traveling in this manner and tend to fear to use this as a means of regular transgress. Void Beam A beam of Radiation 2 (+1 per 2 Void Beam makes no damage that affects levels) Accuracy Check but instead all enemies in its path washes over everything in a extended over a straight path up to 36 meters certain area away, rolling damage for (CANNOT move everything caught in or that while channeling, an crosses through the wave. Inquisitor may Void Beam may be maintained channel Mag-Wave over many turns but Module over many deactivating it takes a Half- turns). Action. Range: 36 Damage: 4d20+40 (+1d20 at level 5) Damage Type: Radiation Description: Holding one of their Orokin relics ahead the Inquisitor unleashes a mighty beam of energy that tears through anything in its path. The beam may be fired in bursts or in a continuous beam, although the latter requires the full and unmitigated attention of the Inquisitor in order to sustain such an attack. Void Bolt Blast a target for a 5 (+2 per Choose a target enemy and roll certain amount of level) Accuracy Check, then roll Electricity damage. damage if successful. Accuracy: 75 Range: 33 Damage: 3d20+20 (+1d20 per level) Damage Type: Electricity Description: The simplest ability of Inquisitors, all they need do is unleash the latent energy within any of the Orokin artifacts they carry on their body in a blast of energy. Simple as it is, it is also incredibly powerful, able to deal incredible damage to foes that lack the armor to mitigate it. Void Mine Create an energy 5 (+1 per Choose a target location and node at a target level) roll Accuracy Check, then roll location that deals damage if successful. At the Radiation damage to start of your next turn deal enemies within range damage to all enemies within 3 for a few rounds. meters of the target area. Accuracy: 55 Range: 36 Damage: 2d20+30 (+5 damage per level) Damage Type: Radiation

[75] Duration: 2 rounds (+1 per level) Description: The Inquisitor channels energy from an Orokin relic to infect the ground with energy, causing it to lash out at anything that draws near. However the Inquisitor inexplicably maintains some control over the node, and allied targets are avoided by this mine if it is the Inquisitors will for it to do so.

Corpus Scrambus With the press of a button, the modules across her robes lit up and hummed with power. Bolts of energy and waves of light surged forward, breaking the Grineer ranks, driving them back. Some attempted to slay the source of the onslaught, but her defenses proved unbreakable.

Scrambus, like their sister-order, the Comba, are those Corpus who have dedicated their lives not only to the pursuit of Profit but to the old-ways of the Void in a way that stretches far above any of their fellows. These Corpus are experts in Orokin lore and knowledge of artifacts related to them, including their use. Unlike the Inquisitors of the Grineer, however, they do not make use of the raw artifacts but rather have managed to synthesize replicated means of harnessing their powers through a variety of modular attachments. They warrant the utmost respect from those Corpus who dedicate themselves to the Void, and the rolling-of-eyes from those more dedicated to Profit.

Nef Anyo is a Scrambus and an active preacher on the wonders of the Void as even a means to acquire glorious Profit.

Variation Bonus: +5 Intelligence, +10 Lore-Orokin

Armor Proficiency: 1


Name: Effects: Uses per Mechanics: Day: Description: Armor-Enhancement Provides bonus 4 (+1 per Roll to see how long bonus Module armor to the level) armor lasts. Scrambus or target Range: 1-30 meters

[76] ally for a certain Duration: 1d20 (+1d20 per 2 duration. levels) Bonus Armor: 10 (+10 per 2 levels) Description: Due to the many rigors of the crewman lifestyle the protective suits each Corpus employee is assigned and mandated to wear during all clocked hours often become damaged or exposed. The Armor-Enhancement Module was initially conceived as a means to quickly seal such gaps but the imperfect and time-specific manner it does so in outmoded it before it could be marketed. The Scrambus sects saw value in the technology, though, and adopted it with their modular technology, leading to limited-but-useful protection-enhancement module. Blinding Beam Blinds targets in a 3 (+1 per Roll to see how long the blind Module certain area, level) effect lasts preventing them Range: 12-42 (3 meter AoE. 6 from attacking. at level 5)) Duration: 1d20 (+1 round per level) Description: A more recent development, the Blinding Beam Module is a product of the partnership between Luksor Nano Composites and Beecloud Hivemind Development. Its production logs and official data description write it off as being meant to interfere with the visual processors of malfunctioning robotics, making recapture of them easier, but its effectiveness against organics of all kinds suggests a more military intention behind its creation. Laser-Combat Blast a target for a 5 (+2 per Choose a target location and Module certain amount of level) roll Accuracy Check, then roll Electricity damage. damage if successful. At the start of your next turn deal damage to all enemies within 3 meters of the target area Accuracy: 75 Range: 15-30 meters Damage: 3d20+20 (+1d20 per level) Damage Type: Electricity Description: A module designed for direct combat, this piece of Corpus technology is based off of classical Orokin laser weaponry. While it cannot hold a sustained burst for any extended period of time, the quick shots it’s able to fire off are decently powerful on their own and are consistently useful as a go-to means of offense or defense for any Scrambus Healing Module Provides healing 4 (+1 per Roll to determine duration of over a certain level) healing effect. amount of time to the Duration: 1d20 rounds (+2 Scrambus or target rounds per level). ally. Healing: 5d20+10 (+10 per level) +Scrambus Heal Skill total Description: Healing modules such as these began as stationary and much larger medical apparatuses in the Pinnacle Incorporated-run indoctrination temples. Over time, though, research and development of Orokin relics saw these machines be redesigned for ease of

[77] purpose and use in the field – due to their heavy reliance on Orokin medical technology, though, only the Scrambus of the Corporation are permitted regular access to them for security reasons. Hologram Module Create a hologram 3 (+1 per Creates a Hologram with the that taunts enemies level) following stats that taunts into attacking it for a enemies within its range for a certain duration. duration. Range: 1-15 meters Duration: 1d20 rounds (+1 round per level) Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Scrambus Hologram None Light Shield None, uses Taunt: (50, -5, 20 Roll 1d20, target enemy must per round) attack you for that many turns. Range: 9 meters (+3 meters per ability level)

Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 40 Strength: 0 None Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 4 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 0 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 0 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 0 +1 to each per ability level Description: Hologram technology is far from something ununderstood by the Corpus, but this Orokin-technology-based module takes it to the next level. A Scrambus’ hologram module is capable of producing a hard-light copy of the Scrambus it is granted to, complete with mass resistance, so life-like that it is the perfect tool for drawing hostiles off of the Scrambus or its allies. Commonly these are seen used to lure malfunctioning robotics into traps. Nul Module Disrupts beneficial 4 (+2 per Roll Accuracy Check, if effects on enemies or level) successful roll 1d20 and harmful effects on decrease the duration of allies. chosen buff/debuff by the amount rolled. Accuracy: 48 (53 at level 5) Range: 15-30 Description: While the Auxiliatrices are generally used more often for such matters, the dangerous Orokin technology that Scrambus work with require them to have some access to countermeasures themselves. The Nul Module was created to act as a cure-all for hazardous effects that would threaten the health of the Scrambus and those working alongside them, and while it is versatile its effects can sometimes prove lacking. Still, this module is one any wise Scrambus would be best-not caught without. Mag-Wave Module A beam of Magnetic 2 (+1 per 2 Mag-Wave Module makes no damage that affects levels) Accuracy Check but instead all enemies in its path washes over everything in a

[78] extended over a straight path up to 36 meters certain area away, rolling damage for (CANNOT move everything caught in or that while channeling, a crosses through the wave. Scrambus may Mag Wave Module may be channel Mag-Wave maintained over many turns Module over many but deactivating it takes a turns). Half-Action. Range: 39 Damage: 4d20+40 (+1d20 at level 5) Damage Type: Magnetic Description: A new form of weapon module being pioneered by Nef Anyo himself, based on technological discoveries he has yet to disclose to the public. This high-end modular attachment allows for the Scrambus to not only create a powerful wave of magnetic energy but also channel and maintain it for an extended duration; though they need keep an eye on the charge of the module, as doing so rapidly depletes the power core, ultimately forcing it to spend time recharging, this tactic can have devastating results. The Mag-Wave Module is perhaps the most powerful offensive tool in a Scrambus’ arsenal. Mobility Module Provides bonus 4 (+1 per Roll to determine how far movement to the level) away you or an allied target Scrambus for a can move (round to nearest certain duration. number divisible by 3). Movement: 1d20 meters (+3 meters per level) Description: Attached to the feet of the Scrambus, or an ally should-they-so-choose, this tool gives the Scrambus the ability to zip around the battlefield when activated. Although it can be reactivated many times, it is not designed for continuous use – and although durations will vary the effect will constantly remain the same. Chilton Manufacturing may not be held responsible for any incidents or injuries that may occur during use of the Mobility Module (Trademark). Sap Module Provides decreases 4 (+1 per All damage rolls made by damage done by a level) target’s abilities or weapons target’s abilities and have their damage reduced by weapons. a certain amount for 1d20 rounds. Range: 1-15 meters Reduction: 2d12 (+1d12 per level) Description: A marvel of Corpus reverse-engineering, the Scrambus’ Sap Module is able to physically drain the energy from any source to decrease its effects upon targets. From elemental sources to physical bullets, the Sap Module is able to reduce the damage they would cause upon contact with their target, making it a key element of the Scrambus defensive arsenal.

[79] Syndicate Oracle She clutched the relic to her chest, just over her heart. She whispered to it, quiet prayers that only its golden splendor and the powers it held could hear. The Grineer surrounded her, weapons raised, yelling, ordering her to drop the Tenno artifact. They were consumed in Voidfire.

In the time of the Orokin the Void was an object of reverence, but in modern times the Colonists and Syndicates have taken it to an extreme. No longer is it just a force beyond understanding to be looked upon with awe, to the Oracles it is a mighty deity: a god with powers beyond mortal understanding – and the Tenno were its heralds, demonic angels of impossible abilities. Bearing artifacts that hold a connection to the Void, these few harness a fraction of the power the Tenno were said to have through them, much in the way Inquisitors do – though with far more ceremony and reverence than any Grineer would give such power.

Marvia, leader of New Loka, taps into the power of the Void through a specific artifact: a fragment what seems to have been a curved-horned helmet, petrified by the passage of time.

Variation Bonus: +5 Wisdom, +10 Knowledge-Politics

Armor Proficiency: 1


Name: Effects: Uses per Mechanics: Day: Description: Amplify Area Call upon the power 4 (+1 per Roll to determine how much of the Void to level) additional damage is granted increase the Damage to your allies. Increase the of allies around the damage of all ally attacks and Oracle. abilities as long as they remain within range. Amplify Area may be maintained over many turns but deactivating it takes a Half-Action. Range: 9 meters (+3 meters at level 5) Damage Increase: 1d20 (+1d20 per 2 levels) Description: Through ritualistic means, an Oracle is capable of focusing of the Void’s energies into physical points, allowing them to enhance both matter and energy. One way in which this

[80] enhancement can be used is by increasing the raw projectile speed, the force with which objects strike, or energy output of offensive weaponry or special abilities. Augment Area Call upon the power 4 (+1 per Roll to determine how far of the Void to level) away you or an allied target increase the can move (round to nearest movement of allies number divisible by 3). around the Oracle. Augment Area may be maintained over many turns but deactivating it takes a Half-Action. Range: 9 meters (+3 meters at level 5) Movement: 1d20 meters (+3 meters per level) Description: Through ritualistic means, an Oracle is capable of focusing of the Void’s energies into physical forces, allowing them to enhance both matter and energy. One way in which this enhancement can be used is by empowering the muscle or mechanical struts of people or proxies, granting them much quicker movement than they would normally be capable of. Bolster Area Call upon the power 4 (+1 per Roll to determine how much of the Void to level) armor is added to you or your increase the Armor allies. Increase the damage of of the Oracle and all ally attacks and abilities as allies around the long as they remain within Oracle. range. Bolster Area may be maintained over many turns but deactivating it takes a Half-Action. Range: 9 meters (+3 meters at level 5) Amor: 1d20 (+4 Armor per level) Description: Through ritualistic means, an Oracle is capable of focusing of the Void’s energies into physical forces, allowing them to enhance both matter and energy. One way in which this enhancement can be used is by reinforcing physical defenses, enhancing the armor of both allies and the Oracle themselves to often incredible degrees. Levitate Suspend the Oracle 6 (+1 per Choose a target and roll or other target in level) Accuracy Check, then roll mid-air while 1d20 if successful. The target channeling. is suspended in the air and unable to use abilities or weapons or make Saves for a number of turns equal to the amount rolled. Accuracy: 60 (+2 per level) Range: 12 meters (15 meters at level 5)

[81] Duration: 1d20 (+1 per 2 levels) Description: Often used as a show of the Void’s power to gather followers to the Oracle’s or their represented Syndicate’s side, the ability to levitate is simple but effective. Some Oracles have managed to utilize this power to offensive degrees, but it is most often seen outside of its power-play demonstration being utilized as a defensive mechanism – effectively paralyzing enemies so the Oracle and their allies can flee. Void Mend Call upon and 5 (+1 per Choose a target and roll channel the power of level) Accuracy Check, then roll the Void to close 1d20 if successful. The target wounds. will be healed for that much Health per during each of your turns as long as they remain in range. Void Mend may be maintained over many turns but deactivating it takes a Half-Action. Accuracy: 55 Range: 12 meters Healing: 1d20 per your turn (+10 per your turn per 2 levels) Description: Through ritualistic means, an Oracle is capable of focusing of the Void’s energies into physical forces, allowing them to enhance both matter and energy. One way in which this enhancement can be used, and by far the strangest, is the ability to mend physical wounds. It is not understood how, not even by the Oracles themselves, this effect can be managed by something that is often seen as being so destructive and untamable, but matters of faith are rarely brought up to critical discerning. Void Nova Generate multiple 2 (+1 per 2 Make an Accuracy Check, if waves of Blast levels) successful all spaces within 3 damage, originating meters of your character will from the Oracle, take damage. If you continue while channeling. to channel the ability after that, all spaces adjacent to the original ones (excluding the space underneath your character and the spaces just hit) will take damage. This continues to a max limit away from your character, at which point, if channeling is continued, you will restart at the initial 3 meter distance and repeat this pattern. Void Nova may be maintained over many turns but deactivating it takes a Half-Action.

[82] Damage: 5d20+10 (+1d20+1 per level) Damage Type: Blast Max Range: 6 meters (9 at level 5) Description: When all else fails, the Oracle may take it upon themselves to unleash the full power of the Void. Washing over the land in waves, the energies of the Void make for both an impressive display and catastrophically destructive weapon. Though, as with all energy, these Void powers will dissipate when they venture too far from their source – in this case the Oracle’s relic – everything within range of such a discharge is unlikely to escape unscathed. Void Ray A beam of Heat 2 (+1 per 2 Void Ray makes no Accuracy damage that affects levels) Check but instead washes over all enemies in its path everything in a straight path up extended over a to 36 meters away, rolling certain area damage for everything caught (CANNOT move in or that crosses through the while channeling, an wave. Void Ray may be Inquisitor may maintained over many turns channel Mag-Wave but deactivating it takes a Module over many Half-Action. turns). Range: 36 Damage: 4d20+40 (+1d20 at level 5) Damage Type: Heat Description: Holding their relic out before them, Oracles may choose to unleash the powers of the Void in a more focused – but no less destructive – manner. This ray of Void energy burns through anything it touches with sheer, blistering temperature, melting steel and searing the flesh off of the Oracle’s foes. Seeing such a sight makes it clear why some have chosen to worship the Void as divinity. Void Smite Blast a target for a 5 (+2 per Choose a target enemy and roll certain amount of level) Accuracy Check, then roll Heat damage. damage if successful. Accuracy: 75 Range: 33 Damage: 3d20+20 (+1d20 per level) Damage Type: Heat Description: A simple burst of energy conjured forth through ritualistic chanting, prayer, or meditative focus (as Oracles are want to do with their relics) the heat that is produced is devastating to most creatures – biological or mechanical. The burst are quick, effortless, and are devastating to unprepared foes. Ward Generate a beacon of Choose a location within range Void energy that sees and place a Ward at that through stealth. location. During each of your turns roll an Accuracy Check, if successful all Stealthed

[83] enemies in range of the Ward will be revealed. Cast Range: 15 meters Accuracy: 68 Reveal Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Description: An Oracles unique connection with their Void relics may be what allows such strange abilities such as this. A beacon of light, through which the Oracle can neither see nor hear but becomes aware of a presence all the same, and once such a presence is sensed the mind fills in the blanks, revealing the target to them and – naturally – the allies they warn of the enemy’s presence.

[84] Diplomat Diplomats are not built for combat but rather have abilities geared towards assisting them in social situations – although they are not completely incapable of defending themselves.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +10 Intelligence +10 Bluff +10 Charisma +15 Diplomacy +5 Wisdom +5 Etiquette +5 Knowledge-Local +10 Knowledge-Politics +5 Perform The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Grineer Magistrate Shouts and screams of rage and command, wild and furious gestures of the hands, calls for action from her fellow Grineer, calls to put their enemies to their deserved death. She knew how to rally her people, and once they marched together nothing would be able to stop them.

Once a Grineer reaches adulthood they are mandated to serve a term in the military, but should they survive it is largely up to the individual to decide if they will continue military service or pursue a career elsewhere in Grineer society. Though the majority choose to continue military service, there are those that choose politics instead. While not high-ranking officials, Magistrates are a necessity for maintaining social order on the civilian-level, and though they are no longer soldiers few are quick to forget their training. Though no longer strictly military, Magistrates are often assigned to a particular force, from which they spread the decrees of the Queens and Council to all members of the Empire.

Though he far outranks them with his position of Councilor, Vay Hek demonstrates the shared and potent ability to rally Grineer of all stripes to his causes on a daily basis.

Variation Bonus: +5 Charisma, +10 Bluff

Armor Proficiency: 1

[85] Abilities:

Name: Effects: Mechanics: Description: Denounce Demoralize enemies Roll for Accuracy for all to decrease their enemies within range of the ability to act. Magistrate, the next action they take takes two of their turns to complete. Accuracy: 45 (+1 per level) Range: 12 meters (18 meters at level 5) Description: Magistrates know how to twist words. Accomplishments can be made into failures, victories into the beginning of a defeat. Those who are most convincing at this work find themselves able to cause even the most devoted and eager foe to hesitate in their actions. Health Drain Drain health from an Drain 5 health from a target ally to restore your ally per round and transfer it to own. the Magistrate. This effect persists until cancelled. Bonus: +1 additional Health per drain per level Description: Magistrates are not fighters, and by their very nature they are less likely to be able to survive combat – be it for being a target or simply not armored enough. To compensate Grineer technology has begun to devise ways to sap the very energy from a hostile to nourish their forces’ lives. At the moment, large-scale military use of such weapons is impractical, but it still has found application as a tool of the politicians. Imperial Edict Give all your roles All roles while interacting involving Grineer- with Grineer characters gain 1 affiliated characters bonus Success (2 Successes at a bonus. level 5) Description: Magistrates are the voice of the Queens and the Sol Council. Wherever they go it is known by all Grineer that their word is as good as law, so they are far quicker to kneel down before them than any others. Proclaim Rally allies to give a Roll for Accuracy for all allies bonus to their within range of the Magistrate, actions. they may take two actions on their next turn. Accuracy: 45 (+1 per level) Range: 12 meters (18 meters at level 5) Description: With great words of passion, or even wisdom, a Magistrate can cause his allies to be filled with energy they did not even know they still had within them. Moving faster hitting harder, thinking quicker, the power of the spoken word is never to be underestimated. Propaganda Begin a speech that At the start of your next turn, Broadcast buffs allies and all allies around you gain debuffs enemies in

[86] range at the start of bonus movement speed and all your next turn. enemies lose damage. Bonus Movement: +3 meters Damage Reduction: -5 damage (additional -2 damage per level) Description: A favored tool of Vay Hek, propaganda serves a two-fold purpose: demoralize the enemy, rally the allied. Convincing as they are, or perhaps simply by tapping into latent fears or worries, Magistrates are able to cause enemy ranks to break on a moment’s notice. Rally Increase the damage Roll for Accuracy for all allies of allies for a certain within range of the Magistrate, duration. they receive additional flat damage. Accuracy: 45 (+1 per level) Damage Increase: 10 (+10 per level) Range: 12 meters (18 meters at level 5) Description: Magistrates know how to twist words. Failures can be made into accomplishments, defeats into the beginning of victory. Those who are most convincing at this work find themselves able to cause even the most fearful and cowardly friend to be filled with zeal and determination. Sidearm Affinity All attacks made Gain a bonus to Accuracy and with Secondary damage roles when using a weapons have higher Secondary Weapon. Accuracy and Accuracy Bonus: -2 damage. (additional -2 per level) Damage Bonus: +5 damage (+2 damage per level) Description: Self-protection is the number-one priority of any Magistrate. Pistols are light, easy to conceal, and, though they now serve the political field Magistrates, as well as most other Grineer politicians, have not forgotten how to wield a weapon. Silver Tongue Passively increase +3 to Charisma Stat per level your Charisma Stat. Description: Often it is not grand speeches or great declarations that can alter the course of someone’s opinion or thought, but merely a minor, subtle suggestion. Just the right inflection, but the pitch-perfect tone, and someone may be willing to spill their darkest secrets for nothing. Intimidation Tactics Passively increase +3 to Intimidate Skill per level your Intimidate Skill. Description: Grineer politics are both a scary and physically dangerous thing to experience. Magistrates, though not even they know the full depths of its terror, are familiar with this, and they know how to make such fear work for them.

[87] Corpus Accountant He stared at the Grineer force assembled before him and his fellows. They had come frothing with fury, but now they were beginning to have doubts. His stared at them over his reading visor, eyes boring holes in each and every one. The Grineer began to back down.

Corpus politics begins and ends with Profit. Everything they do is built around ensuring they achieve the maximum amount of it possible from each of their actions. Every deal with the Grineer, every Corporation mandate, every Orokin ruin they dig into. Because of this focus around money, Accountants in the Corporation not only deal with business ledgers and finances but are also called upon to handle inter and intra-factional debates, deals, and disagreements. Though not skilled in the areas of combat, they are a vital part of what keeps the Corporation running and afloat in a universe where the Grineer could turn on them without a moment’s notice.

As one of the current most affluent members of the Corpus Board, Frohd Bek’s skill in dealing with both money and people is never to be underestimated.

Variation Bonus: +5 Intelligence, +10 Appraise

Armor Proficiency: 1


Name: Effects: Mechanics: Description: Bribery By offering credits to When rolling on your Bluff or a target character you Diplomacy Skill you may may raise your Bluff expend 100 Credits to raise or Diplomacy Skill your Skill Check by 1 (i.e. during interactions spending 300 Credits will raise with that character. your Skill Check by 3). If this ability is successful or not will ultimately be determined by the DM. Bonus: +1 additional Skill Check increase per 100 Credits at level 5 (i.e. 300 Credits equals an increase of 6 points) Description: Money is no object, and it is the most powerful weapon in Origin. Empires are built on it, Empires are fueled by it, and everyone needs it to survive. The right Credits thrown the right way can be a powerful asset.

[88] Corporate Notice Give all your rolls All roles while interacting involving Corpus- with Corpus characters gain 1 affiliated characters bonus Success (2 Successes at a bonus. level 5) Description: Because Accountants handle the very lifeblood of the Corpus, their words are taken with deep consideration. They often have great pull among their fellow Corpus and they are treated with a little more dignity and respect than their fellow, lower-ranking employees. Denounce Demoralize enemies Roll for Accuracy for all to decrease their will enemies within range of the and ability to act for Magistrate, the next action a certain duration. they take takes two of their turns to complete. Accuracy: 45 (+1 per level) Range: 12 meters (18 meters at level 5) Description: By using a mastery of words, Accountants can crush the spirits of their opponents, and when their spirits are broken they will become easier to manipulate. When they find themselves in combat, this same strategy can make foes easier to defeat. Economical When acquiring or Whenever your receive expending credits Credits or have to expend you have a chance of Credits roll 1d20 per 100 gaining more or Credits in question (if less than spending less. 100 Credits just roll 1d20). The result is how many Credits more or less you gain or have to spend. Bonus: +1d20 per 2 levels Description: Accountants know one thing above all else: how to conserve money. Through clever bartering or simple sleight-of-hand, they often find a way to obtain goods and services for much cheaper than they are actually worth. Emergency Shielding When dropping to When your health drops below low health instantly ¼ of your total instantly gain a gain a one-use protective shield with no shield. recharge. This effect may only occur once per combat session. Shield Value: 200 (+20 per level) Description: While they have some training in the use of weapons, Accountants prefer to protect themselves than attempt to kill their attackers. With a backup shield generator tied to their vital signs, Accountants have one chance to flee for their lives. Evaluation Passively increase +3 to Appraise Skill per level your Appraise Skill. (+15 at level 5) Description: Accountants know how inspect everything from documents to Credits to protect their or their employer’s interests against counterfeits. As time progresses, their ability to recognize fakes only grows.

[89] Proclaim Rally allies to give a Roll for Accuracy for all allies bonus to their actions within range of the Magistrate, for a certain they may take two actions on duration. their next turn. Accuracy: 45 (+1 per level) Range: 12 meters (18 meters at level 5) Description: Accountants are rarely bringers of good news, so when they so speak positively, coupled with their mastery of words, it is often met with a great stirring of spirits. On the battlefield, this stirring can inspire allies to great action. Rally Increase the damage Roll for Accuracy for all allies of allies for a certain within range of the Magistrate, duration. they receive additional flat damage. Accuracy: 45 (+1 per level) Damage Increase: 10 (+10 per level) Range: 12 meters (18 meters at level 5) Description: Accountants are rarely bringers of good news, so when they so speak positively, coupled with their mastery of words, it is often met with a great stirring of spirits. On the battlefield, this stirring can inspire allies to fight with greater ferocity. Silver Tongue Passively increase +3 to Charisma Stat per level your Charisma Stat. Description: Often it is not grand speeches or great declarations that can alter the course of someone’s opinion or thought, but merely a minor, subtle suggestion. Just the right inflection, but the pitch-perfect tone, and someone may be willing to spill their darkest secrets for nothing.

Syndicate Recruiter His words were passion and drive. A crowd gathered to him, each individual fascinated in their own way. Some pitied him for what he would bring upon himself. Others were terrified by thoughts of what he might bring upon them. Others still were inspired, filled with determination.

Unlike the Grineer Empire and Corpus Corporation whose power, prestige, and dominance over the Origin System speaks volumes for itself, when it comes to convincing people of the power of the Syndicates a more tactful approach is needed. Every Syndicate, even the Smuggler Coalitions, has people that urge Colonists take up the cause they represent, or at least join them long enough for them to get some use out of the additional manpower. Quick of wit, these men

[90] and women may not be much in a fight but they have a way with words to put the average Zealot or even Oracle to shame.

Erbo Po’Eshha, leader of Omniform Secta, has a way with words rivaled by few others. It was how he attracted his first followers, it is how he continues to attract more.

Variation Bonus: +5 Wisdom, +10 Knowledge-Local

Armor Proficiency: 2


Name: Effects: Mechanics: Description: Convincing Passively increase +3 to Diplomacy Skill per your Diplomacy level Skill. Description: Recruiters practice and train to become masters of drawing other people in with their words. Their ability to convince others of their cause, and by extension use language to discuss terms in general, benefits as a result. Denounce Demoralize enemies Roll for an Accuracy Check to decrease their will for all enemies within range of and ability to act for the Magistrate, the next action a duration. they take takes two of their turns to complete. Accuracy: 45 (+1 per level) Range: 12 meters (18 meters at level 5) Description: Syndicates and Colonists are seen as lesser to the great empires of Origin, so when one of them manages to worm their way inside a Grineer or Corpus’ head the effect can often be disastrous. Recruiters use this to their battlefield advantage. Determination The Recruiter lifts If a non-adjacent character the spirits of a currently bleeding out is defeated ally, within range of the ability, roll causing them to pick an Accuracy Check. If themselves back up. successful you may begin to revive them at a distance. Accuracy: 46 (+2 per level) Range: 9 meters (12 at level 5) Description: Recruiters are masters of inspiration, able to call people into a battle and help them realize strength they never knew they had. Even if an ally is on the verge of death, they may still find the strength they need to continue the fight. Disengage The Recruiter leaps If an enemy is within melee backwards to escape range roll an Accuracy Check. If successful leap a certain

[91] enemies in melee number of spaces. In a range. direction away from the enemy. Accuracy: 30 (+3 per level) Range: 3 (+3 per 2 levels) Description: Recruiters like to keep moving, keep out of harm’s reach. They know well they will have to fight but they rarely have the equipment to allow them to handle face-to-face combat. They would much rather keep targets at a range, supporting their allies from a distance. Persuade The Recruiter Choose a target enemy within attempts to talk a foe range. Roll an Accuracy into joining their Check, if successful roll 1d6. cause and turning on The target enemy will become their current allies. like a companion for that many rounds. This ability may not be used more than once per combat session. Accuracy: 30 (+2 per level) Range: 6 meters (9 at level 5) Duration: 1d6 (+1 per 2 levels) Description: Recruiters specialize in bringing people to their side – oftentimes regardless of who they are. There have been times when even Corpus and Grineer, loyal to the Queens, have been seduced by words. For most of these there is regret when it is said and done, as they know their future most likely only holds an execution. Proclaim Rally allies to give a Roll an Accuracy Check for all bonus to their actions allies within range of the for a certain Magistrate, they may take two duration. actions on their next turn. Accuracy: 45 (+1 per level) Range: 12 meters (18 meters at level 5) Description: The entire purpose of a Recruiter is to rile the people up. Be it through promises of a better future of pure, simple revenge, their words can cause their allies to be filled with zeal and act with greater speed. Rally Increase the damage Roll an Accuracy Check for all of allies for a certain allies within range of the duration. Magistrate, they may take two actions on their next turn. Accuracy: 45 (+1 per level) Range: 12 meters (18 meters at level 5) Description: The entire purpose of a Recruiter is to rile the people up. Be it through promises of a better future of pure, simple revenge, their words can cause their allies to be filled with zeal and fight with greater fury. Silver Tongue Passively increase +3 to Charisma Stat per level your Charisma Stat.

[92] Description: Often it is not grand speeches or great declarations that can alter the course of someone’s opinion or thought, but merely a minor, subtle suggestion. Just the right inflection, but the pitch-perfect tone, and someone may be willing to spill their darkest secrets for nothing. Syndication Give all your rolls All roles while interacting involving Syndicate- with Syndicate characters gain affiliated characters 1 bonus Success (2 Successes a bonus. at level 5) Description: Syndicates are not close allies, but they are often the only allies each has. Alliances of convenience are also being sought after, so when one Syndicate member speaks to another there is a certain level of mutuality. Recruiters have the skills to make this work well for them.

[93] Engineer Engineers construct and deconstruct items in order to have Scrap pieces that allow them to craft all manner of offensive, defensive, or utility constructs to aid themselves and their allies.

Many Engineer abilities require Components to use. Components may be purchased from vendors or created by the engineer by taking apart valid equipment (Machines, Robotics, Weapons, etc.) with their Deconstruct Ability.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +15 Intelligence +5 Appraise +10 Wisdom +10 Device-Electronic +10 Device-Mechanical +10 Knowledge-Device +10 Repair +5 Weapons-Special The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Grineer Seeker Running did them no good. Steel blades sliced effortlessly through steel and bone, dropping the Colonists to the ground, their blood mixing with the dirt. The Grineer stood by as her machines did their work. With the press of a button she sent more forward to finish them job.

Seekers make up the heart of Grineer Empire’s engineering operations, though more commonly known for their use of Grineer robotic technology on the battlefield they are also invaluable to the maintenance of Grineer infrastructure and industry. Seekers find little respect amongst the Grineer, however, if they stay out of combat to monitor things from the sidelines or repair damaged equipment, even if either action provides assistance to their allies.

Known for a fondness of – or perhaps obsession with – the Roller technology, Kela de Thaym moonlights within this particular area of expertise.

Variation Bonus: +5 Intelligence, +10 Device-Mechanical

[94] Armor Proficiency: 2


Name: Effect: Required Mechanics: Components: Robotics Stats: Augmented Eye Lock onto a target, None Increases Accuracy Check increasing all rolls OR Perception Skill Accuracy Check rolls Duration: against that target by a Infinite (Accuracy) certain amount. 2 Checks (Perception) OR Bonus: Increase Perception -5 (Accuracy, -2 per level) Skill by a certain +10 (Perception, +2 per level) amount for single task. Description: Grineer Seekers are outfitted with an apparatus over their eyes (real or mechanical as they may be) that allows them to focus in on finer details – like a pair of binoculars strapped to their brain. This is intended to assist the Seeker with searching for minute details in whatever they are repairing but the clever Seeker knows they are also able to use this device to spot and track enemy units on the battlefield with ease. Deconstruct Take apart a viable None Roll to determine how many piece of machinery, Components are gained. grants you a certain Roll: 2d20 (+1d20 per level) amount of Components. Description: Engineers are apt in repair, however in order to build back up one must often break things down. Engineers are able to take apart machines and scavenge parts from them for regular use, no matter the device they are tearing apart they are always able to find what they need in order to build or repair any device on the fly and use whatever they find with uncanny ability. For Seekers, this ability means they can keep the Grineer war machine running. Deploy Carabus Locks onto a target in 15 Create a Carabus Sentinel Sentinel Bleedout, prevent with the following Stats. allies of the target from Carabus Sentinel expires reviving it until the after its target dies. sentinel is destroyed. Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Carabus Sentinel Light Ferrite Plating None None, prevents the target (18, +5) from being revived from Bleedout. Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 60 Strength: 0 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 6 (+2) Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 5 (+1) Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4

[95] Wisdom: 1 (+1) Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: The Carabus Sentinel is a marvel of Grineer technology. Sentinels were prevalent during the Orokin Era, but like so many other things the technology to make them was lost – though the Grineer have a variety of technologies used to make sentinel and sentinel-like machines, the Carabus is the only one that comes close to the original. The purpose of this sentinel is simple: after a target, most often a Colonist, has been rendered helpless it moves in and prevents assistance being given to that target, effectively locking them in a single location until its owner can move in and claim their prize – and then usually execute them or deport them to asteroid mining colonies to serve as slave labor Deploy Diriga Deals Electricity 15 Create a Diriga Sentinel with Sentinel damage to enemies for the following Stats. Diriga a certain duration. Sentinel lasts a certain duration: Duration: 1d20+1 rounds (+1 round per level) Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Diriga Sentinel Light Fabric (6, +0) None Arc Battery (Accuracy: 53, Range: 1-15, Damage: 3d20+20, Primary: Electricity) Increase base damage by 5 per ability level Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 60 Strength: 0 Perception: 20 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 6 (+1) Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 5 (+1) +2 to each per Dodge: 2d4 Intelligence: 5 ability level Will: 0d4 Charisma: Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 20 (+2) Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: The Diriga Sentinel utilizes a combination of Regulator technology – which provides movement – and Arc Trap technology – which provides offensive capabilities. Despite the sheer amount of electricity that the Diriga can generate it is more common to see this sentinel being used for defensive purposes, staying by the Seeker that constructs it and keeping enemies at bay with shocking bursts of energy until the Seeker is finished or the sentinel is destroyed or expires due to faulty wiring. Deploy Latcher Attaches to a target, 3 Deploy a Latcher with the detonating after one following stats. Latchers round for a certain have a +3 to their movement.

[96] amount of damage if Latchers detonate one round not removed. after they attach to their target, but may be removed and disabled if the target spends a round doing so. Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Latcher Light Mechanical None Self-Destruct (Accuracy: Plating (24, +10) 100, Range: Melee, Damage: 5d12+40, Primary: Blast, Secondary: Impact) +5 base damage per ability level +1d20 at ability level 5 Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 10 Strength: 1 Perception: 12 Initiative: 1d20+2 Constitution: 1 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 20 (+2) +2 to each per Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 1 ability level Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 5 (+2) Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: The core of the Seeker’s robotics, Latchers are simple machines driven by simple programming: they seek out whatever target they are given relentlessly and when they reach it they attach to it via magnetic latches and microhooks and begin a countdown to detonation. While they can be removed with minimal effort doing so eats up valuable time and if they are not they detonate in a small but powerful blast. Simplicity is often effective. Deploy Nervos Attaches to a target, 8 Deploy a Nervos with the apply the Electricity following stats. Nervos have Status Effect for a a +3 to their movement. certain amount of time. Nervos attach to a target upon reaching them and apply the Electricity Status Effect. Status Duration: 1d20 (+1 round per level) Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Nervos Light Mechanical None None Plating (24, +10) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 10 Strength: 1 Perception Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 1 (+1) +1 to each per Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 15 (+2) ability level Dodge: 1d4 Intelligence: 5 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4

[97] Wisdom: 12 (+1) Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: Nervos are a variation on the Latchers. Their programming is the same and so is the mechanics by which they affix themselves to their targets, but what they do after latching on is very different. Instead of taking a moment to process, charge, and explode, Nervos instantly discharge their battery into the target they latch on to. The electricity coursing through their body does no real damage, but it locks up the affected enemy’s muscles, preventing any action from them for a varying duration. Deploy Regulator Sends a Regulator that 5 Deploy a Regulator with the increases the following stats. Regulator movement and provides increased movement damage of the and damage to allies. Seeker’s allies into the Duration: 1d20+1 rounds air (+1 round per level) (CAN ONLY BE HIT Range: 1-30 meters BY RANGED Movement: +3 (+3 more at WEAPONS). level 5) Damage: +10 (+5 per level) Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Regulator Medium Mechanical None None Plating (28, +10) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 70 Strength: 1 None Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 7 (+2) Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 25 (+2) Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 1 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 1 Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: Regulators are the simplest one can get in a robotic, essentially it is just a number of balloons filled with light gasses with a few basic movement protocols in place and, lastly, an audio playback system attached. Regulators a programmed to repeat the same speech over and over until the systems fail; these messages serve the purpose of rallying Grineer and allies to battle and can be anything from recordings of speeches given by Grineer officials to custom messages recorded by the Seekers themselves – though such messages are policed and regulated in order to ensure the loyalty of the Seeker spreading them.

[98] Deploy Roller Sends out a Roller 10 Deploy a Roller with the controlled by the following stats. Rollers have Seeker that will attack a +3 to their movement. enemies for a certain Rollers take their turn after duration. the Seeker, and do as the Seeker commands. Duration: 1d20+1 rounds (+1 round per level) Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Roller Medium Mechanical None Roller Blades (Accuracy: 63, Plating (28, +10) Range: Melee, Damage: 2d12+10, Primary: Slash) +5 base damage per level +1d12 at level 5 Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 80 Strength: 10 (+2) Intimidate: 15 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 8 (+1) Perception: 10 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 5 (+1) +1 to each per Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 1 ability level. Will: 0d4 Charisma: 5 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 10 Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: Rollers tend to be stand-alone devices with programming not dissimilar to that of MOAs – simple combat routines, enemy recognition - basic stuff. However they lack the more elegant designs of MOAs, as well as ranged capabilities. Instead, Rollers are simple balls of melee combat, retractable blades hidden in the devices along with simple magnetic propulsion abilities allow them to leap up to average heights and slash at targets. Seeker deployed versions lack the patrol mechanics and longer lifespan of the self-functioning ones, but they still provide any Grineer force with a valuable source of melee offense power and distracting chaos. Overclock Increase the damage of 10 Increase the damage of a a robotic or weapon. robotic or weapon for a set duration: Range: Melee Duration: 4 rounds (+1 round per level) Damage: +20 (+5 per level) Description: Anyone who knows machines knows how to tinker with them, improve them, even if only for a limited time. Engineers can temporarily bypass certain safety or enhance already- outstanding features of weapons to make them more deadly than ever before. Even though they must be next to these devices to do so, the benefits of taking the time to upgrade these machines is impossible to overlook. Seekers use this to most often to further empower their weapons.


Corpus Tech The robotics advanced in an unbroken line, firing continuously at the force standing against them. Energy bolts bounced off of fortifications more than they cut through armor while bullets tore through the advancing force. The commanding Corpus stayed back, surveying the battle, knowing that he had already won.

Corpus Techs represent the highest mastery of technology in Origin. Trained specifically for the task of robotics and ship maintenance, only a handful of non-Corpus individuals could hope to match them at what they do. Techs provide invaluable services to the Corpus and, while not heralded as heroes, are respected through quiet acknowledgement. When a Tech is around Corpus know they are in good hands.

Alad V is a talented Tech, albeit with an almost uncharacteristic knowledge of biotics as well as robotics.

Variation Bonus: +5 Wisdom, +10 Device-Electronic

Armor Proficiency: 2


Name: Effect: Required Mechanics: Components: Description: Robotics Stats: Deconstruct Take apart a viable None Roll to determine how many piece of machinery, parts are gained. grants you a certain Roll: 2d20 (+1d20 per level) amount of Components. Description: Engineers are apt in repair, however in order to build back up one must often break things down. Engineers are able to take apart machines and scavenge parts from them for regular use, no matter the device they are tearing apart they are always able to find what they need in order to build or repair any device on the fly and use whatever they find with uncanny ability. Techs use this to keep robotic allies by their side at all times. Deploy Helios Tracks target enemies, 10 Create a Helios Sentinel with Sentinel granting bonuses to the following Stats. Helios Dodge Checks against Sentinel expires early if its target dies.

[100] all attacks they make Dodge Check: +2 (+1 per against the Tech. level) Duration: 1d20+1 rounds (+1 round per level) Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Helios Sentinel Light Robotic Plating Light Shield None (20, +5) (50, -5, 20 per round) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 40 Strength: 1 Perception: 75 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 4 +1 per ability Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 15 level. Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 20 (+2) Will: 0d4 Charisma: 5 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 20 (+2) Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: The Helios sentinel is simple technology, a camera and recording equipment affixed to a self-mobile body. This was originally used by Corpus scientists to document their work in either robotics or biotics, an eye watching over their shoulder and recording their every action for further review. It was noted by Techs in the field, however, that such a tool might be useful to their work – either for the same reasons or for matters of self-defense. They adopted and modified the Helios technology, bringing it out of the lab to a surprisingly useful effect. Deploy Mine Sends an Osprey that 8 Create a Mine Osprey with Osprey lays down mines to the following stats. Mine deal Blast damage to Ospreys take their turn after unwary enemies into the Tech, and do as the Tech the air commands. (CAN ONLY BE HIT Duration: 1d20+1 rounds BY RANGED (+1 round per level) WEAPONS). Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Mine Osprey Light Robotic Plating Light Shield Mine Dropper: (Range: (20, +5) (50, -5, 10 per Melee, Damage: 5d20+20, round) Primary: Blast) Mines wait until enemies are within 6 meters or 5 rounds before detonating +4 base damage per ability level 6 round duration at ability level 5 Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 40 Strength: 1 Perception: 14 Initiative: 1d20+0

[101] Constitution: 4 (+1) Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 12 (+1) Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 12 (+1) Will: 0d4 Charisma: 5 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 5 (+1) Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: Ospreys can serve many functions due to their incredibly mobile design. One of the more common of these is to deploy mines across a battlefield. The Mine Osprey creates plasma mines with a generator at is base, it then lays down these mines across a field in the path of enemies. The mines trigger either on contact with enemy forces or after energy decay causes their casing to weaken and they detonate out of expiration; either way, the result is a blast that is devastating to those caught around it. Mine Ospreys crafted in the field by Techs are inevitably weaker than their factory-produced counterparts. Deploy MOA Sends out a MOA that 6 Create a MOA with the attacks enemies. following stats. MOAs take their turn after the Tech, and do as the Tech commands. Duration: 1d20+1 rounds (+1 round per level) Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: MOA Medium Robotic Medium MOA Laser (Accuracy: 48, Plating (26, +10) Shield (100, 5 Range: 24, Damage: per, -5) 2d20+15, Primary: Puncture, Secondary: Impact, Mag: 8) Increase base damage by 5 per ability level Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 80 Strength: 6 Athletics: 10 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 8 (+2) Intimidate: Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 8 (+1) 10 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 4 Perception: Will: 0d4 Charisma: 4 10 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 8 (+1) +1 to each per Numbers in ability level. parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: MOAs are the forefront of any Corpus military or security force. Though simple in their design, MOAs bring a considerable amount of firepower to any fight and are surprisingly durable for having such a sleek design. Built with mobility and speed in mind, MOAs are just as capable of chasing targets down as they are attacking them from a distance. The MOAs deployed in the field by Corpus Techs are inevitably weaker than their factory- produced counterparts, but they still serve their purpose efficiently.

[102] Deploy Sapping Sends an Osprey that 15 Create a Sapping Osprey with Osprey lays down areas of the following stats. Sapping effect that deal Ospreys take their turn after Electricity damage to the Tech, and do as the Tech unwary enemies into commands. the air Duration: 1d20+1 rounds (CAN ONLY BE HIT (+1 round per level) BY RANGED WEAPONS). Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Sapping Osprey Light Robotic Plating Medium Sapping Field (Range: 1-30, (20, +5) Shield (100, 5 Damage: 1d20+50, Damage per, -5) Type: Electricity) AoE: 15 meters (21 meters at level 5) +1 base damage per ability level +1d20 at level 5 Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 80 Strength: 0 Perception: 10 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 8 (+1) +1 per ability Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 15 (+2) level. Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 5 (+1) Will: 0d4 Charisma: 5 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 10 Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: A more recent development in terms of Osprey technology, the Sapping Osprey is meant to be an area-denial tool to keep drastically-unwanted forces out of restricted areas. The Sapping Osprey deploys an orb that strikes the floor and emits a limited-range wave of high- concentration static that damages all enemies that enter the area it covers. It has become a favorite of Techs that want to specialize in crowd control. The orb may be targeted and destroyed to remove the field. Deploy Shield Sends an Osprey that 6 Create a Shield Osprey with Osprey provides bonus the following stats. Shield Shields to the Tech and Ospreys take their turn after their allies into the air the Tech, and do as the Tech (CAN ONLY BE HIT commands. BY RANGED Bonus Shields: 25, +1 per WEAPONS). round (+50 shields at level 5) Range: 12 meters (+3 per ability level) Duration: 1d20+1 rounds (+1 round per level)

[103] Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Shield Osprey Medium Robotic Medium None, grant bonus shields to Plating (26, +10) Shield (100, 5 the target. per, -5) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 70 Strength: 8 Perception: 10 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 7 (+2) +1 per ability Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 8 (+2) level Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 8 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 8 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 8 Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: The classic Osprey unit, Shield Ospreys carry with them shield batteries that it can direct onto nearby allies to provide them with bonus defenses. This design long ago cemented itself as a cornerstone of Corpus operations, as not only does it prove useful in combat but should a crewman’s shields ever fail during a crucial moment the Shield Ospreys would be able to step in and provide them with adequate shielding until they could repair theirs or reach safety. Shield Ospreys are as iconic to the Corpus as the regular MOA. Deploy Shockwave Sends out a MOA that 15 Create a Shockwave MOA MOA allies the Blast status with the following stats. effect to enemies in an Shockwave MOAs take their area around it. turn after the Tech, and do as the Tech commands. Shockwave MOAs may stamp the ground to create a Blast Status Effect AoE that spreads for a short duration. Status Effect Spread: 3 meters per round for one round (+1 round at level 5) Duration: 1d20+1 rounds (+1 round per level) Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Medium Robotic Medium Field MOA Laser (Accuracy: Plating (26, +10) Shield (100, 5 39, Range: 15-30, Damage: per, -5) 2d20+10, Primary: Puncture, Secondary: Impact, Mag: 5) +1 base damage per ability level Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 90 Strength: 5 (+1) Athletics: 10 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 9 (+3) Intimidate: Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 10 10 Dodge: 0d4

[104] Intelligence: 3 Perception: Will: 0d4 Charisma: 10 10 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 12 +1 to each per Numbers in ability level. parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: The Shockwave MOA variation is built not for direct combat but rather for tactical support and crowd dispersal. Slightly sturdier than the generic design, Shockwave MOAs have strong turbines and tightly-wound pistons in their legs that allow for them to generate rippling waves of force strong enough to knock those caught in its wave off of their feet upon contact with the ground. Shockwave MOAs are now more commonly seen assisting during conflicts between the Corpus and Grineer but they are also often deployed to deal with and disperse rioting Colonists. Deploy Turret Deploys a stationary 8 Create a stationary Turret turret that deals high with the following stats. damage to enemies Turrets attack enemies that that enter its range. are within range, prioritizing the most recent target to enter. Duration: 1d20+1 rounds (+1 round per level) Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Corpus Turret Medium Robotic Light Shield Turret Laser (Accuracy: 55 Plating (26, +10) (50, -5, 10 per Range: 1-30, Damage: round) 4d20+10, Primary: Puncture, Secondary: Impact) +5 base damage per ability level Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 100 Strength: 2 Perception: 30 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 10 (+2) +1 to each per Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 ability level Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 3 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 0 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 10 (+2) Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: There is not much say about the turrets. They are immobile tools that guard a specific area whenever they detect a threat enter its range. For all their power they lack the mobility of the Tech’s other robotics, and generally are either the first or last things thrown out as a preemptive measure or a last resort. Some techs find use for these machines as watchdogs while they work, but most others prefer to have their more varied proxies to keep them protected from hostiles.

[105] Overclock Increase the damage of 10 Increase the damage of a a robotic or weapon. robotic or weapon for a set duration. A robotic weapon may not be overclocked more than once in a single combat situation. Range: Melee Duration: 4 rounds (+1 round per level) Damage: +20 (+10 per level) Description: Anyone who knows machines knows how to tinker with them, improve them, even if only for a limited time. Engineers can temporarily bypass certain safety or enhance already- outstanding features of weapons to make them more deadly than ever before. Even though they must be next to these devices to do so, the benefits of taking the time to upgrade these machines is impossible to overlook. Techs use this most often to further bolster their robotics.

Syndicate Rigger The Corpus had broken the outer defenses easily, but after that… nothing, no further attempts to stop them from advancing into the Syndicate base, nothing but scrap-metal-made humanoid figures. There was laughter, then the sound of a hundred machines coming alive together. The golems attacked and tore them apart.

Colonist technology is made of scrap metal and salvage. An argument could be made for the aesthetics of Grineer technology, but Colonist attempts to construct their own tech lack such defenders. Their products sloppy, jagged, unappealing to all but a handful of niche visual senses. But, similar to the Grineer but in a much more surprising way: it is functional. Riggers are those people that display a particular talent or affinity for handling this kind of unruly technology, and all Syndicates employ a good number of them in order to at least try and keep up with the technological mastery that their enemies display.

Cephalon Suda is a Rigger, though no in the traditional sense: she can construct and deploy machines but does so rarely, preferring to give her associates the knowledge to do so for her.

Variation Bonus: +5 Strength, +10 Repair

Armor Proficiency: 2

[106] Abilities:

Name: Effects: Required Mechanics: Components: Description: Deconstruct Take apart a viable None Choose an item you wish to piece of machinery, use the ability on and roll to grants you a certain determine how many amount of Components are gained. The Components. item is destroyed. Roll: 2d20 (+1d20 per level) Description: Engineers are apt in repair, however in order to build back up one must often break things down. Engineers are able to take apart machines and scavenge parts from them for regular use, no matter the device they are tearing apart they are always able to find what they need in order to build or repair any device on the fly and use whatever they find with uncanny ability. For Riggers, this skill is the difference between life and death. Deploy Scrap-Golem Deploys an 10 Create a Scrap-Golem Defender immobile machine Defender with the following that taunts enemies stats. Scrap-Golem Defenders within range to may only move a maximum of attack it. 3 meters at a time and cannot attack but taunt enemies and may Grapple them. Range: 3 meters Duration: 1d20+1 rounds (+1 round per level) Name: Armor: Shields: Weapons: Scrap-Golem Heavy Mechanical None None, will attempt to taunt Defender Plating (38, +12) enemies into attacking it, may also Grapple enemies in melee range. Accuracy: 45 (+1 per 2 ability levels) Duration: 2 rounds (+1 per 2 ability levels) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 70 Strength: 1 None Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 7 (+3) Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 1 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 2d4 (+1 per ability Wisdom: 2 (+1) level) Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level.

[107] Description: These bulky mechanical constructs serve to act as meat shields and defenders for Syndicate groups and Colonists that find themselves operating in enemy-heavy territory, drawing enemies to attack them rather than their masters. While the range of their ability to do so is limited, they are an invaluable asset. Deploy Scrap-Golem Charge to a target 10 Create a Scrap-Golem Detonator location and Detonator with the following explode, damaging stats. When used the Rigger all enemies around. must choose a target location, the Scrap-Golem will move towards the target area at a maximum speed of 6 meters per turn, and upon reaching it detonate, dealing heavy damage. Range: 3 meters Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Scrap-Golem Light Mechanical Medium Self-Destruct (Accuracy: 30, Detonator Plating (24, +10) Shield (100, 5 Range: 6, Damage: 2d100+30, per, -5) Primary: Blast, Secondary: None) Increase Accuracy by 2 per 2 ability levels Increase base damage by 5 per 2 ability levels Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 60 Strength: 8 Perception: Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 6 (+1) 10 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 8 (+2) Intimidate: 12 Dodge: 0d4 (+1d4 per ability Intelligence: 8 +1 per ability level) Charisma: 8 level Will: 0d4 Wisdom: 8 (+1) Grapple: 0d4 (+1d4 per Numbers in ability level) parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: The scrap-golems made by Riggers are built with whatever materials they may have on hand. Defenders and protectors, like the ancient golems of Old Earth folklore, these metal automatons have all sorts of purposes – some of them requiring the sacrifice of themselves. Deploy Scrap-Golem Rolls across the 10 Create a Scrap-Golem Raider Raider battlefield, opening with the following stats. fire at enemies Scrap-Golem Raiders take within range. their turn after the Tech, and do as the Tech commands. Duration: 1d20+1 rounds (+1 per level)

[108] Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Scrap-Golem Raider Medium Mechanical None Machine Gun (Accuracy: 32, Plating (25, +11) Range: 21, Damage: 2d20+20, Primary: Slash, Secondary: Impact, Mag: 8) Increase Accuracy by 2 per ability level Increase base damage by 5 per ability level Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 60 Strength: 8 Perception: Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 6 (+1) 10 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 8 (+1) +1 per ability Dodge: 0d4 (+1d4 per ability Intelligence: 8 (+1) level level) Charisma: 8 Will: 0d4 Wisdom: 8 (+1) Grapple: 0d4 Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: With a projectile weapon built into its body, this scrap-golem serves as the most offense-worthy tool of Riggers. Designed for frontal assault, often to draw attention away from the Rigger and ally, these golems are simple but effective. Crude, but useful – as are all things the Riggers are best at creating. Deploy Scrap-Golem Deploys an 10 Create a Scrap Sentinel with Sentinel immobile machine the following stats. Scrap that attracts bullets to Sentinels are immobile and it if the friendly cannot attack but draw enemy character under fire toward them if the target attack is nearby. is within range. When an attack is made Range: 6 meters Duration: 1d20+1 rounds (+1 round per level) Name: Armor: Shields: Weapons: Scrap-Golem Sentinel Heavy Mechanical None None, will attempt to draw Plating (38, +12) enemy fire towards it. If a friendly character within range is attack, roll an Accuracy Check. If Successful, the Scrap Sentinel takes the damage instead. Accuracy: 37 (+2 per level) Range: 3 meters (6 meters at ability level 5)

[109] Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 70 Strength: 1 None Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 7 (+3) Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 1 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 2 (+1) Numbers in parenthesis indicate how much is gained per ability level. Description: These drones are little more than stationary pillars of metal with a magnetic field generator and targeting sensor constructed into them. Whenever the Scrap-Golem Sentinel registers an attack against a target it recognizes as “friendly” it will attempt to focus its magnetic field to draw the attack to it – unfortunately the range at which it can recognize a target is very limited. Overclock Increase the damage 10 Increase the damage of a of a robotic or robotic or weapon for a set weapon. duration. A robotic weapon may not be overclocked more than once in a single combat situation. Range: Melee Duration: 4 rounds (+1 round per level) Damage: +20 (+10 per level) Description: Anyone who knows machines knows how to tinker with them, improve them, even if only for a limited time. Engineers can temporarily bypass certain safety or enhance already- outstanding features of weapons to make them more deadly than ever before. Even though they must be next to these devices to do so, the benefits of taking the time to upgrade these machines is impossible to overlook. Riggers most often use this to better defend themselves during raids. Supercharge Overload a robotic or 4 Choose a target and roll an machine, giving Accuracy Check. If friendly ones successful and the target is Electricity damage friendly give it an Electricity or damaging enemy damage increase; if successful ones with Electricity and the target is hostile, deal damage. Electricity damage to it. This ability gives the Rigger’s Scrap Golem’s the ability to attack. Range: 3 meters (+3 meters per 2 levels) Accuracy: 43 (+3 per level) Bonus Electricity Damage: 1d20 (+1d20 per level)

[110] Electricity Damage: 2d20+20 (+10 per level) Description: Riggers create a generator on the fly, which they can link up to machines or robotics with ease. This allows the Rigger to either up the charge in some devices or, when used offensively, shock them into submission. Supercool Overcool a robotic or 4 Choose a target and roll an machine, giving Accuracy Check. If friendly ones Cold successful and the target is damage or damaging friendly give it a Cold damage enemy ones with increase; if successful and the Cold damage. target is hostile, deal Cold damage to it. This ability gives the Rigger’s Scrap Golem’s the ability to attack. Range: 9 meters (+3 meters per 2 levels) Accuracy: 43 (+3 per level) Bonus Cold Damage: 1d20 (+1d20 per level) Cold Damage: 2d20+20 (+10 per level) Description: Riggers create a coolant device on the fly, which they can link up to machines or robotics with ease. This allows the Rigger to either lower the temperature in some devices or, when used offensively, freeze them into submission. Superheat Overheat a robotic or 4 Choose a target and roll an machine, giving Accuracy Check. If friendly ones Heat successful and the target is damage or damaging friendly give it a Heat damage enemy ones with increase; if successful and the Heat damage. target is hostile, deal Heat damage to it. This ability gives the Rigger’s Scrap Golem’s the ability to attack. Range: 9 meters (+3 meters per 2 levels) Accuracy: 43 (+3 per level) Bonus Heat Damage: 1d20 (+1d20 per level) Heat Damage: 2d20+20 (+10 per level) Description: Riggers create a heater on the fly, which they can link up to machines or robotics with ease. This allows the Rigger to either raise the thermal temperature in some devices or, when used offensively, roast them into submission.

[111] Healer Healers, as the name implies, heal wounded allies and cure status effects with their abilities to ensure the group survives combat situations.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +4 Dexterity +20 Heal +10 Wisdom +15 Knowledge-Medical +6 Charisma +5 Empathy +5 Intelligence +5 Perception +5 Bluff The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Grineer Mephite The street was consumed in a massive gaseous cloud. In half of it Colonists and their Syndicate allies choked and gasped for what little air they could bring into their lungs, in the other half Lancers moved with cold efficiency, executing their victims without hesitation.

The Grineer care little for their wounded, should one of theirs suffer injury in battle that cannot be immediately healed or repaired through augmentation they prefer to let them pass and recycle their remains into nutrition for the next generation of clones. Mephites are the few chosen Grineer that work to grow new clones to combat, and every so often when a Grineer comes along that is too valuable to simply let die and be recycled, they are sent into the field to support them.

The up-and-coming Doctor Tengus is a Mephite, though he is known to dabble in mechanics from time to time.

Variation Bonus: +5 Intelligence, +10 Knowledge-Medical

Armor Proficiency: 2


[112] Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Adrenaline Shot Grants a bonus action None Provide a bonus action to an for a turn. ally. Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Bonus Action: 1 (2 at level 5) Description: Exactly what it says on the tin. The Healer pumps the target’s blood full of adrenaline, hyping them up and granting them quick reaction time until they turn it out of their system. Due to the injection method, though, the Healer must be up next to his intended patient in order to administer the injection. Cure Removes a Status None Remove 1 Status Effect from Effect from a target a target ally. ally. Range: 1-15 (1-21 at level 5) Effect Removed: 1 (2 at level 5) Description: Extensive medical research has allowed for advancements in technology that allow the cleansing of multiple negative effects through medical means. Furthermore, these treatments may be provided at a range, increasing their usefulness in combat situations. How exactly these methods are applied varies from Healer to Healer, as the methodology can vary wildly though the science remains the same. Healing Spray Heals allies in an area None Heal all allies in an Area. for a certain amount. Range: 1-21 meters (6 meter AoE) Healing: 2d20 (+1d20 per level) +Mephite Heal Skill Total Description: An impressive if crude technology, Mephites possess spray large quantities of healing gasses over an area to replenish the life of friendly targets. The gas has no effect on those who are openly hostile to the Mephite and their allies. How it differentiates is unknown, and the chemical makeup of the spray is kept secret from all non-Grineer forces. Laughing Gas Stuns enemies by 5 rounds (3 at Choose a target location and sending them into a fit level 5) make an Accuracy Check. If of laughter. successful all enemies within an AoE cannot take any action for a certain number of rounds. Accuracy: 44 (+2 per level) Range: 6-18 meters (6-21 meters at level 5) AoE Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Stun Duration: 1d6 rounds (+1 round per 2 levels) Description: Grineer are not often fond of a non-violent solution to problems, but non-violent methods, they have found, are often capable of lending to the success of other efforts. Mephites

[113] carry laughing gas on them, contained in easily-deployable canisters, not to help ease the pain of their patients but to make them more docile while trying to strap them in – and then they typically wait for it to wear off before continuing with any medical procedures. Life Support Creates a station that None Creates a Life Support allows allies to heal Canister with the following themselves for a stats at the target location that certain amount by characters allied to the interacting with it. Mephite can use to heal. Range: 1-18 Healing: 2d20 (+1d20 per level) +User Heal Skill total Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Life Support Capsule Medium Mechanical None None Plating (28, -10) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 70 Strength: 1 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 7 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 1 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 1 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 1 +1 to each per ability level Description: For moments when the Mephite is unable to reach their targets or when they require more healing than they can provide. The Mephite deploys a decently-sized canister of healing gasses and fluids that allows for the medication of any allies that come into contact with and directly activate it, thankfully possessing the A.I. needed to keep hostiles from accessing its healing abilities. Regenerate Heals a target over None Provides healing over time. time for a certain Range: Melee amount. Duration: 1d20 (+1d20 per level) Healing: 20 +Mephite Heal Skill total Description: A slow-but-progressive healing ability, Mephites use a mixture of various gasses and liquids to stimulate the metabolic healing of their target’s body into working overtime, closing wounds naturally at unnatural speeds, and helping with instances in which the Mephite is unable to reach the target. Unfortunately this must be applied while the Mephite is in close range to the target. Rejuvenate Heals a target for a None Instantly heal the target. certain amount. Range: 1-21 meters Healing: 2d20 +Mephite Heal Skill total Description: Basic healing techniques, Healers are able to choose a single target and restore missing life to them, closing wounds and stopping bleeding. The methods by which they do this

[114] at a range are unknown, though nanobot technology is speculated to be the source of this strange ranged healing. Resuscitate Attempt to bring a None Roll, 1d12. On 1-6 return the target back from the character to life, on 7-12 it dead. fails. Even level gives you the ability to lower your roll by 1 (i.e. Level 2 allows you to lower the roll by 2) Range: Melee Description: Even after death there are ways to restore life. Through a complicated mix of chemicals and techniques, the Healer may restore a character back to life – if they’re lucky, otherwise their efforts will leave the body unable to be recovered from death by anyone else. Toxin Canister Hurls a canister of 5 rounds (3 at Hurl a toxic canister to cover gas, covering the level 5) an area in the Gas Status target area in noxious Effect (see Chapter 9: fumes. Combat for Status Effect details). Accuracy: 58 (+3 per level) Range: 6-18 meters (6-21 meters at level 5) AoE Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Description: No Grineer is complete without some form of offensive ability, and the Mephites turn their understanding of science and chemical technology to this purpose. Hurling out a canister of noxious fumes they are able to coat an area with the toxic gas, dealing damage to all enemies that step into the cloud.

Corpus Auxiliatrix He bounded around the battle, his silhouette not sleek but agile all the same. In seconds he was by side of his allies across the battlefield, administering to their wounds and getting them back into battle. Then he was gone, headed for the next group of needy Crewmen.

Auxiliatrices are the doctors of the Corpus. When an employee is injured or when medical evaluations are needed, Auxiliatrices are called in to run the examinations. In the field Auxiliatrices are also effective, as should they be deployed in such situations it generally means they have been through some manner of briefing or have some previous experiences outside the lab. They are not suited for combat, and while some may know how to use a weapon they are not necessarily inclined to be proficient with it in any sense.

[115] Doctor Intehb is an Auxiliatrix, known for her work in attempting to rediscover the ancient biotics technology of the Orokin.

Variation Bonus: +5 Dexterity, +10 Agility

Armor Proficiency: 1


Name: Effects: Cooldown Mechanics: Description: Adrenaline Shot Grants a bonus action None Provide a bonus action to an for a turn. ally. Range: Melee Bonus Action: 1 (2 at level 5) Description: Exactly what it says on the tin. The Healer pumps the target’s blood full of adrenaline, hyping them up and granting them quick reaction time until they turn it out of their system. Due to the injection method, though, the Healer must be up next to his intended patient in order to administer the injection. Bound Move many spaces None Roll to determine how far quickly. away you can move (round to nearest number divisible by 3). Movement: 1d20 Description: The Auxiliatrix position began as indoor medical work, serving in the indoctrination temples and medical bays of Corpus ships, but as the field expanded the focus opened up to field work, and in order to help provide training Auxiliatrices with the skills they need to work in the field they were given military-esq training and gear. Auxiliatrices can cover more ground on their own two legs than any other Corporation employee. Charge Shields Increase the Shields None Increase a target’s shields of a target by a certain and shield regeneration. If amount. the target has no base shields they gain the bonus shields but the recharge rate will not apply. Shields: 20 (+5 per level) Regen: 1 (2 at level 5) Description: Auxiliatrices in the field are expected to keep their allies alive by any means necessary, and while they possess the healing ability to close wounds it is undeniably better to keep those wounds from occurring in the first place. To this effect Auxiliatrices carry portable shield batteries they can affix to a target to either provide them with a limited shield or boost any shield they currently have active.

[116] Cure Removes a Status Remove 1 Status Effect from Effect from a target a target ally. ally. Range: 1-15 meters Effect Removed: 1 (2 at level 5) Description: Extensive medical research has allowed for advancements in technology that allow the cleansing of multiple negative effects through medical means. Furthermore, these treatments may be provided at a range, increasing their usefulness in combat situations. How exactly these methods are applied varies from Healer to Healer, as the methodology can vary wildly though the science remains the same. Dispel Removes enemy None Remove 1 beneficial effect buffs. from a target enemy. Range: 1-15 meters Effect Removed: 1 (2 at level 5) Description: Corpus technology lacks much of the mysticism of the Orokin variants it’s based off of, but sufficiently advanced technology is still indistinguishable from magic. Though complex series of magnetic and nanotechnology Auxiliatrices possess technology capable of removing any bonus effects applied to hostiles in the heat of combat, leaving them without the protective or enhancing bonuses they were granted previously. Immunize Gives target None Increase a target ally’s resistance to Toxin, resistance to a chosen one of Heat, Cold, or the four applicable Status Electricity damage Effects (see left), only may types. be applied once per Auxiliatrix. Duration: 1d20+Auxiliatrix Heal Skill Resistance: +15 Description: Through the miracle of science Auxiliatrices can provide allies with resistances to all variety of damaging elements. From the understandable Toxin to the head-scratching Electricity, Auxiliatrices know how to harden a target’s defenses against these conditions. Many Grineer question how this is possible, but the answer, in all actuality, a very simple one: nanomachines. Rejuvenate Heals a target for a None Instantly heal the target. certain amount. Range: 1-21 meters 2d20 +Medic Heal Skill total (+10 per level, +1d20 at level 5) Description: Basic healing techniques, Healers are able to choose a single target and restore missing life to them, closing wounds and stopping bleeding. The methods by which they do this at a range are unknown, though nanobot technology is speculated to be the source of this strange ranged healing. Resuscitate Attempt to bring a None Roll, 1d12. On 1-6 return target back from the the character to life, on 7-12 dead. it fails. Each level gives you

[117] the ability to lower your roll by 1 (i.e. Level 2 allows you to lower the roll by 2) Range: Melee Description: Even after death there are ways to restore life. Through a complicated mix of chemicals and techniques, the Healer may restore a character back to life – if they’re lucky, otherwise their efforts will leave the body unable to be recovered from death by anyone else. Toughness Infusion Increases the armor of None Increase armor of target for a the target by a certain duration. amount. Armor: 20 (+5 per level) Duration: 1d20 (+2 per level) Description: Similar to the adrenaline shot, the Auxiliatrix is able to pump a target full of chemicals that increase the general toughness of their body, making them more resilient to attacks from enemies and more able to simply shrug off damage from such attacks without feeling the negatives effects of contact with them. Curiously, the armor being worn by the infused target seems to determine what kinds of damage the target becomes more resistant to – this phenomenon is currently under investigation by Black Seed scientists.

Syndicate Medic The wounded moaned in agony; he did what he could to ease their pain but many would not survive the night. This is what the Corpus left in their wake, all for the pursuit of “Profit.” Despicable… He slowly remembered the contact information the recruiter had once given him.

Constantly in danger as they are, Syndicate members are oft rarely without need of medical attention. Medics, as the name dutifully implies, are those in the Syndicates that have dedicated their part in whatever cause they support not to the fighting but to the aiding of those who fight. They work on the backlines or in the fields, healing the wounded brought to them or they rush out to aid. Though they carry with them no means of fighting back they strive to be prepared for all kinds of circumstances that may come their way. They do not shy away from even the possibility of death when the need for their skill arises.

Initiate Celi of Omniform Secta trained herself in medical aid before joining with the Syndicate, and she now brings her knowledge to the aid of others System-wide.

Variation Bonus: +5 Wisdom, +10 Heal

Armor Proficiency: 1

[118] Abilities:

Name: Effects: None Mechanics: Description: Adrenaline Shot Grants a bonus None Provide a bonus action to an action for a turn. ally. Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Bonus Action: 1 (2 at level 5) Description: Exactly what it says on the tin. The Healer pumps the target’s blood full of adrenaline, hyping them up and granting them quick reaction time until they turn it out of their system. Due to the injection method, though, the Healer must be up next to his intended patient in order to administer the injection. Cure Removes a Status None Remove 1 Status Effect from a Effect from a target target ally. ally. Range: 1-15 meters Effect Removed: 1 (2 at level 5) Description: Extensive medical research has allowed for advancements in technology that allow the cleansing of multiple negative effects through medical means. Furthermore, these treatments may be provided at a range, increasing their usefulness in combat situations. How exactly these methods are applied varies from Healer to Healer, as the methodology can vary wildly though the science remains the same. Healing Factor Whenever the target None Choose a target and make an Infusion receives damage Accuracy Check. If they heal for a certain successful, the chosen amount. character will heal a certain amount of Health whenever they take any amount of damage for a certain duration. Accuracy: 26 (+4 per level) Range: melee Healing When Damage is Taken: 1d20+Medic Heal Skill (+5 per level, plus 1d20 at level 5) Description: Through a mixture of properly applied chemicals a Medic is capable of increasing the rate at which the body is capable of naturally closing wounds with its own resources. Similar technology is employed by Grineer and Corpus medical centers, but without such resources Medics have had to learn how to make use of it on the fly. Unfortunately, the long-term effects of such a mixture on the body are unknown at this point. Numb Target takes no None Choose a target and make an damage from the Accuracy Check. If next attack they successful, the target will take suffer. no damage from the next attack they suffer.

[119] Accuracy: 34 (+3 per level) Range: 6 meters Description: Sometimes all that is needed is a little local anesthesia to ease the pain. Applying this same principle to combat has had surprising results, turning people into powerful juggernauts, seemingly resistant to damage. Rejuvenate Heals a target for a None Instantly heal the target. certain amount. Range: 1-21 meters Healing: 2d20 +Medic Heal Skill total (+10 per level, +1d20 at level 5) Description: Basic healing techniques, Healers are able to choose a single target and restore missing life to them, closing wounds and stopping bleeding. The methods by which they do this at a range are unknown, though nanobot technology is speculated to be the source of this strange ranged healing. Resuscitate Attempt to bring a None Roll, 1d12. On 1-6 return the target back from the character to life, on 7-12 it dead. fails. Each level gives you the ability to lower your roll by 1 (i.e. Level 2 allows you to lower the roll by 2) Range: Melee Description: Even after death there are ways to restore life. Through a complicated mix of chemicals and techniques, the Healer may restore a character back to life – if they’re lucky, otherwise their efforts will leave the body unable to be recovered from death by anyone else. Revive Instantly bring a 4 rounds (-1 Bring a character out of their character out of their per 2 levels) Bleedout state immediately, Bleedout state. healing them for an amount based on rolls. Can only be used so quickly. Heal: 1d20+Mephite Heal Skill total Description: Generally speaking, it takes a while to patch up an ally from Bleedout. Medics have a unique understanding of death and dying due to their training and life experiences, and thus they may do this instantly, although they do so with lesser effects and can only do so once every so often, regardless of if the target is the same of new. Transfusion Sacrifice some of None Choose a target and roll and your life to restore Accuracy Test. If successful, some life to an ally. choose how much health you wish to transfer per round. That much health will be transferred per turn. Range: melee Accuracy: 22 (+3 per level) Description: By making a quick transfusion of their own blood, the Medic is able to alleviate the suffering of otherwise-exsanguinated allies. This is often a last resort employed by Medics

[120] who can afford more reliable medicinal tools, but in the field many Medics find themselves without such luxury. Vitalize Increase the target’s None Choose a target and roll an current health by an Accuracy Test. If successful amount that will roll to determine how much slowly fade over extra health your target will time. gain. This health will be lost during the start of each of your turns. May only be applied once per Medic. Accuracy: 34 (+4 per level) Range: 9 meters (12 at level 5) Bonus Health: 2d20+Medic Heal Skill total (+5 per level, +1d20 at level 5) Health Lost per Round: 10 (5 at level 5) Description: Through a mixture of steroid boosters and healthy nutrients and minerals the Medic is able to give an ally what amounts to an energy boost, increasing their life not by numbing or reducing pain but just by kicking their various bodily functions into overdrive. Unfortunately this effect is only temporary, and while it doesn’t have any major negative side- effects, the benefits of the injection will rapidly deteriorate after they’re applied.

[121] Marksman Marksmen provide long range offensive support, singling out targets from the safety of a good distance away, and also are capable of tracking and locating things or persons of interest.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +10 Wisdom +5 Agility +5 Strength +5 Athletics +10 Dexterity +15 Knowledge-Planet +5 Muscle +5 Stealth +15 Survival The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Grineer Huntsman The Colonists were forced through the streets by gunfire from above, the Grineer occupation forces shouting at them in broken Common-Speak. As they crowded into the town square, one began hearing loud, repetitive beeping. He realized the source too late. The traps were sprung; the Colonist massacred in fire.

The Collapse led not only to the fall of Orokin civilization but the destruction of much of its infrastructure. Entire cities have been buried by time, leaving only wilderness where they once stood. Huntsmen are Grineer trained to work in these situations, survive off of the land and move through it with ease, claiming territories for the glory of their Queens. However they are also called upon for regular combat based on their ranged combat skills, for there are few greater sharpshooters in the Grineer than a Huntsmen.

Councilor Zara Is’tar may not have served in the field in the same capacity as Huntsmen, but she’s taken to favor their style of combat.

Variation Bonus: +5 Wisdom, +10 Survival

Armor Proficiency: 3

[122] Abilities:

Name: Description: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Arc Trap A trap that does None Throw out an Arc Trap with Electricity damage the following stats. If an when triggered. enemy attempts to move within the trap’s range it will explode and deal Electricity damage. Range: 1-21 Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Arc Trap Light Mechanical None Arc Battery (Accuracy: 68, Plating (24, -10) Range: 1-15, Damage: 3d20+20, Primary: Electricity) Increase base damage by 5 per ability level Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 10 Strength: 0 Perception: 50 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 1 Stealth: 50 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 +1 to each per Dodge: 1d4 Intelligence: 8 ability level Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 15 +1 to each per ability level Description: Arc Traps are among the Grineer’s most infamous tools. Fitted with a powerful generator, it is capable of dealing incredible damage if it can make contact and is designed to deal damage as painfully as possible, making it one of the most feared weapons in their arsenal among the Colonists. Explosive trap A trap that does Blast None Throw out an Explosive damage when Trap with the following triggered. stats. If an enemy attempts to move within the trap’s range it will explode and deal Blast damage. Range: 1-21 Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Explosive Trap Light Mechanical None Self-Destruct (Accuracy: 65, Plating (24, -10) Range: 1-15, Damage: 3d20+25, Primary: Blast) +5 base damage per ability level

[123] Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 10 Strength: 0 Perception: 50 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 1 Stealth: 50 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 +1 to each per Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 8 ability level Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 15 +1 to each per ability level Description: Subtly is not always the best policy. When damage and action is needed Huntsmen may call upon the usage of explosives. These powerful area of effect traps have the potential to tear through entire waves of enemies, if they are careless enough to not watch their step. Many a limb has been lost to these foul contraptions. Flame Trap A trap that does Heat None Throw out a Flame Trap damage when with the following stats. If triggered. an enemy attempts to move within the trap’s range it will explode and deal heat damage. Range: 1-21 Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Flame Trap Light Mechanical None Flame Blast (Accuracy: 65, Plating (24, -10) Range: 1-15, 45, Damage: 3d20+25, Primary: Heat) +5 base damage per ability level Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 10 Strength: 0 Perception: 50 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 1 Stealth: 50 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 +1 to each per Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 8 ability level Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 15 +1 to each per ability level Description: This trap is similar to the Explosive Trap, but rather than detonating into a powerful blast-wave is designed to spew pure heat against whoever triggers it. Many unwary have been roasted alive by this. Herd Attempt to move an None Roll an Accuracy Check, if enemy a certain successful roll to determine number of space. how far you may move a target enemy. Accuracy: Current Weapon Accuracy Range: Current Weapon Range

[124] Movement: 1d20 (+1 per level) Description: Through well-placed shots, a Marksman may use a targets fear of death force them in any direction of their choosing. Usually this is to herd them towards a trap lying in wait, or perhaps simply just for the Marksman’s sick amusement. Limb Crack Take careful aim at a 3 rounds (2 at After choosing to activate limb, ensuring you level 5) this skill choose a limb as if cripple it with your you were making an Aimed next successful Shot. If successful the target attack. limb is crippled. Description: Often to cripple a target is the greatest option. With careful aim a Marksman may take out specific parts of a target’s body, damaging them to the point of near-uselessness. This leaves them open to further attacks from the Marksman or their allies. Mag Trap A trap that does None Throw out a Mag Trap with magnetic damage. the following stats. If an enemy attempts to move within the Traps range it will explode and deal Magnetic damage. Range: 1-21 Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Mag Trap Light Mechanical None Mag Battery (Accuracy: 46, Plating (24, -10) Range: 1-15, Damage: 3d20+25, Primary: Magnetic) +5 base damage per ability level Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 10 Strength: 0 Perception: 50 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 1 Stealth: 50 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 +1 to each per Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 8 ability level Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 15 +1 to each per ability level Description: Grineer use magnetic technology exclusively for this type of trap technology. While usually employed to secure areas against rampant Corpus proxy incursion, when applied to a smaller, more localized unit the magnetism still serves well in shorting out shields and other similar electronics. Neck Shot Aim for the target’s 4 rounds (2 at If you activate this ability jugular vein, ensuring level 5) before making an attack your next successful apply the Slash Status Effect attack also causes the if that attack is successful. Slash Status Effect.

[125] Description: When there is no time for games, Marksmen aim for the most vital areas. The neck is a favorite target for many, especially those with a violent streak, as while it may not be the most effective at putting targets down it does send a message; often demoralizing other enemies and putting a quick end to the fight. Overwatch Choose and guard an 2 rounds (1 at Choose an ally, when an ally, protecting them level 5), enemy closer to them or from afar. Cooldown attacks or uses an ability on begins after that ally you get one Attack Attack of of Opportunity against them Opportunity is (provided they are within made. range). Range: 1-72 meters Description: If they are not specifically set on offensive duty, Marksmen are often used as defensive snipers, looking for openings in enemies when they attempt to attack friendly targets. Such a role is an inactive one, and only the Marksmen most-dedicated to helping defend their fellows are the ones to commonly make use of this tactic. Snare A trap that prevents None Throw out a Snare with the movement for a following stats. If an enemy certain number of attempts to move within the rounds when trap’s range it will explode triggered. and prevent movement for a certain number of rounds. Range: 1-21 Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Snare Trap None None Snare (Range: 1-15, Roll 1d20, the number roll is how many round the target is unable to move) +1 round per ability level Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 10 Strength: 0 Perception: 50 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 1 Stealth: 50 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 +1 to each per Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 8 ability level Will: 0d4 Charisma: 12 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 13 +1 to each per ability level Description: Sometimes the simplest approach is the best. A simple snare made of commonly- accessible materials to the Marksman allows them to bind enemies with minimal effort or expended time. It deals no damage but locks the affected in place, making them much easier targets.

[126] Corpus Ranger She stared out towards the inky black of deep-space. There was little else to be done. The salvage operation was proceeding without incident, the derelict Corpus ship would soon have its parts repurposed for new construction efforts. She turned away and resumed her patrol route.

Rangers are Corpus who specialize in pioneering the way for and finding the Corporation access new nodes of valuable resources. With much of Origin being unexplored due to the loss of information about what was once there are ample resources to be harvested for the sake of Profit. Be it Cryotic reserves believed to be buried beneath the ice of Europa or Orokin caches filled with Oxium hidden on Earth, the Rangers work to find what hides in the wilds, and are adept as surviving in such hostile conditions.

Mas Yold used Ranger equipment in the vast majority of her contracted jobs, and even now is known to fall back onto their tactics for self-defense.

Variation Bonus: +5 Strength, +10 Weapon-Special

Armor Proficiency: 2


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Direct Attempt to move an None Roll for an Accuracy Check, enemy a certain if successful roll to number of space. determine how far you may move a target enemy. Accuracy: Current Weapon Accuracy Range: Current Weapon Range Movement: 1d20 (+1 per level) Description: Through well-placed shots, a Marksman may use a targets fear of death force them in any direction of their choosing. Usually this is to direct them towards a trap lying in wait, or perhaps simply just for the Marksman’s sick amusement. Double Tap After scoring a 5 rounds (2 at If your attack against a target Critical Hit you may level 5) was a Critical Hit you may make another attack make another attack against against the same the same target, but without target. any Critical Hit bonuses.

[127] Description: Always make sure they’re dead, or at least always follow up one well-placed shot with another. Rangers are trained to notice when these shots occur and to follow them in rapid succession with another well-timed attack. Sometimes they hit, sometimes they don’t, but the most shots missed are those not taken. Limb Crack Take careful aim at a 3 rounds (2 at If you activate this ability limb, increasing your level 5) before making an attack treat chances of crippling it it as if you were making an with your next attack. Aimed Shot and apply the Crippled Status Effect to the targeted limb if that attack is successful. Description: Often to cripple a target is the greatest option. With careful aim a Marksman may take out specific parts of a target’s body, damaging them to the point of near-uselessness. This leaves them open to further attacks from the Marksman or their allies. Jetpack Take into the air, None Roll 1d6, for up to that many temporarily going out rounds you may stay flying of reach of melee in the air, becoming attackers. untargetable by melee attackers. Bonus: +1 round per 2 levels Description: Rangers come equipped with a Jetpack for mobility and defense. While generally only useful in non-terrestrial environments, Rangers can still find a combat use for their issued devices while on the ground. While in-aim maneuverability isn’t really an option, it is possible for the Ranger to make long-jumps to access out-of-reach areas. Mag Trap A trap that does None Throw out a Mag Trap with Magnetic damage the following stats. If an when triggered. enemy attempts to move within the traps’ range it will explode and deal Magnetic damage. Range: 1-21 Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Mag Trap None Light Shield Mag Battery (Range: 1-15, (50, -5, 20 per Damage: 3d20+25, Primary: round) Magnetic) +5 base damage per ability level Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 10 Strength: 0 +50 Perception Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 1 +50 Stealth Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 8 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 13 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 15 +1 to each per ability level

[128] Description: Corpus are no strangers to magnetism and electronics. This trap represents just the baseline ability of their talents and skills with similar technology, but it is no less effective at its purpose – shutting down rogue proxies, malfunctioning machines, or even the occasional heavily-augmented Grineer. Neck Shot Aim for the target’s 4 rounds (2 at If you activate this ability jugular vein, ensuring level 5) before making an attack your next successful apply the Slash Status Effect attack also causes the if that attack is successful. Slash Status Effect. Description: When there is no time for games, Marksmen aim for the most vital areas. The neck is a favorite target for many, especially those with a violent streak, as while it may not be the most effective at putting targets down it does send a message; often demoralizing other enemies and putting a quick end to the fight. Overwatch Choose an ally, when 2 rounds (1 at Choose an ally, when an an enemy move level 5), enemy closer to them or towards or attacks or Cooldown attacks or uses an ability on uses an ability on that begins after that ally you get one Attack ally you get one Attack of of Opportunity against them Attack of Opportunity Opportunity is (provided they are within against them. made. range). Range: 1-72 meters Description: If they are not specifically set on offensive duty, Marksmen are often used as defensive snipers, looking for openings in enemies when they attempt to attack friendly targets. Such a role is an inactive one, and only the Marksmen most-dedicated to helping defend their fellows are the ones to commonly make use of this tactic. Piercing Shot Boost your next shot 4 (2 at level 5) Your next shot will either with special rounds, allow you to shoot enemies allowing you to shoot through cover or cause an through cover or attack against an enemy to causing your next also hit an enemy behind it successful attack to (based on where you were also damage an shooting from). enemy behind your target. Description: In the field, a clear line of sight is not always easy to establish. Because of this Rangers possess the training and equipment to puncture enemy hiding spots. Though it takes some time for properly line up the shot, one properly aimed this shot can be devastating, or at least force the enemy to adopt different strategies. Snare A trap that prevents None Throw out a Snare with the movement for a following stats. If an enemy certain number of attempts to move within the rounds when trap’s range it will explode triggered. and prevent movement for a certain number of rounds. Range: 1-21

[129] Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Snare Trap None None Snare (Range: 1-15, Roll 1d20, the number roll is how many round the target is unable to move) +1 round per ability level Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 10 Strength: 0 Perception: 50 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 1 Stealth: 50 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 +1 to each per Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 8 ability level Will: 0d4 Charisma: 12 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 13 +1 to each per ability level Description: Sometimes the simplest approach is the best. A simple snare made of commonly- accessible materials to the Marksman allows them to bind enemies with minimal effort or expended time. It deals no damage but locks the affected in place, making them much easier targets.

Syndicate Assassin A sound of thunder. The Magistrate fell. The Grineer escorting him rallied around the diplomat, checking for vitals, preventing any further damage done. Others charged into the dark streets, searching for the source of the shot. The attacker, unseen, took his weapon and vanished into the night.

To fight does not necessarily mean that one face the enemy eye-to-eye, toe-to-toe. Assassins work at extreme distances, with the intention of never being seen by their targets with their own two eyes and never seeing their target save through the scope of a sniper rifle. Most commonly found among the Red Veil, New Loka, and Omniform Secta, all Syndicates have at least some division within their ranks dedicated to the kind of work only an Assassin can perform. Some dislike the idea of working in such a shadowy manner, but even those few have to admit that the efficiency of those ranged masters of stealth is difficult to argue against.

Cantis of the Red Veil is a skilled assassin, rumored to have been responsible for the deaths of many Corpus and Grineer officials.

[130] Variation Bonus: +5 Dexterity, +10 Stealth

Armor Proficiency: 2


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Assassination Shot If undetected and 3 rounds (1 at If undetected by any enemy within melee range level 5) targets, give every successful you may attack for attack you make in bonus massive damage. Success (Critical Hits). Bonus Successes: 1 (+1 per two levels) After attacking the Assassin must make a Stealth Check (Opposed by Perception) to see if they remain Stealthed. Description: As the name implies, Assassins have a very particular job: kill from a distance with as little fuss and muss as possible. If they are able to remain hidden the element of surprise can make their shots even more deadly, and their work even easier. Cull If a target is gravely 5 rounds (3 at While a target within range injured attempt to level 5) has less than 10 health you finish them off. may make an Accuracy Check. If successful instantly kill the target. Accuracy: 25 (+2 per level) Bonus: Cull works at less than 25 Health at level 5 Description: The duty of an Assassin is to put down their target as quickly as possible. Often this is not always the case from the start, but should the opening to quickly finish a battle present itself the well-trained Assassin has the chance to take it – one shot, one skill. Anything more than that and the mission might end in failure. Direct Attempt to move an None Roll for an Accuracy Check, if enemy a certain successful roll to determine number of space. how far you may move a target enemy. Accuracy: Current Weapon Accuracy Range: Current Weapon Range Movement: 1d20 (+1 per level) Description: Through well-placed shots, a Marksman may use a targets fear of death force them in any direction of their choosing. Usually this is to direct them towards a trap lying in wait, or perhaps simply just for the Marksman’s sick amusement.

[131] Double Tap After scoring a 5 rounds (2 at If your attack against a target Critical Hit you may level 5) was a Critical Hit you may make another attack make another attack against against the same the same target, but without target. any Critical Hit bonuses. Description: Always make sure they’re dead, or at least always follow up one well-placed shot with another. Assassins are trained to notice when these shots occur and to follow them in rapid succession with another well-timed attack. Sometimes they hit, sometimes they don’t, but the most shots missed are those not taken. Neck Shot Aim for the target’s 4 rounds (2 at If you activate this ability jugular vein, level 5) before making an attack apply ensuring your next the Slash Status Effect if that successful attack attack is successful. also causes the Slash Status Effect. Description: When there is no time for games, Marksmen aim for the most vital areas. The neck is a favorite target for many, especially those with a violent streak, as while it may not be the most effective at putting targets down it does send a message; often demoralizing other enemies and putting a quick end to the fight. Overwatch Choose an ally, when 2 rounds (1 at Choose an ally, when an an enemy move level 5), enemy closer to them or towards or attacks or Cooldown attacks or uses an ability on uses an ability on that begins after that ally you get one Attack of ally you get one Attack of Opportunity against them Attack of Opportunity (provided they are within Opportunity against is made. range). them. Range: 1-72 meters Description: If they are not specifically set on offensive duty, Marksmen are often used as defensive snipers, looking for openings in enemies when they attempt to attack friendly targets. Such a role is an inactive one, and only the Marksmen most-dedicated to helping defend their fellows are the ones to commonly make use of this tactic. Shiv Stab an enemy that 5 Rounds (2 When an enemy comes into comes within melee at level 5) melee range (3 meters) of you, range. roll and Accuracy Check. If successful deal Slash damage. Accuracy: 44 (+2 per level) Damage:4d12+15 (+5 per level) Damage Type: Slash Description: Although they are trained to deal with their targets from a distance, if an Assassin finds themselves face-to-face with a threat they are fully capable of making an attack against them. In fact it is drilled into them as a reflex, making it an immediate response of self-defense. Such training as saved the lives of more than one Assassin in the field. Snare A trap that prevents None Throw out a Snare with the movement for a following stats. If an enemy certain number of attempts to move within the

[132] rounds when trap’s range it will explode and triggered. prevent movement for a certain number of rounds. Range: 1-21 Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Snare Trap None None Snare (Range: 1-15, Roll 1d20, the number roll is how many round the target is unable to move) +1 round per ability level Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 10 Strength: 0 Perception: Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 1 50 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 Stealth: 50 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 8 +1 to each Will: 0d4 Charisma: 12 per ability Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 13 level +1 to each per ability level Description: Sometimes the simplest approach is the best. A simple snare made of commonly- accessible materials to the Marksman allows them to bind enemies with minimal effort or expended time. It deals no damage but locks the affected in place, making them much easier targets. Vanish Instantly go None Roll ld6, immediately become invisible. undetected by all enemies for a number of rounds equal to your roll. Bonus Rounds: 1 per level Description: When one works in stealth one strives to be unseen, and when one is seen they strive to vanish from sight as quickly as possible. Be it with smoke screens or stealth-field generators, whatever gets the Assassin out of sight is what works best.

[133] Melee Melees are basic, well-rounded melee fighters, able to take some punishment while dealing decent damage in return with weapons and abilities, all while getting right-up next to their enemies for close-quarters combat.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +10 Strength +10 Intimidate +10 Constitution +10 Knowledge-Weapons +5 Dexterity +5 Weapons-Firearm +15 Weapons-Melee +10 Weapons-Special The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Grineer Butcher The Corpus forces and their robotics didn’t stand a chance. She cut through them with uncanny ability, eyes vacant with rage and the thrill of battle. She had been struck by too many plasma bolts to count, has lost so much blood. She didn’t feel a thing, except euphoria.

Some Grineer lack the skills to operate the guns that their people manufacture, and for these few the glory of melee combat awaits them. Butchers are armored in lighter equipment then the likes of the Bailiffs, giving them a greater range of movement at the cost of protection, and are armed with devastating melee weapons. Generally looked down on by others in the Empire, the role of the Butcher is not to be dismissed so lightly – many battles have been won by their blades, and many more still await.

Tyl Regor, though his combat ability is split with medicinal skills, favors close combat in the same way as Butchers to protect his work from Syndicate terrorists and Corpus spies.

Variation Bonus: +5 Strength, +10 Weapons-Melee

Armor Proficiency: 3


[134] Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics Description: Berserk Increase attack speed None Instantly sacrifice 10 points of Melee Weapons at of Health to give yourself 2 the cost of Health. extra Attack Speed for a duration equal to the roll of a 1d20 Bonus Attack Speed: +1 round per 2 levels. Description: Grineer are a decaying race with a history of being quick to violence. Butchers embrace these traits, learning how to throw themselves into a fit of fury at a moment’s notice, making them even more deadly in combat than ever, unfortunately doing so has adverse effects on their health. Charge Dash towards a target None Instantly move to melee enemy. range of a target Range: 1-21 meters (1-30 meters at level 5) Description: The primary goal of any melee-focused warrior is to get within combat range of their enemy. They will lunge into battle, headlong and without regard to their own safety, all in the name of whatever cause they represent, all to get into the most advantageous place for them to attack their opponents. Cleave Deal damage to 3 rounds (1 Before making an Accuracy enemies around your round at level Check for a melee attack you target as well upon 5) may choose to activate successful hit. Cleave, which will cause you to deal damage to all enemies within 3 meters of the target enemy if the Accuracy Check is successful, although no Critical Hits or Status Effects will be applied to any. Description: Often finding themselves surrounded, Butchers will, if they can, attempt to strike at multiple opponents. Such a move has its drawbacks, however, as such wide attacks mean the Butcher will have to sacrifice the ability to hit vital areas, or strike with enough force to cause persistent negative effects on the targets. Dull Melee Weapons with None If a Melee Weapons has Slash as a Damage Slash as a Damage Type Type lose it but gain replace it with Impact. Impact in its place. Description: Sometimes a sharp weapon is not always the most useful. Butchers are trained to make such judgement calls in the field, and, if the situation requires it, dull their weapons down to remove their ability to cut. Often, they will use such a tactic when under orders to make riot- control operations less-lethal than normal.

[135] Limb Crack Take careful aim at a 3 rounds (2 at If you activate this ability limb, increasing your level 5) before making an attack treat chances of crippling it it as if you were making an with your next attack. Aimed Shot and apply the Crippled Status Effect to the targeted limb if that attack is successful. Description: When engaging in melee combat with enemies one does not have the advantage of range that others possess. For this reason, some Butchers will choose to target and break the limbs of their enemies in order to make them easier to deal with in close-quarters combat. Pursue If an enemy attempts 5 rounds (3 If an enemy leaves Melee to lave melee range rounds at level Range you may immediately you may attempt to 5) move after it follow it. Travel Distance: 3 meters (9 at level 5) Description: When you’re only chance of attacking an enemy is to keep them in melee range, one lives in constant fear of them escaping from your grasp. To combat this, Butchers aim to keep in close range of an enemy at all times, charging after them and keeping them within range of their blades or clubs. Rage Increase damage dealt 5 rounds (3 While active you deal 2 and taken. rounds at level times as much damage with 5) Cooldown all melee weapons but also begins when take 2 times as much damage ability is from all sources. cancelled. Description: Butchers live and breathe fury. By throwing themselves into a rage Butchers give themselves the enraged strength to deal much more damage to enemies, unfortunately it also leaves them much more open to attacks. Sharpen Melee Weapons with None If a Melee Weapons has Impact as a Damage Impact as a Damage Type Type lose it but gain replace it with Slash. Slash in its place. Description: Sheer brutality is often needed to be balanced out by careful precision, and few things are more precise than the edge of a knife. With carefully engineered devices, Butchers can add a sharpened edge to nearly every weapon, giving it devastating cutting power. Sunder Apply Puncture None Roll an Accuracy Check, if Status Effect to the successful inflict the target. Puncture Status Effect onto the target. Accuracy: 36 (+1 per level) Does not Break Stealth. Description: Tear apart the armor of an enemy and you expose their weaknesses. Butchers who do not see the advantage of facing an enemy whose armor they have torn to shreds tend to be those that live short lives.


Corpus Comba One strike with the Prova and the proxy fell. Its circuits shorted out, and its last moments before it reverted to lockdown safety mode were spend sprawling and wriggling from the electricity. The Comba waved the Techs in, and they took the previously-gone-rogue machine in to examination and disassembly.

The Corpus Corporation prefers to fight its battles from a distance, and those who make use of Corpus modular technology take this to heart most of all – there are, however, exception; and these exceptions even translate over to those who are able to use modular technology. The Comba are a sister-order to the Scrambus, using Orokin-inspired technology to empower their abilities – though they lack the more robust education in Orokin lore. While the Scrambus fight their battles from a distance, the Comba make use of their modular attachments for melee superiority. While they lack some of the technology of their counterpart, Combas have tricks unique to them that make them a formidable foe to combat.

Each member of the Oo family is known to partake in Comba training routines; to what end is unclear, as they have never been seen on a battlefield.

Variation Bonus: +5 Dexterity, +10 Lore-Orokin

Armor Proficiency: 3

Certain Comba abilities have a limited number of uses.


Name: Effects: Cooldown/ Mechanics: Uses per Day: Description: Charge Dash towards a target None/Infinite Instantly move to melee enemy. range of a target Range: 1-21 meters (1-30 meters at level 5) Description: The primary goal of any melee-focused warrior is to get within combat range of their enemy. They will lunge into battle, headlong and without regard to their own safety, all in the name of whatever cause they represent, all to get into the most advantageous place for them

[137] to attack their opponents. Combas manage to do this with the same module technology that grants Scrambus the ability to move faster. Disarm Attempt to knock a Cooldown: 3 Make a Grapple Check, target’s weapon out of rounds (1 opposed by your target’s their hands. round at level Dodge Check. If successful 5) you target’s weapon is knocked out of their hands and they must pick it (by moving into the same space as the weapon) up to retrieve and use it again. Distance: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Description: The enemy can’t fight back if they have no weapon. Combas specialize in their ability to disarm the enemy, leaving them without any means to fight back on their own. While the weapon is easily retrievable, not being able to fight back – even for the briefest of periods – can have devastating consequences for the outcome of the battle. Disengage Quickly move away None/Infinite If there is a target within from an enemy that is melee range of you roll in melee range of you. 1d20, move that many meters (rounded to the nearest number divisible by 3) away from them. Bonus Distance: +3 meters at level 5 Description: Pursuit is one matter, but often it is important for a Comba to get out of combat. Utilizing the same module technology as they do for their charge, they may move with rapid speed out of any melee engagement, although none would dare waste the power of their tools on anything less-threatening than direct, face-to-face escape. Fog Module Diminishes a target’s Uses per Day: Choose a target and roll and perception, causing 3 (+1 per level) Accuracy Check, if all Accuracy Checks successful decrease all to require greater Accuracy Checks made by effort the target for 1d20 rounds. Accuracy: 34 (+1 per level) Accuracy Decrease: -10 (-1 per level) Description: The Fog Module clouds the minds of enemies, disrupts their focus. Direct white noise and tones that are specially calibrated to harm only hostiles allow them to make their enemies’ attempts to strike them much more difficult. There is no visual effect on the battlefield, though it may cause sight-blocking hallucinations in some targets. Incapacitate Attempt to stun an None/Infinite Roll an Accuracy Check. If enemy. successful apply the Electricity Status Effect to your target.

[138] Accuracy: 38 (+3 per 2 levels) Description: Death is not always the preferred means of dealing with opposition. Sometimes it is better to let an enemy live, be it to bring them in for questioning or simply to use them to set a trap for any compatriots they may have. Shield Module The Comba raises an Uses per Day: Activate a shield barrier that unbreakable barrier 3 (+1 per level) blocks all damage coming that blocks all damage Cooldown: 5 from a chosen direction, the to it from a set rounds (3 at Comba cannot take other direction, but the level 5) actions other than switching Comba must remain their chosen direction (once immobile. per round) while this ability is active (deactivating it is a Free-Action). Description: A classic of Corpus engineering, the Comba Shield Module takes the shield generators of the ever-famed Corpus shield technology and makes it unbreakable. Unfortunately, allowing for such power requires tradeoffs in versatility, and the Comba must remain stationary while maintaining it. Even with these limitations, however, this module remains a quintessential part of the Comba’s defensive kit. Parry Stance Make a counterattack None/Infinite Enter a defensive stance, you after successfully are no longer able to attack avoiding the attack of but Dodge Checks against an enemy in melee melee targets gain a bonus range. and all successful Dodge Checks grant you the chance to make an Attack of Opportunity. Dodge Check Bonus: +5 (+2 per level) Description: They say the best defense is a good offense – but can the opposite not also be true? Can one not set their defense so that the enemy breaks upon them without causing harm? Some Melee fighters take this idea and run with it, turning their self-preservation into a deadly combat technique. Slo Module A chosen target’s Uses per Day: Choose a target and make an movement ability 4 (+ 1 per level) Accuracy Check, if becomes greatly successful the target’s impaired. movement is reduced to a maximum of 3 meters for 1d20 rounds. Accuracy: 40 (+2 per level) Description: Using similar technology to the Fog Module, the Slo Module locks up the targets muscles to a slight degree, making the movements required to cross distances more difficult. They are still possible, but it will take some time for them to be able to reach further distances, making them easier to pursue or simply keeping them from fleeing the area.

[139] Shock Pack Weapons gain None/Infinite Your melee weapon gains Electricity as a Electricity as a Primary Primary Damage Damage Type. Type. Description: By equipping a weapon with a specially-designed battery pack, a Comba is capable of applying electricity effects to their weapon. While originally intended by developers to be an anti-rampaging-proxy tool, they have since recanted on the stance, as riot-control elements of the weapon simply allow them to turn much more of a Profit.

Syndicate Zealot They stood together, brothers and sisters in their beliefs. The enemy marched against them, vile and corrupted. They were monsters, tormentors; but they, those that stood together and watched their enemy approach, would have their day. Together, they cried out their fury across the battlefield, and charged.

Sometimes there is no need to subtly or tact. No need for tactics or planning. Sometimes all that is needed is the raw rush of adrenaline one gets when they charge headlong into battle against their enemies. Zealots embrace everything they do as for their Syndicate, and while seen as crazed and rabid on occasion they see their actions as being for the greater glory of their people. Wading into combat, looking to face down their enemy mono-e-mono, with only melee in hand takes the kind of courage few can match, and so when the soldiers or engineers of a Syndicate see a Zealot passing even they have to acknowledge the kind of spirit these men and women have.

Though he is rarely the one to engage in such fights, at least anymore, Temoro of the Arbiters of Hexis wields a blade like few others on the council.

Variation Bonus: +5 Wisdom, +10 Agility

Armor Proficiency: 3


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Berserk Increase attack speed None Instantly sacrifice 10 points of of Melee Weapons at Health to give yourself 2 extra the cost of Health.

[140] Attack Speed for a duration equal to the roll of a 1d20 Bonus Attack Speed: +1 round per 2 levels. Description: Zealots know their lives are worthless compared to their cause, and for that reason they are more than willing to try more experimental methods of improving their combat ability. Among these are drugs that throw them into a fit of rage, improving their ability to fight but having adverse effects on their health. Charge Dash towards a None Instantly move to melee range target enemy. of a target Range: 1-21 meters (1-30 meters at level 5) Description: The primary goal of any melee-focused warrior is to get within combat range of their enemy. They will lunge into battle, headlong and without regard to their own safety, all in the name of whatever cause they represent, all to get into the most advantageous place for them to attack their opponents. Cleave Deal damage to 3 rounds (1 Before making an Accuracy enemies around your round at level Check for a melee attack you target as well upon 5) may choose to activate Cleave, successful hit. which will cause you to deal damage to all enemies within 3 meters of the target enemy if the Accuracy Check is successful, although no Critical Hits or Status Effects will be applied to any. Description: Often finding themselves surrounded, Zealots will, if they can, attempt to strike at multiple opponents. Such a move has its drawbacks, however, as such wide attacks mean the Zealot will have to sacrifice the ability to hit vital areas, or strike with enough force to cause persistent negative effects on the targets. Disengage Quickly move away None If there is a target within melee from an enemy that is range of you roll 1d20, move in melee range of that many meters (rounded to you. the nearest number divisible by 3) away from them. Bonus Distance: +3 meters at level 5 Description: Pursuit is one matter, but often it is important for a Zealot to get out of combat. Fast on their feet and agile to match, a Zealot is capable of quickly getting out of harm’s way when things start to go south for them. They are always more than eager to return to the fray the moment the opportunity presents itself, however. Envenom Give your melee None Your melee weapon gains weapon Toxin Toxin as a Primary Damage damage. Type. Cannot be active at the same time as Ignite.

[141] Description: Whether it’s with Serberis venom or an artificial poison, Zealots often carry some form of poison on them to coat their weapons with. This venom proves effective against a wide variety of biological targets, naturally, and the composition of the substance is also often enough to cause machines to short-circuit. Ignite Give your melee None Your melee weapon gains weapon Heat Heat as a Primary Damage damage. Type. Cannot be active at the same time as Envenom. Description: Coating their weapon with oils and setting it off with a spark, a Zealot is able to set their melee weapons ablaze. This can intimidate many enemies, but often those the Zealot is facing are too well-trained to be intimidated by such a sight – even so, a weapon-on-fire has its advantages besides the fear-factor. Parry Stance Make a None Enter a defensive stance, you counterattack after are no longer able to attack but successfully Dodge Checks against melee avoiding the attack targets gain a bonus and all of an enemy in melee successful Dodge Checks range. grant you the chance to make an Attack of Opportunity. Dodge Check Bonus: +5 (+2 per level) Description: They say the best defense is a good offense – but can the opposite not also be true? Can one not set their defense so that the enemy breaks upon them without causing harm? Some Melee fighters take this idea and run with it, turning their self-preservation into a deadly combat technique. Rally Increase the damage Roll 1d20 to determine how and movement of long the duration lasts friendly characters Range: 1-48 for a few turns. Damage Bonus: 20 (+5 per level) Movement Bonus: +3 meters (+6 meters at level 5) Description: Zealots are devoted to their cause, and they are more than willing to speak out on their beliefs – whether they understand the deepest depths of them or not. Be it through promises of a better future of pure, simple revenge, their words can cause their allies to be filled with zeal and fight with greater fury. Zeal Enters into a state of 4 turns (2 at If using a Melee weapon gain righteous fury, level 5) +1 Attack Speed. If using a increasing damage Primary or Secondary weapon, and attack speed. if you attack in a round and successfully hit your target you may attack once more with the same weapon. This effect expires after a certain number of successful attacks.

[142] Successful Attacks until Expiration: 3 (+1 per 2 levels) Description: Zealots are capable of entering a state similar to the rage of Butchers, however they are capable of doing so without opening themselves up to unnecessary damage. They focus on their goals, on their mission, and use that focus to increase their ability to fight. Unfortunately this method is not as sustainable as pure rage, and as they strike against their enemies a catharsis will be reached, calming the Zealot and diluting the effect.

[143] Pilot Pilots designed around piloting all variety of vehicles. While their abilities are lacking in use on the ground they are unmatched when it comes to vehicle combat, capable of providing all manner of advantages and bonuses.

Pilots may use their abilities in place of making a Ship Combat Action.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +15 Dexterity +10 Agility +10 Wisdom +10 Perception +25 Pilot +5 Weapons-Special The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Grineer Hellion The sky was alight with fire, the results of life support igniting as they detonated. They were quickly consumed by vacuum, but they were still beautiful. He wished he was a part of the battle, but he had other priorities. Increasing speed, his piloted his shuttle towards the Galleon.

Grineer pilots come in two flavors: those that are so mutated that they’ve had to be put into specially designed spacecraft in order to serve, and those that are specially trained to handle spacecraft and combat. The latter are called Hellions, and they are as crazed and destructive as the name would imply. They are apt at piloting everything from Dargyns to the mighty of the Empire – although, in the case of the latter they require the assistance of a much larger crew. Generally they prefer to be commanding ships in battle, but, even though they may not like it, they are just as capable of handling non-combat vessels.

If rumors are true, Preacher, leader of the Kwuim’Rus, trained as a Hellion before gaining enough influence to create his own legion of soldiers.

Variation Bonus: +5 Dexterity, +10 Weapons-Special

Armor Proficiency: 3

[144] Abilities:

Name: Effects: Mechanics: Description: Control Reduces Strain and All Strain and Durability Durability losses losses taken from making Pilot taken from making and Crew Actions are reduced Pilot or Crew by one (1). Actions. Bonus: All Strain and Durability losses taken from making Pilot and Crew Actions are reduced by two (2) at level 5. Description: Pilots go through extensive training to learn the extremes what each type of ship can go through. Over time this turns from instruction to instinct, allowing them to push the ships further and further in certain ways without having to fear breaking them. Destress Take some of the Roll 1d4 and remove an stress off of the ship amount of Strain from the ship through careful equal to the amount rolled on maneuvering. the dice. Bonus: +1 to roll at level 5 Description: Although it is not true repair, Pilots know how to reroute certain system or alternate piloting methods in order to take some of the pressures combat or other situations might put on a ship. Damage is still damage, but stress upon various elements of the craft will not cause further issue. Dodge Maneuver When a ship you’re When attacked successfully piloting it attacked roll and Accuracy Check. If you may attempt to successful ignore all damage dodge the attack. from the attack. Accuracy: 45 (+3 per level) MAY ONLY BE USED ONCE PER ROUND. Bonus: May be used twice per round at level 5 Description: A simple maneuver known by all Pilots, this tactic allows for careful and successful peeling away from enemy fire without causing unneeded Strain to the ship. Unfortunately, it’s something of a one-trick pony, and repeated uses of it simply are not possible, although reliance on more conventional – if damaging to the ship – methods are still available. Hellfire Cloud While Piloting you At any point during your may pump the movement you may create a engines in such a cloud of corrosive chemicals way that it releases a and energy behind you that volatiles chemical- deals damage to anything that and-energy cloud in crosses its path. you wake. AoE Range: 1 Space

[145] Damage 2d100+30 (+10 per level) Description: Since the Orokin Era, spaceship propulsion has relied on a complicated mixture of fusion rods and natural fuel sources. During the reign of the Orokin the technology needed to filter the results of this concoction into a harmless dilution was commonplace, but when technology fell into a comparative dark age after the Collapse this kind of technology became both incredibly rare and impossible to replicate. In the wake of this, the Grineer and Corpus’ attempts to recreate it have resulted in something that, while effectively the same, lacks the control over emissions that it is meant to. Grineer pilots have developed techniques to use exhaust as a potent weapon. Intent to Destroy All attacks made When someone aboard the without targeting Ship you are currently piloting systems are easier to attacks a ship without make. targeting any System give them a bonus to their Accuracy Check. Accuracy Bonus: -5 (-3 per level) Description: Grineer rarely have interest in capturing enemy ships alive, too much hassle and too much effort when they can be silenced just as easily through destruction. Because of this, Hellions receive training geared towards such destruction; whether they be firing the weapons or not, while a Hellion is at the helm attempts to destroy an enemy ship are all the more effective. Jetpack Take into the air, Roll 1d6, for up to that many temporarily going rounds you may stay flying in out of reach of melee the air, becoming untargetable attackers. by melee attackers. Bonus: +1 round per 2 levels Description: One of the few abilities outside of a ship that a Hellion is trained in. After witnessing the effectiveness of Corpus Rangers in the field, equipping Hellions – specifically due to their expertise with jet-powered craft – with jetpacks is slowly becoming the norm among the Grineer. While use for such a thing is currently lacking, the future may hold deadly abilities for the Hellions. Nitro Boost A ship you are Move an additional number of currently piloting spaces. may move an Bonus Movement: 1 (+1 per 2 additional number of levels) spaces forward. Description: Ship systems are a simple thing to fiddle with. While it is not a true nitro boost, Pilots are capable of funneling extra energy into the engines of their ships for a bonus burst of speed, either to catch up to a target or escape pursuers. Strafe When piloting past When moving adjacent to one enemy ships all or more energy spaces manned weapons (without colliding with have a chance to anything) all manned Weapon attack. Systems may make a free

[146] attack against one adjacent enemy. Bonus: Will work when passing within 2 spaces of enemies at level 5. Description: “Destructions whenever possible,” this is a motto of the Hellions. One of their favorite tactics involves positioning their ship when passing by targets to, as long as the weapons systems are armed, allows all ships weapons a chance to fire on the enemy. Unfortunately this only works at close quarters, as even Hellions know there are risks involved with trying such a stunt out more in the open – though, as they grow in ability, they may become bolder in their actions. Rain of Chaos Take time to prepare Your next attack with a Ship or a Ship or Special your own Special weapon will weapon, giving you have extra damage dice. extra damage. Bonus Dice: +2d (+1d per 2 levels) Description: Even though they may not be manning a system themselves, Hellions have the know-how to reroute power to give weapons an even more-devastating punch. What makes this truly impressive, though, is that it doesn’t require a ship weapon – if a Hellion has in their possession a weapon or a more exotic nature, then they are capable of doing the same with it.

Corpus Navigator She dodged away from the fire, whirling through the air and rotating her cannons to always keep the enemy in their sights. This Syndicate pest had been raiding the Corpus too long, and she was going to put an end to it here and now. Target locked, she fired…

Corpus prefer to rely on automation and mechanical proxies to do their work for them, so when the need for actual persons to pilot and drive their craft arises they accept only the best of the best. Navigators represent that. At the peak of ability for piloting all manner of craft, these men and women don’t are only used in the direst of straits. Even rarer is to see one being used in a combat scenario, as their training generally is geared towards transporting the kind of cargo not even a machine can be trusted with, but much like the Crewmen the need for them to be able to handle all kinds of scenarios has left the Corporation with little choice but to expand their role.

Marvel Packing Solution’s Tak Ei used to be a great combat fleet commanders, holding back the Grineer onslaught. Now he just oversees the Corporation’s interplanetary trade.

Variation Bonus: +5 Wisdom, +10 Pilot

[147] Armor Proficiency: 2


Name: Effects: Mechanics: Description: Boost Shields Charge the Shields of If you are piloting a ship that the ship you’re has Shields installed increase piloting. those shields. Bonus Shields: 100 (+20 per level) Description: As is natural, Corpus ships, as well as the occasional Grineer or even Syndicate ones come with advanced shielding, making them more defendable than most. However this can sometimes come at a cost to base ship integrity. To counteract this, Navigators are given special instruction on how to reroute power systems and tap into deeper reserves of energy to amp us the durability of the ship’s shields. Control Reduces Strain and All Strain and Durability Durability losses losses taken from making Pilot taken from making and Crew Actions are reduced Pilot or Crew by one (1). Actions. Bonus: All Strain and Durability losses taken from making Pilot and Crew Actions are reduced by two (2) at level 5. Description: The entire purpose of a Recruiter is to rile the people up. Be it through promises of a better future of pure, simple revenge, their words can cause their allies to be filled with zeal and fight with greater fury. Destress Take some of the Roll 1d4 and remove an stress off of the ship amount of Strain from the ship through careful equal to the amount rolled on maneuvering. the dice. Bonus: +1 to roll at level 5 Description: Although it is not true repair, Pilots know how to reroute certain system or alternate piloting methods in order to take some of the pressures combat or other situations might put on a ship. Damage is still damage, but stress upon various elements of the craft will not cause further issue. Dodge Maneuver When a ship you’re When attacked successfully piloting it attacked roll and Accuracy Check. If you may attempt to successful ignore all damage dodge the attack. from the attack. Accuracy: 45 (+3 per level) MAY ONLY BE USED ONCE PER ROUND. Bonus: May be used twice per round at level 5

[148] Description: A simple maneuver known by all Pilots, this tactic allows for careful and successful peeling away from enemy fire without causing unneeded Strain to the ship. Unfortunately, it’s something of a one-trick pony, and repeated uses of it simply are not possible, although reliance on more conventional – if damaging to the ship – methods are still available. Intent to Resell All attempts to board When someone aboard the a ship are easier to Ship you are currently piloting make. uses the Boarding Portal or Boarding Tubes Weapon System give them a Bonus to their Accuracy Check. Accuracy Bonus: -5 (-3 per level) Description: Why simply destroy when you can take something your enemy has and turn it into Profit for yourselves? This idea is drilled into the heads of every Navigator, and so the objective of some fights is not to decimate the enemy in combat but to board the ship, incapacitate the crew, and use the vessel to add to their own wealth. It is not always a viable strategy, but it is one many a Navigator has considered. Nitro Boost A ship you are Move an additional number of currently piloting spaces. may move an Bonus Movement: 1 (+1 per 2 additional number of levels) spaces forward. Description: Ship systems are a simple thing to fiddle with. While it is not a true nitro boost, Pilots are capable of funneling extra energy into the engines of their ships for a bonus burst of speed, either to catch up to a target or escape pursuers. Mark Mark a target’s weak Choose a target and roll for point for a few turns, duration. That target now increasing Accuracy gives bonuses to Accuracy Check success Checks made against them. chance against them. Duration: 1d20 (+1 per level) Accuracy Bonus: -5 (-2 per level) Description: Navigators have a keen, unmatched knowledge of even enemy craft, and know where the weaknesses in certain designs are and how to exploit them. If they choose, they can point out these weaknesses to their allies, giving them a tactical advantage in the fight by showing them where and when their shots would do the most damage. Repair Guide All attempts made to Choose one damaged system repair damaged that is currently being repaired systems by allies are by an ally, their attempts to benefited by your repair it receive a bonus. knowledge of the Bonus: 1 extra Repair per 2 ship. Rounds (per Round at level 5) Description: The Navigator’s knowledge of ships is their greatest boon to their allies, in both offensive and defensive reasons. While a system is being repaired a Pilot has the training required to multitask and direct their allies in the repairs of the systems. Their instruction makes the actions of their allies all the more effective.

[149] Spin-and-Coast Cut the engines and Turn your ship around without perform a Strain penalty, however you complicated turning will continue to move in the maneuver. direction you had been and will be unable to make other Pilot Actions until your next turn. Description: It’s a risky tactic, but due to speed the needs of certain situations it’s one that is often called upon. By cutting the engines are just the right point in a turn a Navigator can flip their ship a whole three-hundred and sixty degrees, allowing them to instantly starting moving in the other direction at the same speed – that is, once they are able to reactivate the engines, as their sudden deactivation causes them to go into a lockdown state for a brief time.

Syndicate Runner … The shots came too close, nearly ripping the wings off of her Lanx Striker. It took far more than a near-hit to shake her, however, and she moved in to launch another barrage. These shots found their mark, and the Corpus vessel was sent spinning into the distance.

Unlike the pilots of the Grineer and Corpus, a Runner’s first duty is not to engage in combat or move cargo with care but rather to get in and out of danger as quickly as possible. Usually called on alongside Scoundrels to provide quick and easy transport to all manner of incriminating or illicit goods, a Runner is only as good as their skills and ship, but unlike Grineer or Corpus pilots they are just as capable of handling themselves on the ground as they are in the sky; and while their job is to get out of combat rather than fight, if pressed to do so they can hold their own with ease.

A friend of Maroo, Hena runs all sorts of goods for the Smuggler Coalition and other Syndicates – she even gets hired by the Grineer and Corpus from time to time.

Variation Bonus: +5 Strength, +10 Agility

Armor Proficiency: 2


Name: Effects: Mechanics: Description:

[150] Control Reduces Strain and All Strain and Durability Durability losses losses taken from making Pilot taken from making and Crew Actions are reduced Pilot or Crew by one (1). Actions. Bonus: All Strain and Durability losses taken from making Pilot and Crew Actions are reduced by two (2) at level 5. Description: The entire purpose of a Recruiter is to rile the people up. Be it through promises of a better future of pure, simple revenge, their words can cause their allies to be filled with zeal and fight with greater fury. Destress Take some of the Roll 1d4 and remove an stress off of the ship amount of Strain from the ship through careful equal to the amount rolled on maneuvering. the dice. Bonus: +1 to roll at level 5 Description: Although it is not true repair, Pilots know how to reroute certain system or alternate piloting methods in order to take some of the pressures combat or other situations might put on a ship. Damage is still damage, but stress upon various elements of the craft will not cause further issue. Dodge Maneuver When a ship you’re When attacked successfully piloting it attacked roll and Accuracy Check. If you may attempt to successful ignore all damage dodge the attack. from the attack. Accuracy: 45 (+3 per level) MAY ONLY BE USED ONCE PER ROUND. Bonus: May be used twice per round at level 5 Description: A simple maneuver known by all Pilots, this tactic allows for careful and successful peeling away from enemy fire without causing unneeded Strain to the ship. Unfortunately, it’s something of a one-trick pony, and repeated uses of it simply are not possible, although reliance on more conventional – if damaging to the ship – methods are still available. Intent to Steal Have a great chance When someone aboard the of success when Ship you are currently piloting attacking the ship’s targets the Weapon, Engine, or ability to flee or fight Piloting Systems give them a back. bonus to their Accuracy Check. Accuracy Bonus: -5 (-3 per level) THIS BONUS CAN RESULT IN NO CRITICALS Description: Similar to the Corpus goals at first glance, Runner intent has one key difference: they often have no intention to sell the ships they steal. Whether their desire is to add the vessel

[151] to their own personal collection or pass them off to fellows within their Syndicate to help the cause, deactivating key navigation systems on a ship is the first step to ensuring that they can get their hands on the craft. Jam Field When piloting a ship Make an Accuracy Check. If with Hacking successful create an AoE Jam Systems you may Field a certain number of generate a field that spaces away from you that will shuts down all ships shut down any ships that enter that move into it into it. temporarily. Accuracy Check: 55 Range: 3 spaces (+1 per level) AoE Range: 1 space (2 spaces at level 5) Shutdown Duration: 1 round (2 rounds at level 5) Description: Although it is not something a Runner can do with all the ships they may pilot, this tactic is without doubt one of the cleverest. Through proper application of hacking technology Runners are able to generate a far-reaching field that disrupts any ships passing through it. It is a brief solution to a menagerie of problems, but a powerful one. Nitro Boost A ship you are Move an additional number of currently piloting spaces. may move an Bonus Movement: 1 (+1 per 2 additional number of levels) spaces forward. Description: Ship systems are a simple thing to fiddle with. While it is not a true nitro boost, Pilots are capable of funneling extra energy into the engines of their ships for a bonus burst of speed, either to catch up to a target or escape pursuers. Quick-Fix With your Cooldown: 5 Make a Repair Skill Check, knowledge of rounds needed Successes determined machines quickly by your GM. If Successful repair a damaged remove all Durability damage system. from a chosen system – you cannot be piloting the same time as you use this ability. Bonus: -2 bonus to your rolls per level Description: Though they cannot see to it themselves personally, sometimes all that a repair needs to be completed is a careful management of the systems around it. Rerouting power, deactivating certain features, all of these tactics are employed by the Navigator to undo damage to the systems of their ship – surprisingly, it often works just as well as physical attendance. Salvage Search through space If there are viable space debris debris for anything in the area make an Accuracy of value. Check. The more successes the more valuable finds you can reclaim (as determined by your GM).

[152] Accuracy: 50 (+2 per level) Bonus: -2 bonus to your rolls per level Description: Salvage operations are sometimes all that keep Runners and the Syndicates they represent fed. Without any major backers, they have to rely on black market contracts and deals to keep their operations functional. While not as lucrative as robbing Orokin dig sites, occasionally valuables can be found in space-wrecks or other such debris. Skim Instead of having to Move through a space that is maneuver all the way currently occupied, however around an obstacle you will take a certain amount you can simply skim of Strain for doing so. along it to pass. Strain Gained: 6 (-2 per 2 levels) Description: Runners live on the edge, constantly pushing their ships and their skills to the limits. With their often self-taught knowledge they are willing to take risks few others would, such as flying close enough to an obstacle to avoid it just barely, keeping them from having to spend the time to circle completely around it. It is a dangerous tactic and is not healthy for the ship, but it can save the lives of a Runner and their allies if used properly.

[153] Rogue Rogues as lethal melee assassins and stealth operatives, either moving around a battle to flank enemies from behind of lurking in the shadows to spy on persons of interest.

Rogues are able to invisible

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +15 Dexterity +10 Bluff +5 Strength +10 Perception +5 Intelligence +20 Stealth +10 Subterfuge The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Grineer Manic Leaping along the rafters, she always made sure to never lose sight of her target. Just as planned, he stopped as he awaited a large pair of security doors to open. That was when she struck, dropping down and putting an end to him and his guard.

Manics were originally conditioned and trained for the sole purpose of assassination, but with hostilities not being what they once were they find themselves – often to their dismay – more often than not used in non-lethal missions. Despite often-psychotic episodes that can threaten their work, spy and deception assignments have become commonplace for the Manics, utilizing their quick and silent movements to great effect. But while the shadows are where one is most often to find them lurking, if caught in the open Manics can still use their incredible agility to put up, and even win, a fight – or several.

Tarok Thul was one of the first Manics to ever be conditioned, through the efforts of the Doctor Tengus, but as his instability has yet to be curbed, his field-deployment is rare.

Variation Bonus: +5 Constitution, +10 Weapon-Melee

Armor Proficiency: 2

[154] Abilities:

Name: Effects: Mechanics: Description: Assassinate If undetected and If undetected by any enemy within melee range targets give every successful you may attack for attack you make in Melee massive damage. Range bonus Success (Critical Hits). Bonus Successes: 1 (+1 per two levels) After attacking the Manic must make a Stealth Check (Opposed by Perception) to see if they remain Stealthed. Description: Striking at the shadows gives one lethal ability that simply cannot be matched were one detected by the enemy. Rogues make fine use of their skill at striking from the shadows, grievously wounding enemies if not slaying them on the spot. Club Inflict the Impact Roll an Accuracy Check, if Status Effect. successful inflict the Impact Status Effect onto the target. Accuracy: 42 Range: 3 meters Max Number of Targets: 1 (+1 per 2 levels) Does not Break Stealth. Description: Just as brutal, if not more, as the rest of their people, Manics will strike an opponent with the intention to inflict blunt force trauma to them. Utilizing their own weapons or nearby objects, these tactics still allow the Manic to remain hidden if they are careful enough. Detect Trap Detect traps in the Roll your perception at a immediate area. bonus, but you only may notice traps. Bonus Perception: +5 (+5 per level) Does not Break Stealth. Description: Rogues are as wary of their surroundings as the enemy has to be to detect them, and with this wariness comes a skill at detecting what is hidden. If there is a trap anywhere in a room, a Rogue may find it, without setting it off, with a little searching – and they may do so while remaining unseen. Expose Inflict the Puncture Roll an Accuracy Check, if Status effect. successful inflict the Puncture Status Effect onto the target. Accuracy: 39 Range: 3 meters

[155] Max Number of Targets: 1 (+1 per 2 levels) Does not Break Stealth. Description: Why fight fair when you can have the advantage? Rogues will take the time to shred or pull off piece of an opponent’s armor if they can, leaving them more vulnerable to attacks from the rogue or their allies, and with nimble and quick reflexes they are capable of doing so while remaining undetected. Pounce Jump onto a target, Choose a target and roll an knocking them down Accuracy Check, for every and moving you success you apply the Blast within melee range. Status Effect to the target down for that many more turns, every failure means you land that many meters times three away from them (to a max of 12 meters). Accuracy: 50 Max Distance: 12 meters (18 meters at level 5) Breaks Stealth. Description: Manics enjoy nothing more than being face-to-face with their opponents, lunging at them and knocking them to the ground, leaving them open for devastating attacks. Unfortunately such a tactic forces them out of hiding, but if a Manic employs a tactic like this, they are likely done hiding. Preparation Your next attack is a Your next successful melee guaranteed Critical attack gives you one bonus Hit. Success (one Critical Hit). Bonus Successes: 1 (+1 per level) Breaks Stealth. Description: Manics are not an overly patient sort, but they do recognize the advantage of taking their time with a kill. Waiting for the opportune moment, studying their opponent, preparing their next move: all of these lead to having a devastating effect on the enemy when they do strike. Rend Inflict the Slash Status Roll an Accuracy Check, if Effect. successful inflict the Slash Status Effect onto the target. Accuracy: 39 Range: 3 meters Max Number of Targets: 1 (+1 per 2 levels) Does not Break Stealth. Description: Nothing excites a Manic more than the sight of their enemy’s blood on their hands. Manics, like the clawed demons they are, will slash and tear at any bit of exposed flesh their foes might have, and then leaving them to bleed out. Sap Stun a target. Roll an Accuracy Check, if successful inflict the

[156] Electricity Status Effect onto the target. Accuracy: 39 Range: 3 meters Max Number of Targets: 1 (+1 per 2 levels) Does not Break Stealth. Description: When one needs to get by an enemy without being noticed but their deaths would only cause unneeded attention, a Rogue has the skills to knock an enemy into a half-conscious state, leaving them alive but knocking the sense out of them long enough to move by them unseen – and unseen they remain while making this attack. Vanish Instantly go invisible. Roll ld6, immediately become undetected by all enemies for a number of rounds equal to your roll. Bonus Rounds: 1 per level Description: When one works in stealth one strives to be unseen, and when one is seen they strive to vanish from sight as quickly as possible. Be it with smoke screens or stealth-field generators, whatever gets the Rogue out of sight is what works best.

Corpus Infiltrator The security system proved no match for his skills, and once he was inside the programming routines it was a simple matter of setting the rival guild’s proxies against their own Crewmen. He withdrew from the console, heading back for his ship to make his escape.

Infiltrators within the Corpus are often trained for one reason and one reason only: intelligence gathering. No information, Corpus-based or otherwise, is safe from their prying eyes, no secret can remain unfound for long. With the Grineer a constant issue, however, Infiltrators also often choose to study combat and assassination techniques to better help protect the Corpus and, should they ever find themselves working for the Grineer, improve relations with the Empire. Infiltrators pride themselves on their ability to work silently.

Though lacking all but the most basic of combat skills, Frohd Bek’s young son Darvo is an up-and-coming Infiltrator with a specialty in computers.

Variation Bonus: +5 Charisma, +10 Subterfuge

Armor Proficiency: 1

[157] Abilities:

Name: Effects: Mechanics: Description: Assassinate If undetected and If undetected by any enemy within melee range targets give every successful you may attack for attack you make in Melee massive damage. Range one bonus success (one Critical Hit). Bonus Successes: 1 (+1 per two levels) After attacking the Manic must make a Stealth Check (Opposed by Perception) to see if they remain Stealthed. Description: Striking at the shadows gives one lethal ability that simply cannot be matched were one detected by the enemy. Rogues make fine use of their skill at striking from the shadows, grievously wounding enemies if not slaying them on the spot. Blind Decrease a target’s Roll an Accuracy Check, Accuracy. decrease a target’s Accuracy Checks for a number of turns equal to the number of success you received. Accuracy: 36 Decrease: 15 (+5 per level) Max Number of Targets: 1 (+1 per 2 levels) Does not Break Stealth. Description: Jab at or throw something into an enemy’s eyes, damaging their ability to see. Perhaps more often used defensively when Stealth fails the Infiltrator, it is also a viable offensive weapon, as they are capable of using it offensively from the unseen of the shadows. Cripple Decrease a target’s Roll an Accuracy Check, movement ability. decrease a target’s Movement for a number of turns equal to the number of success you received. Accuracy: 36 Decrease: 3 (+6 at level 5) Max Number of Targets: 1 (+1 per 2 levels) Does not Break Stealth. Description: Strike an enemy’s legs, making it more difficult for them to move. Be it to allow allies to catch them or to keep them from following an Infiltrator’s escape, the simple act of breaking legs is one that has yet to go out of style.

[158] Detect Trap Detect traps in the Roll your perception at a immediate area. bonus, but you only may notice traps. Bonus Perception: +5 (+5 per level) Does not Break Stealth. Description: Rogues are as wary of their surroundings as the enemy has to be to detect them, and with this wariness comes a skill at detecting what is hidden. If there is a trap anywhere in a room, a Rogue may find it, without setting it off, with a little searching – and they may do so while remaining unseen. Distract Draw enemy attention Choose a target location and elsewhere. roll an Accuracy Check, if successful the target focuses on that area for a number of rounds equal to the number of successes you rolled. Accuracy: 39 (45 at level 5) Bonus Rounds: 1 per level (Infiltrator MUST have made at least ONE success on the Accuracy Check for these to apply) Does not Break Stealth. Description: When a Rogue needs to get past an enemy without interacting with it, they will call upon a wide variety of tricks to distract them. From throwing a pebble to throwing their voice, any tactic that can draw the attention of guards – even proxies – is of use of them. Expose Inflict the Puncture Roll an Accuracy Check, if Status Effect. successful inflict the Puncture Status Effect onto the target. Accuracy: 45 Max Number of Targets: 1 (+1 per 2 levels) Does not Break Stealth. Description: Why fight fair when you can have the advantage? Rogues will take the time to shred or pull off piece of an opponent’s armor if they can, leaving them more vulnerable to attacks from the rogue or their allies, and with nimble and quick reflexes they are capable of doing so while remaining undetected. Sabotage Temporarily Roll an Accuracy Check, deactivate a target’s deactivate the target’s shields. shields for a number of turns equal to the number of success you received. Accuracy: 45 Bonus Rounds: 1 per level (Infiltrator MUST have

[159] made at least ONE success on the Accuracy Check for these to apply) Does not Break Stealth. Description: Infiltrators are used often against other Corpus Guilds, perhaps more often than they are against the actual enemies of the Corpus. Because of this, they are trained to deal with Corpus enemies as well, and as the Corpus rely heavily on their shield technology for defense it is only natural that Infiltrators would find a way around this dependence. Sap Stun a target. Roll an Accuracy Check, if successful inflict the Electricity Status Effect onto the target. Accuracy: 39 Max Number of Targets: 1 (+1 per 2 levels) Does not Break Stealth. Description: When one needs to get by an enemy without being noticed but their deaths would only cause unneeded attention, a Rogue has the skills to knock an enemy into a half-conscious state, leaving them alive but knocking the sense out of them long enough to move by them unseen – and unseen they remain while making this attack. Vanish Instantly go invisible. Roll 1d6, immediately become undetected by all enemies for a number of rounds equal to your roll or under. Bonus Rounds: 1 per level Description: When one works in stealth one strives to be unseen, and when one is seen they strive to vanish from sight as quickly as possible. Be it with smoke screens or stealth-field generators, whatever gets the Rogue out of sight is what works best.

Syndicate Scoundrel The last of the crates were unloaded from his ship, and the Corpus official passed over the Credits that were due to him. Him a curt nod he entered his ship, and once the engines were online he left the dock. Another job done, easy as always.

Scoundrels serve a variety of purposes. Information gathering, assassination, but there’s one thing they excel at beyond all else and that is manipulating people. They can talk and charm and weasel their way in and out of situations on a dime. But no good Scoundrel relies on their wits alone, and while combat is rarely a go-to strategy for them all Scoundrels are known to carry

[160] small and lightweight weapons upon them at all times. As quick with them as they are with a thought, if a Scoundrel should find themselves in combat they tend to not find ways to even the odds in their favor.

Talk in Smuggler Coalition circles goes that a girl named Maroo has been masterfully dealing with and manipulating both Corpus and Grineer, despite her very young age.

Variation Bonus: +5 Dexterity, +10 Bluff

Armor Proficiency: 1


Name: Effects: Mechanics: Description: Banter Passively increase +3 to Charisma Stat per level your Charisma Stat. Description: Scoundrels have many experiences and seen many things, and these experiences have left them with the ability to charm the fight out of even Grineer. Make no mistake, though, just because they are good with words doesn’t mean they are lacking in combat, as many failed attempts to chat an enemy out of a fight have proven. Detect Trap Detect traps in the Roll your perception at a immediate area. bonus, but you only may notice traps. Bonus Perception: +5 (+5 per level) Does not Break Stealth. Description: Rogues are as wary of their surroundings as the enemy has to be to detect them, and with this wariness comes a skill at detecting what is hidden. If there is a trap anywhere in a room, a Rogue may find it, without setting it off, with a little searching – and they may do so while remaining unseen. Distract Draw enemy Choose a target location and attention elsewhere. roll an Accuracy Check, if successful the target focuses on that area for a number of rounds equal to the number of successes you rolled. Accuracy: 39 (45 at level 5) Bonus Rounds: 1 per level (Infiltrator MUST have made at least ONE success on the Accuracy Check for these to apply) Does not Break Stealth.

[161] Description: When a Rogue needs to get past an enemy without interacting with it, they will call upon a wide variety of tricks to distract them. From throwing a pebble to throwing their voice, any tactic that can draw the attention of guards – even proxies – is of use of them. Dodge Maneuver When a ship you’re When attacked successfully piloting it attacked roll and Accuracy Check. If you may attempt to successful ignore all damage dodge the attack. from the attack. Accuracy: 45 (+3 per level) MAY ONLY BE USED ONCE PER ROUND. Bonus: May be used twice per round at level 5 Description: A simple maneuver known by all Scoundrels, this tactic allows for careful and successful peeling away from enemy fire without causing unneeded Strain to the ship. Unfortunately, it’s something of a one-trick pony, and repeated uses of it simply are not possible, although reliance on more conventional – if damaging to the ship – methods are still available. Pickpocket Rob a target while Roll an Accuracy Check, if passing by them. successful gain a Certain amount of Credits (determined by your GM). Accuracy: 44 (+2 per level) Does not Break Stealth. Description: Thievery is just another part of the game for Scoundrels, and they do it well. A little sleight of hand and a little mild distraction and they can take a whole week’s earnings off of a Crewman without then even noticing. Sap Stun a target. Roll an Accuracy Check, if successful inflict the Electricity Status Effect onto the target. Accuracy: 39 Max Number of Targets: 1 (+1 per 2 levels) Does not Break Stealth. Description: When one needs to get by an enemy without being noticed but their deaths would only cause unneeded attention, a Rogue has the skills to knock an enemy into a half-conscious state, leaving them alive but knocking the sense out of them long enough to move by them unseen – and unseen they remain while making this attack. Shot First When the Scoundrel When you are attacked gain is attacked they may one Attack of Opportunity attack back with their against your attacks. Secondary Weapon THIS MAY ONLY BE USED (whether it is their ONCE PER ROUND current weapon or not). Description: Every Scoundrel learns one simple rule quickly: shoot first, ask questions later.

[162] Skim Instead of having to Move through a space that is maneuver all the way currently occupied, however around an obstacle you will take a certain amount you can simply skim of Strain for doing so. along it to pass. Strain Gained: 6 (-2 per 2 levels) Description: Scoundrels live on the edge, constantly pushing their ships and their skills to the limits. With their often self-taught knowledge they are willing to take risks few others would, such as flying close enough to an obstacle to avoid it just barely, keeping them from having to spend the time to circle completely around it. It is a dangerous tactic and is not healthy for the ship, but it can save the lives of a Scoundrels and their allies if used properly. Vanish Instantly go Roll ld6, immediately become invisible. undetected by all enemies for a number of rounds equal to your roll. Bonus Rounds: 1 per level Description: When one works in stealth one strives to be unseen, and when one is seen they strive to vanish from sight as quickly as possible. Be it with smoke screens or stealth-field generators, whatever gets the Rogue out of sight is what works best.

[163] Soldier Soldiers are basic, well-rounded range fighters, able to take some punishment while dealing decent damage in return with weapons and abilities.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +10 Dexterity +10 Knowledge-Weapons +10 Constitution +10 Pilot +5 Strength +15 Weapons-Firearm +5 Weapons-Melee +10 Weapons-Special The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Grineer Elite Lancer The Wasp landed and she took off. Explosions detonated around her. Plasma and bullets shot through the air. Allies died and fell under her feet as she charged forward with set determination. She paid it no mind. She focused on her mission: victory. For her Queens. Nothing else mattered.

The Grineer Empire is a war machine; conflict and conquest is its beating heart and the Lancers are its lifeblood. All Grineer begin their lives within the ranks of the Lancers, and only after completing basic training are they promoted into specialized units based on their areas of excellence; however those that excel as direct combat are elevated not to specialized classes but to an advanced standing within the basic grunt forces: Elite Lancers, the backbone of Grineer warfare – and though it may seem like a poor alternative, many find greater glory in service to the Queens through great success and achievement in battle.

Colonel Sargas Ruk, regardless of all his bodily augmentations and promotions, is one of the greatest Elite Lancers the Grineer have ever produced.

Variation Bonus: +5 Strength, +10 Knowledge-Weapons

Armor Proficiency: 4

[164] Abilities:

Name: Effect: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Blunt Deployable cover for None Create a Blunt with the you or an ally to make following stats. The Blunt use of. may be used as cover. Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Blunt Heavy Ferrite (26, None None -10) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 300 Strength: 5 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 30 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 0 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 5 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 15 +3 to each per ability level Description: Blunts are inflatable, Kevlar barriers carried by Lancers. A defensive structure that can be deployed at a moment’s notice, they are strong enough to sustain damage from everything from bullets to energy to explosive devices, all while protecting anyone who cowers behind them from harm. Often they are colored by their user to match their appearance, and each group within the Grineer seemingly has its Blunts produced in their colors. Extended Mag Instantly increase the 4 rounds (2 Increase the size of your capacity of your rounds at level current Weapon’s Magazine. current magazine. 5) Cooldown stats when magazine is expended. Bonus Mag: +2 (+1 per level) Description: Soldiers rely on their guns, and if those guns run out of ammunition a soldier can find themselves in a tight spot. To counteract this, some soldiers carry special magazines with them, constructed to hold much more ammunition than average. These tools allow them to stay an active part of the fight longer. Impact Grenade A grenade that deals None Instantly throw a grenade Impact damage. that deals damage. Range: 30, 3-meter AoE Damage: 4d20+20 (+5 damage per level) Primary Damage: Impact Description: A simple but devastating weapon, the Impact Grenade releases a blast force wave that slams into all targets around it. The Grineer favor weapons like these for non-lethal crowd control operations. Impact Rounds Add Impact to your None Instantly add Impact to your Weapon’s Primary Weapon’s Primary Damage Damage Type. Type for a certain number of

[165] attacks, only one kind of Rounds ability may be active at a time. Duration: 5 attacks (+2 per level) Description: These rounds are specifically designed to slam into enemies for blunt for trauma. While they may break the skin, they aren’t designed to do so, however the impact of their blows is more than enough to stun a target or a decent duration. Piercing Rounds Add Puncture to your None Instantly add Puncture to Weapon’s Primary your Weapon’s Primary Damage Type. Damage Type for a certain number of attacks, only one kind of Rounds ability may be active at a time. Duration: 5 attacks (+2 per level) Description: These rounds are specifically designed to puncture armor with relative ease. Able to pierce through skin just as easily, these rounds are a devastating thing to unleash on the battlefield. Grineer love it for that. Rally Increase the damage None Roll 1d20 to determine how and movement of long the duration lasts friendly characters for Range: 1-48 a few turns. Damage Bonus: 20 (+5 per level) Movement Bonus: +3 meters (+6 meters at level 5) Description: Soldiers are devoted to their cause, and they are more than willing to speak out on their beliefs – whether they understand the deepest depths of them or not. Be it through promises of a better future of pure, simple revenge, their words can cause their allies to be filled with zeal and fight with greater fury. Slash Grenade A grenade the deals None Instantly throw a grenade Slash damage. that deals damage. Range: 30, 3 meter AoE Damage: 4d20+20 (+5 damage per level) Primary Damage: Slash Description: A simple but devastating weapon, the Slash Grenade releases a blast force wave that slams into all targets around it. The Grineer favor weapons like these for lethal crowd control operations. Slash Rounds Add Slash to your None Instantly add Slash to your Weapon’s Primary Weapon’s Primary Damage Damage Type. Type for a certain number of attacks, only one kind of Rounds ability may be active at a time.

[166] Duration: 5 attacks (+2 per level) Description: These rounds are specifically designed to shred flesh to bloody tatters. Used for the most brutal of Grineer offensives, these special rounds are terror to see unleashed, and even more of one to have used against you. Suppressing Fire Lock a target down in None Choose a target within the a single location, range of your current discouraging them weapon and make an attack. from taking actions From this point on if that against other targets. target takes an action that would provoke an Attack of Opportunity you may make one Attack of Opportunity against them with an extra dice for your attack roll and bonus to your Accuracy Check. Bonus Dice: 1 dice (+1 per level) Accuracy Check Bonus: -4 (per level) Description: Soldiers are trained to have their allies’ backs. To this end they will take up defensive positions, laying down rounds of fire against hostiles that make attacks against their comrades if they are given the opportunity. It depends on the gall of their opposition if this strategy dissuades continuing attacks or not.

Corpus Elite Crewman He took up position with his fellows alongside their proxies, guarding the streets for the procession to pass. The Colonists stared at men and machines with a mixture of wonder and dread: did these people come as liberators, or as conquers like the Grineer before them?

Unlike the Grineer, the Corpus Corporation lacks any real military force; they rely primarily on security proxies – MOAs, Ospreys – and systems to protect their investments. But even they realize that no machine can truly match a thinking human on the battlefield; so the Crewmen, the lowest of the low, those without any particular value to the Corporation, are given instruction on combat techniques and outfitted with basic weaponry for their survival. Those that prove themselves more capable and worthwhile to their Guild are given more advanced training

[167] and better weaponry, making them the rival of many Grineer soldiers; however, they remain one thing about all else: expendable.

A militaristic Corpus official known only as “The Sergeant” is a Crewman with a history of successful campaigns against the Grineer.

Variation Bonus: +5 Intelligence, +10 Knowledge-Device

Armor Proficiency: 3


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Energy Grenade A grenade that deals None Instantly throw a grenade Puncture damage. that deals damage. Range: 30 Damage: 4d20+20 (+5 damage per level) Primary Damage: Puncture Description: Energy Grenades expel massive amounts of energy a fraction of a moment, energy that is specifically engineered to pierce through armor. These grenades are devastating weapons to even the hardiest of foes. Energy Wall Deployable cover for None Create an Energy Wall with you or an ally to make the following stats. The use of. Energy Wall may be used as cover. Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Energy Wall None Heavy Shield None (150, 5 per round) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 120 Strength: 5 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 12 Fortitude: 1d4 Dexterity: 0 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 0 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 5 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 15 +3 to each per ability level Description: A wall of energy, generated by a battery and projector placed on the ground. This defensive fortification functions under the same principles as the shields the Corpus forces utilize, but is projected without a body to wrap itself around, limiting its movement capabilities. As it is deployed most commonly as static cover, however, these mobility limitation have no impeded Crewman use of it.

[168] Extended Mag Instantly increase the 4 rounds (2 Increase the size of your capacity of your rounds at level current Weapon’s Magazine. current magazine. 5) Cooldown starts when Magazine is expended. Bonus Mag: +2 (+1 per level) Description: Soldiers rely on their guns, and if those guns run out of ammunition a soldier can find themselves in a tight spot. To counteract this, some soldiers carry special magazines with them, constructed to hold much more ammunition than average. These tools allow them to stay an active part of the fight longer. Fire Rounds Add Heat to your None Instantly add Heat to your Weapon’s Primary Weapon’s Primary Damage Damage type. Type for a certain number of attacks, only one kind of Rounds ability may be active at a time. Duration: 5 attacks (+2 per level) Description: These rounds are specifically designed to burn through flesh and light clothing. Designed as an anti-Grineer weapon from the outset, these rounds have made their way into regular circulation of Corpus forces, finding much use throughout. Frost Rounds Add Cold to your None Instantly add Cold to your Weapon’s Primary Weapon’s Primary Damage Damage type. Type for a certain number of attacks, only one kind of Rounds ability may be active at a time. Duration: 5 attacks (+2 per level) Description: These rounds are specifically designed to freeze targets in their place. Used to help slow the advance of biological enemies, these rounds are filled with a cryogenic substance that produces sub-zero temperatures when exposed to air, even if the weapon making use of them is an energy one. Mag Grenade A grenade the deals None Instantly throw a grenade Magnetic damage. that deals damage. Range: 30 Damage: 4d20+20 (+5 damage per level) Primary Damage: Magnetic Description: Mag Grenades project a wave of magnetic energy that shorts out simple electronic systems for a time. It is used, alongside its Shock Grenade counterpart, as a means of defending against rampaging proxy units. Shock Grenade A grenade that deals None Instantly throw a grenade Electricity damage. that deals damage. Range: 30

[169] Damage: 4d20+20 (+5 damage per level) Primary Damage: Electricity Description: Shock Grenades emit a massive amount of electrical energy, enough to short out many different types of electronics – even robotics. It is used, alongside its Mag Grenade counterpart, as a means of defending against rampaging proxy units. Shock Rounds Add Electricity to None Instantly add Electricity to your Weapon’s your Weapon’s Primary Primary Damage Damage Type for a certain type. number of attacks, only one kind of Rounds ability may be active at a time. Duration: 5 attacks (+2 per level) Description: These rounds are specifically designed to short out electronic systems. Used in the pacification of rogue proxy elements, these rounds allow for Crewmen to defend against proxy units without doing unnecessary damage to the valuable merchandise. The Corpus are nothing if not economical. Suppressing Fire Lock a target down in None Choose a target within the a single location, range of your current discouraging them weapon and make an attack. from taking actions From this point on if that against other targets. target takes an action that would provoke an Attack of Opportunity you may make one Attack of Opportunity against them with an extra dice for your attack roll and bonus to your Accuracy Check. Bonus Dice: 1 dice (+1 per level) Accuracy Check Bonus: -4 (per level) Description: Soldiers are trained to have their allies’ backs. To this end they will take up defensive positions, laying down rounds of fire against hostiles that make attacks against their comrades if they are given the opportunity. It depends on the gall of their opposition if this strategy dissuades continuing attacks or not.

[170] Syndicate Guerilla The squad moved through the underbrush, tracking the Grineer scouting force. The Guerilla team Commander had her mission laid out for her: prevent the Grineer from locating their colony. The other teams were already in place, and the Grineer were getting too close. He singled his squad to attack.

Syndicates lack the forces to fight their foes in the kind of open warfare that the Corpus and Grineer are accustomed to, and so they have adapted. They’ve taken their war to the shadows, relying not on strength of numbers but cunning of tactics. Hit and run, ambushes, movements and attack patterns designed to confuse and trick the superpowers and their officers. Even so, should they be caught and faced with having to fight in direct combat Guerillas prove that they are just as equal on the field of battle to any Crewman or Lancer with little effort.

Cressa Tal joined Steel Meridian with minimal Grineer training, but became one of their most effective Guerilla fighters by the time she was chosen as their leader.

Variation Bonus: +5 Wisdom, +10 Knowledge-Planet

Armor Proficiency: 3


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Barrier Deployable cover for None Create a Barrier with the you or an ally to following stats. The Barrier make use of. may be used as cover. Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Barrier None None None Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 300 Strength: 5 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 30 Fortitude: 1d4 Dexterity: 0 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 0 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 5 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 15 +3 to each per ability level Description: A solid barrier made of whatever the Guerilla is able to construct it out of. Despite its makeshift nature, however, all Guerillas have received the proper instruction in how to make

[171] such barriers resistant to all manner of damage. Eve Corpus energy weapons have a difficult time disposing of them, making them an invaluable asset to the Syndicates. Blast Grenade Inflict Blast damage None Instantly throw a grenade that to all enemies within deals damage. the Area of Effect. Range: 30 Damage: 4d20+20 (+5 damage per level) Primary Damage: Blast Description: A grenade with a simple purpose: explode. The sheer force expelled by this impact is unrivaled by any others, possessing enough power to knock even the sturdiest of enemies to the ground. There is no secondary purpose behind this weapon, just sheer, unadulterated power. Envenomed Rounds Add Toxin to your None Instantly add Toxin to your Weapon’s Primary Weapon’s Primary Damage Damage type. Type for a certain number of attacks, only one kind of Rounds ability may be active at a time. Duration: 5 attacks (+2 per level) Description: Coasted with toxic chemicals from any number of sources, these rounds a potent when used against living creatures. Even against machines and robotics the venom can be devastating, as the delicate wiring inside of them is easily corroded. Explosive Rounds Add Blast to your None Instantly add Blast to your Weapon’s Primary Weapon’s Primary Damage Damage type. Type for a certain number of attacks, only one kind of Rounds ability may be active at a time. Duration: 5 attacks (+2 per level) Description: Lined with a potent mixture of chemicals to make them explode on contact, these rounds are devastating tools to utilize on the battlefield. Devastating to all foes, no matter who or what they are, these rounds are capable of incapacitating enemies hit with their explosions, making fights hilariously one-sided. Extended Mag Instantly increase the 4 rounds (2 Increase the size of your capacity of your rounds at current Weapon’s Magazine. current magazine. level 5) Cooldown starts when Magazine is expended. Bonus Mag: +2 (+1 per level) Description: Soldiers rely on their guns, and if those guns run out of ammunition a soldier can find themselves in a tight spot. To counteract this, some soldiers carry special magazines with them, constructed to hold much more ammunition than average. These tools allow them to stay an active part of the fight longer.

[172] Rally Increase the damage None Roll 1d20 to determine how of friendly characters long the duration lasts for a few turns. Range: 1-48 Damage Bonus: 20 (+5 per level) Movement Bonus: 3 (6 at level 5) Description: Soldiers are devoted to their cause, and they are more than willing to speak out on their beliefs – whether they understand the deepest depths of them or not. Be it through promises of a better future of pure, simple revenge, their words can cause their allies to be filled with zeal and fight with greater fury. Smoke Grenade Cover an area in None Choose a target area and make smoke, decreasing an Accuracy Check. If the Accuracy of all successful, all spaces within enemies within the range of that space will be Area of Effect. covered in smoke, reducing the Accuracy of all enemies standing in. Accuracy: 52 (+2 per level) Use Range: 9 meters (12 at level 5) Area of Effect Range: 6 meters (9 at level 5) Description: A trick grenade designed to spew concealing mist to cover an area. Used by Guerillas as a method of escape or to facilitate their hit-and-run tactics, they are not a means of offense but are a key element to the kit of a Guerilla all the same. Suppressing Fire Lock a target down None Choose a target within the in a single location, range of your current weapon discouraging them and make an attack. From this from taking actions point on if that target takes an against other targets. action that would provoke an Attack of Opportunity you may make one Attack of Opportunity against them with an extra dice for your attack roll and bonus to your Accuracy Check. Bonus Dice: 1 dice (+1 per level) Accuracy Check Bonus: -4 (per level) Description: Soldiers are trained to have their allies’ backs. To this end they will take up defensive positions, laying down rounds of fire against hostiles that make attacks against their comrades if they are given the opportunity. It depends on the gall of their opposition if this strategy dissuades continuing attacks or not.

[173] Toxin Grenade A grenade the deals None Instantly throw a grenade that Toxin damage. deals damage. Range: 30 Damage: 4d20+20 (+5 damage per level) Primary Damage: Toxin Description: A trick grenade designed to spew toxic fumes rather than explode. As the Syndicate embraced the smoke grenade some among their ranks turned to other gasses to admit other than smoke. The origins of the poison are many – Serberis venom, corrosive chemicals – but the effect is always the same.

[174] Tamer Tamers make use of a number of companions to

Tamers may use their actions in place of their Companions taking an action.

Tamers begin the game with a free Companion (see Chapter 6: Companions) and may have more than 1 companion with them at any one time. The companions of Tamers also receive a +5 to their Bond Skill whenever they are with the Tamer.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +5 Dexterity +10 Agility +5 Wisdom +15 Knowledge-Planet +5 Strength +10 Muscle +10 Intelligence +15 Survival The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Grineer Beast Master The Colonists screamed and tried to scurry further away from the Drahk snapping at them, but there was only so far they could push themselves against the wall. He restated his demand, and when they again pleaded that they couldn’t help him he order his pets to attack.

Beast Masters are the Grineer put in charge of handling the genetic experiments that they use as beasts of war. They are brutal “caretakers,” far more interested in beating their beasts into violent and near-rabid killing machines than anything else, however it is to so rare for a Grineer to grow attached to their pets that it is unheard of. Such is looked down on by many within the Empire, but others know and accept that it makes them all the more vicious in the end – just the way the Empire likes their servants.

Commissar Stal is known to own many Drahks, both to intimidate the enemies of the Empire and to keep his own soldiers in line and weed out any dissent among them.

Variation Bonus: +5 Strength, +10 Muscle

Armor Proficiency: 4

[175] Abilities:

Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Combination Attack The Companion and None If one of your Companions (if Tamer attack multiple, choose one) is within together, dealing range of the target enemy, massive damage. make an Accuracy Check for your Companion’s Attack Ability and the weapon of your choice (provided you are in range to use it). If both are successful deal the combined damage as if it were a single attack, adding in some bonus damage. Bonus Damage: 20 (+5 per level) Accuracy Bonus: -5 to both Companion and Weapon Accuracy Check at level 5 Description: The Tamer and Companion strike in unison, complementing each other in whatever way they choose to make the attack. Unfortunately the logistics of the strike mean that only one Companion can make the attack at the same time as the Tamer, but a talented Tamer knows that one is all a proper attack can take. Command: Attack Command one, None Choose a singular target and some, or all make an Accuracy Check. If Companions to use successful, all Companions their Attack Ability that are in-range of the target on a target. may use their Attack Ability on it, gaining an Accuracy Bonus in the process. Accuracy: 50 (+2 per level) Accuracy Bonus: -2 per level Description: The Tamer gives a command, ordering all of their Companions to attack a target. There are limitations, however, as a Companion that is not immediately in striking range – and they, be they animal or machine, are smart enough to realize this – will not move into range on its own to make the attack. If all Companions have been carefully positioned, however, this kind of attack can prove devastating. Command: Bunker Command one, 6 rounds (3 at Chose one, some, or all some, or all level 5) Companions, make an Companions, Accuracy Check. If causing them to take successful, all chosen less damage for one Companions take less damage round, but reduces for one round. Companions their ability to act. that are chosen have their

[176] number of actions for their next turn reduced by one (1). Accuracy: 40 (+1 per level) Damage Reduction: 10 (+5 per level) Bonus Round: Last 2 rounds at level 5 Description: The Tamer gives a command, order all of their Companions to take cover and brace themselves for impact. Doing so limits the Companions, however, making it harder for them to take multiple actions in the same turn, as they must also see to their defenses. Command: Frenzy Command one, 6 rounds (3 at All Companions have extra some, or all level 5) damage dice for one round. Companions, Accuracy: 35 (+2 per level) increasing damage Bonus Damage: 2d (+1d per 2 temporarily. levels) Description: The Tamer gives a command, whipping all of their Companions into a frenzy. Enraged, the Companions will attack any target they are pointed at with greater ferocity, making them all the more devastating beasts of battle. Command: Kill Command a 8 rounds (5 at If a target is below 20 Health Companion to level 5) make an Accuracy Check. If instantly kill a successful, instantly kill the gravely-wounded target. enemy. Accuracy: 37 (+1 per level) Description: When the enemies of the Empire are too beaten and broken to fight back, they know what is next: either they will be captured and tortured or they will be executed on the spot. Beast Masters choose the second option most frequently, but they do not do so neatly. They command their beasts – Drahk or Hyekka, it doesn’t matter – to rip and tear at the target until all that is left are bloody shreds. Whoever is on the receiving end of such treatment quickly come to wish they had been captured instead. Command: Sic Command one, 6 rounds (3 at Make an Accuracy Check, if some, or all level 5) successful all Companions Companions, giving may take one additional action them one extra on their turn. action. Accuracy: 35 (+5 per level) Description: The Tamer gives a command, rallying their Companions to action and making them move and strike faster. As simple as this command is, it effects often leave some of the larger marks in the ranks of the Tamer’s enemies. There are ways to overcome sheer numbers, but are not always easy to manage. Death Mark Mark a target enemy, None Make an Accuracy Check. If Companions now do successful, all Companions extra damage to that will gain extra damage dice enemy, can only when attacking that target. affect one enemy at a This ability can only affect one time. character at a time. Accuracy: 40 (+1 per level)

[177] Bonus Damage: 3d (+1d per 2 levels) Description: The Tamer marks a target with something – be it scent, color, or an object of some kind – that lets their Companions know this target is their primary one. When unleashed against an enemy marked in such a way, the Tamer’s Companions will show no mercy, tearing into it with rabid ferocity. Enrage Damage your 3 rounds (1 Deal 10 damage to one of your Companion but give round at level companions that is within 6 them bonus damage. 5) meters of you, give them bonus attack dice to any damaging abilities they use for a certain duration. Bonus Attack Dice: +1d (+1d per 2 levels) Duration: 1d6 rounds (+1 round per 2 levels) Description: Brutal overlords even to animals, Beast Masters will kick, strike, or even shoot their Companions to drive them forwards to greater actions and throw them into a fit of rage to increase their power. Inhumane as this may be, and as horrified by such actions Colonists and even some Corpus may be, Grineer feel no remorse for their deeds: they are simply a means to their enemies’ end. Presence Companions give a None When the Tamer makes an portion of their rank Appraise, Conceal, Empathy, in a corresponding Intimidate, Perception, or Stat while their Survival Skill Check, a certain Tamer is making amount of the Companions’ related Skill Checks. corresponding Stat (i.e. Strength for Intimidate) may be treated as if it were the Tamer’s own. Conversation Rate: 1 per 4 Companion Stat (1 per 2 Companion Stat at level 5) Description: The sheer presence of a Tamer’s Companions is sometimes all it takes to assist them. With a Companion – or many – by their side the Tamer will find that they can have assistance in finding if things have been tampered with, if someone is telling the truth, intimidating others into getting what they want, spotting what they need but is hard to find, and a menagerie of other similar fields.

[178] Corpus Wrangler The rampaging Jackal had put up a good fight, and a better chase, but it was over now. Her MOAs surrounded it, her restraints had it trapped and unable to fight, her Locust Drone was scanning it to see where the malfunction had occurred. It was a good day.

While Corpus Techs work to develop and deploy a variety of Ospreys, MOAs, and other devices on the spot for limited use, Wranglers take a slightly different approach. They take to using large number of robotic proxies at once, calling in swarms of various robotics to assault hostiles while they provide direct support to them. Wranglers are often found within the company of groups filled with Auditors and Rangers, tracking down and deactivating rogue proxies – something Wranglers have come to specialize in. However, they have also proven to be exceptional when it comes to dealing with unruly Colonists.

Sera Vidar, though she is known to make use of Scrambus technology as well, uses Wrangler-like tactics, and her own robotics designs, when pushed into combat.

Variation Bonus: +5 Intelligence, +10 Create-Device

Armor Proficiency: 3


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Combination Attack The Companion and None If one of your Companions (if Tamer attack multiple, choose one) is within together, dealing range of the target enemy, massive damage. make an Accuracy Check for your Companion’s Attack Ability and the weapon of your choice (provided you are in range to use it). If both are successful deal the combined damage as if it were a single attack, adding in some bonus damage. Bonus Damage: 20 (+5 per level) Accuracy Bonus: -5 to both Companion and Weapon Accuracy Check at level 5

[179] Description: The Tamer and Companion strike in unison, complementing each other in whatever way they choose to make the attack. Unfortunately the logistics of the strike mean that only one Companion can make the attack at the same time as the Tamer, but a talented Tamer knows that one is all a proper attack can take. Command: Attack Command one, None Choose a singular target and some, or all make an Accuracy Check. If Companions to use successful, all Companions their Attack Ability that are in-range of the target on a target. may use their Attack Ability on it, gaining an Accuracy Bonus in the process. Accuracy: 50 (+2 per level) Accuracy Bonus: -2 per level Description: The Tamer gives a command, ordering all of their Companions to attack a target. There are limitations, however, as a Companion that is not immediately in striking range – and they, be they animal or machine, are smart enough to realize this – will not move into range on its own to make the attack. If all Companions have been carefully positioned, however, this kind of attack can prove devastating. Command: Bunker Command one, 6 rounds (3 at Chose one, some, or all some, or all level 5) Companions, make an Companions, Accuracy Check. If causing them to take successful, all chosen less damage for one Companions take less damage round, but reduces for one round. Companions their ability to act. that are chosen have their number of actions for their next turn reduced by one (1). Accuracy: 40 (+1 per level) Damage Reduction: 10 (+5 per level) Bonus Round: Last 2 rounds at level 5 Description: The Tamer gives a command, order all of their Companions to take cover and brace themselves for impact. Doing so limits the Companions, however, making it harder for them to take multiple actions in the same turn, as they must also see to their defenses. Command: Frenzy Command one, 6 rounds (3 at All Companions have extra some, or all level 5) damage dice for one round. Companions, Accuracy: 35 (+2 per level) increasing damage Bonus Damage: 2d (+1d per 2 temporarily. levels) Description: The Tamer gives a command, whipping all of their Companions into a frenzy. Enraged, the Companions will attack any target they are pointed at with greater ferocity, making them all the more devastating beasts of battle. Command: Sic Command one, 6 rounds (3 at Make an Accuracy Check, if some, or all level 5) successful all Companions Companions, giving

[180] them one extra may take one additional action action. on their turn. Accuracy: 35 (+5 per level) Description: The Tamer gives a command, rallying their Companions to action and making them move and strike faster. As simple as this command is, it effects often leave some of the larger marks in the ranks of the Tamer’s enemies. There are ways to overcome sheer numbers, but are not always easy to manage. Death Mark Mark a target enemy, None Make an Accuracy Check. If Companions now do successful, all Companions extra damage to that will gain extra damage dice enemy, can only when attacking that target. affect one enemy at a This ability can only affect one time. character at a time. Accuracy: 40 (+1 per level) Bonus Damage: 3d (+1d per 2 levels) Description: The Tamer marks a target with something – be it scent, color, or an object of some kind – that lets their Companions know this target is their primary one. When unleashed against an enemy marked in such a way, the Tamer’s Companions will show no mercy, tearing into it with rabid ferocity. Lasso Restrains an enemy, 5 rounds (2 at Make an Accuracy Check, if limiting their level 5) successful the target cannot movement with a move more than 6 spaces at a chance to apply the time for a certain number of Electricity Status rounds. If your Accuracy Effect. Check is 15 points lower than the max, also apply the Electricity Status Effect. Accuracy: 39 (+2 per level) Range: 6 meters (9 meters when either Lasso or Tether is at level 5) Duration: 1d6 rounds (+1 round per level) Bonus: Target cannot move more than 3 spaces at a time at level 5 Description: Using an energy whip, the Wrangler subdues a target, binding their legs and or arms together, making it impossible for them to move with any freedom. Generally used to subdue rampaging malfunctioning proxies, it comes as no surprise that it is also no surprise that it is also effective against biological targets – Grineer, Syndicate, or otherwise. Presence Companions give a None When the Tamer makes an portion of their rank Appraise, Conceal, Empathy, in a corresponding Intimidate, Perception, or Stat while their Survival Skill Check, a certain amount of the Companions’

[181] Tamer is making corresponding Stat (i.e. related Skill Checks. Strength for Intimidate) may be treated as if it were the Tamer’s own. Conversation Rate: 1 per 4 Companion Stat (1 per 2 Companion Stat at level 5) Description: The sheer presence of a Tamer’s Companions is sometimes all it takes to assist them. With a Companion – or many – by their side the Tamer will find that they can have assistance in finding if things have been tampered with, if someone is telling the truth, intimidating others into getting what they want, spotting what they need but is hard to find, and a menagerie of other similar fields. Tether Pulls a character 5 rounds (2 at Choose a target and make an towards the level 5) Accuracy Check. If successful Wrangler. drag the target up to Accuracy: 39 (+2 per level) Range: 6 meters (9 meters when either Lasso or Tether is at level 5) Bonus: drag up to 9 meters at level 5) Description: Using an energy whip, the Wrangler pulls a target towards them, putting them into more convenient range of a number of possible actions. Generally used to subdue rampaging malfunctioning proxies, it comes as no surprise that it is also no surprise that it is also effective against biological targets – Grineer, Syndicate, or otherwise.

Syndicate Handler A sharp whistle and her Kubrows charged, tearing into the Corpus MOAs and dragging some away from the troop. They were but the start of the offensive, and as the Corpus robotics turned to open fire on her pets she joined her allies in flanking them from their position.

In Origin the Syndicates are in a constant battle to fight people that share in their ideals and have the will to join them in fighting for them and the freedom of Origin. But these people, no matter how many may wish for the Corpus and Grineer to be defeated, are often few and far between. To compensate, they often look for non-human allies – that is to say, they turn to taming beasts, forging not just a working animal out of the relationship between them, but a deep bond that makes both beast and master stronger in result. Handlers look to have such a bond, and more

[182] often than not they are able to, forging close connections with their battle-beasts that make both master and animal more effective in combat.

Utilizing an intimate understanding of proxy mechanics to its every advantage, Halos Kaj of the Perrin Sequence commands a number of MOA and other robotics to fight for him.

Variation Bonus: +5 Charisma, +10 Empathy

Armor Proficiency: 2

Handlers associated with either the Steel Meridian or Perrin Sequence may choose to take their starting companion from the Faction list of the Faction their character was initially associated with (Grineer, if Steel Meridian; Corpus, if Perrin Sequence).


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Combination Attack The Companion and None If one of your Companions (if Tamer attack multiple, choose one) is within together, dealing range of the target enemy, massive damage. make an Accuracy Check for your Companion’s Attack Ability and the weapon of your choice (provided you are in range to use it). If both are successful deal the combined damage as if it were a single attack, adding in some bonus damage. Bonus Damage: 20 (+5 per level) Accuracy Bonus: -5 to both Companion and Weapon Accuracy Check at level 5 Description: The Tamer and Companion strike in unison, complementing each other in whatever way they choose to make the attack. Unfortunately the logistics of the strike mean that only one Companion can make the attack at the same time as the Tamer, but a talented Tamer knows that one is all a proper attack can take. Command: Attack Command one, None Choose a singular target and some, or all make an Accuracy Check. If Companions to use successful, all Companions their Attack Ability that are in-range of the target on a target. may use their Attack Ability

[183] on it, gaining an Accuracy Bonus in the process. Accuracy: 50 (+2 per level) Accuracy Bonus: -2 per level Description: The Tamer gives a command, ordering all of their Companions to attack a target. There are limitations, however, as a Companion that is not immediately in striking range – and they, be they animal or machine, are smart enough to realize this – will not move into range on its own to make the attack. If all Companions have been carefully positioned, however, this kind of attack can prove devastating. Command: Bunker Command one, 6 rounds (3 at Chose one, some, or all some, or all level 5) Companions, make an Companions, Accuracy Check. If causing them to take successful, all chosen less damage for one Companions take less damage round, but reduces for one round. Companions their ability to act. that are chosen have their number of actions for their next turn reduced by one (1). Accuracy: 40 (+1 per level) Damage Reduction: 10 (+5 per level) Bonus Round: Last 2 rounds at level 5 Description: The Tamer gives a command, order all of their Companions to take cover and brace themselves for impact. Doing so limits the Companions, however, making it harder for them to take multiple actions in the same turn, as they must also see to their defenses. Command: Frenzy Command one, 6 rounds (3 at All Companions have extra some, or all level 5) damage dice for one round. Companions, Accuracy: 35 (+2 per level) increasing damage Bonus Damage: 2d (+1d per 2 temporarily. levels) Description: The Tamer gives a command, whipping all of their Companions into a frenzy. Enraged, the Companions will attack any target they are pointed at with greater ferocity, making them all the more devastating beasts of battle. Command: Sic Command one, 6 rounds (3 at Make an Accuracy Check, if some, or all level 5) successful all Companions Companions, giving may take one additional action them one extra on their turn. action. Accuracy: 35 (+5 per level) Description: The Tamer gives a command, rallying their Companions to action and making them move and strike faster. As simple as this command is, it effects often leave some of the larger marks in the ranks of the Tamer’s enemies. There are ways to overcome sheer numbers, but are not always easy to manage. Death Mark Mark a target enemy, None Make an Accuracy Check. If Companions now do successful, all Companions extra damage to that will gain extra damage dice

[184] enemy, can only when attacking that target. affect one enemy at a This ability can only affect one time. character at a time. Accuracy: 40 (+1 per level) Bonus Damage: 3d (+1d per 2 levels) Description: The Tamer marks a target with something – be it scent, color, or an object of some kind – that lets their Companions know this target is their primary one. When unleashed against an enemy marked in such a way, the Tamer’s Companions will show no mercy, tearing into it with rabid ferocity. Mend Heal one of your None Choose a Companion within Companions over range. Every round this ability time. is used and the Companion remains in range, the Companion will regain Health. Mend may be maintained over many turns but deactivating it takes a Half-Action. Range: 3 meters Healing per Round: 15 (+5 per level) Description: The Handler sees to their Companion’s wounds, patching them up and helping their pet get back into the fight. Though it cannot heal quickly, can the Handler can only focus their attention on one of their Companions at a time, this ability allows them to get their animal helpers back into the battle. Presence Companions give a None When the Tamer makes an portion of their rank Appraise, Conceal, Empathy, in a corresponding Intimidate, Perception, or Stat while their Survival Skill Check, a certain Tamer is making amount of the Companions’ related Skill Checks. corresponding Stat (i.e. Strength for Intimidate) may be treated as if it were the Tamer’s own. Conversation Rate: 1 per 4 Companion Stat (1 per 2 Companion Stat at level 5) Description: The sheer presence of a Tamer’s Companions is sometimes all it takes to assist them. With a Companion – or many – by their side the Tamer will find that they can have assistance in finding if things have been tampered with, if someone is telling the truth, intimidating others into getting what they want, spotting what they need but is hard to find, and a menagerie of other similar fields. Revitalize Instantly revive a 4 rounds (-1 When in range of a downed Companion. per 2 levels) Companion that in Bleedout, make an Accuracy Check. If

[185] successful instantly return that Companion to life. Range: 3 meters Description: A Handler’s life is his Companions, and if they are defeated the Handler may soon fall next. To this end they have trained themselves to know how to patch up even the most grievous of wounds, getting their Companion back on their feet – or wings, or hover-fields – and back into the battle where they can assist the Handler and the Handler can continue to assist them.

[186] Tank Tanks serve the purpose of attracting enemy fire onto themselves and lasting through it to allow their allies to fight battles without fear of being killed.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +20 Constitution +15 Intimidate +5 Strength +5 Knowledge-Weapons +10 Muscle +5 Survival +5 Weapons-Firearm +10 Weapons-Melee The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Grineer Bailiff The prisoners knew their fate had been decided the moment she stepped into the cell, her massive warhammer resting on her shoulder. They were bound, unable to fight back, though some tried. She loved that. She loved it when they struggled. She raised her weapon and began the executions.

Grineer Bailiffs are those clones that have proven their ability to wade into the field of battle, disregarding of the chaos and violence about them, and shrug off blow after blow – be it by armor or sheer resolve, and draw attention to them to give allies the openings they need to succeed. There is much glory to be found in the ranks of the Bailiffs, but, for as durable as they are, a continued life is not something that is ensured. Those that survive combat, however, are often seen as champions of the Grineer ways, and sometimes come to be considered unable to die.

Lieutenant Lech Kril is often heralded as a Bailiff that is truly immortal, having survived more battles than any other Grineer.

Variation Bonus: +5 Strength, +10 Intimidate

Armor Proficiency: 5

[187] Abilities:

Name: Effects: Mechanics: Description: When attacked The Bailiff’s armor multiple times in the increases against every Grit same round gain attack that takes place in the bonus armor against same round. Effect ends at every proceeding the end of the round. attack. Armor Bonus: +10 per attack (+2 per level) Description: Focusing their willpower, a Bailiff converts damage into sheer determination. Every bullet that breaks through their defenses only makes them tougher, more durable, more of a threat to their enemies. Hurl Thrown a grappled While grappling you may enemy at another throw an enemy at another enemy. enemy, dealing damage based on the thrown target’s armor. Accuracy: 66 (70 at level 5) Range: 15 (21 at level 5) If the Accuracy Check is failed the grappled target is released and automatically moved 15 meters away from the Tank. Damage Type: Blast Status Effects apply to both target and thrown enemy. Description: While an enemy is within their grasp, a Tank may use their mighty strength to hurl the victim towards other targets. This both frees the Tank to use other weapons and abilities and gives them a chance to knock their enemies down. Immortal Continues to fight When brought to 0 Health even after being the Bailiff must be damaged gravely injured. a certain number of times before they drop into Bleedout. Extra Hits Needed: 1 (+1 per level) The Bailiff MUST have immediate medical attention post-battle. Description: Tanks are meant to take damage, and because of this it is only natural that they possess the ability to survive through such damage. Even when they suffer damage that would be lethal to any other enemy, a Tank is able to power through, remaining a threat to their enemies and a defense for their allies.

[188] Intercept Charge to intercept an When an ally is attacked you attack or ability being may roll 1d12 (+1d12 per 2 used against an ally. levels). If your roll (rounded to the nearest number divisible by three) is equal to or above the number of meters you may move yourself between your target and the attacking enemy and take the damage for yourself. Bonus Distance: +3 meters per 2 levels Description: The Bailiff lunges or charges at full speed to take a bullet for an ally. Though they can react to attacks that are made even great distances away, there is no guarantee that they will be able to reach their ally in time – but still, it is better to try and fail than not try at all. Provoke Taunt a single enemy Roll 1d20, target enemy into attacking you. MUST attack you for that many rounds. Range: 9 meters (+3 meters per level) Description: Whether a display of power or harsh words, Tanks are able to lure a target enemy into attacking them over any of their allies. As obviously beneficial as it is, only enemies that are close enough to the tank will consider them enough of a threat to properly be affected by the ability. Quake Wave Create a wave that Send a wave of force in a knocks enemies to straight path ahead of you, either side of it or knock enemies caught directly ahead. immediately on either side of the wave 3 meters further away and any enemies hit head-on are carried to the end of its duration. Range: 12 meters (18 meters at level 5) Description: Slamming their weapon, fist, or foot into the ground, the Bailiff sends a tremor of force across the battlefield, knocking enemies aside or carrying them with it. This kind of power allows them to reorganize the battlefield as they need to, putting them or allies in more advantageous positions. Rebuke Knock an enemy If an enemy is within melee away from you. range roll 1d12 (2d12 at level 5) to knock them back a distance equal to the number of meters rolled, rounded to the nearest number divisible by 3.

[189] Bonus Distance: +3 meters per 2 levels Description: With a weapon, fist, or foot the Bailiff knocks a target enemy away from them, giving them the distance they need to act or knocking an enemy away from a vital ally they had gotten too close to. This added distance allows them and allies to act with greater freedom. Seismic Shockwave Slam the ground, Instantly apply the Blast knocking down Status Effect to all enemies enemies around you. in a radius around you. AoE Range: 3 meters (+3 per 2 levels) Description: If a Bailiff is capable of luring targets into melee range they may deliver a quick strike to the ground creating a localized tremor that rocks enemies off of their feet. While on the ground they are less capable of defending themselves, allowing for the Bailiff or others to move in for the kill. Taunt Taunt all enemies None Taunt all enemies in a radius around you to attack around you into attacking you. you for a duration determined by rolling 1d20 (+1 round per level) AoE: 6 (+3 per 2 levels) Description: Whether a display of power or harsh words, the Bailiff may draw all enemies around them to attacking them over any other targets. Though they are capable of withstanding the barrage of fire they must be careful, as only enemies close to them will feel threatened about to change their targets.

Corpus Auditor The rioters dispersed as his team was dispatched onto the field. Some threw Molotov’s at them as they fled, but the flames burned out helplessly against their shields. They marched forward in formation, scattering the unruly Colonists, the MOA force behind them picking off stragglers or those left behind.

The Corpus Corporation has many robotics that serve the purpose of taking fire for others, but in some areas the human touch is needed. Auditors are primarily peacekeepers, used to enforce Corpus doctrine in their territories or upon their citizens throughout Origin as well as contain and deactivate malfunctioning proxies when the need arises. Auditors are far from morally perfect, however, and corruption runs rampant throughout their ranks; they are just as willing to apprehend a criminal as they are to accept a hefty bribe to let them go about their business.

[190] Truth and myth of him are deeply intertwined, making it difficult to discern the facts, but a man called “John Prodman” is a legendary Auditor and enforcer of Corpus ways.

Variation Bonus: +5 Wisdom, +10 Diplomacy

Armor Proficiency: 5


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Hardened Shield Trade mobility for a None While active decrease any bonus to your Shield. movement attempts you make by 3 but increase your Shield Capacity and Regen. Shield Capacity: +50 (+10 per level) Shield Regen: +1 Description: Utilizing experimental shield generators, an Auditor is able to dramatically increase the durability of their shields and rate at which they regenerate. Unfortunately, as this technology largely is in the prototype phases, it has a drawback: it limits the user’s ability to move, the more powerful shield making the movement of limbs difficult. Immortal Continues to fight None When brought to 0 Health even after being the Auditor must be gravely injured. damaged a certain number of times before they drop into Bleedout. Extra Hits Needed: 1 (+1 per level) The Auditor MUST have immediate medical attention post-battle. Description: Tanks are meant to take damage, and because of this it is only natural that they possess the ability to survive through such damage. Even when they suffer damage that would be lethal to any other enemy, a Tank is able to power through, remaining a threat to their enemies and a defense for their allies. Intervene Pull an ally to safety. 4 rounds (3 If you are within Melee rounds at level Range of an ally who is 5) being attacked you may pull them to safety, negating the damage. This ability relocates the chosen ally to a space of your choice within 3 meters of you. Accuracy: 35 (+1 per level)

[191] Description: Rather than putting themselves physically between an enemy and an ally, some Tanks prefer to pull their ally out of harm’s way, moving them away from the source of threat and to a safe position nearby. Lockdown While grappling an None While Grappling an enemy enemy attempt to stun make a Grapple Check. If them. successful the enemy is stunned for 1 round, successes add 1 round to the stun’s duration. Bonus Grapple: +1 to Grapple Check per level Description: Often an Auditor’s job is to pacify without killing. To help with this they have developed techniques to stun enemies they manage to get a firm hold on, taking them out of the fight – at least for a few moments. Nullifier Field Create a field around None Choose a target area, all a target area that enemies within an AoE redirects damage around the target area now done to allies in it have the damage dealt to onto you. them instead afflicted to you. Range: 1-30 meters AoE Range: 9 meters (15 at rank 5) Description: Another part of experimental technology that is currently under Corpus testing, the nullifier field “nullifies” damage dealt to enemies by redirecting it to the Auditor, who is more capable of taking the damage. The most recent innovation to this ability is that it is capable of being place remotely away from the Auditor, but the ultimate hope is for it to act as a large, area-covering shield projection. Power Armor Trade mobility for a None While active decrease any bonus to your Armor. movement attempts you make by 3 but increase your Armor. Bonus Armor: 5 (+3 per level) Description: Under the chosen armor of the Auditor lies a series of complex fibers and plates that allow for them to trade mobility for durability. Corpus scientists are constantly looking for ways to reduce the loss of mobility even further, but so far little progress has been made. Provoke Taunt a single enemy None Roll 1d20, target enemy into attacking you. must attack you for that many turns. Range: 9 meters (+3 meters per level) Description: Whether a display of power or harsh words, Tanks are able to lure a target enemy into attacking them over any of their allies. As obviously beneficial as it is, only enemies that are close enough to the tank will consider them enough of a threat to properly be affected by the ability.

[192] Judgement Deal increased None If your target is stunned from damaged to a stunned any source, give all attacks target. against them one bonus Success (one Critical Hit). Bonus Successes: 1 (+1 per level) Description: Auditors are the law-bringers of the Corpus – judge and jury, and perhaps even executioner. While not as skilled at the art of death-dealing as, say, a Rogue, they are capable of dealing punishment to an enemy they have in the grasp – heavy, painful punishment. Shock Pack Weapons gain None/Infinite Your melee weapon gains Electricity as a Electricity as a Primary Primary Damage Damage Type. Type. Description: By equipping a weapon with a specially-designed battery pack, an Auditor is capable of applying electricity effects to their weapon. While originally intended by developers to be an anti-rampaging-proxy tool, they have since recanted on the stance, as riot-control elements of the weapon simply allow them to turn much more of a Profit.

Syndicate Defender He stood between the Grineer and the Colonists, even as the Lancers opened fire. The bullets raked across his body, bit into his flesh, but he didn’t move. Better him than them, he told himself, even as his vision became bloodied and blurred: better him than them.

Defenders put themselves between the enemy and the innocent, those seeking to do harm and those who are in need to protection from it. They have accepted a calling greater than themselves and know that if they must surrender their lives in order to see their cause through then they will do so. But they are not easily broken, for such resolve only gives one strength. They are as difficult to slay as their resolve to protect others is strong. They are always on the frontlines of conflict, always facing down the enemy, always ready to meet their destiny.

T’ehn Ye acts as a Defender for the forces of the Omniform, with some suggesting he is Erbo Po’Eshha’s personal bodyguard.

Variation Bonus: +5 Constitution, +10 Perception

Armor Proficiency: 5


[193] Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Armor-Theft Increases the armor 2 rounds (1 When passing within melee of the Defender round at level range the body of a defeated whenever they pass 5) enemy, you may had armor to by a defeated enemy. your total value for the duration of the combat encounter equal to the Armor Class of their currently- equipped armor (i.e. Armor Class 1 grants 1 armor). Bonus Armor: +2 armor per level Description: Making use of what they find on the battlefield, a Defender can increase their own defenses by pulling bits of armor off of enemies. The stronger the enemy’s armor, the stronger their own can become. However, unless the Defender is interested in taking the whole of their armor with them, they will often have to discard their stolen pieces, for the sake of a quick escape. Hurl Thrown a grappled None While grappling you may enemy at another throw an enemy at another enemy. enemy, dealing damage based on the thrown target’s armor. Accuracy: 66 (70 at level 5) Range: 15 (21 at level 5) If the Accuracy Check is failed the grappled target is released and automatically moved 15 meters away from the Tank. Damage Type: Blast Status Effects apply to both target and thrown enemy. Description: While an enemy is within their grasp, a Tank may use their mighty strength to hurl the victim towards other targets. This both frees the Tank to use other weapons and abilities and gives them a chance to knock their enemies down. Immortal Continues to fight None When brought to 0 Health the even after being Defender must be damaged a gravely injured. certain number of times before they drop into Bleedout. Extra Hits Needed: 1 (+1 per level) The Defender MUST have immediate medical attention post-battle. Description: Tanks are meant to take damage, and because of this it is only natural that they possess the ability to survive through such damage. Even when they suffer damage that would

[194] be lethal to any other enemy, a Tank is able to power through, remaining a threat to their enemies and a defense for their allies. Intervene Pull an ally to safety. 3 rounds (2 If you are within Melee Range rounds at of an ally who is being level 5) attacked you may pull them to safety, negating the damage. Accuracy: 35 (+1 per level) Description: Rather than putting themselves physically between an enemy and an ally, some Tanks prefer to pull their ally out of harm’s way, moving them away from the source of threat and to a safe position nearby. Meat Shield While grappling you If you are attacked while may use the grappled grappling an enemy make a enemy to soak up Grapple Check. If successful damage for you. you may use the grappled enemy to block the attack. Every Success from the check adds to the Success of the attack. Bonus Grapple: +1 to Grapple Check per level Description: Where one’s own body may not be able to take a bullet, there is always the body of others. Defenders make use of enemies caught in their grasp, using them as shields to protect themselves – and by extension, others – from physical harm. Every round of The Defender’s armor combat that passes in increases at the end of every Perseverance which you took combat round in which they damage grants you took damage. Effect ends at an armor bonus. the end of combat. Armor Bonus: +2 per attack (+1 per 2 levels) Description: A Defender will trade their own life for their allies, and the damage their take in battle only strengthens this resolve. Hardening themselves to pain as a battle stretches, though it takes a little mental preparation, they become more and more difficult to stop the more time passes by in conflict. Provoke Taunt a single enemy None Roll 1d20, target enemy into attacking you. MUST attack you for that many rounds. Range: 9 meters (+3 meters per level) Description: Whether a display of power or harsh words, Tanks are able to lure a target enemy into attacking them over any of their allies. As obviously beneficial as it is, only enemies that are close enough to the tank will consider them enough of a threat to properly be affected by the ability. Rally Increase the damage Roll 1d20 to determine how of friendly characters long the duration lasts for a few turns. Range: 1-48

[195] Damage Bonus: 20 (+5 per level) Movement Bonus: 3 (6 at level 5) Description: Defenders are devoted to their cause, and they are more than willing to speak out on their beliefs – whether they understand the deepest depths of them or not. Be it through promises of a better future of pure, simple revenge, their words can cause their allies to be filled with zeal and fight with greater fury. Zeal Enters into a state of 4 turns (2 at If using a Melee weapon gain righteous fury, level 5) +1 Attack Speed. If using a increasing damage Primary or Secondary weapon, and attack speed. if you attack in a round and successfully hit your target you may attack once more with the same weapon. This effect expires after a certain number of successful attacks. Successful Attacks until Expiration: 3 (+1 per 2 levels) Description: Like Zealots, Defenders are capable of entering a state similar to the rage of Butchers, however they are capable of doing so without opening themselves up to unnecessary damage. They focus on their goals, on their mission, and use that focus to increase their ability to fight. Unfortunately this method is not as sustainable as pure rage, and as they strike against their enemies a catharsis will be reached, calming the Defender and diluting the effect.

[196] Unique This class area represents a type of character class that is completely unique to the individual faction which they are associated with and has no immediate thematic or mechanical ties to any other.

Grineer Exterminator Flames consumed the contraband, the house… the people who had been trapped inside. She watched the fire rise, their screams muffled out by the cracking and thunderous shudder of the blaze. She threw her arms into the air and cried out in joyous celebration of the conflagration.

A Grineer-unique class designed to provide area denial through area of effect abilities.

Exterminators are the Grineer response to the rising rumors and reports of Infestation throughout Origin. Though the Queens and Council remain very-closed lipped about the situation, Exterminators are often seen and reported being deployed to areas where communications have gone dark. There has been no formal explanation for their existence given and those Grineer that ask too many questions or attempt to dig too deep into their purpose often vanish – regardless of rank or usefulness to the Empire. This has become an increasing problem as Exterminators also find themselves deployed to assist with growing Syndicate rebellions, but the rulers of the Grineer show no indication of changing their policy of secrecy.

While not as unstable as some, Sergeant Graa’s use of fire for the intimidation of Colonists hints at her deeper training.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +5 Constitution +5 Heal +5 Dexterity +5 Knowledge-Local +5 Intelligence +25 Perception +15 Wisdom +10 Stealth +15 Weapons-Special The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

[197] Armor Proficiency: 3

Exterminator abilities can only cover a certain number of spaces, leveling certain abilities adds to their Maximum Coverage. Coverage represents a 3 meter space. Multiple abilities cannot occupy the same space at once.


Name: Effects: Maximum Mechanics: Coverage: Description: Caltrops Deploy a line of 2 Coverage, Cover two in-range spaces of spikes that enemies +2 at level 5 your choice with Caltrops. All cannot move through enemies attempt to move or out of without a through or out of the space on penalty. their turn will be unable to take action during their next turn Accuracy: 55 Description: These metal spikes are simple in their design but devastating in their effect. Used to help ward off hostiles from areas the Exterminator would rather they not go, Caltrops stab deep into the foot when trod upon, piercing even armor plating, and must be removed immediately, lest they cause more permanent damage. Desensitize The Exterminator None Sacrifice 10 Health to give sacrifices Health to yourself one additional action improve their ability next turn. Every subsequent to act. use of this ability per combat session increases the Health cost by 10. Bonus: -1 Health cost per level (i.e. 8 Health at level 2) Description: In order to help them combat the horrors of what they face, Exterminators are supplied with a chemical rations that numb their responses to fear stimuli and send them into a crazed frenzy. While long-term usage of this is harmful in short bursts it is an effective way to keep the Exterminators in the thick of a battle and keep their enemies from being able to gain the upper hand on them. Firewall The Exterminator 2 Coverage, Starting from an adjacent creates a line of fire +1 at level 5 space trace a path of your in a path starting choosing (the number of from them that deals spaces may not exceed your Heat damage. Maximum Coverage). All enemies that are in the space at the start of each of your turns or attempt to move through the space on their turn will take damage.

[198] Accuracy: 65 (applied ONLY when foe might take damage) Damage: 3d20+10 (+1d20 per level, +5 damage per level) Damage Type: Heat Description: The Exterminator throws a series of bottled chemicals to ignite a straight path in flames. This strategy is effective at warding off all manner of biological threats, or at least simply starting a fire to burn something to the ground. Either way, it is a devastating tool to be employed on the battlefield. Firebomb The Exterminator 1 Coverage, Cover a single space in fire, throws a firebomb +1 at level 5 dealing instant damage to any that covers an area enemies in it. All enemies that with flames that deal are in the space at the start of Heat damage. each of your turns or attempt to move through the space on their turn will take damage. Range: 30 Accuracy: 60 Damage: 2d20+5 (+1d20 per 2 level, +2 damage per level) Lingering Effect Accuracy: 65 (applied ONLY when foe might take damage) Lingering Effect Damage: 3d20+10 (+1d20 per level, +5 damage per level) Damage Type: Heat Bonus: Also cover one adjacent space at level 5 Description: The Exterminator throws a bottled chemical to ignite a straight path in flames. This strategy is effective at warding off all manner of biological threats, or at least simply starting a fire to burn something to the ground. Either way, it is a devastating tool to be employed on the battlefield. Antivirus The Exterminator 1 Coverage, Cover a single space in spores, throws a plague +1 at level 5 dealing instant damage to any bomb that covers and enemies in it. All enemies that area spores that deal are in the space at the start of Viral damage. each of your turns or attempt to move through the space on their turn will take damage. Range: 30 Accuracy: 60 Damage: 2d20+5 (+1d20 per 2 level, +2 damage per level)

[199] Lingering Effect Accuracy: 65 (applied ONLY when foe might take damage) Lingering Effect Damage: 3d20+10 (+1d20 per level, +5 damage per level) Damage Type: Viral Bonus: Also cover one adjacent space at level 5 Description: There is an ancient Orokin proverb: “Fight poison with poison.” What was meant by this has been lost to time, but the Grineer have taken it to heart. Exterminators carry with them deadly bioweapons that they use to combat Infestation – as well as terrorize both Colonists and Corpus whenever they are given the orders to. Reveal Reveal Stealthed None Instantly reveal all enemies enemies and traps in around the Exterminator the an area around the rest of this round and the Exterminator and duration of the next. At the prevent them from end of the next round roll re-Stealthing for a 1d20, the amount rolled is how certain duration. many additional rounds the target must wait before they can attempt to go back into Stealth. Bonus: +1 round per 2 levels Description: Through it is fairly low-tech, Exterminators are equipped with canisters of paint and scent spray to help them mark and track more elusive enemies. Originally intended for tracking down fleeing Infested beasts, it has been found that this combination also works particularly well for revealing and tracking enemies that rely on invisibility in one form or another. Smokescreen The Exterminator None Create a smokescreen AoE creates an Area of around the Exterminator that Effect around them allies may move into or out of. that reduces enemy Enemies firing into the Accuracy Checks Smokescreen and allies within made against them the smokescreen firing out and allies but also take a penalty to their reduces their and accuracy. allies’ own Accuracy Accuracy Penalty: +2 (+1 per Checks when firing level) out of it. Radius: 3 meters Bonus: -1 to ally Accuracy Penalty per 2 levels Description: A thick cloud of smoke and other similar gasses that block both eyesight and sensor readings, Smokescreens have no major offensive use but are exceptional when deployed for defense. Even the most finely-tuned of Corpus sensors can have a difficult time locating targets within the dense smog, although it negatively impacts allies of the Exterminator as well.

[200] Toxic Spew Create a line of 2 Coverage, Starting from an adjacent point chemicals in a path +1 at level 5 trace a path of your choosing starting from the (the number of spaces may not Exterminator that exceed your Maximum deals Toxin damage. Coverage). All enemies that are in that space at the start of each of your turns or attempt to move through the space on their turn will take damage. Accuracy: 65 (applied ONLY when foe might take damage) Damage: 3d20+10 (+1d20 per 2 levels, +5 damage per level) Damage Type: Toxin Description: The Exterminator throws a series of bottled chemicals to cover a straight path in a potent toxin. This strategy is effective at warding off all manner of biological threats, and even robotics need fear the composition of these chemical weapons due to the more delicate aspects of their design. Toxic Splash Cover an area with 1 Coverage, Cover a single space in chemicals that deal +1 at level 5 chemicals, dealing instant Toxin damage. damage to any enemies in it. All enemies that are in the space at the start of each of your turns or attempt to move through the space on their turn will take damage. Range: 30 Accuracy: 60 Damage: 2d20+5 (+1d20 per 2 level, +2 damage per level) Lingering Effect Accuracy: 65 (applied ONLY when foe might take damage) Lingering Effect Damage: 3d20+10 (+1d20 per level, +5 damage per level) Damage Type: Toxin Bonus: Also cover one adjacent space at level 5 Description: The Exterminator throws a bottled chemical to cover a straight path in a potent toxin. This strategy is effective at warding off all manner of biological threats, and even robotics need fear the composition of these chemical weapons due to the more delicate aspects of their design.

[201] Corpus Dax He in silent meditation. To his right lay his blade. To his left his rifle. There was a clinking he knew well: the assassins, at last. Grabbing his tools he leapt to his feet as the first attempted to strike from behind and met them headlong in combat.

A Corpus-unique class designed to avoid and strike at multiple targets in battle.

During the Orokin Era an order known as the Dax served as personal guardsmen to the rulers of the Empire. They were masters of the “Conclave,” a path of bettering one’s self through rigorous physical trials, ruled by honor and dedication to the protection of their masters. When the Orokin fell the Dax and their ways slowly vanished, but as Corpus prospectors dig into Orokin ruins parts of this path have been rediscovered. Some in the Corporation with the time and Profit to do so – or benefactors with such – have taken up these old ways, and though looked down on by many because of how out of place they are to the rest of Corpus culture (regardless of how much the individual may blend the two) they serve the Corpus dutifully.

It is believed that Derf Anyo, young relative of Nef, has dedicated himself to the revived ways of the Dax.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +20 Dexterity +15 Agility +10 Wisdom +10 Lore-Orokin +10 Perception +20 Weapons-Melee +5 Weapons-Special The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Armor Proficiency: 2

Whenever a Dax lands at least one Critical Hit (rolls 10 points less than their Accuracy on an Accuracy Check, see Chapter 9: Combat) with one of their abilities they may take another action that same turn (to a maximum limit of 3 additional actions per round).


[202] Name: Effects: Mechanics: Description: Ancient Orokin The Dax strikes at a When in melee range of an enemy you may Blade foe with their choose to attack with the Ancient Orokin Ancient Orokin Blade instead of your currently equipped Blade. weapon. You will not have to sheath your current weapon and can attack with it normally in the next turn after using this ability. Forged in a way only pure Orokin technology Accuracy: 35 (+3 per level) could ever reproduce and with a style made to Damage: 3d20+10 (+1d20 per 2 levels, +5 emulate one of many Ancient Earth swords – damage per level) from katanas to longswords – these blades are Primary Damage Type: Slash as rare as they are unique. To possess one is to Secondary Damage Type: None (Impact at possess a piece of history. level 5) Attack Speed: 2 Description: These weapons are only obtainable by those with the Profit to purchase them or by those clever enough to scheme the theft of one. Integral to the path of the Dax and nigh- unbreakable, the Corpus who have taken up these blades and the ancient ways associated with them speak of great power thrumming within the blade. Ancient Orokin Rifle The Dax fires at a foe When within range you may choose to attack with their Ancient with the Ancient Orokin Rifle instead of your Orokin Rifle. currently equipped weapon. You will not have to sheath your current weapon and can attack with it normally in the next turn after using this ability. Forged in a way only pure Orokin technology Accuracy: 35 (+3 per level) could ever reproduce and with a style made to Range: 21 emulate one of many Ancient Earth guns – Damage: 1d20+5 (+10 damage per level) from muskets to arquebus – these rifles are as Primary Damage Type: Puncture rare as they are unique. To possess one is to Secondary Damage Type: None (Impact at possess a piece of history. level 5) Magazine Size: NA Description: These weapons are only obtainable by those with the Profit to purchase them or by those clever enough to scheme the theft of one. Integral to the path of the Dax and extremely versatile, the Corpus who have taken up these rifles and the ancient ways associated with them speak of great power thrumming within the rifle. Bladestorm The Dax swiftly If there are three or more enemies within melee attacks all foes range (3 meters) of you roll an Accuracy within melee range Check. If successful you may attack each of of them. them with your Ancient Orokin Blade (see ability Ancient Orokin Blade for details). Accuracy: 35 (+3 per level) CANNOT BE USED MORE THAN ONCE PER ROUND.

[203] Description: The Dax lets their blade guide them, striking as swift as the wind and with the force of a mountain. Whether the strength and speed they display in this technique comes from themselves or from the blade they wield is a mystery. Dash The Dax dashes next Make an Accuracy Check, if successful to a target enemy or instantly move into melee range of a target ally no matter the enemy. distance. Accuracy: 35 (+3 per level) Description: The Dax dashes between targets, moving too quick to hit and too fast to stop through any normal means, gaining ground on an enemy or escaping from a potentially deadly situation. The speed at which they move has been given a range of descriptors, from “uncanny” to simply “unnatural.” Deflect The Dax deflects or When an enemy Accuracy Check against you parries an attack is successful you may make one of your own. made against them. If it is successful the damage roll that would be dealt to you is dealt to the attacking enemy instead (this ability may only be used once per round). Bonus Successes made with Deflect’s Accuracy Check add more damage dice to the attack. Accuracy: 35 (+3 per level) Description: The Dax has the foresight, reflexes, and knowledge of how to block attacks aimed at them and send them harmlessly aside. This technique is a closely guarded secret due to its effectiveness, and none dare to attempt to force a Dax to reveal their riddles. The greatest downfall of this, however, is that the unpredictability of allies means the Dax cannot succeed at using this ability to protect them. Execute The Dax executes an While in melee range (3 meters) of a target that enemy that is gravely has less than 10 health you may make an wounded. Accuracy Check. If successful instantly kill the target. Accuracy: 35 (+3 per level) Bonus: Execute works at less than 25 Health at level 5 Description: The Dax were not often called upon to be executioners, but they had the precision and stern, cold disposition of one. A clean cut or point-blank shot is all it takes, should the enemy be teetering on death’s door, and the foes of the Dax fall. There are no exceptions to this rule, though the aim of the Dax is a must for such a strike to be successful. Focus The Dax focuses, Make an Accuracy Check, every Success made increasing their gives you one additional Success to your next chance to hit with attack or Ability use. following attacks or Accuracy: 35 (+3 per level) abilities. Description: The Dax channels their strength and energy into their strike, focusing on their enemy and whatever move they may attempt to make. Though it may not guarantee success, it can still mitigate failure. It is said that, during the time of the Orokin, the Dax could strike with such precision that they could cut Infestation out before it could spread through the infected.

[204] Nest of Bees The Dax fires a If three or more enemies are within melee ranged barrage at range (3 meters) of one another while being at enemies within close least 6 meters away from you roll and range of one another. Accuracy Check. If successful you may attack each of them with your Ancient Orokin Rifle (see ability Ancient Orokin Rifle for details). Accuracy: 35 (+3 per level) CANNOT BE USED MORE THAN ONCE PER ROUND. Description: A technique that shatters the shot of an Ancient Orokin Rifle into hundreds of tiny pieces, each seeking an enemy almost on their own. The energy of the weapon is no doubt behind the fascinating nature of this attack, and its sting is not something soon forgotten by those that feel it. True Strike The Dax prepares Make an Accuracy Check, every Success made their next attack with causes that many following damaging abilities one of their signature to ignore the Armor of the targeted enemy weapons to ignore (maximum of 4 ability uses). the armor of a target. Accuracy: 35 (+3 per level) Description: Whether through instant or technology, a Dax knows just where to strike and, if given the time to prepare their attack, their blows can be far more devastating than they have any normal right to be. With it’s with their blade or rifle, the speed with which a Dax can strike is nigh-unmatchable.

Syndicate Insurgent The wave of Grineer stood against the screaming onslaught of Colonists, their Riot Shields just barely holding them back and protecting them from the debris and other potentially-deadly projectiles hurled at them. The instigating Insurgent watched from within the crowd as he fought with them, pleased with is work.

A Syndicate-unique class designed to apply Status Effects to multiple enemies at once.

As is perhaps to be expected, the culture and ideals of the Syndicates are not always conducive to an orderly system. All Syndicates have their Zealots, and so too do they all have those that ascribe to more of a state of rampage than even them. They are no comprehensive voice for the will of the Syndicates like their Recruiters are, but they will whip the people into a frenzy of activity. A combatant with hints of infiltrator, the more anarchistic of the Red Veil are known to follow this, but their numbers extend into even the Perrin Sequence – where some think that a mere spreading of wealth is not always enough.

[205] Cephalon Suda looks down on such behavior, but the riotous actions performed by Man’ara have, more often than not, been conducive to her goals and aspirations.

Class Bonuses:

Stats: Skills: +20 Strength +10 Athletics +10 Dexterity +5 Conceal +10 Knowledge-Local +10 Muscle +10 Weapons-Melee +15 Weapons-Special The above Skills also count as Class Skills.

Armor Proficiency: 2

Whenever an Insurgent applies a Status Effect (rolls 15 points less than their Accuracy on an Accuracy Check, see Chapter 9: Combat) with an ability or weapon that Status Effect is also spread to all other enemies within three (3) meters of the original target.


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Catalyst Increases the 6 rounds (3 at Choose a target afflicted with duration of a Status level 5) at least one Status Effect and Effect on an enemy. choose a Status Effect on that target, then make an Accuracy Check. If successful, extend the duration of that Status Effect by a certain amount. Accuracy: 47 (+2 per ability level) Range: 6 meters (9 meters at level 5) Duration Extension: 1d6+1 (+1 per level) Bonus: At level 5, also spreads the Status Effect to one nearby enemy. Description: By throwing a container – be it a vial or a vase – full of powerful accelerant – be it a oil or a special chemical agent – at a target, the Insurgent is able to dynamically affect the conditions already present on the target. Insurgents are, for all of their similar anarchistic

[206] tendencies, far more prepared for combat than common rioters, and rarely let themselves be caught unarmed or without a plan. Corrosive Dart Deal Corrosive 5 rounds (2 Choose a target and make an Damage to a target. rounds at Accuracy Check, is successful level 5) deal Corrosive damage to the target. If the Corrosive Status Effect isn’t applied by the Accuracy Check, roll 1d12. If the roll is 10-12, apply the Status Effect. Accuracy: 39 (+3 per level) Range: 6 meters (9 meters at level 5) Damage: 3d20+20 (+1d20+4 per level) Damage Type: Corrosive Bonus: At level 5, all applied Corrosive Status Effect spreads to all enemies within 6 meters. At level 5, rolling 8-12 will apply the Status Effect. Description: A dart filled with a powerful corrosive agent, capable of eating through even ship hulls, is thrown by the Insurgent. If it lands it shatters, spreading the chemical over a wide area of the target’s body, bypassing even shields to eat through any protective coverings the target may be wearing. Cut Attack Deal Slash Damage 5 rounds (2 Choose a target and make an to a target. rounds at Accuracy Check, is successful level 5) deal Slash damage to the target. If the Slash Status Effect isn’t applied by the Accuracy Check, roll 1d12. If the roll is 10-12, apply the Status Effect. Accuracy: 39 (+3 per level) Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Damage: 3d20+20 (+1d20+4 per level) Damage Type: Slash Bonus: At level 5, all applied Slash Status Effect spreads to all enemies within 6 meters. At level 5, rolling 8-12 will apply the Status Effect.

[207] Description: Be it with metal shrapnel, throwing daggers, or just a sharp shard of glass, the Insurgent rends into the target that is within close range of them. If they are lucky they will not only manage to bypass their armor but also rend the flesh of their foe enough to cause the target to begin to bleed out. Molotov Deal Heat Damage to 5 rounds (2 Choose a target and make an a target. rounds at Accuracy Check, is successful level 5) deal Heat damage to the target. If the Heat Status Effect isn’t applied by the Accuracy Check, roll 1d12. If the roll is 10-12, apply the Status Effect. Accuracy: 39 (+3 per level) Range: 6 meters (9 meters at level 5) Damage: 3d20+20 (+1d20+4 per level) Damage Type: Heat Bonus: At level 5, all applied Heat Status Effect spreads to all enemies within 6 meters. At level 5, rolling 8-12 will apply the Status Effect. At level 5, rolling 6-10 will apply the Status Effect. Description: The insurgent chucks a flaming container. The liquid inside need only be flammable, and the container need be only something that can break easily to spread the fire across the target, engulfing them in metal-searing, flesh-melting flames. Pierce Attack Deal Puncture 5 rounds (2 Choose a target and make an Damage to a target. rounds at Accuracy Check, is successful level 5) deal Puncture damage to the target. If the Puncture Status Effect isn’t applied by the Accuracy Check, roll 1d12. If the roll is 10-12, apply the Status Effect. Accuracy: 39 (+3 per level) Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Damage: 3d20+20 (+1d20+4 per level) Damage Type: Puncture Bonus: At level 5, all applied Puncture Status Effect spreads to all enemies within 6 meters. At level 5, rolling 8-12 will apply the Status Effect.

[208] Description: The insurgent strike with an attack that can penetrate the armor of their target. With any luck, this will open up greater vulnerabilities not previously known about in the armor, making it easy to deal further, and perhaps even deadly, damage to the target. Rile Pushes an ally to 3 rounds (1 Chose a friendly character and action, giving them round at level make an Accuracy Check. If bonus damage. 5) successful, increase the target’s damage for a certain duration. Accuracy: Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Duration: 1d6 (+1 round per 2 levels) Damage Increase: 1d to all damaging abilities and weapon (+1 per 2 levels) Description: The Insurgent rallies his allies, riling them up for battle, heating their blood and giving them the will to fight harder. Everything they do with the intent of harm is done with greater force and leaves so much more of an impact. They don’t leave a lasting impact on the minds of the peoplebut their words can urge the people to leave an impact all their own. Rime Bomb Deal Cold Damage 5 rounds (2 Choose a target and make an to a target. rounds at Accuracy Check, is successful level 5) deal Cold damage to the target. If the Cold Status Effect isn’t applied by the Accuracy Check, roll 1d12. If the roll is 10-12, apply the Status Effect. Accuracy: 39 (+3 per level) Range: 6 meters (9 meters at level 5) Damage: 3d20+20 (+1d20+4 per level) Damage Type: Cold Bonus: At level 5, all applied Cold Status Effect spreads to all enemies within 6 meters. At level 5, rolling 8-12 will apply the Status Effect. Description: An easily-shattered contain filled with a coolant-like substance. This is the chemical that is used in this weapon is used to keep power cores and other systems from overheating, and when their containers are ruptured it is common for entire ships to be plunged into their own artificial winter. It is not the most potent means by which to freeze, but it is cheap and effective, and that is all the Syndicates need it to be. Shock Dart Deal Electricity 5 rounds (2 Choose a target and make an Damage to a target. rounds at Accuracy Check, is successful level 5) deal Electricity damage to the

[209] target. If the Electricity Status Effect isn’t applied by the Accuracy Check, roll 1d12. If the roll is 10-12, apply the Status Effect. Accuracy: 39 (+3 per level) Range: 6 meters (9 meters at level 5) Damage: 3d20+20 (+1d20+4 per level) Damage Type: Electricity Bonus: At level 5, all applied Electricity Status Effect spreads to all enemies within 6 meters. At level 5, rolling 8-12 will apply the Status Effect. Description: A dart with a small-but-powerful battery charge affixed to it, this tool of the Syndicates is used to help them combat marauding hordes of Corpus proxies with ease, or simply to sabotage the batteries of their enemies’ devices. The versatility of these tools has made them a slight stable of Insurgents. Smash Attack Deal Impact Damage 5 rounds (2 Choose a target and make an to a target. rounds at Accuracy Check, is successful level 5) deal Impact damage to the target. If the Impact Status Effect isn’t applied by the Accuracy Check, roll 1d12. If the roll is 10-12, apply the Status Effect. Accuracy: 39 (+3 per level) Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Damage: 3d20+20 (+1d20+4 per level) Damage Type: Impact Bonus: At level 5, all applied Impact Status Effect spreads to all enemies within 6 meters. At level 5, rolling 8-12 will apply the Status Effect. Description: Relatively unimpressive but effective nonetheless, the Insurgent clubs their target with enough blunt force trauma to deal significant damage, and perhaps even cause them to falter in their next actions – as is an effect that such trauma often has.

[210] Chapter 4: Stats and Skills Stats and Skills are the mechanics by which your character is able to interact with the game world, using dice rolls in order to determine how successful – if at all – you are at what you are trying to do. Unless a character has at least five (5) points in a particular Skill they may unable to do things associated with that Skill without suffering a plus 10 (+10) penalty to their rolls; for example: you may not be able sneak into a room undetected if you do not have the above minimum number of points in your Stealth Skill and are attempting to do so solely with your Dexterity Stat, due to the hefty penalty.

Both Stats and Skills are upgraded by expending XP (see Chapter 10: Roleplay Systems)

Stats are the bare-bones of what you can do. They represent innate talent and ability for your character, rather than trained areas of expertise, and are applicable to a number of Skills, to which they also apply a general bonus.

Skills are specialized areas of expertise. They are the intricate abilities that help make a character unique even among their own class. Leveling a Skill gives you a particular affinity in that area, but it is an affinity that does not translate widely, as stats do.

Choose to spend XP on Skills and Stats wisely.

Stats Stats give you a wider range of potential rolls to the corresponding Skills they do not grant access (at least with any feasible means of success) to those Skills unless you already have points in that Skill already. While Stats provided the base and a good deal of support to your roles, if you attempt to use them without at least five (5) points in the corresponding skill you suffer a plus ten (+10) penalty. What follows is a brief descriptions of each of the six (6) stats:

[211] Strength:

This stat determines your raw physical power and how much of a load your character can bear and move around. Skills that use this Stat include Athletics, Intimidate, and Muscle.

NOTE: It is assumed your character can walk and even run with everything in their inventory without issue, this Stat reflects what more they can do with or without the equipment they are currently toting.

Every twenty-five (25) points in this Stat adds one (1) extra dice to your Grapple Check.


This stat determines how much of a beating your character can take yourself, no armor factored in, before you go down and how easily you are able to shrug off certain Status Effects. There are no Skills associated with this Stat.

NOTE: This stat is directly linked to Health, determining how much Health your character has. Every point of Constitution is equal to ten (10) points of Health.

Every twenty-five (25) points in this Stat adds one (1) extra dice to your Fortitude Check


This Stat determines how nimble your character is and how quickly they can react to a situation mentally or physically. Skills associated with this Stat include Agility, Pilot, and Stealth.

Every ten (10) points in this Stat adds one (1) point to your Initiative rolls.


This Stat determines how smart your character is and how much they know about a variety of subjects. Skills associated with this Stat include Knowledge (of any kind), Appraise, and both Device Skills.

Every twenty-five (25) points in this Stat adds one (10) extra dice to your Will Check.

[212] Charisma

This Stat determines how capable your character is of interacting with others for specific reasons. Skills associated with this Stat include Bluff, Diplomacy, and Perform.

NOTE: Grineer characters using this Stat should be considered to be leaning on its personality aspect, as they, as a race, aren’t much to look at.


Wisdom is how much your character is tune with what they see and hear around them and in others. Skills associated with this Stat include Heal, Perception, and Empathy.

Every twenty-five (25) points in this Stat adds one (1) extra dice to your Dodge Check.

[213] Skills Skills represent particular abilities your character has available to them. Skills take into account your base Stats when rolling for them, however if you do not have at least five (5) points in a particular Skill you may not roll to determine success for failure without taking a hefty penalty – specifically a plus ten (+10) penalty to your roll when making a skill Check with the corresponding Stat instead of the specific Skill to which the situation applies.

Certain Skills are also Class Skills, meaning you instantly receive a free Success when rolling a Skill Check for them. See Chapter 8: Character Creation for the lists of Class Skills.


How nimble and quick you are in both your ability to move around on treacherous surfaces and to take action with your hands. Associated with Dexterity.

Every twenty-five (25) points in this Skill adds one (1) extra dice to your Dodge Check.


Your ability to see falsifications in secondary sources – such as documents and databases – or see the quality of items or environmental features. Associated with Wisdom.

Opposed By: Subterfuge


Your ability to move yourself through any given environment that doesn’t allow for traditional movement – i.e. climbing or swimming. Associated with Strength.

Every 25 points in this stat adds one (1) extra dice on your Grapple Check ONLY WHILE attempting to escape from a Grapple.

Opposed By: Muscle


Your ability to trick others via your words with clever lies, deceitful information, and promises you intend to never make good on. Associated with Charisma.

Opposed By: Empathy or Etiquette – GM’s choice, as appropriate

[214] Conceal:

Your ability to hide objects, generally small or average-sized ones, from the gaze others, either quickly or in preparation.

Opposed By: Perception


Friends or allies you may have on or off-world that you can call upon for assistance or advice at any time. Associated with Charisma.


Your ability to put together mechanical or electronic devices, based on the materials you have on-hand. Associated with Intelligence.


Your ability to concoct a variety of medicinal chemicals and materials, based on the materials you have on-hand. Associated with Intelligence.


Your ability to coerce others with your words via bribes, suggestions, and promises that you intend to keep. Associated with Charisma.


Your knowledge of the operation of tangible mechanical workings of devices, such as levers, gears, magnets, and other such things. Associated with Intelligence.


Your knowledge of the operations and intricacies of electronic devices, such as databases, programming, communications systems, and other such things. Associated with Intelligence.

[215] Empathy:

Your ability to determine a character’s state of mind or motives and intentions based on the state of their appearance, mannerisms, or speech patterns. Associated with Wisdom.

Opposed By: Bluff


You’re knowledge about the protocols or customs of the Grineer Empire and Corpus Corporation, either System-wide or local. Associated with Intelligence.

Opposed By: Bluff or Preform – GM’s choice, as appropriate.


Your ability to apply medical attention to others and attend to their wounds, restoring their health to some extent. Associated with Wisdom.

This Skill cannot be used to restore the Health of mechanical characters – i.e. MOAs, Ospreys, turrets.


Your ability to coerce and command others via physical force and threats of violence and/or death towards them. Associated with Strength.


How much you know about devices, both mechanical and electronic in nature, and how they work, though not how to repair them. Associated with Intelligence.

What is known about Devices in regards to the situation may be determined by either GM or player post-roll.

[216] Knowledge-Local:

How much you know about any given locale, such as the current state of affairs and where to locate certain people and places. Associated with Intelligence.

What is known about the Locale in regards to the situation may be determined by either GM or player post-roll.


Your ability to notice, diagnose, and understand a variety of medical issues in people, but not necessarily to treat them. Associated with Intelligence.

What is known about Medicine in regards to the situation may be determined by either GM or player post-roll.


How much you know about any given planet in the Origin System, including its geography and the flora and fauna found on it. Associated with Intelligence.

What is known about the Planet in regards to the situation may be determined by either GM or player post-roll.


How much you know about the political state of Origin, current subjects of debate within the Empire or Corporation, treaties that have been signed or are in the works. Associated with Intelligence.

What is known about Politics in regards to the situation may be determined by either GM or player post-roll.


How much you know about the weapons of the Grineer and Corpus, though this doesn’t make you better at using them. Associated with Intelligence.

What is known about Weapons in regards to the situation may be determined by either GM or player post-roll.

[217] Language:

Your ability to understand, speak, and read Grineese and Corpus Code. The player character is assumed to understand their own Faction’s tongue (Grineese if Grineer, Corpus Code if Corpus) and the System-wide Common-Speak (the only language affinitively understood by Colonists and non-Steel Meridian-or-Perrin Sequence-affiliated Syndicate members) unless otherwise stated (for the ability to understand the Orokin language of Oroscript see Lore-Orokin or Lore-Tenno). Associated with Intelligence.


How much you know about the Orokin Empire and its extended history, from its rise to its Collapse and all in-between, also determines if you are capable of understanding Oroscript (the Orokin language). Associated with Intelligence.

What is known about Orokin Lore in regards to the situation may be determined by either GM or player post-roll.


How much you know about the long-lost enemies of the Orokin, the creatures from beyond the Outer Terminus that nearly destroyed the Empire. Associated with Intelligence.

What is known about Sentient Lore in regards to the situation may be determined by either GM or player post-roll.


How much you know about the mystical warrior-gods known as the Tenno, the myths and legends surrounding them, also determines if you are capable of understanding Oroscript (the Orokin language). Associated with Intelligence.

What is known about Tenno Lore in regards to the situation may be determined by either GM or player post-roll.

[218] Muscle:

Your ability to move or restrain something else besides yourself through any given terrain – i.e. carrying a box or forcing open a door. Associated with Strength.

Every 25 points in this stat gives you one extra dice on your Grapple Check ONLY WHILE attempting to maintain a Grapple.

Opposed By: Athletics


Your ability to spot things or people of note that might not be immediately obvious to even the well-trained eye. Associated with Wisdom.

Every twenty-five (25) points in this Skill adds one (1) extra dice to your Will Check.

Opposed By: Stealth


Your ability to draw attention to yourself intentionally or act in a certain way to remove attention that may be on you. Associated with Charisma.

Opposed By: Empathy or Etiquette – GM’s choice, as appropriate.


Your ability to maneuver a variety of different land vehicles across various types of terrain. Associated with Dexterity.

Every twenty (20) points in this Skill reduces the Accuracy of attacks made against a vehicle you are currently piloting by two (2).


Your ability to maneuver a variety of different air and space vehicles through various conditions. Associated with Dexterity.

Every twenty (20) points in this Skill reduces the Accuracy of attacks made against a vehicle you are currently piloting by two (2).

[219] Repair:

Your ability to repair issues encountered in mechanical and electronic devices, restoring their functionality to some extent. Associated with Wisdom.

This Skill may be used to restore the Health of mechanical characters – i.e. MOAs, Ospreys, turrets – and Grineer.


Your ability to move without being seen, heard, or detected on sensing equipment through any given environment. Associated with Dexterity.

Opposed By: Perception


Subtle attempts to tamper in physical and digital space, this skill allows you to do everything from picking old-fashioned locks, to hacking through security consoles, to altering paperwork or digital files. Associated with Wisdom.

Opposed By: Appraise – when dealing with inspecting it in review.


Your ability to use the natural environment around you to survive without any reliance on civilized technology or medical care. Associated with Wisdom.

Every twenty-five (25) points in this Skill adds one (1) extra dice to your Fortitude Check.


Your skill with firearms, both Primary and Secondary – i.e. Grakata, Dera, Brakk, Detron. Associated with Dexterity.

Every twenty (20) points in this Skill gives you one (1) extra dice during damage rolls and a minus two (2) bonus to Accuracy Checks made with Primary or Secondary weapons.

[220] Weapons-Melee:

Your skill with melee weapons – i.e. Cleaver, Prova, Sheev, Brokk. Associated with Strength.

Every twenty (20) points in this Skill gives you one (1) extra dice during damage rolls and a minus two (2) bonus to Accuracy Checks made Melee weapons.


Your skill with special weapons – i.e. Ogris, Glaxion, Grenades, and Ship weapons. Associated with Dexterity.

Every twenty (20) points in this Skill gives you one (1) extra dice during damage rolls and a minus two (2) bonus to Accuracy Checks made with a weapon with a Special effect.

[221] Chapter 5: Companions and Abilities Although weapons and armor make the backbone of both Corpus and Grineer combat, other tools of battle have also survived the test of time. In particular the idea that soldiers are not the only useful creatures for the battlefield. Be they living, breathing beasts or animalistic machines, individuals in both the Empire and the Corporation appreciate the value of having a companion by their side, and members of the various Syndicates are more than familiar with their immense potential.

Companions have no weapons, and must rely completely on their abilities to deal damage. All Companions have an Attack Ability, which is their primary means of offense (this ability is played into by some Tamer abilities).

However, companions may use two (2) abilities in any given turn.

[222] Grineer The Grineer have turned to using genetics to the beasts of Origin in order to create their companions. Taking already ferocious of naturally talented beasts and putting them through their genetic foundries, the Grineer twist and torture these animals into creatures of war and violence, the exact kind of creature the Grineer are looking for.

Drahk Believed to be an offshoot breed of Kubrow, Drahk beasts are genetically engineered creatures used to supplement Grineer forces in both wild and urban locales. Well-suited for both tracking and policing Colonists, the Grineer have genetically modified the Drahk to grow thick dermal plating across its hide. These plates restrict the movement of the Drahk beast but make it physically resilient to much more devastating attacks, modification which also lead to increased strength and health. Drahks are the Grineer’s favored beasts of war.

Drahks possess a balance of offense and defense, as well as abilities that allow them to incapacitate their owner’s enemies for periods of time.

Starting Stats/Skills:

Stats: Skills: +10 Strength +5 Athletics +5 Constitution +10 Muscle +5 Intimidate Armor Type: Dermal-Plated Cloned Hide 17 (+2 check penalty)


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Bite Bite into an enemy, None ATTACK ABILITY dealing damage with a Deal damage to a target chance to apply the enemy. If your roll does not Puncture Status instantly apply Status Effect. Effects, roll 1d6. On 1-2 the Puncture Status Effect is applied.

[223] Accuracy: 55 (+2 per level) Range: 3 meters Primary Damage Type: Puncture Damage: 3d20+10 (+1d20 per 2 levels and +1 damage per level) Description: The bite of the Kurbow was already a terrible thing, so when the Grineer began to modify them with the intention to make them even more deadly it came as no surprise that this bite was one of the things changed. Able to apply obscene level of pressure, and with the mouth filled of sharp, sometimes-metal canines, it is no wonder this bite even able to chew through armor. Charge Dash towards a target 2 rounds (1 at Instantly move to melee enemy and knock level 5) range of a target them to the ground. Range: 1-21 meters (1-30 meters at level 5) Description: The Drahk barrels towards a target enemy at top speed, clearing distances in record time and moving them into perfect melee range. From that point the fearsome creature takes the life of its prey into it and its master’s hands. Grit When the attacked None The Drahk’s armor increases multiple times in the against every attack that same round gain takes place in the same bonus armor against round. Effect ends at the end every proceeding of the round. attack. Armor Bonus: +10 per attack (+2 per level) Description: The Drahk is a sturdy beast, able to shrug off much of what might otherwise cause a lesser creature to succumb. Ever shot or strike seemingly only fuels it, makes it harder to kill. It’s for this reason Drahks are used on the front lines. Growl The Drahk snarls at an 3 rounds (1 at Choose an enemy and roll enemy, intimidating level 5) 1d20, decrease the target them to the point enemy’s armor by the where their defenses amount shown on the dice. drop slightly. Armor Decrease: 1d20 (+1 per level) Duration: 1 round (+1 round per level) Description: Fear is a powerful weapon, and it takes a resolved spirit to not let it become disarming. When one is faced with something that is as deadly as it is intimidating, however, this becomes difficult, especially when that something begins to make moves towards you; and once defenses have been dropped, it makes the work of that something all the easier. Scare Tactics The Drahk makes Apply a bonus to all both itself and its Intimidation Checks you or master more the Drahk make. intimidating with its Bonus: -2 (additional -2 per mere presence. level)

[224] Description: Often the mere presence of a Drahk is enough to cause the enemies of its master fear. This fear can be applied, used to further the skill at intimidation that one has – or it can simply make the Drahk even more terrifying. Restrain Hold an enemy, 2 rounds (1 at Roll an Accuracy Check, is preventing them from level 5) successful roll 1d20 and for taking any action for a that many rounds neither the certain duration. target nor the Drahk may take any action unless cancelled early. Accuracy: 45 (+1 per level) Bonus: +1 round per level Description: The Drahk’s jowls are strong as steel, and are a terrible thing to have to try and escape. One they bite down on a target it often requires the mutilation of that target to get them off – unless the Drahk’s master orders otherwise, of course. Many Corpus and Syndicate members have learned the hard way that the Drahk’s bite is indeed as bad as its bark.

Hyekka Recently adopted by the Grineer as powerful spy tools, with rumors suggesting they are also used as some means of anti-bioterrorism, the Hyekka is a creature used by the Empire where brute strength is not applicable. Mutated from the Kavat to remove some of its natural defenses to allow for greater handling ease, these Grineer-tamed creatures do not fare well in combat. The wise Hyekka master is one that does not use it in battle but instead to watch a target from the shadows and provide a lookout for them while they do other work.

Hyekka give their owners a second pair of eyes, allowing them to act as scouts and spies, as well as being able to detect hidden threats.

Starting Stats/Skills:

Stats: Skills: +5 Dexterity +5 Agility +10 Wisdom +10 Perception +5 Stealth Armor Type: Cloned Hide 11 (+0 check penalty)


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description:

[225] Fang Claw at an enemy, None ATTACK ABILITY dealing damage with a Deal damage to a target chance to apply the enemy. If your roll does not Slash Status Effect. instantly apply Status Effects, roll 1d6. On 1-2 the Slash Status Effect is applied. Accuracy: 50 (+2 per level) Range:3 meters Primary Damage Type: Slash Damage: 4d20+10 (+1d20 per 2 levels and +2 damage per level) Description: Although the Grineer mutations have robbed the Hyekka of its talon-tail, the claws of the Hyekka have only become sharper and more deadly. The Hyekka is a fearsome beast when cornered because of it, able to fight its way out of almost all traps. Consume The Hyekka feeds on None Whenever the Hyekka deals infestation to regain damage to an Infested or Health. Omniform Secta enemy roll 1d20, restore that much life to the Hyekka. Healing: 1d20 (+5 per level, +1d20 at level 5) Description: The Hyekka, like its parent species, the Kavat, feeds on Infestation and other sicknesses, possessing the proper internal balance of microbes and chemicals to remain immune to it. Because of this, whenever they damage an enemy linked with the Infestation they are able to consume a part of it, restoring their own life. It was this train that first attracted the Grineer to the creatures. Disorient Poison a target 4 rounds (2 at Roll an Accuracy Check, if enemy, causing them level 5) successful roll 1d20 to to have to roll to determine for how many determine if they can rounds the effect lasts. take any action for a Affected targets must roll certain number of 1d6, on 1-3 they may act, on rounds. 4-6 they may not. Accuracy: 30 (+1 per level) Max Number of Targets: 1 (2 at level 5) Bonus: +1 to target’s 1d6 at level 5 Description: Hyekka produce a potent venom because of their connection to the Infestation, one that is not lethal but can take an enemy out of the fight if applied at the right time. The toxic causes mild-to-severe disorientation and confusion, making it more difficult to carry out any actions they intend.

[226] Mass Cloak Cloak all friendly 4 rounds (2 at Roll 1d20, for that many characters in a field level 5) rounds the Hyekka and all around the Hyekka for friendly characters within a certain number of range of it are cloaked until rounds. Cloak is they make an attack or use an broken per character offensive ability. Cooldown by attacks and starts when the effect ends. offensive abilities. Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Bonus: +1 round per 2 levels Description: The Kavat’s second claim to fame was an innate and incredible cloaking, able to hide itself in plain sight through purely natural means. Despite this ability being innate, its incredible effectiveness has given rise to rumor that it is caused by something else – some source beyond understanding. Purge Cure one negative 3 rounds (2 at Select one Status Effect on a status effect on a level 5) friendly character and friendly character. remove it. Bonus: Alternatively, at level 5 you may select one Buff on an enemy character at remove it Description: The Hyekka feeds on sickness and infection, so when the Grineer began to employ it as a tactical weapon this ability was chosen to be preserved. It is utilized frequently, curing Grineer of their ills or – occasionally – ridding enemies of their own natural advancements. How the Hyekka is able to douse fire and cure magnetism, though, is an unclear state of affairs. Sense Detect hidden threats None Passively give a +5 bonus to around the Hyekka. the Hyekka’s Perception Skill per level. Description: The Hyekka possess finely attuned senses, capable of detecting both prey and predators. Able to sniff and spot many things that less-discerning eyes might miss, they are employed by the Grineer tactfully, who make good use of this skill.

[227] Corpus Corpus continue to rely on their mechanical, animalistic proxies to act as companions. Carefully designed, and often based on ancient Orokin blueprints they’ve managed to recover, these machines serve their functions perfectly. Most Corpus do not get attached to their robotic servitors, but there are some who begin to feel a slight kinship with their robotic companions – and vice versa for the proxies.

Bursa One of the newest designs on the market, Bursas are Corpus heavy robotics based on the MOA design, equipped with thick Polysteel shields and a more powerful ballistic weaponry rarely seen utilized by the Corpus. Unlike their lighter-built counterparts, Bursas are slow-moving powerhouses dedicated to being able to both take and return massive amounts of damage. A typical Corpus tactic is to use Bursas as cover to avoid fire themselves while taking the occasional shot at enemies from behind the proxy or commanding other robotics to attack.

Bursas are deadly proxies that bring powerful defensive capabilities to the battlefield also possessing some utility and offensive abilities.

Starting Stats/Skills:

Stats: Skills: +10 Constitution +8 Athletics +5 Strength +4 Intimidate +8 Muscle Armor Type: Heavy Robotic Plating 32 (+15 check penalty) Abilities:

Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Missile Artillery Fire a missile at an None ATTACK ABILITY enemy, dealing Deal damage to a target damage with a chance enemy. If your roll does not to apply the Blast instantly apply Status Status Effect. Effects, roll 1d6. On 1-2 the

[228] Blast Status Effect is applied. Accuracy: 55 (+2 per level) Range: 9 meters Primary Damage Type: Blast Damage: 2d20+20 (+10 damage per level) Description: One of the rare instances of Corpus utilizing ballistics weaponry, Bursas come equipped with missile launchers able that allow them to strike at a distance with enough force to knock them and other nearby enemies to the ground. Bunker The Bursa raises its None Choose a target direction. riot shields, becoming All damage coming from immobile but taking that direction is reduced. less damage from all This ability must be used sources in a chosen again to cancel it. direction. Damage Reduction: 20 (+20 per level) Description: Built for defense, the Bursa is able to hunker down and raise defense shields made of extremely durable, reinforced Polysteel. These shields are nigh-unbreakable, but even they succumb to the damage of certain powerful attacks. Denial Generate a field in a 5 rounds (3 at Choose an area and make an certain number of tiles level 5) Accuracy Check, if that prevents enemies successful enemies will not from entering them. be able to enter that space and the area around it. Accuracy: 45 (+3 per level) Range: 12 meters (15 meters at level 5) Area of Effect Range: 3 meters (6 at level 5) Description: Utilizing powerful energy-repulsion technology, the Bursa is able to lock enemies out of tactically-important spaces. Utilizing this gives them and their master greater control of the battlefield. Drover Generate a pulse that 4 rounds (2 at Make an Accuracy Check reduces enemy armor level 5) for all enemies within range for a certain duration. of the Bursa. If successful lower their armor for a few rounds. Accuracy: 48 (+1 per level) Range: 1-21 meters (1-30 meters at level 5) Armor Decrease: 10 (+2 per level) Duration: 2 rounds (4 rounds at level 5)

[229] Description: Utilizing energy repulsion similar to their Denial ability, the Bursa is able to force apart pieces of enemy armor, making them more vulnerable to attacks made by the Bursa or its master or allies. Isolator Fire a harpoon to drag None Choose an enemy and make enemies towards the an Accuracy Check. If Bursa. successful drag the target enemy into melee range and immediately put them in a Grapple. Accuracy: 36 (+2 per level) Range: 15 meters (24 meters at level 5) Description: Similar to the Missile Battery, projectile weapons are something not usually utilized by the Corpus. The simple fact, however, is that few things work as well as a harpoon when it comes to dragging enemies closer and separating them from their allies. Nullifier Projectile The Bursa launches a 6 rounds (2 at Choose an enemy within projectile that affixes level 5) range and make an Accuracy to a target enemy, Check, if successful all causing them and all damage the target does is enemies around them reduced for a set duration. to deal less damage. Accuracy: Range: 15 meters (21 at level 5) Area of Effect Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Damage Reduction: 20 (+10 per level) Duration: 3 rounds (4 rounds at level 5) Description: Similar to the Nullifier Field of the Auditors, this projectile is a mobile beacon that affixes itself to an enemy, projecting a field around them that reduces the strength of all enemies and their weapons, making them easier to contend with.

Hyena Originally designed to be a smaller, less costly version of the Jackal siege robotic, rights to the Hyena patent have switched hands constantly, with each entrepreneur or Board Member that comes into possession of the right to manufacture the robotic making their own personal adjustments and overhauls to the design, and with that the purpose of the Hyena has been altered as well. The latest iteration, owned by some obscure weapons manufacturer, still retains much of

[230] the Jackal’s appearance and mobility, but has been augmented with a vast array of abilities, turning it into an all-purpose assault-and-defense drone.

Hyenas are never to be underestimated, not alone and certainly not when they are unleashed in groups – Grineer survivors of group attacks have been left with severe mental trauma, whispering things about “the Pack is watching,” “the Pack hunts,” and similar nonsense.

Starting Stats/Skills:

Stats: Skills: +10 Dexterity +5 Agility +5 Strength +15 Instinct Armor Type: Medium Robotic Plating 26 (+10 check penalty)


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Rippling Shockwave The Hyena Generates None ATTACK ABILITY a shockwave that Make an Accuracy Check, if knocks down enemies successful deal damage to all around it. enemies in range round the Hyena. If your roll does not instantly apply Status Effects, roll 1d6 for each enemy hit. On 1-3 the Blast Status Effect is applied. Accuracy: 65 (+2 per level) Range: 6 meters (9 meters at level 5) Primary Damage Type: Blast Damage: 1d20+10 (+10 damage per level) Description: The front limbs of a Hyena are equipped with state-of-the-art shocks and pistons, allowing them to strike the ground with enough force to create what amounts to a minor tremor. This wave deals little damage but has a high likelihood of knocking enemies off of their feet. Energy Barrier The Hyena generates 3 rounds (1 at Generate an electricity a barrier of electrical level 5) barrier directly in front of the energy that blocks Hyena. Enemy damage that attacks and adds has to pass through the Electricity damage to barrier is nullified and allies friendly attacks that that attack through the pass through it. barrier have Electricity

[231] added to their weapon’s damage type for that attack. Range: 3 meters Bonus: +1d at level 5 Description: A mixture of projected magnetics and electrics, this shield is the crowning achievement of Corpus defense technologies. The Jackal is the only proxy model currently capable of carrying the generator for it, however, and some whisper that the rarity of his on the battlefield might also be attributable to other, more-forgotten sources of inspiration. LN2 Ice Wave Send a wave of ice in 5 rounds (3 Choose a direction and roll a straight line to deal rounds at level and Accuracy Check. If Cold damage and 5) successful deal Cold damage slow enemies. to all enemies in a straight line in that direction and cause their movements to take an additional Half-Turn to complete. Accuracy: 33 (+3 per level) Range: 9 meters (15 at level 5) Damage: 2d20+10 (+5 per level, +1d20 at level 5) Damage Type: Cold Description: By utilizing tanks of liquid nitrogen and affixed sprayers, the Hyena is able to spew a line of freezing vapor to coat the ground and hostiles. This tactic has been employed with great success in routing both Grineer and Syndicate incursions into sensitive areas, where the other abilities of the Hyena might compromise something. As part of its economical design, the tanks have a filter that allows the Hyena to refill them automatically by filtering nitrogen from the air, though if the tanks are damaged they will have to be replaced. Ng Blast Grenade Fires a grenade at a 5 rounds (3 Choose a target area within target area that will rounds at level range and roll an Accuracy detonate after a set 5) Check. If successful, the amount of time. Hyena places a Blast Grenade there. After one round the Blast Grenade detonates, dealing Blast Damage to all characters caught in its AoE. Accuracy: 23 (+4 per level) Range: 12 meters (15 meters at level 5) Damage: 4d20+20 (+10 per ability level) Damage Type: Blast Description: A devastating tool to use against any range of forces, the Ng Blast Grenade is a tool of terror and mayhem employed by the Corpus to ward off Grineer and Syndicate raiders and, more infrequently, to put rioting Colonists back in their place. The timed detonation feature

[232] is a safeguard, as there is nothing in Hyena programming to keep the grenade from damaging allies. Pb Lead Storm Fires a volley of 5 rounds (3 Make an Accuracy Check. bullets around the rounds at level If successful, deal damage to Hyena, damaging all 5) all enemies in range around enemies in range. the Hyena. Accuracy:40 (+1 per level) Range: 6 meters (9 meters at level 5) Damage: 4d20+5 (+5 per level, +1d20 at level 5)) Primary Damage Type: Puncture Secondary Damage Type: Impact Description: Equipped with a rotating and rapid-fire machine gun, the Hyena model is capable of dealing extensive area damage within a small range. Some Corpus designers have been quoted as saying that the spinning turret is a design flaw, and that having the entire Hyena spin with a stationary would be a more economic means of retaining this ability. Th Charge The Hyena charges 5 rounds (3 Charge forward up to a forward, moving rounds at level certain number of spaces. enemies in its path 5) Knock enemies caught with it and dealing immediately on either side damage to them. of you 3 meters further away and any enemies hit head-on are carried to the end of the charge’s duration. Range: 12 meters (18 meters at level 5) Description: Engaging the shocks and pistons used in its stomp ability the Hyena is able to bound and leap through target enemies, knocking aside all that stand in its path. Perfect for getting out of danger or even into an area thick with enemies to utilize their other abilities, this ability is seen by all but a few designers as a great investment.

Locust Drone Small utility robotics, Locust Drones are designed to give data feeds through holographic projections, not for battle – though newer models are upgraded with combat applications. Locust Drones can zip around with near-unmatched speed and due to their hovering nature and small structure they are unconfined by most terrain limitations. Locust Drones are most commonly used

[233] by Corpus officials for business-related matters, but the average Crewman may find use for them provided they can obtain one.

Locust Drones are support companions that provide Skill and Stat bonuses to their owner while placing Skill and Stat reductions on enemies.

Starting Stats/Skills:

Stats: Skills: +3 Dexterity +9 Perception +12 Wisdom +6 Perform +5 Stealth Armor Type: Light Robotic Plating 20 (+5 check penalty)


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics Description: Locust Laser Fire a laser at an None ATTACK ABILITY enemy, dealing Deal damage to a target damage with a chance enemy. If your roll does not to apply the instantly apply Status Electricity Status Effects, roll 1d6. On 1-2 the Effect. Electricity Status Effect is applied. Accuracy: 55 (+2 per level) Range: 9 meters Primary Damage Type: Electricity Damage: 2d20+20 (+10 damage per level) Description: A simple laser emitted from the eye of the Locust Drone. This weapon is highly charged with electricity, giving it a latent ability to paralyze those affected by causing their muscle to contract from the electrical discharge. Blind Blind a target enemy 2 rounds (1 at Choose an enemy target and with a flash of light. level 5) make an Accuracy Check. If successful the target enemy cannot attack for a certain number of rounds. Accuracy: 36 (+8 per 2 levels) Range: 9 (12 at level 5) Duration: 2 rounds (4 rounds at level 5)

[234] Description: The photoreceptors in the eyes of the Locust Drone blink with bright light aimed at the eye of a hostile. This blinds the target temporarily, preventing them from making any attacks against the Locust Drone’s master and allies as they attempt to regain their sense of sight and direction. Elevate The Locust Drone 3 rounds (2 at The Locust Drone cannot be flies up high, level 5) attack or have actions becoming performed on it for a certain unreachable. number of rounds, however it also cannot perform actions. Duration: 2 rounds (+1 optional rounds per 2 levels) Description: The repulse lifts that allow the Locust Drone flight are not as powerful as those of an Osprey, and therefore they cannot stay high in the area for extended periods. However, they can take to the air for a brief duration, becoming unreachable to all attacks for a time. Project Project an image at a 3 rounds (1 at Creates a Hologram with the target location, level 5) following stats that taunts taunting enemies to enemies within its range for attack it. a duration. Range: 1-15 meters Duration: 1d20 rounds (+1 round per level) Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Scrambus Hologram None Light Shield None, uses Taunt: (50, -5, 20 per Roll 1d20, target enemy round) must attack you for that many turns. Range: 9 meters (+3 meters per ability level) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 40 Strength: 0 None Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 4 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 0 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 0 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 0 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 0 +1 to each per ability level Description: Similar to the Scrambus projection ability, the Locust Drone is able to create a holographic projection – also of a Scrambus – to confuse enemies and lure them into attacking it, sparing its master from harm. The hard-light projection cannot deal any damage, but is realistic enough that hostiles will have to physically disperse it to negate its effects. Readout The Locust Drone None When applying a Wisdom or provides its master Intelligence Skill to a with a data readout to situation roll 1d20 and add boost their skills. the result to your roll.

[235] Bonus: +1d20 at level 5 Description: The primary purpose of the Locust Drone, this readout provides the proxy’s master with all the details it can about any situation or environment, giving them as detailed instructions as they can. With it the Locust Drone’s master is able to make more tactical and informed decisions, effectively increasing their knowledge on a topic while they have access to the readout’s information. Zip Regardless of location 5 rounds (3 at Make an Accuracy Check, if the Locust Drone may level 5) successful move the Locust return to their Drone to anywhere within 3 master’s side at any meters of your character. time. Accuracy: 32 (+12 per 2 levels) Description: Quick and speedy, Locust Drones are not meant to be away from the masters for long. Because of this they are designed to always be able to hone in on their master and return to them at a moment’s notice, getting out of trouble and back to relative safety. Of course, this presumes there is nothing stopping the Drone from returning – such as physical obstacles or effects that have disabled it.

[236] Syndicate Without access to the technologies the Grineer or Corpus have, the Syndicates must make do with and tame the creatures of Origin’s wilds. Because of this, their Companions lack the physical durability of the Corpus robotics or the genetic specialty of Grineer beasts, but these natural creatures – as difficult as they can be to tame – present their own advantages in certain fields that stand out and make them invaluable assets.

Serberis A reptilian species native to the forests of Earth, the Serberis – named for its stinging tail and camouflaging scale-pattern that gives it the appearance of having three heads – are renowned for the incredibly potent toxins produced by their venom glands. The rarer the species, the more potent the toxins. Though the smallest beast tamed by the Syndicate (being no larger than a Grakata), these beasts have taken down Grineer with only a few ounces of venom. Because of this toxicity Syndicates see a powerful tool in the Serberis, so despite its lean and frail body they have taken to trapping and training the beasts.

Serberis is a tactical and covert animal, not strong but lethal beyond measure when used correctly. Assassins may favor this creature above any other.

Starting Stats/Skills:

Stats: Skills: +5 Dexterity +13 Survival +10 Wisdom +7 Instinct Armor Type: Hide 14 (+0 check Penalty)


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Venom Spit venom at an None ATTACK ABILITY enemy, dealing Deal damage to a target damage with a chance enemy. If your roll does not to apply the Toxin instantly apply Status Status Effect. Effects, roll 1d6. On 1-2 the

[237] Toxin Status Effect is applied. Accuracy: 32 (+2 per level) Range: 9 meters (12 at level 5) Damage: 2d20+10 (+2 per level, +2d20 at level 5) Damage Type: Toxin Description: Serberis bodies are filled with its particular brand of venomous toxin, from its fangs to its tail. The Serberis is able to extract the venom from its fangs and mix it with its saliva, and from that point fire the concoction – which has transformed into a thin-gel-like consistency – at hostiles. This mixture is just as potent as regular Serberis venom. Regenerate The Serberis taps into 4 rounds (2 Regenerate a certain amount its regenerative rounds at level of Health per round. No powers on command, 5) other actions may be made instantly regaining a while channeling this. portion of its health. Regenerate may be maintained over many turns but deactivating it takes a Half-Action. Healing per Round: 20 (+10 per level) Description: Along with possessing one of the most deadly venoms in all of Origin, Serberis are renowned for their regenerative abilities. Capable of healing even grievous wounds in just a few seconds, these properties make it a source of great study for the Grineer – which makes it a curiosity as to why they have not yet deployed them on the battlefield in some capacity. This ability, however, is not automatic, and it requires the Serberis to focus on its wounds to be able to close them in any matter at all – just yet another reason it is unique among life forms. Sap The Serberis strikes None Roll an Accuracy Check, if an enemy vital point successful inflict the with their tail, Electricity Status Effect onto attempting to the target. incapacitate them for Accuracy: 39 a duration. Range: 6 meters Max Number of Targets: 1 (+1 per 2 levels) Does not break Stealth. Description: While incredibly toxic, the Serberis’ tail can also act similarly to a club, striking enemies with enough force to stun them for a period of time. Whether or not the Serberis toxins play some part in this is unclear, but if it does why it is not more toxic is unknown. Secrete The Serberis secretes None When the Serberis hits or is a potent toxin from its hit with a melee-range flesh, dealing Toxin attack, roll 2d20 to deal damage to anything bonus Toxin damage to the that touches it. target/attacker. This damage bypasses armor.

[238] Damage: 2d20 (+1d20 per 2 levels) Description: Serberis bodies are filled with its particular brand of venomous toxin, from its fangs to its tail. The flesh of the Serberis in particular is deadly as when struck the toxins secreted from it is capable of being passed on even a light touch, and when struck with enough force the bodies of the Serberis can eject the poison, injecting the target they hit or hit them. Sting The Serberis strikes at 4 rounds (1 Make an Accuracy Check, if multiple enemies with round at level successful deal damage to all its barbed tail, dealing 5) enemies in range round the Toxin damage. Serberis. If your roll does not instantly apply Status Effects, roll 1d6 for each enemy hit. On 1-3 the Toxin Status Effect is applied. Accuracy: 65 (+2 per level) Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Primary Damage Type: Toxin Damage: 1d20+10 (+10 damage per level) Description: Serberis bodies are filled with its particular brand of venomous toxin, from its fangs to its tail. The tails of Serberis are covered in tiny, needle-like hooked barbs, all filled with Serberis toxin. A regular defensive action of the Serberis is to sting its tail in an arc around it to ward off anything – usually overbold Kubrows – that attempt to encircle it. Tail Swipe The Serberis strikes at 4 rounds (2 Make an Accuracy check, if an enemy with their rounds at level successful apply the Blast tail, attempting to 5) Status effect to the target. knock them over. Accuracy Check: 35 (+2 per level) Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Description: While not large the Serberis has an extremely versatile and powerful tail. While not always useful for traversing through its environment – though some have been noted to try – it can be employed as an offensive weapon, able to knock one or multiple enemies off of their feat in a single strike.

Skate Found only in the Martian sub-system – specifically on Mars and Phobos – the skate is perhaps the strangest creature to ever be utilized by the Syndicates. Not as intimidating as the Kubrow or versatile as the Serberis and Kavat, difficult to smuggle off of their native worlds, and

[239] incredibly slow moving, the Skate does possess one tactical advantage: a hide so think that even Grineer weaponry has a difficult time breaking through it. This only extends to its back, however, and its belly is just as vulnerable as any other creature’s. They also possess a natural defense ability to fling the stingers grown in its tail at predators, giving it some offensive use.

Skates are best used as guards for remote outposts to give early warning of incoming hostiles. Other than that, they serve as excellent meat shields.

Starting Stats/Skills:

Stats: Skills: +7 Constitution +3 Athletics +4 Strength +5 Intimidate +4 Wisdom +5 Stealth +5 Survival Armor Type: Thick Hide 15 (+0 check penalty)


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Tail Thorns The Skate fires its None ATTACK ABILITY stinger at a target Deal damage to a target enemy, dealing enemy. If your roll does not damage with a chance instantly apply Status to apply the Puncture Effects, roll 1d6. On 1-2 the Status Effect. Puncture Slash Effect is applied. Accuracy: 32 (+2 per level) Range: 12 meters (15 at level 5) Damage: 2d20+10 (+2 per level, +2d20 at level 5) Damage Type: Slash Description: At the end of the Skates tail is a stinger that the Skate is able to fire through the constriction of certain muscles. The Skate is able to regenerate them at an astounding rate, giving it a seemingly-infinite supply of them for it to use in self-defense. How it manages to produce such durable – if simple – natural constructions in such a short time is unclear. Burrow The Skate can bury None This ability can only be used itself into softer in areas where the ground is terrain in order to gain natural terrain – dirt, sand, a defensive bonus , etc. While active, all while still being able Accuracy Checks made by to move. the Skate have a +20 penalty

[240] and the Skate’s armor is increased. This ability may not be used at the same time as Hunker. Armor Increase: +20 (+4 per level) Description: The skates live their lives primarily under the surface of the sands, living off of what they can find there. Their ability to dig through the soil allows them do the same in similar terrain, becoming harder to hit and gaining extra defense. However, the metal of ships and Corpus, Grineer, or even certain Syndicate bases proves too sturdy for them. Hunker The Skate can lower None While active the Skate itself close to the cannot move and can only ground, becoming attack enemies in the immobile but greatly direction it is facing (cone- increasing its defense. shaped view) but the Skate’s armor is increased by 20. This ability may not be used at the same time as Burrow. Armor Increase: +20 (+4 per level) Description: The back of a Skate is made of thick hide and difficult to puncture. By lowering itself closer to the ground, the Skate is able to protect itself from a wider array of damage. Though not impossible to bypass, it takes strong weapons to do so, and even then the Skate has enough life to survive against such assaults for a decent period of time. Skewer The Skate strikes at an None Deal damage to a target enemy within melee enemy. If your roll does not range of them with instantly apply Status their tail, dealing Effects, roll 1d6. On 1-2 the damage with a chance Puncture Slash Effect is to inflict the Puncture applied. Status Effect. Accuracy: 32 (+2 per level) Range: 3 meters Damage: 2d20+30 (+5 per level, +2d20 at level 5) Damage Type: Puncture Description: While the Skate is able to shoot its Tail Thorns at an enemy it is just as able to use them as a stabbing tool. When use in such a manner the force with which they attack can be enough to puncture certain types of armor, leaving the enemy vulnerable to future attacks from the Skate, its master, or its allies. Spit Spray The Skate spits a 5 rounds (3 at Choose a target and make an cloud of sand and dirt, level 5) Accuracy Check. If temporarily blinding successful, the target cannot an enemy. attack for a certain duration. Accuracy: 45 (+1 per level) Range: 3 meters (+3 meters per 2 levels)

[241] Duration: 1 round (+1 round per 2 levels) Description: Whether it be deep below or just at the surface, the Skate still requires oxygen and nutrients to survive. Because of this, it has developed a unique type of gills and form of filter- feeding that allows it to both breathe and eat without issue, allowing it to spend its whole life under the surface; however these systems result in it ingesting high quantities of minerals that it cannot digest. To combat this the Skate’s digestive system stores these particles and other wastes in sacks by its tail, which it sheds monthly. Until that time, however, the Skate also have the ability to spit these byproducts from its mouth, the components of the mix acting as a virulent type of repellent for most living creatures. This ability is demonstrated only in the direst circumstances, as the Skate will prefer to attempt to fight rather than flee. Startle Shock enemies, 5 rounds (3 at Make an Accuracy Check taunting them to level 5) for every enemy in front of attack the Skate for a the Skate. All successful set amount of time. Accuracy Checks cause that target to attack the Skate for a certain number of rounds. Accuracy: 47 (+2 per ability level) Range: 9 meters (15 meters at level 5) Taunt Duration: 2 rounds (+1 round per 2 levels) Description: The mouth of a Skate is located on its underbelly. Disturbingly human in appearance, this has inspired every response from curiosity, to disgust, to flat-out fear in those that see it. However, due to the fact that a Skate’s underbelly is its most vulnerable area, this feature is a rare sight. Martian-sector Colonists have various legends about the Skate because of this, one of them being that if you see the mouth of a Skate means it seeks to devour your soul; another states that if you stare too long at it the Skate will steal your voice for its own. The Grineer and Corpus tend to think of themselves above such superstitions, but over the years they have fallen prey to at least some belief in them – perhaps due to one particular truth: the Skate is a very strange creature.

Janis Found often nesting near Orokin Void Portals – making them incredibly difficult to find during the earlier stages of their life, when they are the most easily tamed – Janis are large, carrion- eating avian beasts, feeding primarily on the carcasses left behind by hunting Kubrow packs. While primarily found on Earth, there are reports of them appearing on other worlds, reports that may be possible due to the interconnectivity of some Void Portals and the towers behind them. They are not attractive beasts, but their feathers are sometimes used by Colonists in clothing or

[242] decoration. Syndicates have come to prize the Janis as a scout and even means of transporting messages when contemporary communication methods will not suffice.

Janis are tactical Companions, utilized as a means by which to distract and disorient the enemy. They keep the enemy off-balance and open to attacks.

Starting Stats/Skills:

Stats: Skills: +10 Dexterity +10 Athletics +5 Wisdom +4 Empathy +6 Perception Armor Type: Feathered Hide 13 (+0 check penalty)


Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Gust Blows wind and dust 3 rounds (1 ATTACK ABILITY into a target’s eyes, rounds at level Choose a target and make an decreasing their 5) Accuracy Check. If Accuracy. successful, the target has their Accuracy decreased for a certain duration. Accuracy: 38 (+3 per level) Range: 6 meters (9 meters at level 5) Accuracy Penalty: +10 (+2 per level) Duration: 3 rounds (5 rounds at level 5) Description: The Janis snaps its wings with enough force to kick us dust and dirt towards an enemy’s eyes with the intention to blind them. As simple as the tactic is, it is effective, able to reduce the enemy’s ability to see and make distance calls when attacking, causing it to be far more difficult for them to hit their intended target. Carry Attempt to lift an 3 rounds (1 Choose a target in range and enemy into the air, rounds at level make an Accuracy Check. If preventing them from 5) successful move the Janis to performing any action occupy the same space as the for a certain duration target. Roll 1d6, the target but becoming can no longer take any action vulnerable to melee for a duration equal to the attacks. amount rolled. The Janis CAN be attacked by melee weapons while using this

[243] ability. Cooldown starts when the effect ends. Accuracy: 43 (+2 per level) Range: 9 meters (12 meters at level 5) Bonus Rounds: +1 round per 2 levels Description: While average-sized creatures, they are deceptively strong, capable of lifting the bodies of a wide variety of dead things to take back to their nests to feed their young. They have been noted to even try to lift some Grineer, though their ability to do so varies based on the size of the Janis and the size of the Grineer they carry. Devour Carrion The Janis lands and 5 rounds (3 Choose a dead body within begins to eat a corpse, rounds at level range (either a casualty of healing itself over 5) the battle or there earlier) time but becoming and move on the Janis to it. vulnerable to melee While at the body, the Janis attacks. regains Health every round. Devour Carrion may be maintained over many turns but deactivating it takes a Half-Action. Healing per Round: 20 (+10 per level) Description: Janis live and grow upon the remains of carcasses left behind by other predators on Earth, typically Kubrow but they have no qualms about feasting on the remains of Grineer- orchestrated massacres of Corpus or Colonists. By consuming these corpses they are able to heal themselves with a remarkable rate. Whether this kind of healing factor is a natural evolution or the effects of the Void Portal energies on them is an unknown, something that is all too common in Origin. Flight Unless using certain None The Janis cannot be attacked abilities, the Janis by attacks made by Melee cannot be targeted by weapons unless they are melee attacks. currently using Carry or Devour Carrion. Description: The Janis is a creature of flight, with powerful wings capable of carrying it – and the occasional victim or prey – aloft for long, long periods of time. This near-perpetual flight means that the Janis can stay out of the range of the vast majority of melee attackers, although when it goes down to feed or tries to carry something off it falls into a reachable range, leaving it vulnerable to attacks with melee weapons. Mobility The Janis have None The Janis has an additional- additional movement. but-optional 3 spaces added to all of its movement. Bonus: 6 spaces at level 5 Description: The Janis’ flight gives it other advantages. Without the constrictions of terrain to take into consideration they are unhindered in their movement, allowing them to travel greater

[244] distances than other Companions and even certain types of vehicles. The Janis is not one of the faster animals in Origin, but flight is often the great equalizer. Swoop Dives a target enemy, 3 rounds (1 Choose a target and make an stunning them. rounds at level Accuracy check. If 5) successful, move into melee range of them and apply the Electricity Status Effect to the target for a certain duration. Accuracy: 35 (+4 per level) Range: 6 meters (9 meters at level 5) Duration: 1 round (+1 round per 2 levels) Description: The Janis dives at an enemy, swooping close enough by them to just avoid striking them while leaving them off balance for a moment, confusing them or even clawing at their face to leave them stunned. The duration it’s long, but when the goal is the total prevention of a targets ability to act there is no substitute than a near-kamikaze attack.

Kavat Kavats are difficult creatures to capture and train. Acting more like rodents than felines, these creatures use their uncanny natural camouflage to hide from predators and sneak aboard cargo and even passenger ships, a behavior which has spread them from planet to planet. While they will feed on many things, they are primarily carnivores that appear to be particular taste for diseased and corrupted flesh. Why this is and how they can eat such things without becoming ill themselves has been the cause for much debate, but it is their cloaking ability that has drawn the attention of the Syndicates.

Kavats give their owners a second pair of eyes, allowing them to act as scouts and spies, as well as being able to detect hidden threats.

Starting Stats/Skills:

Stats: Skills: +5 Dexterity +4 Agility +10 Wisdom +8 Perception +8 Stealth Armor Type: Hide 14 (+0 check penalty)

[245] Abilities:

Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics: Description: Slash Slice at an enemy, None ATTACK ABILITY dealing damage with a Deal damage to a target chance to apply the enemy. If your roll does not Slash Status Effect. instantly apply Status Effects, roll 1d6. On 1-2 the Slash Status Effect is applied. Accuracy: 50 (+2 per level) Range:3 meters Primary Damage Type: Slash Damage: 4d20+10 (+1d20 per 2 levels and +2 damage per level) Description: The Kavat’s tail – or rather tails – is a fascinating addition to its anatomy. Rather than a single appendage the Kavat have a tail formed a number of interconnected structures of cartilage or bone, interconnected to form a fan-like structure, with talons at the end of it. It is able to attack with these talons, as well as its claws and fangs, to dice up its target into mince- meat pieces. Consume The Kavat feeds on None Whenever the Kavat deals infestation to regain damage to an Infested Health. enemy roll 1d20, restore that much life to the Kavat. Healing: 1d20 (+5 per level, +1d20 at level 5) Description: Disorient Poison a target 4 rounds (2 at Roll an Accuracy Check, if enemy, causing them level 5) successful roll 1d20 to to have to roll to determine for how many determine if they can rounds the effect lasts. take any action for a Affected targets must roll certain number of 1d6, on 1-3 they may act, on rounds. 4-6 they may not. Accuracy: 30 (+1 per level) Max Number of Targets: 1 (2 at level 5) Bonus: +1 to target’s 1d6 at level 5 Description: Mass Cloak Cloak all friendly 4 rounds (2 at Roll 1d20, for that many characters in a field level 5) rounds the Kavat and all around the Kavat for a friendly characters within

[246] certain number of range of it are cloaked until rounds. Cloak is they make an attack or use an broken per character offensive ability. Cooldown by attacks and starts when the effect ends. offensive abilities. Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5) Bonus: +1 round per 2 levels Description: Purge Cure one negative 3 rounds (2 at Select one Status Effect on a status effect on a level 5) friendly character and friendly character. remove it. Bonus: Alternatively, at level 5 you may select one Buff on an enemy character at remove it Description: Sense Detect hidden threats None Passively give a +5 bonus to around the Kavat. the Kavat’s Perception Skill per level. Description:

Kubrow Also native to Earth are the Kubrows. These canine creatures were once, long, long ago, the prized pets of Orokin nobility, a hallmark of their genetic engineering prowess. The Orokin are long gone, and so too are the telltale signs of their noble heritage. The modern Kubrow is a feral mutt, vicious and territorial, dwelling in extensive subterranean dens. Their viciousness attracts many Syndicates who seek to put it to use for their causes, going to great lengths to train the beasts despite their near-rabid dispositions.

Kubrows are well-rounded fighters, strong, durable, and deadly. They are a companion for those who would prefer a more capable all-rounder than a specialized fighter.

Starting Stats/Skills:

Stats: Skills: +5 Constitution +10 Athletics +5 Strength +10 Muscle +5 Dexterity Armor Type: Thick Hide 15 (+0 check penalty)

[247] Abilities:

Name: Effects: Cooldown: Mechanics Description: Bite Bite into an enemy, None ATTACK ABILITY dealing damage with a Deal damage to a target chance to apply the enemy. If your roll does not Impact Status Effect. instantly apply Status Effects, roll 1d6. On 1-2 the Puncture Status Effect is applied. Accuracy: 50 (+2 per level) Range:3 meters Primary Damage Type: Puncture Damage: 4d20+10 (+1d20 per 2 levels and +2 damage per level) Description: The Kubrow comps down on its target, biting into an arm or leg or even neck, tearing through armor with its incredibly strong teeth and causing incredible damage. The Kubrow’s jowls are strong enough to rip apart even Grineer corpses to feed on, so when used against a living target a great deal of pain is expected. Dig Dig into the ground to 3 rounds (2 at The Kubrow spends one create a foxhole for level 5) round digging into the characters to take ground. At the end of that a cover in. hole is created that any character can lower itself into, providing an Accuracy Penalty to anyone that attacks them. Accuracy Penalty: +10 (+2 per level) Description: Kubrows are known to construct elaborate underground dens, believed by some to even be interconnected. This attribute may be reflected in their quick ability to dig into the ground, creating a foxhole that can be used by anyone as cover, a tactic that was used during some Old Earth wars before more covert methods of battle were adopted. Howl Terrify enemies in the 5 rounds (3 at Roll 1d20, distribute the surrounding area into level 5) number rolled among all inaction for a certain affected targets as you number of rounds. desire, the assigned number is how many rounds they are unable to act for. Bonus: +1 per 2 levels Range: 3 meters (6 meters at level 5)

[248] Description: The howl of a Kubrow is a terror to hear. It is the single of the start of a pack hunt, the death of something – or someone. Grineer and Corpus have come to fear it as, despite all of their technological advancements and all of their weapons, the ferocity of animals is still something that has yet to be effectively matched. And it is that ferocity that has caught more than a few Lancers and Crewman off-guard and been the death of them. Hunt Dash towards a target None Instantly move to melee location. range of a target Range: 1-21 meters (1-30 meters at level 5) Description: The Kubrow is a fast creature on the ground, able to cover vast differences in little time, if they have a goal in mind: goal usually translating out to “prey.” The drive of the hunt moves the Kubrow to act with incredible speed, moving them into a distance where they can do some real damage to their target. Neutralize Bite the hand of a 3 rounds (2 at Make an Accuracy Check. target, causing them level 5) If successful roll 1d12 and to drop their weapon round to the nearest number and forcing them to devisable by 3; that is how pick it back up before far away the enemy’s they can use it. weapon is thrown (in the direction of the player who owns the companion’s choosing). Accuracy: 30 (+4 per level) Range: 3 meters Bonus Distance: +3 meters at level 5 Description: The Kubrow instinctually goes for the weak points of their prey, and when properly trained this instinct can be put to use in taking the bite out of enemies by taking their weapons away from them. The Kubrow goes for the wrist, forearm, hand, or maybe even the weapon itself, regardless of the approach the effect is the same: tearing the target’s weapon out of their hand and forcing them to retrieve it before they can use it again. Unleashed While grappling an None While the Kubrow is enemy the Kubrow grappling an enemy make an may drag it across the Accuracy Check. If battlefield. successful roll 1d12 and round to the nearest number devisable by 3; that is how far the enemy may be moved (in the direction of the player who owns the companion’s choosing). Accuracy: 30 (+4 per level) Bonus Distance: +3 meters at level 5 Description: While the Kubrow has an enemy within its grip they are able to drag it with them. A typical strategy used by Kubrows to drag prey back to the pack when it tries to escape. When

[249] employed on the battlefield this tactic allows the Kubrow to drag the subject of their grip across the field, moving them away from their allies, towards a position the Kubrows’ master or allies can take more advantage of, or, ideally, both.

[250] Companion Stats and Skills As with player characters, Companions also have lists Stats and Skills they pull from. Stats and Skills are the mechanics by which your companion is able to interact with the game world, using dice rolls in order to determine how successful – if at all – they are at what they are trying to do. Unless a companion has at least five (5) points in a particular Skill they may unable to do things associated with that Skill without suffering a plus 10 (+10) penalty to their rolls; for example: your companion may not be able sneak into a room undetected if they do not have at least five (5) points in their Stealth Skill and are attempting to do so solely with their Dexterity Stat, due to the hefty penalty. Both Stats and Skills may be upgraded by expending XP (see Chapter 11: Roleplay Systems).

Both of these lists are considerably smaller, and while not horribly different in their composition (aside from the aforementioned different in number of) the Skills list has features that are completely unique to companions.

Stats Stats are nearly identical to their usage in characters, however the skills they apply to are not. While Stats provided the base and a good deal of support to your companion’s roles if you try to have your companion use one of them without at least five (5) points in the corresponding Skill you suffer a plus ten (+10) penalty. What follows is a brief descriptions of each of the five (5) Stats:


This Stat determines your companion’s raw physical power. Skills that use this Stat include Athletics, Intimidate, and Muscle.


This Stat determines how much of a beating your companion can take itself, no armor factored in, how long they can bleed out before they go down and how easily they are able to shrug off certain Status Effects. There are no Skills associated with this Stat.

[251] NOTE: This stat is directly linked to Health, determining how much Health your character has. Every point of Constitution is equal to ten (10) points of Health.


This Stat determines how nimble your companion is and how quickly they can react to a situation mentally or physically. Skills associated with this Stat include Agility, Pilot, and Stealth.


Wisdom is how much your companion is tune with what they see and hear around them and in others. Skills associated with this Stat include Instinct and Perception.

Skills Skills represent particular abilities your character’s companion has available to them. Skills take into account your companion’s base Stats when rolling for them, however if they do not have at least five (5) points in a particular Skill you may not roll to determine success for failure without taking a hefty penalty – specifically a plus ten (+10) penalty to your roll when making a skill Check with the corresponding Stat instead of the specific Skill to which the situation applies.

While there is some overlap between the functionality of character and companion skills, largely they are unique to one another. Although the player will be the one rolling and commanding the Companion, it will be up to the GM to interpret how the player perceives the outcome of their rolls (as influenced by the Bond Skill).


How nimble and quick the companion is in both their ability to move around on treacherous surfaces and to take action with their paws or jowls, talons or grips. Associated with Dexterity.

Every twenty-five (25) points in this Skill adds one (1) extra dice to your Dodge Check.

[252] Athletics:

The companion’s ability to move itself through any given environment that doesn’t allow for traditional movement – i.e. climbing or swimming. Associated with Dexterity.

Every 25 points in this stat adds one (1) extra dice on your Grapple Check ONLY WHILE attempting to escape from a Grapple.

Opposed By: Muscle


Bond represents the link between your character and your companion. The stronger this link the more likely your character is to be able to understand and command your companion in non-combat scenarios. There is no Stat associated with this Skill.

The higher this number the higher the chance that the Companion will react in a way your character can understand (as determined by the GM).


The companion’s ability to hide objects, generally small or average-sized ones, from the gaze others, either quickly or in preparation.

Opposed By: Perception


The companion’s ability to detect true intentions, such as whether a character is lying or not. Associated with Wisdom.

Opposed By: Bluff

[253] Instinct:

The companion’s ability to detect something even their master’s most acute sense may not be able to detect. Associated with Wisdom.

Every twenty-five (25) points in this Skill adds one (1) extra dice to your Fortitude Check.

Even though they are machines, the advanced preservation programming in Bursas and Locust Drones has had the interesting side effect of giving them something nearly identical to the instincts of living beats.


The companion’s ability to scare, frighten, or bully an intended target for their master. Associated with Strength.


The companion’s ability to move or restrain something else besides itself through any given terrain – i.e. carrying a box or forcing open a door. Associated with Strength.

Every 25 points in this stat gives you one extra dice on your Grapple Check ONLY WHILE attempting to maintain a Grapple.

Opposed By: Athletics


The companion’s ability to spot things or people of note that might not be immediately obvious to even the well-trained eye. Associated with Wisdom.

Opposed By: Stealth


The Companion’s ability to draw attention to themselves intentionally or act in a certain way to remove attention that may be on them. Associated with Dexterity.

[254] Opposed By: Empathy or Etiquette – GM’s choice, as appropriate.


The companion’s to move without being seen, heard, or detected on sensing equipment through any given environment. Associated with Dexterity.

Opposed By: Perception


The Companion’s ability to use the natural environment around them to survive without any reliance on civilized technology or medical care. Associated with Wisdom.

Every twenty-five (25) points in this Skill adds one (1) extra dice to the Companion’s Fortitude Check.

[255] Companion Creation There are two particular ways to acquire a companion.

The first is via your own character creation. Of the 2,000 starting experience points (XP) you receive you may dedicate 1,000 of them to starting with a companion.

The second is through gameplay and will be determined by your GM if there is a place where you can purchase or otherwise acquire a companion of one description or another.

Either way the overall and ultimate creation of your character’s companion remains the same. You will name it and then you will apply Skill and Stat points to it as described below:

There are 50 Skill points available, distributed in “packets” of 5, although you cannot allocate more than 20 of these into any single Skill.

Stats come in packets of 10, 8, 5, 5, and 3 for allocation to one of the companion’s five Stats as you see fit.

Keep in mind that you alone will be responsible for commanding your companion, especially in combat situations. If you do not use them they will not act and the GM cannot be held responsible for such.

The following page contains a character sheet template to help you organize the creation of your companions.

[256] Name: ______Chronical: ______Type: ______Owner: ______

Strength Constitution Dexterity (STR): ______/ 100 (CON): ______/ 100 (DEX): ______/ 100

Wisdom (WIS): ______/ 100

Companion Abilities: ______- ______- ______- ___

______- ______- ______- ___ Defense: Shields: ______Armor: ______Health: ______Combat Skills: Initiative = 1d20+____(+1 per 10 DEX) Fortitude = 1d4 (+1d4 per 25 CON/Instinct) Dodge = 1d4 (+1d4 per 25 WIS/Agility) Grapple = 1d4 (+1d4 per 25 STR/Muscle/Athletics) Will = 1d4 (+1d4 per 25 INT/Perception) Status: Status: Status: Status: Slash: [ ] Cold: [ ] Corrosive: [ ] Viral: [ ] Impact: [ ] Electricity: [ ] Gas: [ ] Crippled: [ ] Head Puncture: [ ] Toxin: [ ] Magnetic: [ ] [ ] Torso Heat: [ ] Blast: [ ] Radiation: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Legs

Skills: Class Skill Rank/Total +Stat Agility [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Intimidate [ ]=____/100+(STR) Athletics [ ]=____/100+(STR) Muscle [ ]=____/100+(STR) Bond [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Perception [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Conceal [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Perform [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Empathy [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Stealth [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Instinct [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Survival [ ]=____/100+(WIS)

Armor: ______Stats: ______

[257] Chapter 6: Vehicles and Ships Ships are used by every faction throughout Origins as transport and a means of warfare. While the largest number of ships, and by extension the fleets that allow them to have their rule over Origin, are owned by the Corpus and Grineer, the Syndicates have made more than appropriate use of what they are able to scrape together – be it stolen from the larger factions or of their own designed, though it pales in comparison to what the Empire and Corporation is capable of putting together. Ship combat differs from battle on the ground as movement is a constant. Classes under the Pilot archetype, while not essential to using a ship, allow for more tactical and effective use of ships.

Vehicles and Ships have their own specific types of Stats, many of which are not customizable – such as capacity, class, and how easy it is to move it with ships or whether or not it is capable of traversing via Solar Rail (specific to ships) – but some can be altered by those with the proper knowledge and skills to do so (generally Device-Mechanical, Knowledge-Device, and Repair skills). However, it should be noted that, for both Weapon Systems and other System, additions beyond the starting capacity of the ship cannot be made – the total number of Systems a Ship begins with are the total number it can always have. However, variations may be possible if your GM is willing.

Further information can be read in the section following, including a comprehensive list of generic ships for each faction (once again, if your game might benefit from additions it is perfectly fine to make them, as long as they obey the Vehicle and Ship rules set forth here).

[258] Vehicle and Ship Systems Systems on a vehicle or ship are what determine its ability to function. From Weapons to Life Support, an active System means that these utilities of the ship are still working as intended. They are capable of being controlled to achieve special effects (or in the case of some, simply activate their regular effects), however they are also targetable during combat and may be damaged in order to deactivate them until they can be repaired.

Certain Systems come standard on certain vehicles ships, and it is these Systems that can be targeted directly without anything extra. However additional systems can also be added to the ship, these Systems cannot be targeted unless the characters aboard are specifically aware of them through some means, be it by having researched the ship elsewhere during the campaign or using the Sensor System to determine what is aboard the craft.

All Systems have a certain amount of durability, these numbers determine how much damage a Ship System can take before they will break and require repairs. After that point it will take a static number of rounds to bring them back on line (see Appendix I: Equipment for further details).

[259] Vehicles The ground-based machines of the Grineer, Corpus, and Syndicates. In an era where interplanetary travel is but a simple matter, such vehicles have become slightly outmoded, but they continue to see use. They may have become niche tools, used only in situations where an assault from ground is necessary or more effective than any alternative, but they still have uses to those that manufacture and deploy them.

Vehicle Classes Vehicles in Warframe: Armistice Era are regulated one of four (4) classes that represent a different purpose in their construction. Each class of Ship also has a special mechanic that influences their ability (specifically in combat).

Class: Description: Mechanics: Small personal transports, meant for the use of Class Sizes: 1-2 typically one-person. Personal-class Vehicles Special: May take two (2) Personal rarely have much in the way of weapons, but are the actions per turn. swiftest out of the various types. Their small size All Accuracy Checks also makes them a challenge for even the most- made against it suffer a seasoned marksmen to hit. plus fifteen (+15) penalty. Heavily armored and heavily armed, Tanks are the Class Sizes: 3-4 backbone of the military of most Factions. The Special: May take two (2) Tank Grineer are the primary users of tanks, but both actions per turn. Corpus and Syndicates also make use of them. Takes seventy (70) less damage from collisions. Generally economic-based, these Vehicles are used Class Sizes: 4-5 to transport either goods and supplies or people Special: Status Effects Transport over various distances. They either have large applied have their amounts of cargo space or room for multiple crew duration automatically to fit comfortably inside. reduced by one (1). As the name implies, War Engines are built for the Class Sizes: 5-6 War Engine express purpose of destruction and domination in Special: All attacks combat. They are the Flagships of any Faction’s receive a bonus three (3) ground forces, however only the Grineer and damage dice. Corpus have the resources to properly build them.

[260] Grineer Just as they rule the skies with their massive fleets of warships and fighter craft, so to do the Grineer command ground battle with their near-endless army of clones and powerful war machines. Everything the Empire has produced has been to destroy their enemies. Their tanks roll across the battlefield, bringing destruction in their wake.

Grineer vehicles are almost exclusively made with a single purpose in mind: destruction and domination. They fulfill that purpose without issue when put into the fray.

Mining Machine: While not quite as bulbous as other Grineer machines, the Mining Machine still has telltale signs of the Grineer aesthetic. A rotating drill bar projects from the front, which itself also has three rotating drill-saws attached to the front of it. A number of small ports line the top projection of the Mining Machine, along with small spotlights to illuminate dim mines in which they work. Continuous track treads move it easily through the rocky terrain it operates in.

The inside of the Mining Machine is a singular, barely-spacious room with controls for movement and the operation of the drill. Room for movement is provided by crew will need to be careful to ensure they do not bump into one another. Computer screens that display a variety of visual aids for pilot and crew fill the entire space with an orange-yellow light. Entrance to the space is a singular hatch of the left side of the drill’s exterior, led to by a bar-ladder running up the same side.

Sometimes known as a Durnir, this model of Tank-class is not used for combat but instead is designed for infrastructural matters. As the name implies, it is a mining drill, most commonly seen being used to hollow out larger asteroids in the search for valuable resources. Built to be highly durable and resilient against even the most hazardous of conditions. Between its durable frame and built-in life support, a Mining Drill is even able to survive accidental ejection into space – although its options after being pushed into space are fairly limited.

Class: Tank (3)

[261] Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 3

Capacity (Cargo): 10

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Plating (230), Armor Class 9

Vehicle Shields: Light Vehicle Shield (200, 50, +10)

Hull Health: 4,000

Maximum Strain: 5 (4 Rounds Stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Three (3) Mining Drill Piloting Two (2) Open System Engine Communication Life Support

Angrboda: The base of the Angrboda Tank rides on a trio of monstrous tires, closely spaced allow for movement through a number of differently-sized colony streets. The wheels are attached to extended suspension beams, raising the tank off of the ground a good distance and giving it mobility over a variety of terrain types, even allowing it to climb over certain obstacles placed in its way. The body of the tank starts off narrow where the wheels are connected to the body, but it bloats into wider shapes closer to the top and operate the primary canon, with an extended seat attached to the outside for someone to man the secondary guns.

The Angrboda has no proper interior, rather pilots strap themselves into the exposed cockpit of the tank, and are able to rotate it around - making it a sort of mobile rampart. It is a tight space, however, and only one pilot can be positioned in it at any time to control the movement and primary weapon of the tank – and, if there is no other crew available, the secondary weapons as well. There are a few slots for items as well. Room for other crew members only exists on the exterior, in a small gunners perch with the machine gun weaponry around it.

[262] Primarily used for urban assaults, the Angrboda is among the smaller sized tanks. The Angrboda is a favored weapon of the Arid Constabulary for its versatility in their primary area of operation and the sheer ability it has to “keep the peace” when Colonists begin to become riotous. The close spacing of the suspension and tires puts it at something of a hazard for tipping, but under the vast majority of normal circumstancs this is a race occurance – even while traversing more uneven terrain.

Class: Tank (3)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 2

Capacity (Cargo): 10

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Plating (230), Armor Class 9

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,100

Maximum Strain: 5 (2 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Two (2) Light Machine Gun Piloting Light Demolition Cannon Engine One (1) Open System Communication Door

Gymir: The body of the Gymir begins wide, a large almost-disk shape with a slight curve to the top. Underneath it is a system of continuous track treads, three in total. The topside curves inward slightly towards the center and then balloons out again in a bulbous, lopsided shape to create the main body. A singular machine gun is attached to the routed topside of the “plate,” while the main cannon and missile weapons, operational from either the interior or by gunners positioned outside,

[263] are attached to the body. A bar-step ladder leads up around the back of the main body to the top, where an entrance hatch provides access to the interior.

The interior is a cramped, three-person space without any means to move around. Each member of the crew that enters, via dropping down into their seat from above, is expected to stay put until they leave the vehicle. There are no internal lights, save the computer screens which fill the space with an orange-yellow glow. The only other available crew space are seats attached to the two missile launchers, which allow them to be operated directly as turrets. The plate has a number of storage compartments for all manner of supplies.

The Gymir is the standard for Grineer tank development. Used for direct assaults in more- open environments, the Gymir rarely sees deployment now due to the armistice – as its primary use cannot be fulfilled and there are better vehicles to call on for intimidation tactics. Once it was the shocktrooper of Grineer ground fleets, however, used by all manner of armies in all manner of terrain. Now they collect dust except under the rarest of circumstances when they actually allowed to see the glory of the battlefield.

Class: Tank (4)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 5

Capacity (Cargo): 25

Hull Armor: Heavy Tellurium Plating (270), Armor Class 10

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,500

Maximum Strain: 8 (2 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Machine Gun Piloting Demolition Cannon Engine Two (2) Missile Launcher Communication Two (2) Open System Door


Thrym: Four massive tank treads, a bulbous body large enough to hold a good number of crew as well as cargo, and an array of weapons all controllable from within the safety of the heavily- armored frame. The Trym’s silhouette resembles something of a massive beetle, the back having slightly raised plates, and the “horn” attached to the front being the main Tritium cannon. The various missile batteries line the back, along the spine where the raised plates don’t meet.

The interior of the Thrym is a singular hall, the most spacious interior of any Grineer vehicle. Controls to all systems can be found within it, each organized into different sitting areas. The main loading dock, a ramp and portcullis to allow for ease of entry and exit, can be secured and it insanely difficult to breach. The Thrym is one of the most state-of-the-art war machines the Empire has produced.

The Thrym is the largest model of Grineer tank, possessing the most firepower and heaviest armor of all Grineer ground vehicles – aside from the Empire’s great War Engine. Its purpose is singular: destruction, chaos, the annihilation of everything in its wake. It, like most Grineer vehicles, is not frequently called on, due to the lack of proper battles, but they can still be found stationed around a number of Grineer bases and outposts, providing perhaps the highest levels of security for them.

Class: Tank (4)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 12

Capacity (Cargo): 40

Hull Armor: Medium Tellurium Alloy (350), Armor Class 11

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,900

Maximum Strain: 8 (2 rounds stalled)

[265] Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Three (3) Missile Battery Piloting Tritium Cannon Engine Four (4) Open System Communication Door Sensor

Ballista: An elongated vehicle, the Ballista is a heavily-armored monster. The front of the Ballista is covered by a thick metal place that curves up and backwards around the whole front of the vehicle. Flaming exhaust-ports emerge from the back of the vehicle just under where this plate ends, pointed upwards and venting the massive heat generated by the Ballista out and up. Continuous track treads of plastics and alloys line the underbelly, providing it with propulsion, while around the outside of the vehicle all manner of weapons can be located.

Inside of the Ballista is a cramped network of tunnels and passageways. Chutes and ladders allow quick movement throughout the vehicle, and the cockpit, located by the front, well behind the thick plate that protects it, relies on a series out outward sensor systems to give the pilot a detailed readout of their surroundings – both terrain and person-wise. Every weapon system is operated from its own direct connection somewhere on or close to the outside of the vehicle, though the protection offered by the Ballista keeps users of it safe.

The Ballista is the largest and strongest of the Grineer terrain vehicles. It has been deployed both as a countermeasure to Corpus ground forces and a means to lay siege and break the defenses of Corpus bases and other strongholds. Now with the armistice between the Corpus and Grineer in effect, however, the primary purpose of these vehicles has become an intimidation tactic. It is deployed as a show of might against Colonists, Syndicates, and, still, even Corpus that would threaten the strength of the Empire. Few are the moments when they are deployed into actual combat, however, and the Grineer who pilot these monsters relish these times.

Class: War Engine (5)

Crew Needed: 3

[266] Capacity (Persons): 25

Capacity (Cargo): 150 units

Hull Armor: Heavy Tellurium Alloy (380), Armor Class 12

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 2,700

Maximum Strain: 22 (5 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Three (3) Heavy Machine Gun Piloting Three (3) Missile Battery Engine Two (2) Demolition Cannon Battery Communication Tritium Cannon Battery Door Four (4) Open System Sensor

[267] Corpus Corpus do not make use of terrestrial vehicles often, prefer to manage things through their massive space-faring fleets. However, there are situations in which the versatility of vehicles cannot be ignored, and the Corpus have adapted. Largely with an economic focus, Corpus vehicles are only built for war under the most pressing needs.

Be it the need to combat the Grineer or simply the issues certain environments force upon ship travel, vehicles of the Corpus are as useful as they are advanced.

Bit: The Bit has a rectangular body with four anti-gravity thrusters, two each located at the front and back. Stainless silver metal in appearance, with greys and whites on the more pronounced elements of the overall shape. The main engine that powers the vehicle is located within the front underneath a thin layer of metal plating and shielding, although there is so little radiation produced by it that it might as well be harmless. Closer to the back is a silicon seat, sometimes padded sometimes not, with a pair of the standard palm-grip steering on either side of the main console, which also displays current speed, among other settings. There are no weapons on the standard model of this vehicle.

The Bit is designed for the pilot to lean forward over the console, piloting it with slight adjustments in the direction the pilot’s bodyweight is shifted. This personal speeder is not commonly seen, as the two largest groups in the Corporation – the common worker and the top managerial staff – either can’t afford it or can afford much better means of transportation, respectively. It is mostly used by middle-managers, generally for recreational purposes or for local transit options, it is also a favorite among younger and middle-age Corpus that don’t have a great deal of requirements placed upon them by their station. The most use it sees is in the hands of mercenaries and other employees or hirelings tasked to specific, long-term missions.

Class: Personal (1)

Crew Needed: 1

[268] Capacity (Persons): 1

Capacity (Cargo): 5

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Plating (230), Armor Class 9

Vehicle Shields: Light Vehicle Shield (200, 50, +10)

Hull Health: 600

Maximum Strain: 10 (2 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: One (1) Open System Piloting Engine

Quid: Roughly C-shaped in design, the main part of the Quid’s body is a smooth-and-shined surface, bearing a striking resemblance to the plating used on such proxy designs as the MOA, Osprey, and Jackal. Blue-tinged in coloration, the Quid’s armor is thick and shines, but where the main body gives way to some of the external systems – namely the anti-gravity propulsion that is just barely visible from the underside of the tank, the digital-marked light and dark greys of typical Corpus vehicle design come back into play. Weapons systems are completely located in a large tower-like protrusion coming up from the main vehicle, at base of which is the entrance to the Quid’s interior.

The interior of the Quid is largely hollow, although the armor is still thick enough to protect against a large range of weaponry. The room inside gives the crew plenty of space to move around in and store various items, but given that the Quid requires three crew to operate it – one to man the weapons, one to navigate and one to keep an eye and system readouts and keep them balance for maximum performance – this is something of a must. The steering for the Quid remains the typical Corpus palm-controls, and a bluish light fills the entirety of the space as it pours of the monitor screens.

[269] The sole tank in the entirety of the Corpus military, the Quid’s purpose is solely to counter the Grineer onslaught of machinery. As such it is designed more as a balance between offense and defense, rather than succumbing to one or the other, with enough of an economical design that it is able to be mass-produced is large enough bulk to balance out the more varied arsenal of the Grineer with sheer numbers. The armistice between the Empire and Corporation has made it so that the Quid is largely defunct, but production of it still continues – preparation for a time when one group or the other breaks the armistice.

Class: Tank (2)

Crew Needed: 3

Capacity (Persons): 6

Capacity (Cargo): 20

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Alloy (320), Armor Class 11

Vehicle Shields: Heavy Vehicle Shield (600, 30, +20)

Hull Health: 1,500

Maximum Strain: 12 (3 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Two (2) Laser Cannon Piloting Two (2) Heavy Laser Machine Gun Engine Two (2) Open System Communication Door Sensor

Cargo Rover: As boxy as most Corpus vehicles, the Cargo Rover is squares and rectangles added to the silhouette of a base rectangular design. Movement along various types of terrain is provided by a continuous track system, two on either side. Windows on the front give the pilot a few of the outside, small as it may be. The only entrance to the interior of the vessel is the cargo loading ramp on the very back of the Rover.

[270] There are only two rooms in the entirety of the Corpus Cargo Rover: the main storage compartment and a very small cockpit immediately in front of it. The sole way to access the cockpit is through the cargo bay, which is only doable with any ease if it is clear. This means that the pilot, and anyone accompanying them, must take their place in the cockpit before any cargo is loaded in, and must remain there until all cargo has been completely removed from the vehicle.

Known as a Nasdaq by many of the Navigators that pilot such vehicles, there are certain variations of this vehicle that are completely automatic, and a push is being made by certain guilds within the Corpus to make the automatizing of these rovers the standard – opposition coming from those that fear such a move would leave them vulnerable to enemy hackers. Cargo Rovers are most commonly found in hostile conditions where the environment makes the general transport Osprey proxies, and similar aerial units, near-impossible to use, making ground transport the only truly viable option.

Class: Transport (4)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 2

Capacity (Cargo): 500 units

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Plating (230), Armor Class 9

Vehicle Shields: Medium Vehicle Shield (350, 30, +15)

Hull Health: 2,000

Maximum Strain: 10 (2 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Two (2) Open System Piloting Engine Life Support Communication Door Sensor

[271] Obx Long and rectangular, a series of six large, rectangular anti-gravity generators – three on each side along the sides – move the ship along its course. Piloting is done by an open-air seat on the very front, with controls laid out in front of the pilot. All storage in the back is organized into a number of separated compartments along the sides, each equal size and capable of storing everything from shipping containers to MOAs. These interior spaces are, appropriately, fairly bare bones, resembling to some regard the Crewman sleeping pods within Corpus ships. These doors are well out of the way of the propulsion system for the safety of employees. For protection, two turrets are located on the top, along with seating for additional crew.

The Obx is called on for long-distance travel, and even interplanetary transport. Despite being larger and able to carry much more, the Obx is not entirely make for hostile environments, making the Nasdaq Cargo Rover still the better environment for in-the-field work, but in terms of moving goods through urban environments the Obx cannot be beat. A number of different Corpus guilds even deploy them occasionally in interplanetary shipping, loading goods onto the Obx and then loading the Obx onto transport ships headed for elsewhere in Origin.

Class: Transport (5)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 5

Capacity (Cargo): 800 units

Hull Armor: Heavy Tellurium Plating (270), Armor Class 10

Vehicle Shields: Medium Vehicle Shield (350, 30, +15)

Hull Health: 2,500

Maximum Strain: 13 (2 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Two (2) Laser Machine Gun Piloting Two (2) Open System Engine Communication Door Sensor


Baluster: The Baluster is a tall, upright column of a vehicle designed specifically by the Corpus for the purpose of combat. Flattened at both the bottom – where the anti-gravity thrusters can be found – and the top – acting as a lookout platform for any crew willing to make the climb. The main body is found between these two ends, beginning narrow near both the top and bottom – narrower at the top than the bottom – and gaining girth as it reaches the center point of the structure. Weapons systems can be found all along this pillar-like body. The whole of the frame is laced with the squared and grey-gradiant aesthetic of Corpus ship and vehicle design.

A pair of elevator shafts within the Baluster grant access to all five of the different floor levels within the vehicle, as well as the roof. These different floor levels, in turn, grant access to the variety of weapons that are mounted into the vehicle. Engines, appropriately, a located on the bottom floor, fuel the anti-gravity thrusters that keep it afloat and move it. Command deck is located on the fourth floor and crew quarters can be found on the third. Other floors are regulated to storage of weapons and other supplies.

A siege weapon through and through, the Baluster dominates any battle it is forced into – and it is only when it is forced into. The Baluster, for all of its power over the battlefield, is meant to be a deterrent to battle. Its size, like a massive pillar roaming across the battlefield, is meant to scare enemies away; Grineer to not scare easily, however. When not being used in battle, however, it is another part of Corpus commerce, storing goods to transport them from nearby bases to nearby bases, or simply to store them for transport aboard Corpus Flagships-class vessels.

Class: War Engine (6)

Crew Needed: 5

Capacity (Persons): 50

Capacity (Cargo): 1,000

Hull Armor: Heavy Tellurium Alloy (380), Armor Class 12

[273] Vehicle Shields: Heavy Vehicle Shield (600, 30, +20)

Hull Health: 5,000

Maximum Strain: 25 (5 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Three (3) Heavy Laser Machine Gun Piloting Four (4) Explosive Launcher Engine Four (4) Laser Cannon battery Communication Four (4) Open System Door Sensor Hacking

[274] Syndicate Ground vehicles of the Syndicates come in two distinct flavors: original designs created out of collected scrap metal and stolen supplies and ones created by Corpus and sold to Colonists, only to be taken by the Syndicates and retrofitted for battle. Although some larger machines can be found with them, primarily they make use of small, personal vehicles.

Both of these types of vehicles are nowhere near as durable or powerful as the mighty ones used by the Empire and Corporation, but they serve their purpose well.

1L-Mount: Made in the fashion of the manufacturers and distributors, the Corpus, the 1L-Mount has a very similar body structure to that of the Bit: long with the seat and controls positioned closer to the end. Rather than being of a more boxy rectangular shape, though, it is a little more streamlined and rounded, though still possessing a distinctly Corpus feel to it, and rather than using a quartet of anti-gravity engines to provide thrust for movement it uses a simple system comprised of a single simple, and primitive, engine and set of two wheels located on the underbelly of the vehicle. The controls are also similarly different: being a simple pair of handlebars rather than the Corpus- standard palm-control system.

The 1L-mout is a lightweight Personal craft created by the Corpus Corporation and marketed to Colonists – for ridiculously-unaffordable prices, of course. Few Colonists buy into this, with those that do often having connections to the Corpus, but for some the hollow promise of some range of freedom is too high. Grineer crackdown on these vehicles is extremely tight, meaning that, except under a few situations, the majority of 1L-Mounts are found in the possession of, again, Colonists associated with the Corpus. While, obviously, the Corpus do not build this vehicle with even the intention of being loaded with weapons, but Syndicates that get their hands on these often equip them with a Light Lance or some similar light-class weaponry.

Class: Personal (1)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 1

[275] Capacity (Cargo): 1 unit

Hull Armor: Light Vanadium Plating (140), Armor Class 8

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 500

Maximum Strain: 4 (1 round stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: One (1) Open System Piloting Engine

Serberis Speeder: While the Serberis of Earth is not known to be a quick animal, what the Serberis Speeder is named after the reptilian creature for is the danger to the touch it possess. While the Serberis animal is dangerous because of toxic secretions, however, the Serberis Speeder is dangerous due to a large number of shrapnel and scrap metal shards fixed across its frame. This vehicle is built to be broad and has a comfortable place for two passengers – one in the main seat and another in a seat with an Ion Rifle attached – built into it, safely away from the shrapnel spines, positioned lower to the ground with the handlebar controls a bit above. A simple combustion engine and system of four wheels positioned around the vehicle give it ample control in movement.

The Serberis Speeder is an offensive vehicle of Syndicate design, meant for close-quarters combat where everything about it design grants it an advantage. As such, it is most often seen in urban areas being used to menace Corpus or Grineer forces and civil enforcers. Although it is large enough to carry two people it is still of a relatively small size, making it easily maneuverable down a wide variety of streets that certain Grineer vehicles cannot follow, and it is fast enough to be able to outrun even pursuing Dargyn. As such, hit-and-run tactics are the go-to strategy for most who use this vehicle, striking enemies and then moving out and away from danger down paths they can’t follow.

Class: Personal (1)

[276] Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 2

Capacity (Cargo): 2 units

Hull Armor: Light Vanadium Plating (140), Armor Class 8

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 650

Maximum Strain: 6 (2 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Two (2) Light Ion Rifle Piloting Shredder Spines Engine One (1) Open System

Pursuer: The largest Personal-class vehicle designed by any of the faction, it is ironic that it is the Syndicates that designed it. Using a pair of large ship-class rocket engines – generally stolen from Grineer ships – to provide extra thrust for the pair of massive tires that give it traction on a variety of surfaces through a variety of environments. Despite these more fully-constructed elements and its general size, the main body of the Pursuer is fairly bare-bones, largely just an interconnected mess of beams with engine parts and seats. The main pilot seat sits lower than the handlebar controls, similar to the Serberis Speeder, but two additional platforms, mounted with Harpoons or other weapons, provide seating for additional gunners.

Designed to be able to, as the name implies, give pursuit to vehicles over long distances and under heavy fire, the Pursuer may be a light craft but it is still capable of dealing damage, especially once it has been able to Harpoon a target and lock them into a chosen range. Its speed and ability to keep up with enemy craft mean it is perfect for not only hit-and-run assaults but also attempts at capturing enemy craft in order to use or salvage them. The Pursuer is equipped with everything that it needs to be able to pose a serious threat to any lone Grineer patrols or Corpus transport conveys.

[277] Class: Personal (2)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 3

Capacity (Cargo): 15 units

Hull Armor: Medium Vanadium Plating (160), Armor Class 8

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 800

Maximum Strain: 16 (7 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Ion Rifle Piloting Ion Cannon Engine Two (2) Harpoon Boarding Tube Two (2) Open System

Punisher: While not of Corpus-make, the bulk of the Punisher’s body takes on a similar rectangular aesthetic to the Corporations. However, it lacks the general sleek look that the Corporation is able to give to its vehicles, having the rugged and beaten aesthetic that is a near-give for Syndicate creations, and uses an internal engine, rather than anti-gravity engines, and a continuous track system on each side of the body for movement. Rising from the center of the body is a mounted ion cannon. Ion rifles and a heavy lance project from the body.

These weapons are operated from direct controls on the inside, allowing them to be moved and maneuvered to target a number of directions. Lower to the ground than a number of other vehicles, there is only a slight space between the base of the tank and the ground. Those operating inside of the Punisher have a number of windows – usually just holes in the sides – to look out through to survey their surroundings and plan their course of action. These windows also provide

[278] a source of light, as the interior of the Pursuer is without any light of its own. The minelayer drops its cargo out of a port on the backside.

The sole model of Tank-class vehicles able to be produced by the Syndicates. They are not meant to be fast or speedy, nor are they meant to be able to move quickly and escape targets, but they are powerful and they are dangerous in the hands of a skilled pilot. It is a rare thing when the Syndicates are able to go on a proper offensive, but the Punisher is able to shine whenever they have the chance to deploy it. The Punishers are also equally rare to even exist, however, due to the sheer amount of time and manpower that a Syndicate has to put towards even the construction of one, and the difficulty they often have in concealing them.

Class: Tank (2)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 5

Capacity (Cargo): 25 units

Hull Armor: Heavy Vanadium Plating (180), Armor Class 9

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,800

Maximum Strain: 10 (4 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Three (3) Heavy Ion Rifle Piloting Ion Cannon Engine Minelayer Communication Heavy Lance Door Two (2) Open System

4L-Cart: Moved on a system of six total wheels and propelled by a combustion engine, the 4L-Cart’s body is comprised of a simple interior compartment able to fit roughly four people comfortably

[279] and then an open back and “bed” space where more people can sit or items can be placed when they need to be moved, with room available for a number of either or both, from one location to another that is decently far away – or not depending on the laze of the owners of the vehicle. This back is, naturally, much larger than the enclosed front, and the whole of the body, much as in the same way as the 1L-Mount, has some characteristics of being of Corpus design but clearly does not match with it exactly.

The back “bed” of the 4L-Cart is largely the same as the rest of exterior, with a slight change in texture to enhance traction. The interior of the front is where the control can be found, as well as regular seating, granting little room for movement, although it is still possible. There is an internal light that is projected from the dashboard, allowing for some vision of the interior in the dark. However, the standard 4L-Cart model lacks any sort of external light projection, meaning that either Colonists or Syndicates will have to install such separately of their own accord or that those using the vehicle will simply have to avoid, or be extra cautious while, driving during periods of low visibility.

A Transport-class vehicle developed by the Corpus for sale to the Colonists, this machine is actually fairly cheap compared to some of the others, and that has made it fairly common in the colonies – those owned by the Corpus that allow such at least. However, the reason for this uncharacteristically-low pricing becomes evident when one realizes that the 4L-Cart is prone to more malfunctions and breakdowns than any other vehicle or ship in all of Origin. Because of this it is not uncommon to find these Transports abandoned in city streets or the wilderness, providing refuge to the homeless or animals. Still, Colonists buy them, using them as a means of transporting people and goods across long terrestrial distances.

Class: Transport (4)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 10

Capacity (Cargo): 100 units

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Plating (230), Armor Class 9

Vehicle Shields: Light Vehicle Shield (200, 50, +10)

[280] Hull Health: 1,500

Maximum Strain: 8 (3 strain)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Four (4) Open System Piloting Engine Communication

[281] Ships The primary backbone of any interplanetary trade and even basic movement throughout Origin. From the massive flagships of the Corpus and Grineer to the simple fighters that even the Syndicates are capable of producing and making use of, anything that can stay and move in the air for large periods of time, generally, has also been upgraded over time to function in space as well, as, sooner or later, their support is likely to be needed in an orbital engagement.

Ship Classes Ships in Warframe: Armistice Era are regulated one of six (6) classes that represent a different purpose in their construction. Each class of Ship also has a special mechanic that influences their ability (specifically in combat).

Class: Description: Mechanics: Typically one-man piloted ships, these vehicles are Class Sizes: 1-2 small and fragile but are incredibly fast and Special: May take two (2) Fighter difficult to hit. Fighters typically act as escorts for actions per turn. larger, less well-defended craft, and when ships are All Accuracy Checks capable of housing small vessels they are usually made against it suffer a the class of ship that they are outfitted with. plus fifteen (+15) penalty. Combat pods are similar to Fighters: typically- Class Sizes: 3 one-person vehicles that are fast and often used to Special: May take two (2) fill the docks of larger vessels. The difference actions per turn. Combat Pod typically comes into play with the construction: Takes seventy (70) less combat pods are designed to take a beating in damage from collisions. combat, being far more durable than fighters, and even a few larger classes of ships. Gunships are typically used in atmospheric battles, Class Sizes: 4-6 rather than space ones (although they are just as Special: If an attack capable at them as well). Gunships are designed makes three (3) Successes Gunship to be focused heavily around dealing as much (2 Critical Hits) the damage as possible, although they don’t player manning that necessarily sacrifice durability for it. Gunships weapon may make also carry soldiers into more dangerous situations another attack with it. where Shuttles would be at risk. Shuttles are, as the name says, used to shuttle Class Sizes: 5-6 Shuttle people from place to place. Whether they are Special: May increase soldiers heading for a new barracks or flagship or Speed Level by values of VIPs being moved to a location of interest. two (2) instead of one (1).

[282] The backbone of any economy, Freighters are the Class Size: 7-9 means used by Grineer, Corpus, and even some Special: If someone is Freighter Colonist groups to transport goods need for repairing the Engine survival from one end of the Origin System to Systems when they’ve another. While these ships more often than not been damaged or Stalled lack means of offense their defensive capabilities they will be repaired are outclassed only by mighty Flagships. twice as fast. The pride and joy of any fleet. There are no Class Size: 10-13 Flagship Syndicate flagships, as only the Corpus and Special: All attacks Grineer have the resources to produce them, and receive a bonus seven (7) these massive ships damage dice.

[283] Grineer As with all their technology, Grineer ships are two things: destructive and efficient. While they are not the most aesthetically-pleasing craft in Origin they fulfill their purpose without issue. From Fighters such as the Dargyn, to Combat Pods, Gunships, and the mighty Galleon Flagships that bear the brunt of space warfare to the Shuttles and Freighters that move around the resources the Empire needs to continue to tighten its grip around Origin, there are few things as terrifying to behold as the sight of a Grineer fleet amassing for or after a Solar Rail punch.

Even the largest Grineer ships are dwarfed by the great flagships of the Corpus fleets, though rumors speak of the Council debating over plans for something new and terrible.

Dargyn: The Dargyn is not a large craft. It is comparable in size to the Grineer that operate it, but it is fast, able to dodge around incoming fire, as all Fighter-class ships can, and it is sturdy, able to carry devastatingly effective weapons. There is no interior. The Dargyn is designed for the pilot to stand on it in open air on a rotating cockpit and turret section, this does leave the pilot exposed, however, but the Dargyn is designed to compensate for this exposure with the engines being on a separate piece from the main body, meaning what it can maintain a straight direction while the pilot turns to face enemies with the more-armored front. The craft comes standard with built-in life support, making it usable for even deep-space confrontations.

Unlike the Dreg which is created solely for those Grineer whose defects have left their bodies unfit for service save through incorporation into machinery, the Dargyn is designed for use by Grineer that still have a full body. Though a one-man craft incapable of carrying more than a single individual, it is not uncommon for terrestrial-based Grineer to tie prisoners or corpses in need of transport to the craft and drag them to their final destination. Variations in the design exist in mass, making the Dargyn one of the most versatile Grineer fighters, second only, perhaps, to the Dreg. However, these variations are restricted to by-order-only deployment, meaning it is uncommon for regular soldiers to have access to them.

Class: Fighter (1)

[284] Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 1

Capacity (Cargo): 1 unit

Rail-Compatible: No

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Plating (230), Armor Class 9

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 800

Maximum Strain: 8 (3 Rounds Stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: One (1) Light Machine Gun Piloting One (1) Defensive Flares Launcher Life Support One (1) Open System Engine

Ogma: Omgas have no additional room for either crew or cargo transport – despite being often employed as mining tools. Ogmas are much sturdier than Dargyns, and also boast greater firepower. The bulbous body of the Ogma is covered with thick Tellerium plating, with the cannon and drill blades of its more devastating connected to it via arm-like appendages. Beneath the main structure of the Ogma also sits a rotating machine gun, controlled by the pilot inside.

Inside of the Ogma there is a single room with little room to maneuver, save to enter or exit the vehicle, with all of the controls and a proper display presented to the pilot. Everything is immediately in reach within this cramped, single-room space. Thankfully, only one person is needed to man any given weapon system while also piloting the ship at the same time. With no visible windows, the Ogma relies on interior sensors and monitor readouts to determine where objects around it are located.

While not the standard combat pod of the Empire, unless a Grineer is born too mutated to effectively pilot a normal craft – or is willing to have themselves permanently altered into such a

[285] state – the Ogma is their first choice of combat pod vessels. The Ogma is a powerful engine of destruction that leaves ruin in its wake, employed largely around Grineer asteroid bases. They can also be found within the depths of Uranus, where they are used to carve out new tunnels for the expansion of Grineer cloning facilities.

Class: Combat Pod (3)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 1

Capacity (Cargo): 1 unit

Rail-Compatible: No

Hull Armor: Medium Tellurium Plating (250), Armor Class 11

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,200

Maximum Strain: 12 (4 rounds Stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: One (1) Machine Gun Piloting One (1) Demolition Cannon Life Support One (1) Mining Drill Engine One (1) Open System Communication

Dagda: The Dagda is a lager, slightly-better armored combat pod than the Ogma. Sharing the same bulbous design as the Ogma, the Dagda is slightly elongated, giving it an appearance not dissimilar from that of a Galleon, though it is far smaller. Like the Ogma, the Dagda’s primary weapons are on arm-like appendages, while a tertiary weapon – this time a flare launcher – is built into the body of the craft itself. Like the Ogma, there are no windows.

The Dagda’s interior is slightly larger than the Ogmas, owing to its elongated design. Regardless of this, it is still a compact space, a design feature that is common among the vast

[286] majority of Grineer vessels, not dissimilar to the feel of a submarine from Old Earth naval fleets. The controls to the weapons and systems are more spread out, but are within easily-reachable distance of each other.

Dagdas are designed for one thing: space combat. Their Demolition Cannons are apt at destroying both smaller and larger craft, and the armoring makes them well-suited for combat. Like the Ogma and Dargyn, however, they are not Rail-Compatible on their own, and thus typically move with larger Grineer fleets, carried by Galleons or similar large craft.

Class: Combat Pod (3)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 2

Capacity (Cargo): 0 units

Rail-Compatible: No

Hull Armor: Heavy Tellurium Plating (270), Armor Class 11

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,300

Maximum Strain: 11 (3 rounds Stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Two (2) Light Demolition Cannon Piloting One (1) Defensive Flares Launcher Life Support Two (2) Open System Engines Communication

Wasp: While not heavily armored it does boast a decent ability to resist train. Wings on the sides of the Wasp carry the Missiles Launchers, while a machine gun turret rests on the belly of the ship. Bubble-shaped windows on the front of the craft give the pilot and passengers a limited by reliable

[287] view of the area ahead. The backend of the Wasp supports both a tail for assistance in atmospheric navigation as well as the posable engines that propel it up and forward.

The Wasp’s design also features a pair of hull hatches that can be opened to allow for quick and easy troop deployment, when sealed they are air-tight, and all weapons can still be accessed by on-board parties while they are, meaning it is also usable in space combat scenarios. Unfortunately, life support systems are not a standard systems on the Wasp, meaning that space combat is not something they engage in regularly – although they can, if equipped with the proper modifications. The interior itself is just a compact as most other Grineer ships.

The Wasp gunship is a model most often employed to harass Colonists and Syndicate ground forces, rather than engage in dogfights or siege operations. Despite this, it is more often called on for terrestrial ones, where its dual-purpose of combat gunship and troop transport can be best utilized by commanders, though it is used as such only when ships more geared towards that purpose – such as the Vesper – are not available.

Class: Gunship (4)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 6

Capacity (Cargo): 20 units

Rail Compatible: No

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Alloy (320), Armor Class 12

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,600

Maximum Strain: 13 (4 rounds Stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: One (1) Machine Gun Piloting Two (2) Missile Launcher Engine Two (2) Open System Communication Door


Hornet: The structure of the Hornet gunship in very similar to that of the wasp. Both have similar armoring and hull integrity, but the design of the Hornet reveals that it was designed to be a more economical alternatives to the Wasp. The Hornet lacks wings and its tail is extended into a curved flat ridge. The bulbous nature of Grineer aesthetic design is still present in the rounded shape of the cockpit, at the front of which extend a pair of claw-like appendages used for transporting additional goods (should the need arise). The design is less-aerodynamic, fitting as the Hornet is more commonly used in space skirmishes.

The interior is somewhat more compressed than the Wasp, crowding out a potential number of other crew – though just to a slight degree. Space regulated for the storage of cargo is attached to the belly of the gunship – cargo that is generally reserve ammunition. A single door separates the cockpit from the crew sitting area. Controls of the Hornet’s weapons are also present on the interior within the crew storage area, providing would-be gunners with ease of access to the ship’s weapon systems.

The Hornet, with its focus on heavy munitions, is the gunship of choice for dealing as much damage to enemy ships and fortifications as possible. This additional focus on heavy weaponry comes with a cost, however, as despite being just as light as the Wasp the Hornet is not quite as capable of operating within the same parameters. Despite this, the Hornet design has seem little in terms of modification over the years. Despite being of a cheaper design, the Hornet, unlike the Wasp, is able to traverse Solar Rails on its own.

Class: Gunship (5)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 5

Capacity (Cargo): 40 units

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Alloy (320), Armor Class 11

[289] Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,600

Maximum Strain: 11 (4 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Two (2) Missile Launcher Piloting One (1) Missile Battery Life Support Two (2) Open System Engine Communication

Vesper: The Vesper is the largest of all Grineer gunships. It forgoes the wings of other Grineer gunship designs are relies solely on a decent number of rocket boosters for mobility, the front of the Vesper has no windows. Like the Ogma and Dagda Combat Pods, it relies on sensors and monitor readouts to see around it. The ship’s shape is that of a slightly-elongated oval, wedged towards the back end, maintaining the characteristic Grineer bulky and bulbous-ness across its entire surface area of the hull.

As it is designed for troop transport, the interior of the Vesper is a more open than typical ships of similar size. The interior of the Vesper is comparable to the interior of Galleon halls: compact but sizeable enough to move large numbers of soldiers through them. At the back end of the ship is a large loading ramp to allow for the quick and easy boarding and disembarking of the ship. All weapon controls are located in the cockpit.

The Vesper is the largest of all Grineer gunships and the type most commonly used in combat. Built primarily to carry a large numbers of Grineer soldiers into battle, the Vesper also comes equipped with powerful weapons to defend itself with while it fulfills its primary function.

Class: Gunship (6)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 20

[290] Capacity (Cargo): 75 units

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Medium Tellurium Alloy (350), Armor Class 11

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 2,000

Maximum Strain: 16 (4 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Three (3) Machine Gun Piloting Two (2) Tritium Cannon Life Support Three (3) Open System Engine Communication

Dinghy: The Dinghy shares the bulbous look of other Grineer vessels, rounded edges with few smooth or flat surfaces. The engine funnels its energy into a pair of rocket boosters attach to the backend of the sides of the ship. As a smaller a smaller Grineer ship, the Dinghy has to make sacrifices to be able to fulfil its purpose as a transport ship

The interior presents a single room where communal sleeping, eating, and hygiene areas can all be found, as well as the engine – although the navigation is in the cockpit, the only separate room. Because of the thinner armor it possesses, however, this room is surprisingly spacious, as Grineer vessels go. Soldiers will still be bumping shoulders as they move around, but not as badly as they would be in the troop transports of the Gunships.

The Dinghy is a Grineer transport used for transporting troops into most combat situations. Despite the conditions under which the Dinghy is expected to perform, is armed with only the barest of weapons systems and lightest of Grineer armor; the reasoning behind this odd choice stands that, in the majority of cases, a Dinghy will be accompanied by multiple fighter craft, or simply too many other transport vessels to effectively destroy them – and their clone soldier contents – without letting all pass through.

[291] Class: Shuttle (5)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 10

Capacity (Cargo): 250 units

Rail Compatible: No

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Plating (230), Armor Class 10

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,000

Maximum Strain: 5 (3 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Two (2) Light Machine Gun Piloting Two (2) Open System Life Support Engine Communication

Ferry: A larger personnel transport ship, the Ferry is characterized by having its cockpit curve forward out of its left side, rather than placed directly at the front like most ships. All of the weapons system included on the Ferry are visible to anyone looking at it from afar – likely meant to be a deterrent against would-be raiders or pirates. The bottom of the Ferry is the most bulbous and armored, which also doubles as storage for landing legs.

The interior of a Ferry is more elaborate than their Dinghy, dividing into a few rooms. Most of these are crew living quarters but other rooms include a mess hall, engine room, cargo bay, and even a medical center – as well as the obligatory cockpit. The numerous and varied number of weapon systems that are available to the ship are easily accessible from points throughout the ship.

[292] The Ferries are designed to make trips without the need of an escort. While high ranking members of the Grineer courts would never risk taking these except under the most pressing of circumstances – preferring to travel by Galleon, often with an accompanying fleet, Magistrate- level and lower officials make regular use of these, as do any forces ordained by the Queens or Council to act on their behalf.

Class: Shuttle (6)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 12

Capacity (Cargo): 150 units

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Heavy Tellurium Plating (270), Armor Class 11

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,100

Maximum Strain: 5 (3 rounds stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Two (2) Light Machine Gun Piloting One (1) Defensive Flares Launcher Life Support One (1) Laser Cannon Engine One (1) Heavy Machine Gun Communication One (1) Open System Door

Lug: The Lug is characterized by a narrow bow – in which the cockpit is located – with a larger main body far behind it. The bulbous body narrows again as it comes to the rocket thrusters, with all storage and crew quarters located within the “belly” of the ship. All weapons systems are located on the top of the ship.

[293] The Lug is a small Grineer cargo ship. Because of this, it carried little in terms of crew space, regulating most of its storage to cargo. Space for transporting crew and some passengers is available, however, like the Dinghy, it is largely focused around a singular communal area, where beds and other amenities can be found. All weapons systems can be reached through paths inside the ship and have system attached to them.

The Lug is the standard transport ship for cargo within the Grineer Empire for short-range transport. Be it weapons or resources, the Lug moves goods from sector to sector within the sub- systems of the Empire with relative ease. The Lug’s small size also means it is capable of easily being stored within Galleons or hidden within other fleets, making it the vessel of choice for transporting cargo of a more sensitive nature.

Class: Freighter (7)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 10

Capacity (Cargo): 2,000 units

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Medium Tellurium Alloy (350), Armor Class 12

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 2,000

Maximum Strain: 15 (3 rounds Stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Two (2) Machine Gun Piloting Two (2) Demolition Cannon Life Support Two (2) Missile Launcher Engine Two (2) Open system Communication Door

[294] Slog: A larger Grineer cargo ship, the Slog is a direct upgrade to the Lug design – however, with its upgraded cargo capacity and slightly-sturdier frame comes increased cost. Physically the Slog looks exactly like that: a larger variation of the Lug. There are some minute differences, such as a different model of thrusters and slightly more bulky shape to the main body, but these are largely unnoticeable to the less-discerning eye. There are a few faces of a Slog being mistaken for its smaller counterpart by even Grineer forces, but these issues rarely result in any major difficulties for any parties involved.

The interior of the ship is largely the same as the exterior: a mirror variation of the Slog. There is no additional space for crew, however, just cargo – a completely doubling of available cargo space, in fact. The singular communal sleeping, eating, and hygiene quarters remain the same, and the cockpit is actually scaled down in size to account for thicker plating around it – allowing only a small handful of crew into it at any given time. The layout of the interior also largely remains unchanged, with small differences that are merely present to account for the change in size.

The Lug has remained the go-to transport for Grineer goods and resources, with Slog units mixed indiscriminately into transport caravans. While larger, no additional space is allocated towards the transportation of persons, only added cargo space. The Slog is slightly more durable than the Lug, and because of this it is more often used for long-range transport – from sub-system to sub-system in the Empire – but less often used for covert missions.

Class: Freighter (8)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 10

Capacity (Cargo): 4,000

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Medium Tellurium Alloy (350), Armor Class 12

Vehicle Shields: None

[295] Hull Health: 2,300

Maximum Strain: 15 (3 rounds Stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Two (2) Light Demolition Cannon Piloting Two (2) Machine Gun Life Support One (1) Demolition Cannon Engine Three (3) Open System Communication Door Sensor Docking Bay

Galleon: The Galleon is a massive vessel, vaguely insect-like in shape and bulbous – as are common themes for all Grineer vessels. Metal antenna stick out from across the body, serving as a mixture scanning equipment and landing gear for those few times when the Galleons need to dock, and at the bow of the ship great windows within the command deck can be found looking out into space, with communications and control arrays scattered throughout. Weapons systems line the ship’s exterior, mighty cannon and missile batteries alike, making it an intimidating visage of the Empire’s power to gaze upon.

Crew housing inside a galleon is no issue at all, with barracks sections throughout the ship broken up into bunks for two or four Grineer to occupy at a time. Aside from that, the interior of Galleons vary depending on who is responsible for constructing them and where they will be shipped to. Every manufacturer – and every commander – has a preferred ship layout, and rather than regulate the styles, the Grineer find it simpler to simply let them have their way – one of the benefits of having a truly disposal labor force. These differences rarely cause any difficulties when commanders change, only a short adjustment period in which the new owners of the ships take to becoming acquainted with what they might see as a strange design.

The Galleon has many purposes within the Empire’s navy: assault ships, hit-and-run attacks, barricades, and it serves all of these purposes well. The great Grineer Galleon is the backbone of the entirety of the Empire’s fleets. A sign of the iron will and dominance of the

[296] Grineer, these warships – while dwarfed by the larger Corpus flagships, and even smaller than the smallest – strike fear into the hearts of all that see them exit the railways or take up orbit in a sub- system.

Class: Flagship (10)

Crew Needed: 10

Capacity (Persons): 5,000

Capacity (Cargo): 10,000 units

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Heavy Tellurium Alloy (380), Armor Class 12

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 3,000

Maximum Strain: 22 (7 rounds Stalled)

Standard Weapons: Standard Systems: Thirty (30) Heavy Machine Gun Piloting Twenty (20) Missile Battery Life Support Twenty (20) Heavy Demolition Cannon Engine Twenty (20) Tritium Cannon Battery Communication Ten (10) Laser Cannon Battery Door Ten (10) Boarding Pod Launcher Sensor Five (5) Open System Docking Bay

[297] Corpus The Corpus use their ships to help maintain their economic power and growth throughout Origin. Great trade-fleets rotate from sub-system to sub-system, moving goods, services, and even people from time to time. While not the same harbingers of fear that the Grineer fleets are, the sight of Corpus ships does not promote feelings of comfort either. The great Flagships – in all their classes – and various freighters and shuttles mean to many that a new wave of extortion and loss is upon them – and, for many, this is just as devastating as pure genocide.

The Corpus do not have many combat-oriented vessels within their fleet they make up for this fact by having various proxies designed specifically for extraterrestrial activity and battle.

Bter: Large and box-shaped, the Bter fighters are not often deployed, but when they are they it is because all other options have failed. The Bter have a vaguely rectangular shape, with the lower body of the ship housing weapon and propulsion systems, two anti-gravity generators protruding from the sides on rotaries, while the upper half contains the cube-shaped cockpit. While not as flexible as the Grineer Dargyn, or certain proxies such as the and Osprey variants, it manages to keep up in its own right, with rotatable laser weapons on the sides giving it a full range of options for its offensive measures.

The interior of the Bter is cramped, but efficiently so. It is designed with two pilots in mind – one of pilot, another to operate the weapons systems – but it is just as easily utilized by a single pilot. The typical Corpus single-handed controls are used, with sensor readouts and communications systems are easily accessible around. A port on the back of the cockpit allows fairly easy entrance and exit, though it is only large enough to allow one pilot to pass through with ease at a time.

The Corpus prefer to let their proxies handle situations, even in space. There are times when a human touch is needed, however, and it’s in these moments that the Bter and their Navigators can shine. A prominent downside comes in that these Fighters, like most Fighters, cannot make Solar Rail jumps on their own. They require housing on or inside larger craft with

[298] the ability to in order to traverse from one corner of Origin to another. The Bter serves as secondary guardians for space stations and trade convoys.

Class: Fighter (2)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 2

Capacity (Cargo): 5 units

Rail Compatible: No

Hull Armor: Medium Tellurium Plating (250), Armor Class 10

Vehicle Shields: Light Vehicle Shields (200, 50, +10)

Hull Health: 1,000

Maximum Strain: 10 (2 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Two (2) Laser Battery Door One (1) Open System Life Support Engine Sensor Communication Piloting

Gox: The Gox has a structure that is reminiscent of the Grineer Ogma’s silhouette – a core body with two arms that carry the weapons systems – however aside from that the two look very different. Made with the same Corpus silver as a number of their ships, the Gox has a rigidly box- shaped structure, looking like cubes stacked within cubes, and even its arms are more rectangles loosely attached to pivots than actual arms. The Gox has no windows, relying on sensors and cameras to give a visual readout to the pilots inside.

[299] The interior of the Gox is similar to that of the Ogma, again baring the Grineer’s bulky, malformed construction style. It is a tight space with everything the pilot needs within reaching distance. Controls are not labeled but are organized into sections divided by purpose – piloting, weapons, and the rest – with the centerpiece being the Corpus-standard single-handed piloting control. The singular entrance and exit to the ship can be found on the bottom.

A heavy-duty Corpus combat and mining craft, the Gox is used for asteroid-based resource gathering, ship-salvage work, and ship defense organization. The Gox’s durable design, on par with the Grineer Ogma, if not slightly more defensible, able to take the weight of collapsing space rock and ship metal on them without breaching. Corpus field these as part of their standard Flagship loadout, as, like the Bter, they cannot make the Rail punch on their own.

Class: Combat Pod (3)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 1

Capacity (Cargo): 5 units

Rail Compatible: No

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Plating (230), Armor Class 10

Vehicle Shields: Heavy Ship Shield (600, 30, +20)

Hull Health: 1,300

Maximum Strain: 10 (2 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: One (1) Explosive Launcher Door One (1) Mining Laser Life Support One (1) Open System Engine Sensor Communication Piloting

[300] Puranas: The Puranas’ design, while lined with the intricate metalwork fusing of Corpus ships, is uninspired: it is a large cube with for smaller cubes coming from its lower corners and s singular medium-sized cube on its front face. These smaller cubes are the landing gear and primary anti- gravity thrusters for the Puranas, moving it effortlessly through the air without any of the fussy noise or heat that come with the majority of ships in Origin; the medium-sized cube on the front of the main body – which is for crew storage – is the cockpit.

The interior of the Puranas is fairly bare-bones, having little more than a lot of standing room with handgrips coming down for the ceiling for passengers to hold onto. The cockpit has a little more to it, presenting all the controls and technical readouts for the ship. The only other detail of interest that the main room of the Puranas has is that ladders to the weapons systems – located on the ship’s top – can be found here, providing any crew seeking to use the weapons with a short climb upwards. These ladders can be moved up and down depending on whether the crew is interested in storing them or keeping them available at all times.

A Corpus transport designed solely to move Crewmen from ship to ship for service rotations or when additional hands are needed for repairs on other Corporation vessels. Despite this, it has some weapons systems pre-installed upon manufacture for protection purposes and is also capable of traversing Solar Rails. Why is has this last feature when it is used for largely local assignments is unclear, though all signs point to it simply being an alteration to better equip the Corpus trade fleets.

Class: Shuttle (5)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 20

Capacity (Cargo): 20

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Plating (230), Armor Class 10

Vehicle Shields: Light Ship Shield (200, 50, +10)

[301] Hull Health: 600

Maximum Strain: 5 (2 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: One (1) Laser Cannon Door One (1) Light Laser Machine Gun Life Support One (1) Open System Engine Communication Piloting

Daric: Shaped like a flattened cube with another cube set on top of it, the Daric is suspended by four rotatable rectangular legs – resembling the Gox’s “arms,” though on the Daric they are slightly more rounded towards the top and flattened in a way to be conducive to landing where the meet the ground – that extend from its corners and serve as landing gear and anti-gravity propulsion. On the belly is a rectangular space the acts as a storage compartment, accessed from the outside of the ship rather than the interior. It shares the general details of most Corpus ships.

As it is designed to act as transport for small numbers, none of the interior spaces are very large. The main body is carved up into a few separate-and-tiny sitting areas, as well as the cockpit, and access to the singular Light Machine Gun is found in one of these rooms, though space for further weapons systems is allotted for personal variation, and the engine can be found in another. All other systems are controlled through the cockpit, though it has limited space and can only fit a small number of people at a time.

A Corpus transport ship used to carry small loads and numbers of people from planet-to- ships. Because of this it is not able to use Solar Rails, and must dock within ships capable of doing so to travel away from the sub-system it is currently located in. Despite its small size, two Crew are needed to pilot it due to complicated controls that have yet to be refined, but as the complication of the controls also translates into a slightly more economical performance from the craft such changes are unlikely to happen.

Class: Shuttle (5)

[302] Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 5

Capacity (Cargo): 40

Rail Compatible: No

Hull Armor: Medium Tellurium Plating (250), Armor Class 10

Vehicle Shields: Light Ship Shield (200, 50, +10)

Hull Health: 800

Maximum Strain: 8 (1 round stalled)

Weapons: Systems: One (1) Heavy Laser Machine Gun Door Two (2) Open System Life Support Engine Sensor Communication Piloting

Siglos: In a slight departure from typical Corpus ship design, the Siglos forgoes boxier design for something a little more smooth and elegant. While the main body is roughly an elongated rectangle its edges are flattened, and in lieu of rectangular landing gear-anti-gravity propulsion combination elements it uses a pair of large, Osprey-like wings to provide movement while thin rounded beams act as landing gear on the bottom of the base. At the front of the ship is a large window to give the pilot and others a view of the surrounding area.

The interior is more ornate, as Corpus goes, including sleeping and hygiene spaces for crew and passengers to make use of; but while there are more comfortable quarters for any VIP traveling to use the majority of living space is regulated to the standard Corpus crew bunks – compact, storage-locker like chambers which seal the user inside and block out any external distractions,

[303] opening at a predetermined time, usually when that Crewman’s ship begins (though they can be programmed for emergency exit from within).

A Corpus transport and dropship used primarily to transport VIP personnel. Despite the specific purpose, the Siglos is able to carry the most troops out of any of the Corpus Shuttles – owing to the need to security, especially when high-ranking members of the Board or those close to them are being moved aboard one. Despite this, weapon system are minimal, as most effort in construction and research and development for the craft goes into the development and improvement of the Siglos’ defenses. Despite this, the Siglos is designed to allow for the purchaser to make use of a few modifications they find appealing.

Class: Shuttle (6)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 30

Capacity (Cargo): 50

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Heavy Tellurium Plating (270), Armor Class 10

Vehicle Shields: Medium Ship Shield (350, 30 +15)

Hull Health: 1,500

Maximum Strain: 10 (2 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: One (1) Laser Cannon Door One (1) Light Laser Machine Gun Life Support Two (2) Open System Engine Sensor Communication Piloting

[304] Omx: The Omx has a flat rectangular design, with two larger rectangles protruding from its underbelly, lengthwise, that are its landing gear and anti-gravity thrusters. Their design is incredibly simple and compact, with the entrance to the cockpit (located in the front-most of the two landing gear) located on the top. The back landing gear also doubles as cargo storage, access to which is found on a door located on the back just above the holding area, able to hold a decent amount of various packaged materials.

All passenger capacity is regulated to the cockpit, where a trio of chairs allow them to sit without much movement ability. All other storage space across the Omx is regulated to cargo, and while it is, technically, possible for stowaways to use the cargo bay as transport, doing so is potentially risk to the health as, while the cargo containers used to transport goods are appropriately shielded from the conditions of space, the cargo storage bay itself is not (despite the durable defensive plating).

A Corpus freighter designed exclusively for the movement of goods, be it from ship-to- ship or ship-to-surface (or vice-versa). While it can hold its piloting crew, there is not safe or comfortable passage for additional passengers. Also, unlike the Dox, the Omx has no weapon systems, initially – though, like many other ships, the possibility for the addition of some is provided by manufacturers. Thankfully it makes up for this defense-focused choice by having an extremely durable hull and shielding.

Class: Freighter (8)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 3

Capacity (Cargo): 7,000

Rail Compatible: No

Hull Armor: Medium Tellurium Alloy (350), Armor Class 11

Vehicle Shields: Heavy Ship Shield (600, 30, +20)

Hull Health: 3,500

[305] Maximum Strain: 12 (4 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: One (1) Open System Door Life Support Engine Sensor Communication Piloting

Dox: The Dox, as is fitting with such a similar-sounding name, draw heavy inspiration from the Gox combat pod for its design. A massive ship design roughly ten times the size of the Corpus combat pod standard, featuring a more elongated box shape that stretches back for some distance, with anti-gravity thrusters across the belly of the ship. The exterior if marked with the digital-like patterning and grey metal coloration that appears on the Gox, with the loading ramp located on the belly of the ship. The Dox also sports a pair of arm-like appendages, attached to which the energy cannons and laser machine guns of its weapons systems are found.

The Dox sports limited internal crew space – roughly just a sleeping quarters with the cockpit attached – and all other internal spacing is dedicated to the cargo bay and engine room. All systems – weapons and otherwise – with the exception of the engines are operated through the cockpit. While Corpus ships this size are normally fairly spacious, the interior of the Dox is somewhat cramped – mirroring the Omx’s design plan to some extent. All power systems are rerouted through the ceiling.

The Dox is designed to be less durable but has weapons systems included in its design, as well as slightly more room for crew to operate in comfortably. Despites the less-durable intentions, between the armor and the shielding it is still a formidable force to be pit against. The Dox is a discount ship, used by smaller firms within the larger Corpus guilds whose activities do not warrant the sending of funds on more expensive freighter designs – be it through purchase or rent – and the Black Seed is known to favor the use of these types of Freighters because of this.

Class: Freighter (8)

[306] Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 10

Capacity (Cargo): 5,000

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Medium Tellurium Alloy (350), Armor Class 11

Vehicle Shields: Heavy Ship Shield (600, 30, +20)

Hull Health: 1,100

Maximum Strain: 18 (5 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Two (2) Laster Machine Gun Door Two (2) Laser Cannon Life Support Two (2) Open System Engine Sensor Communication Piloting

Vega: The Vega is the largest Freighter-class ship in the Corpus trade-fleets, and while it is not quite big enough to be counted among the Flagships of the Corporation, though they certainly come close. The Vega is a largely uncomplicated ship design, a large rectangular body with a command deck suspended just a bit above the center of the body, with the anti-gravity propulsion located on two similarly-rectangular beams attached to the main body by a series struts. There are slight curvatures to the whole of the body, not quite giving it an organic feel but making it all the more aerodynamic in atmospheric environments.

Possessing more cargo and crew-space than both the Dox and Omx combined, the Vega allows for both larger numbers of forces and great amounts of resources to be moved during any one time. With a number of rooms dedicated as crew quarters – though they are still regulated to the crewman lockers – and others used for a variety of other purposes, with engine and cargo rooms

[307] separated from others, the Vega shows an attention to design with the intention for simplicity and versatility that set it apart from most lower-class ships in the Corpus trade-fleets.

The Vega is less-often used for large-scale, interplanetary transport, as the Corpus Flagships make use of this – but in terms of moving goods between Corpus holdings within any of the Corpus-owned sub-systems there are few better options. Fuel, food, weapons, and any other variety of supplies are easily moved from one Corpus base to another, and even Crewmen transfers are occasionally made with the Vega, rather than any of the Corpus Shuttle-class ships. The Vega

Class: Freighter (9)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 30

Capacity (Cargo): 9,000

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Medium Tellurium Alloy (350), Armor Class 12

Vehicle Shields: Heavy Ship Shield (600, 30, +20)

Hull Health: 2,000

Maximum Strain: 18 (5 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Three (3) Heavy Laser Machine Gun Battery Door Two (2) Laser Cannon Battery Life Support Three (3) Open System Engine Sensor Communication Piloting

Cantilever: Though the smallest of the Corpus Flagships, the Cantilever is still larger the majority of other ships – even the mighty Galleon of the Grineer fleets is smaller in comparison (though not

[308] by much). A rectangular body, smoothed out with slight ridges and breaks in the overall armor layering, the Cantilever is an uncomplicated vessel. A number of massive cylinder attachments can be found on the sides, belly, and rear of the ship, which are used to store foodstuffs and fuel for transport across the Origin System.

The ship’s interior is massive, the size of most moderate-sized Corpus bases, and possesses everything that such a Corpus base would have in terms of crew housing and various systems. An interconnected system of proxies transport lines allows for defensive robotics to be transported and deployed across the ship within moments, and a vast array of other storage spaces throughout the ship give it the room it needs to transport a variety of other types of goods when the need arises. Crew housing continues to be regulated to the locker-like chambers, with escape pods giving the majority of the crew a chance to escape in the case of an emergency.

Named due to their primary purpose of transporting food supplies, as well as fuel and other precious-but-basic goods, Cantilever-class Corpus flagships are the second-most common type of flagship in the whole extent of the Corpus fleet. Though their size would seemingly make them a target for Grineer and Syndicate raiders, it is rare that these ships are attacked – likely due to the fact that the goods they carry are often extremely sensitive, and the type of damage a space-based raid might cause to them would simply be too risky – making it simpler to try and steal the goods before they are shipped.

Class: Flagship (11)

Crew Needed: 12

Capacity (Persons): 6,000

Capacity (Cargo): 15,000 units

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Heavy Tellurium Alloy (380), Armor Class 12

Vehicle Shields: Flagship Shield (1,000, 15, +30)

Hull Health: 4,000

Maximum Strain: 26 (10 rounds stalled)

[309] Weapons: Systems: Ten (10) Heavy Laser Machine Gun Battery Piloting Eight (8) Laser Cannon Battery Life Support Five (5) Boarding Portal Engine Ten (10) Laser Machine Gun Battery Communication Eight (8) Laser Cannon Door Eight (8) Open System Sensor Docking Bay Escape Pods

Stanchion: Three-times larger than the Cantilever, the Stanchion-class Flagship of the Corpus fleets is armored with some of the best armor and shielding the Corpus can afford and built to be just as durable. The Stanchion is somewhat shamed like a “Y,” with twin bows on the top providing extra space for cargo storage while a smaller protrusion below them acts as the command deck. Extra fuel tanks, used for emergency fueling of the Stanchion should the energy core give out or require a boost, rather than transport of goods.

The ship’s interior is comparable to an average-sized space station. An interconnected system of proxies transport lines allows for defensive robotics to be transported and deployed across the ship within moments, and a vast array of other storage spaces throughout the ship give it the room it needs to transport a variety of other types of goods when the need arises. Crew housing continues to be regulated to the locker-like chambers, with escape pods giving the majority of the crew a chance to escape in the case of an emergency.

Named for the twin bows that protrude from the belly of the ship (mirroring in some ways the two rooms within the ancient burial mounds of Old Earth), Stanchion-class flagships are the general transport craft of the Corpus, used to move resources and credits from one part of the Corporation’s territory to another or for meetups with the Grineer to trade or pay tariffs. Because they are the most common ship within the Corpus fleets, they are also the most-commonly raided ones. To counteract this they are often given a large number of defensive weaponry and ships, but this often proves too-little to dissuade would-be raiders.

Class: Flagship (12)

[310] Crew Needed: 15

Capacity (Persons): 12,000

Capacity (Cargo): 25,000 units

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Heavy Tellurium Alloy (380), Armor Class 12

Vehicle Shields: Flagship Shield (1,000, 15, +30)

Hull Health: 12,000

Maximum Strain: 28 (10 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Twelve (12) Heavy Laser Machine Gun Piloting Battery Life Support Ten (10) Laser Cannon Battery Engine Five (5) Boarding Portal Communication Twelve (12) Laser Machine Gun Battery Door Ten (10) Laser Cannon Sensor Ten (10) Open System Docking Bay Escape Pods

Obelisk: Twice the size of the Stanchion, six-times larger than the Cantilever, the Obelisk is the greatest and most powerful ship currently known to the Origin System. The massive jutting bow on the front of the craft is what gives it its name. While the top of the vessel is mostly a straight line, along the belly there are a few protrusions that largely serve as ship and weapon storage, as all cargo is kept within the main body of the ship.

There is only one thing to which the span of the Obelisk’s interior can be compared: a large city, a metropolis, spanning miles on end. An interconnected system of proxies transport lines allows for defensive robotics to be transported and deployed across the ship within moments, and a vast array of other storage spaces throughout the ship give it the room it needs to transport a variety of other types of goods when the need arises. Crew housing continues to be regulated to

[311] the locker-like chambers, with escape pods giving the majority of the crew a chance to escape in the case of an emergency.

The greatest of Corpus ships, used only when the need to transport something with immeasurable value to one Board member or another arises, are. In fact, the average Corpus Board member refuses to travel in anything smaller and less-armed than an Obelisk. They are titans, nigh-unstoppable and near-indestructible. These ships are rare, and they are devastating to even the well-oiled machine that is the Grineer war machine, and certainly cannot be dented by the rabid zealotry of the Syndicates. Were the Obelisk more numerous, the Corpus might become the one- true superpower within Origin.

Class: Flagship (13)

Crew Needed: 18

Capacity (Persons): 24,000

Capacity (Cargo): 50,000 units

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Heavy Tellurium Alloy (380), Armor Class 12

Vehicle Shields: Flagship Shield (1,000, 15, +30)

Hull Health: 24,000

Maximum Strain: 30 (10 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Fifteen (15) Boarding Portal Piloting Twenty-four (24) Heavy Laser Machine Gun Life Support Battery Engine Fifteen (15) Laser Cannon Battery Communication Twenty-four (24) Laser Machine Gun Battery Door Fifteen (15) Laser Cannon Sensor Twelve (12) Open System Docking Bay Escape Pods

[312] Syndicate The trait that makes Syndicate-fashioned vessels unique to the ones manufactured by the Grineer and Corpus is that all Syndicate ships, without exception, are designed to be Rail- Compatible. Without the resources or ability to manufacture the kind of enormous transport vessels the Grineer and Corpus make wide use of to move their ships, or even have access to Rail transport under all but the most carefully-manipulated circumstances, movement through Origin for them relies completely on the ability to sneak or slam into the Rails and steal a ride from one sub-system to another. Speed and versatility is key to them being able to maintain their fight against the Empire and Corporation.

Though haphazardly-built and rough-around-the-edges in ways that make Grineer handiwork appealing by contrast, the ships Syndicates manage to piece together serve their purpose well. These vessels are also extremely rare and costly for any Syndicate to build, meaning they are entrusted only to those that have proven themselves worthy and skilled enough to be entrusted with them.

Wraith Striker: The Wraith Striker is comprised of a moderate-sized, somewhat square-shaped body with a rudder-like fin on top and a pair of wings the form a right angle when fully deployed. This deployment is only used for in-atmosphere travel, however, and when in extraterrestrial areas they are folded together. Weapons systems are found along the body and on the tip of the wing, all controlled from within the cockpit of the fighter.

The cockpit makes up only a small portion of the body, the rest of the ship is a crew space for living. While lacking many of the amenities that a larger class of ship would be able to provide, the Wraith Striker works well with what it has. Engine systems can only be directly reached from the outside, however the clever might be able to deal with problems that may arise with them through working with interior components

Not a durable ship, the Wraith Striker relies on the skill of the pilot to keep it out of harm’s way. Despite the living space, the Wraith Striker is not mean for extended extraterrestrial living,

[313] and is, primarily, a guerilla-fighter ship, designed for hit-and-run assignments. Even so, desperate times often call for desperate measures, and the Wraith striker may often find itself engaging in full-scale tactical battles.

Class: Fighter (2)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 5

Capacity (Cargo): 5

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Light Vanadium Plating (140), Armor Class 9

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 700

Maximum Strain: 5 (1 round stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Three (3) Light Ion Rifle Door One (1) Open System Life Support Engine Communication Piloting

Lanx Striker: The Lax Striker is roughly the same size as its Wraith Striker, but takes the design in a slightly different way. Rather than a square-shaped body it has a more elongated one, and rather than having wings capable of folding at an angle, the Lanx Striker has a pair of wings that curve backwards dramatically, and its where these wings meet the body of the ship that the engines are located. The body is also covered with a large number of shrapnel-like protrusions, which are used as its primary weapon.

[314] The interior of the Lanx Striker is the same as its Wraith Striker counterpart. The cockpit makes up only a small portion of the body, the rest of the ship is a crew space for living. While lacking many of the amenities that a larger class of ship would be able to provide, the Lanx Striker works well with what it has. Engine systems can only be directly reached from the outside, however the clever might be able to deal with problems that may arise with them through working with interior components

Named for the shark-like creatures found in Uranus’ oceans, the Lanx Striker is a slight variation of the more-common Wraith Striker. This Fighter ship, plated with the same Vanadium plating, but the differences in design and intent also call for a slightly more durable design. Typically used by the most zealous New Loka and Red Veil members for kamikaze-style attacks, if a pilot is capable of strafing enemy ships at close range the need for such suicidal methods becomes unnecessary.

Class: Fighter (2)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 5

Capacity (Cargo): 5

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Light Vanadium Plating (140), Armor Class 9

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 900

Maximum Strain: 8 (1 round stalled)

Weapons: Systems: One (1) Shredder Spines Door One (1) Light Lance Life Support One (1) Open System Engine Communication Piloting


Interceptor: Based somewhat off of Dreg designs, the Interceptor is a one-man combat craft that has a generally orb-shaped body with a series of thrusters for navigation positioned on the back end. Weapon systems dot the exterior along the sides, while the front acts as both the door and point of view for the pilot, an average-sized circular window giving them vision of what is around them. Interceptors often are built with a second bulb of metal fused to one side, this being where the boarding tube ship-invasion tool is stored and utilized from.

The interior is just as cramped as its Grineer-inspired design would imply. There is no room for any specific kind of movement – save use of a deployed boarding tube. Thankfully, the controls for everything from navigation to weapons systems to communication are within easy reach, all positioned on a console to either the left or right, rarely both, side of the pilot’s chair. Shielding behind the back of said chair protects the pilot from the heat and radiation put off by the Interceptor’s engine systems.

The Interceptor is designed to chase down enemy craft and keep them from escaping – and, potentially, board the ship if such a maneuver is needed. Utilizing harpoons and well-aimed Ion Rifles, it can cripple a ship or keep it within range, allowing the Interceptor or other ships to deal further damage to it. The Interceptor’s size and light armoring is an unfortunate necessity of Syndicate construction, so though it is in the thick of battle most of the time it falls to the pilot to effectively manage its defense.

Class: Combat Pod (3)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 1

Capacity (Cargo): 5

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Light Vanadium Plating (140), Armor Class 10

Vehicle Shields: None

[316] Hull Health: 1,000

Maximum Strain: 15 (5 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Two (2) Harpoon Door One (1) Ion Rifle Life Support One (1) Boarding Tube Engine One (1) Open System Communication Piloting

Liberator: Based off of the Lanx Striker design, the Liberator also features a pair of turbine engines in the wings, similar to the Serberis Speeder vehicle design’s, that provide it with just a little extra thrust and navigation potential. The weapons systems are completely located on the underbelly, accessed from the inside of the ship. The entry ramp of the Liberator is located on the right side of the ship, near the front. A long curving window along the front that stretches back onto the sides a ways gives the pilot a large range of vision.

Lacking any meaningful interior due to its ship class, the Liberator’s insides are just a single long and narrow hallway. Holes lining either side of the hall allow for persons to drop down into a spot to control the weapon systems, while at the front, just to the left once someone enters, is the cockpit. Engine thrusters are located in the far back, the final room in the entirety of the ship’s layout, with a pair of extra engines attached to the walls of the interior to power the turbines. While one’s speed and agility will determine how fast they can make it across the ship, there are no obstacles that might bar ones progress and the distance is, relatively, short.

The Liberator is designed to deal as much damage as possible with the weapons the Syndicates have available to them. Although their weapons are still primarily geared towards disabling, rather than destruction, the Liberator makes do with what it has. The design also comes with a boarding tube to allow for crew of the Combat Pod to invade other vessels to capture it or targets within it or free captives being help.

Class: Combat Pod (3)

[317] Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 6

Capacity (Cargo): 10

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Medium Vanadium Plating (160), Armor Class 10

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,000

Maximum Strain: 10 (3 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Two (2) Iron Cannon Door One (1) Mine Layer Life Support One (1) Heavy Lance Three (3) Engine Two (2) Boarding Tube Communication Two (2) Open System Piloting

Decimator: The Decimator is a combat pod based on stolen Grineer Dargyn designs, and as such is a standing fighter. Unlike the Dargyn, however, the Decimator is a fully enclosed ship; the size has also been ramped up considerably, due to the heavier weapons employed. As with the Dargyn, thrusters are located on a rotating pillar below the main body, but there are also a pair on the main body as well – on one each side, rotatable to provide proper direction. Weapons systems are attached to the main frame of the Decimator as well, operated by controls safely within.

The larger size of the ship has allowed for a large interior space, granting room for a second crewmember, giving a total for hands to man the weapons. Each space for the pilot and other crew is its own area, with their own doors for entrance on the outside. This makes switching crew and pilot impossible while in transit, at least under most circumstances, however all non-piloting systems can be used from either half of the ship, even the engines have lines on both sides that can

[318] be tinkered with to some effect. Some ideas have been thrown around as to making it possible for either crew to pilot the Decimator, but so far these plans are yet to get off the ground.

Most commonly manufactured and employed by the Steel Meridian, the most common way other Syndicates get their hands on this ship is by having them loaned to them during alliance with the Grineer-deserter-led force. Decimators are capable of being outfitted with weapon technology similar to the Grineer’s because of this, but the needed resources to make them unfortunately results in Decimators not being as common as some within the Syndicates might prefer. Even so, this has not dissuaded many, especially the Steel Meridian, from working towards trying to make them a more central part of their ragtag spacefaring squadrons.

Class: Combat Pod (3)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 2

Capacity (Cargo): 10

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Heavy Vanadium Plating (180), Armor Class 10

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,200

Maximum Strain: 8 (2 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Five (5) Iron Cannon Door One (1) Light Machine Gun Life Support One (1) Boarding Tube Engine Two (2) Open System Communication Piloting

[319] Revenant: Constructed using salvage from Grineer and Corpus wrecks, the Revenant has elements of both Faction’s aesthetics in its construction. Rarely is it spilt down the middle however, leaving the bulbous nature of the Grineer parts awkwardly askew with the sleeker blocks of the Corpus sections. Regardless, the overall design remains the same: a small nodule on the front that acts as housing for the cockpit, large enough to seat half of the total number of occupants the Revenant can carry with ease, and the a bulbous back that houses everything from the weapons systems to the engines to places for the occupants to sit and wait.

As a Gunship-class vessel, the Revenant is not under any dire need to provide long-term housing. Still, given its relatively moderate size, the Syndicate have striven to make it something which can be used for such purpose. While proper quarters are nowhere to be found, a room has been dedicated to serving as a sleeping chamber, although no mess hall or other facilities are anywhere to be found. Hallways connect the cockpit to this room and all others, engine room, a smaller storage area, and of course all of the interior nodes that allow for use of the weapons systems by the crew.

The Revenant is a Syndicate-made Gunship that it built to both take a beating and return it in kind. Because of this composition it is unlike anything else the Syndicates themselves are able to produce out of the shoddy second-tier resources that are generally available to them. Armed with weapons designed not to cripple but to destroy and the greatest of armor plating that can be gathered by the Syndicates for their use, the Revenant is a force of destruction unmatched by anything else to be found outside of Empire or Corporation hands, and even some within those two political and militaristic juggernauts are known to fear it.

Class: Gunship (5)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 12

Capacity (Cargo): 30

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Heavy Tellurium Plating (270), Armor Class

[320] Vehicle Shields: Light Vehicle Shields (200, 50)

Hull Health: 1,600

Maximum Strain: 8 (2 round stalled)

Weapons: Systems: One (1) Light Demolition Cannon Door One (1) Light Laser Cannon Life Support Two (2) Light Ion Rifle Engine Two (2) Open System Communication Piloting

Skate Runner: A small Shuttle-class ship, the Skate Runner has a flat triangle body with a raised portion in the center of the main body – much like the creature after which it is named. The rise is shaped in a number of different ways, depending on who was responsible for its construction, from rectangular and edged to more rounded, but it only makes up a small portion of the main top of the ship. The rest of the craft is dedicated to the singular, triangular “wing” that wrap around the whole of the body. The loading ramp is located on the underbelly.

At the front if this rise is the cockpit, window looking out forward. Behind it are very meager living spaces and sitting rooms, all scaled down due to the lack of space. What limited space is left is designated a cargo bay, although there is little room. While the Skate Runner’s engines is located on the outside of the ship, underneath the wing and near the back, there are system in place to allow for crew to access and tinker with them from the inside, thought the most effective upgrades or repairs can only be made by directly working with them

Shaped like the Martian-sub-system creature that it’s named after, Skate Runner ships are designed and used by the Syndicates to transport small numbers of persons fast and easy with minimal notice. Because of this they possess only the most base of weapons and are not often deployed where there is a high threat of them being shot down or captured, though this typically means they are simply touched down far out of harm’s way. Their lean design gives them little in

[321] terms of defensive measures as well, but it makes them easier to hide in a multitude of environments.

Class: Shuttle (5)

Crew Needed: 1

Capacity (Persons): 8

Capacity (Cargo): 20

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Light Vanadium Plating (140), Armor Class 8

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,200

Maximum Strain: 6 (2 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: One (1) Ion Cannon Door Two (2) Light Ion Rifle Life Support One (1) Open System Engine Communication Piloting

Janis Schooner: The main body of the Janis Schooner is a massive ovular shape, like an egg titled on its side. A few windows dot the body, with a single main one slightly off to the right side, while a large semi-circle wing curves around the back. Landing gear deploys from the bottom of this “egg,” and in lieu of any boarding ramp there is a ladder that must be climbed to gain access to the interior – such to the chagrin of cargo loaders. Weapons systems are all attached to the top of the “egg” within close proximity to one another.

The interior of the Janis Schooner is laid out with the intention of fitting cargo above all else. What was once living space and quarters has been repurposed into cargo space for all manner

[322] of supplies. While there are still enough rooms to accommodate a moderate number of passengers, anything over that is likely to result in uncomfortable or even hazardous conditions for the excess – since, as is the case with most ships, cargo storage rarely has the same conditions as the rest of the ship.

Named after the large avian scavenger species native to Earth, the Janis Schooner are the most-used of Syndicate shuttle designs. Despite a design meant to transport large numbers of people, the Janis Schooner is mostly used in relief runs, either to members of that Syndicate or other Colonists, and new models have been retrofitted for such. It is also the most heavily armed of all the Syndicate shuttles, even the larger Phoenix Carrier, which means it is also often used for combat mission.

Class: Shuttle (5)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 16

Capacity (Cargo): 120

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Medium Vanadium Plating (160), Armor Class 8

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 1,300

Maximum Strain: 9 (3 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Three (3) Heavy Lance Door Two (2) Harpoon Life Support Three (3) Ion Cannon Engine Two (2) Open System Communication Piloting

[323] Phoenix Carrier: The Phoenix Carrier is the largest, most durable craft the Syndicates have ever been able to produce on their own, nearly on par with the Freighter-class vessels that the Corpus manufacture and sell to Colonists. It has an elongated and ovular design encircled both ways by arching beams to provide additional support. The Phoenix Carrier’s main engines are found at the back, angled slightly inward, with smaller thruster ports attached to the sides aimed out and entire, but smaller, engines located closer to the front of the body. A small bump near the back of this ship signifies the location of the cockpit, positioned in such a way so that the encircling support beams do not interfere with the pilots line of sight.

The interior is dedicated to housing as many people as possible with relative comfort, with the entirety of the area in front of the engines and cockpit – save a few layers of thick Vanadium plating, especially at the very tip – being comprised of housing rooms, storage spaces, and hallways, all wide enough for people to navigate with ease. The back where the cockpit and engines are found are squeezed close together, accessible only via ladders that lead to one room or the other. Similar ladders also provide access to all weapons systems, wherever they can be found, and the ship is built with additional nodes in mind for such things – though meant to serve as a transport, it is understood that this ship will come under heavy fire wherever it goes.

Named after the firebirds of Old Earth legends, this heavy-duty personnel carrier ship is the largest vessel the Syndicates manage to construct on their own. Though there are variations on this craft based on which Syndicate – or Syndicate alliances – construct the ship, the general function (and appearance) remains constant: move large numbers of Syndicate followers from one location to another quickly. Often used when time, rather than subtly, is of the essence, the ship gains its name from being built in such a way that – if it is lucky enough to be destroyed after entering an atmosphere – the vast majority of passengers are able to survives even the most devastating of crash landings.

Class: Shuttle (6)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 55

Capacity (Cargo): 100

[324] Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Heavy Vanadium Plating (180), Armor Class 10

Vehicle Shields: None

Hull Health: 2,000

Maximum Strain: 20 (4 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Two (2) Heavy Ion Rifle Door Five (5) Open System Life Support Engine Communication Piloting

22L-Fluyt: Constructed and sold to the Colonists by the Corpus, the 22L-Fluyt’s body his mostly rectangular with sloped edges around it. Rather than using anti-gravity propulsion, however, the 22L-Fluyt makes use of simple rocket-boosters attached to the rear and sides to move the ship off of the ground and through space. Though generally sold on the markets colored with Corpus blues and silvers, even the non-Syndicate-affiliated Colonists tend to repaint them in ways they prefer – it is petty, but it makes many feel more at home while they are aboard these craft. As the Corpus would prefer to keep power out of the hands of Colonists, the 22L-Fluyt has no weapon systems pre-installed.

The bow – and cockpit – of the ship narrows back into a thin hall of a body ending in propulsion engines, underneath which is a larger belly where crew quarters and similar living space can be found. In typical Corpus fashion, this living space is regulated to tiny, locker-style compartments. Each room is interconnected, without hallways separating them, and always has a doorway leading to at least two other rooms – in the case of the cargo bay, the by-far largest section, both the crew sleeping quarters and a meager medical bay are connected. None of these come pre-stocked, of course, it is up to the Colonists or Syndicates to scrounge up what little supplies they can to load the 22L-Fluyt with what it needs to make any given trip.

[325] The first of only two ship variants currently not recognized by the Empire and Corporation as illegal, the 22L-Fluyt is recognized as a Colonist transport designed for moving them around from world to world without having to hog Grineer time or resources. However it has also become a favorite ship of Smugglers as the large size allows for them to hollow out portions of the ship to act as concealed cargo bays for transporting goods and persons. Grineer and Corpus officials routinely search these ships for such locations, but individual variation per ship simply makes such contraband or stowaways far too difficult to locate with consistent success.

Class: Freighter (7)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 15

Capacity (Cargo): 400

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Plating (230), Armor Class 9

Vehicle Shields: Light Vehicle Shield (200, 50, +10)

Hull Health: 2,000

Maximum Strain: 10 (3 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Six (6) Open System Door Life Support Engine Communication Piloting

17L-Koff: Constructed and sold to the Colonists by the Corpus, the 17L-Koff’s body is one of the Corporations rare radical departures from their typical design, and one that is taken to a rather extreme degree. The 17L-Koff actually resembles a Grineer vessel more than a Corpus one,

[326] possessing the bulbous and bubbled exterior while maintaining a certain level of the angular blocky design commonly seen on Corpus ones. Though generally sold on the markets colored with Corpus blues and silvers, even the non-Syndicate-affiliated Colonists tend to repaint them in ways they prefer – it is petty, but it makes many feel at home while they are aboard this craft. As the Corpus would prefer to keep power out of the hands of Colonists, the 22L-Fluyt has no weapon systems pre-installed.

Unlike the 22L-Fluyt, the 17L-Koff’s more egg-shaped body turns the interior layout into more a nest-like structure than a base layout. Aside from a hallway connecting the cockpit to loading ramp – bar a pair of security door in case of emergency – all other rooms, from the crew quarters (again, filled with Crewmen lockers), to the medical bay, to the cargo hold can only be reached by taking ladder tunnels and climbing up or down to them through tunnels connected to the main hallway. For the cargo bay there is also a dumbwaiter-style lift to move goods up and down to it, but aside from that there are no alternative paths to access any of the other rooms.

The second of only two ship variants currently not recognized by the Empire and Corporation as illegal, the 17L-Koff is a Colonist personnel craft used to move select groups that have been allowed certain liberties from one planet or colony zone to the next. These ships are basically meant to run in a circuit between worlds, acting as transports for migrant workers. They are not large but this makes them exceptionally quick and maneuverable, and thus they are prized by the Syndicates as runner vessels for transporting persons and goods of value to them without arousing suspicion – provided they do so during the rotation seasons – or just as a blockade runner to passing Grineer or Corpus vessels.

Class: Freighter (7)

Crew Needed: 2

Capacity (Persons): 35

Capacity (Cargo): 600

Rail Compatible: Yes

Hull Armor: Light Tellurium Plating (230), Armor Class 9

Vehicle Shields: Light Vehicle Shield (200, 50, +10)

[327] Hull Health: 2,000

Maximum Strain: 10 (3 rounds stalled)

Weapons: Systems: Six (6) Open System Door Life Support Engine Communication Piloting

[328] Chapter 7: Character Creation Name: ______Chronical: ______Class: ______Group: ______

Strength Constitution Dexterity (STR): ______/ 100 (CON): ______/ 100 (DEX): ______/ 100

Intelligence Charisma Wisdom (INT): ______/ 100 (CHA): ______/ 100 (WIS): ______/ 100

Class Abilities:

______- ______- ______- ___

______- ______- ______- ___

______- ______- ______- ___

Defense: Shields: ______Armor: ______Health: ______

Resolve Points: _____ (Permanent) + _____ (Temporary)

Combat Skills: Initiative = 1d20+____ (+1 per 10 DEX) Fortitude = 1d4 (+1d4 per 25 CON/Instinct) Dodge = 1d4 (+1d4 per 25 WIS/Agility) Grapple = 1d4 (+1d4 per 25 STR/Muscle/Athletics) Will = 1d4 (+1d4 per 25 INT/Perception) Status: Status: Status: Status: Slash: [ ] Cold: [ ] Corrosive: [ ] Viral: [ ] Impact: [ ] Electricity: [ ] Gas: [ ] Crippled: [ ] Head Puncture: [ ] Toxin: [ ] Magnetic: [ ] [ ] [ ] Arm Heat: [ ] Blast: [ ] Radiation: [ ] [ ] Torso Equipment: [ ] [ ] Leg Weapon: ______Stats: ______

Shield: ______Stats: ______

Armor: ______Stats: ______

[329] Skills: Class Skill Rank/Total +Stat

Agility [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Knowledge-Politics [ ]=____/100+(INT) Appraise [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Knowledge-Weapons[ ]=____/100+(INT) Athletics [ ]=____/100+(STR) Language [ ]=____/100+(INT) Bluff [ ]=____/100+(CHA) Lore-Orokin [ ]=____/100+(INT) Conceal [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Lore-Sentients [ ]=____/100+(INT) Contacts [ ]=____/100+(CHA) Lore-Tenno [ ]=____/100+(INT) Create-Device [ ]=____/100+(INT) Muscle [ ]=____/100+(STR) Create-Medical [ ]=____/100+(INT) Perception [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Diplomacy [ ]=____/100+(CHA) Perform [ ]=____/100+(CHA) Device-Mechanical [ ]=____/100+(INT) Pilot-Ground [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Device-Electronic [ ]=____/100+(INT) Pilot-Space [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Empathy [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Repair [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Etiquette [ ]=____/100+(INT) Stealth [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Heal [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Subterfuge [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Intimidate [ ]=____/100+(STR) Survival [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Knowledge-Device [ ]=____/100+(INT) Weapons-Firearm [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Knowledge-Local [ ]=____/100+(INT) Weapons-Melee [ ]=____/100+(STR) Knowledge-Medical [ ]=____/100+(INT) Weapons-Special [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Knowledge-Planet [ ]=____/100+(INT)

[330] Inventory: ______














Credits: ______Experience Points: ______

[331] The following are the steps to consider while making a character for Warframe: Armistice Era. Keep in mind that these are only suggestions, and in truth you could take almost any order you wanted to while creating your own character. Information regarding Skills, Stats, and starting Equipment will be given but ultimately you may have to refer to other Chapters or Appendices for complete details on some of the mentioned elements.

Also keep in mind that certain Bonus Systems may also have an effect on your character creation choices. If your group plans on using any be sure to consult the Bonus Systems section of Chapter 10: Roleplay Systems to make sure any chances to character creation that apply are appropriately handled.

[332] Step 1: Faction and Name Who is your character? Where do they hail from? These are the questions to ask when looking to start your character’s creation. Are they a Grineer or Corpus? Male or female? Do they have a real name known to all or do they prefer to go by some kind of codename? These are relatively simple questions, and a few options – or better yet: examples to act as possible sources of inspiration – for your own ideas are as follows:

Grineer Male Names: Vor, Sargas Ruk, Vay Hek, Tengus, Dok Thul

Grineer Female Names: Kela de Thaym, Olka Harkonar, Ven’kra Tel, Asura

Corpus Male Names: Nef Anyo, Alad V, Darvo, Kota, Hassik Gen

Corpus Female Names: Sera Vidar, Intehb, Zeta, Asimina, Loa Ul

Syndicate/Colonist Male Names: Cantis, Tarrick, Vallan, Baro Ki’Teer, Bo

Syndicate/Colonist Female Names: Maroo, Ka’la, Virana, Man’ara,

Keep in mind, if you are trying to make a character allied with one of the Syndicates you will immediately be hostile to the greater Grineer and Corpus and the majority of those allied within it, who see your kind as terrorists. Even if you came from the Grineer or Corpus previously, if your character has turned their back on their ways they will try to kill you.

Also keep in mind that while allied with the Syndicates, Steel Meridian and Perrin Sequence names are more likely to be pulled from Grineer and Corpus sources due to the typical origins of whom those groups comprise.

[333] Step 2: Group and Class Once you’ve selected your Faction you’ll need to select a Group from within that Faction. This Group determines your character’s base origin, as well as certain bonus Stats and Skills applied to them. Elements of your character’s backstory may be drawn from here or it may be ignored under the guise of having a more independent-minded character; the choice is yours.

The following is a list of Stat and Skill bonuses and special abilities based on Group:

Grineer Group: Stats: Skills: Bonus: +2 Intelligence +12 Lore-Orokin Vorian Armada +1 Charisma +9 Lore-Sentients +3 Wisdom +9 Lore-Tenno All Accuracy Checks have a minus ten (-10) bonus and all damage rolls have two (2) additional dice when attacking or using offensive Abilities against enemies that are making use of Orokin technology. +2 Dexterity +9 Athletics Frontier Army +1 Intelligence +6 Diplomacy +2 Charisma +6 Knowledge-Politics +1 Wisdom +9 Survival Deploy an immobile, untargetable Propaganda Done to a target location, giving all allies within eighteen (18) meters of it one (1) additional dice to all damage rolls for five (5) rounds. This is considered a Free-Action but may only be used once per combat session. +4 Strength +15 Intimidate Arid Constabulary +2 Constitution +9 Knowledge-Local +6 Muscle During your turn you may choose to deactivate the coolant systems in your augmentations, causing you to suffer five (5) damage directly to your Health per turn at the end of your turn but adding Heat damage and one (1) additional damage die to all attacks and offensive abilities you make. Activating or deactivating this ability is considered a Free-Action but may only be used once per turn. Grustrag Reconditioning +2 Constitution +9 Agility +2 Dexterity +9 Athletics +2 Intelligence +4 Heal +8 Knowledge-Medical All Charisma-related Skill or Stat Checks made against your character have a plus ten (+10) penalty.

[334] +2 Strength +3 Diplomacy +2 Constitution +4 Intimidate Elite Forces +1 Intelligence +3 Knowledge-Politics +1 Wisdom +5 Pilot +5 Weapon-Firearm +5 Weapon-Melee +5 Weapon-Special Gain five (5) bonus armor for all allied Grineer within six (6) meters of them and grant three (3) bonus armor to all allied Grineer within three (3) meters of them. +2 Constitution +9 Agility Drekar Marines +2 Dexterity +9 Athletics +2 Intelligence +6 Heal +6 Knowledge-Medical All healing Skills, Items, or Abilities used on yourself or other Grineer or Grineer-origin Steel Meridian restore an additional twenty-five (25) Health. +3 Dexterity +6 Bluff +3 Wisdom +6 Empathy Nightwatch Corps +6 Intimidate +6 Perception +6 Stealth Whenever an enemy makes a Perception or Empathy check against you add a plus five (+5) penalty to their roll; whenever you make an Intimidation check add a minus ten (-10) bonus to your roll. +2 Wisdom +4 Device-Electronic Kwuim’Rus +4 Intelligence +4 Device-Mechanical +12 Empathy +10 Repair +5 Knowledge-Device Pilot and Crew Actions you make that generate Strain generate one (1) less Strain than normal; Pilot and Crew Actions you make that reduce Strain reduce one (1) additional Strain; Empathy checks made against Grineer have a minus three (-3) bonus.

Corpus Group: Stats: Skills: Bonus: +3 Intelligence +6 Appraise Chilton Manufacturing +1 Charisma +6 Device-Mechanical +2 Wisdom +6 Knowledge-Device +12 Lore-Orokin When examining Orokin items give all Appraise checks a minus ten (-10) bonus; give all Knowledge-Device, Device-Electronic, and Device-Mechanical rolls a minus five (-5) bonus.

[335] +3 Intelligence +9 Bluff Pinnacle Incorporated +3 Charisma +9 Empathy +6 Device-Electronic +6 Knowledge-Device All Diplomacy and Bluff checks when dealing with Colonists and other Corpus, receive a minus fifteen (-15) bonus. +4 Intelligence +12 Device-Electronic Marvel Security Systems +2 Charisma +9 Knowledge-Device +9 Subterfuge When dealing with Corpus security all Subterfuge, Stealth, and Perception Checks gain a minus ten (-10) bonus. +4 Intelligence +12 Device-Electronic Luksor Nano Composites +2 Charisma +9 Knowledge-Device +9 Subterfuge Whenever you apply the Electricity status effect to a Robotic (i.e. MOA, Osprey, Roller) with less than fifty (50) Health it will become incapacitated for the remainder of the battle (unless interacted with by a non-Robotic character). +2 Intelligence +9 Contacts Beecloud Hivemind +2 Charisma +6 Knowledge-Device Development +2 Wisdom +6 Knowledge-Medical +3 Lore-Orokin +6 Bluff Contact Skill Checks gain a minus three (-3) bonus; Contact Skill Checks will gain a minus five (-5) bonus if your contact is also a member of Beecloud Hivemind Development. +3 Intelligence +10 Bluff Black Seed +2 Wisdom +20 Subterfuge +1 Dexterity Empathy Skill Checks made against you by non-Black Seed-affiliated characters receive a plus five (+5) penalty; Empathy Skill Checks you make against non-Black Seed-affiliated characters receive a minus five (-5) bonus. Material Packing Solutions +4 Dexterity +7 Bluff +2 Intelligence +7 Diplomacy +1 Knowledge-Planet +5 Language +10 Pilot All attacks made against Freighter or Shuttle-class ships and Transport-class vehicles you are currently piloting suffer a plus five (+5) penalty to their Accuracy Checks; any ship or vehicle you are piloting gains two-hundred (200) bonus health. Union Security +2 Dexterity +7 Device-Electronic +4 Wisdom +7 Etiquette +4 Language +6 Weapon-Firearm +6 Weapon-Special While dealing with a Corpus character you are currently working for, gain a minus ten (-10) bonus to all Skill Checks.


Syndicate Group Stats: Skills: Bonus: Steel Meridian +4 Strength +10 Knowledge-Weapons +2 Constitution +5 Weapons-Firearms +5 Weapons-Melee +5 Weapons-Special +5 Muscle If your character’s background begins in the colonies, taunt any number and selection of enemies within thirty (30) meters to attack you for five (5) rounds. This is considered a Free- Action but may only be used once per combat session. OR If your character’s background begins in the Grineer, the Repair Skill can be used in place of Heal to restore your Health. Arbiters of Hexis +3 Dexterity +8 Agility +3 Strength +10 Lore-Tenno +8 Muscle +4 Weapons-Melee All melee weapons you use gain one (1) additional attack speed, one (1) additional damage dice, and a minus five (-5) bonus to their Accuracy Checks. Cephalon Suda +6 Intelligence +4 Knowledge-Device +3 Knowledge-Local +3 Knowledge-Medical +3 Knowledge-Planet +4 Knowledge-Politics +4 Knowledge-Weapons +3 Lore-Orokin +3 Lore-Sentient +3 Lore-Tenno All Critical Failures on Knowledge (Device, Local, Medical, Planet, Politics, and Weapons) and Lore (Orokin, Sentient, Tenno) Skill Checks have one failure removed. Perrin Sequence +3 Intelligence +10 Device-Electronic +3 Charisma +10 Device-Mechanical +5 Knowledge-Deice +5 Repair If your characters background begins in the colonies, gain plus ten (+10) Charisma when dealing with Corpus or Colonist merchants. OR If your character’s background begins in the Corpus, you begin the game with a free Corpus- affiliated companion (see Chapter 6: Companions).

[337] Red Veil +2 Dexterity +5 Agility +2 Strength +5 Intimidate +1 Wisdom +5 Lore-Tenno +1 Charisma +15 Stealth Receive two (2) additional damage dice when attacking from stealth or attacking an enemy that is facing away from you. New Loka +1 Charisma +10 Heal +2 Wisdom +4 Knowledge-Planet +2 Constitution +13 Lore-Orokin +1 Intelligence +3 Survival Your attacks against Grineer, Infested, Steel Meridian, and Omniform Secta enemies gain one (1) additional damage die; all healing Skills, Items, or Abilities used on yourself or others (unless they are Grineer, Infested, Steel Meridian, or Omniform Secta) restore an additional ten (10) Health. Smuggler Coalitions +3 Charisma +6 Appraise +2 Dexterity +6 Bluff +1 Wisdom +6 Contacts +6 Diplomacy +6 Knowledge-Local While you are piloting a ship, all Strain gained from Ship Speed is reduced by one (1); all Conceal Skill Checks gain a minus five (-5) bonus. Omniform Secta +2 Constitution +4 Empathy +2 Strength +10 Heal +1 Dexterity +4 Knowledge-Medical +1 Intelligence +5 Lore-Orokin +7 Survival You may transfer up to twenty (20) points of your own Health to another character, this is considered a Half-Action; all attacks made with Infested-origin weapons gain two (2) additional damage die. For further details on each Group see Chapter 2: Factions and Groups.

Classes Once you’ve selected your Group, or perhaps even before, you’ll need to choose your character’s Class. There are eleven (11) archetypes to choose from, with variations on each depending on which faction you chose – i.e. if your character is a Grineer your choice of the Engineer archetype will make your Class Seeker, whereas if you chose the Corpus Faction your character would be a Tech. Each different variation of the Class archetype has differing Abilities to some extent, see Chapter 3: Classes and Abilities for further details.

[338] All characters start with a level of zero (0) in each of their classes abilities, allowing them to use the abilities but not providing any bonuses. You will be able to use experience to level these up further as you gain it and increase their power.

Each of the Skills that the Class provides a bonus to are also considered Class Skills, and instantly receive a free Success when rolling a Skill Check for them.

NOTE: If your character is affiliated Perrin Sequence or Steel Meridian Syndicates you may choose to make them the Corpus or Grineer (respectively) variants of a certain class, if you so choose and if you feel your character’s background would allow for such association.

Class: Stats: Skills: +15 Intelligence +11 Appraise +5 Charisma +5 Bluff Caster +5 Wisdom +8 Empathy (Inquisitor; Scrambus; Oracle) +10 Contacts +5 Etiquette +11 Lore-Orokin (Inquisitor) (Inquisitor) +5 Strength +10 Lore-Tenno (Scrambus) (Scrambus) +5 Intelligence +10 Lore-Orokin (Oracle) (Oracle) +5 Wisdom +10 Knowledge-Politics Diplomat +10 Intelligence +10 Bluff (Magistrate; Accountant; +10 Charisma +15 Diplomacy Recruiter) +5 Wisdom +5 Etiquette +5 Knowledge-Local +10 Knowledge-Politics +5 Perform (Magistrate) (Magistrate) +5 Charisma +10 Bluff (Accountant) (Accountant) +5 Intelligence +10 Appraise (Recruiter) (Recruiter) +5 Wisdom +10 Knowledge-Local +15 Intelligence +5 Appraise +10 Wisdom +10 Device-Electronic Engineer +10 Device-Mechanical (Seeker; Tech; Rigger) +10 Knowledge Device +10 Repair +5 Weapon-Special

[339] (Seeker) (Seeker) +5 Intelligence +10 Device-Mechanical (Tech) (Tech) +5 Wisdom +10 Device-Electronic (Rigger) (Rigger) +5 Strength +10 Repair +4 Dexterity +20 Heal Healer +10 Wisdom +15 Knowledge-Medical (Mephite; Auxiliatrix; Medic) +6 Charisma +5 Empathy +5 Intelligence +5 Perception +5 Bluff (Mephite) (Mephite) +5 Intelligence +10 Knowledge-Medical (Auxiliatrix) (Auxiliatrix) +5 Dexterity +10 Agility (Medic) (Medic) +5 Wisdom +10 Heal +10 Wisdom +5 Agility +5 Strength +5 Athletics Marksman +10 Dexterity +15 Knowledge-Planet (Huntsman; Ranger; Assassin) +5 Muscle +5 Stealth +15 Survival (Huntsman) (Huntsman) +5 Wisdom +10 Survival (Ranger) (Ranger) +5 Strength +10 Weapons Special (Assassin) (Assassin) +5 Dexterity +10 Stealth +10 Strength +10 Intimidate Melee +10 Constitution +10 Knowledge-Weapons (Butcher; Comba; Zealot) +5 Dexterity +5 Weapons-Firearm +15 Weapons-Melee +10 Weapons-Special (Butcher) (Butcher) +5 Strength +10 Weapons-Melee (Comba) (Comba) +5 Dexterity +10 Lore-Orokin (Zealot) (Zealot) +5 Wisdom +10 Agility Pilot +15 Dexterity +10 Agility (Hellion, Navigator, Runner) +10 Wisdom +10 Perception +25 Pilot +5 Weapons-Special (Hellion) (Hellion) +5 Dexterity +10 Weapons-Special

[340] (Navigator) (Navigator) +5 Wisdom +10 Pilot (Runner) (Runner) +5 Strength +10 Agility +15 Dexterity +10 Bluff Rogue +5 Strength +10 Perception (Manic; Infiltrator; Scoundrel) +5 Intelligence +20 Stealth +10 Subterfuge (Manic) (Manic) +5 Constitution +10 Weapon-Melee (Infiltrator) (Infiltrator) +5 Charisma +10 Subterfuge (Scoundrel) (Scoundrel) +5 Dexterity +10 Bluff +10 Dexterity +10 Knowledge-Weapons Soldier +10 Constitution +10 Pilot (Elite Lancer; Elite Crewman; +5 Strength +15 Weapons-Firearm Guerilla) +5 Weapons-Melee +10 Weapons-Special (Elite Lancer) (Elite Lancer) +5 Strength +10 Knowledge-Weapons (Crewman) (Crewman) +5 Intelligence +10 Knowledge-Device (Guerilla) (Guerilla) +5 Wisdom +10 Knowledge-Weapon Tamer +5 Dexterity +10 Agility (Beast Master, Wrangler, +5 Wisdom +15 Knowledge-Planet Handler) +5 Strength +10 Muscle +10 Intelligence +15 Survival (Beast Master) (Beast Master) +5 Strength +10 Muscle (Wrangler) (Wrangler) +5 Intelligence +Create-Device (Handler) (Handler) +Charisma +Empathy +20 Constitution +15 Intimidate +5 Strength +5 Knowledge-Weapons Tank +10 Muscle (Bailiff; Auditor; Defender) +5 Survival +5 Weapons-Firearm +10 Weapons-Melee (Bailiff) (Bailiff) +5 Strength +10 Intimidate (Auditor) (Auditor) +5 Wisdom +10 Diplomacy

[341] (Defender) (Defender) +5 Constitution +10 Perception (Exterminator) (Exterminator) Unique +5 Constitution +5 Heal (Exterminator; Dax; Handler) +5 Dexterity +5 Knowledge-Local +5 Intelligence +25 Perception +15 Wisdom +10 Stealth +15 Weapons-Special (Dax) (Dax) +20 Dexterity +15 Agility +10 Wisdom +10 Lore-Orokin +10 Perception +20 Weapons-Melee +5 Weapons-Special (Insurgent) (Insurgent) +20 Strength +10 Athletics +10 Dexterity +5 Conceal +10 Knowledge-Local +10 Muscle +10 Weapons-Melee +15 Weapons-Special

For further details on each Class, including a full list of Class Abilities, see Chapter 3: Classes and Abilities.

[342] Step 3: Starting Skills Aside from those bonuses players are also granted a free one-hundred (100) Skill points to put into anything they choose in “packets” of ten (10). What that means is that you must put ten (10) of your 100 points into any one skill at once. You may put more than one packet into a Skill, but you may not exceed forty (40) points total in any one skill initially.

Keep in mind that unless you have ten (10) points in a certain Skill (and are relying on Stats alone) you are at a disadvantage when making rolls that require that Skill. If you anticipate your character will need to know a lot about the Orokin or machines you may want to consider putting some points into Lore-Orokin or Knowledge-Device respectively.

Certain Skills are also Class Skills. Class Skills allow for the player to reroll a Skill Check for that skill once per sessions, however they may not do so multiple times during the session (for example, if Weapon-Melee and Appraise are Class Skills the player may reroll either Weapon- Melee or Appraise once but may not reroll both in the same session). The player may then choose which of the rolls, initial or reroll, they would prefer to use. Those Skills which the Class has innate bonuses in (see Step 2: Group and Class) are considered Class Skills.

[343] Step 4: Starting Stats Like Skills players are also awarded extra points to Stats to put to certain Stats at their discretion; like Skills they are given to the player in packets:

The player is given 13, 10, 8, 8, 5, and 5 Stat Points. These packets of points are then assigned to certain stats in-full; you may assign the 13 to Intelligence or to Strength, while assigning 10 to Wisdom or Charisma, or anything else in any combination you so choose. These assignments become the starting point of your Stats, and you may upgrade them from there as you wish.

Alternatively, the player may roll 2d12 separately for each of their Stats. The roll determines the rank of your Stat (from 2 to 24) and is recorded on your character sheet.

Note that your Stats also determine the bonuses to your Combat Skills. While each of your combat skills starts off with a free 1d4 roll (or in the case of Initiative 1d20) every fifteen (15) points in the corresponding Stat grants you an additional 1d4 to rolls made with that Stat.

[344] Step 5: Permanent Resolve Points Resolve Points are the means by which players are able to influence the game without having to always rely on the randomness of the dice. They represent the drive of the character, the resolve to keep pushing on even in the face of defeat. Further information on them, however, can be found in Chapter 10: Roleplay Systems. This section is dedicated to calculating how many permanent Resolve Points your character starts with (further details on permanent Resolve Points versus temporary ones can, again, be found in Chapter 10: Roleplay Systems).

There are two options available to players for determining how many Resolve Points their character begins with:

The player may take a flat five (5) permanent Resolve Points.


The player may roll one eight-sided die (1d8) and add to it based on their character’s Faction. This number will be how many permanent Resolve Points their character will begin with.

Grineer characters roll 1d6+3 to determine their permanent Resolve Points.

Corpus characters roll 1d6+2 to determine their permanent Resolve Points.

Syndicate characters roll 1d6+4 to determine their permanent Resolve Points.

Colonist characters roll 1d6+1 to determine their permanent Resolve Points.

Additionally, players may spend XP in order to gain bonus permanent or temporary Resolve Points. See “Step 6: Starting Experience and Credits” later in this Chapter for further information on purchasing Resolve Points with Experience Points.

[345] Step 6: Starting Experience and Credits Unlike both Skills and Stats, the player does not immediately get any points to directly spend on Feats or Abilities. Instead they are given a flat two-thousand (2,000) XP that they may keep or spend on anything they desire – Feats, Abilities, further Skills or Stats – whenever they choose to do so.

Expend 200 XP to increase an Ability by one (1), with the cost increasing by 200 every level (i.e. to increase Deploy Roller from Rank 0 to Rank 1 costs 200 XP, to increase it from Rank 1 to Rank 2 costs 400 XP, Rank 2 to Rank 3 600 XP, etc.).

Expend 150 XP to increase a Stat by one (1).

Expend 100 XP to increase a Skill by one (1).

Expend 800 XP to gain one (1) permanent Resolve Point.

Expend 300 XP to gain one (1) temporary Resolve Point.

Expend 1,000 XP to start with a companion (see Chapter 6: Companions for further details)

Players also begin with one-thousand (1,000) Credits each. Credits are the basic monetary unit in Warframe: Armistice Era and are used to purchase items from vendors. Item prices and the like will ultimately be determined by your GM.

[346] Step 7: Starting Equipment Your character’s Starting Equipment is determined by your Group and Class, much like bonus Stats and Skills, but during gameplay you may purchase and use any type of Armor, Shield, and Weapon you desire.

The following charts detail what equipment your character starts with.

See Chapter 12: Equipment for details on each of the individual items.

Armor and Shields Armor and Shields decrease and block damage being inflicted to the character respectively, making them your go-to means of defense. What Armor and Shields your character starts with is influenced by their Faction and Class. In the case of Steel Meridian or Perrin Sequence members that originate within the Grineer or Corpus (respectfully) and are using one of their class variants, see the Grineer or Corpus Faction charts for the starting equipment for that class.

Grineer: Class: Armor: Shields: Inquisitor Medium Mail None Magistrate Light Mail None Seeker Heavy Ferrite None Mephite Medium Mail None Huntsman Medium Ferrite None Butcher Light Alloy Plate None Hellion Medium Ferrite None Manic Light Ferrite None Elite Lancer Medium Ferrite None Beast Master Heavy Ferrite None Bailiff Medium Alloy Plate None Exterminator Light Ferrite None


Corpus: Class: Armor: Shields: Scrambus Light Silicon Light Shield Accountant Light Silicon Light Shield Tech Heavy Polymer Heat Shield Auxiliatrix Light Polymer Light Shield Ranger Medium Polymer Medium Shield Comba Medium Polysteel Heavy Shield Navigator Light Polymer Heavy Shield Infiltrator Light Polymer Light Shield Elite Crewman Medium Polymer Medium Shield Wrangler Heavy Polymer Heavy Shield Auditor Medium Polysteel Heavy Shield Dax Heavy Silicon Medium Shield

Syndicate: Class: Armor: Shields: Oracle Light Fabric None Recruiter Light Fabric None Rigger Heavy Fabric None Medic Light Fabric None Assassin Light Fabric None Zealot Steel Mail None Runner Medium Fabric None Scoundrel Medium Fabric None Guerilla Steel Mail None Tamer Heavy Fabric None Defender Steel Plate None Insurgent Heavy Fabric None

Weapons Weapons are your character’s means of attack and dealing damage to enemies and come in two flavors: ranged (Primary and Secondary) and melee (Melee). Unlike Armor, players will

[348] be able to choose what Weapons their characters begin with, although their selections are still limited by the factor of Faction.

Each character is given seven (7) points for them to spend on Weapon selection. Ranged Weapons (Primary and Secondary) cost four (4) points while melee weapons (Melee) cost three (3) points. It should be noted, however, that you may only select Weapons for your character if your character’s Faction matches the Faction that the weapon originates from. The exceptions to this are the Steel Meridian and Perrin Sequence, who may also select from Grineer and Corpus Faction weapon lists respectfully (Grineer for Steel Meridian; Corpus for Perrin Sequence).

Collectively, the seven (7) points will allow players to outfits themselves with one Primary or Secondary Weapon and one Melee Weapon, however the player may also choose to abstain from selecting one Weapon of each type and retain some of their points. If they choose to do this they will have these points returned to them in a refund and receive a bonus 100 XP per one (1) unspent point. This experience may then be spent in other areas (see Step 5: Starting Experience and Credits earlier in this Chapter).

For lists of suggested Weapons, organized by their Weapon type (Primary, Secondary, Melee) and associated Faction, see Appendix I: Equipment.

[349] Step 8: Backstory and Appearance Lastly come the finishing – or perhaps initiating – fine details of your character. What makes them unique? What are the traits that set them apart from each other; the quirks of their personality and characteristics? Certain details (mostly in regard to character background) are predetermined by the Faction, Group, and Class you chose for your character but largely these will be up to your discretion, as there is room to work even within those “confines”.

Your character may be an Inquisitor, but where on the spectrum of Inquisitors do they fall; are they the kind to truly destroy any Orokin relics that might threaten the Empire, or do they strive to use such relics to add to their own power?

Your character may come from Pinnacle Incorporated but do they use their position as one of Corporation’s administers to further their own station or are they genuinely dedicated to serving the Corpus?

Furthermore what does your character look like? Their face? Their hair? Their body type? Keep in mind your character’s origins when doing so, however, in order to better create a character that looks like they truly did come from the Group of their origin. A Grineer clone is going to have something of a decayed looked due to their faulty genetics, and most likely will be compensating for more serious physical ailments through mechanical prosthesis; Corpus tend to have symbolic tattoos of line and circle patterns on their face that bear some meaning to their station or achievements; those not originating from or currently within either group tend to be normal-looking humans (though exceptions apply).

Even their clothing is up to your own visualization – the makeup of it is pre-determined by your own choice of armor, be it Ferrite or Polymer, Fabric or Alloy, but what does it look like? Are you a Grineer who wears the typical armor used by Elite Lancers and the like or do you have personalized style unique to you? Are you a Corpus in regular Crewman uniform or do you take part in the extravagant and insane fashions of some of your higher-ups? Be creative, keep these details in mind, and work to keep your character truly unique.

[350] Name: ______Chronical: ______Class: ______Group: ______

Strength Constitution Dexterity (STR): ______/ 100 (CON): ______/ 100 (DEX): ______/ 100

Intelligence Charisma Wisdom (INT): ______/ 100 (CHA): ______/ 100 (WIS): ______/ 100

Class Abilities:

______- ______- ______- ___

______- ______- ______- ___

______- ______- ______- ___

Defense: Shields: ______Armor: ______Health: ______

Resolve Points: _____ (Permanent) + _____ (Temporary)

Combat Skills: Initiative = 1d20+____ (+1 per 10 DEX) Fortitude = 1d4 (+1d4 per 25 CON/Instinct) Dodge = 1d4 (+1d4 per 25 WIS/Agility) Grapple = 1d4 (+1d4 per 25 STR/Muscle/Athletics) Will = 1d4 (+1d4 per 25 INT/Perception) Status: Status: Status: Status: Slash: [ ] Cold: [ ] Corrosive: [ ] Viral: [ ] Impact: [ ] Electricity: [ ] Gas: [ ] Crippled: [ ] Head Puncture: [ ] Toxin: [ ] Magnetic: [ ] [ ] [ ] Arm Heat: [ ] Blast: [ ] Radiation: [ ] [ ] Torso Equipment: [ ] [ ] Leg Weapon: ______Stats: ______

Shield: ______Stats: ______

Armor: ______Stats: ______

[351] Skills: Class Skill Rank/Total +Stat

Agility [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Knowledge-Politics [ ]=____/100+(INT) Appraise [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Knowledge-Weapons[ ]=____/100+(INT) Athletics [ ]=____/100+(STR) Language [ ]=____/100+(INT) Bluff [ ]=____/100+(CHA) Lore-Orokin [ ]=____/100+(INT) Conceal [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Lore-Sentients [ ]=____/100+(INT) Contacts [ ]=____/100+(CHA) Lore-Tenno [ ]=____/100+(INT) Create-Device [ ]=____/100+(INT) Muscle [ ]=____/100+(STR) Create-Medical [ ]=____/100+(INT) Perception [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Diplomacy [ ]=____/100+(CHA) Perform [ ]=____/100+(CHA) Device-Mechanical [ ]=____/100+(INT) Pilot-Ground [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Device-Electronic [ ]=____/100+(INT) Pilot-Space [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Empathy [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Repair [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Etiquette [ ]=____/100+(INT) Stealth [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Heal [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Subterfuge [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Intimidate [ ]=____/100+(STR) Survival [ ]=____/100+(WIS) Knowledge-Device [ ]=____/100+(INT) Weapons-Firearm [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Knowledge-Local [ ]=____/100+(INT) Weapons-Melee [ ]=____/100+(STR) Knowledge-Medical [ ]=____/100+(INT) Weapons-Special [ ]=____/100+(DEX) Knowledge-Planet [ ]=____/100+(INT)

[352] Inventory: ______














Credits: ______Experience Points: ______

[353] Chapter 8: Combat In Warframe: Armistice Era, Combat is turn-based. The basic combat turn setup is as follows:

1. Determine which characters are aware and participating in combat. 2. Roll (1d20 +1 per 10 DEX) for Initiative on those characters that are aware of it. a. Assign turn order based on the rolls for each character. b. Any new characters that enter combat must roll for initiative and are assigned to turn orders behind the lowest roll of the original combatants. 3. Combatants take action in order of their initiative rolls (highest to lowest) until all have had their turn. 4. Check if there are any new combatants added to the combat situation (see Step 2B) of it any of the original combatants are unable to act. a. The next combat round begins with the order changed as determined by fallen or new combatants. 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until combat is fully resolved.

Combat itself determines on the weapon being used (see Chapter 12: Equipment for lists of Weapons, Armor, and Shields) but the basic elements are constant. Damage is determined through dice rolls and armor reduces that damage to some extent before it is calculated against health (provided there are no previous shields to also consider).

Certain Feats and Skills can make you more effective in combat, but for the most part the dice will make or break your combat attempts. For this reason it is always wise to be aware of your surroundings so that you may use the environment to your tactical advantage (i.e. taking cover or forcing enemies into indefensible areas).

[354] Accuracy Check When you declare an attack against an enemy the first thing you have to do is ensure the character in question is capable of seeing the target of their attack. Most obstacles that can be used for cover will be able to be short over, but certain ones will prove either too tall or too wide. This will be determined by how your GM describes the layout of the battlefield.

After it is determined the target can be seen, roll an Accuracy Check to determine if the hit is successful. This roll is made by rolling one one-hundred sided die (1d100). Certain Skills (the Weapons- Skills) will allow you to subtract from the rolled number, making it easier for you to hit your target.

The number rolled on the 1d100 influences the outcome to your attack attempt, but ultimately your goal is to hit lower than your weapon’s Accuracy number. Rolling lower than your weapon’s Accuracy number means the attack was successful – rolling higher than your weapon’s Accuracy number means your attack is unsuccessful.

Furthermore, the lower your Accuracy Check roll is than your Weapons Accuracy value the more damage you will deal. Every ten (10) points lower you roll gives you one Critical Hit, which adds an extra dice to your attack roll; every ten (10) points lower than the first adds one (1) more dice to that (i.e. rolling 20 lower than your Weapon’s Accuracy number gives you two bonus damage dice for that damage roll).

Status Effects are also determined by how much lower you are able to roll, see “Combat Offense: Status Effects” later in this Chapter for details.

Keep in mind that using a ranged weapon to attack a target that is within melee range of you results in a plus twenty-five (25) penalty to be applied to your Accuracy Check. However, there is an exception to this – see “Point Blank” later in this Chapter for further details.

Weapons- Skills also give you a minus two (2) bonus to Accuracy Checks if you are using a weapon of that corresponding Skill type (Ranged, Melee, or Special).


[355] James is attacking with his Grakata. His Weapons-Firearms Skill is twenty (20). He rolls a fifty (50); however his target rolls a Dodge of twelve (12) and so the final number is increased to sixty-two (62). James misses the attack.

James is attacking again with this Grakata, this time having taken aim beforehand. He rolls a forty-four (44), subtracting a bonus five (-5) for taking aim to it to make the number thirty-nine (39); his target rolls a Dodge of three (3) and so the final number is increased to forty-two (42). The attack is successful with one Critical Hit (plus one damage die) and Primary Damage Type Status Effects are applied.

[356] Combat Actions The following are an extended detailed list of actions any character can take in combat. Each action is divided into one of three types: Full-Action, Half-Action, or Free-action. These types determine how much of a character’s turn it takes for the action to be completed, determining if they are able to take multiple actions in the same turn or not.

Full-Actions A Full-Action takes a full turn to complete, meaning you will have to wait for your next turn before you will be able to make another action (Full or Half).

Action: Description: Run Sprint up to 18 meters away, but takes a full round to complete (initial movement is 3 meters). Roll a Bluff Check against any Empathy Check your target Feint might have. If successful your target is unable to use their Dodge Combat Stat during your next attack. Attempt to attack a target with your weapon, rolling an Attack Accuracy Check to determine if the attempt is successful and then rolling for damage based on your weapon’s stats. Attempt to wrestle an opponent down/keep them grappled by Grapple making a Grapple Check (your opponent may oppose it with their Grapple Check as if you were making an Accuracy Check). Muscle adds dice to this roll. Attempt avoid/to wrestle out of an opponent’s grapple by Grapple Break making a Grapple Check (your opponent may oppose it with their Grapple Check as if you were making an Accuracy Check). Athletics adds dice to this roll. Disarm Attempt to disarm an enemy by rolling Grapple Check against their Dodge Check (they will not be Grappled by this action). Attempt to use a Class Ability on a target hostile or allied Use Ability character, see Chapter 3: Classes and Abilities for further information. Attempt to revive a character, friend or foe, who is in the Bleedout state, takes a full round to complete (finishing at the Revive end of your next turn). Characters in the Bleedout state don’t lose Health while being revived.

[357] If a character is affected by the Impact, Blast, or Electricity Status Effects while attempting to Revive another the Revive attempt must be restarted from the beginning.

Half-Actions A Half-Action takes only half of your turn to complete, allowing you another Half-Action in the same turn.

Action: Description: Reload a currently-equipped Primary weapon, replacing the Reload Primary magazine with a full one (see Chapter 12: Equipment for specific weapon magazine sizes). Certain weapons may take more than a Half-Action to reload. (Chapter 12: Equipment for details). Activate Item If an Item (i.e. a piece of Gear) must be activated before use (i.e. Flash Grenade) take a half turn to do so. Expend Item Use an Item (i.e. a piece of Gear). Move Move 6 meters away. Target a particular part of a character’s body (Head, Torso, Arm, Leg), add a -10 bonus to your next Accuracy Check. Aim After the first shot after Aiming another Half-Action must be taken to Aim again – allowing you to choose a new target body part. If within Melee distance (3 meters) of terrain or an object that can be used as cover hide behind it, causing all Accuracy Take Cover checks against you to suffer a +6 penalty. Attacking from behind cover makes this penalty +4 for attacks made against you in the next round. Deactivate Shields Turn off Shields, removing the Penalty but also removing the protection until they are reactivated.

Free-Actions Free-Actions may be done at any point without taking away from your turn in any given combat round. However, certain Free-Actions may only be used once per round.

[358] Action: Description: Talking Talk in-character with your team or with any hostile threats. Hostile characters may hear and react to what you say. Reload Secondary Reload a currently-equipped Secondary weapon, replacing the magazine with a full one (see Chapter 12: Equipment for specific weapon magazine sizes). Certain weapons may take more than a Free-Action to reload. (Chapter 12: Equipment for details). Crouch, Stand, or Go Prone, Add -10 bonus to any Accuracy Check while Crouching and -15 bonus while Prone. Crouch/Stand/Go Prone However you suffer a 5 while Crouching and a -10 while Prone to any Dodge rolls you make. May only be used Once per Round. Quick Step Move 3 meters away. This type of movement will not provoke an Attack of Opportunity. May only be used Once per Round. Draw, Sheath, or Switch your currently-equipped weapon, Draw/Sheath/Swap Weapon while a weapon is Sheathed it cannot be used to attack. May only be used Once per Round. Use a Resolve Point for any reason (see Chapter 10: Use Resolve Point Roleplay Systems for details on and a list of ways to use Resolve Points) May only be used Once per Round.

[359] Detection/Stealth One last mechanic to consider is Stealth Detection. Generally speaking this is only a factor when starting combat with characters that have the Stealth skill as that is when it comes into play the most in determining who is aware of who (via Perception and Stealth Checks, see Chapter 11: Roleplay Systems for further details) but as Rogue characters (Manic and Infiltrator) have the ability to go invisible it is a factor for them later on.

Rogue characters that go invisible during combat are undetectable for a certain duration (as determined by their ability) but after that duration has ended all enemies must make Perception Checks (at the start of the Rogue’s turn) to see if they can spot the Rogue or not. Until at least one character rolls a successful Perception Check, or until the Rogue takes a non-movement action (save certain Class Abilities that do not break Stealth), the Rogue remains stealth and undetected.

Combat Offense Offensive combat stats are those that deal damage or otherwise disable characters during combat situations – outside of combat they may also be used at the GM’s discretion.

Damage Types determine what kind of armor certain weapons can penetrate for full damage as well as what Status Effects have a chance to be afflicted upon enemies.

Status effects are bonus lingering effects that either damage or disable the effected character in some way.

Flanking Flanking is a maneuver that gives you bonus damage is pulled off successfully.

If while attacking a target you are in the opposite direction of the last character/location they last interacted with/had interact with them (be it an attack or movement) your next attack is granted one Bonus Critical Hit – this will stack with other Critical Hits.

[360] Note that a Flanking attack will cause them to have interacted with you, preventing a Flanking attack from you occurring again but creating an opening for your allies to flank them.

A Flanking attack made with a ranged weapon while you are within melee range of your target constitutes a Point Blank attack.

Point Blank Under normal circumstances attacking with a ranged weapon while in melee range of your target results in a plus twenty-five (25) penalty to your Accuracy Check. Point Blank attacks are those that are made against targets in melee range that are incapacitated and otherwise unable to act or when a Flanking attack with a ranged weapon is made while in melee range.

Point Blank attacks negate the plus twenty-five (25) Accuracy Check penalty and instead give the attacking character a plus twenty (20) to their base damage for any successful attacks made against the incapacitated target.

Enemies suffering from the Electricity, Heat (while panicking), Blast (while knocked down), Radiation, or Impact Status Effects are all vulnerable to Point Black Attacks.

Status Effects If you roll an Accuracy Check that is fifteen (15) points lower than your weapon’s Accuracy number you score a Status Application. You then roll 1d4 and apply your weapon’s Primary Damage Type’s corresponding Status Effect for a number of rounds equal to the number rolled – i.e. rolling a 3 applies the Status Effect for 3 rounds.

Furthermore, if your roll is thirty (30) points lower than your weapon’s Accuracy number your Status Application also applies your weapon’s Secondary Damage type, the duration still determined by the same duration roll as above.

[361] If the weapon has more than one Primary Damage Type (or Secondary Damage Type, if applicable) then all are applied at once for the same duration.

Name: Description: Effect Impact Shakes the effected, All Half-Actions become Full-Actions. causing all actions taken to require additional time to complete. Puncture Reduces the effectiveness Reduce armor Resistances and Increase their of all armor types. Vulnerabilities by ten (10). Slash Causes the target to bleed, Roll 3d20 at the end of the every one of affected taking damage over time. target’s turns and deal that much damage directly to the affected target’s Health. Roll 2d20 at the end of the every one of the affected target’s turns and deal that much damage directly to Ignites the target, dealing the affected target’s Health. Heat damage and occasionally causing them to panic. Roll 1d6 at the end of the every one of affected target’s turns. If the number is even they spend their next turn unable to take any action, if odd they may take their turn regularly. Slows Movement, causing All movement actions taken by the affected target Cold movement actions to require one full round to complete. require additional time to complete. Arcs between nearby Deal damage to all enemies within three meters Electricity enemies and stuns the equal to the rolled amount of the attack roll (i.e. the initial target. 1d12 in 1d12+25). Bonus dice apply. Poisons the target, dealing Roll 3d20 at the end of the every one of affected Toxin damage over time. target’s turns and deal that much damage directly to the affected target’s Health. Knock down enemies, forcing them to have all of Knocks all enemies in an their Combat Skill Checks reduced by half Blast area around the target (rounded up) for the duration and must take their down. next turn standing back up before they can take any action. Corrosive Reduces the effectiveness Reduce armor Resistances and Increase their of all armor types Vulnerabilities by twenty (20). Roll 3d20 at the end of the every one of the affected target’s turns and deal that much damage directly to Creates a cloud of gas the affected target’s Health. Gas around the target’s current location that rolls for Roll 2d20 at the end of every one of the affected Toxin damage. target’s turns for every enemy immediately around

[362] the affected target and deal that much damage directly to their Health. Disrupts shields and Reduce the target’s current Shield strength to zero Magnetic prevents them from and prevent Shield Recharge for a certain number regenerating. of rounds. Confuses enemies, causing Affected targets become MUST attack friendly Radiation them to attack their allies. targets around them for the duration. Weakens the flesh, Grant a bonus twenty (20) damage every time you Viral granting bonus damage deal at least one (1) point of damage to a target’s when an enemy takes Health. damage.

There is also a special Status Effects called Crippled that can occur when taking an Aimed Shot at a certain part of the target’s body. If a Status Application is successfully inflicted while aiming a particular Status Effect will be put on the character depending on which part of the body the Aimed Shot hit. These Status Effects do not have a duration and instead MUST be removed via Ability, Gear, or other means.

Name: Description Effect: Head The target has suffered crippling Decrease all Stats by 20. trauma to their cranium. Arm The target has suffered crippling All actions (except Movement) take a trauma to one (or both) of their arms. Half-Action longer per Crippled Arm. Torso The target has suffered crippling Decrease all Combat stat bonuses by trauma to their chest or gut. half (rounded up) for the duration. Leg The target has suffered crippling Movement actions take a Half-Action trauma to one (or both) of their legs. longer per Crippled Leg.

These Status Effects have their durations rolled separately from regular Status Effects.

Attacks of Opportunity Attacks of Opportunity allow for an enemy to make a free attack against you if you without the need for an Accuracy Check. Attacks of Opportunity can only occur while characters are within melee range, and only then under certain conditions:

1) Drawing/Sheathing/Switching Weapons

[363] 2) Readying/using gear

3) When moving out of a space within Melee Range (3 Meters) of an enemy (with a move other than a Quick Step).

4) Attempting to Revive a target.

5) Aiming at a target other than the one you are in melee range of.

Combat Defense Defensive combat stats are those that help to prevent damage and status effects from affecting the character.

Health is the total Health of your character (determined by your Constitution Stat), and is what determines if any given character is alive, dead, of if they are even still capable of participating in combat.

Armor is equipment that grants a flat damage reduction against certain damage types. See Chapter 12: Equipment for further information

Shields are equipment that grant a physical barrier of energy that take the damage from almost all damage types for whoever is using them and regenerate while out of combat. See Chapter 12: Equipment for further information.

Combat Skills are rolls that help protect your character in one way or another, depending on the abilities of the individual Combat Skill.

Health Health is the life-force of your character, what keeps them moving and what keeps them up and about. Every point of Constitution constitutes ten (10) points of Health

[364] To kill a target sufficient damage must be dealt to their Health, however, that is not the end. After being brought down to zero (0) Health a character will enter the Bleedout state, which will render them unable to take any action and cause them to lose another one (1) Health per round that passes, putting the character at negative health at the start of each of their following turns (i.e. at the start of their next turn the character is at negative one (-1) Health, at the start of their next turn after that the character is at negative two (-2) Health, act.). When the character reaches negative three (-3) Health they will die.

At any point before they reach that, though, another character – friendly or hostile – to them may come over and attempt to revive them (see the Combat Actions section earlier in this Chapter for details).

A higher constitution adds to this timer, however. Ever twenty (20) points of Constitution gives the player one additional round of maximum Bleedout – i.e. a character with a CON of 34 will die once their health reaches negative four (-4)

Armor Armor is the basic defensive stat for all character in Warframe: Armistice Era. They provide armor that blocks damage to a certain point, as well as possessing Resistances that further increase that defensive power versus certain effects. However they also have Vulnerabilities which greatly diminish the defense by decreasing the total armor that has to be bypassed by enemies attacking with certain Damage Types.

For example, Light Polysteel possesses thirty-five (35) armor, however it has a minus twenty-five (25) vulnerability to Impact damage. If a character wearing Light Polysteel were attacked with a Grakata the total armor protection of Light Polysteel would decrease to ten (10) since one of the Grakata’s damage types is Impact.

[365] Shields Shields add something akin to a recharging layer of Health to the characters, one that must be destroyed before any damage to Health may be attempted. Shields have the ability to regenerate, however, and if they do not take damage every round they will slowly regain their lost strength – the amount gained varying from shield type to shield type.

Combat Skills Combat are bonuses that assist you in various ways during combat situations. They themselves are granted bonuses based on your Stats.

Initiative determines the order in which characters act during a combat situation and is rolled at the start of the encounter. 1d20 is rolled for all characters, with a +1 modifier applied for every ten (10) points in the Dexterity Stat, and are arranged in order from highest to lowest with the highest values acting first. In the case of equal rolls for multiple characters those characters re-roll their dice and organize themselves from highest to lowest based on where they initially would have been placed – i.e. if out of four characters the rolls are ten (10), two (2), two (2), one (1), the two two-value rolls are re-rolled, resulting in rolls of twelve (12) and thirteen (13), and they are placed in the order of ten (10), thirteen (13), twelve (12), one (1).

Fortitude help lessen the durations of Status Effects. When your character is affected by a Status Effect you roll 1d4 (+1d4 per 15 Constitution). The number rolled is subtracted from the Status Effect duration roll (see “Combat Offense: Status Effects” earlier in this Chapter) to determine how long the Status Effect actually effects the target.

Dodge help lower the chance of being hit by an enemy’s weapon. See Chapter 12: Equipment for specifics. When a character is attacked by an enemy weapon (or by a weapon- based Class Ability – see Chapter 3: Classes and Abilities) roll 1d4 (+1d4 per 15 Wisdom). Subtract the result from the attacking character’s Accuracy Check roll before determining whether or not the hit was a success. This new number is treated as the enemy’s Accuracy Check roll and is used to determine success or failure.

[366] Will help lower chance of being hit by an enemy’s Class Ability (provided they are not weapon-based - see Chapter 3: Classes and Abilities for specifics). Roll 1d4 (+1d4 per 15 Intelligence), the target character has and subtract the result from the attacking character’s Accuracy Check roll before determining whether or not the hit was a success. This new number is treated as the enemy’s Accuracy Check roll.

Grapple represents both the ability to Grapple and the ability to escape from being Grappled. Attempts to initiate or maintain a Grapple are made by rolling 1d4 (+1d4 per 15 Strength/Muscle) and are opposed by the target’s own 1d4 (+1d4 per 15 Strength/Athletics) Grapple roll. If the roll is higher for the character attempting to initiate or maintain the Grapple their target will be grappled and neither will be able to attack or use abilities (unless otherwise stated by abilities) and only the Grappler will be able to move three (3) meters, now considered a full action. If the roll is higher for the character attempting to break the Grapple the attempt will be a failure and the status of both characters will remain the same.

[367] Chapter 9: Ship Combat Ship Combat refers to combat situations played through with ships in either Air or Space and differs from regular combat to a fairly decent degree. While the same basic turn setup and combat progression (see Chapter 9: Combat) applies many of the mechanics associated with the system are either not present or drastically changed while others remain present with simple additions added to them.

For example: Accuracy Checks work exactly as are described in Chapter 9: Combat and still determine whether or not you’re hit was a success, however the addition of varying Speeds make the target more difficult to hit unless you are matching their current speed or they have stalled out due to Strain on their ship.

It should be noted that every twenty (20) points the pilot of the ship has in their Pilot Skill a penalty of plus two (+2) will be added to all Accuracy Attacks made against that ship, while every fifty (50) points in the Pilot Skill decreases damage done to the ship by five (5). The dice bonus from Weapons-Special is also added to attacks made with Ship weapons.

Lastly, when a combat scenario begins all parties involved are allowed on initial action to set up where they are in combat at the moment. These actions occur in no particular order, but this time cannot be used to attack with a weapon.

[368] Combat Actions Like regular combat, ship combat also has a number of Combat Actions that players may make during their turn. These actions are divided into two categories: Pilot and Crew. Respectively: which actions the pilot of the ship can take (largely involving the maneuvering of the ship), and which actions the crew can take (such things as manning weapons, repairing damage, or using secondary systems).

It should be noted that movement around the ship will be on none of these lists. While a description of the size and layout of every ship is given (see Chapter 7: Ships for details) it will be up to the GM to determine how quickly your character is able to reach their destination from one point of a ship or another.

Talking is also possible and remains a Free-Action, however only those aboard the ship you are currently on will hear you (unless Communication Systems are being used).

Pilot Actions Pilot actions are ones that the character piloting the ship can make during combat situations; there must also be a pilot for the ship to move at all, otherwise it will remain stationary (unless previously noted to be moving, in which case it will just keep moving forward). It should be noted that when using a Fighter or Combat Pod Class-ship the Pilot is also able to take all Crew actions as well.

Each action takes a full turn, with the exception of Fighter and Combat Pod-Class ships which may take two (2) actions per turn.

Action: Description: Speed Up/Slow Down Reduce or increase your Ship’s current Speed by one (1) Level (i.e. from 2 to 3 or 5 to 4), up to two (2) Levels for Shuttle- Class ships. Evasive Maneuvers Add a +5 penalty to the next two Accuracy Checks made against your ship. At any point while moving you may move into one adjacent space to your left or right, however your ship will continue to Barrel Roll (Drift)

[369] move in the same forward direction it had been for any remaining moves. This will add two (2) Strain onto the ship. At any point while moving you may use an action to make a Hard Turn right or left turn with the ship. This will add three (3) Strain onto the ship. At any point while moving you may use an action to reduce Break Tap your movement by one (1). This will add three (3) Strain onto the ship. At any point while moving you may use an action to Pull Up (Spin) immediately turn around and move in the opposite direction you had previously been moving. This will add six (6) Strain onto the ship. Push Speed Push the ship to its limits, giving you one additional space of movement. This will add two (2) Strain onto the ship.

Crew Actions Crew actions are ones that any character onboard a ship that is not-currently piloting the vessel can make during combat situations.

Each action takes a Full Action.

Action: Description: Prepare to use a weapon, fire a weapon, or leave a weapon to Ready/Fire/Disembark go to another part of your ship. While manning a weapon Weapon other Crew actions may not be taken (Fighter and Combat Pod-Class Ships are the exception). Target Systems Take a turn to focus in on the support area for one of the ship’s systems, you’re next attack will have you attack that particular area of the ship with a -5 to your Accuracy Check. A successful hit against it will damage it. Spend a full round repairing a damaged ship’s system. Repair Systems Repairing Stalled Engines will decrease the time the ship spends Stalled by one (1) additional round. This action is required to repair Shut Down systems, see Chapter 12: Equipment for the amount of time needed to repair any given system. Repair Strain Spend a full round repairing some of the Ship’s Strain, reducing the Ship’s total amount of Strain by one (1). Use System Make use of one of the Ship Systems installed on a ship (see Chapter 12: Equipment for details).

[370] Rather than dealing damage an attack may be used to create a distraction. Upon successful Accuracy Check the next attack Covering Fire of the targeted enemy will have a penalty of +5 (multiplied by the number of successes from the Covering Fire attack) applied to their next Accuracy Check. Push Weapons Push your currently manned weapon, giving you one additional attack with it this turn but causing it to take one (1) point of durability damage. Deactivate Shields Turn off the shield shields, removing the Check penalty but also removing the protection until they are reactivated.

Every Success made during a Target Systems attack causes for that much damage to be applied to it (damage itself is applied to the ship). For example, a weapon with an Accuracy of fifty (50) that hit the Engines with a roll of thirty (30) will cause the Engine Systems to take two (2) damage to their durability.

When a system is damaged beyond its durability it will Shut Down and MUST be repaired over a certain number of rounds

Speed Ship movement during combat situations is automatic. Speed determines how many spaces the ship moves at the beginning of the pilot’s turn. The key point to remember is that ships may only move the number of spaces that correspond to their current Speed Level in the direction that the ship is currently facing, and only on the final space may the pilot choose to turn the ship in one direction or another – however this movement may only be slight and cannot be in complete reverse (unless the ship was moving at a speed of one (1)).

For Example:

A Dargyn is moving at a Speed of three (3). At the start of the Pilot’s turn they may move forward three (3) spaces or move forward two (2) spaces and then make their final movement into one of the spaces adjacent to the one their second space took them into.

[371] The following table details the levels of speed, how they function, and the movement associated with them. All ships initially start combat at Speed Level 3 unless there are any kind of setup to the contrary.

Speed Level: Description: Movement: Level 0 No speed, no movement, no control required. No Strain will be 0 applied upon Critical Hits if the ship is not moving. Level 1 Minimum speed, movement is miniscule and control is complete. 1 Level 2 Low speed, movement is slow and control is great. 2 Level 3 Average speed, movement is steady and control is simple. 3 Level 4 Above average speed, movement is quick and control is 4 challenging. Level 5 High speed, movement is very fast and control is difficult. 5 Level 6 Maximum speed, movement cannot extend beyond this point, 6 control is nearly impossible.

With this automatic movement it should also be noted that obstacles will be a threat. Like with regular combat, two ships cannot occupy the same space, however in ship combat this is because if two ships occupy the same space it means they crash into one another. In such a case the ships will take considerable damage each, based on how the characteristics of the collisions.

If the ships colliding are both the same size, the range of which is determined by their Class (see Chapter 8: Ships), then damage will be done directly to the Health of both ships equal to the added armor of each. However, if the ships colliding are of different sizes, then damage is only applied to the smaller of the two Ships – again, directly to the Health.

Damage is calculated by applying the following formula:

(Differences in size + 1) x Armor of larger ship x Difference be Speed = Damage


A Grineer Galleon and Wraith Striker

[372] Strain Strain represents the stresses of battle getting to the ship. Generally ships are built to be able to take a good number of blows and work even after they’ve taken considerable damage, but when a ship takes a hefty amount of damage in a short period of time it can have a considerable impact on its durability; and if a ship is put under too much Stain it will eventually stall out.

Strain is only applied when a ship takes a Critical Hit (a roll of 10 points lower than the attacking weapon’s Accuracy), after damage is determined the number of Critical Hits rolled is how much Strain the damaged ship is put under. If the ship reaches a certain amount of strain it will Stall and become unable to take any action for a certain number of rounds (the number depending on the individual ship). While Stalled a ship cannot gain additional Strain until the systems have comeback online.

Player actions can decrease both the amount of Strain a ship is under before it Stalls and the amount of time spent Stalled (see “Combat Actions” earlier in this Chapter for further details).

[373] Chapter 10: Roleplay Systems These are the systems that are designed for helping the player get in character and allowing the player character to interact with the game world of Warframe: Armistice Era. These are not always simply a dice rolling mechanic, they also involve the leveling of your character and the means through which they define themselves within the game world.

Skill Checks are the dice rolls involving, appropriately, Skills – although Stats may be used when certain Skills are not available to a character.

Leveling is the means by which you increase the power of your character or even companion’s abilities. This increased power, generally, translates into increase combat effectiveness, but that will depend on the ability being leveled.

Resolve Points are a way to escape certain parts of the randomness of the dice. They are acquired through

Bonus Systems are different ways to approach certain aspects of your character. They are, as is stated above, the way by which your character can define themselves in the game world. Be they a motivation for what they do, a particular instinct they have in response to certain events, or simply a goal they have in mind or a bond they share with other characters, these systems are intended to help make sure Warframe: Armistice Era isn’t just the clattering of dice and the crunching of numbers.

[374] Skill Checks Interaction with the game world is done through a system of Skill Check rolls that determine if an attempt at an action is successful and how successful it is if so. To make a Skill Check you will roll one one-hundred-sided die (1d100) to try and role lower than the Target Number, a minimum numbers of Successes may be determined by your GM to represent the base skill needed to complete a task.

Every ten (10) points lower than your max in a skill constitutes one extra Success. Every extra Success earned (that goes over the target number given by your GM, if applicable) grants potential bonuses while performing or upon completion of the action, again as determined by your GM. Rolling extra successes in a Bluff check, for example, may mean the difference between a Grineer Lancer who reluctantly lets you pass into the restricted zone despite your “misplaced credentials” and one who fully believes you and will collaborate your story in the future when his commanding officers question you personally.

The following are three examples of a Skill Check:

James wants to force open a door that is locked and has a forty-five (45) in his Muscle Skill and a ten (10) in his Strength Stat, giving him a total of fifty-five (55). The GM gives James a Target Number of three (3) Successes for his Skill Check roll. James rolls a twenty-five (25). He succeeds without any bonus Successes and is able to open the door with some effort.

James wants to threaten a Corpus Crewman into giving him information and has a five (12) in his Intimidate Skill and a seven (7) in his Strength Stat, giving him a total of nineteen (19). The GM gives James a target number of two (3) Successes for his Skill Check. James rolls a twenty- eight (28). He fails to intimidate the Crewman in any way.

James want to try and translate a Corpus text while he himself is not a Corpus character. He has a thirty-four (34) in his Language Skill and a sixteen (16) in his Intelligence Stat, giving him a total of fifty (50). The GM gives James a Target Number of two (2) Successes for his Skill Check. James rolls a seven (7). He succeeds with two bonus Successes, and the GM determines that his translation is fairly quick and more precise than it might otherwise have been and gives him a translation that is less obscure than what he initially was planning on giving.

[375] When a player or NPC character makes a Check roll, however, an NPC character or player (respectively) may make an Oppose roll if they have a Skill that allows them to do so – Oppose rolls cannot be made with Stats alone, a player or NPC trying to make an Opposed roll MUST have at least ten (10) point in the corresponding Skill if they want to oppose a Skill Check. Oppose rolls allow you to roll 1d100 and if you roll equal-to or lower than your maximum value in the opposing Skill you may subtract your number of successes from their Skill Check.

The follow is an example of and Oppose roll:

James has rolled a successful Stealth Check with a roll of twenty-five (25), out of his total of thirty (30), when the target number 2 successes. A Grineer Lancer NPC in the area has a Perception of thirty (30). The GM rolls for the NPC, rolling a ten (10). When the Lancer’s Perception roll is added to James’ Stealth roll the value brings James’ Skill Check above his Skill level, so the Lancer is able to spot his character.

It should be noted, however, that depending on your Armor and Shields are there are minuses to Check rolls – Skill and Accuracy – applied. Heavy Fabric, for example, carries with it a plus two (+2) Check Penalty, which reduces all Check rolls of any kind by one (1), although this is one of the lower possible Check Penalties. See Chapter 12: Equipment for complete information regarding Check Penalties for both the Armor and Shields categories.

Also, on the other end of this spectrum, are Failures, which are simply moments where your attempts at applying a skill are unsuccessful. However, whenever you make a Skill Check that not only fails to give you even a single Success in that selected Skill but extends over a minimum of ten (10) points higher than your total in that Skill you receive one Critical Failure. This Critical Failure allows the GM to mess with the Skill Check you just made in any negative way they choose, rather than simply making it a Failure. The severity of this will be determined by the number of Critical Failures you roll (every additional 10 points higher) – the more Critical Failures, the worse scenario your GM may put you through.

For Example:

[376] James wants to look around an abandoned room and has a forty-five (45) in his Perception Skill. His roll is a fifty-five (55), he has one (1) Critical Failure and the GM decides that, because while he was looking something got into his eyes, all Accuracy Checks he will make for the rest of the day will have a +5 penalty added to them.

Jesse now tries to look around the same room. She has a Perception Skill of 53, and her Skill Check roll is a 62. She fails, but she does not suffer a Critical Failure.

James wants to try and pry open a security door. He has a Muscle Skill of sixty-seven (67) but rolls a ninety-seven (97). He suffers three (3) Critical Failures and because of this when he attempts to open the door the GM decides that the door suddenly closes hard on his arm, breaking it, though he is able to pull it out without losing it, and permanently decreasing his Muscle Skill by ten (10) – although James will be able to expend XP to increase this.

Players may also assist each other in rolls if they both have points in the same Skill that is being rolled. The Skill level (not including Stat level) of one player is added to the total Skill (Skill level plus Stat level) of the other, this new number is treated as the total.

[377] Leveling Characters in Warframe: Armistice Era do not have overreaching levels that influence what they get at certain points of progress. You will never have a “Level 3 Oracle” or “Level 10 Scrambus” at any point in the game. Instead, Experience Points (XP) are spent directly on upgrading Abilities, Stats, and Skills.

Expend 200 XP to increase an Ability by one (1), with the cost increasing by 200 every level (i.e. to increase Deploy Roller from Rank 0 to Rank 1 costs 200 XP, to increase it from Rank 1 to Rank 2 costs 400 XP, Rank 2 to Rank 3 600 XP, etc.)

Expend 150 XP to increase a Stat by one (1).

Expend 100 XP to increase a Skill by one (1).

Expend 600 XP to gain one (1) temporary Resolve Point.

Leveling a companion works in the same way, drawing from your character’s XP pool, however the numbers are slightly different – that is to say the costs are much lower.

Expend 50 XP to increase a Stat by one (1).

Expend 50 XP to increase a Skill by one (1).

Experience is earned at the discretion of the GM based on how they feel to best reward certain events and battles. Some suggestions for how XP should be distributed:

1,000 XP per completed session.

100 XP per enemy killed.

1,000 XP for completing objectives.

Variable XP for fulfilling Bonus requirements (see Section D: Bonus Systems).

[378] Resolve Points Resolve Points are the means by which players are able to influence the game without having to always rely on the randomness of the dice. They represent the drive of the character, the will to keep pushing on even in the face of defeat. Resolve is what keeps a character going even when the fates themselves seem to be conspiring against them, it allows them to focus and achieve success even against terrible odds; Resolve Points can even allow a character avoid death.

There are two kinds of Resolve Points: permanent and temporary.

Permanent Resolve Points are determined during characters creation. While they can be expended these points are refreshed at the beginning of every session. This number can only increase if the character achieves something of great renown, in which case the GM may choose to give the player an additional permanent Resolve Point instead of adding just a temporary one. Examples of such may include:

Completing a full mission.

Saving their Group/Faction from a terrible defeat.

Achieving a great victory for their Group/Faction.

Defeating a powerful enemy.

Reaching a certain point in your campaign.

Temporary Resolve Points are gained by playing, handed out by the GM. How and when players will gain temporary Resolve Points will ultimately be up to your GM, and they can choose to award (or not to award) these bonuses at any time, however there are situations where a GM be inclined to give out temporary Resolve Points:

Naturally achieving a high level of success when using a Skill.

Defeating regular enemies.

Roleplaying your character well.

Your character’s story advances in an unexpected way.

[379] Assisting an ally with a difficult roll.

Fulfilling the requirements of any of the Bonus Systems you are using (see “Bonus Systems” later in this Chapter).

Keep in mind that these are just suggestions, and if you or your GM can think of any others to have in consideration for either awarding permanent or temporary Resolve Points (that are within reasonable bounds for either) feel free to consider adding them into your game.

There are a number of ways these Resolve Points can be used to benefit your character during gameplay:

Expending one (1) Resolve Point will allow you to reroll any roll. This may be done many times over in a single session.

Expending one (1) Resolve Point will allow you to instantly remove a Status Effect from your character. This may be done many times over in a single session.

Expending one (1) Resolve Point will allow you to instantly repair a Vehicle or Ship System back to full durability. This may be done many times over in a single session.

Expending one (1) Resolve Point will allow you to instantly revive a character that was in the Bleedout state. This may only be done once per session.

Expending two (2) Resolve Points will allow you to gain one (1) automatic Success in any roll, be it a Skill Check or Accuracy Check. This replaces a regular roll, but may be done many times over in a single session to add additional successes.

Expending one (1) Resolve Point will allow you to prevent your character’s death (or the death of any of your character’s companions) – NOTE: if the used point was a Permanent Resolve point, that point will treated as if it were a temporary Resolve Point and be forever lost. This may only be done once per session.

[380] If players wish to play such a way, Resolve Points may also be expended even when they have already expended all of their given Resolve Points for that session; however, this will come at the cost of having that many less Resolve Points during the next session.


If you have zero (0) Resolve Points remaining of your total seven (7) and you use three more, at the start of your next session you will begin with only four (4) Resolve Points. Assuming you don’t use any more Resolve Points past zero (0) in that session one, however, in the session after that one you will being with all seven (7) Resolve Points again.

[381] Bonus Systems To help increase your level of fun by getting into your character, consider the following roleplaying systems. Any number of these may be used, although it is advised that only one or two should be in play at any time in order to help avoid player confusion and general mechanic “overload.” However, which and how many you seek to use will ultimately be up to you, your GM, and the other players in your game.

Bonds At the beginning of the session the GM may pass out Bond suggestions to the players slightly higher than the number of other players aside from them (four players means about five or six bonds per player) and the players then choose one bond from these suggestions to assign to the others in the group. These Bonds represent a relationship that player characters have with others and goals they want to see met in regards to that character. For this reason, depending on the backstory created by the players, it may be wiser to leave their addition into later into a campaign, as the characters will have had a chance to interact off of one another and what Bonds might be appropriate for what characters will be clearer.

Players assign Bonds to their friend’s player characters on their own and both they and the player who the bond connects them to are rewarded with 500 XP at the end of the session if they resolved it during the session, and at the beginning of the next session new Bonds are determined by the Player and GM. These bonds should represent an evolution of the previous bond; for example if a bond states “_____ is unworthy of Profit” but then the character in question does something to dissuade that opinion the Bond might evolve into “_____ is someone who might be able to amass great Profit” and then, assuming they fail to live up to this expectation, “_____ is a fool who cannot achieve the Profit they deserve”.

As long as a Bond remains unresolved, however, all rolls made by a player that involve the other implicated player character gain a minus five (-5) bonus.

Some example Bonds are as follows:

[382] _____ is soft but I will make them hard like me.

_____ is blind to the glories of the Void but I will open their eyes. (Corpus only)

_____ owes me their life whether they admit it or not.

_____ is a liability to our cause and must be watched.

_____ has insulted the Sisters and must repent. (Grineer only)

_____ has only enough intelligence to barely be considered sentient, I will correct that.

_____ has told me a great secret and earned my trust.

_____ understands Profit greater than I, I must learn their ways. (Corpus only)

_____ is an instrument of the Queen’s will, I will emulate their power. (Grineer only)

_____ has stood by me in fights before, I trust them.

_____ acts recklessly and must be reeled in for the safety of all.

_____ lacks experience but I will take them under my wing.

_____ will be useful to furthering my goals.

_____ made a mistake and I paid the price.

_____ and I are working together for our own agenda.

_____ has betrayed me in the past and I will have revenge.

_____ is under my sworn protection.

_____ will play an important role in the future.

If the player or GM can think of any other appropriate Bond ideas on their own, they are free to add them into their game under the same rules as apply to the above.

[383] Contribution Contribution represents the level of notoriety you and your group has throughout the Origin System, acquired by gaining Duty. Duty is your characters level of personal commitment to their Group or Faction, which grants you Contribution over time. As each character perform actions that benefit their Group or Faction they will add Duty points. Every time you gain one-hundred (100) Duty points you will gain a rank of Contribution, and your Duty points will reset.

The higher your rank of Contribution the greater your reputation within your allies and notoriety with your enemies will be, and certain titles and privileges may be applied to your character within the story as you reach higher ranks of Contribution. Your group will also gain a collective Contribution rank: the added sum of each player’s individual Contribution rank.

Each character will either manually select a specific Duty or roll for it with a one-hundred sided die (d100). Once selected, completing this type (or types) of action will be the way your character earns Duty, and by extension Contribution for themselves and their group.

Contribution has no associated XP gain on its own and is not meant to be a way to gain XP. If your GM or group wishes to have XP handed out alongside Duty points you may do so, however there will be no recommendations given here as there are for any of the other suggested Bonus Systems in this Chapter.

Name: Description: Roll: Your character seeks to prove themselves by engaging in and defeating enemy forces in combat. Be it on-world or in the vacuum Extermination of space, they relish the chance to show they and the Faction they 1-7 serve can match and outclass any of their foes on the battlefield, to prove beyond-doubt that they hold power in Origin. Your character seeks to prove themselves by capturing enemies that are important to your enemies’ cause. Be they a part of the Empire, Capture Corporation, or one of the many Syndicates, be it because they 14-21 know something valuable or they simply need to be made a public example of, the capturing of high-value targets is a useful endeavor. Your character seeks to prove themselves through trickery and deception. Often the best route to dealing with one’s enemies is the Deception subtle one, and whether its manipulation, planting false evidence or 22-28 engaging in a little simple misdirection, the war they fight is one waged in the shadows. Your character seeks to prove themselves through the capture of enemy supplies. Resources, just as much as men or tactics, are the

[384] Raid key to victory in any conflict, and while securing resources for 29-35 yourself is one matter, securing resources and depleting your enemy’s reserves at the same time is an outstanding victory. Your character seeks to prove themselves by defending their Faction from its enemies. Whether they be enemies without or Defense within, they strive to and see the greatest honor as being able to 36-42 protect valuable assets – be they people, places, or things – from falling into enemy hands. Your character seeks to prove themselves by finding and laying claim to new resource deposits. They know the advantage of having Claim excess assets in both times or war and peace. Origin is large, but 43-49 even its mineral wealth is finite. When new resource nodes are discovered it is best to take them quickly before ones enemies can. Your character seeks to prove themselves by taking territory before or seizing territory from your enemies. Be it a full-scale conquest Invasion or a blockade in enemy space, they take the fight to the enemy not 50-56 with the intention of simply striking a blow against them but of expanding the territories of their Faction’s realm. Your character seeks to prove themselves by acquiring valuable information about the enemy. Knowledge is power: intelligence Spy gathering allows you to stay one or several steps ahead of your 57-63 enemy. Be it stealing crucial documents or eavesdropping on a meeting, they know the intel gained will benefit their Faction. Your character seeks to uproot and disrupt the enemy by damaging their infrastructure or operations. One does not need to annihilate Sabotage an enemy’s numbers to defeat it, sometimes all it takes is the 64-70 destruction of decisive assets or the disturbance of actions vital to the enemy. Remove the pillars and the whole structure collapses. Your character seeks to prove themselves by saving allies from enemy hands. Soldiers and spies are an important part of any war Rescue for a number of reasons. Keeping them out of the hands of one’s 71-77 foes is paramount. What happens after they are freed is of no consequence, so long as they are not in the grasp of the enemy. Your character seeks to prove themselves by finding and claiming ancient technologies. Be they Orokin, Tenno, or otherwise, the Excavation technologies of the past era were greater than those of the current. 78-84 By locating sites where these ancient technologies can be found and taking them one ensures their Faction alone can make use of them. Your character seeks to prove themselves by finding and convincing others to support your cause. Allies and what aid they Recruiting can provide often can turn the tide of conflict. Be it fresh recruits 85-91 or turned enemies, the more that support their Faction’s cause the better. Even the lowliest of Colonists have their uses. Your character seeks to prove themselves by eliminating high-value targets. The means to do so vary – subtle or blatant, covert or overt Assassination – but all that matters is the end result. The death of people of import 92-98

[385] to ones enemies send shockwaves throughout their ranks, serving as warning and threat as much as a means of weakening them. Choose or roll again until you have selected two (2) types of Duties, Choose/Roll instead of just one. Success in either or both of these areas will 99-100 for Two allow for Duty points to be awarded to your character, calculated individually (if applicable).

If the player or GM can think of any other appropriate Duty ideas on their own, they are free to add them into their game under the same rules as apply to the above.

Whenever your group completes a mission or performs a large-scale action that aids your Group or Faction and that is connected to your personal Duty, your GM will roll a number of six- sided dice (d6) that they feel is appropriate for the scale of the mission you completed. The numbers on these dice will be added together and that number will be added to your total Duty. Once your total Duty reaches one-hundred (100) you will gain one (1) rank of Contribution and your Duty will be reset to zero (0). Players gain Duty and Contribution independent of each other.

If this system is chosen to be used, each character will begin with ten (10) Duty points, however they may choose to reduce this during character creation to gain either an additional fifty (50) points of XP or one-hundred (100) starting Credits per Duty point.

Conviction A conviction is something your character believes to be true about themselves or another person or group of people. This can be any variety of things, either positive or negative, so long as they can be phrased in an “I think” or “I believe” way. If at any point during the session your conviction is affirmed or drives your character to act in a certain way that is based around that conviction your GM may award you an amount of XP. Because of this, while they can be anything, convictions should be fairly nuance and not exactly cover an obvious spectrum – i.e. the conviction that “I am a Grineer” or “the Corpus are greedy” is something that should be considered too blatant

[386] to be applicable; however, a conviction like “the Corpus’ greed will only bring them trouble” is specific enough to be acceptable.

A good rule of thumb of XP received in this manner should be 1,000 XP if it is affirmed at any point during the session, as only one affirmation of the conviction will count.

Example Convictions include:

I am the greatest Lancer to be cloned.

I am a master of hacking.

I am a Dax and must act with honor.

I am unquestionably loyal to my Queens.

I never miss a shot.

The Queens favor me.

The Board favors me.

I know more than any of my allies.

I am very important to the future of my Syndicate.

If the player or GM can think of any other appropriate Conviction ideas on their own, they are free to add them into their game under the same rules as apply to the above.

Goal Goals represent what your character wishes to do. These are picked by the player at the start of session and may be kept for as long as the player feels they are applicable to their character’s mindset. Goals can be a wide variety of things, it will be between the player and the GM to decide if the player’s choice is a valid goal – generally speaking, though, the Goal should be something greater than simply “complete/further the current mission”; they should somehow push the character and their capabilities.

[387] If a player manages to fulfill their Goal or do something that meaningfully moves them towards fulfilling it they are awarded 1,000 XP at the end of the session. They may then select a new Goal to replace their completed one.

Keep in mind that while a player may earn a reward for their Goal multiple times they may not do so in the same session – if the Goal has been met in a session the player must wait until the next in order to gain another 1,000 XP for that Goal, and further more for after that.

Example Goals are as follows:

I will kill someone at a distance.

I will find out something I previously did not know about my allies.

I will acquire something of value and sell it for Profit (Corpus only).

I will bring others to serve my Queens (Grineer only).

I will cause as much destruction as possible.

I will uncover forgotten knowledge for my people.

I will keep others from dying.

I will work to overcome one of my fears.

I will maintain the alliance between the Empire and Corporation.

I will kill someone in melee combat.

I will resolve a conflict before it escalates to violence.

I will save my comrades from the brink of death.

I will acquire a more powerful weapon.

I will protect the colonies from tyranny.

I will capture an enemy of my people.

If the player or GM can think of any other appropriate Goal ideas on their own, they are free to add them into their game under the same rules as apply to the above.


Instinct Instincts represent a character’s innate reaction to a certain stimuli or a part of their nature. These could be phrased as anything from something your character always does, never does, or something they do when certain situations arise. Depending on the instinct in question the GM may award you certain bonuses based on the instinct – i.e. if your character always has their weapon at the ready the GM may give you a bonus to your initiative roll when combat arises.

The player can also choose to have their character ignore their instincts at any time, however if they act on their instinct, especially if it is in a way that would otherwise get their characters into danger, the GM is allowed to award them bonus XP at the end of the session. If, for example, a Syndicate character has the above “has their weapon at the ready” instinct and they are approached by a group of Grineer enforcers that see this as suspicious, bonus XP may be awarded to the character. Instincts are not permanent, but if a player wishes to change theirs they will need to expend some XP to do so.

This number if completely up to the GM’s discretion, however a god rule of thumb would be 800 XP per instance of giving in to one’s Instinct. If a player wishes to change their Instinct they must expend 200 XP.

Example Instincts are as follows:

I always have my weapon at the ready.

I shoot first and ask questions later.

I never shoot without taking aim.

I trust no Corpus.

I trust no Grineer.

I always follow orders.

I will fight no matter how grim the odds.

[389] I will never flee from combat.

I will kill anyone I find suspicious.

I will not deal with the Void.

I will run at the first sign of Infestation.

I will not ignore the needy.

If the player or GM can think of any other appropriate Instinct ideas on their own, they are free to add them into their game under the same rules as apply to the above.

Motivation Motivations are the reasons your character does what they do. Be they Beliefs, Connections, or Quests, they are a guiding light and driving force for those that live within Origin. Even Grineer clones, brains as warped and programmed as they are, can have Motivations that extend beyond simply serving their Queens, though, in many instances, they somehow tie back into them. It will be up to the player to determine the specific terms of their character’s Motivation.

You may choose your Motivation manually or you may choose to roll for it on a ten-sided die (d10), and then rolling a one-hundred-sided die (d100) on the chart that corresponds to the d10. If the roll is one to three (1-3), roll again on the Belief table; if the roll is four to six (4-6), roll on the Connections table; if the roll is seven to nine (6-7), roll on the Quests table; if the roll is ten (10) you may roll on two charts (either chosen manually or determined by re-rolling the d10 twice) and then roll again to have two distinct Motivations for your character.

Whenever a Motivation is followed bonus XP may be awarded at the end of the session. This number if completely up to the GM’s discretion and will vary depending on how closely they stuck to their Motivation, however a god rule of thumb would be 100 XP for every time a Motivation is adhered to, with 800 XP if they do so through a critical moment.

[390] Belief: Your character is motivated by faith in something greater than them. This Belief drives them to act upon it, and they hold it in deep regard and hold it to be the most important thing in all of Origin, giving them purpose and setting the groundwork for their actions.

Name: Description: Roll: Live with a code or die without one. Your character has a strong sense of honor, choosing to act in a way that sets them apart. They Honor act to maintain their code and look down upon those they see as 1-10 living in a way that cause them to violate there’s, though with pity or disgust will depend on the individual. Wrongdoings and those that perpetrate them must be punished. Your character has a strong and unyielding sense of right and wrong. They Justice see injustice of their enemies throughout Origin and wish for them 11-20 to see them receive the punishment they deserve while upholding the justice of their Faction. Without peace there is nothing worth having. Your character believes that the conflicts that wage within Origin only serve to Peace prevent something great from arising. They seek to end the conflict 21-30 by whatever means they believe to be the best to do so, in the hopes of that something greater finally coming to pass. Disorder leads to chaos, chaos prevents progress. Your character believes that only through a closely-orchestrated set of ideals can Order anything be accomplished. Without order there can be no progress, 31-40 no peace, no justice; no matter what must be sacrificed in the name of it, order must be maintained. The only way is forward. Your character believes that the only future for the Origin System is progress. Anything or anyone that would Progress stand in the way of progress, or, worse, try to move it backwards, is 41-50 a threat and must be eliminated. Advancements must be made, no matter the price that comes with them. In the end, all that matters is how one is remembered. Your character seeks recognition and fame, believing that how they are remembered Glory by others once they themselves are gone is more important than 51-60 whether they live to see it. On the battlefield or off of it, everything they do is with the intention of leaving a legacy. The truth will set you free. Your character believes that it is more important for people to know the truth than anything else. They do Truth not believe that keeping secrets can be for the greater good and will 61-70 think everyone has a given right to know everything. They will share their truths openly and freely without hesitation. United we stand. Your character holds a firm belief that one of major Factions in Origin is the sole hope for its survival. Be it the Empire, Faction the Corporation, or even one or many of the varied Syndicates, they 71-80

[391] have an unshakable feeling that unless they are victorious in their efforts dark times lie ahead for all. Some people simply cannot be left to their down devices. It is the duty of the strong to be the masters of the weak. Your character Rule believes that some within Origin cannot be left to rule themselves 81-90 and must be controlled and commanded, just as common livestock are herded by their owners. The Void is a mystical force and realm that has eluded all attempts to comprehend and understand it. Your character believes that in the The Void Void can be found the answers to the mysteries of life, the universe, 91-100 and everything. Be it in scientific curiosity or worship, they turn to the Void for answers.

Connection: Your character is motivated by a bond to another. This Connection was forged sometime in the past but continues to be a focal point of their identity and actions, be it the words of another, what they in someone else, or what they think others might see in them.

Name: Description: Roll: Those on high are forever looking down. Your character is connected with someone of political import, be they members or Political associates of the Grineer Sol Council, Corpus Board of Directors, or 1-10 simply influential Colonists or Syndicate members, and that tie has somehow pushed them to take action. Those closest to us are family. Your character has a family somewhere in Origin, and that relation drives them on. Grineer have Family no traditional families, but it is not uncommon for some to develop 11-20 attachments closer than mere friendships for alliances, forging bonds of brotherhood, sisterhood, or looking on some as parental figures. The dogs of war howl, and all others cower. Your character has close ties to a military organization or someone in one. It may be one of Military the official militaries of the Grineer or Corpus, or guerilla groups 21-30 associated with or separate from the Syndicates, but dealings with them in the past or present have given them a cause to act for. Keep your friends close. Your character has or had a deep friendship with someone in Origin that has somehow pushed them onto a path. Friends Be it a death or a promise made, somewhere along the line a close 31-40 ally of theirs did something or had something happen to them that has pushed them to where they are now. Where the law cannot reach, organization grows. Your character has an ally or contact through black markets and shady reaches of Origin,

[392] Underworld someone who operates outside of the laws of either Corpus or 41-50 Grineer. The contact may not be solely connected to them, but it is only through that intermediary they know one another. Money is the backbone of any empire. Your character has a connection to the economic systems of Origin. Be it former Economic experience in the field or knowing someone who handles the money 51-60 for even the likes of the Empire, something they encountered with it pushes them forward. Those that drive us may be those that stand in our way. Your character has a rivalry – friendly or non – with someone else in Rival Origin. It may be someone in the same Faction or an opposing one, 61-70 but the competition between the two of them causes them to strive to be better than the other. There are few things sweeter than freedom. Your character was once held captive or in otherwise dire straits but was rescued by someone Rescuer and returned to their Faction. This pivotal moment changed 71-80 something for them and has become their core reason for doing whatever it is they do now. Some we know transcend all but a single thing. Your character has or had a romance, reciprocated or not, with someone that is now the Love Interest reason they are doing what they’re doing. Grineer may be clones 81-90 bred to fight, but they are still people; and it need not be realistic: Admiral Vor is known to hold a deep affection of his Queens. The law serves those that make it. Your character’s connection to the law enforcement of Origin or someone else associated with it Law drives them. Be it an Auditor of the Corpus or a run-in the Arid 91-100 Constabulary or something else, this connection has motivated them to some degree.

Quest: Your character is motivated by a mission. This Quest is something that may be new or old, self-determined or forced upon them, but regardless of how they obtained it they have taken it upon themselves to see this obligation fulfilled by their own hands.

Name: Description: Roll: Those fallen always seek to rise. You character has committed past deed that they regret and seek to repent for. They may have been Redemption transactions against their Faction or against an enemy faction, deeds 1-10

[393] committed against people they cared about, or even something as simple as a sense of they should have done something. A pursuit of legacy. Your character seeks to find and fulfill some destiny that will make their name a permanent part of the history of Renown Origin. Where it takes a hundred minor deeds or just some major 11-20 act, their name will become as well known as the Tenno or any of Origin’s other great heroes. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Your character is on a quest of retribution. They were wronged in the past – either directly or by Vengeance proxy; personally or witnessed an affront to their Faction – and that 21-30 has pushed them to take revenge on whoever was the source of the offense or those associated with them. To have others revere you is the greatest accomplishment. Your character is on a mission to establish themselves and gain influence Influence and clout, political, militaristic or others, for a menagerie of potential 31-40 reasons. Perhaps they have great plans for the future or perhaps they simply want to rest in the lap of luxury. Salvation is not always within one’s own hands. Your character is on a quest to save someone or even something. Perhaps someone of Rescue importance that they know has been captured, or perhaps they see 41-50 some group of people teetering on the precipice of disaster. They see themselves as the saviors needed for the job. Through victory thy chains are broken. Your character quests for freedom. Perhaps it is freedom for themselves, from imprison or Freedom enslavement real or perceived, or perhaps it is for some other 51-60 persons. Perhaps they see all shackled by bounds none have been able to break, but they intend to see them shattered. Seeking purpose is its own purpose. Your character feels lost, adrift in an ocean without a boat to sail on. Listless, perhaps broken by Purpose events of their past, they seek something, some sort of meaning. 61-70 They quest to find this meaning to find their place in the System and, perhaps, the universe itself. The only thing greater than riches are more. Your character desires, above all other things, riches. Perhaps they do not intend to keep it Wealth to themselves, or maybe they seek such affluence to lord over those 71-80 with less. Perhaps they are jealous of those with more, see them as undeserving of it, or simply see themselves as one of their number. Knowledge is the key to all doors. Your character wants to learn, wants to find out all that they can about any variety of subjects. Knowledge Perhaps they seek the lost histories of Origin, perhaps they wish to 81-90 find technologies ancient or new. The end goal, for them, is the understanding above all else. There are always those that seek power for its own sake. Your character desires power – not for always for any particular reason. Power Maybe it is power in and of itself that they crave it, the feeling of 91-100

[394] control, the sense of domination; or, maybe, they do seek power for the possibilities it can bestow upon them.

If the player or GM can think of any other appropriate Motivation ideas (Beliefs, Connections, or Quests) on their own, they are free to add them into their game under the same rules as apply to the above.

[395] Final Thoughts As I said in the introduction, I don’t know if anyone will play this or not but I had fun making it and I am pleased with the fact I have been able to contribute something THIS massive to the Warframe community. For those who do pick this up and find some enjoyment out of it, however, know that you make me a happy man to know that my efforts indeed have brought some entertainment to others.

As it was with the introduction so is it with the conclusion: short, probably could say more if I really stretched myself for words. But I think I’ve said all I need to, and it’s not like I’ve got anything to gain from padding this out like I’m craving college class credit (yeah, this line SOLELY exists for the alliteration).

Thanks to Digital Extremes, thanks to the Warframe Community, and, most of all, thanks to you happy few who may be reading this; it’s because of the idea that there might be some people able to pull some enjoyment out of this that I continued on with this project after earlier failings and disillusionments.

A VERY special thanks to:








Fight on, my fellow Tenno.


[396] Appendix I: Equipment Equipment represents all the items that a character can wear and use and store in their inventory. An important thing to note that armor, shields, and weapons are divided based on faction, and weapons that are available readily to one faction might not be accessible by the others.

The items listed in here are largely inspired by in-game items or general necessity, however it is possible – and in some ways even encouraged – for players to become involved in this area: if your game might benefit from additions it is perfectly fine to make them, as long as they obey the equipment, weapon or otherwise, rules set forth here

Inventory Your inventory represents the items you have on your person at the moment. Weapons, Armor, Shields, Gear, Mods, even miscellaneous knick-knacks or items important to your mission are stored in here. You do not have infinite inventory space but you can carry everything you can store in your inventory without difficulty – it will be everything else, or items attempting to be carried once the inventory is full, that requires such things as Agility or Muscle rolls to move, but what items will need that will be at your GM’s discretion.

Aside from what you have in your inventory you can also have one weapon, one shield, and one armor type equipped as well. These items do not take up inventory slots and are your go- to tools in combat. While out of combat you may switch your armor, shields, and weapons at will, and at any point in combat you may take a turn to switch out weapons from your inventory but you cannot change equipped armor in combat.

Armor and Shields are defensive items that protect a character or ship during combat.

Gear is various types of items that can be used by players to a variety of effects.

Vehicle and Ship systems are the various abilities and functions either have.

Weapons are divided into three different groups: Primary, Secondary, and Melee. Each group is divided between Grineer, Corpus, and Syndicate weapons and has its own sub-categories

[397] which further help differentiate the weapons. Some weapons are also listed as having Special abilities. These weapons are considered Special Weapons and their abilities may be used in place of actually attacking normally with them. There are also vehicle and ship weapons that can only be used by vehicles and ships.

See Chapter 9: Combat for further details on how these apply to combat gameplay.

Armor Armor is starting equipment that both Corpus and Grineer have to some extent. While they will always start with armor assigned to their faction they may purchase any armor of any kind from a merchant who sells it – provided they are willing to sell to them and provided the armor is in the appropriate Armor Class to allow them to wear it.

Armor Class represents how difficult the armor is to wear. Different classes have different levels of Armor Proficiency that allow them to wear different Armor Classes, restricting them from some. For example: a Grineer Bailiff has an Armor Proficiency of five (5), which means they can wear armor in the Armor Classes one, two, three, four, or five (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); a Syndicate Recruiter has an Armor Proficiency of two (2), which means they can wear armor in the Armor Classes one and two (1, 2).

Player-character: These Armor types are the ones that the player character will most likely be using.

Name: Description: Armor: Cloned The disease-ridden flesh of Grineer clones; 0 (-0 check penalty) Flesh only vulnerable when the character is wearing Armor Class: NA NO armor. Light Mail Light clothing made of metals that provides 9 (-1 check penalty) little in terms of protection. Armor Class: 2 Medium Medium clothing made of metals that 12 (-2 check penalty) Mail provides little in terms of protection. Armor Class: 2 Heavy Mail Heavy clothing made of metals that provides 15 (-3 check penalty) little in terms of protection. Armor Class: 2

[398] Light Common Grineer armor made of a durable 22 (-5 check penalty) Ferrite material, light variation. Armor Class: 3 Medium Common Grineer armor made of a durable 26 (-10 check penalty) Ferrite material, average variation. Armor Class: 3 Heavy Common Grineer armor made of a durable 30 (-15 check penalty) Ferrite material, heavy variation. Armor Class: 4 Light Alloy Thick metal plates make up this light-but- 36 (-15 check penalty) Plate durable Grineer armor. Armor Class: 4 Medium Thick metal plates make up this durable 40 (-20 check penalty) Alloy Plate Grineer armor. Armor Class 5 Heavy Thick metal plates make up this heavy-duty 44 (-25 check penalty) Alloy Plate Grineer armor. Armor Class 5 The soft, unprotected flesh of regular human 0 (-0 check penalty) Flesh beings, only vulnerable if the character is Armor Class: NA wearing NO armor. Light Light synthetic Corpus clothing that provides 6 (-0 check penalty) Silicon little in terms of protection. Armor Class: 1 Medium Average synthetic Corpus clothing that 9 (-1 check penalty) Silicon provides little in terms of protection. Armor Class: 1 Heavy Heavy synthetic Corpus clothing that 12 (-2 check penalty) Silicon provides little in terms of protection. Armor Class: 2 Light A light variant of the plastic used in Corpus 18 (-5 check penalty) Polymer Corporation uniforms. Armor Class: 2 Medium An average variant of the plastic used in 22 (-7 check penalty) Polymer Corpus Corporation uniforms Armor Class: 2 Heavy A heavy variant of the plastic used in Corpus 26 (-10 check penalty) Polymer Corporation uniforms. Armor Class: 3 Light A plastic-metal composite used to make 30 (-13 check penalty) Polysteel simple Corpus hazard-duty uniforms. Armor Class: 3 Medium A plastic-metal composite used to make 33 (-15 check penalty Polysteel average Corpus hazard-duty uniforms. Armor Class: 4) Heavy A plastic-metal composite used to make the 35 (-18 check penalty) Polysteel heaviest of Corpus hazard-duty uniforms. Armor Class: 4 Light Light fabric clothing of Colonists that 6 (-0 check penalty) Fabric provides little in terms of protection. Armor Class: 1 Medium Medium fabric clothing of Colonists that 7 (-1 check penalty) Fabric provides little in terms of protection. Armor Class: 1 Heavy Heavy fabric clothing of Colonists that 10 (-2 check penalty) Fabric provides little in terms of protection. Armor Class: 1 Steel Mail A low-quality chain-metal armor that can be 12 (-2 check penalty) produced by the Syndicates. Armor Class: 2 Steel Plate A low-quality plate-metal armor that can be 15 (-5 check penalty) produced by the Syndicates. Armor Class: 3

[399] Vehicle and Ship: These Armor types are those that are used on Ships to provide them with defense. Every ship has a default type of Armor that, while it can be replaced with another type, is very difficult and time-consuming to replace.

Name: Description: Armor: Light 140 Vanadium Light plating used on Syndicate Vehicles and Armor Class: 8 Plating Ships. Medium 160 Vanadium Average plating used on Syndicate Vehicles Armor Class: 8 Plating and Ships. Heavy 180 Vanadium Heavy plating used on Syndicate Vehicles and Armor Class: 9 Plating Ships. Light Light plating used on Grineer and Corpus 230 Tellurium Fighter, Combat Pod, and Shuttle-Class Ships Armor Class: 9 Plating and Syndicate Freighter and Gunship-Class Ships and various Vehicles. Medium Average plating used on Grineer and Corpus 250 Tellurium Fighter, Combat Pod, and Shuttle-Class Ships Armor Class: 10 Plating and Syndicate Freighter and Gunship-Class Ships and various Vehicles. Heavy Heavy plating used on Grineer and Corpus 270 Tellurium Fighter, Combat Pod, and Shuttle-Class Ships Armor Class: 10 Plating and Syndicate Freighter and Gunship-Class Ships and various Vehicles. Light Light alloy used on Grineer and Corpus 320 Tellurium Gunship, Freighter, and Flagship-Class Ships Armor Class: 11 Alloy and various Vehicles. Medium Average alloy used on Grineer and Corpus 350 Tellurium Gunship, Freighter, and Flagship-Class Ships. Armor Class: 11 Alloy Heavy Heavy alloy used on Grineer and Corpus 380 Tellurium Gunship, Freighter, and Flagship-Class Ships. Armor Class: 12 Alloy

[400] Other: These armor types are those that generally won’t be applicable to player characters, rather they are used by hostiles (i.e. Infested) or in vehicle plating. See Chapter 13: Enemies for further details on the creatures that uses these armor types.

Name: Description: Armor: Infested The flesh of creatures that have succumbed to 20 (+0 check penalty) Flesh the Infestation. Armor Class: 1 Fossilized The hardened flesh of ancient Infested 30 (+0 check penalty) Flesh creatures. Armor Class: 1 Infested The flesh of heavily-evolved Infested 40 (+0 check penalty) Sinew creatures. Armor Class: 1 Feathered The flesh of avian beasts, covered in feathers, 13 (+0 check penalty) Hide evolved to be durable against the natural Armor Class: 1 elements. Hide The flesh of beasts, evolved to be durable 14 (+0 check penalty) against the natural elements. Armor Class: 1 Thick Hide The flesh of beasts, covered in hair, evolved 15 (+0 check penalty) to be durable against the natural elements. Armor Class: 1 Cloned The flesh of beasts bred by the Grineer, weak 11 (+0 check penalty) Hide and sickly but still providing some defense. Armor Class: 1 Dermal- The flesh of beasts bred by the Grineer, its 17 (+2 check penalty) Plated weak and sickly nature compensated for with Armor Class: 2 Cloned the addition of thick dermal plating. Hide Light Specialized plating used on Corpus light 20 (+5 check penalty) Robotic robots. Armor Class: 2 Plating Medium Specialized plating used on Corpus medium 26 (+10 check penalty) Robotic robots. Armor Class: 3 Plating Heavy Specialized plating used on Corpus heavy 32 (+15 check penalty) Robotic robots. Armor Class: 4 Plating Light Specialized plating used on Grineer and 24 (+10 check penalty) Mechanical Colonist light machines. Armor Class: 3 Plating Medium Specialized plating used on Grineer and 25 (+11 check penalty) Mechanical Colonist medium machines. Armor Class: 4 Plating Heavy Specialized plating used on Grineer and 38 (+12 check penalty) Mechanical Colonist heavy machines. Armor Class: 5 Plating

[401] Shields Shields are starting equipment almost completely unique to the Corpus, providing an extra layer of defense that must be brought down before the enemy can be damaged. They also recharge while the player is not taking any damage (see Chapter 9: Combat for further details), although some exception apply.

Personnel Shields: These Shield types are the ones that the player character will most likely be using. Shields can be deactivated, removing the penalty but also removing the protection until they are reactivated.

Name: Description: Shield: Light Shield A flimsy but reliable shield design with an average 50 (+5 check recharge rate. penalty) REGENERATE: 20 per round Medium Shield An average, all-around shield design with an average 100 (+7 check recharge rate. penalty) REGENERATE: 20 per round Heavy Shield An unconventional, durable shield with an average 150 (+10 check recharge rate. penalty) REGENERATE: 25 per round. Blast Shield A shield designed to mitigate average concussive 100 (+15 check damage with an average recharge rate. penalty) REGENERATE: 20 per round; SPECIAL: Weapons with Impact as a Damage Type deal -10 damage to this Shield. Advanced Blast A shield designed to mitigate more severe 200 (+15 check Shield concussive damage with an average recharge rate. penalty) REGENERATE: 20 per round; SPECIAL: Weapons with Blast as a Damage Type deal -10 damage to this Shield. Heat Shield A shield designed to block out high thermal energy 100 (+15 check with an average recharge rate. penalty) REGENERATE: 20 per round; SPECIAL: Weapons with Heat as a Damage Type deal -10 damage to this Shield. Cold Shield A shield designed to insulate against sub-zero 100 (+15 check temperatures with an average recharge rate. penalty) REGENERATE: 20 per round; SPECIAL: Weapons with Cold as a Damage Type Deal -10 Damage to this Shield.

[402] Quick Shield A shield with low protection but with an incredibly 20 (+10 check fast recharge rate. penalty) REGENERATE: 20 per round; SPECIAL: Quick Shield Regenerates regardless of whether it took damage or not.

Vehicle and Ship Shields: These shield types are those that are used by Vehicles and Ships (mostly Corpus, some Syndicate). Listed as Vehicle Shields, they can be deactivated, removing the check penalty but also removing the protection until they are reactivated.

Name: Description: Shield: Light Vehicle A flimsy but reliable vehicle/ship shield designed 200 (+10 check Shield with a quick recharge rate. penalty) REGENERATE: 50 per round Medium Vehicle An average, all-around vehicle/ship shield design 350 (+15 check Shield with an average recharge rate. penalty) REGENERATE: 30 per round Heavy Vehicle An unconventional, durable vehicle/ship shield with 600 (+20 check Shield an average recharge rate. penalty) REGENERATE: 30 per round Flagship Shield An incredibly durable ship shield only used by 1,000 (+30 check Flagship-class, has a slow recharge rate. penalty) REGENERATE: 15 per round; SPECIAL: Can only be used on Flagship-class Ships. Vehicle Impact A durable vehicle/ship shield designed to protect the 500 (+15 check Shield vehicle from impacts with asteroids and similar with penalty) an average recharge rate. REGENERATE: 30 per round; SPECIAL: Weapons with Impact and Blast as Damage Types deal -50 damage to this Shield. Vehicle A flimsy but reliable vehicle/ship shield designed 150 (+10 check Radiation Shield with a quick recharge rate and ability to heavily penalty) nullify the effects of radiation exposure. REGENERATE: 30; SPECIAL: Weapons with Radiation as a Damage Types deal -150 damage to this Shield. Quick Vehicle A vehicle/ship shield with low protection but with an 80 (+5 check Shield incredibly fast recharge rate penalty) REGENERATE: 80 per round; SPECIAL: Quick Ship Shield regenerates regardless of whether it took damage or not.

[403] Gear The gear category is for tools and items that provide bonuses upon use. These may be medkits, ciphers, or other such utility items. Similar devices may be created by your GM or by players possessing appropriate skills (such as Device-Mechanical, Device-Electronic, Survival, or others) with your GM’s approval.

The player-creation of Gear items is a highly-encouraged aspect of the Warframe: Armistice Era experience. These should serve as something of a guideline.

Name: Use: Stats: Blunt Must be readied before use. Set up a Set up a Blunt in one space barrier that cover can be taken behind. within melee range (3 meters). Name: Armor: Shields: Blunt Heavy Ferrite (26, -10) None Health: Stats: Skills: 200 Strength: 15 None Constitution: 20 Dexterity: 0 Intelligence: 0 Charisma: 5 Wisdom: 15 Description: A Grineer deployable-barrier, used by all of their forces throughout Origin. Though higher-ranking Grineer tend to not have them on their person it is becoming more and more uncommon to see Lancers and the like without one. Cipher Grant a -25 bonus to your Subterfuge Skill None if hacking an electronic lock. Description: A Corpus hacking tool, Ciphers run a gambit of potential combinations and sequences in a fraction of a second in order to unlock any electronic device. Designed by Marvel Security Systems as an anti-lockout measure, their continued existence and manufacture is heavily disputed by the Board for reasons of security. Meanwhile, their popularity on the Black Market continues to rise. Lockpick Grant a -25 bonus to your Subterfuge Skill None if hacking a mechanical lock. Description: Most commonly seen in the hands of Syndicate members, these simple metal wires and picks are used for breaking and entering of low-security areas. While not useful for getting passed a number of the more technologically secure locks in Origin, these small devices have stood the test of time and continue to be a valuable part of many people’s arsenal. Concussion Must be readied before use. Deal Impact Accuracy: 50 Grenade damage to targets in the AoE. Range: 9 meters AoE Range: 6 meters Damage: 5d20 Damage Type: Impact

[404] Description: A Grineer grenade designed to destroy shields, this grenade explodes with enough force to even shatter bones. Designed by Grineer scientists specifically to be used against Corpus and their robotics, the armistice between the two groups has not stopped their manufacture. Upon Successful Accuracy Check all enemies within Must be readied before use. Attempt to range cannot attack for 2 Flash Grenade blind target’s, in AoE, preventing them rounds. from attacking. Accuracy: 50 Range: 9 meters AoE Range: 6 meters Description: A Corpus grenade designed to blind enemies, this grenade is not particularly useful for offensive measures but is an excellent defensive and crowd control tool: used both on the field of combat and as a means of routing riled Colonists. Medkit Use to heal a biological target – Heal Skill Heal a biological target for increases ability. 1d20. Every 10 points in the Heal Skill grants 1d20. Description: A kit of equipment for healing wounds, Medkits are standard loadout in a majority of Grineer and Corpus unit kits, and the Corporation has made much Profit off of the backs of the Colonists by selling these to them at ridiculously inflated prices. Accuracy: 50 Must be readied before use. Deal Puncture Range: 9 meters Plasma Grenade damage to targets in the AoE. AoE Range: 6 meters Damage: 5d20 Damage Type: Puncture Description: A Corpus grenade designed to penetrate armor, designed in answer to Grineer hostilities. The energy released during this weapon’s detonation pierces through armor, even the thick Ferrite plates used by Grineer soldiers. The armistice between the two groups has not stopped their manufacture. Repair Kit Use to repair a mechanical target – Repair Heal a mechanical target for Skill increases ability. 1d20. Every 10 points in the Heal Skill grants 1d20. Description: A kit of equipment for repairing damaged machinery. While most commonly used by Corpus Techs and Grineer Seekers, this item has also been noted to be in the hands of many Colonists – sold to them by the Corpus for the same reasons, and elevated prices, that they sell the Medkits. Accuracy: 50 Must be readied before use. Deal Range: 9 meters Shock Grenade Electricity damage to targets in the AoE. AoE Range: 6 meters Damage: 5d20 Damage Type: Electricity Description: A Corpus grenade designed to short-out robotics. Wanting to not risk valuable merchandise, Corpus prefer to attempt to try and keep the hardware of any malfunctioning proxy units undamaged so they can be reclaimed and reprogrammed for reuse. Accuracy: 50 Range: 9 meters

[405] Shrapnel Must be readied before use. Deal Slash AoE Range: 6 meters Grenade damage to targets in the AoE. Damage: 5d20 Damage Type: Slash Description: A Grineer grenade designed to shred flesh, this horrifying weapon is designed to route rebelling Colonists and strike fear into their hearts just as much as it is to slaughter them. Syndicate and Colonists forces also are commonly seen using these, though the composition of their variants is slightly different than the Grineer-designed ones. If your target is within 12 meters make an Accuracy Grappling Hook Pull an enemy towards you. Check. If successful pull target 1d4x3 meters towards you. Accuracy: 42 Description: A Grineer tool most commonly employed by their Scorpions. The grappling hook is equal parts movement assist and combat tool with its ability to distant enemies and reel them in for swift punishment. It makes the hurt feel good.

[406] Vehicle and Ship Systems Vehicle Systems are the different mechanical abilities that a Vehicle is capable of. Each system provides a different ability and most can be manually used to enhance its effect or gain access to a bonus, however, when the System is offline it will not function at all, even when used, until it is repaired by a character.

Name: Use: Mechanics: The weapons on a vehicle/ship, each See “Vehicle Weapons” later weapon is individually considered its own in this Chapter for individual System. weapon details. Weapons Durability: 4 Rounds to Repair: 2 (Light), 3 (Medium), 4 (Heavy) When Offline: The weapon in in question cannot be used to attack. Description: This system applies to any of the variety of weapons a ship possesses, each treated as their own weapon that can be used by the pilot or crew or disabled by attacks from enemies. Whether it’s an Ion Cannon or pieces of shrapnel attached to the hull, these weapons are what give the various ships their ability to wreak havoc in combat. The ability for the persons aboard your When used allows for anyone vehicle/ship to communicate with others, currently in the cockpit to must be used to have any effect. communicate with anyone not on the ship that can be Communication contacted. Durability: 2 Rounds to Repair: 4 When Offline: May not be used to speak with anyone not on the ship. Description: Communications are a must on almost every ship, regardless of who created it. Being able to stay in touch with one’s allies, especially in a firefight, is paramount and allows for various individuals or squads to coordinate their efforts to all Keeps everyone aboard a ship alive. Can While used one person aboard be used to provide an additional action one the ship (other than the one person (other than self) onboard. using the Life Support System) may be selected, they Life Support are allowed one additional action on their next turn. Durability: 6 Rounds to Repair: 3 When Offline: If offline for more than 6 rounds all aboard the ship will die.

[407] Description: Life support systems regulate the atmospheric conditions inside the ship, keeping all aboard alive. This is a must-have for all ships that are intended to operate in extraterrestrial locations, and come standard on all ships. This system is not often need in non-ship vehicles. Allows the vehicles/ships to move and While used the ship will move increase or decrease through a variety of one additional space per speeds. Can be used to increase movement round (movement rules still slightly. apply). Durability: 6 Engine Rounds to Repair: 3 NOTE: Stalled Engines do not need to be repaired, see Chapter 10: Ship Combat for further details. When Offline: Ship will be unable to move at all. Description: Allows the ship to move at a variety of speeds. Without an engine a ship will simply be unable to move, so they are a necessity for all ships. Crippling the engine is the most direct way to prevent a ship from engaging or escaping. Any part of a ships propulsion, be it When used allows the ship to thrusters or wheels. Allow for the turn and perform other Piloting vehicles/ships to be maneuvered and movement maneuvers. piloted by anyone. Durability: 6 Rounds to Repair: 1 When Offline: Ship will be unable to move in anything other than its previous straight direction. Description: Allow the vehicle to move in a variety of directions. With piloting systems the ship will only be able to move in a straight line in the direction they were previously headed. A malfunction in the piloting systems can often spell doom for the crew, especially when navigating hazardous terrain. Keep shields active and recharging. Can While used will double the be used to enhance the effectiveness of the shields and total Shields and Vehicle and Ship Shields. Any ship with Shield Regeneration rate. Shields Shields installed automatically has this Durability: 4 system. Rounds to Repair: 3 When Offline: Shields will be deactivated and will not regenerate. Description: Only standard on Corpus vehicles, this system functions to keep Ship Shields recharging over time. Powered by the same reactors that fuel the engines and other onboard systems, this system is purely defensive. Generally, shields will need to be broken first before attempts at disabling the system from the outside will be able to be made. If the Sensors System is installed scan one When used, make an enemy vehicle/ship to determine the Accuracy Check, every amount of crew and cargo it’s carrying as Success will give you a

[408] well as what systems (weapon and greater level of clarity into otherwise) it has installed. what is going on inside the Sensor targeted ship. Durability: 4 Accuracy: 65 (+2 per 20 Device-Electronic Skill) Rounds to Repair: 3 When Offline: Target Systems Attacks cannot be made against non-standard Systems. Description: Sensors allow for the detection of crew and systems aboard a ship. Scanning and processing both biological and electronical signals aboard other craft they are able to determine the condition of the crew and system and provide some insight – meager or grand – into what they are doing. Keeps door functioning, opening and The character using this closing when they have to. Can be used to system has full control over automatically close and lock certain doors what parts of the ship may be Door throughout the vehicle/ship. accessed from where. Durability: 4 Rounds to Repair: 4 When offline: All doors will remain open. Description: Operates any doors there may be aboard a ship, opening and closing them automatically. In the vacuum of space, doors are essential to keeping the hull of a ship pressurized and the crew safe. If disabled, the entire ship runs of the risk of becoming depressurized and killing is crew. If the Hacking system is installed, an Target a Ship System and roll attempt may be made to hack into a target an Accuracy Check. Every enemy vehicle/ship and disrupt one of Success determines how their systems for a certain number of many rounds it is deactivated rounds. May also be used to disrupt or how many Successes are Sensor System attempts. May also be used subtracted from a Sensor to counter enemy attempts at hacking. System Accuracy Check. If Hacking an enemy ship has Hacking Systems they may roll to see if they can counter the attempt (higher Accuracy Check wins). Accuracy: 65 (+2 per 20 Device-Electronic Skill) Durability: 2 Rounds to Repair: 5 When Offline: Cannot be used to hack.

[409] Description: Able to interfere with ship systems without the need to damage them. The hacking system is one most commonly found on Corpus vessels, but Syndicates with the resources or skills to steal the technology have begun to use them as well. Using transmission frequencies to send commands to hostile ships, this system is able to remotely deactivate almost any system on a target ship. If the Escape Pods System is installed, At least one (1) crew or when a vehicle/ship is destroyed in combat passenger can survive the the crew and/or passengers can survive the destruction of their ship is explosion, causing them to drift through they use this system before the space until picked up by someone else or ship is destroyed, however crash land into a planet or other habitable they will float aimlessly area. This system may be installed through space until being Escape Pods multiple times on one ship (maximum picked up by someone else – amount depending on the Class of the ship friend or foe. To determine it is being installed on, at GM discretion). the condition of the pickup roll 1d20 – the higher the number the sooner and more fortunate the pickup is. Cannot be installed on Fighter-Class Ships. Durability: 10 Rounds to Repair: 3 (for each individual pod) When Offline: Cannot be used to escape in Description: Allows crew to escape a ship before it is destroyed. Standard for larger ships but harder to come by for smaller ones and completely incompatible with the smallest of ships, these pods come in different variations depending on who is using or making them. They are also recyclable, though it takes considerable man power to properly reinstall them after use. If the Docking Bay System is installed, Store at least one (1) ship of a smaller craft can be housed aboard the smaller Class Size. Cannot be ship. This System may be installed installed on Fighter or Docking Bay multiple times on one ship (maximum Combat Pod-Class ships. amount depending on the Class of ship it Durability: 8 is being installed on, at GM discretion). Rounds to Repair: 7 When Offline: No ships can be docked or launched. Description: Allows for the storage of smaller types of ships, which can then be deployed for defense or other reasons. Docking bays come standard on the mighty flagships of the Empire and Corporation, but while they can be installed onto anything short of Fighter of Combat Pod- Class ships they are not easy to do so. Syndicates that are lucky enough to gain this technology most often use it not on ships that are sent into the field but to create orbital docking bays for covert meetings.

[410] Primary Weapons Primary weapons are (generally speaking) your go-to tools for combat in Warframe: Armistice Era. They are ranged weapons that deal more damage per hit and tend to be able to fire more hits, but reloading them after your clip is expended requires Half-Action.


Rifle: Name: Description: Stats: A weapon that is still in very early testing Accuracy: 36 stages, the Buzlok relies on a complicated Range: 21 series of magnetics to achieve what some Damage: 1d12+40 Buzlok would call an overly complicated weapon, Primary Damage Type: at least as Grineer go. The first shot of the Impact Buzlok acts as a homing beacon for the trio Secondary Damage Type: of magnetized shots its secondary fire Slash feature, allowing them to bypass even tight Magazine Size: 9 corners. This weapon has yet to see mass use in the field. SPECIAL: After making a successful Accuracy Check against a target all Damage rolls against that target deal 3d12+120 damage instead – attacking a different target will cause for damage to be 1d12+40 for the initial attack. A Grineer machine gun, the Gorgon is the Accuracy: 36 favored weapon of Grineer Bailiffs. While Range: 21 initially possessing a low attack rate it will Damage: 3d12+12 Gorgon spool up over time to fire more and more Primary Damage Type: shots during bouts of continuous fire. One Impact of the most versatile Grineer weapons, the Secondary Damage Type: Gorgon takes great skill to use but it is able Puncture to be devastating in the field. Magazine Size: 9 SPECIAL: Every successive turn you spend attacking with the Gorgon without taking another action add +3d to your attack roll for each successive turn (i.e. two turns of continuous attacking after the initial will give you +6d) A Grineer automatic rifle, the Grakata is the Accuracy: 58 first weapon any Grineer trainee learns to Range: 24 handle and is the weapon of choice for the Damage: 2d12+35

[411] Grakata majority of Lancers in the field. It is the Primary Damage Type: iconic Grineer assault weapon, and some Impact soldiers that use it even develop feelings of Secondary Damage Type: attachment for it, some even choosing to Puncture name their Grakata or refuse any other type Magazine Size: 6 of weapon A Grineer single-shot rifle, the Grinlok is Accuracy: 67 prized for its accuracy. Though many scoff Range: 30 at it for its low fire-rate when compared to Damage: 1d12+60 Grinlok other Grineer weapon those who master it Primary Damage Type: know its true potential. Despite its Impact infrequent use in Grineer military, Grineer Secondary Damage Type: civilians that have the privilege to do so Slash often employ it as a hunting rifle. Magazine Size: 6 A Grineer burst-rifle, the Harpak is a three- Accuracy: 36 burst fire harpoon gun also equipped with a Range: 21 harpoon launcher that can be used to spear Damage: 5d12+30 Harpak enemies and then reel them close with a Primary Damage Type: chain-tethered harpoon. This weapon is the Puncture favored tool of many Drekar Marines, Secondary Damage Type: including the elite Draga forces. Slash Magazine Size: 9 SPECIAL: After a successful Accuracy Check you may choose to make your attack roll with the Harpak’s harpoon (Damage: 5d12, Primary Damage Type: Slash, Secondary Damage Type: Puncture) and move the target three (3) meters in your direction. A Grineer burst-fire rifle, the Hind is the Accuracy: 44 general step above the Grakata. Seen Range: 24 commonly in the hands of the Elite Forces, Damage: 4d12+25 Hind the Hind is known for its reliability in the Primary Damage Type: field – against Corpus or other threats to the Slash Empire. Despite its greater power, it is Secondary Damage Type: often second to the Grakata in terms of Impact, Puncture favor amongst Grineer soldiers. Magazine Size: 11 A Grineer automatic rifle, the Karak is a Accuracy: 44 standard issue rifle for many Grineer Range: 24 platoons within the Frontier Army. Damage: 5d12+25 Karak Commonly seen in the hands of the more Primary Damage Type: senior soldiers of the Army, the Karak is Impact widely considered a versatile counterpart to Secondary Damage Type: the Hind Puncture Magazine Size: 15

[412] Shotgun: Shotgun weapons also hit any enemies immediately around (within melee range of) the target for the rolled amount of the attack roll (i.e. the 1d12 in 1d12+25).

Name: Description: Stats: A Grineer shotgun and personal creation Accuracy: 40 of Councilor Vay Hek, it is uncommon to Range: 9 see Grineer using this weapon but known Damage: 2d10+75 Hek to all that it is a powerful tool in the hands Primary Damage Type: of a proper soldier. Hek himself has Puncture ordained that his signature weapon is Secondary Damage Type: never to be used in the field, for fear of it Slash getting into enemy hands, but due to its Magazine Size: 4 power many Grineer commanders choose to “forget” this decree. A Grineer shotgun, the Sobek is the most Accuracy: 39 common shotgun seen in the hands of Range: 9 Grineer soldiers. The Sobek makes up for Damage: 2d10+54 Sobek its low accuracy and fire rate with a large Primary Damage Type: magazine size. Grineer Troopers and Impact other shock forces employ the Sobek to Secondary Damage Type: deal tons of damage in their initial charge Puncture, Slash attacks. Magazine Size: 15 A Grineer flak cannon, the Drakgoon fires Accuracy: 12 volleys of shrapnel that devastate Range: 15 opponents. The Drakgoon can also be Damage: 3d10+35 Drakgoon charged, focusing its accuracy to improve Primary Damage Type: the chances of hitting the intended target. Puncture Unconventional, it is not a weapon Secondary Damage Type: employed by Grineer commanders, but Impact, Slash many soldiers have chosen to favor it. Magazine Size: 4 SPECIAL: You may vouch to spend time before making an Accuracy Check to charge the weapon, which adds +10 to the next Accuracy Check you make with the Drakgoon’s for every round spend charging (to a maximum of +50) A Grineer shotgun, an advanced Grineer Accuracy: 31 shotgun model only now being introduced Range: 15 to the field, the Kohm boasts a decent Damage: 4d10+20 Kohm magazine size as well as bonus shots the Primary Damage Type: longer it remains in continuous fire. Slash Whether or not is becomes a standard or is Secondary Damage Type: scrapped due to its technological Impact, Puncture requirements has yet to be seen. Magazine Size: 11 SPECIAL: Every successive turn you spend attacking with the Kohm without taking another action add +1d10 to your attack roll for each successive turn (i.e. two turns of continuous attacking after the initial will give you +2d10)


Sniper: Name: Description: Stats: A Grineer sniper rifle, the Vulkar is Accuracy: 70 designed to only be put into the hands of Range: 48 those soldiers who have proven Damage: 1d20+75 Vulkar themselves capable of the field of battle. Primary Damage Type: The Vulkar provides excellent range fire Impact support at a distance, and Huntsmen of the Secondary Damage Type: Empire favor it for its raw stopping power. Puncture Magazine Size: 6

Other: Name: Description: Stats: A Grineer flamethrower, the Ignis is Accuracy: NA commonly used to torch infestation or Range: 18 burn out and herd Colonists that fail to Damage: 2d20+10 Ignis comply with the wishes of the Empire. Primary Damage Type: Heat The Ignis is a cruel weapon with a legacy Secondary Damage Type: of terror surrounding it. Exterminators are None known to use it to clear Infestation and Magazine Size: 10 other pests from Grineer fortifications. SPECIAL: The Ignis makes no Accuracy Check but instead torches everything in a straight path up to 18 meters away, rolling damage for everything caught in or that crosses through the wave. Current Magazine value determines how long the wave can be fired continuously before the Ignis must be reloaded. A Grineer sawblade launcher, the Miter Accuracy: 50 slices through flesh with unparalleled Range: 18 meters ease. Used most commonly as a tool of Damage: 2d20+25 Miter terror to keep Colonist in line, some Primary Damage Type: Grineer soldiers have adopted it as a Slash weapon in the field. The Miter’s Secondary Damage Type: reputation for brutality proceeds it. Impact, Puncture Magazine Size: 10 SPECIAL: The Miter MUST be charged for at least one round before any Accuracy Check may be made. If the Accuracy Check after a charge is failed the Miter MUST be charged again. Takes two turns to reload. A Grineer rocket launcher, the Ogris fires Accuracy: 50 detonate infused casings that explode with Range: 42 meters devastating results. Grineer Bailiffs are Damage: 5d20+65 Ogris fond of the Ogris for the sheer

[414] unmatchable levels of devastation it Primary Damage Type: unleashes with every pull of the trigger, Blast although their use of it often requires Secondary Damage Type: approval from their superiors. None Magazine Size: 5 SPECIAL: The Ogris MUST be charged for at least one round before any Accuracy Check may be made. If the Accuracy Check after a charge is failed the Ogris MUST be charged again. All enemies immediately around the Ogris’ target take damage equal to the flat bonus to their attack roll (i.e. the 25 in 1d12+25). Ogris attacks affect friendly targets. Takes two turns to reload. A Grineer grenade launcher, the Tonkor is Accuracy: 36 used most often by Grineer soldiers as a Range: 30 meters crude form of ranged support and area- Damage: 1d20+50 Tonkor denial when a trained sniper is not on- Primary Damage Type: hand; however, many soldiers have also Puncture been lost to due unfortunate incidents of Secondary Damage Type: friendly fire. None Magazine Size: 2 SPECIAL: The Tonkor may be fired at a location regardless of whether or not there is a target in that area. After firing and calculating the damage to any enemy hit by it, a grenade will sit in the target space/space of the targeted enemy. This grenade may be detonated at any time to deal (Damage: 4d100+60 Primary Damage Type: Blast) damage to enemies in the space and immediately around it. A second grenade may be lobbed to be detonated at the same time as the first, but if a third grenade is launched then the earliest of three on-field grenades will instantly detonate. Tonkor grenades affect friendly targets. Takes two turns to reload.


Rifle: Name: Description: Stats: A Corpus rail gun, the Amprex began its Accuracy: 36 existence as an immobile trap designed to Range: 18 stop large groups of rampaging proxies. Damage: 3d12+70 Amprex After some enterprising Corpus found a Primary Damage Type: way to keep it from effecting the user it Electricity found its way into the hands of Crewmen Secondary Damage Type: across multiple guilds. None Magazine Size:10 SPECIAL: When the Amprex successfully hits a target deal Electricity damage to surrounding enemies equal to the flat bonus to their attack roll (i.e. the 25 in 1d12+25).

[415] A Corpus automatic rifle and the most Accuracy: 58 common self-defense tool of the Range: 24 Crewmen. There Dera rifle has near- Damage: 2d12+22 Dera pinpoint accuracy and fires super-heated Primary Damage Type: plasma that is able to pierce even Grineer Puncture armor, which made it an invaluable asset Secondary Damage Type: before the Armistice Era. Impact Magazine Size: 9 A Corpus ray weapon, the Flux Rifle’s Accuracy: 44 power was found to be so great during Range: 27 preliminary testing of it that safeguards Damage: 5d12+22 Flux Rifle had to be put in place to make it Primary Damage Type: marketable. Only those responsible for Slash the weapons creation would be able to Secondary Damage Type: remove them. Impact, Puncture Magazine Size: 12 A Corpus freeze ray, the Glaxion fires a Accuracy: 30 photon beam that halts molecular Range: 18 vibrations, causing instant and painful Damage: 5d12+60 Glaxion freezing. This weapon doesn’t see much Primary Damage Type: field use due to a higher need of weapons Cold capable of stopping rogue robotics, but it Secondary Damage Type: is on the market for purchase – provided None you can find a vendor selling one. Magazine Size: 15 SPECIAL: All successful hits with the Glaxion activate the chance for the Cold Status Effect to apply to the target enemy. A Corpus machine gun, the Supra is Accuracy: 38 effectively the Corpus answer to the Range: 21 Gorgon. Featuring a faster spool-up time Damage: 3d12+20 Supra its Grineer counterpart, the Supra is Primary Damage Type: known to be one of the key reasons that the Puncture Corpus were able to stand their ground Secondary Damage Type: against the Empire in the early days. Slash Magazine Size: 9 SPECIAL: Every successive turn you spend attacking with the Supra without taking another action add +2d to your attack roll for each successive turn (i.e. two turns of continuous attacking after the initial will give you +4d). Takes two turns to reload. A Corpus machine gun, the Tetra is based Accuracy: 40 on a simplified Supra design. Though it Range: 24 lacks the spool-up power and some of the Damage: 6d12+10 Tetra magazine size it makes up for it in greater Primary Damage Type: accuracy and higher damage output. This Puncture weapon exists as a shiny reminder of Secondary Damage Type: Corpus technological innovation. Impact Magazine Size: 6


Shotgun: Shotgun weapons also hit any enemies immediately around (within melee range of) the target for the rolled amount of the attack roll (i.e. the 1d12 in 1d12+25).

Name: Description: Stats: A Corpus shotgun, the Convectrix was Accuracy: 50 designed for both construction and Range: 35 scrapping assignments, but like the Serro Damage: 2d10+90 was all-but outlawed in some sectors Primary Damage Type: Convectrix where rebel forces took it up as a weapon. Slash Still, such incidents have shown the Secondary Damage Type: Corpus its usability as a proper weapon, Impact, Puncture and safeguards in place keep it in a Magazine Size: 9 manageable condition for combat. SPECIAL: When attacking with a Convectrix you may instead choose to attack two enemies as long as they are within 6 meters of each other. If you choose to do this you must reduce the Convectrix Accuracy to 30.

Sniper: Name: Description: Stats: A Corpus sniper-rifle, the Lanka fires a Accuracy: 70 high velocity electric projectile through Range: 48 magnetic induction. Primarily this sniper Damage: 1d20+85 Lanka rifle is used for incapacitating dangerous Primary Damage Type: rogue proxies from a distance, but use for Electricity it has been found in the combat sectors of Secondary Damage Type: the Corporation. None Magazine Size: 10

Other: Name: Description: Stats: A Corpus laser cannon, the Opticor is Accuracy: 70 deployed only when an extremely Range: 42 dangerous proxy has gone rogue and all Damage: 5d20+50 other attempts to reclaim it without Primary Damage Type: Opticor damage have failed. At this point the Puncture

[417] Corporation simply would benefit from its Secondary Damage Type: scrap, and the Opticor is more than Impact capable of seeing even the greatest proxy Magazine Size: 5 designed reduced to piles of such. SPECIAL: The Opticor MUST be charged for at least two rounds before any Accuracy Check may be made. If the Accuracy Check after a charge is failed the Opticor MUST be charged again. A Corpus grenade launcher, the Penta Accuracy: 38 began use as a means for Crewmen Range: 30 working outside of their ships to defend Damage: 2d20+55 Penta themselves against Grineer raiders. Over Primary Damage Type: time this weapon was moved to terrestrial Impact combat as well and is seen infrequently in Secondary Damage Type: the hands of Crewmen all over Origin. None Magazine Size: 5 SPECIAL: The Penta may be fired at a location regardless of whether or not there is a target in that area. After firing and calculating the damage to any enemy hit by it, a grenade will sit in the target space/space of the targeted enemy. This grenade may be detonated at any time to deal (Damage: 3d12+25 Primary Damage Type: Blast) damage to enemies in the space and immediately around it. A second AND third grenade may be lobbed to be detonated at the same time as the first, but if a fourth grenade is launched then the earliest of three on-field grenades will instantly detonate. Penta grenades affect friendly targets. A Corpus laser weapon, the Quanta was Accuracy: 36 originally designed to assist with the Range: 21 meters excavation of mineral deposits from large Damage: 1d20+22 Quanta asteroids but soon was adapted for Primary Damage Type: military purposes. The Quanta can project Electricity a cube of energy that hovers in place and Secondary Damage Type: detonates when struck by enemies or the None Quanta’s own laser. Magazine Size: 6 SPECIAL: Upon a successful Accuracy test, the Quanta-user may choose to instead activate its secondary function, sending out a cube of energy up to 6 feet away that detonates when it touches an enemy or is shot by the Quanta. Upon detonation it causes a chance for all enemies immediately around it to suffer the Electricity Status Effect and if it was triggered by contact with an enemy deals damage to that enemy (Damage: 2d20+44, Primary Damage Type: Electricity).

[418] Syndicate

Rifle: Name: Description: Stats: A more dangerous but-less common Accuracy: 52 variation of the MK-1 Braton, this weapon Range: 21 meters is also manufactured by the Corpus as part Damage: 4d12+30 Braton of their schemes but, as per agreements Primary Damage Type: with the Grineer, they cannot sell it to the Slash Colonists openly. Instead they use black Secondary Damage Type: market channels to sell them to the Impact, Puncture desperate populace. Magazine Size: 6 A crossbow weapon, the Crosscaster is Accuracy: 47 designed to fire explosive projectiles at Range: 12 meters targets with the efficiency of a rifle. The Damage: 6d12+45 Crosscaster explosives are primed to detonate on Primary Damage Type: impact, making them effective at warding Blast off masses of enemies from a distance Secondary Damage Type: with minimal effort. None Magazine Size: 5 A projectile weapon manufactured by the Accuracy: 42 Corpus and told to the Colonists as a self- Range: 18 meters protection racket. Based on an Orokin Era Damage: 2d12+20 MK1-Braton design, this weapon fires simple Primary Damage Type: projectiles with decent efficiency. Even Slash so, it doesn’t hold up against the standards Secondary Damage Type: set by basic Corpus or Grineer weaponry. Impact, Puncture Magazine Size: 4 A single-shot rifle some Syndicates are Accuracy: 39 able to manufacture out of scrap and Black Range: 18 meters Pelter Market-resources, the Palter fires a bolt a Damage: 1d12+75 target with enough velocity that even it Primary Damage Type: can puncture armor. Unfortunately this Impact, Puncture comes with a tradeoff in accuracy, and the Secondary Damage Type: weapon’s design sadly means it can only None manage two shots before needing to be Magazine Size: 2 reloaded. Designed by Perrin Sequence, this rifle Accuracy: 32 utilizes Corpus designs with the limited Range: 12 meters resources most Colonists and Syndicates Damage: 6d12+90 Perrinix have to work with. An energy weapon Primary Damage Type: despite its low-tech components, it trades Electricity

[419] accuracy and range for comparatively Secondary Damage Type: incredible damage. Puncture Magazine Size: 8

Sniper: A weapon designed by Red Veil, Accuracy: 50 constructed by the most proficient Riggers Range: 54 in their forces. The Rakat is a weapon Damage: 1d20+200 Rakat designed specifically for assassination, the Primary Damage Type: idea being to take out a single target and Slash then retreating from the scene as quickly Secondary Damage Type: as possible. Its appearance is based on None ancient murals of Tenno weaponry, but Magazine Size: 1 still has the ragged look of Syndicate tech. Once part of the Corpus’ self-defense Accuracy: 75 racket, the Snipetron was recalled and Range: 60 Snipetron taken out of production after it proved far Damage: 1d20+80 more useful than any Corpus testing had Primary Damage Type: prepared them for. Originals can still be Puncture found in the hands of a select few, and Secondary Damage Type: rumors suggest some Corpus still sell Impact, Slash them on the black Market. Magazine Size: 4

Shotgun: Shotgun weapons also hit any enemies immediately around (within melee range of) the target for the rolled amount of the attack roll (i.e. the 1d12 in 1d12+25).

A weapon designed by Steel Meridian, the Accuracy: 39 Grakton is an unheard-of unification of Range: 18 meters Corpus and Grineer engineering. Crafted Damage: 5d10+80 Grakton through the combination of Braton and Primary Damage Type: Grakata parts in order to create something Slash, Impact more dangerous than both. The result was Secondary Damage Type: a mismatched shotgun, unappealing to the Puncture eye but undeniably effective. Magazine Size: 12 Similar to the Synapse, the Phage uses Accuracy: 40 biochemical energy to generate a number Range: 24 meters of beam-like tendrils that fire in a spread Damage: 3d10+66

[420] Phage area when stimulate to unleash the energy. Primary Damage Type: It travels a wide range, deal damage to Viral foes both targeted and adjacent. Secondary Damage Type: Omniform Secta favors such weapons. None Magazine Size: 4 SPECIAL: Is not equipped like a regular weapon, instead fuses to an arm, making it always immediately available in combat without the need to take an Action to switch to it. The arm in question can no longer be used for other actions, and if crippled the weapon cannot be used until the Status Effect passes. Having this weapon may drastically alter other’s opinions of you. It may be removed with the Heal Skill. Phage attacks may be maintained over many turns (as long as the target remains in range), but if you choose to maintain it deactivating it takes a Half-Action.

Other: While generally used to deploy defensive Accuracy: 47 traps, this mine-laying weapon is also Range: 12 meters useful in direct assaults. It adds an Damage: 4d100+60 Minelayer element of chaos to the battlefield that Primary Damage Type: Syndicates can use to break enemy Blast formations. Unfortunately, it has also Secondary Damage Type: resulted in much friendly-fire that has cost None many Syndicates good men and women. Magazine Size: 3 SPECIAL: The Minelayer may target a specific area to leave behind an explosive that detonates when a character – friendly or hostile – moves into the same space as it. Damage dealt by the explosive is the same as damage dealt normally. If targeting an enemy, continue to treat the attack as a normal attack. Rocketes Made with similar construction to the Accuracy: 47 Minelayer, the Rocketes also functions Range: 9 meters under the same principle, though with a Damage: 3d20+25 focus on manual control of the explosives Primary Damage Type: detonation. Rather than detonation on Impact contact the explosion is activated through Secondary Damage Type: a secondary trigger, dealing damage only None after it has been triggered. The impact of Magazine Size: 5 the mine still manages to deal some minor damage, however. SPECIAL: The Rocketes may be fired at a location regardless of whether or not there is a target in that area. After firing and calculating the damage to any enemy hit by it, a grenade will sit in the target space/space of the targeted enemy. This grenade may be detonated at any time to deal (Damage: 4d100+80 Primary Damage Type: Blast) damage to enemies in the space and immediately around it. A second grenade may be lobbed to be detonated at the same time as the first, but if a third grenade is launched then the earliest of three on-field grenades will instantly detonate. Rocketes grenades affect friendly targets. Takes two turns to reload.

[421] A weapon that only the computerized Accuracy: 37 mind of a Cephalon could create, the Range: 9 meters Simulor generates small, localized Damage: 3d12+20 Simulor gravitations fields out of magnetic Primary Damage Type: wavelengths that damage targets around Magnetic them and pull hostiles towards them when Secondary Damage Type: they become strong enough. The None assistants of Cephalon Suda favor such Magazine Size: 10 weapons. SPECIAL: The Simulor’s attack creates a small gravitational field at a target location that deal their damage to all enemies within 3 meters of them that last for 3 rounds. If additional fields are fired into the same location they will combine, adding the damage of the weapon for every field (i.e. 2 fields deal 6d12+40 damage). This stacks up to 5 times. At three stacks the fields generate a pull that pull all enemies within 9 meter 3 meters in the direction of the field. The mutated nervous system of an Accuracy: 34 Infested creature, the Synapse uses bio- Range: 12 meters chemical reactions to generate a powerful Damage: 5d12+12 Synapse electric charge. When properly Primary Damage Type: stimulated, this charge can be released, Electricity causing damage to anyone who is in the Secondary Damage Type: way of the stream. Omniform Secta favors None such weapons. Magazine Size: 10 SPECIAL: Is not equipped like a regular weapon, instead fuses to an arm, making it always immediately available in combat without the need to take an Action to switch to it. The arm in question can no longer be used for other actions, and if crippled the weapon cannot be used until the Status Effect passes. Having this weapon may drastically alter other’s opinions of you. It may be removed with the Heal Skill. Synapse attacks may be maintained over many turns (as long as the target remains in range), but if you choose to maintain it deactivating it takes a Half-Action.

[422] Secondary Weapons Secondary weapons are your general reserve weapons, ranged weapons that deal less damage than Primary ones and tend to have smaller magazine sizes. However, reloading them is considered a Free-Action, allowing you to take even other Full-Actions in the same round as you reloaded a Secondary weapon.


Pistol: Name: Description: Stats: A Grineer toxin pistol, the Acrid fires an Accuracy: 68 acidic-infused needle. Originally the Range: 15 Acrid’s design was used for medical Damage: 6d6+35 Acrid treatments in either Drekar or Grustrag Primary Damage Type: facilities, but after some tinkering Grineer Toxin military forces found combat applications Secondary Damage Type: for it. In particular Exterminators employ None this as a backup tool due to its strength Magazine Size: 5 against fleshy foes. SPECIAL: All successful hits with the Acrid activate the chance for the Toxin Status Effect to apply to the target enemy. A Grineer double-shot pistol, the Kraken is Accuracy: 46 a heavy Grineer pistol known for its firing Range: 12 of two shots with a single pull of the Damage: 6d6+45 Kraken trigger. In the hands of a skilled marksmen Primary Damage Type: the Kraken is a deadly double-tap weapon. Impact This is the preferred weapon of Grineer Secondary Damage Type: Huntsmen and Seekers. Puncture, Slash Magazine Size: 14 SPECIAL: Upon rolling a successful Accuracy Check another is rolled immediately after at a value of 34 (plus any bonuses that applied to the initial shot) to try and make a second attack. This second shot pulls from the Kraken’s magazine. A Grineer single-shot pistol, the Marelok is Accuracy: 48 based on the Grinlok design. Although it Range: 15 loses some of its parent weapon’s Damage: 8d6+80 Marelok accuracy, this pistol’s stopping power

[423] stands almost without compare. It is a Primary Damage Type: favorite weapon of many lower-rank Impact Grineer commanders. Secondary Damage Type: Slash Magazine Size: 6 A pair of Grineer rifles retrofitted to act as Accuracy: 41 pistols, the Twin Grakata trade some of Range: 12 their original accuracy for a superior Damage: 8d12+22 Twin Grakatas magazine and damage. Rarely employed Primary Damage Type: by the average Grineer, this weapon is Puncture most often seen in the hands of those Secondary Damage Type: viewable as “mentally damaged”. Slash Magazine Size: 12 A pair of Grineer bolt-pistols, these two Accuracy: 36 weapons excel against all types of armor. Range: 15 The Gremlins are designed as a pair, and, Damage: 4d12+33 Twin Gremlins for whatever reason, solo variations of the Primary Damage Type: design never seem to be as effective as Impact, Puncture, Slash their dual-counterpart, to the point where Secondary Damage Type: singlular Gremlins don’t exist – at least, None not to the extent that anyone outside the Magazine Size: 9 Grineeer military forces has ever reported seeing one. A pair of Grineer automatic-pistols, this Accuracy: 36 Twin Variation improves on almost all Range: 15 aspects of the weapon at the cost of some Damage: 8d12+32 Twin Vipers accuracy. While the Viper is considered Primary Damage Type: the Grakata of sidearm, the Twin Vipers Impact are certainly not equivalent of the Twin Secondary Damage Type: Grakatas and are used very frequently by Slash the soldiers of the Empire across many of Magazine Size: 28 the different forces within it. A Grineer automatic pistol, the Viper is the Accuracy: 52 most compact and lightweight weapon of Range: 18 the entire Grineer-manufactured arsenal, Damage: 4d12+16 Viper most commonly employed by Lancers as a Primary Damage Type: backup weapon in case their Hind or Impact Grakata fails them for any reason. The Secondary Damage Type: Viper is the Grakata of side-arms: the go- Slash to Secondary weapon for many Grineer Magazine Size: 14 soldiers in the field. A Grineer radiation pistol, the Nukor is an Accuracy: 75 experimental weapon employed by and Range: 24 allowed to only those with the clearance to Damage: 5d12+25 Nukor have access to it, designed to bathe the Primary Damage Type: target in obscene amounts of radiation. Radiation

[424] Currently the only force within the Grineer Secondary Damage Type: granted access to these weapons are the None Nightwatch, which’s Seekers employ it Magazine Size: 5 with deadly, head-popping results.

Shotgun: Shotgun weapons also hit any enemies immediately around (within melee range of) the target for the rolled amount of the attack roll (i.e. the 1d12 in 1d12+25).

Name: Description: Stats: A Grineer hand-shotgun, the Brakk is a Accuracy: 36 trophy weapon granted only two Grineer Range: 9 who have earned some prestige in the eyes Damage: 5d12+75 Brakk of the Empire – and is then often stolen by Primary Damage Type: lower-ranking Grineer during bouts of Impact infighting, typically along with the Secondary Damage Type: murdered commander’s rank. No Slash surprisingly the higher-ups don’t seem to Magazine Size: 5 care much for these losses. A Grineer hand-shotgun, the Kohmak is Accuracy: 33 the pistol version of the Kohm and shares Range: 9 in its special trait. The Kohmak is most Damage: 6d12+16 Kohmak often seen in the hands of the highest of Primary Damage Type: Elite Forces Grineer, but recently has been Slash making the rounds throughout many other Secondary Damage Type: groups in the Empire due to an upswing in Impact, Puncture the recognition of its impressively Magazine Size: 4 efficient killing ability. SPECIAL: Every successive turn you spend attacking with the Kohmak without taking another action add +1d10 to your attack roll for each successive turn (i.e. two turns of continuous attacking after the initial will give you +2d10) A pair of Grineer hand-shotgun, the Twin Accuracy: 30 Kohmak retains the impressive Range: - capabilities of its singular variant and Damage: 8d12+32 Twin Kohmak Kohm parent-weapon. The Twin Kohmak Primary Damage Type: is a favored weapon of many Grineer who Slash seek to partake in the Rathuum combat Secondary Damage Type: trials, as well as certain individuals in the Impact, Puncture Elite Forces, but others have taken notice Magazine Size: 9 of its killing efficiency and adopted it as their own weapon of choice.

[425] SPECIAL: Every successive turn you spend attacking with the Kohmak without taking another action add +2d10 to your attack roll for each successive turn (i.e. two turns of continuous attacking after the initial will give you +4d10)

Other: Name: Description: Stats: A Grineer heat weapon, the Atomos is a Accuracy: 49 radical departure for the Grineer in terms Range: 15 of weaponry. It is difficult to really pick Damage: 5d12+60 up on what kind of weapon this is, even for Primary Damage Type: Heat Atomos the few Grineer who are testing its combat Secondary Damage Type: potential, but the sheer thermal damage None this weapon is able to unleash may cement Magazine Size: 10 it as a permanent part of the Grineer arsenal in the near-future. A Grineer corrosion pistol, the Stug is a Accuracy: 42 gel gun that excretes a powerful corrosive Range: 12 meters chemical when used. The origin of this Damage: 4d12+50 Stug weapon is very specific: it was designed to Primary Damage Type: remove the armor and augmentations from Corrosive treacherous Grineer to make for easier Secondary Damage Type: execution or to simply let them suffer and None die in slow agony. It has a nasty reputation Magazine Size: 4 within the Empire for that, but its effectiveness is not overlooked. SPECIAL: All successful hits with the Acrid activate the chance for the Corrosive Status Effect to apply to the target enemy. A Grineer hand-rocket launcher, the Accuracy: 40 Kulstar not only delivers and explosive Range: 18 payload but also splits into smaller Damage: 6d12+75 Kulstar explosive missiles to further damage Primary Damage Type: enemies within the area of effect. It is a Blast common choice for Drekar soldiers Secondary Damage Type: working in Uranus’ oceans – and is only None permitted to be used in said oceans, far Magazine Size: 3 away from any of the fragile tubes that contain growing Grineer clones. SPECIAL: Upon successfully dealing damage to the target enemy roll to deal damage to an enemy adjacent to the target (Damage: 1d20+50, Primary Damage Type: Blast) – this effect may be used on at most three (3) enemies, meaning each enemy gets an individual roll.



Pistol: Name: Description: Stats: A Corpus automatic pistol, the Cestra is Accuracy: 46 most commonly employed by Corpus Range: 18 officials and ambassadors as a compact Damage: 5d6+25 Cestra and covert means of self-defense. Seeing Primary Damage Type: them at Corpus meetings is fairly Puncture commonplace these days. Those Secondary Damage Type: Crewmen that can afford it also are known Impact to make use of this weapon. Magazine Size: 6 A pair of Corpus automatic pistols, the Accuracy: 39 Dual Cestra is used by those individuals Range: 15 who are too paranoid to simply carry a Damage: 10d6+50 Dual Cestra single Cestra around. All things in Primary Damage Type: consideration, though, they’re probably Puncture very smart for doing so; however it is often Secondary Damage Type: considered bad form to bring more than Impact one Cestra with you to a meeting. Magazine Size: 12 A Corpus automatic pistol, the Spectra Accuracy: 39 was intended for deeps space construction, Range: 12 such as Luksor’s work on the Outer Damage: 10d6+30 Spectra Terminus, the Spectra’s concentrated laser Primary Damage Type: beam proved effective against both Puncture organic and synthetic threats, earning it a Secondary Damage Type: reputation as an impromptu means of self- Slash defense Magazine Size: 8

Shotgun: Shotgun weapons also hit any enemies immediately around (within melee range of) the target for the rolled amount of the attack roll (i.e. the 1d12 in 1d12+25).

Name: Description: Stats: A Corpus hand-shotgun, the Detron’s Accuracy: 30 sleek design is manufactured purposefully Range: 9

[427] to conceal its utterly-devastating Damage: 5d12+50 Detron firepower. Original designs of this Primary Damage Type: weapon date back to Orokin Era-outlaws, Radiation and even the Corpus have had difficulty Secondary Damage Type: replicating its original power. Originals None can be found, but use of them is eschewed Magazine Size: 5 in favor of disassembling them for study.

Other: Name: Description: Stats: A Corpus hand-rocket launcher, the Accuracy: 30 Angtrum was an early foray into projectile Range: 27 weapons for the Corporation. Although it Damage: 4d20+47 Angstrum was retired in favor of more elegant Primary Damage Type: energy weapons, it is not impossible for Blast Corpus or even Grineer to get their hands Secondary Damage Type: on one. None Magazine Size: 3 A pair of gauntlet-like weapons, the Accuracy: 48 Staticor is based off of the Detron’s Range: 30 Staticor design. Focusing a charge of potential Damage: 4d20+20 energy, the Staticor disperses a thick blast Primary Damage Type: of radioactive force that deals powerful Radiation damage when it connects with any targets Secondary Damage Type: unfortunate enough to be in its path. None Magazine Size: 9 A Corpus sonic cannon, the aptly-named Accuracy: 68 Sonicor is a departure for even the more Range: 33 technologically-advanced Corpus. Damage: 2d20+50 Utilizing intense-but-focused bursts of Primary Damage Type: Sonicor sonic energy to harm targets with a Impact surprising amount of force behind it, the Secondary Damage Type: results during the weapon’s initial testing None phase were reported by the testers to be: Magazine Size: 12 “very satisfying”. SPECIAL: Upon successful Status Application, target is also moved 3 meters back in the opposite direction from where the attack originated.

[428] Syndicate:

Pistol: Name: Description: Stats: The Dual Scrappers are designed to pelt Accuracy: 46 filed shards of scrap metal at enemies, Range: 21 meters which are often the only kinds of Damage: 6d6+50 ammunition a Colonist might be able to Primary Damage Type: Dual Scrappers gather. However, Syndicate Slash modifications have allowed them to take a Secondary Damage Type: variety of ammo types, as most weapons Impact, Puncture in Origin can, making them as versatile to Magazine Size: 24 use as it is easy to make. A pair of biological pistols, the Dual Accuracy: 35 Toxocyst are perhaps the most disturbing Range: 27 meters of all Infested weaponry. Almost sentient Damage: 4d6+70 Dual Toxocyst in their own right, these pistols appear to Primary Damage Type: become excited when enemies suffer great Puncture damage, increasing the rate at which they Secondary Damage Type: fire their teeth-like projectiles. Omniform Impact, Slash Secta favors such weapons. Magazine Size: 12 SPECIAL: Is not equipped like a regular weapon, instead fuses to both arms, making it always immediately available in combat without the need to take an Action to switch to it. The arms in question can no longer be used for other actions, and if crippled the weapon cannot be used until the Status Effect passes (if only one arm is crippled, the weapon may still be used as a regular Toxocyst). Having this weapon may drastically alter other’s opinions of you. It may be removed with the Heal Skill. If the Dual Toxocyst makes at least one Critical Hit it may immediately attack again for each Critical Hit made. Any successful hits made in result of this Critical Hit bonus deal Toxin damage. The Scrappers is designed to pelt filed Accuracy: 52 shards of scrap metal at enemies, which Range: 24 meters are often the only kinds of ammunition a Damage: 3d6+25 Scrapper Colonist might be able to gather. Primary Damage Type: However, Syndicate modifications have Slash allowed it to take a variety of ammo types, Secondary Damage Type: as most weapons in Origin can, making it Impact, Puncture as versatile to use as it is easy to make. Magazine Size: 12 A pair of biological pistols, the Toxocyst Accuracy: 42 are perhaps the most disturbing of all Range: 27 meters Infested weaponry. Almost sentient in Damage: 2d6+35 Toxocyst their own right, these pistols appear to

[429] become excited when enemies suffer great Primary Damage Type: damage, increasing the rate at which they Puncture fire their teeth-like projectiles. Omniform Secondary Damage Type: Secta favors such weapons. Impact Slash Magazine Size: 6 SPECIAL: Is not equipped like a regular weapon, instead fuses to an arm, making it always immediately available in combat without the need to take an Action to switch to it. The arm in question can no longer be used for other actions, and if crippled the weapon cannot be used until the Status Effect passes. Having this weapon may drastically alter other’s opinions of you. It may be removed with the Heal Skill. If the Toxocyst makes at least one Critical Hit it may immediately attack again for each Critical Hit made. Any successful hits made in result of this Critical Hit bonus deal Toxin damage. Pulled from the bodies of certain Infested Accuracy: 40 creatures, this gland produces and excretes Range: 18 meters corrosive, bolt-like projectiles. Able to Damage: 4d6+35 Tysis puncture and even melt all but the most Primary Damage Type: durable of armor, this gland is a Corrosive devastating weapon when used correctly. Secondary Damage Type: Omniform Secta favors such weapons. None Magazine Size: 5 SPECIAL: Is not equipped like a regular weapon, instead fuses to an arm, making it always immediately available in combat without the need to take an Action to switch to it. The arm in question can no longer be used for other actions, and if crippled the weapon cannot be used until the Status Effect passes. Having this weapon may drastically alter other’s opinions of you. It may be removed with the Heal Skill. The Wrecker is a heavy pistol designed to Accuracy: 48 lob massive concussive projectiles at the Range: 18 meters enemy. Never lacking in the damage Damage: 8d6+60 Wrecker department, the Wrecker’s high velocity Primary Damage Type: impact and heavy slugs come at the cost of Impact range and accuracy, although its capacity Secondary Damage Type: is on par with a number of other sidearms. None Magazine Size: 15

Shotgun: A hand-shotgun, the Detron’s sleek design Accuracy: 36 is manufactured purposefully to conceal Range: 9 its utterly-devastating firepower. One of Damage: 5d12+60 Mara Detron the original versions, once owned by Primary Damage Type: Orokin-era outlaws, the Mara Detron is Radiation eschewed by the Corpus in favor of their Secondary Damage Type: self-made ones, but many of these relics None lie hidden in pirate caches – lending to this Magazine Size: 5

[430] weapon being found in the possession of members of the Smuggler Coalitions.

Other: Throwing knives made of cheap metal Accuracy: 60 available to Colonists, these weapons do Range: meters not do much on their own but are easy to Damage: 5d6+20 Cutters carry and easy to aim. Used by Syndicate Primary Damage Type: members sure of their ability to hit targets Slash win pin-point accuracy for massive Secondary Damage Type: damage, Cutters are a skilled artisans tool Impact, Puncture of death-dealing. Magazine Size: 25 Part of a gas bladder that develops in some Accuracy: 39 Infested organisms due to more Range: 23 meters uncommon mutations, the Embolist is able Damage: 3d6+45 Embolist to generate and exhale clouds of toxic Primary Damage Type: spores that are just as harmful to the touch Toxin as they are to breathe. Omniform Secta Secondary Damage Type: favors such weapons None Magazine Size: 10 SPECIAL: Is not equipped like a regular weapon, instead fuses to an arm, making it always immediately available in combat without the need to take an Action to switch to it. The arm in question can no longer be used for other actions, and if crippled the weapon cannot be used until the Status Effect passes. Having this weapon may drastically alter other’s opinions of you. It may be removed with the Heal Skill. Embolist attacks may be maintained over many turns (as long as the target remains in range) but if you choose to maintain it deactivating it takes a Half-Action. The Gammacor was a Cephalon-designed Accuracy: 38 tool created to process mineral deposits Range: 12 meters through by disintegrating samples around Damage: 2d6+50 Gammacor them to provide detailed information on it. Primary Damage Type: When the Gammacor found its way into Magnetic Syndicate hands its ability to disintegrate Secondary Damage Type: was immediately utilized as weapon for None self-defense. The assistances of Cephalon Magazine Size: 5 Suda favor this weapon. SPECIAL: Gammacor attacks may be maintained over many turns (as long as the target remains in range), but if you choose to maintain it deactivating it takes a Half-Action. A sticky-bomb device, the Shrapnal is an Accuracy: 39 example of the most common types of Range: 18 meters technology the Colonists have at their Damage: 10d6+100 Shrapnal disposal: explosives, haphazardly put

[431] together with more emphasis on defense Primary Damage Type: than anything else. Even so, Syndicates Slash have adopted these types of weapons as a Secondary Damage Type: means of offense as well. Puncture Magazine Size: 2 SPECIAL: The Shrapnal may target a specific area to leave behind an explosive that detonates when a character – friendly or hostile – moves into the same space as it. Damage dealt by the explosive is the same as damage dealt normally. If targeting an enemy, continue to treat the attack as a normal attack. A sticky-bomb device, the Shrapnal is an Accuracy: 39 example of the most common types of Range: 18 meters technology the Colonists have at their Damage: 10d6+100 Stucko disposal: explosives, haphazardly put Primary Damage Type: together with more emphasis on defense Blast than anything else. Even so, Syndicates Secondary Damage Type: have adopted these types of weapons as a None means of offense as well. Magazine Size: 2 SPECIAL: The Stucko may target a specific area to leave behind an explosive that detonates when a character – friendly or hostile – moves into the same space as it. Damage dealt by the explosive is the same as damage dealt normally. If targeting an enemy, continue to treat the attack as a normal attack.

[432] Melee Weapons Melee weapons are those that require you to get directly adjacent to your target in order to attack them.

Additionally, Melee weapons allow for multiple attacks per successful Accuracy Check, the number of which depends on the individual melee Weapon (the damage dice are rerolled for each attack). However this only applies if you continue to attack the same target – you may switch targets for every consecutive attack with a melee weapon but must roll a new Accuracy Check if you choose to do so. Melee attacks can never be considered Point-Blank.

Almost all Melee weapons require you to be adjacent (only three 3 meters away) to the target of your intended attack.

Grineer Name: Description: Stats: A Grineer axe-and-shield combo, Accuracy: 48 pioneered by Tyl Regor and modeled after Damage: 4d20+50 his own original creation. It can only be Primary Damage Type: Ack & Brunt found among those Grineer with Drekar Slash origins, and even then it is rare to see any Secondary Damage Type: off-Uranus Drekar wielding it. Impact, Puncture Attack Speed: 2 SPECIAL: When equipped and unsheathed the Ack & Brunt adds a bonus twenty-five (25) armor to your character. A Grineer staff, designed for marine Accuracy: 48 infantry for melee protection and the Damage: 3d20+55 choice weapon of Vay Hek’s Prosecutors Primary Damage Type: Amphis and Guardsmen. The Amphis staff is Impact designed to channel obscene levels of Secondary Damage Type: electricity, allowing for jarring shock Puncture, Slash attacks at surprising moments. Attack Speed: 2 SPECIAL: Critical Hits with this weapon cause a chance to inflict the Electricity Status Effect on the target enemy. A Grineer chainsaw-whip, the Atterax is Accuracy: 39 the ultimate punishment for those Grineer Damage: 2d20+45 that disobey the orders of their superiors Primary Damage Type: Atterax for otherwise prove themselves disloyal to Slash the Grineer cause. Death by this weapon

[433] is more painful than it looks. This weapon Secondary Damage Type: inspires fear in Grineer. Impact, Puncture Attack Speed: 3 SPECIAL: The Atterax can hit enemies up to six (6) meters away. A Grineer axe, the Basolk is, unlike the Accuracy: 65 Cleaver, rarely seen on its own, more Damage: 2d20+20 commonly wielded in a pair. Despite this, Primary Damage Type: Heat Basolk its remains a formidable weapon, able to Secondary Damage Type: burn and melt through flesh and metal. None Attack Speed: 2 A Grineer hammer, the calling-card Accuracy: 56 weapon of Lieutenant Lech Kril, the Damage: 3d20+80 Brokk has come to symbolize the brutality Primary Damage Type: Brokk of the Grineer Empire to many Colonists. Impact A hefty weapon with spikes for impaling, Secondary Damage Type: the Brokk is a devastating tool of melee Puncture combat. Attack Speed: 1 A Grineer axe, simple but effective in its Accuracy: 44 design. Employed by the Butcher shock- Damage: 2d20+17 Cleaver troopers most commonly due to its Primary Damage Type: inexpensive construction, it is often the Slash first weapon of the Grineer to taste blood Secondary Damage Type: in any large-scale combat scenario. Impact, Puncture Attack Speed: 3 A pair of Grineer axes, the dual-wielding Accuracy: 38 version of the Cleaver. It is uncommon, Damage: 4d20+35 for whatever reason, to see Grineer, even Primary Damage Type: Dual Cleavers shock troopers, using two of these Slash weapons, but those that do relish the fury Secondary Damage Type: with which they can strike down enemies Impact, Puncture with a tool in each hand. Attack Speed: 4 A Grineer boomerang, the Halikar is built Accuracy: 42 like a mace but is easily able to pierce Damage: 4d20+35 armor. It can be thrown great distances Primary Damage Type: Halikar but if thrown too far it can take some time Puncture to return. It is a favored weapon of the Secondary Damage Type: Drahk Masters, used as both a tool of Impact, Slash battle and a training aid. Attack Speed: 2 SPECIAL: Able to hit enemies up to twenty-four (24) meters away, but every three (3) meters past three (3) meters causes it to take one (1) round before it returns to its user (i.e. attacking an enemy twelve (12) meters away causes it to take three (3) rounds to return before you can attack again). A Grineer rocket-powered hammer, the Accuracy: 49 Jat Kitagg is the most bone-crushing tool Damage: 5d20+65 in the Grineer arsenal. Because of this is Primary Damage Type: Jat Kitagg it is a key element of the Bailiff toolset, Impact

[434] bringing Grineer “justice” with every Secondary Damage Type: swing. It is often awarded to Grineer Puncture soldiers who prove their loyalty. Attack Speed: 2 SPECIAL: You may vouch to spend time before making an Accuracy Check to charge the weapon, which adds +5 to the Jat Kitagg’s Bonus damage (i.e. the 25 in 1d20+25) for every round spend charging (to a maximum of +25). If you do this you may not make another attack with this weapon until the next round. A Grineer sword, the chief choice of their Accuracy: 54 Scorpions and the elite melee forces of the Damage: 2d20+25 Empire. The Machete hacks through flesh Primary Damage Type: Machete and bone with messy but effective strikes. Slash While less iconic than some weapons, the Secondary Damage Type: Machete is well-known to both Colonist Impact, Puncture and Corpus groups. Attack Speed: 3 A Grineer hammer, brutal and effective as Accuracy: 56 any. The Manticore is the standard-issue Damage: 2d20+60 hammer for many Grineer units. Primary Damage Type: Manticore Equipped with rounded spikes that give it Impact as much slashing power as it has blunt- Secondary Damage Type: force, the Manticore has been used to Slash break in the door to many a Colonist’s Attack Speed: 1 home during surprise searches. A Grineer shield, it has little in terms of Accuracy: 55 offensive power but it provides excellent Damage: 1d20+20 defensive bonuses. Those Grineer Primary Damage Type: Riot Shield Lancers outfitted with lighter armor Impact typically carry these shields, and Secondary Damage Type: whenever Colonists attempt an uprising None these shields are on the forefront of any Attack Speed: 1 force sent in to “pacify” them. SPECIAL: The Riot Shield allows for any one-handed (non-Twin or Dual) Secondary weapon to be used at the same time. While the Riot Shield is equipped increase your armor by fifty (50) A pair of Grineer claws, motorized and Accuracy: 60 devastating beyond many other Grineer Damage: 4d20+55 melee weapons. Originally Ripkas were Primary Damage Type: Ripkas used for clearing debris from damaged Slash galleons but in time they, like so many Secondary Damage Type: other things, found their way onto the Puncture battlefield. There are few things as Attack Speed: 3 terrifying as the sound of a Ripkas’ buzz growing closer. A Grineer dagger, a rare item employed Accuracy: 58 by very few Grineer outside of certain Damage: 2d20+45 circles. The Sheev is both a torture device Primary Damage Type: Sheev and tool commonly deployed by the Slash Grineer’s Manics, and they are a fairly

[435] common weapon among the Nightwatch Secondary Damage Type: Corps’ membership. Impact, Puncture Attack Speed: 5 A Grineer trident, designed to grant the Accuracy: 65 user great reach over the battlefield. Damage: 4d20+40 Sydon Primarily used by Drekar forces, Primary Damage Type: especially the Draga, this weapon’s Puncture primary use of keeping wildlife at bay Secondary Damage Type: belies its deadly strength and efficiency at Impact dealing with sentient targets. Attack Speed: 1 A pair of Grineer axes, the Twin Basolk Accuracy: 54 are weapons that are almost exclusively Damage: 4d20+40 Twin Basolk designed to sear through flesh. What Primary Damage Type: Heat prompted the Grineer to create such a Secondary Damage Type: weapon is, at this point, unknown. None Attack Speed: 3

Corpus Name: Description: Stats: A Corpus electric whip, used primarily for Accuracy: 39 herding MOAs and Ospreys whose basic Damage: 2d20+45 control or navigation systems have failed Primary Damage Type: Lecta to initiate for one reason or another. The Electricity Lecta occasionally runs the circle of Secondary Damage Type: Corpus black market runners, falling in None and out of favor with them every few Attack Speed: 2 cycles. SPECIAL: The Lecta can hit enemies up to six (6) meters away. A set of Corpus brawling grips, an Accuracy: 42 uncommon weapon for Corpus but not one Damage: 2d20+50 that is unheard of. While the majority of Primary Damage Type: Obex Corpus would prefer to stay at a range Electricity some Infiltrators and Combas find that the Secondary Damage Type: more effective tactic is a quick and None dexterous melee approach. Attack Speed: 4 A Corpus electric baton, the go-to weapon Accuracy: 52 for stopping any rampaging robotics. Damage: 3d20+35 Reliable and sturdy in design, the semi- Primary Damage Type: Prova legend semi-factual figure known as “John Electricity Prodman” is said to possess a Prova that’s Secondary Damage Type: power dwarfs even the most heavily- Attack Speed: 2 modded of traditional Corpus variants.

[436] SPECIAL: All successful hits with the Prova activate the chance for the Electricity Status Effect to apply to the target enemy. A Corpus polearm, the Serro’s primary Accuracy: 52 use is to scrap obsolete ships. There was Damage: 3d20+75 an incident in the Sedna sector where rebel Primary Damage Type: Serro forces used Serros as weapons against the Electricity local Grineer that resulted in a banning of Secondary Damage Type: the tool throughout the sector. However, None this also opened the eyes of the Corpus to Attack Speed: 1 its potential combat-usefulness.

Syndicate Name: Description: Stats: Ceramic Dagger A dagger forged out of ceramic, as the name Accuracy: 53 implies, this weapon is a simple and easy tool Damage: 2d20+40 to make. Surprisingly lethal in close Primary Damage Type: quarters, the Ceramic Dagger is one of the Puncture two things the Grineer and Corpus tolerate Secondary Damage Type: the Colonists possessing – it is rarely a threat Impact to them, but it keeps them feeling safe Attack Speed: 4 enough that they don’t openly rebel. Cronus A sword forged out of ceramic, it is said to Accuracy: 49 be modeled after one of the weapons the Damage: 2d20+40 ancient Tenno would use. Whether this is Primary Damage Type: true or not is unknown. A simple weapon to Slash make, if not necessarily a durable one, the Secondary Damage Type: Cronus is one of the few things that Colonists Impact can create without outside help. Attack Speed: 3 A laser-drill manufactured by the Grineer, Accuracy: 53 this tool was originally designed to be used Damage: 4d20+50 by Colonist slave-labor in excavating Primary Damage Type: Drull valuable ore throughout the System. They Puncture were quickly stolen by Syndicates and turned Secondary Damage Type: into weapons, causing production to cease. Heat The only ones that exist now are the stolen, Attack Speed: 3 and heavily-modified originals. Dual Ceramic Daggers forged out of ceramic, as the name Accuracy: 45 Daggers implies, these weapons are a simple and easy Damage: 4d20+60 tool to make. Surprisingly lethal in close Primary Damage Type: quarters, Dual Ceramic Daggers one of the Puncture two things the Grineer and Corpus tolerate Secondary Damage Type: the Colonists possessing – they are rarely a Impact

[437] threat to them, but it keeps them feeling safe Attack Speed: 6 enough that they don’t openly rebel. Axes of bone and muscle forged from the Accuracy: 33 bodies of Infested creatures, the Dual Ichor Damage: 6d20+35 lives and breathes like any such creature. Primary Damage Type: Dual Ichor Excreting potent toxins, the Dual Ichor can Toxin be used to cause either a quick or slow death. Secondary Damage Type: Omniform Secta favors such weapons. None Attack Speed: 3 SPECIAL: Is not equipped like a regular weapon, instead fuses to both arms, making it always immediately available in combat without the need to take an Action to switch to it. The arms in question can no longer be used for other actions, and if crippled the weapon cannot be used until the Status Effect passes (if only one arm is crippled, the weapon may still be used as a regular Ichor). Having this weapon may drastically alter other’s opinions of you. It may be removed with the Heal Skill. The low-tech replacement for the Ripkor, Accuracy: 54 these axes take much longer to complete Damage: 3d20+60 their task but are far more difficult to turn Primary Damage Type: Hatchet into an effective weapon. Even so, Impact Syndicates and rebellious Colonists with Secondary Damage Type: access to it have made it such, characterizing Slash both their resourcefulness and desperation. Attack Speed: 1 An axe of bone and muscle forged from the Accuracy: 44 bodies of Infested creatures, the Ichor lives Damage: 3d20+23 and breathes like any such creature. Primary Damage Type: Ichor Excreting potent toxins, the Ichor can be Toxin used to cause either a quick or slow death. Secondary Damage Type: Omniform Secta favors such weapons. None Attack Speed: 2 SPECIAL: Is not equipped like a regular weapon, instead fuses to an arm, making it always immediately available in combat without the need to take an Action to switch to it. The arm in question can no longer be used for other actions, and if crippled the weapon cannot be used until the Status Effect passes. Having this weapon may drastically alter other’s opinions of you. It may be removed with the Heal Skill. Perhaps the strange mutation to be found in Accuracy: 45 any Infested creature, the Mios is formed of Damage: 4d20+40 sharpened bone and thick tendons and Primary Damage Type: Mios ligaments. With a jaw-like blade on the front Slash and a whip-like-and-hooked tail attached, the Secondary Damage Type: Mios is a devastating weapon of versatility. Impact Omniform Secta favors such weapons. Attack Speed: 2 SPECIAL: Is not equipped like a regular weapon, instead fuses to an arm, making it always immediately available in combat without the need to take an Action to switch to it. The arm in question can no longer be used for other actions, and if crippled the weapon cannot be used until the Status Effect passes. Having this weapon may drastically alter other’s opinions of you. It may be removed with the Heal Skill.

[438] The Mios can hit enemies up to six (6) meters away, but attacking enemies outside of melee range reverses the damage types (Primary Damage Type: Impact, Secondary Damage Type: Slash). The legends say that during the Great Plague Accuracy: 40 the Mire was taken from the bodies of Tenno Damage: 5d20+35 as trophies, signs of their victory over the Primary Damage Type: Mire Infested. Though they are still found within Slash such monsters they are no longer taken as Secondary Damage Type: trophies but as weapons. Omniform Secta Toxin favors such weapons. Attack Speed: 2 SPECIAL: Is not equipped like a regular weapon, instead fuses to an arm, making it always immediately available in combat without the need to take an Action to switch to it. The arm in question can no longer be used for other actions, and if crippled the weapon cannot be used until the Status Effect passes. Having this weapon may drastically alter other’s opinions of you. It may be removed with the Heal Skill. A weapon designed by the Arbiters of Hexis, Accuracy: 56 the Niabor is a curved sword with the center Damage: 2d20+40 of gravity focused around the tip of the blade. Primary Damage Type: Niabor The Tenno were said to be masters of the Slash blade, and so they have done their best to Secondary Damage Type: replicate their weaponry. It is not perfect, Impact, Puncture but it serves its function. Attack Speed: 2 The low-tech replacement for the Drull, Accuracy: 49 these picks take much longer to complete Damage: 3d20+60 their task but are far more difficult to turn Primary Damage Type: Pickaxe into an effective weapon. Even so, Puncture Syndicates and rebellious Colonists with Secondary Damage Type: access to it have made it such, characterizing Slash both their resourcefulness and desperation. Attack Speed: 1 When all else fails, the most zealous of some Accuracy: 80 Syndicate members turn to the last resort. Damage: 5d20+200 Strapping explosives to their bodies they Primary Damage Type: Plast move next to a target and sacrifice their own Blast lives for their cause. This action is frown Secondary Damage Type: nearly all in the Syndicates, with the Red None Veil being the notable exception. Attack Speed: 1 SPECIAL: If the Accuracy Check is successful, damage is done to both the target enemy and the character using the Plast. If it is unsuccessful no damage is done. A knife with a straight and thin-but-durable Accuracy: 53 blade, the Puukko is believed to date back to Damage: 5d20+30 Ancient Earth times. Syndicate groups with Primary Damage Type: Puukko the means to forge more elaborate weapons Slash but not the resources to make larger ones Secondary Damage Type: often craft smaller dagger-like weapons such Impact, Puncture as this. Attack Speed: 3 A chainsaw manufactured by the Grineer, Accuracy: 46 this tool was originally designed to be used Damage: 5d20+30

[439] by Colonist slave-labor in clearing overrun Primary Damage Type: Ripkor Earth installations. They were quickly stolen Slash by Syndicates and turned into weapons, Secondary Damage Type: causing production to cease. The only ones Puncture that exist now are the stolen, and heavily- Attack Speed: 3 modified originals. A whip made of stretchy sinew and jagged Accuracy: 41 bone, the Scoliac is pulled from the limps of Damage: 2d20+55 Infested creatures. The sinew continues to Primary Damage Type: Scoliac live despite this extraction, however, and Slash causes the bones to drip with a heart- Secondary Damage Type: stopping toxin. Omniform Secta favors such Toxin weapons. Attack Speed: 2 SPECIAL: Is not equipped like a regular weapon, instead fuses to an arm, making it always immediately available in combat without the need to take an Action to switch to it. The arm in question can no longer be used for other actions, and if crippled the weapon cannot be used until the Status Effect passes. Having this weapon may drastically alter other’s opinions of you. It may be removed with the Heal Skill. The Scoliac can hit enemies up to six (6) meters away. A tiny dagger made of anything from metal Accuracy: 56 of hardened polymer, it is often the last resort Damage: 3d20+45 for those Colonists and Syndicate members Primary Damage Type: Shivv that have nothing else to fall back on. Easily Puncture hidden from even full-body searches, it is Secondary Damage Type: favored by many Smugglers. Slash Attack Speed: 3 SPECIAL: When making a Concealment Skill Check to add to this weapon, give the roll a minus five (-5) bonus. A tool used by the Colonists for farming, this Accuracy: 53 simple scythe performs exceptionally well at Damage: 3d20+60 cutting down grain and other plants. Its low- Primary Damage Type: Sikel tech nature makes it easy to reproduce, but it Puncture was its potential to be weaponized that first Secondary Damage Type: attracted many Syndicates to it. Slash Attack Speed: 1 A weapon designed by New Loka, the Stave Accuracy: 48 is a staff carved from the heartwood of the Damage: 3d20+50 great trees of Earth. As tough as iron and as Primary Damage Type: Stave durable as any forged-weapon, the save is a Impact popular tool for New Loka pilgrims and Secondary Damage Type: guards of their temples. None Attack Speed: 2

[440] Vehicle and Ship Weapons Vehicle and Ship weapons, as the name implies, are those weapons that are available to vehicles and ships – and only to vehicles and ships, as their size and the requirements to even be able to power/fuel them for use are far too great for even the mightiest, richest, or cleverest in Origin to manage without a ship to help automate some of the processes. See Chapter 7: Ships for a list of ships and what weapons are standard on what ships.

Provided one has the appropriate level of Skill and the credits to purchase it, equipping additional weapons to ships is possible – however the larger and more powerful a weapon you attempt to put on a smaller and lighter craft the more skill will be required for you to successfully attach it. Defer to your GM for individual rulings as situations arise.

Ship weapons also possess no Magazine Size. Ammo is fed directly into the weapon by the ship making reloading unnecessary. This means you will be able to focus all of your attention onto the action at hand.

Grineer Mirroring their own brutal and hardened nature, the Grineer make use of primarily ballistics weaponry. Bullets and missiles make up the primary loadout of their vehicles and ships with, but it is known that they have also been making forays into energy weapon tech. Though still primitive compared to some, what they have managed to create poses a threat to all.

Light: Description: Stats: A simple variation on Grineer ship ballistic Name: Light Machine Gun space weaponry, the Light Machine Gun is Accuracy: 69 designed to disrupt Corpus ship shields and Range: 6 spaces expose their vehicles to more devastating Damage: 4d100+60 damage. While not as devastating as some Primary Damage Type: Impact Secondary Damage Type: Puncture

[441] other weapons the Grineer manufacture, it is a core part of their arsenal.

A simple variation on Grineer ship ballistic Name: Light Demolition Cannon cannons, the Demolition Cannon lacks range Accuracy: 56 but is one of the most damage tools in their Range: 3 spaces arsenal. Firing a projectile with enough force Damage: 2d100+150 to shatter a small Asteroid, the Demolition Primary Damage Type: Impact Cannon is a standard weapon a number of Secondary Damage Type: Puncture Grineer combat pods. Used by Grineer ships to harvest asteroids for Name: Mining Drill precious resources, this tool has also been Accuracy: 60 adopted as a weapon by certain Grineer naval Range: 1 space commanders. Its short range bellies a truly Damage: 3d100+150 devastating and accurate weapon, able to slice Primary Damage Type: Slash through hulls and expose vulnerable areas if Secondary Damage Type: Puncture used correctly. Special: May only be used on enemies that are immediately adjacent to the ship. A defensive tool rather than an offensive Name: Defensive Flares Launcher weapon, these flares area designed to intercept Accuracy: 49 incoming ballistics and disrupt enemy Range: 3 accuracy – personal or targeted – during Damage: NA attacks. Syndicates also make frequent use of Primary Damage Type: NA these, although they first need to get their Secondary Damage Type: NA hands on them through theft or Black market Special: May be deployed once per round to deals. Grineer fighter ships often come with a decrease the Accuracy of an incoming attack small supply of these that can be restocked by 1d20, if its own Accuracy Check is almost anywhere they can dock. successful.

Medium: Description: Stats: The standard for Grineer ship ballistic space Name: Machine Gun weaponry, the Machine Gun is designed to Accuracy: 65 disrupt Corpus ship shields and expose their Range: 6 spaces vehicles to more devastating damage. While Damage: 5d100+65 not as devastating as some other weapons the Primary Damage Type: Impact Grineer manufacture, it is a core part of their Secondary Damage Type: Puncture arsenal. The standard for Grineer ship ballistic Name: Demolition Cannon cannons, the Demolition Cannon lacks range Accuracy: 52

[442] but is one of the most damage tools in their Range: 2 spaces arsenal. Firing a projectile with enough force Damage: 2d100+200 to shatter a small Asteroid, the Demolition Primary Damage Type: Impact Cannon is a standard weapon a number of Secondary Damage Type: Puncture Grineer combat pods. The standard for Grineer ship artillery Name: Missile Launcher weapons, these missiles nearly match the Accuracy: 54 Machine Gun in range and surpass them in Range: 5 spaces damage possibility. The only downside is the Damage: 1d100+200 lesser accuracy, though they are still more Primary Damage Type: Impact precise than more Grineer cannons. Secondary Damage Type: None The standard for Grineer ship energy cannons, Name: Tritium Cannon this experimental weapon uses radiation so Accuracy: 46 deadly that only the most expendable of clones Range: 4 spaces are allowed to directly come in contact with it Damage: 2d100+300 – a must of installation. The Tritium Cannon Primary Damage Type: Slash is based on Tritium energy cells used some by Secondary Damage Type: Radiation large-scale Grineer machinery.

Heavy: Description: Stats: An advanced model of Grineer ship artillery Name: Missile Battery weapons, these missiles nearly match the Accuracy: 47 Machine Gun in range and surpass them in Range: 5 spaces damage possibility. The only downside is the Damage: 1d100+400 lesser accuracy, though they are still more Primary Damage Type: Impact precise than more Grineer cannons. Secondary Damage Type: None An advanced model of Grineer ship energy Name: Tritium Cannon Battery cannons, this experimental weapon uses Accuracy: 40 radiation so deadly that only the most Range: 3 spaces expendable of clones are allowed to directly Damage: 5d100+450 come in contact with it – a must of installation. Primary Damage Type: Slash The Tritium Cannon is based on Tritium Secondary Damage Type: Radiation energy cells used some by large-scale Grineer machinery. An advanced model of Grineer ship ballistic Name: Demolition Cannon Battery cannons, the Demolition Cannon lacks range Accuracy: 47 but is one of the most damage tools in their Range: 3 spaces arsenal. Firing a projectile with enough force Damage: d100+ to shatter a small Asteroid, the Demolition Primary Damage Type: Impact Cannon is a standard weapon a number of Secondary Damage Type: Puncture Grineer combat pods.

[443] An advanced model of Grineer ballistic space Name: Heavy Machine Gun weaponry, the Machine Gun is designed to Accuracy: 62 disrupt Corpus ship shields and expose their Range: 6 vehicles to more devastating damage. While Damage: 6d100+70 not as devastating as some other weapons the Primary Damage Type: Impact Grineer manufacture, it is a core part of their Secondary Damage Type: Puncture arsenal. A tool used by the Grineer to board enemy Name: Boarding Pod Launcher ships during a siege, this troop transport is Accuracy: 44 fired at enemy vessels after being loaded with Range: 4 spaces troops. It deals heavy damage to a ship on Damage: 2d100+50 impact, puncture through any shields (although Primary Damage Type: Impact damage is heavily mitigated by them) and Secondary Damage Type: None allows for deployment of soldiers onto their Special: When loaded with a character will new battlefield to assault the enemy vessel dispatch that character onto the target ship from the inside. when hits. Failed Accuracy Checks will be interpreted as the weapon failing to fire at all (unless an alternative is desired).

Corpus Corpus weapons make full use of the same kind of technology the Orokin once harnessed. Although still slightly rough around the edges compared to what the former rulers of Origin managed, their energy weapons are effectively at dealing with even the incredibly resilient armor used in ship construction.

Light: Description: Stats: A simple variation on Corpus ship energy weapons, these energy rifles are innately Name: Light Laser Machine Gun designed to pierce armor but also carry with Accuracy: 57 them an additional electric charge that can Range: 5 spaces affect the enemy during a well-placed shot. Damage: 4d100+80 While not as long-reaching as the Grineer Primary Damage Type: Puncture ballistic version, they are slightly more Secondary Damage Type: Electricity powerful.

[444] A simple variation on Corpus ship energy Name: Light Laser Cannon cannons, these weapons unleash a wave of Accuracy: 49 impact force in a narrow range that strikes with Range: 4 spaces heavy concussive force. If the attack is Damage: 2d100+100 charged and fired correctly, there is also a Primary Damage Type: Impact chance that the electric charge of the wave may Secondary Damage Type: Electricity disrupt ship systems. The means by which Corpus units invade ships Name: Boarding Portal unconnected by other means, these portals are Accuracy: 40 the closest the Corpus have managed to Range: 5 spaces recreate the ancient Orokin Void Gate Damage: NA technologies. Requiring very precise aim to Primary Damage Type: NA ensure that Crewmen and MOA units are not Secondary Damage Type: NA lost to the Void of space, it is something Special: If an Accuracy Check is successfully generally used only to send over small groups made, roll 1d6. That number rolled is how at a time. It is also beginning to see use a many people may move onto the targeted ship means to move cargo from one vessel to as long as both ships remain within 5 spaces of another without the need for intermediary each other. transports.

Medium: Description: Stats: The standard for Corpus ship energy weapons, Name: Laser Machine Gun these energy rifles are innately designed to Accuracy: 57 pierce armor but also carry with them an Range: 5 spaces additional electric charge that can affect the Damage: 4d100+120 enemy during a well-placed shot. While not as Primary Damage Type: Puncture long-reaching as the Grineer ballistic version, Secondary Damage Type: Electricity they are slightly more powerful. The standard for Corpus ship tools, this laser is Name: Mining Laser used by Corporation ships to extract minerals Accuracy: 54 from asteroids and scrap derelict ships. While Range: 2 spaces not commonly called on to be used as a Damage: 3d100+150 weapon, if a ship equipped with one finds itself Primary Damage Type: Puncture in a firefight it is more than capable of being Secondary Damage Type: Slash an effective means of self-defense. The standard for Corpus ship energy cannons, Name: Laser Cannon these weapons unleash a wave of impact force Accuracy: 67 in a narrow range that strikes with heavy Range: 4 concussive force. If the attack is charged and Damage: 2d100+250 fired correctly, there is also a chance that the Primary Damage Type: Impact Secondary Damage Type: Electricity

[445] electric charge of the wave may disrupt ship systems. The standard for Corpus ship energy weapons Name: Laser Machine Gun Battery taken to the extreme, these energy rifles are Accuracy: 49 innately designed to pierce armor but also Range: 5 spaces carry with them an additional electric charge Damage: 6d100+200 that can affect the enemy during a well-placed Primary Damage Type: Puncture shot. The placement of them into a single array Secondary Damage Type: Electricity only increases their lethality. While the Corpus do not commonly use Name: Explosive Launcher explosives in the ground forces, the standard Accuracy: 50 for many Corpus Combat Pods is that an Range: 4 spaces Explosive Launcher be attached. Effective and Damage: 1d100+250 warding off swarms of Grineer or Syndicate Primary Damage Type: Impact fighters, these simplistic weapons prove that Secondary Damage Type: Blast advanced tech isn’t always the only option.

Heavy: Description: Stats: An advanced model of Corpus ship energy weapons, these energy rifles are innately Name: Heavy Laser Machine Gun designed to pierce armor but also carry with Accuracy: 55 them an additional electric charge that can Range: 5 spaces affect the enemy during a well-placed shot. Damage: 4d100+150 While not as long-reaching as the Grineer Primary Damage Type: Puncture ballistic version, they are slightly more Secondary Damage Type: Electricity powerful. An advanced model of Corpus ship energy Name: Heavy Laser Machine Gun Battery weapons taken to the extreme, these energy Accuracy: 49 rifles are innately designed to pierce armor but Range: 5 spaces also carry with them an additional electric Damage: 6d100+240 charge that can affect the enemy during a well- Primary Damage Type: Puncture placed shot. The placement of them into a Secondary Damage Type: Electricity single array only increases their lethality. An advanced model of Corpus ship energy cannons, these weapons unleash a wave of Name: Laser Cannon Battery impact force in a narrow range that strikes with Accuracy: 53 heavy concussive force. If the attack is Range: 4 spaces charged and fired correctly, there is also a Damage: 4d100+500 chance that the electric charge of the wave may Primary Damage Type: Impact disrupt ship systems. The placement of them Secondary Damage Type: Electricity into a single array only increases their lethality.

[446] An advanced model of Corpus ship tools, this Name: Heavy Mining Laser laser is used by Corporation ships to extract Accuracy: 53 minerals from asteroids and scrap derelict Range: 2 spaces ships. While not commonly called on to be Damage: 4d100+150 used as a weapon, if a ship equipped with one Primary Damage Type: Puncture finds itself in a firefight it is more than capable Secondary Damage Type: Slash of being an effective means of self-defense.

Syndicate Due to the difficulty they face in producing their own ships the majority of Ship Weapons designed for use on Syndicate vessels are designed less to destroy ships and more to cripple them for boarding so that the ships can be captured and either scrapped or used in further plans. Destruction of enemy vessels is a prerogative for only a select few Syndicate ships.

Light: Description: Stats: A simple variation on this Syndicate ship Name: Light Ion Rifle weapon, the Light Ion Rifle is not that different Accuracy: 77 from its counterparts. Designed not to damage Range: 7 spaces ships but be extremely effective at disabling Damage: 1d100+5 them for boarding and capture. It comes Primary Damage Type: Magnetic standard on a number of Syndicate-crafted Secondary Damage Type: None vessels. A simple variation on this Syndicate ship Name: Light Lance weapon, the Light Lance is the closest to a Accuracy: 60 destructive tool the Syndicates can afford to Range: 5 spaces make. Designed to pierce through ship armor Damage: 1d100+100 and weaken it, it is a weapon with very little Primary Damage Type: Puncture margin for error. Secondary Damage Type: Slash

[447] A specialty weapon modeled after the Light Name: Harpoon Lance and Heavy Lance, the Harpoon is Accuracy: 60 designed to latch onto an enemy and keep it Range: 6 spaces from escaping a certain range. The duration Damage: 2d100+50 for which the cable connecting the two ships Primary Damage Type: Puncture with vary, and the speed and heading that the Secondary Damage Type: Slash ships will travel in will be forced onto the other Special: If a successful Accuracy Check is by whichever of the ships is larger – even if the made, roll 1d6. The targeted ship cannot move ship using the Harpoon is the smaller of the out of the distance at which the attack was pairing. made from away from the ship that used the Harpoon for that many rounds. The larger- class ship of the two will determine speed and direction while connected.

Medium: Description: Stats: The standard for this Syndicate ship weapon, Name: Ion Rifle the Ion Rifle is not that different from its Accuracy: 79 counterparts. Designed not to damage ships Range: 7 spaces but be extremely effective at disabling them Damage: 1d100+10 for boarding and capture. It comes standard on Primary Damage Type: Magnetic a number of Syndicate-crafted vessels. Secondary Damage Type: None The Grineer have heavy pods, the Corpus have Name: Boarding Tube light portals, it is only fitting that the Syndicate Accuracy: 71 means to board be somewhere between the Range: 1 space two. Made of durable polymer and plastics, Damage: 1d100+1 the Boarding Tube latches onto enemy ships Primary Damage Type: Impact and cuts a hole in the hull, allowing crew to Secondary Damage Type: None crawl through to one ship or another. Its reach Special: If an Accuracy Check is successfully is very limited, however, and if either pulls made people may move from one ship to away too far from the other the connection another as long as both ships remain within 1 forced between the two ships will be severed. space of each other. Shredder Spines are not as elegant as rifles, but Name: Shredder Spines they do their job. Jagged and massive shards Accuracy: 75 of scrap metal, these attachments to a ship are Range: 1 space designed to tear into the hulls of any ships that Damage: 3d100+120 get to close to them, dealing incredible damage Primary Damage Type: Slash with a high accuracy rate. The possibility for Secondary Damage Type: None the damage to also cause the ship to bleed out Special: May only be used on enemies that are energy and other vitals over time is also high, immediately adjacent to the ship. When making this a deceptively effective weapon; ramming or you move adjacent to an enemy

[448] many Syndicates know this, and make good ship or an enemy ship moves adjacent to you, use of it in the field. treat it as if it were an attack with this weapon.

Heavy: Description: Stats: An advanced model of this Syndicate ship Name: Heavy Ion Rifle weapon, the Heavy Ion Rifle is not that Accuracy: 81 different from its counterparts. Designed not Range: 5 spaces. to damage ships but be extremely effective at Damage: 1d100+15 disabling them for boarding and capture. It Primary Damage Type: Magnetic comes standard on a number of Syndicate- Secondary Damage Type: None crafted vessels. An advanced model of this Syndicate ship Name: Heavy Lance weapon, the Heavy Lance is the closest to a Accuracy: 58 destructive tool the Syndicates can afford to Range: 6 spaces make. Designed to pierce through ship armor Damage: 3d100+160 and weaken it, it is a weapon with very little Primary Damage Type: Puncture margin for error. Secondary Damage Type: Slash A cannon weapon designed around the same Name: Ion Cannon principle as the Syndicate ship rifles, the Ion Accuracy: 68 Cannon runs a higher risk of destruction but Range: 5 spaces has its own benefits: the magnetic field that it Damage: 1d100+30 fires has a longer area of effect than the rifle Primary Damage Type: Magnetic version of the area; this means that if there are Secondary Damage Type: None other ships immediately around it the wave Special: If the Magnetic Status Effect is will also wave over them. This is only useful successfully administered to the target ship, it if the attack is strong enough to magnetize and may also be administered to one (1) additional disrupt the primary ship, however, as ship of the attacker’s choice that is adjacent to otherwise the wave’s power is too little to have the target. any lasting effect. Syndicate have been able to design a few Name: Mine Layer weapons through stolen technology that have Accuracy: 68 put them on part with the Grineer and Corpus. Range: 1 space The Mine Layer is not such a weapon: it is a Damage: 3d100+300 visible reminder that they are still struggling to Primary Damage Type: Blast make it by. This weapon is the equivalent of Secondary Damage Type: None shoving a bomb out of a moving vehicle and Special: Upon successful Accuracy Check hoping it hits something. There is no aiming, place a mine in a nearby adjacent space. Ships there is no firing mechanism, the only good that move into that space will cause a damage thing that can be said about it is that it is roll to be made, and that much damage will be effectively destructive at what it does. dealt to all ships within 1 space of where the mine was detonated.


[450] Appendix II: Enemies The following are a list of example enemies and their stats. Your GM may use these directly or as inspiration for enemies they design on their own.

Grineer Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Lancer Medium Ferrite (30, None Grakata (Accuracy: 58, +10) Range: 24, Damage: 2d20+11, Primary: Impact, Secondary: Puncture, Mag: 6) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 200 Strength: 15 Intimidate: 13 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 20 Perception: 10 Fortitude: 2d4 Dexterity: 15 Dodge: 1d4 Intelligence: 8 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 4 Grapple: 1d4 Wisdom: 15 Description: Grineer Lancers are the beating heart of Grineer warfare and the blood that pumps through the veins of their great Empire’s goals.

Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Heavy Light Alloy Plate (45, None Gorgon (Accuracy: 36, Gunner +15) Range: 21, Damage: 4d20+50, Primary: Slash, Secondary: Impact, Puncture, Mag: 9) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 350 Strength: 20 Intimidate: 35 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 35 Perception: 15 Fortitude: 2d4 Dexterity: 5 Weapons-Firearm: 20 Dodge: 1d4 Intelligence: 15 Will: 1d4 Charisma: 12 Grapple: 2d4 Wisdom: 17 Description: Heavily armored Grineer given some of the more deadly weapons of the Empire, these men – or, more usually, women – are known to be among the most dangerous opponents in the entire Empire to face.


Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Trooper Medium Ferrite (26, None Sobek (Accuracy: 39, +10) Range: 9, Damage: 2d10+54, Primary: Impact, Secondary: Puncture, Slash, Mag: 15) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 200 Strength: 15 Intimidate: 25 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 20 Perception: 25 Fortitude: 2d4 Dexterity: 14 Weapons-Firearm: 20 Dodge: 1d4 Intelligence: 30 Will: 3d4 Charisma: 5 Grapple: 1d4 Wisdom: 25 Description: Troopers are shock assault forces, meant to soften enemy forces before the more skilled and trained soldiers make their entrance.

Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Elite Lancer Medium Ferrite (26, None Hind (Accuracy: 44, +10) Range: 24, Damage: 4d12+25, Primary: Slash, Secondary: Impact, Puncture, Mag: 11) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 400 Strength: 25 Intimidate: 45 Initiative: 3d20+0 Constitution: 40 Perception: 25 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 20 Weapons-Firearm: 40 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 15 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 15 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 30 Description: Some of the most well-trained soldiers in the entire Empire, the Elite Lancers are a powerful combat force, hailing from a number of different groups within the Empire.

[452] Corpus Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: MOA Medium Robotic Medium Shield (100, 20 MOA Laser (Accuracy: Plating (35, +10) per, +5) 54, Range: 24, Damage: 2d20+15, Primary: Puncture, Secondary: Impact, Mag: 8) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 80 Strength: 6 Athletics: 10 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 8 Intimidate: 10 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 8 Perception: 10 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 4 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 4 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 8 Description: MOAs are the forefront of any Corpus security or military force. There are many variations within the MOA archetype but the default, unaltered MOA model remains a classic and one of the most-often deployed creations of Corpus engineering.

Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Crewman Medium Polymer (25, Medium Shield (100, 20 Dera (Accuracy: 58 +5) per, +5) Range: 24, Damage: 2d12+22, Primary: Puncture, Secondary: Impact, Mag: 9) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 100 Strength: 10 Perception: 8 Initiative: 1d20+1 Constitution: 10 Device-Mechanical: 10 Fortitude: 1d4 Dexterity: 10 Repair: 10 Dodge: 1d4 Intelligence: 8 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 8 Grapple: 1d4 Wisdom: 15 Description: The general workforce of the Corporation, the Crewmen are the men and women that keep the infrastructure of the Corpus functioning where proxies fail to do so.

[453] Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Tech Heavy Polymer (26, Medium Shield (100, 20 Supra (Accuracy: 38, +10) per, +5) Range: 21, Damage: 3d12+20, Primary: Puncture, Secondary: Slash, Mag: 9) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 350 Strength: 10 Perception: 16 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 35 Device-Mechanical: 20 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 5 Device-Electronic: 20 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 35 Repair: 30 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 12 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 16 Description: Tech Crewmen are those employees specifically geared to managing the mechanical aspects of the Corporation. Be they robotics or computers, they are invaluable to the Corpus and thus have been given advanced self-defense training and weaponry.

Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Shield Osprey Light Robotic Plating Light Shield (60, 20, +5) None, grant bonus (20, +5) shields to target. (CAN ONLY BE HIT Bonus Shields: 25, +1 BY RANGED per round (+50 shields at WEAPONS). level 5) Range: 12 meters (+3 per ability level) Duration: 1d20+1 rounds (+1 round per level) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 120 Strength: 3 Perception: 16 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 12 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 16 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 4 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 4 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 20 Description: A proxy designed to provide protection for crewmen when their shields fail on the job, the military applications of Shield Ospreys were instantly recognizable when the time to put them into action came.

[454] Syndicate Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Red Veil Light Polymer (20, -5) Medium Shield (50, 10 Snipetron: (Accuracy: Assassin per, -5) 75, Range: 60, Damage: 3d20+60, Primary: Puncture, Secondary: Impact, Mag: 4) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 150 Strength: 10 Intimidate: 20 Initiative: 1d20+1 Constitution: 15 Perception: 20 Fortitude: 1d4 Dexterity: 15 Stealth: 30 Dodge: 1d4 Intelligence: 10 Will: 1d4 Charisma: 10 Grapple: 1d4 Wisdom: 15 Description: Though the Red Veil believe that no blood is good enough to not be worth spilling for their cause, they will not charge blindly into battle. If they can take their target without direct conflict they will try to do so.

Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: New Loka Medium Fabric (10, -0) None Ceramic Dagger Zealot (Accuracy: 45, Range: Melee, Damage: 3d10+35, Primary: Puncture, Secondary: Impact, Attack Speed: 2) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 200 Strength: 15 Perception: 25 Initiative: 1d20+1 Constitution: 20 Fortitude: 2d4 Dexterity: 15 Dodge: 1d4 Intelligence: 10 Will: 1d4 Charisma: 10 Grapple: 1d4 Wisdom: 10 Description: New Loka zealots seek to carve the taints that keep humanity from achieving its deserved purity away. Be it with dagger, other blade, or even rifles, these adherents to New Loka’s ideals will stop at nothing to complete their goals.

[455] Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Steel Medium Ferrite (30, None Marelok (Accuracy: 48, Meridian -10) Range: 9, Damage: Soldier 4d12+80, Primary: Impact, Secondary: Slash, Mag: 6) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 160 Strength: 18 Intimidate: 12 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 16 Perception: 15 Fortitude: 1d4 Dexterity: 8 Weapon-Firearm: 25 Dodge: 1d4 Intelligence: 14 Will: 1d4 Charisma: 14 Grapple: 1d4 Wisdom: 12 Description: Be they clones or Colonists, Steel Meridian outfits its soldiers which what Grineer technology it can scrape together. They train them as best they can and fight as best they can, even when the odds are stacked against them.

Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Suda Medium Fabric (10, -0) Light Shields (60, 20, Gammacor (Accuracy: Associate +5) 38, Range: 12, Damage: 2d6+50, Primary: Magnetic, Secondary: None , Mag: 5) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 70 Strength: 13 Perception: 15 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 7 Lore-Orokin: 10 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 8 Lore-Tenno: 10 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 20 Knowledge-Planet: 25 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 17 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 20 Description: Cephalon Suda uses many associates to help her find and collect knowledge throughout Origin. They may not always be the best fighters, but they always are highly intelligent.

[456] Infested Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Charger Infested Flesh (30, -0) None Claws (Accuracy: 53, Range: Melee, Damage: 3d20+20, Primary: Slash, Secondary: Toxin, Attack Speed: 3) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 100 Strength: 15 Perception: 30 Initiative: 1d20+1 Constitution: 10 Fortitude: 1d4 Dexterity: 15 Dodge: 1d4 Intelligence: 1 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 1d4 Wisdom: 10 Description: Created when the Infestation takes ahold of male Grineer, Chargers are twisted aberrations that resemble more a beast than a man. They are fast and deceivingly agile for where they originally come from.

Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Runner Infested Flesh (30, -0) Medium Shield (100, 5 Claws (Accuracy; 53, per, -5) Range: Melee, Damage: 3d20+20, Primary: Slash, Secondary: Toxin, Attack Speed: 3) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 60 Strength: 8 Perception: 30 Initiative: 1d20+2 Constitution: 6 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 20 Dodge: 1d4 Intelligence: 1 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 10 Description: Created when the Infestation takes ahold of a Corpus, these humanoid creatures comes in a wide variety of types. Some are simply a variation upon the chargers, but others have their own disturbing abilities.

[457] Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Toxic Ancient Fossilized Flesh (30, None Venom Tendril +0) (Accuracy: 53, Range: 9 meters, Damage: 5d20+50, Primary: Impact, Secondary: Toxin, Attack Speed: 1) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 210 Strength: 15 Intimidate: 48 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 21 Perception: 30 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 4 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 1 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 20 Description: Ancient creatures that were created long ago, their numbers never seem to diminish. Some hold this as a testament to the scope of the Great Plague, others believe that something far more sinister and terrible is at work with the Infestation.

Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Volatile Infested Flesh (30, -0) Medium Shield (100, 5 Self-Destruction Runner per, -5) (Accuracy; 50, Range: Melee, Damage: 3d100+200, Primary: Blast, Secondary: None, Attack Speed: 1, Special: the Volatile Runner dies after use, successful hit or not) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 30 Strength: 5 Perception: 30 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 3 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 15 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 1 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 20 Description: One of the Runner variations, this Volatile monster is filled with a combustive mix of chemicals and gasses. Once within melee range of its target it triggers a reaction that causes it to explode, destroying itself but grievously harming those around.

[458] Wild Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Kubrow Furred Hide (15, -0) None Bite (Accuracy; 57, Range: Melee, Damage: 4d20+24, Primary: Slash, Secondary: Puncture, Attack Speed: 4) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 190 Strength: 14 Intimidate: 48 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 19 Perception: 30 Fortitude: 1d4 Dexterity: 12 Dodge: 1d4 Intelligence: 2 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 3 Grapple: 1d4 Wisdom: 13 Description: Canine beasts native to Earth, these creatures were once pets of the Orokin and companions of the Tenno. Many Corpus seek to find a way to return them to their more primitive and docile state to serve as a symbol of their power while Grineer breed mutated versions of them to use as beasts of war.

Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Kavat Hide (15, -0) None Bite (Accuracy; 57, Range: Melee, Damage: 4d20+24, Primary: Slash, Secondary: Puncture, Attack Speed: 4) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 120 Strength: 6 Perception: 30 Initiative: 1d20+2 Constitution: 12 Stealth: 64 Fortitude: 1d4 Dexterity: 25 Dodge: 2d4 Intelligence: 2 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 2 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 20 Description: Though they are feline creatures the Kavat demonstrates ironically rodent-like behaviors. Wild variations infest heavy urban areas where they feed on refuse and other, smaller pests, but most notably they possess a camouflage ability that even the term “uncanny” fails to accurately describe; they use their camouflage to sneak onto Grineer and Corpus transport ships – most often food supply – and from there onto new planets and into new cities.


Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Skate Thick Hide (15, +0) None Tail Spines (Accuracy: 47, Range: 12 meters, Damage: 5d12+40, Primary: Puncture, Secondary: Slash, Mag: NA) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 240 Strength: 5 Perception: 30 Initiative: 1d20+0 Constitution: 24 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 1 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 1 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 12 Description: Like some kind of fleshy scorpion or stingray of the sands, the Skate glides just beneath the dusty dunes of Mars and Phobos. Generally docile until provoked, they are incredibly difficult to kill due to their thick hide.

Name: Armor: Shields: Weapon: Janis Feathered Hide ( 13, None Peck (Accuracy; 57, +0) Range: Melee, Damage: (CAN ONLY BE HIT 4d20+24, Primary: BY RANGED Slash, Secondary: WEAPONS). Puncture, Attack Speed: 4) Health: Stats: Skills: Combat Skills: 60 Strength: 4 Perception: 30 Initiative: 1d20+5 Constitution: 6 Fortitude: 0d4 Dexterity: 30 Dodge: 0d4 Intelligence: 3 Will: 0d4 Charisma: 1 Grapple: 0d4 Wisdom: 18 Description: Rarely-seen winged creatures native to Earth, the Janis are said to nest around Orokin Void Gates. Some whisper these gates have affected them in some way, but there is no substantial evidence of this. They are extremely territorial, and strong enough to carry off entire Grineer corpses back to their nests.
